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You are on page 1of 88 | a Beginner Workbook with key Tom Hutchinson OXFORD _ a 2 1 Complete the conversation. 4 Write the phone numbers. ee eee 10 My phone number is oh, one, seven, two, six Dena, ——— to’m_______ you, ~ double two, five, eight double nine; and my Mike. *T__.Irena Larsen. mobile number is oh, double seven, nine, five | Mike ‘N_______ to meet 'y___ too, Irena. | -eight, nine, two, four, double three, Irena What's __ surname? SY Mike My’s__________is Hall. r = 2 Make sentences. Use short forms. \ 1 Lam Irena. =} Ls ra ‘ re : 2 What is your name? 2 {my home number is oh two oh - six, double] fone ~ seven, oh, nine, five: and my mobile is. fecal 7 ch, seven, nine, two, oh ~ five, double six, | 3. My name is Mike. Hla four ght | 3 7 iY 4 Lam Pedro. ee . as Home ) 5 My surname is Hall. | Mobile | 3 Complete the crossword. Use numbers 0-10. 5 Answer the questions. 1. What's your first name? My Fi 2 What’s your surname? 3 What's your phone number? [eek yi 4 What's your mobile number? 6 Complete the sentences about yourself. Hit My name's eae ae ee and my sumame’s cu My home phone number is —_________, and my mobile number is (EU practise anit earn, 1 Complete the crossword. 3 Complete the sentences. Use this or that. O @ 2 7 5 ismy umbrella. 6 's my bag. 4 Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. English means does say mean do Uma 1A What *_soce this*__? Bit’ __ ‘name’ 2 Complete the table. Use the words in the box. chair apple book pencil eraser table umbrella orange pen computer you say ‘Bienvenido’ in BYou’__ ‘Welcome’, =. Complete the conversations. 1A What does ‘occupation’ mean? B I'm sony. Id____’tk i 2A What's your first name? B I'm sony, c__n your_p___t, that, please? A Yes, What's your first name? B Oh, my name's Ivan. BIms_ T don't 4. [A The meeting - it's in Room 10, B Oh, OK. Thanks! Le 3. A The meeting's in Room 10, | | 4a Don't listen to this. b Listen to this. 7 2 @ Dor’t open the window, please. b Open the window, please, 3 a Don't look at that car! | b Look at that cart | CN | | a 4 a Don't close the door, please. bb Close the door, please. 5 a Don't write your name here. b Write your name here, please. 6 a Read this, please. b Don't read this, please. 1 Write the missing letters and find the hidden word. 3 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. ECD 2 F t= mn — , sony meet this’ my nice name Ia i 2A GD t_ isu eis Alan John, ‘tis _ is my friend, Karen. su UV WEY SZ John Nice to you, Karen. Pears Karen» to meet you, too, Ym : ees What's your ® again? AE Ft John ¢____ name's John. John Dunn. 2 Shonsertfvesonreesenets: 4 Write the conversation in the correct order. " Here you are Thanks, Ivana. Tea, please, Tea-or-coffer: arco? Jordan What's ‘you/vour last ‘name /sumame, Cindy? Cindy *My name’s/T'm Gaskell. Ivana Tea or coffe | Jordan *How,/ What do you “say /spell that? ses. = = indy It’s G-A-S-K, E “double /repeat L. Wana U Jordan ‘Please / Thank you. Marco - Choose the correct words and rewrite the sentences. I /My name's Sasha. Nice to/two meet you. What does /is'surmame’ mean? ‘Wo/ Don't open the door. What's you /your first name? This is /it my friend, Carlo. That's a/an umbrella. 1/T'm sony. I don't understand, os ae NS a Complete the family words. —— THAT E| ® ci] Hj rie : r Fe * {ead NC i b Find the hidden word. The hidden word is ‘1 *_*__*_*__® 2 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences. 1. This is eee car. 2 This is — book. | 1 3 This is e 1 | and [Paves vika | phone number. | 2?resacans 5a lr 4 Rewrite the sentences. Use full forms, 4 That's Helen's husband, 2 He's Maria's friend. 3 She's Jim's wife. 4 What's Miguel's number? 5 Sarabrs here, 6 What's Peter’s sumame? | 1A This is Tim’s office, That's —_h desk over there, 8B What's ____name again? A Tim. He’s my bos. 2A What's name? B She's Antonia, A And what's name? B He's Ben. He's __ boyfriend, 3A This is my sister, Carla. And this is name's _— husband, _ rrame's Harry. B Hello Carla, hello Harry, 2 Complete the conversations. Use the cues, 1omy / your A Hello, My name's Roman, What's ee. name's Tania, 2 his / her ‘A What's ___ name? i name's Maria. And that’s ‘A What's name? B___ name's José. 3. my / her / his / your A Is this photo B No, it isn’t. That's _ husband son with —_ 4 its / my / our A This photo is house. _ daughter with name? husband, __ wife? husband Claudio, and that's ___ name is "Monticello! 3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. her their (x2) its his (x2) our THe lea photo of *__our haley. eel a Mexeo § ime ts Hotel Atl “ths vs the ol name’ Jaan Carlos. This is wife © rane’s Camen and these oe & chleken, Reberto ard Ana 7 dugpter Suna tent the plete. She's eifteen, and he's a sip Ws a geat hotel 2 Theee are my parents My das name is Jao and my mun’ Name is Ewa. Thats my sicter, 4, and my brother He ramets Marek. i !6 a shunt: 2 Choose the correct words. 2 This is my mum /dad, His/Her name's Shekhar. |. 4 This is my wife /husband. is Her name’s Kalpana. eee | This 13 my brothin, Yues, with fs wife. and children, Hrs auife's name. js Sarva. His dasghher's neve (3 VEronique sand fus san's name 03 Philippe. The dog's reone 13 Bravo 4 (SERENE complete the table. Use the words in the box. nine he. are friend wife read ten car father, __, class, 1 These are my parents (fathers fi 3 This is my mum /dad. is /Her name's Satta, 5 This is me, 6 This is my My /Your sister / brother. . name's Vijay. His / Her name's Amul, 7 These are aur sons children, Their/ Our names are Pradeep and Komal. 18 Good marning, 2 a Good evening, Miss Ms Johar. Kovacs. | b Good morning, b Good evening, Miss | Mr Johar. 7 Andtéa Kovacs. 2 Good eventing. / Good night. / Goodbye. / Hi. 2 Number the conversation in the correct order. @ __ OK. See you later, b 1 Hello, Mark | © __T'm fine, thanks. And you? d __Hi, Kathy, How are you? ae 3a That's Miss Taylor 4 Fine, and her husband. Ms Bates. (Retin ertuss, UR ote teers Make conversations. Match the expressions with the responses. 1 Hello, What's your name? a. Good morning. 2 Hi Tm Gina Lear. _ b Its KER, S-FY. Kirsty. 3 What's this? ¢ His name's Pierre, 4 Good morning, _ d Pleased to meet you, Gina, 5 What's your phone number? _ fe My name's Bill May, 6 How do you spell your first name? _ F That's my boss. 7 Who's that? _ g Its 07534 887963. 8 What’s your father's name? h It's my English book. | [ESSN review your progress. 1a Complete the names of the countries. b Label two more countries on the map. 2 Rewrite the sentences with correct capital letters. 1 cairo is the capital of egypt. Cairo is the capital of Eas BAL. 3 Complete the sentences. 2 sytney is in australia, 3. my favourite country is china, 4, my favourite city is new york. 5 is antonio from spain? 6 my home is in potand. 7 rome is the capital of italy. 8 he's from argentina. 1 Tim ftom . (Your country) 2 My home is in - (your city) 3 is the capital of my country. 4 My favourite country is: 5 My favourite city is 4 (RETESET Mark the syllable with the stress. 1 Hiingary 6 Japan 2 Korea 7 Ttaly 3 Australia 8 America 4 Brazil 9 Indonesia 5 Russia 10 Britain 1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Punctuate your sentences with capital letters and full stops. 1am from i france 2 student a fs john 3 in moscow russia is 4 from we china are 5. are my from friends italy 6 she iy is daughter 7 husband my is usa the from 8 am teacher ai 2 Rewrite the sentences. Use full forms. 1 We've students, Weare students. 2. I'm from New York, 3 They're his friends. 4 She's from Greece. 5 Dan's my husband, 6 I'm her sister 7 Manchester's in the UK. 8 You'te in Room 9, 10 3 Make the sentences negative. 41 She's the Managing Director. She: ala 2 Tm at my desk. 3 This is my mobile. 4 They're brother and sister. 5 Welte from Shanghai, 6 Lukas is in his office. 7 Tm married. 8 You're in this photo, 9. My boss is here, 10 Our children are here. 4 Complete the sentences about your life. 1m 2 Tm not 3 My teacher's 4 My teacher isn't 5 My parents are 6 My parents aren't 7 My friends are 8 They aren't Ja Make sentences. Use the cues. 1 1/ student 3 He / doctor 4 My sister / engineer 5 You / student 6 I/ computer engineer b Add more information to your sentences in exercise 1a, Use the cues with and. 1 Russia 2 not / China 3 South Africa 4 the Czech Republic 3a Read the text. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. Haru’s boyfriend Daisuke Jane’s husband Australia Japa ‘an English teacher a doctor an engineer My rmone’s Hares anal Tm From Osaka in Japan. Tm an English teacher. In this picture Tim of party with my boyfriend His name's Darsuke, / He's « shufent at Tokyo i University: He isn't from gpan He's from Sian Francisco in the USA. We've sith my friend, Jane, and her husband. Jane's a doctor Hen husband's ‘rome, 13 Dieter. He's an engineer Jare and Dieter sren't from Uapar. Jane's from Australia and Dieter's fram Germany. | Relationship Haru aisuke's % girlfriend Jane eters wife | (Dieter * b Write two sentences about each person. Use the table. Connect the information with and, 1 Haru & 5 Ttaly 2 Daisuke 6 Brazil 3 Jane and _ | 2 Complete the sentences. Use he’s or his. 4 Dieter — — and 1 ties a doctor 2 __His _ brother is at university, 3 ___ from Argentina, 4 What's 5 A Where's Pedro? name? 8 over there. 6 This is my friend, Tom. in this photo with __ parents. 4 Now write two sentences about yourself and a person in your family, or a friend, th. — (country), and Ym a/an — (job). Tm ____ (relationship). ae | = ut Ja Match the parts of the expressions. 1 Tim very a fine. 2m b OK? 3 Is all __ © right, 4 fre you _ d sory. b Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in exercise 1a to help you. Atm: B Yes. It's* = Twa. thank you. 2 Put the words in the correct order, Write the expressions in the bubbles, hand'my ‘sorry very I'm right all it's you OK are eee Correct the sentences. 1 I'm from russia. 2 She's doctor. © They're from the France. | 2 His in the office, 4 Am not married, 5 He's from USA. 8 We isn't in Room 10, 7. This is Johns phone. 9 This is book. 10 You're desk’s over there. [EERE review your progress. 13 1 Find the numbers in the word snake. 53 42 30 81 98 60 65 19 13 50/77 24 oma. M04, tongs-k" 2a Complete the table, 12 twelve 4 Match the sentences with the pictures. | 1 My bus is number fifty-three, < 2 My English lesson is fn room number 3 Tm size thirty-eight, _ 4 Tm thirty. 5 My friend is twenty-five. _ 6 Qur home is number nineteen, | eighty-seven, | a b 3 three 13 30 thirty | 414 fourteen [4 | aaa | 50 fifty | {60 £ 7a i | ____ | 70 seventy Z : i 3 = —S = Gon) 9 nine 19 | s0 ninety 0 = b (ZEQURSEL Find these numbers in the table above, and mark fn tthe stress. W 30 14 40 15 50 1660 47) 70/48 80 19° G0 thirteen thirty 3 Correct the mistakes. 121 twentyone 282 fivety-two 386 cighteen-six 412 twelfe 511 elleven 6 91 ninety-two 7.45 fourty-tive 814 forteen 8 100 an hundred 10 6B sixty eight 1183 thirteen-three 12 79 sixty-nineteen 5 Change the bold words in exercise 4 to make the sentences true for you. 1 My bus is 2 anne 1 Make questions. 1 You're Lucy Scott. Are you _ Lucy Scott? 2. He's on holiday. ion holiday? 3 That is ABC Computer Services, __ ABC Computer Services? 4 We'te in Room 9. {in Room 92 5 They‘re from Indonesia, from Indonesia? 6 You're a doctor ____a doctor? 2 Choose the correct short answers, 41 Is Mr James an engineer? Yes, he is. /No, i€tan't. 2 Are you from Slovenia? ‘No, we'e aren't. Yes, you are. 3 Ate Sam and Ella married? Yes, we are, /No, they aren't, 4 I this your office? No, itisn’t./Yes, Lam. 5 Are you a doctor? Yes, Tom. /Mo, we aren’t. 3 Complete the short answers. 1 Is this your mobile? No, it _ie 2 Is Lucy married? No, she __ 3 Are you Serget Ivanov? Yes, I 4 Is the meeting in your office? nth 5 Are we in Mr Marsh’s English class? No, we 6 Are Mr Leclere and Mts Casson from France? Yes, they 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the correct punctuation. 1 is howold Juan ? How old is 2 they are where from 2 3 where your office is? 4 your children how old are? 5 what her name is ? 6 is his phone number what 5 Answer the questions. 1 What's your name? My name's 2 Where are you from? I'm 3 How old are you? Tm 4 Ave you a student? 5 Ate you married? 6 What is your teacher's name? ws . 6 Write a paragraph about yourself. My name's and I'm from Tm years old and I'm a / an Gob). Tm (single / married / divorced). Set (wife's/ husband's / teacher's) ame is, ! 14 1 Choose the correct words. a How old /age are you? b What's your one first name? © Where are you af/ from? What's you /your phone number? e Is/Are you married? ¥ Where's /What’s your sumame? 2 Complete the conversation, Write the questions from exercise 1 in the correct places. Agent © Anita Tr’ Moretti Agent Anita Anita. That's A-N-I ‘Agent. Thank you, Anita I'm from Ttaly. ‘Agent © Ms Anita Tm 24 years old Agent Anita No, Fm not. I'm single. Agent 0K. Anita It’s 0209, 736, 5 double 2 Agent Thank you. Moretti? 3 Match the questions in exercise 1 with the correct parts of the personal inform: ation form. Surname First name County Age Marital status Tel, No 4a Read the conversation in exercise 2 again, Complete the form in exercise 3 for Al b Now complete the form for yourself, ita. 5 Write your own conversation with the agent. Use the form in exercise 3 to help you. Agent * You It's" ‘Agent What's + You It's *__ Agent. Thank you, And where * You I'm from ‘Agent How old You I'm Agent OK. And please? You It’s Agent Thank you very much. 8 years old, what's your i surname? please? married? 1 Match the times with the watches. 1 It’s twelve oh two, 2 Itsten ten, 3 Ws three fifteen, 4 It’s twenty-one twenty-five. __ 5 Its three fifty. —_ 6 Is eight thirty, 2 Write the times. @ 3 @ Match the questions with the answers. Is this your mobile? __ How old are you? __ What's the time? _ Where are you from? _ Js Lola a teacher? _ What number is your house? _ What's your surname? _ ‘Ate you married? _ eS mek wo 16 3 Complete the sentences. Write information about your country. Cafés ond bars Offices No, Tm not. It's number fifty-one, Yes, she is. Tim twenty-two. It’s seven o'clock. No, it isn't. Wee from Brazil. It’s Casson. Shops re-open from. © ‘Supermarkets sre pan from to Banks ate open trom to Catéa nd bate are open trom te Normal affze hours ae trom to 3 What's in your bag, briefcase or pockets? Jammy 2 Fire cok Wel 4a [ELA How many syllables? Write the number in the brackets. b Tick (v) the words with an extra syllable in the plural. | Pturat (syllables) er Bruce as (syllables) pencil (2) watch (2) watches ( Z Bi briefcase (2) briefeases(_) | | umbrells (3) umbrellas (_) | apple (2) apples (_) | hairrushes 7 purse (1) purses (_) : iG) tissue (2) tissues (| ui ice Fj licence (2) licences ( saad F orange (2) ‘oranges (__) ipeotie — Bea keys) > 1 Paula is behind her cat. | 2 Gustav is under his car. _ 3 Ella's cat is on her car. 4 Omar's car is next ta the shop, 5 Dave is in front of his car. 6 Nina is in her car. 2 Complete the sentences, 1 The newspaper is _ 2 The books are 2 The umbrella is 4 The bag fs 5 The clock is _ 6 The box is the clock. the box. __ the box. the chair. the chait. _— the chair, 8 3 Complete the phrases and sentences, Use a/an or the, 1 _at_appte the apple és an 3 sandwich sandwich is in bag. book the book. bag 3 ___ umbrella — chair umbrella is under _ chair. | 4 key wallet key is in wallet, 41 Match the labels with the prices. 3a Complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box. b Can I have that one, please? Can I-help-you? $17 How much ate those wallets? Anything else? Assistant Customer Yes. Assistant They're €65 each. Customer ‘___ €4 Assistant Certainly. 22 eS Customer No, thank you. | b Write a new conversation. Use the cues. these hags / £28 / this one =f Ce Assistant Can 1) 2 | { Customer Yes. How ® is l bec | 2 | L —— Assistant Theyre Customer Can I + Please? g h Assistant se else? «Beer ¢20.70 pete 4 Complete the signs. 1 Seventeen dollars Ninety-nine pence Thirty-four pounds thirty Sixty-two cents Four euros Twenty euros seventy cents Five dollars ten cents 8 Nine pounds 2 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words. How much is this /these briefcase? How much are that /those hairbrushes? Can I have these /that purse, please? Can T have that /these bag please? 1 2 3 4 How much are this /those pens? 5 6 How much are those /this sunglasses? 19 1 Match the parts of the sentences about Episode 3 of tthe story. The meeting is with & The meeting is in _ The meeting is at __ The photographs are at Daniel invites Lucy to _ Lucy goes to the pub for the pub. a few minutes, Cambridge. half past ten tomorrow. The Photo Shop. Mr Linsky from Top Films. 2 Number the conversation in the correct order. Lucy Oh, hi, Daniel. Yd love to, but I can't, b 1 Daniel Hey, Lucy. We're off to the pub. Are you coming? Lucy Oh, OK, but only for a few minutes, d Daniel Great. e __ Daniel Come on. It’s my birthday. a eis pee ears Choose the correct words and re-write the conversation. 1A Hello, Can I have/help you? 2 B Yes. How much are that /those bags, please? 3A The bags front /in front of the window? 4 B No, the bags next to the boxs /boxes. 5 A Its/They‘re £26. 6 B Can I have /help this one, please? 7 A That’s/It's £26, then, please. 8 B Here you ore. /Please. 9A Thank you. That's £4 change /please. 3a Complete the conversations. Use the words in the boxes. 1 you can't to: A We're off B No, sony. I ‘A Oh, OK. See 2 for you off Atm B Yes, OK, but only __a few minutes. A Great the pub. Are you coming? later. __ to the café. Are coming? b Write new conversations, Use the cues. 1 We / café / No ab resi Up AY Are | - Bing As A 0h, ¢ - See? 2 1/ The Coffee Shop / Yes AY We 2 B Yes, * At Ey 1 Complete the table, Use the words in the box. meat tes apples fish coffee orange juice wine — milk cheese beer 3 Complete the sentences about yourself. noodles vegetables 1 My two favourite kinds of food are bread water eggs ay 2 My two favourite drinks are i and | 3. Popular foods in my country are = Lae and 4 Popular drinks in my country are and | (CORSE practise‘and tearm, 4 [PESTETTML Are the consonants in bold voiced or voiceless? Complete the table. Use the words in the box. bread butter fruit eggs vegetables chocolate cheese chips juice beer lemonade water a 1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. | 1 Uke chocolate 1 5 rice they eat 6 cheese we like don't 7 like fruit B tea don't they drink 1. They drink milk, | 2 Make the sentences negative, 2 like this restaurant. 3 We eat apples and oranges. 4 You drink wine, 5 We like cheese sandwiches, 6 They drink tea in the morning. 7 Tike sport. 8 They eat meat, 3 Make sentences. Use the cues. a x ~ 3 We i but we — ‘ ___. (like) 4 They = but they __ en SR) 5 We — but we SSS Pe ad Ot « but 1 ‘ orleans EST: =a 4 Write about your family, In my family, we like but we don’t tike We eat __ and but we don't eat __ fy | ‘At home, we drink and but we don’t drink 2 Ja Solve the anagrams and write the words in the grid. aberd soptotae merca | tebrut knechic puso hescee hsfi tame fiz} ye} EL EL eLe | u by | | a , K-4 a a ° Pt | ‘s fe c ed 4 F E | | Me 's | [ol ca oh |b Find the hidden word. The hidden word is | 2 Make sentences. Use the cues with but. 1 eat fruit / not eat apples | I 2 not drink coffee / drink tea | We 3 eat bananas / not eat oranges They 4 not drink milk / drink water | 5 ike meat / not like Fish 3 Read the text. Label the pictur the box. . Use the words in For breakfast I have two eggs with bread and butter. [ drink tea T have my lunch at quarter past one, but I don’t ‘eat 2 lot ~ just soup and a sandwich. 1 drink orange juice with that, Dinner in the evening is my big meal. have meat ‘with potatoes and vegetables. T drink wine with my dinner. For dessert 1 have fruit and cream. breakfast lunch dinner dessert 4 Write about your meals. Complete the sentences. 2 They = ae - TReap ineneR Fl 6 eat lunch / not eat breakfast and I drink tans sl le | 1 Teat Bil for lunch, and T drink For dinner, eat and T drink: seu ‘ [ESE practise and tearm, Choose the correct sentences. <} 2 3 We eat coffee. We drink coffee. T no like meat, T don't like meat. We eat fruit. We fruit eat. Coffee they don’t drink. They don't drink coffee. 2 2 Match the responses with the questions, 1 Tee and lemon? © se a Just milk, please. Sugar? _ 2 b Lemon, please 3 Mill and sugar? 4 € Just one, please Would you like mitk or lemon in your tea? _ 5 Here's your coffee, Milk or © “ust lemon, cream? please. No ice. d Cream, please, 3a Complete the conversation, Use the words in the box. please welcome like” are thank ‘A Would you "likes a cup of coffee? iB Yen A Sugar? B No, * ‘you. ‘A Here you B Thank you. A Youte® : b Make a new conversation, a —____ cup of tea? B Yes, A Milk B Yes, * A Here * Be you. ae Would you like a glass of wine? Would you like a glass wine? We have coffee on breakfast. We have coffee for breakfast. For lunch I have a sandwich. For lunch I have sandwich. You like a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee? 1 Label the pictures. 1 go shopping ‘i to the cinema, too pO . 3 | Free time? Well, I (ewe 4 | In my free time 1 __ :. magazines. T sports centre and T BY & shopping and I tennis, too. the radio football music tennis shopping | swimming TV karate novels 2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct verbs. ‘In my free time? Well, Twitch Wand I iS music. 1 ___a lot of novels and I as ‘yoaa, too. 2 (Tn my free time football. 1______ \ swimming with my children a lot. My wife and ‘the radio, 1 Dvps | andT____ computer games. Oh, and I _ ‘\ ___ aerobics at the 2 3 Complete the sentences. Use too or citer. | A B A B a B a 8B A B a 8 A B A 8 T don't play tennis. T don't play tennis, They like sport. We like sport, * We go to the cinema a lot, | | I go to the cinema a lot, —____. I don't read newspapers. We don't read newspapers, Listen to a lot of music. T listen to a lot of music, We don't play computer games. I don’t play computer games, They go swimming T go swimming, Be I don't watch TW. We don't watch T, —__. 4 Complete the sentences about yourself. T_play tennis. or I don't play tennis, tennis. wv to the cinema a lot. karate. ______ computer games, magazines. swimming. a lot of music, novels. aerobics. Le eae, DVDs. ‘a newspaper. ________ go shopping a lot. 1 Make questions, Use the cues and the words box. DVDs fish swimming a newspaper tennis | tea” music the radio computer games katate 1 you / play 9 you / drink (Uta ey ay cy 4 you / listen to 2 Complete the short answers. 1 Do you tike football? Yes, To 2 Do they go swimming? No, they en's 3 Do you play any sports? No, we 4 Do they watch TY in the evening? Yes, they 5 Da you read novels? Neer ore 6 Do you drink coffee? No, we a Make questions with you. b Make short artswers about yourself. 1A __Doyew _ play sports? You __Yeo./do. or _No, i dont, ea drink milk? You ee a aaa 3A go swimming? You 4A eat with chopsticks? You 5 A read computer magazines? You Bau ul listen to music? (CSE rat ni 4 What are these parts of a computer? Solve the anagrams and complete the words. La skid adiat a troonim a brekaydo 1 Read the interview. Tick (/) the correct boxes in 2 Complete the interview about yourself. ‘the survey. Interviewer What are your names, please? ‘Alicia. Our names are Alicia and Manuel Moreno. | Interviewer Do you listen to the radio? Interviewer What's your name, please? You My name's Interviewer Do you listen to the radio? Sea OA UND IEG lig Alicia Yes, we do, We listen to the news in the ieetieet (Go lau ad uence morning on Radio 4, ne iteicleweh, Ue vexntedd e neppe? Interviewer Thank you, And do you watch the news | Manuel Yes, we do. We read The Times. jee Interviewer Thank you. And do you watch the nens Mu eu Interviewer Do you watch sport on TV? Alicia Yes, we do. We watch it every day. va Interviewer Do you watch sport on TV? Hides Gees alee Manuel. No, we don't. You Interviewer Do you go to a sports centre? a a a ae Manuel Yes, ve do. We go swimming there. ior Interviewer And do you play any sports? PERE che capper | Alicia Yes, we do Re Leeaalae Chea getsnea ey Interviewer OK. Do you play computer games? Alicia Yes, we do. | You | Interviewer OK. Do you play computer games? Tatervieeer Thankyou Manuel No, we don't, We don't lke them Interviewer Thank you very much. [REED practise and tearm. 3 [SUPNEEER ET Are the vowel sounds short or long? Complete the table. Use the words in the box. car karate you novel drink cat purse sport eat good Bis Long vowels Do you ...? Yes No 1 listen to the radio y 2 read a newspaper 3 watch the news on TV 4 watch sport on TV 5 go toa sports centro 6 play any sports 7 go to the cinema WG an 7 children | & play computer games 2 1 Match the bubbles with the pictures. 1 [Tm going to the shops. | 2 2 | Fm going to Paris. | 3 [Tm going to the sports centre. | __ 4 | I'm going to a meeting. | 3 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. | Tm to tft off Bll Horning, Emma. Where are you '__ci_to? | Emma ‘____ going to the sports centre. And you? Bill I'm going __a meeting at Marco's office. Emma Oh. That's next to the sports centre. Would you | liewt__ eg Bill Yes, please, 4 Complete the sign. | 2 Kamran Would you like a lift? b Rico Ob hello, Kamran, 'm fine, thanks. | © Rico Yes, please. | 1 Kamran Hi Rico, How are you? © __ Kamran Where are you off to? f Rico I'm going to the cinema, | | Complete the sentences, 11____ tennis on Sundays. 5 We_ swimming at the weekend, 2________you like sport? 61_______aerobies at the sports centre. i 3 Ym going a meeting 7 Would you a lit? 4 ’Do they go shopping on Saturdays?" 8 ‘Do you enjoy computer games?” Aes ty NN ‘No, I 28 1 Choose the correct sentences to match the pictures. | 1a Tlive ina town. v b Tlive in a village, 2 a Lwork in a restaurant. b Twork in a factory. 3 a Ilive ina house. b Ilive ina flat. by Twork ina bank: 5 a Idrive to work. b Twalk to work. 6 a T live alone. b I live with my family. 2 Complete the table. Use the words and expressions in the box. asmall town alone take the bus walk with my parents school the suburbs flat with two friends, with my family, house, _ POR SPESIM! the city cente, = es a village, drive, i take the metro .. aoe univer 3 Complete the texts. Use the words in the boxes. 1 flat walk alone” centre ITive _ and 1 S live ina | se My home is in the city aul to work. ana 2 house drive family suburbs Tlive with my =m We live ina 4 Write about yourself. Tlive _ Tive in My home is in I to 2 1 Match the questions with the answers. 1a Where do your parents live? i In the suburbs, 'b Do your parents live in a house? fi No, they don't. 2 a Do you live alone? _ i In the city centre, b Where do you tive? ii Yes, I do. 3a What do you do in your free time? We play tennis. b Do you play tennis? _ fi Yes, we do. 4 a Where do they do aerobics? _ i At the sports centre, b Do they play any sports? ii No, they don't. 5 a Do they drive to work? i By can b How do you go to work? —_ ii Yes, they do, 6 @ What newspaper do you read? fT don't read a newspaper. b Do you read a newspaper? _ i No, 1 don't 7 a Do you like sport? _ i We play football, b What sports do you play? ii Yes, we do. At one ofclock, No, we don't. 8 a When do you have lunch? b Do you have lunch at one o'clock? ii 2 Make questions. Put the words and phrases in the correct order. 1 go swimming do you when? enienasina? Why you 2 have what time they dinner do? they how — do tennis play to school, 5 for breakfast eats whats you «do? B where you do lunch have. what do 7 im your free time do -you 8 open do the shops what time |? 30 3 Complete the questions. Use the Nas, 2AWho 1 A Where —veulive 2 B [live in a flat. ats 3A Where with B Tive with my wife and children, B work in a bani, lunch? 6 A What in the evening? B We watch TV, shopping? B At the weekend. 4 Give your own answers to the questions im exercise 3. 1 Read the conversation. Tick (/) the things that the interviewer asks about. their names “their home holidays | work free time books Interviewer What's your name? ‘Angela My name's Angela and ‘my husband's name is Michael, Interviewer Where do you live? Angela We live in Dublin. Interviewer Do you like Dublin? ‘Angela Yes, we do. It's a great city. Interviewer Do you live in the city centre? Angela Yes, we do. We live in a flat there. Interviewer Do you work in the city, too? Angela Yes, we do. We work at the university Interviewer Do you walk to work? Angela Yes, we do. It's in the city centre, too, Interviewer What do you do in your free time? Angela We run in marathons, Interviewer Really? ‘Angeta Yes, we love it, Interviewer What other things do you do? Angela Well, we like music, so we go to concerts a lot. | 2 choose the correct words and phases 1 2 @ 5 6 7 8 They like / don’t sike Dublin. They tive in the suburbs city centre, They live in a house / flat They work at the university /in offices They drive/watk to work. In their free time they run in marathons /go swimming. They love marathons / university They go to the cinema /concerts a lot 3 Write the places in full. 1 ip. 8 3 Ne Factory Rd. Factory Road Oxford St. = West Ave. City Rd, Es 2 4 Write the addresses. Use short forms. 1 ‘ | What's your address? [ 11's seventy-five Factory Road. My adress is ten Ash Street. T live at sixty China Avenue. | My office is eighty South Road. Write the names and addresses on the envelopes. 1 M6 BLY Manchester McWinston-Deane East Rd. 15 2 Cambridge 87 Ms I. Lovett B9 4RT London St. rs | 2 Write the sentences. Use the correct punctuation 3 Complete the sentences. Use on or at. and capital letters. 1A What day is your interview? 1A is annas party on friday F fe aon | Arne pordvent _ 2 thal th P eae ‘A Do you play foothal 1e weekend: B No, we don't. We play Thursdays. 2A what times your appointment at the doctors 3A Is your party __ Saturday? - B Yes, it fs. It's half past two. - 4 A Is the bank open the weekend? Bie sRiwontionk B It’s open Saturday, but it's closed Sunday. | 2A Where sient Ton 5A What time is our meeting Friday? ks Bits 2.15. 8B hes from thailand 6 A Is your appointment ten clock? ae ee B No, it isn’t. Its eleven. 4 A whens johans driving test B its on tuesday Choose the correct sentences. 1a Llive ina flat. 5 a Where do you do in your free time? b live at a flat, b What do you do in your free time? 2 a We walk in a restaurant. 6 a My appointment is at Monday, b We work in a restaurant. b My appointment is on Monday. | 3a Do you drive to work? 7a What day is it today? b Do you drive to the work? b What day is today? | 4 a Where you live? 8 a Is your meeting on Tuesday? | b Where do you tive? 'b Is your meeting on tuesday? 2 Ja Match the pictures with the acti Lanisha’s day 1 goto bed! 2 wake up — 7 start work 3 go to work 8 get up —_ 4 have a shower _ 9 finish work 5 go home b Complete Lanisha’s sentences about her day. 1 wake at 6.45, =. at seven o'clock 1 at 7.05. Re a, at eight orctock _ at mine o'clock. __at Five o'clock. at 5.30, at 11.30. 6 have breakfast _ 2 Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What time do you wake up? 1__wake up at i 2 What time do you get up? I at 3 What time do you have breakfast? ee 4 What time do you go to work or school? 1 at * 5 What time do you start work or school? 1 at. Fi 6 What time do you have lunch? 1 at ; 7 What time do you finish work or school? 1 at 8 What time do you go to bed? 1 at 9 What time do you get up at the weekend? I at ie 3 What is a typical working day in your country? a Write the times for the activities. at breakfast start work = have a tea/coffee break eat lunch ___- have a tea/coffee break finish work eat dinner b Which is the big meal of the day? 2 Make the sentences about Bella negative. T share a flat with two friends, He __ a flat with two friends. 2 I work in a factory. He __ ina factory. 3 Lwatch TV in the evening. He 4 Tplay computer games, too. ___ TV in the evening, He ____ computer games, too. 5 Ido karate, He ___ karate, 6 I.go swimming on Saturdays. Beast ‘swimming on Saturdays, Bella__ doesn't live alone, 2 She works in a hospital. ti ec Uh ina hospital. 3 She starts work at 8.30. Se Tu at 8.20. She has lunch at a restaurant. she i at a restaurant. 5 She finishes work at 5.15. she Lilie aa 6 She does yoga in her free time. She ___ inher free time. 3 3 Choose the correct words. 1 L work/ works in shop. 2 She work/warks in a hospital. 3 He tive/tives in a flat, 4 They go,/goes hang-gliding 5 We play ‘plays Football. 6 He finish finishes work at 6.30, 7 She do/does aerobics. 8 I get up/gets up at 7.15. 9 We take takes the bus ta school, 0 He drive /drives to work. 4 Complete the sentences, Use don't or doesn’t. at ve tike my boss. 2 She eat breakfast. 3 Ben go to work. 4 We __ watch a lat of DVDs. 5 He __ sioke, 6 My parents live near here. 7 My friend ___ drink coffee or tea, al drive to work, 5a (ES EELET] How many syllables? Write the number in the brackets. b Tick (V) the verbs with an extra syllable i -5/-e5 form. the Verb UACULORLED) (He/ She/ It) drives (i) | | finishes (3) watches (_) [takes (_) | watch (1) take (2) Bide 1 Read the first paragraph of the text, Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Elsa Martin lives in South Africa / Austra 2. She lives with her husband /alone, 3. She lives in a city/town 4 She's a doctor / medical assistant. 5 She works in a hospital / health centre. 6 The centre is for men /chitdren. Elsa Martin lives in Australia. She lives with her husband ina town near the city of Perth, Blsa is a doctor and she ‘works in a children's health centre. Her day starts at five o'clock in the morning. She gets up, has a shower and gets dressed, Then she has breakfast and ‘watehes TV. At half past six site goes to work, She drives to the health ‘centre, It takes half an hour. She starts work at seven, ‘o'clock and she finishes work at three o'clock in the ‘aflernoon. She goes home at 3.30 p.m. Her husband, Luke, comes home at six o'clock and they have dinner at 6.15, (On Wednesdays, Elsa doest't go to the health centre. She drives to the villages in her district. Some of the villages are a hundred kilometres away, but the roads are good. She visits people in their homes. She visits 10-15 faruilies in a day, She goes home al six o'clock int the evening. 2 Read the full text. Are the statements true (T) of false (F)? 11 Elsa is married, 2 __ She listens to the radia in the morning. 3 __ She takes the bus to work. 4 __ She goes to the health centre every weekday. 5 __ On Wednesdays she visits families in their homes. 6 __ She goes to the villages on a motorbike. 7 __ The roads in the district are good. a She visits twenty families in day. What happens at these times? Complete the sentences. 1 She at at five ofelock in the morning. 2 She _ at half past six 3 She ___ at seven o'clock, 4 She at three o'clock, 5 She at half past three, 6 She at quarter past six. Complete the table, Use the words in the box. quarter to four Monday the evening Wednesday 10.25 the morning Complete the sentences about Elsa. Use in, on or at. 1 Elsa gets up 21 __ five o'clock ‘the morning. 2 She works — the afternoon, 3 She visits one village the morning and one village __ the afternoon 4 She doesn’t work Saturdays. 5 Elsa and Luke have dinner 6.15 the evening 6 They go shopping Saturday. Laie @ Lucy sees.a note on her ear. It's from Jordan, b Lucy goes to Jordan's office, She says sorry. ¢ 1. Lucy parks in Jordan's private parking space. d Lucy drives to Cambridge, but the meeting is over, Lucy's in trouble. © Jordan parks his van behind Lucy's car. 2 Complete the conversation. Put the words in brackets in the correct order. Mrs King Hello, Danny, how are you? Danny Fine, thanks, Mrs King, but fim a hurry (huny Ym a in). It’s ten o'clock and (late a lesson for I'm). The teacher is Mr Fury, too. He doesn’t lke me, Mrs King Oh, well, would you like a lift? Danny Yes, please, Mrs King. LATER Mr Fury OK, class. See you tomorrow, ... Danny! Its hhalf past ten! The lesson is over. (terrible this is). Danny Oh no! — (trouble in I'm) now. a ie Correct the mistakes. 1 I gets up at 7.15. gly at 7.15. 2 She work in hospital. She_______in.a hospital. 3 He gos to school. He to school. 4 We has dinner at 6.30. We dinner at 6.30, a6 5 She don't like coffee. She coffee, 6 I doesn’t play football, ii football. 7 He doesn’t watches TV. (alae Ua 9 8 I work at the evening. T work _ __. the evening. E review your progress. | 1 Complete the jobs. 3 Write your job and the jobs of five people that you know (members of your 1 s__re_aty te family, friends, neighbours). | 4a Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. where a teach what dor | A What! do you do? BImé teacher. | Ae do you work? B I work in a school in the city centre. ; AS __. do you teach? BI* __— French. b Write a conversation about your life. ‘A What____ you You I'm 1 erent icine NS You I in “ ‘A What do you do there? iad Ta ala ae [RSIS practise and team, 2 This person sells things in a shop. 3 This person fixes machines. 5 This person teaches in a school. 7 This woman serves food and drinks in a restaurant, 8 This person goes to university. | 10 This man serves food and drinks in a restaurant. 11. This person fixes computers. 41 This person builds houses. 2 This person types letters in an office. 4 This person looks after people in hospital. 6 This woman works at home and looks after her family. 9 This person cooks food in 2 restaurant, 37 1 Complete the sentences. Use do or does. 1 2 you work? 2 they live near here? 3 What Johin do? 4 he like his job? 5 you like your boss? 6 Lucy work at weekends? 7 What — ‘you do in your free time? 8 How you go to work? Complete the short answers, 1A Does Maria like her jab? B Yes, she 2 A Do you work in a bank? voi es, 3 A Do they finish work at 5.30? B Yes, . 4 A Do you play computer games? B No, we 5 A Does Pedro live with his parents? B No, 6 A Does Anna drive to work? B Yes, 7 A Do you live near the sports centre? B Yes, we 8 A Does Sarah want a lift? B No, 9A Do Carmen and Alejandro like chocolate? B No, 10 A Do you work at home? B Yes, 1 e 3 Complete the conversation. Make questions. Use the cues. fa 1A Where / your daughter / live? Wher your daughter tna? 3A she / work / ina hospital? B Yes, she does. 4 A Where / they / live? B They live in a house in the suburbs, 5 A they / like / Brussels? B Yes, they do. They love it there. Answer the questions about yourself. Answer the questions about a member of your family. 1 What do you do? ma He's /She’s a 2 Where do you work /study? 3 Do you drive to work /school/ university? 4 What time do you start? 5 When do you finish? 6 Do you like your job /studies? 38 1 Read the text about Antonio's day. Choose the correct answers. 1 Antonio gets up at two o'clock in the morning. ¥ b two o'clock in the afternoon, © five o'clock in the evening. 2 He works at a a hospital. b a newspaper. c a radio station. 3 His job is a working on the breakfast programme. b cooking breakfast for the newsreaders, ¢ cleaning the radio station offices. 4 He wants to work a for a newspaper. b in films. ¢ for a TV company. 2a Complete the questions in b. , b Read the text again and answer the questions. \ 1 _What does Antonio do? } | He's a tadio neworead : \ 2 does he go to work? { He eee ee | 3 _ he have breakfast at home? } cbissiswiseadsn rues allele / sound. a wons Rone ee ot eae | 1 teacher 5 newsreader 7 2 doctor 6 singer 10 _ he like his job 3 waiter 7 reporter | 4 brother 8 builder 39 1 Complete the conversation. Use the questions. Do you work for the local newspaper? What do you want to do? Do you live near here? Where do you fiver What do you do? Bo you ike your job? Where do you work? Esta Ivan Esta Ivan Esta van Hi My name's Esta, Pleased to meet you, Esta. I'm Ivan. Nice to meet you. ! Yes, Ido. Me too! 1 live in Ascot Street. What about you? Esta Ian Esta Ivan live on Marchmont Road. Oh, tight. © Tim a reporter Oh, 1 see, That's interesting, * Esta Yes, I do ~ The Echo Ivan * Esta Yes, I do, It's a very interesting job. What about Ivan - Vim a waiter, but I don't like it. peg Ivan I want to be an actor, Esta. Really? I love films. 2 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 1 van lives in Ascot Street, Esta works for the local newspaper. __ She's a secretary, _— Esta doesn't like her job, % 3 4 5 __ Ivan works in an office. 6 __He likes his job. 7 __ He wants to be an actor. 8 __ Esta doesn't tke films. 3 Complete the expressions. Use the conversation in exercise 1 to help you. 10H, tia be, 2M... 3 T___tsinter___ing. 4 R__lly? Bieta, Correct the mistakes. 1 What you do? 2 He's builder. 5 Where you tive? 6 ‘Does Maria work here? ‘No, she don’t! 3 Do she live in a city? 4 Does he likes his job? r 7 When does you finish work? 8 She want to be a singer, [EERIE review your progress. 41 1 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. short cold big olf ong young hot old) new small 3 I like my 55 5 Would you like a drink? 9 My uncle's house is e 2 What are the colours? 1 end 2 clakb a 3lebu tL 4 groane ig 10 Tike Lisa is a_i. Cristian lives ina house. 5 thewi 6 wronb 7 wolley 8 reneg g 4 3 Choose the correct sentences. 1a That's a restaurant good b That's a good restaurant. 7 a Td tike a hot drink b I'd like a drink hot. a I play tennis with three good friends. b I play tennis with good friends three. 4 a How much are those reds bags? b How much are those red bags? 5 a That's Katrina's new boyfriend. b That's Katrina's boyfriend new. 4 Complete the sentences. Put the words in brackets in the correct order. 1 Tike blur 2. (cars blue) 2 We live in (small village) a This (meat 2 bad) 4% work with (two women young) 5 Don't use (pen red a) 6 He drives 2 (a car_ black) 7 Is that 2 (new a computer) 8 Would you like (drink cold a) 5 Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the correct colours. 1 My favourite colour is __ 2 My eyes are 3. The door of my house lat is 4 My bag /briefcase is 5 Our English book is 6 My caris 1 Complete the sentences. Use short forms, 1 Jordan has got a white van, __a white van, 2 We have got two children, —____ two chitdren. 3 Thave not got a job EN aot 4 She has not got a meeting today. oe A a meeting today, 5 You have got my book. —_________ ny book 6 Anan has got-a nice dog. Sika dog. 7 We have not got a test now. a test now, 8 My office has not got a window. a window, 2 Make the sentences negative. Use short forms. 1 She's got an umbrella. 2 Theyve got a new flat. 3 We've got a brawn cat. 4 Lucy’s got a good bass, 5 You've got my mobile number. 6 We've got a meeting now. 7 He's got an old computer 8 I've got a young secretary, 4a Has Liam got these things in his pockets? 3 Choose the correct sentences. 1 8 John haven't got a 6 a Bill and Kath have got a computer, rice house, | b John hasn't got a b Bill and kath has gota | computer. 7 nice house, 2 a Tve a motorbike got. 7 a Sheena doesn't have got a b Tve got a motorbike, a new job. dw Gelneretieien Sheena hasnt got a new | b We hasn't got a car, aa 5a FHP hie aceon 8 a Alex no has got anew i nate That got god jot, Mex asregoa new | 5 a He got two brothers. b He's got two brothers, at address-book a.mobite a hairbrush a wallet a key a pen 1 2 3 4 5 6 b Have you got the things in your bag or pockets? | an address book. He se, 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 1 Read the email. Choose the correct names. 1 Who is it from? Ben Tina 2 Who is it to? Ben Tina 3 Who is at university? Ben Tina EO iis Dear Ben Good news! I’ve got a new flat. It's in one of those old houses near the park. I share the flat with three other people, but it’s a very big flat and I’ve got my own room. The room’s small, but it's OK. I’ve got a bed and a desk for my computer. I haven't got a phone in my room, but it’s OK, because I've got my mobile, And I've got a private parking space far my car, too. That's great. Anyway, I really like the flat and my flatmates are very nice. Two of them are students and the other one works for a music company, Hope you're OK. How are things at university? Take care, Lots of love, Tina PS Guess what? I've got a new boss at work, He's young, but he’s very good. 2 What is the email about? Tick (¥) four things, her new office her new boss her new job her flatmates her new flat 7 her new car her new boyfriend her parking space 4a 3 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? ina shares the flat with two other 4 2 3 4 5 6 q 8 9 people. The flat is very big. _ Her room is big. __ She hasn't got a car. 2 new block of flats. ___ She hasn't got her own room. __ She's got a desk in her room. _ She's got a parking space. Her flatmates are doctors. 10 __ She doesn't like her new boss. Match the parts of the sentences. 1 2 3 4 The parking space is _ 5 Her flatmates are _ 6 Her new boss is _ The flat is ct The house is _ Her room is __ a b fi d f young small very nice very big private old Match the text messages with the correct meanings. 4s a e i 2 3 4 5 6 | [how ru? ( (rae \ Please text me. How are you? _ Happy Birthday to you! Ate you 0K? Have a good time tonight. See you later. = pi tt me | iva gd | | a Match the parts of the sentences. 1 Ate b a this seat free? 2 There's _ b these seats free? 3 I'm sorry. They're _ © ahead. 41s d a table over there, 5 Go © taken, 2 Write the complete expressions in the bubbles. wy Excuse me. 2 | Excuse me. ‘these 3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions, do 2 you ‘my friend Gita know 3 tive here near you do 7 live flats block of a 5 overthere my is house long got hasn't 6 Carlos hair 7 dont tondon work in 1 a 8 Sunita got her office own has 9 laptop my fat realy 20 Fave ge got new flat a 11 drives car Bruno old an te 42 like you hot a would drink 2 i iT hhoose the correct sentences. 1a Carlos have got a new girlfriend. » Carlos has got a new girlfriend, 2 a I've got two cats white. b I've got two white cats, 3-2 We haven't got a dog. b We don't have got 2 dos, 4 a L work in an office big. b I work in a big office. 4h 5 a I've got greens eyes, b T've got green eyes, 6 a She no has got a car. b She hasn't got a car. 7 @ She's got two sisters, b She got two sisters. 8 a Is these seats free? b Is this seat free? 45 1 Complete the picture crossword. 2 Choose the correct sentences. 1a She's got hair Long She's got tong hair. T've got big foots. Ive got big feet. He's got short hairs. He's got short hair. Clean your teeth. Clean your tooths. 5 a You've got brown eyes. b Youve got the brown eyes. 6 a T write with my left hand. [| b Luwrite with the left hand. 3 Write five sentences about yourself. Use the words in the box to help you. Tve got /I haven't got ... . big//small hands /feet . dark/light/black/red_ hair +» brown /blue/ green eyes «(ong /short arms /tegs waa big /small nose /mouth Lid? a= Vid? SS x ws" ae i- J i ————— 4 (SITTEELLG Tick (v) the pairs of words with the same vowel sound. back hand # 1 2 3 toe nose 4 tooth mouth 5S hand = arm 6 head leg 7 thumb stomach 8 feet eye 45 1 Put the words and phrases in the correct order to make questions. 1 you got an aspirin have Have you got av aspirin? 2 a driving licence has got she 3 got you acold have 7 4 they annice house have got ? Swe anewboss got have ? 6 Bill abrother got has ? 7 have you my keys got ? 8 Sonia a boyfriend got has 2 Make questions. Use the cues. 1 you/a newspaper? Have yoir got 2 Sandra/a new flat? 3 you/an email address? 4 we/a new neighbour? 5 Fumiko /long hair? 6 they/a dog? 7 T/your new mobile number? & he/a laptop? 3 Choose the correct short answers. 1 Has he got a headache? 5 Have we got a meeting No, he hasn't. 7 today? No, he haven't, a No, we hasn't, 2 Have you got a new phone Ba Navan baer. number? 6 Has Tim got a new car? a Yes, has. a Yes, he’s got. b Yes, Ihave, b Yes, he has. 3 Has she got a sister? 7 Have T got an appointment a Yes, she has, this morning? b Yes, she is, a Yes, you have, 4 Have they got any children? BIVES, YOU 6b a No, they haven't 8 Has Fran got a good job? b No, they haven't got. a No, she hasn't got. b No, she hasn't. 4 Answer these questions about yourself. Write more information about the things you have got. 1 Have you got a car? No, | havens. OR Yea, | hav 1 Have you got a car? The gat 2 Have you got any brothers and sisters? 3 Have you got a job? 4 Have you got a good English teacher? 5 Have you got a private parking space? 6 Have you got a secretary? 7 Have you got any children? 8 Have you got your avin office? (SREB practise end tear, Ja Complete the words. 2a Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. b Match the problems with the pictures. cold | deay well are’ matter 1 Tvegot hayfever, 2. ‘A Hello, Ken. How ‘ace ___you? 2 Tve gota s__te throat B Oh, 1'm not very 3 Tve got a tem__erature, AWhy? What's the’? 4 Te got st__mach ache. B Ive got a* . 5 I've got a bad ba__k A Oh, * 6 Te got acou_h. ER practise and tearn, 7 Ive got a head__che. |e raewer ton: hache, b Write new conversations. Use the cues. 1 Sandra / a sore throat and a temperature A Hello, Sandra. How _ B Oh, Im __ A Why? BIve A 2 Alan / a bad back A B A ec ry 3 Complete the advice. Use the words in the box. salt portions smoke exercise sun SE @ Lf 3 Use less 4g zy 4 Take care in the 5 Eat five portions of fruit and every day. a 2a 2 piece of paper scissors plasters a nail file tissues a mirror 2 towel apen 1 What's in Lydia's bag? Label the picture with the words in the box. a stamp painkillers Choose the correct word. 1 Te got some /any tissues. 2 Thayen't got some/any plasters, 3 Have you got some/any stamps? Complete with some, any, or a. 1 Have you got minvar? 2 Ive got__ stamps in my esk. 3 Tim sorry. I havei’t got___ painkillers. 4 Te qot___pen in my bag. 5 Have you got___plasters? 6 Tvegot ___ tissues, Choose the correct sentences. 1a I've got the stomach ache. b Te got stomach ache. 2 a He hasn't got any money. b He haven't got any money, 3 a Have got you a girlfriend? b Have you got a girlfriend? 4 a Tdon't feel very well b Tm not feel very well. aa 3 Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box, have you haven't got please here 1 A Have you ota piece of paper, please? B Yes, T have, A Thank _______ you are, 5 & What's the wrong? b What's the matter? 6 a [ve got blue eyes. b Tve got eyes blue, 7 a She hasn't got any tissues. b She doesn't have got any tissues, 8 a I've got some plasters. b Ive got any plasters (TES review your progress 1 Complete the table. Use the activities in the box. the guitar football the piano swimming golf skiing pepe eee sy pees | ieeieen ara running basketball the drums | cyeting ice hockey +the violin 2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of go or play. 1 He __plays __ the drums. 2 They __ skating on Mondays 31____ basketball. 4 She___ swimming at the weekend. 5 We_______foothall at the sports centre. 6 Jacek __ the violin. 7 An my five time T eycting. 8 Do you skiing? 9 Does Jonas ice hockey? 10 Carlos and Rita _ running every day. What do the people do in their free time? Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the expressions in the box. go Swimming paint go skiing go dancing sing play golf ‘go.skating play the guitar 1 They _go skating at the sports centre. 2 He ae at the weekend, 3 6 She in her free time. ea 4 Answer the questions about yourself. When you answer yes, write extra information. ai nts Bo you go swimming? Do you cook? 3 Do you play a musical instrument? What sports do you watch on TV? 5 Do you play any sports? Do you go skiing? 7 Do you sing? What do you do at the weekend? [CIS practise and tearm, a con Saturdays. 8 We ‘on Sundays. in the winter. 1 Can the people do the activities? Make sentences with can /can't and the activities in the box. swim cook play the violin sing dane’ play ice hockey pa] 2 Make questions and short answers about 3a Match the parts of the expressions. the pictures in exercise 1. 1 play the marathon jaa 2 eat with b yoga x 3 fide a © cricket 2a 4 una photographs 2 5 do_ © car ak 6 take good _ f bike & 7 drive a § chopsticks aa 8 play __ h piano x bb Can you do the activities in exercise 3a? Complete the 5A sentences about yourself. B Tom ae an 6A - and B Tean't or 4 Write about three more things that you can do, and three things that you can't do. en 4 Tean't Bete 5 Tcan't_ 3 Tecan + 6 Tean't 50 i: popule So 41 Read the table. Complete the conversation. 2 Answer the interviewer's questions about yourself. When you answer yes, write extra information. Seah e speak English (and speak foreign languages ¥_—_—_dapanese Fi swim x | 4 play sports Y—_|volleyball, tennis a : J 3 2 drive 7 __has got a new car # play @ musical instrument / the piano, the guitar 5 [cook x __[eats outa lot 6 use a computer “ (— 7 8 3 Are the sports popular in your country? Complete the table. Use the sports in the box. ‘American football baseball cricket cycling volleyball golf ‘ce hockey basketball football rugby snooker foie eae Interviewer So, Olivia. What things can you do? Can you speak | any foreign languages? | Olivia *_Yes,'can_. Tecan speak *_Javaneae | | Interviewer Really? Very good. Now, can you swim? — etait sa 4 Complete the text about yourself. Interviewer I see, Can you play any sports? My tae ana Olivia * Remar ue he En Ty Interviewer Can you ride a horse? AURAL CS SS ae Olivia Le are (very) Interviewer And can you drive? popular sports in my country, but otivia * __. Tve got anew car. isn't (very) popular. Interviewer OK. And can you play a musical instrument? aa aa olivia a Nea, but Interviewer I see. Can you cook? cal afte is Sa ee eee olivia * . Teat out a lot. Interviewer OK. And can you use a computer? = Olivia [EEE practise and tearm. Interviewer OK. Thank you. 41 Read the conversation. Are the statements below true (1) or false (F)2 Tim Can I take you out to dinner? Beth Thank you. That would be nice. Tim We can try that new Italian restaurant. Beth Bella Case? | Tim Yes, that’s right. Do you like Italian food? Beth Yes, Ido. So, what day? Tim Is Friday Ok for you? Beth No, sorry. I can't come on Friday. Tim Gh, well, what about Thursday, then? Yes, Thursday's fine. Is eight o'clock OK for you? | Fine. See you at the restaurant at eight on Thursday, |aeth oF Beth wants to take Tim to dinner — They wart to go to a Chinese restaurant, The restaurant's name is Balle Casa, _ Beth can't come on Friday, _ Their date is on Wednesday, — les at 7.20. Rea Choose the correct sentences, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 a Tcan to swim, b I can swim. a She can't ski. b She can't skiing, 2 3-@ Would you like go to the cinema? b Would you like to go ta the cinema? 4a We can’t play cricket. b We don’t can play cricket, 82 2 Match the halves of the expressions. 1 Cant a OK for you? 2 That would b come on Tuesday, 3 Is Tuesday © Thursday? 4 Sorry. Lecantt d bé nice, 5 What about © take you out to lunch? 3a Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in exercise 2 to help you. Ae __ you out ta lunch? B Yes. That js A —__ for you? BHo,somy* oh Tuesday, ‘A Will, © ____ Thursday? B Yes. Thursday's fine. b Make a new conversation. Use the cues. dinner / Friday / Saturday A Can T take you ae alr ATs Friday yaaa, item A a A Well aH 2 B Yes, © practise and leant, 5 a Can fix you a computer? b Can you fix a computer? 6 a Peter can plays the violin. by Peter can play the violin, 7 a Can you ride a horse? b Do yau can vide.a horse? 8 2 We go cycle on Saturdays, b We go cycling on Saturdays, UTS review your progress: 1 Label the picture. Use the words in the box. tthe dining room the garage the living room upstairs a window the stairs the cellar the bathroom a bedroom the balcony — the garden the hall ‘the kitchen’ a door downstairs 2 Write the names of the parts of a house. 3 Answer the questions about your home. 1 You eat here. 4 Where is the telephone? the 2 te toom wis. ne 2 You cook here. 2 Do you put your car in a garage? the ee 3 You watch TV here. 3 Is your bedroom upstairs? the room = == Sausiesiter, 4 Where do you eat breakfast? See aa eee 5 Where is the television? You have a shower here. the This is under the house. 6 Where da you do your homework? the _ 2S 53 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use There's, There are, There isn’t, or There aren't. eS __a desk next to the window, three boxes next to the desk. @ computer on the desk, —_. telephone on the desk, any books on the desk. some keys in front of the computer. —______ 4 bed in the room. any people in the rom, Choose the correct sentences, 1a There's a telephone in the hall. b There are a telephone in the hall, 2 a How many flats there are in your block? 'b How many flats are there in your block? 3 Is there a balcony? a Yes, there has. b Yes, there is, 4 a There's two people in the house, b There are twa people in the house. 5 a Is there a kitchen? b Isa kitchen there? 6 a There has.a TV in the living room. b There is a TV in the living room, 56 3 Marta wants a new home. Igor has got a flat. Complete their phone conversation. Use there is, there's, there are, there isn't, there aren‘t, is there, or are there. Marta Can Task some questions about the flat? __a good view? gor Yes, *__ihsi is. You can see the park. Marta that’s nice. And how many bedrooms ? Igor *_ students. Marta That's fine, I'm a student, too. * _any TVs in the flat? five, You share with four Igor Yes, § two. ? a big TV in the living room, and a small one in the kitchen. Marta *_ _ two bathrooms? Igor No. * <= just one bathroom. Marta ___a desk in the room? Igor No, *___ «There's a bed, and two chairs, but no desk. Marta That’s OK. Can I see the room, please? Igor Yes. How about Friday at eight o'clock? Marta Great, 4 Answer the questions about your house or flat. 1 How many people are there in your house or flat? 2 How many rooms are there? 3 Is there a garden? 4 Is there a cellar? 5 How many bedrooms are there? 6 Is there a TV in your bedroom? 1 Read the conversation. Choose the correct answers. 3 1 Who has got anew flat? Max_‘Scott 2 Does he live there alone? Yes. No. 3 Does he like it? Yes No Max Do you like your new flat, Scot®? Scott Yes, it's great. It's in one of those modem blocks near the sports centre. Max Oh, right. How many rooms are there? Scott Wel, there are four bedrooms. Then there's a kitchen and 2 living room and a hall. There's a dining room, too, but ‘we don't eat there. We use it as an office, We eat in the | living room, Oh, and there are two bathrooms, too. Max That's good. How many flats are there ih the black? ‘Scott Ten, I think. We're on the top floor. Max Is there a good view? Scott Yes, there is. There's a big balcony and we sit there in the evening. We love it. Max Is there a lift? Scott Yes, there is, fortunately. There are five floors and that’s a lot of stairs! Anyway, come and visit us at the weekend. - Max OK. That would be nice. Thanks. |. Choose the correct words and 2 Read the conversation agai phrases. The flat is in @ modem fon old block. It’s near the supermarket /sports centre, There are two four bedrooms. They eat in the kitchen ving room. They use the dining room as 0 bedroom /an office. There are two bathrooms / garages. There are ten/ twelve flats in the block. The flat fs on the frst /top floor There's / There isn't a lift 10 They sit in the garden fon the balcony in the evening. Read the email. Change the bold words and phrases to make it true for you. noo. 2 ‘My home isa flat It’s in the city centre, near a hospital and a shopping centre. There are five people at hame = my parents, my two brothers, and me. There are eight rooms in the flat:a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms and four bedrooms. The kitchen is my favourite room. We cook and eat there, and we listen to the radio, Theres a large balcony, and 3 garage in a block, but there isn'ta garden or a cellar. My home ia i (USSR practise and tearm, Are the th sounds voiced ‘or unvoiced? Complete the table. Use ‘the words in the box. bathroom there Thursday thing these thirteen with mother thanks that. Se Des ue ee eu) Choose the correct sentences. 1. a How many students there are in your class? b How many students are there in your class? 2 a The restaurant's on the fifth floor. bb The restaurant's on the five floor. 3 a There mo is a lift in this block. There isn’t a lift in this black. a The restaurant is in Market Street. b The restaurant is at Market Street, 56 2 Match the descriptions with the doors. 2° _ It's the third door on the left. 1 2 ___ The kitchen is the second door on the right, 3 The meeting's in the first room on the right. 4 __ My room is the first door on the left. 5 ___ His office is the second raom on the left. 6 _____ That's the third door on the Fight. 3 Choose the correct words. 1A Excuse me, Where can /do I find Room 52, please? B It’s on the four, fourth floor. A Thank you. 2 A Excuse me. Is there /where a cash machine near here, please? B Yes, there's a cash machine on /of London Road. That's the third floor /street on the left. ‘A Thank you. 3A Excuse me. Where there /is the bathroom, please? B It's over/‘near there ~ the first floor /door on the right. A Thank you. There's four rooms upstairs. ‘There are four tooms upstairs. Is there a good view? Yes, there i Has it got a good view? Yes, there is. My room’s on third floor. My room's on the third floor Excuse me, is a bank near here? Excuse me, is there a bank near here? [EES review your 1 Match the pictures with the clothes. 3a Choose the correct words and phrases. 1A Do you like this/ these trousers? B Yes, I do, How much is it/are they? A Its /They're £42. 2 A Do you like this /these dress? B Yes, I do. How much is it/are they? A Its /hey're €84. 3A Do you like this/ these jeans? B Yes, I do. How much is it/are they? A Its/They'e $60. 4 A Do you like this /these jacket? B Yes, I'do. How much is it/are they? A It's/ They're €100. b Write conversations for the items below. 960? ‘A Do you tike B Yes, Ido, How 2 a _10_atop ___socks _ashirt ____jeans . : A Do you like JS asuit __trousers._a skirt _ shoes B Yes, I do. How a jacket ____a jumper ____ boots. _shorts ; ate _aTshirt ___ trainers. __a dress 4 Write about your clothes today. 2 Complete the table. Use the words in the box. mae a jumper’ clothes jacket shorts. Téshirt shoes dress jeans skirt, shirt, jumper How much is this oes Do you like that 5 rc trousers, cloth How much are these ‘ ee Do you like those. —— ‘7 B | 1 ceinptete the sentences: Use shor fot of be ‘a, or re, 4 Make the sentences negative. S| 1 She swimming. 5 He__using the Internet. 1 Ym reading a newspaper } 2 1 eating a sandwich. 6 You sitting in my seat! i) we tion bis 7 Lucy driving to work, 2. We're going to the supermarket. 4 They__ going ta work. 8 1 writing a letter. " | 3 They've playing got 2 Complete the table, HM Spelling of -ing fort ti x | Remove e+ ing | Double consonant i emacs ete = Te 5. She's having a shower. He's wearing trainers. | 6 Tm using the computer, | set | . ahs awe 7 You're eating my sandwich, send 2 Wer | 8 It's raining. 3 What are the people doing? Use the activities in the box. pee RRA TR 5 Are you doing these things at the watch TV drive.a sports-ear play tennis mormants Makevsententes, caring jeans. OR wearing ji 1 wear jeans 2 drivea car 3 sit at a desk 4 write 5 swim 6 listen to music 7 watch TV 8 play tennis 58 1 Read the conversation. Label the people. Use the names in the box. Juanita Michael Tricia Meena Elke Sanjit ‘A Meena’s at that table over there. She's wearing a dress and boots, and she's drinking a cup of coffee. Her husband Sanjit is there, too. He's wearing a suit, and he's reading a newspaper. B Who's the other man? He's sitting at the table on the tight. He's reading a book. A That's Michael. He's having lunch, B Oh, OK, and who are the women at the table on the left? A They're Juanita and Etke. They'e looking at some photographs, and they're talking. They/re having a drink, too, but they aren't eating. Elke is wearing Jeans, and Juanita’s wearing a lovely skirt. B Isee. Who's that woman over there? She's standing near Meena, and she's talking on her mobile phone. A That's Tricta 2a Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Tricia is drinking a cup of coffee. __ Juanita and Eke are standing up. Michael is sitting with Meena. __ Tricia is talking to Elke, _— Michael isn't weating a suit. __Elke is reading a book. Juanita is wearing a skirt. Meena and Sanjit are eating b Correct the false sentences. "5 dhiikitig a cup oF 6 59 1 Underline the eight mistakes in the summary of the story. Ryan gives Jordan a ticket for the foothall match. Jordan rings Lucy, but she is talking on her phone. Ryan leaves the coffee shop. Cindy is unhappy because her sister is coming. Lucy is leaving her flat: Her friends are going to the cinema, but she | ‘isn’t going with them, She is going on a date with Ryan, At nine o'clock, Lucy is sitting alone at home, Ryan and Jordan are watching a rock concert, Peter sees them on TV. | 2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 tomorrow you see 2 nice a have time 3 you later see 4 won't be T tong se alata ol Choose the correct sentenc 1 a Do you tike these jeans? Do you like this jeans? 2 a She isn't go to work. b She isn’t going to work. 3a We'te shoping, b We'e shopping. 4 a T'm wearing a blue suit, b L wearing a blue suit. 60 3 Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in exercise 2. Woman But we've got a meeting at 3 o'clock. Man It's OK, T - Woman Bye. I'm going to the cinema now, Man H_ 5 a They ave swimming. b They is swimming. 6 a We aren't watching TV. b We no watching TV. 7 a Tim driveing a van. b I'm driving a van, 8 a She's don't talking on her mobile. b She isn’t talking on her mobile, CIE eien arama | Ja Complete the grid, Use forms of transport. c c eal as T Telae Flu [r[a[ file af Pel a R b Find the hidden word. The hidden word is 5 a sub notatis 3 Match the descriptions with the places. 1 You go here to take the train. You can see a lot of buses here, — 2 3 You wait fora taxi here, 4 You take the plane here. _ 5 You wait for a bus here. _ an airport a bus stop a train station a taxi rank a bus station 4 Choose the correct sentences. 1a She's going with train. b She's going by train. 2 a He's going to the party by the motorbike. He's going to the party by motorbike. They're waiting for the bus. They're waiting the bus. Tim travelling for the underground. Tm travelling by the underground Why don’t you go by taxi? Why don't you go in taxi? 6 a We're going by boat. We're getting by boat 7 a I'm waiting for train. b I'm waiting for the train. 5 [RENMEI rick (7) the pairs of ‘words with the same vowel sounds. 1 travel station 2 plane train ¥ 3 taxi bag 4 take wait 5 late flat 6 bank make 7 place have 8 play table 51 1 Make questions. 1 They're waiting for the bus. Are they waiting for the bus? 2 She's having lunch. uneh? 3 You'te having a qood time. good time? 4 Tim sitting in your seat. ant in your seat? 5 We're taking the underground. the underground? You're watching the news, ______ the news? 7 The computer's working now. now? 8 The trains are running late. late? 2 Match the questions with the short | answers, 1 Are you having a good time? 2 Is Raj fixing @ computer? _ 3. Are we waiting for the number 27 bus? Am I looking at the right page? 4 | 5 Is Tania playing volleyball? _ 6 Are you reading the newspaper? 7 Is your mobile working now? _ a No, I'm not. You can have it. b Yes, Lam. Yes, it is. Thanks. d No, he isn't, |e Yes, ste is. £ No, we aren't. We're waiting for the number 30. No, you aren't. Its on page 24, 3 Complete the questions. Use the cues. 1A What ane vou eatina 2 (you / eat) B It’s a cheese sandwich. 2 A Where —_—? (they / go) B To the station, 3A What 2 (she / wear) B A blue dress. 4 A What ___? (they / do) B They'e sitting on the beach. 5 A Who for? (you / wait) B My boyfriend. He's late ~ as usual. 6 A What 2 (you / watch) B ts an Indian film. 4 Choose the correct sentences. 1a Where are you going? ¥ 4 a Are they sitting on the b Where you are going? beach? 7 5 b Sitting are they on the Si 2 2 Are they taking the train ats a Yes, they're taking. b Yes, they are. 5 a What you do? 3 Is she having a shower? paneer aN a Yes, she's. © a You watching TV? b Yes, she is. b Are you watching TV? 5 What are you doing at the moment? Answer the questions about yourself. 1 Yea, arm. OR 1 Are you sitting at a desk? Ft Hi 5 Are you listening to music? 2 Are you using a computer? 6 Are you eating? 3 Ate you wearing jeans? 7 Are you working at home? 4 Are you talking? @ Are you having a good time? 1 Complete the sentences. Use in or on, 1 He's the bus. 6 Ishe here __ business? 2Tm___a taxi. 7m ___the train. 3 Mybag’s __ the car. B He's Brazil. 4 Isshe____ holiday? 9 We're __ Tokyo. 5 They're __a boat. 40 Are you __the beach? 2a Match the pictures with the postcards. 'b Complete the postcards. Use the -ing form of the verbs in the boxes. look after Halla from Australia, Tim on holiday on Sydney with Ellte and abn At the, moment 1 have sit write swim Tm *__slotirig _ on Bordat Beach, Eile and ohn are in the sea Tm tr bag wred alls, ond Tin ome iposteards. Une 5 _ a great Hime, Sptne’s « beabrFul ky Hage you're OK. Jove, Pals 2 enjoy take do travel Jinn Fence. en borne in | fem nw Manado at Fre ed Fle. Fem te Frmch offi Wee 7 the TG tor ts any Qt! A Ae moment, Ane re fe ae otk. on er laps: vey He tp ant tie fa ws Gatnate Bee ys een a Read the completed postcards. Choose the correct answers. 1 Where is Paula? a onthe beach b ona train 2 Where is Ken going? a to Paris b to Marseilles 3 What are Ellie and John doing? a They'e playing volleyball on the beach. b Theyte swimming, 4 What is Amélie doing? ‘She's working on her laptop. She's reading a magazine. 5 How is Ken travelling? a by car b by train 6 Are Paula, Ellie and John enjoying their holiday? a Yes, they are. b No, they aren't. Write your own postcard. Use the postcards in exercise 2 to help you. Dear Tm on in with At the moment I'm and are Were a great time. is Hien te MO [ESI practise and tear, 1 What's Emilio doing next week? Read his diary. 2 Describe your week next week, Complete the sentences. - 1 On Monday morning I'm going te thes doctor's | Mo 10am. ga to fe dentists | 2 On Tuesday afternoon 3 On Wednesday afternoon © OW pm, take the visitors to the airport 4 On Thursday evening Th afternaan play basketoa!! T Zam, mest visors from Cairo © Fr evening go fo Bruno's party | 5 On Friday evening Sook after the ehuldren (6 on say © Shae hunch with Elena's parents | ia 2 oR Cheep Tal Ie lla z from Cairo. 3. Match the parts of the signs. 3 On Wednesday afternoan he & | one: international arrivals | | b | your seatbelt © | charge £5 | 1 On Monday morning ie» oir | 2 On Tuesday afternoon he's i 4 On Thursday afternoon 5 On Friday evening s. 6 On Saturday i t | | 7 On Sunday _ peo eee Choose the correct sentences. 1 a Are taking they the ferry? 5 a We're on the plane, | b Are they taking the Ferry? b We're fn the plane. | 2a What you are watching? 6 a Ate you travelling with boat? b What are you watching? b Ate you travelling by boat? 3 a We're waiting for the bus, 7 a hte they going on holiday?” “Yes, they/re! b We're waiting the bus. bb ‘Are they going on holiday? “Yes, they are 4 a Tim taking the train, 8 a ‘Are you having a good time?” “Yes, I'm havin b Tim taking train, b ‘Are you having a good time?’ “Yes, 1 am! 1 Complete the table. Use the words in the box. 2 ameeting home bed ‘the garden the shower He can't come to the phone, He's She isn't here. She's te 1 They're itis a party ‘work the supermarket Where are the people? Complete the sentences. the doctor's a restaurant 4A Hello. Can I speak to Doctor Carter, please? B I'm sorry. He's ere /on holiday this week. 2 A Hello. Can T speak to Mrs Bell, please? B I'm sorry. She isn’t here / away this week. 3 A Hello. Is Dev in/out? B Yes, he is, Just a minute, 4 A Hello. Can I speak to Mr Ferreira, please? B Ym sorry. He's in/out at the moment. 5 A Hello. Can I speak to Alicia, please? B I'm sorry. She's on holiday /away today, She's ill. 4 Think of five people that you know. Where are they now? 1 We 1 Complete the sentences. Use was or were. ice ata party on Saturday night, It i at our neighbours’ house, It good party. All our friends “__ there. We : there till three o'clock in the morning. | 2 Jack '\__away last week. He *_ on holiday with his family. They ® a1 in Tenerife. in Berlin yesterday. te at a conference, A lot of people e there, The people from our German office there, too. 2 Make the sentences negative. 1 Twas at home last night. at home last night, They were at school yesterday. ______ at school yesterday. He was ill on Tuesday, ____ il. on Tuesday. We were on holiday last week. oon holiday last week, Ela was on holiday last week, _____ on holliday tast week. You were at our party, _ at our party, 3 Complete the table. Use the expressions in the box. today last week” yesterday tonight yesterday evening t | this week last night this evening 4 Make sentences. Use the cues, 1 in) at the sports cerire (V7) 1 wast in last night. Twas a th ay 2 at work (7) ill (x) fie __ yesterday. She _ Cie : 3 inthe shower (7) in bed (x) 1 a, = 1 a 4 at home (x) at the cinema (v7) We last night. We 5 very good (7) expensive (x) The hotel ipa aa aoe 5 Complete the sentences about yourself. 1 Twas ___ab wort yesterday, 2 Lwasn't at the weekend, 3 Twas yesterday evening. 4 Twasntt__ last week. 5 Twas _ last night. 6 Twasn't______om Saturday evening. How many syllables? Complete the table. Use the negative forms in the box. isn’t don't wasn't doesn’t weren't arent haven't can't hasn't Cer es 6 6 1 Make questions. 1 You were out yesterday afternoon. diay alterna They were on holiday last week. 3 Mohammed was at a football match on Friday. 4 The film was good. 5 Sunita was at the dentist’s on Tuesday morning, 6 We were at the supermarket last Wednesday. 7 He was late on Monday. 1. Were you at home yesterday evening? OR Ai 8 You were at the meeting. 2a Make questions. Use the cues. >: Complete: the:shoit-atumert: 4 Whete were you at six o'clock this morning? | 1 Mick and Rosie / away last week? | Twas A eMick and Rosie away last week? 5 Where were you on Saturday afternoon? B Yes, thy weve Twas Lee oe | 2 they / on holiday? 6 Where were you on your birthday? ee ie eed ee | Twas Sse B Yes, eres | 4 What is American, and what is British? Write the UK 3 they / in Turkey? Pearen ie peel LY a 1 [ 1'm going to the store. | Wiles em reo ae aa # Rosie Fu 2 [Tlive in a flat. | im pe a 2 ee et a | = 3 [ The lift is over there. | =e 5 she / in bed for two days oe | a 4 [We don't play soceer here.) B No, a 5 [They're on vacation. | i o 1 Number the sentences in the correct order to tell the story. @ __ Lucy is angry with Jordan, because he wasn't at the restaurant, & & Cindy is very angry with Ryan now. c _. It's the day after the football match. Lucy and Jordan ate at The Coffee Shop. d __ Cindy asks about the football match. Peter says Ryan was there. @ __ Ryan takes the dog for a walk, f __ Lucy is very angry with Jordan. She leaves The Coffee Shap. 9 Peter comes into The Coffee Shop, He says Jordan was at the football match. LESSEE eee Choose the correct sentences. 1a She wasn’t at work an Monday. b She wasr’t at the work on Monday. 2 a Where were you yesterday? b Where you were yesterday? 3a He's at bed. b He's in bed, 4 a We was out last night. b We were out last night. 68 2a Complete the expressions, 1 [river angiy Ww you J 2 ta 3 [Don'tt to me! __ embarrassing. 4 [eas v— ¥ b Who says the expressions? a Cindy b Lucy © Peter 3 Complete the sentences about the story. Use was, wasn’t, were, or weren't, 1 On Wednesday night Lucy was restaurant for an hour, | ata 2 She _ alone. 3 Her friends at the restaurant. 4 They __ at a tock concert. 5 Jordan ____at the restaurant with Lucy. 6 He with Ryan. 7 They ___at a footbalt match. 8 Peter at the match. 9 The match on TV. 40 Ryan and Jordan _in the crowd. Do you were away last week? Were you away last week? Iwas in shower. Twas in the shower. She was at the cinema. She were at the cinema, He no was at home yesterday. He wasn't at home yesterday. 1 Complete the table. Use the words in the box. Eee Medical services: The an ¥ a fire fighter 1 [Tima police officer. 1 work | at a police station. ——— 2 r 3 2 [0h not There's a firein | the kitchen, Dial 999 | and call the fire brigade! 4 ‘Stop. Thief! Quick! | _ 6 | Call the potice! 4 [work at a fire station. | When we hear the fire alarm, we run to the fire engines. | ~K The | police a police car officer fire brigade police station ambulance police paramedic fire station fire engine hospital 2 Match the sentences with the pictures. 3a Read the text about emergency services in Hungary. Are the statements. true (1) or false (F)? The police wear blue uniforms, Police cars are blue, and have white lights You can call a different number for ambulances and the fire brigade, __The uniforms of paramedics are green. 5 __ You can call 122 or 107 for the police, Fire engines and fire alarms are different colours. In Hungary, you call 112 for the emergency services. You can call different numbers for each service ~ 107 for the police, 104 for an ambulance, or 105 for the fire brigade. ‘The police wear grey uniforms, and they drive white cars with blue lights. Ambulances are usually white and red and paramedics wear white or black uniforms. Fire alarms and fire engines are red. 69 J b Replace the words in bold and rewrite the text to make it true for your country. ee ie ain to the airport, | and “rushed / cycled outside. |b Continue the story. Put the verbs into the past simple. . ‘The fire brigade and the police the airport. We (wait) in the car park. It was cold, and then it \_ (start) to rai | | ney . | airport again and 1" (travel) to Madrid, ____ (arrive) and (close) Finally, they hear (open) the Last week I ‘decided played'to have a short holiday in Spain, On Thursday 1 *started/ finished work at 12 o'clock and I ‘ealled/ cleaned a taxi to go | At half past two t was at the airport, when the fire alarm ‘stopped sounded. Everyone ‘used/ picked up their bags | Finish the story. Use the verbs in the box in the past simple, need rain watch | day. On Sunday evening 1 After that 1° Lae stay travel arrive When 11 | Madrid, I was il but it“ _@ holiday in bed | in the hotel for two days and I WV. On Sunday I was OK, all ___ back to London. 70 2 Write sentences about your life last week. Use the cues, {watched a good teothall mateh on 1 (watch) AH UN (listen to) 3 i (play) Al a Hi (travel) 5 __ (phone) 6 (walk) (EERIE How many syttabtes? Write the number in the brackets, cone peer om eu syllable? Ey stop (1) stopped (1) Py] start (1) started ( eo watch (1) | watched (| use (1) ee coy nieed (1) | needed (_) wait (2) | waited (_) arrive (2) arrived (__) decide (2) | decided (__) I watk (1) "| walked (__) wanted (_) | want (1) b Tick (/) the verbs with an extra syllable in the past simple. It vwas Jill Mason's fiftieth birthday last Thursday. Her friend, Faith, invited her for lunch at a local Italian restaurant, They. really enjoyed the lunch and they talked for a long time about their days at schoo! together. At half past three, Jill called a taxi. When she arrived home, she ‘opened the front door, but then she stopped in the hall. There ‘were voices in the living room. But who was it? Her husband, Harry, was at work and their son, Peter, was away at university Jil listened. There were two or three people in the living room, She walked out of the house again and phoned the police on her ‘mobile ‘I think there are burglars in my house.’ She waited outside. A few minutes later @ police car arrived with ‘two police afficers. Jill opened the front door again. One of the police officers pushed the living room door and looked in the room. Then he laughed. Jill looked in the room, too, ‘Peter; she shouted. ‘What are you doing here?’ There weren't any burglars in the room. The TV was on and vil’s son, Peter, was asleep on the sofa. "1 arrived at half past one, but nobody was in,’ Peter explained later. decided to come home for Mum's birthday as a surprise. Ht was certainly a surprise when | opened my eyes, and the police were there, It was very embarrassing for Mum, but the police officers taughed about it.” a Choose the correct answers. 1 Who had @ birthday? a faith b Peter c Jill d Hany 2 What were the voices? a burglars Jill's friends 1 Faith is Jills sister / ills friend. 2 Harry is Jills husband /.it's brother. 3 Peter is Jill's son /a policeman ¢ Peter's friends d they b Who are the people? Choose the correct descriptions. n 2 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 _F Gills birthday was last Tuesday. She was 60. __ Jill and Faith were schoolfriends. __ Jill travelled home by bus. Peter is a student. Peter phoned the police, ‘Two police officers arrived, 2 3 x 5 6 __ The voices were in the kitchen. 7 A 9 __ Peter came home because he needed money. 10 __ The police arrested Peter. 3 Put the sentences in the correct order and join them with because, 1 Tt was dill’ birthday, Faith invited Jill to lunch, 2 They were at school together. Faith and Jill were friends. 3 There were vaices in the living room, Jill called the police. 4 There wasn't a burglar in the room. The police officers laughed. 5 It was his mum's birthday. Peter came home. 6 The TV was on. There were voices in the living room 1 Complete the names of the months. dena 6 iy uery 4 2 Write the ordinal numbers. 124th fe 22nd © 3 16th 4 28th 5 31st 69th 7 20th 8 10th 930th 10 23rd fy Rourthy Choose the correct sentences. 1 a I start work at nine o'clock yesterday. bb I started work at nine o'clock yesterday. a Twas late because there was an accident. b Twas late because it was an accident. 4 Help! Call the fire brigade. b Help! Call a fire brigade. a She's a potice officer. b She's police officer. 4 | the fins af Oateber ) Se 2 [the [as } = 5 a The accident stoped all the cars. 'b The accident stopped all the cars. 6 a T phoned my parents yesterday. 'b I phond my parents yesterday. 7 a Our meeting is on the ninth of september. b Our meeting is on the ninth of September. 8 a My birthday is on second March. b My birthday is on the second of March. 73 1 Look at the infinitive and past forms. Are the verbs regular (R) or irregular (1)? come came 9go | went (2drink | drank 2 10 move moved 3 finish finished [a1 stop stopped 4 leave _|left 12 dose | closed_ (Sssend | sent 23 find found write | wrote [14 tke | ted Tcook [cooked | 15read_|read | [seat [ate 16 watch | watched 2 Look at the wordsquare. Find the past simple of the irregular verbs in the box. drive come buy make leave write find take hhave drink go. do. see eat get 3 Write the past simple of the verbs. 1 arrive __arvived 9 need 2 buy __bo 410 phone - 3 do 11 play = 4 drive - 12 see 5 get 13 start x 6 have 14 take 7 help 15 travel : 8 make 16 wait a 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. am sunday wering I'__gob up Geet wp) ab 930 ern 1 (9) oh Bo some walle ma a newspaper. On Hae way to He shop | (weet) ny friend, Josie, de | (aeciAe) to go te the beach later | in the shee, so 1% ______ finvite) | ae AE N13, everyone? (come) Hhings in Hae cow om 9 | (vive) to the beach, We | (awvive) ak avout one e'clock, so we In __ (get) some sandwiches | ama drinks ema we leant) i} them, APker lunch we | nae | Gt) on the beach Then we ™ (fley) veleyrall ana we (aun) ia Hhe seme ne) a bit cela, put twas Pa. | | we *” eave) at about six delock. we" thavela | | great Hime, 5 Write sentences about your day yesterday. Use the cues. 1 | got up late, OR | got up at 7.50. ar (get up) 21 — (90) | Ae eae)! | 4 _ (see) | 51 (buy) Bt en AE cite | ah (eat) ar (watch) ot (Finish) ate: | rf 1 Make the sentences negative. 1. T woke up early this morning, 1 _dicih wake up _ early this morning. 2 We took the train to Paris. We the train to Paris. 3. She finished work at 5.30 yesterday. She work at 5.30 yesterday. 4 You sent those emails, You those emails. 5 They liked the meal, They the meal. 6 It rained yesterday. It yesterday. 7 Sofia went to Paris Sofia to Paris 8 Tina bought @ new car. Tina a new car 2 Complete two past simple sentences about each picture. Use the cues. ) Os | OME aac ewer Ee, 1 play football/ play basketball 2. go skating /go skiing We didn't play football, They We played basketball They ae ee 3 take the bus /take a taxi He She He She 4 buy some clothes /buy a TV 3 Choose the correct sentences. 1 a Tidon’t go to work yesterday. I didn't go to work yesterday. 7 You didn't clean the windows. You didn't cleaned the windows, He buyed a book, He bought 2 book. We didn’t have breakfast. We no had breakfast. She didn't leave at 10.30. She didn't let at 10.30. a They didn’t were at the party. b They weren't at the party, 4 Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the past simple of the verbs. didn't go out last might 1T______ tat night. (go out) 21 - a taxi yesterday. (take) oy ___ a new mobile phone last year. (buy) 41__ Wlast night. (wateh) 51 ____an English tesson yesterday. (have) 61 __ 4 fire engine this morning. (See) FT. an email yesterday, (write) at __ jeans last Sunday. (wear) 5 [QERTEEINND Mark the two stressed syllables in each sentence. 11 They went to the cinema. 2 I didn't have lunch, 3 We bought a new car. % He didn't play tennis. 5 She got up late. 6 We stayed at home, Phe} ages 2 1 Read the text. My name's Teresa. | wes born in Argentina. We lived in 8 suburb of Buenos Aires, When | wes four, we left Argentine and we maved ta Spain. My father worked for an engineering company in Bilbao, and my mother worked in a hospital | went to school in Bibao, | liked school. | was good at anguages. But | dich like spat We played tennis, but | wasnit very good at it. ter school, | wert to university in Madrid | studied English and French, | really erjoyed university, and | made a lat of new friends Alter university | moved bo Australia, | worked in hotel in Sydney, It was hand work, but {learned @ lat of English. Then | got 2 good job with an international sports company. | thought that wes funny, because I dan’: ke sport | went to lots of sports events with my jab. met my husbend, Calum, at 2 rugby match, He played for one of the teams, We got married two yeers later We've got two children now, Gur daughter, Mona, is tree years old and our son, Lucas, wes born in November last year a Find the names of the people. 3 Complete the sentences about your life. 1 __Teresa__ the woman in the photograph 2 her husband 1 Lwas born in fe ean come 3 ____ her daughter 2 My parents worked (in / for) 4 her son Number the places in the order that Teresa lived athena School. Ans ttents 41 school. (liked?) — Bilbao 51 sport. (liked?) uy 6 When I left school 1 1 Buenos Aires ee oes masee (CEES practise and ean 2 Read the text again. Match the parts of the sentences. 4 When do people do these things in your country? 1 Teresa was born 5 a in Bilbao. Write the ages. 2. Her family moved —_ b to Australia. children start school. 3 Her school was € at a rugby match, You can leave school. 4 She studied at university da sports company, ____All students leave school 5 After university she went to Spain. You can drive a car. 6 She worked jn a hotel____F in Argentina You can get married. 7 She got a good job with gin Madrid. Most students start university. Sie mechan | Ken Slay Most students leave university. 5 TL right was Lucy 2 Ryan's was it fault 3 my wasn’t fault it Complete the sentences. 1 (Taidvedoie | Te wasn't ne fault. | John did it. | Tewas Jeli’ fautt 2 Itwasn't__ fault. [ He didn’t do it. vas fault, ([Shedid it, | 3 | Kirsty didn’t do it, | Te wasn’t fault. Tim did it } Twas foutt. ze 4 Te wasn't fault. [We didwtde th Tt was fault. | They did 5 [the girtdidn't do it. ] wasn’t the __ | The boy did it Te was the _ Choose the correct sentences. 1a I didn't went to work yesterday. b Tdidn't go to work yesterday, 2 a She was bom in India. bb She's born in India, He was reporter. He was a reporter, They didn't go to university. They no went to university. b 4a b 3 Complete the conversation. Use the past simple of the verbs. Jordan Jordan Peter Jordan Peter Jordan Peter Jordan Jordan ie b T didn 6a Lucy still isn't talking to me. She was at The Coffee Shop yesterday. But she (leave) when she a (see) me. Oh dear. And Cindy's still angry with Ryan, too. Yes, because you * Cindy, Hey, it « Yes, you're right. It Ryan’s fautt, (tell (not be) my fault. Je ey Came on, Jordan. You © (go) to the match, too. Yes, I know. But I” to phone Lucy. And T° (send) a text, But her phone wasn't working, Yes, but * that. Sa why is she angry? (try) (rot know) Look, Lucy ® {want} to go to the rock concert with her friends, but she *____ (not go), because she *___ (have) a date with you. But you ... re _ {g9) to the football match. Yes, Lucy was right. I am an idiot. T wasn’t at home last night. Vt was at home last night, We don’t play basketball last week. b We didn’t play basketball last week, Ta She writed a letter yesterday. b She wrote a letter yesterday. 8 a I didn’ vt cook the dinner, b I didn't cooked the dinner. [EE err 77 1 Match the parts of the expressions. 3 Solve the anagrams and write the words. 1 mest weer 1 I visited my parc nts, 2 pay in the garden (canpret) 3 go © the washing 2 We went to the | 4 wash d our friends, (heettra) 5 visit__ « to the park 3 Twent_____pp___ 6 tidy ¥ the bills cat} 7 do o MyTelly 4 We relaxed in the ___r____n. 8 work h the living room (regret) 2 Make sentences about their weekend activities. Use the 5 Lwent to the c_ ‘expressions in exercise 1 in the past simple. (era 6 We played frisbee in the (harp) 7 Tmet my (drefins) =e I _— = 8 I tidied the ___us_. 1 Tom went tothe park . 2. Ana testi Nl 4 Complete the sentences about your weekend. Use the past simple of the verbs. Last weekend 1 [wert OR didn’t ao. to the cinema. (go) at ‘the bills. (pay) 3 1_____ the washing. (do) 41 _____ my friends at a restaurant. (meet) SI my room. (tidy) | 6 1__my fami, (visit) | $ Sam_________. 6 Vietor ___. er the cat, (wash) @1_____in front of the TV. (relax) ” 1 Complete the conversations. Use the words and expressions in 1 had (2) didn't have” did---have™ a good weekend? B Yes, I'did. 1*___a very nice time. What about ___a good weekend. 1 did go went (2) didn’t go _. to the beach at the weekend. in your new car? by car, We * didn’t make did ... make made (x2) A This is nice soup, * B No, I didn't. Emma * the sandwiches, either. Daniel * 2 Complete the conversation, Use short answers. 1A Did you go shopping on Saturday? ‘A Did Maria go with you? ‘A Did your parents go to Spain for their holiday? . They went to France, AA Did they drive? ‘A Did you go to the cinema last night? _.. We went to the theatre, A Did you enjoy the play? A Did your brother visit last weekend? A Did you have # good time? 3 Make questions. 1 Kelly visited her family. Did Kelly visit her family? 2 You cleaned the windows. the windows? 3 We left at quarter to five, i at quarter to five? 4 Bill found his wallet. his wallet? 5 Ie rained yesterday. yesterday? 4 Write about your weekend. 4 Complete the questions. Use the past simple of the verbs. b Make short answers about yourself. 1 A Did you have good weekend? (have) You a6, did. _ OR No. | aid 24 any new clothes? (buy) You 3K to the cinema? (go) You aA the washing? (do) You 5A your friends? (meet) 1 Complete the conversation. Choose the correct words. Mark ‘Adam Mark Adam Mark ‘Adam Mark ‘Adam Mark ‘Adam Mark ‘Adam Mark Did you *have /fad a good weekend? Tt was OK. What did you ‘do /fid? Well, on Saturday morning T °go/ went into town and I “pay /paid some bills. I"meet/met some friends for lunch, Oh, yes. Where did you *go /went? Oh, we 'go/went to a pub and we Swatch / watched a rugby match on TV there. What about you? Did you *have/ had a good weekend? Not really, I Swant / wanted to watch the rugby match on Saturday, but I *go/went shopping with my girtfiend, Emma Did you "buy/ bought anything? No, 1 didn’t. Emma “buy / bought fone or two things. I *look/ looked at some really nice jackets, but I “didn’t buy / bought one, Oh, OK. What did you *do /did on Sunday? I "didn't do/did a lot. 1 “tidy / tidied my flat. Then I relax/ relaxed in front of the TV. What about you? We visit / visited Emma’s parents. 2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 did where go you ? 2 they did what time arrive ? 3 travel how did you ? 4 did meet she who ? 5 the concert when finish did ? 6 you buy did what 7 did he leave why ? @ where did have lunch you ? 3a Complete the questions. Use the cues. b Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What time did you eet up today? (you / get up) for breakfast? (you / have) 3 What on TV Last night? (you / watch) 4 What. ___ last Saturday morning? (you / do) 5 What _____last Sunday? (you / do) | ‘on your last holiday? (you / go) 7 What:time to bed last night? (you / go) 8 How to work / school? (you / travel) [ESSE practise and tearm. 9 1 Complete the table. Use the expressions in the box. the afternoon, six thirty 12th March tthe evening Monday aftemoon night half past nine, the weekend, | the morning, eects ore on + Son Ps specific days Saturday, pee 2 Number the conversation in the correct order. a _ Did you enjoy it? b __ We went to The Peacock © __Yes, we did, the food was very good. d __Where did you go? © __ We went to a restaurant. F 1 What did you do last night? 3 Complete the conversation. Use the correct past form of the verbs. ‘A What‘ ___you con Friday? (do) B We? __ to the cinema. (go) A What *___you 2 (see) B We‘ __African Sky. (see) A’ ___ it good? (be) B No, it*___. The actors ” tenible. T4__ the film at all! (not be / be / not like) 4 Make the conversation. Use the cues. ‘A What / do / on Saturday? What did B We / go / to the beach ou do on Gartu A Who / you / go / with? B 1 / go / with my family ‘A weather / good? B Yes / be eet Choose the correct sentences. 1a We went to the park in Sunday afternoon, b We went to the park on Sunday afternoon. 2 @ Did you take the train? Did you took the train? 3a What you did at the weekend? b What did you do at the weekend? 4 a Did you tidy the house? b Did you the house tidy 2 5 a Where you went yesterday? 'b Where did you go yesterday? 6 a Did the film was good? b Was the film good? 7 a We went to the cinema last night, b We went the cinema last night. 8 4 Tlost my mobile yesterday. b I losed my mobile yesterday. Esa di tol) cog a 1 Hello 2 My 3 Pleased 4 meet 5 Tim 6 Mice 7 you 8 your 9 sumame 21 Tm Irena, 2 What's your name? 3 My name's Mite. 4 Tm Pedro. 5 My surname’ Hall. a Pe]a]x 41 Home 01726 225809 2 Home 020 611 7095 5 Students’ own answers. 6 Students! own answers. Nobile 07795 892433, Nobile 07920 565408, ‘aholy ® *alelP [wlolMlain Gg) Teials! ‘woluls & I Po alR) ub! ze ans o/e/'/o/a 4 chair an apple 4 book Sn eraser 2 pencil fn umbrella a able an orange pen 3 computer 3 Lthis 2 that 3 That 4 This 5 This 6 That 424 does 2 moan 3 means 21do 2 Enalish 3 say 11 window 2 teacher 5 desk 6 notebook 9 pen 10 chair 21b 2a ab 4a 5b 6a 3 1 dont know 2 can, repeat 3 sory, understand 11L 22 3H 4A 58 GE TT ALPHABET 2A your 2 name 3 My names 4 How 5 spell 6 double 7 Thank you 3 this 2 meet 3 Nice 4 sory 5 mame 6 My 4 4 Tea or coffee, Mateo? 2 Tes, please. 3 board 4 door 7 book 8 student 2 Here you ae 4 Thanks, wana Lessons 1-4 2 to 3 does 4 Don't 5 your atm FTELR] R Taek ER I In 2-1 daughter, father 3 son, mother 2 wifew, husband parents, children 3 4 Daniets 5 Pavel, Sith’ 2 Donna Mancin’s 4 Laura's: 41 That is Helen's husband, 2 He fs Man’ friend 45 She i ints wie 4 What i Miguels number? 5 Sarat is here, & hat is Peters surname? fis, his 2 her, his, har 3 Het, er, His My, your, My 2 he, He, har, Nis, His your his, my, her 4 my, ou, Its our 2 Its 3 His 4 his 5 Her their 7 Their 6 a 11a Yes b Sonia Véronique 4 Philippe © Bruno 2a Marek b Jala c dacek d Ewa 2 1 parents 2 dad, His 3 mur, Her 4 wif, Her 2 Students! own answers, 4 fa nine, wife ei) ae, at 11 Goodbye and See you are incomect. 2 Good evening and Hi are incorrect. 2ib 2d ac 4f 5a be 31b 2a 3b 4b Review: Lessons 5-8 Te 2d 38 4a 1a 1 Britain 2 France 3 Russia 4 Shain 5 Japan 6 the USAT Thaly @ China 9 Brazil 10 Eayot 11 Indonesia 12 Australia b Students own answers. 2-1 Gai i the capital of Eaypt. 2 Sydney isn Australia. 5 Hy favourite country is China 4 favourite city is New York. 5 Is Antonio from Spain? 6 Hy home fs in Poland 4 Rome isthe capital of Italy 1B Hes from Argentina. 23 Students own answers. Pe he, read {el frend, ten bg 6b 7f ee 41 Hlngany 6 asta 2 Kors 7 fhaly 3 anatiaia 8 aderice 4 Bad, 9 Indofesia | 5 atte 10 Bhtain 11 Tam fom France 2 doh fs a student. 4 Moscow isin Russa 4 We ate fom China, 5 My fiends are from Italy. 6 She is my daughter, 5 hy husband is om the USA. 8 Lama teacher 1 We are students 2 Tam from New York, 5 They are his fiends. 4 Shes rom Groove 5 Dan fe my husband 6 Lam her sister 7 Manchester in the UK 4 You are in Room 9 1 She int the Managing Director. 2 Ti not at my dest. 3 This int my mobile. 4 They arent brother and sister 5 We arent from Shanghai. & Lukas isnt in his afc. 7 Tm not marie. & You arent inthis photo, 9 My boss ist here. 10 Dur cldren are hee. Students own answers 1 Ima student. 2 She isn'ta teacher 43 He's a doctor 4 My sisters an engineer 5 You're a student, 6 Tma computer engineet. 1 Tima student and Fn fram Russa 2 She srt a teacher and she iit from China. 3 e's a doctor and he's fom South Afica 4 My sisters an engineer and she's from the C2ech Republi 5 You'e a student and youre fom Italy. 6 Ym computer engineer and Tm from Braai. Hes 2 His 3. HeS 4 his 5 He's 5 He's his 1 Japan 2 an English teacher 3 Daisuke 7-an engineer 4 Har’s boyfriend 8 Jane's husband 1 Har’ from Japan and she's an English teacher, She's Daistke'sgilfiend 2 Dalelee’s from the USA and hes 3 student. He's Haus boyfriend 4 Jane’ from Australia and she's a doctor. She's Dietor’s wie 4 Dieters fom Germany and hes an engineer. He's Jane's husband, 4 Students! own answers. 5 Australia 6 adoctor 1 aid 2a 3¢ 4b bl verysomy 2 you OK 3 allright 4 fine 21 Dw My hand) 4 Ate you OK? 2 Oh, Tm very sorty 5 Yes, Fr fire, thankyou, 3 It all gt Review: Lessons 9-12 Tm from Russia, sh a doctor He's in the office, Ti not maried, He's From the USA, They fram France, This s Jobs phone, We aren't in Room 10. This is book, 0 Your dest’ over ther, 113} 1 thirty, saty-ve ily, nineteen, ninety-eight, fifty-three, twenty-four, eighty-one, sity, thirteen, seventy-seven, forty-tiro 2a 2 two 20 twenty 13 thirteen 4 far So Tony. 15 Alten 8 six 60sinty TT seventeen eight. 80 eighty 19 nineteen b thine eight shty fourteen sbeenty ‘nan tiny sida nifty everson fly 3 1 twenty-one 2 fity.two 3 eighty-sie 4 twee 5 cleven 6 ninety-one 7 forty-five # fourteen 9 a hundred 10 sixty-sight 11 thiny-three 12 seventy-nine Ste 2d 3a 4b St be 5 Students nn arses. 1 Ave you 2ishe 21 Yes, he's 2 No, we arent 5 No, they arent S1isnt 2 isnt 3am 4 is 5 arent 6 are 4-1 How olds duane 2 Where are they from’? 3 Whereis your office? 4 How old are your childen? 5 What is her ame? 6 What is his phone number? 5 Students own answers 6 Students own answers, 15) 2p old b fist c fom d your ¥ vihaes 2.4 Wha’s your surname? 2 Whats your first name? 3 Where are you from? 4 Hoa old are you? 5 Are you married? 6 What's your phone number? 3 Isthat 4 Ae we 5 ave they 6 Are you 4 No, tient. 5 Yes, Tam, eke 5 F Surname b First name € Country a Agee Marital status d Tel, No, 4a Information Anita Surname Ponts rst name Anita Country Taly Age tyrenty four Mavtalstaus single Tel No, 208-736 522 bs Students’ own answers, 54 Whats your suman? 2 Students on answers, 3 What's your fist namet 4 Strlents’ on arses, 5 And where are you from? 6 Stuients" on arses, 7 Wow old are you, please? 8 Slucents" own arswers. 9 Are you married? 30 Students own answeis. 41 Ard what's your phone number, please? 232 Students or answers Tig 2F 3b 4054 6a 2-1 Ws twenty to twelve, 2 t's quarter past one 3 Its seven selock 4 Its twenty five to sx 41'S twenty nas eight. 5 Westen to ve 9 Students oum answers Review: Lessons 13-16 If 2d 30 4g 5¢ 6b Th Ba S| fafa tw i E « € Ti 5 an ad ale: eee ra 2 tavallet 2 dogs 3 achild 4 a woman Sawatch 6 men 7 a hairbrush keys 9 asandwich "10 a person 4 Students om ansnes, and b Singular Plural beta (Gullables) (syllables) syllable? "pencil 2) pencils (2) 2 watch (1) watches (2) ¥ 5 betas (2) Bretases(@) 7 4 umbrella (3) umbrellas (3) ca eles & pie (1) purses 2) 7 tsste (2) Haves (2) B Ficence (2) licences (3) ¥ 9 orange (2) oranges (3) 4 aokey Ga} bey) ne 3) F1d 20 38 6a 5f 6b 2inetto 2 in 3 behind 4 on 5 infront of & under 31 an, a, The, the 2 a, The the V1b 26 3 44 Sc Gh 7e Ba 3 ama The, the 4,2, The, the 2.4 this 2 those 3 that 4 those 5 that 5 those 3a 1 Gant help your 2 How much ae those wallets? 43 Gan Ihave that one, please? 4 Anything else? 1 Gan help you? 2 How much are these bags? 3 Theyre £28 wah, 4 Can {have ths one, please? 5 Certainly. 6 Anything else? 7 No, thank you. Push 2 Pull 3 Open 4 Closed Exit 6 Toilet «4 r Vif 2e 9d 4e 5a 6b 21b 2a de 4e Sd 3a 1 tant, you 2 aff, you, for b11Wete 2 thecafé 3 youcoming | 4 sony 5 cant 6 OK "7 you later 2.1 Th aff to The Cafe Shop, 2 Are you coming? 4 Yes, but only fora few minutes, 4 treat Reviews Lessons 17-20, T help 4 boxes 7 That's 2 those 5 Theyre 8 Here you are 3 infront of 6 have 9 change AA Helio, Can T help you? 8 Yos, How much are those bags, please? Ak The bags in front ofthe window? B Mo, the bins net tothe bases A they'e £26, B Can have this one, plese? ‘8 Thats £26, then, please B Here you ae A Thank you. Thats £4 change. Food Drinks meat fish tea orange juice apples chews wine beer oodles bread milk water vegetables eggs coffee 21 fruit 6 butter 2 tice 2 meat 5 chips 8 eggs 4 chocolate 9 vegetables |S peta a0 fist Students wh ans 4 Voleed Voiceless ‘bread cheose butters chips eggs beer frat ice vesetaties lemonade chacolate water Tike chocolate, 5 They eat rice We don’ eat fish, & We dant ike cheese, They Ge fuit. 7 Like trtt. don't drink beet, & They dont drink toa. They dont drink milk. 1 don’ ike this restaurant. We don't eat apples and oranges. You don arin ine, We dont lie chaese sandiches. They don't drink tea in the morning Ton ike spor. They don't ext meat. rink tea, don't rink coffee fat rice, dort eat pasta tike dogs, don’ ke cats ont drink wine, drink Boor ‘eat bread, dont eat rice lie books, dont tke TW dents! own answers. (ohene asmahEE eRe ‘alalelalo alult|t Efe CHE ol fal se Ik ols. cH u sit © ule ia 1 Lot fui, but T don't eat apples. 2 Werdont drink coffe, but we drink too. 4 They eat bananas, but they don eat ranges 4 We dot deine milk, but ne drink wat. 5 They like meat, but they don’ ike fish. & eat lunch, tT do’: eat breakfast. 3 Adinner 2 breakfast 3 dessert 4 lunch 4 Students! own answers. 1 water 2 cup 2 glass 4 ice 5 lemon 6 sigat 21e 2c 3a 4h bd Sai Uke 2 please 3 thank 4 are 5 welcome 1 Would you like 2 please 3 please 4 you are 5 Thank "6 Youre welcome Reviews Lessons 21-24 Tbh 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b Ta Sb shopping 2 swimming 3 TV arate 5 novels 6 the radio 7 music football @ tennis vate, stor to, read, do ley, go. 80 Fisten te, watch, play, do 0, read, do, aay 2 1elther 2 too 3 too 6 either § too 6 either 7 too 8 either 1 Students! own answers. 1 Do you play tennis? 2 Da you like music? 53 Do you go swimming? 4 Da you listen to the radio? 5 Do you eat fish? 6 Do you do karate? 7 Do you tead-a newspaper? Do sou watch DVDs? 9 Do you drink tea? 10 Do you play computer games? 21do 2 don't 3 don't 4 do 5 do 6 dont 3.41 Doyou 4% Doyou 2 Doyeu 5 Do you 3 Do you 5 Do you be Students en answers 44 disk — 3 mose 5 monitor 2 cursor 4 screen 6 keyboard TiYes aver 5 Yes 7 Yes 2M: 4 No 6 Yes a Ho 2 Students! nn answers. 3 Short vowels Long vowels Wi tithe ff eat Jo) novel Feit sport fo] good (sy you fap eat os} can 9} arate sf parse a 116 2b 3a 4e 214 20 de 4f Sa oc D1 of 21m ato 4 bit 4 PRIVATE NO PARKING Review ess075 25-28 Tplay 210 5 go 7 bke 20a 4do bdo 8 dont Tia 2b 3a 4a 5b 6b 2 Live atone, with my parents tive ina fat ‘a small town, the suburbs Tale the bus, walk ” school 3-1 alone, flat, cents, walk 2 fanily, house, suburbs, dive 4 Students own answers. My home is in 1 Tiaj bi 2a bi 30 ai bi Sali bi Ga pu by gai bi ‘When do you go swimming? ‘What time do they have dinner? Where do they play tennis? Hor do you ge to school? ‘What do'you eat for breakfast? Where do you have Lunch? hat do you da in your fee time? What time do the shops open? to you ive 2 do yau live 3 do you work doyougo 5 do you have 6 do you do 7 do you go 4 Students own answers. ‘heir names theirhome work free time 21 Uke 2 ety centre 3 flat 4 atthe university 5 walk 6 tunin marathons 7 marathons 8 concerts 5-1 Factory Road 3 West Avenue 2 Oxford Steet & City Road 41 73Facoy Rd. 3 80 China Ave. 2 10 Aoh St 4 0 South Ra 51 Me Winston Deane 2 MI. Lovett | 15 East Rd. £87 London St. | Manchester Camordge Mealy 9 ART T Monday Tuesday Wednesday thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 21s Annas party on Friday? No, it isnt. 2 What time's your appointment at the actors? Its at two eitock 15 Where's Suchart Fam? He's from Thailand 4 When's Johan’s driving test? Ween Tuesday, | Bon 2 at,on 2 onan 4 at, on, on 5 on, at 6 at, at | ch ed 7f b have breakfast 5 go to work Start work 7 finish work B go home 5 go to bed 2 Students’ oun answers. 3 a Students own answers 5 Students’ own answers. ai 2a Bb og 1 wake up 2 get up 3 have. shower 4 6 11 shawes 2 works does 0 goes 1 3 watches 4 plays 5 4 doesnt live 2 daesn't woke 3 5 1 doesn't stat doesnt have toes Finish 6 doesn't do work 2 works 3 lives 4 go 5 play 6 finishes 7 does # get up 9 take 10 drives 1 dorit 2 doesnt 3 dovsiyt 4 don't S doesn't @ don't 7 doesett 8 don't Saandd Verb Verb +-s/-es xtra (1/You/We/They) (He/She/te) syllable? 1 drive (1) ves (1) i" 2 finish (@) finishes (3) \j 3 dot) ‘does (1) $90 (2) goes (1) 5 se (0) Uses (2) “ 6 live @) Woes (3) T watch (2) watehes (2) 8 take (1) takes (3) 135) 41 Australia 2 with ber husband 3 town 4 doctor 5 health centre 6 children 211 2FaF KE ST OF TT BF | t 3.1 getsup 2 goes to work 3 starts work 4 finishes work 5 goes hore 6 has diner | 4a n+ parts of the day the evening, the moring ons days i Monday Friday, Wednesday ‘at + times ‘querer to four, 19.25, |B Eatin 2h Finn 4 on 5 at in 6 on | Tle ze 3a 4b 5d 24 Tim ina hurry 3 This i terrible 2 Tmlate fora lesson 4 Tin trouble Review: Lessone 33-36 T getup 2 works 3 goes 4 have | 5 doesn tke “6 dont play 7 doesn't watch ain 37] TI secretary 2 waiter 3 mune 6 chet | 5 builders shop assistant 7 howcewte | mechanic’ 9 teacher 10 student 231 walttess 12 computer engineer 4 Students! own answers (a1 do 2a 3 Whee 4 What 5 teach B Stuents’ own ans T1do 206 3 does 6 Does 7 do 8 da | 22 does 2 dort 3 they do & dont 5 tia doesnt" she does | 7 do she doesn't 9 they dat 10 do Where does your daughter tive? What does she do? Does she work in a hospital? ‘Where do they live? Do they tke Beusslst Students’ own answers Students’ own ansters, 4 Does 5 D0 aze sa we 1 What 2 How 3 Does 4 When 5 oes 6 qo 7 What 8 do. © does 410 Does 1 He's. a radio newsreader 2 He dives. 3 No, he doesnt, 4 Iestans at six ntact 5 It finishes at nine clock, 3 1 2 3 t § 5 5 o 1 1 No, he doesnt. 7 Ho goes home a 11 clock 8 He plays tennis and he goes to the cinema. 5 He works ftom Monday to Frigay. 10 Yes, he dovs, 31 teacher 2 doctor 3 walter 4 brother 5 nevnreader 6 singer 7 reporter 4 bulder £1 Do you live near here? 2 Where do you lve? 3 What do you do? 4 Do you work forthe local newspaper? 5 Do you lke your job? 8 Where do you work? 7 What do you wart ta do? 211 27 3F 4F SF OF TT BF 81 0h right. 2 Metoo, 3 That’ intersting 4 Really? 5 Oh, Lee Reviews Lessons 37-40 1 What de you do? 2 He's a bully, Does shelve ina city? Does he tke his jab? Were do sou tive? No she doesnt. When do you Finish wok? She wants to be a singer 3 s 3 6 z 5 Told 2 new 3 tang 4 short 5 hot Gold 7 old 8 young 9 big 10 small Led 2 black 3 blue 4 orange 5 white 6 brown 1 1 2 7 yellow 8 green 310 2a 324d 5a 61 blue cas 5 aed pan small vilage 6 a black car 3 a bad meal 7 a new computer twa young women & a cal drink Stunts own answers 1 Jordan's yot_ 2 We've gat 3-1 nsveatt got 4 She hasnt got 5 You've got {6 Anan’s got 7 We havent got 8 Ny alice hasnt got 1 She hasi"e-got an umbels, 2 They haven't got a new fat 3 We haven't got a brown cat, 4 Lacy hasnt gota good boss, 5 You haven't gut my mobile number, & We hover got a meeting now. 7 3 1 He hast got an old comput Thaven’t gota young secretary. b2b 3a 4b Sb 6a 7b ab 1 He hasn't got-an adress book, 2 He's got a matile, 3 Me hast gota hairbrush 4 He's got a wallet. 5 Het gota key. 5 Me's oot agen, 2b Students ow answers, 11 Tina 2 Ben a Ban 2 her now fat hor fatmates er new bess ner parking space % BLE 26 37 KF SF 6T 71 OF oF WF 41d 2f 8B be be G0 Sib 2a 3d te 5f oc Vb 2d 30 4a se 2 1 Escuse ma. fs this seat free? Sure. Go ahead 2 Excuse me Ave these seas free? No, Tm soy. Theyre talen, Look! There's a table over there 31 We've got «new neighbour, 2 Do you know my fiend Gita? 3 Do you tive naar here? 4 Vive In a black of fats. 5 My house is over thee. 6 Caos hast got long hat 7 done wor it Landon, 8 Smite has got her own office. 5 Wy laptop ie rally fst 10 We haven't got 3 new flat 1 Brune drives an old ca, 12 Would you like a hot dink? Review: Lessons 41-44 1b 2b 3a 4b 5b ob 7a Bb 2b @h Gb 43 50 ba 5 Students! own answers. 47 hale ear back hand 3 toe nose 7 % tooth mouth 3 hand arm 5 head egy’ Y thm stomach tet eve 14 Have you got an aspirin? 2 Has she gota driving licence? 3 Have you gota cod? 4 Nave they gota nice house? 5 Have we got a new boss? 6 Has Bill got a brother? 7 Have you got ny teys? 8 Has Sonia got a boyfriend? 1 Kave you got a newspaper? 2 Has Sanda got a now fat? 3 Have you got an email arose? 4 Have we gota new neighbour? 5 Has Fumiko got long hai? 6 Have they got a dog? 7 Mave [got your new mobile number? 8 Has he gota laptop? 31a 2b 3a 4a 4 Students! own answers, Ta Thay 2 soe 3 temporture 4 stomach 5 back 6 cough 7 headache 5b bb Ta Bb 8 toothache bie 2a th 4g 5b Of Td Be 241 are 2 wall 3 matter 4 cold 5 dear b 1 A Hello Sandra. How ate you? B Ob, Fin not very well ‘A Why? What's the matter? B Tve gota sore throat and a temperature. ‘Ah, deat 2 A Hallo, Alan, How are you? B Oh, fm not very well ‘A Why? Whats the matter? B Ive got a bad back. ‘A Oh, dea 31 smoke 2 exercise 3 salt 5 vegetables 41 plasters 4 Scissors Ta stamp 10 tissues 1 some ta 2 Some 5 any aa 5 6 4 6 sn 2 apiece of paper 3 a towel 5 anail file "6 painillers Bapen 9 amiror 2a 2 any 3 any i ary 3 2 got, Here, you 2 Have, any haven't Review: Lessons 45-48 Tb 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 1 gos verb + -ing Swimming, skiing play + sports footbal, gol play + the + musical instruments ‘he guitar, the piano 21 plays 2 go 3 play 4 goes 5 play 6 plays 7 go 8 go 9 play 10 go 3.1 goslating 2 plays golf 3 go dancing 4 plays the guitar” 5. goes swimming 6 paints 7 sing 8 go skiing 4 Students own answers 11 He cant dance. 2 Ica play the violin. 5 They cat sing 4 He can play ie hockey. 5 She eant cook 6 Teant swim. 1 Can he dance? No, he cat 2 Can you ply the viotn? Yes, can 5 Can they sing? No, they cart. 4 Gan he flay ice hockey? Yes, he can. 5 Can she cook? No, she cat 6 Can you sin? No, ean ath 29 34 4a 5b 6d 7e Bc B Students! own answers. 4 Students! own answers. ta Ba 1 2 Japanese 3 No, I cant. Yes, Lean. 5 play volleyball and tennis 6 Yes, Lean, 7 Yes, can. & Yes, Tean, 5 play the piano ard the guitar 20°'No, Lear't, 11 Yes, Fan. 2 Students own answers, 4 Students own ansvers 4 Students own ansuers. Yes, Lean. TLF 26 3T 47 SF OOF 21e 2d 32 4b Se Jad Can Ttake 2 would be nice 43 Is Tuesday OK 4 T cant come 55 what about ‘A Can H take you out to dinner? B Yes, that would be nice, ‘As Friday OX for you? B No, sory. car come on Friday A Well, what about Saturday? 1B Yes, Saturday’ fine. Reviews Lessons 49-52 1b 2a 2b 4a 5b 6b Ta TL abedioom 2 awindow 3 the balcony 4 the garage the garden 6 the ktehen 7 the fall B the stairs @ the cellar 410 the dining oom | 14 the living room 12 ownstairs 13 upstaits 14 the bathroom 15a door eb 2.1 the dining room a bedroom 2 the kite 5 the bathroom 4 the ving room the cellar 2 Students own answers Sr Tsai, le 2 Rae ea cee an +n ooo bie eb ap Gb be 6b Ti hike hliiee Baar (aie tive 4 ttm Seen Bene tec ites een ieee Tso ont a Wt taper 2 ance 2 pe as ie Peres test ab arte, ‘aan eorseeen 4 eled nnd 9 Uncd sound bathroom th Thuteday these thing with thirteen mother thanks, that TO ground 1st first 2nd second _ 3d third ‘ah fourth Sth fifth un sixth 7 seventh Sth eighth 9th nimh 0th tenth ith eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th teenth 2129 231 392 627 $28 630 = = 3.1 can, fourth. 2 there, on, street 3 is, over, door Reviews Lessons 53-56 Tb 2a 3b 4a Sb 6a 7b 8b Tapa fines Tadat se hacee Le iat aie toe 2s Gree ae ah aoe Ta adiess 14 Jeans 15 aki 36 a jumper 2 Singular jumper, jacket, T-shirt, dress Plural clothes, shorts, shoes, jeans 3-a 1 these, are they, Theyre 2 this, st, T'S 3 those, ate they, They're 4 this, fit Its 1b A Da you like this jumper? B Yes, Ido, How much is i AWS £50. 1A Do you ike these shorts? B Yes, Ido, How much ae they? A Theyre €35. 4% Students! own answers 1 1Shes 21m 3 Were 4 Theyre 5 He's 6 Youre 7 lucys 8 Tm reading, cleaning, sending ‘wear wearing Remove -e + -ing riding, having, iting ‘making, driving Double consonant + «ng running, sitting, getting ‘swim sarimming He's driving sports ear Thoy'e runing. She's taking a photograph. Were watching TV, He's geting up. They're playing tennis. Ym not reading a newspaper We are't going tothe supermarket, They avert playing got He tse wearing trainers She isnt having a shower Tn not using the compster You arent eating my sandwich. tient raining {Tm wearing jeans. Tim ot weaiing jeans 2 Fm diving a ca Em not diving 2 car Fitting at a desk, Tim not siting at 2 desk Vim writing, Tim nat waiting. 5 Tm swimming, Tm not swimming 6 im listening to music Tm not listening to music 7m wateting WV, Fm not watching 1 8 Tim playing tenis, Tin not playing ten Te Sint 3H 2 ion ‘at cuiP eran er arse 70 ar 1 bce ct rae scp ean | *2 Resume eters 5 Neha Send | eeu e ae eae a § hia Sf een, 23 fine taht ee ira dade 5 Ryan gives Jonlan a ticket forthe football, imatch, Jordan rings Lucy, but she is taking. on het phone (she isn't ansirering her. hone). Ryan leaves the calfee shop. Cindy fs ‘unhappy because her sister (her parents) s forming. Lucy is leaving hee at (her afice). | Het fiends ave going tothe cinema, (@ rack 4 TWicia concert) but she ist going with then. She is going on a date with Ryan Gordan), at | ine (eight) o'tock, Lucy is siting alone at. home (inthe resturont). Ryan and Jorden He watching «nk cancer (otbl math Pater sees them on TV 2 1 See you tomorrow. | 2 Nave a nice time, 41 See you tater, Tiwont be long. | Review: Lessons 57-50 1a 2u 3b 4a 54 6a 7b Bb 3 See you later. 4 Twn be tong 2 Have ace tine, Sve you tomorron, 21 abusstop 2 theurderground 3 a station 4 anaiipore 5 a bus station 6 a tan rank 31c 22 3d 4a 5h 1b 2b 32 40 5a 6a Th 51 tavel station 5 late fat 2plane train 6 bath make Sts hag 7 place have 4 the waity Bplay table 51 Are they waiting forthe bus? she having lunch? ‘Are you having a good tine? ‘4m Tsitting in your seat? ‘Ase we taking the underground? ‘re you watching the news? 1s the computer working now? ‘ve the tains rurising late? b2d3f 49 5e oa 7 What ae you eating? 2 Where ate they going? 3 What is she westing? | Review: Lessons 61-66 4 thst ae they doing? 5 Who are you waiting for? 6 hat ae you watching? 61a 2b 3b $a 5b 6b | 5 Students awn answers Vion 2th 30 on Bin Gin pang O41 b 1 A sitting 2, swimming 4 writing § faving 21 travelling 2 taking 3 doing 4 enjoying 313-2b 3b 4a 5b 6a 4 Students own answers. wg 41 he’s going to the dentiats 2 he’s meeting visitors 5 hss taking the visitors tothe airport 4 he’ playing basketball 5 hs going to Bruno's party 6 hes loking afte the chlgen 7 he's having Wanch with Elena's parents 2 Students own answers, Sic 2e 3a 4b $d 4on Sen 6 on 20 on 3 looking after ib 2b 3a 4a Sa 6b 7b Bb 65] 1 fn: a meeting, bed, the garden, the shower at: home, a party the doctors, work the | supermariet, a restaurant 21 ina meeting 2 in bed 3 in the shower 4 ata restaurant 5 at school 6 in the garden 7 atthe supermarket Bat work 31 onhilday 2 hee 2 ia 4 out 5 avy 4 Students’ ov answers TLL were 2 was 3 was 4 wore 5 were | Ziwas 2 mas 3 were 3 twas 2 was 3 were 4 were 21 Twasnit 2 They weren't 2 He wasn't 4 We werent 5 Ela wasnt 6 You weten't 5 the past last week, yesteiday, yesterday evening the present ‘today, tonight 61 Lease in ast night vas at the sports centre, 2 She was ill yestenay. ‘She wast at work, 3 Twas in the shower, wasnt in bed, 4 We weren't at home lastnight, We were at the cinema 5 The hotel was very good. 1 wasrit expensive 5 Student! nem answers, © one syliable don rent, are, can't two syllables ‘sa, wasn't, doesn't, havent, hasn't 86 3 aandb |S Fresent Past Extra simple simple syllable? 3 stop (1) stopped (1) 2st) stared (a) 43 watch (1) watched (2) Suse (i) used 1) 5 need (3) needed (2) 6 wait (1) vatted (2) ” 7 omive (2), arrived (2) B decide (2) decided (3) 9 walk (2) walked (2) 80 want (1) wanted (2) 11 Mere you out yesterday afternoon? | 2 Were they on lida last eek? 3 Mas Mohammed ata football match on Friday? 4 Was the film good? 5 Was Sunita at the dentist's on Tuesday. morning? 6 Were we atthe supermarket last Wednesday? 7 Was he ate on Monday? 8 Wovw you at the meeting? aan TTA Were Mick andl Rosie aay last week? B Yes, they were 2 A Wire they on holiday? B Yes, they were 3 A Were they in Turkey? B No, they weren't. 4 A Was Rosie 2 B Yes, she was. 5 A Was sve in Bed for two days? B Mo, she wast, Students" own answers. 41 the USA 2 the UK 3 the Uk 4 the USA. 5 the USA 11 bea 3g 4d 5st 6b Te 1 Fm very angry with you. 2 That’ it 3 Dont talk to me! 4 Teas very embarassing, b busey J 1 was 2 was 3 werent 4 wee 5 wasnt 6 mas Tere 8 wasnt 9 yas 10 were Review: Lessons 65-68 1a 2a 3b Gb Sb 6b 7a 8b | 7 Medical services a paramedian ambulance, hospital, a rst aid kt The fire brigade a fre fighter, a fire engine, 3 fire station, a fre alarm 2 police officer, 2 police ‘ar police station 1c 24 3a 6b aif 2f 37 6F ST OF bs Students wn answers, The potice 1 decided 2 fnished 3 called 4 sounded 5 picked 6 wished b 1 arid 2 closed 3 waited 4 carted 5 opened 6 traveled © anived 2 stayed 3 watched 4 rained 5 travelled 8 needed 2 Students own answers. | ma dare 2d 1 dite fond 2 OWES husband 3 3itsson | 2aP at sv ar ST OF TF BT oF IF 3-1 Faith invited 3 to lunch because it was sills bthday. 2 faith and il wee friends because they were at schoo! tagether, 4 Sil called the potice because there were ‘ices inthe tving 00m, 4 The police officers laughed because theie wasnt a buralar in the room. 5 Peter came home because i was his mum's birdy. 6 There were voices in the living reom because the TV was on January February March Apri May ‘Hime Duly August. September October November” December 1 twenty-fourth 2 second 3 siteenth 4 twentyeighth 5 thiry-fist 6 ninth 7 twentietn” 8 tenth 9 thirtieth a0 twenty-thied 1 the ist of tober the seventh of Apri ‘the fourzenth of May the thirtieth of September the twenty-first of February the thi of November the twenty-second of August the nineteath of March the twelfth of ly 410 the twentieth of December Review: Lessons 69-72 1b 2a Ta ga $b 6a 7h 8b 3 2 arived 9 needed 2 bought 40 phoned 3 did 1 played 4 drove 12 aw 5 got 13 started 6 had 14 00k 7 helped 15 travelled 8 male 10 nailed 3 met 4 decided 41 gotup 2 went 5 Saw 6 indted 7 came B put 9 drove 40 anved 11 got 12 ate 13 sat 14 played 15 Stam 16 was 17 left 18 had 5 Students! own answers. Po did't wakeup 5 did tke 2 didn’t take 6 didst rain 5 iit Finish 7 didat 90 4 dirt send 8 didrit buy 2 1 Me didi play footel. We played askatbal 2 They went sating. They didnt go skiing, 43 He ddrt take the bus. He took a tax 4 She bought some clothes, She didi buy 2 ™ sibee ab ae 2 ty tot ema 2 Tgdidn't have lunch, 3 We botght a new ca 5a 6b 5 She aft up lit. 6 we staed athe iB 1a 1 Teresa 2 Calum 3 Mona 4 Lucas #1 Aeros Aes 2 Bibao 3 Madrid 4 Sydney 218 2e 3a 4g 5b OH 7d Be 9 students on anse's. 4 Stadt om answers. 76} 11 Lucy was okt. 2 Tb was Ryans fut 3 Teast my fault 2.4 my Joh 2 bis, her 4 out thelr 5 gifs boys Dt left 2 saw 3 told 4 wasnt § was 5 went 7 ted 8 sent 9 dit know fo'wanted “11 12 had 13 went 3 Riess, Tes Reviews Lessons 73-75 1d 2a 3b 4a $a 6b 7b Ba Tid 2f 3¢ 4a 50 Bh 7c Bb 2-1 Tom went to the park 2 Ana did the wash 4 ren tidied the fing room, 4 Tpaid the bills 5 Sam washed the cat. 6 Victor visited his family. 7 David worked in the garden, 8 We met our frends 2-1 parents 2 theate 3 shopping @ garden 5 cinema § park 7 friends 8 house 4 Students own answers. 111 Didyouhave 2 had 3 didn't have 4 had 21 went 2 didyouge 3 didnt go 2 went ar 4 Did you make 2 made 3 didnt make A made 1 ig she ide 2 hey did, they dd we dint. we did 4 he ait, we dd Od Kely vst 2 Oid you clean Dil we lave | 4 Di Bill rd Did it ain 1 Did you have 2 Did you buy 3 id you 4 Did you do 5 ig you mest 6 Did you watch ty Students on answers. a Ti have 240 3 wort & paid 5 mt_6 90 Twent, watched. 9 have 10 wanted "| Lament 12 buy 13 bought 16 looked 415 didrtetay 16 do 17 side do 18 tied 19 relaxed 20 visited 1 Where did you go? 2 What time td they arrive? 3 How id you ave? 4 Who aia she meet? 5 When did the concert ish? 8 What did you buy? 7 Why aid he leave? 8 have sid you have lunch? What tine did you get up today? What i you Rave for brakfost? What did you wateh on TY last might? What did you do last Saturday morning? | What did you de last Sunday? } Where did you goon your at holiday? | | What time did you go to bod lastnight? How did you travel to work / school? Students’ own answers Tat + times six thirty, nahi fins parts of the day the afternoon, the evening fon + « days # parts of specific days + dates 12th March, Monday afternoon af ze 3d 6b 5a be 3-1 did you do 2 went 3 did you see 4 saw 5 Was 6 it wasn't, weve, didrt ke ‘A what did you do on Saturday? B Wie want to the beach, ‘A Who di you go with? B vent with ny fail ‘A Was the weather good? B Yes, it mas, Review: Lessons 77-80 Th 2a 30 4a 5b 6b 7a Ba

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