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Ramesh Balasubramaniam BSc, BDSc, MS, Cert Ian Devlin MBBS, FRACGP
Orofacial Pain(UKy), Cert Oral Medicine (UPenn) General Practitioner. St Kilda Road Medical Centre,
Consultant in Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine. Clinical Australia.
Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, University of
Western Australia. Co-director, Perth Orofacial Pain
Mark W Faragher BMedSc, MBBS, FRACP
and Oral Medicine Centre, St John of God Hospital,
Neurologist. Consulting Neurologist, Alfred Hospital,
Perth, Australia.
Consulting Neurologist, Peter McCallum Cancer
Institute. Hon. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine,
Richard Bittar MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Monash University; Clinical Adjunct Associate
Neurosurgeon. Consultant Neurosurgeon, Royal
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Notre
Melbourne Hospital; Consultant Neurosurgeon, The
Dame, Australia.
Alfred Hospital; Director, Precision Neurosurgery,
Stephen Friedmann BDSc
Kerrie Bolton Advanced DipAppSc(Myotherapy) Dental Practitioner. Director, Dental Imaging Group of
Myotherapist. Clinician, The Headache Centre of Australia, Australia.
Victoria, Australia.

Lisa Campbell BAppSc(Physio), Certified Philip Gabel BAppSc(Physio), MSc(Research)

Feldenkrais Practitioner Sports and Spinal Physiotherapist. Researcher, Centre
Senior Clinician Physiotherapist, Caulfield Pain for Health and Sports Excellence, University of the
Management and Research Centre, Australia. Sunshine Coast, Australia.

George Chalkiadis MBBS, DA, FANZCA, Jack A Gerschman BDSc, LDS, PhD,
Anaesthetist and Pain Management Specialist. Head, FACLM, FACB
Children’s Pain Management Service, Royal Children’s Oral Medicine Specialist. Associate Professor, Faculty
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Murdoch Children’s of Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Monash University,
Research Institute, Clinical Associate Professor, Australia.
University Department of Paediatrics, University of
Melbourne, Australia.
Peter Gibbons MBBS, DO, DM-SMed, MHSc
Karol Connors BAppSc(Physio), Grad Dip Geron, Osteopath and Medical Practitioner. Adjunct Associate
MPhysio, Accredited Feldenkrais Practitioner Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences,
Neurophysiotherapist, Physiotherapy Manager, Calvary College of Allied Health, Oklahoma University Science
Health Care Bethlehem; Sessional Lecturer, School of Center, USA. Clinical Instructor, Division of
Physiotherapy, La Trobe University, Australia. Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, University of
S. California, USA. Director, Spinal Education Group,
Robert Delcanho BDSc, MS, Certificate in Australia.
Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction, FFPMANZCA
Consultant in Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine. Clinical Jayantilal Govind MBChB, DPH, MMed, FAFOEM
Associate Professor, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Director and Senior Staff Specialist, Occupational and
University of Western Australia. Co-Director, Perth Pain Medicine, Canberra Hospital, Australia. Senior
Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Centre, St John of Lecturer, Australian National University, ACT, Australia
God Hospital, Perth, Australia. and University of Otago, New Zealand.

Keith Hill PhD, BAppSc(Physio), GradDip Ken Niere BAppSc(Physio), GradDip(ManipTher),

(Neurophysio) MManipPhysio, FACP
Neurophysiotherapist. Senior Researcher, National Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. Senior
Ageing Research Institute; Professor of Allied Health, Lecturer, School of Physiotherapy, La Trobe University;
La Trobe University and Northern Health, Australia. Principal, Auburn Spinal Therapy Centre, Australia.

Gwendolen Jull MPhty, PhD, FACP Stephen O’Leary MBBS, BMedSc, PhD, FRACS
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. ENT Surgeon. Principal Otolaryngologist, Royal
Professor, Division of Physiotherapy, Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital; Professor of
The University of Queensland, Australia. Otolaryngology, The University of Melbourne, Australia.

Pablo M Kimos MSc, DDS Harry JM von Piekartz PhD

Specialist Dental Practitioner (Orthodontist). Manual Therapist specializing in orofacial pain,
Former resident, TMD/Orofacial Pain Clinic. Physiotherapist, International lecturer in
Clinical instructor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, neuromusculoskeletal therapy. Professor of
University of Alberta, Canada. Physiotherapy, University of Applied Science
Osnabrück, Germany; Director, Clinic for Physical
Therapy and Applied Neurobiomedical Science,
Andrew Kornberg MBBS FRACP
The Netherlands.
Neurologist. Director of Neurology, Royal Children’s
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Associate Professor,
University Department of Paediatrics, University of
Ophthalmologist. Associate Professor, Department of
Melbourne, Australia. Murdoch Children’s Research
Ophthalmology, University of Melbourne, Australia.
President of MDA National, Australia.

Gilles J Lavigne DMD, PhD Peter Selvaratnam PhD(Anatomy), BAppSc

Specialist Dental Practitioner. Professor and Dean, (Physio), GradDipManipTherapy, DipAcupuncture,
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Université de FACP
Montréal; Canada Research Chair in pain, sleep and Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Anatomist.
trauma; Sleep Study Center, Trauma Research Unit, Director, Headache Centre of Victoria; Clinical
Hopital du Sacré-Coeur, Canada. Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and
Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne; Adjunct
Paul W Major BSc, MSc, DDS Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of
Specialist Dental Practitioner. Professor and Director, Medicine, Monash University, Australia.
Orthodontic Graduate Program, Faculty of Medicine
and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada. Janaka Seneviratne MBBS, FRACP
Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist. Monash
Paul R Martin BSc(Hons), DipClinPsych, Dphil, Medical Centre, Australia.
Director of Psychology, Southern Health, Victoria; Grant Shevlin BAppSc(Chiro)
Professor of Clinical Psychology, Monash University, Chiropractor. Director, St Kilda Road Chiropractic
Australia. Clinic, Australia.

Russell Mottram BAppSc(Chiro), MACC Cathy Sloan MBBS, Dip RANZCOG

Chiropractor. Clinician; Sessional Lecturer, School of General Practitioner. Clinician, Brighton Family and
Chiropractic, RMIT University, Australia. Women’s Clinic; Surgical Assistant in Ophthalmology,
Kate Murray PhD, MSc, BAppSc(Physio)
Neurophysiotherapist. Researcher, School of Iggy Soosay MBBS, FACNEM, FACoHM
Physiotherapy, The University of Melbourne; Principal, Medical Practitioner, Doctor of Nutritional Medicine.
DizzyDay Clinic, Australia. Principal, Camberwell Medical Centre, Australia.


Diana Svendsen BAppSc(Physio), GradDipPhysio, Prabaker Rajan Thomas MBBS, DPM (India), DPM
Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (Ireland), MRC Psych (UK), FRANZCP
Feldenkrais Physiotherapist, Australia. Psychiatrist. Senior Consultant in Psychiatry,
Delmont Private Hospital; Hon. Senior Lecturer,
Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Australia.
Philip Tehan DipOsteo, DipPhysio, MHSc
Osteopath and Physiotherapist. Adjunct Associate
John Waterston MBBS, MD, FRACP
Professor, School of Biomedical and Health sciences,
Neurologist. Consultant Neurologist, Alfred Hospital;
Victoria University, Australia. Director, Spinal
Department of Medicine, Monash University, Australia.
Manipulation Education Group, Australia. Adjunct
Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation
Guy Zito DClinPhysio, MPhysio, Grad Dip
Sciences, College of Allied Health, Oklahoma University
(AdvManipTher), DipPhysio
Health Science Center, USA. Clinical Instructor,
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. Senior Lecturer,
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy,
School of Physiotherapy, The University of Melbourne,
University of Southern California, USA.

Norman MR Thie BSc, MSc, DDS, MSc Maria Zuluaga BAppSc (Physio), Grad Dip
Specialist Dental Practitioner. Director, TMD/Orofacial (ManipTher), MWomen’sHlth
Pain Clinic; Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. Clinician, Headache
Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada. Centre of Victoria, Australia.


Headache is one of the most complex and demand- Undoubtedly that continues to be a factor in some
ing areas of clinical practice. The challenge is to patients but is the primary or major initiating factor
understand the pathophysiology, achieve an accu- in only a subset. Any patient with chronic headache
rate diagnosis, and offer useful remedies. Second- may develop secondary anxiety or depressive
ary headache may be the key symptom of a major features compounding the presentation. Over the
nervous system disorder which requires urgent last 30 years, a great deal of work has gone to
diagnosis and treatment in itself. In an ill patient, identify factors which trigger myofascial headache.
who has other symptoms and signs of a major These include the whole field of temporomandibu-
neuropathological problem, diagnosis may be lar disorders, bruxism, and the area of cervicogenic
straightforward, but that is not always the case – headache which are now recognised as major
for example, in distinguishing a sentinel bleed due underlying pathophysiological factors.
to a cerebral berry aneurysm from a migraine event. Today the pathophysiological factors which
Primary headache syndromes are common but underlie chronic primary headache are better
there is some disagreement between experts both understood. Healthcare workers have also become
within and across fields as to the major pathogenic increasingly aware of the potential range of presen-
mechanisms. Most clinicians would now accept the tations of secondary headache that require urgent
view, long prevalent in neurology, that migraine is a investigation and potential treatment. The pleth-
discrete entity; it can be identified on the basis of ora of factors which underlie chronic myofascial
established criteria and divided into migraine with headache is also becoming an increasingly well
or without aura (known previously as common understood pathophysiological domain.
and classical migraine respectively). The delinea- As a result of these advances the treatment of
tion of migraine leads the clinician and patient primary headache in particular has become more
down a particular diagnostic and therapeutic and more a multidisciplinary task. Most patients
pathway looking for identifiable triggers, establish- with primary and secondary headache present to
ing treatments that work for acute episodes, and the family doctor and it is crucial that the doctor
developing a regimen for prophylaxis which is indi- has a good understanding of the types of headache
vidualised for a particular patient. which require more urgent or specific investiga-
The majority of patients with persistent tion. Having excluded other pathologies as appro-
headaches do not have secondary headaches, at priate in particular presentations, the family
least in terms of underlying major neuropathologi- doctor needs to know the presentations and
cal disorders, and do not have migraine or vascular diagnostic features of migraine and, increasingly,
headache syndromes. This is perhaps the most the range of factors which may trigger and prolong
contentious and difficult field in terms of under- primary myofascial headache syndromes. This is
standing pathophysiology. Tension-type headache, an increasingly complex area which may require
the predominant headache type in this group, can involvement of specialists from a number of
be thought of either as being related predominantly domains to achieve the best result for individual
to anxiety or emotional tension, or to muscle patients. Chronic headaches are all too commonly
tension or myofascial pain. When I started neuro- a disabling problem that cause great personal
logical practice many years ago, a majority of discomfort and cause loss of a great deal of time
patients in this category were probably thought from work as well as consuming resources in the
to be suffering from stress or depression. healthcare system. Every effort should be made in

patients with chronic headache to achieve an involve a range of specialists in further investigation
accurate diagnosis and institute an appropriate and management. The individual sections are self
and often multidisciplinary treatment regimen. standing and the family doctor or therapist wanting
This book is one of the best that I have seen in to find more about any of the diagnostic areas and
drawing together the various clinical issues specific therapeutic approaches discussed in this
paramount in the optimum management of book would find the information easily. I commend
headache not only for the family doctor but also this book as an excellent multidisciplinary contri-
for specialists active in headache management. bution to the management of headache syndromes
There are chapters covering acute presentations at the beginning of the 21st century. It brings
of major neuropathology and the factors the together a range of distinguished contributors from
family doctor and other primary health workers Australia and around the world, notable by having
need to look for are well set out in early great clinical experience in the field of headache
chapters. There is a good discussion of migraine across all relevant disciplines. The section deal-
and its unique aspects which opens specific ing with diagnosis is excellent and the chapters
therapeutic possibilities. Most importantly in dealing with approaches in the area of chronic daily
the context of the book there is an excellent headache are particularly useful. Some knowledge
discussion of the various factors which underpin of this area is essential for any clinician seeing large
myofascial headache notably in the areas of numbers of patients with headache and taken
psychology and psychiatry, temporomandibular together the book provides an excellent overview
disorders and bruxism and cervical spine of pathophysiology, diagnostic considerations and
problems which act as headache triggers and sus- the range of approaches that have emerged.
tain chronic headache syndromes. The editors of this excellent multi-author volume,
Clinicians who read this book from cover to Peter Selvaratnam, Ken Niere, and Maria Zuluaga,
cover will have a good grounding of modern are to be congratulated for producing this timely
diagnostic and management concepts in headache. contribution to the management of headache,
They will recognise that it is often appropriate to orofacial pain and bruxism.

Ed Byrne
Dean of Medicine
University College London
London, February 2009


The impetus for this book comes from our clinical A substantial proportion of the book is devoted
practice. Patients often present with headaches to the identification of contributing factors to aid
that clearly do not arise from a simple musculo- accurate diagnosis of headache, orofacial pain,
skeletal source. It is our experience that the more and bruxism. The process of diagnosis and ap-
complicated the patient’s presentation, the more propriate management begins with the general
we have needed to involve other health practi- practitioner and other primary contact practi-
tioners in their management. tioners. The recognition of conditions that require
The overlap of symptoms in patients present- immediate and urgent medical treatment is intro-
ing with headache, orofacial pain and bruxism duced in Chapter 1 and explored more fully in
provides challenges in disentangling symptoms, Chapter 2. Migraine is singled out for special
identifying sources and contributing factors, and treatment because it is such a debilitating and
arriving at an accurate diagnosis. Because there often misdiagnosed condition. Headache in child-
are so many structures associated with this region hood and adolescence is also considered sepa-
it is often beyond the expertise of a single practi- rately because of the concern that is always
tioner to address the problem without the assis- associated with severe headache in the young.
tance of colleagues from a variety of specialties. The regions involved in and the underlying basis
This book has been written by clinicians for of the production of headache and orofacial
clinicians. It contains the collective knowledge of pain are then discussed. Chapters 5 to 12 provide
hundreds of years of clinical experience. Authors an account of the anatomy and physiology of
have described evidence-informed clinical prac- the regions involved in the production of head-
tice derived from anatomical, physiological, and ache and orofacial pain. To justify any interven-
biomechanical concepts. Anecdotal evidence, tion we must be able to measure its effect on
based on clinical experience, is presented because the patient and their lifestyle, thus issues involved
it provides clinical instruction and the inspiration in the measurement of pain and headache are
for more rigorous research to validate and refine discussed in Chapter 13. Chapters 14 to 22 pres-
practice. Some treatments have substantial evi- ent approaches from a range of disciplines: phys-
dence to support their use. Other treatments iotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, integrative
seem to work clinically but are yet to be validated medicine, dentistry, psychology, and psychiatry.
by detailed research. Where it is available, empir- Where appropriate, specific treatment modalities
ical evidence for the management of headache, are discussed in those chapters. Chapters 23 to
orofacial pain and bruxism has been provided by 27 focus on specific interventions.
the authors. Those who read this book from cover to cover
The book aims to provide clinicians with the will find that some information is repeated across
theoretical and clinical information to improve chapters. This illustrates a degree of commonality
the management of patients with headache and across disciplines. We have tried to ensure that
orofacial pain and to appreciate the role of the each chapter can be read in isolation and thus
different disciplines involved in the management some overlap is necessary. While there is no sepa-
of symptoms in these regions. Once this is rate chapter on diagnostic imaging, even though it
achieved, patient care can be optimised through is vital to the differential diagnosis of certain con-
appropriate referral and an interdisciplinary team ditions, we believe that is has been addressed
approach. appropriately in relevant chapters; as always,

clinicians are urged to reconcile clinical presenta- frequently involved in the management of head-
tions with clinical imaging. Although primary ache. It encompasses and acknowledges their role
headaches such as tension-type headache and in working with patients who suffer from these
cluster headache have been mentioned in some often debilitating symptoms.
chapters, we believe that a detailed account of Our aim is for this book to inspire clinicians to
the management of these and less common pri- use a multidisciplinary approach and to communi-
mary headaches is beyond the scope of this text. cate with other health professionals in the man-
Most texts have been discipline-specific in the agement of headache and orofacial pain. Our
management of headache and orofacial pain. This hope is that our readers will remain open to new
book draws on the knowledge and clinical exper- ideas and paradigms as they continue to strive
tise of a range of practitioners all of whom are for optimal patient management.

Peter Selvaratnam, Ken Niere

and Maria Zuluaga
Melbourne 2009


There are many people who have contributed to Our sincere thanks to Professor Meg Morris,
this book. Head of Physiotherapy at the Faculty of Medi-
We are indebted to the authors who have so cine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The Univer-
willingly given their time, knowledge and experi- sity of Melbourne, for providing access to the
ence in the preparation, review, and final presen- University photographer.
tation of their chapters. We are confident that Many professional colleagues have been helpful
their contributions will be of assistance to clini- during the course of this project in discussing and
cians in the management of headache, orofacial reviewing chapters. Their detailed peer review
pain, and bruxism. assisted in preparing the final content of this book
We particularly want to express our deepest and is much appreciated. We are most grateful
thanks to Judy Waters. As style editor Judy initi- for input from Dr Zita Marks, Katrina Schlager,
ally liaised with Elsevier on the concept of this and Dean Watson, and for the reviews by:
book and then spent innumerable hours reviewing Dr Naresh Arulampalam, Prof. David Barkla,
and preparing each chapter for publication. Her Prof. Nik Bogduk, Tibor Boka, Kerrie Bolton,
unrelenting enthusiasm, encouragement, and sup- Prof. Peter Brukner, Dr Colin Clarey, Dr Kristian
port have been most stimulating and motivating. Coomar, Dr Mithran Coomaraswamy, Jodie
Judy has been a tower of strength throughout Coster, Dr Megan Davidson, Dr Robert Delcanho,
and her wise advice has been pivotal in the com- Dr Dhayanthi Devasayagam, Margaret Duncan,
pletion of this project. Dr Lorraine Elsass, Dr Phillip Feren, Dr Louise
We are also greatly indebted to Pamela Oddy Field, Dr Burkhard Franz, Phillip Gabel,
for her guidance in preparing the submission to Dr Pathmini Gnanaharan, Dr Adrian Good, Lynne
Elsevier, administrative expertise, and liaising Haysman, Prof. Rob Helme, Prof. Keith Hill, Lindy
with authors. Her input throughout this project Holbrook, David Kelly, Dr Peter Kent, Emma Kirk,
was encouraging and reassuring. Dr Henryk Kranz, Prof. Chelvarayan Barr
We wish to express our gratitude to Dr Cathy Kumarakulasinghe, Dr Liisa Laakso, Prof. Gilles
Sloan and Dr Stephen Friedman, the Content Lavigne, Prof. Frank Lobbezoo, Germarja Lomas,
Editors. Cathy’s forthright editorial review of Janet Loundes, Dr Karen Lucas, Dr Mary Magarey,
the medical chapters assisted in depicting current Dr Greg Malham, Prof. Tom Matyas, Leigh
clinical practice and cutting edge medicine. We McCutcheon, Anne McGann, Diedrie McGhee,
are grateful for Stephen’s insight into the relation- Dr Prithiva Moorthy, Max Neufeld, Dr Stewart
ship between the orofacial and cervical regions, Newland, Dr Louie Puentedura, Peter Roberts,
and for sharing his knowledge. Dr John Rogers, Dr Jal Sardana, Dr Janaka
We are especially grateful to Dr Jonathon Seneviratne, Prof. Richard Stark, Dr Russell
Tversky and Assoc Prof Ramesh Balasubramaniam, Vickers, Dr John Waterston, Dr Victor Wilk,
oral medicine specialists, for generously sharing Dr Thomas Wilkinson and Dr Guy Zito.
their vast experience of the functional anatomy of We wish to express our thanks to Ms Lee
the temporomandibular region and associated con- McRae of Media Services at The University of
ditions, reviewing the dental chapters, and clarifying Melbourne, Australia, and Mr Paul Kubben from
concepts and terminology in oral medicine. A spe- Holland for their excellent photographic work,
cial thanks to Dr Robin Hooper for his assistance. and the models who posed patiently.

Our sincere thanks to the team at Elsevier: to complete this work. Their patience and for-
Sarena Wolfaard, Publisher; Claire Wilson, bearance during the many hours we were at the
Commissioning Editor; Claire Bonnet, Associate computer and in numerous editorial meetings
Acquisitions Editor, and Nancy Arnott, Project are acknowledged gratefully. Jeya Selvaratnam
Manager for their patience and encouragement catered generously and creatively for editorial
during the project. We are also most grateful to meetings, and her hospitality is greatly appre-
Dr Lulu Stader for her valuable comments assist- ciated. We also wish to thank Peter’s children
ing us in the completion of the book. for sharing their home over so many weekends,
Finally, we thank our families and friends who providing unstinting IT back up, and for their
have generously provided the support necessary patience during our meetings.

Chapter One

Headache in general practice
Ian Devlin

Headache is a frequent reason for presen-

Headache management and treatment is complex
tation to general practitioners (GPs). In the
and patients often present to a general
practitioner seeking help for a headache. In this Australian BEACH study of general practice
chapter the author, a medical practitioner, activity, headache was given by patients as a
introduces a rational basis for identifying when a reason for the encounter for around 2% of all
headache patient needs to be referred to another
encounters with Australian GPs (Charles et al
health care professional.
2005). In this study GPs were asked to record
the problems they defined for management at
Headache is a major public health burden. Studies each encounter. Analysis of these figures shows
show that the prevalence of tension-type headache that the doctor defined a management problem
in the population is around 40% (Headache Disor- as ‘undefined headache’ in 18.9% of these
ders and Public Health, Education and Manage- encounters. Migraine was defined as a problem
ment Implications 2000) and the prevalence of for management in 14% of encounters, sinusitis
migraine is around 10% (Lipton et al 2001a). in 12%, and tension headache in 9%. This evi-
A majority of these migraine sufferers experience dence reinforces the likelihood that migraine
reductions in social activity and work capacity. is being under-diagnosed in the headache
A major US study published in 2001 demonstra- encounters with GPs.
ted that migraine is grossly under-diagnosed in Of concern is that the rate of nomination of
the community (Lipton et al 2001b). The resear- sinusitis as a problem for headache encounters
chers concluded: ‘Diagnosis of migraine had in the BEACH study at 12% (Lipton et al
increased over the decade but about half of migrai- 2001b) is almost as high as the figure for
neurs remain undiagnosed, and the increased migraine at 14%. In the author’s experience
rate of diagnosis of migraine has been accompanied sinus headache is not a very common presenta-
by only a modest increase in the proportion using tion in general practice using the International
prescription medicines. Migraine continues to Headache Society definition (International
cause significant disability whether or not there Headache Society 2004), while migraine is
has been a physician’s diagnosis. Given the avail- common.
ability of effective treatments, public health initia- The health system is not meeting the chal-
tives to improve patterns of care are warranted.’ lenge of headache diagnosis and management.

This is further reinforced by evidence that

Box 1.1
large numbers of migraine sufferers self-
medicate, and in one study only 1% had used ‘Red flags’ in the diagnosis of headache.
specific migraine medication or narcotic analge- • Instantaneous headache
sics (Heywood et al 1998). In the same study • Sub-acute headache in patients over 55
only 2% had used preventive medication for • Presence of neurological signs
their migraines in the previous year. • Fever
• Neck stiffness
• Headache worse on waking
Role of the general • Recent head trauma
serious underlying pathology (see Box 1.1).
The tasks for the GP when faced with a patient
The practitioner needs to take an adequate his-
with headaches are to:
tory and perform a brief neurological examina-
1. Exclude serious or life threatening causes tion in the limited time available, sufficient to
of headache. exclude any obvious underlying disorder. The
2. Establish a brief overview of the blood pressure should be checked. It is impor-
psychological context of the presentation tant to gain an impression of the patient’s
and the individual’s motivation and social demeanor, looking for features that may indi-
supports. cate depression.
Special tests need to be ordered if the
3. Establish a working diagnosis.
results are likely to contribute to the patient’s
4. Inform the patient about their headache management. A plain CT brain scan without
and the expectations in management. contrast may be required in cases of headache
5. Work with the patient towards alleviating of recent onset to rule out underlying pathol-
or attempting to resolve the problem. ogy and reassure the patient.
It is useful to consider the needs of the patient.
Von Korff (1999) demonstrated that people in ‘Red flags’
pain are keen to: know exactly what their
problem is, be reassured that it is not serious, The following examination findings should be
be relieved of their pain, and receive informa- regarded as ‘red flags’ that may require investi-
tion. Patients seek advice on how to manage gation or referral: history of severe headache or
their pain and return to normal activity. A man- subacute onset; temporal headache in patients
agement plan should be developed through over 55; presence of neurological signs; fever
two-way dialogue with the patient (Australian and/or neck stiffness; headache on waking;
Acute Musculoskeletal pain Guidelines Group history of recent head trauma.
2004). Trust and rapport needs to be estab-
lished early to enable cognitive strategies to be 1. History of severe headache of acute
used in pain management. or subacute onset
The challenge for the GP is considerable, A history of severe headache with no prior his-
and a failsafe framework is essential for suc- tory could be indicative of possible intracranial
cess. The first priority is to identify any ‘red hemorrhage or carotid or vertebral artery dis-
flags’ in the history or clinical signs indicating section. In the author’s clinical practice, a young

Headache in general practice CHAPTER 1

man presented with the following history: ‘At puncture to exclude an SAH. In rural and
10 minutes to 11.00 this morning, I developed remote areas, GPs may need to perform their
the worst headache I have ever had in my life’. own lumbar puncture if the CT is negative. If
This patient was referred to an emergency more than a week has elapsed since the onset
department where subsequent imaging revealed of headache, CT angiography or magnetic reso-
a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). An algo- nance angiography (MRA) are appropriate
rithm for the assessment of instantaneous severe investigations. This is because in SAH after
headache is given in Figure 1.1 and its manage- about a week the blood may be reabsorbed
ment is given in Figure 1.2. and therefore the characteristic appearance of
When patients present within a week of a blood in the subarachnoid space will no longer
suspected SAH, they should be referred to be seen on CT. At this stage angiography
an emergency facility since a positive CT scan will be required to identify the aneurism
will require an urgent neurosurgical referral. causing the bleed. Exertional or orgasmic head-
A negative CT scan may necessitate lumbar ache can also cause SAH and would demand

Rapid onset Instantaneous headache guideline

(Fig 1.2)


Red flags Refer appropriately • Emergency department

• Neurologist
• CT or MRI

Clinical assessment

Migraine features • Explain and reassure Refer to neurologist

• Analgesic +/- antiemetic if diagnosis is unclear
• Consider tryptans early
Cervicogenic features if poor response

Refer to headache specialized physiotherapist

or musculoskeletal physician

Tension type Refer to specialized physical therapist for full assessment

• sleep patterns
Unusual or odd features • psychological distress
• medication withdrawal headaches

Refer to neurologist or consult by telephone

Figure 1.1  Assessment of instantaneous severe headache.


Instantaneous headache with steroids should not be delayed if the diag-

nosis is suspected, as permanent visual loss is a
possible complication.

3. Presence of neurological signs

Within 7 days After 7 days
The presence of neurological signs such as
altered consciousness and intellectual function,
memory changes, delusions, hallucinations,
CT CT MRA or MRA or emotional state, and speech changes need to
shows normal CTA CTA be established. Similarly, papilledema, vomit-
SAH shows normal
ing at night or early morning when the head-
ache is severe, muscle weakness, involuntary
movement, gait dysfunction, altered sensation,
changes in urinary or bowel function, decreased
LP LP N/surgical Excludes
shows normal referral aneurysm male libido and potency, and unexplained
SAH >3mm amenorrhea in females need to be evaluated.

4. Fever and/or neck stiffness

N/surgical The presence of fever or neck stiffness could
angio etc indicate cerebral infection. If the patient is
unwell, with a purpuric rash or septic shock,
treatment should be commenced immediately
N/surgical No with appropriate antibiotics or antiviral medi-
referral, SAH cations. In many cases the fever may simply
angio etc
be due to a benign viral infection.
CTA = CT Angiography; LP = Lumbar puncture; MRA = Magnetic resonance angiography;
SAH = Subarachnoid hemorrhage; N = Neuro 5. Headache on waking
Headaches on waking in the mornings may sug-
Figure 1.2  Management of instantaneous severe
headache. gest raised intracranial pressure. This pattern
might also indicate sleep apnea or bruxism
similar investigation. The management of in- which is discussed later.
stantaneous severe headache is illustrated in
Figure 1.2. 6. History of recent head trauma
A fall can cause headaches due to head trauma and
2. Temporal headache in patients is illustrated in the following case presentation.
over 55 A 31-year-old man presented 1 week after he sus-
Temporal arteritis should be excluded in tained a fall onto his occiput while snowboarding.
patients over 55 years with subacute headache There was a brief loss of consciousness, followed
and is described in Chapter 2. Erythrocyte sedi- by an intense headache an hour later. The head-
mentation rate and C reactive protein are help- ache was severe and reminiscent of migraines he
ful indicators in establishing the diagnosis. had suffered 12 years earlier. There had been epi-
When temporal arteritis is suspected, temporal sodes of mild vague paraesthesia in his left upper
artery biopsy should be performed. Treatment and lower limbs and torso lasting for fifteen

Headache in general practice CHAPTER 1

• Unable to achieve control or reduce

headache intensity
Refer to neurologist
• Beware of medication withdrawal headache.
If present may need referral Refer to headache specialized
physiotherapist or
• Consider referral for assessment of musculoskeletal physician
underlying cervicogenic headache.

• Consider medication withdrawal headache

Refer to neurologist

• Carefully exclude migraine features

Tension-type Refer to dentist or physiotherapist
• Consider TMD/bruxism
Refer to headache specialized
physiotherapist or
• Refer for assessment and possibly trial of musculoskeletal physician
therapy for cervicogenic headache
Refer to headache specialized
physiotherapist therapist or
musculoskeletal physician
• Physical assessment and management
• When resistant to treatment refer for
Refer to musculoskeletal
physician for specific cervical
local anesthetic blocks and
radiofrequency neurotomy

Figure 1.3  Management and referral of chronic or recurrent headache.

minutes with a persistent generalized dull head- necessary refer appropriately (Fig. 1.3.). The
ache since the accident. A CT scan of the brain IHS classification is a large document but it is
showed an SAH overlying the right parietal and possible to condense from it criteria for the com-
occipital regions. He was referred to a neurosur- mon headache types. The consistent use of the
geon and required immediate decompression sur- IHS criteria should lead to fewer errors in diag-
gery. In this uncommon but serious trauma, the nosing headache types and may increase the num-
persistence of headache and neurological symp- ber of patients correctly defined as migraineurs.
toms following trauma with loss of consciousness
were ‘red flags’ demanding investigation.
Headache types Migraine headache is intense and associated
symptoms are common. It is more likely to be
The International Headache Society (IHS) diag- unilateral, pounding, associated with nausea, pho-
nostic criteria (see Ch. 2) are useful for commu- tophobia, and phonophobia. Migraineurs tend to
nication with colleagues and when evaluating be helped by sleep, if they are able to achieve it.
patients for therapeutic options. The role of the Migraines occur in episodes lasting 4–72 hours
general practitioner is to diagnose and where (International Headache Society 2004).


The use of a validated 3 question screening tool and recommend simple analgesics with or
The ID Migraine TM questionnaire can increase the without anti-emetic medications as a first line.
frequency of migraine diagnosis in general practice. This cocktail of medications should be pre-
The questions posed are whether the headache scribed as early as possible in the attack. It
causes nausea, disability, or photophobia. Patients should be made clear that complete resolution
who answer “yes” to 2 out of three questions are may not be achievable, and that some trial
highly likely to have migraine, with a sensitivity and error with medication may be required.
of 81% and a positive predictive value of 93%. At some point the chronic migraine sufferer
The aim of management is to gain a good should be offered a triptan as a trial. Even if
understanding of the patient, their symptoms, the expense of these medications precludes
and the effect the migraine has on their work their regular use, they may be kept on hand
and lifestyle. Taking a detailed history can be for use in particular circumstances. Referral is
time consuming and it may be necessary to needed in cases of migraine when simple inter-
set aside a longer appointment at the next ventions have not improved the patient’s qual-
consultation. Working with a practice nurse to ity of life to a level which can be tolerated.
conduct this assessment can be a very time effi- In this instance, a neurologist, preferably with
cient and effective approach. The interview an interest in headache management, would
needs to establish the pattern of the pain, loca- be the appropriate choice.
tion, time of onset, presence of visual aura, or
focal neurological symptoms or signs. In order The role of physiotherapy in
to establish differential management strategies migraine treatment
it is important to ascertain whether the head- In the author’s experience the cervical spine
ache wakes them at night or is triggered during has a very significant role in headache causa-
the day. Management with oral medication is tion. Furthermore, some migraine sufferers
less effective when a migraine wakes a patient report dramatic improvements in their migraine
as it is already quite severe at its onset, and frequency and severity with competent manage-
nausea and vomiting will often preclude the ment of their cervical spine dysfunction. In clin-
use of medication. ical practice, patients report that treatment of
Those who are woken by their migraine may cervical spine dysfunction by physiotherapists
be fortunate to have some warning symptoms can reduce the frequency of migraine episodes.
the previous day. Migraineurs usually describe This is supported by preliminary evidence
having excessive tiredness, déjà vu, or a feeling (Bronfort et al 2005), and further research is
of excessive wellbeing prior to these attacks. needed.
An appropriate way of managing these attacks
would be: a dose of ergotamine on the night Cervicogenic headache
prior to an expected attack: intranasal or inject-
able triptans may be required in those for The importance and prevalence of cervicogenic
whom this approach fails. headache is under-recognized (Bronfort et al
It is also important to involve the patient in a 2005). The primary care practitioner may rec-
therapeutic partnership approach. The aim of ognize a very large group of patients presenting
therapy, which is primarily to reduce the inten- with headaches with a particular character,
sity and either shorten or abort attacks of which is of an entirely different nature to
migraine, should be discussed. It is necessary migraines. Certain key features in the history
to look at what has been prescribed previously, will reveal the diagnosis.

Headache in general practice CHAPTER 1

These patients describe symptoms which will Treatment with radiofrequency neurotomy has
last for days to weeks, rather than the 4–72 hour positive evidence based outcomes in patients
range of migraine episodes. Sleep often does not with cervicogenic headaches (Lord et al 1996).
help the headache. Although the intensity of the
pain can be severe, it is usually described by Tension-type headache
patients as being in the pain intensity range
of 5–7 out of 10 compared with migraine pain Tension-type headache is common and is a
which is characteristically 7–10 out of 10. significant cause of distress and disruption
There may be associated features of mild diz- to life. The typical pattern is a dull pressure
ziness or lightheadedness, and nausea may be or band-like pain that radiates from the fore-
present, but generally not at the same inten- head to the occiput and often radiates to the
sity of migraine headache, and vomiting is neck muscles. While tension-type headache
uncharacteristic. The pain is usually localized has been defined in the International Head-
or predominantly localized to one side of the ache Society classification of headache dis-
face, and is often described as a constant pain orders, its pathogenesis remains elusive
in a periorbital distribution, or less commonly (Charles et al 2005). The IHS classification
in the maxillary or mandibular regions. An recognizes that it is certainly not simply a
important feature of these headaches is that psychologically-mediated disorder, and that
they are ‘side locked’ (the pain will consis- further research is needed. As with migraine,
tently be on the same side), whereas in medication withdrawal or rebound headache
migraine it is characteristic for the side to needs to be considered. The GP’s management
change. Sinus headache may be confused role is often supportive but, importantly, a thor-
with cervicogenic headache and is discussed ough assessment should be made to exclude the
later in this chapter. common and more readily treatable alternative
A systematic examination of the neck should diagnoses of migraine and cervicogenic headache.
confirm if the cervical region is contributing to Patients may require referral to a physiotherapist
or causing the headache, particularly if manual or musculoskeletal physician or physiatrist for
examination provokes or eases the headache assessment. Management may also involve the
(see Chapter 9). Practitioners skilled in manual use of pain modulators such as tricyclic antide-
diagnosis are ideally placed to make this assess- pressants, relaxation training, and behavioral
ment (see Fig. 1.3). The clinical signs of cervi- techniques.
cogenic headache may be subtle and require
skill to elicit. Where a clear cause is not evident TMD-related headache
it is my practice to refer all patients with uni-
lateral headache to physiotherapists with a spe- Headache on waking in the morning may indi-
cial interest in headaches. cate TMD and bruxism. Where it is suspected,
Treatment for cervicogenic headaches invol- referral for assessment by a dentist (Chapter 7)
ves the use of physical therapy techniques out- or physiotherapist (Chapter 19) with an inter-
lined elsewhere in this book. Evidence exists est in this area is indicated.
for their use (Jensen 2005, Jull et al 2002). Headaches which are present in the morning
Another management option for refractory or on waking through the night may also suggest
cervical headaches is specifically-targeted local sleep apnea, especially when associated with
anesthetic injection of certain cervical structures snoring. Referral for a sleep study would be
and nerves as described in Chapter 5. indicated.


Chronic daily and rebound Other headaches

There are a multitude of less common head-
Migraine may change its pattern into one of ache types including cluster headache, and
chronic daily headache due to rebound or med- headache induced by various medications or
ication withdrawal. This may occur where chemicals. Many of these have such distinctive
migraines are frequent with little recovery presenting symptoms that careful history tak-
between attacks. This phenomenon may also ing will alert the GP to the nature of the head-
occur with tension-type headache. Even simple ache. It should be remembered in these cases
analgesics may be involved in a cycle of medica- that specialist neurologists are always available
tion dependency where a headache occurs for consultation by telephone (see Fig. 1.3).
every time the patient stops the medication
for a short time. It may be necessary to admit Conclusion
the patient to hospital, under specialist care,
to achieve a complete and abrupt withdrawal GPs have the training to identify serious head-
of the medication, substituting an alternative aches requiring emergency management and if
medication for the control of the headaches. there is doubt about the diagnosis, or if red
flags are present, referral to a neurologist or
Headache secondary Emergency Department is warranted to deter-
to medication mine a diagnosis and management plan. There
is evidence that migraine and cervicogenic
Headache may commonly be associated with headache are under-diagnosed. Where there is
prescribed medication, as well as with over- suspicion about the cervical region as a possible
the-counter medication and illicit drugs. Some cause of the patient’s headaches, they will
common medications which are possible causes benefit from appropriate referral to a phy-
are tetracyclines, nifedipine, omeprazole, con- siotherapist with an interest in headache man-
traceptives, selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- agement, or a musculoskeletal physician or
tors, pseudoephedrine and vitamin A. physiatrist. Patients seek to have information
about their condition, reassurance, and a posi-
Sinus headache tive approach emphasizing a quick return to
normal function. GPs are also familiar with
As mentioned earlier, this disorder may be their particular patients0 lifestyles and are used
prone to over-diagnosis. Diagnosis errors can to providing an individualized management
be avoided by strict adherence to the IHS plan which may involve multiple modalities.
guidelines which include clinical or imaging evi- As in most conditions encountered in general
dence of sinusitis being present simultaneously practice, management aims to be evidence-
with the headache or facial pain. Consideration based, and often includes a mixture of empir-
should be given to CT scanning of the sinuses ical management based on a consensus of
and/or referral to an otolaryngologist before a opinion amongst the profession and the practi-
patient is given this diagnosis. The diagnosis is tioner’s previous experience. The challenge is
particularly relevant since the pain distribution to apply evidence-based principles in clinical
is often very similar to cervicogenic headache. practice.

Headache in general practice CHAPTER 1

Australian Acute Musculoskeletal pain Heywood T, Colgan C, Coffey J Lipton R B, Stewart W F, Diamond S
Guidelines Group 2004 Evidence- 1998 Prevalence of headache and et al 2001a Prevalence and burden of
based Management of Acute migraine in an Australian city. migraine in the United States: Data
Musculoskeletal Pain: A Guide for Journal of Clinical Neuroscience from the American Migraine Study II.
Clinicians. Australian Academic 5:485. Headache 41:646-657.
Press, Brisbane. International Headache Society Lipton R B, Stewart W F, Diamond S
Bronfort G, Nilsson N, Haas M et al 2004 The International Classification et al 2001b Migraine diagnosis and
2005 Non-invasive physical of Headache Disorders, 2nd edn. treatment: results from the American
treatments for chronic/recurrent Cephalalgia 24 (Supplement 1). Migraine Study II. Headache 41:
headache. The Cochrane Database Jensen S 2005 Neck related causes of 638-645.
of Systematic Reviews Issue 4. Headache. Australian Family Lord SM, Barnsley L, Wallis BJ et al
Charles J, Ng A, Britt H 2005 Physician 34:610-704. 1996 Percutaneous radio frequency
Presentations of headache in Jull G, Trott P, Potter H et al 2002 neurotomy for chronic cervical
Australian General Practice A randomized controlled trial of zygapophysial joint pain. New Engl J
presenting figures from the BEACH exercise and manipulative therapy Med 335:1721-1726.
program. Australian Family Physician for cervicogenic headache. Spine Von Korff M 1999 Pain management in
34:610-704. 27:1835-1843. primary care: an individualised
Headache Disorders and Public Health, Lipton R B, Dodick D, Sadovsky R et al stepped/care approach. In: Gatchel
Education and Management 2003 A self-administered screener DJ, Turk DC (eds), Psychological
Implications 2000 World Health for migraine in primary care. factors in pain. Guilford Press,
Organisation, Geneva, WHO/MSD/ Neurology 61:375-382. New York.
MBD/00.9, Sept 2000.

Chapter Two

Catastrophic and sinister
Mark Faragher

1960s he formulated a new therapy involving

Catastrophic headache is usually associated with
the compound ergotamine, which constricts
conditions that if not diagnosed immediately may
lead to permanent disability or death. Sinister blood vessels and prevents the release of a pro-
headache, while associated with serious tein that irritates nerve endings and causes
underlying pathology, may or may not cause great headache. Speed’s work has enabled medical
distress and interfere with quality of life. In this
practitioners to take a more scientific and
chapter the author, a neurologist, examines
possible diagnoses and management options. structured approach to the diagnosis and man-
agement of headache.

There was a time when many headaches were

felt to be of a trivial nature, not worthy of Diagnosis
rigorous scientific study. Fortunately, William
Speed III (1918–2005), a physician and The classification of headache has been forma-
researcher at Johns Hopkins Hospital, helped lized by the International Headache Society
establish migraine and other severe headache (IHS) (Olesen et al 2004) as the International
syndromes as legitimate medical disorders Classification of Headache Disorders. It lists over
and developed medicines to treat them. Speed 100 different types of headache. The class-
found his vocation in the diagnosis and treat- ification covers 14 main categories (Box 2.1).
ment of headache; while an undergraduate he Categories 1 to 4 cover the primary headache dis-
suffered from migraine and was struck by the orders. For many of these diagnoses there are no
dismissive reception of this condition by the specific tests and a high index of clinical suspicion
medical establishment in the 1930s. At that of the primary headache is required as well as
time, many headaches were often considered familiarity with the diagnostic criteria. Categories
to be psychosomatic in origin and usually 5 to 12 cover secondary headaches. Secondary
without a physiological basis. Speed and headache may come from extracranial pathology
others studied headache as clinicians and grad- such as sinusitis, dental disease/temporomandib-
ually began to document their view that head ular disorders, cervical spine disorder, systemic
pain was frequently caused by vascular infection, ophthalmological causes, or intracranial
abnormalities or tumors, or were brought on pathology such as mass lesion (including brain
by whiplash and other neck injuries. In the tumors), cerebral hemorrhage, and meningitis.

and a thorough neurological and general clinical

Box 2.1
First level of the International Classification In the various headache syndromes the impor-
of Headache Disorders (Oleson et al 2004). tance of the history cannot be over-emphasized.
Part One: The primary headaches It is vital to gain a thorough understanding of
Migraine the various aspects of the patient’s particular
Tension-type headache
headache. There is no substitute for obtaining
Cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic
cephalgias fine detail regarding the exact circumstances of
Other primary headaches onset, and of provoking and relieving factors. On
Part Two: The secondary headaches some occasions an accurate eyewitness account
Headache attributed to head and/or neck from family or friends may add a great deal. It is
trauma important to note that at any one time a patient
Headache attributed to cranial or cervical may have more than one diagnosable headache
vascular disorder syndrome, and throughout a patient’s life they
Headache attributed to non-vascular intracranial
may swap diagnostic categories or conversely
Headache attributed to a substance or its what appears to be superficially different head-
withdrawal ache syndromes at different times of a patient’s
Headache attributed to infection life may be manifestations of the one underlying
Headache attributed to disorder of homeostasis
unifying diagnosis, e.g. migraine. The diagnostic
Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of
cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, process is fraught with traps for the unwary as
mouth, or other facial or cranial structures sinister as well as relatively benign headaches
Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder may present in an identical fashion (Goadsby
Cranial neuralgias and central causes of facial pain
2003). Thus a life-threatening process may
Other headache, cranial neuralgia, central or
primary facial pain mimic a benign one and vice versa. Headache pain
of benign origin may be severe. Headache pain
of sinister origin may be mild.
One clinical approach is to answer the
According to lifetime prevalence studies of following questions:
headache mechanism (Steiner 2005), tension-
1. On a clinical basis, are there any
type headache (primary and secondary) is the
suggestions of a secondary cause of
most common (69%), while headache from
headache? If so, what kind? (Box 2.2)
systemic infection is second in frequency
(63%). Migraine is next (16%), followed by 2. What is the appropriate ongoing
headache after head injury (4%), idiopathic investigation and management?
stabbing headache (2%), exertional headache 3. If secondary causes are thought unlikely,
(1%), vascular disorders (1%), subarachnoid which primary headache syndrome could
hemorrhage (< 1%) and brain tumors (0.1%). be responsible for the clinical scenario?
These data also illustrate that an individual This process should lead to a clinical diagnosis or a
may well experience multiple headache types list of possible differential diagnoses which are
throughout their lifetime. then tested by the appropriate use of investiga-
Identification of sinister or potentially cata- tions to confirm or refute the possible diagnoses.
strophic headaches depends on a comprehensive It should be reiterated that investigations are no
history from the patient and/or other informant, substitute for a clinical diagnosis. A patient with a

Catastrophic and sinister headache CHAPTER 2

Box 2.2 Box 2.3

Differential diagnosis of the acute, severe Entities causing catastrophic and sinister
new-onset headache (‘First or Worst’ headache that may produce a ‘normal’
headache). nondiagnostic CT brain scan.
Crash migraine Entities
Cluster Migraine
Miscellaneous Cluster headache
Benign exertional headache Some tumors eg posterior fossa
Benign orgasmic cephalgia Chronic meningitis
Post-traumatic Trigeminal neuralgia
Associated with vascular disorders Temporal arteritis
Acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease Cervicomedullary lesions
Subdural and extradural hematomas Leptomeningeal disease
Parenchymal hemorrhage Venous sinus thrombosis
Unruptured saccular aneursym
Sub arachnoid hemorrhage Suggested further Investigation
Systemic lupus erythematous ESR
Temporal arteritis Temporal artery biopsy
Internal carotid and vertebral artery CSF examination
dissection MRI/A/V
Cerebral venous thrombosis CT venogram
Acute hypertension Cerebral angiogram
Pressor response
Associated with nonvascular intracranial disorders normal CT brain scan may be harboring any of a
Intermittent hydrocephalus number of serious conditions (Box 2.3).
Benign intracranial hypertension The physician should be especially concerned
Post-lumbar puncture headache if the patient has any of the following (Olesen
Related to intrathecal injections
Intracranial neoplasm
et al 2004):
Pituitary apoplexy • New onset headache in a patient over the
Acute intoxications age of 50
Associated with non cephalic infections
Acute febrile illness
• Sudden onset headache
Acute pyelonephritis • Headache that is subacute in onset and
Cephalic infection gets progressively worse over days or
Meningoencephalitis weeks
Acute sinusitis
Acute mountain sickness • Headache associated with focal neurologic
Disorders of the eyes symptoms or signs, such as papilledema,
Acute optic neuritis changes in consciousness or cognition (such
Acute glaucoma
as difficulty in reading, writing or
Greater occipital neuralgia thinking), or a stiff neck
Cervical myositis • No obvious identifiable headache etiology.
Trigeminal neuralgia Based on the rate of onset and duration, the clini-
cal presentation of headaches can be broken
down into: hyperacute/thunderclap, escalating,
recurrent/episodic, or chronic/ongoing.


Hyperacute/thunderclap no headache at onset, and 8% describe a mild,

gradually increasing headache. A stiff neck is
When a patient presents with a hyperacute or absent in 36% of patients. SAH may present
thunderclap type headache the immediate con- with a sentinel headache – a warning headache
cern is whether this represents a catastrophic that is not crippling, which then resolves and is
cause such as subarachnoid hemorrhage. followed some hours or days later by a more typ-
ical catastrophic headache. SAH may occur
Subarachnoid hemorrhage spontaneously, or during physical exertion, or
sex. Clinical examination may reveal altered
Sudden, instantaneous or abrupt onset of
conscious state, meningismus, subhyaloid
severe headache with or without alteration in hemorrhages, and even mild fever. However
conscious state is a medical emergency. The
these findings may be absent and the clinical his-
diagnosis of exclusion is subarachnoid hemor-
tory is paramount. The wide variation in clinical
rhage (SAH). Differential diagnoses are listed
presentations may be appreciated by reviewing
in Box 2.4. If SAH is a concern the investiga-
the Hunt and Hess grading scale (Box 2.5).
tions must be pursued until it can be confi-
A patient might present anywhere along the
dently excluded. It is important to be aware
spectrum from Grade 1 to Grade V. It is impor-
of the diverse presentations of SAH. Classi-
tant to be aware of the diverse presentations of
cally, patients with SAH present with a very
SAH and to initiate appropriate investigations
severe, rapid and even instantaneous onset if a patient presents with their worst ever head-
headache. However there are other ways that
ache or in a patient with previous headache syn-
SAH may present. Ten percent of patients have
drome who has a different type of an acute
The initial investigation is an urgent CT brain
scan, which may demonstrate subarachnoid
Box 2.4
blood. However the CT scan may be normal
The causes of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
80% intracranial saccular aneurysm
5% intracranial arteriovenous malformation
Box 2.5
15% negative angiogram Hunt and Hess scale for grading
50% benign mesencephalic hemorrhage
50% other causes
subarachnoid hemorrhage (Hunt & Hess
Occult aneurysm 1968).
Mycotic aneurysm Grade Neurological status
Vertebral or carotid artery dissection I Asymptomatic; or minimal headache
Dural arteriovenous malformation and slight nuchal rigidity
Spinal arteriovenous malformation II Moderate to severe headache; nuchal
Sickle cell anemia rigidity; no neurologic deficit except
Coagulation disorders cranial nerve palsy
Drug abuse (cocaine and methamphetamine) III Drowsy; minimal neurological deficit
Primary or metastatic intracranial tumors IV Stuporous; moderate to severe
(e.g. pituitary, melanoma) hemiparesis; possibly early
Primary or metastatic cervical tumors decerebrate rigidity and vegetative
Central nervous system infection (e.g. herpes disturbances
encephalitis) V Deep coma; decerebrate rigidity;
Central nervous system vasculitis moribund appearance

Catastrophic and sinister headache CHAPTER 2

especially if performed more than 24 hours after third ventricle colloid cyst, and intracranial infec-
the onset of the headache. In such cases, exami- tion. Crash migraine (migrainous vasospasm) and
nation of the cerebrospinal fluid for hemorrhage benign headache syndromes such as benign sex
and xanthochromia may be appropriate. The headache (orgasmic cephalgia) and exploding
opening pressure is checked and may be elevated head syndrome are also possibilities (Schwedt
in SAH. The CSF is examined in the laboratory et al 2006). MRI/MRA of the brain may help to
for protein, glucose, and cytology, and most clarify some of these diagnoses. It is possible that
importantly the cell count should be checked the patient might have more than one headache
for red cells and white cells, and the fluid exam- type and treatment must be directed at each
ined for xanthochromia. Spectrophotometry entity to achieve resolution of pain.
should be used to diagnose xanthochromia since
it is more accurate compared to visual examina- Escalating headache
tion (UK National External Quality Assessment
Scheme for Immunochemistry Working Group Causes of escalating headache include giant cell
2003, van Gijn & Rinkel 2001). arteritis (temporal arteritis), subdural hema-
The yield of CSF examination is highest toma, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, and
when performed 12 hours following the onset; benign intracranial hypertension.
the down side to this is the highest risk of a
re-rupture of an aneursym is within the first Giant cell arteritis
6 hours. Therefore if the history is strongly sug- Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is rare before 50 years
gestive of a SAH, and if CT scanning and CSF of age and the incidence increases with age.
evaluation is not conclusive, further investi- There is no clear gender predilection. Stroke,
gation with formal cerebral angiography or transient ischemic attack, and dementia caused
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and a by GCA are usually preceded by other more
neurosurgical consultation may be required in common manifestations of GCA. Clinically the
selective patients (van Gijn & Rinkel 2001). headache may be focal in the region of the tem-
The most common cause of SAH is rup- poral arteries, with the presence of temporal
tured cerebral aneurysm. Other underlying artery tenderness. Jaw claudication and neck
lesions that may cause SAH include cerebral stiffness may occur. There may be symptoms to
arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and less suggest co-existing polymyalgia rheumatica such
often spinal AVM and metastatic melanoma as generalized aches and pain, tiredness and lassi-
(Box 2.4). In ‘brainstem’ SAH, hemorrhage tude, weight loss, and fatigue. Visual symptoms
in the vicinity of the brainstem/quadrigeminal such as flashes, blurring, or transient scotomas
cistern region, often no aneurysm is found and may or may not precede visual loss. Visual loss
in this case conservative management would is a feared component of GCA. Once visual loss
be appropriate. has occurred, recovery is uncommon. Thus, fun-
duscopic investigation is required to evaluate for
Alternative diagnoses ischemic optic neuropathy in GCA.
Once the clinician is satisfied that SAH has been In GCA the ESR is typically increased. How-
ruled out, alternative diagnoses will be enter- ever the test has significant limitations: the ESR
tained. Other possible causes of hyperacute/ is not invariably elevated in association with
thunderclap headache are cervical artery dissec- GCA, and an elevated ESR is not specific for
tion, retroclival hematoma, pituitary apoplexy, GCA and may mimic other forms of vasculitis.


Combining the results of ESR and C-reactive Benign intracranial hypertension

protein will increase the sensitivity and specific- In the absence of signs of venous sinus thrombo-
ity of detecting GCA (Salvarni & Hunder 2001). sis the patient may have benign intracranial
Temporal artery biopsy remains the gold stan- hypertension (also know as pseudotumor cerebri
dard for diagnosis. Prompt administration of and idiopathic intracranial hypertension) (see
corticosteroids, even prior to biopsy, is appropri- Chapter 11). In such cases, the next step is a
ate treatment. lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid pressure
measurement and analysis of the fluid in the lab-
Subdural hematoma oratory. If the pressure is elevated and the fluid
Subdural hematoma may present in many ways is bland then draining 20–30 ml may normalize
and should be suspected in the elderly with the cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Further man-
new onset as well as escalating headache. Other agement may involve repeated lumbar punctu-
presentations would include fluctuating confu- res and/or acetazolamide. If the cerebrospinal
sion and decreased conscious state. There may fluid pressure cannot be controlled in this way
be a history of trauma and often a fall. How- then optic nerve sheath fenestration and lumbo-
ever, the actual incident is frequently forgotten peritoneal shunting remain options.
or thought too trivial to rate a mention. The
treating clinician must maintain a high index Recurrent/episodic headache
of suspicion especially in patients taking anti-
coagulants. Patients may experience a stable The primary headaches in this category may be
compensated honeymoon period before a rapid divided according to frequency, i.e., by the num-
deterioration in conscious state that may lead ber of headaches or headache days per month:
to major disability and death. Thus it is impor- • low to moderate frequency (< 15 headache
tant to make the diagnosis as early as possible days per month) – episodic headaches
so that definitive treatment can be instituted. • high frequency (> 15 headache days per
month) – chronic daily headaches.
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis The primary episodic headache disorders can
then be further subdivided according to duration
Patients may present with the combination of of attack. Four hours0 duration can be used as
escalating headache and papilledema. Once optic the rough dividing line. Longer than four hours
disc swelling is confirmed the possibility of cere- may suggest migraine, less than four hours may
bral venous sinus thrombosis is explored with indicate cluster headache and related disorders.
magnetic resonance scanning, in particular mag-
netic resonance venography. If venous sinus
thrombosis is confirmed this may lead to further Cluster headache
management such as anticoagulation or if the The pain in cluster headache tends to be
patient is clinically deteriorating another possibil- excruciating, unilateral, located behind one eye,
ity is interventional radiology and thrombolysis. boring in character, and not affected adversely
Some patients with cerebral venous sinus throm- or beneficially by exercise or position. It occurs
bosis may present without optic disc changes. more in men than women and rarely shifts from
‘Red flags’ would include pregnancy, history of one side to the other, but is usually ‘side-locked’.
dehydration, underlying thrombotic disorder, or Cluster headache is the archetype autonomic
malignancy. cephalalgia as it is associated with autonomic

Catastrophic and sinister headache CHAPTER 2

features in a sympathetic distribution such as pto- Miscellaneous primary headache disorders

sis, meiosis, chemosis, and nasal discharge. The such as jabs and jolts or icepick pains, or benign
cluster sufferer, in contrast to the typical migrain- orgasmic cephalalgia, may be brief or prolonged
eur, cannot sleep or lie quietly, and gets up and and have a clear precipitant.
walks in an agitated or non-purposeful fashion.
There may be bizarre elements such as head bang- Migraine
ing, contortions, or adopting unusual body posi-
The World Health Organization ranks migraine
tions. Some sufferers may run to ease the pain.
among the top 20 causes in the world of years
In cluster headache, the onset is typically abrupt,
of healthy life lost to disability (http://www.
with the pain reaching a crescendo in about five
minutes, plateauing for about 30 minutes, and
htm). Migraine ranks equally highly in other
then a gradual decrement of about 20 minutes.
measures of quality of life such as days lost
from school and work, and harm done to family
Alternative diagnoses and social relationships (Steiner 2005). As the
Other primary episodic headaches are: derivation of the word suggests, the typical head
• Episodic and chronic paroxysmal pain of migraine is unilateral, moderate to
hemicrania severe throbbing headache – often frontal in
• Episodic and chronic cluster headache location – but rather diffuse compared to the
severe piercing nature of cluster pain.
• Short lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform
In typical migraine attacks, the patient often
headache attacks with conjunctival
lies down in a darkened room (photophobia),
injection and tearing (SUNCT syndrome).
chooses silence (phonophobia), tries to sleep
• Hypnic headache occurs primarily in the
and finds sleep relieves the headache, and does
elderly, is relatively short lived and wakes
not want to be disturbed. This may be mim-
patients0 from sleep, often in the early
icked by patients with SAH, encephalitis, and
morning hours. It is usually bilateral, and
lacks the severity of cluster headache.
The IHS diagnostic criteria for migraine are
There are no autonomic features.
(Olesen et al 2004):
Hemicrania continua is a rare, strictly unilat-
eral headaches sometimes evolving from an inter- 1. The attack should be episodic with at
mittent pattern, and sometimes arising de novo, least five attacks for migraine without
that has the features of cluster headache. The aura and two attacks for migraine with
pain is usually moderately severe, but there can aura.
be severe pain during exacerbations. The auto- 2. The duration of the attack should not be
nomic features are not as pronounced as in cluster shorter than four hours and not longer
headache. It is dramatically responsive to indo- than 72 hours (pediatric migraines may be
methacin. Bilateral features and side shift are shorter, and occasionally migraines may be
rarely documented. more prolonged).
Terms such as ‘cluster-migraine’ or ‘migraine-
3. The headache itself should be characterized
cluster’ often lead to confusion. They are best
by at least two of the following:
avoided or perhaps used sparingly, and only by
those who are well versed in the nuances of (i) unilateral location
the IHS classification system. (ii) throbbing quality of pain


(iii) aggravated by movement double, triple and quadruple combination analge-

(iv) moderate to severe intensity sics may play a role in the evolution of rebound
One or both of the following characteristics Analgesic rebound headache, or medication
should be present: overuse headache, is increasingly recognized
(i) nausea/vomiting
and is a relatively common cause of chronic
(ii) photophobia and phonophobia. headache. It is responsible for many of the
Many migraineurs will have prior warning of cases of recurrent daily headache and the
an attack in the form of a prodrome that occurs majority of referrals to headache specialists
24–48 hours before the aura or headache com- and specialist headache clinics. It may cause
mences. It is rare for migraine patients to have severe disruption to the patient’s life and come
an abrupt onset to their attacks. Occasionally epi- to dominate it. Withdrawal of the inciting
sodes may be triggered by minor trauma. One medications is the only effective treatment
example of this is footballer’s migraine from head- (Williams 2005). This may be performed grad-
ing the ball. ually on an outpatient basis or as an inpatient
Migraines which are untreated, or treated with a short course of intravenous lignocaine
unsuccessfully, last 4–72 hours. Cluster head- or dihydroergotamine (DHE).
aches are shorter, having a duration of 15–180 Triptans, ergot and nonopioid medications may
minutes. Episodic tension-type headache has a be ceased abruptly. Nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
duration of 30 minutes to 7 days. tory drugs may be used for withdrawal headache
(e.g. naproxen 500 mg twice daily). Prophylactic
Chronic/ongoing headache drugs in migraine may be commenced prior
to triptan or ergot withdrawal (e.g. propranolol
The examples of chronic/ongoing headache are: 10–40 mg twice a day). Tricyclic antidepressants
analgesic overuse, rebound, and chronic daily can be a useful ‘prophylactic’ drug to cover with-
headache, chronic migraine, and low pressure drawal of treatment for tension-type headaches
headaches which occur spontaneously or post (e.g. amitryptiline 10–25 mg at night).
lumbar puncture. It is important to recognize the high incidence
Analgesics are commonly taken for headaches. of comorbid psychopathology and to apply a
Some patients enter an escalating spiral of taking multidisciplinary approach to inpatient manage-
increasing quantities of over-the-counter and/or ment when it is required in selected patients.
prescription analgesics. The headache cycle may, In selected patients inpatient management may
in fact, be perpetuated by the increasing medica- be of assistance. If self-weaning is not successful,
tion use. The drugs involved may include ergota- then other options, remaining mindful of possible
mine, triptans, opioids, minor analgesics and side effects, are a brief course of prednisolone
combination medications, especially in those (Krymchantowski & Barbosa 2000), naproxen, or
patients taking caffeine. There are significant intravenous lignocaine (Williams & Stark 2003).
regional variations: in Europe with triptans, in Aus- As an alternative, behavioral strategies may help
tralia drugs are often a combination of varying in overall management. Examples include relaxa-
strengths of analgesics such as paracetamol and tion therapy, stress management, meditation,
codeine; in North America, various combinations and regular aerobic exercise. Specific recommen-
and permutations of aspirin, caffeine, butalbital dations need to consider patient interests and
(a barbiturate), paracetamol and codeine as abilities as well as local availability.

Catastrophic and sinister headache CHAPTER 2

Prevention of relapse is important. Once the on lying down again. Occasionally there may
overused medication(s) have been withdrawn be no obvious precipitant and in these patients
migraine prophylaxis may be appropriate. the low pressure state may have commenced fol-
Assessment of precipitants, counseling, a head- lowing an occult event such as an otherwise
ache management plan, and clear limits on the asymptomatic dural tear.
use of analgesia may all be required in order Recognition is the key to further manage-
to diminish the chances of relapse. In any case ment as, in the cases following lumbar punc-
relapse may occur in up to 40% of patients in ture, conservative measures may be attempted
the first 12 months following withdrawal. first. These may include prolonged bed rest,
Those who overuse combination analgesics are in a variety of positions, and vigorous hydration
particularly prone to relapse and consideration either orally or intravenously. Caffeine is an
should be given to complete avoidance of nar- option. If these are ineffective, epidural blood
cotic containing analgesics. patch may be spectacularly successful with
The pathophysiology of medication overuse rapid resolution of the symptoms. Sometimes
headache is now partially understood. Triptans the epidural blood patch needs to be per-
are agonists at serotonin 5HT 1b and 5HT 1d formed more than once.
receptors. These receptors are rapidly down- In spontaneous cases the diagnosis may be
regulated over 24–96 hours following drug expo- made clinically, changes may be seen on the
sure. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory brain MRI to suggest a low pressure state.
medications act on the enzymes cyclo-oxygenase Nuclear medicine studies may be undertaken
1 and 2. These enzymes are also down-regulated to localize the site of CSF leakage. Management
following drug exposure but much more slowly. is similar, employing an epidural blood patch. As a
Triptan use therefore results in in tachyphylaxis last resort, dural repair is sometimes performed.
(less effect for the same dosage) more quickly,
at lower frequency of use, and at lower dosage Conclusion
than other non-narcotic analgesics.
Receptor and enzyme down-regulation in
Catastrophic and sinister headaches may be
structures responsible for the transmission and
linked to life-threatening conditions that, if
reception of nociceptive input creates increased
left undiagnosed and thus untreated, will lead
sensitivity to such input, resulting in a lowered
to death or severe disability. Prime examples
threshold for pain perception.
are subarachnoid hemorrhage leading to
death, and temporal arteritis leading to blind-
Daily headaches with underlying cause ness. The neurologist’s approach to catastrophic
Low pressure headache may follow lumbar punc- and sinister headaches relies upon a systematic
ture or may be spontaneous. Headaches following approach to the history, a detailed physical and
lumbar puncture may develop in 5–10% of neurological examination, followed by judicious
patients. It is very characteristic in that it is pos- use of investigations. It should be remembered
tural: in the recumbent position the patient may that in some cases physical findings and investi-
be quite comfortable but sitting up, or more par- gation results may not be pertinent to headache
ticularly standing with gradual rising crescendo, diagnosis. The challenge is to identify and assim-
the patient will develop a severe generalized ilate the relevant clinical information to reach an
headache which may be relieved quite quickly accurate diagnosis.


Goadsby PJ 2003 Migraine: diagnosis Salvarni C, Hunder GG 2001 Giant cell 2003 National guidelines for analysis
and management. Intern Med J arteritis with low erythrocyte of cerebrospinal fluid for bilirubin in
33:436-442. sedimentation rate: frequency of suspected subarachnoid
Hunt WE, Hess RM 1968 Surgical risk occurrence in a population haemorrhage. Ann Clin Biochem
as related to time of intervention in based study. Arthritis Rheum 40:481-488.
the repair of intracranial aneurysms. 45:140-145. van Gijn J, Rinkel GJ 2001
J Neurosurg 28:14-20. Schwedt TJ, Matharu, MS, Dodick DW Subarachnoid haemorrhage:
Krymchantowski AV, Barbosa JS 2006 Thunderclap headache. Lancet: diagnosis, causes and management.
2000 Prednisone as initial treatment Neurology 5:621-631. Brain 124:249-278.
of analgesic-induced daily headache. Steiner TJ 2005 Lifting the burden: the Williams D 2005 Medication overuse
Cephalalgia 20:107-113. global campaign to reduce the burden headache. Aust Prescr 28:143-145.
Olesen J, Bousser MG, Diener HC of headache worldwide. J Headache Williams DR, Stark RJ 2003 Intravenous
et al 2004 The international Pain 6:373-377. lignocaine (lidocaine) infusion for the
classification of headache disorders UK National External Quality treatment of chronic daily headache
2nd edn. Cephalalgia 24 Assessment Scheme for with substantial medication overuse.
(Suppl 1):1-160. Immunochemistry Working Group Cephalalgia 23:963-971.

Chapter Three

Janaka Seneviratne

Migraine is a common headache that has a Epidemiology

significant impact on quality of life and drives
patients to seek treatment. The author, a
neurologist, discusses the diagnosis of migraine
Migraine occurs more frequently in females
and the pharmacological management of this (15–17%) than in males (4–6%). Prevalence
debilitating condition. also varies according to ethnicity with migraine
being most common in Caucasian, then Afri-
can, then Asian people (Stewart et al 1996).
A clear understanding of the definitions of Breslau et al (1994) found that the incidence
migraine and its subtypes, underlying pathophys-
of migraine in subjects aged 21–30 years was
iology, and treatment, will optimize care for 5 per 1000 person-years in men and 22 per
migraine sufferers. Migraine is a common cause
1000 person-years in women. This study provided
of headache that is frequently misdiagnosed. the first body of evidence that the previously
When migraine is over-diagnosed, patients are
observed cross-sectional association between
often treated unnecessarily with medications
migraine and major depression can result from
that may be accompanied by adverse effects.
bi-directional influences, with each disorder
There is also the risk that the underlying etiology
increasing the risk for first onset of the other.
will be overlooked. When migraine is under- Lyngberg et al (2005) showed that in Den-
diagnosed, patients may suffer debilitating symp-
mark, the incidence of migraine was 8.1 per
toms that lead to underperformance at school 1000 person-years (male:female ratio 1:6),
and work, and to psychosocial difficulties.
and the incidence of frequent tension-type
headache was 14.2 per 1000 person-years
Definition (male:female ratio 1:3). Both rates decreased
with age.
Migraine is divided into two main types, migraine Migraine with aura is considered an indepen-
without aura (common migraine) and migraine dent risk factor for stroke in young women
with aura (classical migraine). The International (Etminan et al 2005, Kurth et al 2006). In a large
Headache Society (IHS) revised criteria for prospective study of 27 840 women 45 years of
migraine are summarized in Boxes 3.1 and 3.2 age or older, Kurth and his colleagues concluded,
(International Headache Society 2004). ‘In this cohort, active (i.e., experienced migraine

Box 3.1
Revised IHS criteria for migraine without aura (International Headache Society 2004).
A. Headache descriptions (at least two) Associated symptoms (one or both)
• Unilateral • Nausea and/or vomiting
• Pulsatile quality • Photophobia and phonophobia
• Moderate to severe (moderate generally defined B. The headaches last 4–72 hours (untreated or
as inhibiting daily activities, severe as treated unsuccessfully)
prohibiting daily activities) pain intensity C. Must have 5 attacks fulfilling the above criteria and
• Aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine not attributed to another disorder.
physical activity

Box 3.2
Revised IHS criteria for migraine with typical aura (International Headache Society 2004).
At least two attacks fulfilling criteria A–C. B. At least two of the following:
A. Aura consisting of at least one of the following, • Homonymous visual symptoms and/or
but no motor weakness: unilateral sensory symptoms
• fully reversible visual symptoms including • At least one aura symptom develops gradually
positive features (e.g. flickering lights, spots over  5 minutes and/or different aura
or lines) and/or negative features (i.e. loss symptoms occur in succession over  5 minutes
of vision) • Each symptom lasts  5 and  60 minutes
• fully reversible sensory symptoms including C. Headache fulfilling criteria A & B for migraine
positive features (i.e. pins and needles) without aura begins during the aura or follows aura
and/or negative features (i.e. numbness) within 60 minutes
• fully reversible dysphasic speech D. Not attributed to another disorder.

attacks in the previous year) migraine with aura the elevated biomarkers are an unlikely explana-
was associated with increased risk of major tion of why women with migraine with aura are
CVD, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, at increased risk for cardiovascular disease in this
and death due to ischemic CVD, as well as with particular cohort.
coronary revascularization and angina. Active
migraine without aura was not associated with
increased risk of any CVD event.’ When com- Pathophysiology
pared with women with no migraine history,
the women who reported active migraine with In the last 30 years many theories have been
aura were 1.91 times as likely to experience put forward in an attempt to describe the path-
ischemic stroke. The study also found that after ophysiology of migraine, but the exact etiology
adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk is still unclear. The following is a brief overview
factors, migraine with aura was not associated of some of the proposed mechanisms and
with any of the elevated biomarkers. Therefore, pathophysiology of migraine.

Migraine CHAPTER 3

1. Vascular theory. It was once thought that (perception of pain with a normally
the aura phase was due to cerebral nonpainful stimulus), may occur during
vasoconstriction and the headache and sometimes after migraine attacks.
coincided with vasodilatation. But Burstein and colleagues (2000) have
researchers have now discovered that the described the presence of cranial allodynia,
headache phase occurs while the cerebral and allodynia in the upper limbs ipsilateral
arterioles are still constricted, and this and contralateral to the headache. This
theory has been largely refuted (Lance & finding is consistent with at least third-
Goadsby 2005, Olsen et al 1990). order neuronal sensitization, such as
2. Cortical spreading depression (CSD) sensitization of thalamic neurons, and
theory. A wave of cerebral excitation and raises the possibility of the
depression spreading forwards from the pathophysiology being within the central
occipital cortex is thought to explain the nervous system.
aura phase of the migraine, and has been 5. The trigeminocervical complex. The
supported by functional brain imaging group of neurons from the superficial
(Lance & Goadsby 2005). This theory laminae of trigeminal nucleus caudal and
does not provide an explanation for C1 and C2 dorsal horns are functionally
patients who suffer headache without an regarded as the trigeminocervical
aura and patients who have an aura that complex. Stimulation of branches of
does not lead to a headache. Current C1–C2 roots is thought to sensitize the
thinking is that many other neural distribution of the trigeminal nerve and
pathways and stimuli contribute to the vice versa. Experimental data suggest that
headache, rather than CSD alone. a significant proportion of the trigeminal
3. Trigeminovascular theory. A plexus of vascular nociceptive information comes
large unmyelinated fibers arise from the through the most caudal cells. This may
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal explain the referred pain to the back of
ganglion and from upper cervical dorsal the head during a migraine episode. Some
roots, surround the large cerebral vessels, of the anti migrainous agents, including
large venous sinuses, pial vessels and the the triptans and ergots, appear to act on
dura mater. Trigeminal fibers innervating these second order neurons, and this may
cerebral vessels arise from neurons in the explain their effectiveness in symptom
trigeminal ganglion that contain substance control (Lance & Goadsby 2005).
P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide Extracranial structures can give rise to
(CGRP), both of which can be released migraines through muscle contraction or
when the trigeminal ganglion is trigger mechanisms involving the cervical
stimulated. It appears that CSD region. Trigeminal and cervical
stimulates the trigeminal ganglion, which distribution seems to overlap beyond their
in turn releases SP and CGRP, which may anatomical innervation. Trigeminal
cause the headache component of nucleus may extend beyond the
migraine (Lance & Goadsby 2005). traditional nucleus caudalis to the dorsal
horn of the high cervical ganglion in a
4. Cutaneous alloying and neuronal
functional continuum (Lance & Goadsby
sensitization. Cranial allodynia, 2005).


6. Serotonin depletion. Serotonin is a key more likely to experience anxiety attacks

neurotransmitter involved in CNS pain than those with no history of migraine
inhibition. Dysregulation of central (Breslau & Davis 1992).
serotonergic function is likely to be a key 3. Some migraine sufferers can identify
factor in the onset of migraine (see Ch. 9). certain food types and beverages that
The discharge of platelet serotonin at the precipitate attacks. There is no convincing
onset of migraine is thought to reflect evidence to suggest that certain food types
depletion of serotonin at central synapses are directly linked to onset of migraine.
(Anthony et al 1969). However, these patients should be
7. Dopaminergic transmission. It has been advised to avoid these food types.
proposed that dopaminergic activation 4. Catamenial migraine (related to the
may be an important factor in some types menstrual cycle) is a well described
of migraine. Signs of dopaminergic phenomenon. The exact mechanism of
activation such as hunger, yawning, thirst, this is unknown, but withdrawal of
irritability and depression can sometimes estrogen in the premenstrual period is a
precede the headache. likely explanation. Migraine appears to be
relieved by pregnancy in about 60% of
women, and there is often no significant
Associated or predisposing improvement after menopause.
factors 5. Other precipitants for migraines may include
stress, allergy and trauma. In clinical practice,
Twin studies and population-based epidemio- if a patient describes a consistent association
logical surveys strongly suggest that migraine with a predisposing factor, avoidance of
without aura is a multifactorial disorder, caused that precipitant should be encouraged.
by a combination of genetic and environmental
factors. Some of the likely etiological factors
are outlined below.
Differential diagnosis
1. Genetic background. A positive family When the clinical history is consistent with
history is frequently seen in patients with migraine and the neurological examination is
migraine. The estimated risk of a child unremarkable, diagnosis is straight forward.
developing migraine is 70% if both parents When there is an atypical story or unusual clinical
suffer from migraine, 45% when one findings, other causes for headaches should be
parent is affected, and 30% when a close excluded. These include subarachnoid hemor-
relative has migraine. The genetic rhage, cerebral tumor, cerebral abscess, encepha-
association is supported by studies on litis or meningitis, cerebral venous thrombosis,
twins and first degree relatives. Familial giant cell arteritis, and cervical artery dissection.
hemiplegic migraine has been localized to Migraine can progress to stroke in rare
chromosome 19 (May et al 1995). instances (Etminan et al 2005, Kurth et al
2. Migraine, anxiety and depression may share 2006, Minan et al 2005). In a patient with a past
common links. In one study migraine history of migraines, an important question to
sufferers were found to be four times more ask is ‘Is the current headache different to your
likely to develop depression and 12 times usual migraines in any way?’

Migraine CHAPTER 3

When the onset of the headache is sudden, steroids but, if treatment is delayed, complica-
and intensity is maximal, subarachnoid hemor- tions including blindness and stroke may occur.
rhage needs to be excluded. In this group of Cervical artery dissection is usually associated
patients, the risk of a re-bleed is maximal within with neck pain and other neurological deficits
the first six hours. Therefore, if clinically sus- and, rarely, headache. This condition will need
pected, a CT brain scan should be performed to be considered if the patient has a recent his-
urgently. If the scan is negative for blood, fur- tory of neck manipulation, trauma or neurologi-
ther investigations including a lumbar puncture cal findings consistent with a dissection. An
and an angiogram need to be considered. MR angiogram of the cervical region and MR
Encephalitic illness or meningitis should be brain scan will usually give positive results.
considered in every headache patient with a The other conditions that need to be consid-
fever. This will be further supported if the ered in the differential diagnosis are tension
patient is confused, photophobic or has evidence headaches, cluster headaches (shorter duration,
of meningism. Again, a CT brain scan followed multiple times a day, headaches occur in clusters),
by a spinal tap (if there is no potential intracra- trigeminal neuralgia (usually unilateral sharp facial
nial mass lesion) should be done. Rarely, pain lasting seconds), benign intracranial hyper-
migraine patients can present with fevers or even tension (bilateral papilledema, enlarged blind
CSF pleocytosis (HaNDL: headache with neu- spot, body habitus and other risk factors), sinusitis
rological deficits and CSF lymphocytosis) but and spontaneous intracranial hypotension.
this should be a diagnosis of exclusion. In summary, if the history and clinical exam-
Cerebral space occupying lesions usually ination is atypical of migraine, or if there is a
present with gradual onset of dull headache recent change in the character of the headaches
with associated nausea or abnormal neurologi- in a patient with known headache, the clinician
cal examination. The headache is usually worse should proceed with further investigations.
in the mornings and increases with coughing.
It is vital to perform a funduscopic examination Treatment
looking for evidence of papilledema. A brain
MRI, or CT scan if MRI is not available, will Effective treatment is imperative, given the social,
usually reveal the lesion. It is important to emotional and financial impact of migraine in the
remember that sometimes, a cerebral abscess community. Treatment options for migraine are
can present without a systemic illness or rarely, conservative measures and pharmacological. The
can be sudden in onset. first option should be explored whenever possi-
The pregnant patient with first time migraine ble, considering the adverse effects and possible
or ‘different’ or atypical migraine warrants an high cost of some anti-migraine agents.
urgent neurological opinion.
Headache in a postpartum patient or a patient Conservative treatment
presenting with confusion and seizures could be
secondary to cerebral venous thrombosis. If sus- The cornerstone of conservative treatment is
pected, MR venography should be performed. In avoidance of trigger factors for the particular
older patients, the differential diagnosis includes patient. Although not evidence-based, common
giant cell arteritis especially if there are asso- sense approaches are useful, including healthy
ciated visual symptoms, raised ESR or systemic life style, good diet, and relaxation measures to
symptoms. This is treatable with high dose combat stress.


Pharmacological treatment Treatment of acute attacks

There are multiple anti-migraine agents avail- 1. Simple analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-
able. Most of the newer agents, although costly, inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs
are very effective. The choice of agent is are very useful anti-migrainous agents, and
decided by the tolerance and side effect profile together with aspirin should be tried as
of the patient (Table 3.1). first line agents if not limited by side
effects and recurrence of headaches. The

Table 3.1 Migraine treatment and prophylaxis.

Acute Adult dose Adverse effects (AE) Comments

treatment Contraindications (CI)
NSAIDs Indomethacin: 50 g bid/tid AE: Gastrointestinal effects Effective for non-frequent,
Aspirin Ibuprofen: 400 mg tid CI: Bleeding tendency responding headaches
Consider GI prophylaxis

Triptans (5 HT1 Sumatriptan: Oral: 50 mg, maxi- CI: Ischemic heart disease (IHD), Avoid within 24 hr of receiving
agonists) mum single oral dose is uncontrolled hypertension, DHE
100 mg, maximum daily dose impaired hepatic function, If patient has vomiting consider
200 mg/day. Nasal spray: MAOI use within 2 weeks, zolmitriptan nasal spray or
20 mg spray. 1 spray, may pregnancy and lactation subcutaneous sumatriptan
repeat in 2 hr, max 40 mg/day. Caution required in basilar artery Decreased chest tightness with
Injection: 6 mg subcutaneous, or hemiplegic migraine almotriptan
may repeat in 1 hr, maximum Naratriptan has longer half life
12 mg/day and is not contraindicated with
Zolmitriptan: Start with 2.5 mg, MAOI
may repeat in 2 hr, maximum If tablets are required to be taken
10 mg/day. 5 mg nasal spray without water: zolmitriptan and
Rizatriptan: 5, 10 mg tabs rizatryptan tablets are conve-
Almotriptan: 6.25, 12.5 mg tabs nient, and melt in the mouth
Naratriptan: 2.5 mg tabs Patients respond differently to
different triptans
No clear evidence for continued
use if first dose is ineffective

DHE (dihydroxy- 1 mg sc/IV tid slowly CI: IHD, hypertension, peripheral Should be performed in a hospital
ergotamine) Can be used as a continuous vascular disease, pregnancy setting
infusion and lactation Treat usually for 72 hr for
Maximum dose 6 mg/day or intractable headaches
10 mg per wk Compatible with normal saline:
refer to DHE infusion protocols in
the hospital

Chlorpromazine IV/IM 12.5–25 mg dilute with AE: sedation nausea hypotension Subcutaneous not recommended
0.9% NaCl (slow infusion: Effective treatment in the
1 mg/min) tid emergency room for acute
Oral: 25 mg tid attacks

Migraine CHAPTER 3

Table 3.1 Migraine treatment and prophylaxis—Cont’d

Acute Adult dose Adverse effects (AE) Comments
treatment Contraindications (CI)
Prophylaxis Adult dose Adverse effects Comments

Tricyclic Amitriptyline: 10–25 mg nocte, Dry mouth, constipation, Very effective and low cost
antidepressants can be increased up to 100 mg postural hypotension, urinary Caution in liver disease, glaucoma
nocte retention, drowsiness, cardiac
Nortriptyline: 25–100 mg/day arrhythmias
Caution in the elderly
Less sedating, anticholinergic

Beta blockers Propranalol: 60–240 mg/day Fatigue, bradycardia, impotence, Avoid if possible in young, active
Atenolol: 50–150 mg/day sleep disturbance, depression patients
Metoprolol: 50–150 mg/day Contraindicated in asthma, severe
cardiac failure and heart block

Calcium channel Verapamil: 240–320 mg/day Postural hypotension, Effectiveness of this class not
blockers constipation, peripheral edema proven in large trials, but very
effective in some patients

Antiepileptics Valproic acid: 500–1500 mg/day Drowsiness, weight gain, tremors, Useful in patients with a seizure
Topiramate: 100–200 mg/day alopecia, abnormal liver disorder plus migraine
enzymes, paresthesia, cognitive Consider when weight loss also
disturbance, weight loss, renal useful
calculi Expensive

Other Methysergide: 4–8 mg/day Retroperitoneal, pulmonary and Proven effectiveness in controlled
Pizotifen: 0.5–1 mg/day cardiac fibrosis, muscle trials
cramps, nausea, diarrhea Should not be given for more than
Weight gain, drowsiness, and 6 months
anticholinergic effects 1 month interruption prior to
Taper dose over 1 week to avoid
rebound headache

outcome is improved when combined shown to be significantly more effective

with metoclopramide, probably due to the than placebo at relieving migraine within
better absorption of aspirin and relief of 2 hours. In a meta-analysis comparing
nausea. different triptans, Ferrari et al found that
2. Triptans have revolutionized the triptans at marketed doses were well
treatment of migraines. Since the tolerated and effective and that
introduction of sumatriptan, many differences between them were relatively
different triptans are available in the small. The authors concluded that
market today. Oral sumatriptan, rizatriptan 10 mg, eletriptan 80 mg, and
particularly at a 100 mg dose has been almotriptan 12.5 mg provided the highest


likelihood of consistent success. Triptans placebo controlled trials showed that the beta
can be given subcutaneously or blocker propanolol was clearly more effective
intranasally. Intranasal treatment is than placebo in the short term prevention of
especially good for patients who wake migraine. In the elderly, TCA use is limited
with migraine, as gastric absorption is by postural hypotension, dry mouth, urinary
altered in migraine and oral agents may retention and confusion. Amitriptyline is
not be absorbed once migraine has started. commonly used and is given as a night time
3. Dihydroergotamine (DHE) preceded by dose to avoid side effects such as day time
an anti-emetic such as metoclopramide, confusion.
given 1 mg IM or IV every 8 hr or by Antiepileptic drugs including sodium valpro-
continuous IV infusion is a useful ate, and topiramate are also commonly used,
treatment for refractory migraine or though cost is a limiting factor with topira-
status migrainosus. Typically, patients mate. The use of antiepileptic medication is
should be admitted to hospital and supported by Level 1 evidence. A Cochrane
treated for a period of 2–3 days or more. review found that anticonvulsants are effective in
Pregnancy, ischemic heart disease and reducing the frequency of migraine by 1–2 attacks
untreated hypertension are per month. This review also found that patients
contraindications. taking anticonvulsants were more than twice as
likely to reduce their migraine attacks by at least
4. Chlorpromazine (Largactil) given at a dose 50% when compared to patients who took an
of 12.5–25 mg slow IV, with a normal inactive placebo.
saline bolus, is effective treatment for Oral ergotamine is not helpful, but magne-
acute attacks. This can be followed by the sium, riboflavin, other vitamins and coenzyme
oral form (25 mg bid). Major side effects Q10 are used by many patients with good
are drowsiness, nausea and hypotension. results; these require further studies to confirm
In a trial comparing treatment of acute their effectiveness.
migraine with chlorpromazine 12.5 mg IV
with DHE 1 mg IV and lignocaine 50 mg
IV (Bell et al 1990) the chlorpromazine-
treated group was found to do
significantly better than the other two Migraine is a disorder associated with significant
groups. psychosocial impact. The diagnosis of migraine
requires a good clinical history, and exclusion
of other causes of headache. However, further
Prophylactic agents investigations are needed when the findings
from the history and clinical examination are
Prophylactic treatment should be considered atypical of migraine, or if there is a recent change
for migraine sufferers who experience frequent in the character of the patient’s headaches. Cur-
attacks, debilitating symptoms including neuro- rent pharmaceutical anti-migraine treatments
logical deficits or symptoms that interfere with have revolutionized migraine management.
lifestyle or daily activities (see Table 3.1). Optimal treatment needs to be individualized,
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) and beta taking into consideration side effects of medica-
blockers are often effective as prophylactic tions, duration and severity of symptoms, and
agents. A systematic review of 26 randomized, outcome of previous treatments.

Migraine CHAPTER 3

Anthony M, Hinterberger H, Lance JW recruitment of spinal and supraspinal epidemiologic follow-up study. Am J
1969 The possible relationship of nociceptive neurons in migraine. Epidemiol 161:1066-1073.
serotonin to the migraine syndrome. Brain 123:1703-1709. May A, Ophoff RA, Terwindt GM et al
Research and Clinical Studies in Etminan M, Takkouche B, Isorna FC, 1995 Familial hemiplegic migraine
Headache 2:29-59. Samii A 2005 Risk of ischaemic locus on 19p13 is involved in the
Bell R, Montoya D, Shuaib A, Lee MA stroke in people with migraine: common forms of migraine with
1990 A comparative trial of three systemic review and meta-analysis and without aura. Hum Genet
agents in the treatment of acute of observational studies. BMJ 96:604-608.
migraine headache. Ann Emerg Med 330:63-66. Minan M, Takkouche B, Isorna FC,
19:1079-1082. International Headache Society 2004 Samii A 2005 Risk of ischaemic
Breslau N, Davis GC 1992 Migraine, The International Classification of stroke in people with migraine:
major depression and panic Headache Disorders, 2nd edn. systematic review and meta-analysis
disorder: a prospective epidemiologic Cephalalgia 24 (suppl 1):1-160. of observational studies. BMJ
study of young adults. Cephalalgia Kurth T, Gaziano JM, Cook NR et al 330:63-65.
12:85-90. 2006 Migraine and risk of Olsen J, Friberg L, Skyhoj-Olsen T et al
Breslau N, Davis GC, Schultz LR et al cardiovascular disease in women. 1990 Timing and topography of
1994 Joint 1994 Wolff Award JAMA 296:283-291. cerebral blood flow, aura headache
Presentation. Migraine and major Lance J, Goadsby P 2005 Mechanism during migraine. Ann Neurol 28:
depression: a longitudinal study. and management of headache, 7th 791-798.
Headache 34:387-393. edn. Elsevier, Philadelphia. Stewart WF, Lipton RB, Liberman J
Burstein R, Cutrer M, Yarnitsky D 2000 Lyngberg AC, Rasmussen BC, Jrgensen 1996 Variation in migraine
The development of cutaneous T, Jensen R 2005 Incidence of prevalence by race. Neurology
allodynia during a migraine attack. primary headache: A Danish 47:52-59.
Clinical evidence for the sequential

Chapter Four

Headache in childhood and
Andrew Kornberg and George Chalkiadis

studied and may have prevalence rates as high

Headache in children always requires careful
as 11% in some studies (Laurell et al 2004). Of
evaluation, since a small number of headaches
arise from life-threatening conditions. In this the different types of headache encountered in
chapter the authors, a neurologist and a pain childhood, chronic daily headache (tension-type
management consultant, address the factors that headache) and migraine are the most common.
could lead to headaches in young people and
Diagnostic criteria (International Classification
propose management strategies.
of Headache Disorders [ICHD-2] and Silber-
stein-Lipton) exist for migraine and other types
The major concern for parents and for the treat- of headaches that occur in childhood (Bigal et al
ing physician when a child presents with head- 2005, Lipton et al 2004).
ache, is the possibility that it is caused by a Headaches are caused by the involvement of
tumor. A detailed history and examination will the pain-sensitive structures that include vascu-
be able to alleviate this anxiety in the majority lar and meningeal structures, cranial nerves
of cases and provide the child and family with (particularly those with sensory fibers – V,
a specific diagnosis and appropriate therapy. IX, X) and other neuromuscular structures sur-
Headache is the most common somatic pain rounding the skull.
complaint in children and adolescents (Perquin Children and adolescents who experience
et al 2000). Studies of childhood headache have frequent headaches may also experience other
shown that the prevalence of recurrent head- somatization pain complaints such as abdominal
ache in childhood may be as high as 29% (Zwart pain, limb pain and backache (Fichtel & Larsson
et al 2004). The prevalence increases with age 2002, Ghandour et al 2004). In the US, over
and is more common in females (Dooley et al half of adolescent females who experience head-
2005, Laurell et al 2004, Zwart et al 2004). ache more than once each week also report
Other studies have demonstrated that headache abdominal pain more than once per week.
prevalence ranges from 57% to 82% in 7–15 In the evaluation of a child with headache it
year-olds. However the prevalence of severe or is important to make a specific diagnosis as this
recurrent headache occurring daily or almost is the key to providing the most appropriate
daily is in the order of 2% (Larsson & Sund therapy. The history and examination is the
2005). Migraine in childhood has been well most important part of the evaluation of

children presenting with headache. ‘Routine’ intake (including caffeine contained in soft
laboratory and imaging studies have no place, drinks) and any illicit drug and alcohol use. Taking
because these investigations should be used in the past medical, family, and personal and social
a focused manner, depending on the differential history is a very important component of history
diagnosis obtained from history and examina- taking. The parents and patients should be asked
tion. The following details the important aspects about anxiety and depressive symptoms. A careful
of the history and examination that should be family history of headache or psychiatric illnesses
considered. should be obtained. These questions (see Box 4.1)
may allow the clinician to make a diagnosis based
on the headache type and to plan further manage-
ment. Finally, a thorough systematic review is per-
formed, concentrating on questions related to
As the most important diagnostic attributes
symptoms of raised intracranial pressure (ICP)
of headache are the chronological pattern
or progressive neurological disease, such as ataxia,
and severity, a detailed and thorough account
lethargy, seizures, visual disturbances, focal signs,
of the headache and associated problem(s)
personality change or intellectual change. Symp-
prompting the patient and/or parents to seek
toms suggestive of a likely underlying serious
medical attention is essential. In addition, a full
cause include:
developmental and medical history should be
The headache history should elucidate chro- Box 4.1
nologically the onset of headache, its chronic-
ity, the setting in which it has developed, its
Headache history questions.
How long ago did the headaches start?
manifestations and consequences and any pre-
Are the headaches the same, better or worse
vious treatment received. overall?
The principal symptom or complaint (head- How often are the headaches occurring?
ache) should be well-characterized with Do the headaches occur at any special time, or
descriptions of the following attributes: under any special circumstance?
Are the headaches related to any triggers you are
• Location aware of?
• Quality Are there any warning symptoms?
Where is the pain located?
• Severity
What is the quality of the pain?
• Timing which includes the onset, Are there any associated symptoms?
duration and frequency How long does it take from the onset of the
headache to the peak of the headache?
• The setting in which the symptom(s)
How long does the headache last?
occur What do you do during the headache?
• Factors that may have aggravated or What makes the headache better?
relieved the symptom(s) What makes the headache worse?
In between headaches are you well?
• Associated manifestations including the Are you on any other medications?
impact on normal functioning. Have you ever been treated for headaches
All of these attributes are invaluable for under- before?
What do you think could be causing your
standing the patient’s symptom(s). Previous med-
ications for headache and other disorders should Is there a family history of headaches?
be detailed with particular attention to caffeine

Headache in childhood and adolescence CHAPTER 4

• Increased severity of headaches patterns can be identified and used in the delin-
• Waking from sleep eation of the most likely diagnosis. Patterns
• Change in headache pattern. which are commonly encountered included:
• Acute
Examination • Acute recurrent
• Chronic progressive
A general physical examination should include • Chronic non-progressive
blood pressure measurement, and examination • Mixed pattern.
of the skin for neurocutaneous stigmata of neu- The various patterns are shown in Figure 4.1.
rofibromatosis. Signs of trauma should be Acute headaches are single events without a previ-
looked for. The head circumference should be ous history of headache. Acute headaches in chil-
measured, plotted and compared to previous dren are commonly associated with systemic
measurements. A careful neurological examina- illnesses such as viral or febrile illnesses often
tion is performed looking for focal neurologic related to an upper respiratory tract infection. In
findings. Eye movements and the optic fundi teenagers, the concern is for an aneurysmal, arach-
should be carefully examined. The sinuses noid, or hemorrhagic cause. If an acute headache is
should be palpated for tenderness and the neck associated with focal neurological findings or
and skull should be auscultated for bruits. Any raised intracranial pressure one may need to con-
abnormality in the neurologic examination sider an acute intracranial hemorrhage. Other
requires further evaluation as this is normal in causes of acute headache are listed in Box 4.2.
between attacks in individuals with migraine. Acute recurrent headaches are usually migrai-
nous and are described in more detail below.
Pattern of headache Chronic progressive headaches worsen in fre-
quency and severity over time. They are usually
In the evaluation of a child with headache it is associated with symptoms of raised intracranial
useful to classify headache clinically using a pressure such as early morning headache, vomit-
temporal pattern. Based on this, a number of ing and signs of papilledema or focal neurological

Headache severity

Chronic daily headache

Mixed pattern – migraine superimposed on chronic daily headache

Chronic progressive headache

Time (weeks to months)

Figure 4.1  Headache patterns.


Box 4.2 Acute recurrent headache

Causes of acute headache.
Infections including meningitis Migraine
Postictal Migraine is an acute recurrent headache character-
Acute hypertension ized by episodic, periodic, and paroxysmal attacks
of pain, separated by pain-free periods. Migraine
Hemorrhage is often triggered by stress, anxiety, fatigue, lack
Exertion of sleep, certain foods, exercise, and sunlight.
Dehydration A family history of migraine is common.
Prior to the onset of the headache there
may be an aura which may consist of visual
findings. The main differential diagnosis of this
symptoms such as bright flashing lights, forti-
pattern of headaches includes brain tumors,
fication spectra or an alteration of perception,
hydrocephalus, subdural hemorrhage, and
the so called ‘Alice in Wonderland’ syndrome.
benign intracranial hypertension (BIH).
Neurologic symptoms such as dysphasia, par-
Chronic non-progressive headaches are often
esthesia, and hemiparesis may also begin at
called tension-type headaches. They are not asso-
this stage. The headache then begins, usually
ciated with symptoms of raised intracranial pres-
frontal, lateralized, throbbing in quality, and
sure or progressive neurological findings.
gradually spreading. The child is often very
Mixed pattern headaches are a combination of
pale and may be nauseous and begin to vomit.
migraine on chronic, non-progressive headaches.
The child is usually photophobic and needs to
go to sleep in a dark room. After sleep the
Investigations child improves. In between headaches, the
child is normal as is the neurological examina-
Headaches are frequently over-investigated. tion. Obviously, there are less severe head-
As discussed earlier, investigations should only aches, and many children do not have an aura.
be performed after a careful history and exami- It is important to obtain from the history
nation. Most children with headache will not and examination the following aspects as these
require investigation. Laboratory tests yield features essentially form the basis of the diag-
little and are rarely necessary. Skull X-rays nostic criteria for migraine:
have little or no place in the investigation of
• Aura
headache. Imaging studies such as computed
• Lateralized
tomography (CT) of the brain or MRI have
revolutionized the investigation of CNS disor- • Throbbing
ders. Both modalities can be used to diagnose • Nausea/vomiting
many congenital malformations, neoplasms, • Photophobia
hydrocephalus, hemorrhage, vascular malfor- • Normal intra-attack history and examination
mations or sinus pathology. However, MRI is with no evidence of organic disease.
more sensitive, particularly in the posterior Migraine is common in childhood and has similar
fossa and in the area of the cranio-cervical junc- manifestations in childhood as it does in adults.
tion. Lumbar puncture for CSF pressure mea- The various complicated migraine syndromes
surement is necessary for the diagnosis of BIH. described in adults such as hemiplegic migraine

Headache in childhood and adolescence CHAPTER 4

occur in childhood but other migraine syndromes In this scenario, imaging is mandatory and
appear to be seen exclusively in childhood. These diagnostic. Lumbar puncture is contraindicated
include: benign paroxysmal vertigo, cyclic vomit- if a mass lesion is considered.
ing, and paroxysmal torticollis.
Management of migraine in childhood includes:
• identifying triggers and removing them
Benign intracranial hypertension
• aborting attacks by taking analgesia as This condition is relatively common and pre-
early as possible into the attack (and at sents with symptoms suggestive of raised
the onset of any aura) ICP. It is termed ‘benign’ because the clinical
• using non-pharmacological relaxation features mimic a cerebral tumor.
techniques An imaging study is required to exclude a
• taking prophylactic agents to prevent tumor or hydrocephalus, and by definition
frequent disabling events. no evidence for hydrocephalus or tumor is
As the remission rate of migraine is high, pro- found on imaging. However, this disorder is
phylaxis should not be used for long periods. not necessarily ‘benign’, as it is potentially
associated with permanent and disabling
Chronic progressive visual loss. The pathogenesis has not been
headache clearly elucidated. The next step to confirm
the diagnosis is a CSF pressure measurement
which will demonstrate a grossly elevated
Chronic progressive headaches suggest that there
CSF pressure.
is an ongoing pathologic process. It is usually
The disorder is associated with a number of
associated with raised ICP. With this in mind,
risk factors including:
symptoms and signs are progressive over time.
The symptoms (headache) typically worsen by • adolescence
becoming more frequent, more severe, associa- • female sex
ted with early morning wakening, a change in • obesity
character, or associated with other neurologic
• recurrent otitis media
symptoms. The headaches may worsen with
• medications: steroid withdrawal, oral
coughing, bending over, or sneezing. Other symp-
contraceptives, tetracyclines, vitamin A,
toms will suggest an ongoing neurologic process.
growth hormone treatment.
Symptoms may include a change in personality,
focal weakness, ataxia, diplopia, visual loss, sei- Management involves close monitoring of
zures, or lethargy. In between headaches the child vision, withdrawal of risk factors (drugs), low-
will have ongoing symptoms. The general or neu- ering of ICP by lumbar puncture and CSF
rologic examination will usually be abnormal or if drainage, and the use of drugs to decrease
normal, will show signs of raised ICP with CSF production (acetazolamide). If vision is
evidence of cranial nerve palsies or papilledema. deteriorating despite active management, neuro-
Brain tumors are the second most common surgical procedures such as lumboperitoneal
childhood malignancy after leukemia and are a shunting and optic nerve fenestration are neces-
common cause of this pattern of headache. sary. The protection of vision is the mainstay
Other causes include hydrocephalus from con- of therapy. The prognosis for this disorder is
genital anomalies. generally good.


may be myriad other symptoms such as fatigue,

Chronic non-progressive
dizziness, phonophobia and blurred vision. There
headache may be some evidence of stressors, depressive
symptoms and other psychosocial issues in the
Tension-type headache individual’s life. A biopsychosocial approach is
critical to identify and address contributing and
Tension-type headache (TTH) is classified as maintaining factors for headache and its resultant
infrequent, frequent episodic, or chronic TTH. consequences (Fig. 4.2).
Primary chronic daily headache (CDH) is char- Neurological examination and investigation is
acterized by headaches not attributable to a sec- normal. Treatment can be difficult and is best
ondary disorder, which last more than 4 hours managed in a multidisciplinary manner. There
per day and occur 15 or more days per month. is good evidence that psychological treatments,
CDH in turn is classified as chronic (trans- principally relaxation and cognitive behavioral
formed) migraine, chronic TTH, new daily per- therapy, are effective in reducing the frequency
sistent headache (NDPH) or infrequently in of CDH in children and adolescents, although it
children, hemicrania continua. Chronic migraine remains unclear if these treatments are effective
and chronic TTH may co-exist. It is important to for other outcomes such as disability, school,
exclude analgesic induced headache that has and family functioning (Eccleston et al 2004).
been most frequently described in association There is evidence that relaxation treatment for
with transformed migraine and NDPH in the TTH administered by trained school nurses is
adolescent population (Bigal et al 2005, Lipton effective although this is less likely when func-
et al 2004). NDPH also occurs after Epstein– tional disability exists (Fichtel & Larsson 2004,
Barr virus infection and minor head injury (with Larsson et al 2005). Addressing parental
normal examination and neuroimaging) (Mack response to pain behavior and their personal
2004). belief systems may be beneficial.
The clinical features of these headaches have Other therapeutic techniques such as biofeed-
not been well defined. The headaches are most back, hypnotherapy and acupuncture have been
commonly described as being bi-frontal and pres- described. Medication such as amitriptyline is
sure-like, or band-like. Unlike migraine head- sometimes effective (Hershey et al 2000) as
aches, they are not associated with a throbbing are occipital nerve blocks where occipital neu-
quality (although the mixed pattern headache ralgia can be identified. Addressing impaired
has features of both types). There is no preced- visual acuity and poor posture may help in some
ing aura, the headache may be present on a daily cases.
basis and be present throughout the day. Labeling CDH functional or psychosomatic is
Many adolescents will continue their activities, often unhelpful, contributing to frustration with
although evidence of functional disability the medical system and encouraging families
(school absenteeism, social withdrawal, sleep to seek alternative therapies to attenuate the
disruption and physical inactivity) may be evi- symptom rather than focusing on the factors
dent. School absenteeism may be more likely in maintaining pain.
adolescents with lower academic performance Without specific treatment, one-third of ado-
and higher scores on the Childhood Depression lescents reported frequent headache one year
Inventory (although not meeting the criteria for later. Female sex, frequent headaches at initial
clinical depression) (Breuner et al 2004). There assessment, reduced leisure time activity, and

Headache in childhood and adolescence CHAPTER 4

Biological causes: Psychological

• Visual acuity consequences:
• Posture • Depression
• Workstation – lighting, • Fear
Biological seating, desk and • Anxiety Psychological
computer screen height
• Post viral
• Occipital neuralgia
• Trauma

Biological consequences: Psychological causes:

• Physical deconditioning • Depression
• Poor concentration • Anxiety
• Sleep disruption • Low self esteem
• Poor body image
• Parent and child emotional regulation
• Fear
• Individual and family coping strategies

Social consequences: Social causes:

• Social withdrawal • Parental and sibling disharmony/conflict
• Poor academic performance • Intellectual disability
• School absenteeism • Poor school performance
• Reduced leisure activity • Poor social skills
• Behavioural problems • Bullying
• Parental illness and role modelling
• Parenting style
• Parental expectation


Figure 4.2  Biopsychosocial model showing the complex and bi-directional nature of factors contributing
to and maintaining chronic daily headache and its consequences. These factors guide assessment and direct

higher reporting of depressive symptoms were • Systemic hypertension

associated with increased likelihood for head-
• Hypoglycemia
ache persistence (Larsson & Sund 2005).
• Sleep and obstructive apnea. A history of
snoring with or without apnea,
Other headaches unrefreshed sleep and daytime
somnolence in conjunction with morning
Headache can be seen as part of a variety of headache are suggestive. A sleep study
other conditions including: will quantify the problem, and
• Connective tissue disease, e.g. systemic adenotonsillectomy or nocturnal bipap
lupus erythematosus ventilation may be indicated


• Post-dural puncture headache, characterized occipital nerves. We have observed this in

by frontal headache when sitting or standing adolescents with dystonic cerebral palsy who
with relief on assuming the supine position. communicate through head activated
More likely with large gauge spinal needles computer programs. Greater and lesser
(< 25-gauge), less likely with Sprotte or occipital nerve blocks with a local anesthetic
Whitacre type needles. Simple analgesia, and soluble steroid solution are diagnostic
generous fluid intake, and caffeine may be and therapeutic in the short-term (weeks).
helpful. If symptoms persist, epidural blood Longer lasting analgesia may be attained with
patch may be necessary scalp injection of botulinum toxin A
• Sinus infection • Dental disease and malocclusion
• Occipital neuralgia, characterized by pain at • Bruxism (see Ch. 20).
the base of the skull, which may be unilateral
or bilateral, and associated with radiation or These should be considered in an individual
sudden shock-like paresthesias in the where they have the above risk factors or alter-
distribution of the greater and/or lesser natively no other cause is found.

Case study 1
Helen is a 15-year-old girl who had developed daily differential diagnosis is between a mass such as a
headaches over a 6-month period. These were present tumor, hydrocephalus and its causes, or benign
on waking and on occasions were associated with intracranial hypertension (BIH) or pseudotumor
vomiting without nausea. Recently, she had complained cerebri. The obesity and the adolescent onset are risk
of intermittent double vision and transient episodes of factors for BIH, as are some therapies for acne (see
loss of vision lasting seconds only. below).
On examination she was moderately obese; she was An imaging study is required immediately. MRI scan is
afebrile, and had no abnormal neurocutaneous stigmata. the investigation of choice, but if this cannot be
She had a moderate amount of acne over her face. Her obtained within a day or two, an urgent CT scan is
blood pressure was 105/65. There were no bruits heard. indicated. Although a CT scan will be able to
Her general physical and neurological examinations were demonstrate a mass or hydrocephalus if present, an
normal and there were no focal neurological findings. Her MRI may be required to more clearly define an
extraocular movements showed a partial left V1 nerve abnormality in the posterior fossa. CT scanning
palsy and she had gross papilledema. through the posterior fossa can be associated with
significant artifact whereas MRI provides wonderful
anatomical detail. If the MRI scan is normal, then the
1. What is the differential diagnosis? diagnosis is most likely to be BIH and a lumbar
puncture with confirmatory CSF pressure
2. What investigations are required?
measurement is necessary.
3. What other questions should be asked?
4. What is the management? BIH can be associated with a number of risk factors
including being female, adolescence, obesity,
Discussion recurrent otitis media, steroid withdrawal, oral
The headache pattern is consistent with chronic contraceptives, tetracycline use, Vitamin A overuse
progressive and the history is very suggestive of raised and growth hormone treatment. Tetracyclines are used
intracranial pressure (ICP). The child has focal for acne. The major questions to be asked in this case
neurological findings in that she has partial 6th nerve are to ascertain whether any of the medications listed
palsy. In addition, the papilledema confirms the historic are being used as withdrawal may be helpful in
suspicion of raised ICP. Based on this synthesis, the management.

Headache in childhood and adolescence CHAPTER 4

Even though this disorder is named ‘benign’, it is procedures such as lumboperitoneal shunting and
potentially serious with the potential for permanent optic nerve fenestration is necessary.
visual loss. Management involves close monitoring of
This patient had a normal MRI scan of the brain.
vision, withdrawal of risk factors (drugs), lowering of
Lumbar puncture confirmed a diagnosis of benign
ICP by lumbar puncture, and the use of drugs to
intracranial hypertension
decrease CSF production (acetazolamide). If vision is
deteriorating despite active management neurosurgical

Case study 2
Tara is a 12-year-old girl who presented with a 3-year disability, requires an interdisciplinary assessment of
history of headache, recurrent abdominal pain, and her pain complaints.
bilateral knee pain. The pains commenced just after the
A team comprising a pain medicine specialist, a
separation of her parents and she received counseling at
psychiatrist, a psychologist, a physiotherapist, and an
the time. Her headaches became less frequent, but she
occupational therapist assessed Tara. A number of
continued to experience headaches every 3 weeks
issues relating to school were identified including that
associated with vomiting and photophobia. On these
she had attended three different primary schools to date
occasions she would retire to bed and the headaches
and was about to graduate to secondary school, that
would have subsided by the time she woke the following
the current school rang her mother to pick her up from
morning. When younger, she would often experience
school whenever she complained of pain, and that she
headaches associated with vomiting when she had
was being bullied at school. She had been attending her
problems with her peers. Over the last 6 months, bi-
current school for 7 months. Tara received speech
frontal headaches have been present on a daily basis.
therapy when younger and was assigned an integration
Of her various aches and pains, Tara found her headache aide at a previous school. Psychometric tests had been
the most troublesome in that she had difficulty performed 4 years ago that showed her intellectual
concentrating at school and found the noise in the functioning to be low normal. Although not clinically
classroom intolerable at times. She had missed 15 days depressed, Tara had low self-esteem and would often
of school last term because of her headache and was ruminate at night about her peer relationships.
experiencing headaches every 2 weeks in the afternoons
Tara visited her father on alternate weekends and was
associated with vomiting and photophobia. Tara had
allowed to stay awake until midnight on these
difficulty initiating sleep most nights and would often
occasions when they often watched DVDs together.
wake up unrefreshed. She had reduced her sporting
Her parents0 relationship is not amicable.
activity at school because of knee pain, despite frequent
physical therapy. She had been referred to a neurologist Tara’s diet consisted of mainly carbohydrates and fat,
12 months ago who diagnosed chronic daily headache with little fresh fruit or vegetables. Bowel actions
with superimposed migraine. occurred once every 2 days, and suprapubic
abdominal pain preceded opening of her bowels.
Examination that included visual acuity was normal.
1. Is further assessment necessary? Contact was made with Tara’s current school. They
2. Are further investigations required? were not aware of any particular difficulties apart from
3. What is the management? pain issues. Psychometric tests were repeated, which
confirmed her low normal functioning. Follow-up with
Discussion the school was made to:
The chronic non-progressive history of headache is • provide strategies (for Tara, the school, and Tara’s
consistent with a mixed pattern of chronic TTH and mother) to manage headaches at school
migraine. No investigations for headache are required. • address learning and social issues
The long history of symptoms which have not • facilitate transition to secondary school the
improved despite multiple visits to her local doctor and following year ensuring that the school is aware of
a neurologist, and which are causing functional her special needs


Tara was taught relaxation exercises to help facilitate pain and the physiotherapist initiated vastus medialis
sleep and manage her headaches. Tara’s parents strengthening exercises.
attended a Pain Education session that emphasized
Improvements noted within 3 months included:
the nature of her social and learning problems, the
headache free days, reduced frequency of headaches
impact of their unamicable relationship, the association
associated with photophobia and vomiting, less school
of these with Tara’s symptoms and what they could do
absenteeism, less abdominal pain, and participation in
to improve her sleep hygiene and diet. Taping of her
sporting activities.
knees whilst performing sport helped reduce her knee

Conclusion neurological signs should alert the treating

physician to investigate further. In the absence
Headache is a common complaint in child- of secondary headache, one can proceed to
hood and adolescence. It is imperative that diagnosing a primary headache, in which case
secondary causes of headache are considered. a biopsychosocial approach to assessment and
Recent onset headache with increasing treatment is ideal.
frequency and intensity, seizures, and focal

Bigal ME, Rapoport AM, Tepper SJ et al Fichtel Å, Larsson B 2004 Relaxation among early adolescents. Headache
2005 The classification of chronic treatment administered by school 45:684-691.
daily headache in adolescents – a nurses to adolescents with recurrent Laurell K, Larsson B, Eeg-Olofsson O
comparison between the second headaches. Headache 44:545-554. 2004 Prevalence of headache in
edition of the International Ghandour RM, Overpeck MD, Huang Swedish schoolchildren, with a focus
Classification of Headache Disorders ZJ et al 2004 Headache, on tension-type headache.
and alternative diagnostic criteria. stomachache, backache, and morning Cephalalgia 24:380-388.
Headache 45:582-589. fatigue among adolescent girls in the Lipton RB, Bigal ME, Steiner TJ et al
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2004 Factors related to school behavioral, sociodemographic, and headaches. Neurology 63:427-435.
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recurrent headache. Headache Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine persistent headache? Pediatric
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Chapter Five

Headache and the upper
cervical zygapophyseal joints
Jayantilal Govind

did not demand similar stringent criteria for

In patients with refractory headaches injections
the diagnosis of primary headaches such as
are performed to the upper cervical
zygapophyseal joints. Diagnostic blocks of these migraine and its variants.
joints are considered the gold standard in the
diagnosis of cervicogenic headache. In this
chapter the author, a pain management Definition
consultant, describes the anatomy and
neurophysiology related to these joints and By definition, cervicogenic headache means pain
management using joint blocks and radio
that is perceived in the head but whose primary
frequency denervation.
source lies in the cervical spine. Provided it
is innervated, any structure of the cervical spine
Until June 2004 the diagnosis and management has the potential to be a source of headache.
of headaches of cervical origin, or ‘cervicogenic A number of studies have confirmed that the
headaches’, was polarized; within the medical upper cervical synovial joints can be a potent
profession there was major dissension between source of neck pain and headaches, more so fol-
the European continent (Sjaastad et al 1998) lowing trauma. Experimentally, the noxious
and the rest of the world, in particular Austra- stimulation of the atlanto-occipital, the lateral
lia and the United States (International Head- atlantoaxial (Dreyfuss et al 1994), and the
ache Society 1988). First mooted in 1983 C2–C3 zygapophyseal joints (Dwyer et al 1990)
(Sjaastad et al 1983), the concept and diagnosis in normal human volunteers or patients, gener-
of cervicogenic headache were conditional and ated distinct patterns of replicable head pain
contingent upon clinical features – variables (Fukui et al 1996). Conversely, relief of headache
that would not have survived the dictates of could be secured with the intra-articular injection
epidemiological scrutiny, including validity of local anesthetic into the lateral atlantoaxial
and reliability (Sackett et al 1991). Others joint (Aprill et al 2002) or by third occipital nerve
argued that the lack of objective clinical signs block for head pain emanating from the C2–C3
and the absence of quantifiable tangibles such zygapophyseal joint (Lord & Bogduk 1996). Of
as imaging or electrophysiological studies all the potential sources of cervicogenic head-
implied a psychoneurotic causation (Edmeads aches, only the cervical zygapophyseal joint has
1978); but surprisingly, these same authors survived scientific rigor.

Background Validation came from a subsequent controlled

study in which Lord et al (1994) investigated
By 1940 occipital or ‘neuralgic’ headaches were 100 consecutive patients presenting with head-
attributed to gout, trauma, syphilis, malaria (Perel- ache after whiplash injury. In this cohort, the
son 1947), fibrositis (Holmes 1913), fibrotic prevalence of headache was deemed to be 27%,
nodules (Cyriax 1938), and cervical arthritis (Had- and where headache was the dominant symptom,
den 1940). In a persuasive clinicoradiological the prevalence was 53% (95% CI 37% to 68%). At
observation, (Brain 1963) reported that headache least 50% of all headaches were mediated by the
was one of the commonest presenting symptoms third occipital nerve, making the C2–C3 zygapo-
of upper cervical apophyseal joint spondylosis; physeal joint the most common source of upper
but, establishing an unambiguous biological corre- neck pain and headaches. These findings were
lation was elusive. replicated in a subsequent unrelated study
A year later, Trevor-Jones (1964) demon- (Govind et al 2005). Not only did the latter study
strated the surgical correlation between occipital reaffirm that the C2–C3 zygapophyseal joint was
headaches, the C2–C3 zygapophyseal joint, and the most common known source of cervicogenic
the third occipital nerve. Surgical exploration of headaches, but also in 6% of patients, the lateral
patients presenting with occipital headaches, atlantoaxial (C1–C2) joint was implicated. The
upper cervical tenderness, and radiological fea- lower synovial joints contributed to a lesser
tures of C2–C3 osteoarthrosis, revealed the third extent. Additionally, these studies did not iden-
occipital nerve to be entrapped within an osteo- tify any specific clinical or X-ray feature patho-
phytic mass. Complete relief of headache soon gnomonic for cervicogenic headache.
followed once the osteophytes were excised
and the nerve freed. Some 50 years later, other Anatomy
investigators reported the complete relief of the
headache following fusion of the osteoarthritic The juxtaposition of two consecutive cervi-
lateral atlanto-axial (C1–C2) joints (Ehni & Ben- cal vertebrae creates three joints: the large
ner 1984, Ghanayem et al 1996, Schaeren & central intervertebral joint and the two postero-
Jeanneret 2005, Star et al 1992). lateral synovial joints known as the zygapophy-
Pre-surgical diagnostic accuracy was seal (facet) joints. These synovial joints bridge
improved with the introduction of diagnostic the vertebrae behind the intervertebral foramina,
nerve blocks. In an earlier uncontrolled study, unlike the atlanto-occipital (C0–C1) and the lat-
headaches, that were refractory to trigeminal eral atlantoaxial (C1–C2) joints, which lie ante-
nerve blocks, were completely relieved by selec- rolateral to the vertebral foramen. Commencing
tively anesthetizing the upper cervical spinal at the level of the second cervical vertebrae, the
nerves (Pentecost & Adriani 1955). The advent facets of the inferior and superior articular pro-
of fluoroscopy permitted the precise deposition cesses of each consecutive vertebrae articulate
of minute aliquots of local anesthetic upon the to form the zygapophyseal joint, and because of
targeted nerve. Bogduk and Marsland (1986) their semi-vertical inclination, the opposing artic-
then first described the technique whereby ular pillars create a ‘chisel-upon-chisel’ effect.
headaches emanating from the C2–C3 zygapo- A loosely applied capsule surrounds the articular
physeal joint could be alleviated by blocking the margins of each synovial joint. Attached to the
third occipital nerve (TON), and the concept of capsules are the intra-articular meniscoids which
‘Third Occipital Headache’ thus evolved. lubricate and protect the joint surfaces during its

Headache and the upper cervical zygapophyseal joints CHAPTER 5

movements. The integrity of the ipsisegmental structures can be perceived as headache. The
intervertebral disc and the posterior neck mus- nucleus is represented by a continuous column
cles ensure joint stability. of grey matter containing the pars caudalis
of the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
and the apical grey matter of the dorsal horns
Neuroanatomy of the upper three segments of the cervical
spinal cord (Bogduk 2001).
Peripheral Afferents from the upper three cervical
spinal nerves and from the spinal tract of the
The atlanto-occipital (C0–C1) and the lateral trigeminal nerve converge onto the trigemino-
atlantoaxial (C1–C2) joints receive their inner- cervical nucleus. The trigeminal afferents ram-
vation from the ventral rami of the C1 and C2 ify principally within the upper three cervical
spinal nerves respectively (Bogduk 1982). cord segments, but may descend as far as C4
Unlike the joints distal to it, the C2–C3 zyga- (Torvik 1956). Within the nucleus the central
pophyseal joint is innervated by a single nerve, terminals of the upper three cervical nerves
the TON. Derived from the third spinal nerve, overlap extensively. In experimental animals,
the TON is the superficial branch of the C3 dorsal the C2 spinal nerve sends communicating
ramus. It passes around the lateral and then the branches to the C1 and C3 segments; the C3
posterior aspect of the C2–C3 zygapophyseal spinal nerve has a similar distribution pattern
joint, and supplies articular branches from its deep whilst the C1 spinal nerve is restricted to
surface as it crosses the joint transversely. Addi- its own segment (Escolar 1948). This exten-
tional articular branches may arise from a commu- sive relay system facilitates convergence not
nicating loop between the third occipital nerve only between the cervical afferents (cervico-
and the C2 dorsal ramus (Bogduk 1982). cervical) but also between the cervical and
Synovial joints distal to the C2–C3 zygapo- trigeminal (cervico-trigeminal) afferents: this
physeal joint have a dual innervation. Articular means that pain may be referred between dif-
branches originate from the deep medial ferent cervical fields and between cervical and
branches of the cervical dorsal rami as they cross trigeminal fields.
the posterolateral aspect of their respective
articular pillars, sending ascending branches to
the joint above, and descending branches to the Neurophysiology
joint below (Bogduk 1982).
The joint capsules and subsynovial loose areolar Convergence provides the neurophysiologi-
tissue are richly innervated by nociceptive and cal basis by which pain originating in the
mechanoreceptive nerve endings (McLain 1994), cervical spine can be perceived as headache.
thus establishing the neuronal circuitry for propri- In neurological terms, headache is perceived
oception and the transmission of pain impulses. to arise or occur in a region innervated by
nerves other than those that innervate the actual
Central connections source of pain (International Association for the
Study of Pain 1994). In this regard headache is a
The trigeminocervical nucleus provides the sensory illusion (Bogduk 1984) and does not
neuronal conduit by which pain from the pos- imply spinal nerve compression. Within the
terior cranial fossa and the upper cervical pars caudalis, the ophthalmic division of the


trigeminal nerve extends most caudally and is Clinical features

most densely represented: hence, referred pain
is most likely to be perceived as frontal There are no distinguishing features either in
headaches. the history, physical examination or imaging
Physiological confirmation of convergence studies that are pathognomonic for cervico-
has been provided under experimental condi- genic headaches. The headache is described as
tions. In laboratory animals, stimulation having a deep, dull aching quality which may
of the greater occipital nerve increased the be unilateral or bilateral. Pain emanating from
metabolic activity in the ipsilateral caudal the upper cervical zygapophyseal joints, i.e.
brain stem, upper cervical cord, and in the the C2–C3 or the C3–C4 joints, is most often
dorsal horn at the level of C1 and C2 felt in the occipital/suboccipital region and
(Goadsby et al 1997). This pattern of neural may radiate proximally to terminate as frontal
activation was contiguous with the pars cau- headaches: with lateral atlantoaxial joint
dalis and was in the same distribution when (C1–C2) pain, frontal or supraorbital head-
trigeminally innervated structures were sti- aches are more common (Fig. 5.1). Headaches
mulated (Goadsby & Hoskin 1997). In are usually constant and the variable intensity
human volunteers, ipsilateral headache was may be activity dependent. Whilst there
produced in the parietal and frontal regions are no definitive physical findings diagnostic
by stimulating the greater occipital nerve. of cervicogenic headache, tenderness over a
Occasionally, these second order neurons painful joint however increases the likelihood
also received input from the contralateral (Lord et al 1994).
greater occipital nerve and this might explain Not dissimilar to arm pain associated with
why primary headaches may be experien- cardiac ischemia, cervicogenic headache is one
ced bilaterally (Bartsch & Goadsby 2005,
Piovesan et al 2001). In normal volunteers,
distending the C2–C3 joint capsule with
contrast medium produced headache in the
occipital region (Dwyer et al 1990). Because
the ophthalmic nerve is most densely repre- C2/3
sented, referred pain is commonly perceived C3/4 C4/5
as frontal headaches; but pain may also be
perceived as originating from cutaneous C5/6 C6/7
distribution of the maxillary and mandibular
divisions of the trigeminal nerve (Bogduk
1984, Goadsby et al 1997, Kerr 1961). Either
trigeminal or cervical stimulation can gener-
ate central sensitization of the trigeminocer-
vical nucleus, and this may account for the
shared clinical features between migraine and
cervicogenic headaches (Bartsch & Goadsby
2005, Bogduk 1984, Goadsby et al 1997,
Goadsby & Hoskins 1997, Kerr 1961, Piovesan Figure 5.1  Pain map illustrating pain referral from the
et al 2001). cervical zygapophyseal joints.

Headache and the upper cervical zygapophyseal joints CHAPTER 5

form of somatic referred pain and does not Diagnostic nerve blocks
imply a distinct neurological abnormality. Cer-
vicogenic headache is not a neurological disor- Like the primary headaches, there are no spe-
der; therefore, altered neurological signs, and cific biological markers, imaging, or electro-
electrophysiological or imaging abnormalities physiological tests for cervicogenic headaches.
should not be expected. The diagnosis of cervicogenic headache is only
Several studies report that cervicogenic head- made by isolating a cervical source of pain.
aches share many clinical features with other Likely sources would be those structures inner-
forms of primary headaches including drug- vated by the upper three cervical nerves,
induced headaches (Antonaci et al 2001, Fish- including contents of the posterior cranial fossa
bain et al 2001, Leone et al 1998, Sanin et al (Bogduk & Lord 1998).
1994). In one study, not only did the symptoms Pertinent to cervicogenic headaches, nerve
overlap by as much as 75%, but also drug- blocks are diagnostic and not therapeutic. The
induced headache was a common confounder nerve block is a physiological test that deter-
(Sanin et al 1994). Complementary studies con- mines whether the patient’s pain is mediated
firmed the substantial co-existence of different by the targeted nerve, i.e. one or more of the
types of headaches in any one patient and at least medial branches of the dorsal rami that inner-
60% were post-traumatic in origin; of these, 84% vate the posterior elements of the cervical
also complained of neck pain (Fishbain et al spine including the intervertebral discs, the
2001). Further, unremitting severe pain, mis- zygapophyseal joints, and the posterior neck
diagnosis, and the side effects of medications muscles. Such blocks are advocated once all
collectively and severely disrupted the patients’ conventional forms of investigations and treat-
social and vocational goals, accelerated physical ment have been exhausted, red flags excluded,
deconditioning, and accentuated the levels of and the patient remains symptomatic. Because
psychosocial distress (Fishbain et al 2001). of their physiological mechanism, nerve blocks
Radiological investigations are of limited have biological plausibility and thus represent
value in the diagnosis of cervicogenic headaches. a rational and logical diagnostic utility.
Morphological features (Fredriksen et al 1989) In this regard diagnostic blocks have both face
and range of motion (Zwart 1997) are generally and construct validity. Face validity means that a
non-specific and show no difference between block actually blocks what it is supposed to block
headache patients and normal subjects (Pfaffen- and no other structure. Construct validity reaf-
rath et al 1987). firms that the relief of pain can be ascribed to
Nevertheless, certain features may be predic- the block and not to some other confounder such
tive of cervicogenic headaches. These might as a placebo response. Unlike imaging studies, a
include history of trauma, localized tenderness diagnostic block addresses the patient’s experi-
and diminished mobility. The pattern of pain ence of pain. By anesthetizing (‘blocking’) the
referral, commonly of suboccipital origin and par- actual source of pain or its nerve supply, with
ietofrontal radiation may simulate and be similar minute aliquots of precisely placed local anes-
to patterns generated under experimental condi- thetic, index pain may be eliminated and the
tions (Aprill et al 2002, Dreyfuss et al 1994, Dwyer source of pain can be inferred.
et al 1990, Fukui et al 1996). Ultimately diagnostic Patient expectations and observer bias may
blocks are the only means by which a firm and generate a false positive response of at least
unambiguous diagnosis can be secured. 27% if single blocks are relied upon (Barnsley


et al 1993a). False-positive blocks can be mini- of patients who have the condition and who
mized by using double-blind controlled blocks are not placebo responders.
whereby the patient and the investigator Diagnostic medial branch nerve blocks have
remain blind to the nature of the active agent. certain advantages over intra-articular blocks.
However, ethical and logistic considerations They are easier and safer to perform than
will severely limit the usefulness of a conven- intra-articular injections. Unnecessary puncture
tional ‘placebo’/saline block. Additionally, of sterile joints increases the risk of infection,
injecting saline increases the likelihood of gen- damages the articular cartilage and provides
erating a false-negative response, particularly access for the injectate into the epidural space.
when investigating the C2–C3 zygapophyseal The side effects of nerve blocks are minimal.
joint. The TON, which innervates the C2–C3 With third occipital nerve blocks there is loss
synovial joint, also has a constant cutaneous dis- of proprioception and this may cause slight dis-
tribution over the occiput (Bogduk 1982). equilibrium but nearly all patients recover
Anesthetizing the TON as it crosses the C3 within 10–15 minutes. A slow injection of
superior articular process will generate a small extremely small amounts of local anesthetic
patch of numbness over the occiput. Whilst (0.3 to 0.4 ml) precisely onto the targeted
headache and/or neck pain may or may not be nerve ensures confinement of the injectate
relieved, occipital numbness should always fol- to the target area and no other structure is
low. It is this latter feature that validates the anesthetized (Barnsley & Bogduk 1993).
technical efficiency of TON block. Saline does Nerve blocks and intra-articular injections
not have this capability: consequently, unblind- require special facilities and skills; they must
ing and possible false-negative responses will be performed using aseptic technique and
erode the diagnostic accuracy and genuine cases under fluoroscopic guidance. For a joint to be
will be missed. It is for these reasons that com- deemed symptomatic it should respond consis-
parative blocks are preferred. tently to repeated blocks. Failure to do so indi-
With comparative blocks two different types cates that the targeted joint may not be the
of local anesthetics are administered on sepa- primary source of pain. A block is accepted to
rate occasions (Barnsley et al 1993b). This util- be positive only if the patient reports complete
ity minimizes both the false positive and false pain relief for the entire pharmacological dura-
negative responses; the rationale being that tion of the active agent used. To date, compar-
the duration of pain relief would be commen- ative diagnostic blocks are the only means by
surate with the known pharmacological dura- which a cervical source of pain, and hence
tion of the injectate (Barnsley et al 1993b, headaches, can be identified. Accordingly, the
Rubin & Lawson 1968, Watt et al 1968). International Headache Society (2004) stipu-
Hence, the patient would obtain short-term lates controlled diagnostic blocks as an essential
relief when a short acting local anesthetic is and integral pre-requisite for the diagnosis of
used (e.g. lignocaine) and longer lasting relief cervicogenic headaches.
with a long acting agent (e.g. bupivacaine). For suspected lateral atlantoaxial (C1–C2)
Comparative blocks may still generate a 12% joint pain, intra-articular blocks are performed.
false positive response (Lord et al 1995) but, Unlike the TON, the technical finesse to sel-
conversely, the chance of a false-negative at ectively and accurately anesthetize the nerves
46% is also high (Lord et al 1995). Thus com- innervating either the lateral or the medial atlan-
parative blocks may fail to detect a proportion toaxial joints has not been devised. Greater

Headache and the upper cervical zygapophyseal joints CHAPTER 5

occipital nerve blocks are inappropriate. Distal to by Jull et al (2002) show that patients with
the C1–C2 joint, the greater occipital nerve is chronic cervicogenic headache benefit from
not known to innervate any of cervical synovial spinal mobilization and a specific craniocervical
joints. Injecting local anesthetic percutaneously flexion program (see Ch. 15).
without X-ray guidance may render the scalp Equally, there is no published evidence to
numb, but has neither diagnostic nor therapeutic advocate the use of epidural steroids or local
utility. anesthetics. Although widely publicized, the
Of all the potential sources of cervical pain usefulness of botulinum toxin remains unsub-
and headaches, only the zygapophyseal joints stantiated and its mode of action is dissonant
have been validated scientifically (Bogduk & with the known pathophysiology of cervico-
Lord 1998). As a source of headache, the genic headache (Evers et al 2002, Sycha et al
C2–C3 zygapophyseal joint predominates, 2004). The notion of ‘muscle spasm’ or the
with a prevalence ranging between 50% ‘pain-spasm-pain’ cycle in the genesis of head-
and 70%: the lateral atlantoaxial (C1–C2) aches has no electrophysiological validation
joint contributing to a lesser extent (Aprill (Mense et al 2001).
et al 2002, Govind et al 2005, Lord et al In one study, subcutaneous injection of
1994). lignocaine and corticosteroid relieved the
headaches for a mean duration of 23.5 (range
10–77) days (Anthony 2000). However, the
Treatment subsequent disequilibrium experienced by
some patients implied imprecise needle
Contrary to the notion of biological plausibility, placement and anesthetization of upper cer-
the management of headaches of cervical origin vical afferents other than just the occipital
has been empirical, symptomatic, and often nerves, as intended. The neural mechan-
dissonant with the known neurobiology of ism by which relief was secured was not
somatic referred pain. In some instances head- described.
ache may be the dominant feature and hence
recognising its extracranial origin should allevi-
ate the potential for misdiagnosis and inappro- Specific treatment
priate treatment.
C2–C3 zygapophyseal joint headache
Non-specific treatment Intra-articular steroids. Technically, the
intra-articular deposition of an active agent is
For headache per se there is no known specific target specific. In one small-uncontrolled trial,
medication and the commonly prescribed patients who suffered chronic daily headaches
analgesics, including opioids, exert a modula- and whose headache was completely relieved
tory effect at the primary source. Studies that with diagnostic blocks, had steroids injected
report favorable outcomes with physical thera- into their C2–C3 synovial joints (Slipman
pies are undermined by severe methodological et al 2001). Of these, 11% reported total relief
limitations and no study has established any of their index pain for as long as 19 months,
biological correlation between the presumed and in a further 50% headache frequency was
diagnosis and the mechanism of treatment reduced to three per month with the latter
(Astin & Ernst 2002) though the clinical study responding to oral analgesics.


Thermal radiofrequency neurotomy. The one to coagulate the surrounding tissue, which, in
form of treatment that has been most effica- turn incorporates and coagulates the target
cious is thermal or continuous radiofrequency nerve thereby creating a mechanical barrier to
neurotomy (RFN). When precisely executed the transmission of pain impulses. Anatomical
in properly selected patients, RFN confers continuity is retained, neuromas are avoided,
complete relief of pain for substantial periods and the nerve is able to regenerate. Pain may
(Fig. 5.2). return and the relief can be reinstated by
Unlike the destructive effects of conven- repeating the procedure.
tional cautery, the relief of pain with RFN is By controlling the rate of heating, RFN gen-
secured by coagulating the nerve that transmits erates well-circumscribed, smooth and regular
pain impulses from an identified source. This is lesions that are confined to the target area
achieved by placing the exposed tip of a teflon- and which ensure long-lasting beneficial effects
covered electrode parallel and adjacent to the with no major neurological complications,
target nerve and permitting the passage of a including Charcot’s joints. The procedure is
high frequency, low energy current between generally performed under local anesthetic.
the exposed tip and the ground plate attached The only indication for cervical medial branch
to the patient (International Spine Intervention RFN is the total abolition of the index pain fol-
Society 2004). The current density is greatest lowing controlled diagnostic blocks of the target
around the exposed tip. The intense friction nerve. This caveat is absolute given the unreli-
of the protein molecules due to the passage of ability of clinical features (King et al 2007). In
an alternating current generates sufficient heat patients who are poorly selected, or in whom
the procedure is inappropriately administered,
RFN will fail (Stovner et al 2004).
One form of cervicogenic headache where
RFN has been exceptionally effective is in the
management of third occipital headache. It is
the one form of cervicogenic headache that
has been the most extensively investigated
and validated. Third occipital headache or the
Headache of Bogduk (Edmeads & Soyka 1997)
is so named because the headache perceived
is mediated by the third occipital nerve
(TON), the only nerve that innervates the
C2–C3 zygapophyseal joint. To date the latter
remains the commonest known source of
post-traumatic headache of cervical origin
(Govind et al 2005, Lord & Bogduk 1996).
When RFN is executed meticulously and
precisely in properly selected patients, some
88% of patients can expect complete relief of
their headache for a median duration of 297
Figure 5.2  Radiofrequency neurotomy. Electrode
placement at the peak of the C3 articular process to days (Govind et al 2003). At the time of publi-
coagulate the third occipital nerve at its highest projection. cation of this study, some patients enjoyed

Headache and the upper cervical zygapophyseal joints CHAPTER 5

continuing relief and in those in whom pain had cervical cord, the vertebral artery, the C2
returned, repeating the procedure successfully ganglion, and the C2 ventral ramus.
reinstated complete relief.
Lateral atlantoaxial joint headache
The diagnosis of lateral atlantoaxial (C1–C2) Cervicogenic headache is common and is a
joint pain is secured by controlled intra-articu- type of somatic referred pain, mediated via
lar blocks. Articular branches innervating the the trigeminocervical nucleus in the cervical
lateral C1–C2 joints emanate from the C2 spi- cord. It is the one form of headache that is
nal nerve and close to the C2 ganglion (Bogduk best understood anatomically and physiologi-
1982). There are no valid means by which a cally. A failure to recognize its relevance is
selective nerve block can be safely executed often associated with significant pain and
without harming the C2 ganglion. Conse- suffering. Diagnostic features are sparse and
quently, intra-articular blocks offer a safer and hence the condition is commonly either mis-
more precise option. diagnosed or under-diagnosed. Because cervi-
The treatment for proven lateral atlantoaxial cogenic headache is a form of somatic
(C1–C2) joint pain is limited to surgical arthrod- referred pain, abnormal clinical, neurological,
esis. Observational studies report the complete radiological, or electrophysiological findings
relief of index pain for as long as seven years are unlikely. Controlled diagnostic blocks are
(Ghanayem et al 1996, Schaeren & Jeanneret the only means by which the diagnosis can be
2005). confirmed. For third occipital headache,
Published data in support of any other treat- radiofrequency neurotomy meticulously exe-
ment, including corticosteroids and physical cuted confers total relief of pain for periods
modalities, are lacking. Articular branches that greater than three months. Thus diagnostically
innervate the lateral C1–C2 joints are not and therapeutically, the algorithm for the
accessible for coagulation, and there is no management of third occipital headache, the
known technique by which thermal radiofre- most common known form of cervicogenic
quency can be administered safely and effec- headache, fully satisfies the criteria recently
tively. By its very nature, radiofrequency will enunciated by the International Headache
severely compromise the viability of the Society (2004).

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Chapter Six

Sleep structure, bruxism
and headache
Norman Thie, Pablo Kimos, Gilles Lavigne and Paul Major

Sleep bruxism may be associated with A recent attempt (Woda et al 2005) to

temporomandibular disorders and headache. In revise the taxonomy of chronic orofacial pain
this chapter the authors, dental and orofacial pain
researchers, critically evaluate the literature in relation to sign and symptom commonalities,
investigating the links between sleep bruxism, revealed three clusters:
temporomandibular disorders and headache with
1. Neuralgia: trigeminal and post-traumatic
emphasis on the role of altered sleep structure
in precipitating or maintaining particular 2. Neurovascular and tension-type: tension-
headache types. type headache, migraine and cluster
Orofacial pain includes temporomandibular 3. Persistent idiopathic orofacial pain: atypical
disorders (TMD), neuropathic pain, and some facial pain or undifferentiated orofacial
forms of headaches. Sleep bruxism (SB), an pain, arthromyalgia and stomatodynia.
involuntary motor activity during sleep asso- Headache classification was recently revised
ciated with tooth grinding, may be related to and simplified, at least for headaches not asso-
temporomandibular joint problems including ciated with a traumatic event or medical condi-
joint sounds or movement limitation and myo- tion, with primary headaches divided into four
fascial pain of the jaw and neck muscles (Bader major categories: migraine, tension-type head-
et al 1997, Dao et al 1994, Kampe et al 1997 a aches, cluster and other autonomic cephalgias
& b, Lobbezoo & Lavigne 1997, Magnusson and other primary headaches (Headache Clas-
et al 2000). Currently, in sleep medicine sleep sification Subcommittee of The International
bruxism is classified into the group of ‘move- Headache Society 2004). It is important to
ment sleep-related disorders’ (American Acad- mention that headache may also be associated
emy of Sleep Medicine 2005). It is common with respiratory sleep disorders such as a limi-
for patients with SB who present to a TMD/ tation of airflow (upper airway resistance syn-
Orofacial Pain Clinic to report headaches and drome, UARS) or cessation of breathing
it has been identified that up to 70% of (sleep apnea) (Gold et al 2003).
patients in TMD clinics report headache- To our knowledge, there is a paucity of prospec-
related complaints (Zarb et al 1994). tive studies that address the cause-and-effect

relationship between headaches and sleep bruxism strategies. The chapter is divided into five sec-
(SB). Most of the information available comes tions. The first provides a general background
from case reports, expert opinion, case-control on sleep and bruxism. The second provides
studies or epidemiological surveys. Correlation details on SB diagnosis. The third focuses on
analyses from these studies suggest that SB may the literature that reports on headaches and
be a risk factor in the initiation or maintenance of SB. The fourth discusses sleep-related and
some forms of headache, but do not support a morning headaches. The final section provides
cause and effect relationship. Interestingly, there a summary and criteria for differential diagnosis,
are some studies that suggest that sustained mus- management and referral strategies.
cle activity, such as clenching, may trigger orofacial
pain of muscular and joint origin (Arima et al 1999,
Clark et al 1991, Glaros & Burton 2004, Svensson
Sleep structure and bruxism
& Arendt-Nielsen 1996). It should be noted that
most of these studies were done with normal Sleep structure
subjects who clenched their teeth for a certain
time during wakefulness but not during sleep. Sleep is a state of conscious disengagement
Furthermore, because SB is usually characterized from the environment that may include condi-
by rhythmic jaw muscle contraction and not tions such as sleep-walking, sleep-talking, and
clenching, the extrapolation of these findings to a tooth grinding (SB) (Carskadon & Dement
SB population may not be valid (Jensen & Olesen 2005). Sleep duration is between 6 and 9 hours
1996, Lavigne et al 1996, Plesh et al 1998). in most healthy persons over a 24-hour circa-
The aim of this chapter is to provide a critical dian rhythm. Sleep architecture is divided into
review of the literature on sleep-related bruxism two major periods: non-rapid eye movement
and headaches to aid clinicians in developing (nonREM) followed by rapid eye movement
definitive diagnosis, management and referral (REM) (Fig. 6.1). The nonREM and REM sleep

First one-third of sleep Last one-third of sleep

Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III Cycle IV







0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

Time (min) from lights-off

Figure 6.1  Sleep hypnogram (histogram) of a normal 23-year-old subject with 4 sleep cycles. Small vertical
arrowhead indicates when sleep initiated after lights out. Note the dominance of stages 3 and 4 of nonREM in the first
one-third of sleep compared to REM dominance (thick horizontal bars on time axis) in the last one-third of sleep.
nonREM is usually 75–80% of sleep, REM sleep usually 20–25% and wakefulness usually less than 5% of sleep.

Sleep structure, bruxism and headache CHAPTER 6

periods are repeated every 70–120 minutes and this way then, the brain filters the external
three to five times per sleep period; they are milieu and makes instant adjustments of its
known as the ultradian sleep cycles. NonREM internal functions during sleep; these oscilla-
sleep is further subdivided into four stages. tions are named the cyclic alternating pattern
Stages 1 and 2 are considered to be light sleep (CAP). When microarousals repeat too fre-
stages, a period associated with most body quently, the CAP is in an active phase with a
movements and SB; while stages 3 and 4 are high probability of arousal from sleep; con-
deep sleep stages associated with a ‘sleep versely, when the brain is more quiescent,
recovery effect’ (Kato et al 2003a). REM sleep EEG activity is reduced and heart and respira-
covers 20–25% of total sleep time and is char- tory rates lower to preserve sleep continuity
acterized by fast low-voltage cortical electro- (Parrino et al 2006). In a sleep laboratory, most
encephalographic (EEG) activity, phasic eye SB episodes are observed on sleep traces during
movements, rapid heart rate and profound the active phase of the CAP, specifically sleep
muscle relaxation (Kato et al 2003a, Lavigne stages 2 or 1 of nonREM (Lavigne et al 2005a).
et al 2003). REM sleep can be sub-divided in
phasic or tonic (less eye rolling) phases. While Bruxism
nonREM sleep stages 3 and 4 are characterized
by a dominance of slow EEG activity (slow The term ‘bruxism’ has been used to describe
wave activity) most notable in the first third the gnashing and grinding of teeth for no appar-
of the sleep period, REM sleep is characterized ent reason. Bruxism during wakefulness is usually
by fast EEG waves that predominate during the a semi-voluntary mandibular activity, generally
last third (early morning hours) of the total with no associated sounds (Bader & Lavigne
sleep cycle. Under the above described circa- 2000, Lavigne et al 2003) and needs to be distin-
dian (24-hour shift of wake and sleep) and guished from SB, which was formerly classified
ultradian (nonREM and REM repetition) sleep as a parasomnia – a disorder intruding or occur-
oscillations, sleep is characterized by cyclic ring during sleep (Thorpy 1997). As stated previ-
reactivation, every 20–40 seconds, of the brain ously, this classification has recently changed and
and autonomic (cardiorespiratory) systems. SB is now considered an oromotor movement
These last for 3–10 seconds and act to provide disorder occurring during sleep (Thorpy 2005).
the sleeping individual an indication of the Sleep bruxism is present in approximately
body’s external surroundings to readjust body 8% of adults, tends to decrease with age, and
temperature, heart and respiratory rate. These does not appear to have a significant gender bias
rapid and transient reactivations are named (Lavigne & Montplaisir 1994, Ohayon et al
sleep micro-arousals (differentiated from awa- 2001). The pattern of inheritance of SB is
kenings); they are part of the micro-structure unknown and the influence of familial and envi-
of sleep architecture and are repeated at a rate ronmental factors requires study (Lavigne et al
ranging from 12–20 times per hour of sleep 2005a). In the absence of a medical cause, SB
(Terzano et al 2002). A good way to remember is considered to be primary or idiopathic,
their role is to see these microarousals as phys- whereas SB associated with a medical condition
iological ‘sentinels’ that prepare a ‘sleeping’ may be considered secondary, as in medical and
brain for transient physiological adjustments psychiatric conditions, or iatrogenic, as in drug
to preserve sleep continuity or to initiate an withdrawal (Lavigne et al 2005a). In young adult
awake reaction if bodily threat is perceived. In SB subjects, more than 80% of SB episodes


occur during sleep stages 1 and 2 of nonREM and the modulation of muscle tone during sleep
and approximately 5–10% in REM (Huynh (Ellison & Stanziani 1993, Lavigne et al 2003,
et al 2006a, Lavigne et al 2005a). Interestingly, Lobbezoo & Naeije 2001, Lobbezoo et al 1997 a
74% of SB episodes are observed to occur in & b, 2001, Por et al 1996, Winocur et al 2003).
the supine position, a sleep position in which Tooth contact in SB is the last in a sequence of
airway obstruction is frequently observed in physiological events that are likely to occur in
patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) the following order:
(Lavigne et al 2005a). 1. Increase in autonomic cardiac activity 4 to
The etiology of SB is not completely under- 8 minutes preceding tooth grinding or
stood but is believed to be multifactorial and phasic jaw muscle contractions (this rise is
probably the product of biologic and psychoso- prevented with clonidine pre-treatment).
cial influences (Lavigne et al 2005a). Currently,
three etiological explanations have been pro- 2. Increase in cortical activity (alpha waves)
posed: peripheral factors, central factors, and 4 seconds before SB.
psychological influences – e.g. life stress and anx- 3. Increase in cardiac rhythm 1 second
iety (Ohayon et al 2001, Lavigne et al 2005a). before SB.
Current research tends to consider SB as a cen- 4. Increase in suprahyoid muscle tone
trally-mediated process related to sleep micro- (probably involved in jaw opening or
arousals (Kato et al 2001a, 2003b, Lobbezoo & airway patency) 0.8 seconds before SB.
Naeije 2001, Macaluso et al 1998) (Fig. 6.2).
Neurotransmitters may be involved in the gene- 5. Onset of activity of jaw-closer muscle
sis of characteristic rhythmic jaw movements (phasic muscle contractions – termed
rhythmic masticatory muscle activity)
with possible tooth grinding (Lavigne et al
Autonomic cardiac activation 2005a, Huynh et al 2006a).
The association of SB with sleep microarousal
is also supported by findings from other labora-
Increased EEG activity tories (Bader et al 1997, Macaluso et al 1998).

Clinical diagnosis
Cardiac activation Initial recognition of SB may be reliably based
on a sleep partner’s complaints of tooth grind-
ing or occasionally tooth tapping. To a lesser
Activation of motor neurons extent the patient may be aware of jaw clench-
ing during sleep or upon awakening, tooth sen-
sitivity to cold or warm stimuli (e.g. food,
Sleep bruxism liquid, oral respiration), jaw pain or tenderness
Increase in: or temporal headache on awakening. In our lab-
• Jaw muscle activity oratory definitive diagnosis of SB is made
• Probability of tooth contact
through polysomnographic studies. It can also
and grinding
be established in the home environment using
Figure 6.2  Physiological sequence of events in sleep ambulatory systems, preferably with audio-
bruxism genesis. video signals to rule out other oromotor

Sleep structure, bruxism and headache CHAPTER 6

movements such as swallowing, smiling, chew- secondary headaches are those resulting from an
ing or orofacial myoclonia that can represent underlying pathologic process (Biondi 2001). As
up to 30% of non specific oromandibular activ- mentioned earlier, there is no RCT to support
ities during sleep. Unfortunately, these studies an association between SB and headache pain.
are complex, not readily available, time-con- A similar lack of RCT is evident within the liter-
suming, and expensive. Consequently, diagno- ature pertaining to a cause and effect relationship
sis generally relies on clinical observations and between bruxism and headache during wakeful-
patient history. The clinical predictors and dif- ness (Kampe et al 1997a, Molina et al 1997).
ferential diagnoses for SB are outlined in Molina et al (1997) have reported that approxi-
Table 6.1 (Kato et al 2001b, Lavigne et al mately two-thirds of bruxism patients report
1999, 2005a). headache pain, Hamada et al (1982) reported
that approximately 90% of bruxism subjects have
Headache and sleep bruxism headaches and Yustin et al (1993) reported
approximately 60% of bruxism subjects have
When an evidence-based approach is applied to
headaches and neck pain. With a SB patient pop-
the literature, we find that there are very few
ulation spanning from 23 to 67 years of age, 65%
studies that have found a causal relationship
reported morning headache (Bader et al 1997).
between SB and headache and there are no rando-
How sleep affects headache has been of
mized control trials (RCT) or cohort studies in
interest to health care providers and research-
this area (Table 6.2). A case-controlled study
ers for years. For instance, in a clinical setting,
(Macfarlane et al 2001) represents the highest
patients may report that sleep terminates
level of evidence in this area to date, however,
their headache attack (e.g. migraine headache),
the study did not specifically address headache
their headache may awaken them in the middle
but rather a relationship between SB and pain
of the night (e.g. cluster headache), or they
dysfunction syndrome (PDS). The authors did
may awaken in the morning with headache
report frequent headaches as a part of PDS. Of
(e.g. OSA, SB). According to the International
the five case series published, three reported a
Classification of Sleep Disorders, primary head-
relationship between headache and SB (Kampe
aches that are sleep-related include: migraine
et al 1997 a & b, Miller et al 2003); the other
and cluster headache, tension-type headache,
two did not (Magnusson et al 2000, Watanabe
chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH), hypnic
et al 2003). The survey of three expert opinions
headaches (Thorpy 2005) and headache stem-
described SB as a common finding in patients
ming from other medical conditions.
with headaches but also as a cause of headaches
(Bailey 1990, Biondi 2001, Rugh & Harlan 1988).
Migraine and cluster headache
Sleep-related and morning Patients with migraine and cluster headache may
headaches report headache attacks occurring during sleep
(Culebras 2005). The onset of nocturnal migraine
The lifetime prevalence of headache in the gen- has been associated with an abrupt decline of sero-
eral adult population is 85–95% (Biondi 2001). tonin levels during REM sleep (Dexter & Weitz-
Headaches are classified as primary or secondary: man 1970, Biondi 2001, Rasmussen 1993).
primary headaches are those which are not a Cluster headache has been linked to REM stage
result of structural abnormalities or disease; and sleeping in, and is characterized by severe


Table 6.1 Clinical predictors and differential diagnosis of SB.

Clinical predictors of SB Clinical consideration and differential diagnosis

Grinding or tapping sounds reported Sleep bruxism
by bed partner Other sounds caused by other orofacial movements (e.g. temporomandibular joint clicking,
throat grunting)

Dental wear facets Sleep bruxism

Coarse diet
Acidic diet
Past dental restorative work
Tooth wear due to normal aging

Fractures in teeth and/or dental Sleep bruxism

restorations Coarse diet (e.g. popcorn kernels)
Occlusal trauma

Tooth mobility Sleep bruxism

Periodontal disease or occlusal trauma independent of SB

Tooth discomfort or sensitivity upon Sleep bruxism

waking Dental or periodontal problems independent of SB

Masticatory muscle pain upon Sleep bruxism

waking Chronic masticatory myalgia or facial pain independent of SB
Localized myofascial pain
Fibromyalgia or widespread pains

Masseter hypertrophy Sleep bruxism

Inflammatory swellings
Parotid-masseter syndrome (blockade of parotid ducts by sustained contraction of the
masseter muscle – characterized by: episodic swelling, pain, inflammation, and abnormal
mouth dryness

TMJ locking and clicking upon Sleep bruxism

waking TMJ disc adherences or displacement
TMJ disc displacement, independent of SB

Waking headache Sleep bruxism

Sleep apnea and/or upper airway resistance syndrome (limitation or cessation of airflow with
daytime sleepiness ¼ medical hazard)
Insomnia (greater than 20 minutes required to fall asleep or difficulty resuming sleep if
waking during the night)
Raised intracranial pressure

Tongue and/or cheek indentation Sleep bruxism

Tongue pushing

Sleep structure, bruxism and headache CHAPTER 6

Table 6.2 Literature evaluating a possible relationship between SB and headaches.

Authors Study design EBM Conclusion

Rugh & Harlan 1988 Expert opinion 5 Temporal tension headaches are an effect of SB due
to excessive temporal muscle contraction.

Bailey 1990 Expert opinion 5 Headaches are a common finding in SB patients.

Kampe et al 1997a Case series n ¼ 29 4 A statistically significant correlation between

Patient survey for reported symptoms headaches and SB was found.
and health history

Kampe et al 1997b Case series n ¼ 29 4 A statistically significant correlation between

Personality inventory (Karolinska headaches and SB was found.
Scales of Personalities)

Magnusson et al 2000 Case series n ¼ 135 4 Weak and non-significant correlation was found
Clinical examination and between headaches and oral parafunction,
questionnaire including SB.

Biondi 2001 Expert opinion 5 SB can cause headaches, which are muscular in origin.

Macfarlane et al 2001 Case control n ¼ 317 3a Frequent headaches are part of the pain dysfunction
Questionnaire collecting syndrome (PDS). Nocturnal teeth grinding was
socio-demographic, mechanical and significantly associated with PDS.
psychological factors

Miller et al 2003 Case series n ¼ 118 4 The frequency of migraines is positively

Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire related to SB.
and standardized questionnaire for
headache characteristics

Watanabe et al 2003 Case series n ¼ 12 4 Headache pain or sleep disturbances were not found
Correlation between a telemetric to be related to SB.
system to monitor SB and patient’s
rating of symptoms
*Levels of evidence for etiology/harm (Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine): 1a. Systematic review of randomized controlled studies (RCT);
1b. Individual RCT (with narrow confidence interval); 2a. Systematic review of cohort studies; 2b. Individual cohort studies (including low-quality
RCT; e.g., < 80% follow up); 2c. ‘Outcomes’ research; ecologic studies; 3a. Systematic review of case control studies; 3b. Individual case
control study; 4. Case series (and poor-quality cohort and case control studies); 5. Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or
based on physiology, bench research, or ‘proof of principle study’.

unilateral temporal, malar and periorbital pain 40 years increase the risk of OSA by 24 and 13
with associated features of forehead perspiration, times respectively (Nobre et al 2005). Hypox-
nasal congestion, lacrimation and rhinorrhea emia has been postulated as a headache trigger in
(Culebras 2005). Interestingly, a recent report cluster headache patients when morning head-
estimated that a diagnosis of sleep apnea is 8.8 ache is reported, although there is debate on
times more likely in cluster headache patients whether the duration of hypoxemia relates to
when compared to controls and that a body mass headache complaints in sleep apnea patients
index of over 25 kg/m2 and an age greater than (Chervin et al 2000, Greenough et al 2002).


Tension-type headache was also slightly greater than 50% in patients

with UARS and the general prevalence of SB
Tension-type headaches related to sleep disor- was greatest in UARS patients compared to
ders tend to be present on morning waking (Bader those patients with mild to severe OSA (Gold
et al 1997, Kampe et al 1997a). They may be epi- et al 2003).
sodic or chronic and characterized by pressing,
aching, non-pulsating pain. Sleep disorders Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania
related to this type of headache are reported to and hypnic headache
include sleep apnea, SB, insomnias, parasomnias,
UARS and periodic limb movement disorder Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania is considered
(Biondi 2001, Guilleminault et al 2005, Kayed a variant of cluster headache with attacks in
& Sjaastad 1985, Poceta 2003). close association with REM sleep (Culebras
The sleep quality of patients with tension-type 2005) and responds quasi-specifically to the
headaches is frequently reported to be poor dur- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug indo-
ing headache periods (Jennum & Jensen 2002). methacin. Hypnic headache is an uncommon,
Interestingly, experimental studies in humans benign headache that only occurs during sleep
have shown that nitric oxide (NO) may play a and affects an elderly population (Biondi
critical role in initiating primary headaches and 2001, Culebras 2005, Mahowald & Schenck
a recent study suggests that infusion of glyceryl 1996, Poceta 2003). Headache episodes can
trinitrate (a nitric oxide donor) may trigger the occur 15 times per month for at least one
production of NO in patients with chronic ten- month and, unlike cluster headache and CPH,
sion-type headache (Ashina et al 2004). Further occurs as a diffuse headache pain in two-thirds
research is required to elucidate whether this of patients (Culebras 2005). There may be
molecule influences the sleep quality of patients associated nausea and most patients do not
with chronic headache complaints. have autonomic symptoms (e.g. lacrimation,
In a recent study, headache was reported by rhinorrhea, nasal congestion).
48% and 49% of patients with a definitive diag-
nosis of insomnia and OSA respectively; and in Other medical conditions
OSA patients the headaches had a tension-type and headache
pattern (Alberti et al 2005). Morning headaches
lasting < 2 hours occurred in 74% of the patients Sleep-related or morning headaches can com-
with OSA, compared to 40% of insomnia monly be secondary to insomnia, medication
patients. Patients with morning headache and/or alcohol abuse, mental stress, post-trau-
also showed greater oxygen desaturation matic and respiratory disturbances (Jennum &
(SaO2 ¼ 82.5%) than patients without headache Jensen 2002). A recent European study
(SaO2 ¼ 86.1%), but interestingly REM sleep revealed that morning headaches were more
and total sleep time under desaturation (SaO2 frequent in patients with concomitant depres-
< 90%) was similar in both groups (Greenough sion, using anxiolytic medications for insomnia,
et al 2002, Alberti et al 2005). An additional and those patients with circadian rhythm and
study (Gold et al 2003) found headache symp- sleep-related breathing disorders (Ohayon
toms in 15–25% of patients with mild to severe 2004). Inspiratory airflow limitations may play
OSA and in slightly greater than 50% of patients a key role in the development of somatic
with UARS. Moreover, the prevalence of SB complaints in fibromyalgia patients such as

Sleep structure, bruxism and headache CHAPTER 6

widespread body pain and tenderness, sleep-

Table 6.3 Patient symptoms and differential diagnosis.
maintenance and sleep onset insomnia and
headaches (Gold et al 2004). Patient reported Differential diagnosis
Other headaches that may occur during sleep symptoms
and cause awakening, although rare, include
Headache upon Poor quality of sleep due to other
hemicrania horologica, or ‘exploding head syn- waking sleep disorders (e.g. sleep
drome’ (once called ‘snapping of the brain’) apnea, insomnia, UARS
intracranial tumor or abscess, cerebrospinal fluid Sleep bruxism
obstruction, subarachnoid hemorrhage and cere- Myofascial pain
brovascular ischemia or stroke (Biondi 2001, Chronic or recurrent tension-type
headache independent from SB
Culebras 2005). It should be noted that neuro-
Fibromyalgia or widespread pains
logic conditions with brain damage from infec-
tious or demyelinating encephalitides, multiple Nocturnal headache Chronic or recurrent tension-type
and/or facial pain headaches independent from SB
sclerosis and traumatic brain injuries may also
Sleep bruxism
alter sleep (Culebras 2005). There are also Migraine
reported cases of referred headaches and facial Cluster headache
pain originating from cardiovascular ischemia Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania
(Durso et al 2003, Lipton et al 1997) and there Hypnic headache
Myofascial pain independent
have been 32 reported cases of patients with
from SB
lung tumors, of which nine had pain referral to Fibromyalgia or widespread pains
the temporal skull areas and six cases with pain
referral to the orbital area (Sarlani et al 2003).
30 minutes or if sleep cannot be resumed
in the middle of a sleep period;
Referral and management • A dentist for an occlusal splint if tooth
strategies grinding and headaches are not related to
sleep respiratory disorders. Mandibular
From the differential diagnoses provided in advancement devices (MAD) may be
Table 6.3, headaches not secondary to SB indicated for patients with snoring or
require referral or collaboration with: mild to moderate OSA, who prefer them
• A neurologist if the headaches are of to continuous positive airway pressure
cluster, CPH, hypnic, migraine types, or (CPAP) therapy, who do not respond to
facial pain of a neurological origin (e.g. or fail attempts with CPAP therapy, or
trigeminal neuralgia); are not appropriate candidates for CPAP
• A sleep clinic if a respiratory disorder is therapy (Kushida et al 2006);
suspected. This may include: sleep • A rheumatologist if widespread pains
partner report of cessation of breathing, such as in fibromyalgia or systemic
daytime sleepiness, memory problems, inflammatory disease are suspected to be
physical examination revealing large neck contributing to symptoms;
and long palate with macroglossia, • An allergist if breathing is affected by
hypertension, patient reports of restless allergens;
legs and limb movements during sleep, if • An ear, nose and throat specialist if nasal or
sleep onset is delayed by more than sinus pathology is identified or suspected.


Immediate referral to a hospital emergency responded to CPAP therapy, prefer a MAD,

department is required if patients report head- or are not the appropriate candidates for CPAP
ache pain that is unremitting, progressive and therapy. As recommended by the American
worsening, with symptoms including the first Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and the
or worst-ever headache experienced, unremit- sleep medicine guidelines developed by
ting fever, nausea or vomiting, confusion, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
fatigue or neck stiffness (Culebras 2005). the efficacy and safety of such devices need
Once other causes have been excluded, the to be determined with polysomnography or a
management of sleep bruxism related head- Type 3 sleep study in the months following
aches may involve a number of strategies. treatment initiation. Furthermore, long-term
1. Mild cases without sleep related breathing follow-up with dental appliances is required
disorder. Home relaxation exercises (imagery, to monitor patient adherence, appliance fit
abdominal breathing), stress management, life- and integrity and patient signs and symptoms
style changes, avoidance of large meals and of worsening OSA.
alcohol in the evenings, improvement in sleep Patients may expect a 50% reduction in
hygiene and sleep environment (proper tem- headache symptoms, diastolic blood and SB
perature, low or no light, minimal noise etc.) when using a MAD. Although CPAP therapy
may be utilized. However, there is a lack of is the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea
controlled studies to support their efficacy. in patients with morning headache, its use in
Medication can be used to reduce sleep-related patients with SB has only been reported in
anxiety causing insomnia, including anxiolytic one severe apneic case. However, compliance
medications (e.g. a small dose of clonazepam may be a problem in SB patients since it has
for short term periods) or hypnotic medica- been observed in our sleep laboratory that most
tions (e.g. zaleplon, zolpidem, zopiclone). severe SB cases without headache remove the
These may be used for short periods of time facial mask used for CPAP therapy during their
if patients are informed that excessive daytime sleep due to factors such as discomfort, mask
sleepiness may occur. The benefit of headache- pressure, air dryness, hoses that limit body
related medication (e.g. topiramate, triptans) movements. There are no firm data on long-
remains to be demonstrated in RCTs with term compliance for patients with severe SB
objective sleep and respiratory measures who utilize a MAD. Where sleep apnea is pres-
(Brousseau et al 2003, Lampl et al 2006, ent, caution is advised when using occlusal
Lavigne et al 2005a,b, 2006, Saletu et al splint appliances as respiratory disturbance
2005, Stepanski & Wyatt 2003). indices may be adversely affected.
2. Where limitation or cessation of airflow 3. There are also new avenues of treatment
during sleep is present (Bondemark & Lind- available (Huynh et al 2006b, Kast 2005, Pirelli
man 2000, Cistulli et al 2004, Ferguson & et al 2004, Powell et al 2005, Saletu et al 2005).
Lowe 2005, Gagnon et al 2004, Gotsopoulos In patients with SB, clonidine (an alpha agonist),
et al 2004, Kushida et al 2006, Landry et al used to assess the mechanism of SB in a rando-
2006, Lindberg et al 2006, Oksenberg & Arons mized polygraphic study (not a drug efficacy
2002), a MAD may be prescribed for use in and safety study), was shown to reduce the
patients with primary snoring and mild to mod- muscle contractions during SB by 60%, although
erate OSA, in those patients that have not 20% of patients subsequently had severe

Sleep structure, bruxism and headache CHAPTER 6

hypotension lasting several hours after waking. Conclusion

Thus, the efficacy and safety of cardioactive
medications in the clinical management of It is important to consider SB as a factor contri-
SB and related headache remains to be demon- buting to headache even though current literature
strated. In a self report case series study, displays a weak causal relationship. Nonetheless,
tiagabine (a gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake signs and symptoms such as jaw clenching and
inhibitor) was reported to reduce bruxism asso- facial tightness on waking, tooth wear or thermal
ciated with temporomandibular pain. The long- sensitivity, headaches, and reports of tooth grind-
term efficacy/safety ratio using clonazepam, ing are important indicators of SB. Sleep-related
(a benzodiazepine with addiction potential) headaches include tension-type headache,
needs to be established before final recommen- migraine and cluster headache, but sleep time
dations can be made. A potential new avenue is respiratory disturbances (e.g. sleep apnea) should
orthognathic surgery (e.g. palatal expansions, not be overlooked. The influence of respiratory
mandibular advancement) that may be a more variables, such as sleep apnea, on SB and future
permanent alternative for patients with persis- treatment options await research and recommen-
tent morning headache related to sleep respira- dations in this exciting and expanding field of
tory disturbances. health care.

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Chapter Seven

Temporomandibular disorders
and related headache
Ramesh Balasubramaniam and Robert Delcanho

Painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint problems that involve the masticatory mus-
and associated muscles can cause headache. In cles, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and
this chapter the authors, both dental practitioners, the associated structures’ (De Leeuw 2008)
describe the etiology of temporomandibular-related (Fig. 7.1). Pain is the most common symptom
symptoms and management of temporomandibular
disorders and related headache.
and may be associated with jaw dysfunction
such as interference to or limitations in mouth
opening, asymmetric jaw movements, and
Pain involving the head and orofacial regions is TMJ sounds (clicking or crepitation). Other
very common and in one study affected 26% associated signs and symptoms may include
and 12% respectively of the general population earache, tinnitus, headache, neck pain, altered
in the previous six months (Von Korff et al bite and accelerated tooth wear. The preva-
1988). One of the most common causes of oro- lence of TMD in the general population is diffi-
facial pain is a group of musculoskeletal condi- cult to determine and the reported prevalence
tions known as temporomandibular disorders varies depending on the criteria used and the
(TMD). These conditions are primarily asso- population studied. Similarly, signs and symp-
ciated with pain and dysfunction involving the toms of TMD fluctuate over time (Magnusson
masticatory apparatus. It has long been pre- et al 2005). Schiffman et al (1990) investigated
sumed that there is an intimate relationship the signs and symptoms of TMD in the general
between bruxism and the development of population based on established diagnostic cri-
TMD. It is the purpose of this chapter to teria and reported the prevalence of joint dis-
review the common TMD, including etiological orders and masticatory muscle disorders to be
factors and also to discuss the relationship of 33% and 41% respectively. However, only 7%
TMD to the primary headaches. of the subjects had signs and symptoms of
TMD that warranted treatment.
Temporomandibular disorders The etiology of TMD remains an enigma and is
likely multifactorial. The masticatory apparatus
Temporomandibular disorder is defined by the usually functions normally until interrupted by
American Academy of Orofacial Pain as ‘a col- an event. For example, a direct blow to the jaw
lective term that embraces a number of clinical may result in ligamentous strain to the TMJ

Lateral view

Superior head of Articular disk

lateral pterygoid muscle
Superior compartment Superior lamina
Inferior compartment Retrodiscal pad
Inferior head of Inferior lamina
lateral pterygoid muscle

Posterior view
Cartilaginous part of auditory
Sphenomandibular ligament Otic ganglion Choanae pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

Masseteric nerve Lateral pterygoid plate

Middle meningeal artery Temporomandibular joint

Auriculotemporal nerve Lateral pterygoid muscle

Masseteric artery Medial pterygoid muscle

Maxillary artery Tensor veli palatini muscle

Inferior alveolar nerve Levator veli palatini muscle

Lingual nerve

Medial pterygoid muscle

Medial pterygoid plate

Nerve to mylohyoid Pterygoid hamulus

Figure 7.1  Overview and topographical anatomy of the temporomandibular joint (lateral and
posterior view).

complex and associated masticatory muscles orofacial region, regardless of whether it is

causing pain and dysfunction (Pullinger & Selig- directly or indirectly related to the temporoman-
man 1991). Other local events include inadver- dibular and masticatory apparatus, may predis-
tent placement of a ‘high’ dental restoration, pose these structures to pain and dysfunction.
toothache, dental surgical procedures, chewing Systemic factors such as joint laxity and fibromy-
on hard food for a prolonged period, yawning, algia are also considered risk factors for TMD
and severe bruxism. Also, indirect traumatic (Balasubramaniam et al 2007, Kavuncu et al
events such as cervical whiplash injury due to a 2006). Of interest is the relationship between
motor vehicle accident may be an etiological fac- stress and TMD. Curran et al (1996) showed an
tor for TMD (Carroll et al 2007, Eriksson et al increase in resting electromyographic activity of
2007). In a controlled prospective study, one in masticatory muscles in subjects exposed to
three whiplash trauma subjects had delayed experimental stressors. Likewise, the relation-
symptoms of TMD (Salé & Isberg 2007). In fact, ship between post-traumatic stress disorder and
any source of deep pain input associated with the TMD has been reported to be partially related

Temporomandibular disorders and related headache CHAPTER 7

to genetic vulnerability (Afari et al 2008). A case- practice the RDC/TMD is limited in its use as
control study reported that tooth clenching, its criteria are rigid and difficult to translate to
trauma and female gender were associated with patient care. The following discussion reviews
chronic masticatory myalgia; irrespective of the the diagnosis of common TMD and is divided
subjects’ psychological symptoms of anxiety and into muscle disorders and joint disorders.
depression (Velly et al 2003). It remains unclear
if TMD is influenced by psychosocial factors or
Muscle disorders
vice versa. Table 7.1 summarizes possible associa-
tive factors for TMD. TMD encompass numerous muscle disorders.
Over the years there have been numerous For the purpose of this chapter, the discussion
classification systems for TMD compiled by is limited to the common clinical presentation
various organizations; these lacked validity and of muscle disorders in TMD, namely protective
contributed to confusion among clinicians and co-contraction, local myalgia, myofascial pain,
academics. In order to address this problem, myospasm, and centrally mediated myalgia.
the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporo-
mandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) was devel-
Protective co-contraction
oped (Dworkin & LeResche 1992). The criteria
are now widely accepted and are considered The initial response of the masticatory muscu-
valid and reliable for use in TMD research lature to an event is protective co-contraction
(John et al 2005). However, in everyday clinical (muscle splinting/trismus) (Stohler & Ash
1986). It is the reaction of antagonist muscles
in order to protect the injured muscles from
further injury as explained by the pain-adapta-
Table 7.1 Factors associated with temporomandibular tion model (Lund et al 1991, Stohler et al
disorders. 1988). When the jaw elevator muscles are
involved, jaw opening is limited and pain is
Factor Example
elicited when the jaw is stretched open. This
Trauma condition is not strictly pathological and usually
Direct trauma Blow to the face, yawning, resolves within a few days if the affected mus-
iatrogenic prolonged mouth cles are rested and further stimulus is avoided.
Indirect trauma Flexion-extension injury (whiplash)
Microtrauma Forward head posture, pencil Local myalgia
chewing, muscle hyperactivity
Local myalgia is a non-inflammatory muscle dis-
Occlusal factor Large (> 6 mm) overjet order caused by a noxious event and presents clin-
Minimal overbite and anterior ically as tender, painful muscles along with
skeletal openbite
sensations of jaw fatigability, muscle stiffness,
Unilateral posterior crossbite
Occlusal slides greater than 2 mm weakness, and limited mouth opening. Also
known as ‘post-exercise soreness or delayed onset
Systemic factors Generalized joint laxity
muscle soreness’ local myalgia is associated with
excessive use of the masticatory muscles (Dao
Psychosocial Emotional distress, anxiety, et al 1994a, Lieber & Friden 2002). Local masti-
factors depression, somatization, post- catory myalgia may be viewed as a progression
traumatic stress disorder
from unresolved protective co-contraction.


Myofascial pain teeth mimicking dental pain (Fig. 7.3). The

Myofascial pain (MFP) is a regional muscle various possible mechanisms involved in MFP
pain involving the skeletal muscles, tendons, are often debated and the scientific validity of
and ligaments associated with myofascial trig- MFP is yet to be established. In spite of this,
ger points (MTPs) within hypersensitive taut myofascial trigger point injections are fre-
bands. The pain may involve the area of the quently used in clinical settings to treat MFP.
MTP (source) which refers to a distant site A discussion of MFP and MTPs may be found
which is the perceived source of pain (Gerwin in Chapter 23.
2001, Travell & Rinzler 1952). Also, central
excitatory effects such as secondary hyperalge- Myospasm
sia, co-contraction, and autonomic activation Myospasm is an infrequent CNS mediated
may be associated with MFP (Fricton 1990). acute muscle disorder characterized by brief,
For example, upon palpation, an active MTP involuntary tonic contraction. The etiology of
involving the sternocleidomastoid muscle may myospasm is unknown but thought to be
refer pain to the TMJ, temple, and jaw mim- related to deep pain input, muscle fatigue,
icking TMD (Fig. 7.2). Likewise, MFP involv-
ing the temporalis muscle may refer to upper



Figure 7.3  Patterns of pain and tenderness referred

from trigger points (Xs) in the left temporalis muscle
(essential zone solid, spill over zone stippled). Three of the
B trigger points are attachment trigger points (AMTPs) which
occur at musculotendinous junction. One is a central
Figure 7.2  Referred pain patterns (solid shows essential trigger point (CMTP) which occurs in the midfiber region of
zones and stippling shows the spill over areas) with the muscle. (A) ¼ anterior ‘spokes’ represent referred pain
location of common myofascial trigger points (Xs) in the arising from AMTP1 in the anterior fibers of the muscle.
right sternocleidomastoid muscle. A, the sternal (more (B and C) ¼ middle ‘spokes’ represent referred pain and
anterior and more superficial) division. B, the clavicular tenderness arising from AMTP2 and AMTP3. (D) ¼ posterior
(more posterior and deeper) division. supra-auricular ‘spoke’ referred from CMTP4.

Temporomandibular disorders and related headache CHAPTER 7

and electrolyte imbalances. Clinically, myos- anterolaterally due to elongation and tearing of
pasm is represented by firm, tight, and painful the articular discal ligaments (Farrar & McCarty
muscles that are aggravated during function 1983, Isberg-Holm & Westesson 1982, Larheim
often resulting in acute trismus and malocclu- 2005, Stegenga et al 1991). A disc displacement
sion. The inappropriate use of the term myos- with reduction is associated with altered posi-
pasm to describe various masticatory muscle tion of the disc in its relationship to the mandib-
pains remains common in spite of studies ular condyle in the closed mouth position that
showing that increased electromyographic relocates with a clicking sound (< 35 mm) when
activity is a rare finding (Lund et al 1991, the mouth is opened. This phenomenon may or
Curran et al 1996). may not be associated with pain. Occasionally,
both an opening and closing click may be heard
Centrally mediated myalgia (reciprocal) with deviation of the jaw opening
movement coinciding with the click. It is esti-
Centrally mediated myalgia (chronic myositis)
mated that 33% of the general population have
is a centrally driven chronic, persistent muscle
moderate and severe derangement which are
pain. It is thought to be the result of neuro-
asymptomatic and do not require treatment
genic inflammation due to a prolonged nox-
(Greene & Laskin 1988, Kircos et al 1987,
ious stimulus that remains untreated (Sessle
Larheim et al 2001).
1999). It may also be perpetuated by upregu-
In contrast, disc displacement without reduc-
lation of the autonomic nervous system and
tion, also known as ‘closed lock’, is characterized
unremitting emotional stress. Unlike other
by more severe malpositioning of the disc in the
muscle diagnoses, centrally mediated myalgia
closed mouth position that does not improve
is characterized by constant, long-term pain
with jaw opening. The mouth opening is often
that worsens with function. The involved
painful and limited with deflection of the jaw
muscles are hyperalgesic to palpation and
opening pathway towards the affected joint and
associated with dysfunctional masticatory
limited excursive movement to the contralateral
apparatus (Okeson 2005).
side (Stegenga et al 1989). Upon questioning,
patients will most often report a history of joint
Temporomandibular joint clicking noise that progressed acutely into a
disorders closed locked situation. In chronic closed lock
cases, the pain becomes less prominent, mouth
The TMJ disorders include congenital disor- opening improves, and ultimately osteoarthritic
ders, disc derangements, dislocation, ankylosis, changes may develop which are usually asso-
inflammatory, and noninflammatory disorders. ciated with joint crepitation (Luder 1993, Mina-
The discussion in this chapter is limited to kuchi et al 2001, Stegenga et al 1993). To date,
the more common TMJ disorders. there is no scientific evidence to suggest that
over time disc displacements can progress and
Disc derangements lead to degenerative changes of the TMJ.
Disc derangements are characterized by abnor-
mal condyle-disc relationships which are subdi- Dislocation
vided into disc displacement with reduction Temporomandibular joint dislocation (open
and disc displacement without reduction. Typi- lock) is characterized by wide mouth opening
cally, the disc displaces anteromedially or without the ability to close due to the anteriorly


subluxed position of the condyle out of its fossa and remodeling of the articular cartilage and
beyond the crest of the articular eminence. Dis- subchondral bone (De Bont et al 1985). It is clas-
location is not the result of a pathologic condi- sified as primary/idiopathic or secondary osteo-
tion. It is postulated that excessive pterygoid arthritis. In secondary osteoarthritis, a known
muscle activity maintains the condyle in this etiology such as direct trauma or infection is
hyperextended position (De Leeuw 2008). This identified. Clinically, patients may be asymp-
condition is a medical emergency if the patient tomatic or may report pain and jaw dysfunction
is unable to self-reduce the joint and requires which correlates with the degree of inflamma-
special jaw manipulation by a dentist or may tion superimposed on this condition. Over time,
result in an emergency room visit whereby the radiographic evidence of condylar erosion,
joint is reduced under intravenous or general osteophyte formation, subchondral sclerosis
anesthetic sedation. and joint space narrowing may be found. There
is evidence to suggest that this is typically a
non-progressive condition that rarely requires
Inflammatory disorders treatment (Boering 1966).
Common inflammatory disorders of the TMJ
include synovitis and capsulitis. Since it is not
possible to differentiate the two conditions clini- Bruxism
cally, we will discuss them together. In synovitis
and capsulitis there is inflammation of the TMJ Bruxism is an involuntary activity of the
synovial lining and capsular ligament respectively jaw musculature typified by parafunctional
which may be the result of trauma, autoimmune activities such as jaw clenching, tooth gnashing,
disease, or infection (Schille 1986). Clinically, and grinding (Lavigne et al 2003). It is impor-
these conditions present with TMJ pain that wor- tant to differentiate between awake bruxism
sens with function and joint loading. In cases with (AB) and sleep bruxism (SB). AB involves jaw
significant joint effusion, patients may report a clenching and jaw bracing without tooth con-
slight ipsilateral posterior openbite. tact in awake individuals often related to a
There are a group of polyarthritides that stress reaction. Its prevalence is between 5%
include rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheuma- and 25% of the general population and
toid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic decreases with age (Allen et al 1990, Eger-
arthritis, infectious arthritis, Reiter syndrome mark-Eriksson et al 1981, Glaros 1981, Gross
and gout which can also involve the TMJ. Like- et al 1988). AB can occur with or without SB.
wise, autoimmume and connective tissue dis- SB is a stereotypical movement disorder
eases may have TMJ involvement. These characterized by both tooth clenching and
conditions are beyond the scope of this chapter grinding that occurs during sleep (Medicine
and further information may be found elsewhere AAoS 2005). SB may be subdivided into pri-
(De Leeuw 2008, Klasser et al 2007, Laskin et al mary (idiopathic) or secondary SB. Secondary
2006). SB may be related to an underlying neurological
or psychiatric disorder such as Parkinsonism or
schizophrenia, or as a side effect of medication
Non-inflammatory disorders or illicit drug use (Balasubramaniam & Ram
Osteoarthritis of the TMJ is a degenerative con- 2008). The prevalence of SB declines with
dition of the joint that results in deterioration age; occurring in 14% of children and decreases

Temporomandibular disorders and related headache CHAPTER 7

to 8% and 3% in adults greater and less than et al 2003). Also, close to 65% of SB patients
60 years respectively (Laberge et al 2000, report headaches (Bader et al 1997, Camparis
Lavigne & Montplaisir 1994, Ohayon et al & Siqueira 2006). Dao et al (1994b) reported
2001, Reding et al 1966). It is likely that the that myofascial pain was more intense among
prevalence of SB is greatly under-reported as bruxers even if pain is not a primary complaint
many individuals may not be aware of nocturnal compared to myofascial pain patients without
parafunctional habits and there is a large varia- evidence of bruxism. Pain patients regardless of
bility in frequency of SB over time (Lavigne being bruxers or myofascial pain patients had
et al 2001). In fact, 85–90% of individuals have reduced quality of life compared to bruxers
reported periods of bruxism (Bader & Lavigne who were pain-free. Also post-exercise related
2000, Okeson et al 1990, 1991, 1994). muscle soreness among bruxers was worse in
The etiology of SB has in recent years under- the morning suggestive of nocturnal oral paraf-
gone a paradigm shift. Previously, SB was unction as the etiology for the pain.
thought to be related to occlusal factors and The diagnosis of SB without a sleep study
treatment of occlusal discrepancies was advo- relies on the patient’s partner or parent report-
cated (Ash & Ramfjord 1995, Guichet 1977, ing observed episodes. Additionally, patients
Ramfjord 1961). Likewise, the role of emo- may report jaw muscle tightness, fatigue, and
tional stress as causative of SB was supported pain, typically upon awaking. Also, the clinician
by its association to nocturnal muscle activity may observe accelerated tooth wear patterns as
and pain with increased stress levels (Clark evidence of SB. The problems with relying on
et al 1979, Rugh & Solberg 1975, Solberg et al the above mentioned correlates of SB are
1975). More rigorous studies have disputed numerous. Unscientific reporting of SB may
the role of occlusal factors and its treatment include other jaw motor activities such as swal-
for SB (Clark et al 1999, Kardachi et al 1978, lowing, sleep talking, or myoclonus. Also,
Rugh et al 1984, Tsukiyama et al 2001). Simi- observed wear facets may be the result of other
larly, more recent studies have found that only causes such as food texture and acidity, previ-
a percentage of SB patients have an association ous history of bruxism, acid reflux disease or
between SB and stress (Dao et al 1994b, Pierce other oral parafunctional habits (Kato et al
et al 1995, Watanabe et al 2003). Currently, the 1999, Lavigne et al 1996, 1999, 2005, Perga-
most accepted theory of SB is that it is a move- malian et al 2003).
ment disorder involving a cascade of physiologi-
cal events characterized by autonomic-cardiac Occlusion
activities as related to sleep arousal (Kato et al
2003, 2001, Macaluso et al 1998, Medicine The subject of the dental occlusion (bite) and
AAoS 2005). its relationship to TMD is perhaps the most
Clinically, 20% to 30% of SB patients have controversial of all areas in dentistry. With
reported orofacial pain (Dao et al 1994a, Goulet advances in scientific methodology, there is a
et al 1993). The orofacial/dental consequence of shift away from previously held beliefs that
SB includes TMJ and masticatory muscle pain, malocclusion or bite discrepancy is causative
jaw locking, tooth wear and headaches (Bader & for TMD; however it continues to provoke pas-
Lavigne 2000, Lavigne et al 2005). The odds ratio sionate debate. Okeson (2008) summarized
of TMD in the presence of clenching or grinding 57 epidemiological studies on the relationship
is between 4.2 and 8.4 (Huang et al 2002, Velly between occlusion and TMD and found


35 studies suggesting a relationship compared ability to adapt and alter muscle engrams (jaw
to 22 studies that suggested no relationship. movement patterns) to avoid potential noci-
Although, there were more studies that were ception (high restoration). Failure to adapt
suggestive of a relationship between occlusion may in certain individuals, result in continued
and TMD, these studies varied greatly with elevator muscle pain (Okeson 2008).
respect to the occlusal conditions implicated
in causing TMD. It should be noted that the
so called malocclusion cited in these studies is Management
prevalent among many symptom free indivi- of temporomandibular
duals. At this stage, no serious conclusion can disorders
be drawn from these studies.
McNamara et al (1995) reviewed the interac- The treatment of TMD is aimed at resolving
tion of morphological and functional occlusal fac- pain and jaw dysfunction. TMD is a cyclical,
tors with respect to TMD and found a weak self-limiting and rarely progressive condition
relationship between occlusal schemes and (Schiffman et al 1990, Von Korff et al 1988,
TMD. Specifically, occlusal features such as Yatani et al 1997). With this in mind, non-
skeletal anterior open bite, overjets greater than invasive, conservative and reversible treatments
6–7 mm, intercuspal position slides greater than have been shown to be beneficial (Randolph
2 mm, unilateral lingual crossbite, and five or et al 1990, Skeppar & Nilner 1993). Current
more missing posterior teeth were found to be treatment standards advocate a biopsychosocial
associated with subcategories of TMD (Pullinger approach to chronic TMD; that is, a therapeu-
et al 1993). The authors suggested a minor rela- tic approach to both Axis I (physical) and
tionship between occlusion and TMD may exist. Axis II (psychological) diagnosis will lead to
Koh and Robinson (2004) reviewed the literature greater treatment success (Ohrbach & Dworkin
pertaining to occlusal adjustments for treating and 1998). Table 7.2 summarizes the various mod-
preventing TMD. The specific outcomes that alities commonly used for the treatment of
were discussed included global measures of symp- TMD. For a more complete review of the
toms, pain, headache and limitation of movement. management of TMD readers are encouraged to
The authors reported that there was no evidence peruse recent texts on this subject (De Leeuw
for the use of occlusal adjustment procedures for 2008, Laskin et al 2006, Okeson 2008, Bala-
either the treatment or prevention of TMD. subramaniam et al 2008).
A possible explanation for the failure of past
studies in ascertaining a definitive relationship
between occlusion and TMD is due to the Temporomandibular
focus on dental malocclusion (static tooth- disorders and headache
tooth relationship) rather than functional dis-
turbances. For example, placement of a high Headache is one of the ten most common pre-
restoration and the resultant hyperocclusion senting symptoms to general medical practices,
can induce acute masticatory muscle pain sec- afflicting a large proportion of the population
ondary to an increased tonus of the elevator and frequently associated with disruption of
muscles (protective co-contraction) (Rugh daily activity and economic loss. Lipton et al
et al 1984). On the other hand, a chronic (1993) surveyed 45 711 American households
occlusal interference is dealt by the individual’s and found that 22% of the general population

Temporomandibular disorders and related headache CHAPTER 7

Table 7.2 Treatment of temporomandibular disorders.

Approach Example
Patient education and self Reassurance on the benign nature of TMD
Pain-free jaw function Avoid aggravating factors and jaw function that results in pain
Behavioral modification Avoid chewing on hard foods and gum, oral sex
Parafunctional modification Awake clenching and bruxing, cheek biting, pencil chewing
Self-administered physiotherapy Application of warm and cold compresses, soft tissue mobilization of muscles
and passive jaw stretching within a pain free range

Cognitive and behavioral interventions Habit reversal

Counseling, and progressive muscle relaxation
EMG biofeedback

Pharmacological therapy
Analgesics Aspirin, nonacetylated aspirin, choline magnesium trisalicylate, salsalate, opioids
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Benzodiazepines Diazepam
Muscle relaxants Tizanidine, cyclobenzaprine
Low dose antidepressants Amitriptyline

Posture training Orthostatic head, neck, shoulder and tongue posture
Exercises Guided exercises within pain free range may include: gentle active stretching to
mobilize the TMJs; isotonic and isometric exercises to stabilize TMJs; jaw postural and
co-ordination exercise to reduce joint clicking
Progressive muscle relaxation

Myofascial trigger-point treatment Injections, dry needling and acupuncture

Oral appliance therapy Stabilization appliance

Anterior positioning appliance

Surgery Arthrocentesis

over 18 years of age had experienced some oro- female preponderance (male:female ratio of
facial pain in the prior six months. By far the 4:5) with average age of onset of 25–30 years
most common are the primary headaches, and (Rasmussen et al 1991). By contrast, migraine
in particular tension-type and migraine. Ten- affects 18% of females and 6% of males. The
sion-type headache affects about 30% of the age of onset is younger than for tension-type
population and are usually associated with headache and in females is associated with
pericranial and upper quarter regional muscle menarche. Peak prevalence is in the reproduc-
tenderness and pain. There is only a slight tive years, between age 18 and 40 years.


Cross sectional studies of selected non-patient is a predominant finding in tension-type head-

adult populations have found that 40–75% of ache, but is also notable during migraine attacks.
subjects have at least one sign of TMD (e.g. inter- Similarly, tenderness and pain involving the
ference with jaw movement, muscle tenderness) masticatory muscles are considered as primary
whilst 33% have at least one symptom (e.g. pain) clinical features of a muscle disorder in TMD.
(Dworkin et al 1990). Myogenous pain involving Although neurologists and primary care physi-
the temporal and pre-auricular regions are the cians seek to rule out organic causes of headache,
most common type of TMD affecting about it is fair to say that TMD is usually not consid-
10% of the population over 18 years, predomi- ered. In the International Classification of
nantly in young women of reproductive age. Headache Disorders-II (ICHD) published in
In a general population study of TMD patients, 2004, TMD are only mentioned in section 11.7
41% had masticatory muscle disorders (Schiff- as ‘Headache or facial pain attributable to tem-
man et al 1990). poromandibular joint disorders’ (ICHD 2004).
Given the epidemiological data, it is not Some studies have investigated the relation-
unreasonable to speculate that some patients ship between TMD and headache. De Rossi
suffering headaches may actually have TMD. et al (2000) found significantly higher prevalence
Indeed, a significant percentage of headache of TMD in patients presenting to a neurology
patients may have undiagnosed TMD and vice clinic with headaches than a control population.
versa. In one study, headaches in the general In unpublished work utilizing the RDC/TMD,
population were more frequent among subjects Ohrbach et al (1998) found 40% of 362 subjects
with TMD symptoms (27.4%) compared to with masticatory myalgia/TMD pain satisfied
those without TMD symptoms (15.2%) (Cian- ICHD criteria for tension-type headache.
caglini & Radaelli 2001). This has led to the Eighty-five percent of that group reported head-
assumption that TMD may be causative of ache as a symptom. In 184 subjects diagnosed
headaches and treatment directed at jaw pain with temporalis myalgia, 49.5% satisfied the
and dysfunction will likely lead to resolution. ICHD criteria of tension-type headache and
However, the mechanism of TMD-related 99.5% of that group reported headache. Jensen
headache is so far unknown. and Oleson (1996) found prolonged experimen-
The frontotemporal, periorbital and preauri- tal tooth clenching induced significantly more
cular regions are often involved during a primary headaches and tenderness in tension-type head-
headache. This can be easily confused with ache subjects than healthy controls, and that
TMD pain which often affects the same anato- the tenderness preceded the headache.
mical locations. Consideration must also be Therapeutic intervention for TMD, tension-
given to the possibility of referred pain arising type headache, and to a lesser degree migraine
from regional cervical structures. Adding to the have similarities in the response to analgesic,
dilemma it is presumed that etiologic factors anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and anxio-
often associated with the development of lytic medications, physical medicine modalities
TMD such as stress, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and cognitive-behavioral treatments for stress
tooth clenching and grinding and cervical reduction. Occlusal splints have been used for
dysfunction are commonly linked to tension many years to treat TMD and a number of stud-
type headache. Another clinical manifestation, ies have suggested that this treatment may also
palpation tenderness of the pericranial muscles, benefit headaches, although the mechanism

Temporomandibular disorders and related headache CHAPTER 7

remains unknown. Schokker et al (1990a & b) adverse effects of malocclusion, tooth mobility,
found that occlusal splint treatment of TMD swallowing, and aspiration (Jokstad et al 2005).
resulted in a decrease in headache in some
patients, sometimes better than conventional Conclusion
neurology treatment. The best results were seen
where the TMD pain was bilateral and the clin- There is a strong overlap between TMD pain
ical features were suggestive of myogenous and the common primary headaches. It is likely
rather than arthrogenous TMD. that TMD are one of several peripheral triggers
Recently a type of occlusal splint called that may be involved in headache onset via
Nociception Trigeminal Inhibition Tension direct neuronal excitation of the trigeminal
Suppression System (NTI-tss) has been mar- pathway. Preliminary epidemiological data sup-
keted aggressively as being more effective in ports the clinical observations that TMD and
reducing the symptoms of tension-type head- primary headaches are co-morbid disorders.
ache and migraine, compared to conventional However causality cannot be inferred. From a
occlusal splint therapy (Shankland 2002). In clinical diagnostic perspective, patients present-
fact, the quoted NTI-tss study was seriously ing with headache need thorough neurological,
flawed and definitive conclusions cannot be cervical, myofascial, and TMD evaluation. Once
drawn from it. Subsequently, more scientifically TMJ or mastictatory muscle pathology is diag-
rigorous studies investigating the NTI-tss have nosed either in isolation or in conjuction with
since reported that it is not superior to conven- primary headache appropriate treatment should
tional occlusal splints (Al Quran & Kamal 2006, be initiated. If no obvious pathology is found
Jokstad et al 2005, Magnusson et al 2004). Addi- then the patient should be treated for a primary
tionally, serious concerns have been raised headache, which should be diagnosed utilizing
about the use of the NTI-tss device such as the current ICHD-II criteria.

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Chapter Eight

Clinical features of cervicogenic
and temporomandibular-related
Guy Zito

Differential diagnosis is one of the greatest (Bogduk 1995, Drake et al 2005, Goadsby et al
challenges facing health practitioners who 1997, Sessle 1999, 2000, Svensson et al 2004)
manage headache. Identifying cervicogenic
headache and TMD-related headache so that and biomechanical (Huggare & Raustia, 1992,
treatment can be directed accurately is part Rocabado & Iglarsh 1991, Santander et al
of that challenge. In this chapter the author, 2000) connections between the cervical and
a musculoskeletal physiotherapist, presents temporomandibular regions make the head-
a system of examination to clarify the
clinical overlap.
aches arising from the two areas similar and
difficult to distinguish. This process is com-
pounded if there is sensitization in that part
The lifetime prevalence of headache has been of the central nervous system that is involved
estimated at 96%, and the point prevalence at in the processing and perception of head pain.
16% (Rasmussen et al 1991). Whilst approxi- Furthermore, the etiological link between the
mately 70% of persons with frequent intermit- two regions results in cervical patients having
tent headache report neck aching, pain or signs or symptoms of TMD and jaw patients
stiffness in association with their headache having cervical disorder (Ciancaglini et al
(Henry et al 1987), only about 18% of these 1999, Clark et al 1987, De Wijer et al 1996a
headaches are considered to originate from & b, Fink et al 2002, Okeson 1996). Conse-
the cervical region (Nilsson 1995, Pfaffenrath quently, not only can the two headache forms
& Kaube 1990). On the other hand 50–75% have symptoms in common with each other,
of people have at least one sign of temporo- but they can often co-exist.
mandibular disorders (TMD) and 25–33% have Treatment needs to be directed effectively and
at least one symptom, which may include accurately towards the underlying cause to
TMD-related headache (Dworkin et al 1990, achieve the optimal outcome. To facilitate the
Gremillion & Mahan 2000). Thus, a significant diagnostic process, cues are needed to distinguish
number of patients will present for treatment cervicogenic headache and TMD-related head-
with headache quite possibly related to cervical ache. They are also required to identify other
disorder or TMD, or both. common forms of headache not related to the
There are several reasons why the diagnostic musculoskeletal system with which they share
process is so difficult. The close neuroanatomical symptoms, such as migraine and tension-type

headache, (IHS 2004, Sjaastad & Stovner 1993). temporomandibular structures to the neck,
This chapter therefore addresses the relationship making it difficult to distinguish between
between the cervical and the temporomandibular cervicogenic headache and TMD-related
region and the characteristic features of these headache.
two headache types in their pure form.
Biomechanical relationship
Neuroanatomical basis for pain
referral A biomechanical relationship of the cranio-
cervical complex has also been proposed and
The cervical structures are innervated by several authors noted that zygapophyseal
C1–C3 while the masticatory muscles and joint mobility may influence the rest position
the temporomandibular joint are innervated of the mandible (Passero et al 1985, Roca-
by branches of the mandibular division of the bado & Iglarsh 1991). Other studies have
trigeminal nerve (Drake et al 2005). These described a functional link between the mus-
structures are known to possess nociceptive cles of the stomatognathic system and the
afferents so it is reasonable to argue their cervical region (Rocabado & Iglarsh 1991,
potential for extensive pain referral patterns Santander et al 2000), whereby the mastica-
(Sessle 2006). As the cutaneous distribution tory muscles act with the cervical muscles
of the upper three cervical spinal nerves to produce head movement and vice versa
extends only as far as the vertex and that of (Forsberg et al 1985) (Fig. 8.1). This may
the trigeminal nerve covers the front half of explain, in part, the incidence of cervical
the head (Drake et al 2005), the inference is disorder in patients with TMD and vice-versa
that a neuro-anatomical mechanism is responsi- (Braun & Schiffman 1991, Burgess 1991,
ble for the spread of symptoms of cervicogenic Clark et al 1987).
headache to the front of the head (Bogduk
1995). The phenomenon results from the con-
Clinical features of
vergence of afferents of the trigeminal nerve
and the first three cervical nerves onto the tri- cervicogenic headache
geminocervical nucleus (Goadsby et al 1997,
Sessle 1999, 2000, Svensson et al 2004). The Subjective characteristics
nociceptive nucleus receives afferent neurons
from the two topographically different regions, The subjective characteristics of cervicogenic
with the result that noxious stimuli from the headache have been well documented (Fre-
neck can be perceived as arising from the head driksen & Sjaastad 1987, Sjaastad et al 1983,
(Bogduk 1992). Moreover, clinical investigators 1990, 1998, 1999). The symptoms typically
have reported that the ophthalmic branch of extend anteriorly from the occipital and sub-
the trigeminal nerve is involved in the produc- occipital areas through to the frontal and orbital
tion of cervicogenic headache (Aprill et al regions (Sjaastad et al 1983). They were initially
2002, Piovesan et al 2001). considered to be unilateral without sideshift,
Whilst there is little supportive anatomical not changing from one side of the head to the
evidence at this stage, it is not unreasonable other (Fredriksen & Sjaastad 1987, Sjaastad
to argue that this mechanism could be et al 1983, 1990). A subsequent review (Sjaas-
responsible for the referral of pain from the tad et al 1998) of its characteristics resulted in

Clinical features of cervicogenic and temporomandibular-related headache CHAPTER 8

Neutral Cervical flexion Forward head posture

Figure 8.1  Functional link between the muscles of the stomatognathic system and the cervical

tempering of the initial rigid criterion of unila- Physical characteristics

terality and acknowledged the possibility of
two unilateral cervicogenic headaches presenting The signs of impairment in the musculoskeletal
concurrently as a bilateral headache. system which are associated with cervicogenic
Cervicogenic headache affects twice as many headache include forward head posture, hyper-
females as males. Sufferers are usually aged algesia, reduced mobility and disorders in the
6–40 years with a mean age of 30 years and muscular system.
they describe a moderate to severe, boring type
of pain. Migraine medication is often ineffec- Forward head posture
tive, while non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Over the years authors have referred to the
medication may be of benefit. The symptoms
clinical significance of a forward head posture
tend to be worse in the morning and may con-
and its relationship to musculoskeletal dysfunc-
tinue to increase during the day. They may be
tion including headache. Whilst forward head
provoked by neck movements or sustained
posture is said to place undue load on the cer-
postures including poor sleeping posture
vical structures (Braun & Amundson 1989,
though the onset of the headache may be asso-
Mayoux-Benhamou et al 1994, Rocabado &
ciated with physical or emotional trauma. The
Iglarsh 1991) there is still very little evidence
attacks are episodic, occurring 1–3 times per
to support the contention that it is a contribut-
week and lasting from hours to days. In the
ing factor to the pathological state (Haughie
chronic state the symptoms may be present
et al 1995, Refshauge et al 1995, Treleaven
continuously. Associated symptoms include diz-
et al 1994, Zito et al 2006).
ziness, dysphagia, lacrimation, nausea or vomiting,
phonophobia and photophobia, rhinorrhea, ipsi-
lateral shoulder and arm symptoms, tinnitus, and Hyperalgesia
visual disturbances (Fredriksen & Sjaastad 1987, Hyperalgesic areas, including myofascial trigger
Pfaffenrath & Kaube 1990, Sjaastad et al 1983, points (MTPs) and tender points, are poorly
1998). understood yet are often mentioned in the


criteria for headaches (Fredriksen & Sjaastad, over the upper cervical region of cervicogenic
1987, IHS 2004, Okifuji et al 1999, Pfaffen- headache subjects. Such pain reproduction
rath & Kaube 1990, Simons et al 1999, Sjaastad was not reported in migraine sufferers.
et al 1983, 1998). In the case of cervicogenic
headache these MTPs are reported as being Dysfunction in the muscular system
over the ipsilateral C2 root, greater occipital
A higher frequency of tightness of the cervical
nerve, and the transverse process of C4 and
muscles has been noted in clinical trials on cer-
C5 (Fredriksen & Sjaastad, 1987, Pfaffenrath
vicogenic headache patients when compared to
& Kaube, 1990, Sjaastad et al 1983, 1998). It
migraine with aura sufferers and asymptomatic
should be noted however that the presence of
volunteers (Jull et al 1999, Zito et al 2006).
these MTPs is shared with other, non-specific
The most prevalent muscle was the upper tra-
diagnoses such as fibromyalgia and is consid-
pezius, though the scalenes, levator scapulae,
ered of little diagnostic value with headache
and deep cervical extensors were also found
(Okifuji et al 1999).
to be significantly less extensible (Zito et al
Reduced mobility
Cervical dysfunction patients including cer-
Painful limitation of cervical movement is vicogenic headache sufferers have a deficit in
another feature of cervicogenic headache that motor control of the deep neck flexor synergy.
is cited regularly (Fredriksen & Sjaastad The impairment is characterized by a loss of
1987, Sjaastad et al 1983, 1990, 1998). Sev- endurance of the stabilizing muscles brought
eral studies, however, have shown that the on by delayed onset and an altered pattern of
difference in ranges of cervical movement activation. Endurance has been shown to be
between cervicogenic headache patients and diminished in these patients when compared
other headache patients, as well as asymptom- to the normal population (Falla 2004, Falla
atic volunteers, did not reach significance et al 2004, Jull et al 1999, Jull 2000, Watson
levels in all directions of movement (Trelea- & Trott, 1993, Zito et al 2006).
ven et al 1994, Zito et al 2006, Zwart 1997).
Consequently findings of reduced mobility
are of limited value in isolation of other clini- Clinical features of
cal findings. TMD-related headache
Evidence is mounting to support the use
of manual examination as a diagnostic tool. Unlike cervicogenic headache, TMD-related
A number of clinical trials have been able to headache is not seen as a separate clinical entity
demonstrate that upper cervical joint dysfunc- but rather as a symptom of complex somatic
tion in the form of reduced segmental mobility, pain, secondary to dysfunction in the temporo-
in particular at C1–C2 and C2–C3, can assist in mandibular region (IHS 2004, Okeson 2005).
differentiating cervicogenic headache from It has not received the same attention and the
other headache forms (Jull et al 1999, Jull & typical TMD-related headache is more difficult
Niere, 2004, Watson & Trott, 1993, Zito et al to define.
2006). In two studies on cervicogenic headache Current consensus is that TMD describes a
and migraine sufferers (Vincent & Luna, 1999, multifactorial, biopsychosocial disorder which
Zito et al 2006) the investigators were able to consists of a number of clinical problems aris-
elicit either local or referred pain with pressure ing from the masticatory muscles and/or the

Clinical features of cervicogenic and temporomandibular-related headache CHAPTER 8

temporomandibular joint(s) and related struc- worse on waking, and may be continuous from
tures (Greene 2006). The association between hours to days. Sufferers often describe a deep
TMD and headache has been widely acknowl- dull ache with a throbbing component (Petten-
edged for many years (Carlsson & Magnusson gill 1999, Reik & Hale 1981, Schokker et al
1999, Ciancaglini & Radaelli 2001, Kemper & 1990) and may report associated symptoms
Okeson 1983, Okeson 1996, 2005, Pettengill including tinnitus, vertigo, and fullness in the
1999, Schokker et al 1990). Studies reported ear (Pettengill 1999).
that between 70% and 86% of TMD patients Mechanical precipitating factors include
suffer from headache (Bush & Harkins 1995, repetitive microtrauma or bruxism, though
Ciancaglini & Radaelli 2001, Kemper & Okeson the clinical relationship between bruxism and
1983, Nassif & Talic 2001, Reik & Hale 1981) TMD is a contentious topic (Lobbezoo &
and others reported that between 14% and Lavigne, 1997, van der Meulen et al 2006).
27% of headache patients also have TMD signs Macrotrauma to the region may result from
and/or symptoms (Reik & Hale 1981, Schok- overstretching, biting hard foods, prolonged or
ker et al 1990). difficult dental procedures, or from a sports
injury. Increased emotional stress and genetic
predisposition are other, non mechanical fac-
Subjective characteristics
tors cited (McCreary et al 1991, Schiffman
The symptoms are more commonly felt in the et al 1992).
temporal area, pre-auricular area, and along
the mandibular region (Pettengill 1999, Rau- Physical characteristics
hala et al 1999, Reik & Hale 1981) though
there may be some radiation to the side of Unlike cervicogenic headache, there have been
the neck (Reik & Hale 1981). no controlled studies to validate the physical
There is conjecture about the sidedness of characteristics of TMD-related headache. The
the headache in the dental literature since the signs of impairment in the musculoskeletal sys-
TMD related headache were not defined and tem associated with TMD-related headache
were lumped together. More evidence supports discussed include a forward head posture
a unilateral headache (Pettengill 1999, Reik & hyperalgesia, reduced mobility and muscular
Hale 1981, Williamson 1990), though authors dysfunction.
have suggested it can be either unilateral or
bilateral (Lindsay 1980, Schokker et al 1990). Forward head posture
In the absence of a central mechanism, the The clinical relevance of craniocervical posture
somatic referral along the path of the trigemi- and the temporomandibular region is conten-
nal nerve would support the contention that tious. A number of authors have reported the
it is a unilateral headache. Similar to cervico- influence of craniocervical posture on the
genic headache, an apparent bilateral headache stomatognathic system (Makofsky 2000, Moya
might be the result of concurrent lesions in et al 1994, Rocabado & Iglarsh 1991) and in
both jaws. particular the rest position of the mandible
TMD-related headache affects about twice (Gonzalez & Manns 1996, Moya et al 1994,
as many females as males (Goulet et al 1995, Yamabe et al 1999). These altered states
Svensson et al 2004); the age range is 19–83 impact on joint mechanics (Visscher et al
years (Pettengill 1999). It occurs daily, is often 2000) and affect the level of muscle activity


(Funakoshi et al 1976). The debate is just as Dysfunction of the muscular system

intense with regard to abnormal craniocervical Hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles and
posture and whether it causes or predisposes the ensuing prolonged excessive pressure on the
temporomandibular region to injury (Nicolakis stomatognathic structures due to bruxism and
et al 2000, Rocabado & Iglarsh 1991, Sonnesen other parafunctional habits can be noxious to
et al 2001, Visscher et al 2000). A recent system- muscle (Forssell et al 1986). It places undue
atic review of the literature (Olivo et al 2006) forces on the teeth and jaws, reported to be
highlighted the deficiencies in the research and greater than during chewing or mastication
confirmed that there is little evidence to support (Carlsson & Magnusson 1999) and may result
any of the contentions. in pain which propagates muscle dysfunction.
The precise origin of the muscle pain is uncer-
Hyperalgesia tain, though the suggestion is that it results
Tender points and MTPs are often mentioned from vasoconstriction and the accumulation
in the literature in association with TMD, par- of metabolic waste products (Okeson 2005).
ticularly in the temporalis, masseter and ptery- Co-contraction is a common phenomenon asso-
goid muscles (Merskey & Bogduk 1994, ciated with myogenic pain and is able to affect
Okeson 2005, Saper et al 1999, Simons et al neighboring muscles (Carlson et al 1993). The
1999). The anecdotal evidence can be quite masticatory muscle symptoms may eventually
convincing though inter-tester reliability in overflow into the cervical musculature and it
localizing MTPs in upper trapezius has been may be argued that they affect motor control
shown to be poor in specifying both the exact (Svensson et al 2004) in much the same way
location and quantity of points (Lew et al that occurs in the cervical muscles of chronic
1997). Since hyperalgesic areas are associated neck pain sufferers (Falla 2004, Falla et al
with a number of musculoskeletal conditions 2004). Based on this supposition, the finding
they are of little assistance with respect to of impairment in the muscular system may be
diagnosis. of limited value in differentiating cervicogenic
headache from TMD-related headache.
Reduced mobility
Reduced mouth opening with or without devi- Differential diagnosis
ation of the mandible is considered a sign of
TMD (Carlsson & Magnusson 1999, Merskey When dealing with headache patients it is
& Bogduk 1994, Saper et al 1999). It may also important to be cognizant of symptoms which
be accompanied by noises in the temporoman- are an indication of more serious or life-threat-
dibular joint such as clicking or popping (Carls- ening brain pathology. As primary contact prac-
son & Magnusson 1999, Merskey & Bogduk titioners it is important to be aware of these
1994). It is hypothesized that opening without more sinister conditions. It should never be
deviation is attributed to a myogenous cause of assumed that headaches are emanating from
TMD, while a deviation, usually to the affected the cervical region or temporomandibular
side, is suggestive of an arthrogenous cause, region unless there is clinical evidence to sup-
often associated with internal derangement of port the diagnosis. The consequences of a mis-
the disc (Carlsson & Magnusson 1999). diagnosis could be catastrophic, emphasizing

Clinical features of cervicogenic and temporomandibular-related headache CHAPTER 8

the need for accurate diagnostic cues to distin- from the sub-occipital region anteriorly, into the
guish the various forms of headache. area supplied by the ophthalmic branch of the
There appear to be no randomized con- trigeminal nerve. Increased neck stiffness and
trolled trials which draw distinction between reduced segmental mobility in the upper cervi-
cervicogenic headache and TMD-related head- cal region may strengthen the hypothesis of a
ache. To facilitate the diagnostic process it is cervical cause for the headache, as would the
worth considering the salient features of the finding of deficit in motor control.
two forms of headache which are summarized Sjaastad and co-workers (Sjaastad et al 1998)
in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. described that the cervical contribution is con-
Cervicogenic headache sufferers commonly firmed if the headache is precipitated by neck
complain of a unilateral headache which extends movements, prolonged or awkward postures,

Table 8.1 Summary of the subjective characteristics of TMD-related headache and cervicogenic headache.

Characteristic TMD-related headache Cervicogenic headache

Sex ratio 2:1 2:1

Age range 19–83 years 6–40 years

Area of pain Spreads from the masticatory muscles/pre-auricular Commences in sub-occipital and occipital region and
area into the temple and down into the jaw – the extends anteriorly – more commonly in ophthalmic
area supplied by the mandibular branch of the nerve distribution
trigeminal nerve
Can have referral into neck

Unilaterality Unilateral headache. May present as bilateral Unilateral headache, side-locked.

Can be bilateral

Quality Dull, deep ache Dull to boring pain

Can be throbbing Moderate to severe

Frequency, Daily lasting hours to days 1–3 per week, lasting hours
duration May be continuous Can be continuous if chronic

Behavior Often worse in mornings Often worse in mornings though may continue to
increase during day

Precipitating Trauma to the temporomandibular region due to Provoked by neck movements, sustained postures
mechanism parafunctional activity, e.g. bruxism, or a sports including poor sleeping posture
injury or a dental procedure
Physical or emotional stress Physical or emotional trauma

Reaction to Can have good response to NSAIDs Can have good response to NSAIDs
medication Migraine medication ineffective

Associated Tinnitus, vertigo, and fullness in the ear Dizziness, dysphagia, lacrimation, nausea or vomiting,
symptoms phonophobia, photophobia, rhinorrhea, shoulder or
arm symptoms, tinnitus, visual disturbances


Table 8.2 Summary of the physical characteristics of TMD-related headache and cervicogenic headache.

Characteristic Temporomandibular related headache Cervicogenic headache

Posture Forward head Forward head

Hyperalgesia Tenderness over TMJ Tenderness over the ipsilateral C2 root, the greater
MTPs in masticatory muscles, especially occipital nerve, and the transverse process of C4 and C5
masseter and temporalis

Articular system Reduced mouth opening with or without Decreased neck mobility
mandibular deviation
May be accompanied by joint noises (clicking Reduced segmental mobility in upper cervical spine
or popping) especially C1–C2 and C2–C3 and reproducing head pain

Muscular system Hyperactivity of masticatory muscles – flow-on Loss of extensibility of cervical muscles
effect may influence motor control of cervical Loss of endurance of neck flexor synergy

and/or external pressure over the upper cervical Interestingly, decreased neck mobility was also
region. Other supporting characteristics include found in migraine sufferers when compared to
restriction of neck movement, and/or the pres- an asymptomatic control group (Kidd & Nelson
ence of ipsilateral neck and/or shoulder pain. 1993). Hence, cervical mobility on its own will
This correlates with a recent controlled study not identify a particular disorder.
which investigated the physical characteristics TMD-related headache sufferers commonly
of cervicogenic headache as well as the sensitiv- describe a unilateral headache which spreads
ity of clinical signs to detect neuromusculoskele- from the masticatory muscles/pre-auricular
tal dysfunction (Zito et al 2006). The study was area into the temple and down into the jaw –
limited to a comparison of cervicogenic head- the area supplied by the mandibular branch of
ache patients and migraine with aura patients the trigeminal nerve. Another distinctive com-
and asymptomatic volunteers. The findings sup- plaint may also be fullness in the ear (Pettengill
ported the contention that cervicogenic head- 1999). These subjective findings, combined
ache can be diagnosed through its physical with reduced mouth opening with or without
impairment with tests of muscle extensibility, deviation, especially if accompanied by joint
manual examination and muscle function, and noises with pain, may serve to identify regional
to a lesser extent with tests of mobility. temporal headache as a symptom of temporo-
Too much emphasis can be placed on restric- mandibular dysfunction (Gobel 2005).
tion of ranges of movement however, and this A study by Reik and Hale (Reik & Hale
latter finding should not be considered in isola- 1981) compared three headache forms: TMD-
tion when it comes to differential diagnosis. In related headache, migraine and tension-type
several comparative studies a significant differ- headache. It found that restricted movement
ence in mobility of cervicogenic headache sub- and jaw deviation on opening as well as masti-
jects was reported when compared to migraine, catory muscle tenderness are significantly more
tension-type headache and asymptomatic prevalent in TMD-related headache. Interest-
controls (Vincent & Luna 1999, Zwart 1997). ingly they found that jaw clicking, edentulous

Clinical features of cervicogenic and temporomandibular-related headache CHAPTER 8

state and dental wear facets are equal in all 4. Limitation of movement of the mandible
groups, and that nausea, vomiting, photophobia with or without deviation or joint sounds
and fatigue are unusual except for migraine would also suggest temporomandibular
headaches. Understandably posterior cervical involvement.
tenderness was reported as being equal in those 5. Reduced segmental mobility in the
with temporomandibular related headache and upper cervical segments, reproducing
tension-type headache, but less common in head pain, would incriminate the cervical
migraine which, in the pure form, does not spine.
have a cervical component.
In summary, with our current level of
knowledge, the best cues to assist with differ- Conclusion
ential diagnosis might arguably be as follows:
When diagnosing headache and facial pain it
1. The cervicogenic headache patient
is necessary to take into account the clinical
complains of anterior spread of pain from
overlap of TMD-related headache and cervi-
the sub-occipital area to the front of the
cogenic headache. A comprehensive history
head while the TMD-related headache
and a detailed physical examination are of
patient reports pain in the masticatory
paramount importance to establish the con-
muscle/pre-auricular area radiating to the
tribution of each structure to the symptom-
atology. It is only with an accurate diagnosis
2. The TMD-related headache patient is that an appropriate management plan can be
more likely to complain of fullness in the formulated and an informed decision made
ear associated with the headache. about the limitations of a particular disci-
3. Although not uncommon, precipitating pline. It is important to recognize the need
factors such as bruxism and parafunctional to collaborate with other health practitioners
activities may incriminate the to obtain the optimal result for the headache
temporomandibular region specifically. patient.

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Chapter Nine

Central nervous system
processing in cervicogenic
Ken Niere

is often associated with poor outcome with

Central nervous system processing is pivotal in
treatment directed mainly at peripheral impair-
the experience of cervicogenic headache. In this
chapter the author, a musculoskeletal ments. It is argued in this chapter that an appre-
physiotherapist, presents a clinical approach to ciation of factors affecting sensitivity in areas of
the identification of factors that might affect the the CNS involved with headache processing
sensitivity of key regions in the central nervous
must be considered for effective understand-
system thought to be involved in headache.
Attention is given to the findings from the patient ing and management of benign, recurrent head-
interview, physical examination, and evaluation of ache, including cervical headache. In areas
treatment response. where evidence relating specifically to cervical
headache is lacking, links are drawn from
research relating to other headache types, most
There is strong scientific evidence to suggest
commonly tension-type headache and migraine.
that physiotherapy is an effective treatment for
cervical headache (Jull et al 2002). The diagnos-
tic criteria for cervical or cervicogenic headache CNS processing of cervical
(CGH) according to the International Headache nociceptive input
Society (2004) and Sjaastad et al (1998) are
documented in Box 14.1. Both sets of criteria In order to provide background information for
imply a predominantly peripheral or nociceptive the clinical recommendations of the chapter,
mechanism of headache production caused by this section describes pain referral from the
cervical spine pathology or impairment. How- neck to the head via the trigeminocervical
ever, many clinicians will have encountered nucleus (TCN) and explains the function of
patients with cervical headaches that do not re- the TCN in relation to a broader model of pain
spond as expected to treatment, often leading to processing and perception. The effect of noci-
frustration in both patient and therapist. It ceptive input to and descending control systems
is the author’s opinion, from over 20 years of as- on the TCN is presented from the perspective
sessing and providing physiotherapy for patients of neurophysiology to facilitate understanding
with headache, including cervical headache, that of the ways that physical, genetic, hormonal,
abnormally increased or maladaptive sensi- psychological, and immune influences can affect
tivity within the central nervous system (CNS) headache processing.

The trigeminocervical nucleus and (d) factors associated with stress regulation
the neuromatrix theory of pain systems including endocrine, autonomic
and immune systems.
Cervical headache occurs when the brain con- The TCN is an integral part of the headache neu-
cludes that nociceptive input from the neck romatrix as it is the first region in the CNS that
has arisen from somewhere in the head. The processing of afferent input from structures able
mechanism of pain referral from the neck to to cause headache occurs. It is likely that sensiti-
the head is generally accepted as being via con- zation of the TCN is pivotal in the pathophysiol-
vergence of primary afferent neurons from tri- ogy and production of primary headaches such as
geminal and upper cervical receptive fields. migraine, chronic tension type headache and
This convergence occurs where the trigeminal cluster headache (Goadsby 2006, Schmidt-
pars caudalis overlaps with the dorsal horn gray Hansen et al 2007, Schoenen & Sandor 1999,
matter of the upper cervical spinal cord Schoenen 2006). It has also been suggested that
(Goadsby et al 1997, Kerr 1961). This area of cervical headache in its chronic form is main-
overlap has been termed the ‘trigeminocervical tained by central mechanisms (Schoenen &
nucleus’ (TCN) and forms a common pathway Maertens de Noordhout 1994). If the TCN is
for afferent input from the head and upper cer- in a sensitized state, incoming nociceptive input
vical regions (Bogduk 1992). is likely to be amplified or facilitated. If the
Clinicians should not assume that the TCN TCN is in a suppressed state, then nociceptive
always relays nociceptive input to higher input may be reduced or even completely
centers in a predictable manner that reflects blocked. Therefore, an understanding of the fac-
a one-to-one relationship between peripheral tors affecting sensitivity of the TCN is important
injury and pain. The perception of pain in for clinicians involved in the management of
general and, by extension, headache, is depen- patients with primary headache and benign sec-
dent on interplay between numerous widely ondary headaches, including cervical headache.
distributed neural networks and the effects
of other body systems on these networks. This Nociceptive input and
neural network or ‘neuromatrix’ theory of trigeminocervical nucleus
pain as described by Melzack (1999a) pro- sensitivity
poses that the sensation of pain is an output
of a neural network that comprises somatosen- Primary sensory neurons from trigeminal and
sory, limbic and thalamo-cortical components. upper cervical fields terminate in the TCN where
The synaptic architecture of this neuromatrix synaptic connections are made with ascending
is, theoretically, determined by genetic and projection neurons and local inter-neurons. In
sensory influences. Inputs to the matrix healthy individuals where the TCN is in a state
include: of normal transmission, innocuous stimuli such
(a) sensory, including somatic, visceral, visual
as pressure, light touch and non-injurious heat or
and other sensory input cold will be interpreted as such. High intensity sti-
muli that activate high threshold receptors with-
(b) cognitive and emotional inputs from other out causing tissue injury will produce a transient,
parts of the brain localized pain. Nociceptive information carried
(c) intrinsic neural inhibitory systems from by myelinated A delta and unmyelinated C fibers
other brain areas induces release of substance P and excitatory

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

amino acids (EAAs) such as glutamate in propor- astrocytes) have historically been regarded
tion to the peripheral nociceptive stimulus. This housekeepers for neurons, performing roles such
results in activation of neurokinin1 and AMPA as debris removal, regulation of extracellular ion
(a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-isoxazolepropio- concentration and provision of energy and neuro-
nic acid) receptors and subsequent depolarization chemical precursors (Watkins et al 2007,
of second order TCN neurons (Doubell et al Wieseler-Frank et al 2005). Neuronal release of
1999, Watkins & Maier 2005). This state enables substance P, EAAs and NO has been shown to
a clear distinction to be made between damaging activate spinal cord glia, leading to production
and non-damaging stimuli and enables prompt and release of the inflammatory cytokines inter-
and appropriate reactions (Doubell et al 1999). leukin 1b (IL-1 b, interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor
Nociceptive input associated with tissue dam- necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), as well as NO and
age and peripheral inflammation is likely to cause prostaglandins (Holguin et al 2004, Milligan et al
increased excitability in second order TCN neu- 2001, Watkins et al 2007). The glial release of
rons (Hu et al 1992, Woolf & Salter 2000). It these substances further sensitizes pre- and post-
appears that substance P, calcitonin gene-related synaptic TCN neurons. Based on these mechan-
peptide (CGRP) and glutamate are key neuro- isms, it has been proposed that glia can act as a
transmitters in dorsal horn and TCN nociception ‘volume control’ for nociception (Wieseler-Frank
processing (Bird et al 2006, Doubell et al, 1999, et al 2005). Central nervous system glia can also
Oshinsky & Luo 2006). The n-methyl-d-aspartate be activated by factors such as psychological
(NMDA) receptor, in particular, is considered stress, bacterial or viral infection, peripheral
integral in the induction and maintenance of cen- nerve injury, or trauma (Steptoe et al 2007,
tral sensitization (Woolf & Salter 2000, Woolf & Watkins & Maier 2000, 2005). The pathways
Thompson 1991). Persistent depolarization of thought to underlie peripherally mediated glial
the post synaptic membrane of TCN neurons activation include blood-borne signaling and
enables glutamate and other agents to remove neural signaling where cytokine stimulation of
the magnesium molecule that normally blocks the vagus and possibly the hypoglossal nerves
the activation of pre and post synaptic NMDA conveys information to the medullary nucleus
receptors. This initiates a cascade of biochemical tractus solarius and on to other brain areas
changes including nitric oxide (NO) release that (Watkins & Maier 2000, 2005). It is likely that
increases pre-synaptic substance P and EAA even after the stimulation or challenge has ceased
release, resulting in further excitation of the post (for example cessation of the nociceptive input
synaptic membrane (Watkins & Maier 2005). or resolution of the infection), astrocytes and
Sensitivity can be further enhanced by presynap- microglia remain ‘primed’, allowing for increased
tic augmentation of neurotransmitter release, speed and magnitude of reaction the next time
and decreased pre- and postsynaptic inhibition. they are activated (Pasti et al 1995, 1997).

The role of glia in CNS sensitivity Descending control systems and

TCN sensitivity
There has been increasing interest and research
into the role of glial cells in the production and Sensitivity of the TCN can be modulated by
maintenance of increased central sensitivity, local and descending inhibitory systems that
including that of the TCN (Watkins et al 2007, act pre-synaptically and/or post-synaptically
Xie et al 2007). Glia (mainly microglia and (Thompson 2006). Nociceptive activity in the


TCN is strongly influenced by descending path- Ren & Dubner 2002). The main pathways princi-
ways originating from the midbrain, most notably pally use serotonin as a neurotransmitter (Fields
the dorsal and ventral peri-aqueductal gray (PAG) et al 2006). Dysregulation of central serotonergic
and rostroventromedial medulla (RVM) (Heinri- function has been proposed as a key step in the
cher 2005) (Fig. 9.1). Once thought to be an onset of migraine (Hamel 2007, Joseph et al
exclusively antinociceptive system it is likely that 1989, Marcus 1993) cluster headache (D’Andrea
the PAG/RVM system exerts significant bidirec- et al 1998) and a likely factor in the development
tional control over nociceptive transmission from of chronic tension type headache (Marcus 1995).
the TCN and dorsal horn (Heinricher 2005, However, close links and connections with norad-
Frontal lobe
renergic centers in the locus ceruleus and dorso-
lateral pontine tegmentum would indicate a
degree of synergy between serotonergic and nor-
adrenergic systems (Joseph et al 1989, Lance
et al 1983, Malmgren 1990). The PAG/RVM
H system receives ascending input from the dorsal
horn, particularly from the cervical region and
TCN. There are also substantial inputs from the
limbic forebrain including frontal lobe, prefrontal
PAG and anterior cingulate cortices, amygdala and
hypothalamus. These connections indicate that
the PAG/RVM system is integral in the coordina-
tion of cortical and limbic inputs for a ‘top-down’
regulation of nociception processing. Corrive
& Morgan (2004) describe the PAG as being the
crossroads of an ascending sensory system relaying
noxious input and a descending limbic system
organizing emotional responses. Thus, due to the
P connections of the PAG/RVM system, top-
Dorsal horn - down regulation of TCN activity is likely to be
influenced by a number of factors. These include
psychosocial factors such as stress and anxiety,
circadian rhythm, as well as endocrinological,
hormonal and autonomic influences (Fields et al
Figure 9.1  The main connections of the PAG/RVM
system of descending control of the TCN. The figure shows
a diagrammatic representation of a major pain modulating Hyperalgesia and allodynia in
pathway with major links in the midbrain periaqueductal
gray (PAG) and rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM). TCN sensitization
Regions of the frontal lobe and amygdala project directly
and via the hypothalamus (H) to the PAG. The PAG in turn
controls spinal nociceptive neurons through relays in the
Through combinations of nociceptive input, pos-
RVM and the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum (DLPT). The sible glial activation and impaired descending
RVM, which projects directly and via the DLPT to the dorsal control, sensitization of the TCN has the effect
horn, exerts bidirectional control over nociceptive
transmission. The control by RVM and DLPT involves both of amplifying nociceptive input from areas
inhibitory and excitatory interneurons. of tissue damage or inflammation. One clinical

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

manifestation of this process is primary hyperal- humans with some forms of migraine (Cooke
gesia or tenderness at the site of tissue damage et al 2007, Kitaj & Klink 2005), cluster headache
or inflammation. Nociception from other areas (Ashkenazi & Young 2004), chronic daily
that have inputs into the sensitized areas of the headache, and chronic tension type headache
TCN will also be amplified, resulting in second- (Bendtsen 2000). The clinical relevance of this
ary hyperalgesia or tenderness/increased pain knowledge is that in patients where TCN sensiti-
response in areas outside the site of tissue dam- zation is likely, there may be areas of increased
age/inflammation. Additionally, with a sufficient tenderness in trigeminal or cervical fields remote
increase in sensitization, even non nociceptive from any peripheral source of nociception or tis-
input such as light touch, or non-noxious heat sue damage. This is addressed in the discussion
and cold may be interpreted as painful (allody- of physical examination. However it should be
nia). As a cardinal sign of central sensitization, noted that detailed studies of hyperalgesia and
allodynia has been demonstrated in animal allodynia in populations with cervical headache
models of headache (Hu et al 1992) and in are lacking. Figure 9.2 shows some of the inputs

Cerebral cortex – perception of headache

Pain dPAG vPAG

processing HT RVM

Spino-thalamic Descending inhibition

tract of pain (5HT, NA)

• Heredity
Trigeminocervical • Hormones
nucleus • Stress
• Diet
• Sleep disturbances

• Muscle tension C1–3, V, V, C1–3, Vasomotor,

• Peripheral VII, IX, X IX, X inflammatory
sensitization effects

Musculoskeletal sources of pain Visceral sources of pain

• muscles • blood vessels
• ligaments • sinus
• nerves • meninges
• joints • eyes

Figure 9.2  Transmission of nociceptive impulses from the trigeminocervical nucleus

(TCN) will be dependent on the level of afferent input from either musculoskeletal or visceral
sources as well as the level of descending inhibition. Sensitization of the TCN could also
lead to peripheral changes in both musculoskeletal and visceral structures. dPAG ¼ dorsal
periacqueductal grey matter, HT ¼ hypothalamus, LC ¼ locus ceruleus, vPAG ¼ ventral
periacqueductal grey matter, RVM ¼ rostro ventromedial medulla, 5HT ¼
5hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), NA ¼ noradrenaline.


and outputs of the TCN. It should be remem- involving 200 participants with CGH, 40% did
bered that visceral nociception from structures not relate the onset of their headaches to neck
supplied by the trigeminal nerve can also contrib- movements or sustained postures; yet, during
ute to sensitization of the TCN and that TCN physical examination, all reported pain asso-
sensitization can lead to peripheral changes in ciated with one or more cervical active move-
both visceral and somatic (musculoskeletal) ments (Jull et al 2002). In addition, some
structures. patients may not appreciate or be aware of links
between their headaches and neck postures or
Patient interview and history movements until their attention is drawn to
the possibility by appropriate questioning.
Information gained from the patient interview
can alert the clinician to the possibility that
What is the effect of medication?
there may be factors other than cervical noci-
These may include analgesics, anti-inflamma-
ceptive input that are contributing to a
tory, antimigraine preparations (prophylactic
patient’s headaches. It is beyond the scope of
or for acute episodes), membrane stabilizers
this chapter to give a detailed overview of an
or tricyclic antidepressants (see Chapter 3).
appropriate interview for patients presenting
Patient reports of benefit from steroidal or
with possible cervical headache; see Jull &
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication
Niere (2004) and Chapter 14 for more detail.
may indicate a significant inflammatory compo-
This section addresses precipitating and trig-
nent. This may be associated with local tissue
gering factors of headaches and attempts to
damage or be associated with a systemic condi-
describe how these might be related to periph-
tion such as rheumatoid arthritis or polymyal-
eral nociceptive input and/or affect TCN pro-
gia rheumatica. Benefit from medication that
cessing of this input.
decreases CNS sensitivity, either directly or
indirectly (e.g. triptans or tricyclic antidepres-
Do specific neck movements or sants) could suggest that central sensitization
postures trigger or exacerbate is a significant contributing mechanism to the
the headache? patient’s headache.
Medication overuse from repeated or heavy
This is a criterion for cervicogenic headache use of analgesics (including opiates) and/or
(CGH) as described by Sjaastad et al (1998) triptans can lead to increased headache activity
and would suggest cervical causation where and has been proposed as a mechanism by which
the TCN is in a normal mode of transmission. relatively infrequent headaches can trans-
If the TCN is in a sensitized state, non-noci- form into frequent or chronic daily headaches.
ceptive input from cervical spine motion or Proposed mechanisms include ‘upregulation’
strain receptors that travel in large diameter of pro-nociceptive systems or ‘mini-withdrawals’
afferents could be interpreted as painful and caused by the cessation of the medication (Meng
may be enough to trigger and maintain a head- & Cao 2007). Spinal cord or TCN glial activation
ache. The absence of precipitating factors may also be partly responsible for increased
involving the neck does not exclude the cervi- CNS sensitivity and decreased symptom relief
cal spine as a source or major contributor to with repeated medication use. Watkins et al
the headache. For example, in a clinical trial (Watkins et al 2007) proposed that while

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

opioids inhibit neuronal nociceptive transmis- this literature relates to migraines (MacGregor
sion within the CNS, concurrent opioid activa- 1996, Marcus 1995, 2004, Martin & Behbehani
tion of glia leads to prolonged cytokine release 2006, Welch 1997). Hormonal changes can
within the CNS and subsequent increased sen- influence headaches and TCN sensitivity might
sitivity that may become apparent clinically be affected by these changes. There are three
once the neuronal analgesic effects of the times when hormonal changes are more likely
opioids diminish. The role of glial involvement to influence a woman’s headaches. These are
in analgesic tolerance, dependence and with- during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and
drawal has been demonstrated experimentally menopause.
(Johnston & Westbrook 2005, Raghavendra et al
2004, Shavit et al 2005) and is providing potential
Menstrual cycle
options for pharmacological management of neu-
ropathic and chronic pain conditions (Watkins Table 9.1 shows the percentages of women in
et al 2007). each of the selected studies who indicated that
menstruation precipitated their headaches. It is
interesting to note the lower percentage in
Is there a family history of patients referred for physiotherapy (2%) as
headaches? opposed those presenting for physiotherapy
(23%), suggesting that the role of hormonal
Strong genetic links have been demonstrated for changes is low in confirmed cervical headache.
migraine (Russell 2001, Sandor et al 2000) and This has been reinforced in studies by Jull
tension type headache (Russell 2001). It would et al (2002) and Sjaastad & Fredriksen (2002),
follow that a family history of either of these suggesting that in patients where hormonal
headache types in a patient presenting with pos- changes are a significant headache precipi-
sible cervical headache would increase the possi- tant, cervical headache is unlikely. However
bility that the patient has that headache type or Niere (1998) found that hormonal changes as a
at least a familial tendency for increased TCN precipitant were not a predictor of physiother-
sensitivity or reactivity in association with any apy treatment outcome. More research is
musculoskeletal impairment associated with required to clarify the role of hormonal changes
the headache. Although there does not appear in female patients with a cervical cause or
to be any experimental evidence of a genetic component.
contribution to cervical headache it is this The phases of the menstrual cycle and the
author’s clinical impression that patterns of clin- associated serum estrogen and progesterone
ical presentation for cervical headache can be levels at each phase are shown in Figure 9.3.
very similar between immediate family mem- Fioroni et al (1996) found increased serotonin
bers or between generations. catabolism and decreased serotonin levels in
the luteal phase in migraine sufferers. A meta-
What is the effect of hormonal analysis by Riley et al (1999) found that thresh-
changes? olds to experimentally produced pain in women
were highest in the follicular phase and lowest
The role of ovarian hormones in the precipita- in the luteal phase or pre-menstrually,
tion or maintenance of different headache corresponding to the time in the menstrual cycle
types is well documented, although most of when there is likely to be increased headache


Table 9.1 Headache precipitants for different populations.

Author/year Population N Hormonal (%) Stress (%) Diet (%)

(of females)
Van den Bergh et al (1987) Migraine with aura 217 48 49 45

Drummond (1985) Non cluster 317 39 61 43

Drummond (1985) Cluster 58 14 27 61

Scharff et al (1995) Migraine and tension type 172 62 72 22 (chocolate)

33 (alcohol)

Rasmussen (1993) Tension-type 167 39 70 5–11

Rasmussen (1993) Migraine 119 24 44 10

Rothrock et al (1996) Chronic 132 29 56 27

Daily headache 33 (alcohol)

Rothrock et al (1996) Episodic migraine 243 44 57 24

Niere (1998) Presenting to physio 112 23 53 7

Jull (1986) Referred to physio 96 2 30 0

Follicular Luteal Martin & Behbehani (2006) proposed the

Early Mild Late Early Mild Late following mechanisms by which hormonal
Serum progesterone level (ng/ml)

500 12
Serum estradiol level (pg/ml)

changes can affect headache activity:

400 10
(i) prostaglandin release
6 (ii) magnesium deficiency
4 (iii) effects on neurotransmitter systems.
100 2
Prostaglandin release into the circulation by the
0 0 shedding endometrium during menstruation
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
Days of menstrual cycle has been shown to be associated with migraine
activity (Silberstein & Merriam 1991) although
Figure 9.3  Changes in serum levels of estrogen (-o-) and
this mechanism does not explain migraines and

progesterone (- -) during the menstrual cycle. Increased
activity is relative to the activity experienced during other headaches occurring premenstrually or consis-
phases of the menstrual cycle. Headaches are more likely in tently at other times in the cycle, for example
the late luteal phase when estrogen levels are falling.
at ovulation.
Magnesium is important in regulation of the
activity. Gazerani et al (2005) demonstrated tone of the cerebral arteries and blocks activa-
that healthy females showed greater levels of tion of NMDA receptors in the TCN (Altura
capsaicin induced trigeminal sensitization than & Altura 1996). Magnesium, along with cal-
healthy males in both the luteal and menstrual cium and vitamin B6 are cofactors in neuro-
phases of the menstrual cycle. transmitter synthesis including the conversion

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

of tryptophan to serotonin (O’Brien 1993) decrease in CNS serotonergic function, increased

implying that disturbances in magnesium levels sensitivity of the trigeminocervical nucleus and,
could affect CNS sensitivity, possibly at the therefore increased likelihood of headache
level of the TCN or via alterations in descend- production.
ing pain inhibition via PAG/RVM serotonergic
pathways. Mauskop and Altura (2002) demon- Pregnancy and menopause
strated a high incidence of magnesium defi-
Pregnancy is usually associated with a sustained
ciency and elevated calcium/magnesium ratio
increase in estrogen levels (Fig. 9.4) and
in a sample of 61 women with menstrual
migraine sufferers appear to be more likely
migraine, while magnesium supplements have
than sufferers of tension type headache to
been shown to be effective in the prevention
experience a reduction in their levels of head-
of menstrual migraine (Facchinetti et al 1991)
ache (Rasmussen 1993). Women with cervico-
and migrainous headache in children (Wang
genic headache are less likely than those with
et al 2003). Although these results may not
migraine to have an improvement in their head-
be generalizable to patients with cervical head-
aches associated with pregnancy. Sjaastad and
ache, altered magnesium levels may be signifi-
Fredriksen (2002) found that of 14 women
cant in some women whose headaches are
with cervicogenic headache only one reported
affected by hormonal changes.
complete relief of her headaches during preg-
The most likely mechanism by which
nancy, as opposed to 32 (65%) of 49 women
changes in ovarian hormones can affect head-
with migraine who experienced complete
ache behavior is through their effect on the
relief. In some women headache may increase
neurotransmitter systems that play a significant
or begin during pregnancy, particularly in the
role in the production and processing of head-
first trimester when estrogen levels are lower
ache pain. These systems are likely to include
or less stable. Similar variability exists with oral
those involving serotonin, glutamate, noradren-
contraceptive use and during menopause
aline, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and
where existing headaches may be exacerbated
opiates (Fioroni et al 1996, Marcus 2004, Mar-
or ameliorated, or new headaches generated
tin & Behbehani 2006). Although altered pro-
(Silberstein & Merriam 1991). After delivery,
gesterone levels can either trigger or prevent
migraine in certain populations (Martin & Beh-
behani 2006), the most likely mechanism of
Plasma progesterone values (ng/ml)
Plasma estradiol values (pg/ml)

hormonal influence on TCN sensitivity and 20 000 200

headache activity is via estrogen withdrawal,
15 000 150
usually in the late luteal and early menstrual
phases of the menstrual cycle (Martin & Beh- 10 000 100
behani 2006, Martin et al 2007). It is likely
5000 50
that increased estrogen levels are associated
with increased levels of serotonergic function 0 0
6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42
in the CNS, increased beta endorphin levels
Weeks of pregnancy
and decreased noradrenergic responses (Mar-
cus 1995, Martin & Behbehani 2006). From Figure 9.4  Mean plasma estradiol and progesterone
levels during pregnancy. Plasma estradiol (-♦-) and
this information it can be postulated that ▪
progesterone (- -) levels rise abruptly during the second
reduction in estrogen levels may cause a and third trimesters (weeks 14 to 40) of pregnancy.


estrogen levels usually drop dramatically and psychological or expectation effect (Kohlen-
many women suffer from increased headaches berg 1981, Marcus et al 1997). Patients who
in the first week post delivery (Sances et al report that their headaches are precipitated
2003, Stein 1981). Breast feeding has been by specific foods are less likely to achieve a
shown to be associated with decreased favorable outcome with physiotherapy treat-
migraine recurrence after delivery, possibly ment (Niere 1998), implying that there is
because hormone levels are more likely to be unlikely to be a significant cervical contribution
maintained (Sances et al 2003). to their headaches or that the dietary factors
Clinical observation suggests that headache are somehow perpetuating the cervical head-
activity may increase during menopause, possi- aches despite the effects of the treatment.
bly associated with falling or fluctuating estro-
gen levels. Headaches associated with this Caffeine
mechanism are often relieved with hormone
replacement therapy and may be exacerbated The degree of caffeine consumption and the
if this therapy is interrupted or if hormone reaction when caffeine is withdrawn is worth
levels fall towards the end of any period of ascertaining in patients with headache. Caf-
use of implants or patches. feine alone may have an analgesic effect in
headache (Ward et al 1991) and has been
shown to enhance the analgesic effect of aspi-
Are there dietary triggers or rin, paracetamol, and ibuprofen (McQuay
symptoms of food intolerances? et al 1996). Silverman et al (1992) reported
headaches in over 50% of 62 subjects who were
The Diet column in Table 9.1, representing the
withdrawn from low to moderate coffee con-
percentages of subjects whose headaches were
sumption (average 2.5 cups per day). It should
precipitated by diet, shows that there is great
be remembered that caffeine is also present in
variability between the studies and different
tea, chocolate, and cola drinks.
headache types. Sufferers of migraine with
aura (Van den Bergh et al 1987) and cluster
headache (Drummond 1985) appear to be Mechanism of dietary effect on
more likely to have their headaches precipi- headaches
tated by diet than sufferers of other headache The mechanism by which dietary factors can
types. The classic food triggers of migraine are affect headaches is unclear. It has been proposed
chocolate, oranges, red wine, and cheese – that dietary aggravation or precipitation of head-
particularly camembert, cheddar, and parme- ache is often due to an allergic response involving
san (Marcus et al 1997, Wöber et al 2007). the release of histamines and other inflammatory
Glutamates (e.g., MSG), aspartame (artificial mediators from mast cells (Egger et al 1983,
sweetener), and coffee have also been asso- Monro et al 1980). Another proposed mecha-
ciated with the onset of migraines and other nism is through alteration of neural function by
headache types (Koehler & Glaros 1988, modulation of neurotransmitter levels, including
Scharff et al 1995). Despite the strong serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine and acetyl-
reported association between dietary factors choline (Millichap & Yee 2003, Seltzer et al
and headache production, double blind studies 1981). Wine, in particular, appears to have the
are often inconclusive (Marcus et al 1997). potential to affect both peripheral and central
This has led some authors to propose a strong nociceptive transmission by inhibiting the

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

binding of serotonin to serotonin receptors and with chronic, high frequency headaches such
facilitating the release of serotonin from plate- as chronic daily headache and chronic
lets. Caffeine, as an adenosine receptor antago- tension-type headache are more likely to have
nist (Bell 2007), enhances dopaminergic and higher levels of psychological distress when
glutaminergic function within the CNS which compared to patients with episodic headaches
may affect the sensitivity of the TCN in suscep- or matched controls (Barton-Donovan &
tible individuals. Blanchard 2005, Holroyd et al 2000). A study
by Schmidt-Hansen et al (2007) showed that
Identification of dietary factors central sensitization associated with headache
is likely to be more pronounced in patients
The identification of a dietary component to a
with high frequency headaches. However, it
patient’s headaches may be difficult. The onset
is not known whether psychological factors in
of headache may be substantially delayed after
patients with high frequency headaches are
the ingestion of the offending food. Sandler
causative of the headaches or caused by the
et al (1995) reported a lag between ingestion
headache pain and associated disability. Space
and headache onset of three hours for red wine
does not permit a detailed discussion of psy-
and 22 hours for chocolate in study participants
chosocial influences on headache. However,
with migraine. It is also possible that dietary
it is acknowledged that factors such as patient
substances alone may not necessarily trigger a
attitudes and beliefs about their pain, beha-
headache but predispose the sufferer to an
viors such as fear avoidance, medication over-
attack when other factors are present (Scharff
use, decreased physical function and level of
et al 1995). The patient may therefore be
social, familial and work support may be piv-
unaware of the contribution of diet to their
otal in the production or maintenance of some
headaches unless there is clear causation.
headaches, although there does not appear to
Chapter 18 provides further information
be any research addressing the role of these
regarding the identification and management
factors in cervical headaches. Additionally,
of dietary factors in headache production.
indicators of psychological distress such as
depression, exaggerated attention to bodily
What is the effect of psychosocial symptoms, anxiety and anger may also be
factors? associated with maladaptive pain processing
(Fernandez 2002, Watson 1999). Identifica-
Psychological stress has a possible effect on head- tion of psychosocial factors that could be con-
ache processing and perception. All patient tributing to a patient’s headaches may be
assessments should incorporate a biopsychosocial achieved during the examination/treatment
approach. Where relevant, psychological, social, process, through the use of patient completed
and biological factors are ascertained during the questionnaires such as the General Health
examination and are considered when formulat- Questionnaire 28 (Goldberg & Hillier 1979)
ing treatment and management plans. It has been or the Distress and Risk Assessment Method
proposed that psychosocial factors can play a (DRAM) (Main et al 1992), or with the assis-
significant role in the production and mainte- tance of psychological or psychiatric referral.
nance of headaches, particularly in the transfor- Nash and Thebarge (2006) defined psycho-
mation of episodic to chronic headaches logical stress as an imbalance between perceived
(Holroyd & Lipchik 1999). In particular, patients demands and perceived resources resulting in


demands or strain in the biological system. They stress levels can impact upon treatment out-
indicated four ways that psychological stress come. Niere & Robinson (1997) surveyed 91
could be related to headaches: headache patients two months after their
(i) as a predisposing factor contributing to initial physiotherapy consultation. Twenty
the onset of headaches reported that changes in stress levels had
affected their headaches. Of these, 10 felt
(ii) as a factor that accelerates or exacerbates that reduced stress levels had improved their
the progression of the headaches headaches, 6 felt that increased stress had
(iii) as a precipitant or aggravating factor of exacerbated their headaches, while 4 did
individual headaches not indicate the effect of changed stress
(iv) as a contributor to impaired quality of life levels.
by leading to avoidance of particular
activities, situations or foods that may be
associated with headache production. Effects of experimentally-induced
stress on headache
It is has been shown that experimentally-
Stress as a trigger of headaches induced stress leads to increased headache
Table 9.1 shows that stress may be a signifi- activity in patients with headache, indicating
cant contributor to or causative factor of a greater reactivity in one or both of central and
variety of headache types. Reynolds & Hova- peripheral pathways (Leistad et al 2006). Ban-
nitz (2000) demonstrated a positive relation- sevicius & Sjaastad (1996) measured EMG of
ship between negative life event stress and shoulder-neck and facial muscles as well as pain
headache frequency in 1289 college students. levels in cervical headache patients and group-
A common clinical observation is that some matched controls before, during, and after a
patients do not have increased headache activ- stressful reaction time test. They found that
ity during stressful times, but suffer from in the cervical headache patients, pain values
attacks once the stress is relieved. Typically, for the shoulder increased markedly during
this may occur on the weekends, once holi- the test, while pain values for the temple and
days start, or after exams. Patients may be neck increased in the post-test period. There
oblivious to or may not acknowledge the role were no significant changes in pain levels for
of stress on precipitating or maintaining head- the controls. Similarly, trapezius EMG in head-
aches. The ability to cope with stressful situa- ache patients increased significantly during the
tions varies enormously between individuals test while the increase in trapezius EMG for
and even within individuals, depending on the controls was not significant. Farella et al
the situation, degree of available support, and (2000) found that dental students undergoing
coping strategies utilized. Clinically, a key to academic examinations had higher stress levels
the recognition that psychological stress may and decreased pressure pain thresholds in jaw
be affecting a patient’s headaches is whether muscles and achilles tendons compared to stu-
the patient feels unable to cope with the dents not undertaking examinations. These
perceived demands placed upon them or findings support a causative link between stress
whether they feel that they are not in control and CNS sensitization, particularly affecting
of a particular situation. In addition to acting the TCN if the individual already experiences
as a trigger factor for headaches, changes in headache.

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

Mechanism of stress affecting stressor and the immune factor being

headaches measured (Connor et al 2005, Kemeny &
The typical physiological reaction in healthy Schedlowski 2007). Stress is likely to be asso-
individuals to stressful situations is activation ciated with increased levels of both central
of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and peripheral pro-inflammatory mediators
axis (Bomholt et al 2004) and locus coeru- such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa),
leus-noradrenaline (LC-NA) systems (Melzack interleukins 1B and 6, and nitrous oxide
1999b). Activation of the HPA axis ultimately (NO), potentially having the effect of increas-
leads to increased cortisol, noradrenaline and ing both central and peripheral sensitivity
adrenaline levels necessary for the ‘fight/ (Maier 2003). In a meta-analysis of the effects
flight’ response, comprising increased heart of acute psychological stress on circulating
rate, blood pressure and glucose levels for cytokine levels in humans Steptoe et al
energy release (Foy et al 2006, Melzack (2007) found that acute stress was signifi-
1999b). Acute stress is often associated with cantly associated with increased levels of the
decreased pain responses, probably due to beta pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin 6 and
endorphin release and enhanced inhibitory Interleukin 1b. The relationship between
action of the LC-NA system in suppressing spi- immune and pain systems has been reviewed
nal cord and TCN nociception (Melzack by Watkins and Maier (2005) who described
1999b, Meng & Cao 2007). However, ongoing the pivotal role of the pro-inflammatory cyto-
or repeated stress can lead to increased pain kines in acting at the site of the peripheral
sensitivity, possibly as a result of dysregulation immune challenge and within the CNS.
of the normal (predominantly serotonergic) A common example of pain facilitation as a
descending pain inhibitory systems by a shift consequence of immune system activation is
towards enhanced noradrenergic/sympathetic the generalized hyperalgesia or allodynia often
systems. Another possible mechanism for experienced with viral infections such as influ-
stress-associated pain sensitivity is through cor- enza. Clinically, it is a common observation
tisol mediated NMDA and glial activation that patients’ headaches can be exacerbated
within the CNS, with glial activation leading or triggered by immune system challenges
to production of pro-inflammatory cytokines from viral infections such as colds or influenza
and further CNS or TCN sensitization (Nair and by bacterial infections affecting other
& Bonneau 2006). body regions. Clinicians should be mindful of
the likely state of the headache patient’s
immune system and the possible interac-
Stress, pain, and the immune system tions between stress, immune activation and
It is now widely held that the CNS and peripheral and TCN sensitivity.
immune systems form a bi-directional commu-
nication network with the CNS receiving
signals from the periphery, then coordinating Physical examination
appropriate behavioral and neuroendocrine
responses (Maier 2003, Watkins & Maier For a detailed account of the physical examina-
2005). In healthy individuals acute stress leads tion appropriate for patients with cervical
to various forms of immune system activation, headache the reader is referred to Chapter 14.
depending on the nature and duration of the This section will briefly describe the main


physical examination findings associated with stimulated the greater occipital nerve (C2) in
cervical headache and the findings that might rats for five minutes which led to increases in
be associated with increased TCN sensitivity. response to supratentorial dural stimulation
Identification of patterns of musculoskeletal that lasted for more than one hour. They con-
impairment consistent with headache produc- cluded that the cervical nociceptive input led
tion is essential to justify physical treatment. to sensitization of second order TCN neurons.
In a study of 73 subjects with single headache Similar effects were demonstrated by dural
types and 57 non-headache controls, Jull et al stimulation, also in rats (Bartsch & Goadsby
(2007a) found that cervicogenic headache 2003). Jensen and Olesen (1996) subjected
could be differentiated from tension-type 58 subjects with TTH and 30 matched controls
headache and migraine by a pattern of muscu- to 30 minutes of sustained tooth clenching.
loskeletal impairment that included: i) They found that 69% of the TTH group and
restricted neck motion, ii) upper cervical joint 17% of the controls developed headache. The
dysfunction, and iii) impaired muscle function. authors concluded that in the TTH group,
Although isolated musculoskeletal impairment peripheral nociception acted as a trigger for
may exist in patients with migraine and ten- increased central sensitivity. This knowledge
sion-type headache, studies have shown that is clinically important because it indicates that
the incidence of these findings is not signifi- cervical nociceptive input, for example from
cantly different to populations of headache- musculoskeletal impairment can produce or
free controls (Amiri et al 2007, Marcus et al enhance TCN sensitization.
1999, Zwart 1997).

Physical examination findings

Musculoskeletal nociceptive input
suggestive of increased TCN
and trigeminocervical sensitivity
Physical examination findings must be inter-
In this author’s clinical experience the follow-
preted in the light of the likely degree of
ing physical examination findings might alert
TCN sensitivity. Pain, local or referred, elicited
the clinician to the likelihood of increased
by neck movement or palpation might, in some
TCN sensitivity in a patient with headache:
cases, be due to hyperalgesia or allodynia
caused by a sensitized TCN, effectively com- • Allodynia or hyperalgesia on palpation of
prising a false positive. That is, the pain may the cervical and upper thoracic areas,
lead the clinician to believe that there is particularly areas not directly supplied by
impairment of the underlying tissues where the upper cervical nerves.
no impairment exists. Signs of increased CNS • Excessive pain production on active or
sensitivity have been demonstrated in popula- passive motion testing
tions with chronic neck pain (Sheather-Reid & • A physical or emotional reaction out of
Cohen 1998) and whiplash (Curatolo et al proportion to the nature and type of, or
2001, Johansen et al 1999, Sterling et al symptoms produced by an examination
2002), indicating that nociceptive input from procedure
the cervical spine can be associated with cen- • Progressive exacerbation of headache
tral sensitization, particularly if the pain is per- during the examination or significant
sistent or severe. Bartsch & Goadsby (2002) flare-up after the examination.

Central nervous system processing in cervicogenic headache CHAPTER 9

It should be noted that these findings rely on or lesion (IHS 2004). If a patient’s headaches
the clinician’s interpretation of what is an resolve with treatment aimed at musculoskele-
appropriate or excessive response. They may tal impairment then it might be reasonable to
also be due to peripheral mechanisms or a com- assume that the headache source lay in the
bination of peripheral and central processes. periphery and that central processes were not
A higher index of suspicion of increased TCN dominant or significant in the headache pro-
sensitivity is warranted when these examina- duction. However, there is increasing evidence
tion findings are accompanied by one or more to suggest that spinal manual therapy and cer-
of the factors outlined in the history/interview. tain types of spinal muscle system retraining
On the other hand, a peripheral dominant can exert significant effects on the central ner-
mechanism is more likely when there is a pre- vous system, see Souvlis et al (2004) for a
dictable and consistent stimulus-response review. Research by Ashkenazi & Young
behavior to physical examination procedures. (2004) supports the concept of altered cervical
input affecting CNS/TCN sensitivity. They
Management and treatment demonstrated that blockades of the greater
occipital nerve in humans caused significant
Different aspects of physiotherapy can affect decreases in both pain and associated allodynia
peripheral and central processes in cervical associated with migraine attacks. Therefore it
headache. The reader is referred to Chapters could be hypothesized that interruption of cer-
15, 16, 17, and 19 for an account of contempo- vical nociceptive input with physiotherapy can
rary physiotherapy, chiropractic, and osteo- decrease TCN sensitivity, even in cases of pri-
pathic treatment of headaches. Management mary headache where central sensitization is
of cervical headache usually focuses on muscu- the likely predominant mechanism. However,
loskeletal impairment thought to be causative it is this author’s clinical experience that such
or contributing to the patient’s headaches. This changes are often short-lived unless peripheral
should be performed as part of a biopsychoso- nociception is the main driver of the central
cial approach with appreciation of and, if changes.
appropriate, management of relevant psychoso- Treating therapists should also be reminded
cial factors as well as consideration of the that positive responses may be caused by
degree of sensitization of the TCN. If factors altered psychological processes inherent in
such as hormonal changes, stress or dietary the patient-therapist interaction. This may
intolerances are considered to be significant include placebo or expectation responses.
contributors to a patient’s headaches then Other psychological or cognitive-behavioral
referral to other health care practitioners for strategies often associated with physiotherapy
management may be warranted. Chronic, treatment include education, goal setting,
refractory headaches may respond well to reinforcement of attitudes and behaviors con-
behavioral approaches (Holroyd & Lipchik ducive to recovery and extinguishing or modi-
1999), particularly if there has been an over- fying behaviors and attitudes detrimental to
reliance on and lack of long term results with recovery. Examples of this include relieving
passive therapies. fear and anxiety with appropriate education
One of the IHS diagnostic criteria is that the and encouragement, or employing strategies
headaches resolve within three months after to aid adherence to an exercise or postural
successful treatment of the causative disorder correction program.


Physical treatment to address the musculo- (widespread mechanical or cold hyperalgesia)

skeletal impairments found with cervical head- are less likely to respond to physical treatment
ache should achieve a good result in the and have delayed recovery (Jull et al 2007b). It
majority of patients. In a randomized trial Jull is this author’s opinion that patients with cervi-
et al (2002) investigated the effects of either cal headache and associated maladaptive or
low load exercises, manual therapy, a combina- CNS driven central sensitization are less likely
tion of low load exercises and manual therapy, to respond favorably to physical treatment than
and GP managed ‘control’ on a population of those where peripheral nociception is the pri-
200 chronic cervical headache sufferers. They mary symptom mechanism.
found that all treatment groups were superior
to the control group with 81% of the exercise
therapy/manual therapy group achieving a Conclusion
50% reduction in headache frequency at
12 month follow up and 41% of this group Health care professionals involved in the man-
achieving compete headache resolution at agement of patients with cervical headache
12 months. Interestingly, in this trial, 28% of should be aware of factors that can alter the
participants with cervical headache failed to sensitivity of central nervous system areas
achieve a 50% reduction in headache frequency involved in the processing of nociceptive input
with treatment. It is tempting to speculate that from the head and neck. These factors may
persistent TCN sensitivity for whatever reason include persistent or severe pain, dietary fac-
may have been a factor in the lack of treatment tors, psychological or immune system stress,
response. Unfortunately, there have been no and hormonal changes. A patient interview
studies performed where treatment outcome needs to consider triggers and contributing fac-
for cervical headache has been analyzed in tors in conjunction with physical examination
regard to signs of central sensitivity such as findings and an evaluation of the effect of any
mechanical or thermal hyperalgesia. Recent physical treatment. This can help the clinician
research into whiplash injuries indicates that to determine whether these factors are having
participants with signs of central sensitization a significant impact on the patient’s headaches.

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Chapter Ten

ENT causes of orofacial pain
Stephen O’Leary

(as described in Ch. 5). Finally, the middle ear,

ENT pathology, temporomandibular disorders,
nose, and throat are linked by mucosa, and are
and conditions referred for otolaryngology-head
and neck surgery share a common constellation in continuity via the post-nasal space and eusta-
of symptoms, particularly facial pain. Therefore, chian tube.
a patient with an ENT problem may present to The clinician needs to bear in mind that the
a range of health care professionals. In this
low specificity of head and neck symptoms
chapter the author, an ENT surgeon, highlights
the differential diagnosis and management of increases the chances of misdiagnosis. It is not
ENT-related orofacial symptoms. uncommon for patients to arrive for a consulta-
tion with a diagnostic label that fails to stand up
to closer scrutiny. Similarly, the clinician is often
The ear nose throat (ENT) region can contribute left with a degree of diagnostic uncertainty, and
to headache and orofacial symptoms. A major may need to work through the possible etiologies
diagnostic challenge in the assessment and man- before an optimal treatment is found.
agement of headache and orofacial pain is the This chapter focuses on presenting symptoms,
interpretation of patterns of symptoms as they with particular emphasis on establishing a clinical
relate to specific disease conditions. Ear pain, diagnosis in relation to otalgia, facial pain, and
for example, may be caused by otologic infection tinnitus. Information relating to management is
but could as easily derive from disorder of the provided for diseases usually treated by otolar-
temporomandibular joint (TMJ), a neoplasm yngology-head and neck surgery (OHNS) specia-
from the oropharynx or laryngopharynx, or be lists. When referring to conditions usually treated
referred from the cervical region. by disciplines such as physical therapy or den-
There are several reasons why head and neck tistry, the focus will be on differential diagnosis
symptoms may not point to specific organs or rather than treatment.
diseases. The most obvious is the anatomical
proximity of structures within the head and
neck. Second, the innervation of the head and Otalgia
neck can result in the referral of pain to sites
remote from the primary pathology, e.g., over- Most medical practitioners have been faced
lap of the trigeminal and upper cervical afferent with the perplexing situation of seeing a patient
information in the trigeminocervical nucleus suffering from severe earache (otalgia) and

having a normal looking ear canal and drum. Otological causes

Often the patient is convinced that there is
something very wrong with their ear and the Ear infection is a common and potentially seri-
doctor faces a diagnostic dilemma. However, ous cause of otalgia (Gross et al 2008). Infec-
not all otalgia results from ear disease and the tion can affect the pinna, the ear canal, or the
medical practitioner must assess for alternative ear drum.
diagnoses (Box 10.1).
The following section describes the otological Inflammation of the pinna
and non-otological causes of ear pain, the latter Inflammatory disease of the pinna typically
due to referred pain from another area of the body. causes a throbbing otalgia. Diagnosis is usually
made relatively easily due to the readily
Box 10.1 apparent pathology of the pinna. The classical
viral cause is reactivation of the varicella zoster
Differential diagnosis of otalgia.
virus (herpes zoster) (Crabtree, 1968). This con-
1. Otological
dition presents with ear pain, and transient blis-
tering of the conchal bowl, ear canal or the
– perichondritis
– trauma lower half of the pinna.
– neoplasia (uncommon cause) Herpes zoster affects the lower cranial
External ear canal nerves, and the extent of the disease is depen-
– otitis externa dent upon the sensory and motor distribution
– skull base osteitis (malignant of the nerves affected. If confined to the tri-
otitis externa) geminal nerve, the presenting sign will be the
– bullous meningitis vesiculation described. When the auditory-
– herpes zoster
vestibular nerve is affected, the patient will
– neoplasia
present with acute dysequilibrium and/or a
Middle ear
sensorineural hearing loss. Involvement of the
– acute otitis media
– chronic otitis media facial nerve causes a partial or complete facial
– barotrauma paralysis, severe ear ache, vertigo and tinnitus
2. Non-otological and described as the Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome
Dental disease (Gross et al 2008, Sweeney et al 2001). Glos-
Temporomandibular disorder
sopharyngeal nerve involvement may present
– zygapophyseal joint
with vesicles on the soft palate, within the
– myofascial pain sensory distribution of the nerve (Sachs et al
Parotid gland infection 1956).
Nasopharynx In the early phase of the disease, the diagno-
Oropharynx sis may be confirmed by viral culture from the
– post tonsillectomy vesicles (Kowalski et al 1993). The primary
– foreign body in tonsils
treatment is the systemic administration of
– carcinoma in tonsils
antiviral agents and glucocorticoid steroids,
although the benefit of the antiviral agents has
– vocal cord granuloma
– cancer of larynx not yet been confirmed in randomized con-
– cancer of piriform fossa trolled trials. Secondary infections of the skin
are treated with oral antibiotics.

ENT causes of orofacial pain CHAPTER 10

A detailed description of the management of Neoplastic disease of the pinna or external

hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction and facial ear is an uncommon cause of pain. It should
nerve paralysis is beyond the scope of this always be considered with otalgia and unheal-
chapter. Even with aggressive medical treat- ing cutaneous lesions, and deep persistent pain
ment, the sensory and motor deficits fre- of unknown origin.
quently do not fully recover (Yeo et al 2007).
The same applies for vestibular dysfunction, Otitis externa
but central compensation for the peripheral Acute otitis externa is a bacterial (Dibb 1991)
deficit will usually lead to a good resolution of infection of the external ear canal. Fungal
the clinical symptoms of dizziness. The vestib- infection is usually associated with chronic oti-
ular management may need to be supplemen- tis externa. Acute otitis externa is character-
ted by vestibular rehabilitation by a physical ized by otalgia and aural discharge, sometimes
therapist if the central compensation is not leading on to cellulitis of the pinna and/or peri-
complete. Vestibular rehabilitation is described auricular skin. This condition is usually second-
in Chapter 12. ary to excessive moisture within the ear canal
(Osguthorpe et al 2006) and hence its collo-
Perichondritis quial name ‘swimmer’s ear’. Water entrapment
Perichondritis is inflammation of the cartilage is more likely when there is wax retention, nar-
that gives the ear its shape, so adequate and rowness, or tortuosity of the ear canal. Unclean
appropriate treatment is required to maintain water predisposes to infection, as does an
cosmesis of the ear. Most perichondritis is underlying dermatitis of the ear canal or high
due to bacterial infection, usually as a compli- humidity. The latter may help to explain
cation of aural trauma, surgery, or ear piercing. why people who wear hearing aids are more
Compound lacerations pose the greatest risk. prone to otitis externa (Ahmad et al 2007);
The perichondritis will usually have a delayed hearing aids raise humidity by occluding the
presentation, becoming clinically apparent external ear canal. Patients who complain of
through swelling, pain and tenderness of the ‘itchy’ ears due to seborrheic or eczematous
pinna up to two weeks following the trauma. dermatitis of the ear canal are more prone to
The causative organism is usually pseudomonas experiencing recurrent external ear infections
aeruginosa (Prasad et al 2007) and occasionally (Osguthorpe et al 2006). The diagnosis is con-
staphylococcus aureus. The treatment of choice firmed by the presence of inflammation and
is a quinolone antibiotic, such as ciprofloxa- debris, and discharge in the external ear canal
cin. Bacterial infections of the pinna can be but an intact tympanic membrane. Treatment
distinguished from autoimmune inflammation involves a thorough aural toilet, the topical
because the latter do not respond to antibiotic application of antibiotics via drops, either
therapy and relapses, which is why it is often directly into the ear, or via wicks or packs,
known as ‘relapsing perichondritis’. and when cellulitis is present, the prescription
Inflammatory disease of the pinna is usually of oral quinolone antibiotics.
apparent upon inspection of the ear. The ear A rare, but potentially life-threatening form
will be painful when palpated or moved. Dis- of otitis externa is malignant otitis externa
ease of the external ear canal should be consid- (also referred to as invasive osteitis or skull base
ered if the ear is painful upon movement but osteitis). This condition occurs in diabetic or
there is no disease of the pinna. immunocompromized patients. If left untreated


it can lead to a fulminant necrotizing inflamma- membrane, a condition known as ‘bullous myr-
tion of the skull base (Bhandary et al 2002). ingitis’. This is more often viral, but can be bac-
It is usually caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. terial infection (McCormick et al 2003) that
The treatment involves intravenous, followed presents as otalgia with blood-filled blisters on
by a prolonged course of oral, antibiotic therapy the tympanic membrane with bullous blebs.
(e.g., ciprofloxacin) in consultation with infec- It is sometimes associated with sensorineural
tion disease specialists. hearing loss (Hariri 1990), and is treated symp-
Ear wax within the external auditory canal tomatically with analgesics.
is usually not painful, but may be under some
circumstances. Ear wax may become very hard, Eustachian tube dysfunction
especially when impacted, and cause otalgia at Otalgia, in the absence of any obvious signs of
its point of impaction. Water trapped behind disease of the pinna, the external ear canal, or
impacted wax not uncommonly leads to an infec- the tympanic membrane is unlikely to be due to
tion, again causing a painful otitis externa. Syring- ear disease, with the exception of eustachian tube
ing of wax or removal of wax usually reduces the dysfunction. This condition can be difficult to
risk of, but may be complicated by, otitis externa. diagnose clinically. In eustachian tube dysfunc-
tion, there is an obstruction of air flow from the
Otitis media nasopharynx to the middle ear. The middle ear
Acute otitis media is the classical earache of is therefore unable to equalize to atmospheric
the young child in the first few years of life pressure. The dysfunction frequently follows
(Leibovitz 2006). It presents also with consti- upper respiratory tract infection and this block-
tutional symptoms such as fever, lethargy, mal- age of the ear and partial hearing loss sometimes
aise, hearing loss, irritability, and disturbed occurs with the common cold.
sleep pattern (Gross et al 2008). The condition Eustachian tube dysfunction may become
occasionally occurs in adults. The diagnosis is clinically manifest when there is a rapid change
made by the presence of a red and swollen of atmospheric pressure, particularly when the
tympanic membrane. Should the eardrum per- pressure increases (Mirza & Richardson 2005).
forate there will be mucus in the ear canal. The classic example is the young child with
Usually the pain decreases when the tympanic immature eustachian tube function who develops
membrane perforates. This condition is treated severe otalgia upon descent during an aeroplane
with antibiotics, decongestants, and analgesia. flight. This severe otalgia also occurs with acute
There is a consensus that antibiotics are indi- barometric otitis media and may be associated
cated when the symptoms persist for more with hemorrhages on the tympanic membrane.
than 24 hours or when there is a complication
of the otitis media such as facial nerve palsy Non-otological causes
or intracranial infection (Ganiats et al 2004).
Acute otitis media should be differentiated Pain can be referred to the ear from other
from an otitis media with effusion (‘glue ear’), structures due to the sensory innervation of
in which case the drum is immobile due to the ear. The sensory branches of the trigeminal,
the presence of the middle ear fluid, but not facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, the lesser occipi-
inflamed, and there is rarely any pain. Acute tal and the greater occipital nerves all innervate
otitis media can be difficult to differentiate the ear (Gross et al 2008). It is reported that
from inflammation localized to the tympanic in 50% of patients non-otological otalgia is due

ENT causes of orofacial pain CHAPTER 10

to dental dysfunction and in the other 50% it patients to volunteer that the pain is in fact
is due to referred pain from non-otological pre-auricular. A history of sleep bruxism, or
related conditions (Gross et al 2008, Yanagisawa recent orthodontic or dental work should
& Kveton 1992). heighten clinical suspicion of TMD. Tender-
ness of the TMJ is localized to its cutaneous
Temporomandibular disorders landmark – anterior to the tragus. Direct palpa-
If the cause for the otalgia is not found within tion will not always elicit pain, but palpation
the ear, or the throat, the clinician should turn during jaw movement may reproduce pain.
attention to evaluate for the presence or absence Direct palpation of the muscles of mastication,
of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), des- either externally or peri-orally, will usually elicit
cribed in Chapter 7. tenderness. Furthermore, since temporomandib-
Many patients presenting to the ENT sur- ular pain frequently radiates to the angle of the
geon with otalgia have TMD as their primary jaw and temporal area, these regions should be
diagnosis. It is a diagnosis of exclusion in that assessed for the presence of any referred pain
patients have a normal ear canal, normal tym- (Okeson 2005).
panic membrane, normal hearing and tympano- Most causes of temporomandibular pain and
gram, and absence of pharyngeal pathology tenderness are treated by dental and oral med-
such as carcinoma of the tonsil or a granuloma icine specialists, but a few rare conditions are
of the vocal cord through laryngeal reflux dis- the shared domain of these specialists and the
ease (Devaney et al 2005). ENT surgeon. One is a posterior fracture of
That TMD can cause otalgia is probably a the temporomandibular joint that has been dis-
reflection of the close proximity between the placed into the external ear canal. Here the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the ear. role of the otologist is to exclude an injury to
The posterior aspect of the joint is separated the tympanic membrane, ossicles or hearing
from the anterior wall of the external ear canal and to ensure that the fracture is reduced suffi-
by a relatively thin plate of bone, and both ciently to maintain the patency of the external
structures receive a common innervation from ear canal. This may necessitate packing of the
branches of the trigeminal nerve, such as the external ear canal until the fracture heals.
auriculotemporal nerve (Hollinshead 1982). Another shared management problem is neo-
So close is the proximity of these structures plasia traversing from or invading the TMJ
that an otologist can easily encounter the joint (Selesnick et al 1995). Tumors invading the joint
when drilling the anterior wall of the external usually arise from the external ear canal, and
ear canal. A fractured or inflamed joint can squamous cell carcinoma is the most common
be displaced backwards into the ear canal fol- type. Surgical resection of these tumors may also
lowing trauma (Selesnick et al 1995), and an necessitate resection encompassing both the
absence of bone can occur between the two. TMJ and the lateral petrous temporal bone.
If so, movement of the anterior canal wall
may be observed during speech or mastication. Pharyngeal pathology
Otalgia from TMD is usually described as When there is no obvious otological cause for
originating deep within the ear. It may be con- ear pain the clinician must look beyond the
stant and often radiates to the angle of the jaw ear. The most important region to examine is
or temporal region and is exacerbated by sleep the pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx, and
bruxism. Specific questioning will lead some laryngopharynx). Pain from pathology within


the region of the palantine tonsils, the lateral In addition, non-neoplastic pain and/or tender-
pharyngeal wall or the larynx may be referred ness of any peri-auricular muscle can present as
to the ears and is frequently precipitated by otalgia, with the sternocleidomastoid most
swallowing. Referral of pain from the throat often involved (Simons et al 1999). The sterno-
to the ear is due to the common innervation cleidomastoid inserts into the mastoid process,
of both regions by branches of the trigeminal, so it is in intimate contact with the inferior
glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. margin of the conchal bowl (i.e. the cartilagi-
The disease to exclude is neoplasia (Charlett & nous floor of the pinna). The otalgia that may
Coatesworth 2007). The otalgia from neoplasia of arise from muscle pain is often described by
the tonsils, pharynx or larynx is usually a constant, patients as aural ‘fullness’ or ‘pressure’. This
deep-seated ache in the TMJ region and needs to description may assist in differentiating other
be differentiated from TMJ pain. Throat pain, conditions that may derive from the neck, such
dysphagia and breathing difficulties may also be as headache. Otologic causes of aural ‘fullness’,
experienced (Wazen 1989). Ulceration of the such as that associated with Meniere’s disease
pharynx because of carcinoma or more benign should also be considered.
causes such as trauma, foreign body impaction, The causes of neck pain are numerous, the
or viral infection may cause an otalgia that worsens most common being cervical zygapophyseal joint
transiently upon swallowing. This explains the dysfunction (Govind et al 2005), spondylosis
cause and nature of the severe otalgia that some and/or muscle dysfunction (Simons et al 1999).
patients suffer following tonsillectomy (Johnson These are described in Chapters 5 and 14. Less
et al 2002). Exclusion of a pharyngeal cause for often the pain is a result of inflammatory disease
otalgia demands a thorough examination of the along the course of a muscle, such as infection of
upper airways as the pathology can be subtle. An a cervical lymph node or within a deep neck
infiltrative carcinoma of the tonsil may present space. Muscle tension, arising from emotional
with little apparent mucosal ulceration, and only stress may also cause neck discomfort and aural
be diagnosed upon palpation, imaging or excision fullness. Headaches may also be associated with
biopsy (Schmalbach & Miller 2007). neck pain, TMD, dental disease, nasal disease or
The examination is not complete without an neurological disease (Okeson 2005, Gross et al
examination of the neck to exclude lymphade- 2008).
nopathy that may point to occult neoplasm of
the throat (Schmalbach & Miller 2007). This
should include a bimanual examination of the
Facial pain
floor of the mouth and lateral pharynx with
the soft tissue palpated between a gloved finger It is useful to classify facial pain as rhinological
in the oropharynx and a hand on the anterior or non-rhinological. Box 10.2 lists the causes of
aspect of the neck, to exclude masses within facial pain in both these categories.
the tonsil, tongue base, upper neck near the
angle of the jaw, or the floor of the mouth. Rhinological
Neck Rhinosinusitis
As mentioned earlier when discussing neoplasia The facial pain of rhinosinusitis is usually loca-
of the throat, a clinical investigation of otalgia is lized to the affected sinus(es); the maxillary
not complete without examination of the neck. to the infraorbital region (malar region) of the

ENT causes of orofacial pain CHAPTER 10

the usual causes of sinus squeeze. The less

Box 10.2
severe ‘sinus pressure’ that many people expe-
Differential diagnosis of facial pain. rience during an upper respiratory tract infec-
1. Rhinological tion is also due to poor pressure equalization,
Rhinitis but here the etiology is infection causing muco-
Barotrauma sal swelling which narrows the ostia. Like the
Neuralgia (Sluder’s syndrome) sinus pain caused by infection, sinus squeeze
Malignancies and ‘pressure’ are worsened by a dependent
– nose head position, coughing and sneezing.
– sinus Sinus pain is frequently associated with the
2. Non-rhinological
nasal symptoms of infection, such as nasal
Temporomandibular disorders obstruction and coryza. Interestingly, in acute
Mid-facial segment pain (atypical facial rhinosinusitis, the pain is worst before there is
neuralgia) substantial nasal discharge. This phenomenon
– migraine is because the pain is caused by the build-up
– cluster headaches
of infected mucus (mucopus) within the sinus,
– tension-type headache
while drainage of the mucopus (into the nose)
Temporal arteritis
relieves the pain. In this respect, the symptom-
– unilateral facial pain
atic relief achieved by drainage of mucopus
from a sinus is analogous to that experienced
face, the ethmoidal sinuses to the lateral wall when an abscess is drained.
of the nose, the frontal sinuses to the medial
supra-orbital region, and the sphenoid sinuses Non-rhinological
to the vertex or bitemporal regions. Sinus pain
is described as constant (Salman & Rebeiz Dental
1994), with a ‘pounding’ character during
Dental disease may cause facial pain that
exacerbations or on flexing the neck or cough-
resembles either rhinosinusitis or TMD,
ing. Sinus pain is typically worse when the head
depending upon the teeth affected. If the bony
is in a dependent position, for example, when
floor of the maxillary sinus is thin, tooth roots
lying down. The severity of sinus pain ranges
may be present within the antrum, and a dental
from mild to severe, depending upon the sever-
abscess may cause sinusitis (Mehra & Murad
ity of the disease.
2004). More often, facial pain originates from
The pressure within the sinuses should equal
the vicinity of the abscessed tooth root. Rarely,
atmospheric levels. The ostia between the nose
dental infections spread to the deep facial spaces.
and the sinuses are the route by which ‘equali-
zation’ of air pressure (between the atmo-
sphere and the sinuses) occurs. ‘Barotrauma’ Temporomandibular disorders
of the sinuses (sinus squeeze) may occur when Temporomandibular disorders are frequently
there is a sudden change in atmospheric pres- confused with rhinosinusitis since they often
sure that exceeds the rate at which the sinus presents as a facial pain, typically in the infraor-
pressure can adjust. Descent during scuba div- bital region. However, the character of TMD-
ing (Klingmann et al 2007), or descent from related pain, and its radiation, is different.
altitude in an airplane (Weitzel et al 2008) are Because pain arising from TMD may radiate


along muscles of mastication or in the distribu- may be a feature of this condition, making it dif-
tion of the branches of the trigeminal nerve ficult to distinguish from true rhinosinusitis.
(Okeson 2005), it may be considered to origi- Migraine too, may be associated with facial pain
nate in the peri-auricular region and radiate to (Nixdorf et al 2008) with symptoms such as
the face. If the temporalis muscle is involved photophobia, nausea and vomiting pointing
frontal pain may occur, but this will be located towards this diagnosis. A notable feature of
in the fronto-temporal region, lateral to the site these neurological causes for facial pain and pain
associated with rhinosinusitis (Simons 1999). associated with TMD or the neck is the absence
TMD-related pain may be exacerbated by of sinus pathology on CT scans of the sinuses.
chewing, but not sinus pain.
Cervical dysfunction
Mid-facial segment pain, with or without a head- Tinnitus may accompany disease of the ear,
ache, is thought sometimes to be referred from TMD or cervical dysfunction but often there
the upper cervical region of the neck (Armijo is no clearly identifiable cause (Box 10.3).
et al 2006). Although systematic reviews of the
literature support this association, the quality
of the literature is not of the highest grade, and Box 10.3
physiological basis by which the pain may arise
is subject to debate (Armijo et al 2006). From
Differential diagnosis of tinnitus.
1. Otological
a clinical perspective, until better evidence is
Conductive hearing loss
available it is prudent to bear in mind that any Impacted wax (Cerumen)
muscle dysfunction or degenerative change Otitis media
within the neck may cause facial pain and the lat- Eustachian tube dysfunction
ter could be confused with rhinosinusitis. Barotrauma
Serous and mucoid otitis media
Headache Otosclerosis
Sensorineural hearing loss
Facial pain may be a prominent feature of neu- Age-related hearing loss
rological conditions involving the head and Noise exposure
Meniere’s disease
neck. The clinician needs to be aware of the
Acoustic neuroma
possible diagnoses when faced with a patient Ototoxic drugs
who presents with ‘sinusitis’. Neurological – gentamicin
causes of mid-facial neuralgias include trigemi- – salicylic acid
nal or post-herpetic neuralgia (Burchiel 2003). – cytotoxic drugs
Tension-type headache may cause mid-facial 2. Non-otological
Intracranial vascular anomalies
segment pain that mimics rhinosinusitis (Jones
Pulsatile tinnitus
2004). It is characterized by pressure or pain Benign intracranial hypertension
involving the nose and ethmoidal regions Glomus tumors
(between the eye and the nose), much like sinus- Temporomandibular disorders
Dental pathology
itis and is described to be often associated in
Neck pathology
women with a family history of headache and Anemia
or migraine. Nasal obstruction and stuffiness

ENT causes of orofacial pain CHAPTER 10

The most common cause of tinnitus is age (pres- recent development is a device that interleaves
byacusis). Tinnitus may also be related to drugs short (subliminal) bursts of masking noise with
such as high doses of salicylic acid, aminoglyco- music (Davis et al 2007).
side drugs used for treatment of septicemia, Otological conditions causing tinnitus
and cytotoxic drugs used in the treatment of include wax impaction within the external ear
neoplastic cancers and lymphomas. canal, especially if it obstructs the ear canal
The patient experience of tinnitus is usually and causes hearing loss. Tinnitus usually
similar, irrespective of the cause, so it is useful accompanies the temporary hearing loss that
to appreciate the natural history of this condi- follows acoustic shock or exposure to loud
tion, before discussing the causes and manage- noise or music. Fortunately, the tinnitus usually
ment. At first the ringing in the ears is usually settles as the hearing returns. A permanent
very loud and intrusive and may keep the sensorineural hearing loss from any cause may
patient awake at night. Tinnitus may interfere be accompanied by tinnitus.
with hearing, as the patient struggles to differ- Tinnitus is usually bilateral and difficult to
entiate between sounds in the external environ- localize to one ear. Unilateral tinnitus may be
ment and the ‘internal’ noise. The person who a sign of a vestibular schwannoma (‘acoustic
has ‘overcome’ tinnitus will not be aware of neuroma’), a benign tumor within the cerebel-
the ringing most of the time, but the tinnitus lapontine angle. An MRI scan is recommended
will still be there if they are reminded of it or for all patients presenting with unilateral tinni-
if they are distressed or fatigued. tus, especially when associated with asymmet-
It is essential that the natural history of tin- rical hearing loss.
nitus is explained to patients early on, as many Another cause of unilateral tinnitus is
people are under the misapprehension that Meniere’s disease. The condition is character-
their initial distress will be ongoing. Counseling ized by episodic aural pressure, reduced
(Henry et al 2007), reassuring the patient that hearing in one ear associated with tinnitus fol-
the tinnitus is likely to fade with time, is prob- lowed by prostrating vertigo that may last
ably the best way of ensuring a good outcome hours (Minor et al 2004). The patient may
as it allays the patient’s fears and promotes experience recurrent episodes over days or a
the adoption of a positive attitude towards this week, each episode lasting for a few hours.
condition. When an individual is having difficulty The pathophysiology of Meniere’s disease is
coping with tinnitus active therapeutic inter- increased pressure within the endolymphatic
vention (beyond counseling) may be required. space. It is usually idiopathic, but may be preci-
Sound-based treatments provide acoustic stimu- pitated by trauma to the ear, autoimmune dis-
lation that will either compete with, or alterna- ease, or surgery. Early in this disease the
tively mask, the tinnitus. Competing sounds aim hearing fluctuates, decreasing during an attack
to distract the patient’s attention away from the and then recovering, but with repeated attacks
tinnitus (i.e. give the patient something more a permanent sensorineural hearing loss devel-
interesting, or ‘useful’ to listen to). Examples ops. End-stage Meniere’s disease is character-
include the prescription of a hearing aid for the ized by a severe sensorineural hearing loss
hearing impaired (Trotter et al 2008), or the without further ‘attacks’ but often with a sense
introduction of ambient environmental sounds of chronic imbalance and/or ‘drop’ attacks.
or music. The alternative is to deliver a sound that Meniere’s disease is one of the most over-
will mask out the tinnitus (Jastreboff 2007). One diagnosed conditions in otology. Over-diagnosis


occurs because all of the symptoms are fre- of the head and neck (MRI, MRA, MRV or
quently encountered and all have multiple alternatively a CT scan with intravenous con-
potential causes. Therefore, some clinicians trast). Pulsatile tinnitus via this mechanism is
have a tendency to cluster these symptoms, usually heard on the right, because the right
arriving at a diagnosis of Meniere’s disease even jugular vein (known as the ‘sigmoid sinus’
when the history does not fit the ‘classical’ within the temporal bone) is dominant in most
description. The diagnosis is frequently termed people and passes very close to the ear. If no
‘atypical’ Meniere’s disease. In clinical practice, cause for pulsatile tinnitus can be found within
it is better to categorize the likelihood that a the neck a neurological consultation is indicated
patient may have Meniere’s disease, using an to exclude benign intracranial hypertension
accepted scale, such as that recommended by
the American Academy of Otolaryngology Conclusion
Head and Neck Surgery (Committee on
Hearing and Equilibrium 1995). This categori- For each of the head and neck symptoms dis-
zation helps both the patient and the doctor cussed there are numerous causes. Differential
to understand the degree of confidence that diagnosis may be difficult, and is the essence of
should be given to the diagnosis of Meniere’s ‘clinical acumen’. The following principles are
disease – and therefore to what extent other suggested: first, exclude potentially serious dis-
diagnoses should be considered. ease from either local or remote regions; sec-
A pulsatile tinnitus is either the awareness of ond, examine all regions of the head and neck
blood passing through the great vessels of the that may cause the presenting symptom; third,
temporal bone or neck (a vascular anomaly or treat any obvious disease that could have
tumor), or alternatively a type of increased caused the symptom, such as neck dysfunction
intracranial pressure known as benign intracra- that may co-exist with other causes of otalgia
nial hypertension (Mattox et al 2008). This and/or facial pain. Finally, accept that there
condition is usually investigated with imaging may be some uncertainty with the diagnosis.

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Chapter Eleven

Ocular causes of headache
Julian Rait

Ocular dysfunction, including myopia and Headache, facial pain

hyperopia, can cause tension in the orbicularis and eye disease
oculi muscle and the muscles controlling the
eye, thus triggering headaches. Tumors within
the eye and involvement of the optic and It is widely believed that uncorrected refrac-
abducent nerves may also cause headache. tive errors are an important cause of head-
In this chapter the author, an ophthalmologist, aches. However, the importance of these
highlights ocular causes of headache and
management strategies.
conditions in the etiology of headaches is
widely over-estimated. Refractive error and
headache are common disorders that can co-
Although headaches are most frequently due exist but are not causally connected. Other
to migraine or muscle tension, the list of the common ocular and orbital pathologies can
possible causes of headache is extensive. produce headache and pain in and around the
While 80% of the population is affected by eyes by virtue of stimulation of the nerves
headache at some time (Phillips 1977), the connected to the first division of the trigemi-
types of headache that can affect vision nal nerve.
and/or produce pain in and around the eye Detailed anatomic research has revealed that
or orbital region of the face will be discussed there is little sensory innervation of the choroid
in this chapter. The ocular diseases that can and ciliary body, with minimal innervation of
be responsible for headache, the ocular mani- the iris. The base of the iris, and particularly
festations of migraine, and the referred the trabecular meshwork, is intensely inner-
pain of neck disease will also be considered. vated by both afferent and efferent nerve
However, from an ophthalmology perspec- fibers, reflecting perhaps some regulation of
tive, ocular diseases are frequently quite fluid outflow by the nervous system. Nonethe-
painful and concerning and include several less, Bergmanson (1977) has found that there
conditions that can be sight threatening if are no proprioceptors in the eye at all and thus
missed or misdiagnosed. These are listed in pain, temperature, and tactile stimulation (par-
Table 11.1 with their usual corresponding ticularly stretch) are the only sensations that
symptoms. can be felt by the eye.

Table 11.1 Conditions that may threaten sight. Table 11.2 Classification and symptoms of ocular and
orbital conditions.
Disease Common symptoms
Condition Symptoms
Acute angle closure Halos around lights
glaucoma Superficial corneal Pain may be recurrent, sharp
disease almost like a needle
Giant cell arteritis Transient obscurations of vision
Diplopia (ophthalmoplegia) Scleritis Severe pain often described as a
Sudden visual loss in either eye dull ache

Herpes zoster Burning pain with later vesicular Iritis Moderately severe dull aching pain
ophthalmicus rash with photophobia

Acute optic neuritis Painful unilateral visual loss or pain Glaucoma Severe throbbing pain in acute
on eye movement angle closure, often associated
Headache associated with history of with nausea and vomiting
neurological loss (especially motor
Optic nerve disease A dull aching or throbbing pain,
or sensory impairment)
mainly on ocular movements

Orbital lesions Throbbing dull aching pain, worse

Pain sensations from the eye can be generated when lying down
in the eye by direct mechanical effects of tissue
Refractive errors Vague, heavy feeling in and around
distortion, raised intraocular pressure, heat,
the eyes
and chemoreceptor stimulation by inflamma-
tory mediators. Furthermore, the clinical ocular Herpes zoster Severe sharp unilateral headache,
beginning with few clinical signs
and orbital conditions that can cause pain from
the eye can be classified according to the ana-
tomic classification proposed by Hitchings One of the most troubling superficial condi-
(1980). Table 11.2 presents the classification tions is recurrent erosion syndrome. This can
of ocular and orbital conditions and the usual produce severe uniocular pain that can awaken
types of pain produced. a patient at night. Such pain can be temporarily
relieved by topical anesthesia; however the
Superficial corneal disease patient should be referred to an ophthalmolo-
gist immediately for definitive treatment.
Ulceration of the cornea from infection, On initial examination, this diagnosis may be
trauma, or a foreign body can directly irritate suspected on history alone, even in the absence
the superficial corneal nerves and produce pain. of obvious signs of corneal erosions. Referral for
Because of neural reflexes arising from the slit lamp examination is necessary as frequently
nasociliary nerves, such irritation will almost there are other signs, including microcysts in
invariably produce vasodilatation of the con- the cornea, which are evident between episodes.
junctival vessels, photophobia, blepharospasm,
and watering from the eye. Initially the sensa- Scleritis
tions differ from the deeper, aching pain of iritis
and iridocyclitis; however, such pain can evolve Anterior scleritis may produce a dull aching
from corneal disease as inflammatory mediators pain from tissue distortion and release of
(especially substance P) are released from the inflammatory mediators. The pain of scleritis
iris and ciliary body. is often severe and disturbs sleep, whereas

Ocular causes of headache CHAPTER 11

episcleritis will be associated with a milder severe and excruciating headache localized to
ache or discomfort. Symptoms of scleritis the orbit and forehead. Pain is constant and
may include local or diffuse conjuctival injec- often pulsating, frequently associated with
tion (increase in redness from prominent blood nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain by virtue
vessels) or tenderness of the affected eye. As of the spread of neural impulses from the trigem-
there are few sensory nerves in the posterior inal nuclei to other brain stem nuclei, especially
sclera, posterior scleritis can produce pain from the nucleus of the vagus nerve. Exploratory
irritation of the posterior ciliary nerves and/or laparotomies have even been performed because
the adjacent orbital structures. This is a dull of the abdominal symptoms, but most patients
ache with few signs and forms a continuum have pain referred to the eye. Similarly bradycar-
with other inflammatory orbital diseases, such dia and diaphoresis are often also observed due to
as orbital pseudotumor. parasympathetic activation.
Intermittent angle closure glaucoma is defined
Iritis as repeated brief episodes of angle closure with
normal ocular function between attacks. It can
The pain of anterior uveitis can be severe and occur for months or years in patients with shal-
evolve to become a widespread pain including low anterior chambers or plateau iris syndrome,
earache, pain in the upper teeth and/or pain and may occur prior to a full blown attack of
over the frontal, ethmoid or maxillary sinuses. acute angle closure glaucoma. Episodes are com-
It is often associated with blurred vision, lacri- monly associated with fatigue, dim light, and
mation, and photophobia which may be the using the eyes for near work. They usually occur
dominant symptom. about the same time of day or night, last for one-
Blepharospasm, miosis, and tenderness of half to one hour, and may be relieved by sleep,
the globe may also be observed with the symp- probably from sleep-induced miosis and reduced
toms being worse at night. The pain of uveitis aqueous humor production.
derives from the release of inflammatory med- Haloes around lights or blurred vision are
iators such as bradykinin, prostaglandin E1 and often reported by patients with raised eye pres-
prostaglandin E2, and substance P. Iritis is sure. Initially such attacks occur with intervals
often a recurrent syndrome in patients with of weeks to months but eventually the episodes
sarcoidosis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and occur almost nightly. Usually one eye is
those who are HLA-B27 positive, including involved but rare cases of bilateral angle closure
those with ankylosing spondylitis. glaucoma have been reported, especially in
association with some drug reactions.
Acute angle closure glaucoma Unfortunately, the eye appears normal
between attacks of angle closure glaucoma
The most severe type of ocular pain that can except for the presence of a narrow anterior
occur is associated with primary angle closure chamber angle. Ocular (or retinal) migraine is a
glaucoma. It can easily be confused with ocular diagnosis of exclusion. Painful unilateral visual
migraine but unlike most cases of migraine, the loss requires a slit lamp examination and goniso-
visual loss of angle closure glaucoma can rapidly scopy to exclude angle closure glaucoma.
become irreversible. Symptoms may include a Patient self-diagnosis or health professional
vague and poorly localized pain around the face misdiagnosis of migraine, sinusitis, or eye-
and upper jaw, but most patients describe strain can add complexity to assessment and


management. Laser iridotomy produced com- Ocular and facial pain can also occur with var-
plete and dramatic relief from years of suffering ious types of sinus disease; however neither
in most of these patients. Some patients also acute nor chronic inflammation of the sinuses
have a history that is characterized as ‘painful will usually produce pain (Schor 1993). Indeed,
amaurosis fugax’. Again the pain and unilateral when such patients have headache they usually
visual loss can easily be confused with ocular have migraine or tension-type headaches inde-
(retinal) migraine so this diagnosis should only pendent of their sinus disease. When the eth-
be made after an ophthalmologic examination moid or sphenoid sinus is involved, pain can be
has excluded a shallow anterior chamber. referred to the back of the eyes, while frontal
Laser iridotomy is the definitive treatment for sinusitis produces pain over the brows and fore-
intermittent and acute angle closure glaucoma. head and antral disease is most marked over the
Provided the angle is not occluded by a mecha- maxillary area. When sinus disease is suspected
nism other than pupil block, early referral to an as a cause of headache, this can be further inves-
ophthalmologist will be curative and the patient’s tigated by CT or MRI.
symptoms will subside and usually not recur. Aspirin, codeine and other simple analgesics
can be effective and diminish the headache
Optic nerve disease caused by disease of the nasal and paranasal
sinuses. Orbital tumors however, are rarely pain-
Of patients with acute optic neuritis, 90% have ful unless they involve the orbital apex or cavern-
pain in and around the eye (Chan & Lam ous sinus. Chronic severe burning orbital pain is
2004). While usually mild and aggravated by suggestive of perineural infiltration by neoplastic
eye movement, it can be extremely severe and cells usually from basal cell, squamous cell, or
more debilitating than any associated loss of nasopharyngeal carcinoma at the orbital apex.
vision. It is believed that pain in optic neuritis
is caused by inflammation and swelling of the Refractive errors and ‘eyestrain’
optic nerve sheaths that are innervated by small
branches of the Trigeminal nerve. The pain The headache associated with so-called
usually lasts for several days before subsiding ‘eyestrain’ is usually characterized by a sensation
and may be moderated by systemic cortico- of ‘heaviness’ in and around the eyes. It often
steroids. represents a tension-type headache arising from
Optic neuritis is frequently due to multiple efforts to overcome refractive error or ocular
sclerosis so patients with suspicious symptoms misalignment. In children, such headaches may
and signs should be referred to a neurologist explain poor school performance, or in adults,
for further investigation including magnetic difficulties at work or boredom with prolonged
resonance imaging (MRI). use of computer screens. Nonetheless, psycho-
logical stress and tension headaches frequently
Orbital and/or sinus lesions co-exist so it is often difficult to discriminate
eye strain as a discrete diagnosis.
Orbital infection or idiopathic orbital inflam- Those patients with hypermetropia and
mation, (so-called orbital pseudotumor) are those of presbyopic age may complain of
generally associated with moderate to severe fatigue or vague eye ache as they struggle to
pain by virtue of direct irritation of the major focus without glasses. However, these condi-
trigeminal sensory nerves in the orbit. tions rarely produce true headache.

Ocular causes of headache CHAPTER 11

Pain without obvious ocular through the peripheral branches of this nerve
or orbital disease and spreads to affect arteries and the surrounding
tissues. It is increasingly common with age and
Ophthalmologists often encounter patients commonly begins with an acute herpetic neuritis
who complain of mild, localized ocular or retro- characterized by a sustained burning pain in and
bulbar pain who have no obvious pathology around one orbit. Some days later, often as the
found on thorough examination and CT or pain is subsiding, a typical erythema and vesicular
MRI. In some cases mild symptoms may be rash follows and is associated with abnormal
magnified by anxiety and the irrational belief hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, or paresthesia. The
that they are likely go blind from undiagnosed pain usually settles over several weeks unless it
glaucoma or die from a brain tumor. Investiga- is replaced by post-herpetic neuralgia. Provided
tion may yield little other than mild eye dry- systemic antiviral medication can be commenced
ness or signs of blepharitis. Minor epithelial within several days of the onset of the rash, much
changes on slit-lamp examination can often be of the pain can be moderated and the risk of
managed with lubrication or lid cleansing. post-herpetic neuralgia minimized.
Some patients have a more periodic and Post-herpetic neuralgia is a severe and quite
severe type of pain called ‘ophthalmodynia per- debilitating condition that can bring misery to
iodica’, which was described by Lansche the elderly. It is lancinating or aching in nature,
(1964). The pain is an intermittent single stab often associated with altered skin sensation and
or jab of local ocular that strikes without warn- light touch may even precipitate severe exacer-
ing. While Lansche had no explanation for bation of the pain.
these symptoms, many suspect that this may While younger patients may recover in
be a variant of recurrent erosion syndrome or months, patients over 70 years may require a
dry eye. A trial of ocular lubricants should be prolonged period of recovery, sometimes even
used first in an effort to reduce symptoms. years. Therapy is mainly symptomatic; how-
It should also be remembered to exclude ever, the use of gabapentin and/or a transcuta-
involvement of structures in the cervical region neous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
of the spine in patients who suffer from unex- machine can be helpful for some patients.
plained frontal or peri-orbital pain. Inquiry Indeed, gabapentin for the treatment of post-
about neck soreness or upper cervical tender- herpetic neuralgia in adults has been assessed in
ness may reveal the true origin of the pain two randomised, double blind, parallel group,
and lead to more appropriate treatment. placebo controlled, multicentre studies (Wiffen
et al 2005). Results from both studies demon-
strated that gabapentin provided statistically
significantly improvement in neuropathic pain.
Specific ophthalmic
Gabapentin was significantly better than pla-
pain syndromes cebo in controlling pain ( p < 0.001), and reduc-
ing interference with sleep while some of the
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus quality of life measures showed significant dif-
ferences in favor of gabapentin. It has been sug-
Herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia most gested that gabapentin reduces neuropathic
commonly affects the ophthalmic division of pain by inhibiting the spinal release of glutamate
the trigeminal nerve. The infection reactivates (Coderre et al 2005).


Painful ophthalmoplegia Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. First observed by

Tolosa in 1954 and further described by Hunt
Painful ophthalmoplegia is a weakness of the (1976), it is characterized by a steady, boring
muscles that control eye movement, which can pain behind the eye or brow. The oculomotor,
be of muscular or neurogenic origin. Generally trochlear and abducens nerves may also become
all these conditions will require referral to an involved in a non-specific inflammatory process
ophthalmologist for specialist diagnosis and care. that can also effect the first and second divisions
The major causes were summarized from the of the trigeminal nerve and even the optic nerve.
case reports of the Massachusetts General The syndrome lasts weeks or months without
Hospital (1993), and are presented in Table 11.3. treatment but responds dramatically to systemic
corticosteroids. Recurrent episodes, months or
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome years later, can occur and frequently findings
Severe retrobulbar or supraorbital pain followed of investigations are normal.
by progressive impairment of cranial nerves III, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome often shows an
IV, and VI, and the corneal reflexes, suggest abnormal thickening of the wall of the

Table 11.3 Differential diagnosis of painful ophthalmoplegia.

Region Type Cause Condition

Orbital Inflammatory
Infection Bacterial: sinusitis
Viral: Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Fungal: Mucormycosis
Other Thyroid ophthalmopathy
Idiopathic Orbital pseudotumor
Vascular Orbital hemorrhage
A-V malformation
Neoplastic Direct extension of sinus/intra-cranial lesions
Remote metastasis Breast, prostate, lung

Non-orbital Neoplastic Pituitary adenoma or Craniopharyngioma

Multiple myeloma
Nasopharngeal carcinoma
Breast, prostate, lung adenocarcinoma
Infectious Primary; Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Inflammatory Giant cell arteritis
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Vascular Aneurysm
Carotico-cavernous fistula
Dural cavernous fistula
Cavernous sinus thrombosis

Ocular causes of headache CHAPTER 11

cavernous sinus on MRI. There is frequently ‘shock-like’ and evoked by trivial cutaneous sti-
high signal intensity on T1 weighted images muli, such as shaving or brushing teeth. The
enhanced with gadolinium. The abnormalities pain may last for only a few seconds and usually
on CT scanning are more subtle although mul- begins in one division of the trigeminal nerve
tislice imaging often can reveal thickening of and may then spread to the others. The oph-
the same tissues with similar contrast enhance- thalmic division is usually the least often
ment. An aneurysm of the carotid sinus or a affected and more rarely it is affected alone.
neoplastic infiltration of the orbital apex are Trigeminal neuralgia can also be marked by
important differential diagnoses that are usu- remission that lasts from days to years during
ally also clarified by CT or MRI. which time little pain is experienced.
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is quite sensitive to The etiology of trigeminal neuralgia can be
low dose systemic steroids (25–30 mg/day). unclear. MRI should always be performed
However, some cases require much higher to exclude tumor, A-V malformation, or intra-
doses and the ophthalmoplegia may take many cranial aneurysm, particularly of the anterior
months to resolve and in some cases, may never cerebellar artery that may cause vascular com-
resolve completely. pression of the sensory roots of the trigeminal
nerve (Janetta 1977).
Grandenigo’s syndrome Trigeminal neuralgia is usually treated with
Suppurative otitis media and ipsilateral paraly- medical or surgical therapy. Carbemazepine has
sis of the abducens nerve was described in long been regarded as the most useful medication
1904 by Grandenigo. It occurs due to apex to treat trigeminal neuralgia and has been found
petrositis whereby inflammation spreads from to be 60–80% effective (Blom 1962), but adverse
the middle ear to the apex of the petrous tem- reactions are not uncommon. Secondary drug
poral bone. Infection can involve cranial nerve choices are baclofen, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine,
VI and produce paresis of the ipsilateral lateral phenytoin, gabapentin, sodium valproate, and
rectus muscle. botulinum toxin (Turk et al 2005). Controlled
The pain of Grandenigo’s syndrome is usually trials testing the effect of some of these drugs,
localized to the ear and is aggravated by move- and especially the newer drugs, and drug combi-
ment of the jaw, tragus, or auricle. The pain nations are needed (Sindrup & Jensen 2002).
may, however, radiate to the parietal or frontal Some form of neurosurgery is required when
region particularly when there is involvement medication fails. Posterior fossa microvascular
of the adjacent ganglion of the trigeminal nerve, decompression of the trigeminal nerve (Mullan
within the middle cranial fossa. & Brown 1996) has been found to have a 70%
Fortunately, Grandenigo’s syndrome is rare. success rate for this condition (Barker et al 1996),
The prompt use of modern antibiotic treat- and this is the preferred initial surgical technique.
ment for ear infections makes spreading suppu- The other main technique is percutaneous radio-
ration unlikely. frequency trigeminal rhizotomy (PRTR).

Trigeminal neuralgia Atypical facial neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia occurs in the fifth to sev- Chronic, deep facial pain that spreads across
enth decades and is characterized by unilateral the zones of several cranial nerves or to both
and severe facial pains described as being sides of the face and which does not seem to


be precipitated by touch may be atypical facial features, including neuropathies involving cra-
neuralgia. Onset may commence after trauma nial nerves II, III, IV, V or VI should be inves-
or surgery to the orbit or paranasal sinuses, tigated by MRI.
with pain frequently localized to within or
between the eyes. SUNCT syndrome
The etiology of atypical facial neuralgia is
obscure, although it seems likely to be central Short-lasting unilateral neuralgia with conjuncti-
in origin. Lascelles has reported that many val injection and tearing has been described by
patients also have an atypical depression with the acronym SUNCT syndrome. It is character-
irritability, agitation and sleep disturbance ized by brief pain in the periocular area asso-
(Lascelles 1966) and this may certainly be a ciated with autonomic symptoms such as
contributing factor. temporary conjunctival injection, nasal stuffi-
Fortunately, atypical facial neuralgia is usu- ness, and forehead sweating. SUNCT syndrome
ally a self-limiting condition and will subside seems likely to be a variant of cluster headache
over several years regardless of the outcome localized to the eye and may have some features
of any symptomatic treatment. suggestive of trigeminal neuralgia but coming in
clusters of attacks lasting days to months.
Raeder’s paratrigeminal neuralgia
or ‘cluster’ migraine Ocular manifestations
Raeder’s syndrome is described as a severe of migraine
unilateral headache most frequently localized
to the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal Migraine without aura
nerve and is associated with an oculosympa-
thetic palsy with nasal stuffiness and increased Migraine headache without aura (previously
sweating on the affected side. This condition known as common migraine) accounts for
affects middle or old age males almost exclu- two-thirds of migraine-type headaches. The
sively. It usually begins as a throbbing head- International Headache Society (2004) diag-
ache behind, within or above one or other nostic criteria for migraine without aura are
eye, beginning in the morning after awakening presented in Box 11.1.
or even disturbing sleep. It gradually subsides Most migraine headaches last from one to
into the afternoon occurring daily over a num- two days although they can range from four
ber of weeks or months before spontaneous hours to (rarely) several weeks in duration.
resolution. One-third of migraine headaches are bilateral
Patients observed during an attack are seen but more usually migraine without aura is unilat-
to have drooping of the ipsilateral eyelid with eral and located in a frontal, temporal, or retro-
miosis of the pupil on that side, which becomes orbital location. The migraine begins as a dull
more obvious in a darkened room. ache and usually evolves into a moderate to
In the absence of any associated cranial severe throbbing pain that can be relieved by
nerve palsies, Ford and Walsh have suggested direct pressure on the superficial scalp arteries
that Raeder’s syndrome is a benign disorder in the region of the pain (Selby & Lance 1960).
and probably a variant of classic migraine (Ford The frequency of migraine without aura
& Walsh 1958). Nonetheless, any atypical varies from one or two attacks per month to a

Ocular causes of headache CHAPTER 11

Box 11.1 Box 11.2

Revised IHS criteria for migraine without Revised IHS criteria for migraine with typical
aura (International Headache Society 2004) aura (International Headache Society 2004).
A. Headache descriptions (at least two) At least two attacks fulfilling criteria A–C.
• Unilateral A. Aura consisting of at least one of the following,
• Pulsatile quality but no motor weakness:
• Moderate to severe (moderate generally • fully reversible visual symptoms including
defined as inhibiting daily activities, severe positive features (e.g. flickering lights, spots
as prohibiting daily activities) pain intensity or lines) and/or negative features (i.e. loss of
• Aggravation by or causing avoidance of vision)
routine physical activity • fully reversible sensory symptoms including
Associated symptoms (one or both) positive features (i.e. pins and needles) and/
• Nausea and/or vomiting or negative features (i.e. numbness)
• Photophobia and phonophobia • fully reversible dysphasic speech
B. The headaches last 4–72 hours (untreated or disturbance
treated unsuccessfully) B. At least two of the following:
C. Must have 5 attacks fulfilling the above criteria • Homonymous visual symptoms and/or
and not attributed to another disorder. unilateral sensory symptoms
• At least one aura symptom develops
gradually over  5 minutes and/or different
aura symptoms occur in succession over
headache every few days. Bright lights, loud  5 minutes
noises and physical activity often increase the • Each symptom lasts  5 and  60 minutes
intensity of migraine, with nausea and vomiting C. Headache fulfilling criteria A & B for migraine
accompanying the more severe episodes, espe- without aura begins during the aura or follows
aura within 60 minutes
cially in children (Bille 1964).
D. Not attributed to another disorder.
The differential diagnosis of migraine without
aura includes the previously described syndrome
of cluster headache. This primary form of head- at least two episodes to confirm the diagnosis
ache is sometimes termed Horton’s headache or and, like common migraine, there must be no
ciliary neuralgia. It is much less common than evidence of neurological abnormality between
migraine with a prevalence of 5 per 10 000 of attacks. Box 11.2 details the International
the adult population and is 3–4 times more prev- Headache Society (2004) diagnostic criteria
alent in men. The headaches are brief, intense and for migraine with aura.
debilitating and localized to distribution of the The aura begins as a transient visual or neu-
trigeminal nerve. They cluster in time over a rological disturbance that lasts up to sixty min-
period of some weeks with attack free months utes and often terminates before the headache
following (McGeeney 2005). begins and gradually gets worse. The character-
istic of the visual aura varies widely between
Migraine with aura patients and can arise in any part of the visual
field, corresponding to the site of origin in the
Approximately one-fifth of migraine sufferers visual cortex, retina, optic nerve, or optic
experience an aura. Migraine with aura has chiasm. Differential diagnosis of migraine with
three distinct phases: the aura, the headache, visual aura is given in Box 11.3. The aura is
and the post-headache phase. There must be usually binocular, hemianopic, and invariably


understand questions and respond in other

Box 11.3
ways. Interestingly, right-handed paresthesia
Differential diagnosis of migraine can occur with the onset of aphasia. Transient
with visual aura. paralysis with migraine was first described by
1. Disorders of the retina and vitreous: Acute the pioneering french neurologist Jean-Martin
posterior vitreous or retinal detachment can
Charcot in 1892 and, while rare, can persist
produce sparks or bright flashes of white light.
Unlike migraine, it is always uniocular and for days and recover gradually (Charcot 1892).
lacks colored lights or fortification spectra.
2. Occipital lobe lesions: Cerebral tumors of the Vascular syndromes
visual cortex occasionally produce scintillating
scotomas like classic migraine. Ophthalmoplegic migraine
3. Migraine headaches with aura can also be Ophthalmoplegic migraine is a form of paraly-
seen as a complication of cerebral
arteriovenous malformations in the occipital
sis affecting the vasculature of the nerves
cortex. controlling the extra-ocular muscles. It has
three major diagnostic criteria:
1. History of typical migraine headache that
begins centrally and moves peripherally as a is severe, throbbing and predominantly
shimmering wave-like arc or as a zig-zag fortifi- unilateral.
cation pattern with bright, glittering edges. As
2. An obvious unilateral ophthalmoplegia that
the scotoma spreads, the border of the field
may include one or more nerves to the extra-
defect often seems to flicker and undulate
ocular muscles of the eye and may affect
and can have a distinct cross-hatched pattern
alternate sides with subsequent attacks.
(Manzoni et al 1985).
While the characteristic partial scotoma can 3. Exclusion of other causes by arteriography
have bright or colorful edges, one of the most digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and/
dramatic and frightening forms of migrainous or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).
aura is total blindness. Fortunately, recovery Ophthalmoplegic migraine is always unilateral
occurs within 10–15 minutes. These episodes and most frequently affects the oculomotor
begin as a gradual contraction from the nasal nerve. Therefore it is characterized by ptosis
and temporal periphery until a vague faint cen- and limited eye movements affecting adduction,
tral light remains. The recovery follows as the elevation, and depression of the globe. The pupil
fields widen again from the centre outwards. is almost always affected to some degree, with
While the most common auras of migraine mild dilatation and a poor response to both
are visual, transient neurological deficits can light and accommodation (Loewenfeld 1980).
also occur including vertigo, paresthesias, apha- Complete and rapid resolution usually occurs
sia, and more complicated syndromes. Sensory with the lid recovering first. Isolated trochlear
disturbances are the most common transient or abducens palsies are less common and can
neurological disturbances and usually recur in occur in combination with oculomotor palsies.
a stereotyped fashion but unlike visual auras
the sensory disturbance does not spread. Tran- Basilar artery migraine
sient aphasia can be another frightening variant Basilar artery migraine is another vascular syn-
where the patient cannot speak at all for some drome that occurs more frequently in children
minutes even though the patient can clearly and is often associated with attacks of extreme

Ocular causes of headache CHAPTER 11

unsteadiness and nystagmus. Visual dysfunc- intermittent angle closure glaucoma (Maggioni
tion, including transient blindness has also been et al 2005) and giant cell arteritis when consid-
reported (Gowers 1907) in association with ering differential diagnosis.
such symptoms prior to the onset of a typical
migraine headache. Headache referred from
the neck
Ocular (retinal) migraine
Headache in the region of the eye could suggest
Ocular migraine typically presents with
a cervicogenic origin for many headaches. This
repeated attacks of a monocular scotoma or
is a significant class of headache and of all
unilateral blindness lasting less than one hour
chronic headaches, as many as 14–18% may fall
with associated headache. It occurs in as many
into this category (International Headache
as 1 in 200 migraine sufferers (Troost 1996),
Society 2004). The reader is directed to Chap-
and usually presents as a transient monocular
ters 14 and 15 for detailed description and dis-
visual loss in young adults. Altitudinal or
cussion of etiology, mechanism of referral of
concentric field defects can also occur. During
pain from the neck, clinical assessment and
such attacks the retinal vasculature appears con-
management of cervicogenic headache.
stricted to ophthalmoscopy and the prognosis,
like migraine with aura, is generally very good.
Permanent visual defects can arise, as they Conclusion
can with any patient who experiences a visual
aura. It has been observed that in more than This chapter has provided a comprehensive
half of reported cases of retinal migraine, account of the differential diagnosis of eye pain
permanent scotomas can arise with signs of and associated headache. It has discussed head-
retinal infarction or ischemic optic neuropathy ache and facial pain associated with eye disease
(Grosberg et al 2005). However most clinicians as well as specific ophthalmic pain syndromes.
believe that only a small proportion of ocular The ocular manifestations of migraine have
migraine sufferers develop permanent in- been presented with particular emphasis on
farction and visual field defects. It is impor- the description and differential diagnosis of
tant, to distinguish ocular migraine from visual auras.

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44:544-549. eye, posing as retinal migraine. Pharmacotherapy of trigeminal
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Chapter Twelve

Vestibular dysfunction
Keith Hill, Kate Murray and John Waterston

disease, cervical pathology, temporomandibular

Vestibular dysfunction can result in symptoms
disorders, and bruxism.
such as dizziness, nausea, neck pain, and
headache. There is considerable overlap Many people with vestibular symptoms,
between symptoms associated with particularly dizziness, do not seek medical assis-
vestibular dysfunction and cervical impairment. tance. This is particularly true for older peo-
In this chapter the authors, two
ple, who may perceive the symptoms to be
neurophysiotherapists and a neurologist,
present the etiology, clinical findings, and age-related. Of those who do seek health profes-
management of symptoms associated with sional advice, assessment and management may
vestibular dysfunction. be inadequate. Health professional advice has
often included rest, the avoidance of aggravating
movements, or prescription of vestibular sup-
The vestibular system is a complex system that pressant medication. In the majority of vesti-
includes the balance component of the inner bular disorders, these management strategies
ear and central nervous system structures. Its may actually impede recovery (Curthoys et al
primary functions are to sense linear and angular 1995). It is important to recognize when it is
accelerations of the head, coordinate head and appropriate to refer on to health professionals
eye movements, and assist with the mainte- with specific expertise in vestibular assessment
nance of equilibrium. Primary symptoms often and management (e.g. neurologists, otologists,
associated with vestibular dysfunction include or physiotherapists with specific training or
dizziness, true vertigo, disequilibrium, and nau- experience in vestibular dysfunction).
sea (Curthoys et al 1995). In addition, secondary This chapter focuses on the assessment and
symptoms can include headache, neck and management of vestibular disorders, and should
shoulder pain, and anxiety. Vestibular dysfunc- be read in conjunction with other chapters in
tion originating in the inner ear or central ner- this book to provide the clinician with a global
vous system (CNS) therefore needs to be perspective of the importance of accurate diag-
considered as a potential differential diagnosis nosis and management of vestibular dysfunction
for patients presenting with these symptoms, within the context of assessment and manage-
along with other causes such as cardiovascular ment of headaches and bruxism.

Epidemiology system contributes unique information for cen-

tral integration and processing to determine the
Up to one-third of people aged over 60 have most appropriate response for a specific threat
experienced at least one moderate episode of to balance. There is considerable adaptability
dizziness severe enough for them to see a doc- within these systems, with the potential for
tor, take medication, or to limit their daily increased reliance on an intact system (e.g.
activities (Colledge et al 1994). Up to 24% of the visual system) when another sensory sys-
this age group have experienced these symp- tem (e.g. the vestibular system) is impaired.
toms in the preceding 12 months (Tinetti
et al 2000), with the average duration of symp- The peripheral vestibular
toms being three years (Sloane et al 1989). apparatus
Involvement of the peripheral vestibular sys-
tem has been identified in approximately half The peripheral vestibular apparatus is located
of cases (Sloane et al 1989), with the single in the inner ear within a bony labyrinth in each
most common diagnosis being benign paroxys- temporal bone. Within each bony labyrinth is a
mal positional vertigo (BPPV). This common membranous labyrinth, in which the sensory
vestibular disorder appears to be highly preva- organs of the vestibular apparatus are contained
lent, but largely under-recognized in older (Fig. 12.1).
patients, and may contribute to falls risk in this The sensory organs of the vestibular appara-
population (Oghalai et al 2000). tus are:
• the semicircular canals. These three ducts
are aligned at right angles to each other,
Anatomy, physiology and and are filled with endolymph fluid
pathology (the posterior, anterior, and horizontal
semicircular canals) (Honrubia et al
The vestibular, somatosensory and visual sys- 1993). When the head is stationary, intact
tems are the three primary sensory systems vestibular nuclei have a symmetrical
responsible for effective balance. Each sensory resting firing rate. Head acceleration in

Temporal bone Peripheral vestibular apparatus

Inner ear

Vestibular nerve
Cochlea nerve

Middle ear
Tympanic membrane

auditory canal

Figure 12.1  The peripheral vestibular apparatus and surrounding structures.

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12

any direction causes endolymph flow The cochlea (the primary sensory organ for
in one or more of the semicircular canals hearing) is in close proximity to the sensory
in each ear. The resultant mechanical structures of the peripheral vestibular appara-
deflection of hair cells in the cupula (the tus, but is not considered part of the vestibular
basic sensory component) is translated system, and is not discussed here.
into electrical nerve impulses. Because of
the orthogonal alignment of the
semicircular canals and the mirrored The central vestibular system
structure bilaterally, endolymph will flow
in the paired canals (those that are in the Information from the inner ear travels via the
plane/s of movement), resulting in an vestibular nerve (cranial nerve VIII) to the ves-
increase in the firing rate on one side, tibular nuclear complex within the brainstem,
and a concomitant reduction in the and the cerebellum. This information is pro-
firing rate on the opposite side (Honrubia cessed in conjunction with auditory, somato-
et al 1993). sensory and visual input, as well as input from
the reticular formation, the cervical spine, and
• the otoliths (the saccule and the utricle).
the contralateral vestibular nuclei. Connections
These two structures are also part of the
from the vestibular nuclei project widely to the
membranous labyrinth (Fig 12.2), with
parietal and temporal cortex, the extra-ocular
connections to the semicircular canals
muscles (vestibulo-ocular reflex) and the spinal
that enable endolymph flow. Both contain
cord (vestibulospinal reflex) (Honrubia et al
a sensory region called the macula, which is
lined with receptor hair cells linked to a
gelatinous membrane embedded with
small calcium carbonate crystals called Vestibular dysfunction
otoconia. These hair cells are sensitive to
linear acceleration, including the influence Unilateral vestibular pathology often causes an
of gravity (Honrubia et al 1993). alteration in the resting firing rates of the ves-
tibular neuron, and a resultant mismatch in
the changes in firing rates with head accelera-
tion, contributing to the sensation of vertigo.
Anterior semicircular canal A sudden unilateral loss of vestibular function
usually causes acute, severe vertigo and nystag-
Posterior mus that persists for hours or days. The severe
semicircular spontaneous vertigo gradually settles as a result
of restoration of the symmetrical firing rates in
the brainstem vestibular nuclei. However it is
usually followed by a period during which ver-
Utricle tigo continues to be induced by head or body
Saccule motion. Natural resolution of the resting and
motion-induced symptoms is achieved through
Horizontal a complex neuronal process known as ‘compen-
semicircular canal
sation’ which can occur in the absence of recov-
Figure 12.2  The peripheral vestibular apparatus. ery of peripheral vestibular function.


Clinical syndromes Meniere’s disease, or endolymphatic hydrops,

classically presents with a history of recurrent
A syndromic approach to the diagnosis of ver- spontaneous vertigo accompanied by fluctuating
tigo is a useful aid. There are four basic clinical auditory symptoms (tinnitus, hearing loss, and
presentations: acute vestibulopathy, recurrent aural fullness). The hearing can recover between
vestibulopathy, motion-induced dizziness, and attacks but there is often a stepwise or gradual
disequilibrium. loss of hearing.
Migraine is a common cause of recurrent
vertigo and should be suspected if there are no
Acute vestibulopathy conspicuous auditory features. It can occur as
an aura preceding or accompanying a migraine
The most common cause is vestibular neuroni-
headache, or even as an isolated phenomenon
tis (also known as acute peripheral vestibulopa-
(Kayan et al 1984). Rarely, patients present with
thy, vestibular neuritis). This classically causes
chronic fluctuating spontaneous and motion-
acute severe vertigo accompanied by ataxia,
induced vertigo, punctuated by intermittent
nausea, and vomiting. Auditory symptoms and
headaches (Waterston 2004). A history of head-
signs are usually absent. Vertigo is aggravated
ache should be sought as this may not be volun-
by head movement and usually persists for lon-
teered by the patient if the headaches are mild.
ger than a day with recovery often occurring
Other features such as visual phenomena and
over days to weeks. The etiology is assumed
photophobia may aid the diagnosis.
to be viral in the majority of cases, but ischemia
Other causes of recurrent vertigo are
involving the internal auditory artery may also
uncommon. Vertebrobasilar ischemia does not
cause a similar syndrome, particularly in older
usually cause isolated vertigo. Occasionally
age groups with vascular risk factors (Kim et al
patients present with intermittent vertigo of
1999). Recovery of the acute vertigo occurs over
short duration (often up to a minute), which
hours to days but may be followed by persis-
is postulated to be due to ischemia of the ves-
tent chronic motion-induced symptoms (see
tibular labyrinth, however these episodes rarely
motion-induced dizziness, below).
persist in isolation for more than a few months
Other causes of acute vertigo include head
(Grad et al 1989). Generally, there are other
trauma and stroke. Brainstem and cerebellar
associated symptoms such as diplopia, dyspha-
strokes can sometimes present with acute ver-
gia, visual field defects, and focal motor and
tigo. Demyelinating diseases such as multiple
sensory features.
sclerosis may occasionally cause acute vertigo
that may resemble the presentation of vestibular
neuronitis. A careful history and examination Motion-induced dizziness
will usually detect other neurological features.
Patients in this category present with short-lived
Recurrent vestibulopathy bouts of motion-induced vertigo without spon-
taneous symptoms. The two most common
Patients with this syndrome present with recur- causes are an uncompensated peripheral vestib-
rent attacks of vertigo, often lasting several ular lesion (e.g. incomplete recovery following
hours, and are usually symptom-free between a bout of vestibular neuronitis) and BPPV.
attacks. Meniere’s disease and migraine are the BPPV is one of the most common vestibular
most common causes. conditions, accounting for 25% of presentations

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12

in patients with vestibular disorders (Herdman

Box 12.1
1997). The presentation is usually distinctive
with a history of short-lived bouts of vertigo trig- Major causes of disequilibrium.
gered by head extension, bending forwards, lying CNS
down and rolling over in bed. Otoconial deposits • Cerebellar disease
or crystals, which are thought to arise from the • Parkinson’s disease
utricular matrix, form a heavy mass most com- • Vascular disease
• Multiple sclerosis
monly in the posterior semicircular canal and,
• Normal pressure hydrocephalus
in response to provocative head movements,
result in excessive displacement of the sensory Proprioceptive loss
organ, or cupula, via a plunger effect. This condi- • Spinal cord disease
tion should be regarded as a syndrome which can • Peripheral neuropathy
occur either without any obvious cause, or as a Other
secondary feature of other conditions, particu- • Bilateral vestibular hypofunction
larly head trauma, vestibular neuronitis, and • Aging
Meniere’s disease. In many cases the condition • Hypothyroidism
is self-limiting, but it can persist chronically or • Multi-sensory dizziness/disequilibrium
recur periodically over several years in the
absence of treatment. BPPV can co-exist with term ‘dizziness’. However, it is apparent that
headaches and neck pain and these conditions the symptoms are only present during standing
need to be considered in patient assessment. and walking. Multisensory dizziness or disequi-
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to cervical librium is a term used to describe a syndrome
spondylosis has been promoted as a common occurring in older subjects manifest by dis-
cause of motion-induced vertigo due to osteo- equilibrium and vague, non-specific dizziness
phytic encroachment on vertebral artery flow when walking. It is caused by multiple sensory
in the neck during head rotation; however, early deficits that may include visual impairment,
case descriptions had poor clinicopathological peripheral neuropathy, vestibular dysfunction
correlation (Sheehan et al 1960). While physio- and cervical spondylosis. A neurological exami-
logical obstruction of one vertebral artery has nation may reveal signs indicative of specific
been demonstrated during angiographic studies, pathology in the brain, spinal cord, or periph-
symptomatic cerebral ischemia is rare because eral nerves. These patients often have lower
of the anastomotic supply from the contralateral limb orthopedic impairments that will accentu-
vertebral artery. Symptoms may occur in the ate the disability. Importantly, sedative and
presence of atypical anatomy where there is vestibular suppressant drugs have the potential
no anastomotic circulation because one vertebral to exacerbate the problem.
artery terminates in the posterior inferior Ataxia, disequilibrium and motion-induced
cerebellar artery (Strupp et al 2000). oscillopsia (oscillation of the visual scene due
to failure of the vestibuloocular reflex) are the
Disequilibrium usual presenting symptoms of bilateral vestibu-
lar failure. The most common cause is gentami-
There are many causes of this presentation that cin toxicity. Vertigo is not usually a feature
typically manifests with balance problems and because the vestibular loss is almost always
falls (Box 12.1). The patient may still use the bilateral and symmetrical.


Other conditions History

Cervicogenic dizziness can be difficult to diag- It is important to note the characteristics of the
nose and usually requires exclusion of other vertigo and any associated features, such as audi-
vestibular disorders. Patients tend not to have tory symptoms, cervical spine dysfunction and
rotatory vertigo; they usually present with headache. Self report scales such as the Vestibu-
non-specific dizziness, and/or disequilibrium, lar Symptom Index can quantify the intensity of
that may be associated with neck movement. vestibular symptoms (Black et al 2000).
Neck pain and stiffness may also be present. Visual vertigo, the induction of dizziness
The symptoms may be associated with neck by visual stimuli, such as motion on cinema
movement. Dizziness of cervical origin is screens and walking down supermarket aisles,
thought to be due to abnormal afferent input is commonly reported by patients with vestibu-
to the vestibular nuclei from receptors in the lar disorders and may be so severe that some
upper cervical spine (Furman et al 2000). Diag- patients develop frank agoraphobic symptoms.
nostic confusion may arise when there is a Most cases of vertigo result from peripheral
combined vestibular and cervical spine pro- vestibular disorders or benign CNS conditions
blem, a common occurrence where there is a such as migraine. However it is important to
history of head and neck trauma or secondary exclude serious CNS causes such as vertebro-
cervicogenic dysfunction complicating a primary basilar ischemia, space occupying lesions, and
vestibulopathy. demyelination. The diagnosis is made easier
Tinnitus and vertigo are also reportedly com- when there are associated auditory or focal
mon in patients with bruxism, but the mecha- neurological symptoms. Unilateral auditory
nism of this association is unknown. symptoms are rarely seen with brain stem
lesions. However isolated vertigo can some-
Clinical assessment times be a presenting feature.

Vertigo can be simply defined as an illusion of Examination

movement. Spinning sensations are most com-
monly described and occur as a result of semi- A neurological examination is important to
circular canal involvement. Linear sensations identify focal signs that may indicate central
of rocking, tilting, and sudden dropping also pathology. Particular emphasis is placed on
occur and probably reflect involvement of the assessment of standing and walking balance,
otolith organs (utricle and saccule) which sense and examination of eye movements to look
linear motion (Krebs et al 1991). for nystagmus and other eye movement
The major differential diagnosis is lighthead- abnormalities. Acute peripheral vestibular dis-
edness or presyncope, for which there are orders typically cause a mixed torsional and
numerous causes. Many patients have difficulty horizontal nystagmus that beats away from
describing their symptoms, in particular ‘dizzi- the side of the lesion and abates quickly as
ness’ and it may not be clear whether the patient the acute vertigo settles. Features of nystagmus
is describing a vestibular sensation. A history of due to central lesions are listed in Box 12.2.
non-specific dizziness that is aggravated by or The Dix-Hallpike maneuver (Fig. 12.3) is an
associated with head movements suggests a assessment procedure to identify BPPV. It is an
vestibular etiology. essential part of the examination of most

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12




Figure 12.3  The Dix-Hallpike maneuver. A. Starting position, head rotated 45 . B. Finishing position, 30 neck
extension and 45 rotation maintained.

patients presenting with vertigo (Herdman motion (saccade) back towards the target when
1997). A positive test comprises: the head movement stops. The presence of a
• a mixed torsional and upbeating nystagmus corrective saccade is suggestive of unilateral ves-
which begins after a short latent period tibular hypofunction on the side the head was
• presence of moderately severe vertigo, being turned towards. Performing this test in
which lasts up to 60 seconds, and 30 flexion of the cervical spine can increase
• less marked response with repeated the diagnostic accuracy of the test (Schubert
maneuvers (habituation). et al 2004).
Nystagmus that does not have all of these char- ‘Red flags’ signifying possible CNS disease
acteristics may be seen in unusual variants of are listed in Box 12.2. Vertigo due to central
BPPV involving other semicircular canals but
can also be a rare presenting feature of brain- Box 12.2
stem or cerebellar lesions. Red flags indicating possible CNS disease.
Another useful test for identifying unilateral
• Focal neurological signs
vestibular hypofunction is the Head Thrust • Ataxia and nystagmus out of proportion to
Test (Halmagyi and Curthoys 1988). The vertigo
patient’s head is gently held by the practi- • Direction changing nystagmus on lateral gaze
tioner, they are asked to focus on a target to both sides, or gaze-evoked nystagmus
straight ahead, and without warning their head • Pure vertical (upbeating or downbeating)
is given a small (5–10 ) fast turn to one side,
• Other eye movement abnormalities, e.g. gaze
and the eye response is observed. In a normal palsy, skew deviation (vertical misalignment of
response the eyes remain fixed on the target, the eyes)
whereas a positive test involves a corrective eye


lesions may occasionally be severe, as in brain- their dizziness (Sloane et al 1994). As well as
stem strokes. However, when there appears the emotional component of the DHI, the Hos-
to be a degree of ataxia that is out of propor- pital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
tion to the vertigo, central pathology should has been used in identifying psychological
be suspected. The exception to this rule is issues in people with vestibular dysfunction
bilateral vestibular failure. (Zigmond et al 1983).

Balance and mobility Cervical spine assessment

Cervical spine dysfunction is a less commonly
Whilst dizziness is often the most common symp- identified cause of dizziness, but should be
tom of vestibular dysfunction, balance and mobil- considered in the differential diagnosis, partic-
ity are often also impaired. These problems also ularly if vestibular symptoms exist in the pres-
increase the risk of falling (Tinetti et al 2000), ence of neck pain, reduced cervical range of
with up to 64% of patients with bilateral vestibu- motion, and/or headache (Wrisley et al 2000).
lar dysfunction over the age of 65 years reporting Examination includes active and passive range
at least one fall in a 12 month period (Herdman of cervical motion and manual posteroanterior
et al 2000). A detailed assessment of the patient pressure over the upper cervical facet joints.
with suspected vestibular dysfunction should Significant findings include the reproduction
include a series of tests that challenge balance of vestibular symptoms with manual examina-
and focus on the vestibular system. Examples tion at one or more spinal levels.
of appropriate tests, issues relating to their use
in vestibular patients, and typical scores for
vestibular patients and healthy older people are Investigations to aid diagnosis
described in Table 12.1.
Neuroimaging in the form of a computerized
tomographic (CT) brain scan or magnetic reso-
Function, handicap and nance imaging (MRI) should be performed if
psychological assessment central pathology is suspected. Some pathol-
ogy, such as demyelination and posterior circu-
Vestibular dysfunction can have a primary or lation ischemia, may only be visible on MRI.
secondary effect on functional status and level Audiometry is used to document the pres-
of handicap. The Dizziness Handicap Inventory ence and patterns of associated hearing loss
(DHI) is a validated 25-item questionnaire (e.g., in Meniere’s disease). Brainstem auditory
evaluating the individual’s self-perceived physi- evoked potentials have traditionally been used
cal, emotional and functional handicap in relation to exclude eighth nerve and brainstem pathol-
to vestibular disorders (Jacobson et al 1990). Psy- ogy; however MRI is now the gold standard.
chological problems are common in patients with Results of other vestibular investigations, such
vestibular dysfunction, particularly those with as caloric and rotational chair testing, Vestibu-
chronic symptoms (Yardley et al 2001). Of a lar Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP), and
sample of chronic dizzy patients, 38% had a pri- Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV) testing may
mary psychological diagnosis causing, or a sec- be helpful in documenting peripheral vestibular
ondary psychological diagnosis contributing to, dysfunction.

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12

Table 12.1 Selected clinical balance and mobility assessment tools with scores reported for healthy older people and people
with vestibular dysfunction.

Assessment Description of task Usefulness for Scores reported Scores reported

tool vestibular patients for vestibular for healthy older
samples subjects
Clinical Test of Performance timed up to – Need to select most Mean age 59.8 years Asymptomatic subjects
Sensory 30 seconds on 6 appropriate foot position, (Cohen et al 1993) aged 65–84 years
Integration of sensory tasks: and standardize for Feet together (trial 3 (Cohen et al 1993)
Balance –EO, Firm repeated testing of 3) Feet together**
(Shumway- –EC, Firm – The EC and VC tasks on EO, Firm 30s EO, Firm 30s
Cook et al –VC, Firm foam require an intact EC, Firm 30s EC, Firm 30s
1986) –EO, Foam vestibular system to VC, Firm 30s VC, Firm 30s
–EC, Foam provide a frame of EO, Foam 26s EO, Foam 29s
–VC, Foam reference – vestibular EC, Foam 16s EC, Foam 17s
patients often have VC, Foam 12s VC, Foam 19s
difficulty with these tasks.

Timed Up and Go Timed task, standing up Using a dual task such as 14.0 (5.0) (Whitney et al Females  70 years
Test (Podsiadlo from a chair, walking carrying a tray of glasses, or 2004) 9.1 sec (Hill et al 1999)
et al 1991) 3 meters, turning, head turning during the task
returning to chair and can improve sensitivity in
sitting down (sec) detecting mild balance
problems, and identifying
visual fixation.

Step Test (Hill Number of completed This is a higher level dynamic Mean age 53.2 years, Subjects  60 years
et al 1996) steps stepping one foot balance task, sensitive to patients with canal (Hill et al 1996)
on then off a 7.5 cm mild balance dysfunction (a and otolith dysfunction 16 steps/15s
block in 15 sec number of other commonly (Murray 2005) 12.9
used balance tests have (6.2)
ceiling effects).

Sharpened Timed task, standing one Challenging static balance Ceiling effect with EO, Healthy older women
Romberg foot directly in front of task. Has been used more with 68% of sample able to do EO
the other, up to a often with eyes closed in with chronic vestibular > 30 sec; and EC for
maximum of 30 sec. Can vestibular patients. dysfunction able to mean score >14 sec
be assessed with balance 30 sec with (Briggs et al 1989)
dominant leg behind, or EO. 34% unable to
non-dominant leg behind complete with EC
(Murray et al 2007)

Functional Gait Ten item assessment tool, Mean age 58.7 years Normal performance
Assessment based on the Dynamic (Wrisley et al 2004) on each item rated as
(Wrisley et al Gait Index, (Wrisley et al 20 (6.6) 3, maximum overall
2004) 2003) that evaluates a score for 10 items
range of tasks relevant to is 30
vestibular patients
EO ¼ eyes open, EC ¼ eyes closed, VC ¼ visual conflict (visual sensory cues in conflict with other sensory cues measured using a visual conflict
dome), Firm ¼ firm surface, Foam ¼ foam surface.
** Samples not comprehensively screened, so may under-estimate scores for healthy older adults.


Medical management to plug, and effectively paralyze, the offending

canal may be considered.
The nature of vestibular dysfunction, and its
impact on physical, functional, and emotional
wellbeing often necessitate that medical manage-
Physical management
ment occur within a multidisciplinary team man-
agement program. Medical components of the Management of BPPV
management program may include medication
prescription or withdrawal, dietary advice, sup- A simple treatment procedure called particle
port, and/or surgery. These are discussed briefly. repositioning has been found to result in com-
Vestibular suppressant drugs are indicated plete resolution of symptoms in up to 90% of
only for the treatment of acute vertigo. Long patients with BPPV within 1–2 treatment ses-
term use of these drugs carries the risk of neu- sions (Epley 1992, Lynn et al 1995). The treat-
rological complications such as drug-induced ment maneuver involves the practitioner
Parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia. There is moving the patient’s upper body, neck and
also some anecdotal evidence that prolonged head through a series of positions (Epley
drug therapy may retard the process of central 1992),which are thought to result in move-
compensation. ment of the otoconial deposits out of the
Specific medical treatments are indicated in offending semicircular canal into the utricular
the treatment of conditions such as migraine or cavity. Home exercise therapy, namely the
Meniere’s disease. Medications used for migraine Brandt-Daroff exercises, is also effective in
prophylaxis include pizotifen, propanolol and the treatment of BPPV (Brandt et al 1980).
verapamil. Salt restriction and diuretic therapy
are the major medical treatment modalities in
Management of cervicogenic
Meniere’s disease. Betahistine, a vasodilator, can
also be helpful in these patients. It has been pro- dizziness
posed that this medication improves blood flow
Treatment for cervicogenic dizziness may
to the inner ear although the exact mechanism
include mobilization of the symptomatic uni-
of its action remains unclear.
lateral facet joint/s and surrounding soft tissues
Surgery may be indicated for management of
(Wrisley et al 2000), stabilization exercises for
Meniere’s disease when medical therapy fails.
the cervical spine and trunk, and implementing
Endolymphatic sac surgery is designed to reduce
minor ergonomic changes. This approach has
the pressure in the endolymph compartment.
been shown to reduce neck pain, reduce the
Labyrinthectomy or vestibular nerve section may
frequency of dizziness, and improve balance
be performed when sac surgery fails. However,
performance (Karlberg et al 1996).
this procedure is reserved for unilateral cases.
Chemical vestibular ablation, via one or more gen-
tamicin injections into the middle ear cavity, has Vestibular rehabilitation
proved to be a useful and less invasive manage-
ment option in some cases (Monsell et al 1993). Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) is an approach
When physical therapies for BPPV (see based around exercise for the treatment of
below) are unsuccessful, a surgical procedure vestibular dysfunction, primarily incorporating

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12

exercises designed to encourage the process of What exercises should be

central compensation. It was first reported in included?
the 1940s with the work of Cawthorne and
Cooksey (Cawthorne 1944). These pioneers Exercise prescription is largely based on find-
in the area stressed that patients should be ings from the subjective and objective assess-
encouraged to move into the positions that pro- ment. The exercise program may be delivered
voked their symptoms. as a therapist supervised program, an indepen-
Commonly, patients with acute or chronic dent home exercise program, or a combination
vestibular pathology avoid activities that trig- of the two. Home exercise programs are often
ger their dizziness. However, in most cases, prescribed to be done at least once a day, with
this approach can actually slow down or a written and/or graphic description of the
impede recovery. Approaches to VR have exercise and dosage provided to the patient.
been shown to result in significantly improved Examples of exercise types that can be used
symptoms and balance even in acute condi- in a home exercise program or supervised by a
tions such as vestibular neuronitis (Strupp physiotherapist include:
et al 1998). • vestibular adaptation (gaze stability)
VR is an evolving area and results of ongoing exercises (Herdman 1998), involving
clinical research in this field will further refine visual fixation on a target while the head
treatment paradigms. is moving. Often recommended to be
undertaken for short periods several times
Who is appropriate for • habituation exercises (Norre et al 1980),
vestibular rehabilitation? involving repeated exposure to
positions and movements that
Vestibular rehabilitation is considered an provoke or exacerbate symptoms.
appropriate treatment strategy for individuals May include the Brandt-Daroff exercises
with a stable uncompensated vestibular lesion. for BPPV;
Patient selection for this type of intervention • balance and gait training (Clendaniel et al
can be determined from the clinical assessment 1997). Exercises are selected to target
and specific goals for rehabilitation are set at identified balance problems, in a safe
this time (Whitney et al 2000a). manner;
Patients with spontaneous attacks of vertigo • general fitness training (Shepard et al
generally do not respond well to physical treat- 1990); and
ment programs because of the unstable nature
• functional retraining (Cohen 1994).
of their vestibular pathology. Criteria for inclu-
The structure and length of the programs
sion in a program of VR include:
described in the literature varies considerably,
• A history of positional or motion- making comparison between studies difficult.
provoked symptoms of dizziness/vertigo; Traditionally, a generic approach such as
• Evidence of impaired balance Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises has been
performance; used. These exercises were often provided as
• Substantial limitations in activities of a handout with no direct supervision or review
daily living (Shepard et al 1993). of performance. A customized approach is now


advocated, where specific exercises are chosen How effective is vestibular

and reviewed by the therapist to meet individ- rehabilitation?
ual needs and functional deficits (Black et al
2003). Further research is required to assess
Several studies have provided evidence regarding
the effectiveness of customized versus generic
the effectiveness of VR in successfully treating
exercise program of vestibular rehabilitation.
individuals with a range of acute and chronic
Further research is also required to evaluate
vestibular disorders (Cass et al 1996, Murray
the relative benefits of a supervised program
et al 2001, Shepard et al 1993). Significant
of exercises compared to an unsupervised
improvements in symptom severity, self-
home program. Using both types of approach,
reported handicap, levels of disability and balance
studies have reported significant improvements
performance have been described. Recent
in vestibular handicap and balance performance
research has also identified a reduction in falls
following 4–10 weeks of the program (Black
risk following VR (Macias et al 2005).
et al 2000, Cass et al 1996, Krebs et al 2003,
Murray et al 2001). Although the type of
approach adopted may vary, a recent rando- Predictors of outcome
mized controlled study determined that there
following vestibular
were no significant differences in outcome
between individuals receiving a home program
of VR with or without additional supervised
Late presentation for an assessment of vestibu-
sessions (Kammerlind et al 2005).
lar function, late initiation of VR, and non-
Additional potential components of a vestib-
compliance with the therapy program have
ular rehabilitation program include:
been identified as factors most predictive of
• education (Whitney et al 2000b) unsuccessful outcome (Bamiou et al 2000).
including information about the Work done by Yardley and co-workers
condition, likely prognosis, strategies to (Yardley et al 2004) found that compliance
maximize recovery and minimize with the exercise program and levels of com-
development of secondary problems; mitment and as well as motivation influence
• psychological counseling (Yardley et al outcomes.
1994); Damage to central nervous system links
• fall prevention strategies (Macias et al from the vestibular apparatus may also influ-
2005); ence recovery. Although individuals with cen-
• interventions for secondary limitations, tral vestibular dysfunction can respond to
such as neck and back pain, muscle vestibular rehabilitation (Suarez et al 2003),
weakness, limited joint range of movement they appear to improve more slowly than those
and headaches (Cass et al 1996). with peripheral disorders (Shepard et al 1993).
Other methods have recently been described Age does not appear to be a significant factor
which may enhance the response to vestibular in predicting the outcome of VR (Whitney et al
rehabilitation of individuals with chronic vestibu- 2002). However, Hall and colleagues (2004)
lar dysfunction. Included is a simulator-based reported that a significantly greater proportion
desensitization program (incorporating con- of older adults (45%) remained at risk for
trolled exposure to visual motion and visual- future falls at the completion of VR compared
motor conflict environments) (Pavlou et al 2004). to younger individuals (11%).

Vestibular dysfunction CHAPTER 12

Conclusion and neck pain. The ability to recognize that symp-

toms common to many possible diagnoses may be
Vestibular dysfunction is a relatively common, due to vestibular dysfunction is an important
though often unrecognized health problem that clinical skill. A comprehensive assessment, often
can have substantial impact on an individual’s including formal vestibular function testing,
function, psychological status, and well being. and an individualized program of vestibular
Symptoms associated with vestibular dysfunc- rehabilitation can improve outcomes.
tion may include dizziness, nausea, headache,

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Chapter Thirteen

Measurement of headache
Ken Niere

Issues surrounding measurement of headache

Many practitioners treat headache but the question
are similar to those involving measurement of
arises of how to verify whether patients have
benefited from treatment. In this chapter the author, pain. Pain and headache-related symptoms are
a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and clinical subjective in nature and clinicians are reliant on
researcher, reviews the methods and tools used to patient descriptions. Pain is understood to be a
measure headache and related impairments
complex, multidimensional experience encom-
(including direct behavioral effects) in clinical and
research settings. passing sensory, affective, and motivational
domains. Hence, accurate and complete mea-
surement of headache symptoms will need to
Researchers are currently evaluating headache- reflect these domains. Parameters that can be
specific questionnaires and outcome measures used to measure headaches include the intensity
to assess their reliability and specificity. The and nature of the symptoms as well as temporal
outcome measures will help clinicians and features such as frequency and duration. The con-
researchers to evaluate current therapeutics. sequences of the headache, such as medication
Headaches are subjective experiences of pain usage and behavioral and lifestyle impact, can also
located somewhere in the head. A substantial be measured.
number of conditions can give rise to head-
aches. This is reflected in the most recent
International Headache Society (2004) head-
ache classification document where 14 broad Clinical measurement of
categories and numerous subcategories are headache
listed and described in an exhaustive 114 page
document (see Ch. 1). Similarly, there are What is important for the patient with head-
numerous proposed treatments and manage- ache? This will vary among individuals accord-
ment strategies for headache. No matter what ing to the nature and characteristics of their
the treatment, whether in a clinical or experi- headaches, their work and social situation, and
mental context, it is essential to monitor the their attitudes and beliefs towards their prob-
response to treatment. To do this we must be lem. Symptom relief may not be the main
able to measure the headache at specific points expectation of patients with headache present-
in the management process. ing to a health practitioner. For example, in a

survey of 100 outpatients with headache and used (Jull et al 2002, Niere & Robinson 1997,
50 treating physicians by Packard (1979), 66% Vernon 1982, Whittingham et al 1994).
of physicians indicated that they believed pain Headache measurement in the clinical situa-
relief was the patient’s primary objective while tion is usually by patient retrospective report,
only 31% of patients indicated that pain relief either via interview or questionnaire (Niere &
was their main expectation. This study found Robinson 1997) although headache diaries are
that 46% of patients primarily wanted an recommended for data collection in clinical
explanation of what was causing their head- trials and appear to be regarded as the ‘gold
ache. If the clinician lacks awareness of these standard’ (International Headache Society
expectations an unsatisfactory treatment out- 1995). The content of a headache diary may
come may occur, despite accurate headache vary depending on the population being stud-
measurement. Patient expectations may also ied. Typically a patient would be asked to
influence the choice of outcome measures. In record the number of hours during the day that
1997 we surveyed 154 patients presenting for they had a headache, the intensity on a visual
physiotherapy treatment of their headaches analogue scale (VAS), and the amount and type
(Niere & Robinson 1997) and found that 66% of medication taken (Fig. 13.1). Other items
chose reduction in headache frequency as the such as diet and activities may also be included
most important indicator of treatment success, if an aim is to identify possible precipitating
compared to 21% who chose reduced intensity, factors. Patients may be required to complete
and 5% who felt that decreased duration was the diary at regular points during the day or
the most important indicator. Interestingly, simply at the end of the day before retiring.
improvement in activities of daily living A potential problem with headache diaries is a
(ADL) was indicated as most important by lack of compliance, in that patients may omit
only 8%. When asked to indicate the minimum recordings and simply complete their entries
acceptable level of improvement two months at a later date or time (Collins & Thompson
after commencing physiotherapy treatment, 1979). Another limitation is they need to be
29% expected to be completely better while completed over a set period of time before
the average level of minimum expected the data is interpretable and clinically useful.
improvement was 78%. In general, subjects Depending on the frequency and type of head-
with a longer history of headache had lower aches measured, this baseline period may vary
expectations of treatment while those with from one week to four or more weeks, with
shorter histories had higher expectations. the longer time frames likely to increase the
Headaches are often of finite duration, or risk of non-compliance.
may be episodes of increased pain superim- If patient estimates of headache parameters
posed upon a background of ongoing pain. Abo- are used it is useful to know how accurate
lition of the headache (that is, frequency and these estimates are in relation to headache dia-
other measures revert to zero) could be consid- ries. In a headache population from a general
ered the ultimate aim of any therapy. How- community Blizaard et al (2000) compared
ever, this may not be realistic or possible. diary and questionnaire reports for headache
When considering outcome measures for phys- frequency over a one month period and found
ical treatment of headache in clinical trials and only moderate agreement. Niere and Jerak
practice, the parameters of headache fre- (2004) examined the accuracy of retrospective
quency, duration, and intensity are commonly patient reports with respect to daily headache

Measurement of headache CHAPTER 13

Please complete this form every evening before going to bed


Day Date

1. Have you taken any medication today for your headache? Yes No
If yes, name and strength (mg) and number taken of medication(s)

2. I have not had a headache today (Thank you, there is no need to answer the other questions)
or I have had a headache today (please complete the other questions)

3. Please shade the area where you felt your headache and any associated neck pain.

Back Front Left Right

4. Please mark on the scale below your estimate of the intensity of today’s headache.

No headache Worst possible headache

5. How many hours did you have a headache today? hours

6. Can you nominate what provoked today’s headache?

Figure 13.1  Example of a headache diary.

diaries for the measurement of frequency, perfect correlation). We also found that, when
duration and intensity of headaches in a sample compared to diary data, subjects tended to
of 40 participants. We found that correlation under estimate headache frequency, but over
coefficients (Spearman’s rho) for questionnaire estimate duration and intensity. Andrasik and
and diary data for headache frequency and Holroyd (1980) investigated the relationship
duration were 0.80 and 0.72 respectively, between diary data for headache frequency,
while that for intensity was only 0.51 (range: 0 intensity, and duration collected hourly over a
indicating no correlation to 1.0 indicating two-week period with that obtained from a


questionnaire completed at the end of the two the severity of the less severe headaches in this
weeks. They found that subjects reported general headache population was more difficult
fewer headaches per week and significantly to remember. Test-retest scores (ICC) for
greater headache intensities in questionnaires headache frequency and duration in the same
compared to the diary data. Intensity and dura- study were 0.95 and 0.98 respectively. It has
tion correlated poorly between the two meth- been suggested that when documenting usual
ods (r ¼ 0.23 and 0.29 respectively) while the pain, there is a tendency to use present pain as
strongest correlation was found between data a reference point (Eich et al 1985, Feine et al
for frequency (r ¼ 0.71). However, the study 1998, Turk & Okifuji 1999). This is supported
tested only subjects with tension type head- by studies of headache (Rachman & Eyrl 1989)
ache and the instrument for measuring subject and chronic pain (Feine et al 1998, Jamieson
report was not detailed. A more recent study et al 1989, Linton & Melin 1982). Therefore,
(Stewart et al 1999b) of 132 subjects with clinicians should be aware that pain may be over
migraine, compared diary reports and data col- estimated if the patient has a severe headache
lected with the Headache Impact Question- when asked to remember usual pain levels. Sim-
naire (Stewart et al 1998) over a three month ilarly, if the patient is pain free or has a mild
period. Correlation coefficients for migraine headache, the usual intensity may be underesti-
frequency and intensity were 0.67 and 0.74 mated. Reporting of acute pain is also likely to
respectively, suggesting that when the head- be increased by negative affect (Gedney &
ache is severe, as in migraine, recall of intensity Logan 2004, Tasmuth et al 1996). Other factors
is likely to be more accurate. that can influence pain memory include emo-
tional distress, domestic conflicts, decreased
Accuracy of memory for activity levels, reliance on medication (Jamieson
headache pain et al 1989) or level of catastrophizing (Lefebvre
& Keefe 2002). It has been suggested that
It is likely that severe pain is more easily averages of current, usual, and worst pain levels
remembered and reported by the patient may be more reliable than single ratings for
(Rasmussen et al 1991). Hunter et al (1979) chronic pain (Dworkin et al 1990) although it
reported accurate five-day recall of acute head is not known whether this would be generaliz-
pain following neurosurgical procedure as able to patients with headache.
measured by the McGill Pain Questionnaire Another factor influencing patient assess-
(MPQ) (Melzack 1975). They also found that ment of pain intensity may be that commonly
recall of sensory descriptors on the MPQ was used tools to measure pain, such as the VAS or
more reliable than for the affective descriptors. numerical rating scale (NRS) do not adequately
In a general headache population Niere and reflect the whole pain experience. It is generally
Robinson (1997) found that memory for understood that pain has affective and cognitive
headache intensity was less reliable than for elements as well as sensory components. The
frequency and duration. Using intraclass corre- influence of affective and cognitive factors may
lation coefficients (ICC) they found relatively make pain intensity harder to recall. The use of
low 24 hour test-retest reliability (ICC ¼ pain measures that incorporate both sensory
0.64) when headache intensity was measured and affective dimensions of pain, such as the
on a VAS. Although recall of headache intensity MPQ or the Short-Form MPQ, may give more
is relatively accurate in migraine it appears that accurate results than unidimensional measures.

Measurement of headache CHAPTER 13

Measurement of headache pain A DRS is usually easy to understand and use.

However, they may be relatively insensitive,
There are many different ways to measure pain which would necessitate large changes in
and hence headache intensity. The methods order to reliably detect differences between
that are most commonly used or applicable to testing. It cannot be assumed that there are
clinical practice will be reviewed here. equal spacings between ratings. For example,
moderate (which would be given a value of
Descriptive rating scales two) is not necessarily twice as painful as mild
A descriptive rating scale (DRS) usually consists (which would be given a value of one). Hence,
of a series of pain descriptors from which they do not necessarily provide interval or
patients choose the most accurate descriptor ratio data so analysis of group data should be
for their pain. A numerical value may be assigned performed using non-parametric methods.
to each descriptor. Examples of DRS (often
referred to as verbal rating scales) for pain inten- Numerical rating scales
sity and pain affect are given in Figure 13.2. For A numerical rating scale (NRS) requires the
these the descriptors ‘none’ and ‘bearable’ patient to rate their pain on a defined scale.
would be scored as zero, ‘mild’ and ‘uncomfort- For example, 0–10 where 0 is no pain and 10
able’ would be scored as one, ‘moderate’ and is the worst pain imaginable (Fig. 13.3). Com-
‘awful’ would be scored as two, and so on. monly used NRS are 11 point (0–10), 21 point

Sensory: none mild moderate severe very severe

Affective: bearable uncomfortable awful agonising excruciating

Figure 13.2  Examples of descriptive rating scales for sensory and affective domains of pain.

Numerical Rating Scale – 101

Please complete on the line below the number between 0 and 100 that best describes your pain. A zero (0) would mean
“no pain” and a one hundred (100) would mean “pain as bad as it could be”. Please write only one number.

Box Scale – 11
Please put an X through the number that best represents your pain.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 13.3  Examples of numerical rating scales. A 101 numerical rating scale (above) and an 11 point box scale below.


(0–20) and 101 point (0–100) (Jensen & ascending order and the patient is asked to cir-
Karoly 2001). Jensen et al (1996) used a 101- cle or select the number corresponding to their
point scale on 124 chronic pain patients and pain. Advantages of NRS are that they are eas-
found that 90–98% of patients used the scale ily understood and quickly administered. They
in multiples of five (equivalent to a 21-point have been reported to be sensitive to change
scale). Over 50% of subjects rated their pain and correlate well with other pain intensity
in multiples of 10 (equivalent to an 11-point measures (Jensen & Karoly 2001). They do
scale). They concluded that 11- and 21-point not appear to have ratio properties, meaning
scales were sensitive enough to measure that a rating of 10, for example, does not nec-
chronic pain. Kwong & Pathak (2007) found essarily indicate twice as much pain as a rating
that an 11-point scale for measuring intensity of five.
of migraine was 55% more sensitive than a
4-point scale (none, mild, moderate, severe) Visual analogue scales
in detecting clinically important differences. A visual analogue scale (VAS) usually consists of
Numerical rating scales may be administered a 100 mm line anchored at each end by descrip-
verbally, where patients are asked to rate their tors (Fig. 13.4). Patients place a mark on the
pain and the therapist records the value. They scale that corresponds to their pain. The dis-
may also be applied in written form, completed tance (usually in mm) from the lower end of
independently by the patient, either as a single the scale is then measured and recorded. Visual
rating or where the numbers are written in analogue scales are generally easy to understand


A: Place a mark on the line that best represents the usual intensity of your headache

at all

B: Place a mark on the line that best represents the unpleasantness of your headache

No change

C: Place a mark on the line that best represents the change in your headaches since starting treatment

Figure 13.4  Examples of visual analogue scales for measurement of: A ¼ usual headache intensity,
B ¼ unpleasantness of headache pain, and C ¼ change in headaches.

Measurement of headache CHAPTER 13

and complete although 3–11% of patients may PPI can also be used. The MPQ takes approxi-
not be able to complete them (Ogon et al mately 5–10 minutes to complete once a patient
1996). Patients have been shown to use all parts has had some experience with it, but may take
of the scale and no single point seems to be 15–20 minutes if they are unfamiliar with it
favored (Huskisson 1974). It is likely that (Melzack 1975). The MPQ may be read to the
the VAS is more sensitive than the DRS in patient by the researcher/clinician or completed
detecting treatment changes (Jensen & Karoly by patients themselves, although scores may
2001). The VAS can also be used to measure be higher when the patient has the MPQ read
pain relief, treatment effect or change in con- to them (Klepac et al 1981). The construct
dition, depending on the anchor descriptors validity of the MPQ has been reinforced by stud-
(Fig. 13.4). The VAS correlates highly with ies that confirm the three-factor (sensory, evalu-
descriptive and numerical rating scales and is ative and affective) structure (Lowe et al 1991,
thought to produce ratio data, at least for group Turk et al 1985). The test-retest reliability or
measurements (Price et al 1983, Jensen & reproducibility of the MPQ has been calculated
Karoly, 2001). The VAS appears to be more at 0.83 over ‘several days’ in 65 chronic low back
reliable for current pain than remembered pain patients (Love et al 1989). In a study of
pains. In a series of 65 chronic low back pain 16 patients with acute head pain after neuro-
patients. Love et al (1989) calculated reliability surgical procedure Hunter et al (1979)
of present pain: r ¼ 0.77, worst pain: r ¼ 0.49, reported reproducibility over a five day period
and best pain: r ¼ 0.57. Although not demon- of greater than 0.89. It has been reported that
strated on patients with headache, this point the MPQ is sensitive to changes in pain related
should be considered when asking patients to to various clinical syndromes (Melzack & Katz,
remember their headache intensity. A disadvan- 2001) although it does not appear to have been
tage of the VAS is that it is unidimensional. tested on benign, recurrent headache. The
Other dimensions have to be measured sepa- MPQ has been used widely for research but
rately. Also, patients may not understand the is clinically less practical due to the time taken
requirements for completion, particularly if to complete than other less complex scoring
they have impaired cognitive function. systems.

McGill Pain Questionnaire Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire

The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) (Melzack The Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire
1975) was designed to reflect the sensory, affec- (SFMPQ) was developed to provide an instru-
tive, and evaluative dimensions of pain. The ment that could be completed in less time than
MPQ contains 78 pain descriptors assigned to the MPQ but would still reflect both the sen-
20 categories within sensory, affective, evalua- sory and affective dimensions of pain (Melzack
tive and miscellaneous subclasses, a body chart, 1987). The SFMPQ consists of 15 descriptors
nine temporal adjectives and a ‘present pain from the MPQ that were chosen by greater
index’ that is rated out of five. The descriptors than 33% of patients with nine different pain
are assigned an intensity value in each of 20 sec- syndromes including headache, low back pain,
tions, starting at one for the word with the least arthritis and dental pain. Of the 15 descriptors,
pain value. Scoring is via a Pain Rating Index 11 are from the sensory section of the MPQ
(PRI) for each subclass and a total PRI. The and 4 are from the affective section. Each
number of words chosen and the score on the descriptor is ranked on an intensity scale of


0 ¼ none, 1 ¼ mild, 2 ¼ moderate and 3 ¼ unlikely that the musculoskeletal impairment is

severe. A VAS and a 0–5 numerical rating scale responsible for the headaches. Where physical
are also included. Scoring is by adding the rank- parameters improve but are not sustained and
ings for the descriptors although sensory and the headaches do not improve substantially,
affective descriptors may be scored separately the physical impairments are probably second-
(Melzack 1987). The VAS and numerical rating ary to the headache that is likely to have
scale scores are not usually incorporated with another etiology (Jull & Niere 2004).
the descriptor scores. The SFMPQ takes approx-
imately five minutes to complete and score. Measurement of
The SFMPQ was tested against the MPQ on headache-related disability
40 post-surgical, 20 obstetric, and 10 musculo-
skeletal pain patients (Melzack 1987). The It is now widely accepted that best clinical
procedure was repeated for dental patients. practice incorporates a patient-centered app-
The results showed significant correlations roach to management of headache (Andrasik
(r ¼ 0.65 to 0.93) between sensory, affective, et al 2005). Hence, it is important for the
and total scores for pre-and post-intervention clinician to appreciate and be able to measure
scores. These results indicate that the SFMPQ the impact of headache on a patient’s quality
may provide similar data to the MPQ on the dif- of life, both during and between headache
ferent dimensions of the pain experience, but attacks. Cavallini et al (1995) found that
in a more practical and timely manner than the patients with headache often suffer from
longer version of the questionnaire. diminished ability to perform activities of daily
living (ADL) during headache attacks. They
Measurement of also found that patients with headaches suf-
musculoskeletal impairment fered from reduced motor performance, dis-
turbed interpersonal relationships and feelings
Where treatment of spinal and/or TMD aims of inadequacy. Subjects also reported distress
to improve a patient’s headaches, parameters caused by imminence of attacks and that their
such as range of motion and tests of muscle headaches negatively affected relationships
function may be necessary to determine the with family, friends and colleagues, often dis-
extent of musculoskeletal impairment in a par- turbing the planning of their social lives. Other
ticular presentation. The pattern and magni- research has also shown decreased quality of life
tude of musculoskeletal impairment should be in headache sufferers, including those with cer-
consistent with the pattern of headache inten- vicogenic headache (Diener 2001, Kryst &
sity, frequency, and duration. The degree of Scherl 1994, Marcus 2003). Over the past two
change in the musculoskeletal impairments decades a number of questionnaires have been
with treatment should be proportional to the developed to gauge headache-related disability.
improvement in the headache parameters to These have generally been related to specific
justify continued treatment. The role that the headache types, most notably migraine, or were
physical impairment plays in the headache can developed within secondary referral headache
be clarified by careful monitoring of physical clinics. One of these, the Headache Disability
and headache parameters (Jull & Niere 2004). Inventory (HDI) (Jacobsen et al 1994) com-
For example, if the physical measures improve prises 25 statements (items) derived from case
but the headache parameters stay the same it is history responses of patients with headache, each

Measurement of headache CHAPTER 13

measured on a scale or 4 (yes), 2 (sometimes) or 5. On how many days in the last 3 months
0 (no). Measured psychometric properties of the did you miss family, social or leisure
HDI include internal consistency (a ¼.89) and activities because of your headaches?
two-month reproducibility (r ¼ 0.83) (Jacobsen The MIDAS also includes one question on head-
et al 1994). However, it has been estimated that ache frequency and one question on headache
a change score of at least 30 points is necessary intensity, although these are not included in the
to be 95% sure of a real change in patient condi- total score. Stewart et al (2001) tested the psy-
tion (Jacobsen et al 1994), a factor that may limit chometric properties of the MIDAS and found
the clinical utility of the questionnaire. Descrip- internal consistency of at least 0.73 (Cronbach’s
tions of three of the more recently developed a) and reproducibility of 0.80 (Pearson’s r). The
questionnaires follow. MIDAS has been translated into a number of lan-
guages. To date, there do not appear to be pub-
Migraine Disability Assessment lished data related to minimum detectable
Scale change, so clinicians using the MIDAS with indi-
viduals cannot be sure what proportion of change
In 1998 an international, expert working group score is likely to be due to measurement error.
proposed a 16 item Headache Impact Question- Potential weaknesses of the MIDAS are that
naire (HImQ) to measure the effects of migraine days where productivity is reduced by less than
on quality of life (Stewart et al 1998). From the 50% are not included in the score and days where
HImQ Stewart et al (1998) developed an 8-item, productivity is reduced by more than 50% are
migraine-specific quality of life (QoL) question- given the same weighting as days that were
naire that was subsequently reduced to the five completely missed. For individuals where
question Migraine-specific Disability Assessment migraines inhibit rather than prohibit activity the
Scale (MIDAS)(Stewart et al 1999a) based on a MIDAS may be less sensitive. Also, the MIDAS
three month time frame. The MIDAS items are: relies on the accuracy of the patient’s memory
1. On how many days in the last 3 months over a 3-month period for estimating days lost or
did you miss work or school because of productivity reduced by more than 50%. Stewart
your headaches? et al (2000) compared MIDAS scores to a 90-day
2. How many days in the last 3 months was daily diary in 144 migraine sufferers. They found
your productivity at work or school reduced that responses to MIDAS questions about num-
by half or more because of your headaches? ber of days where productivity in work or house-
(Do not include days you counted in question hold work was reduced by greater than 50%, was
1 where you missed work or school.) significantly overestimated compared to diary
data. Responses to other items were similar
3. On how many days in the last 3 months
between the two measures while the correlation
did you not do household work because of between diary and total MIDAS scores for the
your headaches? population was fair at only 0.63. Although the
4. How many days in the last 3 months was MIDAS appears a suitable instrument for measur-
your productivity in household work ing migraine-related disability, it is not known if it
reduced by half or more because of your would be suitable for measuring disability in
headaches? (Do not include days you patients with other headache types. Studies
counted in question 3 where you did not do by Solomon et al (1994) and Solomon (1997)
household work.) used the medical outcomes study instrument to


establish whether quality of life differs among A further study of the HDQ by Muller (2007)
headache diagnoses. They found that quality of reported 24 hour reproducibility of r ¼.91 and
life profiles for each of the common benign head- one month reproducibility of r ¼.89. The minimal
ache disorders (migraine, tension-type, mixed, detectable change (MDC90) was calculated as
and cluster) appear to be unique for the specific 11.2 points, meaning that if a score changed by
headache diagnosis. The MIDAS does not appear this magnitude, the researcher or clinician could
to have been tested on other headache types. be 90% confident that the change was not due to
error. The HDQ would appear to be an appropri-
ate instrument for measuring headache related
Headache Disability Questionnaire
disability in a general population of headache
With the aim of measuring headache-related patients.
activity restriction in patients presenting for phys-
iotherapy, Niere and Quin (2009) reduced the Headache Impact Test
16-item Headache Impact Questionnaire into a
9-item questionnaire based on responses made The Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) is a standar-
by 111 patients receiving physiotherapy treat- dized 6-item questionnaire that was developed
ment for their headaches. Items were included by reducing a pool of 54 items used for compu-
or rejected based on floor or ceiling effects, terized adaptive testing (CAT) of headache
item-total correlations and factor analysis. Of impact (Bjorner et al 2003) and 35 further items
the 111 patients, 36% were diagnosed with cervi- suggested by clinicians. Item selection was
cogenic headache, 30% with tension-type head- achieved by evaluations of content validity,
ache, 14% with migraine without aura, and 7% internal consistency, score distributions, linguis-
had migraine with aura. A diagnosis of ‘other’ tic analyses, and item response theory (Kosinski
was made in 14%. The HDQ consists of nine et al 2003). The HIT-6 items are:
items measuring pain intensity, number of days 1. When you have headaches, how often is
over a one-month period where activity was pre- the pain severe?
vented for a day or more, and the degree to which
activities were curtailed due to headaches 2. How often do headaches limit your ability
(Fig. 13.5). Although the HDQ and MIDAS were to do usual daily activities, including
both developed from the HImQ, the HDQ dif- household work, work, school, or social
fers from the MIDAS in that it encompasses activities?
decreased efficiency of tasks rather than days 3. When you have a headache, how often do
where tasks are missed or productivity is you wish you could lie down?
decreased by at least half due to the headache. 4. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you
Each item is graded on 11 point scale (0–10). felt too tired to do work or daily activities
The item scores are then added to give a total because of your headaches?
out of 90. It takes 5–10 minutes to complete
and score. The HDQ has been found to have a 5. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you
three-factor structure encompassing activity lim- felt tired or fed up or irritated because of
itation, activity prevention and pain intensity, your headaches?
with internal consistency reflected by Cronbach’s 6. In the past 4 weeks, how often did
a of 0.80, indicating that each item contributes headaches limit your ability to
evenly to the overall score (Niere & Quin 2009). concentrate on work or daily activities?

Measurement of headache CHAPTER 13

Name: Date: Score 90

Please read each question and circle the response that best applies to you

1. How would you rate the usual pain of your headache on a scale from 0 to 10?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WORST
2. When you have headaches, how often is the pain severe?
Never 1-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% ALWAYS
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. On how many days in the last month did you actually lie down for an hour or more because of your headaches?
None 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 EVERY DAY
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. When you have a headache, how often do you miss work or school for all or part of the day?
None 1-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% EVERY DAY
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. When you have a headache while you work (or school), how much is your ability to work reduced?
NOT 1-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% UNABLE
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO WORK
6. How many days in the last month have you been kept from performing housework or chores for at least half of
the day because of your headache?
None 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 EVERY DAY
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. When you have a headache, how much is your ability to perform housework or chores reduced?
NOT 1-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% UNABLE
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO PERFORM
8. How many days in the last month have you been kept from non-work activities (family, social or recreational)
because of your headaches?
None 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-31 EVERY DAY
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9. When you have a headache, how much is your ability to engage in non-work activities (family, social or
recreational) reduced?
NOT 1-9% 10-19% 20-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-89% 90-100% UNABLE
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO PERFORM

Figure 13.5  The headache disability questionnaire.

The response choices for each item are: never HIT-6 has demonstrated internal consistency of
(scored as 6), rarely (8), sometimes (10), very Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.89 and 14 day reproducibility
often (11), and always (13). The possible scores of 0.80 (540 participants at follow up) (Kosinski
therefore range from 36 to 78. In an internet et al 2003). The minimum important difference
survey of 1103 participants with headache the for the HIT-6 has been calculated as 2.3 units


(95% CI 0.3 to 4.3) in a population of 71 patients it is essential to be able to measure patients’ head-
with chronic daily headache (Coeytaux et al aches or their direct behavioral effects. All head-
2006). Although the HIT-6 appears to be used aches have at least one thing in common — pain
widely, at least over the internet where scores felt in the head. This pain can be measured, as
are calculated automatically, a potential weakness can its frequency and duration, although the clini-
is the difficulty in calculating scores for the pen cian or researcher should be mindful of the
and paper version. Also derived scores are not strengths and weaknesses of any method they
intuitively meaningful because of the relatively use to measure different aspects of headache
narrow scoring range and the minimum score of pain. Given the multidimensional nature of any
36 representing no headache related disability. pain, and hence headache, it is recommended
that a range of methods be used to judge treat-
Conclusion ment outcome accurately. As a general rule, it is
recommended that outcomes should include
There is a vast range of conditions that can cause headache frequency, at least one pain measure,
headaches and a similarly large number of pro- and a valid and reliable tool to measure head-
posed treatments. To gauge treatment efficacy, ache-related disability.

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Chapter Fourteen

Physiotherapy management of
cervicogenic headache: Part 1
Gwendolen Jull

cervicogenic headache was defined by Sjaastad

Frequent intermittent headaches, including
et al (1983) on the presence of a set of clinical
cervicogenic headache, are common and patients
often present to physiotherapists for features. The criteria have been updated with
management. In this chapter the author, a further research in the field (Sjaastad et al
musculoskeletal physiotherapist, evaluates the 1998). Cervicogenic headache as a distinct
literature associated with the identification of
headache classification is recognized by the
cervicogenic headache. Differential diagnosis and
the role of musculoskeletal and sensorimotor International Headache Society (IHS) (Head-
impairments are discussed. ache Classification Committee of the Interna-
tional Headache Society 2004).
Cervicogenic headache can be described as a
The most common types of frequent intermit- referred pain. The neurophysiological mecha-
tent headache are the primary headaches of nism for cervical spine referral of pain into
migraine with and without aura and tension-type the head is convergence between cervical affer-
headache, and the secondary headache form, ents from the upper three cervical nerves and
cervicogenic headache. Cervicogenic headaches afferents from the trigeminal nerve in the
are reported by both genders although, like most trigeminocervical nucleus (Bartsch & Goadsby
headache types, the prevalence is higher in 2003a, Bogduk 2004). Thus nociceptor affer-
females (Nilsson 1995). Cervicogenic head- ents from any structure supplied by the upper
aches are not restricted to any age group and three nerves are capable of causing headache.
can be reported by the young to the aged This is inclusive of osseous, articular, muscular,
(Fredriksen et al 1987). neural, and vascular structures, with the upper
cervical joints being the most likely primary
The cervical spine and cause in most cases (Bogduk 2004, 2005).
headache A number of experimental studies have con-
firmed this referral of pain by either producing
The term ‘cervicogenic’ is both a generic term head pain through noxious stimulation of upper
to describe headaches arising from cervical cervical structures (Dreyfuss et al 1994, Dwyer
musculoskeletal disorders as well as a term for et al 1990, Feinstein et al 1954) or relieving head
a specific type of headache. The headache type pain by anesthetic blocks (Bogduk & Marsland
SECTION TWO Approaches

1988, Lord et al 1994). It is more difficult to from other common frequent intermittent
explain a direct link between disorders in lower headache types, notably migraine without aura
cervical segments/structures and headache. and tension-type headache. There is symptom-
Impairments in other regions of the cervical or atic overlap between these headache types. In
thoracic spines have been reported to accom- response, the IHS classification of headache
pany the upper cervical dysfunction (Bovim disorders (Headache Classification Committee
et al 1992, Jensen et al 1990, Jull 2002). More of the International Headache Society 2004)
directly, there are reported cases where surgical states that it is insufficient to list manifesta-
interventions to lower cervical segments have tions of headaches for diagnosis. Other criteria
alleviated headache (Fredriksen et al 2003, are required to diagnose cervicogenic headache.
Persson & Carlsson 1999). It is possible that in The IHS (Headache Classification Committee
such cases, co-existing upper cervical dysfunc- of the International Headache Society 2004)
tion was present and/or muscle spasm from the has indicated that to diagnose a cervicogenic
cervicobrachial syndrome simultaneously irri- headache, there must be evidence that the
tated upper cervical structures (Peterson et al headache can be attributed to a neck disorder
1975). either by: (a) demonstration of clinical signs
The generic term cervicogenic headache also that implicate a source of pain in the neck, or
implies that despite a certain pattern of clinical (b) abolition of headache following diagnostic
features for the headache, there is no unique blockade of a cervical structure or its nerve sup-
patho-anatomical lesion, nociceptive cause, or ply using placebo or other adequate controls
segmental source for cervicogenic headache. (p. 117).
Several pathological entities have been aligned
with this headache type, including facet joint
arthropathies and disc disease (Ahn et al 2005, Diagnosis of cervicogenic
Trevor-Jones 1964), trauma (Drottning et al headache
2002, Radanov et al 2001) or postural strain.
The pathological debate becomes somewhat The diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic head-
academic in any individual case of cervicogenic ache as described by Sjaastad et al (1998) are
headache because, as reflects the situation in presented in Box 14.1. Not all features will
low back pain, neither plain X-rays nor magnetic be present in every patient, but symptoms
resonance imaging (MRI) have been shown to within Criteria 1 to 3 are mandatory while
be sensitive to detect relevant pathological those in Criteria 4 to 6 are variably present
change (Coskun et al 2003, Fredriksen et al and not obligatory to make the diagnosis of
1989, Hinderaker et al 1995). Accordingly, the cervicogenic headache. None of the features,
IHS diagnostic criteria explicitly reject radiolog- taken singularly, is unique to cervicogenic
ical evidence of cervical spondylosis or osteo- headache (Fishbain et al 2003, Leone et al
chondrosis as valid evidence for a diagnosis of 1995, 1998, Solomon & Lipton 1993). Vin-
cervicogenic headache (Headache Classification cent (1998) investigated the strength of a num-
Committee of the International Headache Soci- ber of symptoms collectively to identify the
ety 2004). headache types using the criteria for cervico-
There is now little dispute about the exis- genic headache (Sjaastad et al 1990) and those
tence of cervicogenic headache. However, of the IHS for tension-type and migraine head-
there is debate over its differential diagnosis ache. Although cervicogenic headache patients

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 1 CHAPTER 14

The pivotal symptom of neck pain is pertinent

Box 14.1
to a discussion of the differential diagnosis of cer-
Diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic vicogenic headache. Patients and clinicians alike
headache (adapted from Sjaastad can be tempted to entertain the notion that neck
et al 1998). pain accompanying headache suggests a cervical
1. Symptoms and signs of neck involvement musculoskeletal cause or component. However,
(i) Precipitation of comparable head pain by: neck pain is not an uncommon accompaniment
– Neck movement or sustained awkward
of migraine and tension-type headache (Bartsch
head postures, and/or
– External pressure over the upper
& Goadsby 2003a, Leone et al 1998, Fishbain
cervical or occipital region on the et al 2001, Solomon 1997) and can accompany
symptomatic side temporomandibular joint dysfunction (Mont-
(ii) Restriction of range of motion in the neck gomery et al 1992). This is due to the bi-direc-
(iii) Ipsilateral neck, shoulder or arm pain tional interactions between trigeminal afferents
2. Response to diagnostic anesthetic blocks and afferents from the three upper cervical
3. Unilaterality of head pain, without sideshift nerves in the trigeminocervical nucleus (Bartsch
4. Head pain characteristics & Goadsby 2002, 2003b). In other words, as
(i) Moderate-severe, non-throbbing and much as nociceptive activity in cervical afferents
non-lancinating pain, usually starting in can result in referred pain to the head, nocicep-
the neck tive activity in the trigeminal afferents can refer
(ii) Episodes of varying duration pain into the neck. The pathogeneses of migraine
(iii) Fluctuating continuous pain
and tension-type headache do not lie in cervical
5. (i) Lack of effect of idomethician musculoskeletal dysfunction. There is no evi-
(ii) Lack of effect of ergotomine and dence of biological markers for the activation of
the trigeminovascular system in cervicogenic
(iii) Female gender
(iv) Not infrequent history of head or indirect headache as is found in migraine (Frese et al
neck trauma 2005). The question is whether a pain referred
6. (i) Nausea to the neck can, over time, set up secondary cer-
(ii) Phonophobia and photophobia vical musculoskeletal changes which could be
(iii) Dizziness assisted with physical therapies.
(iv) Ipsilateral blurred vision Another factor is a history of head or neck
(v) Difficulties on swallowing trauma associated with the onset of headache.
(vi) Ipsilateral edema, mostly in the periocular It is also not illogical for either patients or clini-
area cians to be tempted to accredit a cervicogenic
origin of headache when the history of headache
is related to a whiplash injury. However Rada-
nov et al (2001), for example, investigated 112
reported myriad symptoms and aggravating fea- patients with persistent headache following
tures which overlapped with other headache a whiplash injury and found that 37% of head-
types, Vincent (1998) found that the features aches were tension-type, 27% were migraine,
which most distinguished cervicogenic head- 18% were cervicogenic, and 18% were unclassi-
ache were unilateral, side-locked headache, fiable. Thus the headache type is not necessarily
and headache association with neck postures cervicogenic even though related to a neck
or movements. injury.

SECTION TWO Approaches

While some level of certainty can be gained community, the resources, expertise and
from a collection of symptoms to diagnose manpower requirements of this diagnostic
cervicogenic headache (see Box 14.1), the procedure, it is unlikely to be able to serve in
long history of challenge in diagnosis con- the diagnosis of the vast majority of potential
tinues today (Xiaobin et al 2005). It is evi- cervicogenic patients. Cervicogenic headache
dent that more evidence is necessary to patients are generally managed conservatively
define cervicogenic headache. It is suggested as a first line of treatment (Pollmann et al
that this can be provided by a detailed exam- 1997). Diagnostic blocks should be consid-
ination of the cervical musculoskeletal sys- ered, and are a necessary pre-treatment proce-
tem. The possible role of any cervical dure, for those more severe and recalcitrant
musculoskeletal dysfunction associated with headaches (Drottning et al 2002, Lord & Bog-
neck pain in migraine and tension-type head- duk 2002) to guide surgical techniques such as
ache could also be determined from such an radiofrequency neurotomies (Govind et al
examination. 2003, McDonald et al 1999, van Suijlekom
et al 1998).
The other evidence acceptable under the
Cervical musculoskeletal guidelines of the IHS to diagnose a cervico-
impairment in headache genic headache is the demonstration of clini-
cal signs that implicate a source of pain in
With the symptomatic overlap between fre- the neck, using reliable and valid operational
quent intermittent types and the frequent tests to establish causal relationships. The
co-occurrence of neck pain, more evidence physical criteria for cervicogenic headache in
of a cervical origin of headache is required the current classification criteria are sparse
to make the diagnosis of cervicogenic head- with only restricted neck motion and palpa-
ache. Both the IHS (Headache Classification ble tenderness over the upper cervical or
Committee of the International Headache occipital region on the symptomatic side
Society 2004) and the Cervicogenic Head- listed (see Box 14.1). It is thus pertinent to
ache International Study Group classification review studies which have investigated cervi-
criteria for cervicogenic headache (Sjaastad cal musculoskeletal impairment in cervico-
et al 1998) include the use of diagnostic anes- genic headache patients and other neck
thetic blocks (see Box 14.1, point 2). There disorders to determine the potential for tests
are those who strongly advocate the use of of musculoskeletal features to distinguish this
diagnostic nerve or joint blocks as the only headache type from other frequent intermit-
valid way to diagnose cervicogenic headache tent headache types.
(Bogduk 2005). There is no in-principle
objection to this stance. However for the Range of movement
blocks to be valid, they must be placebo-con-
trolled and performed under fluoroscopic Restriction of neck motion is one of the two
guidance (Lord et al 1995). The diagnostic published criteria for cervicogenic headache.
techniques are not office procedures (Bogduk Dumas et al (2001) measured range of motion
2005). In view of the relative frequency in cervicogenic headache patients and com-
of frequent intermittent headache in the pared ranges in those whose headaches were

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 1 CHAPTER 14

related to a motor vehicle crash to those whose Manual palpation of symptomatic

headaches were of an insidious origin. They joint dysfunction
found that range of motion was significantly
reduced in the whiplash group, but the insidi- Restricted movement is characteristic of cervi-
ous onset group was not different to the con- cogenic headache yet radiological analysis has
trol group. However Zwart (1997) measured not proven to be successful in identifying
range of neck movement in subjects with symptomatic segments (Antonaci et al 2001,
cervicogenic headache, migraine, and tension- Fredriksen et al 1989, Pfaffenrath et al 1987).
type headache and compared values to a non- Manual palpation is an alternate clinical
headache control group. There was a significant method of assessment to determine the pres-
reduction in range of movement (axial rotation ence of symptomatic segmental dysfunction.
and flexion/extension) in cervicogenic head- It is used by manual therapy practitioners of
ache subjects compared to the other headache several health disciplines and relies on the
groups and asymptomatic controls. Notably, provocation of pain and the perception of
there were no differences in range of motion altered tissue compliance (often segmental
between the control subjects of similar mean muscle reaction) to gentle manual pressure
age and the migraine and tension-type head- applied rhythmically on each cervical segment.
ache groups, despite a prolonged history of It has been difficult to gain acceptable intra-
headache (migraine group, mean duration 13.4 and inter-rater reliability when the reliability of
years; tension-type headache, mean duration separate components of manual examination
10.4 years). This suggests that cervical muscu- (magnitude of pain provocation and segmental
loskeletal impairment may not accompany mobility) are tested (Pool et al 2004). A recent
migraine and tension-type headache, despite study using one medical examiner (King et al
headache chronicity, and would suggest that 2007) demonstrated high sensitivity but low
reduced range of movement might be a strong specificity of manual examination to detect
diagnostic characteristic of cervicogenic head- the precise locations of symptomatic joints
ache. Nevertheless, Bogduk (2005) highlights within a group of neck pain patients. However,
that there was some overlap in ranges of in studies where the requirement of manual
motion between the groups, thus preventing a segmental examination is only to diagnose the
diagnostic threshold of abnormality. Addition- presence or absence of symptomatic cervical
ally the effects of age on range of motion must joints in a patient’s headache syndrome, results
be considered when range of motion is taken as are indicating that it is a suitably reliable clini-
a singular feature (Chen et al 1999, Sjaastad cal test. This has been shown both directly
et al 2003). Despite these issues, measurement and indirectly in various studies which have
of cervical range of movement could form part either tested the accuracy of manual exam-
of a diagnostic battery of tests. This should be ination or used manual examination to differ-
inclusive of a measure of head rotation with entiate cervicogenic headache from other
the neck positioned in full flexion to bias headache types or control subjects (Amiri
rotation to the C1–C2 segment (Hall & et al 2007, Gijsberts et al 1999a & b, Jull
Robinson 2004) as this measure reliably detects et al 1988, 1997, 2007a, Zito et al 2006) to
cervicogenic headaches associated with dys- locate the segmental source of pain in cervico-
function primarily at this segment (Ogince genic headache (Hall & Robinson 2004, Jull
et al 2007). et al 1988, Lord et al 1994, Ogince et al 2007).

SECTION TWO Approaches

Impairment in the muscle system all stages of the CCFT test compared to con-
trol subjects and this is associated with higher
Impaired muscle function is a hallmark of mus- measured activity in the SCM and AS in the
culoskeletal disorders. Recent research is neck pain patients (Falla et al 2004a). Several
beginning to unravel the complexity of the cer- studies have shown this impairment in the
vical and cervicobrachial muscle impairments deep cervical flexors as well as the altered mus-
associated with cervical spine disorders (Falla cle strategy in the superficial flexors in patients
2004). Impairment is present on a number of with cervical disorders, including cervicogenic
levels of function. These include the aberrant headache, either using less invasive versions of
way in which muscles are used and coordinated the test by measuring the EMG activity in the
in various tasks, as well as declines in fatigabil- superficial flexors only (Jull 2000, Jull et al
ity, endurance capacity at both high and low 2004a, Sterling et al 2003, Zito et al 2006)
loads, and muscle strength. (Fig. 14.1) or through clinical assessment of
the stage of the test that neck pain patients
Changes in patterns of muscle
Several studies have documented changes in
the patterns of usage of muscles in the cervico-
brachial region in patients with neck pain disor-
ders, using cognitive, functional and automatic
In the cognitive task of craniocervical flexion
(craniocervical flexion test, CCFT), the pat-
tern of activity between the deep (longus capi-
tis and colli) and superficial cervical flexor
muscles (sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and ante-
rior scalene (AS) muscles) has been examined
in a number of studies. The CCFT assesses
the contractile capacity of the longus capitis
and colli to perform, in five stages, progres-
sively increasing inner range contractions in
their primary anatomical action. These muscles
have been shown to be important for the con-
trol of the cervical curve and segments
(Mayoux-Benhamou et al 1994). A novel sur-
face EMG electrode inbuilt into a nasopharyn- Figure 14.1  The craniocervical flexion test measuring
geal catheter has recently allowed direct activity in the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene
measurement of the longus capitis and colli in muscles with surface EMG. A pressure sensor is positioned
behind the neck to monitor the slight flattening of the
the CCFT in a laboratory setting (Falla et al cervical curve which accompanies the contraction of
2003a, 2006). It has been shown that patients longus colli. The test is performed in five stages of
increasingly inner range craniocervical flexion. Patients are
with neck pain demonstrate a reduced level of guided to each stage with feedback from the pressure
EMG activity in the longus capitis/colli across sensor.

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 1 CHAPTER 14

and control subjects can achieve (Chiu et al patients. Evidence indicates that there is a
2005, Jull et al 1999, 2002, Petersen 2003). feed-forward response of the cervical muscles
Studies have also investigated the pattern of during postural perturbations, presumably to
activity of cervicobrachial muscles in patients provide stability for the neck as well as the
with neck pain of both insidious and traumatic head for the visual and vestibular systems
onset during functional activities (Falla et al (Falla et al 2004c, Gurfinkel et al 1988). Falla
2004b, Nederhand et al 2003). More specifi- et al (2004d) investigated temporal parameters
cally, activity in the upper trapezeii (Falla of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscle
et al 2004b, Nederhand et al 2003) and SCM activation in neck pain patients and controls
and AS muscles was measured (Falla et al using a rapid unilateral arm movement task to
2004b) while subjects performed a repetitive induce an internal postural perturbation. The
unilateral task using their right hand, which neck pain subjects displayed delayed onsets of
involved marking three targets positioned on a all muscles monitored in the task, the longus
desk in front of them. Collectively, these stud- capitis/colli as well as the SCM and AS mus-
ies revealed that the neck pain subjects demon- cles, in comparison to the control subjects.
strated higher co-activation of the contralateral The delays in the longus capitis/colli were the
upper trapezius, SCM and AS muscles com- most substantial. These delays in neck muscle
pared to control subjects as well as a decreased activity associated with arm movement indi-
ability to relax the muscles on completion of cate a deficit in the automatic feed-forward
the task. This is analogous with the increased control of cervical spine stability in the neck
activity in the SCM and AS demonstrated in pain patients. This change in the feed-forward
the CCFT. The ipsilateral upper trapezius response in persons already with neck pain,
demonstrated lesser activity, which could have might leave the cervical spine further vulnera-
been an adaptation to pain. Bansevicius and ble to strain, a factor worth considering given
Sjaastad (1996) measured activity (EMG) of the often recurrent and prolonged histories of
shoulder-neck and facial muscles as well as pain pain commonly encountered in patients with
levels in cervicogenic headache subjects before, neck pain and cervicogenic headache.
during, and after a stressful reaction time test.
In the headache patients as compared to con- Muscle fatigability, endurance
trol subjects, pain values increased markedly and strength
for the shoulder region during the test, while
pain values for the temple and neck increased There is evidence that the neck muscles
in the post-test period. Upper trapezius activ- become more fatigable in patients with neck
ity increased significantly in the headache pain. Gogia and Sabbahi (1994) measured
patients during the test while there was no sig- fatigue patterns of the neck flexors and exten-
nificant increase in trapezius activity in control sors in neck pain patients. Muscle fatigue was
subjects. Thus altered patterns of muscle activ- evident in both flexors and extensors at 80%
ity are present in patients with cervical muscu- and 100% of maximum voluntary contraction
loskeletal disorders in functional and stress (MVC) when compared to control subjects.
related tasks. However when measured at 50% MVC, fatigue
The timing of cervical flexor muscle activa- was only evident in the neck flexors. Falla et al
tion has also been measured in automatic func- (2003b) examined fatigability of the sternoclei-
tion during postural perturbations in neck pain domastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS)

SECTION TWO Approaches

muscles during sustained cervical flexion con- supports the findings of fatigability at these
tractions in patients with chronic neck pain loads by Falla et al (2003b) but supports the
and control subjects and investigated fatigue need in rehabilitation to exercise the muscles
at lower levels of MVC (25% and 50%). over a range of contraction intensities.
Greater myoelectric manifestations of SCM
and AS muscle fatigue were identified for the Muscle length
neck pain patient group. The results confirmed
Gogia and Sabbahi’s (1994) findings of greater Muscle stretching has been included in early
fatigability of the cervical flexors in neck pain multimodal management approaches for cervi-
patients at moderate loads (50% MVC) but cogenic headache (Graff-Radford et al 1987,
also established greater flexor muscle fatigabil- Jaeger 1989). Research into the prevalence of
ity during low load sustained contractions (25% muscle tightness in cervicogenic headache is
MVC). When functional requirements of every sparse, probably reflecting the difficulty in
day activities are considered, this level of developing quantitative measures to represent
contraction is more commensurate with daily the length of muscles in the cervicobrachial
cervical muscle use than MVCs and has impli- region. Three studies (Jull et al 1999, Trelea-
cations for the nature of rehabilitative exercise. ven et al 1994, Zito et al 2006) have used
Similarly, greater fatigability has been shown conventional clinical tests of muscle length
in the upper trapezius muscles in patients to variously assess the upper trapezius, levator
with neck pain with an active repetitive arm scapulae, scalene, suboccipital extensor and
elevation task (Falla & Farina 2005). pectoral muscle groups in cervicogenic head-
In tandem with the findings of increased ache cohorts compared to control or other
fatigability in the neck muscles, mechanical headache groups. The notable finding of these
measures of muscle performance have revealed studies was that differences between head-
that reduced muscle endurance as well as ache and control groups were not remarkable.
decreased muscle strength is present in The overall incidence of clinically relevant
patients with neck disorders, including cervico- muscle tightness was comparatively low albeit
genic headache (Barton & Hayes 1996, Dumas higher in the cervicogenic headache groups
et al 2001, Placzek et al 1999, Treleaven et al and distributed across the various muscles.
1994, Watson & Trott 1993). Two researchers Muscle tightness was not necessarily present
have specifically focused on the measure of cra- in all headache subjects suggesting that assess-
niocervical flexion, as distinct from cervical ment of the individual patient is necessary to
flexion, using specially designed dynamometers guide prescription of any muscle lengthening
(O’Leary et al 2005, Watson & Trott 1993). exercises.
Both studies determined that the craniocervical
flexors had reduced strength and endurance Sensorimotor system
compared to control subjects in line with the
studies testing global cervical strength and There has been considerable interest in recent
endurance. Notably, O’Leary et al (2007) also times in impairments in the sensorimotor sys-
found that neck pain patients had a signifi- tem in patients with neck pain, particularly as
cantly reduced capacity to sustain isometric symptoms of light-headedness or dizziness
craniocervical flexion muscle contractions at and unsteadiness are not infrequently reported.
20% of MVC and 50% of MVC, which not only The deep muscles of the neck in particular

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 1 CHAPTER 14

have a vast density of muscle spindles (Bakker (Alund et al 1991, 1993, Karlberg et al
& Richmond 1982, Boyd-Clark et al 2002, 1995,1996, Kogler et al 2000, Sjostrom et al
Kulkarni et al 2001, Liu et al 2003), and there 2003, Treleaven et al 2005a). There are no
are complex functional and reflex interactions known studies of balance, specific to cervico-
between the vestibular and visual systems and genic headache. Nevertheless considering the
the cervical somatosensory system (Bolton & frequency with which balance disturbances
Tracey 1992, Corneil et al 2002, Gdowski & have been identified in patients with neck disor-
McCrea 2000, Hirai et al 1984, Isa & Sasaki ders, this is an area for future research. Clinical
2002, Shinoda et al 1994, Xiong & Matsushita assessment of balance warrants consideration
2001) which are likely to provide the bases in the physical examination of cervicogenic
for these symptoms. The measures that have headache patients.
been made in patients with neck disorders The clinical test for sensory interaction in
include measures of joint position error, stand- balance that was developed by Shumway-Cook
ing balance and eye movement control. and Horak (1986) is suitable for the clinical
environment. It consists of six tests that gradu-
Joint position error ally alter the degree of difficulty for balance in
bilateral stance. Balance is tested with eyes
Joint position error (JPE) is commonly used as open, eyes closed and under visual conflict on
a measure of cervical kinesthetic sense. It is a firm and soft surfaces. Comfortable stance is
measure of the ability to relocate the natural commonly used, although narrow, tandem and
head posture whilst vision is occluded (Revel unilateral stance can be used to challenge the
et al 1991). This test has been found to be cervical sensorimotor system at higher levels,
the most repeatable and reliable of a group of which may be in order for cervical musculo-
similar tests (Kristjansson et al 2001, 2003). skeletal disorders.
Greater cervical JPEs have been shown in per-
sons with both idiopathic neck pain and neck Eye movement control
pain associated with trauma (whiplash) (Heik-
kila & Astrom 1996, Heikkila & Wengren As with standing balance, there are no known
1998, Kristjansson et al 2003, Revel et al studies that have specifically investigated eye
1991, Treleaven et al 2003). Dumas et al movement control in a cervicogenic headache
(2001) failed to find any difference in JPE in group. However a number of studies have been
patients with cervicogenic headache of insidi- undertaken which have identified abnormalities
ous or post-traumatic onset, but the authors in eye movement, using electro-oculography,
had concerns with their methodology. It has in patients with both idiopathic neck pain
also been shown that JPE is greatest in those and whiplash associated disorders (Gimse et al
subjects who report dizziness in association 1996, Heikkila et al 1998, Hildingsson et al
with their neck pain (Treleaven et al 2003). 1989, 1993, Tjell & Rosenhall 1998, Treleaven
et al 2005b).
Standing balance Abnormalities of smooth pursuit eye move-
ments may be present in disorders of the ves-
Several studies have documented disturbances tibular system, the central nervous system as
to standing balance in patients with neck pain well as cervical disorders. The smooth pursuit
using computerized dynamic posturography neck torsion test was developed by Tjell and

SECTION TWO Approaches

Rosenhall (1998) to attempt to differentiate a whiplash associated disorders than those with
cervical origin from these other causes. In the idiopathic neck pain and within these cate-
test, the eye movement pursuit is measured in gories, disturbances are greater in those who
a neutral head position and measured again report the symptom of dizziness or light-
when the neck is rotated (torsioned) via the headedness and visual disturbances (Gimse
trunk with the head kept still. The rotated et al 1997, Tjell & Rosenhall 1998, Treleaven
position stimulates the cervical receptors but et al 2005b). As with balance disturbances,
not the vestibular receptors. Tjell and Rosen- there is sufficient evidence of this impairment
hall (1998) were able to demonstrate that in eye movement control in patients with cervi-
there was no change in smooth pursuit when cal disorders to warrant specific research in a
measured in a neutral compared to a neck- cervicogenic headache cohort. It could be sug-
rotated position in normal subjects or in sub- gested that there are also sufficient indications
jects with central nervous system or vestibular to warrant tests of eye movement control in
dysfunction, but there was a difference in sub- the clinical setting, especially in cervicogenic
jects with neck disorders. headache patients presenting with symptoms
The results from several studies of neck pain of light-headedness or dizziness, or visual dis-
patients indicate that impairments in eye turbances in association with their headache
movement control are greater in subjects with (Fig. 14.2).


Figure 14.2  Eye follow can be tested in the clinical setting by observing for saccades while the
patient follows movement of a pen through an excursion of approximately 40 either side of the
midline. Performance in a neutral position of the head is compared to that when the trunk is rotated
beneath a stationary head (cervical torsion). An increase in the number of saccades in the neck
torsion position suggests a cervical cause.

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 1 CHAPTER 14

Neural system Cervical posture

Compression of neural structures is a rare The forward head posture is believed to be a
cause of cervicogenic headache but cases of common poor postural position associated with
compression of the upper cervical nerve roots, cervicogenic headache. However studies in this
the dorsal root ganglion or the greater occipital area are divided in their findings and have not
nerve have been recorded (Hildebrandt & Jan- produced convincing evidence for a strong
sen 1984, Jansen 2000, Jansen et al 1989a, association between static measures of the
1989b, Pikus & Phillips 1995). This usually forward head postural position and neck pain
results in a distinct neuropathic type pain and or neck pain and headache (Dumas et al
can be clearly identified (Bogduk 2004). 2001, Griegel-Morris et al 1992, Grimmer
The dura mater of the upper cervical cord and 1997, Lee et al 2003, Treleaven et al 1994,
the posterior cranial fossa receives innervation Watson & Trott 1993). Nevertheless, evidence
from branches of the upper three cervical nerves is emerging that functional postures may have
(Bogduk 2004) and as such, is capable of being greater relevance. It has been shown that with
one of the causes of cervicogenic headache. sedentary work, for example at a computer,
Anatomical studies have demonstrated fibrous the head subtly drifts into a more forward posi-
connections between the rectus capitus poste- tion in persons with neck pain as opposed to
rior minor and the cervical dura mater (Hack those without neck pain (Falla et al 2007a,
et al 1995) and continuity has been observed Szeto et al 2002) and this is associated with
between the ligamentum nuchae and the poste- altered muscle recruitment patterns in the
rior spinal dura at the first and second cervical neck extensor and upper trapezius muscles in
levels (Mitchell et al 1998). Neural tissues such office workers with neck pain (Szeto et al
as the dura could become a source of cervico- 2003). This highlights the need for attention
genic headache in association with, for example, on training functional working postures in
inflammatory reactions from an upper cervical rehabilitation.
musculoskeletal disorder. Neural tissue may
become sensitive to movement.
Little is known of the role of neural tissue Patterns of impairment in
mechanosensitivity in cervicogenic headache. cervicogenic headache
In two studies which used the clinical struc-
tural differentiation test (passive upper cervical The attraction of anesthetic blocks is that they
flexion, which is repeated with the neural tis- can definitively identify a pain source (joint
sues pre-tensioned by either straight leg raise blocks) or at least the segmental source of pain
or placement of the upper limb in the brachial (nerve blocks) for the diagnosis of cervicogenic
plexus provocation test position) (Jull 1994), headache. It is a more challenging task to match
the incidence was low: 10% of 200 (Jull et al this procedure with a single physical sign in the
2002) and 7.4% of 27 (Zito et al 2006) cervico- cervical musculoskeletal system due to the range
genic headache subjects. This suggests that of values that can be present in any single physi-
although neural tissue mechanosensitivity may cal test (Bogduk 2005). Acknowledging this
have a role in a few cervicogenic headache syn- problem, a study was undertaken in which a bat-
dromes, in general it is not a strong characteris- tery of clinical measures was used to examine
tic sign. a community-based population with chronic

SECTION TWO Approaches

frequent intermittent headache, inclusive of cervicogenic headache as one of their two or

those with migraine, tension-type and cervico- more headache types. Thus while a single phys-
genic headache (Amiri et al 2007, Jull et al ical measure in a headache patient, for example
2007a). The range of cervical movement, the restricted range of movement, may not be
presence of painful cervical segmental dysfunc- unique to cervicogenic headache, if this restric-
tion (manual examination), SCM activity in tion in range is accompanied by palpably pain-
the CCFT, cervical flexor and extensor muscle ful upper cervical joint dysfunction and
strength, an ultrasound imaging measure of impairment in tests of cervical muscle func-
selected extensor muscles at the C2 level and tion, then there is a high certainty for a diagno-
cervical joint position error (JPE) were sis of cervicogenic headache.
measured. Forty-five percent of the group
reported one headache type and the remainder
reported two or more concurrent headaches. Conclusion
This study revealed that of subjects report-
ing one headache, the cervicogenic headache Cervicogenic headache results in substantial
group had greater impairments in all cervical quality of life burdens, comparable (albeit
musculoskeletal measures with the exception with differences) to that of migraine and ten-
of JPE. Interestingly, the musculoskeletal pro- sion-type headache (van Suijlekom et al
file of those classified as tension-type or 2003). The historical disputes about the exis-
migraine was no different to the control group. tence of headaches related to cervical spine
It was further shown that a pattern of musculo- disorders have lost impetus. Nevertheless the
skeletal impairment discriminated cervicogenic challenge remains to accurately differentiate
headache from migraine, tension-type, and cervicogenic headache from other headache
control subjects with a high sensitivity and types so that the most appropriate treatment
specificity. This pattern was inclusive of the can be offered to the headache patient. Latest
presence of palpable symptomatic upper cervi- research suggests that this can be achieved
cal joint dysfunction (C0–C3) in association with the presence of a pattern of symptoms
with restricted range of motion (extension in characteristic of cervicogenic headache in
this study) and impairment in the craniocervi- combination with a pattern of cervical move-
cal flexion test. Furthermore when the subjects ment and muscle impairments. A better
with two or more concurrent frequent inter- understanding of the precise nature of the
mittent headaches were grouped on these impairments in the cervical musculoskeletal
three factors, it was found that this pattern of function associated with cervicogenic head-
musculoskeletal impairment was only present ache lays the basis for optimal programs of
in those subjects who were classified with a conservative management.

References appear at the end of Part 2 of
this discussion (Chapter 15, p. 189).

Chapter Fifteen

Physiotherapy management of
cervicogenic headache: Part 2
Gwendolen Jull

disorder but caution is required in instances of

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic
acute onset severe headache. The vertebral artery
headache is supported by high quality scientific
research. In this chapter the author, a in its upper course, as well as the spinal dura
musculoskeletal physiotherapist, presents a mater and the dura mater of the posterior cranial
multimodal management regimen addressing fossa, receive a nerve supply from the upper cer-
articular dysfunction, correction of muscle system
vical nerves (Bogduk 2004). Hence occipital or
impairments, and retraining of sensorimotor
deficits. Patient education and promotion of suboccipital pain may accompany the acute onset
healthy work and lifestyle practices are seen as of severe headaches of more sinister pathologies
integral to the program. such as a spontaneous dissection of the vertebral
artery (Sturzenegger 1994). Patients presenting
with first time severe headache or headaches that
Conservative therapies are the first line approach are progressively worsening always require urgent
to the management of cervicogenic headache medical review (Silberstein 1992).
(Pollmann et al 1997, Sjaastad et al 1997) with The evidence supports a multimodal
surgical procedures such as radiofrequency neu- approach for management of cervical musculo-
rotomies (Boswell et al 2007) being indicated in skeletal disorders (Gross et al 2007). Conserva-
those with chronic and usually severe headaches tive management may use several therapeutic
which are recalcitrant to conservative care. The strategies in the rehabilitation of the cervico-
conservative physical therapies of manipulative genic headache patient. One management pro-
therapy and specific therapeutic exercise have gram is outlined in Table 15.1 and is based on
been shown to be effective in the management the evidence of the impairments presenting in
of cervicogenic headache (Jull et al 2002). the cervical musculoskeletal system. The pro-
Accurate differential diagnosis is fundamental gram aims to reduce headache and associated
to successful management of any headache type. symptoms and to prevent recurrences by rehabi-
Diagnostic accuracy for cervicogenic headache is litating the musculoskeletal impairments asso-
strengthened in the presence of a pattern of ciated with headache and educating the patient
symptomatic features in association with a pat- on healthy work and lifestyle practices. Several
tern of cervical musculoskeletal impairment. of the intervention strategies have overlapping
Cervicogenic headache is usually a benign effects on the pain, motor and sensorimotor
SECTION TWO Approaches

Table 15.1 A multimodal approach to the management of cervicogenic headache.

Target Intervention
Outcome measures Patient centered
Headache frequency, intensity, duration
Neck Disability Index (Vernon & Silvano 1991)
Patient Specific Functional Scale (Westaway et al 1998)
Quantitative evaluation of physical impairments e.g. ROM, CCFT

Pain management Assurance, education and advice

Medical management (pharmaceutical)
Specific low load therapeutic exercise, emphasizing muscle control
Manipulative therapy

Movement dysfunction Manipulative therapy

Specific active exercise directed to the segmental level

Muscle system Re-education of muscle control of the craniocervical and cervicobrachial regions
Re-education of craniocervical and cervicobrachial movement patterns
Training of neck muscle endurance at different contraction intensities
Training of neck muscle strength

Sensorimotor system Re-education of kinesthetic awareness

Re-education of balance
Re-education of eye movement control

Neural system Management of articular dysfunction

Gentle mobilization of neural structures

Self management Advice on ergonomic aspects of occupation and activities of daily living
Strategies to prevent factors provocative of headache; adaptation to new work or movement strategies.
Posture re-education for work and daily activities.
Participation in specific exercise program.
ROM ¼ range of motion; CCFT ¼ Cranio-cervical flexion test.

systems. A brief description of this physical et al 1997), with a reduction in their use being
therapy approach to management is provided. a positive outcome measure for the effects
It is presented in separate sections, although in of rehabilitation. Good communication and
clinical practice, these procedures are imple- patient education is essential. Assurance is
mented concurrently as per the individual provided on the benign nature of cervicogenic
patient’s needs and are progressed accordingly. headache and education is given about the path-
ophysiology of pain and headache and its links
Pain management with cervical impairments and provocative life-
style factors. Understanding the condition and
The headache and neck pain is managed with its features relieves anxiety and places the
several strategies often initially in association patient well to be an informed and active con-
with analgesics (Pollmann et al 1997, Sjaastad tributor in the rehabilitation process.

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 2 CHAPTER 15

Therapeutic strategies such as manipulative comment that both high velocity and low veloc-
therapy and specific exercise for both the motor ity manipulative therapy procedures have been
and sensorimotor systems have been shown in shown to have benefit for cervicogenic headache
controlled trials to have pain relieving effects as (Jull et al 2002, Nilsson et al 1997, Schoensee
well as other physiological effects on the rele- et al 1995, Whittingham et al 1994). Debate
vant systems (Hoving et al 2002, Jull et al in the future will likely continue on risk/benefit
2002, Nilsson et al 1997, Revel et al 1994). issues of the two forms of technique (Dabbs &
Manipulative therapy procedures appear to act Lauretti 1995, Ernst 2002, Haldeman et al
on multiple levels of the central nervous system 1999).
to achieve their analgesic effects (Dishman & Active exercise is an essential reinforcement
Burke 2003, Haavik-Taylor & Murphy 2007, of movement gained with manipulative therapy
Skyba et al 2003, Sterling et al 2001, Vicenzino procedures as some of the range gained from
et al 1998). Manipulative therapy and thera- these passive treatments can be lost within 48
peutic exercise used singularly or in combination hours (Nansel et al 1990). The exercises should
have been shown to reduce headache fre- be directed to the dysfunctional segment(s) as
quency and intensity in persons with cervico- well as regionally. For example, the exercise
genic headache (Jull et al 2002, Nilsson et al may focus on craniocervical movements with,
1997, Schoensee et al 1995). for instance, the neck prepositioned in flexion
so that head rotation can mobilize more specifi-
cally the C1–C2 articulation (Amiri et al 2003,
Movement dysfunction
Hall & Robinson 2004). Assistive straps can be
As discussed in Chapter 14, the presence of used to apply a self-assisted mobilization to a par-
painful dysfunction in the upper cervical joints ticular spinal level (Mulligan 2003). The com-
and associated regions as well as restriction of bined use of arm elevation and head rotation
cervical motion is pathognomic of cervicogenic may assist mobilization of the often hypomobile
headache. Both manipulative therapy and active cervicothoracic region (Stewart et al 1995).
exercise can be used in a complementary way to
address these painful movement impairments. Muscle system
Several manipulative therapy approaches have
been used in the management of cervicogenic Improved understanding of the complexity of
headache including high velocity manipulative the impairments in the muscle system and its
thrust techniques, low velocity passive mobili- control by the central nervous system in cervi-
zation techniques and techniques combining cal disorders is continually shaping therapeu-
passive movement at the segmental level with tics. Some attention will be given to a brief
active movement (Jull et al 2002, Mulligan description of one exercise approach based on
1995, Nilsson et al 1997, Schoensee et al the current evidence of the impairments in
1995, Whittingham et al 1994). The choice of the muscle system. It seems unlikely that these
manipulative therapy technique is derived from muscle impairments will resolve spontaneously
the information gained about the nature and without specific intervention, even though pain
direction of the movement dysfunction in the may have subsided (Jull et al 2002, Sterling
physical examination as well as the pain et al 2003). Restoring as normal function as
response to movement and there are numerous possible in the muscle system would logically
texts describing such techniques. Suffice it to be concordant with the aim of intervening into

SECTION TWO Approaches

the deep cervical flexors, longus capitis and

Box 15.1
colli, commences with the patient learning to
Exercise approach to management of perform craniocervical flexion as a true rotation
muscle system impairment. in the sagittal plane in a supine lying position.
Stage 1: Specific activation of deep and postural Feedback of the correct action is gained by
supporting muscles
the patient perceiving the cephalad-caudad
Stage 2: Training endurance capacity
Stage 3: Training movement patterns slide of the back of the head on the supporting
Stage 4: Higher level strength and endurance surface and a large range of movement is used
training initially for movement awareness. Self-palpa-
tion of the superficial flexors provides feed-
back to help the patient achieve the action
the chronic nature of this condition and pre- without unwanted use of the superficial flexor
venting recurrent episodes of headache. muscles (Fig. 15.1).
There are several ways that muscles can be Two sets of exercise are practiced for the
exercised but evidence is emerging which sup- neck extensors. The first is craniocervical
ports the benefits of specificity of exercise rel- rotation (which emphasizes the action of the
evant to the particular impairment (Falla et al obliquus capitis superior and inferior) and cra-
2007a & b, Jull et al 2007b). The exercise niocervical extension (which emphasizes the
approach is summarized in Box 15.1; it empha- action of the rectus capitis posterior major and
sizes motor learning in the first instance (Jull minor). The second is active cervical extension
et al 2004b). The program comprises progres- maintaining the craniocervical position in a neu-
sive stages and patients progress through the tral position. While all neck extensors will con-
different stages as they master each step. The tribute to this action, it emphasizes the cervical
progress is rapid for some (2–4 weeks) but extensors (for example the semispinalis cervicis
may take 6–8 weeks in others. and multifidus rather than the extensors of the
head (splenius capitis and semispinalis capitis))
Specific activation of deep and postural (Fig. 15.2).
supporting muscles
An emphasis is placed initially on specific acti-
vation and training of the deep neck and scapu-
lar supporting muscles in formal exercises as
well as incorporating their activity in their
functional role of active postural support. This
is in response to the reduced activation capac-
ity and the changed movement strategies that
patients have been shown to use in response
to this deep muscle weakness (Falla et al
2004a, Jull et al 2004a).
In the therapeutics, attention is first placed
on the patient achieving correct patterns of Figure 15.1  Training the pattern of craniocervical flexion
movement to ensure that the target muscles with the patient palpating the superficial neck flexors to
ensure performance is with the deep longus capitis and
can be activated without substitution from colli. Downward and upward eye movement is used to help
inappropriate synergists. The re-education of facilitate the flexors and extensors respectively.

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 2 CHAPTER 15


Figure 15.2  Exercises in the four point kneeling position (A) starting position, (B) to emphasize the
suboccipital extensors, (C) to emphasize the cervical extensors.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Scapular muscle re-education is commenced A neutral thoracic position may be assumed auto-
with the patient being taught to move and hold matically but may require a correction with a
the scapulae in a neutral position on the chest subtle sternal depression if the thoracic region
wall, with appropriate interaction of the tripar- is held in extension or conversely a subtle sternal
tite trapezius muscle and in particular the serra- lift if the thorax is in some flexion. The head-
tus anterior muscle, without unwanted activity neck posture is corrected through a subtle active
of the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids or levator sca- elongation of the neck and the patient practices
pulae. Scapular muscle control is undertaken sliding the scapulae to their neutral position on
and practiced in sitting in tandem with correc- the chest wall. The process of learning to move
tion of the upright spinal postural position so to a neutral postural position may have to be
that regular practice can occur throughout the sequentially taught if patients have problems
day. Training is also undertaken in a side lying assuming particular components. Frequent cor-
or prone position where the clinician can pro- rection to an upright neutral posture serves two
vide specific facilitation to the scapular syner- functions. It ensures a regular reduction of
gists. On occasions, axioscapular muscles such adverse loads on the cervical joints induced by
as the pectoralis minor or major may require poor spinal, cervical and scapular postures. It also
lengthening to facilitate the scapular position trains the deep and postural stabilizing muscles in
training. In general, stretching of cervicobrachial their functional postural supporting role.
muscles is not a priority in this management Postural correction is practiced frequently
approach. Rather any muscle length changes throughout the day in the relearning process
are initially addressed by facilitating the correct and the position is held for at least 10 seconds
scapular position and utilizing the effect of in each practice repetition. Repetition also aims
reciprocal relaxation to gain length changes in for a change in postural habit. In addition, the
shortened and often tender muscles which patient should undertake practice of the formal
often contribute to the scapular positional faults. exercises for the neck flexor, extensor and
This also respects any protective responses to scapular muscles at least twice per day in a
mechanosensitive nerve tissues which may be home exercise program.
accompanied by subtle tightness in the upper tra-
pezius or scalene muscles for which stretching is
ill advised. This approach is not to suggest that
Training endurance capacity
there is no indication for muscle stretching The holding capacity or endurance of muscles
but uses an alternative to stretching exercises has been shown to be deficient at various con-
that may be more successful in the long term by traction intensities, more so in the cervical
addressing the reasons for the muscle shortness. flexors than extensors (Falla et al 2003b, Gogia
Patients are taught to assume a neutral & Sabbahi 1994, O’Leary et al 2007). Holding
upright postural position in sitting to activate capacity is trained at low levels of maximum
the spinal postural supporting muscles function- voluntary contraction (MVC) in the first
ally. Posture is corrected from the pelvis, draw- instance. The deep cervical flexors are trained
ing the pelvis to an upright neutral position with with the craniocervical flexion action. A pres-
the formation of a low lumbar lordosis and sure sensor is placed behind the neck to pro-
activation of the lumbar multifidus. When vide feedback, not only on the stage of
performed precisely, this strategy also facilitates craniocervical flexion able to be attained, but
the longus capitis/colli (Falla et al 2007b). also whether the patient can successfully hold

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 2 CHAPTER 15

the position. Patients quickly learn the feel of position is practiced in sitting. This adds head
the contraction and are able to practice at load and gravity to the work of the flexors and
home without the feedback device. It is impor- trains them for eccentric control needed for
tant that the patient continues to use the cor- functional use. The exercise is practiced with
rect craniocervical flexion movement to train control and within pain free limits.
endurance at various test levels and does not The work of the scapular muscles and trunk
revert to a retraction action with inappropriate supporting muscles is increased using functional
muscle activity. Patients train over time to be scenarios. The exercise is designed as appropri-
able to progressively hold each inner range cra- ate to the patient’s occupation or aggravating
niocervical flexion position, performing 10 10 activities. For example, patients often report
second holds. that computer work provokes their headache.
The scapular muscles are trained with Thus an exercise is designed to practice arm
repeated inner range holds in the neutral scapu- movements within 30 of arm elevation while
lar position in prone or side lying. Training is maintaining correct head, neck, trunk as well as
also conducted in four-point kneeling, again scapular position to maintain a non stressful pos-
with a neutral spine position and with activation ture while using the keyboard and mouse. If the
of the serratus anterior to assist the holding of patient is involved in light industry, light weights
the neutral scapular position. The added advan- may be added to this exercise. Control of the
tage of the four-point kneeling position is the trunk and scapulae is the most important feature
concomitant antigravity work that the neck of these exercises. Higher levels of fatigue have
extensors perform against head load. Appropri- been found in the upper trapezius muscle in per-
ate scapular movement and control during arm sons with neck pain during repetitive arm eleva-
elevation and lowering often requires facilita- tions (Falla & Farina 2005), indicating that
tion and practice to avoid unnecessary loads on endurance training is required especially for
the cervical spine which may occur with poor patients whose occupation requires repeated
scapular mechanics and muscle use (Behrsin & arm elevation.
Maguire 1986).
Once activation of the deep neck flexors and Higher level strength and endurance
extensors is achieved, exercises are introduced training
to train their co-contraction for support. This Attention is directed towards strength and
is achieved through the use of alternating iso- endurance deficits in the neck flexor and exten-
metrics performed with slight self-resistance sor muscles once the deep muscles are working
in the rotation directions in an upright neutral appropriately in synergy with the superficial
sitting posture. synergists (e.g. the patient can perform inner
range craniocervical flexion holds with minimal
Training movement patterns work being contributed by the superficial flex-
Once the activation capacity of the deep neck ors). Endurance is trained at various contraction
flexors has been achieved (the patient can per- intensities in accordance with the evidence of
form and control inner range holding contrac- deficiencies at low and moderate levels of con-
tions of the longus capitis and colli at the traction intensity (O’Leary et al 2007). Progres-
highest level of the craniocervical flexion test sive resistance exercises are introduced for the
(CCFT), the pattern of a craniocervical and craniocervical flexors (resisted head flexion),
then cervical extension and return to the neutral the cervical flexors (head lift exercises with

SECTION TWO Approaches

control of the craniocervical flexion position laser pointer attached to a headband or with
from a position of head support on two and then practice of the task in front of a mirror.
one pillow) as well as the neck extensors (e.g. Balance exercises. Balance exercises are pro-
resistance provided to the head by a resistive gressed from comfortable stance to a narrow base
exercise band in the sitting or standing position). stance, tandem stance or one foot stance. At each
Strengthening regimens must not be provocative level the training progresses from eyes open, eyes
of symptoms and the levels of strength training closed to different supporting surfaces, for exam-
should match the functional requirements of ple standing on foam or an unstable surface.
the patient. Oculomotor exercises. The exercises include
eye follow with a stationary head, eye-head coor-
dination and gaze fixation with head movement
Sensorimotor system
(Revel et al 1994). They can be progressed by
Evidence is emerging for the efficacy of specific increasing speed of performance and the patient
exercise programs to address impairments iden- position, for example in lying, sitting and various
tified within the sensorimotor system in reduc- standing postures. Exercise can be done to the
ing neck pain and other associated symptoms point of dizziness, but exercise intensity should
such as dizziness and unsteadiness (Humphreys stop short of provoking prolonged periods of
& Ingrens 2002, Revel et al 1994). There are dizziness, increased pain and/or headache.
no known studies specific to cervicogenic head-
ache. However, in a clinical trial testing manipu- Neural system
lative therapy and specific exercise for the
management of cervicogenic headache, it was Neural tissues can be allodynic and mechano-
shown that subjects with dizziness associated sensitive in cervicogenic headache and in these
with their headache had lesser odds of achieving cases treatment must progress with caution as
a successful outcome (Jull & Stanton 2005). No such pain syndromes can easily be exacerbated.
exercises were specifically directed towards the Movement based treatments have been evol-
postural control system in this study and these ving over the past two to three decades to man-
results might provide a circuitous basis for their age neural tissue mechanosensitivity and the
inclusion in clinical practice until more substan- reader is referred to such sources for detailed
tial research is conducted in the field. description of treatment approaches (Butler
The elements of the exercise program 2000, Elvey 1979, 1997, Shacklock 2005). In
include head/neck relocation practice, balance, the presence of neural tissue mechanosensitiv-
and oculomotor exercises. The tasks can be ity, exercises for the craniocervical flexors, and
introduced early into the rehabilitation pro- in some cases scapular posture training, may
gram and should be performed such that they need modification as they can be provocative
do not produce pain or aggravate any symptoms of symptoms. Neural tissue mechanosensitivity
of dizziness for prolonged periods of time. may resolve with management of the articular
Relocation practice. The patient practices relo- system but often a program using sequences
cating the head back to the natural head posture of movement of the upper or lower limbs and
and to pre-determined positions in range in each neck is required to gently move or slide the
movement plane. Practice is initially with the nerve and nerve bed for proposed physiological
eyes open and then with eyes closed. The exer- effects of such movement on the neural tissues
cise is enhanced with feedback such as from a (Coppieters & Butler 2008).

Physiotherapy management of cervicogenic headache: Part 2 CHAPTER 15

Self-management regimen Conclusion

Active participation by the patient in their Evidence supports a multimodal approach for
management and goal setting is essential for management of cervical musculoskeletal disorders
its success. Patient compliance with the exer- including cervicogenic headache. Contemporary
cise regimen and other ergonomic advice and physiotherapy management of cervicogenic head-
lifestyle strategies can be enhanced with a ache uses several therapeutic strategies based on
thorough explanation of the rationale for the the presenting musculoskeletal impairments. The
exercise and other self help procedures. The program aims to reduce headache and associated
exercise regimen has immediate as well as symptoms and prevent recurrences by rehabilitat-
long term effects on the perception of palpa- ing the detected impairments associated with
ble neck pain (Jull et al 2002). This link headache and educating the patient on healthy
between the use of appropriate muscles and work and lifestyle practices. Several of the inter-
pain relief can be a powerful incentive for vention strategies have overlapping effects on the
exercise compliance. pain, motor, and sensorimotor systems.

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SECTION TWO Approaches

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Chapter Sixteen

Chiropractic approach
Grant Shevlin and Russell Mottram

and tension-type headache (TTH) (Boline 1995),

People with headache frequently seek
even though these primary headaches are likely
chiropractic care for symptom relief. In this
chapter the authors, both chiropractors, provide to have etiology in the central nervous system
an overview of the clinical and conceptual aspects (CNS) rather than a peripheral musculoskeletal
of chiropractic practice as they relate to cause.
management of headache and
Central to chiropractic practice is the detec-
temporomandibular disorders.
tion and correction of aberrant biomechanical
function of spinal articulations which chiroprac-
Chiropractors form the world’s third largest tors refer to as a spinal or vertebral ‘subluxation’.
regulated health care profession and are one The World Health Organization (WHO 2005)
of the most commonly utilized alternatives to defined chiropractic subluxation as: ‘A lesion or
medical care (Eisenberg 1998), with headache dysfunction in a joint or motion segment in
being one of the most frequent reasons for chi- which alignment, movement integrity, and/or
ropractic consultation (Coulter 2002, Hurwitz physiological function are altered, though con-
1998). Chiropractors practice within the scope tact between joint surfaces remains intact. It is
of musculoskeletal management with a primary essentially a functional entity, which may influ-
focus on spinal care. Chiropractic treatment ence biomechanical and neural integrity.’
typically involves the use of manual therapies The term subluxation when used by chiroprac-
including spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), tors is distinct from medical use of the term, and
which remains one of the most commonly refers to a conceptual model of spinal joint dys-
employed techniques for the management of function. Several varied models of spinal subluxa-
headache disorders (Fernandez de las Penas et al tion exist (Kent 1996), though common to most
2006). With training in manual therapies and models of spinal joint dysfunction is an acknowl-
their knowledge of spinal function, chiropractors edgement of a complex of dysfunction beyond a
are well positioned to manage cervicogenic head- purely biomechanical entity. Insights gained from
ache (CGH), which has a distinct musculoskeletal biomechanical and neuroscientific investigations
component. However, some studies suggest that allow for the continual discussion and refinement
SMT may be useful in the management of other of these models. Gatterman (1990) proposed a
headache types including migraine (Nelson 1998) model comprising three key components:
SECTION TWO Approaches

• Kinesiopathology – changes in joint Consequently several diverse and varied

mobility approaches have been developed for detecting
• Neuropathophysiology – facilitatory and/ and treating subluxation (CCP 1998). Some
or inhibitory effects on neural of the more commonly utilized approaches
mechanisms at the spinal level and/or include Applied Kinesiology (AK), sacro-occip-
higher levels ital technique (SOT), Gonstead, and activator
• Histopathology – biochemical changes techniques. (Grazier 1998). Clinical signs of
including inflammation and neuroimmune subluxation are generally reflective of the
responses. pathophysiological components of the subluxa-
The etiology, pathophysiology, definition and tion, ie. kinesiopatholgy, neuropathophysiol-
clinical relevance of the subluxation continues ogy, histopathology (Gatterman 1990). These
to be investigated and debated by the chiro- may include: altered alignment, aberrant spinal
practic profession (Keating 2005), though in joint motion, palpable soft tissue changes, loca-
Keating’s analysis ‘the sum of the evidence is lized/referred pain, muscle contraction or
inconclusive and the clinical relevance of the imbalance, focal joint tenderness, and altered
subluxation is yet to be scientifically demon- physiological function (Association of Chiro-
strated’. The Association of Chiropractic Col- practic Colleges 2008).
leges Chiropractic Paradigm (2008) claims the Walker (1997) determined the most com-
effects of spinal subluxation to extend beyond monly used methods for diagnosing subluxation
merely musculoskeletal with influence on as being; static palpation, pain description of
organ function and the greater well being of the patient, orthopedic tests, motion palpation,
the patient. Seaman (1998) comments that visual posture analysis, leg length discrepancy,
claims of this nature are dogmatic rather than neurological tests and plain static X-rays.
evidential and ‘beyond the limits of supportive Motion palpation was regarded as the most
data’. He argues that the nature of the sublux- reliable method. This technique involves pal-
ation has traditionally been debated from a pating the spinal joints as they move through
position of philosophy and theorizing rather and reach the limit of their normal range of
than what has been scientifically demonstrated. movement, allowing a qualitative assessment
Integral to determining a headache patient’s of joint mobility. An element of subjective
suitability for chiropractic management is the interpretation is inherent in this approach.
identification of spinal subluxation in the upper Though some studies report good intra-and
cervical region. With varying models of sublux- inter-practitioner reliability (Humphreys et al
ation being utilized within the profession 2004, Jull & Bullock 1987), a review of avail-
(Keating 2005), methods for detecting and cor- able studies by Seffinger et al (2003) observed
recting spinal subluxation are not entirely that motion palpation shows at best fair to
uniform and no ‘gold standard’ diagnostic indi- moderate intra-rater reliability and poor to fair
cator is evident. In order to identify, categorize inter-rater reliability. Some chiropractors uti-
and correct spinal subluxation, chiropractors lize analysis of plain film spinal radiographs
pragmatically rely on: ‘personal experience or and electro-myographic evaluation of spinal
the collective experience of the profession musculature to attain a more objective diagno-
and the plausibility and consistency of chiro- sis of subluxation, though the validity and reli-
practic theory and technique with knowledge ability of these methods has been questioned
drawn from the basic sciences’ (Grod 2001). (French et al 2000).

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

SMT, the cervical spine affecting the pain sensitive upper posterior cervi-
and head pain cal dura mater via a connective tissue bridge exist-
ing at the posterior atlanto-occipital level (Hack
et al 1995, Hack & Halgren 2004). Meeker and
An anatomical basis for the causal relationship
Haldeman (2002) postulate the effects of SMT
between the cervical spine and head pain has
to include; increase of joint movement, change
been described by Bogduk (2001). He identi-
in joint kinematics, increase in pain threshold,
fied the convergence in the trigeminocervical
increase in muscle strength, attenuation of alpha
nucleus between nociceptive afferents from
motor neuron activity, enhanced proprioceptive
the field of the trigeminal nerve and the recep-
behaviour and release of beta-endorphins and sub-
tive fields of the first three cervical nerves as
stance P. By considering these effects of SMT in
the neurological mechanism by which cervical
the context of the theories discussed, chiroprac-
spinal pain is referred to the head from the
tors can commence to appreciate the mechanisms
upper cervical region. Muscles, joints and liga-
by which SMT may influence head pain.
ments of the upper three cervical segments
along with the dura mater of the spinal cord
and posterior cranial fossa, and the vertebral Evidence for SMT in
artery are recognized as pain sensitive struc- headache management
tures capable of causing headache. Injury or
inflammation of these structures may lead to The benefit of SMT in the treatment of head-
increased nociceptive activity in the peripheral aches has been recognized anecdotally by chiro-
afferent nerve fibers innervating these tissues, practors and patients alike for some time.
with subsequent transmission centrally to the However, like most aspects of patient care,
trigemino-cervical nucleus. the use of SMT as a treatment for headache
Combining this anatomical knowledge and is being held increasingly accountable to the
the theories of spinal joint dysfunction, it is principles of evidence-based practice. What
possible to hypothesize several mechanisms by follows is a brief review of studies that are of
which subluxation may directly and indirectly historical or scientific significance in the grow-
contribute to head pain. They include: ing body of literature investigating SMT and
• Altered mechanical loading of the upper headache management. Table 16.1 provides a
cervical spinal articulations leading to summary of these studies.
irritation of intra-articular pain sensitive
structures and resultant nociceptive input Migraine
to the trigeminocervical nucleus.
• Reflex arthrogenic muscle spasm Some of the earliest studies to report a positive
occurring as a result of intra-articular effect of chiropractic SMT on migraine were
nociception that may result in primary conducted by Wight (1978) and Parker
referred myofascial pain. (1978), although the studies were not scientifi-
Secondary muscular involvement may include; cally rigorous enough by current standards to
compression of the C2 dorsal ramus by hyper- allow credible conclusions. Wight’s study
tonic cervical musculature (Pikus and Phillips involved 87 patients with common and classic
1995, Terret 2005), and, increased tension or migraine who received between 1 and 74 SMT
spasm in the rectus capitis posterior minor muscle treatments over a 2 year period. The outcome

SECTION TWO Approaches

Table 16.1 Overview of studies investigating spinal manipulation and headache.

Headache type Study design Summary of results

Wight (1978) N ¼ 87. Between 1 and 74 tmts of SMT 74.7% HA ceased or improved. Success maintained
Self rated questionnaire 2 yrs post 1st tmt 2 years post treatment

Tuchin (2000) N ¼ 127. RCT monitored 2 m pre and post 50% reported significant improvement of morbidity of
tmt Max 16 tmt over 2 m period each episode. F/up study 20 months post tmt showed
maintained cure or continued improvement.

Parker (1978) RCT n ¼ 85. Compared chiropractic, HA frequency: # 40% in chiro group, # 13% in med
medical SMT and physiotherapy mob. group, # 34% in physio group. HA severity also
6 wk of tmt, F/up 3, 6, 12 m reduced in chiro group.

Stodolny & Chmielewski N ¼ 31. Diagnosed with cervical mig 32.3% reported complete cessation of HA
(1989) 22.6% reported # neck pain
58.1% reported # dizziness

Nelson et al (1998) N ¼ 218. Prospective randomized parallel HA Index score derived from daily headache pain diary.
group comparison % # from pre-tmt baseline:
8 wks tmt, 3 groups: 1. SMT, SMT group: # 40% during tmt, # 42% post tmt
2. amitriptyline, 3.combined Amitriptyline group: # 49% during tmt, # 24% post tmt
Combined group: # 41% during tmt, # 25% post tmt

Jull (2002) N ¼ 200. RCT, unblinded tmt, blind 4 tmt groups: 1. SMT, 2. Exercise, 3. Combined, 4. Control
assessor. 6 wk tmt period, F/up At 12m SMT and Exercise groups had # HA freq, intensity.
assessment at 3, 6, 12 m 10% more of Px in combined group had relief.

Nilsson (1995) N ¼ 39. RCT, blind observer, SMT twice/ Significant # in analgesic use per day, headache
wk for 3 wk, compared to cervical laser intensity per episode, and number of headache hr/day.
þ deep friction massage No significant difference between tmt groups

Nilsson et al (1997) N ¼ 53. Prospective RCT, blind observer, 36% # in analgesic use in SMT group though not STT
2 tmt groups: 1. SMT twice/wk 3 wks, group. HA hours #. 69% SMT Group, 37% SST. HA
2. STT /laser intensity # 37% in SMT group, # 17% STT group

Boline et al (1995) N ¼ 150. RCT – 2 wk base, 6 wk tmt, 4 wk post. SMT group: 32% # intensity, 42% # freq,
4 wk post. 2 tmt groups: 1. SMT, 2. 30% # med use, 16% imp functional health status.
amitriptyline. Outcome Px reported Amitriptyline group: no improvement on base values
for all measures

Bove & Nilsson (1998) N ¼ 75. RCT 8 tmts in 4 wks. 2 groups: Both groups experienced significant reductions in HA
1. SMT/STT, 2. STT/placebo laser (Control) hours and analgesic use. No change in HA intensity

Grunnet-Nilsson & Bove N ¼ 75. RCT 2 tmt groups. l. SMT/STT, 3 m f/up. Both groups showed significant improvement,
(2000) 2. STT/laser cervical spine. no differences between groups. Study concluded that
SMT had no effect on episodic TTH
HA ¼ headache, TTH ¼ tension-type headache, Mob ¼ mobilization, N ¼ number of subjects in study, Px ¼ patient, RCT ¼ randomized
controlled trial, SMT ¼ spinal manipulation, STT ¼ soft tissue therapy, Tmt ¼ treatment.

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

was based on a self-rated patient questionnaire reduction compared to the amitriptyline group
and demonstrated that 33.3% of patients (24% reduction) and the combined group (25%
reported cessation of migraine 2 years following reduction), suggesting a protracted benefit
treatment while a further 41.4% reported their from SMT. Nelson concluded that SMT
migraines as being much improved. appeared to be as effective as amitriptyline
Parker (1978) conducted a randomized con- for managing migraine patients.
trolled trial (RCT) in which 85 migraine suf- Tuchin (2000) conducted a RCT in which
ferers were allocated to one of three 127 subjects with migraine diagnosed using
treatment groups: chiropractic manipulation, International Headache Society criteria were
medical manipulation or physical therapy allocated to an SMT group or control group of
mobilization. There was no control group. Par- no treatment. Participants maintained a head-
ticipants received an average of 7 treatments. ache diary throughout a 2 month pre-treatment
In the chiropractic group headache frequency stage, a 2 month treatment stage and a further
was reduced by 40%, by 13% in the medical 2 month post-treatment stage. The treatment
group, and by 34% in the physical therapy group received a maximum of 16 treatments
group. The only measured outcome to reach in their course of therapy. The SMT group
statistical significance was a reduction of pain obtained statistically significant reductions in
intensity in the chiropractic group, though the frequency, duration, disability and medication
validity of statistical analysis method was ques- use compared to the control group.
tioned. A second more stringent analysis of
data was undertaken (Parker 1980). This fol- Cervicogenic headache
low up publication failed to detect statistically
significant outcomes, with a high likelihood of Jull et al (2002) conducted an RCT in which
Type II errors due to the small sample size. 200 participants meeting the criteria for cervico-
Higher quality studies have since been per- genic headache (CGH) were randomized to 1 of
formed, most notably by Nelson (1998) and 3 treatment groups (SMT by physiotherapists,
Tuchin (2000). Nelson conducted an RCT in exercise therapy, and a combination of the two
which 218 patients with a diagnosis of migraine therapies plus medication) and a control group
were allocated into 3 treatment groups. Follow- who were managed by their general practi-
ing a 4-week pre-trial period, patients received tioners with simple analgesics or non-steroidal
an 8 week course of therapy involving SMT, anti inflammatory medication. Follow-ups were
amitriptyline, or a combination of both, fol- conducted at 3, 6, and 12 months. The primary
lowed by a 4 week follow up period. A head- outcome measure was headache frequency
ache index score was obtained from a daily while changes in intensity, duration, patient sat-
headache pain diary during the last 4 weeks of isfaction, medication use, and neck pain were
treatment and the 4 week follow up period. also recorded. Both the SMT and exercise ther-
Participants in the amitriptyline group apy groups showed significant reductions in
recorded a 47% reduction of the headache headache frequency and intensity ( p < 0.05).
index scores from the baseline period, while Though the combined therapy did not demon-
the SMT and combined groups showed 40% strate statistically better outcomes than the
and 41% reductions respectively. Interestingly other treatment groups, 10% more individuals
the SMT group demonstrated a greater reduc- in the combined group achieved either complete
tion in the follow up period with a 42% or 50% reduction in headache frequency.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Nilsson (1997) was also able to demonstrate demonstrating that SMT achieved a more sus-
a statistically significant benefit of SMT in tained therapeutic benefit. Bove (1998) also
treating CGH. SMT or combined laser and investigated the efficacy of SMT as a treatment
massage therapy was provided to 53 partici- for episodic TTH, though no significant differ-
pants twice weekly for a three week period. ences in outcomes between control and SMT
The findings showed that analgesic use was groups were reported.
reduced by 36% in the SMT group compared
to no change in the soft-tissue group. Further-
more, headache hours per day decreased by
Systematic reviews
69% in the SMT group and 37% for the soft tis-
In recent years several systematic literature
sue group, and headache intensity per episode
reviews have been undertaken to assess the scien-
decreased 36% in the SMT group compared
tific evidence supporting the use of SMT in head-
to 17% in the soft tissue group.
ache management (Astin & Ernst 2002, Biondi
2005, Bronfort et al 2004, Fernandez-de-la-Penas
Tension-Type Headache et al 2006, Lensinck et al 2004). These reviews
acknowledged that the available studies investi-
Boline (1995) conducted a RCT comparing the gating SMT and headache showed a tendency
effectiveness of SMT and amitriptyline in 150 toward benefits of treatment. However, it was
patients diagnosed with chronic Tension-Type noted that these studies often had inadequate
Headache (TTH). Patients self-reported patient numbers and/or methodological quality
changes in daily headache intensity, weekly to demonstrate conclusive evidence for effective-
headache frequency, medication used, and func- ness. Most reviews concluded that there was a
tional health status (SF-36). Participants were need for high quality randomized clinical trials
randomly allocated to either therapy group dur- to assess the effectiveness of SMT in headache
ing a 2 week pre-treatment phase, 6 week treat- management.
ment period, and a 4 week post treatment
period. During the treatment period partici-
pants in both groups achieved very similar Chiropractic assessment
improvements in measured outcomes, however of headache
substantial differences were observed at 4 weeks
post cessation of treatment. The SMT group Chiropractic management of headache primarily
reported a 32% reduction in headache intensity, involves identifying and treating musculoskeletal
42% reduction in headache frequency, 30% dysfunction in the cervical and craniomandibu-
reduction in medication use and a 16% improve- lar regions. Assessment may also be broadened
ment in functional health status. In comparison further to include postural and functional assess-
the amitriptyline group showed a slight worsen- ment of any kinematically related regions that
ing from baseline values for all measures with can influence neck and jaw function (Chaitow
82% of participants in that group reporting of 2002, Janda 1986, Pederick 2005, Rocabado
side effects that included dry mouth, weight et al 1991, Walker 1998).
gain and drowsiness. By comparison only 4.3% Of particular relevance in determining the
of participants in the SMT reported side effects, suitability of chiropractic management of a
mainly neck soreness and stiffness. The findings patient with headache is the identification of
appear to echo the Nelson et al (1998) study contraindications to the use of SMT. Vertebral

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

artery syndrome remains the most serious,

albeit rare possible consequence of SMT
(Licht 2003). Symptoms of vertebrobasilar-
insufficiency (VBI) may be evident in the
patient history and may be elicited by VBI
provocation tests involving extension and rota-
tion of the cervical spine, though much conten-
tion surrounds the predictive validity of these
procedures (Licht 2000, Thiel & Rix 2005).

Chiropractic management
of headache
Figure 16.1  Activator adjusting instrument.
Clinical decision making in chiropractic manage-
ment has generally been governed by individual involve SMT, though a wide variety of adjust-
experience, clinical consensus, descriptive studies ing techniques are currently practiced by chiro-
and interpretation of models of spinal dysfunc- practors, including the use of handheld
tion. Though some attempts have been made to mechanical devices (Fig. 16.1) which deliver a
standardize the approach to headache manage- high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) impulse
ment (Campbell et al 1996, Nelson & Boline into the vertebral joint complex.
1991), comprehensive evidence-based guidelines Chiropractic management of head pain may
have not been established. Chiropractors to some also address associated dysfunction of cervical
extent approach headache treatment from the musculature and the temporomandibular joint
perspective of managing musculoskeletal dys- which are discussed later in this chapter and in
function of the cervical spine, and as such, in the Chapter 8. In order to address biomechanical
absence of comprehensive evidence-based guide- dysfunction in the cervical spine comprehen-
lines specifically for headache, some relevance sively, chiropractors may employ other support-
can be drawn from guidelines regarding musculo- ive measures such as instruction in exercise
skeletal management of low back pain (NHMRC therapy, behavioral and lifestyle modification.
2003) and neck pain (CCP 2007). To maintain ongoing benefit, a more compre-
Though the available studies generally hensive neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitative
address SMT as an isolated treatment, in clini- approach may be required to address chronic
cal practice chiropractors will often provide a postural and/or movement pattern changes.
comprehensive range of strategies to manage A headache diary (see Ch. 13) can be an
headache in recognition of the often multi- invaluable tool for monitoring response to ther-
causal nature of headache. Their use of SMT apy, identifying factors that may be impeding
and other manual therapies with the intent of recovery and allowing for further individualiza-
restoring functional spinal integrity does how- tion of treatment. Using a similar format to
ever remain the integral component of chiro- those used in clinical research, it may be useful
practic headache management. Chiropractors to record outcome measures such as headache
refer to ‘adjusting’ a spinal segment in order frequency and duration, pain intensity and
to restore biomechanical integrity and spinal medication use and that described in the head-
function. Traditionally an adjustment would ache measurement chapter (Ch. 13).

SECTION TWO Approaches

Questionnaires such as the MIDAS (the refers to this as ‘cervical modulated’ migraine
migraine-specific disability assessment scale) and suggests that SMT could be utilized as a
and HIT (headache impact test) (see Ch.13) diagnostic tool as well as a treatment modality.
may also provide greater detail for monitoring.
Studies of chiropractic management of head- Craniomandibular disorder
ache have tended to investigate the efficacy of
SMT as a preventive rather than a palliative Craniomandibular disorder (CMD) refers spe-
treatment. In the authors’ clinical experience, cifically to disorder resulting from dysfunction
we are yet to determine any accurate predic- of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and bio-
tors of whether a patient is likely to respond mechanically related structures. The term cra-
favorably to treatment. This approach must be niomandibular is preferred in this chapter as
determined on a patient to patient basis by it implies the inclusion of anatomical structures
reviewing the efficacy of intervention with that extend beyond just the temporomandibu-
patient specific outcome measures. lar joint. These include the cranium and its
The chronicity of the patient’s headaches articulations, and the dental occlusion. The
and the continuing presence of aggravating or term temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is
contributing factors may determine the length often used interchangeably with CMD.
of the initial course of therapy and the need
for ongoing care to maintain proper spinal func- Assessment and management
tion. The available clinical research generally
follows treatment schedules ranging from 3 to CMD may be a manifestation of a multifacto-
12 visits, over 3 to 6 week periods. A pilot rial disturbance in function of any of the fol-
study by Haas (2004) investigating dose lowing components:
response for chiropractic care for cervicogenic • temporomandibular joint articular
headache, showed substantial benefit to mechanism
patients who had received 9 to 12 treatments
• muscles of mastication
over 3 weeks, compared to those who received
• the dental occlusion (providing
3 treatments over 3 weeks.
mandibular positional stability and
In recognition of the diverse needs of
movement guidance)
patients with headache, a multidisciplinary col-
laborative approach to management needs to be • structural and biomechanical aspects of
considered. Effective management of headache the cranial vault and facial bones
should also consider patient education and self • myofascial structures that sustain postural
participation as well as the establishment of relationships of the mandible, head, neck
reasonable patient expectations and effective and shoulder regions
communication’ (Aukerman et al 2002). • afferent neural input from teeth, joints,
One final relevant point of interest is that muscles, fascia and ligaments of the
Lance and Goadsby (2004) consider the possi- craniomandibular anatomy and
bility that cervicogenic headache is a variety subsequent efferent responses
of migraine triggered from the upper cervical • centrally generated nervous system
spine in a manner comparable with migraine phenomena possibly responsible
triggered by other forms of afferent stimula- for bruxism, clenching and other oral
tion, such as glare and noise. Terret (2005) habits.

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

The diversity of structures comprising this and adhesion in cases of non-reducing

region, and the different health disciplines displacement
that offer treatment for these structures, • retraining exercises to attempt postural
may cause confusion in patients in determin- repositioning of the mandible and to
ing the appropriate practitioner to approach equip patients with self-help tools for
for help when experiencing craniomandibular relieving pain and maintaining function
symptoms. • electrotherapeutic modalities such as
As stated earlier in the chapter, the chiroprac- ultrasound, laser and electrical
tic approach to the treatment of neuromusculo- stimulation to assist in pain reduction and
skeletal conditions focuses on the normalization soft tissue rehabilitation.
of joint function. The temporomandibular joint, Evidence-based research within the scientific
being a compound diarthrodial joint, is concep- literature is not extensive with respect to the
tually approached like other synovial joints effectiveness of these approaches for CMD.
in the application of chiropractic therapy. The Most supporting literature consists of studies
anatomical characteristics of the TMJ, i.e., of relatively small sample size. A prospective
opposing cartilage covered bones, ligamentous study of nine individuals treated with an instru-
joint capsule, associated myofascial structures ment delivering a measurable HVLA impulse
and internal disc (meniscal) features, are not to the TMJ was successful in relieving pain
entirely unique. Consequently, diagnostic pro- and improving mandibular opening amplitude
cedures that seek to discover joint and myofas- in CMD (Devocht et al 2003).
cial dysfunction, which are the mainstay of A case study by Saghafi and Curl (1995)
chiropractic analysis, can also be applied to demonstrated benefits for a 21 year old subject
this joint. Treatment strategies usually involve with a four-year history of pain and clicking with
a combination of whole body biomechanical cor- an anteriorly displaced, adhesed articular disc.
rection (based on the fundamental chiropractic They applied a specific HVLA thrust over several
concept of neuromusculoskeletal integration, treatments with good functional and symptom-
described later in this chapter), combined with atic improvement. However, further research
therapy to the TMJ itself (Table 16.2). These needs to be conducted since HVLA may theoret-
techniques are drawn from published material ically cause hypermobility of the TMJ. Evidence
plus the authors’ 25 years of clinical experience also exists for the positive benefits to patients
in treating CMD. They include: with CMD from laser therapy, pulsed radio fre-
• high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) quency, manual therapy, exercise, and postural
adjustments or manipulations to retraining (Al-Badawi 2004, Kulekcioglu 2003,
hypomobile joint structures (these may Nicolakis et al 2001a & b).
be applied manually or by using an
adjusting instrument)
• transverse friction massage to capsulo- Mandibular rest position and
ligamentous restrictions forward head posture
• myofascial trigger point therapy to
muscles of mastication An important component of the physical
• mobilizing, tractioning, gapping assessment and management of CMD is man-
and stretching techniques to dibular rest position and its relationship to for-
influence intra-articular disc position ward head posture. Curl (1994) presented a

SECTION TWO Approaches

Table 16.2 Protocol for management of range of motion disturbances of the TMJ.

Range of motion Possible etiology Possible treatment strategy

Diminished jaw 1. Hypertonicity of mandibular elevator muscles 1. MTP therapy to mandibular elevator
opening without bilaterally. (Softer end feel, reduced TMJ muscles, MET, gentle self stretch
deviation or translation) techniques to point of no discomfort
deflection 2. Bilateral closed lock (little translation of TMJ, 2. Condylar reduction technique, TMJ mobilization
hard end feel of TMJ) 3. TFM of ligaments, TMJ mobilization, HVLA
3. Ligamentous restriction bilaterally (some impulse adjustment
translation, harder end feel)

Diminished jaw 1. Unilateral hypertonicity of mandibular elevator 1. MTP therapy, MET (lateral excursion and
opening with muscles. (Soft end feel of TMJ, no clicking) straight opening)
deviation 2. Unilateral disc derangement with closed lock 2. TMJ mobilization, condylar reduction
3. Unilateral ligamentous restriction. (Harder end 3. TFM, HVLA impulse adjustment
feel of TMJ, no clicking)

Diminished jaw 1. Disc derangement 1. MTP therapy to lateral pterygoid, TFM to joint
opening with 2a. Disc derangement (without click) capsule, Mandibular advancement dental
deflection 2b. Unilateral elevator muscle hypertonicity or splint to recapture disc
1. With click ligamentous contracture causing delayed 2a. As above
2. Without click translation 2b. MTP therapy, MET, TFM to myofascial structures

Diminished lateral 1a. Disc derangement (especially if the clicking is 1a. MTP therapy to lateral pterygoid, joint
excursion in the contralateral TMJ to the side of mobilisation, occlusal splint
1. Unilateral diminished translation) 1b. MTP therapy especially to medial pterygoid,
2. Bilateral 1b. Muscular or capsulo-ligamentous fixation (end MET into lateral excursion especially, stretch
feel to distinguish) with impulse to ligament
2a. Bilateral anterior disc derangement 2a. Bilateral application of above
2b. Bilateral muscle or ligamentous fixation 2b. As above
MTP ¼ myofascial trigger point, MET ¼ muscle energy technique, HVLA ¼ high velocity low amplitude, TFM ¼ transverse friction massage,
TMJ ¼ temporomandibular joint.

detailed description of the neuromuscular con- articular fossa. Curl speculated that this condy-
sequences of forward head posture, based lar position may induce microtrauma to the
partly on the work of Rocabado and Iglarsh highly vascular and innervated retrodiscal tis-
(1991). In particular the relationship between sues, thus causing inflammation, pain and dele-
craniocervical extension and increased jaw terious effects on the disc/condylar mechanical
muscle activity in the temporalis, masseter integrity. This process is considered to be a
and anterior digastric is described. In this sce- common etiological factor in the eventual
nario, the hyoid bone is repositioned superiorly development of intra articular disc derange-
and, together with the retruded mandible, ment and CMD (Simons 1999).
causes the condyle to be habitually placed in a The consistent repositioning of the condylar
close packed position in the rear of the head in a more anterior position is considered

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

physiologically desirable and the object of a to be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of

variety of treatment approaches (Simmons improving postural awareness in patients with
2005). Dental appliances that seek to achieve CMD.
this are widely used in CMD management
(Simmons 2005). Olmos et al (2005) reviewed
51 patients who had received intra-oral appli-
Integration of
ance therapy to anteriorly reposition the neuromusculoskeletal
mandibular condyle in the fossa. Pre- and components
post-treatment photographs showed on average
a significant ( p < 0001) 4.43 inch decrease in As an illustration of this concept, the reader is
the measured slant between shoulder and the asked to consider the following hypothetical
external auditory meatus on these patients, clinical scenario:
suggesting that optimizing condylar position
could be important in the management of mal-
adaptive head posture. A number of other Case study
studies have investigated the relationship A patient complaining of neck pain presents to
between the cervical spine, the TMJ, and for- the chiropractor who, finding biomechanical
ward head posture (FHP). In a randomized dysfunction of the upper cervical spine,
commences a course of cervical spinal adjustment,
controlled study of 60 patients with CMD gaining only temporary relief. Concurrently the
(interventions of postural retraining of FHP) patient is under the care of a dentist who has
Wright et al (2000) produced significant func- difficulty controlling tooth wear and recurrent
issues related to fracture of a previously filled
tional and symptomatic improvements ( p < tooth. The patient meanwhile is complaining to
0.005). Higbie et al (1999) studied the effect their general practitioner (GP) of unremitting
of head position and mandibular opening in headache. The GP conducts extensive
investigations to rule out intracranial pathology and
40 adults and found a significant relationship
then provides an array of palliative medications.
between head position and mandibular opening These are of limited value because of an upset
amplitude. Kritsinelli and Shim (1992) showed stomach and provide only short-term relief. On the
a positive correlation between FHP and disor- advice of a friend, the patient enrolls in an exercise
class and the instructor observes the habitual
ders of the TMJ in a study of 80 school chil- forward head carriage that characterizes the
dren. Chiropractic therapy has been shown to patient’s posture. The Pilates program and the
influence cervical and lumbar spinal curvature patient’s home practice of improving posture
eventually, over a period of several months, leads
and thereby head posture (Leach 1983, Banks to a significant lasting diminution in headache,
1983). Postural retraining to reduce musculo- neck pain and bruxism.
skeletal strain is a common management Although this situation is hypothetical, it is
strategy for a variety of complaints seen in based on similar clinical scenarios drawn from
everyday chiropractic practice. It would seem the authors’ practice and seeks to illustrate the
necessity to address beyond symptoms to
reasonable to consider that the control of
wider influences. This situation is particularly
FHP in relation to mandibular position might important in attempting to manage biomechanical
be a worthwhile clinical strategy in the treat- craniomandibular conditions. It is a basic
ment of CMD. However the relationship tenet of chiropractic that the musculoskeletal
system and its myriad proprioceptive neural
between CMD and FHP is by no means estab- connections is a highly integrated system
lished in the published literature (Valenzuela (Seaman 1998).
2005, Visscher 2002). Further research needs

SECTION TWO Approaches

The inter-relationship between the neck and management system that integrates chiropractic
TMJ is illustrated by the following three therapy, orofacial orthopedics and orthodontics
studies: with nutritional and postural therapy. These chi-
ropractic management systems employ a variety
1. Hellstrom et al (2002) injected bradykinin of whole body analysis procedures to detect pat-
into nociceptors in the TMJ of an terns of neuromusculoskeletal strain and propose
anesthetized cat and recorded significant a series of physical therapeutic interventions
muscle spindle afferent responses in neck based on this information.
musculature, thus postulating a possible
neurological mechanism for the sensory- Cranial therapy
motor disturbances in the neck region
often seen in patients with TMJ disorders. This term cranial therapy is used to describe a
system of manual therapy directed at the osse-
2. O’Reilly and Pollard (1996) were able to ous, membranous, and myofascial structures of
obtain pain relief in 12 CMD patients by the skull and face.
the application of cervical spine During the early part of the 20th century var-
manipulation and trigger point therapy to ious osteopathic and chiropractic physicians
cervico-thoracic musculature without any became interested in the possible kinetic prop-
direct treatment to the TMJ. erties of the bones of the skull and the cranial
3. Alcantara (2002) described a 41 year old sutures. Many histological, anatomical and kine-
woman who was unsuccessfully treated siological studies have since attested to the exis-
for TMJ syndrome by dental and medical tence of patent cranial sutures into adult and
practitioners but was successfully treated even elderly life with subtle movements possi-
with upper cervical spine SMT alone. ble from sources both external (passive) and
Many authors, including Rocabado and Iglarsh internal (generated by intracranial pressure fluc-
(1991), Janda (1986), and Chaitow (2002), tuations) (Kostopoulos & Keramidas 1992,
allude to the connection between the shoulder Kovich 1976, Pick 1994). These sutures contain
girdle and the craniomandibular system, theoriz- nerves and are conduits for connection between
ing that ideal head and shoulder posture is neces- intra and extra cranial membranes. They are
sary to establish biomechanical integrity of the postulated to be possible sites of myofascial,
mandible-head-neck-shoulder complex. In addi- neurological and kinesiological dysfunction with
tion, Janda (1986) suggested that hyperextension resultant clinical consequences including head-
of the knee joints, an increased pelvic tilt, hyperlor- ache and CMD. For a comprehensive discussion
dosis of the lumbar spine and a kyphotic thoracic of the theoretical models, research and clinical
spine (with associated muscular compensation aspects of cranial therapy, readers are directed
patterns), could cause changes in FHP. to Chaitow (2002). Within the chiropractic
Pederick (2005) described several systems of profession, two treatment systems (SOT and
postural and integrated kinematic assessment AK) make use of cranial therapy in the treat-
widely used within the chiropractic profession ment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders includ-
to detect and treat disorders of the cranioman- ing head and facial pain and TMJ syndrome
dibular system; sacro-occipital technique (SOT) (Pederick 2005). The use of cranial therapy in
and applied kinesiology (AK) are two of the the treatment of head pain has some limited
most prominent. Walker (1998) coined the support in the scientific literature. Hanten and
term ‘chirodontics’ to describe a diagnostic and colleagues (1999) investigated the effectiveness

Chiropractic approach CHAPTER 16

of one particular cranial technique for Tension- consistently maintain an attitude of ‘holism’
type headache compared with two placebo when confronted with the difficult task of diag-
interventions in a randomized controlled study nosis and treatment of the craniomandibular sys-
of 60 patients. Improvement in pain intensity tem. In the authors’ experience a good inter-
and the affective component of pain were signif- professional referral network and familiarity with
icantly larger ( p < 0.05) in the group that diagnostic concepts and treatment protocols of
received the cranial technique. each professional is worth cultivating. With
Parikh et al (2001) conducted a randomized respect to CMD, the chiropractor, medical prac-
pilot study to test the effectiveness of cranial titioner, dentist and psychologist can all assist in
therapy compared to two other osteopathic the management of the CMD patient, either indi-
techniques and a placebo in the treatment of vidually or in combination. To avoid the patient
sinus, tension and migraine headache. Pain was becoming confused or disillusioned by conflicting
evaluated pre and post treatment. The findings information, a consistent ongoing dialogue
demonstrated that all techniques provided more between practitioners should be pursued.
relief than placebo. Cranial therapy provided
greater relief compared the osteopathic techni-
ques, especially in migraine type headache.
However, some reviews have highlighted the
Headache represents a major health burden on
poor inter-examiner reliability of assessment
society and remains a common reason for
procedures used in cranial therapy and therefore
patient consultation with medical, complemen-
questioned the usefulness of this treatment
tary, and alternative health practitioners. Mus-
approach (Hartman & Norton 2002).
culoskeletal dysfunction in the cervical and
craniomandibular regions can contribute signif-
Multidisciplinary icantly to pain and needs to be considered in
considerations the assessment of patients with headache.
Chiropractors are well placed to offer diagnosis
The roles played by dental occlusion and ‘paraf- and treatment and should be considered as part
unction’ (central nervous system generated mus- of a multidisciplinary approach to headache
cular activity) in the development of CMD need management. Some studies support the use of
to be considered and are discussed in more detail SMT in the management of headache. How-
in Chapters 19 and 20. The features of CMD that ever, it is apparent that further high quality
suggest dental malocclusion or significant psycho- research is necessary to validate this treatment
emotional stress ought to be considered by the modality and to establish comprehensive
clinician. Curl (1994) stated that it should not evidence-based practice guidelines. Until
be beyond the capacity of anyone working in the guidelines are established, practitioners must
field of chronic pain to familiarize themselves exercise clinical judgment in determining the
with some of the basic premises of related suitability of chiropractic involvement in man-
disciplines. He suggested that clinicians seek to aging headache.

SECTION TWO Approaches

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Chapter Seventeen

Osteopathic approach
Philip Tehan and Peter Gibbons

The philosophy underpinning the osteopathic

Headache, with or without spinal pain, is a
approach can be reduced to a number of simple
common presenting complaint to osteopaths. In
this chapter the authors, both osteopaths, principles that are described in Box 17.1.
describe the principles of osteopathy and the The distinguishing feature of the osteopathic
osteopathic approach to patient assessment with approach to the treatment of headaches is a
reference to the cervical region and headache.
focus upon identifying and treating altered
function in one or more body systems.
While many primary care providers may view In headache syndromes osteopaths seek to
their headache patients from a holistic perspec- identify and treat:
tive, the osteopathic approach pays particular • Dysfunction in the whole musculoskeletal
attention to: dysfunction in the whole of the system
musculoskeletal system and not just the cervical • Dysfunction within the cervical spine
spine, the influence of the autonomic nervous • Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous
system, and the impact of dysfunction on fluid system
and lymphatic drainage. • Dysfunction of fluid and lymphatic
Osteopathic principles The osteopath aims to determine the signifi-
cance of any identified dysfunction in relation
to the patient’s symptoms. If appropriate, osteo-
Health is based on the natural capacity of the
pathic manipulative therapy can then be utilized
human organism to resist and combat noxious
to treat the identified dysfunction.
influences in the environment and to compensate
for their effects; to meet, with adequate reserve,
the stresses of daily life and the occasional Dysfunction in the whole
stresses imposed by extremes of environment musculoskeletal system
and activity. Osteopathic medicine recognizes
that many factors impair this capacity primarily The osteopathic approach commences with a
local disturbances or lesions of the musculoskele- screening examination to evaluate the total
tal system (Special Committee on Osteopathic musculoskeletal system. Greenman proposes a
Principles and Osteopathic Technic 1953). 12 step screening process (Greenman 2003).
SECTION TWO Approaches

from microtrauma occurring over time as a

Box 17.1
result of postural imbalance or occupational
Principles underpinning the osteopathic and environmental stresses. Cumulative micro-
approach. trauma can lead to a breakdown of the body’s
• The body is a self-regulating organism whose normal compensatory mechanisms with resul-
homeostatic mechanisms provide an inherent
tant development of dysfunction and pain.
capacity for healing and repair.
• The body is an integrated unit and its structure
This biomechanical model requires the osteo-
and function are inter-dependent. path to restore maximum function to the muscu-
• Dysfunction of the neuromusculoskeletal loskeletal system with the aim of enhancing the
system can affect a patient’s overall health body’s ability to compensate for external mechan-
status and the ability to recover from injury and ical stresses and postural imbalance. The aim of
osteopathic treatment is to regain optimal func-
• Free and unhindered fluid interchange and
drainage are necessary for the maintenance of tion within joints, ligaments, muscle and fascia.
health, e.g. blood, interstitial fluid, lymph,
synovial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid.
• Osteopathic manipulative therapy can be used
Dysfunction within the cervical
to assist recovery from injury and disease. spine
Headache arising from dysfunction within the
cervical spine is termed cervicogenic headache.
1. Gait analysis in multiple directions
This type of headache may follow cervical
2. Static posture and palpation of paired spine trauma or may occur spontaneously and
anatomic landmarks can be confused with other types of headache,
3. Dynamic trunk sidebending in standing e.g. tension type headache or migraine.
Patients with cervicogenic headache often
4. Standing flexion test
present with restricted range of neck motion
5. Stork test (Hall & Robinson 2004). Familiar headache
6. Seated flexion test symptoms may be elicited by active or passive
7. Screening test of upper extremities
movements and/or local palpation in the upper
and mid cervical spine. Neurological assessment
8. Trunk rotation demonstrates no evidence of any radiculopathy.
9. Trunk sidebending in sitting Diagnostic imaging cannot confirm a diagnosis
10. Head and neck mobility of cervicogenic headache but is used to identify
the extent of any degenerative change and the
11. Respiration of thoracic cage presence of disc protrusions, serious pathology
12. Lower extremity screening (Greenman or arteriovenous malformation.
2003) The dorsal rami of C1, C2 and C3 innervate
The aim of this examination is to identify areas apophyseal joints of the upper cervical spine and
of dysfunction within the musculoskeletal sys- dysfunction or local pathology of the upper three
tem that may contribute to symptoms and cervical segments is postulated as a potential
which require further evaluation. cause of cervicogenic headache. Sensory fibers
This approach is based upon the concept from the upper cervical roots interact with sen-
that mechanical and structural dysfunction sory nerve fibers in the descending tract of the tri-
can result from single incidences of trauma or geminal nerve in the trigeminocervical nucleus in

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

the upper cervical spinal cord. It is postulated that Gray communicating

this convergence of trigeminal and upper cervical rami to all spinal nerves

sensory pathways might allow referral of pain White

between the cervical spine and the head. Simi- communicating rami
to the head
larly, sensory afferent nerve fibers from upper C1
cervical regions have been observed to enter the
spinal column by way of the spinal accessory nerve
(Bremner-Smith et al 1999, Fitzgerald et al 1982). Intermedio- C5
lateral cell
It is believed that the convergence of sensorimotor column
fibers in the spinal accessory nerve and upper cer-
vical nerve roots with the descending tract of the
trigeminal nerve may also be responsible for the
referral of pain to the head arising from the cervi-
cal spine. However it is important to note that dis- T1

cectomy as low as C5–C6 has been associated with T2

relief of chronic headache (Fredriksen et al 1999, T3
Michler et al 1991). T4
Osteopaths identify and treat both joint and
soft tissue dysfunction using a variety of manual Figure 17.1  Sympathetic innervation of the head and
approaches and exercise. A Cochrane review of neck. C ¼ cervical vertebrae, T ¼ thoracic vertebrae.
manipulation and mobilization for mechanical
neck pain concluded that, when combined with
exercise, mobilization and/or manipulation is nucleus of the upper thoracic segments (T1–T4)
beneficial for persistent mechanical neck disor- and enters the head via the sympathetic chain
ders with or without headache, providing strong and superior cervical ganglion following the
evidence for using a multi-modal treatment course of the carotid and vertebral arteries and
approach (Gross et al 2004). the jugular vein (Willard 2003). Osteopaths often
treat dysfunction in the upper and mid
Dysfunction of the autonomic thoracic spine in patients with headaches.
nervous system
Dysfunction of fluid and lymphatic
Osteopaths believe that disturbances in the drainage
balance and integration of activity between
the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems Osteopaths believe that optimal lymphatic
may lead to somatic dysfunction (Stone drainage of tissues is an essential component
1999). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) of normal tissue activity and metabolism
plays a role in regulating the internal environ- and is of particular importance for the main-
ment of the body and has many links with the tenance of a proper immunologic environ-
musculoskeletal system. It is thought that it is ment (D’Alonzo & Krachman 2003).
via this interaction that physical interventions Lymphatic drainage from the head (Fig. 17.2)
may produce modification of ANS function. passes through the neck, cervical fascia and
Sympathetic innervation of the head and neck thoracic inlet and dysfunction in any of these
(Fig. 17.1) originates from the intermediolateral structures may lead to lymphatic congestion.

SECTION TWO Approaches

related components of the somatic (body frame-

work) system: skeletal, arthrodial and myofascial
structures, and related vascular, lymphatic, and
neural elements (The Glossary Review Commit-
tee of the Educational Council on Osteopathic
Pre-auricular Principles 1993).
Osteopaths diagnose somatic dysfunction by
Occipital assessing function within the somatic system
Jugulodigastric Submandibular including the cranium (Kappler 2003). Diagno-
Submental sis is based on a number of positive findings
from palpation. Specific criteria in identifying
areas of dysfunction have been developed and
Superficial Paratracheal Sup
relate to the observational and palpatory findings
Post Ant of tissue texture changes, asymmetry, altered
Jugular lymph trunk Inf range of motion, and tenderness (DiGiovanna
Figure 17.2  Lymphatic drainage from the head and & Schiowitz 1997, Greenman 2003, Kappler
neck. 2003). Pain provocation and reproduction of
familiar symptoms should be used to localize
somatic dysfunction.
The smooth muscle of the larger lymphatic ves- Information gained from a thorough patient
sels of the head and neck is supplied by the history and patient feedback during assessment
sympathetic nervous system. Increased sympa- should also be used to determine the presence
thetic stimulation associated with upper tho- of somatic dysfunction. Somatic dysfunction
racic and cervical spine dysfunction can is identified using the S-T-A-R-T approach
constrict these vessels leading to decreased lym- (Box 17.2).
phatic drainage (Kappler & Ramey 2003). Somatic dysfunction may be asymptomatic
but most commonly exists within the context of
Osteopathic diagnosis presenting symptoms. Pain and symptom repro-
duction or provocation are, therefore, essential
Osteopaths follow a clinical decision making components of the physical examination.
process when assessing a patient. These include The identification of tissue texture change
identifying contraindications (red flags), deter- is important in the diagnosis of somatic dys-
mining the influence of psychosocial issues function. Palpable changes may be noted in
(yellow flags), and identifying the presence of superficial, intermediate and deep tissues.
any areas of dysfunction that may be amenable
to osteopathic manipulative therapy.
Box 17.2
Somatic dysfunction The S-T-A-R-T approach to diagnosis.
S relates to symptom reproduction.
Osteopaths commonly refer to the treatable T relates to tissue texture changes.
A relates to asymmetry.
lesion or area of dysfunction as somatic dysfunc-
R relates to range of motion.
tion, defined in the Glossary of Osteopathic Ter- T relates to tissue tenderness
minology as an impaired or altered function of

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

DiGiovanna links the criteria of asymmetry the presenting complaint, general health,
to a positional focus stating that the ‘position response to previous treatment and the osteo-
of the vertebra or other bone is asymmetrical’ path’s own training and expertise in the delivery
(DiGiovanna & Schiowitz 1997) but the con- of specific osteopathic approaches.
cept of asymmetry has been broadened to When formulating the osteopathic manipu-
include functional and structural asymmetry lative prescription, the osteopath has a wide
(Greenman 2003). range of techniques to draw upon (Box 17.3).
Alteration in range of motion can apply to a Some techniques are named according to the
single joint, several joints or a region of the activating forces used, e.g. muscle energy, spring-
musculoskeletal system. The abnormality may ing, or high velocity low amplitude thrust. Where-
include a change in mobility or quality of move- as other techniques, e.g. strain/counterstrain,
ment and ‘end feel’. myofascial release and osteopathy in the cranial
Undue tissue tenderness may also be pres- field, refer to a concept of treatment (Jones &
ent and must be differentiated from reproduc- Kappler 2003). Techniques are also classified
tion of the patient’s familiar pain. as either direct or indirect techniques. Direct
The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction using the techniques involve the application of force to
S-T-A-R-T approach is determined by identifica- engage the restrictive barrier, whereas indirect
tion of a number of positive findings that are con- techniques utilize identification of ‘freedom’ or
sistent with the patient’s clinical presentation. For ‘ease’ of movement by moving away from the
example, a patient who presents with occipital restrictive barrier (Greenman 2003).
headaches might have restricted active and pas- In practice the most commonly used osteo-
sive rotation range of movement in the cervical pathic manipulative treatment techniques are soft
spine and segmental examination may identify tissue, articulatory, counterstrain, myofascial/
localised movement restriction accompanied by
muscular hypertonicity. Palpation of soft tissues
and/or apophyseal joints may reproduce the
patient’s familiar head pain and be accompanied Box 17.3
by undue tenderness. This clinical presentation
of somatic dysfunction consists of a number of Osteopathic manipulative techniques.
Articulatory techniques
positive findings consistent with a patient pre-
Balanced ligamentous tension
senting with occipital headaches and related Chapman’s reflexes
musculoskeletal dysfunction. Facilitated positional release
Fascial ligamentous release
Functional techniques
Osteopathic manipulative High velocity low amplitude thrust
prescription Integrated neuromuscular release and myofascial
Lymphatic techniques
Once symptoms of somatic dysfunction are Muscle energy techniques
established, consideration is then given to the Myofascial trigger point
most suitable treatment approach. Many factors Osteopathy in the cranial field
can influence the final selection of manipulative Progressive inhibition of neuromuscular structures
Soft tissue techniques
techniques and the frequency of treatment. The
Strain and counterstrain
osteopath takes account of factors such as Visceral
the patient’s age, the acuteness or chronicity of

SECTION TWO Approaches

neuromuscular release, muscle energy, and high improving physiological motion. Forces can be
velocity low amplitude thrust (Johnson & Kurtz applied to a region or may be used more specifi-
2003). An understanding of spinal biomechanics cally to restore range of motion at a particular
and coupled motion is a prerequisite for the safe segment. Articulatory techniques stretch short-
and effective utilisation of osteopathic manipula- ened soft tissues e.g. muscles, ligaments and joint
tive techniques applied to the spine but especially capsules. Osteopaths believe these techniques
for the application of muscle energy and high veloc- often enhance lymphatic flow and stimulate
ity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust techniques. increased circulation (Patriquin & Jones 2003).
Articulatory techniques can be used alone but
Soft tissue techniques are more commonly used in combination with
other osteopathic techniques. Cervicothoracic
Soft tissue techniques are direct techniques that sidebending articulation (Fig. 17.4A & B) is an
treat the muscular and fascial structures of the example of this type of technique.
body and associated neurovascular elements. Soft
tissue techniques can be used alone but are more
commonly used in combination with other osteo-
pathic techniques (Ehrenfeuchter et al 2003).
Suboccipital inhibition (Fig. 17.3) is an exam-
ple of a soft tissue technique which might be
used in patients presenting with headache and
who have associated suboccipital muscular

Articulatory techniques
Articulatory techniques applied to the spine,
thorax and pelvis, are direct techniques that
rhythmically address any restrictive barrier with
the intent of reducing the resistance and

Figure 17.4  Cervicothoracic sidebending articulation in

Figure 17.3  Suboccipital inhibition. A, early and B, mid-range.

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

Counterstrain Myofascial/neuromuscular release

Counterstrain is a gentle indirect technique The osteopathic literature describes a wide vari-
where patients are positioned away from restric- ety of myofascial and neuromuscular release
tive barriers in the direction of comfort and ease techniques. In practice the use of these techni-
(Jones et al 1995). When treating somatic dys- ques is highly individualised with the techni-
function of the spine the osteopath identifies ques often being integrated to treat patterns of
both anterior and posterior tender points. The dysfunction. The aim is to stretch and reflex-
osteopath gently positions the patient in the opti- ively release both soft tissue and articular
mal position of release which is indicated by a restrictions. Direct and indirect methods are
local decrease in tissue tension and relief of ten- used. The osteopath identifies and treats pat-
derness on palpation. Patients are not required terns of ‘tightness’ and ‘looseness’. These treat-
to generate any force from their own muscle con- ment techniques often combine compression,
traction. The position of maximum comfort is traction and twisting maneuvers that address
usually held for approximately 90 seconds or both static and dynamic movement barriers.
until the osteopath feels a release in the tissues. Myofascial and neuromuscular release tech-
The patient is then returned to a neutral position niques can be used alone but are commonly used
with the osteopath checking for decreased ten- in combination with other osteopathic techni-
derness. Counterstrain can be used alone but is ques. Greenman (2003) describes a myofascial
more commonly used in combination with other release technique for the thoracic inlet that
osteopathic techniques. An anterior C2, C3, C4, may be useful for headache patients. The final
C5, C6 technique is an example of the counter- hand placement and patient positioning used in
strain approach (Fig. 17.5). In this technique ten- this technique is demonstrated in Figure 17.6.
der points are located on the anterior surface of
the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra Muscle energy technique
and the head and neck are positioned in flexion
with the operator applying equal amounts of side- Muscle energy technique is a direct technique
bending and rotation away from the tender side. that requires the patient to actively generate

Figure 17.6  Myofascial release technique for the

Figure 17.5  Anterior C2–C6 counterstrain technique. thoracic inlet.

SECTION TWO Approaches

the corrective force in the form of a muscle osteopath applies a rapid thrust aiming to achieve
contraction in a specific direction against a pre- joint cavitation that is accompanied by an audible
cisely executed counterforce applied by the ‘popping’ or ‘cracking’ sound. This audible release
osteopath. The spinal positioning from which the distinguishes HVLA thrust techniques from
technique is executed is predicated upon the diag- other osteopathic manipulative techniques.
nosis of somatic dysfunction using the Type 1 and An understanding of spinal coupling behavior is
Type 2 models of spinal movement. Some osteo- necessary for the safe and effective application of
paths use muscle energy techniques as a stand HVLA thrust techniques to the cervical and cervi-
alone approach to treat somatic dysfunction cothoracic spine. Spinal locking is particularly
(Ehrenfeuchter & Sandhouse 2003) in headache important when using HVLA thrust techniques
patients but this approach can also be used in com- to localize forces and achieve cavitation at a spe-
bination with other osteopathic techniques. cific vertebral segment (Beal 1989, Downing
Figure 17.7 shows a muscle energy technique 1985, Gibbons & Tehan 2006, Greenman 2003,
used for the treatment of upper thoracic Type 2 Hartman 1997, Kappler 1989, Nyberg 1993,
somatic dysfunction in headache (restriction Stoddard 1972).
of flexion, right rotation and right sidebending The principle of facet apposition locking is to
at T4). apply leverages to the spine that cause the facet
joints of uninvolved segments to be apposed and
High velocity low amplitude consequently locked. To achieve locking by
thrust techniques facet apposition, the spine is placed in a position
opposite to that of normal coupling behavior.
High velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust The vertebral segment at which cavitation is
techniques of the cervical and cervicothoracic desired should never be locked.
spine are commonly used by osteopaths in the Osteopathy commonly uses a model of phys-
treatment of headache syndromes. The iologic movements of the spine to assist in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction and the appli-
cation of treatment techniques.
Below C2, normal coupling behavior in the
cervical spine is that sidebending and rotation
occur to the same side (Bennett et al 2002,
Greenman 2003, Mimura et al 1989, Stoddard
1969). To generate facet apposition locking for
HVLA thrust techniques in the cervical and cer-
vicothoracic spine the spine is positioned in side-
bending in one direction and rotation in the
opposite direction, i.e. the opposite to normal
coupling behavior. This positioning locks the
segments above the joint to be cavitated and
enables a thrust to be applied to one vertebral
segment. The amount or degree of sidebending
and rotation is dependent upon whether the
Figure 17.7  Muscle energy technique for upper thoracic osteopath is attempting to thrust in an upslope
Type 2 dysfunction. (Fig. 17.8) or downslope (Fig. 17.9) direction.

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

to enable accurate estimation of the risk of

stroke following cervical HVLA thrust techni-
ques (Breen 2002). While the data identify a
temporal relationship between cervical thrust
techniques and stroke, it is possible that in a
number of instances the cause of the vertebral
artery dissection may have preceded the
patient’s attendance for treatment and not be a
consequence of the manipulation. While there
is a potential for serious sequelae, the risk
appears to be extremely low (Clubb 2002,
Rivett 1995). Nonetheless, it is imperative to
Figure 17.8  HVLA thrust technique in the mid cervical take all necessary precautions to avoid an
spine using upslope thrust. adverse event resulting from compromise of
the vertebral artery.

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
There is a risk of serious adverse reactions aris-
ing from any osteopathic technique applied to
the cervical and cervicothoracic spine in a
patient who presents with symptoms arising
from vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI). The
vertebrobasilar system comprises the two
vertebral arteries and their union to form the
basilar artery (Fig. 17.10).
Most of the literature relates to serious injury
arising from cervical spine manipulation. There
Figure 17.9  HVLA thrust technique in the mid cervical
spine using downslope thrust.
is wide variation in the estimated incidence
of serious adverse reactions arising from cervi-
cal manipulation. A number of authors have
HVLA thrust techniques are rarely used alone attempted to estimate the incidence of iatrogenic
by osteopaths and are more commonly used in stroke following cervical spine manipulation
combination with other osteopathic techniques, with estimates varying between 1 incident in
e.g. soft tissue and articulatory techniques. 10 000 cervical spine manipulations, to 1 incident
It is often stated that HVLA thrust techni- in 5.85 million cervical spine manipulations
ques applied to the spine are associated with a (Carey 1993, Dabbs & Lauretti 1995, Dvorak &
higher level of risk than other direct and indirect Orelli 1985, Dvorak et al 1993, Gutmann 1983,
techniques. The potential benefits (Hurwitz Haldeman et al 2002, Haynes 1994, Jaskoviak
et al 1996, Spitzer et al 1995) for the patient 1980, Klougart et al 1996, Lee et al 1995, Patijn
must be weighed against the risks associated 1991, Rivett & Milburn 1996, Rivett & Reid
with HVLA thrust techniques of the cervical 1998). It is not clear what type of neck manipula-
spine. There are currently no high quality data tion techniques were applied or the competence

SECTION TWO Approaches

Basilar artery been reported to have low sensitivity and speci-

Posterior inferior ficity for predicting cerebral ischemia prior to
cerebellar artery
neck manipulation (Bolton et al 1989) and the
Vertebral artery value of such tests in determining VBI has been
questioned (Cote et al 1996, Haldeman et al
Atlas Axis (C2) 1999, Licht et al 2002, Oostendorp 1988, Rivett
(C1) et al 1998, Thiel et al 1994, Westaway et al
Screening tests should be both valid and reli-
able predictors of risk. VBI testing movements
have neither of these qualities, with available
scientific evidence failing to show predictive
value (Bolton et al 1989, Di Fabio 1999, Licht
et al 2000, Thiel & Rix 2005). Screening
should also not be harmful. It has been sug-
gested that the tests themselves may hold cer-
tain risks and could have morbid effects on the
vertebral artery (Grant 1996). Minor adverse
Figure 17.10  Relationship of the cervical spine to the events associated with examination procedures
vertebral artery.
involving rotation, including those related to
and training of the practitioner (Reid & Hing the use of an established VBI testing protocol,
2001). have been documented (Magarey et al 2004).
In patients presenting with head and neck It is difficult to support the continuing use
pain, especially sudden and severe symptoms, of VBI screening tests or protocols in isolation
it is important to determine if there is asso- as none of the rotation, extension or combina-
ciated dizziness and/or signs of brain stem tion test movements have been shown to be
ischemia such as nausea and/or vomiting as valid or reliable predictors of risk. Is it possible
these symptoms may indicate a vertebral artery through physical examination or screening pro-
dissection syndrome. cedures to identify patients at risk of vertebro-
One difficulty in recognising the symptoms basilar injury from cervical and cervicothoracic
of VBI is that many of the common symptoms, techniques? Current evidence would suggest
e.g. headache, pain and stiffness in the cervical that the answer is no (McDermaid 2002, Ter-
spine, are similar to those for mechanical non- rett 2002, Thiel et al 1994).
specific neck pain (Schievink 2001, Silbert Osteopathic practice in the past has placed
et al 1995). an emphasis on pre-manipulative screening
Pre-manipulative testing for VBI has been tests to minimise the risk of vertebrobasilar
advocated as a means of risk management with complications particularly when high velocity
a view to minimizing patient harm (Barker et al low amplitude (HVLA) thrust techniques are
2000). There are many physical tests that have used as part of a treatment regime (Gibbons
been described for determining the presence or & Tehan 2006). With regard to the safe use
absence of VBI (Chapman-Smith 1999, Grant of osteopathic treatment techniques, emphasis
1994, Maigne 1972, Maitland 1973, Oostendorp should be placed on a combination of a thor-
1988, Terrett 1988). However these tests have ough patient history, a comprehensive physical

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

examination and the need for a high level of mechanical neck disorders with or without head-
technical skill in the application of whichever ache, providing strong evidence for using a multi-
osteopathic technique is used. modal treatment approach (Gross et al 2004). A
A review of the literature, relating to the risk systematic review of the efficacy of spinal mani-
of neurovascular compromise complicating cervi- pulation for chronic headache concluded that
cal spine high velocity manipulation, concluded spinal manipulative therapy has an effect com-
that the risk and benefit analysis supported the parable to commonly prescribed prophylactic
continued judicial use of cervical spine HVLA tension headache and migraine medications
thrust techniques by prudent and appropriately (Bronfort et al 2001).
trained practitioners (Rivett 1995).
Evidence supporting practice
The osteopathic approach to the treatment of
Best practice requires osteopaths to embrace headache not only addresses somatic dysfunction
the principles of evidence-based medicine that within the cervical spine but also takes into
integrates the best results from clinical and epi- account dysfunction in other areas of the muscu-
demiological research with individual clinical loskeletal system and disturbances in autonomic,
experience and expertise whilst taking account lymphatic, and fluid systems. When formulating
of patient preferences (Pedersen et al 2001, the osteopathic manipulative prescription the cli-
Sackett et al 1997). nician has a wide range of direct or indirect tech-
Since 1979 there have been over 50 mostly niques to draw upon. Substantive research has
qualitative, non-systematic reviews published been undertaken into HVLA thrust techniques,
relating to manipulation and mobilization treat- often combined with mobilization and exercise,
ment for back and neck pain (Bronfort et al with increasing evidence of efficacy. However,
2004). A number of systematic reviews and many of the commonly-used osteopathic manip-
meta-analyses have also been undertaken in an ulative treatment techniques, e.g. soft tissue,
attempt to determine the efficacy of spinal articulatory, counterstrain, myofascial/neuro-
manipulation on back and neck pain (Bronfort muscular release, and muscle energy technique,
et al 2004, Mior 2001), neck pain (Gross et al have not yet been subjected to well-designed
2002, 2004, Hurwitz et al 1996), and chronic research studies. The justification for the use of
headache (Bronfort et al 2001). many of these techniques, either alone or in com-
A Cochrane review of manipulation and mobi- bination, is largely dependent upon osteopathic
lization for mechanical neck pain concluded that convention, anatomical knowledge, biomechani-
when combined with exercise, mobilization and/ cal analysis, and clinical experience, whilst taking
or manipulation is beneficial for persistent account of patient preferences.

Barker S, Kesson M, Ashmore J et al manipulative techniques. In: Beal Bennett SE, Schenk R, Simmons E 2002
2000 Guidance for pre-manipulative MC (ed) The principles of Active range of motion utilized in the
testing of the cervical spine. Manual palpatory diagnosis and manipulative cervical spine to perform daily
Therapy. 5(1):37-40. technique. American Academy functional tasks. Journal of Spinal
Beal MC 1989 Teaching of basic of Osteopathy, Newark, Disorders & Techniques 15
principles of osteopathic p 162-164. (4):307-311.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Bolton P, Stick P, Lord R 1989 Failure Di Fabio RP 1999 Manipulation of the Greenman PE 2003 Principles of Manual
of clinical tests to predict cerebral cervical spine: risks and benefits. Medicine, 3rd edn. Lippincott
ischaemia before neck manipulation. Physical Therapy 79(1):51-65. Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Journal of Manipulative and DiGiovanna EL, Schiowitz S 1997 An Gross A, Hoving J, Haines T et al 2004
Physiological Therapeutics osteopathic approach to diagnosis A Cochrane review of manipulation
12:304-307. and treatment, 2nd edn. Lippincott and mobilization for mechanical neck
Breen A 2002 Manipulation of the neck Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. disorders. Spine 29(14):1541-1548.
and stroke: time for more rigorous Downing CH 1985 Principles and Gross A, Kay T, Hondras M et al 2002
evidence. Medical Journal of practice of osteopathy. Tamor Manual therapy for mechanical neck
Australia 176:364-365. Pierston, London. disorders: a systematic review
Bremner-Smith AT, Unwin AJ, Williams Dvorak J, Orelli F 1985 How dangerous Manual Therapy 7(3):131-149.
WW 1999 Sensory pathways in the is manipulation to the cervical spine? Gutmann G 1983 Injuries to the
spinal accessory nerve. J Bone Joint Journal of Manual Medicine 2:1-4. vertebral artery caused by manual
Surg Br 81:226-228. Dvorak J, Loustalot D, Baumgartner H, therapy. Manuelle Medizin 21:2-14.
Bronfort G, Assendelft W, Evans R et al Antinnes J 1993 Frequency of Haldeman S, Kohlbeck F, McGregor M
2001 Efficacy of spinal manipulation complications of manipulations of 1999 Risk factors and precipitating
for chronic headache: a systematic the spine. A survey among the neck movements causing
review. J Manipulative Physiol Ther members of the Swiss medical vertebrobasilar artery dissection after
24(7):457-466. society of manual medicine. cervical trauma and spinal
Bronfort G, Hass M, Evans R, Bouter L European Spine Journal 2:136-139. manipulation. Spine 24(8):785-794.
2004 Efficacy of spinal manipulation Ehrenfeuchter W, Sandhouse M 2003 Haldeman S, Kohlbeck F, McGregor M
and mobilization for low back and Muscle energy techniques. In: Ward 2002 Unpredictability of
neck pain: A systematic review and R (ed) Foundations for osteopathic cerebrovascular ischemia associated
best evidence synthesis. Spine medicine, 2nd edn. Lippincott with cervical spine manipulation
4(3):335-356. Williams & Wilkins, therapy: a review of sixty four cases
Carey P 1993 A report on the Philadelphia, ch 57. after cervical spine manipulation.
occurrence of cerebral vascular Ehrenfeuchter W, Heilig D, Nicholas A Spine. 27(1):49-55.
accidents in chiropractic practice. 2003 Soft tissue techniques. In: Hall T, Robinson K 2004 The flexion-
Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Ward R (ed) Foundations for rotation test and active cervical
Association 37:104-106. osteopathic medicine, 2nd edn. mobility – a comparative
Chapman-Smith D 1999 Cervical Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, measurement study in cervicogenic
adjustment. The chiropractic report Philadelphia, ch 54. headache. Man Ther 9:197-202.
13(4):1-7. Fitzgerald MJ, Comerford PT, Tuffery Hartman L 1997 Handbook of
Clubb D 2002 Cervical manipulation AR 1982 Sources of innervation of osteopathic technique, 3rd edn.
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& Manipulative Therapy 134(pt 3):471-490. cervical manipulation in Perth.
10(1):11-16. Fredriksen TA, Salvesen R, Stolt- Chiropractic Journal of Australia
Cote P, Kreitz B, Cassidy J, Thiel H Nielsen A, Sjaastad O 1999 24:42-46.
1996 The validity of the extension- Cervicogenic headache:long-term Hurwitz E, Aker P, Adams A et al 1996
rotation test as a clinical screening postoperative follow-up. Cephalalgia Manipulation and mobilization of the
procedure before neck manipulation: 19:897-900. cervical spine: a systematic review of
a secondary analysis. Journal of Gibbons P, Tehan P 2006 Manipulation the literature. Spine 21
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Therapeutics 19(3):159-164. edn. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Jaskoviak P 1980 Complications arising
D’Alonzo G, Krachman S 2003 Edinburgh. from manipulation of the cervical
Pulmonology. In: Ward R (ed) Grant R 1994 Vertebral artery spine. Journal of Manipulative and
Foundations for osteopathic insufficiency: A clinical protocol for Physiological Therapeutics 3:
medicine, 2nd edn. Lippincott pre-manipulative testing of the 213-219.
Williams & Wilkins, cervical spine. In: Boyling J, Johnson S, Kurtz M 2003 Osteopathic
Philadelphia, ch 34. Palastanga N (eds) Grieves modern manipulative treatment techniques
Dabbs V, Lauretti W 1995 A risk manual therapy, 2nd edn. Churchill preferred by contemporary
assessment of cervical manipulation Livingstone, Edinburgh, p 371-380. osteopathic physicians. Journal of the
vs NSAIDs for the treatment of neck Grant R 1996 Vertebral artery testing – American Osteopathic Association
pain. Journal of Manipulative and the Australian Physiotherapy 103(5):219-224.
Physiological Therapeutics 18: Association Protocol after 6 years. Jones J, Kappler R 2003 Osteopathic
530-536. Manual Therapy 1(3):149-153. considerations in palpatory diagnosis

Osteopathic approach CHAPTER 17

and manipulative treatment. In: Maigne R 1972 Orthopaedic medicine: a Journal of Manual & Manipulative
Ward R (ed) Foundations for new approach to vertebral Therapy 3(4):144-151.
osteopathic medicine, 2nd edn. manipulation. Charles C Thomas, Rivett D, Milburn P 1996 A prospective
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Illinois. study of cervical spine manipulation.
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Jones L, Kusunose R, Goering E 1995 manipulation, 3rd edn. Butterworths, 4:166-170.
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83706. incidents and spinal manipulative Zealand. New Zealand Journal of
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Terrett A 2002 Did the SMT Thiel H, Rix G 2005 Is it time to stop test on a patient with an atretic and
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Chiropractic Journal of Australia 32 of the cervical spine? Manual Therapy 8(2):120-127.
(3):99-119. Therapy 10(2):154-158. Willard FH 2003 Autonomic nervous
The Glossary Review Committee of the Thiel H, Wallace K, Donat J, Yong-Hing K system. In: Ward R (ed) Foundations
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Principles 1993 Glossary of positions on vertebral artery flow. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
osteopathic terminology. In: Allen TW Clinical Biomechanics 9:105-110. Philadelphia, ch 6.

Chapter Eighteen

Integrative medicine approach
Iggy Soosay

treats the patient as a unique individual (both

Effective assessment and treatment of headache or
in assessment and treatment), and emphasizes
migraine depends on a good history. In some cases a
dietary history is important as food allergy or health promotion (Pizzorno 2003).
sensitivities can be a key factor in the precipitation of Careful assessment is made of lifestyle patterns
headache. In this chapter the author, a general as they relate to sleep, nutrition, exercise, and
practitioner, addresses the effect of food allergy and
stress management. Where applicable, improve-
tyramine-rich foods on headache. The chapter also
discusses dietary modification to reduce the ment of eating and sleeping habits can have a sig-
incidence, frequency, and duration of headaches. nificant beneficial effect on headache frequency.
This chapter looks first at specific dietary
causes of headache and migraine, while the second
Headache, including migraine, is a common health part addresses toxic overload, focusing on the
problem and can be a challenge to the treating effect this may have on the gut and the liver. The
practitioner. A number of etiological factors such information is referenced where evidence exists;
as food sensitivities or allergies, nutritional defi- nutritional medicine is an evolving field and whilst
ciencies, or neuroendocrine imbalances can be evidence is increasing it is not complete. Treating
involved. Hence, the challenge of effecting a cure the patient with headache can be a challenge.
rather than symptom management involves the With some difficult patients it is the failure of con-
identification of causes and contributing factors ventional medicine that leads them to seek help
specific to each presenting patient. Whilst this from alternative medicine practitioners. The
may not always be possible, unless one starts with author has been practicing and lecturing in this
the aim of exploring possible causes the practi- form of medicine for over 25 years and draws on
tioner may miss the opportunity to effect a cure. clinical experience to present this approach to
treating a patient with headache or migraine.
Integrative medicine
Effective management of headache requires an Dietary factors
integrative approach. Integrative medicine has
been found to be a scientifically accurate Allergy and food sensitivities can trigger various
approach to healing that focuses on the whole types of headaches. In one study over 70% of
person (not merely on disease or symptoms), migraine sufferers exhibited at least one reaction
SECTION TWO Approaches

induced by food (Mansfield et al 1985). In

Box 18.1
another study, 93% of children with migraine
improved with a diet that avoided offending foods Histamine-rich foods (partial list).
(Egger et al 1983). Whilst there is no conclusive Anchovies
evidence as to which chemicals in foods trigger Beer
headaches, it is thought that vasoactive amines Ciders
such as tyramine and other amines including Eggplant
phenylethylamine and histamine are responsible. Fermented foods
Tyramine is found in cheese, especially aged, Processed meats
strong, and cheddar varieties. Phenylethylamine Tomatoes
is found in chocolate, octopamine in citrus Wines
fruits, and histamine in red wine and beers. Yeast extract
Caffeine addiction and withdrawal can be asso- Yoghurt
ciated with headaches and exacerbation of
migraine (Scher et al 2004). Fasting or skipping
meals leading to hypoglycemia can also trigger as a histamine-free diet for at least 4 weeks.
migraines (Jacome 2001). Box 18.1 lists the major histamine-rich foods.
Chocolate is a common trigger and the chemi- As supportive treatment, vitamin B6 (pyridoxal
cals in this food are, phenylethylamine, theobro- phosphate) is also suggested, as pyridoxal phos-
mine, and caffeine. The postulated cause is an phate seems to be crucial for diamine oxidase
alteration of blood flow and the release of nor- activity (Jarisch & Wantke 1996).
epinephrine (Martin & Behbehani 2001). A pro- Nitrates as food additives are another cause
posed mechanism by which caffeine can cause of headache. Cured meats such as ham, bacon,
headaches presumes a vasoconstrictive action salami and hot dogs contain nitrates.
on the cerebral arteries. When caffeine con- Aspartame is a sweetener cleared for general
sumption is reduced or ceases, the blood vessels consumption except for children with phenylke-
dilate and the increased cerebral blood flow tonuria. This additive is approved for use in
results in headaches in susceptible individuals. pharmaceutical products and, as well as its use
Alcohol also has a vasodilator effect on cra- as a sweetener in many foods, is being used
nial blood vessels. However the alcohol itself increasingly in chewable tablets and sugar-free
is probably not the migraine-provoking chemi- formulations. Headache is the most common
cal, but rather the tyramine and histamine adverse effect attributed to aspartame. Aspar-
contained in red wines and beers. tame in chewing gum has been reported to be a
Headache can be induced by histamine in cause of headaches (Blumenthal & Vance
wine and some foods in patients suffering from 1997), while up to 11% of patients with chronic
histamine intolerance. Histamine is degraded migraine reported headaches triggered by aspar-
by the enzyme diamine oxidase in the small tame (Lipton et al 1989). However a double-
bowel. Hence, a reduced level of activity or lack blind challenge with three doses of 10 mg/kg
of this enzyme can trigger a headache when a given every 2 hours triggered no more headaches
histamine-containing food is consumed. than did placebos in patients with vascular head-
A histamine-free diet is the treatment of aches believed to be exacerbated by aspartame
choice for patients with histamine intolerance (Schiffman et al 1987). A small, double-blind,
and chronic headache. Treatment is started with trial showed an increase in frequency of head-
an H1 blocker antihistamine for 14 days as well aches after ingestion of 1200 mg/day over a four

Integrative medicine approach CHAPTER 18

weeks, indicating that a longer challenge period It is only relatively recently that gluten sensi-
may be necessary (Koehler & Glaros 1988). Many tivity has been recognized as a cause of neuro-
scientists have expressed caution concerning logical illness (Hadjivassiliou et al 2002). It
the use of aspartame in patients with migraine, has been estimated that 10% of patients with
epilepsy, and psychiatric disorders (Millichap celiac disease develop neurological complica-
2001, Newman & Lipton 2001). tions (Finelli et al 1980). Retrospective analysis
An under-recognized cause of migraine is glu- of data from a hospital in the UK found that
ten sensitivity. Classical celiac disease is a glu- neurological and psychiatric conditions occurred
ten-sensitive enteropathy where small bowel in 189 out of 620 patients with celiac disease.
villous atrophy is associated with malabsorption, The three most common conditions were
steatorrhea, and weight loss. This disease affects depression, epilepsy, and migraine (Pengiran
different people differently and there are no Tengah et al 2002).
typical signs and symptoms. Most people with In a study of 90 patients with migraine, 4.4%
celiac disease have general complaints such as were found to have celiac disease compared with
intermittent diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloat- 0.4% of blood donor controls. During 6 months
ing; some have no gastrointestinal symptoms at on a gluten-free diet there was a significant less-
all. The symptoms of this disease may also ening of the frequency, duration, and intensity
mimic other conditions such as irritable bowel of migraine (Gabrielli et al 2003). In adolescents
syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or skin disorders. with celiac disease there is an increased incidence
Clinical experience suggests that most of migraine and tension headaches (Roche
patients with celiac disease present with non- Herrero et al 2001).
specific or trivial complaints (Box 18.2), with Asymptomatic patients with an enteropathy
the diagnosis only inferred from abnormalities characteristic of celiac disease are considered to
in routine blood tests, e.g. anemia, iron, and/or have ‘silent celiac disease’ and those with appar-
vitamin B12 deficiency. Gluten is found in foods ently normal small bowel biopsy who develop
containing wheat, rye, barley, and oats. The ‘gold typical histological features later in life are
standard’ for the diagnosis of celiac disease is regarded as having ‘latent celiac disease’. These
small bowel biopsy but antibody testing is a use- observations have led to the concept of a ‘celiac
ful first line investigation. disease iceberg’ made up of a visible part of those
who are diagnosed clinically and a far larger
Box 18.2 submerged portion that includes all individuals
who are undiagnosed because of atypical, latent,
Symptoms of celiac disease.
or silent disease (Pengiran Tengah et al 2002).
Weight loss
Recurring abdominal bloating and pain Management of food-induced
Fatigue migraine
Pale, foul smelling stools
Iron deficiency anemia not responding to iron
Treatment involves keeping a headache and diet
Joint pain diary, and the selective avoidance of food pre-
Paresthesia in the legs sumed to trigger attacks. Headache diaries can
Mouth sores be downloaded from the internet. Figure 18.1
Skin rash
is an example of the diaries that can be found
Stunted growth (in children)
Osteopenia or osteoporosis on the site of The American Council of Head-
ache Education.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Daily Diary

Date of headache:

Type of headache: migraine tension-type other:


Description of prodrome
(symptoms prior to onset
of pain)

Presence of aura

Time of headache onset

Severity of worst pain

(0 = no pain: 10 = severe pain)

Symptoms (e.g. nausea,

vomiting, photophobia,
throbbing, disability)

Medication 1 taken Type of medicine:

Time of dose:

Medication 2 taken Type of medicine:

Time of dose:

Time of headache relief

Noted triggers of factors

that may cause headache
(e.g. caffeine, menstruation,
fasting, sleep deprivation,

Other comments

Questions about your

headache or medication

Figure 18.1  A daily headache diary. (Daily, weekly, and monthly diaries are available for download from http://

Integrative medicine approach CHAPTER 18

A universal migraine diet with simultaneous Coenzyme Q10. Treatment with a dose of
elimination of all potential triggers is generally 1 to 3 mg/Kg per day of Coenzyme Q10
not advised in practice as it can be extremely resulted in significant reduction in migraine
difficult to adhere to and there is a danger frequency and disability over 100 days
of developing nutrient deficiencies. Dietary
advice should therefore only be given by an Magnesium and fish oil
experienced professional. A well balanced diet
Both magnesium and fish oil (Box 18.3) have
is encouraged with avoidance of fasting. This
been associated with inhibition of platelet
approach to identifying and eliminating food
aggregation and inhibition of vasospasm. Mag-
triggers should be attempted prior to long-term
nesium is also thought to stabilize cell mem-
prophylactic drug therapy.
branes, and reduce formation of inflammatory
Both Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
eicosonoids. High dose oral magnesium appears
and olive oil supplements have been shown to
to be effective in migraine prophylaxis. In a
reduce the frequency and severity of migraines
multi-centre placebo-controlled, double-blind
in adolescents (Harel et al 2002).
randomized study (Peikert et al 1996) 600
mg (24 mmol) was used daily for 12 weeks.
Coenzyme Q10 Migraine frequency was reduced by 41.6% in
In some patients mitochondrial dysfunction the magnesium group compared to 15.8% in
resulting in impaired oxygen metabolism has the placebo group.
been implicated in migraine pathogenesis
(Montagna et al 1994). Coenzyme Q10 is a nat- Toxic overload
urally occurring substance and an essential ele-
ment in the mitochondrial electron transport
Patients usually present to integrative doctors
chain. An open label study (Rozen et al 2002)
when conventional treatments have been ex-
using 150 mg per day of Coenzyme Q10 was
hausted. Commonly, these patients would have
trialed as a preventive for migraine. Mean reduc-
been thoroughly investigated with no specific
tion in migraine frequency after one month
cause found for the headache or migraine. For
of treatment was 13% and this increased to
the rest of this chapter it is assumed that the
55% by the end of 3 months. There were no side
migraine or headache has been thoroughly
effects noted with Coenzyme Q10. Another
investigated and no cause has been found. The
study (Sandor et al 2005) compared Coenzyme
Q10, 100 mg three times daily, and placebo in
42 migraine patients in a double-blind placebo- Box 18.3
controlled trial. Coenzyme Q10 was superior
Therapeutic actions of magnesium and fish
to placebo in reducing attack frequency, head-
oil in migraine (Toth 2003).
ache days, and days with nausea. Tolerability
was excellent with one adverse effect to the Inhibition of platelet aggregation
Coenzyme Q10 being cutaneous allergy. Counteract vasospasm
Coenzyme Q10 has been suggested as effec- Stabilize cell membranes
tive in the prevention of pediatric and adoles- Reduce formation of inflammatory eicosonoids
Fish oil
cent migraine. In this study (Herskey et al Platelet stabilization
2007), one-third of the study population of Antivasospastic action
1550 patients was found to be deficient in

SECTION TWO Approaches

focus then is to identify any toxic overload on A key feature of the mucosal immune system
the body. Chronic and multiple agent overload is its ability to remain tolerant to these antigens
is more common than single agent or acute while retaining the capacity to repel pathogens
toxicity. effectively.
Medication- or substance-induced headache GIT infections, excess intake of alcohol,
is probably an under-recognized condition with NSAID use, stress, broad spectrum antibiotics,
multiple etiologies. These include prescribed corticosteroid hormones, and chemical con-
medication (including medication for the head- tamination of food are some of the factors that
ache), over-the-counter medication, illicit drugs, can adversely affect the barrier function of the
anesthetic agents, inhaled substances, and sub- GIT resulting in increased permeability. This
stances used in diagnostic procedures (Toth change in permeability can stimulate hypersen-
2003). sitivity responses to foods (DeMeo et al 2002)
Proposed mechanisms by which toxicity can and to components of the normal gut flora.
cause or contribute to headaches and migraine Bacterial endotoxins, cell wall polymers, and
include interference with digestion, nutrient dietary gluten may cause non-specific activa-
absorption, cellular transport, oxidative dam- tion of inflammatory pathways mediated by
age, enzyme interference and mimicking of complement and cytokines (Walker 1975). In
hormones. Those relating to the gut and to susceptible individuals this can increase toxic
the liver are discussed further. load on the liver (Aldersley & Howdle 1999).
Decarboxylation of amino acids by gut bacteria
The gut connection yields vasoactive and neurotoxic amines, partic-
ularly histamine, octopamine, tyramine, and
The gut is another major source of toxicity. tryptamine which are absorbed and transported
Poorly digested foods, by-products of diges- to the liver to be deaminated. In severe cirrho-
tion, altered gut bacterial populations caused sis, these amines enter the systemic circulation
by exogenous hormones, and antibiotics can and contribute to encephalopathy and hypoten-
all interfere with normal physiology. sion of hepatic failure (Brown 1977). Bacterial
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a critical beta-glucuronidase deconjugates estrogens, in-
barrier between the internal and external envi- creases enterohepatic recirculation of these ster-
ronment. The normal intestinal epithelium is a oids and decreases their rates of clearance from
semi-permeable (selective) barrier which pre- the body, effectively raising blood estrogen levels
vents toxic, antigenic molecules or micro- and the risk of breast cancer (Goldin 1986).
organisms and their by-products from entering Testing for increased intestinal permeability
the blood stream. The GIT is home to trillions involves the measurement of passive permeabil-
of commensal bacteria. A state of controlled ity of two sugars, mannitol and lactulose. This
physiologic inflammation and contact with protocol was developed to measure intestinal
these bacteria are considered to be essential hyperpermeability that could lead to food
conditions for the proper development of the sensitivity (Andre 1986). The test measures
immune system, with over 50% of the immune the ability of these non-metabolized sugar mole-
system thought to be contained within the cules to permeate the intestinal mucosa. Since
digestive tract (Fiocchi et al 1994). It is likely they are not metabolized any absorbed sugar is
that cross-talk between the immune system fully excreted in the urine within 6 hours. Urine
and normal flora helps induce oral tolerance. is collected and the concentrations of the two

Integrative medicine approach CHAPTER 18

sugars measured. Mannitol, a monosaccharide, is Collected urine and saliva is tested and this
absorbed passively through the intestinal gives information that determines the treat-
mucosa. In contrast, lactulose, a disaccharide, is ment to improve liver function. It is important
normally not absorbed unless the mucosal bar- to understand that the standard pathology liver
rier is compromised. Treatment of increased function test does not provide any information
intestinal permeability involves a diet eliminat- on liver detoxification.
ing alcohol, possible food allergens and treat- Repeated exposure to food-borne toxic che-
ment with nutrients including L-glutamine, an micals, environmental pollutants, endotoxins
amino acid that is a primary nutrient for produced by bowel bacteria, prescription and
coloncytes. other drugs can increase the detoxification bur-
den. This overload can lead to a greater produc-
The liver connection tion of free radicals and subsequent damage to
various body systems. It is the author’s clinical
The liver is one of the most complex organs in observation that headaches and migraines can
the body with numerous functions. In addition be reduced by addressing the body burden of
to coordinating metabolic processes to ensure toxins.
energy homeostasis and synthesis of plasma Toxic compounds can accumulate and damage
proteins and clotting factors, hepatocytes are various enzyme systems. Common symptoms
active in biochemical biotransformation of are fatigue, headache, nausea, poor concen-
many endogenous and exogenous substances tration, hormonal imbalances, and multiple
(Corless & Middleton 1983). chemical sensitivities. People working as hair
One of the primary functions of the liver is dressers, nail technicians, dry-cleaners com-
toxin management and removal, known as monly present with headache and fatigue, pre-
detoxification. Toxins are chemical agents that sumably caused by exposure to the chemicals
produce adverse reactions in living things. used in those industries. Chronic pain patients
More than 200 000 manufactured environmen- with long term ingestion of analgesics are
tal chemicals (xenobiotics) exist. Most of these another common group where the liver is faced
chemicals are subject to metabolism in the with an excessive toxic burden.
human body with the liver being the main Phase 1 and 2 enzymes need to be in balance
organ involved in this detoxification. At least for efficient detoxification. If patients present
30 different enzymes catalyse reactions involved with induced Phase 1 activity and normal or
in xenobiotic metabolism (Murray et al 2000). reduced Phase 2 activity, toxic substances from
Liver function can be assessed by adminis- Phase 1 metabolism will increase. This will
tering an exogenous substance to quantify increase the risk of hepatotoxicity and the pos-
changes in hepatic blood flow, uptake, bio- sibility of chronic disease including headache or
transformation and excretion. Characterization migraine. Treatment will need to be directed
of drug half-life, clearance, and product forma- at stimulating Phase 2 and reducing Phase 1
tion rates are possible methods for measuring (Box 18.5).
hepatic efficiency (Barstow & Small 1990). In addition to the treatment of unbalanced
A test called a Functional Liver Detoxification Phase 1 or 2 activities, the liver can also be
Profile (Box 18.4) involves ingesting low doses treated with Silybum marianum (also called
of aspirin, paracetamol, and caffeine. (This milk thistle), as a general hepatoprotective
test is available from specialist laboratories.) agent (Rainone 2005). One of its active

SECTION TWO Approaches

Box 18.4
The functional liver detoxification profile.
The liver converts substances that are lipid soluble (Wahllander et al 1990), and that the processing and
and toxic through a series of chemical reactions degradation of foreign compounds is slower than
(called Phase 1 and Phase 2 reactions) to make them normal. However, as the P450 enzyme system is an
more water soluble and non-toxic. inducible, on-demand detoxification system, a low
The ability of the liver to clear a challenge dose of exposure to environmental inducers may result in a
caffeine is an indicator of the detoxification capacity low caffeine clearance and not indicate a health
of the Phase 1 pathway. The enzyme system called problem. Clinical correlation can be useful in these
microsomal P450 mixed-function oxidase is used circumstances.
to oxidize such compounds to prepare them for Phase 2 is tested by ingesting a test dose of
removal. Its activity towards all such molecules is paracetamol and salicylic acid in the evening. These
reflected by how fast caffeine is removed from the products are converted to various conjugation
body after a challenge dose. Saliva samples are taken products overnight and the levels in the overnight
at intervals of two and eight hours and analyzed for urine reflect the activities of conjugation enzyme
caffeine, the concentration of which closely parallels activities. The conjugation molecules are acted upon
that in blood (Zylber-Katz et al 1984). by specific enzymes to catalyze the reaction step.
A high value indicates that the P450 system in the Molecules used by the liver for this purpose include
liver is actively working to remove toxins. When this glutathione, sulphate, glycine, acetate, cysteine, and
activity is elevated it would be beneficial to reduce glucuronic acid. Adequate amounts of these
exposure to environmental toxins such as car molecules are necessary for proper detoxification
exhausts and pesticides since the P450 enzymes can ability. There is also individual variation in the control
convert such substances to procarcinogenic mechanisms for Phase 1 and 2 processes depending
compounds (Bralley & Lord 2005a). As the exposure on inherited or genetic strengths or weaknesses and
decreases the enzyme activity should decline. A ethnicity (Critchley et al 1986, Cupp & Tracy 1998,
higher caffeine clearance will be seen in smokers and Patel et al 1992).
those on high protein diet as there would be a Phase 2 reactions are affected by numerous drugs
continuous induction of this enzyme. Gut microbes and are susceptible to nutrient insufficiencies, obesity
are another potential source of toxins that are (Abernethy et al 1983), and cigarette smoking
detoxified by this pathway. (Scavone et al 1990) and must be taken into account
A low value of the caffeine clearance can indicate in the interpretation of results.
loss of liver function, e.g. alcoholic cirrhosis

Box 18.5 ingredients is silymarin (Pradhan & Girish

2006). The detoxification pathways need a
Balancing Phase 1 and Phase 2 enzymes.
number of B group vitamins, minerals, amino
Herbs and nutrients that inhibit Phase 1 activity:
Tumeric (Sugiyama et al 2006) acids and other nutrients for efficient function-
Watercress (Hecht 1996) ing (Flier et al 2002). Decreased hepatic clear-
Garlic (Davenport & Wargovich 2005, ance of estrogens can occur with these
Bhuvansewari et al 2005) deficiencies which could occur from long term
Herbs and nutrients that induce Phase 2 activity:
Turmeric (Pfeiffer et al 2007) overload in the detoxification pathways and
Rosemary (Offord et al 1997) therefore a greater demand on these and other
Green tea (Maliakal et al 2001) nutrients. Hormones have to compete with all
Antioxidants – Vitamins A, C, E the other substances for detoxification. So the
Lipoic acid (Flier et al 2002)
Selenium (Bralley 2005b)
total load on the liver needs to be considered
if the patient is taking multiple medications.

Integrative medicine approach CHAPTER 18

A wide variety of substances induce liver use of antioxidants, a herbal combination consisting
enzymes and can potentially overload these sys- of turmeric and rosemary, vitamin and mineral
tems. Some of these are alcohol, exhaust supplement. His headaches decreased considerably
in intensity on this regime but did not clear as he was
fumes, acetate, barbiturates, barbequed meats, still living at the orchard and continuing to be
dioxin, high protein diets, organophosphorus exposed to the sprays.
pesticides, and paint fumes. Discussion
The following case study illustrates how
It is interesting that none of his family members living
assessment of the functional liver detoxification in the orchard had similar problems. A possible
profile and appropriate treatment can assist in answer could emerge from the new field of
the management of a patient’s headache. pharmcogenomics or pharmacogenetics – the
genetic tendency toward fast, slow, or normal
metabolism of specific molecules due to genetic
differences in the detoxification Phase 1 and Phase
2 systems (Critchley et al 1986). People with
Case study
recurrent adverse effects from various chemicals
DY was a 42-year-old man who grew up in an including medications may have unique
orchard and had since taken over the family polymorphisms of the detoxification enzyme systems
orchard business. About 3 years prior to attending that make them more sensitive to these substances.
he started to feel nausea and left-sided headaches.
This lasted for a few days and cleared. A week later
the symptoms recurred. He then noticed that every
time he was exposed to spraying of the orchards his
symptoms recurred. He then started to develop
severe fatigue. He reported that the fruit is sprayed
fortnightly from early September till April. The land is
also sprayed regularly to control the weeds. After Effective assessment and treatment of head-
picking, the fruit is sprayed with a fungicide.
ache or migraine depends on a good history,
He had had blood tests at the nearest regional including a dietary history where food allergy
centre but was told that there was nothing abnormal
or sensitivity is suspected. Identification of die-
found. He was apparently tested for various
chemicals and told that nothing abnormal was tary triggers enables the practitioner to formu-
discovered. He saw a neurologist and after late an appropriate treatment plan. Specific
investigation was given low dose amitriptyline. nutrients have also been shown to help in the
This did not help. He then saw another neurologist
who treated him with another antidepressant which treatment of migraine. Finally, the core pro-
also did not help his symptoms. cesses of gut and liver function may need to
Functional liver detoxification profile showed that his be investigated and treated if no other causes
Phase 2 activity was slowed. Treatment involved the of the headache have been found.

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Chapter Nineteen

Management of temporomandibular
and cervical components of headache
Peter Selvaratnam, Stephen Friedmann, Jack Gershman
and Maria Zuluaga

are not associated with or caused by other dis-

Overlap between temporomandibular and cervical
eases. Migraine, tension headache and cluster
contributions to headache is common in many
patients. In this chapter the authors, two headache are examples of primary headache.
musculoskeletal physiotherapists and two Secondary headaches are caused by a medical
dentists, address the identification and condition or a disease process that may be
management of these components with emphasis
minor, serious or life threatening (Biondi 2001,
on temporomandibular and dental aspects.
Olesen et al 2004). Headache arising from cervi-
cal or temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are
Severe acute and chronic headache can cause examples of secondary headache. A detailed
substantial physical, social and financial distress discussion of primary and secondary causes of
due to the intensity, frequency, and duration of headaches can be found in Chapter 2.
pain (Jull et al 2004, Rasmussen 2001, Rasmus- The incidence of cervicogenic headache in the
sen et al 1991). Epidemiologists estimate that general population is estimated to be 16–18%
direct costs for migraine per annum in USA (Greenbaum 2006, Jull et al 2004, Nilsson
was over US$1 billion in the late 1990s, and 1995, Pfaffenrath et al 1990, Zito et al 2006).
the indirect costs due to absenteeism and In comparison it is estimated that 25–33% of
reduced effectiveness at work was US$13 billion those with TMD may have pain or headache
(Hu et al 1999). In an Australian study of 1717 (Dworkin et al 1990, Gremillion et al 2000).
patients it was reported that 87% had experi- Structures in both regions can cause referred
enced a form of headache in the previous pain to the temporal region of the head. The
year. Of these, 47% sought help from medical mechanism of such referral is considered to be
practitioners, pharmacists, dentists, physiothera- through functional overlap of cervical afferent
pists, chiropractors, ophthalmologists, optome- nerves with the spinal tract of the trigeminal
trists or masseurs, and 99% took medication nerve (Bogduk 1985, Govind et al 2005, Lance
(Heywood et al 1998). et al 2004). The biomechanical relationship
The International Headache Society (IHS) between the head and neck could also be a con-
has classified headache as either primary or sec- tributory factor in such headache referral (Kraus
ondary (Olesen et al 2004). Primary headaches 2007, Rocabado et al 1991, Santander et al 2000,
SECTION TWO Approaches

Watson et al 1993, Zito 2007). Clinicians there- movement, sleep disorders and somnambulism
fore are faced with the task of differentiating (sleep walking) (Kato et al 2003, Lavigne,
TMD from cervical disorders likely to cause 2005). Awake bruxism can be associated with
headache (Zito 2007, Zito et al 2008). habitual tooth clenching (Kato et al 2003).
This chapter discusses the clinical assess- Jaw bracing, nail biting and tongue edge biting
ment, differential diagnosis, and management are also considered associated signs of bruxism
of patients whose headache may be associated (Kato et al 2003, Okeson 2005).
with or triggered by TMD or cervical disorders. Bruxism is estimated to occur in approxi-
mately 6–20% of the population (Glaros, 1981,
TMD and headache Goulet et al 1993, 1995, Lavigne 2005) with
17–20% of all bruxers complaining of TMJ pain
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a col- and disability (Goulet et al 1993, Piekartz von
lective term for different musculoskeletal con- et al 2001, Piekartz von 2007). The prevalence
ditions involving the temporomandibular joints of sleep bruxism in a Canadian study was esti-
(TMJs) and/or masticatory muscle disorders mated to be approximately 8% of the adult popu-
(Nitzan et al, 2008) and is described in Chap- lation (Lavigne, 2005). Sleep studies indicate that
ter 7. Headache can be triggered by TMD due tooth grinding occurs in 80% of young adults dur-
to TMJ or masticatory muscle involvement ing Stages 1 and 2 of sleep and in about 5–10%
(Balasubramaniam et al 2008, Benoliel et al during rapid eye movement (REM) (Kato et al
2008a, Zito 2007) and this is referred to as 2003; Lavigne 2005). Laboratory studies also
‘TMD-related headache’. As well, headache demonstrate that a large number of sleep bruxism
can be associated with referred myofascial pain episodes occur in the supine position similar to
from the cervical region, tension type head- obstructive sleep apnea (Lavigne 2005, Lavigne
ache, migraine, fibromyalgia or bruxism and et al 2006).
may refer pain to the TMJ and masticatory Bruxism has been described as either primary
muscles resulting in ‘secondary TMD’ (Bala- (idiopathic) or secondary (iatrogenic) (Kato et al
subramaniam et al 2008, Benoliel et al 2003). Primary bruxism may be induced by the
2008a). Hence, TMD-related headache may central nervous system (CNS) in the absence of
need to be distinguished from other conditions an underlying medical pathology resulting in
that may contribute to TMD. day time tooth clenching or sleep bruxism. Trig-
gers of primary bruxism could be acute or pro-
Bruxism longed anxiety and periods of prolonged stress.
Psychological or psychiatric conditions can also
Bruxism may also play an important role in trigger primary bruxism. Secondary bruxism
TMD and can occur while asleep or awake may occur due to neurological conditions, sleep
(Kato et al 2003). Sleep bruxism is defined as dysfunction or medication (Kato et al, 2003)
an oromotor movement disorder (Thorpy such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
2005) that can lead to tooth contact and result anti-psychotic drugs or due to drug withdrawal
in activation of masticatory muscles (Lavigne (Lavigne 2005, Winocur et al 2003).
2005). However, it has been observed that Bruxism was initially considered due to
rhythmic masticatory muscle activity can occur gnashing and grinding of teeth provoked by
in the absence of tooth contact in 60% of psychological factors. However, the evidence
normal controls and in those with rapid eye from the literature does not support this

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

hypothesis (Kato et al 2003, Lavigne 2005, other joint conditions (73.3%), and then those
Raphael et al 2008). Laboratory studies demon- with myofascial pain (68.9%). The investigators
strate that cardiac autonomic activity and CNS reported that there was a stronger association
mediated cortical function play an important between bruxism and muscle disorders than
role in initiating sleep micro-arousals during with disc displacement and TMJ pathologies.
sleep bruxism (Kato et al 2001, 2003, Lavigne Further studies need to be conducted in differ-
2005, Lavigne et al 2006, Lobbezoo et al ent populations to evaluate the relationship
2001, Macaluso et al 1998, Terzano et al between bruxism and TMD
2002). These investigations show that there is Some clinicians claim that bruxism contri-
an increase in autonomic cardiac activity 4 to butes to headache. Cross-sectional studies
8 minutes prior to tooth grinding or phasic addressing the prevalence of headache in brux-
jaw muscle activity. Cortical activity then ers indicate that 66–87% experience headaches
heightens followed by increased heart rate just (Hamada et al 1982, Molina et al 1997). Yustin
prior to contraction of suprahyoid muscles. Fol- et al (1993) screened 353 patients of whom 86
lowing this, tooth contact occurs as the end were identified as bruxers. They found that
result of a series of physiological episodes 60% of bruxers develop headache and neck
(Lavigne 2005, Lavigne et al 2006). Bruxism pain. However, there have been only a few
is therefore now considered to be mediated large scale double-blind randomized clinical
by cardiac autonomic and cortical activity. trials or cohort studies that have evaluated the
Researchers and clinicians debate whether contribution of bruxism to headache and the
bruxism can trigger TMD. However, the rela- level of available evidence is low (Dao et al
tionship is very complex and not clearly under- 1994, Jennum 2002, Kampe et al 1997, Lobbe-
stood (Lobbezoo et al 1997, Manfredini et al zoo et al 2008, Macfarlane et al 2001, Rugh &
2003). Review of the literature by Lobbezoo Harlan 1988). These authors infer that while
et al (1997) observed that ‘a commonly held bruxism may trigger headache it may not
concept is that bruxism leads to signs and always be associated with TMD.
symptoms characteristic to one or more of the
sub-diagnoses of TMD, while another hypothe- Cervicogenic headache
sis suggests that bruxism is a TMD itself and
sometimes co-exists with other forms of Researchers have demonstrated that cervical
TMD’. Their review indicated that the causal structures can trigger headache in the tempo-
relationship between bruxism and TMD was ral, frontal and orbital regions (Bogduk 1985,
unclear. Subsequently a prospective study by 2001, Jull et al 1988, 2002, Sjaastad et al
Manfredini et al (2003) demonstrated that 1983, Zito 2007, Zito et al 2006). Provocative
there was a significant association between stimulation of the occipital condyles, C1 dorsal
bruxism and TMD. They examined 212 root, C3 dorsal ramus and upper cervical zyga-
patients with different research diagnostic pophyseal joints has been shown to refer pain
criteria for TMD-related diagnoses, and com- to the cranium (Bogduk 1985, 2001, Campbell
pared them with 77 sex- and age-matched & Parsons 1944, Jull et al 1988). Local anes-
asymptomatic subjects. The highest incidence thetic blocks to the C3 dorsal ramus or radio-
of bruxism was found in those with myofascial frequency neuromyotomy have also been
pain and disc displacement (87.5%), followed demonstrated to relieve headache (Bogduk
by myofascial pain, disc displacement, and 1985, Govind et al 2005).

SECTION TWO Approaches

Myofascial trigger points (MTPs) in the ster- and 22) and food sensitivities (Ch. 18) may co-
nocleidomastoid (SCM), splenius capitis, tra- exist with chronic headache. Validated psycho-
pezius (Simons et al 1999) and sub-occipital metric measures such as the Beck Depression
muscles (Fernandez de las Penas et al 2006, Inventory may assist in evaluating depression
2008) have also been reported to refer pain to (Dworkin et al 2005).
the head. Injecting these MTPs with local anes- It is important to establish whether the
thetic (Okeson 2005, Simons et al 1999) or dry TMD-related headache is due to musculoskele-
needling (Baldry 2005) have been described to tal factors or associated with other rare joint
relieve headache. The MTPs in the trapezius related conditions that may present as TMJ pain.
have also been shown to evoke pain in the face, Conditions such as ear disorders, dental condi-
the temple, the angle of the mandible, retro- tions, neurovascular conditions such as hemicra-
orbital region and behind the ear (Okeson nia continua, cardiac conditions, autoimmune
1996, Simons et al 1999, Travell 1960). The disorders, infections, and benign or malignant
MTPs in the SCM have also been known to tumors can refer pain to the TMJ and need to
refer pain to the temporal region, the anterior be differentially diagnosed (Nitzan et al 2008).
aspect of the face over the zygoma, and mass- Similarly it is necessary to establish whether
eters (Kellgren 1949, Simons et al 1999). the cervicogenic headache is due to musculo-
These investigations demonstrate that upper skeletal factors or other causes. In rare
cervical disorders can refer pain to the head. instances, a dissecting vertebral artery or inter-
The neuroanatomical connection between the nal carotid artery may contribute to headache
upper cervical region and head and the possible (Jull et al 2004). The authors recall seeing
mechanism of referred pain to the head is two patients with unusual signs that might have
described in Chapter 9. The characteristics of suggested cervical headache, who were later
cervicogenic headache are described in Chapter 8. found to have a pituitary tumor and an upper
cervical meningioma respectively. While these
Assessment cases are uncommon, it is important to be
aware of sinister underlying pathology as a pos-
A detailed clinical history is important in the pro- sible differential diagnosis particularly with
cess of differential diagnosis of headache since unusual clinical presentations or when there is
patients with similar headache presentation poor response to musculoskeletal interventions.
may have a different etiology. In order to differ- Hence red flags such as the ‘first or worst’
entiate primary from secondary headache it is headache need to be considered (Ch. 2). In a ret-
important to establish the history of onset of rospective study of 111 patients with headache
the headache and related symptoms, intensity, presenting for neuroimaging, it was found that
frequency and duration of the headache, any paralysis, reduced conscious levels, and papille-
change in headache pattern and development of dema were statistically significant red flag fea-
any new headache. The process may also be tures in predicting abnormal neuroimaging
assisted by asking questions about factors that (Sobri et al 2003). Other red flag features
trigger and ease the headache, the presence of included onset of new or different headache,
headache while sleeping and on waking, general nausea or vomiting, worst headache ever experi-
health, past history of headache, previous and enced, progressive visual or neurological changes,
current interventions including medication and weakness, ataxia, or loss of coordination, drowsi-
their effectiveness. Psychosocial factors (Chs 21 ness, confusion, memory impairment, onset of

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

headache after age of 50 years, stiff neck, onset headache. These guidelines are based on findings
of headache with exertion, sexual activity or in the literature (Jull et al 2004, Lavigne 2005,
coughing, systemic illness, numbness, asymme- Lavigne et al 2006, Okeson 2005, Zito et al
try of pupillary response, sensory loss and signs 2006), clinical findings of expert physiotherapists
of meningeal irritation (Sobri et al 2003). and musculoskeletal physiotherapists (Zito
Some patients may have a combination of 2007), and the authors’ clinical findings in
cervical disorders and TMD contributing to patients with headache. Table 19.1 provides a
their headache. In these patients, the cervical summary of guidelines for differentiating patients
region may need to be treated and signs and with TMD-related headache from those with a
symptoms in both regions re-assessed to make cervicogenic headache.
a working diagnosis. If the condition is unal-
tered, the temporomandibular region needs to
be treated and the signs and symptoms re- Subjective assessment
evaluated. Some patients may need both regions
treated to evaluate the outcome. However, it is Pain distribution
important to refer the patient to the medical Pain caused by TMD-related headache can be
practitioner for further investigation when a unilateral or bilateral in the temporal and/or
headache does not improve in the ‘prescribed frontal regions (Lavigne et al 2006, Zito
time’ based on its severity, irritability and nature 2007). It is frequently associated with pain in
(Jull et al 2004, Niere & Selvaratnam 1995). the pre-auricular region, the muscles of masti-
The visual analogue scale (VAS) can also be cation, in the distribution of the branches of
used to evaluate the intensity of headache on the trigeminal nerve and as a feeling of fullness
a ‘good day’ and a ‘bad day’ (where 0 is no pain, in the ear (Pettengill 1999, Zito 2007). Pain is
1 mild pain, 5 moderate pain, and 10 the most rarely referred to the cervical region or trunk
severe imaginable pain). A pain diary can be unless associated with fibromyalgia (Nitzan
used to assess the intensity, frequency and dura- et al 2008).
tion of the headache over a four week period to Cervicogenic headache is usually referred
monitor the effects of treatment. Under experi- from the upper cervical region to the fronto-
mental conditions females have been found temporal and orbital regions in the distribution
to have a lower pain threshold during certain of the ophthalmic nerve (Sjaastad et al 1983,
stages of their menstrual cycle (see Ch. 9). Low- 1998, Zito 2007). The headache is often asso-
ered pain threshold was also observed in a study ciated with pain in the sub-occipital region,
among women taking oral contraceptives occipital region, or lower cervical region (Zito
(Fillingim et al 2000). Hence, it is important 2007). Cervicogenic headache is most often
to consider these factors when assessing women unilateral but at times can be bilateral (Jull
with headache. et al 2004, Sjaastad et al 1983, Zito 2007).

Guidelines for differential

Aggravating factors
Patients with TMD usually have difficulty with
The following subjective and objective assessment jaw functions, such as biting or chewing on
provides further guidelines in differentiating foods such as apples, carrots and bread rolls,
a TMD-related headache from a cervicogenic which may provoke headache. Those with

SECTION TWO Approaches

Table 19.1 Guidelines for differentiation of patients with TMD-related and cervicogenic headache.

Characteristics TMD-related headache Cervicogenic headache Other causes

Subjective assessment
Area of symptoms Unilateral or bilateral temporal Unilateral fronto-temporal, TMJ pain in rare instances may be
headache þ/ TMJ and masti- or orbital headache but associated with ear disorder,
catory muscle pain can occur bilaterally dental conditions, neurovascular
Pain may radiate anteriorly from Pain may radiate superiorly conditions such as hemicrania
the pre-auricular region or from the cervical region to continua, cardiac conditions,
superiorly the cranium autoimmune disorders,
infections and benign or
malignant tumors

Associated Mandibular pain Pain in the occipital or

symptoms Fullness in the ear sub-occipital region or in the
Sensitive teeth or periodontal upper trapezius muscle

Aggravating Jaw function exacerbates TMD- Neck movements or

factors related pain or headache sustained neck postures
trigger headache

Sleep pattern Woken during sleep or on awak- Headache on waking asso- Waking in the early hours of
ening with headache, mandibular, ciated with cervical pain morning could signify a red flag
teeth or periodontal symptoms or restriction such as a brain tumor, or benign
Patient or partner complains of Not associated with snoring intracranial hypertension

Awake signs and Headache associated with masse- Headache may be associated
symptoms ter or temporalis muscle with a forward head
tightness posture or while sitting and
May be associated with a forward working in a slumped
head posture while sitting posture with cervical flexion

Physical assessment
Active movements Active TMJ movements may be Active cervical movements
restricted and may reproduce may be restricted and
headache reproduce or ease headache

Spatula test Placing spatula between premo- Headache is unaltered by

lars may reduce the patient’s placing spatula between
constant headache or TMJ pain. premolars and on
Examining cervical movements re-examining cervical
(with the spatula between movements
premolars) reduces or alleviates
headache compared to examin-
ing without a spatula

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

Table 19.1 Guidelines for differentiation of patients with TMD-related and cervicogenic headache—Cont’d

Characteristics TMD-related headache Cervicogenic headache Other causes

Muscles Hypertrophied masseters Hypertrophy of masseters is Fibromyalgia, orofascial tumors,
not associated with cervical and blockages of the parotid duct
disorder need to be considered when
masseters are hypertrophied

Palpatory Palpation of the TMJ reproduces Palpation of upper cervical Red flags: dissecting vertebral
examination symptoms motion segments artery or internal carotid artery
Presence of MTPs in masticatory reproduces headache
muscles may reproduce Sustained pressure of the
headache or orofacial pain cervical motion segments
Some patients may have MTPs in for 30 to 60 sec may
cervical muscles which may reproduce the headache
trigger orofacial pain or alleviate it
Palpation of cervical MTPs
reproduces or eases

Slump test Slump test negative Slump test may reproduce


Odontogenic Wear facets of the dentition Dental signs are not

factors Cracked tooth syndrome associated with
Tongue crenations and linea alba cervicogenic headache
TMJ ¼ temporomandibular joint. MTPs ¼ myofascial trigger points.

cervicogenic headache may attribute their REM sleep cycle. In others insomnia can cause
headache to cervical movements, prolonged morning headache (Lavigne 2005, Lavigne et al
cervical postures while performing manual 2006).
work, or sitting with a forward head posture. Researchers infer from sleep studies that
The forward head posture could impact upper the most predictive indicator of sleep bruxism
cervical structures and contribute to headache is whether a patient snores (Lavigne 2005,
(McKenzie 1983). This posture may also pre- Lavigne et al 2006). Information about snoring
dispose to tooth clenching and contribute to should be obtained during the patient inter-
awake bruxism-related headache (Okeson view. If there is uncertainty, then the partner
2005). The relationship between the forward or those sharing the same dwelling should be
head posture and headache needs to be identi- questioned about whether the patient snores
fied in the physical assessment. or makes jaw sounds (Lavigne 2005).
Waking with headache. Patients who experi- In the authors’ experience most patients are
ence sleep bruxism/TMD may wake with a either unaware of or deny snoring. Thus, if the
headache during sleep or on awakening (Kato patient or their partner is unable to shed fur-
et al 2003). This phenomenon could be due to ther light then the diagnosis of sleep bruxism
rhythmic masticatory muscle activity or tooth based on snoring is very limited. Symptoms
grinding/clenching during Stages 1 and 2 or the associated with bruxism such as jaw muscle

SECTION TWO Approaches

tightness, fatigue and pain and other odonto- Clinical studies have also demonstrated that
genic factors described in this chapter needs pain can be referred to the teeth from the tem-
to be considered. Assessment for sleep apnea poralis and masseter muscles (Simons et al
may be conducted at a sleep disorder clinic. 1999), the SCM and trapezius muscles
The patient’s cervical region could also con- (Okeson 2005). Thus, in the absence of odon-
tribute to headache while sleeping and on togenic causes, pain referral from the cervical
waking (Jull et al 2004). The cervical sleep pos- and masticatory muscles should be considered
ture in different functional positions needs to (Okeson 2005).
be assessed to identify the contribution of the Abscess. Clinicians need to be aware that den-
cervical region to headache. Changing the cer- tal abscess may also cause masticatory muscle
vical posture or the number of pillows may co-contraction and TMD-related headache.
assist in identifying whether it is a causative Patients with a dental abscess may be incor-
factor. In some patients wearing a cervical col- rectly diagnosed with TMD. The pain in the
lar while sleeping may assist in identifying the affected tooth can be intense or throbbing and
cervical contribution to headaches. The collar can occur quite suddenly and gradually worsen
may provide support to and relieve strain on over a few hours or days. Red flags such as con-
cervical structures thereby easing headache. stant unremitting tooth pain associated with
Raised intracranial pressure can also cause pain spreading to the ear, jaw and neck on the
individuals to awake with headache (Lance same side as the affected tooth should guide
et al 2004). Those with a suspected raised clinicians to promptly refer the patient to a
intracranial pressure should be referred imme- dentist for further evaluation. Other symptoms
diately to an emergency department for further of a dental abscess could include tenderness of
evaluation (see Ch. 2). the tooth and surrounding area to touch and
Sensitive teeth or gums. Patients with TMD pressure from biting, unpleasant taste in the
due to sleep bruxism may complain of a recent mouth, sensitivity to food and drink that is
episode of sensitive teeth and/or gums on very cold or hot, fever, a general feeling of
awaking or during functional activities while being unwell, difficulty swallowing or opening
awake (Okeson 2005). Tooth sensitivity could the mouth and disturbed sleep (Benoliel et al
be due to stimulation of nociceptive afferents 2008b, Doss et al 1999, Sharav et al 2008).
of the maxillary and mandibular branches of
the trigeminal nerve. Sensitivity of teeth to Physical assessment
cold liquids may also be reported. The dentist
may find that there is no odontogenic cause to The physical assessment needs to include the
their pain and bruxism may be suspected. Per- patient’s posture, examination of the cervical
sistent pain may lead to hypertonicity of masti- and temporomandibular regions. The headache
catory muscles and contribute to TMD-related intensity during active and passive movement
headache (Okeson 2005). examination can be assessed with the verbal pain
Intermittent tooth pain. Patients who brux may rating scale (which is an analogue to the VAS)
complain of intermittent tooth pain lasting for two where 0 is no pain, 1 is mild pain, 5 moderate pain
to three days on waking or at the end of a busy day and 10 is severe pain (Selvaratnam et al 1994).
(Okeson 2005). In contrast, the pain for patients Dental pathology, secondary occlusal dysfunction
with dental conditions may be variable (i.e., such as missing teeth and open bites needs to be
improving or worsening) or constant pain. assessed by a dentist (Nitzan et al 2008).

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

Postural considerations The investigation identified that the patient

The patient’s cervical posture (Braun et al 1989, group demonstrated a greater forward head pos-
McKenzie 1983, Mayoux-Benhamou et al 1994, ture than controls in both positions ( p < 0.05).
Rocabado et al 1991, Watson et al 1993) as well The patients with active MTPs in the analyzed
as thoracic, lumbar and pelvic postures need to muscles demonstrated a greater forward head
be assessed (Ch. 17) in the standing and sitting posture than those with latent MTPs. They also
positions as part of the comprehensive headache had reduced neck mobility when compared with
examination (Gibbons et al 2006). Previous the asymptomatic patients. This study further
clinical studies did not support the effect of the demonstrates the importance of assessing the
forward head posture on the stomatognathic contribution of forward head posture in headache
system (Braun et al 1991) in contributing to head- sufferers.
ache (Haughie et al 1995, Refshauge 1995, Correcting the forward head posture from
Treleaven et al 1994) or TMD (Olivo et al upper cervical extension (Fig. 19.1a) to upper
2006, Sonnesen et al 2001). However, the clinical cervical flexion (Fig. 19.1b) in the sitting/stand-
investigation by Fernandez de las Penas et al ing positions and sustaining this position for 30
(2006) observed a relationship between forward seconds may assist in evaluating the cervical
head posture and unilateral migraine sufferers. component to headache. This sustained move-
They compared 20 unilateral migraineurs with- ment may need to be repeated 3 to 5 times due
out side-shift and 20 matched controls. The cra- to long term adaptation of soft tissues. If the
niovertebral angle was measured with side-view headache is unchanged, the patient is requested
photographs in the sitting and standing positions. to place the tongue on the floor of the mouth to
Neck mobility was measured with a gonio- reduce masticatory muscle activity and jaw
meter. Migraine sufferers demonstrated a smaller clenching (Carlson et al 1997). Any change in
cranio-cervical angle than controls ( p < 0.001), headache intensity may indicate a TMD-awake
and thereby presenting with a greater forward bruxism component. The effect of the tongue
head posture in both positions. There was also a position may also be evaluated in different cervi-
positive correlation between the craniovertebral cal positions. While these postural changes may
angle and reduced cervical extension in migrai- infer a cervical/TMD component, the diagnosis
neurs. This preliminary study lends support to can only be made following a comprehensive
the hypothesis that the forward head posture cervical and temporomandibular assessment.
can be associated with headache sufferers. Some patients may experience headache
A subsequent blinded pilot study also evalu- while seated in a slumped position with the
ated the effect of forward head posture in 15 epi- cervical and thoracic spine in flexion. The
sodic tension tension-type headache patients and slump test may assist in identifying the poten-
15 matched asymptomatic controls. (Fernandez tial postural or spinal dural components of
de las Penas et al 2007). The study evaluated headache (Butler 2000). Anecdotal evidence
the differences in each group for the presence suggests that changing a patient’s sitting pos-
of forward head posture, active and latent MTPs ture from a slumped position to a more erect
in upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, tem- sitting posture may reduce headache intensity
poralis, and neck mobility. Side-view photo- and assist in diagnosing the spinal postural com-
graphs were taken in the sitting and standing ponent to headache. Applying postural taping
positions to assess the craniovertebral angle. A from the C7 to the T9 level (Fig. 19.2) to cor-
goniometer was used to measure neck mobility. rect posture and improve postural awareness

SECTION TWO Approaches


Figure 19.1  The upper cervical spine in (A) extension and (B) flexion.

may also assist in evaluating the postural com-

ponent to headache.
It is also the authors’ experience that attend-
ing to postural variations in some patients with
a protracted scapula, a lumbosacral tilt, or an
apparent leg length discrepancy has reduced
their headache intensity or TMD-related pain
due to biomechanical or neural effects. Thus,
each patient’s presenting condition and their
postural variations need to be addressed care-
fully to evaluate whether postural changes alter
the intensity or nature of the headache both
within the session and over the long term.
Patient-specific functional scales (Cleland
et al 2006, Sterling 2007) would assist in eval-
uating the efficacy of postural changes.
Despite the paucity of large scale rando-
mized clinical studies to support this empirical
evidence, the benefit of postural correction and
awareness in headache patients has support
Figure 19.2  Postural taping from the C7 to the T9 level. from the physiotherapy and dental professions.

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

Proponents of evidence informed medicine

recommend that the patient’s report on treat-
ment outcomes and physician’s experience
must be considered in addition to systematic
research findings (Sackett et al 1997). How-
ever, further clinical research is required to test
these theories.

Cervical examination
Cervical diagnostic blocks are considered the
gold standard in diagnosing cervicogenic head-
aches (Bogduk 2001, Govind et al 2005). These Figure 19.3  Application of manual upper cervical
diagnostic blocks are not office procedures and
cannot realistically be offered to each patient.
However, diagnostic blocks assist in the diagno- by manual cervical distraction (Fig. 19.3) or pos-
sis and indicate potential treatment options for teroanterior palpation of the cervical region may
patients with refractory cervicogenic headache assist in identifying the cervical contribution.
and are described in Chapter 5. In most cases If the headache is not reproduced, sustained
the diagnosis of cervicogenic headache can be palpation of the cervical region for 30 to 60
made after a careful interview and physical seconds may assist in reproducing or easing their
examination of the cervical region (Jull et al headache. Treatment of the cervical region with
2004, Zito et al 2006). passive physiological or accessory movements
Active movements of the cervical spine of (Niere & Selvaratnam 1995), and re-examining
flexion, extension, rotation, lateral flexion, and active neck movements, functional activity and
upper cervical flexion and extension (Niere & patient specific functional scales (Cleland et al
Selvaratnam 1995) may reproduce or ease a 2006) will further assist in evaluating the cervi-
patient’s headache (Jull et al 2002). Repeated cal component.
movement of upper cervical flexion in the
standing, sitting or supine positions (10 repeti- Temporomandibular evaluation
tions) may assist in evaluating changes in the Active opening and closure of the mouth, pro-
intensity, quality, and directional preference trusion, retrusion, and lateral movement of
(such as centralizing or peripheralizing) of the the TMJ in the sitting or supine positions will
headache (Kent et al 2009, Long et al 2004, assist in assessing TMD and/or related head-
McKenzie 1983). Repeated movements can also ache (Trott 1985, Zito 2007). The TMJ can
be performed with other cervical movements to be palpated laterally over the pre-auricular
evaluate the behavior of the headache. region or posteriorly via the external auditory
In addition, careful palpation of the cervical meatus. The presence of TMJ clicking and/or
muscles, and passive physiological and accessory crepitus during opening and closing may be
movements of the cervical motion segments will assessed digitally over the lateral and posterior
further assist in evaluating the cervical compo- aspect of the TMJ. A stethoscope over the TMJs
nent (Brontfort et al 2004, Gibbons et al 2006, would assist in evaluating joint sounds since
Jull et al 2002, Niere & Selvaratnam 1995). they can be present continuously or at a particu-
Reproducing or easing the patient’s headache lar point of joint motion (Nitzan et al 2008).

SECTION TWO Approaches

The click usually occurs for a brief moment also be due to muscle imbalance of the contra-
during opening and closing of the mouth. When lateral medial or lateral pterygoid and/or the
it occurs during both directions it is referred to unilateral temporalis (Okeson 2005). Head-
as a reciprocal click. In contrast, crepitus may ache in the presence of abnormal or restricted
occur throughout the joint motion (Nitzan TMJ movement may suggest the possibility of
et al 2008). TMD (Zito 2007) but needs to be taken in
The normal range of inter-incisor opening in context with the total assessment of the
women is 35–45 mm and in men 45–54 mm; it patient.
can be assessed with a millimetre ruler or a Hypertrophied masseters may be observed in
measuring tape. The inter-incisor opening patients who brux or have TMD. However,
needs to be observed carefully to evaluate devi- fibromyalgia, orofascial tumors, and blockages
ation or deflection of the mandible (Fig. 19.4) of the parotid duct are diagnoses that should
and whether correction to the deviation occurs. also be considered (Lavigne 2005). Palpation of
Persistent deviation to the side of the TMD the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid,
is considered to be due to ipsilateral joint SCM, trapezius, sub-occipital muscles and sple-
dysfunction or disc derangement without nius capitis for the presence of MTPs will fur-
reduction. Deviation on opening which corrects ther assist in evaluating their contribution to
itself is considered due to ipsilateral disc dis- headache related to TMD or cervical disorders
placement with reduction (Nitzan et al 2008). (Simons et al 1999). The MTP examination of
However, deviation away from the TMD can these muscles is described in Chapter 23.
Accessory movements of the TMJ such as
postero-anterior gliding lateral movement and
longitudinal gliding may also assist in the diag-
nosis of TMD (Trott 1985, Zito 2007) though
their reliability has yet to be assessed.
Dental wear facets. Clinicians need to assess
for dental wear facets as part of the examina-
tion. Prolonged teeth grinding may result in
excessive dental wear facets (Fig. 19.5) that in
some instances may appear as a diamond shaped

Figure 19.4  Deviation of the mandible to the right. Figure 19.5  Dental wear facets.

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

facet. However, the presence of dental wear be assessed as it could occur with bruxism or a
does not provide an indication as to when it tongue thrusting and/or chewing habit (Piquero
may have occurred. Dental wear may have et al 1999).
occurred over many years and may not be an
indication of bruxism that is ongoing. Attrition Spatula test
of dental facets could also be accelerated by an The spatula test is performed to identify if cer-
acidic diet and therefore may have no bearing vical disorders or TMD are contributing to the
on a patient’s recent episode of tooth pain or symptoms (Piekartz von et al 2001). Currently
TMD-related bruxism/headache. there is limited evidence on the discriminative
Cracked tooth syndrome. Chronic bruxism validity and reliability of the spatula test
could result in teeth cracking or overtly fractur- despite its clinical utility. The spatula is placed
ing. Occlusal trauma or mastication of hard food between the points of most contact (for exam-
can lead to a similar outcome. Dental wear facets ple, the pre-molars) in the sitting position
and fractures may lead to an altered bite (Okeson (Piekartz von et al 2001, Piekartz von 2007)
2005, Sharav et al 2008). An acute bite change (Fig. 19.7a). The spatula reduces tooth contact
may result in development of MTPs in mastica- between the upper and lower molars and is
tory muscles (Rocabado et al 1991, Simons et al considered to lower peripheral neural receptor
1999). Clinicians therefore need to be aware that activity between the molars, and thereby
while a cracked tooth could contribute to TMD- reduce CNS input and/or activation of mastica-
related headache it may not always be associated tory muscles (Piekartz von 2007).
with a recent episode of headache. Though clenching of the teeth is not the only
Tongue indentation. The presence of indenta- means of determining TMD, a reduction of
tions in the lateral aspects of the tongue (crena- symptoms with application of the spatula at rest
tions) (Fig. 19.6) and cheek (linea alba) should or in combination with cervical movements may
indicate that it may be due to TMD or central
sensitization. For example, when a patient pre-
sents with unilateral right temporal headache,
active cervical movements are initially examined
in the sitting position to determine whether
they reproduce the patient’s headache. If the
patient’s headache is reproduced at 60 of right
cervical rotation, the neck is returned to the neu-
tral position. A spatula is then placed between
the points of most contact. Right cervical rota-
tion is then re-assessed (Fig 19.7b). If the head-
ache is eased, this change may be inferred due to
TMD or central sensitization (Piekartz von et al
2001). If the headache is unaltered it is possibly
due to cervical involvement. The cervical com-
ponent can be further assessed by palpating the
upper cervical zygapophyseal joints or cervical
Figure 19.6  Indentations in the lateral aspect of the muscles with the cervical spine rotated. Repro-
tongue (crenations). duction of the headache further confirms the

SECTION TWO Approaches


Figure 19.7  Spatula positioned between the points of most contact (e.g., the pre-molars) in
A. neutral cervical position and B. with the cervical spine rotated.

cervical contribution. Other cervical move- X-rays or MRI may be required for cervical dis-
ments such as upper cervical flexion or cervical orders. Panoramic radiographs of the TMJ are
flexion could be examined with the spatula, par- usually taken for routine assessment (Nitzan
ticularly when forward head posture or cervical et al 2008). Cone beam CT scans have replaced
flexion causes headaches. panoramic radiographs and other plain films as
The spatula test may give rise to false-posi- a routine examination for the TMJ and other
tives and false-negatives. However, it provides bone pathology. MRI would be useful for more
clinicians with an assessment tool to evaluate detail investigation of the articular disc and soft
the contribution of cervical or TMD to head- tissues (Nitzan et al, 2008).
ache in the absence of expensive laboratory
tests to examine sleep apnea or injection stud-
ies to the cervical region. Clinical decision making
and management
Appropriate investigations and imaging need to Effective management of headache will depend
be conducted when suspecting catastrophic or on the practitioner’s clinical decision making
sinister headaches (Ch. 2). Blood tests or lumbar and diagnosis. To this end it can be useful to
puncture may be indicated. A CT scan or MRI of sub-group patients on the basis of subjective and
the brain will be required to rule out some sinis- physical assessment findings rather than ‘clump-
ter or catastrophic causes of headache. Cervical ing’ them and treating them in a prescriptive

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

manner (Kent et al 2004). This approach seems Musculoskeletal headache may be further
to be supported by the results of a survey of 650 classified as acute or chronic. As well it is use-
participants in two Australian low back pain ful to evaluate irritability, which is the degree
meetings, where it was found that physiothera- to which the headache is provoked by func-
pists, medical practitioners, specialist physicians, tional movements (Niere & Selvaratnam
musculoskeletal physicians, chiropractors, and 1995). Aggravating factors are likely to impli-
osteopaths are more likely to sub-group patients cate specific cervical or mandibular functional
according to their physical impairments (signs movements/postures that could contribute to
and symptoms) rather than the pathoanatomy headache and may suggest possible manage-
(Kent et al 2009). ment strategies which will vary in each patient.
Sub-grouping patients by physical impair- The TMD may be sub-grouped according to
ments may assist in identifying those headache TMJ or masticatory muscle involvement
patients who require immediate medical atten- (Table 19.3). The TMJ component may be further
tion (Ch. 2), referral for management of anxi- subdivided into joint locking, hypermobility,
ety/depression (Chs 21 and 22), food sensitivity internal disc derangement with or without reduc-
(Ch. 18), or hormonal dysfunction (Ch. 9). tion and deviations of the mandible. Treatment
Sub-grouping may also assist in identifying selection will depend on the condition being man-
patients with other medical conditions that can aged. Likewise, masticatory muscle involvement
cause TMJ pain (Table 19.2) or who have a mus- may be sub-grouped according to the muscles that
culoskeletal headache due to TMD or cervical cause the disorder, their action, particularly when
disorders. these muscles contribute to mandibular deviation.

Table 19.2 Sub-grouping of patients for diagnosis and management.

Diagnosis Management
Catastrophic or sinister headache (Ch. 2) Referral to Emergency Department/medical

Anxiety/depression Cognitive strategies/referral to psychiatrist/

psychologist/psychoanalyst (Chs 21 and 22)

Food sensitivity Referral to integrative medical practitioner (Ch. 18)

Hormonal headache (Ch. 9) Referral to medical practitioner/endocrinologist/

integrative medical practitioner

Temporomandibular disorders(TMD)
A. TMD-related headache See Table 19.3
B. Entities that may in rare occasions be associated with TMJ pain; e.g. ear Referral to medical/dental practitioner
(Ch. 10), dental, neurovascular conditions such as hemicrania continua,
cardiac, auto-immune and malignant condition

Cervicogenic headache
A. Non-musculoskeletal; e.g., vertebral artery/internal carotid artery Referral to medical practitioner
dissection, cervical meningioma, pituitary tumor mimicking as
cervicogenic headache
B. Musculoskeletal See Table 19.4

Table 19.3 Sub-grouping of TMD-related headache for diagnosis and management.

Diagnosis Management
Assess function of masticatory and • Improve coordination of masticatory agonist and antagonist
cervical agonist and antagonist.
Assess MTPs in the cervical and • Deactivate MTPs with:
temporomandibular regions (Ch. 23) a. MTP therapy (Ch. 23)
b. Dry needling (Ch. 24)
• Pain management:
a. Medication
b. Cognitive therapy (Chs 21 and 22)
c. Progressive muscle relaxation
d. Breathing relaxation
e. Feldenkrais therapy (Ch. 25)
• Exercise:
a. CCFP, upper cervical flexion in sitting, mandibular exercises (Ch. 20)

Locking, hypermobile, clicking, crepi- • Eat soft foods/soup
tus, internal disc derangement with or • Reduce mouth opening
without reduction • Support mandible with fist while-yawning
• Apply moist heat
• Mandibular stabilizing exercises
• Medication
• Stabilizing occlusal splint
• Referral to orofacial surgeon

Posture • Ergonomic recommendations for work and home environment

Evaluation of postural biomechanics • Evaluate effect of changing forward head posture
Sleep/awake bruxism • Pain management
• Referral to dental specialist for medication/stabilizing occlusal splints
• Evaluation of sleep/awake posture
• Sleep clinic

Pain referral in the trigeminal nerve • Medication
distribution • Pain management
• Dry needling
• Counseling

Referred from cervical region Treatment of:

a. Cervical MTPs
b. Zygapophyseal joint
c. Postural changes

TMD-related headache associated with Assess for:

temporalis muscle, myofascial pain, a. primary or secondary TMD signs
migraine and tension headache b. medical versus dental referral
c. management of secondary masticatory muscle signs (Ch. 23)
CCFP ¼ Craniocervical flexor program. MTP ¼ Myofascial trigger point.

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

Similarly cervical disorders may be sub- non-specific low back pain. They report that
grouped according to structures involved – the exercise prescription by manual therapists based
zygapophyseal joint, muscular or neural struc- on centralization/peripheralization was strongly
tures and the cervical segment contributing to predictive of the specific exercise that would assist
the disorder (Table 19.4). Investigators have patients (Kent et al 2009, Long et al 2004). Based
assessed patients with neurocompressive and on these findings, repeated cervical movements,
for example, upper cervical flexion may further
identify which movement eases the headache
Table 19.4 Sub-grouping of cervicogenic headache for and exercises prescribed accordingly (McKenzie
diagnosis and appropriate management.
Diagnosis Management Preliminary studies indicate that lumbar
mobilization/manipulation and stabilization
Postural • Ergonomic recommendations for
work and home environment
exercises can be used successfully in patients
• Evaluate the effect of changing with physical impairments due to non-specific
forward head posture or the slumped low back pain (Childs et al 2004, Flynn, 2002,
posture Hicks et al 2005). From these findings, it is
• Postural taping program hypothesized that physical impairments may
Muscles indicate whether manual cervical distraction,
Muscle func- • Exercise programs passive accessory cervical zygapophyseal joint
tion (e.g. • CCFP (Ch. 15) or TMJ mobilization, cervical, or masticatory
altered • Perform CCFP and evaluate if muscle interventions is the best approach for
endurance of craniocervical flexor endurance the patient. Impairments may indicate the need
cervical sta- improves and/or MTP is deactivated for zygapophyseal joint blocks, radiofrequency
• Isometric cervical extensor program neurotomy, MTP injections, or dry needling.
(Ch. 14) or
• Upper cervical flexion in sitting Similarly, impairments may suggest that a patient
presence of
MTPs • Lumbar core stability programs
requires stabilization exercises for the cervical
(Ch. 23) • MTP therapy (Ch. 23)
region (Ch. 15) and temporomandibular region
• Dry needling (Ch. 24)
compared to range of movement exercises or
• Pain management
a. Cognitive therapy (Chs 21 and 22)
referral to a dentist for a stabilizing occlusal splint.
b. Progressive muscle relaxation Sub-grouping may also identify patients likely to
c. Breathing relaxation benefit from postural re-training, postural taping
d. Feldenkrais therapy (Ch. 25) intervention, or an ergonomic assessment at work
e. Medication or home.
Zygapophyseal • Passive mobilization (Chs 15, 16 As a group, headache patients can be complex.
joint and 17) However, sub-grouping will assist informed deci-
• Cervical stabilization with CCFP sion making regarding physical management and
• Zygapophyseal joint block (Ch. 5) identifying those patients who may benefit from
Nerve • Neural mobilization (e.g. manual a multi-disciplinary approach.
cervical distraction, slump test, It is imperative that the management inclu-
upper limb neurodynamic test) des an explanation of the clinical findings so that
• Radiofrequency neurotomy (Ch. 5) the patient understands the nature of the condi-
CCFP-Craniocervical flexor program. MTP-myofascial trigger point. tion and proposed plan of management. The
explanation will assist patients to comply with

SECTION TWO Approaches

the management plan. In this way, the patient is managing their headache/TMD. Evidence-based
more likely to play an active role in management. outcome studies indicate that cognitive behav-
In contrast, a hasty explanation may lead to con- ioral therapy benefits patients with tension-type
fusion, reduce compliance, and compromise the headache, migraine, and TMD (Raphael &
outcome of intervention. Ciccone 2008). A review of the literature dis-
The following management strategies are a putes a psychogenic explanation to orofacial pain,
guide to clinicians and are neither prescriptive though there is evidence that psychological fac-
nor exhaustive. There is published evidence tors can perpetuate ongoing pain and dysfunction
supporting some of these management strategies (Raphael & Ciccone 2008). Thus behavioral ther-
while other interventions are based on evidence- apy programs need to be prescribed judiciously
informed medicine (Sackett et al 1997) and and take into account the patient’s condition
have consensus within the medical, physiother- and personality in order to provide the best
apy, and dental professions based on anatomical, management strategy.
biological, and biomechanical concepts. The out-
come measures described in Chapter 13, the Ergonomics and postural
mandibular function impairment questionnaire awareness
(Stegenga et al 1993), and patient specific func-
tional scales (Cleland et al 2006, Sterling 2007) Postural considerations in relation to sleep posi-
may assist clinicians to plan and evaluate inter- tion (described previously), work and home
ventions. Some of these management strategies ergonomics are imperative in the individual’s
are described in the following section. management. Applying taping to the cervico-
thoracic region to improve postural awareness
Pain management (Fig. 19.8) will limit slumping while seated and
reduce forward head posture. The tape can be
Relaxation skills, behavior modification, time worn for 2 days and then be removed for a day.
management, work-life balance, adequate sleep, If the patient is able to function without ex-
and managing psychosocial stressors are all periencing skin irritation, the tape can be trialed
important in the management of people with over one to three weeks. Patients need to be
headache. While clinicians are aware of stress advised about potential skin irritation and also
management skills, some patients may require to remove the tape gently. The effect of posture
referral to a psychologist/psychiatrist to deal with and taping on the outcome of headache can be
specific mental health factors or stressors that evaluated with a VAS scale or a pain diary.
may contribute to headache. Chapters 21 and Taking pause breaks and changing one’s work
22 address psychological issues and management posture every 20 minutes, prioritizing work,
strategies. Pharmacotherapy for different condi- and conflict resolution are also important tools
tions is discussed in Chapters 2, 3, 10, and 22. to manage headache.
Addressing lifestyle stressors is important
since headache and orofacial patients may suffer Spinal mobilization and exercise
from anxiety, depression, and distress (Nitzan
et al 2008). Some patients may benefit from pro- Spinal mobilization (Gibbons et al 2006, Jull
gressive muscle relaxation (Jacobsen 1929, Lance et al 2002, Niere & Selvaratnam 1995) and low
et al 2004), breathing techniques, visual imagery load exercises focusing on the craniocervical
(Ricks 1994) and prayer (Benson 1996) in flexor muscles have been shown to benefit those

Management of temporomandibular and cervical components of headache CHAPTER 19

headache is alleviated for only a few hours,

despite improved upper cervical joint and mus-
cle signs, it is wise to refer them to an appropri-
ate specialist (Jull et al 2004). More details on
the cervical rehabilitation program can be
found in Chapter 15.
Patients with TMD may also benefit from a
rehabilitative exercise program to the tempo-
romandibular region. Randomized clinical trials
have been conducted in patients with TMD
(de Wijer 2005, Michelotti et al 2004, van der
Glas 2000). Exercise therapy was compared
with occlusal splint therapy in 71 patients with
‘myogenous temporomandibular dysfunction’
(de Wijer 2005, van der Glas 2000). The
findings of the study indicated that exercise
therapy prescribed by physiotherapists to the
temporomandibular region might be preferred
to occlusal splint therapy due to lower costs,
similar efficacy, and shorter treatment duration.
In another study of 70 ‘myogenous TMD’
Figure 19.8  Application of taping to the cervicothoracic
region to improve postural awareness and reduce patients, education about their condition was
hypertonicity of the upper trapezeii. The skin is first compared with a combination of education
prepared to reduce the risk of skin irritation followed by
and a home exercise program (Michelotti et al
application of anti-allergenic tape and then adhesive tape.
2004). The exercise involved gently opening
the mouth to the point of pain onset and
with cervicogenic headache (Jull et al 2002). maintaining the stretch for one minute. This
In a randomized clinical study in 200 patients exercise was performed a total of six times.
with chronic unilateral cervicogenic headache, Co-ordination exercises were also performed
spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) performed by opening and closing the mouth 20 times.
by musculoskeletal physiotherapists, and com- The home program included diaphragmatic
bining SMT with a low load craniocervical flexor breathing and self mobilization of the masseters
program significantly reduced the frequency and and temporalis. After 3 months the success
intensity of headache in a large majority of rate in the education only group was 57% and
patients compared to controls on medication 77% in the combination therapy group. These
(Jull et al 2002). The investigation demon- findings support education and exercises in
strated that SMT or exercise with SMT is effec- patients with TMD.
tive in the management of those with chronic Clinicians need to take care when prescribing
cervicogenic headache and the effects main- mandibular exercises. There is a risk of over-
tained over a 12 month period. However, it is stretching the TMJ, accentuating mandibular
important while performing SMT or exercise protrusion while performing mandibular exer-
therapy that the muscle and joint changes cor- cises, and aggravating the condition. Hence,
relate with changes in headache pattern. If the when prescribing these exercises, specific

SECTION TWO Approaches

instructions must be provided to move within Conclusion

pain free limits. From clinical experience and
based on the biomechanical relationship of the Temporomandibular and cervical disorders can
cervical and temporomandibular regions, it is refer pain to the temporal regions of the head.
recommended that patients commence cervical Diagnosis can be a complex challenge requiring a
exercises prior to commencing an exercise pro- comprehensive history and clinical examination
gram directed at the temporomandibular region. to differentiate TMD-related from cervicogenic
For example they can perform upper cervical headache, and to assess the possible contribution
flexion in the sitting position (see Fig. 19.1b), of bruxism. Sub-grouping can be useful in differ-
or craniocervical flexion in the supine position ential diagnosis and management, and to identify
(see Fig. 15.1). the need for referral to other health professionals.
Masticatory muscle relaxation can be High quality research into chronic cervicogenic
achieved by placing the tongue on the floor headache supports the use of spinal mobilization
of the mouth (Carlson et al 1997) and quietly therapy and craniocervical exercise to produce
breathing in and out for 5 sec. This exercise long term positive outcomes in the management
can then be repeated 5 times. Orofacial exer- of this patient group. Similarly, research supports
cises can also be performed by placing the tip education in conjunction with exercise programs
of the tongue on the upper gums and moving conducted by physiotherapists for those with
the tongue over the upper gums and then over TMD. The evidence also supports the view that
the lower gums. The tip of the tongue can relaxation therapy and stress management skills
then be placed on the cheek pouch and slow can produce positive outcomes. However, other
circular movements performed in the clock- treatment approaches which have sound anato-
wise and counter clock-wise direction without mical, biological, and biomechanical paradigms
causing excessive stretching of the TMJ. The are based on convention, and need to be moni-
exercise program described in Chapters 20 tored with appropriate outcome measures to
and 25 can also be performed within pain free justify ongoing use in clinical practice.

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Sjaastad O, Saunte C, Hovdahl H et al Treleaven J, Jull G, Atkinson L 1994 Zito G, Morris M, Selvaratnam PJ 2008
1983 Cervicogenic headache. An Cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction Characteristics of TMD headache –
hypothesi. Cephalalgia 3:249-256. in post-concussional headache. a systematic reviews. Physical
Sjaastad O, Fredriksen TA, Pfaffenrath Cephalalgia 14:273-279. Therapy Reviews 13(5):324-332.
V 1998 Cervicogenic headache:

Chapter Twenty

Management of parafunctional
activities and bruxism
Harry von Piekartz

The term bruxomania or diurnal bruxism is

There is some evidence of a relationship between
sometimes used when referring to bruxism that
parafunctional activities and orofacial pain. In this
chapter the author, a musculoskeletal occurs during both day and night (Grozev &
physiotherapist, outlines the clinical patterns and Michailov 1999, Marbach et al 1990, Marie &
management of parafunctional activities and Pietkiewicz 1997). Bracing is defined as
bruxism. These conditions are often managed by
diurnal teeth pressing without vertical teeth
dentists, manual therapists, and psychologists.
movement (Kampe et al 1997, Kraus 1988).

Parafunctional activities (abnormal oral habits)

are not always recognized by clinicians in Epidemiology
patients with long term head and face pain.
A possible reason for this is because parafunc- The prevalence of bruxism is estimated at 6–20%
tional activities may not be directly associated in studies conducted on students (Carlsson et al
with symptoms. However, there is some evi- 2003, Glaros 1981) and the general population
dence of their contribution in patients with (Goulet et al 1993, Lavigne & Montplaisir 1995).
headache and orofacial pain (Glaros et al 2007, Of these people, 10–20% are conscious that they
Lobezzoo 2006, Okeson 2005, Svensson et al brux (Carlsson & Magnusson 1999). The inci-
2001). This chapter discusses some aspects of dence decreases with age, especially beyond the
neuromusculoskeletal therapy and behavioral age of 50 (Dao et al 1994). There is a positive cor-
re-education of patients with these conditions. relation between bruxism, lip-cheek-nail-biting,
Bruxism, a form of parasomnia, was defined and craniofacial dysfunctions and pain (Kieser &
as ‘continued or rhythmic contraction of the Groeneveld 1998, Widmalm et al 1995). How-
masticatory muscles combined with tooth con- ever, parafunctional activities may not always
tact’ (Hathaway 1995a, McMillan & Blasberg cause symptoms. For example, 60% of healthy
1994). Currently, bruxism is considered an oro- volunteers assessed in sleep laboratories show
motor disorder (Lavigne et al 2005), but its rhythmic masticatory muscle activities without
effects mimic those of parafunctional activities. having temporomandibular symptoms (Marklund
Bruxism may include abnormal orofacial behav- & Wänman 2008). Furthermore, only 17–20% of
ior such as bracing and grinding while sleeping patients with bruxism may suffer from pain and
and/or awake (Lavigne et al 2008, Thorpy 1990). dysfunction (Goulet et al 1993).
SECTION TWO Approaches

Etiology Box 20.1

The etiology of bruxism is not clearly under-

Areas of motor control that may be affected
by parafunctional activities.
stood. Stress is frequently cited as a domi-
Linguistic activities
nant factor producing increased muscle Speaking
tension in masticatory muscles during normal Singing
orofacial activities (Flor et al 1991, Kapel Social/sexual activities
et al 1989, Moss & Adams 1984, Rugh & Kissing
Nonverbal expression
Montgomery 1987). However, psychological
Digestive activities
stress and associated occlusal dysfunctions Swallowing
have not been found to correlate strongly Sucking
with symptoms associated with bruxism Respiratory activities
Inspiration and expiration
(Clark 1985, Goulet et al 1993, Marie &
Pietkiewicz 1997). The only direct correla-
tion with sleep bruxism has been observed
with sleep disorders. Sleep studies indicate
that sleep bruxism occurs predominantly
Box 20.2
during Stages 1 and 2 of the sleep cycle and Motor dysfunctions that may be clinically
to a lesser extent during rapid eye movement associated with parafunctions.
(REM) sleep (Dao et al 1994, Kato et al Oral habits
2003, Lobbezoo et al 1996). Chewing, nail biting
Sensory overactivity
Several pathophysiological mechanisms have Overactivity of the lips
been proposed. Current research indicates that Tongue sucking, biting
sleep bruxism is centrally mediated involving Incoordination
subcortical structures. Affective and cognitive Insufficient timing with deep cervical muscles
influences are considered to induce changes in
Unpredictable motor patterns
autonomic and motor outputs, leading to Bruxism/Bruxomania
peripheral changes in the masticatory muscles Bracing
(Gastaldo et al 2006, Lobbezoo & Naeije Trismus
2001, Yu et al 1995).

Parafunctional activities may lead to hyper-

Clinical examination trophy of the masticatory muscles, especially
the masseters (Kiliaridis & Carlsson 1994)
Areas of motor control that clinicians need to be (Fig. 20.1A & B). This hypertrophy can lead to
aware of are listed in Box 20.1. Parafunctional facial asymmetry which may affect the patient’s
activities are not easy to identify; however, there social communication and cause emotional con-
are often clinical patterns present that may assist flict (Rhodes 2006). Parafunctions are often
in their recognition. Box 20.2 lists the common accompanied by other neuromusculoskeletal
clinical characteristics of patients with long term dysfunctions (Winocur et al 2001) such as
parafunctional activities. craniocervical and shoulder pain, TMJ, and
Box 20.3 lists the factors that need to be con- motor dysfunction. The study by Manfredini
sidered when assessing a patient. and co-workers (2003) on 289 subjects partially

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

Box 20.3
Essential components of the subjective and physical examination.
Subjective examination • Experiences neck pain on waking, usually
combined with one or more of the above
mentioned symptoms
• Recent history (in the last 6 months) of grinding
• Reports feeling physically tired due to disturbed
the teeth, usually observed by partner or friends
• Recent history of temporomandibular disorder
• Reports experiencing toothache on waking.
and or dental treatment
Behavior Physical examination
The patient: On physical examination the following clinical patterns
• Is conscious of teeth grinding and clenching may be observed:
during the day • Inadequate counter reaction of the mandible
• Perceives that the masticatory muscles are stiff when gentle resistance is applied
and tense • Hypertonicity and sensitivity of the masticatory
• Wakes during the night because of the grinding muscles on palpation
sounds and/or their partner is aware of them • Mildly reduced active range of motion on
grinding opening of the mouth. The range may improve
• Is aware that the masseter muscle is ‘tired’ on after passive examination
awakening • Protective muscle guarding of the masticatory
• Experiences muscle tiredness during the day muscles during passive examination of the
which is associated with jaw function temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
• Wakes with a locked jaw
• Wakes with soreness of the masseters and


Figure 20.1  Patient exhibiting hypertrophy of the left masseter. (A) Frontal view. (B) Left side view.

supports this concept; they observed that 212 Temperomandibular Disorders (RCD/TMD).
subjects with bruxism had TMJ disorders (such Motor dysfunctions such as impaired timing,
as disc displacements and joint pathology) as speed and coordination may be present while
classified by the Research Diagnostic Criteria of talking, swallowing and singing (Castelo et al

SECTION TWO Approaches

2005, Corvo et al 2003) (see Box 20.2). Motor Occlusal Cognitive/affective

control of the masticatory muscles can be adaptation/changes influences
affected by many factors including mood, pos-
ture, the environment and sleep disorders
(Glaros et al 2007). Longitudinal studies have Motor dysfunctions
shown that parafunctions in childhood predict
increased anterior tooth wear 20 years later.
This phenomenon suggests that oral parafunc- Morphologic adaptation of
tions in children may be a persistent trait in the neuromusculoskeletal tissue
future that needs more attention (Lawrence &
Samson 1988). However, current research sug-
gests that tooth wear can be due to prolonged Craniomandibular and
grinding or build up of acid and may not neces- cervical dysfunction and pain
sarily be causing the patient’s current symptoms
(Lobbezoo 2006). Figure 20.2  Factors that could contribute to
craniomandibular and cervical dysfunction.
Factors that may contribute to parafunc-
tional activity include: occlusal dysfunctions
which require dental assessment (Glaros et al splints were previously considered to reduce
2005); abnormal craniocervical, facial, and the effects of bruxism (Nagels et al 2001, Oke-
mandibular morphology in the head, face, and son 1996), the evidence supporting the use of
neck regions (Piekartz von & Bryden 2001); splints is lacking (Nagels et al 2001).
and cognitive and emotional influences such as Stress management: progressive muscle relaxa-
extreme stress, anxiety, discontentment and tion, hypnosis, and biofeedback applied to
frustration. Patients may not relate these to change the effects of stress and psychosocial
parafunctional activities. A 24 hour diary mon- problems (Hathaway 1995b, Heller & Forgione
itoring symptoms and activities may assist the 1975, Kardachi & Clarke 1977). Stress man-
correlation between certain situations, environ- agement has been shown to provide short term
ments and emotions (Dahlstrom et al 1982). improvement in patients with bruxism (Goulet
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insuffi- et al 1993). However, the long term effects
cient or disturbed sleep may also be present have not been investigated.
(Tosun et al 2003). Physiotherapy intervention: craniofacial soft
A multifactorial model of the factors contri- tissue and TMJ mobilization, education of
buting to parafunctions is shown in Figure 20.2. motor control and behavior modification to
influence the neuromusculoskeletal factors
Management contributing to parafunctional activities.
Clinically, patients with parafunctions can
The intervention for bruxism/bruxomania will be divided into three broad groups:
vary in each patient due to multiple etiological 1. Patients who have a direct correlation
factors. Some of the most common interven- between their symptoms and
tions include: parafunctional activities based on
Night time occlusal splints: considered to subjective examination and symptom
influence parafunctional activities during the behavior (Lobbezoo & Naeije 1997,
night (Clark 1985). However, while occlusal Piekartz von 2007). These patients may

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

benefit from occlusal splint therapy, growth which may influence the masticatory
physiotherapy intervention, an muscles leading to abnormal afferent input or
educational approach, or a combination of nociception (Proffit & Fields 1993, Piekartz
these may reduce complaints. von 2007). For example, facial asymmetry
2. Patients who do not have a direct caused by unilateral maxillary sinusitis may lead
correlation between their symptoms and to an abnormal stress-transducer effect on facial
parafunctional activities. This and neurocranial bone tissue. This asymmetry
phenomenon may be due to a lack of can lead to abnormal bone growth and craniofa-
conscious awareness of parafunctional cial morphology (Linder-Aronson & Woodside
activities. Clinicians can assess the 2000). The patient may express these abnormal
possible correlation with trial treatments motor responses with an increase in muscle tone
followed by reassessment of physical signs in both sternocleidomastoid and masseter mus-
and patient specific outcome measures. cles (Palazzi et al 1996).
Cranial accessory movements (passive move-
3. Patients who do not have craniofacial ments between cranial bones which cannot be
symptoms but present with clear performed actively by the patient) described
parafunctional activities. The treatment in the following examples have the potential
approach will depend on the presentation to influence stress-transducer mechanisms of
of each patient’s parafunction. the craniofacial region (Piekartz von 2007).
For an excellent overview of different theories
Treatment of tissue dysfunction of cranial manual therapy the reader is referred
to the work of Chaitow (2005).
Craniofacial tissue mobilization In the author’s experience the following
There is clinical evidence that passive mobiliza- mobilization or movement strategies have been
tion can lead to the reduction of abnormal shown to be beneficial for patients with cranio-
orofacial motor activity and may have a positive facial symptoms due to parafunctional activities.
effect on parafunctional activities (Chaitow
2005, Piekartz von 2007). Assessment and Temporal-zygomatic region
treatment of craniofacial bone tissue is often The temporal bone forms the lateral side of the
underestimated by clinicians when managing neurocranium and is connected to the parietal,
patients with parafunctional activities. There sphenoid and occipital bones of the neurocra-
are many models explaining how cranial manip- nium. Together with the facial skeleton it has
ulative interventions can change signs and a strong connection with the zygoma and pro-
symptoms (Chaitow 2005). vides the origin to the masseter muscle
The techniques described below are based on (Fig. 20.3A & B).
a pragmatic functional approach related to clini- Starting position. The patient is instructed to
cal evidence from orthodontics and cranial plas- lie comfortably in the supine position on a plinth.
tic surgery (Oudhof 2001, Zöller et al 2005). The clinician sits at the top end of the plinth fac-
Craniomandibular-facial dental dysfunctions ing the patient’s head (Fig. 20.4). The clinician
such as malocclusion or TMJ disc displacements then positions the right hand on the posterolat-
are considered to facilitate an abnormal interac- eral aspect of the patient’s right temporal bone
tive bone tension (stress-transducing). This phe- directly over the ear. The right mid finger is
nomenon may facilitate (abnormal) craniofacial placed in the external auditory meatus. The right

SECTION TWO Approaches

M. masseter
– Pars profunda
– Pars superficialis

Figure 20.4  Craniofacial tissue mobilization of the

temporo-zygomatic region.

When performing lateral transverse movement,

the clinician needs to hook their right ring finger in
the external auditory canal while the middle and
M. pterygoideus index fingers squeeze the zygomatic process.
M. stylohyoideus
Temporal-parietal region
M. pterygoideus
medialis Starting position. The patient is instructed to
M. digastricus lie comfortably in the supine position on a plinth
Os hyoideum with the head and neck rotated to the left
B by 30 (Fig. 20.5). The clinician sits at the right
Figure 20.3  Illustration of a skull demonstrating: (A) the side of the patient’s head and positions the right
temporalis and masseter, and (B) the pterygoids, digastric hypothenar eminence over the patient’s right pars
and stylohyoid muscles. From Piekartz HJ (ed) 2007
squamosa of the temporal bone with their fingers
Craniofacial pain. Neuromusculoskeletal assessment,
treatment and management. Elsevier, Edinburgh. facing towards the face. The right thumb and
index finger are positioned on the superior and
thumb is positioned on the superior aspect of the inferior aspects of the zygomatic process of the
zygomatic process and the index finger is posi- temporal bone respectively. The right little finger
tioned on its inferior aspect (Fig. 20.4). is in contact with the mastoid process. The palm
Following this, the clinician rotates the of the left hand is positioned on the top of the
patient’s head and neck to the left by 30 . skull with the fingers placed on the parietal bone
The clinician then holds the right zygomatic superior to the parietotemporal region.
bone between the left thumb and index finger. Method. The clinician’s trunk initiates parietal
Method. From this position the clinician performs bone movement in the direction that they pro-
accessory movements of the temporal and/or pose to treat. A slight counter pressure is
zygomatic bone. Rotational movements around a applied in the opposite direction with the right
transverse axis are performed by the clinician hand on the temporal bone to emphasize the
pronating and supinating the forearm. The move- squeeze action of the pars squamosa (the tem-
ments can also be initiated by the clinician’s trunk. poroparietal region) (Fig. 20.5).

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

Figure 20.5  Craniofacial tissue mobilization of the

temporal-parietal region.

Figure 20.6  Craniofacial tissue mobilization of the

temporomandibular region.

Accessory movements of the temporal-parie-

tal region can be performed such as longitudinal
movements in caudad and cephalad directions Patient education and
applying compression and distraction. Rota-
tional movements about the longitudinal, trans-
behavioral interventions
verse and sagittal axes and anterior/posterior
or posterior/anterior movements can also be Habitual reverse technique
performed. The ‘habitual reverse technique’ is implemen-
ted to educate patients about their parafunc-
tions, improve awareness of causative factors,
Temporomandibular region the etiology, the precursors, the nature of their
Starting position. The patient lies in the supine condition, and self management (Azin & Nunn
position on the plinth. The clinician’s right hand is 1973). As patients gain kinesthetic awareness
positioned in the similar starting position as the of their parafunctional activity they can learn
temporo-zygomatic technique. The clinician’s motor control to modify this activity. The tech-
left thumb is placed intra-orally on the right lower nique involves the following steps:
molars while the fingers grasp the mandible Response description. Patient awareness using
extra-orally (Fig. 20.6). mirrors as well as education about the conse-
Method. From this starting position, accessory quences of parafunctions, such as asymmetrical
movements of the mandible, the temporal bone, muscle atrophy and abrasion of teeth.
and a combination of these movements can be Early warning procedure. Kinesthetic aware-
performed. Muscular stretching techniques can ness of early signs such as increased muscle
also be performed from this position. Similarly tension in the cheek or increased pressure in
myofascial trigger point treatment of the mass- the throat.
eters, temporalis, lateral and medial pterygoid Awareness of aggravating factors. Identifica-
muscle can also be performed (Piekartz von tion of trigger factors in discussion with the
2007) (see Chapter 23). These manual techni- patient. Such awareness may take several
ques need to be integrated with patient educa- weeks and therefore a logbook may assist the
tion and behavioral interventions. process.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Habitual discomforts. A description of the Tongue teeth breathing and swallowing

unpleasant emotions, thoughts and conse- (TTBS) exercise
quences experienced by the patient. If the The TTBS exercise promotes neuromuscular
patient cannot spontaneously express their irra- re-education (Damsté 1980). The TTBS exer-
tional thoughts, the clinician should specifically cise includes the components ‘tongue-up’,
question them. For example, if the patient is ‘teeth apart’ and ‘breathing and swallowing’ in
aware that working in front of a computer order to gain control over diurnal parafunctions
increases their facial tension, they need to ver- (Kraus 1995). The exercise aims to improve
balize what they experience and of any patient awareness of parafunctions and motor
discomfort. control during both rest and mandibular move-
Competing responses. Describes the exercise/s ments to eliminate parafunctional activity
that patients need to perform when they experi- (Selms van et al 2004).
ence the onset of parafunctions (early warning Correct posture of the head, neck and trunk
procedure). The exercise should have the follow- is imperative for the TTBS exercise to be suc-
ing prerequisites: cessful since it affects tongue movement, the
– isometric exercise (with the teeth separated) tongue position against the teeth, as well as
that is opposite to the parafunction (Fig. 20.7) tension in the masticatory and cervical muscles.
– the exercise needs to be performed until the Either TTBS exercise or other habitual reverse
signs of oncoming parafunction wears off. This technique must be integrated into the patient’s
process generally may take up to a minute daily activities in order to reprogram motor
– the exercise should be easy to perform and fit in activity if parafunctional activity is triggered.
with activities of daily living Starting position. The clinician needs to cor-
Note. In order to prevent over stretching of the rect the patient’s head, neck and trunk posture
masticatory muscles, exercises need to be per- to minimize masticatory muscle activity (Rugh
formed isometrically without associated move- & Drago 1981). Electromyography tests may
ments of the jaw and neck, or in abnormal assist in the achievement of this position; how-
habitual postures. ever, its use may be time consuming.
TTBS, tongue-up exercise. Patients are not
commonly aware of their teeth or tongue posi-
tion. Assistance to achieve kinesthetic aware-
ness is a fundamental aspect of the treatment
process. The middle of the tongue should be
in contact with the central palate and the tip
of the tongue should contact the posterior
aspect of the middle upper incisor teeth with-
out producing increased pressure. This position
promotes nose breathing and relaxes the man-
dibular elevator muscles (Derkay & Schlechter
1998). If this tongue posture cannot be
achieved, the patient should be prescribed
tongue coordination exercises. These exercises
Figure 20.7  Habitual reverse technique performing
isometric mandibular depression exercise (with the teeth include rotating the tongue around the longitu-
separated). dinal and transverse axis to improve kinesthetic

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

awareness of tongue position and tongue move- The clinician needs to facilitate nasal and
ment. The clinician may use a spatula to assess diaphragmatic breathing in neutral position of
the tongue position by palpating it for the pres- the head, neck and trunk. During inspiration
ence or absence of increased tension. the clinician ensures that the:
TTBS, teeth apart. This position improves • tongue pressure does not increase
awareness of teeth position, whereby the indi- • diameter of the nostrils does not increase
vidual’s teeth are not in contact. Separation of • correct neck posture is maintained
the upper and lower teeth may be confirmed (commonly the neck moves into
by inserting a spatula between the upper and extension)
lower molars (Fig. 20.8).
• masticatory muscle tension does not
TTBS, breathing. The advantage of nose
breathing is that it filters dirt particles, warms
• teeth do not touch.
the incoming air, and promotes diaphragmatic
TTBS, swallowing. Normal swallowing (Box
activity. Nasal breathing is associated with the
20.4) involves movement of the tongue as well
normal resting position of the tongue as
as maximal teeth contact (Butler & Stallard
described in the tongue-up exercise and inhi-
2006). An adult swallows on average 1200
bits masticatory muscle tension (Damsté &
times a day with a total duration of about
Idema 1994, Jordaan & Piekartz von 2007,
6–10 minutes (Gupta et al 1996). Swallowing
Lowe & Johnston 1979). Mouth breathing in
dysfunction can increase teeth contact and
contrast is associated with upper cervical
may change motor function of the masticatory
extension, facilitates accessory respiratory
system and the craniocervical region (Milidonis
muscle activity (Sharp et al 1976) and reduces
et al 1993).
diaphragmatic breathing (Ormeno et al 1999,
Sharp et al 1976).

Box 20.4
A summary of normal swallowing.
The requirements for normal swallowing occur in
the following order:
The tongue is positioned behind the upper
incisor teeth.
The tongue moves to the floor of the mouth
once food or fluids enter the mouth.
To initiate swallowing the tongue moves to the
palatinum but the pressure on the incisor
teeth increases.
Intermediate phase: the tension in the dorsal
two thirds of the tongue increases, while the
activity in the tip of the tongue is reduced.
The tongue performs a wave-like motion and
the muscle activity occurs more posteriorly.
This activity takes place with or without
Figure 20.8  Tongue teeth breathing and swallowing contact with the (pre-)molar teeth.
(TTBS) exercise. Separation of the upper and lower teeth Final phase: the tongue moves back into its
may be confirmed by inserting a spatula between the resting position and swallowing is completed.
upper and lower molars.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Method. The clinician ensures that: can be palpated to detect any increase in tension.
• the head and/neck maintains a neutral The hyoid bone should initially be move cephalad
position throughout and then caudad while swallowing. It is difficult
• there is no molar contact thereby to quantify a ‘normal range’ of hyoid movement.
decreasing the risk of excessive However, if the hyoid does not move between
masticatory muscle activity the palpating fingers, its motion while swallowing
• the tongue is returned to its rest position is considered to be restricted.
behind the upper incisors without any Awareness phase. If the patient has difficulty
pressure of the mid-tongue against the with components of the exercise, more time
palate. should be spent with the swallowing phase of
The TTBS swallowing exercise is performed the movement. For instance, if the patient has
with the clinician seated at the same height as difficulty relaxing the upper lip after the final
the patient to observe and correct muscle activ- phase of swallowing, lip exercises are indicated.
ity and compensatory movements. The patient Examples of lip exercises are: passive stretch-
is requested to swallow a sip of water several ing of the upper lip, manually or with the aid
times while the clinician observes the function of a small tampon; this stretch may be com-
of their lips, the hyoid bone and the cervical bined with proprioceptive stimulation of the
region (Fig. 20.9). The patient will gain valu- facial muscles like: pouting the lips, spreading
able feedback if they observe the swallowing the lips, sucking the lips into the mouth cavity,
function in a mirror. whistling and stretching the lip with tongue
The clinician then places the thumb and index movements (Piekartz von 2007).
finger of one hand on the sub-occipital region. The next treatment session should then
The thumb and index fingers of the other hand include repetition of the complete TTBS swal-
are then placed gently around the hyoid. The lowing exercise.
head/neck position should be maintained in the In the author’s clinical experience combining
neutral position, without the upper cervical spine passive stretching with lip coordination exer-
moving into extension. The sub-occipital muscles cises can lead to a more ‘normal’ swallowing

Indicators of orofacial dysfunctions

during swallowing
Lips: during the tongue resting phase the lips
usually move slightly and then should relax
again. Upper lip dysfunction is observed when
it curls slightly upwards due to increased activ-
ity of the buccinator which connects to the
superficial masseter and orbicularis oculi. When
there is increased tension in both masseters and
orbicularis oculi, the upper lip activity is
increased and this results in the upper lip to curl
slightly inwards.
Figure 20.9  Tongue teeth breathing and swallowing Hyoid: in the intermediate phase of swallow-
(TTBS) exercise. ing the hyoid can be palpated. The hyoid

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

usually moves cephalad and returns to the nor-

mal position. Indicators for hyoid dysfunction
are: the range of motion of the hyoid is smaller
than usual; and on palpation the hyoid is posi-
tioned more cranially (i.e. above the C2–C3
level) or tilted forward/backward in the sagittal

Treatment methods during

bracing activities
Brace-relax technique
This technique involves small, oscillating, pain
free passive or active movements of opening Figure 20.10  The brace-relax technique.
the mouth, performed with minimal muscle
activity. A prerequisite for the success of the
technique is the ability of the patient to con- • ‘Imagine that your jaw is so warm and
sciously relax the mandible. The aim of the heavy that it becomes impossible to shut
exercise is first explained to the patient, follow- your mouth’.
ing which they are requested to concentrate in Often the patient is able to relax initially but
order to relax and ‘let go’ their mandible. tenses the masticatory muscles after a short
Starting position. The patient initially sits in a period of time. The clinician should prompt
relaxed position in a chair. They are instructed the patient to be aware of masticatory muscle
to gently press the tip of their tongue against tension so that they can consciously relax.
the hard palate. The clinician then stands on Variations. Once the basic exercise is mas-
the right side of the patient and holds their head tered, variations may be introduced. For
with the left hand. example:
Method. Following this, the clinician places the Frequency. The frequency of the oscillating
right hand on the patient’s mandible movements may be increased to 4–8 repetitions
(Fig. 20.10). In this position small amplitude per second.
oscillating movements of the mandible are per- Direction. Protrusion and retrusion of the
formed, initially only into laterotrusion (sideway mandible may be performed in the same position.
movement) to the right and then to the left side If the patient is able to relax the mandibular
with an average frequency of two repetitions per muscles, laterotrusion may be combined with
second. The patient is requested to relax the other mandibular movements (e.g. laterotru-
mandible during the intervention. The following sion with protraction).
guided imagery suggestions may assist the Duration. The initial duration of the exercise
patient to relax the mandible: is approximately 60–90 seconds. The duration
• ‘Imagine your jaw is so heavy that it may be extended as treatment is progressed.
weighs more than 10 kilograms’. Clinical experience suggests that even when the
• ‘Imagine the bottom of your jaw is so big patient performs the exercise well, some appear
that it almost touches the floor’. to experience difficulty with progressions of the

SECTION TWO Approaches

exercise. Sometimes bracing re-occurs after

20–30 seconds of relaxation. In this case the exer-
cise should be progressed gradually.
Position of the head. The position of the head
may influence the masticatory muscles. There-
fore a variation of positions may be used as a
starting position. Variations add or reduce the
grade of difficulty for the patient. In most
cases the clinician will aim for the position that
usually triggers the symptoms.
Mind imagery. Once the mandible is
relaxed, the patient can be instructed to think
of triggering a pain provoking situation. The cli- Figure 20.11  The wiggle technique.
nician constantly assesses for motor reactions
and provides feedback to the patient. The
than 20–25 mm. The clinician then places the
duration of this exercise depends on the out-
index and middle fingers of both their hands on
come of mandibular muscle relaxation.
the angle of each mandible to add proprioceptive
Combinations of the above may increase the
input. During opening and closing of the mouth:
difficulty of the exercise.
• both index and middle fingers palpate and
Wiggle technique guide the physiological opening and
closing via the rami of the mandible
When the patient has learnt to experience a
• no neck movement should occur
relaxed mandible they can be introduced to exer-
cises such as the ‘wiggle’ technique into their • the exercise should be pain free
daily activities. • the movement should not be perceived to
Starting position and method. The patient be unpleasant.
sits in a relaxed position and places their left The exercise is ceased at the earliest signs of
thumb and index finger on the mandible. Their fatigue.
right hand supports the occiput (Fig. 20.11). Once the patient is able to perform the
They then passively move the mandible between exercise with ease, the degree of difficulty
the fingers over a few millimeters. The tech- can be increased by removing the contact on
nique is then progressed by moving the mandible the angle of the mandible.
towards the right and then the left side. It is
important that the patient does not experience Conclusion
any symptoms during the exercise; overstretch-
ing of the mandible or compensatory move- This chapter has described the clinical assessment
ments are avoided. of patients with orofacial pain. It provides a
detailed description of the neuromusculoskeletal
Rapid opening and closing in mid- management of the most common parafunctional
position activities and bruxism. Neuromusculoskeletal
Starting position and method. The patient is treatment of cranial tissue dysfunction integrat-
instructed to press the tongue gently against the ing educational and behavioral interventions is
hard palate so that the mouth is opened no more discussed.

Management of parafunctional activities and bruxism CHAPTER 20

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Chapter Twenty-One

Psychological management
Paul R Martin

the experience of pain is influenced by cogni-

Individuals suffering from chronic headache are
rarely referred to psychologists, which is tive and emotional processes, such as whether
unfortunate as they have much to offer. While attention is focused on the pain or elsewhere,
headache may arise from central and peripheral and the anxiety level of the headache sufferer.
mechanisms, psychosocial issues can trigger Second, the most common trigger of headaches
headache and influence the headache
experience. In this chapter the author, a clinical
is stress and negative emotions such as anxiety,
psychologist, presents a functional model of anger and depression. Third, headaches arise
headache, the psychological assessment of out of an interaction between the person and
patients with headache, and reviews the her/his environment, that is, behaviour and
approaches used in the treatment of patients
with headache.
lifestyle provide the psychosocial context in
which headaches unfold. Finally, maladaptive
reactions to a headache occurring, by the suf-
Most individuals have experienced a headache ferer and sometimes significant others, can
at one time or another but the event is less than aggravate headaches in the short-term and con-
overwhelming and passes quickly. On the other tribute to the development of a chronic disor-
hand, a significant proportion of the population der in the long-term.
experience headaches and associated symp- This chapter presents a functional model
toms of such intensity that they are quite debil- of chronic headaches which seeks to explain
itating; and a significant proportion of the the variance in headache activity, that is, why
population experience headaches with high fre- headaches occur at one time rather than
quency or even continuously. Some individuals another, why the person is getting headaches
have suffered from headaches for most of their at this stage of her/his life rather than at other
lives. Headaches lead to lost work days and stages, why the headache problem began when
impact on families. it did, and why the person is vulnerable to
The contribution of psychologists stems developing a headache disorder. This model is
from a range of factors including the following. then used as a framework for reviewing briefly
First, by definition, headaches are ‘pain in what we know about headache from a psycho-
the head’ and whilst the pain may arise from logical perspective, and how headache should
various central and peripheral mechanisms, be assessed and treated.
SECTION TWO Approaches

The functional model of (Martin & Seneviratne, 1997), visual disturbance

chronic headache (Martin & Teoh 1999), noise (Martin et al 2005),
and hunger (Martin & Seneviratne 1997).
When psychologists seek to answer the ‘why’ ‘Setting factors’ refers to the psychosocial
questions posed above, they typically resort context in which headaches occur. Once triggers
to functional models that analyse disorders have been identified, it is important to under-
in terms of their antecedents and conse- stand how they arise in the lifestyle of the
quences. Figure 21.1 presents a schematic patient. For example, if stress is a trigger of head-
outline of a functional model of chronic aches, what are the main sources of stress for
headaches. that person (e.g. marital relationship, work)?
In the centre of the model, labelled as ‘head- Also, stress is moderated by variables such as
ache phenomena’, are headaches and associated coping skills and social support so that an under-
symptoms, and the underlying central and periph- standing of headaches triggered by stress needs
eral mechanisms. It is important to remember to take into account the strategies the individual
that headaches are often preceded by, and accom- uses for coping with stress and her/his social sup-
panied by, a variety of other symptoms, such as port network. As emotional states are a common
aura, nausea and vomiting, photophobia and trigger of headaches, emotional disorders are
phonophobia, and vertigo and tinnitus. These obvious setting factors for recurrent headaches.
symptoms are sometimes perceived as more dis- Research has shown that chronic headaches are
tressing than the head pain itself. The central associated with anxiety disorders (particularly
and peripheral mechanisms are complicated panic and phobia) and major depression (Radat
and still not fully understood as evidenced by & Swendsen 2004, Sheftell & Atlas 2002).
the fact that in the ‘bible’ of the field, there If headaches are associated with hunger, eating,
are 16 chapters devoted to the mechanisms of and drinking, then an analysis of their dietary
just one headache type – migraine (Olesen patterns is needed to document the relevant
et al 2006). behaviors and explanatory factors for the beha-
To the left of the model are the antecedents of viors (e.g. why does a person sometimes go for
headaches arranged along a temporal continuum. long periods without eating?).
The immediate antecedents are the triggers or ‘Onset factors’ refer to events associated with
precipitating factors. Most headache sufferers the headaches beginning when they did or
report multiple triggers with Kelman (2007) becoming significantly worse when they did.
finding that the mean number reported per The most common onset factor is periods of high
patient was 6.7. The most commonly reported stress. For women, events associated with hor-
triggers are stress and negative emotions, hor- monal factors are often linked to headache onset
monal factors for females, sensory stimuli such as menarche, use of oral contraceptives and
(flicker, glare, eyestrain, noise, odors), hunger, pregnancy (see Ch. 9). Onset factors are not
eating certain foods (e.g., chocolate, cheese, always important from a management perspec-
oranges), alcohol consumption, lack of or excess tive, as the factors that are responsible for a
of sleep, and certain weather conditions (e.g., problem beginning are not always the same as
changes in weather, heat, humidity) (Martin & the factors responsible for a problem continuing,
MacLeod, 2008). Some of these triggers have but sometimes they are. For example, one type
been validated experimentally including stress of stressful event that has been identified as an

Immediate Long term
reactions of responses of
sufferers sufferers
(maladaptive (maladaptive
reactions that responses that
lead to feedback lead to feedback
Predisposing Onset Setting Immediate loops) loops)
factors factors factors factors
(constitutional (processes or (lifestyle (stimuli that Central Headaches
and personality events that or precipitate or and and
characteristics resulted in life situation aggravate peripheral associated
that account for headaches factors that headaches – mechanisms symptoms
individual developing moderate the triggers)

Psychological management
differences in initially or current
susceptibility) worsening) vulnerability) Immediate Long term
reactions of responses of
others others
(maladaptive (maladaptive
reactions that responses
lead to that lead to
feedback loops) feedback loops)

Antecedents Headache phenomena Consequences

Figure 21.1  A functional model of headaches. (Adapted from Martin: Psychological Management of Chronic Headaches, 1993.)

SECTION TWO Approaches

onset factor for headaches is physical and sexual anxiety, then a loop is created between the reac-
abuse. If such abuse has not been resolved, then tion and the immediate antecedent of the head-
it is likely to need attention. ache. If the trigger was stress, and the main
With respect to ‘predisposing factors’, head- source of stress was a dysfunctional marriage,
aches run in families and have a genetic predispo- then if the headache sufferer reacted to the
sition, but genes explain only 20% to 50% of the headache by feeling tense and irritable leading
variance (Russell & Olesen 1995). From a psy- to conflict with the spouse, this could create a
chological perspective, it can be asked whether loop whereby the reaction exacerbated the
particular personality types are more vulnerable setting factor of marital discord. Responding to
to developing a chronic headache disorder. There headaches by trying to avoid the triggers of head-
is a long tradition of describing the ‘migraine per- aches may result in decreased tolerance for the
sonality’ or ‘headache personality’ using terms triggers thereby increasing the probability of
such as ‘tense’, ‘sensitive’, ‘obsessional’, ‘perfec- headaches in the future. Excessive consumption
tionist’ and ‘inflexible’. Many studies have failed of medication in response to headaches can result
to find support for such hypotheses, however, in ‘medication-overuse headache’.
particularly the better controlled studies that Partners can react in a number of ways that are
have investigated the relationship in community maladaptive. If the complaint of headache is
rather than clinic samples (e.g. Philips 1976). always followed by positive reinforcement (e.g.,
This does not mean that personality is not a vul- attention, sympathy) and negative reinforcement
nerability factor for headaches, however, only (e.g., avoiding unappealing tasks), then there is a
that the relationship is complicated and there- danger of headache complaints increasing. Alter-
fore difficult to pin down in research studies. natively, if the partner responds in ways that are
Put simply, there are many different routes to experienced as aversive by the headache sufferer
becoming a chronic headache sufferer, and a vari- (e.g., reacting against having to take over unap-
ety of different personality traits or combinations pealing tasks), then this can complete loops
of traits may make individuals vulnerable. Any whereby stress leads to headaches and the reac-
characteristics that result in individuals reacting tion of the partner causes more stress.
excessively to ‘stressful’ situations are likely to Long-term consequences that can prove mal-
make people vulnerable, for example. adaptive include withdrawing from leisure and
The consequences of headaches are divided recreational activities after such activities have
into immediate and long-term reactions, for been spoiled on a number of occasions by the
headache sufferers and for significant others. development of headaches. This can have a num-
The significance of these reactions is that they ber of adverse consequences such as a reduction
are often maladaptive because they lead to in the size of a person’s social network, thus result-
vicious cycles whereby the reaction feeds back ing in less social support with consequent implica-
to the headaches or antecedent factors. tions for increased stress response. This is an
An individual may react to a headache by becom- example of a long-term response feeding back to
ing (more) anxious, as a consequence of, for the setting factor of inadequate social support.
example, worrying about the cause or impact of Withdrawal can lead to reduced positive rein-
the headache. As anxiety exacerbates the experi- forcement, pleasure and activities that engender
ence of pain, a loop is created between the affec- a sense of achievement, all changes that increase
tive reaction and headache. Alternatively, if the the likelihood of depressed mood, a potential trig-
headache trigger was anxiety and the reaction is ger or aggravating factor for headaches.

Psychological management CHAPTER 21

Psychological assessment Interviewing

of headache
The questions to be asked at interview in com-
pleting a headache assessment from a psychologi-
Three methodologies are used to collect in-
cal perspective have been listed in Martin (1993).
formation in the psychological assessment of
A starting point is to take a personal and social his-
headache: interviewing, self-monitoring, and
tory as this provides the developmental and psy-
questionnaires/inventories. Before discussing
chosocial context for understanding headaches.
each methodology, the role of diagnosis in ass-
In assessing headaches, it is important to begin
essment is reviewed briefly.
by ascertaining whether the individual can iden-
tify one or more than one type of headache. It is
Functional analysis v. diagnosis common for individuals to suffer from both
migraine and tension-type headache, and if this
The critical starting point in assessing head- is not identified at the beginning of the assess-
aches is to make a diagnosis (Headache Classi- ment, a very confused history can evolve as indivi-
fication Subcommittee of IHS 2004), because duals respond to some questions on the basis of
if the headache is a secondary headache caused one type of headache and other questions on the
by, for example, an intracranial neoplasm, ische- basis of the other type of headache.
mic stroke, intracranial infection or intracere- The headache assessment needs to include a
bral hemorrhage, the diagnosis will determine description of the headaches and associated symp-
management. Psychologists are not qualified to toms, and of the history of the assessment and
make such a diagnosis which is why they should treatment of the headaches. A functional analysis
always work collaboratively with medical practi- of the headaches should follow that assesses the
tioners. However, the vast majority of indivi- triggers of headaches, setting, onset and predispos-
duals suffering from recurrent headaches have ing factors. Questioning can begin with open-
headaches that would be diagnosed as migraine ended questions but checklists often help people
or tension-type headache. to remember. For example, patients recall more
It is argued here, that once it is clear that headache triggers when they are shown a list of
headaches fall into the migraine or tension-type potential triggers than without such a list (Kelman
headache categories, there is limited value in 2007). A list of common stressful events can assist
pursuing from a psychological perspective, the people recall onset factors. The reactions of the
type of headache, let alone the subtype. This headache sufferer and significant others in the
statement is somewhat counter to traditional short and long-term should also be assessed with
practice, but where psychological treatments the objective of identifying maladaptive responses.
have been administered to both migraine and Such an assessment usually takes two sessions but
tension-type headache sufferers in the same varies according to factors such as whether there
study, there has been no differential response are one or two types of headaches, and the length
as a function of diagnosis (e.g. Martin et al and complexity of the headache history.
2007, Williamson et al 1984). It is argued here There are advantages to involving partners in
that functional analysis is complementary to assessments as they can provide information
diagnosis, and provides more relevant infor- and insights that help the formulation, and it
mation for the psychological management of provides a vehicle for eliciting their support in
primary headache. managing the headache disorder. However,

SECTION TWO Approaches

there is a danger of ‘disseminating responsibil- Martin (1993) advocated completing ‘change’

ity’ whereby the patient assumes that the part- cards whenever a headache begins or gets worse,
ner will take responsibility for solving the or ends or improves. These cards involve recording
headache problem. This is counter to the prin- feelings, thoughts and activities, before and after
ciple of empowering patients and increasing the change occurred. Hence, they have the advan-
their confidence in their ability to learn the tage of focusing on the time of most interest to
skills and make the lifestyle changes necessary assessment – the period associated with change.
for overcoming their headache disorder. Diaries have traditionally been kept on cards
or forms but electronic recording systems have
Self-monitoring been developed. Patients are given instructions
on how to complete the records verbally and
Patients keeping records of their headaches and in writing. Experience shows that headache
related factors is an important component of sufferers have a great capacity for keeping
psychological assessment. Many different types records, and research shows that it results in
of ‘diaries’ have been advocated. The most minimal change to headaches (i.e. no apprecia-
commonly used system is ‘time-sampling’, for ble increase or decrease in headaches). The
which patients are requested to rate their records generate very detailed information,
headache intensity at regular intervals (usually and information relatively free of memory
hourly) throughout the waking day, and to distortions, unlike interviews.
record the ratings by placing crosses on a graph
at the intersection of the rating and the time of Questionnaires/inventories
day. If patients experience two types of head-
aches, both can be monitored in the same dia- Questionnaires can be useful particularly for
ries by using crosses for one type of headache assessing setting factors. Headaches are so often
and circles for the other. Patients are also asked associated with anxiety and depression that a case
to record in these diaries medication con- can be made for routinely administering inven-
sumed. The information yielded by this system tories such as the Beck Depression Inventory and
aids the assessment by revealing frequency, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Measures of stress
duration and severity of headaches, as well as pat- such as the Perceived Stress Scale may be valu-
terns in headache activity such as whether the able. If inadequate social support is suspected as
headaches are worse at some times of the day a setting factor, administration of scales measuring
than others, worse some days of the week than support such as the Interpersonal Support Evalua-
others, and worse at certain times of the month. tion List can provide detailed information in this
They also show the impact on the headaches of domain. Questionnaires can also be useful for
taking medication. By self-monitoring before, assessing potential predisposing factors such as
during and after treatment, the records allow low self-esteem and Type A behavior pattern
evaluation of treatment efficacy. Some research- (‘hurry sickness’).
ers/clinicians have advocated recording other A number of questionnaires have been devel-
types of information in the diaries such as pain oped for measuring disability and quality of life
location, associated symptoms and triggers. in headache sufferers such as the Migraine
Another type of self-monitoring is ‘event- Disability Assessment, Headache Impact Test,
sampling’, whereby recording is triggered by an and Headache Disability Inventory (Andrasik
‘event’ rather than a time interval. For example, et al 2005).

Psychological management CHAPTER 21

Treatment of headache biofeedback training have been used such as

feedback of temporal pulse amplitude, EEG
There are three main categories of psychologi- biofeedback and skin conductance biofeed-
cal treatment for headaches although there back, but they have been evaluated less fully.
are significant variations within the categories Biofeedback training is usually combined with
and overlap between the categories. The cate- relaxation training, including instructions to
gories are biofeedback training, relaxation practice at home.
training and cognitive behavior therapy. There EMG biofeedback training usually provides
are psychological approaches to headaches that feedback from the frontalis muscle (forehead),
arguably do not fit into these three categories, although other pericranial muscle sites are
such as transcendental meditation and hypno- sometimes used such as the temporalis and tra-
sis, but these will not be discussed here as pezius muscles, and the task is for the patient
there is relatively little evidence pertaining to to learn to reduce muscle tension. Thermal bio-
their efficacy. A more detailed account of psy- feedback training usually involves placing a
chological treatment of headache can be found thermisistor on the third finger of the domi-
in Borkum (2007). nant hand, and the task is for patients to learn
to warm their hands, which is accomplished
Biofeedback training by increasing blood flow to their hands.

Biofeedback training involves helping patients Relaxation training

learn to control biological processes by providing
real-time feedback with respect to the process. The most commonly used forms of relaxation
This is accomplished by attaching electrodes or training with headache patients are progres-
transducers to patients to monitor the process, sive relaxation and autogenic training, particu-
and providing feedback to the patient in an audi- larly the former. The goal of progressive
tory (e.g. tone varying in frequency) or visual relaxation training is to help the patient learn
form (e.g. line varying in length). Patients are to recognize and control tension as it arises in
sometimes provided with home trainers to prac- the course of daily activities. It proceeds by
tice at home between office visits. the patient sequentially tensing and then
Biofeedback training as a treatment for releasing specific groups of muscles through-
headaches has been based on traditional out the body, and noticing how tension feels
(outdated) beliefs with respect to peripheral relative to relaxation. It usually begins with
physiological mechanisms for headaches, 16 muscle groups, and then combines muscle
that is, the mechanism of migraine is vascular groups to form 7 groups, finally combining
and the mechanism of tension-type head- muscle groups to form 4 muscle groups. Auto-
ache is muscular. The most common forms genic training has foundations in hypnosis and
of biofeedback training for headaches are uses autosuggestion. It involves six standard
EMG biofeedback training and thermal bio- exercises that use self-instructions of warmth
feedback training, with the former tending to and heaviness to promote a state of deep
be used for tension-type headache and the relaxation (e.g. ‘my right arm is heavy’). All
latter tending to be used for migraine, but forms of relaxation training include instruc-
both types of biofeedback have been used tions to practice at home, usually assisted by
with both types of headache. Other forms of an audiotape or CD.

SECTION TWO Approaches

trigger, and avoidance of triggers when exposure

Cognitive behavior therapy
would clearly be inappropriate.
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) takes on a Other types of intervention suggested by a
number of different forms with some authors functional analysis include intervening in the
advocating a ‘standard package’ of cognitive domain of setting factors, for example, targeting
and behavioral techniques (e.g. Holroyd the main source of stress such as marital dysfunc-
2002), and others advocating a broader more tion, or social support if support is considered
individualized approach based on the results of inadequate. Predisposing factors such as low
a functional analysis (Martin 1993). The defin- self-esteem can be part of a treatment plan. Mal-
ing technique of this approach is identifying adaptive reactions to headaches are potential tar-
and challenging maladaptive thoughts and gets. For example, some headache sufferers
beliefs related to headaches. These thoughts respond to a headache beginning by rushing to
and beliefs pertain to the antecedents and con- complete activities that they would not be able
sequences of headaches. For example, as stress to do when a headache has fully developed, thus
and negative affect are the most common trig- guaranteeing that the headache will be worse
gers of headaches, cognitive techniques can be than if they had adopted a strategy designed to
used to modify the thoughts that give rise to minimize headache development. Partners who
stress and negative emotions, and the beliefs respond to headaches with reinforcement need
that underlie the thoughts. Also, headaches are to be trained to maintain the level of reinforce-
perceived as stressful and give rise to negative ment but to reduce the link between reporting
emotions that feedback to aggravate the head- headaches and receiving reinforcement.
aches, and cognitive techniques can be used to
break this vicious cycle. Other components of How effective are
CBT include education, pain management stra- psychological treatments?
tegies such as imagery training and attention-
diversion training, and relaxation training. Borgards and ter Kuile (1994) completed a
The results of a functional analysis suggest a meta-analysis of psychological treatment for ten-
variety of ways of intervening. One level is to sion-type headache and concluded that EMG
consider behavioral management of triggers. biofeedback training, either when administered
The traditional wisdom is to advise that the best alone or with relaxation training, and CBT, are
way to prevent headaches is to avoid the triggers associated with at least a 50% reduction in head-
(e.g. World Health Organization (2006)), but aches. Improvements reported with these three
we have argued that avoidance can result in sen- treatments and with relaxation alone were signifi-
sitization to triggers in the same way that avoid- cantly larger than improvements reported with
ance of situations that can elicit anxiety results placebo control treatments or untreated controls.
in an increased capacity for those situations to The four treatments did not differ significantly
elicit anxiety in the future (Martin & MacLeod in effectiveness. Goslin et al (1999) reported
2008). We have provided some evidence to sup- a meta-analysis of relaxation training, thermal
port this position (e.g. Martin 2001), and that biofeedback, thermal biofeedback plus relaxation
repeated, prolonged exposure to triggers can training, EMG biofeedback, and CBT plus thermal
desensitize patients to triggers (Martin 2000). biofeedback, as treatment for migraine. These psy-
Hence, we advocate a ‘coping’ approach to trig- chological interventions yielded 32% to 49%
gers that involves controlled exposure for some reductions in migraine versus 5% reduction for
triggers to promote desensitization to the no-treatment controls. The effect size estimates

Psychological management CHAPTER 21

indicated that relaxation training, thermal biofeed- symptoms, and enhanced quality of life, have
back combined with relaxation training, EMG bio- been reported in treatment studies.
feedback training and CBT were all statistically
more effective than waiting-list control. How long do improvements
Rains, Penzien, McCrory and Gray (2005)
recently summarized the results of four meta-
analytic reviews for psychological treatment of
In a review of 10 prospective follow-ups of at least
tension-type headache (EMG biofeedback,
12 months duration, Blanchard (1987) concluded
relaxation training and CBT) published between
as follows. Headache reductions achieved with
1980 and 2001, and concluded that average
EMG biofeedback for tension headache and ther-
improvements ranged between 35% and 55%,
mal biofeedback for migraine, were maintained to
compared with 2% for no-treatment controls.
12 months, but deteriorated progressively at 2 and
These authors also summarized the results of five
3 years post-treatment. With relaxation training, a
meta-analyses for psychological treatment of
similar pattern of deterioration after 12 months
migraine (thermal biofeedback, EMG biofeed-
was reported for migraine, but effects were well
back, relaxation training and CBT) published
maintained for tension headache for at least 4
between 1980 and 1999, and concluded that
years. Benefits from CBT for tension headache
average improvement ranged from 33% to 55%,
were maintained at 2-year follow-up. Since this
compared with 5% for no-treatment controls.
review, some studies have produced findings sug-
In the most recent review of biofeedback training
gesting that treatment effects last longer than 12
for headache disorders, Nestoriuc et al (2008)
months. For example, Lisspers and Ost (1990)
reported medium-to-large mean effect sizes for
reported benefits derived from thermal biofeed-
biofeedback in migraine and tension-type head-
back training for migraine persisting for 6 years
ache patients.
after treatment, and in fact slightly increasing
Individual studies have reported superior
during the follow-up period. Sorbi, Tellegen
results. For example, Martin et al (2007) evalu-
and Du Long (1989) reported benefits from
ated CBT using an individualized approach
relaxation training and CBT for migraine lasting
based on the results of functional analysis on a
for 3 years after treatment. Blanchard et al
mixed sample of tension-type headache and
(1997) found that 91% of migraine headache
migraine, and reported an average decrease in
patients remained significantly improved 5 years
headaches of 68% post-treatment, which had
after completing psychological treatment.
extended to 77% at 12-month follow-up.
In addition to reducing headaches, psycholog-
ical treatments lead to many other positive Predictors of response to
changes (Martin 1993). Treatment is associated psychological treatment
with decreased consumption of medication, and
decreases in negative moods such as depression Excessive use of analgesics limits the benefits
and anxiety. It is also associated with various associated with psychological treatment (and
cognitive changes including a shift toward a prophylactic pharmacotherapy). Michultka et al
more internal locus of control, enhanced self- (1989) reported that less than one third of ‘high
efficacy to cope with headaches, and alterations medication users’ showed a 50% or greater reduc-
in cognitive reactions to stress, such as changes in tion in headache activity following psychological
appraisal and coping processes. Reduced neurot- treatment, whereas more than half of ‘low medi-
icism, hysteria, somatisation, psychosomatic cation users’ showed this level of improvement.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Depressive symptoms prior to treatment introduced in the clinic but training primarily
have been shown to be associated with a poor takes place in the home with the patient
prognosis (e.g. Jacob et al 1983, Martin et al guided by printed materials and audiotapes or
1988). It seems likely that patients with CDs. This approach reduces the number of
co-morbid psychiatric disorders would be less clinic sessions to three or four. Three meta-
likely to respond to psychological treatment, analytic reviews have demonstrated that mini-
although controlled studies evaluating this pos- mal contact interventions for headache can be
sibility are unavailable. as effective as clinic-based approaches (e.g.
Patients with near continuous headaches Rowan & Andrasik 1996).
appear less responsive to relaxation training or Another approach has been to deliver treat-
biofeedback training than do patients with ment in a group format. Penzien, Rains and
more delimited headache episodes (Blanchard Holroyd (1992) completed a meta-analytic
et al 1989). However, studies have shown that review and reported a 53% improvement asso-
it is possible to get positive results in this ciated with the group format, a similar figure
group. For example, Holroyd et al (2001) com- to that achieved with individual sessions.
pared CBT, antidepressant medication, and the Treatment interventions have been devel-
combination of the two approaches, for chronic oped that utilize the internet. Initial efforts
tension-type headache. They found that all indicate that some individuals are able to effec-
three approaches produced modest but clini- tively learn headache management skills via the
cally significant improvements in headaches. internet, but have been plagued by high drop-
In the 1980s, it was thought that relaxation out rates (e.g. Anderson et al 2003, Strom
and EMG biofeedback training might be inef- et al 2000).
fective for patients over the age of 50 years
(e.g. Holroyd & Penzien 1986). However,
subsequent research showed that relatively Should treatments be
simple adjustments in the treatment proce- combined?
dures yielded positive outcomes. For example,
treating patients who ranged in age from 60 to Given the hundreds of trials of psychological
78 years (mean 68 years), Mosley et al (1995) treatments and the thousands of trials of phar-
found CBT to be more effective than relaxa- macological treatments, it is surprising that
tion training alone, with 64% of patients only a few studies have compared the two
showing clinically significant improvement. approaches or integrated them. Meta-analyses
comparing propranolol, flunarizine and com-
bined relaxation and biofeedback training, in
Can treatment be migraineurs, show greater than a 50% improve-
administered cost-effectively? ment in headache for each of these approaches
compared to 12% improvement with a placebo
Psychological treatment has typically involved pill (e.g. Holroyd et al 1992). Combined pro-
about 10 individual sessions, and from the pranolol plus relaxation training and thermal
1980s researchers have investigated ways of biofeedback training have proven highly effec-
delivering treatment in more cost-effective tive in controlling migraine in two studies
ways. One approach has been to use minimal yielding more than a 70% reduction in head-
contact approaches in which skills training is ache activity (e.g. Holroyd et al 1995).

Psychological management CHAPTER 21

Holroyd et al (1991) compared CBT admi- anxiety disorders deserve consideration when
nistered in minimal contact format and ami- mood and anxiety disorders are present.
triptyline HCL to patients with tension-type Holroyd, Martin and Nash (2006) have sug-
headache. Each treatment yielded significant gested that pharmacological and psychological
reductions in headaches with a 56% reduction treatments have different effect profiles. For
for CBT and a 27% reduction for amitriptyline example, psychological treatments compared
HCL. Holroyd et al (2001) compared amitrip- to pharmacological treatments have been
tyline HCL, matched placebo, CBT adminis- observed to produce improvements more
tered in minimal contact format plus placebo, slowly, to yield fewer side effects, to require
and combined CBT and amitriptyline HCL more time and effort to complete, and to pro-
for tension-type headache. The three active duce more psychological benefits.
treatments produced similar improvements in
headaches and quality of life.
Holroyd et al (1998) proposed algorithms to Conclusion
guide the integration of drug and psychological
treatments. They suggest for tension-type head- Psychologists have much to offer patients
ache that integrated treatment be considered if with chronic headache. The functional model
tension-type headaches are unremitting or a of chronic headache provides a rational app-
co-morbid mood or anxiety disorder is present. roach to the assessment and treatment of this
If neither condition is present, psychological patient group. There is strong evidence to sup-
treatment may be the intervention of choice. port the use of contemporary psychological
However, more intensive psychological inter- interventions such as biofeedback, relaxa-
ventions also deserve consideration when head- tion therapy, and CBT. These interventions
aches are unremitting, and CBT interventions may help to reduce headache and prevent its
with proven effectiveness in treating mood and recurrence.

Anderson G, Lunstom P, Strom LA Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, 290-94-2025. Available from the
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Andrasik F, Lipchik GL, McCrory DC, Headache 27:580-583. of the International Headache
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tension headaches. Journal of question. Psychology and Health 1992 A review of alternative
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et al 1992 Flunarizine vs. propanolol: headaches? Behaviour Research and Philips HC 1976 Headache and
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Chapter Twenty-Two

Psychiatric management
P Rajan Thomas

Patients may also have underlying depression.

Headache and psychiatric disorders frequently
Breslau et al (1991, 2003) found that, compared
co-exist. The psychiatrist plays a pivotal role in
assisting health professionals with the difficult to a control group, migraine sufferers are four to
task of evaluating and managing this group of five times more likely to suffer from affective dis-
patients. In this chapter the author, a psychiatrist, orders including dysthymic disorder, major
addresses the association between headache,
depression, and bipolar disorder. Stewart et al
migraine, and psychiatric disorders, and presents
an approach to patient management. (2001) examined the role of stress in chronic daily
headache. Specific stressful events such as berea-
vement, divorce, separation and problems with
Psychiatric factors often influence the onset and children were associated with chronic daily head-
severity of headache yet these may not be ache. In addition De Fidio et al (2000) showed
acknowledged. Patients who experience head- that patients with chronic daily headache had high
ache as part of a psychiatric disorder may sym- profiles of hypochondria, depression, and hysteria
bolically express their psychological conflict scales in the revised version of the Minnesota
through pain. They are likely to state that ‘noth- Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2).
ing helps’. They are often very distressed by the Patients living with chronic pain experience
pain and may have a history of multiple medical negative cognitive, emotional and behavioral
consultations; they also use various pain killers changes which can lead to a depressive illness.
and some become dependent on opiates. They In individuals who have a biochemical predisposi-
are preoccupied with the pain and cite it as tion to major depression or dysthymic disorder,
the main source of their misery, but they do chronic headache can act as a stressor and precip-
not fake the pain. They may have multiple head- itate the psychiatric condition.
ache complaints and when one disappears a new
one will appear. The patient is keen to convince
the clinician of the pain and describes the pain Headache and psychiatric
as unique. Anxiety about an attack itself may conditions
lead to continuation of headache. Individuals
with chronic daily headache often present with According to the diagnostic criteria of the
a sense of emptiness and sadness that may be Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (Ameri-
visible on their facial expression. can Psychiatric Association 1994) (DSM IV),
SECTION TWO Approaches

headache can be a somatic symptom of major

Box 22.1
depression as well as a manifestation of anxiety
and panic disorders. It could be a delusional Elements of a psychiatric interview.
pain in schizophrenia and other psychotic con- Headache
ditions. It can also occur as an adverse effect • Anticipatory symptoms and behaviors
of psychotropic medication. Individuals with, • Precipitating factors
• Frequency, severity, duration, distribution
for example, histrionic, borderline, dependent,
• Behaviors and factors that increase or
and avoidant personality disorders can have decrease the pain
headache as a co-morbid condition. • Impact on function and quality of life
Psychogenic headache is a term collectively • Past treatment
used to describe a headache unexplained by Psychiatric factors
any pathophysiological process. A headache can • Past history of depression, anxiety and other
occur as a symptom of somatoform disorder. psychiatric conditions
• Family background, personal history including
Somatoform disorder is characterized by symp-
childhood trauma and experiences, work
toms that mimic disease or injury for which history and relationship history
there is no identifiable physical cause. There • Alcohol and drug history
may be depression, or physical symptoms such • Personality traits and coping abilities
as pain, nausea, and dizziness. However, no gen- • Mental state examination
eral medical condition, other mental disorder, or • General appearance, behavior, speech, mood,
substance is adequately diagnosed as a cause. thought content, perceptions, and cognitive
The complaints are serious enough to cause sig-
• Attitude to psychiatric assessment
nificant emotional distress and impairment of Other factors
social and/or occupational function. • Appetite, sleep, weight, sexual functioning

Psychiatric assessment
should have empathy and genuine concern about
the impact of the condition. The patient is given
A psychiatric assessment focuses on the reason
time to describe the problem and associated dif-
for referral, understanding of the psychological
ficulties. Development of a therapeutic relation-
and medical factors associated with the condi-
ship forms the cornerstone of correct diagnosis
tion, the disability caused by the headache, the
and management. The interview should cover
purpose served by the headache, and the social
the items contained in Box 22.1.
factors which contributed to the onset and
maintenance of the condition. It also addresses
whether the pain is driven by nociceptive sti- Depression and other mood
muli or maladaptive changes within the central disorders
nervous system, whether it is a complaint of
depression, or whether it is a delusional pain. The patient is questioned about whether they
have been feeling low in mood, pessimistic about
Interview the future, unable to enjoy activities previously
enjoyed (anhedonia), socially isolated and with-
Although the interview considers the above drawn from others, tearful, hopeless, or experi-
questions, rigid adherence to a structured format encing suicidal thoughts. The depressed patient
may not elicit all the information. The clinician may also have poor concentration, be forgetful

Psychiatric management CHAPTER 22

due to lack of concentration, and may experience Excessive use of analgesics is recognized as one
loss of appetite, loss of weight, poor sleep with of the frequent causes of chronic headache. The
early morning awakening and diurnal mood varia- family physician should recognize this and take
tion. Depression can also be associated with steps to identify and treat the underlying causes.
other mood disorders like bipolar affective dis-
order. In this condition, the patient has a history Schizophrenia and other
of manic or hypomanic episodes in addition to psychoses
depressive episodes.
Headache can occur as part of delusional symp-
Anxiety disorder toms in schizophrenia and delusional disorder.
Patients with paranoid psychosis may have
Features of anxiety may manifest as physiological delusions of being poisoned which may cause
and psychological symptoms, and spasm of scalp headache. The patient may have an abnormal
and neck muscles can lead to tension-type belief of being controlled by external forces. In
headache. Other features of anxiety include fine addition to the delusions they have thought disor-
tremors, sweating, tightness of chest, and short- der and hallucinations. They may have a blunted
ness of breath. Patients may have heaviness in facial expression. The other psychotic conditions
the chest, fear of doom, or may feel restless and are delusional disorder, brief psychotic illness
sometimes there may be a feeling of hot and and psychosis secondary to a medical condition.
cold. Those with panic attacks have an accentua-
tion of the above symptoms as well as severe pal- Side effects of medication
pitations, sweating, fear of collapse and fear of a
heart attack or stroke. They may present with Headache can also be a side effect of some
sweaty palms and fine tremors. A severe head- psychotropic medication, most often with
ache can also occur at this time. Those who have serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRI
migraine may develop anticipatory anxiety due anti-depressants). Sumatriptan, a migraine med-
to fear of another attack of migraine. This is ication and other triptans can interact with
likely to cause further headaches. SSRIs. Triptans mimic serotonin effect and
SSRIs increase the availability of serotonin in
Substance abuse synaptic spaces. This can potentially cause a
serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome mani-
Individuals with chronic headache may also abuse fests as headache, agitation, confusion, halluci-
multiple prescribed and illicit substances. Com- nations, myoclonus, tremors, hyper-reflexia,
monly abused among prescribed drugs are opiate sweating, shivering and coma. An early symptom
pain killers and benzodiazepines. Substances of this condition is headache. This has to be
abused include alcohol, cannabis, heroin and differentiated from other types of headache.
amphetamines. These substances are initially used Opiates, too, when misused can cause headache.
as a means to control the headache, but soon con-
trol is lost and dependence develops. Due to the Personality disorders
development of tolerance and the need to avoid
withdrawal symptoms, higher doses of the medi- Undiagnosed personality disorders are common
cation or substances are used. Often analgesics in those with chronic headaches. Common
are used as an excuse of preventing a headache. personality disorders and personality traits

SECTION TWO Approaches

observed are Cluster B personality disorders of the beliefs may not reach delusional propor-
(borderline personality, histrionic personality, tions but persist in spite of reassurances. The
anti social personality and narcissistic personal- distress caused affects their day to day life.
ity) and Cluster C personality disorders
(dependent personality, avoidant personality Conversion disorder
and obsessive-compulsive personality). Patients
with Cluster B and C personality disorders are Headache can manifest as a symptom of conver-
more prone to have co-morbid headache. sion disorder. Conversion disorder is not a diag-
These individuals develop maladaptive behav- nosis of exclusion, but is made on specific
ioral patterns to cope with day to day stressors. criteria. The patient presents with headache
Those who have a history of childhood physical and reports that it affects day to day functioning.
or sexual abuse have difficulty trusting others The description of headache may vary and tends
and have strained relationships. Such abuse to be dramatic. It may not conform to any recog-
can manifest as anger and some exhibit self nizable pattern of headache or anatomical site.
harming behavior when under stress. They are These patients may not show the distress of the
also prone to mood swings. Among the Cluster headache as shown by the pain disorder patients.
C group, anxiety related symptoms predomi- The patients with conversion disorder usually
nate. Free floating anxiety and their reaction have primary and secondary gain. The primary
to stress are seen with headache. The personal- gain is the control of anxiety symptom. The sec-
ity disorder group generally shows changes in ondary gain is the attention they obtain due to
the manifestations of symptoms according to the symptom. Psychological factors usually initi-
the environment. ate and exacerbate the symptoms. This condition
was previously called hysteria.
Somatization disorder
Patients with chronic headache can fulfill the cri-
teria for hypochondriasis. They are likely to be Headache can be a symptom of somatization
preoccupied with headache and their life may disorder, which is recognized by the presence
be greatly influenced by headache. They may of multiple bodily complaints. This disorder is
visit the doctor frequently and may undergo mul- differentiated from other somatoform disorders
tiple investigations. Hypochondriasis could be by the following criteria. The somatic symptoms
present as part of a major depressive illness. develop before the age of 30 years and gradually
Patients with hypochondriasis believe that they continue to develop into various symptoms. The
have a serious illness and attribute their symp- somatic symptoms are headache, shortness of
toms to an undiagnosed illness. The patient breath, burning sensation in genitals, menstrual
experiences these symptoms and abnormal complaints, chest pain, a lump in the throat,
beliefs for at least six months. Multiple doctors and vomiting. DSM IV diagnostic criteria list
are consulted for investigation and explanation. the clusters of the symptoms. The neurological
In spite of negative findings in the neurological symptoms are headache, amnesia, tremors and
examination and investigations, the patient is not weakness; individuals seek excessive medical
convinced that they do not have a serious illness. treatment. Patients also have personality dis-
Those with a headache believe that they suffer order traits, most frequently Cluster B group
from a brain tumor or meningitis. The intensity of personality characteristics.

Psychiatric management CHAPTER 22

Factitious disorder approach is to recognize and acknowledge the

suffering of the patient. The physician should
Headache is a symptom that cannot be ensure that all relevant investigations have been
measured objectively. This makes it easy for carried out. It is also useful to provide an accept-
someone to fake the condition leading to a able explanation for the headache. The focus is
diagnosis of factitious disorder. There may also therefore changed to how this person can cope
be a conscious exaggeration of the symptom. with the headache and function.
In conversion disorder, secondary gain is usu- Some patients may also develop an abnormal
ally identified and the symptom usually serves illness behavior where they consult different
a purpose for the patient, although they often medical practitioners seeking investigations
avoid painful diagnostic procedures. In compar- and treatment. These patients are preoccupied
ison patients with factitious disorder cannot with the headache and this alters their life style.
fake their symptoms all through the day. They The physician can be drawn into this maladap-
also have differential pain manifestation in tive pattern of behavior and respond to the
different settings. Individuals usually admit to patient’s demands by prescribing different pain
faking symptoms when they are found out. killers and arranging further investigations.
The information the patient provides about Patients can become angry and hostile if their
the headache may be verified with a relative needs are not met.
to check the validity of the symptoms. Patients Every patient who has chronic headache is
may have associated antisocial or histrionic also likely to suffer psychological consequences.
personality or borderline personality traits. They should have an individual treatment plan
which should address the following issues:
1. Patient’s commitment to treatment plan
Management 2. Goal of treatment

Often, patients with headache are referred for 3. Physical treatments

psychiatric management fairly late in the man- 4. Psychological treatments
agement process. Health professional education 5. Focus on improving quality of life.
tends to focus on treatment of conditions with
organic causes and they are thus ill-equipped
to manage the co-morbid psychiatric aspects of Pharmacological approaches
care. If there are significant issues, it is impor-
tant to refer patients to psychiatrists for assess- Psychiatric treatment includes managing the
ment to diagnose the psychiatric condition co-morbid psychiatric conditions as mentioned
associated with headache. above. Depression is the most frequent psychi-
The first principle in management is to atric condition that exists with chronic head-
understand that the patient is suffering and to ache and antidepressant medications have been
develop a concerned therapeutic relationship. most helpful in managing the depression and
The pain of headache may seem exaggerated dysthymia associated with headaches. Previous
but it is a subjective experience. It is not helpful studies have suggested amitryptiline as the anti-
to say ‘It is all in your mind’. This comment depressant of choice. It is still very effective,
often breaks the therapeutic relationship and but new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
the patient can become overtly hostile. The best (SSRI) and selective noradrenalin reuptake

SECTION TWO Approaches

inhibitors (SNRI) can be used initially before relaxation therapy, biofeedback therapy. Other
amitryptiline is prescribed. They include: approaches include stress management, group
duloxetine (60 mg), venlafaxine (75 to 225 therapy, hypnosis, and dry needling (see Ch. 24)
mg), mirtazapine (15 to 45 mg), citalopram or acupuncture.
(20 to 40 mg), escitalopram (10 to 20 mg), ser-
traline (50 to 200 mg), fluoxetine (20 to 40 mg) Cognitive behavioral therapy
and paroxetine (20 to 40 mg). The side effect Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for pain is
profile of SSRI is well tolerated compared to based on the patients’ beliefs about their pain
amitriptyline. Amitriptyline (50 to 150 mg) and can influence adjustment to the pain experi-
has been found useful as adjunctive in pain ence. Jenson and Karoly (1991) found that
management. Other tricyclic antidepressants patients who ignored their pain, those who used
such as imipramine (50 to 150 mg), dothiepin self statements to cope with pain, and those who
(75 to 150 mg) are also useful. Tricyclic antide- increased their daily activities, had better psycho-
pressants are superior to SSRI in pain manage- logical functioning than those who did not engage
ment, even where there is no depression. in these behaviors. Acceptance of pain has been
Anticonvulsants have also been used in man- associated with lower reports of pain intensity, less
agement of headache. Sodium valproate, gaba- anxiety related to pain, decreased avoidance beha-
pentin, and topiramate have been found to be viour and depression. These individuals experi-
useful. Carbamazapine has also been used for enced decreased disability and improved work
the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and other status. Turk and Rudy (1988) provide some
facial pain. Anticonvulsants also have mood assumptions for the foundation of cognitive-
stabilizing and antidepressant effects. behavioral interventions. Cognitions interact with
Benzodiazipines are also used in treating emotions, physiological sensations, and behavior.
anxiety related symptoms. This group of medi- Altering one of these components can alter other
cation is addictive and should not be used for a components. Effective intervention must address
prolonged duration. Among the benzodiaze- the cognitive emotional and behavioral aspects of
pines, Diazepam is still the most frequently the presenting problem. Some studies have shown
used drug. It has a very long half life, up to that chronic headache responds to cognitive ther-
72 hours. Other shorter acting benzodiazepines apy. Johnson and Thorn (1989) demonstrated
are oxazepam and lorazepam, whose half life is that cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), individu-
about 12 hours. These drugs should not be ally administered, and group CBT were superior
used on their own for the treatment of anxiety. to no psychological treatment for chronic head-
Antidepressants (SSRI) are effective in treat- ache. Holroyd and Stensland (2005) found that
ment of anxiety, especially sedating antidepres- antidepressant medication, CBT, and stress man-
sants, but they take two to three weeks for the agement therapy were equally effective in tension
full effect to be observed. Benzodiazepines may type headache. They observed that CBT and
be used in this period to control the symptoms. stress management therapy had better psychoso-
cial outcome measures.
Non-pharmacological approaches In understanding CBT for depression, the
depressed mood is the outcome of depressive
Non-pharmacological treatments that have been cognition. Negative cognitions lead to depressed
found useful in managing headache and co-morbid mood; e.g. viewing pain as the worst thing in the
depression have been cognitive behavioral therapy, world and believing that it will never get better.

Psychiatric management CHAPTER 22

These thoughts are challenged and changed to e.g. progressive muscular relaxation, deep breath-
positive thoughts leading to improvement. The ing, or visualizing technique. Relaxation therapy
individual must participate actively in the treat- uses techniques such as calming music and other
ment and learn more adaptive ways to deal with relaxation methods to reduce excessive stimula-
their problem. Other behavioral procedures tion. Biofeedback uses thermal (hand warming)
follow operant methods. The patient responds and electromyographic (EMG) techniques. Both
to pain behaviors with neutral attitudes (ex- treatments have been shown to reduce the head-
tinction) and non-pain behaviors are rewarded ache index (measure of frequency and severity)
positively. Reinforcement of non-pain behaviors by 40% (Dowson 2003).
such as a special meal, recreation and attention
from significant others may be beneficial. Case studies
Relaxation and biofeedback therapy Three case vignettes are given below which
Relaxation therapy involves helping the patient illustrate some of the presentations of head-
to relax using one of the relaxation techniques, ache where psychiatric factors are prominent.

Case study 1

A 42-year-old divorced woman with four Psychiatric assessment showed that she was
children presented to the hospital after a serious severely depressed. The sexual abuse had started the
attempt to kill herself with methadone tablets. She maladaptive pattern of behavior. She could not
had experienced severe migraine for the past 25 years. discuss the abuse and developed headache. The
Previously she had presented with a throbbing personality difficulties of dependence and mistrust
headache, photophobia, and nausea lasting up to developed. She needed someone to cling to, and
48 hours. She was prescribed various medications for was using medication to drown her anxiety. Her
migraine, including nonsteroidal antiinflammatories, diagnosis was major depressive illness, dependent
benzodiazepines, and opiates. Other medications personality traits, and opiate and benzodiazepine
prescribed were diazepam tablets (up to 40 mg daily), dependence.
methadone tablets (40 mg daily) and morphine
injections (30 mg, one to two injections daily). These In managing her problem, initially a therapeutic
medications had been taken for more than 10 years relationship was established, by listening to her
with no beneficial effect. She commenced using regarding the headache and psychosocial
methadone tablets and morphine injections to prevent problems. She was commenced on an SSRI. The
attacks but was still experiencing severe headaches. opiates and benzodiazepines were gradually
She was depressed because of constant headache. reduced. Initial problems with trust were overcome
Prior to the overdose, she visited the family doctor and and she was able to engage in treatment. She
asked to discuss how she was feeling, but he gave her discussed the abuse and the problems in her life.
another prescription. She took an overdose of As her depression improved, she was able to use
methadone tablets with alcohol and had a serious cognitive therapy to overcome the headache.
intention to die. Interpersonal psychotherapy and antidepressants
were used to prevent further episodes of
The woman had been sexually abused by a depression.
neighbor at the age of 16 and her headache
commenced from that time. She had multiple This case illustrates that patients with severe
relationship problems and could not trust any one. depression, dependence on drugs, and childhood
She had been divorced three times. trauma can present with headache.

SECTION TWO Approaches

Case study 2

Mrs J was a 36-year-old woman who had been established. The headache was fully investigated by
experiencing severe headache for two years which was her family physician and she was reassured that there
not responding to analgesic medication. Her headache was no organic problem causing the headache. A full
was usually experienced in the mornings which psychiatric history was taken. During the sessions, Mrs
prevented her from attending work. In the afternoons J revealed the bullying by her supervisor and at school.
she felt better and was able to perform housework. She was able to understand the link between the
She was not anxious about not attending to work. Mrs J bullying at school and work. The maladaptive way in
experienced episodes of spasm in her hand when which she responded in both situations was also
she was 12 years old which stopped her from identified. The primary gain was reduction of anxiety
attending school. Later it was revealed that she was and the secondary gain was not going to work. She
bullied at school. Once the bullying ceased she was persuaded to go to work and deal with the stress
recovered. in an appropriate way. She responded to the treatment
and the headache subsided. There was no indication
In exploring her current situation, Mrs J revealed the
for any medication.
difficulties she was experiencing at work. She was
bullied by her supervisor and the way Mrs J was bullied This case illustrates how headache can arise
reminded her of her school days. The psychiatric secondary to conversion disorder, and with
diagnosis was conversion disorder. In managing her appropriate psychiatric intervention the patient
situation, first a therapeutic relationship was can be helped.

Case study 3

Ms R was a 27-year-old single woman who was Her psychiatric diagnosis was major depression and
experiencing severe headaches which were diagnosed borderline personality disorder. Her treatment was
as migraines. She was prescribed medication for the complicated by the fact that SSRI antidepressant
migraines. medication can interact with sumatriptan and other
similar migraine treatments, potentially leading to
As a teenager, she was sexually abused by a family
serotonin syndrome. She had SNRI (mirtazapine) for
member and her personality was affected by it. She
the depression, which was used in small doses and
was getting depressed and suicidal. She was also
with psychotherapy she gradually improved. With the
cutting her wrists frequently and having frequent
improvement of depression, her migraine attacks also
mood swings. She had developed features of major
depression with persistent low mood, feeling
hopeless, recurrent suicidal thoughts, loss of This case illustrates that migraine can co-exist with
appetite, loss of weight, lack of energy, early morning major depression and borderline personality disorder;
wakening and diurnal mood variation. The depression intervention to treat the psychiatric disorders can
had been present during the past year. assist the resolution of the physical pain.

These case vignettes illustrate the link Conclusion

between psychiatric issues and headache. In
many cases, more than one psychiatric factor Headache may be part of the constellation
comes into play. Most frequent is depression. of symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Patients

Psychiatric management CHAPTER 22

with a psychiatric diagnosis may experience assess affective conditions in patients presenting
concurrent headache. This chapter has explored with headache. The importance of an indivi-
the association between headache and psychiat- dualized treatment plan involving both medica-
ric conditions including depression and anxiety tion and non-pharmacological approaches is
disorders. Practitioners are given guidelines to emphasized.

American Psychiatric Association 1994 headache, Journal of Headache and adjustment to chronic pain. J Consult
Diagnostic and statistical manual of Pain 1(suppl 1):S49-S52. Psychol 59:431.
mental disorders, fourth edition, Dowson AJ 2003 Your questions Johnson PR, Thorn BE 1989 Headache
Washington, DC. answered: Migraine and other 29(6):358-365. Cognitive behavioral
Breslau N, Davis GC, Andreski P 1991 headaches. Churchill Livingstone, treatment of chronic headache: group
Migraine, psychiatric disorders and Edinburgh, p 90-94. versus individual treatment format.
suicide attempts: an epidemiologic Holroyd K, Stensland M 2005 Separate Stewart WF, Scher AL, Lipton RB 2001
study of young adults. Psychiatry Res and combined effect of CBT and Stressful life events and risk of
37(1):11-23. Drug Therapy; psychosocial chronic daily headache: results from
Breslau N, Lipton RB, Stewart WF et al outcomes in the treatment of chronic the frequent headache epidemiology
2003 Comorbidity of migraine and tension type headache. Journal of study. Cepalalgia 21:279.
depression: investigating potential pain 2005; Vol 6. Online. Available: Turk DC, Rudy TE 1988 A cognitive-
etiology and prognosis. Neurology behavioral perspective on chronic
60(8):1308-1312. archives2/cbt.html September 2005. pain: Beyond the scalpel and syringe.
De Fidio D, Libro G, Prudenzano MP Jenson MP, Karoly P 1991 Control Handbook of chronic pain
et al 2000 Stress and chronic beliefs, coping efforts and management. William and Wilkins,

Chapter Twenty-Three

Myofascial trigger point treatment
for headache and TMD
Kerrie Bolton and Peter Selvaratnam

to headache by eliciting symptoms created by

Cervical and temporomandibular disorders may
muscle imbalance, faulty posture, and movement
contribute to the production of headache. In this
chapter the authors, a myotherapist and a (Janda 1985, Jull et al 2002). Myofascial tight-
musculoskeletal physiotherapist-anatomist, ness, muscle hypertonicity, local muscle tender-
identify muscles that can refer pain to the head ness, superficial soft tissue tightness, and skin
and describe clinically effective hands-on
tightness are also common in patients with mus-
management and treatment strategies.
culoskeletal disorders (Janda 1985, Magarey
2007 personal communication). Clinical experi-
Headache and temporomandibular disorders ence indicates that attention to these factors can
(TMD) can cause significant suffering to many be as effective as passive cervical mobilization
patients including anxiety, disability, and cata- in patient outcomes despite the limited rigor of
strophizing with regard to pain (Jerjes et al current evidence.
2007). The contribution of cervical muscles This chapter addresses the examination and
(Fernandez de las Penas et al 2006a & b, 2007, treatment of MTPs as part of the musculoskel-
Kellgren 1938a,1938b, Jull et al 2002, Jull et al etal evaluation and management of patients
2004, Zito et al 2006) and the muscles of masti- with headache and TMD.
cation (Benoliel et al 2008, Fernandez de las
Penas et al 2006a & b, Okeson 2005, Simons
et al 1999, Zito 2007, Zito et al 2008) to head- Myofascial trigger points
ache has been reported. Similarly, the contribu-
tion of masticatory muscle disorders to TMD Pioneering work in myofascial trigger point
has also been well described (Okeson 2005, management was conducted during the late
Simons et al 1999) and is discussed in Chapter 7. 1920s and early 1930s by Sir Thomas Lewis
Myofascial trigger points (MTPs) can contrib- (Lewis 1938). Subsequently, Kellgren (1938a
ute to headache and TMD (Benoliel et al 2008, & b) detailed specific sites of referred pain to
Brukner et al 2006, Okeson 2005, Simons et al teeth, joints, and organs occurring from a focus
1999). Similarly, reduced endurance of the deep of irritation within a muscle using local novo-
neck flexors and reduced extensibility of the caine injections. From the 1940s (Kelly 1941)
cervical and axio-scapular muscles can contribute to the 1980s this approach was built upon and

culminated in the first edition of the descrip- (Lavigne et al 2006, Okeson 2005, Simons et al
tive publication by Travell and Simons (1983) 1999). Thus, MTPs can develop on their own or
in applying digital pressure, ‘spray and stretch’, due to other causative factors.
or local novocaine to deactivate MTPs. Cur- The contribution of non-musculoskeletal
rently MTP treatment is conducted by practi- structures or specific medical conditions to
tioners treating musculoskeletal problems MTPs in patients with headache and TMD
with digital pressure, dry needling, injection needs to be considered. Authors in this book
therapy or neuromyotomy. have described the contribution of hormonal
Myofascial trigger points can be located changes, food sensitivity, nutritional deficien-
within the muscle belly or at musculotendinous cies, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, central
junctions and are classified as active or latent, sensitization, and neoplastic changes to head-
primary or associated. Active MTPs are respon- ache and TMD. As the scientific literature pro-
sible for the pain generated in myofascial pain vides evidence that these conditions can cause
syndromes (Lucas 2007, Simons et al 1999). MTPs (Dommerholt et al 2006), it is impor-
Latent MTPs are asymptomatic nodules that tant to evaluate the likelihood that MTPs may
may contribute to restricted range of movement be secondary to other medical conditions.
and muscle stiffness and have the potential to Active inflammatory biochemicals can be
become active (Hong et al 1998, Lucas 2007, present in MTPs. Shah et al (2005) conducted
Lucas et al 2004). They may, however, be pain- an in vivo biochemical analysis within normal
ful on palpation. Primary MTPs occur within muscle and on active and latent MTPs in real time
the muscle responsible for causing pain and at sub-nanogram level of concentration. Active
may refer symptoms to specific regions asso- MTPs demonstrated significantly increased
ciated with that muscle. Associated MTPs may levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, bradykin-
occur in the region of the referred pain zone of in, interleukin-1, calcitonin-gene-related-peptide
a primary MTP. They could also occur due to (CGRP), tumor necrosis factor, and substance P
increased functional demands of the associated in its immediate milieu. Latent MTPs showed
musculature (Simons et al 1999). The develop- lower concentrations of CGRP and substance P
ment of MTPs is described in Chapter 24. than active MTPs but higher than normal muscle
Myofascial trigger points in the cervical and tissue. In regard to the other chemical concentra-
temporomandibular regions can be caused by tions, latent MTPs and normal muscle tissue were
direct trauma or muscle imbalance (Dommerholt not significantly different. This investigation
et al 2006, Simons et al 1999). They may also be confirms the clinical difference between active
elicited by overactivity of muscles, sustained pos- MTPs, latent MTPs and normal muscle tissue,
tural stresses, emotional stresses, intervertebral and suggests that biochemicals could contribute
disc dysfunction, and articular and neural condi- to persistent active MTP activity, pain, tenderness
tions (Brukner et al 2006, Dommerholt et al and hyperalgesia (Dommerholt et al 2006).
2006, Huguenin 2004, Okeson 2005, Lucas Some clinicians argue that taut bands and myo-
2007, Lucas et al 2004, Simons et al 1999). Other fascial trigger points are elicited due to central
causes of MTPs include bruxism, sleep apnea, nervous system activity (Cohen 2005). Fernan-
asthma, sustained dental procedures, visual distur- dez de las Penas et al (2007) argue that nocicep-
bance, automobile accidents, altered cervical posi- tive input from peripheral tender muscles
tions required in playing the violin or flute, cervical contributes to chronic tension type headache
traction treatment, or pre-existing cervical injury and central sensitization. They observed a higher

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

concentration of chemical mediators in active improve the identification process, more recent
MTPs and lower ph levels compared to control studies have used an algometer to measure pres-
tender points. On the basis of this evidence, the sure pain thresholds of latent MTPs (Lucas et al
investigators hypothesized that MTPs are the pri- 2004, Sciotti et al 2001). Having acknowledged
mary hyperalgesic region responsible for the the difficulties with accurate MTP identification
development of central sensitization in chronic between clinicians, intra-examiner reliability is
tension type headache. Further investigations usually good and therefore useful when evaluating
with event-related functional MRI suggest that the de-activation of MTPs. However, clinicians
patients with myofascial pain have an abnormal are reminded that overall treatment must be eval-
brain response to pain stimulus (Niddam et al uated by functional outcome measures such as
2008). The activation patterns from the left those described for headache in Chapter 13, or
upper trapezius in 16 fibromyalgic patients were for TMD by Stegenga et al (1993), or by patient-
compared to healthy controls when evoked from specific outcome measures (Cleland et al 2006).
an ‘equivalent site’ with stimulus intensity The following discussion, though not exhaus-
matched and pain intensity matched stimuli. tive, provides guidelines to evaluate MTPs in
The imaging was conducted in all subjects during patients with headache and/or TMD.
needle and digital stimulation of the trapezius.
Patients revealed significantly enhanced somato- Assessment
sensory (SI, SII, inferior parietal, mid-insula)
and limbic (anterior insula) activity and sup- A detailed history of the etiology and onset of
pressed right dorsal hippocampal activity com- the patient’s headache/TMD, referred pain
pared to asymptomatic people. At matched pain patterns, intensity, frequency and duration of
intensity, increased brain activity was observed symptoms, and aggravating and easing factors
in the same somatosensory regions but not in lim- needs to be assessed to rule out sinister pathol-
bic regions. The findings indicated that patients ogy and other non-musculoskeletal factors that
with hyperalgesia had abnormal brain activity in may contribute to the headache/TMD.
areas that processed stimulus intensity and nega-
tive affect. The authors speculated that sup- Posture
pressed hippocampal activity may reflect
secondary stress-related changes in patients with Postural observation of the spine and temporo-
chronic pain. Future studies need to evaluate mandibular regions in standing and sitting posi-
whether the abnormal brain response triggers tions should be performed to ascertain whether
MTPs or if MTPs trigger the brain response lead- altering the patient’s posture produces a change
ing to central sensitization. in symptoms as described in Chapter 19. Patients
The inter-examiner reliability of identifying should be advised to modify their ergonomic
MTPs has traditionally been poor (Gerwin et al environment, and be reviewed if their symptoms
2000, Hsieh et al 2000, Lew et al 1997). In con- alter over a two weeks.
trast, one clinical study found good inter-examiner
reliability, reporting that key factors in improving Cervical region
identification of MTPs were specific training in
the examination process and increased clinical Active and passive movement examination of
experience (Gerwin et al 1997) – criteria that the cervical region can then be performed
should not be underestimated. In an effort to (including passive physiological and accessory


movements) to evaluate if the headache/TMD the condition, initial pain pattern, pain referral
has a cervical component (Jull et al 2002, zone, associated symptoms, aggravating factors
2004, Maitland 1986, Niere et al 1995, Trott and whether these findings correlate with mus-
1985, Zito et al 2006, 2007). The spatula test cle function.
described in Chapter 19 may also assist in The authors observe that normal tissue resis-
differentiating whether the headache/TMD has tance can be felt immediately upon palpating
cervical or orofacial components. The craniocer- beyond the skin, when compared to the patho-
vical flexor test described in Chapter 14 can be logical increased resistance provided by MTPs
performed to evaluate the endurance of the or taut bands. In our experience, the MTP loca-
flexor muscle and whether the detected im- tions and pain referred from MTPs to distal
pairments could be a factor in contributing to regions are not restricted to regions listed in
headache. The length of cervical axio-scapular texts (Simons et al 1999). They often vary sig-
muscles can also be evaluated in the sitting or nificantly and cover larger or unexpected areas,
supine positions (Janda 1985). The contribution sometimes even giving rise to false neural type
of the shortened muscle can be established paresthesia.
by altering the length of the muscle and then Careful palpation of the whole muscle is
reassessing the patient’s symptoms. required to identify MTPs. The muscle fiber
direction needs to be considered while palpating
Temporomandibular region over a small group of muscle fibers from their
origin to insertion for taut bands or firm nodules.
Active movements of the TMJ can be evalu- Following this the adjacent groups of muscle
ated (Chapter 19) while observing the patient’s fibers are examined until the whole muscle is
pain response, the quality of mandibular excur- examined. Digital pressure directly over the
sion, any deviation in its motion, and whether MTP may produce a local twitch response (mus-
any movement dysfunction correlates to func- cle fasciculation), a jump sign, or reproduce the
tional incapacity. Crepitus or clicking of the patient’s pain locally or distally in its myofascial
TMJs, and retrodiscitis (Okeson 2005) can be pain referral zone (Simons et al 1999). Eliciting
assessed by placing the fifth finger in each local twitch response/s is the most objective sign
external auditory meatus (preferably with of the presence of an MTP, though the most diffi-
gloved hands) or with a stethoscope over the cult to elicit (Simons et al 2002). However, repro-
pre-auricular region. The range of opening the duction of the patient’s pain requires less clinical
mouth can be assessed by measuring interinci- skill and is more reliable than the jump sign
sor opening between the central incisors with (Huguenin 2004). The authors recommend that
a millimeter/inch ruler in the sitting or supine pressure on a MTP may need to be sustained for
positions. up to 10 to 30 seconds before it is eliminated as
a potential source of symptoms.
Trigger point examination The identification of an MTP and reproduc-
tion of pain does not indicate that it is the source
The following section describes the examina- of the pain. The pain may be arising from articu-
tion of MTPs in the cervical and masticatory lar (Bogduk 2001, Govind et al 2005, Okeson
muscles. Intra-oral examination is performed 2005), cervical discogenic, and neural (periph-
with a gloved hand. In identifying the primary eral/central) structures (see Ch. 9), or other
MTPs, it is important to consider the cause of pathology that may have sensitized the somatic

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

pain pathway to provide a false positive. Deacti- of palpation applied through the skin, subcuta-
vating the MTP needs to be accompanied by neous tissue and muscles overlying the MTP.
lasting change in symptoms to verify the Grade I is a gentle sustained pressure on the
contribution of the MTP. If the MTP is deacti- skin to elicit a pain response at the beginning of
vated by 50% but the symptoms change only the range before resistance from a MTP is
10% the clinician needs to suspect other encountered. Grade I can be applied in patients
source/s of the symptoms. In contrast, the with acute pain, hyperalgesia or allodynia. In
MTP treatment may reduce the symptoms sig- some patients with hyperalgesia/allodynia, the
nificantly but the improvement is not main- palpatory pressure might reproduce their pain
tained. The clinician then needs to consider if with very gentle pressure on the skin.
the muscle extensibility should be fully restored Grade II is a deeper pressure at the point of
for long term improvement. They also need to initial resistance provided by an MTP. It is
consider that lasting changes may only be gained important to establish if this is normal tissue
by addressing the ergonomic environment at resistance or pathological resistance of the
work and/or home and lifestyle stressors which MTP. Grade II pressure can be applied in
can contribute to muscle tension. patients with sub-acute pain or pain that is
easily reproduced or referred from the MTP.
Grading of MTPs Grade III is a sustained pressure to moder-
MTPs can be graded according to the depth ate depth, about midway through the available
of the muscle during palpation of an MTP range of the MTP. It can be applied in patients
(Selvaratnam 2008). Maitland (1986) described with chronic conditions or when referred pain
similar grading of articular structures based on is not easily reproduced.
amplitude of movement. Grading of MTPs as Grade IV is a deep pressure at the end of
Grades I to IV (Fig. 23.1) refers to the depth the available range of the MTP. It can be
applied in patients with chronic conditions or
III conditions requiring firm pressure.
I II IV Variations to these grades can also be
II- IV- applied. For instance, a Grade II- depth can
be palpated just prior to initial resistance. Sim-
ilarly a Grade IV- depth can be palpated just
before end range.
A B C The pain response during and following
Depth of a myofascial trigger point MTP palpation needs to be evaluated with a
Figure 23.1  Schematic diagram showing grading of verbal analogue scale (e.g., where 0 is no pain,
MTPs based on depth. Grade I is a gentle sustained 1 mild pain, 5 moderate pain, and 10 their
pressure on the skin to elicit a pain response at the
beginning of the range before resistance from an MTP is
most severe imaginable pain) and constantly
encountered. Grade II is a deeper pressure at the point of communicating with the patient regarding their
initial resistance provided by an MTP. Grade II is a gentle pain (Selvaratnam et al, 1994). Apart from
pressure just prior to initial resistance. Grade III is a
sustained pressure to moderate depth, about midway subjective assessment, movement signs need
through the MTP. Grade IV is deep pressure at the end of to be re-assessed to evaluate if objective signs
the MTP. Grade IV is gentle pressure applied just before have changed. The patient needs to be warned
end range of the MTP (see text). A ¼ external surface of
skin, B ¼ region where palpation of an MTP encounters of the likelihood of post-examination pain last-
initial resistance, C ¼ end range of MTP resistance. ing up to 72 hours.


Muscles contributing to Trigger point location

headache or TMD Myofascial trigger points in the superficial mas-
seter (Fig. 23.2) can refer pain to the lower
jaw, molar teeth and maxilla. The MTP in the
deep portion may refer pain deep into the ear
The temporalis arises from the floor of tempo- and may also cause tinnitus (Simons et al 1999).
ral fossa and deep surface of temporal fascia
and inserts onto the tip and medial surface of Palpatory examination
coronoid process and anterior border of ramus The patient is instructed to clench their teeth to
of mandible (Moore et al 2002). It assists in identify the masseter. The index and middle fin-
closing the mouth, and its posterior fibers gers are used to perform external palpation of the
retrude the mandible (Moore et al 2002). masseter from the zygomatic arch to the ramus of
the mandible. The muscle can be palpated imme-
Trigger point location diately above the angle of the mandible.
Intra-oral palpation enables direct palpation of
Temporalis may develop MTPs (see Fig. 7.3) in the anterior fibers of masseter. The patient is
the mid-section of the muscle and may refer instructed to open the mouth to approximately
pain to the upper incisors and premolars. 20–30 mm. The thumb and index finger are
A MTP in the anterior aspect of temporalis can
refer pain in an arc above the orbit of the eye
and inferiorly along the line of the mandible.
The MTP can also refer pain posteriorly in
finger-like projections over the temporal region
(Simons et al 1999).

Palpatory examination
The index, middle, and ring fingers are used to
outline the border of the temporal fossa while A B
the patient clenches their teeth to contract
the temporalis. The muscle is then palpated
over the temporal bone to identify MTPs and
any pain reproduction.

The masseter originates from the inferior
border and medial surface of zygomatic arch C D
and inserts on the lateral surface of ramus of Figure 23.2  Trigger points and pain referral zone in
mandible and is coronoid process (see masseter. The Xs locate trigger points in various parts of
Fig. 20.3a). It closes the mouth, and its deep the masseter muscle. A ¼ superficial layer, upper portion.
B ¼ superficial layer, mid-belly. C ¼ superficial layer, lower
fibers retrude the mandible (Moore et al portion. D ¼ deep layer, upper part – just below the
2002). temporomandibular joint.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

positioned intra-orally in a pincer grip to pal- may spread upwards over the forehead towards
pate masseter from the zygomatic arch to the the vertex of the head on the ipsilateral side.
ramus of the mandible. Once the MTP is iden- The MTP in occipitalis may give rise to a more
tified the presence of any referred pain is con- classic muscular headache pattern over the pos-
firmed. The deep portion of the masseter can terior aspect of the head or through the head
be palpated with the same intra-oral pincer causing an intense deep pain in the orbit of the
grip by moving posteriorly over the soft tissues ipsilateral eye (Simons et al 1999).
anterior to the TMJ (Simons et al 1999).
Palpatory examination
Occipitofrontalis Palpation of taut bands and firm nodules is partic-
ularly difficult in these broad thin muscles. Fron-
Occipitofrontalis runs from the nuchal lines to talis is palpated above the eyebrow to the hairline
the eyebrows. From above it draws the scalp or just superiorly with the index and middle fin-
backwards to raise the eyebrows. From below gers in line with the eye. Small circular frictions
it draws the scalp forwards creating transverse with moderate (Grade III) pressure are applied
wrinkles (Moore et al 2002). inferiorly towards the eyebrow. The patient can
be asked to raise their eyebrows to contract the
Trigger point location muscle during this procedure.
An MTP in the occipitofrontalis (Fig. 23.3) may The occipitalis is palpated with the patient
occur just superior to the eyebrow and repro- in the prone or supine positions. When the
duce pain over the same region. Referred pain frontalis is involved, the prone position may
aggravate the patient’s symptoms due to direct
pressure of the forehead against the examina-
tion couch. In the supine position, the cervical
spine is contralaterally rotated to access the
muscle belly. The fingers are used to palpate
the occiput ipsilaterally from behind the ears
to the midline evaluating for pain or discomfort
from the MTP.

Medial pterygoid
The superficial head arises from the tuberosity
of the maxilla and the deep head from the
medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate
and pyramidal process of palatine bone. It
inserts into the medial surface of ramus of the
mandible (Moore et al 2002). Acting together
the medial pterygoid closes the mouth and pro-
trudes the mandible; acting alone it protrudes
B the mandible to the side (Moore et al 2002).
Figure 23.3  Trigger points and pain referral zone in
Muscle imbalance would therefore cause devia-
occiptofrontalis. tion of the mandible to the contralateral side.


Trigger point location may cause the patient to gag. The clinician can
Trigger points are located in the mid-belly and then remove their finger and when comfortable
refer to the hard palate (Fig 23.4). They can resume the examination (Simons et al 1999).
also cause a blocked feeling in the ear (Simons
et al 1999).
Lateral pterygoid
The inferior head arises from the lateral surface
Palpatory examination of lateral pterygoid plate and the superior head
Extra-oral palpation of the inferior fibers is per- from the infratemporal surface and infratem-
formed by placing the index and middle fingers poral crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone.
on the ramus of the mandible and sliding the The muscle inserts to the articular disc, the neck
fingers posteriorly and medially under the of the mandible, and the TMJ capsule. Acting
ramus to palpate for a ‘sling-like taut band’ of together they open the mouth. Acting alone and
muscle. The patient is then requested to later- alternatively they produce side-to-side move-
ally deviate to the contralateral side whilst pal- ments of mandible (Moore et al 2002). Muscle
pating for increased muscle tone and if the imbalance would therefore cause deviation of
MTP is consistent with the patient’s pain. the mandible to the contralateral side.
Intra-oral palpation of the superior fibers is
performed with the patient opening their mouth Trigger point location
(as far as comfortable) to assess for a ‘webbed Trigger points are located within the mid-belly
shaped’ soft tissue at the back of the palate run- and refer over the zygomatic arch and deep into
ning in an oblique longitudinal arc. Following this, the TMJ just anterior to the ear (Fig. 23.5). Pain
the tip of the index/little finger is placed against may mimic sinusitis or sinus headache (Simons
the mid portion of the muscle. The examination et al 1999).


Figure 23.4  Trigger point location and pain referral zone in medial pterygoid. Referred pain pattern (dark)
and location of the responsible trigger point (X) in the left medial pterygoid muscle. A ¼ external areas of pain
to which the patient can point. B ¼ anatomical cut-away to show the location of the trigger point area in the
muscle, which lies on the inner side of the mandible. C ¼ coronal section of the head through the
temporomandibular joint, looking forward, showing internal areas of pain.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

Figure 23.5  Trigger point location and pain referral zone of lateral pterygoid. A trigger point can be located in the mid-belly of
both superior and inferior divisions of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Pain is referred deep into the TMJ and to the region of the
maxilla sinus. The pain is strongly associated with functional disorders of that joint. Active trigger points may mimic sinusitis or
sinus headache.

Palpatory examination contact surface of the upper teeth until the finger
Direct external palpation of the muscle is not is positioned posterior to the last molar or wis-
possible due to its depth. However, it can dom tooth. From this position, the uppermost
be palpated externally through the masseter. rear corner of the cheek pouch is pressed inward
The patient is initially requested to open their to palpate the muscle (Murray G, personal com-
mouth while the clinician applies gentle munication 2008, Phanachet et al 2001).
pressure with the tip of their index or middle
finger through the aperture between the man- Digastric
dibular notch and zygomatic process. If the
patient’s pain is elicited, evaluate whether it is The anterior belly arises from the digastric
consistent with the lateral pterygoid pain dis- fossa of mandible and the posterior belly from
tribution or masseter distribution (Simons mastoid notch of temporal bone. They attach
et al 1999). Dry needling through this aperture via an intermediate tendon to the body and
may enable access to the lateral pterygoid but greater horn of the hyoid bone. It depresses
needs to be performed with care and should the mandible and assists in opening the mouth.
be avoided in those whose condition is irritable With the hyoid fixed it assists in swallowing
or hypersensitive. (Moore et al 2002).
Intra-oral palpation of the inferior head of
the lateral pterygoid may be performed while Trigger point location
the patient opens the mouth by approximately The anterior and posterior bellies of digastric
20–25 mm. The patient is requested to laterally may contain an MTP. The MTP in the poste-
deviate the mandible to the same side. The clini- rior belly may refer pain over the mastoid pro-
cian’s index/little finger then palpates along the cess and occasionally to the throat under the


Posterior Anterior


Figure 23.6  Trigger point location and referred pain pattern in the right digastric muscle (essential
portion, solid dark; spill over portion, stippled) of trigger points (X s). A and B ¼ posterior belly, side view.
C ¼ anterior belly, front view.

chin (Fig. 23.6). The anterior belly refers to the Intra-oral palpation of the anterior dig-
lower central incisors and to the alveolar ridge astric is performed with the patient opening
below (Simons et al 1999). their mouth by approximately 20–25 mm.
The clinician’s index finger is placed over the
Palpatory examination inner surface of the lower incisors below
Direct external palpation of posterior digastric the alveolar ridge to palpate the soft tissue
is difficult due to the depth of the muscle. overlying the digastric. The thumb or index
The anterior digastric is examined by identify- finger of the clinician’s other hand then pal-
ing the lateral margins of the hyoid, and then pates extra-orally along the anterior belly for
palpating the inferior surface of the mandible the MTP.
by placing the thumbs on either side of the
midline. To confirm the location of the anterior
digastric, the patient is requested to swallow;
a prominence of the anterior belly can be pal- Arises from mylohyoid line of mandible and
pated under the thumb tips as the hyoid is inserts onto raphe and body of hyoid (Fig
drawn superiorly. The muscle is then palpated 23.7). It elevates the floor of mouth, the hyoid
with the thumb/fingers from the mandible bone and tongue during swallowing and
(caudally and slightly laterally) to the hyoid. speaking (Moore et al 2002).
The anterior digastric test has been
described to evaluate if this muscle refers pain
to the lower teeth. The patient is requested to Trigger point location
strongly draw the corners of their mouth to Myofascial trigger points in mylohyoid can
tense the anterior neck muscles. If pain is refer pain to the tongue although specific pain
reproduced in the lower teeth the anterior patterns have not been clearly established
digastric is implicated. (Simons et al 1999). (Simons et al 1999).

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

Facial artery Mylohyoid

Facial vein Submandibular gland
Anterior belly of digastric Parotid gland
Stylohyoid Hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid membrane Superior belly of omohyoid
Laryngeal prominence Superior thyroid artery
External jugular vein Cricothyroid
Arch of cricoid cartilage Lateral lobe of thyroid gland
Isthmus of thyroid gland Middle thyroid vein
Sternocleidomastoid Internal jugular vein
Inferior thyroid veins Suprascapular nerve
Anterior jugular vein Transverse cervical artery
Trachea Suprascapular artery
Recurrent laryngeal nerve Phrenic nerve on
Common carotid artery scalenus anterior

Figure 23.7  Mylohyoid and adjacent structures.

Palpatory examination Sternocleidomastoid

The patient is positioned in the supine position
with the cervical spine in neutral position. The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) arises from
Extra-oral examination is initially performed the lateral surface of mastoid process of the
with the thumb or index finger ‘hooked’ temporal bone and lateral half of superior
under the anterior digastric muscle belly. The nuchal line. The sternal head attaches to the
finger then gently glides over the mylohyoid anterior surface of manubrium or sternum;
along the inner aspect of the mandible towards the clavicular head to the superior surface of
the angle of the mandible. To identify the loca- medial third of clavicle.
tion of the muscle and MTPs, the patient is The SCM laterally flexes neck to the same
requested to press their tongue into the roof side and rotates the neck towards the opposite
of their mouth. From clinical experience, side. Both SCM act together and flexes the
palpation of MTP in this region can produce a neck. (Moore et al 2002).
dry tickly or itchy sensation in the region of
the soft palate and upper throat. Trigger point location
The muscle bellies of the sternal (medial) and
Additional considerations clavicular (lateral) heads of the SCM may con-
The authors observe (that once sinister tain MTPs (see Fig. 7.2). The most inferior
pathology has been ruled out), treatment of MTP in the sternal head can refer to the supe-
mylohyoid benefits patients who describe a rior aspect of the sternum. The mid two MTPs
tight choking sensation or difficulty swallow- can refer to the cheek, the maxilla, over the
ing in association with headache or TMD supraorbital ridge and deep within the orbit of
symptoms. the eye. They can also refer to the pharynx


and to the posterior aspect of the tongue. Upper trapezius

MTPs in the superior aspect of SCM can refer
pain to the occipital region behind the ear The trapezius arises from the medial third of
(Simons et al 1999). superior nuchal line, external occipital protu-
The superior MTP in the clavicular head berance, nuchal ligament, spinous processes of
may refer pain deep into the ear and to the C7–T12 vertebrae and lumbar and sacral spi-
posterior auricular region with occasional refer- nous processes. It inserts onto the lateral third
ral to the ipsilateral cheek or molar teeth. The of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula.
MTP in the mid-belly may refer pain across The upper trapezius elevates the scapula
the frontal region (Simons et al 1999). (Moore et al 2002).

Palpatory examination Trigger point location

The patient lies in the supine position and is Upper trapezius may have MTPs located in the
instructed to rotate the neck to the contralat- mid-section of the muscle belly approximately
eral side and slightly flex forward in order to mid-way between the angle of the neck and
identify the border of the sternal head and the acromion (Fig. 23.8). Pain can emanate from
return to the neutral position. The MTPs are this MTP unilaterally in a question mark shaped
identified with a pincer grip between the thumb distribution radiating from the upper trapezius
and index finger. A hold-release technique is to the posterolateral aspect of the neck, the
then applied along the sternal muscle belly mastoid process, and when intense to the tem-
commencing at the sternal notch while evalu- ple and the back of the orbit. Occasionally pain
ating for MTP and pain reproduction. The cla-
vicular head is more difficult to palpate. Once
the hypertonicity in the sternal head is reduced,
palpation of the lateral border may be achieved
by progressing superiorly from the tendon inser-
tion in the clavicle to the mastoid process by
applying oscillating pressure with the fingers.
MTP activation may reproduce the patient’s

Additional considerations
Receptors in the clavicular head provide spatial
feedback. It is possible that dysfunction of this
muscle may contribute to dizziness (Simons
et al 1999).
The authors observe that dysfunction of the
scalenes and levator scapulae muscles may
affect the ability of the SCM to function opti-
mally. Thus in the presence of MTPs in the
SCM it is important to assess the function of Figure 23.8  Trigger point and pain referral zone in upper
the scalenes and levator scapulae. trapezius.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

may radiate to the occiput and to the angle of

the mandible (Simons et al 1999). This MTP
may be present in patients with tension type
headache (Fernandez de las Penas et al 2006b).
A second MTP may be located more posteriorly
and laterally to this MTP. It refers predomi-
nantly to the posterolateral cervical region
behind the ear (Simons et al 1999).

Palpatory examination
The upper trapezius can be palpated in the prone
or supine positions. A mild to moderate pincer
grip can be applied with the thumb and index or
middle fingers while palpating from the lateral
attachment of upper trapezius towards the angle
of the neck. The clinician may identify taut bands
or a local twitch response upon direct pressure of
the MTP (Simons et al 1999). Fig. 23.9  Trigger point location and referral zone in
levator scapulae.

Levator scapulae
side-lying position with the affected side
Arises from transverse process of C1–C2,
uppermost. In order to relax upper trapezius,
posterior tubercles of transverse processes of
the clinician supports the patient’s ipsilateral
C3–C4 vertebrae and attaches to the superior
elbow with one hand (while the patient’s
part of medial border of the scapula. It elevates
elbow is flexed to 90 ), and then passively ele-
and rotates the scapula (Moore et al 2002).
vates the shoulder girdle. Following this, the
index or middle finger of the other hand pal-
Trigger point location pates anteriorly under the border of the upper
Levator scapulae may have MTPs at its mid- trapezius just above the superior angle of the
belly or located just superior to its attachment scapula to identify the distal aspect of the
at the superior angle of the scapula (Fig. 23.9). levator scapulae. The muscle is then followed
Both can refer pain ipsilaterally over the pos- superiorly until it disappears under the overly-
terolateral angle of the neck. The lower MTP ing muscles.
may occasionally refer pain inferiorly along the
medial border of the scapula or along the distal Additional considerations
border of the spine of the scapula to the poste-
In the authors’ experience myofascial pain
rior aspect of the shoulder (Simons et al 1999).
from levator scapulae can often reproduce pain
in the subacromial region and limit shoulder
Palpatory examination elevation. Similarly it can limit cervical rota-
Direct palpation of levator scapulae is difficult tion. If left untreated, MTPs in levator scapulae
due to the overlying upper trapezius. The leva- can become precursors for associated MTPs in
tor scapulae may be palpated in the prone or the SCM and may lead to poor scapula control


(Simons et al 1999). The shoulder girdle stabi- posture, shortening of the anterior cervical
lizers also need to be assessed and treated to muscles, whiplash associated disorders, and
reduce the presence of chronic MTPs in levator cervical articular or neural dysfunction (Simons
scapulae. et al 1999).

Splenius capitis Palpatory examination

The patient is positioned in the prone position
Arises from inferior half of nuchal ligament and
with the arms resting under the hips and their
spinous processes of C7–T3 vertebrae and
palms facing upwards. The upper trapezius
supraspinous ligament and inserts into the lat-
can be relaxed in this position. The clinician
eral aspect of mastoid process and lateral third
then places the index and middle fingers over
of superior nuchal line. It laterally flexes and
the posterior aspect of the mastoid process.
rotates head and neck to same side; acting
Following this, the fingers palpate inferiorly
bilaterally, they extend head and neck (Moore
toward the mid to lower cervical spine. The
et al 2002).
splenius capitis can be palpated superiorly;
inferiorly the muscle disappears under the over-
Trigger point location lying musculature. It is important to identify
A MTP may be located just superior to the the splenius capitis fiber direction and poten-
mid-belly of splenius capitis (Fig. 23.10) which tial regions of hypertonicity. To define the bor-
could refer pain to the vertex of the head on der of this muscle, the patient is requested to
the ipsilateral side (Simons et al 1999). Hyper- initiate extension of the head and neck with
tonicity of splenius capitis may occur with a rotation to the same side. Correlation with
wry neck, lifting heavy loads, a forward head referred pain patterns should be evaluated.

Splenius capitis

Figure 23.10  Trigger points and pain referral zone of splenius capitis.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

Additional considerations occipital bone between superior and inferior

Active MTPs in splenius capitis and levator sca- nuchal lines. Action of sub-occipital group is
pulae on the ipsilateral side can limit cervical to extend the head on C1 and rotate the head
rotation in patients with a wry neck. Active on C1 and C2 (Moore et al 2002).
MTPs in splenius capitis and upper trapezius
can present with symptoms similar to occipital Trigger point location
neuralgia (Simons et al 1999). Myofascial trigger points may occur in the mid
belly of both RCP major and minor and inferior
The sub-occipital group oblique. The MTPs in the sub-occipital muscles
may refer pain to the occiput and temporal
The sub-occipital group comprises rectus capi- region and cause bilateral headache (Simons
tis posterior (RCP) major, rectus capitis poste- et al 1999). Clinical investigations demonstrate
rior minor, inferior oblique and superior that MTPs in the sub-occipital muscles may be
oblique (Fig. 23.11) associated with episodic tension-type headache
The rectus capitis posterior major arises (ETTH) (Fernandez de las Penas et al 2006c).
from the spinous process of the C2 vertebra In one study, 10 patients with ETTH were com-
and attaches to the lateral aspect of the inferior pared with 10 asymptomatic controls for the
nuchal line of the occipital bone. The RCP presence of sub-occipital MTPs. Of the ETTH
minor arises from the posterior tubercle on patients, 60% had active MTPs which repro-
the posterior arch of C1 vertebra and inserts duced their symptoms while the rest had latent
onto the medial third of the inferior nuchal MTPs. Latent MTPs were found in 2 controls.
line. The inferior oblique arises from the spi- A subsequent study was conducted in 11 sub-
nous process of C2 vertebra and inserts onto jects to evaluate the cross-sectional area of the
the transverse process of C1 vertebra. The RCP major and minor with MRI and its relation-
superior oblique arises from the transverse ship with active MTPs in chronic tension-type
process of C1 vertebra and attaches to the headache (CTTH) patients (Fernandez de las

Figure 23.11  Trigger points and pain referral zone of the sub-occipital group-rectus capitis posterior major (RCP), rectus
capitis posterior (RCP) minor, inferior oblique and superior oblique.


Penas et al 2008). Active MTPs were found in Treatment of trigger points

55% of patients and the rest had latent MTPs.
The cross-sectional area of RCP minor was sig- Digital pressure can be applied to deactivate
nificantly smaller in those with active MTPs MTPs (Simons et al 1999) and is described in
compared to those with latent MTPs. It was Table 23.1. Similarly dry needling can also be
hypothesized that muscle atrophy of the RCP applied to deactivate MTPs and is described
minor was associated with active MTPs and in Chapter 24.
CTTH. These investigations support previous Treatment of MTPs needs to be evaluated
inference that active MTPs in sub-occipital mus- with outcome measures described in Chapter
cles might contribute to headache. The presence 13 and by Stegenga et al (1993) However,
of muscle atrophy in RCP minor suggests that MTP therapy may be only part of the treat-
such atrophy could occur in other active MTPs. ment program. Management strategies may
However, further MRI needs to be conducted in include postural and ergonomic considera-
other muscle groups before reaching firm tions, articular and neural interventions
conclusions. (Bogduk 2001, Govind et al 2005, Jull & Niere
2004, Niere & Selvaratnam 1995), appropriate
Palpatory examination medication, psychological support and relaxa-
Direct palpation of these muscles is not possi- tion skills with cognitive behavioral therapy
ble. Reproduction of the patient’s pain, confir- (Raphael et al 2008). Self-management
mation of the location of the most tender programs may include cervical and lumbar
point, and awareness of structures underlying stabilization programs (Jull et al 2002,
and overlying the palpated area is the most Richardson et al 1999), exercises for masti-
effective way to perform examination of this catory muscles (de Wijer 2005) (see also
region. Chapters 19, 20 and 25), and appropriate
The patient is positioned in the supine aerobic exercise programs.
position with the cervical region and
shoulders relaxed and requested to perform
deep expiration to relax muscles. The clini- Conclusion
cian places the palm of their hand under the
patient’s head just above the occiput to posi- Examination of patients presenting with head-
tion the head and neck in upper cervical flex- ache or TMD should include muscular, articu-
ion and about 10 of contralateral lateral lar, and neurological evaluation to determine
flexion. To palpate over RCP major, the the patient’s functional level. Particular atten-
thumb or finger tip is placed just adjacent to tion should be paid to identification of MTPs,
the C2 spinous process at a 45 angle to the craniocervical flexors, and the length of the
spine. The fingers are then moved superiorly muscles examined. It is important to evaluate
and laterally towards the occiput. The same whether treatment of MTPs alters the
starting position is used to palpate over infe- patient’s physical and functional outcomes.
rior oblique just adjacent to the C2 spinous When the response to treatment is slow, or
process. The thumb or fingers are moved non-musculoskeletal pathology is suspected,
obliquely into a region of soft tissue towards patients need to be referred to their medical
the transverse process of C1. practitioner.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

Table 23.1 Treatment of myofascial trigger points.

Muscle Treatment
Temporalis Treatment can be performed by applying small circular frictions on MTPs for 10–20 sec with the
index or middle finger (Grade II technique). The patient is instructed to slowly open their mouth
during the intervention. Treatment can be progressed by moving transversally over temporalis.
A firm resistance will be initially felt over MTPs. Confirm with the patient the presence of any
referred pain. As the resistance decreases the digital pressure can be increased (Grade III to
Grade IV). A reduction in MTP resistance should correspond with a reduction in pain.

Masseters Treatment can be performed by applying direct pressure extra/intra-orally on a masseter MTP for
10–20 seconds and then releasing the pressure (Grade II technique).

Occipitofrontalis The MTP can be treated by the moving fingers in a cross-fiber direction applying small circular
frictions (Grade II). The pressure can be gradually increased (Grade III) until the patient’s pain is
reduced or the MTP is deactivated.

Medial pterygoid Extra-oral treatment can be performed under the postero-medial aspect of the ramus by applying
small circular frictions with the thumb or fingers to the inferior aspect of the muscle. The intra-
oral procedure can be performed on the superior fibers by placing the index finger on the MTP
and applying 1 sec hold-release pressure on the muscle belly from the ramus of the mandible
towards the medial pterygoid plate for 10–20 sec. This intervention may cause the patient to
gag. The clinician then needs to remove their finger and resume treatment when the patient is

Lateral pterygoid The intra-oral procedure described in the text is performed by palpating the muscle. A 1-sec hold-
release pressure is applied on the muscle for 10–20 sec. The patient’s pain response and
opening of the mouth are re-assessed. Dry needling can be performed extra-orally through the
mandibular notch and left in-situ for 5 minutes.

Digastric The clinician’s finger tips are placed intra-orally and extra-orally immediately above the MTP. The
MTP is oscillated extra-orally by applying small circular frictions for 10–20 sec to deactivate
the MTP (Grade II depth). A firm resistance may be felt initially against the finger tips. Confirm
with the patient if this reproduces their pain.
If the patient is able to tolerate it, increase the digital pressure (Grade IV-) as the resistance within
the MTP abates. The reduction in MTP resistance should correspond with reduction of pain.

Mylohyoid The patient is requested to open their mouth to mid-range. The clinician then slides their index or
middle finger along the inner surface of the lower incisors below the alveolar ridge to the soft
tissue where the mylohyoid is located.
The thumb and index finger of the other hand is placed extra-orally just lateral to the midline and
adjacent to the anterior digastric (this position sandwiches the mylohyoid intra and extra-orally
between the fingers). The thumb and index finger (extra-orally) then glide together over the
mylohyoid towards the angle of the mandible. On identification of any MTPs, gently apply small
circular frictions for 10–20 sec. A reduction in MTP resistance should correspond with a reduction
in pain. Repeat the technique as required.

Sternocleidomastoid The MTP in the sternal head can be deactivated from the sternal notch to the mastoid process by
maintaining a pincer-grip (Grade II) on the muscle with the cervical spine in the neutral position.
From clinical experience the sternocleidomastoid MTPs can be very hyperalgesic, especially when
attempting to reproduce frontal headache in patients. The clinician will need to reduce the
pressure applied or treat with gentle oscillating hold-release technique (Grade II-) for 10–20 sec.



Table 23.1 Treatment of myofascial trigger points—Cont’d

Muscle Treatment
Clinicians need to take care in the vicinity of the internal carotid artery. The technique can be
progressed while applying the pincer grip and the patient actively rotating their neck to the
contralateral side and then returning to the neutral position.

Upper trapezius A moderate pincer grip is used to deactivate the MTPs in the supine or side-lying positions. The
patient is requested to actively elevate the scapula and then depress it while deactivating the
upper trapezius. Alternatively, in the supine position the patient is requested to slowly rotate their
neck to the opposite side as the pincer grip is maintained.
The MTP can also be deactivated in the prone position with the patient’s hands positioned under
their hips with the elbows flexed and the shoulders relaxed. The clinician then performs small
circular frictions with their thumb or fingers using a pincer grip. Initially a firm resistance may be
palpated against the finger tips. Direct pressure can be increased as resistance in the MTP
and muscle tautness abates. This procedure should correspond with the patient reporting a
reduction in their pain. The presence of any referred pain should be assessed.
Assessment of scapula position and shoulder girdle stabilization programs will be beneficial in
those with chronic MTPs. In the author’s experience deactivation of MTPs in infraspinatus and
teres minor may reduce MTP activity in upper trapezius.

Levator scapulae The inferior MTP is deactivated in the prone or side-lying positions with gentle pressure (Grade II-)
applied over the MTP while the patient actively elevates and then depresses the shoulder girdle.
The procedure is repeated until the pain reduces significantly or the MTP becomes less sensitive.
The clinician can also slide their thumb or index and middle fingers transversely across the
taut levator scapulae fibers as they passively elevate and depress the patient’s shoulder girdle
while supporting their elbow. The presence of an MTP near the attachment at the superior angle
is most probably an attachment MTP and may be relieved by deactivating the MTP at the
muscle belly.

Splenius capitis The index, middle and ring fingers are initially aligned over the mastoid process. Following this the
splenius capitis is palpated transversely over taut bands. Once the MTP is identified, firm
pressure is applied over it for apporximately 20 sec. The pressure is then released, and reapplied
until pain dissipates or the MTP is deactivated.

Sub-occipital group
Rectus capitis posterior major The recti can be treated in the supine position by gently rocking the chin further into upper cervical
and minor flexion as digital pressure is applied with the thumb or fingers. When the head returns to its
neutral position a firm resistance may be experienced initially against the finger tips. As the
resistance in the tissues abates the procedure is progressed by increasing direct pressure.
A reduction in MTP resistance should correspond with a reduction in pain.

Inferior oblique The same technique as the recti can be applied to treat inferior oblique. The head can be gently
rocked into further lateral flexion as an oscillating pressure is applied with the fingers.
MTP ¼ myofascial trigger point.

Myofascial trigger point treatment for headache and TMD CHAPTER 23

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Dry needling, acupuncture
and laser
Peter Selvaratnam and Philip Gabel

been inferred to embrace a holistic approach.

Dry needling and laser can benefit patients with
Needling of acupuncture points (acupoints) has
headache and TMD. In this chapter the authors, a
musculoskeletal physiotherapist-anatomist and a a systemic effect that is not physiologically or
sports physiotherapist, present medical theories directly related to the area under treatment as
and research on these modalities and provide in DN. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Med-
case studies to guide practitioners in the
icine (TCM) infer the presence of sensation path-
treatment of patients.
ways that correspond to meridians (MacDonald
1982). This concept is contrary to that of western
The treatment modalities of dry needling medicine practitioners who have a modern
(DN), acupuncture, and low level laser therapy biological and physiological approach and dispute
(LLLT), have been shown to be beneficial in the complexity of the philosophies of TCM and
the management of various musculoskeletal con- the spiritual paradigm of energy pathways and
ditions including headache and myofascial pain meridians (Baldry 2005, Dommerholt et al
(Bjordal et al 2001, Brukner & Khan 2006, 2006, Tong 2003).
Ilbuldu et al 2004). This chapter explores the In contrast to acupuncture, dry needling can
treatment of myofascial trigger points (MTPs) also be applied to muscle origins and insertions,
as a source of cervical pain and headache using tendons, ligaments, periosteum, and tender skin
dry needling, through direct application of acu- (Baldry 2005). These musculoskeletal structures
puncture needles and LLLT. Both techniques provide the practitioner greater scope to palpate
use as their core approach the application of a and evaluate the presence of MTPs in conjunction
second stimulus; for DN it is noxious or with active movements of the spine and limbs,
counter-stimulatory (Huguenin 2004) and for and neurological examination, rather than relying
laser it is bioregulatory (Chow et al 2006). The solely on the site of MTPs. Some authors infer
concept of treating peripheral nerve pathways that the use of systemic points (that affect the
in the management of pain is also discussed. whole body) and distal points in the TCM model
It must be emphasized that, though similar in invokes both a central and segmental neurological
technique, dry needling differs from acupuncture effect (Fang et al 2004, Lui et al 2004). Dry nee-
and the treatment effects will not always be the dling may also involve treatment of proximal and
same (Davies & Davies 2006). Acupuncture has distal points following the segmental neurological

model (Gunn 1977a & b). The arrival of event- Medicine and other acupuncture texts. Dorsher
related functional MRI (fMRI) also confirmed stated that there was a strong relationship between
that needling MTPs in the upper trapezius MTPs and acupoints. The MTPs reported by
resulted in altered brain activity and response Travell and Simons (1983) and subsequently by
level (Niddam al 2008). Dry needling and acu- Simons et al (1999) suggest that they have distinct
puncture therefore have significantly different anatomical locations and numbered them in the
philosophies of assessment and treatment. order of their appearance (Dommerholt et al
2006). In practice, MTPs vary in each patient
Myofascial trigger points and do not always correlate with the distinct ana-
tomical locations described in texts. Similarly,
The classical definition of the myofascial trigger both correlation studies infer that acupoints have
point is provided by Simons et al (1999) as point specificity (Dommerholt et al 2006). How-
‘a hyperirritable spot in skeletal muscle that is ever, there has not been any scientific validation
associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule of the anatomical location of MTPs and acupoints
in a taut band. The spot is painful on compression (Dommerholt et al 2006) or any inter-examiner
and can give rise to characteristic referred pain, reliability studies to correlate MTPs and acu-
referred tenderness, motor dysfunction, and auto- points. Thus clinicians need to interpret these
nomic phenomena’. The MTP may elicit a local findings on MTPs and acupoints with care.
twitch response (muscle fasciculation) or jump Birch (2003) refuted the findings of Melzack
sign (whole body movement) with digital pressure and colleagues (1977) and reported that their
or dry needling (Huguenin 2004). The twitch methodology was based on ‘questionable ass-
response is considered an objective sign of the umptions’. Melzack et al (1977) assumed that
presence of a MTP (Simons et al 2002); however, acupoints must exhibit pressure pain and such
reproduction of the patient’s pain is more reliable. pain reproduction was sufficient to correlate with
Myofascial trigger points are classified as active or MTPs (Birch 2003, Dommerholt et al 2006).
latent, primary or associated. Active MTPs repro- Birch found that only 18–19% of channel and extra
duce local or referred pain including headache or acupoints examined by Melzack et al (1977) corre-
neurological signs. Latent MTPs are tender only lated with MTPs but they did not examine tender
on compression and are considered to be caused ‘Ah Shi’ acupoints. Hong (2000) and Audette et al
by muscle shortening from poor posture or cumu- (2003) surmise that acupuncturists may be
lative trauma. Primary and associated MTPs are treating MTPs when they needle ‘Ah Shi’ points.
described in Chapter 23. It is believed that appli- Dommerholt et al (2006) also emphasized that
cation of DN to the affected muscle belly can acupoints do not display the ‘twitch’ response of
deactivate these MTPs and reduce both local active MTPs and so cannot be categorized as
and referred symptoms such as those found with the same. Active MTPs therefore have a clinical
headache (Baldry 2005, Simons et al 1999). distinction from channel or extra acupoints.
Some authors suggest that acupoints correlate
with myofascial trigger points. Melzack et al Development of myofascial
(1977) reported that 71% of ‘channel’ and ‘extra’ trigger points
acupoints correlated with MTPs. Dorsher (2006)
compared the 255 MTPs described by Travell Several mechanisms have been postulated to
and Simons (1983) and the 386 acupoints explain the presence of myofascial trigger
described by the Shanghai College of Traditional points (Simons & Travell 1981). A myofascial

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

trigger point is activated when damage or over region has been shown to cause pain in the
activity causes spasm of the sarcoplasmic retic- teeth, and in the occipital, vertex, and frontal
ulum (the calcium repository surrounding the regions (Kellgren 1938a). Based on this work,
myofibril), which results in calcium ion release. western medicine advocates of MTPs recom-
These free ionized calcium molecules activate mend treatment using local novocaine injec-
the actin-myosin contractile mechanism in the tions (Kellgren 1938b). Gunn (1977a) initially
sarcomeres with the assistance of locally gener- introduced the term ‘dry needling’ based on
ated adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This action the radiculopathy model. He hypothesized that
is self-perpetuating as the spasm or sustained painful muscular conditions were due to nerve
contraction ultimately results in compromise root dysfunction. He recommended DN proxi-
of the local muscle fiber circulation that in turn mally the paraspinal muscles innervated by the
leads to a vasoconstrictor reflex response. The posterior primary rami, and distally the periph-
phenomenon is due partially to a local accumu- eral muscles supplied by the anterior primary
lation of metabolites coupled with the inability rami in their segmental or myotomal distribu-
of the calcium ions to diffuse immediately. tion. Later, Baldry (1989) advocated both dry
This subsequent circulatory compromise leads needling and local injection to MTPs and ‘acu-
to ATP depletion that in turn prevents calcium points’ as ‘. . . an effective treatment method
ions returning to the sarcoplasmic reticulum for myofascial or other pain that is either local
repository. Consequently, the tissue calcium con- or referred from a hypersensitive focus’.
centration continues despite the lack of ATP. Evidence for the efficacy of dry needling and
This causes the sarcomere shortening to persist acupuncture varies from supportive (Berman
as the myosin heads do not release from the et al 2004, Huguenin et al 2005, Langevin
actin filaments. In addition there is a generated et al 2006, Lucas 2007, Lucas et al 2004,
reflexive release of acetylcholine at the motor Melchart et al 2001, Shah et al 2005), to incon-
endplate along with the release of calcium from clusive (Griggs & Jensen 2006, White et al
the stretched sarcoplasmic reticulum neighboring 2004), or ineffective (Vas et al 2005). The qual-
the MTP. ity of the research and type of investigations vary
However, some authors argue that central considerably. Meta-analysis from the Cochrane
sensitization or peripheral nervous system sensi- Foundation suggests that acupuncture and dry
tization trigger MTPs and maintain their activity needling may be useful adjuncts to other thera-
(Baldry 2005, Cohen 2005, Gunn 1977a). pies for chronic low back pain (Furlan et al.,
Although there are no definitive studies to sup- 2005, Young and Jewell, 2002) and the treat-
port this claim, imaging studies with needling ment of ‘idiopathic headaches’ (Melchart et al
may lend support to this hypothesis (Fang et al 2001). However, the Foundation and its review
2004, Lui et al 2004, Niddam et al 2008). process have been criticized for methodologi-
cal and inherent bias against complementary
Research evidence and alternative medicine (Bjordal et al 2006,
Sood et al 2005). Most findings by the Cochrane
Myofascial trigger points in the upper cervical Foundation state that the evidence on needling is
region can cause headache or refer pain to the inconclusive and that further research and
head (Kellgren 1938a, Lewis 1938). The injec- systematic reviews are needed due to the
tion of novocaine locally into a focus of irrita- unique problems of an inadequate placebo and
tion within a muscle of the upper cervical blinding.


The benefits of acupuncture and dry needling In contrast, other randomly controlled stud-
to both patient and society have been demon- ies demonstrate that deep dry needling of lum-
strated through several randomized controlled bar MTPs produced significantly better
trials on headache and cervical pain. Vickers analgesia than superficial dry needling (Ceccher-
et al (2004) conducted a randomized controlled elli et al 2002) and might be more effective in
clinical study of 401 patients with headache. the management of low back pain (Gunn et al
One group received standard general practi- 1980, Itoh et al 2004). These findings suggest
tioner care; the second group received 12 acu- that superficial and deep DN may be both effec-
puncture treatments from physiotherapists tive depending on the severity, irritability, and
trained in acupuncture in addition to standard nature of the patient’s condition (Selvaratnam
care. Those who received acupuncture reported & Knight 1995).
a 15% reduction in medication use and days off Dry needling has been found to produce phys-
work as well as 25% fewer medical visits com- iological changes. DN skin and muscle A-d and C
pared to controls. This investigation lends some afferent fibers of anesthetized rats has been
support to the management of headache with observed to increase cerebral blood flow (Uchida
needling intervention. et al 2000). Superficial needling of patients with
The effect of superficial and deep acupunc- chronic low back pain has also been observed to
ture needling in patients with cervical disorder increase cortical blood flow (Alavi et al 1997).
has been investigated. Irnich (2002) and co- Langevin et al (2006) observed that superficial
workers conducted a prospective, sham, con- needle rotation of subcutaneous tissue with
trolled cross-over trial comparing superficial an acupuncture needle altered the shape of
acupuncture needling and deep needling in fibroblasts from a rounded appearance to a
36 patients with chronic neck pain and limited more spindle-like shape. They hypothesized that
cervical mobility. The changes in pain rating this altered shape following needling could lead
and neck mobility were evaluated following a to cellular and extra-cellular events including
single needling treatment or sham treatment. mechanoreceptor and nociceptive stimulation,
Superficial acupuncture needling and sham laser variation in gene expression and extracellular
treatment was performed on distal acupoints in matrix and eventually to neuromodulation. These
the upper and lower limbs. Deep acupuncture physiological findings lend support to the clinical
needling was performed on cervical muscles. utility of dry needling.
The results indicated that superficial needling Dry needling also has therapeutic benefits to
produced immediate analgesia and improved patients. Case studies have demonstrated that
mobility. These therapeutic effects were not dry needling MTPs produces analgesia (Lewit
observed in those receiving localized deep nee- 1979), and reduces shoulder pain (Ingber
dling or sham laser treatment. They postulated 1989) and post-herpetic neuralgia (Weiner et al
that deep acupuncture needling caused post 2006). Needling can also be applied at sites dis-
treatment pain from repeated stimulation of tant to the region of pain. Such analgesia may
the affected region compared to superficial dis- be explained by the neurophysiological phenom-
tal needling of distal points. While these findings enon of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls
indicate that superficial needling produces anal- (Le Bars et al 1983, NHMRC 1989, Selvaratnam
gesia, the study design has shortcomings since & Knight 1995). In this phenomenon needling
patients with chronic pain require evaluation is considered to block the transmission of noci-
over a 12 to 24 month period. ception by the application of a second new

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

noxious stimulus at a site distal from the site of sham ultrasound. The muscle activation of
injury. Investigations conducted on rats support those who received deep DN returned to nor-
the concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory con- mal. The placebo group did not demonstrate
trols (Bing et al 1990, Boucher et al 1998). It any change. This investigation demonstrated
was observed that stimulation of their hindlimb that DN latent MTPs improved the activation
with acupuncture needles at acupoints, non- pattern of upper trapezius and shoulder girdle
acupoints and with a noxious thermal stimulus muscles. This study lends support to the
evoked inhibition of the trigeminal nucleus cau- assessment and management of latent MTPs
dalis. This inhibition was significantly reduced in patients presenting with headache.
by systemic nalaxone, an opiate antagonist, sug- Currently there is no gold standard for clini-
gesting that needle stimulation produces an anal- cal diagnosis of MTPs or acupoints as imaging is
gesic effect. inconclusive and invasive techniques are not
The effect of DN on 59 male Australian practical (Brukner et al 2006, Huguenin
Rules footballers with hamstring pain was 2004). Previous investigations have not demon-
investigated by Huguenin et al (2005). In one strated any histological changes in MTPs
group the gluteal muscles were dry needled (Huguenin 2004). However, subsequent inves-
with 30 mm needles and in another group pla- tigations demonstrate the presence of an
cebo superficial needling was performed. inflammatory biochemical milieu in MTPs.
Patients and controls demonstrated similar Shah et al (2005) investigated the upper trape-
improvement on straight leg raise test, internal zius for the presence of pain-influencing chem-
rotation and a running task. Though there was ical mediators within MTPs and normal muscle
no significant difference, the investigation tissue. An in vivo investigation of 9 subjects
supports the notion that DN to approximately was conducted in near real time at sub-nano-
30 mm depth and superficial needling have gram level of concentration. The study
a therapeutic effect and need to be considered included 3 subjects who had neck pain and
in treating other regions. Future studies are active MTPs, 3 asymptomatic subjects with
needed to evaluate the effect of DN deep glu- latent MTPs and 3 asymptomatic subjects
teal and piriformis muscles with longer who did not exhibit MTPs. They observed that
needles. active MTPs had significantly higher concentra-
The effect of dry needling latent myofascial tions of norepinephrine, serotonin, bradykinin,
trigger points in shoulder girdle muscles and interleukin-1, calcitonin-gene-related-peptide
their activation pattern were investigated by (CGRP), tumor necrosis factor, and substance
Lucas et al (2004). Electromyography was used P in its immediate milieu compared to normal
to assess the time of onset of the upper and muscle tissue. In contrast, latent MTPs showed
lower trapezius, serratus anterior, infraspinatus lower concentrations of CGRP and substance
and middle deltoid muscle activity during P than active MTPs but higher than normal
shoulder elevation in 154 asymptomatic sub- muscle tissue. A needle was then applied to
jects. The presence of latent MTPs was evalu- elicit a twitch response at the active and latent
ated in subjects who exhibited abnormal MTPs. The researchers observed that the
muscle activation. These patients were ran- concentration of the biochemical milieu in
domly assigned to two groups. The treatment the immediate vicinity of the active MTPs
group received deep DN of latent MTPs and reduced to normal levels. In a subsequent study
passive stretching. The placebo group received Shah et al (2008) conducted a similar study in


9 subjects comparing the upper trapezius with which produce pain relieving hormones such as
gastrocnemius. They reported the presence of beta endorphin, enkephalin, serotonin, and oxy-
the biochemical milieu in those with active tocin. However, needle stimulation of the upper
and latent MTPs in the upper trapezius. The trapezius in healthy controls can also evoke brain
concentration of the selected inflammatory activity (Niddam et al 2008). Thus, future stud-
mediators in those with active MTPs differed ies need to compare the effect of needle stimula-
quantitatively from a remote uninvolved region tion of acupoints with another noxious
in the gastrocnemius. These studies demon- stimulation on pain modulatory centers in the
strate the clinical difference between active central nervous system (CNS).
and latent MTPs (Shah et al 2005, 2008) and Dry needling has also been shown to have an
that eliciting a local twitch response can nor- effect on the CNS. Niddam et al (2008) investi-
malize the selected inflammatory mediators in gated brain activity in 16 patients with MTPs in
active MTPs (Shah et al 2005). the left upper trapezius and 16 healthy controls
The effect on the CNS of needling acupoints with event-related fMRI. Electrical stimulation
and myofascial trigger points has been investi- was applied to upper trapezius MTPs in patients
gated. Hsieh et al (2001) evaluated the effect and to the same muscle in controls. The patients
of needling the acupuncture point in the first demonstrated significantly enhanced somatosen-
dorsal interosseous muscle (referred to in TCM sory and limbic activity and suppressed right
as Large Intestine 4, or LI4) and a nearby non- dorsal hippocampal activity compared to con-
classical/non analgesic point in 16 healthy trols. The increased brain activity was observed
subjects. Positron emission tomography was in the same somatosensory regions but not in
performed assessing regional blood flow as an limbic regions at matched pain intensity. The
index of brain activity. Acupuncture stimula- authors hypothesized that the suppressed hip-
tion of LI4 activated the hypothalamus with pocampal activity may have been due to second-
an extension to midbrain, the insula, the anterior ary stress-related changes in patients with
cingulate cortex, and the cerebellum. They chronic pain. This study confirms that dry nee-
hypothesized that the classical analgesic point dling MTPs activates pain modulatory regions
mediated the analgesic effects of acupuncture in the CNS. Future studies on MTPs need also
stimulation. Functional MRI (fMRI) has also to compare dry needling with another noxious
been employed to evaluate the effect of needling stimulus and evaluate the effect on pain modu-
on pain modulating centers (Fang et al 2004, Lui lating centers in the CNS.
et al 2004). These studies compared ‘real’ acu-
points to sham acupoints. The investigation by
Fang et al (2004) indicated that stimulation of Guidelines for dry needling
real acupoints increased activation of the thala-
mus, cerebellum and somatosensory cortex but Dry needling can be applied to deactivate
not of the sham acupoints. A subsequent fMRI active myofascial trigger points in the cervical
study by Lui et al (2004) demonstrated that ‘real’ or craniomandibular muscles when a patient’s
acupuncture point stimulation increased activa- headache is reproduced by digital pressure or
tion of the same somatosensory cortical areas needling. Dry needling can also be applied to
and the periaqueductal grey but not of the sham latent MTPs which are tender on palpation.
acupoints. These studies suggest that acupunc- These muscles may include the suboccipital
ture increases activity of pain modulating centers muscles, trapezeii, sternocleidomastoid, splenius

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

capitis, masseters, temporalis and occipitofron- (Zhao et al 2005). Thus, DN can be used in
talis and are described in Chapter 23. Similarly, headache sufferers, with muscle guarding or
if digital pressure or needling of MTPs eases the MTPs in the cervical or craniomandibular
headaches, DN may be considered as a treatment muscles.
option. However, MTPs do not occur in isolation Dry needling may be beneficial in patients
and may exist in response to changes in joint with long term headaches when other thera-
mechanics, neurodynamics, localized muscle dys- peutic modalities or medication have had lim-
function, neurological problems or sinister ited effects. Needling has neurophysiological
pathology. Thus, it is important to assess the effects in the acute and chronic stages of a con-
cause of the MTP and rule out any sinister pathol- dition (Selvaratnam & Knight 1995). Acupunc-
ogy prior to considering DN. ture needling releases opiate peptides such as
Dry needling can be applied in patients with beta-endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins.
an acute or irritable condition when other man- These neurotransmitters block the transmis-
ual therapy procedures may easily exacerbate sion of pain information (He 1987, Ulett et al
the patient’s headaches (Selvaratnam & Knight 1998). Enkephalins and dynorphins are consid-
1995). Needling has been reported to promote ered to block nociceptive transmission between
analgesia at points distal to the site of stimula- primary afferents and the spinal cord neurons
tion. For instance, if a patient experiences and thereby inhibit the experience of pain
headaches in the temporal region, and they being activated in the CNS. The descending
are sensitive to palpation of the temporalis, modulatory pathways may be regulated by
dry needling can be applied to MTPs in the beta-endorphins released from the pituitary
upper cervical region due to the neural connec- gland that in turn might prevent impulses
tions of the trigeminocervical nucleus (TCN) reaching the gland and affect the inhibitory
(Zhao et al 2005). impulses from the brain centers. Nalaxone,
Dry needling can be performed in patients reduces the effect of acupuncture analgesia
with tension headache or cervicogenic headache suggesting that needling procedures increase
who have cervical or masseter muscle hyperto- endorphin levels (Ulett et al 1998).
nicity. Needling is considered to have a local seg- Cross perfusion/infusion experiments also
mental effect by depolarizing large diameter indicate that needling has analgesic effects which
afferents in lamina V of the dorsal horn and could benefit headache sufferers. This effect fol-
thereby inhibiting nociceptive information (Le lowing acupuncture was demonstrated when
Bars et al 1983, NHMRC 1989). The segmental cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was transferred from
effect is postulated to contribute to local analge- a donor rabbit to a recipient rabbit (Ulett et al
sia and reduction of muscle hypertonicity. Some 1998). It has also been observed that electroacu-
experimental evidence supports the analgesic puncture induces stronger analgesic effects than
effect of needling anatomical structures which needling alone. Release of endorphins in the
are innervated by the TCN (Zhao et al 2005). CSF has been measured after electroacupunc-
Although the exact mechanism is unclear, it is ture. High frequency (100 Hz) and low fre-
suggested that analgesia could be due to inhibi- quency (2 Hz) electroacupuncture are reported
tory effects on the TCN and spinal dorsal horn to selectively activate the release of enkephalins
neuron, central modulation of the spinal dorsal and dynorphins in animal and human experimen-
horn neuron, peripheral modulation, or des- tal studies (Sluka et al 1998, Ulett et al 1998).
cending inhibitory effects on pain processing Nalaxone prevented electroacupuncture-induced


analgesia, inferring that endorphins are involved. headache or mandibular pain, DN can be per-
These studies further support the concept that formed in the distribution of the greater occip-
needling could provide analgesia to headache ital nerve or the mandibular branch of the
sufferers. trigeminal nerve (Fig. 24.1) at the palpated
tender points or MTPs. It may be argued that
Needling and peripheral the course of the nerves may vary in each
neural pathways patient. However, palpating for tender points
along nerve pathways based on evidence-
In the treatment of pain, clinicians can also fol- informed neuroanatomy enables clinicians to
low the distribution of the peripheral nerve in have an anatomical approach to DN as opposed
the treatment of pain and headache. Stimula- to adopting TCM principles, which follow
tion of cutaneous nerve receptors either energy pathways along meridians which con-
directly or through palpated tender points or tinue to remain elusive and have not been ana-
MTPs along the nerve pathway will influence tomically proven.
the peripheral nervous system, the spinal cord The effect of applying dry needling along
and thereby the CNS. neural pathways may also be explained by the
For example, in a patient with pain in the neurophysiological phenomenon of diffuse nox-
distribution of the sciatic nerve, DN can be ious inhibitory controls. In this principle, trans-
performed on tender points or MTPs along mission of nociceptive information or headache
the buttock or posterior leg (Selvaratnam can be blocked by the application of a second
2008). Similarly in patients with occipital new noxious stimulus along the peripheral

Sensory distribution of trigeminal (V) nerve

Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion

Ophthalmic nerve
Frontal nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Lacrimal nerve
Supraorbital nerve
Anterior and posterior
ethmoidal nerves
Interior nasal nerves Mandibular nerve
External nasal nerve Auriculotemporal nerve
Maxillary nerve Buccal nerve
Zygomaticotemporal nerve Lingual nerve
Zygomaticofacial nerve
Infraorbital nerve Inferior alveolar nerve
Posterior nasal nerves
Inferior dental and
Superior alveolar nerves
gingival branches
Superior dental and
gingival branches Mental nerve
Palatine nerves
Pharyngeal branch

Figure 24.1  Distribution of the branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

neural pathway which in turn activates brain

stem centers and descending modulatory path-
ways (Le Bars et al 1983, NHMRC 1989, Sel-
varatnam & Knight 1995). Needling peripheral
nerve pathways is also supported by Gunn’s
(1977a & b) neuropathic model where DN is
performed in the dermatomal segment sup-
plied by the peripheral nerve. Similarly,
peripheral nerves can be dry needled in the
myotomal distribution of the nerve. Following
Gunn’s model (1977a & b), needling can be
performed proximally in tender regions/MTPs Figure 24.2  Dry needling the upper trapezius in a
supplied by the posterior primary rami and dis- posteroanterior and partially cephalad direction.

tal regions of the nerve supplied by the anterior

primary rami (Gunn 1977a & b). in a posteroanterior and partially cephalad
direction (Fig. 24.2). Needling the thoracic
region should be performed superficially in an
Contraindications and oblique caudad direction over bony promi-
precautions nences where possible and perpendicular
needling avoided. Needling in the vicinity of
Contraindications and precautions must be the carotid and vertebral arteries and the sub-
considered before application of dry needling. occipital region should be performed with con-
Dry needling has no curative effect in head- sideration to the anatomy of the region and
ache sufferers with cancer or other malignant only after considerable experience. It is a gen-
disorders but may assist in easing the head- erally accepted recommendation to avoid DN
ache (Jayasuriya 1981). Patients need to be to patients who are intoxicated, drug affected,
made aware of the non-curative effect of DN emotional, or overly anxious.
to avoid misunderstanding. Secondary effects Consideration should be given to patients
such as pain and lack of sleep may be safely with hemorrhagic diseases, and those taking
managed by superficial DN but needling anticoagulants, medication for diabetes (there
directly into cancerous or malignant tissue is a possibility of hypoglycemia following acu-
must be avoided. Dry needling is also contra- puncture needling), and hypertension (a sudden
indicated when acute medical care is required, fall in blood pressure may be experienced when
such as with a fractured mandible, dislocated needling at Liver 3, a point between the 1st and
temporomandibular joint (TMJ), meningitis, 2nd metatarsal bases) (Jayasuriya 1981).
or raised intra-cranial pressure (Jayasuriya Patients with a history of rheumatic fever
1981). and insufficiency of heart valves should be nee-
Practitioners need to take great care nee- dled carefully to avoid bleeding and thereby
dling myofascial trigger points in the upper infection. Needling lymphedematous limbs
and middle trapezius muscles (Simons et al such as after breast surgery may carry added
1999). A pneumothorax can occur if the apex risk of infection, and is therefore contraindi-
of the lung is punctured. It is therefore recom- cated. Clinicians should consider the use of
mended that, in this region, needles be inserted DN during the first and last trimester of


Box 24.1 strategy in which the use of needling techni-

ques may form a part.
Potential complications of acupuncture
Patient consent must be obtained prior to nee-
and dry needling.
dling. The authors recommend that if it is the
1. Vasovagal attacks
2. Infection patient’s first needling experience, or in acute con-
3. Damage to viscera ditions, that superficial cutaneous needling be
4. Capillary hemorrhage/bruising. applied to the cervical region without needle stim-
5. Post-treatment drowsiness or fatigue ulation. The needles can be left in situ for 5 to 30
6. Allergic reactions including angioedema and
minutes depending on the nature of the condition.
7. Convulsions The procedure can be progressed later to cutane-
8. Sympathetic nervous system activation ous stimulation of myofascial trigger points in
9. Pneumothorax muscles, tendons, or ligaments for 2 to 5 seconds
(Adapted from: Macpherson et al (2004) and Baldry (2005).) (Baldry 2005). Cutaneous stimulation can be per-
formed by rotating the needle in a clockwise and/
or anti-clockwise direction. The needles can then
be left in situ for 5 to 30 minutes.
When the patient’s condition is slow to
pregnancy carefully since needling may induce respond, deeper stimulation of MTPs can be
premature delivery. Box 24.1 illustrates some performed. The depth, duration, and frequency
potential complications of acupuncture and of DN should be considered prior to treatment.
DN (Baldry 2005, MacPherson et al 2004). The needle can be inserted as a single insertion
to deactivate the MTP and then removed. It is
important for the clinician to ‘feel’ the needle
Management with dry penetrating the skin, the subcutaneous tissue,
needling the entrance of the MTP, and the MTP itself.
Deep needling can also be performed to acti-
It is essential to take a detailed patient history vate a ‘twitch’ response in the MTP (Brukner &
that includes a subjective and objective exami- Khan 2006, Huguenin 2004, Simons et al 1999)
nation (Maitland et al 2001). Any pathology by inserting the needle and partially releasing it
requiring urgent medical attention or manage- or rotating the needle in a clockwise and/or anti-
ment must be ruled out. Clinical and neurolog- clockwise direction. Once a twitch response is
ical examination is important to assess the activated the needle may be left in the patient
cause of headaches since MTPs could be for 5 to 20 minutes. When dry needling does
secondary to central sensitization, peripheral not produce a twitch response, the trigger point
nervous system involvement, or cervical pathol- can be deactivated by deep stimulation for 2 to
ogy. Patients with cervical pain, headache, or 5 minutes and the needle left in situ for 5 to 20
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain need to minutes. The patient should be provided with a
have a detailed examination of active and bell to call for attention if the practitioner is leav-
passive movements of the cervical spine, the ing the room, and a timer should be used for the
TMJ region (Ch. 19), and associated MTPs. duration of the treatment. At the completion of
Patients need to be sub-grouped as described treatment, the patient should be warned of
in Chapter 19 based on the clinical assessment post-treatment drowsiness and requested to walk
to provide the best treatment and management for 5 minutes before driving.

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

Progression of treatment deep needling and the frequency that is best

for the patient’s condition.
Treatment progression could include different The following case study illustrates how dry
MTPs in the cervical, cranial (e.g., temporalis, needling can be applied in the management of
frontalis), or facial region (masseters). Alterna- headache.
tively, treatment can be progressed following
the neural pathway of the greater occipital
nerve or the maxillary or mandibular branches Case study 1
of the trigeminal nerve. Treatment can also be
Tilly, a 25-year-old administrator, presented with a
performed in the dermatomal (Fig. 24.3) and 5-year history of frontal, vertex, and occipital
myotomal segmental distribution of the periph- headache, described as a ‘pressure cooker’
eral nerve (Gunn 1977a & b). In some patients sensation. The headache commenced insidiously a
month after her father died. The headaches were
electrostimulation of the needles can be per- exacerbated on awakening, while reading with
formed (Niddam et al 2008). cervical flexion, and by work pressures.
Thus, the procedure of dry needling patients The CT scan of the brain was normal. A neurologist
may need to be sub-grouped according to had ruled out sinister pathology and diagnosed
whether they require needling of MTPs, mus- ‘tension headache’. A dentist had provided an
occlusal splint for suspected bruxism but with no
culotendinous junctions, ligaments, skin or effect. Spinal mobilization had been provided by a
periosteum. Patients can also be sub-grouped variety of health professionals. Over-the-counter
if the condition requires needling along the medication of antidepressants did not benefit her,
neither did psychological cognitive counseling. Yoga
pathway of the peripheral nerves, the dermato-
meditation provided only temporary relief. Tilly
mal or myotomal segments of the nerve. Once reported that she had coped well following her
this decision has been made, the clinician needs father’s death five years previously.
to assess whether DN is to be performed Cervical flexion in the sitting position reproduced her
superficially with or without manual stimula- headache, as did palpation of the MTP in the posterior
aspect of the temporalis (see Fig. 7.3). In the supine
tion or deep stimulation at the entrance of
position, palpation of the suboccipital region
the MTP or within the MTP. Treatment can (bilaterally), and unilateral palpation over the right C2
be further sub-grouped as to whether electrical articular pillar reproduced her headache. The MTP in
stimulation is performed with superficial or the right upper trapezius was tender. Manual
distraction of the upper cervical region diminished the
headache intensity. There were signs of bruxing facets
in the lower incisors and interincisor excursion was
Dorsal rami of
V1 limited to 33 mm (normal range in women: 35–45 mm).
cervical spinal
nerves Clinical reasoning. The clinical impression was that
Note: the tension headaches had an affective component
Auricular branch due to difficulties in dealing with psychological
of vagus nerve to stressors leading to secondary cervical disorder and
V2 external acoustic temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
meatus and small
area on posteromedial
surface of auricle Treatment 1 (Day 1). Cognitive strategies and
Branches from progressive muscle relaxation strategies were
cervical plexus implemented (Jacobsen 1929). Manual cervical
distraction in supine was instituted (7 sec Hold, 3 sec
Figure 24.3  Dermatomal supply of the head, face Rest) (Kaltenborn 1970) for 2 minutes. The headache
and upper neck. V1-ophthalmic, V2-maxillary and intensity was only minimally reduced.
V3-mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve.


Treatment 2 (2 weeks later). Tilly reported that tertiary courses; these include massage, ische-
headaches continued to be triggered by cervical mic or acupressure techniques, ice, stretching
flexion and work pressures. Postural management and low level laser therapy (LLLT) or photo-
was instituted to reduce cervical flexion. Treatment
was progressed to sustained pressure to the therapy (Laakso et al 2002). Laser is an electro-
suboccipital region (bilaterally) in the supine position, therapy modality that results in biostimulation
followed by the right C2 articular pillar in the prone of living tissue (Karu 1989). Laser emits
position for 30 seconds in addition to the intervention
of Day 1.
photons that are polarized, monochromatic,
and colluminated, usually within the range of
Tilly’s headaches were unaltered. Superficial DN
(without stimulation) was therefore applied in left
623.8 to 904 nm at a power range less than
side-lying to MTPs that reproduced the headache; 1W (Gabel 1995).
the suboccipital region (lateral needle placement,
bilaterally) (see Fig. 23.11), over the right C2 articular
pillar (superolaterally), and the right temporalis Indications for laser as an
(posteroanteriorly). DN was also applied to the right
trapezius (posteroanteriorly and cephalad) (Fig 24.2). alternative to dry needling and
Needles were left inserted for 30 minutes. acupuncture
Treatment 3 (2 weeks later). Tilly reported that the
headaches were relieved for 2 days. Manual therapy In many countries, including China, Japan, Hun-
as per Treatment 2 was continued. Superficial gary, and Russia, it is an accepted non-invasive
cutaneous stimulation was applied to all the points as
per Treatment 2 for 10 seconds. Superficial DN alternative technique to DN – particularly for
(without stimulation) was also applied to a tender patients with risk factors such as blood-based
point in the region of the vertex of the head. conditions including HIV and hepatitis, anxiety,
Treatment 4 (4 weeks later). Tilly reported that she or needle phobia, and with children (Baxter
was headache free for 4 weeks until she had to deal 1994). In several Western countries, including
with a work conflict. Psychotherapy was
recommended but she was not keen to pursue
Australia, its use in treating MTPs and acupoints
further psychological management. Intervention as is recognized and documented (Laakso et al
per Treatment 3 was continued and she presented 1997) but remains controversial (NHMRC
headache-free 4 weeks later. Tilly was examined
1994a & b).
6 weeks later and reported that she had not
experienced headaches in this period. Intervention
as per Treatment 4 was continued.
Research evidence
In summary, Tilly’s headache had an affective
component with physical manifestation. She had
sought medical treatment, psychological counseling, The means of action of low level laser therapy
and hands-on treatment from a variety of and its effectiveness as a legitimate treatment
practitioners. It was hypothesized that DN had an modality is disputed by some western medicine
effect on the peripheral and central nervous system
to reduce the intensity and frequency of her
practitioners. Most often this is in response to
long-term headaches. methodologically flawed studies where sub-
therapeutic doses have been utilized (Aigner
et al 2006, Gur et al 2004). In addition the cri-
teria in some investigations have not excluded
Laser phototherapy patients with concurrent medication, such as
cardiac drugs with beta blocker effects or
A number of approaches to the management of anti-inflammatory medications, that counters
active MTPs and myofascial pain have been the biomodulatory effect of LLLT (Altan et al
taught in Australian medical and allied health 2005, Bjordal et al 2001).

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

It is generally accepted that the effects of influence on either A-d or C-nerve fibers (Jarvis
LLLT occur through several mechanisms et al 1990). Subsequent research has shown the
(Bjordal et al 2003) with the primary and contrary with neural inhibition and analgesic
essential mechanism being the stimulation of actions being demonstrated (Chow et al 2006).
the mitochondrial respiratory chain within The theoretical model outlined above supports
cells. This action in turn leads to an increase the role of LLLT in trigger point deactivation
in cellular ATP and consequently improve- and as an effective alternative to DN though
ment or normalization of cellular activity the mechanism is quite different.
(Karu 1989, Smith 1990). Further biostimula-
tory mechanisms are through alteration of the What type of laser is best?
cellular membrane lipid bipolar layer affecting
the ion channel activity and viability (Djordje- The initial consideration in using low level laser
vic 1990, Fenyo 1990), or simply alteration of therapy for MTP deactivation is to ensure that
the cell membrane surface which contributes the light source is truly laser and not a Light
to strengthening cell to cell contacts (Kuba- Emitting Diode (LED) which has limited pene-
sova et al 1988). Reported systemic effects tration to only the first few millimeters of the
are hypothesized to occur as a result of endog- epidermis (Tuner & Hode 2000). Light for
enous opioid production (Laakso et al 1994), the treatment of MTPs must penetrate up to
messenger neurotransmitter circulation within several centimeters if it is to be effective in
the neural axoplasmic flow (Gabel 1997), providing biostimulation of target tissue. The
alterations to neural peripheral and central optimal wave length is between 670 and 904
pathways (Chow et al 2006), and through nm, with 830 nm the preferred option due to
the changes and modulation of cells and its reduced absorption by melanin, hemoglobin,
plasma within circulating blood (Samoiliva and water (Kert & Rose 1989). In addition, the
2002). power of the unit in milliwatts must be consid-
The known action of LLLT stimulating ATP ered, since higher power means less time
and affecting the cellular membrane would, if required to produce a therapeutic dose and
one subscribes to the Simons and Travell myo- possibly an increased penetration depth. How-
fascial trigger point model (Simons et al 1999), ever, excessive power can provide a suboptimal
explain why LLLT therapy has been found effect and a balance is therefore required
effective as an alternative form of stimulation (Tuner & Hode 2000). A further consideration
or deactivation of MTPs (Bjordal et al 2003, is the type of probe; a single probe will provide
Hakguder et al 2003). The effect is a direct treatment precision and lower cost compared
bioactivation through the stimulation of local to most multiple-diode array (cluster) units
cellular ATP production and changes to the cell that treat larger areas using multiple wave-
membrane that affects the passage of calcium lengths and power levels.
ions. Consequently, LLLT does not require an
immediate direct action on the neural tissue to Contraindications
produce its effect. This theory counters reports
that LLLT is ineffective at deactivating MTPs Low level laser therapy is contraindicated and
as it is athermal with no immediate pain should not be applied to malignant tumors, skin
response (Lundeberg et al 1987), and it has no infections, severe arterial or venous pathology,


or in the area of the pregnant uterus (De to achieve the required dose the ‘incident’ or
Dominico et al 1990, Tuner & Hode 2000). skin dose must be increased four-fold for each
Care must also be taken with eye exposure. 0.5 cm or 16-fold for each cm that lies
The eyes must be protected with appropriate between the probe and the target tissue
laser-resistant glasses due to the risk of retinal accounting for probe pressure and depth. For
damage. example, superficial areas such as MTPs in
An excessive dose at the initial treatment occipitalis or temporalis (see Ch. 23) may
may cause a ‘treatment effect’ which may require 16 J (which would take 80 seconds
include provocation of the symptoms, loca- for a 200 mW probe and 32 seconds for a
lized throbbing, and discomfort; physical 500 mW probe) to the skin in a lean, pale-
changes to the skin or tissue are extremely skinned patient, and 32 J in a darker skinned
rare (Kert and Rose 1989, Tuner & Hode patient.
2000). A ‘rule of thumb’ for this can be con- Deeper structures, such as the TMJ may
sidered as: total dose of 1 joule (J) per kg for require 128 J, and the cochlear apparatus of
a pale skinned patient; and up to 2 J/kg for a the ear, considered for the treatment of tinni-
dark skinned patient (Baxter 1994, Gabel tus, may need up to a 256 J incident dose to
1995). provide a 4 J therapeutic dose at the target tis-
sue. Thus, as higher dosage treatments are
Treatment guidelines needed, the treatment time increases signifi-
cantly and a higher powered (e.g. 500 mW)
The aim of laser therapy in the treatment of probe becomes more practical in the clinical
MTPs is to deliver a therapeutic dose to the setting.
target tissue. There is general agreement that
the desired dose is 4 joules (J) where 1 J ¼ 1 Progression of treatment
Watt per second (Baxter 1994, Tuner &
Hode 2000). Most units have probes that Treatment progression should always err on
are calibrated in milliWatts (mW), such as a the side of caution with a maximum of
200 mW or 500 mW probe which would approximately 1 J per kg of body weight to a
require 5 and 2 seconds respectively to pro- total dose limit of 100 J when commencing
duce 1J. therapy. Dose can be increased incrementally
To deliver the therapeutic dose at the skin, by 25–50% based upon body mass and size.
‘incident irradiation’ must allow for penetra- For example, a smaller elderly individual with
tion depth of the light based on wavelength, no consequence or negative effects from an
absorption by surrounding tissue, and the type initial treatment dose may receive increased
of tissue it must pass through; tissue with doses by 25% from a total of 60 J to 75 J;
higher vascularity will absorb more light and whereas a rugged, younger, muscular individ-
reduce penetration. A further ‘rule of thumb’ ual could progress by an increase of 50% from
is that approximately 25% of the initial dose 90 J to 135 J (Baxter 1994, Kert & Rose 1989,
will be present at 5 mm of less vascularized Tuner & Hode 2000).
tissue, e.g. skin, ligament, and capsule, with The following case study illustrates how
this reducing to around 15–20% with muscle LLLT can be applied in the management of
(Gabel 1995, Tuner & Hode 2000). Hence, headache.

Dry needling, acupuncture and laser CHAPTER 24

irradiated for 30 seconds (15 J). The total dose

Case study 2 delivered to the patient at the first treatment was
60 J. A review appointment was made for further
Libby, a 42-year-old mother and supermarket treatment after two days. A night splint was ordered
worker, is a light-framed fair-skinned female who by the patient’s dentist who assessed the patient on
was concurrently referred to a physiotherapist the following day.
and dentist by a medical practitioner with reported
bruxism, headache, TMJ pain, abrasion to the Treatment 2 (2 days later). The patient reported no
molar enamel, and bilateral restriction of cervical adverse effects such as throbbing or aching in the
rotation. Tenderness was associated with a region. Following treatment the headache had
‘twitch’ response and headache reproduction on temporarily diminished that evening but resumed
palpation at the MTPs of the occipitalis, 36 hours after initial treatment. Cervical range of
sternocleidomastoid (SCM), and middle trapezius, motion remained restricted, TMJ soreness
each being recognized referral sources of continued, but the MTPs were reduced in tenderness
cervicogenic headache (Simons et al 1999). The with no twitch response apart from the mid-
patient was needle phobic with a previous trapezius. The night splint was on order.
history of Hepatitis C. Some temporary relief was The doses to the two MTPs were repeated and the
gained from analgesics and prescription anti- mid-trapezius and the TMJ were irradiated at 15 J
inflammatories. each; total dose increased by 50% to 90 J. In
There were no additional confounding factors though addition manual therapy was initiated with posterior-
specific life stressors relating to family and the anterior mobilization of the upper cervical spine and
construction of a new house were felt to be mobilization of the TMJ. LLLT was continued to the
contributors and responsible for some affective MTPs. Cervical range for rotation, posture, and
contribution. X-ray and CT scan were both normal active upper cervical retraction along with
with minimal vertebral sclerotic changes noted. craniocervical flexor exercises (see Ch. 15) were
Cervical movements were normal apart from bilateral demonstrated as a home program to be performed
painful restriction of rotation to 30 . twice daily, six times per week until symptoms
ceased. The exercises were then continued for an
Clinical reasoning The clinical impression was additional fortnight on a daily basis.
that the headache was of a combined myofascial
and joint source which was likely to be perpetuated Treatment 3 (5 days later). The headache, cervical
by the presence of the affective component. The range, and MTP tenderness was improved but the
restricted painful rotation range was leading to the TMJ remained tender. Treatment was continued to
three principle overactive muscle groups and the MTP with the same LLLT dosage but the LLLT
subsequent headaches. A treatment plan was dosage to the TMJ was increased to 30 J. This
developed by the physiotherapist with sequential treatment was initiated in conjunction with ongoing
laser to the MTPs followed by manual therapy to the manual therapy.
cervical region and TMJ combined with the initiation Treatments 4 and 5 (8 and 11 days later). Two
of an occlusal splint. further treatments were provided over the
Treatment subsequent week with the same combination of LLLT
and manual therapy, with the patient reporting of full
Treatment 1 (Day 1). Two primary myofascial cervical range of motion and only mild TMJ and MTP
trigger points at the occipitalis (see Fig. 23.3) and tenderness. The night splint was supplied at the end
SCM (see Fig. 7.2) were initially treated using an of the first week and was adjusted by the dentist at
810 nm 500 mW single probe gallium aluminium the end of the second week with a provisional review
arsenide (GaALAr) diode laser. The less sensitive in a month. At the final treatment the symptoms were
and deeper occipital MTP was irradiated for minimal and cervical movements were full range. The
90 seconds (as 1 joule is 1 Watt/second, a 500 mW patient demonstrated that she was performing the
laser will provide 1 joule in 2 seconds, so the total exercise program correctly and her postural control
dose provided was 45 J) and the highly sensitive was satisfactory.
and superficial sternocleidomastoid MTP was


This case study illustrates the application of and TMD. The use of DN and LLLT does not
laser for cervical and craniomandibular dys- preclude the use of normal clinical protocols
function and the benefits of combining LLLT such as education and exercises. Regardless of
with occlusal therapy and manual therapy to the treatment chosen, it is imperative to
achieve the best outcome for the patient. remember that MTPs are rarely an isolated
phenomenon, and the key to successful long-
Conclusion term outcomes from any treatment regime is
a thorough history and clinical examination to
Dry needling and low level laser therapy can confirm the patient’s diagnosis and identify
complement manual therapy, dental, and med- precipitating and predisposing factors for each
ical management of patients with headache patient.

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Chapter Twenty-Five

The Feldenkrais Method
Karol Connors, Lisa Campbell and Diana Svendsen

and are guided to find ‘solutions’ which open

The Feldenkrais Method aims to improve human
up new possibilities for movement.
function using an exploratory motor learning
approach. The Method has been found to be The Feldenkrais Method has been found to be
effective in the management of conditions such as useful in a range of conditions, from a person with
chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and non-specific multiple sclerosis trying to improve balance
musculoskeletal disorders. In this chapter, the
(Stephens 2001), to factory workers with neck-
authors, three Feldenkrais practioners who are also
physiotherapists, discuss the Feldenkrais Method shoulder complaints (Lundblad et al 1999).
with reference to headaches and jaw dysfunction. Another study demonstrated its effectiveness in
management of chronic pain where participants
reported reduced pain for at least a year following
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904–1984), an Israeli completion of a Feldenkrais program (Bearman &
scientist, developed the Feldenkrais Method. Shafarman 1999). Bearman and Shaferman also
He combined his knowledge of mechanics, found that the Medicaid costs for these patients
physics, electrical engineering, neurophysiology over that year dropped by 40% (1999). Another
and learning theory with his personal experi- study found the Feldenkrais Method was at least
ence in martial arts and interest in the human as effective as conventional physiotherapy for a
body to develop a unique system of movement group of patients with non-specific musculoskele-
education. The Feldenkrais Method is now tal disorders (Malmgren-Illssen and Branholm
taught and practiced in many countries, and is 2002). In this chapter the application of the Fel-
overseen by the International Feldenkrais Fed- denkrais Method for people with headaches and
eration ( jaw dysfunction is discussed.
The Feldenkrais Method is considered an edu-
cation system rather than a therapy aimed at
‘curing disease’. It is designed to allow people The Feldenkrais Method
to learn how to improve the organization and in practice
efficiency of their movement and their ability
to act out their lives (Feldenkrais 1972). The The movement exploration sessions may either
Method uses an exploratory learning model. Peo- be one to one with a practitioner involving touch
ple are not asked to imitate movements, but and guided movements (Functional Integration),
rather are presented with movement ‘problems’ or as part of a group, where the class is guided

verbally through movement sequences (Aware- The Feldenkrais Method

ness through Movement). Feldenkrais devised and headache
hundreds of these lessons that address all parts
of the body in various movement patterns and
The Feldenkrais practitioner sees headache and
relate to a wide spectrum of everyday activities.
bruxism as part of a total psychophysiological
‘Awareness through Movement’ behavioral pattern. All people have habitual
patterns of using their bodies, and each of
which is distinctive and developed over a life-
Clients perform movement sequences (lessons) time. The Feldenkrais Method offers the prac-
guided by verbal instructions. Lessons can vary titioner a way of perceiving and understanding
in structure, speed, levels of physical exertion individuals and their difficulties, limitations,
and cognitive attention, and in positions used. and potential. It provides a framework of
Some lessons involve small, subtle movements, movement exploration to allow individuals to
others larger, more demanding movements and become aware of their own patterns, and
activities such as rolling, or moving between develop greater choice and possibilities in the
sitting and lying. To maximize learning, it is way they function.
important for the person to be as comfortable There are no specific protocols for dealing
as possible throughout, to have frequent rests, with headache or any other condition. How-
to do the movements slowly, within an easy ever, recurring themes that are usually add-
range, and to pay close attention to how the ressed when someone presents with headache
movement is being performed. include:
• overuse of musculature around neck, jaw
‘Functional Integration’ lessons and face, shoulder girdle and chest
• increased muscle tone
The aim of functional integration is to clarify
• lack of support/stability from feet, legs,
how the person moves within their comfortable
pelvis and spine
range of movement. Once this is achieved, the
• disturbed breathing patterns including
practitioner uses subtle techniques to enlarge
use of accessory inspiratory muscles
this range. By staying within the parameters of
for stabilization of the head and
comfort, the practitioner aims to engage the
person’s deep attention without triggering
protective or pain responses. • restricted head and neck movements
This is a ‘hands on’ process that guides move- and poor coordination between these
ment through precise touch. The type of touch movements with movements of the
used in the Feldenkrais Method is distinctive thorax and rest of the body
and is used to inform both the practitioner and • postural problems, with the head held
the client. Through the Feldenkrais practi- in uneasy alignment with the rest of the
tioner’s hands, a silent ‘conversation’ can take spine, inefficient organization of spinal
place: ‘Can you feel this part of you? Is it easy curves
to move in this direction? What about this direc- • undifferentiated movement of the eyes
tion? What happens if this other part joins in? and head.
Let’s vary that combination. Now how is that The case studies below provide examples of
movement? Is it easier than before?’ applications of the Feldenkrais Method.

The Feldenkrais Method CHAPTER 25

Case study 1
Julie sustained a workplace injury involving soft tissue this area, avoiding movements that would cause
damage to the neck and shoulder girdle. Her neck/ discomfort or anxiety.
shoulder/jaw pain and headaches persisted despite
Gradually the range and complexity of the Feldenkrais
various treatment interventions. After 18 months, she
movements was expanded and discrete movements were
presented to a Feldenkrais practitioner with severely
integrated into ‘patterns of movement’ that mimicked
restricted movement in neck, jaw and shoulder,
everyday activities. Activities involving pain-free shoulder
asymmetric posture, limited function, sleep disruption
elevation, reaching, and turning were incorporated into
and increased sympathetic nervous system arousal.
domestic, personal care and work activities. These
There was a strong guarding/anxiety component to her
integrated movements helped to reduce the bio-
limitations of movement and function and she was
mechanical stresses and overload on her injured neck and
unable to work.
shoulder girdle. Her headaches and pain gradually
The Feldenkrais approach began with helping Julie reduced in frequency, duration and intensity.
to recognise the behavioral and movement patterns she
Towards the end of her Feldenkrais treatment program
had developed, particularly the relationship between
weight-bearing activities were included to provide
movement, pain, thoughts, and emotional responses.
resistance and graduated strengthening.
Using specific breathing awareness techniques and fully
supporting her body in the most comfortable position, Julie attended for 9 months. She regained full
gentle movement was begun away from the painful area, independence and eventually resumed full-time work.
to avoid triggering pain and spasms.
Electromyographic (EMG) recordings have been used
Over several sessions, as she learned to move in clinical and research settings to demonstrate muscle
comfortably and safely, her fear of moving her right activation patterns. EMG is not a standard part of the
shoulder, neck, and jaw gradually diminished as Feldenkrais method, but has been used to illustrate the
muscular co-contraction in this area was reduced. effect of the Feldenkrais Method on Julie’s muscle
Small, subtle movement patterns were introduced to activation (Fig. 25.1a and b).


Figure 25.1  Surface EMG recordings from right upper trapezius during shoulder shrugging. (X axis: time in minutes
and seconds, Y axis: electrical activity in microvolts). Arrows indicate the start of each shrug. (A) Note elevated
‘resting’ baseline activity, which further increases with each shoulder shrug. (B) Same patient, several sessions later. Activity
rises sharply with each shrug, and then falls again to baseline. Patient is now able to reduce muscle activity after each
contraction. Note lower baseline of muscle activity after the shoulder shrugs.


Case study 2
Kate was referred by her dentist who noticed her difficulty The Feldenkrais practitioner began by exploring
in holding her mouth open for dental procedures. She had in detail the patterns of available movement in the jaw,
also been suffering headaches and pain around the jaw neck, and tongue and helped Kate to become aware of
and face. An occlusal splint had not been successful in these. By introducing unusual, non-habitual
reducing teeth grinding at night. movements to this area (as demonstrated in Fig. 25.2),


Figure 25.2  Jaw lesson in sitting. Moving the skull on the mandible (a novel, non-habitual movement). The client
stabilizes the jaw between the thumb and fingers (A), and gently moves the head from right (B) to left (C). By reversing the
usual relationship between the jaw and the skull, a new neuromuscular organization is introduced.

The Feldenkrais Method CHAPTER 25

Kate’s habitual neuromuscular patterns were structure, which enabled her head to feel more
bypassed to create new opportunities for freer, balanced and supported.
more comfortable mouth opening and neck
After two sessions her pain had resolved, but she was
keen to continue for several more sessions, to understand
Attention was then expanded to include her her movement and postural patterns, aiming to prevent
sitting and standing posture. Anterior and recurrence. Over this time she also came to understand
posterior pelvic tilt movements were used to change the link between her compulsive ‘overthinking’ (worrying,
the position of the chest and head to allow the catastrophizing, procrastinating) and her compulsive
mandible to hang more comfortably in the fossae. excessive muscle activity in the musculature around her
She was also able to feel her pelvis supporting her neck and mouth; she learnt to modify both her thinking and
body weight, and the internal support of her skeletal movement behaviors.

How does the Feldenkrais is as individual as their fingerprint or, as

Method work? expressed through movement, in their hand-
writing or gait pattern. Some habits serve us
The Feldenkrais Method is not simply a series well, but others do not. The Feldenkrais
of techniques, but a multi dimensional Method assists the individual to develop new
approach to working with clients (Box 25.1). movement patterns that over-ride engrained
This section introduces some of the principles motor habits that are no longer beneficial.
of the Method and discusses the theory under- Dynamic systems thinking is useful for
lying these principles. understanding concepts concerned with chang-
ing how we move, as all movement is described
Altering habitual movement as ‘emergent’ – not set in fixed patterns, but
the product of an organism’s response at any
moment in time (Thelen & Smith 1996).
All people adopt movement habits that become Movement emerges from an interaction
entrenched over time. Each person’s movement between the individual, the task and the
environment (Shumway-Cook & Woollacott
2001). The Feldenkrais Method manipulates
Box 25.1 these three factors to produce new move-
Features of the Feldenkrais Method ments – novel movements that bypass a per-
• Is an education system, not a therapy
son’s habitual patterns and defenses. From
• Develops awareness of how we move these novel movements, the person may find
• Uses an exploratory learning approach an easier way to perform an action or function
• Engages the whole skeleton in movement that has previously been difficult. Butler, who
• Spreads effort throughout the whole body has studied clients with chronic pain, describes,
• Shifts the focus away from pain ‘Movements that are feared, avoided and con-
• Uses neurodevelopmental movement text dependent will have to be presented to
sequences the brain in different ways . . .’ (Butler 2000
• Understands that emotions are embodied in
p. 37). This can be illustrated by an example
• Changes muscle activation patterns of a lesson that helped Kate, who experienced
• Alters habitual movement patterns pain and tension in her jaw, improve movement
of this area (Fig. 25.2).


Changing muscle activation clenching their teeth. Lessons directed to the

patterns (neural plasticity) region of the jaw are often aimed at giving the per-
son an experience of ‘softer’ jaw musculature that
The Feldenkrais Method aims to allow a person they can then incorporate into everyday function.
to move more easily by improving the ability of
the agonists and antagonists to work together. Engaging the whole skeleton
Tight muscles are seen as a consequence of
the ongoing functioning of the nervous system Another key feature of the Feldenkrais Method
rather than the cause of the problem (Goldfarb is the relationship of each part of the body to
1994). The problem is not at the level of the whole. From his martial arts background,
the muscles in the neck or the jaw, but in the Feldenkrais understood that power and effi-
brain – in the body schemata there that we ciency in movement demand that the whole
operate from. It is our self image in the brain’s body is engaged in every activity. Lessons are
motor control system which holds the key to designed to assist the individual to engage the
easier movement. Recent neuroscience is con- whole skeleton in each movement, resulting in
firming that the brain does change in response greater efficiency of movement and reduced
to experience and training. Learning and expe- stress on individual body parts.
rience can alter cortical sensory and motor A common problem experienced by people
maps (Bayona et al 2005). It is at this level that with headaches is over-activity of the cervical
the Feldenkrais Method attempts to influence. region and under-activity in the thoracic region
The movement lessons enable the self image, (slump posture) (Fig. 25.3a). This places
as represented in the brain, to be modified by excessive strain on the neck and can contribute
expanding the person’s body awareness away to headache. Through Feldenkrais lessons, the
from the painful areas. These ideas of neural individual learns to engage more of their trunk
plasticity are similar to those proposed by But- in movement, to spread the load across more
ler in his explanations of central sensitization of the body and reduce stress on the neck and
as the cause for chronic pain (Butler 2000). shoulder girdle (Fig. 25.3b).

Developing body awareness Understanding emotions

and movement
It is essential that the individual improve self-
awareness so that they may be able to understand There is a growing understanding that the whole
their habitual movement patterns and muscle brain acts as an integrated system (Butler 2000,
over-activity. This muscle over-activity may con- Carter 2002, Damasio 2003). Feldenkrais pro-
tribute to ischemic nocioceptive pain, which can posed that thinking/feeling/sensing and moving
be a major contributor to a person’s pain experi- were completely integrated, simultaneous events
ence (Butler 2000). They must learn to feel/sense (Feldenkrais 1972). Recent neuroscience research
what it is that they are doing when they are has shown that an individual’s emotional state will
attempting certain movements or performing influence their movement (Berthoz 2000), and
activities. For example a person with symptoms that thoughts can alter perception (Damasio
around the jaw frequently is not be able to dis- 2003).
criminate fine movements of the temperomandib- The emotional context is considered as the
ular joints and they may be unaware that they are Feldenkrais practitioner assists the individual

The Feldenkrais Method CHAPTER 25


Figure 25.3  Normalizing cervical and thoracic activity. (A) The slump position places excessive strain on the neck.
(B) The Feldenkrais practitioner makes contact with the client’s thoracic spine, as she looks up. The physical contact brings
her attention to this area, which is habitually held in flexion, and facilitates movement in this part of her spine.

to explore movement. It is not the Feldenk- Conclusion

rais practitioner’s role to provide counsel-
ing, but often the individual may be led to In cases of headache and jaw problems, the Fel-
make discoveries about these matters as denkrais Method offers an approach that can
they allow themselves to explore their be useful on its own or as part of a multidisciplin-
movement, and indeed themselves, in a sensi- ary team approach to treatment. It is particularly
tive way in a supportive, non judgmental valuable in cases where: there are associated pos-
environment. tural disturbances; movement dysfunctions are
These discoveries can result in shifts in present; strong guarding/protective muscle activ-
understanding about how a habitual emotional ity is present; or there appears to be an emotional
response is related to a habitual movement component to the physical presentation. Practi-
response (e.g. grinding teeth in certain stress- tioners of the Feldenkrais Method seek to be
ful situations). Sometimes the movement aware of the person as a whole and to recognize
response is easier to detect than the emotional that people presenting with pain or discomfort
feeling, so the person can learn to start to read present with behavioral patterns that have devel-
their emotions by tracking their movements. oped in response to lifetime experiences. Some
Once the person can identify these habitual of these patterns will probably be contributing to
responses, and they have learnt other options the person’s difficulties. Intervention is directed
for responding, their sense of control can towards changing these patterns through a process
improve. of deep experiential learning.


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Carter R 2002 Mapping the mind, 2nd A comparison between three USA.
edn Orion Books Ltd, London. physiotherapy approaches with

Chapter Twenty-Six

Botox injections
Robert Delcanho

muscle contractions. In 1989, a commercial

Botox injections have been controversial in the
BoNT-A preparation, Botox was approved by
management of headache and
temporomandibular disorders. In this chapter the the US FDA for use in strabismus and blepharo-
author, a dental practitioner, discusses the spasm. Further clinical applications including
indications for and effects of Botox injections and spasmodic torticollis and cervical dystonia were
those patient groups likely to benefit.
approved in 2000. Neurologists have also effec-
tively used BoNT to treat spasticity, focal dysto-
nias and tremor where, in addition to the
The anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botuli- muscle relaxant action, some analgesic effects
num was once best known as a cause of severe were noted. In cosmetic medicine, BoNT has
food poisoning associated with rapid onset gained wide acceptance for treatment of facial
paralysis and respiratory arrest. In the 1920s, wrinkles such as crow’s feet and forehead lines.
the exotoxins produced by the bacteria were It was from such a group of patients that in 2000
isolated and demonstrated to cause muscle Binder et al (2000a) published an open label
paralysis by blocking the release of acetylcholine study of the quite serendipitous finding of the
from motor nerve endings. With the passage of beneficial effects of BoNT injections in the
time, seven separate serotypes of botulinum brow upon migraine headaches. Since that time,
neurotoxins (A–G) have been identified with there has been a growing evidence base on the
all serotypes blocking acetylcholine release but analgesic effects of BoNT in other primary
varying in their potency and other biological headache disorders such as chronic tension-type
properties. Some serotypes have been purified headache and chronic daily headache. Addition-
and developed for therapeutic injections into ally, BoNT-A has been studied in the treatment
hyperactive muscles. Botulinum neurotoxin-A of other painful conditions including myofascial
(BoNT-A) is the most widely used in clinical pain, fibromyalgia, low back pain, and post her-
practice and is considered the most potent. petic neuralgia. In the orofacial region, BoNT
Since the 1980s, the highly specific cholinergic has also been used to help treat primary
neuromuscular blocking action of BoNT has and secondary masticatory and facial muscle
been utilized to treat an increasing number of spasm, chronic myogenous facial pain, temporo-
conditions involving involuntary or unwanted mandibular disorders (TMD), severe bruxism,

facial tics, orofacial dyskinesias/dystonias, and particularly in headaches. An increasing body

idiopathic hypertrophy of the masticatory of scientific data suggests that the analgesic
muscles (Clark 2003). effects of BoNT-A may be mediated by neural
This chapter reviews the clinical use of mechanisms rather than muscle paralysis. For
BoNT including mode of action and clinical example, as BoNT-A does not cross the blood–
protocol(s). The current literature relating to brainbarrier and is inactivated during its retro-
the use of BoNT in treating primary headache grade axonal transport, any analgesic effect is
conditions and other facial pain disorders is also likely mediated by first order sensory neurons
reviewed. rather than by central mechanisms (Dressler
et al 2005). Other research data suggest that
BoNT-A may inhibit the release and block
Mechanism of action antidromic flow of glutamate, substance P and
calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) from
Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin pro- trigeminal nociceptive primary afferent neurons
tein comprises a 100 kD heavy chain disulphide (Aoki 2003, Durham et al 2004). Theoretically,
linked to a 50 kD light chain peptide. The heavy this could result in a decrease in peripheral
chain binds with high affinity and specificity to sensitization of nociceptive fibers, thereby indi-
the presynaptic membrane of the neuromuscu- rectly reducing central sensitization. A benefi-
lar junction. The light chain becomes interna- cial effect of BoNT-A may be through blocking
lised and cleaves an intracellular protein stimulated CGRP release from sensory gangli-
SNAP-25, which is involved in the exocytosis onic neurons (Fielder & Durham 2003).
of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This The antinociceptive effect of BoNT-A was
inhibits acetylcholine release from vesicles at examined using a rat model of carrageenan
the neuromuscular junction which in turn pre- (1%) and capsaicin (0.1%) induced paw pain
vents muscle contraction of the muscle fibers (Bach-Rojecky & Lackovic 2005). The study
associated with that motor unit. Restoration reported the mechanical and thermal responses
of muscle action occurs due to sprouting of to BoNT-A (5 U/kg) applied either 6 days or
additional motor end plates and recovery of 1 day before irritant carrageenan or capsaicin
the neurotoxin affected nerve terminal. It injections into rat paws. The injection given
appears to take about six months for full recov- 6 days prior significantly reduced or abolished
ery of muscle function to occur (Brin 1997). the enhanced sensitivity to mechanical and
More recently it has been established that auto- thermal stimuli caused by injection of the irri-
nomic nerves are also affected by BoNT causing tants. BoNT-A has also been demonstrated to
an inhibition of acetylcholine release in glands reduce wide dynamic range neuronal firing
and smooth muscle (Bhidayasiri & Truong within the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and
2005). reduce activity of central nociceptive neurons
An analgesic effect of BoNT-A was noted as measured by decreased c-fos expression
early in patients treated for dystonia and spastic- after stimulation of nociceptors (Cui et al
ity. Although reduction of muscle hyperactivity 2004). Oshinsky et al (2004) found peripheral
through inhibition of activity at the neuromus- application of BoNT-A prevented both central
cular junction may alleviate some of the pain sensitization and increased cutaneous receptive
associated with these conditions, it does not fields of second order neurons in rat trigeminal
fully explain the analgesic actions of BoNT-A, nucleus caudalis whilst Cui and co-workers

Botox injections CHAPTER 26

(2004) demonstrated that BoNT-A resulted in units cannot be used interchangeably. Another
reduced firing of wide dynamic range neurons serotype, BoNT-B, marketed as Myobloc also
in spinal nerves. BoNT was also found to block has different dosage units.
sensitization and expansion of receptive fields
of wide dynamic range neurons. Technique
The vial of 100U powdered BoNT-A is kept
Clinical procedures refrigerated until use and normal saline (pre-
servative-free 0.9% sterile saline solution) is
Training in the use of BoNT-A usually occurs at
used to reconstitute the neurotoxin for injec-
short courses or workshops offered under the
tion. The dilution method should follow the
direction of an experienced practitioner, under
manufacturer’s guidelines for Botox and Myo-
the auspices of the manufacturer. It is strongly
Bloc. The author dilutes 100 units Botox by
recommended that prospective users undergo
injecting 4ml of saline into the vial which
appropriate training that includes local anat-
results in 2.5 units Botox per 0.1 ml solution.
omy, injection techniques, handling of the
The solution is then drawn up into a calibrated
materials, appropriate dosing, side effects, com-
1.0 ml tuberculin syringe to which a 26–30
plications, and follow-up procedures. As for
gauge needle is attached. Once prepared, the
any procedure involving injection of medica-
solution should be used within 4 hours
tions, it is strongly recommended that, before
although recent data suggest that refrigerated,
proceeding, a qualified healthcare professional
reconstituted BoNT-A can be used as long as
thoroughly reviews the procedure with the
six weeks later without loss of efficacy (Hexsel
patient, including a discussion of the indica-
et al 2003). Skin preparation involves alcohol
tions, expectations, post injection instructions,
wipes and dry sterile gauze sponges. Once the
known side effects and expected duration of
skin has been prepared, the planned injection
the treatment. It is also recommended that
site should not be touched. Aspiration before
a signed informed consent be obtained from
injection is mandatory.
the patient.
In the orofacial area, the frontalis, procerus,
corrugators, temporalis and masseter muscles
Available preparations are most frequently injected. These muscles
should be injected bilaterally to minimize the
BoNT-A is manufactured in the US as Botox risk of asymmetrical cosmetically undesirable
purified neurotoxin complex. This agent is sup- side effects. The dose at each site into these
plied within glass vials in sterile, vacuum dried smaller muscles is usually between 5 and
white powder form for reconstitution. Each 10 units. Other muscles which are frequently
vial contains 100 units (U) of Clostridium bot- injected for headaches include the suboccipital,
ulinum toxin type A with an expiration date sternomastoid, splenius capitis and trapezius.
of 24 months when stored at –5 to –20 C. The reader is referred to standard anatomy
Another BoNT-A formulation, Dysport, is mar- textbooks and reference anatomical material
keted outside of the US. It should be noted made available by the BoNT manufacturers.
that the various BoNT-A preparations, Botox, Appropriate selection and accurate targeting
and Dysport differ in formulation, potency of muscles is a crucial factor in achieving effi-
and side effect profile, hence, their dosage cacy and reducing untoward effects from


BoNT-A injections. A 26 to 30 gauge needle is A recent study found fixed-site injections into
usually placed subdermally or into the target the glabellar muscles alone was no less effec-
muscle. In the orofacial region, the target mus- tive in reducing migraine headaches than the
cles are quite superficial and can usually be higher dose, multi-site follow-the-pain app-
identified by asking the patient to frown, gri- roach (Bechmand et al 2003). Theoretically,
mace, or clench the teeth. In the larger jaw, however, to facilitate wider delivery of BoNT-A
neck, and shoulder girdle muscles, the patient to peripheral trigeminal nerve terminals, it may
is asked to contract the muscle by the appropri- be more appropriate to inject a greater number
ate action as the muscle is palpated manually. of sites with smaller doses. Intuitively, however,
Where it is wished to inject certain deeper one would suspect that increasing the number
muscles that are difficult or impossible to pal- of injection sites would not only be more
pate, for example lateral pterygoid muscle, painful for the patient but would also increase
correct needle position before injection can be the risk of undesirable cosmetic side effects
confirmed by use of a monopolar injection such as drooping of the brow or ptosis. Further
needle that also has the ability to record the studies are required to identify which groups
electromyographic (EMG) signal from the mus- of headache patients are most likely to respond
cle. By following meticulous injection technique to the various injection paradigms as well as to
and asking patients not to massage the area for identify optimal dosing and injection sites.
4 hours, the risk of BoNT-A dispersion through Additionally, some data suggest that chronic
tissue into adjacent sites can be minimized. headache patients who receive a repeat BoNT-A
This will also allow the toxin to penetrate the administration report better improvement than
target nerves. It is also recommended that the patients who only received a single appoint-
patient restrict physical activity to minimum ment of injections (Ondo et al 2002).
for 24–48 hours.
Effect duration
Injection paradigms
The US FDA recommends that injections be
For the treatment of headache with BoNT-A, no more frequent than once every 3 months,
two separate injection paradigms have been and to use the lowest effective dose. A small
suggested (Blumenfeld 2003). The first is the group of patients who receive multiple injec-
so-called ‘Fixed Site’ approach whereby the tions may over time develop antibodies to
injection sites are predetermined. The second BoNT-A that may reduce its effect by inactivat-
is the ‘Follow-the-Pain’ approach whereby ing the biological activity of the toxin. In 2000,
injections are made into the regions where the the US FDA approved Myobloc (BoNT-B) for
patient reports pain and tenderness. To date, the treatment of cervical dystonia for patients
most of the published studies looking at the who developed BoNT-A resistance. A recently
use of BoNT-A in headache have utilized a fixed reformulated Botox preparation has a lower
site approach, however the studies have varied protein content that may decrease the risk of
widely in terms of parameters such as injection antibody formation and the development of
sites, number of units per site of injection, resistance. It appears that the risk for antibody
dilution of neurotoxin and total administered formation can be reduced by using the lowest
neurotoxin dose. Neither paradigm has been effective dose of BoNT-A at less frequent inter-
proven scientifically to be superior to the other. vals. Following injection, the therapeutic effects

Botox injections CHAPTER 26

first appear in 1–3 days, peak in 1–4 weeks, and arrhythmia and myocardial infarction have rarely
decline after 3–4 months. Pharmacokinetic been reported. Some of these patients had pre-
studies in rats suggest rapid systemic metabo- existing cardiovascular disease. As mentioned
lism and total excretion of the neurotoxin itself above, administration is not recommended dur-
within 2–3 days. ing pregnancy or lactation. Caution is advised
if injecting patients with excessive atrophy or
Adverse events and side effects weakness in target muscle, ptosis, deep dermal
scarring, thick sebaceous skin, marked facial
Most published trials have reported minimal asymmetry, and inflammatory skin disorders at
and transient adverse events which have the planned injection site.
included blepharoptosis, diplopia, and injection
site weakness. The most common side effects
include local injection site discomfort and
Botulinum neurotoxin use
bruising. Transient facial muscle weakness caus- in primary headache
ing brow ptosis, particularly if asymmetrical,
can cause cosmetic concerns. No long term Migraine
systemic safety problems have been reported
with BoNT-A treatment. Botox is classified Migraine is a chronic neurovascular disorder
as a Category C drug by the US FDA due to characterized by recurrent episodes of head-
lack of experience with pregnant and lactat- ache, nausea, aura, and sensory disturbances.
ing women and should probably be avoided Migraine affects approximately 10% of the
in that group. Approximately 1% of patients population (6% females and 4% males) with
receiving BoNT-A injections may experience attacks causing significant impact upon the
severe, debilitating headaches which may last individual’s function and quality of life. There
for 2–4 weeks before gradually fading. is a concomitant heavy personal and societal
burden including loss of earnings and produc-
Cautions and contraindications tivity (Lipton & Bigal 2005).
The pathophysiology of migraine has been
BoNT-A treatment is contraindicated in the recently reviewed (Goadsby 2005) and appears
presence of infection at the injection site(s) to involve the trigeminovascular system and
and in individuals with myasthenia gravis, Eton central nervous system modulation of the
Lambert Syndrome, or known hypersensitivity nociceptive signals emanating from the pain-
to any ingredient in the formulation. Individuals producing intracranial structures. The relative
with peripheral motor neuropathic diseases degree to which pain is caused directly by
or neuromuscular junctional disorders should activation of nociceptors within pain sensitive
receive BoNT-A treatment with caution. Drugs intracranial structures, or the more indirect
that interfere with neuromuscular transmission, centrally mediated facilitation (or lack of inhi-
such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, polymyxins, bition) of the afferent signals, is not clear at
tetracyclines and tubocurarine-type muscle this time.
relaxants, can potentiate the effect of BoNT-A. Unfortunately, to date the acute and pro-
Patients who have injections in the cervical phylactic medications used to reduce migraine
region, tongue, or posterior region of the mouth attacks are not totally effective and in general
with BoNT-A can experience dysphagia. Cardiac are poorly tolerated. Moderate to severe side


effects are common with the available prophy- medication use and subject/investigator global
lactic medications, and clinicians treating head- assessments were significantly superior in the
aches require improved and novel prophylactic Botox versus the placebo groups. The Botox
agents in particular. The first double blinded was well tolerated with only one of the
placebo controlled study of Botox in episodic 30 patients developing frontalis asymmetry that
migraine was by Silberstein et al (Silberstein lasted about 30 days.
et al 2000). In this study 123 patients with a By contrast, Evers et al (2004), in a rando-
mean 4–5 moderate to severe migraine attacks mized double blinded placebo controlled study,
per month were assigned to receive placebo, did not find any statistically significant effect
Botox 25 units, or Botox 75 units in a fixed on migraine frequency or severity following
dose, fixed site approach. Four injections were injection of two different doses of Botox. Sixty
made into frontalis muscle: two into the cor- patients were separated into 4 groups receiving
rugators, and one each into the procerus and a total of 100 units into various frontal and
temporalis muscles. There was a statistically neck muscles, 16 units into the frontal muscles
significant reduction in the primary end point alone, or placebo saline into either all the
of moderate to severe attack frequency per muscles or just neck muscles. For analysis, the
month in months 2 and 3 in the Botox 25 unit primary treatment outcome parameter was
group but, surprisingly, not in the Botox 75 unit 50% reduction in frequency of migraine attacks
group. The Botox 25 units group also demon- at 3 months compared to the month preceding
strated reduced maximum severity of mig- the injections. Other parameters included
raines, a reduced number of days using acute migraine frequency, number of days with mod-
migraine medications, and reduced incidence erate to severe pain, reduction of associated
of migraine-associated vomiting. The Botox symptoms and reduction of acute medication
was very well tolerated although the 75 unit use. Both groups that received the Botox injec-
group had significantly more adverse events tions achieved a 30% reduction of migraine fre-
than the placebo group. quency; however, the placebo group achieved
Several studies have since concluded that a 25% reduction. No significant differences
BoNT-A is an effective and safe prophylac- were found between the groups with respect
tic treatment for migraine headache across a to number of days with migraine, number
range of patient types (Barrientos et al 2003, of days with moderate to severe migraine or
Binder et al 2000, Blumenfeld et al 2004). Bar- amount of acute drugs taken to treat the
rientos studied 30 patients with episodic migraine attacks. No serious adverse events
migraine (Barrientos et al 2002). A fixed dose, were noted and any that occurred were consid-
fixed site total 50 units of Botox was injected ered mild and transient.
into temporalis (2 sites), frontalis (4), glabellar Similarly, two recently published studies
(4), procerus (1), trapezius (2) and splenius looking at the use of BoNT-A for episodic
capitis (2). Statistically significant reductions migraine (Aurora et al 2005, Relja et al 2005)
were seen in the number of migraine attacks failed to find significant differences between
per month at 30, 60, and 90 days and the Botox injected and placebo saline injected
overall 90 day migraine attack frequency was groups in either frequency of migraine attacks
reduced in the Botox group when compared to per 30 day period, or percentage of patients
the placebo group. Similarly, migraine duration with 50% or greater decrease in migraine
was significantly reduced. The amount of acute headaches.

Botox injections CHAPTER 26

Two recent reviews of the literature have are required to attempt to elucidate that
summarized the data on BoNT-A for migraine subgroup.
prophylaxis (Evers et al 2006, Gobel 2004). An earlier study (Rollnick et al 2000) failed
Almost all double blind, placebo-controlled to find any significant differences between a
trials had statistically insignificant findings as treatment and control group of 21 episodic
far as primary outcome for episodic migraine (majority) and chronic TTH patients. On the
is concerned. However, it remains uncertain basis of the results the authors hypothesized
whether BoNT-A has a role in severely affected that increased muscle tenderness may not
patients with frequent chronic migraine head- play a major role in the pathophysiology of
aches. It appears that BoNT-A is effective in TTH. More recent randomized double blinded
certain individuals to reduce the frequency, placebo controlled studies (Boudreau 2005,
severity, and disability associated with migraine Relja & Telarovic 2004, Schulte-Mattler &
headaches. In the author’s opinion, BoNT-A Krack 2004) have been published comparing
should therefore be considered another tool BoNT-A to placebo injections in TTH suf-
to be utilized in migraine patients unresponsive ferers, with no significant differences being
to other treatments, where the other treat- found for most outcome variables. The authors
ments are contraindicated or where concomi- concluded that there is no clinically significant
tant jaw or neck muscle spasm is identified. effect of BoNT-A on chronic tension-type
Tension-type headache It has been postulated that TTH sufferers
may have a lesser degree of central sensitization
Although one would suspect that BoNT-A than that which occurs in migraine sufferers.
injections would most likely benefit those As a result, the development of scalp cutaneous
headaches where pericranial muscle contrac- allodynia found in migraine attacks (Burstein
tions or increased muscular tension were tra- et al 2004) is absent or not as evident in
ditionally felt to be a primary contributory TTH. If central sensitization is mediated by
factor, studies looking at the effects of CGRP and glutamate, the central release of
BoNT-A injections in tension-type headache which has been demonstrated to be affected
(TTH) patients have been equivocal finding by BoNT-A, then this may explain the relative
less effect than that found for migraine lack of response to BoNT-A in TTH.
headaches. Padberg et al (2004) studied 40
patients with TTH and over a 12 week period Chronic daily headache
no significant differences were found between
a control group (n ¼ 21) who received saline The term chronic daily headache (CDH) now
and a group of 19 patients who received a total refers to headaches experienced 15 or more days
of up to 100 U Botox (1 unit per kg) in various per month. Primary CDH is not related to struc-
pericranial and neck muscles (10–20 units per tural or systemic illness whilst secondary CDH
muscle) that exhibited clinically increased has an identifiable underlying cause, including
muscle tone or tenderness. Some patients medication overuse, intracranial disorders, idio-
responded well, raising the possibility that pathic intracranial hypertension, cervical spinal
there is a subgroup of chronic TTH sufferers disorders, and temporomandibular disorders.
who do indeed respond to BoNT-A injections. Primary CDH is by far the more common, with
The authors concluded that further studies prevalence studies consistently finding about 4%


of the adult population are affected, it being Subjectively, 10% of patients in the BoNT-A
twice as common in women as men (Scher group reported dramatic improvement and 24%
et al 2005). CDH, in particular with a pre- reported marked improvement compared with
existing history of migraine and associated 3% and 7% respectively in the placebo group.
with over use of medication, accounts for Mathew and colleagues (2002) conducted a
the majority of headaches seen in headache randomized double blind placebo controlled,
sub-specialty practices (Silberstein et al parallel group clinical trial involving 355
1994). Open trials and placebo controlled patients suffering CDH. Although the primary
trials have suggested that CDH may improve outcome measure (change from baseline in
following injections of BoNT-A. Whether this number of headache-free days) did not reach
is due to muscle paralysis or possible effects statistical significance, the study demonstrated
on peripheral and central nerve function is that BoNT-A, as compared to placebo, signifi-
uncertain. Mauskop (1999) used 50–100 units cantly reduced the frequency of headache epi-
to treat 12 refractory CDH patients who sodes in migraine/CDH patients with a 50%
overused medication almost daily. Only one plus decrease in headache days per month.
patient obtained good relief and had repeated A further subgroup analysis of patients not
injections. It was felt that the overuse of med- receiving other prophylactic medications to
ications on a daily basis could explain the lack treat their chronic daily headaches, found even
of effect and suggests that successful outcome greater differences in key measures of efficacy
of treatment in this group of patients is in favour of treatment with BoNT-A compared
dependent on reducing their reliance on daily to placebo (Dodick et al 2005). Indeed it is
abortive type medications. becoming apparent that BoNT-A may be most
Eross and Dodick (2002) evaluated the effects efficacious in the population of quite disabled
of Botox injections (25–100 U) on reducing and complicated headache sufferers. Phase III
disability in 47 patients with either episodic studies are now under way, as significant
or chronic migraine. Using a well-validated insights were gained from the earlier studies.
migraine-related disability tool (MIDAS), 58%
of all patients reported reduced migraine asso- Temporomandibular disorders
ciated disability; 75% of the episodic migraine
patients (n ¼ 12) reported reduced migraine There is currently a lack of any large scale
frequency as compared to 53% of the chronic controlled studies on the effects of BoNT-A
migraine group. Ondo and Derman (2002) con- injections on signs and symptoms of the various
ducted a randomized double blind placebo- temporomandibular disorders (TMD). BoNT-A
controlled parallel clinical trial that examined has been suggested as having use in the treat-
the effect of BoNT-A treatment (200U or ment of masseter and/or temporalis muscle
placebo) on patients with CDH, including hypertrophy, bruxism, recurrent dislocation of
chronic TTH and transformed migraine. The the temporomandibular joint, as an adjunct to
‘follow the pain’ protocol was used and at oral surgical procedures involving the temporo-
12 weeks a second open label injection of mandibular joint and to improve trismus asso-
BoNT-A was provided. Following the first injec- ciated with brain injury. A preliminary study
tion, patients treated with BoNT-A had signifi- (Freund et al 1999) of 15 patients with TMD
cantly fewer headaches between weeks 8 and failed to demonstrate any significant clinical
12 compared to those injected with placebo. benefit from BoNT-A injections. A more recent

Botox injections CHAPTER 26

uncontrolled open label study (Freund & forms of treatment. However, for chronic ten-
Schwartz 2002) found that following injection sion-type headache, the use of BoNT-A is not
of 50U BoNT-A into each masseter and 25U into strongly supported by the literature, nor does
each temporalis muscle of 60 patients suffering BoNT-A appear any more successful than local
myogenous TMD, resulted in improved chronic anesthetic injections for treatment of myofas-
TTH symptoms. cial pain trigger points (although it offers a
treatment option in recalcitrant cases). There
Conclusion is insufficient data to comment on the use of
BoNT-A for the less common primary head-
On the basis of clinical research, BoNT-A aches and orofacial conditions. Further studies
appears to be a promising therapy for migraine are needed to establish the best patient profiles
and chronic daily headache, particularly where that may predict successful use of BoNT
the headaches have proved resistant to other treatment.

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(BOTOX) for the prophylactic 2005 A multicenter, double blind, 40(6):445-450.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Richard Bittar

third ventriculostomy. Both of these techniques

A broad spectrum of conditions may result in pain
reduce the build-up of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
involving the head or face. In some cases this pain
becomes intractable, refractory to conventional intracranially, decreasing intracranial pressure
medical and physical therapies. In this chapter and yielding symptomatic improvement. Benign
the author, a neurosurgeon, provides the reader intracranial hypertension may be treated with
with an overview of the role of contemporary
bilateral subtemporal decompressions or CSF
neurosurgical intervention in the management
of headache and facial pain. diversionary procedures (Lifshutz & Johnson
2001). Chiari malformations, or herniation of
the cerebellar tonsils into the spinal canal, are
Neurosurgical interventions for intractable head- treated surgically by decompression of the fora-
ache and facial pain may be broadly divided into men magnum (Fischer 1995).
three categories: decompressive, ablative, and Ablative procedures involve the destruction
neuromodulatory. of pain-generating or transmitting structures,
Decompressive surgery involves the relief of and may be accomplished using a variety of
physical pressure on neural structures which methods. These include the injection of chemi-
may be causing the pain syndrome in question. cals such as glycerol or alcohol, temporary com-
For example, trigeminal neuralgia is frequently pression of neural structures using an inflatable
treated with microvascular decompression. This balloon, or the physical disruption of neural
procedure involves interposing a small piece of structures by heating or cutting. Conditions
Teflon between a small artery and the trigeminal frequently treated using one or more of these
nerve. By reducing the focal pressure (and par- ablative techniques include trigeminal neuralgia
ticularly the arterial pulsations) on the nerve, and occipital neuralgia. Some advantages of
over 90% of patients are relieved of their pain these approaches are their relatively low mor-
(Ashkan & Marsh 2004). Decompressive sur- bidity, and their ability to be performed using
gery is also used to relieve elevated intracranial percutaneous or minimally invasive techniques.
pressure due to intracranial space-occupying Unfortunately the failure and recurrence rate
lesions, such as tumors. Hydrocephalus, which can be significant, and the development of
often causes headaches, is treated either by deafferentation pain, whilst uncommon, can
ventriculoperitoneal shunting or endoscopic be disastrous (Lopez et al 2004).

The most recent techniques used by neuro- facial pain, due to the large cortical representa-
surgeons to treat intractable head and facial pain tion of the face (Henderson & Lad, 2006). It
are classified as neuromodulatory or neuroaug- does not require a stereotactic head frame;
mentative. These modalities utilize electrical however, frameless stereotaxy, preoperative
stimulation of neural structures to ameliorate functional magnetic resonance imaging, and
pain. They include peripheral nerve stimulation, intraoperative cortical stimulation may improve
spinal cord stimulation, motor cortex stimula- the accuracy of electrode placement. With most
tion, and deep brain stimulation. neuromodulatory approaches, a trial period
Peripheral nerve stimulation involves the (usually several days) of stimulation is per-
placement of an electrode over the nerve sup- formed before the second stage of the surgery
plying the painful region of the head. It may (implantation of the battery or pulse generator)
be effective for the treatment of cervicogenic is undertaken. If adequate pain relief is not
headaches and occipital neuralgia, providing achieved, the electrodes can be removed with-
significant long-term pain and medication reduc- out adverse long term sequelae in the majority.
tion in over 70% of patients (Weiner 2006).
Spinal cord stimulation entails the position-
Conditions treated with
ing of one or two electrodes extradurally over
the posterior aspect of the spinal cord. These neurosurgery
electrodes may be inserted either percutane-
ously or via an open surgical technique (laminot- Trigeminal neuralgia
omy or laminectomy). They may be inserted
under general anesthetic or under light sedation, Paroxysmal, lancinating facial pain in the distri-
permitting intraoperative assessment of stimu- bution of one or more divisions of the trigemi-
lation effects. Certain types of head and facial nal nerve is known as trigeminal neuralgia. This
pain may be treated with high cervical spinal is a common cause of facial pain, which may be
cord stimulation (Osenbach 2004). extremely severe and unremitting. The usual
Deep brain stimulation refers to the inser- mechanism is compression of the dorsal root
tion of electrodes into the sensory thalamus entry zone of the trigeminal nerve by a small
and/or periventricular grey matter, whereas artery or, less commonly, a vein. Such vessels
motor cortex stimulation is performed by plac- may be visualized preoperatively with magnetic
ing one or two paddle-type electrodes over the resonance angiography. In some cases no vascu-
motor cortex, usually extradurally. lar impingement on the nerve is seen, even at
Deep brain stimulation requires the use of a surgery. Trigeminal neuralgia may also occur
stereotactic head frame to ensure a high degree in the setting of multiple sclerosis, as a result
of spatial accuracy. The author’s practice is to of demyelination, and is particularly difficult
perform intraoperative stimulation to confirm to treat.
the presence of beneficial effects in the desired Trigeminal neuralgia is treated pharmacologi-
region, as well as the absence of side effects. cally initially, with membrane-stabilizing agents
The risks of deep brain stimulation include such as carbamazepine, and typically responds
stroke, seizures, and death. favorably to this medication. In those cases
Motor cortex stimulation may carry lower which are resistant to pharmacotherapy, more
risks than deep brain stimulation. It is particu- invasive treatment approaches may be consid-
larly useful for the treatment of neuropathic ered. Percutaneous targeting of the trigeminal

Neurosurgery CHAPTER 27

ganglion and microvascular decompression are the decompression is over 90%. The risk of stroke
most frequently employed surgical approaches or mortality is higher than for the percutaneous
(Bennetto et al 2007). techniques (< 2%), but the incidence of facial
Percutaneous techniques involve the inser- numbness is lower (Chen & Lee 2003).
tion of a needle into Meckel’s cave (which In some centers, stereotactic radiosurgery is
houses the trigeminal ganglion) through the used to treat trigeminal neuralgia. This may
cheek. This is done, often under local anesthe- be performed using a gamma knife or linear
sia, under X-ray control or with the aid of fra- accelerator. The long-term results appear satis-
meless stereotaxy. Once the needle is in place, factory, and it is reasonable to consider this
one of three strategies may then be employed. option in patients who are not suitable for the
Glycerol may be injected into the subarachnoid above surgical techniques, or in those for whom
space around the ganglion (glycerol rhizolysis). these conventional approaches have failed
Alternatively, a small balloon may be inflated (Drzymala et al 2005). The main disadvantage
to transiently compress (and damage) the of this technique is the delayed onset of bene-
ganglion. The third option involves controlled ficial effect in reducing facial pain.
heating of the ganglion using a radiofrequency Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a much less
electrode (radiofrequency rhizolysis). The effi- common similar condition caused by compres-
cacy of most percutaneous procedures relies sion of the glossopharyngeal nerve. It causes pain
upon the production of a degree of facial numb- in the tongue and throat. The treatment of
ness. This ‘trade-off’ against pain relief must be choice for medically-intractable glossopharyn-
understood and accepted by the patient before- geal neuralgia is microvascular decompression
hand. Percutaneous procedures have a 70–90% (Pearce 2006).
success rate, but the incidence of recurrence
after five years is significant (Kondziolka & Cervicogenic headache
Lunsford 2005). The procedure may need to
be repeated at that time. Headache arising from the cervical spine is rel-
In the author’s opinion, the benefits of per- atively common and under-recognized. These
cutaneous strategies include a relatively low may occur as a consequence of degenerative
morbidity, but the small risk (< 1%) of stroke cervical spine disease or following a whiplash-
and anesthesia dolorosa must be considered. type injury to the neck. Cervicogenic head-
This is the treatment of choice for multiple aches are typically occipital; however, they
sclerosis-related trigeminal neuralgia, patients may radiate to the vertex of the skull and
unfit for craniotomy, and for patients who do may also be associated with retro-orbital pain
not wish to undergo an open procedure. (Haldeman & Dagenais 2001). There is often,
Microvascular decompression is performed but not always, associated neck pain or discom-
via a posterior fossa craniotomy. A window of fort. The headache may resemble true occipital
bone behind the ear is removed, and the tri- neuralgia. It is important to attempt to deter-
geminal nerve is approached by gently retract- mine the anatomical substrate of these head-
ing the cerebellum. A small piece of teflon is aches. In the author’s opinion, cervicogenic
interposed between a compressing artery and headache arising from the facet joints may
the nerve. If the offending vessel is a vein, respond to percutaneous radiofrequency dener-
this is coagulated and divided. The long-term vation, whilst those secondary to cervical disc
(5–10 year) success rate of microvascular prolapse often (but not reliably) improve with


microsurgical discectomy and fusion. C2 radio- Chiari malformation

frequency pulse ganglionotomy is another per-
cutaneous technique which may benefit some Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the
patients, particularly if C2 nerve root compres- foramen magnum is a well-described cause of
sion is thought to be involved in the pathogen- headache. These are typically impulse head-
esis of the headache. More recently, peripheral aches, precipitated by coughing or straining.
nerve stimulation of the greater and lesser They are usually occipital in location. There
occipital nerves has emerged as a potentially may be associated ataxia, and motor and sen-
efficacious technique in patients with cervico- sory deficits. Some Chiari malformations may
genic headache resistant to all conventional be associated with hydrocephalus, which may
therapies (Weiner 2006). also cause headache. The treatment of symp-
tomatic Chiari malformation requires surgical
decompression (Fischer 1995). The posterior
Occipital neuralgia
rim of the foramen magnum and arch of the
Sharp, shooting pain arising in the occipital region C1 vertebra are removed. Most surgeons open
and radiating either to the vertex of the skull, or the dura and insert a patulous fascial graft to
to the temporal region, is typical of occipital neu- ensure adequate decompression of the brain-
ralgia. This is frequently associated with a dull or stem. In the majority of patients, surgery
throbbing retro-orbital pain. The pain is often results in symptomatic improvement, however
reproduced by percussion over the greater or the primary goal of surgery is to arrest further
lesser occipital nerve. Occipital neuralgia may fol- deterioration.
low trauma, surgery, atlantoaxial subluxation (for
example in rheumatoid arthritis), neuromas, or Hydrocephalus
C2 root entrapment by a hypertrophied ligamen-
tous structure between C1 and C2. Traditional Hydrocephalus (dilation of the ventricular
neurosurgical strategies to manage this difficult system) may result from blockage of the cere-
condition have included sectioning or avulsion brospinal fluid (CSF) pathways or impaired
of the occipital nerves. In the author’s experi- reabsorption of CSF. Hydrocephalus may
ence, this procedure frequently fails, may cause cause headache due to elevated intracranial
significant scalp numbness, and may occasion- pressure. Raised intracranial pressure head-
ally lead to deafferentation pain. It is not aches are typically global or bifrontal, are
recommended by the author as an initial surgi- worse in the early hours of the morning, and
cal approach. Radiofrequency ablation of the are exacerbated by recumbency or straining.
offending nerve may yield substantial symp- They are frequently associated with nausea
tomatic benefit, but the recurrence rate is high. or vomiting. Hydrocephalus may be treated
If C2 root is thought to be compressed by ventriculoperitoneal shunting. This in-
between the C1 arch and C2 lamina, surgical volves the placement of a catheter into one
decompression may be beneficial. Symptom- of the lateral ventricles, and threading a
atic atlantoaxial subluxation may warrant a connected longer catheter subcutaneously to
C1–C2 fusion. Peripheral nerve stimulation of the abdomen, where it is inserted into the
occipital nerves has emerged as an efficacious peritoneal cavity. Cerebrospinal fluid is
technique in patients with intractable occipital thereby diverted from the cranium to the
neuralgia (Weiner 2006). abdomen, where it is reabsorbed. In some

Neurosurgery CHAPTER 27

cases of obstructive hydrocephalus, such as Cluster headache

where the flow of CSF is impeded by stenosis
of the cerebral aqueduct, tumors (usually Cluster headaches typically comprise epi-
non-aggressive) of the tectal plate, and poste- sodic unilateral frontal and retro-orbital pain,
rior fossa tumors, an endoscopic third ventri- lacrimation, nasal congestion, and vasomotor
culostomy may be performed. This procedure changes resulting in scleral injection and
is done through a burr hole in the skull, using periorbital swelling. They most frequently
an endoscope. A small hole is created in the affect males in early- to mid-adulthood.
floor of the third ventricle, thereby allowing Cluster headaches may be treated with a
CSF to bypass the area of obstruction and flow variety of medical therapies, including anti-
directly into the basal cisterns. Endoscopic migraine agents, lithium, and oxygen. Most
third ventriculostomy is highly effective and cases are able to be controlled with such
generally safe, however there is a small risk of measures. Where cluster headache becomes
serious complications including basilar artery rup- refractory to conventional therapies, and is
ture and post-operative memory impairment so severe as to cause a significant degradation
(Greenberg 2001). in the patient’s quality of life, surgical inter-
vention may be considered. Previous surgical
approaches to the treatment of this fre-
Benign intracranial hypertension quently devastating condition have involved
percutaneous interference with the trigemi-
Benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotu- nal or sphenopalatine ganglion. Overall, the
mor cerebri) usually afflicts female children success rate of such strategies has been low,
and young adults, many of whom are obese. although some practitioners report reason-
The headache in benign intracranial hyper- able efficacy. More recently, following the
tension is due to raised intracranial pressure. observation of discrete metabolic changes
Papilledema (swelling of the optic discs) is within the ipsilateral posterior hypothalamus
seen, and blindness may occur if this condi- during cluster headache, deep brain stimula-
tion is untreated. The treatment of medically tion has emerged as a promising way to treat
refractory benign intracranial hypertension these individuals. Deep brain stimulation
includes serial lumbar punctures (to reduce for cluster headache involves the placement
intracranial pressure), and lumboperitoneal of an electrode in the ipsilateral posterior
or ventriculopertioneal shunting. The latter hypothalamus, and the delivery of a high
procedures involve the diversion of cerebro- frequency current to inactivate this area. In
spinal fluid from either the lumbar subarach- small series, with greater than 12 months
noid space or the lateral ventricles to the follow-up, approximately two-thirds of patients
abdomen. Ventricular catheterization may have been rendered pain-free, and around half
be very difficult due to the presence of small have been able to cease pharmacological
lateral ventricles, but the placement of a ven- treatment (Franzini et al 2003). These results
triculoperitoneal shunt in these patients is are extremely encouraging, however confirma-
aided by the employment of stereotactic tion that these benefits persist for several years
techniques. In patients with progressive will be required before deep brain stimulation
visual loss, blindness may be averted by optic for cluster headaches becomes a standard
nerve sheath fenestration (Greenberg 2001). therapy.


Neuropathic facial pain pressure. Common causes include tumors,

trauma, vascular abnormalities, and infection.
Neuropathic facial pain, in contrast to trigeminal Intracranial tumors may be malignant or
neuralgia, is typically a constant, burning-type benign. Cerebral metastases (most frequently
pain. It is frequently associated with numbness, emanating from primary tumors in the breasts,
hypersensitivity, and allodynia. It may be severe lungs, bowel, kidneys, or cutaneous melanoma)
and debilitating, as is the case with anesthesia and gliomas (primary brain tumors) are the
dolorosa. Neuropathic facial pain may follow a most common intracranial malignancies. Benign
number of conditions and interventions, includ- tumors include meningioma, acoustic neuroma
ing surgical attempts to treat trigeminal neuralgia, (vestibular schwannoma), and pituitary ade-
dental procedures, trauma to the supraorbital and noma. Brain tumors may cause raised intracranial
supratrochlear nerves at the supraorbital rim and pressure due to their volume or mass effect, by
over the frontal sinus, herpes zoster, and stroke. inciting vasogenic edema (increased water con-
Patients who have not responded to medical tent in surrounding brain tissue), or obstruction
and cognitive behavioral therapies may be of CSF flow (i.e., hydrocephalus). Treatment of
considered for neuromodulatory intervention. tumor-related headache includes steroids (dexa-
Motor cortex stimulation may be particularly methasone) to decrease vasogenic edema, and
useful for intractable facial pain, due to the large surgical resection (Greenberg 2001).
representation of the face on the cerebral cortex. Cranial trauma may result in headache as
Deep brain stimulation, targeting the sensory a result of raised intracranial pressure. Such
thalamus or periventricular grey region, may also trauma is frequently trivial, particularly in the
produce a dramatic benefit in many, but has a elderly, alcoholics, and in people taking anticoagu-
higher risk of stroke and mortality than motor lants or antiplatelet agents. Subdural hematoma
cortex stimulation. The author offers motor cor- and intracerebral hematoma may evolve over days
tex stimulation as a treatment option before to weeks. Symptomatic subdural hematomas are
recommending deep brain stimulation. Periph- treated with surgical drainage. Post-traumatic
eral nerve stimulation may be effective in some intracerebral hematomas are usually managed
patients with neuropathic facial pain, and carries conservatively (Greenberg 2001).
very low surgical risks. Neuropathic pain in the Sudden-onset headache is the hallmark of
distribution of the first division of the trigeminal an intracranial vascular event, and should be
nerve may respond to peripheral nerve stimula- investigated and treated with urgency. Ruptured
tion targeting the supraorbital and supratrochlear cerebral aneurysm typically causes subarachnoid
nerves. Neuropathic facial pain may also respond hemorrhage, with resulting meningism (head-
to high cervical spinal cord stimulation, due to ache, neck stiffness, photophobia, nausea, and
capture of the descending loop of trigeminotha- vomiting). Spontaneous intracerebral bleeding
lamic fibers which may extend as caudally as C2 may be a consequence of an arteriovenous mal-
or C3 (Follett 2004). formation, hypertension, tumor, coagulopathy,
or amyloid angiopathy. Treatment depends upon
Space-occupying lesions the underlying cause (Greenberg 2001).
Infective causes of headaches which may
Space-occupying lesions, or intracranial masses, require neurosurgical intervention include brain
frequently present with headache. Such head- abscess and subdural empyema. Postoperative
aches are usually the result of raised intracranial intracranial infections are a rare but important

Neurosurgery CHAPTER 27

complication of cranial neurosurgery. Treatment more invasive treatment. A number of surgical

usually comprises surgical drainage as well as approaches may be employed by the neurosur-
antibiotic therapy (Greenberg 2001). geon with expertise in the treatment of intracta-
ble chronic pain. The approach should be
Conclusion tailored to the individual’s condition, and
should only be offered in the context of
Head and facial pain may result from a variety of a multidisciplinary pain management setting.
underlying conditions. A proportion of sufferers The evolution of neuromodulatory techniques
will fail to experience satisfactory long-term offers new hope to many sufferers who have
pain relief with conventional medical and inter- not or would not benefit from more traditional
ventional strategies, and may be considered for approaches to pain management.

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decompression for trigeminal the cerebellar tonsils. Childs Nerv technique and expectations.
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Neurosurgery. 55:840-848. management. 2004 Elsevier of hydrocephalus and its treatments.
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its management. BMJ 334: 2003 Stimulation of the posterior 2004 Systematic review of ablative
201-205. hypothalamus for treatment of neurosurgical techniques for the
Chen JF, Lee ST 2003 Comparison chronic intractable cluster headaches: treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
of percutaneous trigeminal ganglion first reported series. Neurosurgery Neurosurgery 54:973-982.
compression and microvascular 52:1095-1099. Osenbach RK 2004 In: Follett KA (ed)
decompression for the management Greenberg MS 2001 Handbook of Neurosurgical pain management.
of trigeminal neuralgia. Clinical neurosurgery, 5th edn. Thieme, Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia.
Neurology and Neurosurgery 105: Florida. Pearce JM 2006 Glossopharyngeal
203-208. Haldeman S, Dagenais S 2001 neuralgia. Eur Neurol 55:49-52.
Drzymala RE, Malyapa RS, Dowling JL Cervicogenic headaches: a critical Weiner RL 2006 Occipital
et al 2005 Gamma knife radiosurgery review. Spine J 1:31-46. Neurostimulation (ONS) for
for trigeminal neuralgia: the Henderson JM, Lad SP 2006 Motor Treatment of intractable headache
Washington University initial cortex stimulation and neuropathic disorders. Pain Medicine 7(suppl 1):
experience. Stereotactic and facial pain. Neurosurgical Focus S137-S139.
Functional Neurosurgery 83: 21(6):E6.
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Fischer EG 1995 Posterior fossa Percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol
decompression for Chiari I


A analgesia
overuse, 20–1, 100
ablative neurosurgery, 357–8, 360
perpetuating headache, 20–1
anesthetic in cervicogenic headache, 9, 43
brain, 27, 63, 362
aneurysm, ruptured, 17
dental, 121, 244
antecedents of headache, 278, 279–80
active exercise, 183
anterior scalene, 174, 175
active myofascial trigger points, 302
anti-inflammatories, 100
activities of daily living (ADL)
antibiotics, 117, 118
assessment, 160
and treatment outcome, 154 antiepileptics, 29, 30
acupoints, 321, 322 anxiety
acupuncture, 321 in children/adolescents, 34
CNS effects, 326 as headache trigger, 280, 289
complications, 330 management, 251
deep needling, 324 and migraine, 26
electroacupuncture, 327–8 psychiatric assessment, 291
fMRI studies, 326 sleep-related, 64
management of headaches, 324 anxiolytics, 64
mechanism, 327 applied kinesiology (AK), 206
acute angle closure glaucoma, 128, 129–30 arm movement exercises, 187
acute severe new-onset headache (‘First or Worst’), 15 arteriovenous malformation (AVM), 17
adolescents see children/adolescents arthrodesis, surgical, 51
age aspartame sensitivity, 226–7
and neck movement, 173 aspirin, 28–9
as ‘red flag’, 6 assessment of headache, 240–50
and tinnitus, 123 differential diagnosis guidelines, 241, 242–3
in vestibular dysfunction, 150 investigations/imaging, 250
airflow restriction physical, 242–3, 244–50
and pain, 62–3 cervical area, 247
and sleep bruxism treatment, 64–5 posture, 245–7
alcohol, 226 spatula test, 249–50
allergic responses, 104, 225 temporomandibular area, 247–9
allergists, referral to, 63 psychological, 280–2
allodynia, 25, 98–100, 108 ‘red flags’, 240–1
almotriptan, 28, 29 subjective, 242
amaurosis fugax, painful, 130 aggravating factors, 241, 243–4
amines, vasoactive, 230 pain distribution, 241
amitriptyline, 29, 30, 199, 200, 293, 294 associated myofascial trigger points, 302
with cognitive–behavioral therapy, 287 ataxia, 143

atenolol, 29 in cervicogenic headache, 49

atlantooccipital (C0-C1) joint, 43, 44, 45 clinical use, 347
in cervicogenic headache, 86 injections, 347–56
attachment trigger points (AMTPs), 72 adverse/side effects, 351
atypical facial neuralgia, 133–4 clinical procedures, 349–51
audiometry, 147 injection paradigms, 350
autonomic cephalagia, 18–19 technique, 349–50
autonomic nervous system (ANS), 213 contraindications/precautions, 351
awake bruxism (AB), 74, 238 effect duration, 350–1
‘Awareness through Movement’ lessons, 340 in headache, 351–5
chronic daily, 353–4
efficacy, 352
B migraine, 351–3, 354
balance assessment tools, 145 safety, 352
balance exercises, 188 tension-type, 353, 354
balance/gait training, 149 preparations available, 349
balance, standing, 177 training for users, 349
barotrauma of sinuses, 121 mechanism of action, 348–9
basilar artery migraine, 136–7 in tension-type headache, 39
BEACH study, 3 botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT-A) (Dysport), 349
behavioral therapy, 254 botulinum neurotoxin B (BoNT-B) (Myobloc), 349, 350
benign intracranial (idiopathic) hypertension (BIH) botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT), 347–8
(pseudotumor cerebri) clinical use, 347–8
in children/adolescents, 37, 40–1 in headache/orofacial pain, 347–8
diagnosis, 18 brace–relax technique, 271–2
neurosurgery for, 361 brain abscesses, 27, 63, 362
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), 140, 142–3 brain tumors
diagnosis, 144, 146 in children/adolescents, 37
management, 148 neurosurgery, 362
variants, 146 prevalence, 14
benign sex headache (orgasmic cephalgia), 17 ‘brainstem’ SAH, 17
benzodiazepines, 294 Brandt–Daroff exercises, 148
beta blockers, 29 breast feeding, 104
in migraine, 30 bruxism, 9, 57–9, 74–5, 238–9, 261–75
betahistine, 148 awake vs sleep, 74
biofeedback training, 283, 295 causes, 238–9
duration of effect, 285 clinical examination, 262–4
efficacy, 284–5 essential components, 263
response predictors, 285 dental wear/damage, 248–9
biomechanics of craniocervical complex, 84 diurnal (bruxomania), 261, 264
biopsychosocial approach epidemiology, 261
CDH in children, 38, 39 etiology, 262
TMD management, 76 management, 264–72
bite see dental occlusion bracing, treatments during, 271–2
body awareness, 344 education/behavioral interventions, 267–71
borderline personality disorder, 296 Feldenkrais Method, 340
Botox see botulinum neurotoxin A tissue dysfunction, treatment for, 265–7
botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT-A) (Botox) prevalence, 261
analgesic effect, 348 primary vs secondary, 238
antinociceptor effect, 348–9 quality of life, 75


in TMD-related headache, 87, 239, 252 see also trigeminocervical complex

and vertigo, 144 cervical nociception see neck pain
see also awake bruxism; sleep bruxism cervical posture see head posture
bruxomania see bruxism, diurnal cervical rotation/extension exercises, 184–5
bullous myringitis, 118 cervical spine, 84
in migraine, 8
C osteopathic approach, 212–13
caffeine, 104, 105, 226 in Feldenkrais Method, 344, 345
calcium channel blockers, 29 and headache, 169–70
capsulitis, 74 mobility, reduced, 86
carbamazepine, 133, 294 cervical zygapophyseal joints
catamenial migraine, 26 anatomy, 44–5
catastrophic/sinister headaches, 10 neuroanatomy, 45
diagnoses, 13–15 neurophysiology, 45–6
management, 251 cervicogenic headache, 8–9, 43–53, 170, 239–40
producing normal CT scans, 15 assessment, 240–1
signs/symptoms of concern, 15 physical, 244–7
celiac disease, 227 subjective, 241–2, 243–4
central nervous system (CNS) background, 44
and MTPs, 323, 326 causes, 239–40
processing clinical features, 46–7, 84–6
cervical nociception, 95–100 physical features, 85–6, 90
in cervicogenic headache, 95–114 subjective features, 84–5, 89
glia, 97 CNS processing, 95–114
in TCN sensitivity, 96–7 definition, 43
cerebral infection, 6, 14, 362–3 description/mechanisms, 169–70
cerebral space-occupying lesions diagnosis, 9, 44, 100, 109, 172, 253
differential diagnosis, 27 diagnostic criteria, 170–2, 173
neurosurgery, 362–3 diagnostic nerve blocks, 47–9
cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, 18 dietary factors, 104–5
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) differential diagnosis, 83–94, 170
examination in SAH, 17 guidelines, 241, 242–3
in lumbar puncture headache, 21 estrogen, effects of, 103
pressure, elevated, 37 experimentally-induced, 43
cervical artery dissection, 27 family history, 101
cervical distraction, 247 hormonal factors, 101–4
cervical dysfunction incidence, 237
acupuncture for, 324 management/treatment, 9, 49–51, 109–10, 182–9
causes/contributing factors, 264 dry needling, 327
and facial pain, 122 of movement dysfunction, 182, 183
laser therapy for, 336 multimodal approach, 181–2
muscular, in cervicogenic headache, 86 of muscle system, 182, 183–8, 253
and otalgia, 120 deep/postural supporting muscle activation, 184–6
traumatic, 171, 341 endurance capacity training, 186–7
see also neck pain movement pattern training, 187
cervical examination, 247 strength/endurance training, higher level, 187–8
cervical extensor muscle exercises, 184–5, 186, 187 of neural system, 182, 188, 253
cervical flexor muscles, 175 neurosurgery, 359–60
exercises, 186–8 non-specific, 49
cervical nerves, 84 patient subgrouping, 251, 253


cervicogenic headache (Continued) chlorpromazine (Largactil), 28, 30

pharmacological, 100 chocolate, 105, 226
self-management regimen, 182, 189 chronic daily headache (CDH), 10
of sensorimotor system, 182, 188 Botox injections, 353–4
specific, 49–51 in children/adolescents, 38
spinal manipulative therapy, 198, 199–200 biopsychosocial approach, 38, 39
see also physiotherapy; in cervicogenic headache psychosocial factors, 105
nociceptive input, 98 chronic/ongoing headache, 20–1
osteopathic approach, 212–13 dry needling, 327
overlap with temporomandibular component, 237 functional model, 278–80
pain distribution, 241 psychosocial factors, 105
patient history, 100–7 chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, 62
patient subgrouping, 253 ciliary neuralgia, 135
physical examination, 107–9 citalopram, 294
prevalence, 83 classical migraine see migraine, with aura
psychosocial factors, 105–7 classification of headaches, 7, 13, 55, 237
with TMD-related headache, 241 Clinical Test of Sensory Integration of Balance, 145
cervicothoracic sidebending articulation, 216 clonazepam, 65
Chiari malformation, 360 clonidine, 64
children/adolescents ‘closed lock’ TMJ disc displacement, 73
headache, 33–42 cluster headache, 10, 135
acute, 35, 36 diagnosis, 18–19
recurrent, 35, 36–8 neurosurgery for, 361
case studies, 40–2 sleep-related, 59, 61
chronic non-progressive, 36, 38–9, 41–2 cluster migraine, 19, 134
chronic progressive, 35–6, 37, 40–1 CMD see craniomandibular disorder
dietary factors, 229 co-contraction
examination, 33–4, 35–6 protective, 71
investigations, 36 in TMD-related headache, 87
pattern of headache, 35–6 coenzyme Q10, 229
history taking, 33–5 cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT), 254, 283–4, 286,
questions, 34 294–5
mixed pattern, 35, 36 in cervicogenic headache, 109
prevalence, 33 duration of effect, 285
serious symptoms, 34–5 efficacy, 284–5
somatization pain, 33 minimal contact approaches, 286, 287
parafunctional jaw activities, 264 response predictors, 286
chirodontics, 206 common migraine see migraine, without aura
chiropractic, 195–210 computed tomography (CT) scan
activator adjusting instrument, 201 in general practice, 4
adjusting techniques, 201 in SAH diagnosis, 5, 16–17
assessment/management of CMD, 203–7 in vestibular dysfunction, 147
specific treatments, 204–7 computed tomography angiography (CTA), 5
treatment strategies, 204 consequences of headaches, 278, 280
assessment of headache, 200–1 long-term, 280
case study, 205 psychological, 293
contraindications to SMT, 200–1 continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 63, 64
description, 195 convergence, neuronal, 45, 46, 96, 197
duration, 202–3 conversion disorder, 292, 296
management of headache, 201–3 corneal disease, superficial, 128
patient selection, 196 cortical spreading depression (CSD) theory of migraine, 25


corticosteroid, 49 in headache assessment, 244

costs myofascial pain mimicking, 72
of headache, 237 referred, 118–19
of migraine, 19 dental restorations and TMD, 76
counseling dental therapeutic devices, 205
in tinnitus, 123 see also mandibular advancement devices; occlusal splints
in vestibular dysfunction, 150 dental wear/damage
counterstrain, 217 cracked tooth syndrome, 249
cracked tooth syndrome, 249 wear facets, 248–9
cranial accessory movements, 265 dentists, referral to, 63, 119
cranial allodynia, 25 depression, 296
cranial sutures, patent, 206 case studies, 295
cranial therapy, 206–7 in children/adolescents, 34, 38, 39
craniocervical complex, 83 and headaches, 289
biomechanics, 84 management, 251, 293
craniocervical flexion exercise, 184, 186–7, 188, 256 and migraine, 23, 26
craniocervical flexion program, 49 and morning headache, 62
craniocervical flexion test (CCFT), 174, 304 psychiatric assessment, 290–1
craniofacial tissue mobilization, 265–7 and psychological management of headache, 286
temporal-parietal region, 266–7 dermatitis of ear, 117
temporal-zygomatic region, 265–6 descriptive rating scales (DRS), 157
temporomandibular region, 267 diagnosis, 3, 13–15
craniomandibular disorder (CMD), 203–7 clinical questions, 14–15
causes/contributing factors, 203, 264 difficulties, 115
chiropractic care, 203–5 patient subgrouping, 250–3
cranial therapy, 206–7 primary vs secondary headache, 240
laser therapy for, 336 ‘red flags’, 4–6
multidisciplinary issues, 207 see also assessment of headache
neuromusculoskeletal integration, 205–7 diaries see headache diaries
treatment strategies, 204 diazepam, 294
see also temporomandibular disorder dietary factors
crash migraine (migrainous vasospasm), 17 cervicogenic headache, 104–5
CSF see cerebrospinal fluid identification, 105
CT angiography (CTA) see computed tomography in integrative medicine approach, 225–9
angiography mechanism of action, 104–5
CT scan see computed tomography migraine, 26
cutaneous alloying/neuronal sensitization, 25 management, 227–9
cytokines, 97, 107 toxic overload, 229–33
from gastrointestinal tract, 229–31
from liver, 231–3
D dietary history, 225
daily headache digastric, 265, 309–10, 317
with underlying cause, 20–1 dihydroxyergotamine (DHE), 28, 30
see also chronic daily headache disability, headache-related, 160–4, 282
decompressive neurosurgery, 357, 359, 360 disequilibrium, 143
deep brain stimulation, 358, 361, 362 diurnal bruxism (bruxomania), 261, 264
dental abscesses, 121, 244 Dix–Hallpike maneuver, 144, 146
dental occlusion (bite) dizziness
in CMD, 207 cervicogenic, 144
and TMD, 75–6 management, 148, 188
dental pain, 121 motion-induced, 142–3


dizziness (Continued) in TMD-related headache, 70, 73

multisensory, 143 eletriptan, 29
see also vertigo emotions and movement in Feldenkrais Method,
Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), 147 344–5
dopaminergic transmission, 26 encephalitis, 27
dothiepin, 294 endolymphatic hydrops see Ménière’s disease
drug-induced headache, 10 endolymphatic sac surgery, 148
analgesia overuse, 20–1, 100 endorphins in acupuncture, 327–8
pathophysiology, 21 endoscopic third ventriculostomy, 361
TCN in, 100 episcleritis, 129
comorbid psychopathology, 20 episodic headache see recurrent/episodic headache
toxic overload, 230 ergonomics, 254
treatment, 100 ergot withdrawal, 20
withdrawal of drug, 20 ergotamine, 13, 30
dry needling, 321–38 see also dihydroxyergotamine
CNS effects, 326 escalating headache, 17–18
complications, 330 escitalopram, 294
contraindications/precautions, 329–30 estrogen
deep vs superficial, 324 and headaches, 102, 103–4
efficacy, 323–6 hepatic clearance, 232
electrostimulation, 331 and TCN sensitivity, 103
fMRI studies, 326 Eustachian tube dysfunction, 118
guidelines, 326–8 event-sampling, 282
management of headaches, 323–4, 330–2 excitatory amino acids (EAAs), 96–7
case studies, 331–2 exercise
progression of treatment, 331 active, 183
mechanisms, 324–5, 327 self-management regimen, 189
of MTPs, 322, 324, 325 therapeutic (exercise therapy), 255
latent, 325 cervicogenic headache, 183, 199, 205, 253, 254–5
new patients, 330 muscle system impairment, 183, 184
patient subgrouping, 331 parafunctional activities/bruxism, 265–72
and peripheral neural pathways, 328–9 specific muscle activation, 184
thoracic region, 329 TMD-related headache, 255–6
twitch responses, 330 ‘exploding head syndrome’, 63
Dysport, 349 eye
disorders see ocular/orbital conditions
innervation, 127
E ‘eyestrain’, 130
ear infection, 116–18
ear nose throat (ENT)
orofacial pain, causes of, 115–25
specialists, referral to, 63–4 facial asymmetry, 265
ear wax, 117, 118 facial neuralgia, atypical, 133–4
earache see otalgia facial pain, 120–2
electroacupuncture, 327–8 differential diagnosis, 121
electroencephalography (EEG) in sleep, 57 and eye disease, 127–31
electromyography (EMG) and headache type, 122
in cervicogenic headache, 106 neurosurgery for, 362
in craniocervical flexion test, 174 non-rhinological, 121–2
in Feldenkrais Method case study, 341 rhinological, 120–1
surface EMG, 174 factitious disorder, 293


Feldenkrais Method, 339–46 glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 359

efficacy, 339 glucocorticoids, 116
features, 343 ‘glue ear’, 118
and headache, 340–3 gluten sensitivity, 227
in practice, 339–40 Grandenigo’s syndrome, 133
theory, 339, 343–5
body awareness, 344
emotions and movement, 344–5
habitual movement patterns, 343 habitual movement patterns and Feldenkrais Method, 343
muscle activation patterns, 344 habitual reverse technique, 267–8
whole skeleton engagement, 344 habituation exercises, 149
fever, 6 head posture
‘First or Worst’ headache see acute severe new-onset assessment, 245
headache forward
fish oil, 229 in cervicogenic headache, 85, 90, 100, 179
5 HT1 agonists see triptans in CMD management, 204–5, 206
flunarizine, 286 in headache assessment, 245
fluoxetine, 294 and neck pain, 179
fMRI see magnetic resonance imaging, functional in TMD-related headache, 71, 87–8, 90
food sensitivities, 225–6 and joint position error, 177
forward head posture see head posture, forward relocation practice, 188
Functional Gait Assessment, 145 head relocation practice, 188
‘Functional Integration’ lessons, 340 Head Thrust Test, 146
functional model of chronic headache, 278–80 head trauma
and headaches, 171

G neurosurgery, 362
as ‘red flag’, 6–7
gabapentin, 131, 294 headache
gait/balance training, 149 assessment see assessment of headache
gastrointestinal tract permeability, 230 and cervical spine, 169–70
testing, 230–1 diagnosis/management see management of headache
treatment, 231 functional model of, 278–80
gaze stability exercises, 149 in general practice, 3–11
gender differences history of, 4–6
cervicogenic headache, 85 patient subgrouping, 251–3
migraine, 23, 77 and psychiatric conditions, 289–90
temporomandibular disorder, 78 types
tension-type headache, 77 classification, 7, 13, 55
TMD-related headache, 87 co-existence, 47
general practice, headache in, 3–11 diagnostic difficulties, 115
general practitioner (GP), 4 and hormonal factors, 102
genetic factors see also management of headache; measurement of
cervicogenic headache, 101 headache; treatment of headache
in migraine, 26 headache diaries, 154–6
giant cell arteritis (GCA), 17–18, 128 in chiropractic care, 201
glaucoma example, 227–8
acute angle closure, 128, 129–30 in food sensitivity, 227
intermittent angle closure, 129 patient instructions, 282
glial cells vs questionnaires, 155–6
in analgesic tolerance, 101 Headache Disability Inventory (HDI), 160–1
in TCN sensitivity, 97, 98–9 Headache Disability Questionnaire (HDQ), 162


Headache Impact Questionnaire, 161 cerebral, 6, 14, 362–3

Headache Impact Test (HIT-6), 162–4, 202 ear
‘headache personality’, 279–80 bacterial, 117–18
headache phenomena, 278–9 viral, 116
hemicrania continua, 19 orbital, 130
hemicrania horologica, 63 skull base, 118
herpes zoster ophthalmicus, 128, 131 see also abscesses; cerebral infection
herpes zoster otalgia, 116 inferior oblique, 315, 318
high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) treatment inflammatory disorders of eye, 128–9
chiropractic, 201, 204, 205 instantaneous severe headache
osteopathic, 218–19 assessment algorithm, 5
risks/benefits, 219, 221 management, 6
and vertebrobasilar insufficiency, 220 integrative medicine, 225–35
histamine sensitivity, 226 description, 225
history of headaches, 4–6 dietary factors, 225–9
history taking, 14 toxic overload, 229–33
cervicogenic headache, 100–7 case study, 233
dietary history, 225 interleukins, 107
psychological approach, 281 International Classification of Headache Disorders, 13
hormonal factors in cervicogenic headache, 101–4 first level, 14
by headache type, 102 International Headache Society (IHS) diagnostic criteria,
hormone replacement therapy, 104 7, 13
Horton’s headache, 135 intestinal permeability, 230
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), 147 testing, 230–1
5 HT1 agonists see triptans treatment, 231
Hunt and Hess scale, 16 intracranial masses, 362–3
‘hurry sickness’, 282 intracranial pressure (ICP)
hydrocephalus, 360–1 raised, 6
hyperacute/thunderclap headache, 16–17 in children/adolescents, 37, 40–1
hyperalgesia in hydrocephalus, 360
in cervicogenic headache, 85–6, 90 in sleep-related headache, 244
in TCN sensitivity, 98–100, 108 see also benign intracranial hypertension
in TMD-related headache, 88, 90 invasive osteitis, 117–18
hypermetropia, 130 iridotomy, laser, 130
hypnic headache, 62 iritis, 128, 129
hypnotics, 64
hypochondriasis, 292
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, 107
hypoxemia, 61 jaw function, 241
hysteria see conversion disorder joint blocks, diagnostic, 172, 176
joint dysfunction models, 195–6

I joint position error (JPE), 177

ibuprofen, 28
idiopathic intracranial hypertension see benign intracranial
hypertension laser iridotomy, 130
idiopathic orbital inflammation (orbital pseudotumor), 130 laser therapy see low level laser therapy
imipramine, 294 latent myofascial trigger points, 302
immune system and stress/pain, 107 lateral atlantoaxial (C1-C2) joint, 43, 44, 45
indomethacin, 28 lateral atlantoaxial joint headache, 51
infection levator scapulae, 313–14, 318


life-threatening brain pathology, 87–8 Feldenkrais Method, 340–3

lignocaine, 49 pain management, 254
liver patient subgrouping, 250–3
detoxification, 231–3 see also psychiatric management; psychological
functional detoxification profile, 232, 233 management
enzymes management plans, 4
balancing, 232 mandibular advancement devices (MAD), 63, 64
induction, 233 mandibular deviation, 248
phase1/phase 2, 231–2 mandibular exercises, 255–6
function tests, 231 mandibular rest position, 204–5
toxic overload, 231–3 manipulative therapy, 183
case study, 233 see also physiotherapy
locus coeruleus, 98, 99, 107 manual cervical distraction, 247
longus capitis/colli, 175, 184, 186, 187 manual palpation of joint dysfunction, 173
lorazepam, 294 masseter, 264, 265, 306–7, 317
low level laser therapy (LLLT), 321, 332–6 masticatory muscles
case studies, 335–6 activity in bruxism, 58
choice of laser, 333 in bruxism, 238, 243, 244, 261–2
combined therapy, 335–6 dysfunction, 69, 70, 71
contraindications, 332, 333–4 hyperactivity, 87, 88, 90
guidelines, 334 hypertrophy, 262, 263
indications, 332 innervation, 84
mechanism, 333 motor control, 264
progression of treatment, 334 and myofascial trigger points (MTPs), 249
research evidence, 332–3 myospasm, 73
‘treatment effect’, 334 pain on waking, 60
low pressure headache, 21 in patient subgrouping, 249
lumbar puncture headache, 21 relaxation, 256
see also post-dural puncture headache in TMD, 78, 85, 87, 89–91, 238, 242
lymphadenopathy, 120 masticatory myalgia, 71, 75
lymphatic system, 214 McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), 159–60
dysfunction, 213–14 adequacy, 156
Short-form (SFMPQ), 159–60
adequacy, 156
M measurement of headache, 153–65
magnesium clinical measurement, 153–60
in CNS sensitivity, 102–3 headache pain, 157–60
in migraine prophylaxis, 229 headache-related disability, 160–4
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), 5 measurement tools
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accuracy, 154–6
functional (fMRI), 326 adequacy, 156
in vestibular dysfunction, 147 descriptive rating scales, 157
maladaptive reactions to headache, 280 diaries, 154–6
behavioral management, 284 vs questionnaires, 155–6
identification, 281 numerical rating scales, 157–8
malignant otitis externa, 117–18 visual analogue scales, 158–9
malocclusion, 264 see also specific tools
management of headache, 250–6 memory of pain, accuracy of, 156
ergonomics/posture, 254 musculoskeletal impairment, 160
exercise/spinal mobilization, 254–6 outcome measures, 154–6


medial branch nerve blocks, 48 self-medication, 4

medial branch RFN, 50 spinal manipulative therapy, 197, 198, 199
medication-induced headache see drug-induced headache see also physiotherapy; in migraine
memory of pain, accuracy of, 156 ocular manifestations, 134–7
Ménière’s disease (endolymphatic hydrops), 120, 123–4 pathophysiology, 24–6
‘atypical’, 124 mechanisms, proposed, 25–6
recurrent vestibulopathy, 142 and posture, 245
treatment, 148 prevalence, 14
meningitis, 27 preventive treatment, 4
menopause, 103–4 psychological approach, 281
menstrual cycle, 101–3, 241 recurrent vestibulopathy, 142
methysergide, 29 serotonin in, 98
metoprolol, 29 sleep-related, 59, 61
migraine, 23–31 vascular syndromes, 136–7
associated disorders, 24, 26 warnings/triggers, 20
associated/predisposing factors, 26 see also Raeder’s syndrome
without aura (common), 23 migraine-cluster, 19, 134
aura, 36, 135–6 Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS), 161–2,
blindness/aphasia, 136 202
with aura (classical), 23 ‘migraine personality’, 279–80
associated disorders, 23–4 migraine syndromes in children, 36–7
diagnostic criteria, 24, 135 milk thistle (Silybum marianum), 231
differential diagnosis, 136 mirtazapine, 294
ocular manifestations, 135–6 mobility assessment tools, 145
without aura (common) mobility, reduced, 86
diagnostic criteria, 24, 135 in cervicogenic headache, 86, 90, 172–3
multifactorial nature, 26 in TMD-related headache, 88, 90
ocular manifestations, 134–5 mood disorders, 290–1
cervical modulated migraine, 203 morning headaches see sleep-related/morning headaches
in children/adolescents, 33, 36–7, 41–2 motion disturbance management protocols, 202
symptoms, 36 motion-induced dizziness, 142–3
cluster migraine, 19, 134 motion-induced oscillopsia, 143
costs of, 19 motion palpation, 196
definition, 23 motor cortex stimulation, 358, 362
diagnosis, 3, 19–20 MTPs see myofascial trigger points
dietary factors, 104, 226, 227 muscle activation patterns and Feldenkrais Method, 344
management, 227–9 muscle disorders, 71–3
differential diagnosis, 26–7, 90–1 cervical, 174
epidemiology, 23–4, 77 fatigability/strength, 175–6
episodic headache, 352, 354 muscle activity pattern changes, 174–5
and facial pain, 122 in cervicogenic headache, 86, 90, 253
in general practice, 7–8 local myalgia, 71
management/treatment, 8, 19, 27–30 myofascial pain, 72
Botox injections, 351–3 myospasm, 72–3
combined psychological/drug therapy, 286–7 protective co-contraction, 71
conservative, 27 in TMD-related headache, 71–3, 88, 90, 252
cranial therapy, 207 muscle length, cervical, 176
pharmacological, 28–30 muscle pain see musculoskeletal pain; myalgia
physiotherapy, 8, 104 muscle spindles, 176–7
prophylaxis, 28, 30, 148, 353 muscle splinting see co-contraction


musculoskeletal impairment masseter, 306, 317

cervical, 172–9 mylohyoid, 310, 317
joint dysfunction, palpation of, 173 pterygoids, 308, 317
joint position error, 177 splenius capitis, 314, 318
muscle activity pattern changes, 174–5 sternocleidomastoid, 311–12, 317
muscle impairment, 174 sub-occipital muscles, 315–16, 318
range of movement, 172–3 temporalis, 306, 317
sensorimotor system, 176–7 trapezius, 312–13, 318
cervical posture, 179 in TMD-related headache, 243
in cervicogenic headache, 179–80 trigger point examination, 304–5
cervicogenic vs tension-type headache, 108 myositis, chronic see myalgia, centrally mediated
eye movement control, 177 myospasm, 72–3
measurement, 160
neural tissue compression, 179
osteopathic approach, 211–12
standing balance, 177 n-methyl-d aspartate (NMDA) receptors, 97
treatment for, 110 naratriptan, 28
musculoskeletal pain, 108 neck disorders see cervical dysfunction
myalgia neck movement in cervicogenic headache, 100,
centrally-mediated, 73 172–3
local, 71 neck muscles
in otalgia, 120 activity pattern changes, 174–5
see also musculoskeletal pain endurance/strength, 176
mylohyoid, 310–11, 317 exercises, 184–8
Myobloc, 349, 350 fatigability, 175–6
myofascial pain, 72, 239 impairment, 174
myofascial release, 217 length, 176
myofascial trigger point treatment, 302, 315–16, 317–18 muscle spindles, 176–7
dry needling/laser therapy, 321–38 neck pain, 95–100
research evidence, 323–6 and bruxism, 239
myofascial trigger points (MTPs), 72, 85–6, 301–3, 322–3 cervical posture, 179
active, 302 in cervicogenic headache, 109
associated, 302 chiropractic care case study, 205
causes, 302 in CNS sensitivity, 108
in cervicogenic headache, 240 eye movement control, 177–8
CNS involvement, 303, 326 glia as ‘volume control’, 97, 98–9
definition, 322 and headaches, 171
dry needling, 322, 324, 325 inputs/outputs of TCN, 99–100
guidelines, 326–8 joint position error, 177
twitch responses, 330 neural tissue compression, 179
examination, 248 sensorimotor system, 176–7
grading (depth), 305 standing balance, 177
identification, 303, 304–5 TMJ involvement, 206
inflammatory biochemicals, 302, 325–6 see also cervical dysfunction
laser therapy, 332, 333, 334, 335 neck relocation practice, 188
latent, 302 neck stiffness as ‘red flag’, 6
mechanism, 322–3 neck trauma, 171, 341
primary, 302 needling see acupuncture; dry needling
specific muscles neoplasia, 119, 120
digastric, 309–10, 317 neoplastic disease, 117
levator scapulae, 313, 318 see also brain tumors


nerve blocks, diagnostic, 44, 47–9 nocturnal migraine, 59

in cervicogenic headache, 172, 176, 247 non-rapid eye-movement (nonREM) sleep, 56–7
false negative blocks, 48 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
false positive blocks, 47–8 in migraine, 28–9
side effects, 48 for withdrawal headache, 20
technical issues, 48 nortriptyline, 29
validity, 47 numerical rating scales (NRS), 157–8
nerves adequacy, 156
cervical innervation, 84, 212–13 nystagmus, 144, 146
in cervicogenic headache, 44, 45, 46, 50
in eye, 127
and referred pain, 115
neural tissue compression, cervical, 179 obstructive sleep apnea (OSN)
neural tissue mechanosensitivity, 188 in children/adolescents, 39
‘neuralgic’ headache see cervicogenic headache and sleep bruxism, 58, 64
neurological ‘red flags’, 6 and tension-type headache, 62
neurologists, referral to, 63 occipital headache, 44
neuromatrix theory of pain, 96 occipital nerves, 46
neuromuscular release, 217 see also third occipital nerve
neuromusculoskeletal integration, 205–7 occipital neuralgia, 39, 360
neuropathic facial pain, 362 occipitofrontalis, 306–7, 317
neurosurgery, 357–63 occlusal splints, 78–9, 255
ablative procedures, 357–8, 360 night time, 264
conditions treatable, 358–63 occlusion see dental occlusion
benign intracranial hypertension, 361 ocular (retinal) migraine, 129, 130, 137
cervicogenic headache, 359–60 ocular/orbital conditions, 127–38
Chiari malformation, 360 classification/symptoms, 128
cluster headache, 361 pain without obvious disease, 131
hydrocephalus, 360–1 recurrent erosion syndrome, 128
intracranial masses, 362–3 refractive errors/misalignment, 128, 130
neuropathic facial pain, 362 sight-threatening conditions, 128
occipital neuralgia, 360 oculomotor exercises, 188
trigeminal neuralgia, 358–9 olive oil supplements, 229
decompressive procedures, 357, 359, 360 omega-3 fatty acids, 229
deep brain stimulation, 358 onset factors, 279
motor cortex stimulation, 358 ophthalmic nerve, 46
peripheral nerve stimulation, 358 ophthalmic pain syndromes, 131–4
spinal nerve stimulation, 358 ophthalmodynia periodica, 131
in trigeminal neuralgia, 133 ophthalmoplegia, painful, 132–3
neurotoxic amines, 230 ophthalmoplegic migraine, 136
neurotransmitters optic neuritis, 128, 130
in cervicogenic headache oral contraceptives
dietary factors, 104 and headaches, 103
hormonal changes, 102, 103 and pain threshold, 241
TCN sensitivity, 97, 98 orbital infection, 130
see also specific neurotransmitters orbital pseudotumor (idiopathic orbital inflammation), 130
new daily persistent headache (NDPH), 38 orofacial dysfunction indicators, 270–1
nitrate sensitivity, 226 orofacial exercises, 256
nitric oxide (NO), 62, 97 orofacial pain
nociception, cervical see neck pain classification, 55
Nociception Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression ear nose throat (ENT) causes, 115–25
System (NTI-tss), 78 muscular origins, 56


oscillopsia, motion-induced, 143 pain distribution assessment, 241

osteitis, invasive (skull base), 117–18 pain dysfunction syndrome (PDS), 59
osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis pain map, 46
in cervicogenic headache, 44 pain referral see referred pain
of TMJ, 73, 74 papilledema, 18
osteopathy, 211–24 parafunctional activities, 261–75
diagnosis, 214–15 in childhood, 264
manipulative techniques, 215, 216–19 clinical examination, 262–4
articulatory techniques, 216 essential components, 263
counterstrain, 217 epidemiology, 261
high velocity low amplitude, 218–19 etiology, 262
muscle energy technique, 217–18 management, 264–72
myofascial/neuromuscular release, 217 bracing, treatments during, 271–2
prescription, 215–16 education/behavioral interventions, 267–71
soft tissue techniques, 216 tissue dysfunction, treatment for, 265–7
principles, 211–14 and motor functions/dysfunctions, 262
autonomic nervous system dysfunction, 213 paratrigeminal neuralgia (Raeder’s syndrome)
cervical spine dysfunction, 212–13 (cluster migraine), 19, 134
in headache management, 211 paroxetine, 294
lymphatic system dysfunction, 213–14 particle repositioning, 148
musculoskeletal dysfunction, 211–12 partners
safety, 220–1 involvement in assessment, 281
screening examination, 211–12 maladaptive reactions to headache, 280
studies/systematic reviews, 221 patient needs in general practice, 4
otalgia (earache), 115–16 patient subgrouping, 249, 250–3, 331
causes percutaneous drug therapy, 359
non-otological, 118–20 peri-aqueductal gray (PAG)/rostroventromedial medulla
otological, 116–18 (RVM) system, 98
differential diagnosis, 116 perichondritis, 117
otitis externa, 117–18 peripheral nerve stimulation, 358, 360
otitis media, 118 peripheral nervous system
otoliths, 141 dry needling, 328–9
oxazepam, 294 in MTP triggering, 323
personality disorders, 291–2
personality traits, 279–80
P pharyngeal pathology, 119–20
PAG/RVM system see peri-aqueductal gray/ phenylethylamine sensitivity, 226
rostroventromedial medulla system pain physiotherapy
and airflow restriction, 62–3 for cervicogenic headache, 109, 169–94
and immune system, 107 movement dysfunction, 182, 183
management, 254 muscle system, 182, 183–8
measurement neural system, 182, 188
descriptive rating scales, 157 pain management, 182–9
headache pain, 157–60 self-management regimen, 182
numerical rating scales, 157–8 sensorimotor system, 182, 188
visual analogue scales, 158–9 in migraine, 8, 104
memory of, 156 for parafunctional activities, 264–5
neuromatrix theory, 96 see also manipulative therapy
thresholds and menstrual cycle, 101–2 pinna, inflammation of, 116–17
see also specific pain areas pizotifen, 29


polyarthritides, 74 self-monitoring, 281–2

post-dural puncture headache, 39 cervicogenic, 109
see also lumbar puncture headache responsibility, dissemination of, 281
post-exercise soreness see myalgia, local treatment, 282–4
post-herpetic neuralgia, 131 cost-effectiveness, 286
post-traumatic headaches, 47 with drug treatment, 286–7
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 70–1 duration of effect, 285
postural taping, 245, 246, 254, 255 efficacy, 284–5
posture group therapy, 286
assessment, 245, 303 minimal contact approaches, 286, 287
cervical region, 303–4 response predictors, 285–6
temporomandibular region, 304 psychological stress see stress
in cervicogenic headache, 253 psychosocial factors in cervicogenic headache, 104,
correction, 245, 246 105–7
exercises, 186 psychotic disorders, 291
in headache assessment, 245–7 psychotropic drugs, 291
in headache management, 254 pterygoid muscles, 265
retraining, 205 lateral, 308–9, 317
in TMD-related headache, 252 medial, 307–8, 317
see also head posture pulsatile tinnitus, 124
predisposing factors, 279
measurement, 282
and cervicogenic headache, 103 quality of life
dry needling in, 329–30 with bruxism, 75
presbyacusis, 123, 130 measurement, 282
primary myofascial trigger points, 302 questionnaires/scales
progesterone, 102, 103 in chiropractic care, 201
propranolol, 29, 30 measurement of pain/disability, 159–64
with relaxation/biofeedback training, 286 in psychological assessment, 282
prostaglandins, 102 vs headache diaries, 155–6
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 117
pseudotumor cerebri see benign intracranial hypertension
psychiatric conditions, 289–90
psychiatric factors in headache, 289 radiofrequency neurotomy (RFN), 359–60
assessment, 290–3 in cervicogenic headache, 9
interviewing, 290 electrode placement, 50
specific disorders, 290–3 results, 50–1
case studies, 295–6 thermal RFN in cervicogenic headache, 50–1
management, 293–5 radiosurgery, stereotactic, 359
non-pharmacological, 294–5 Raeder’s syndrome (paratrigeminal neuralgia)
pharmacological, 293–4 (cluster migraine), 19, 134
psychiatric management of headache, 289–97 Ramsay–Hunt syndrome, 116
psychogenic headache, 290 rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep, 56–7
psychological consequences of headache, 293 and cluster headache, 61
psychological distress, 105 and migraine, 59
psychological management of headache, 277–88 phases, 57
assessment, 280–2 rapid opening/closing of mouth exercise, 272
functional analysis vs diagnosis, 280–1 rebound headache, 10
interviewing, 281 drug-induced, 20
questionnaires/inventories, 282 rectus capitis posterior major/minor, 315–16, 318


recurrent/episodic headache selective noradrenalin reuptake inhibitors

diagnosis, 18–20 (SNRIs), 293–4, 296
frequency, 18 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 291,
prevalence in children, 33 293, 296
recurrent erosion syndrome, 128 semi-circular canals, 140–1
‘red flags’, 4–7 sensorimotor system in neck, 176–7
for CNS disease, 146–7 sentinel headache, 16
in headache assessment, 240–1 serotonin
neurological, 6 depletion in migraine, 26
red wine, 105, 226 and dietary factors, 105
referred pain in menstrual cycle, 101, 103
from cardiovascular ischemia, 63 in PAG/RVM system, 98
in cervicogenic headache, 45–6, 47, 137, 237, 239–40 serotonin syndrome, 291, 296
pain distribution, 241 sertraline, 294
experimentally-induced, 169–70 setting factors, 279
myofascial, 72 behavioral management, 284
from neck to head, 137, 169 Sharpened Homberg, 145
neuroanatomical basis, 84, 115 Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SFMPQ), 159–60
otalgia, 116, 118–19 adequacy, 156
pain map, 46 shoulder posture, 206
from throat to ear, 120 Silybum marianum (milk thistle), 231
in TMD-related headache, 237 silymarin, 232
pain distribution, 241 sinus headache, 10
rehabilitative programs, 181, 182, 188 diagnosis/overdiagnosis, 3, 10
cervical, 255, 256 sinus lesions, 130, 133
temporomandibular, 255 sinus pain, 121
see also physiotherapy; vestibular rehabilitation sinusitis, 3, 10, 122
relapsing perichondritis, 117 rhinosinusitis, 120–1
relaxation training, 283 skull base osteitis, 117–18
duration of effect, 285 sleep apnea
efficacy, 284–5 in children/adolescents, 39
response predictors, 286 and cluster headache, 61
relaxation treatment, 295 see also obstructive sleep apnea
sleep bruxism, 64–5 sleep bruxism (SB), 55, 57–9, 74–5, 238
tension-type headache, 38 classification, 74
retinal (ocular) migraine, 129, 130, 137 clinical predictors, 60
RFN see radiofrequency neurotomy diagnosis, 58–9, 75
rheumatologists, referral to, 63 differential diagnosis, 60
rhinosinusitis, 120–1 etiology, 58, 75
rizatriptan, 28, 29 and headache, 58–9, 61
management, 64
new treatments, 64–5
S physiological sequence of events, 58
sacro-occipital technique (SOT), 206 predictors, 243–4
SAH see subarachnoid hemorrhage prevalence, 74–5
scales see questionnaires/scales and sleep microarousals, 58
scapular muscle re-education, 186–7 and TMD, 75, 243
schizophrenia, 291 tooth contact, 58
school absenteeism, 38 sleep clinics, referral to, 63
scleritis, 128–9 sleep disorders
secondary headache, 13, 237 and bruxism, 262


sleep disorders (Continued) Step Test, 145

and headache, 55–63 stereotactic radiosurgery, 359
respiratory, 55 sternocleidomastoid, 174, 175, 311–12, 317
sleep quality with TTH, 62 in cervicogenic headache, 240
sleep-related/morning headaches, 6, 9, 59, 61–3 steroids, intra-articular, 49
assessment, 243–4 stress
classification, 59 in cervicogenic headache, 105–6
differential diagnosis, 63 cognitive–behavioral therapy for, 284
referral, 63–4 diagnosis, 106
symptoms, 63 experimentally-induced, 106
sleep structure, 56–7 as headache trigger, 105–6, 279, 280, 289
and bruxism, 56–9 mechanism, 107
cyclic alternating patterns (CAP), 57 and immune system, 107
hypnogram, 56 and otalgia, 120
microarousals, 57, 58 and TMD, 70
ultradian sleep cycles, 57 stress management, 254, 264
slump position, 245, 344, 345 stroke, 24, 26, 63
slump test, 245 stylohyoid, 265
SMT see spinal manipulative, therapy sub-occipital muscle group, 315–16, 318
‘snapping of the brain’, 63 subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
social support, measuring, 282 causes, 16
sodium valproate (valproic acid), 29, 30, 294 diagnosis, 5–6, 16–17
somatic dysfunction, 214–15 differential diagnosis, 27
somatization disorder, 292 due to trauma, 7
space-occupying lesions, cerebral grading (Hunt and Hess scale), 16
differential diagnosis, 27 prevalence, 14
neurosurgery, 362–3 sleep-related, 63
spatula test, 249–50 subdural hematoma, 18
spinal locking, 218 subluxation, 195–6
spinal manipulative (manual) therapy (SMT) clinical signs, 196
contraindications, 200–1 diagnosis, 196
description, 195–6 pain mechanisms, 197
effects, 197 suboccipital inhibition, 216
and head pain, 197 substance abuse, 291
headache management, 197–200, 255 case study, 295
cervicogenic headache, 109, 198, 199–200, substance P, 96, 97
254–5 sumatriptan, 28, 29, 291
migraine, 197, 198, 199 SUNCT syndrome, 19, 134
systematic reviews, 200 surgery
tension-type headache, 198, 200 in Ménière’s disease, 148
spinal mobilization, 49, 253 in trigeminal neuralgia, 133
spinal muscle retraining, 109 swallowing
spinal nerve stimulation, 358 normal, 269
spinal subluxation see subluxation and orofacial dysfunctions, 269–70
splenius capitis, 314–15, 318 tongue teeth breathing/swallowing (TTBS)
stabbing headache, 14 exercise, 268–9
standing balance, 177 ‘swimmer’s ear’, 117
Staphylococcus aureus, 117 sympathetic nervous system, 213, 214
START osteopathic diagnosis, 214, 215 synovitis, 74


T management, 251, 252

overlap with cervical component, 237
tachyphylaxis, 21 pain distribution, 241
TCN see trigeminocervical nucleus patient subgrouping, 252
temporal arteritis, 6 prevalence, 83
temporal headaches in patients over 55, 6 temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 73–4
temporal-parietal tissue mobilization, 266–7 disc displacements, 73, 87, 239, 304
temporal-zygomatic tissue mobilization, 265–6 treatment, 265
temporalis, 265, 306, 317 dislocation, 73–4
temporomandibular area tissue mobilization, 267 evaluation, 247–9
temporomandibular disorder (TMD), 69–71 clicking/crepitus, 247–8, 304
anatomy, 70 dental wear/damage, 248–9
assessment mandibular deviation, 248
posture, 303–4 muscle palpation, 248
trigger point examination, 304–5 tongue indentation, 249
chiropractic care, 203–4, 205 fracture, 119
classification, 71 inflammatory disorders, 74
definition, 69, 238 innervation, 84
differential diagnosis, 78 neck, relationship with, 206
epidemiology, 78 neoplasia in, 119
etiology, 69–70 tender points, 85, 87
and facial pain, 121–2 tension-type headache (TTH), 9
and headache, 76–9, 238–9 in children/adolescents, 38–9, 41–2
management, 76, 252 chronic, 105
Botox injections, 354–5 with chronic daily headache, 10
cranial therapy, 206 classification, 38
low level laser therapy, 334 epidemiology, 77
myofascial trigger point treatment, 301–20 episodic, 20
pharmacological, 78 and facial pain, 122
muscles contributing, 306–16 management/treatment
and otalgia, 119 Botox injections, 353
prevalence, 69, 83 cranial therapy, 207
risk factors, 70, 71 dry needling, 327, 331–2
see also craniomandibular disorder psychological therapy, 331–2
temporomandibular disorder (TMD)-related headache, with drug therapy, 287
9, 69–82 spinal manipulative therapy, 198, 200
assessment, 240–1 and posture, 245
physical, 242–3, 244–9 prevalence, 3, 14
subjective, 241–2, 243–4 psychological approach, 281
with cervicogenic headache, 241 sleep-related, 62
clinical features, 86–8 and sub-occipital MTPs, 315–16
physical features, 87–8, 90 third occipital headache (headache of Bogduk), 44
subjective features, 87, 89 RFN in, 50
definition, 238 third occipital nerve (TON), 44, 45, 48, 50
diagnosis, 252 third occipital nerve blocks, 48
differential diagnosis, 83–94 third ventriculostomy, endoscopic, 361
guidelines, 241, 242–3 thoracic spine
in Feldenkrais Method case study, 342–3 in Feldenkrais Method, 344, 345
gender differences, 87 osteopathy, 213
incidence, 237 thunderclap headache, 16–17


tiagabine, 65 descending control systems, 95, 97–8

time-sampling, 282 glia, 97
Timed Up and Go Test, 145 hyperalgesia/allodynia, 98–100
tinnitus, 122–4 nociceptive input, 96–7, 108
causes, 123–4 physical examination findings, 108–9
differential diagnosis, 122 trigeminovascular theory of migraine, 25
pulsatile, 124 trigger points see myofascial trigger points
treatment, 123 triggers
and vertigo, 144 allergic responses, 104, 225
TMD see temporomandibular disorder behavioral management, 284
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome, 132–3 headache, 105–6, 107, 279
tongue indentation, 249 migraine, 20
tongue position evaluation, 245 see also myofascial trigger points
tongue teeth breathing/swallowing (TTBS) exercise, triptans (5 HT1 agonists), 8, 291
268–70 in migraine, 28, 29–30
breathing exercise, 269 pathophysiology of overuse, 21
swallowing exercise, 269–70 withdrawal, 20
teeth apart exercise, 269 trismus see co-contraction
tongue up exercise, 268–9 TTH see tension-type headache
tooth grinding/tapping see bruxism; sleep bruxism tumors, intracranial see brain tumors
tooth/gum sensitivity, 244 tyramine sensitivity, 226
topiramate, 29, 294
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 321
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), 131
trapezius ultradian sleep cycles, 57
dry needling, 329 upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), 62
upper, 175, 312–13, 318 upper cervical flexion/extension, 246, 256
trauma see head trauma; neck trauma uveitis, 129
treatment of headache
objectives, 153–4
outcome measures, 154–6
tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) valproic acid see sodium valproate
in migraine, 29, 30 varicella zoster virus, 116
in tension-type headache, 9, 20 vascular causes of headache, 14
trigeminal nerve vascular events, intracranial, 362
blocks, 44 vascular theory of migraine, 25
in cervicogenic headache, 84 vasoactive amines, 230
convergence, 213 venlafaxine, 294
dermatomal supply, 331 ventriculoperitoneal shunting, 360
distribution of branches, 327–8 verapamil, 29
neuroanatomy, 45–6 vertebral arteries
trigeminal neuralgia, 133 cervical spine, relationship to, 220
management, 358–9 compromise in osteopathy, 219
trigeminocervical complex, 25 vertebral artery syndrome, 200–1
trigeminocervical nucleus (TCN), 45 vertebral subluxation see subluxation
control pathways, 97–8 vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI), 201, 219–21
inputs/outputs, 99–100 pre-manipulation testing, 220
in MTP dry needling, 327 vertigo
and neuromatrix theory of pain, 96 assessment, 144–7
sensitivity cervical spine assessment, 147


balance/mobility assessment, 147 outcome predictors, 150

benign paroxysmal positional (BPPV), 140, 148 patient selection, 149
clinical syndromes, 142–4 vestibular suppressants, 148
differential diagnosis, 144 vestibular system, 139, 140
examination, 144–7 central vestibular system, 141
handicap/psychological assessment, 147 peripheral vestibular apparatus, 140–1
history, 144 vestibulopathy
and tinnitus/bruxism, 144 acute (vestibular neuritis/neuronitis), 142, 149
visual, 144 recurrent, 142
see also dizziness vision protection in children, 37
vestibular ablation, chemical, 148 visual analogue scales (VAS), 158–9, 241
vestibular adaptation exercises, 149 adequacy, 156
vestibular dysfunction, 139, 141, 148–50
assessment, 144–7
cervical spine assessment, 147
tools, 145, 146, 147 waking, headache on see sleep-related/morning headaches
balance/mobility assessment, 147 whiplash injuries
clinical syndromes, 142–4 in cervicogenic headache, 108, 110
compensation, 141 and headaches, 171
differential diagnosis, 144 and TMD, 70
epidemiology, 140 whole skeleton engagement and Feldenkrais Method, 344
examination, 144–7 wiggle technique, 272
handicap/psychological assessment, 147 withdrawal headache, 20
history, 144
medical, 148
physical, 148–50 zolmitriptan, 28
‘red flags’ for CNS disease, 146–7 zygapophyseal (C2-C3) joint headache, 49
vestibular neuritis/neuronitis see vestibulopathy, acute zygapophyseal joints, 45
vestibular rehabilitation, 117, 148–50 C2-C3 joint, 44, 45, 86
additional components, 150 in cervicogenic headache, 84, 86, 253
efficacy, 150 facet joints, 44
exercise prescription, 149–50 in TMD-related headache, 84
exercise types, 149


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