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Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl.

6:1-19 (2002)
© Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik

Hyalella armata (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalellidae) and the description of a

related new species from Lake Titicaca
Exequiel R. González1, Charles O. Coleman2
Depto. de Biología Marina, Universidad Católica del Norte, Casilla 117, Coquimbo, Chile,
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Humboldt-Universität, Invalidenstraße 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany;

Received 13 March 2002 ⋅ Accepted 12 August 2002

Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876) was considered for a long time to be a monotypic species. The peculiar morphology, very distinct from other
species in Lake Titicaca, was not analysed in detail after the original description. However, the present authors’ study of an extensive col-
lection from The Natural History Museum in London has revealed two morphologically distinct species. We herein redescribe H. armata and
describe the new species H. longispina.

Key words: Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalella, Lake Titicaca, taxonomy

Introduction Material and methods

The distinctive fauna of amphipod crustaceans of the The following material was studied (see Fig. 14):
genus Hyalella Smith, 1874 in Lake Titicaca has
been extensively sampled, but not properly studied.
The first work by Faxon (1876), based on the Hyalella armata
material collected by A. Agassiz and S. W.
Garthman in 1875, identified seven endemic and one From the collection of C. Dejoux: Lago Menor
not endemic species. Later, Chevreux (1904, 1907) (material illustrated), Gulf of Puno, Gulf of Desa-
described four species collected by Dr. Neveu- guadero, Chuquito, Juli, between Taquili and
Lemaire during the Mission de Crequi Montfort et Amantane. From the Crawford collection, Natural
Senegal de la Grange to Lake Titicaca. Chevreux History Museum, London (numbers in brackets =
also redescribed two of Faxon’s species. Two more specimens): Coata Bay, GIC 253, 23 m (196); Coata
major sampling efforts were made in the Lake. In Bay, GIC 286, 12-19m (15); Coata Bay, GIC 275,
1937, G. I. Crawford collected extensively in the 30m (30); Coata Bay, GIC 296, 19m (12); Coata
Lake during the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition and Bay, GIC 321, 1m (1); Coata Bay, GIC 283, 12-15m
deposited the material of about 20,000 specimens in (4); Coata Bay, GIC 304, 23m (19); Coata Bay, GIC
the Natural History Museum of London. More than 268, 30 m (16); Coata Bay, GIC 291, 19m (201);
15,000 specimens were collected by C. Dejoux of Coata Bay, GIC 263, 30 m (204); Coata Bay, GIC
ORSTOM, France (Dejoux 1992). The present study 160a (2); Coata Bay, GIC 282 (1); Isla Suana, P. 46,
deals with two of the spiny forms of Hyalella GIC 993/1a 14.2-14.6m (3); without location, GIC
present in the Lake, H. armata (Faxon, 1876) and 170a, 6m (1), GIC 160a (2).
the new species H. longispina. Material deposited in the Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology (Harvard University) by A. Agassiz
and S. W. Garthman, and identified by Faxon, was
also examined.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 2

Hyalella longispina n. sp. Description of male. Size 9.5 mm. Body with a
posterior dorsal transverse ridge on every segment
Holotype male, 10 mm; PERU, Lake Titicaca, (Fig. 1a). Epimeral plate 1 round, 2 straight, 3
Choccocoyo Bay, St. P 6, GIC 481, 11-23 m, leg. acuminate (Fig. 1b).
Crawford, 25.VI.1937. Paratypes (collecting data as Head smaller than first two thoracic segments,
holotype): allotype female, 9 mm; 106 males, 6- typically gammaridean, rostrum absent. Eyes pig-
10mm; 93 females, 5-10 mm. All deposited at The mented, medium, round, located behind insertion of
Natural History Museum, London (holotype: antenna 1.
2002.311; allotype: 2002.312; other paratypes: Antenna 1 (Fig. 4d) shorter than antenna 2,
2002.313-322). Additional material (in brackets = slightly longer than peduncle of antenna 2; peduncle
number of specimens) from the Crawford collection, longer than head, articles 1 and 2 subequal in length,
Natural History Museum, London: Taman, GIC article 3 shorter than article 1, and same length as
1327, 36-38 m (7); Taman, GIC 1323, St. P67, 56- article 2; flagellum of 12 articles, same as peduncle,
61 m (29); Taman, GIC 256/3, 15-30m (3); Taman, basal article not elongated.
GIC 1325/1 St. P67, 56-61 m (3); Patón, GIC 850, Antenna 2 (Fig. 4e) less than half body length;
St. P. 19, 25-34m (5); Patón, GIC 843 P. 17, 25-34m peduncle slender, longer than head, article 4 shorter
(5); Siripata Bay, GIC 1005/1 P52, 12.3-16.2m (21); than article 5, setal groups on article 4 and 5
Molinopampa, GIC 881, P. 24,19-27m (1); abundant; flagellum of 13 articles, longer than
Molinopampa, GIC 884, P. 28, 25m (8); article 5, basal article elongated. Upper lip (labrum)
Molinopampa, GIC 890, P. 28, 25m (4); wider than long, entire, ventral margin slightly
Ancoraimes, P. 20, GIC 854/1, 12-24m (3); rounded to truncate.
Ancoraimes, P20, GIC 855/2, 12-24m (1); Basic amphipodan mandible (in the sense of
Capachica, GIC 333, 20m (3), Choccocoyo, GIG Watling 1993); incisor toothed (Fig. 4g); left lacinia
468 (478?) (5). mobilis with five teeth; setae row on left mandible
The animals were transferred into glycerol and with three main setae without accessory setae, right
drawn with a camera lucida on a Leica Wild M8 mandible with two main setae without accessory
dissecting microscope. Specimens were dissected, setae; molar large, cylindrical and triturative,
appendages and mouthparts were transferred onto accessory seta absent. Lower lip (Fig. 4c) outer
slides in glycerol and drawn under a Leica DMLB lobes rounded without notches or excavations,
light microscope using a camera lucida. Morphome- mandibular projection of outer lobes round.
tric measurements were taken with a dissecting Maxilla 1 (Fig. 2a, c) palp uniarticulate, longer
microscope and a camera lucida calibrated with a than wide, reaching more than half the distance
stage micrometer. The results were calculated and between base of palp and tip of setae on outer plate,
plotted with Microsoft Excel using the linear distal setae strong; inner plate slender, smaller than
regression mode. outer plate, with two strong and pappose apical
setae; outer plate with nine stout and serrate setae.
Maxilla 2 (Fig. 3b) inner plate subequal in length
Systematics and width to outer plate, one strong pappose seta on
inner margin, outer and inner plates with abundant
Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876) (Figs 1-5) setules.
Maxilliped (Fig. 3a) inner plates apically trunca-
Allorchestes armatus Faxon, 1876: 364–367, figs 1- ted, with three conate setae, pappose setae apically
18. and medially; outer plates larger than inner plates,
Hyalella armata – Stebbing (1888: 455); Della Valle apically truncated, apical, medial and facial setae
(1893: 514-515, tav. 58, figs 2-3); Stebbing (1906: simple; palp longer than outer plate, four articles;
577); Barnard & Barnard (1983: 708). article 2 wider than long, medial margin with long
Hyalella (Austrohyalella) armata – Bousfield (1996: simple setae; article 3 outer distal face with several
188). long simple setae, inner distal face with long
plumose setae, inner distal margin with long setae,
Type material. Museum of Comparative Zoology, outer margin with one or two strong and long
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. plumose setae; dactylus unguiform, shorter than
Type locality. Achacache, Lake Titicaca, BOLIVIA. third article, distal setae simple and shorter than nail,
inner border without setae, distal nail present.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 3

Coxae 1 to 4 increasing in size, apically subequal to peraeopod 6, basis posterior lobe wider
acuminate (Fig. 1a). Coxa 4 (Fig. 3e) much deeper than deep.
than 1 to 3 and at right angle to sagittal plane of Pleopods not modified; peduncle slender; longest
body, wing-like. Coxa 1 subequal to 2 and 3. Coxa 3 ramus longer than peduncle.
(Fig. 4b) narrower than 4. Coxa 4 deeper than wide, Uropod 1 (Fig. 2f) longer than uropod 2; peduncle
excavated posteriorly. Coxa 5 (Fig. 3f) posterior longer than rami; rami subequal; inner ramus with
lobe deeper than anterior. Coxa 6 anterior lobe two dorsal and six distal setae, two of them longer,
small. male without curved setae on inner side of the
Gnathopod 1 (Fig. 1d) subchelate; carpus wider ramus; outer ramus with one dorsal seta, and three
than long, subequal in length and as wide as distal setae; peduncle setation present.
propodus, with strong and wide posterior lobe, Uropod 2 (Fig. 3d) rami subequal; inner ramus
produced and forming a scoop-like structure, open to with two dorsal and three distal setae; outer ramus
the inside, inner face with four to seven pappose without dorsal and four distal setae; peduncle
setae, border pectinate and with several pappose setation present.
setae; propodus (Fig. 4a) length less than two times Uropod 3 (Fig. 2d) same length as urosomite 3,
maximum width (quadrangular), hatchet-shaped, shorter than peduncle of uropod 1, shorter than
with no setae on anterior border, inner face with peduncle of uropod 2; peduncle globose, wider than
more than ten pappose setae, without small ramus, with two strong distal and two marginal
triangular setae, distoposterior and distoanterior setae; inner ramus absent; outer ramus uniarticulate,
borders without setose scales, palm slope slightly shorter than peduncle, basal width more than two
oblique, margin convex, posterior distal corner with times tip of ramus, with three simple apical slender
robust setae; dactylus claw-like, no setae on inner setae, and one conate seta.
curvature, congruent with palm. Telson (Fig. 3c) wider than long, entire, apically
Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 1c) subchelate; basis hind rounded, with more than two short simple setae,
margin with group of seven or more setae; merus arranged symmetrically on the apical margin.
with less than seven setae on posterior margin, Coxal gills sac-like, on segments 2 to 6. Ventrola-
postero-distal margin straight, distal corner rounded; teral sternal gills tubular, present on segments 3 to 7.
carpus posterior lobe elongate, produced between
Characters of female that differ from male. Size
merus and propodus, border pectinate with several
8.8 mm. Antenna 1 flagellum with eight articles.
pappose setae; propodus triangular, distoposterior
Antenna 2 flagellum with ten articles. Gnathopod 1
and distoanterior borders without setose scales, palm
(Fig. 5a, b) similar in size and of same shape as
longer than posterior margin, slope oblique, margin
gnathopod 2; similar to male gnathopod 1 in size and
straight, several medium-size setae, anterior edge
shape. Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 5c, d) smaller than male
with a small process, posterior distal corner with
gnathopod 2 and different in shape, propodus length
weak setae, and with change of slope; dactylus claw-
less than two times maximum width, normally
like, congruent with palm, no setae on inner
subchelate, palm transverse.
Peraeopods 3 to 7 simple. Peraeopods 3 and 4 Habitat. Freshwater, epigean, normally more than
merus and carpus posterior margins each with four 10 m depth.
hind marginal clusters of long setae; propodus
Distribution. Endemic to Lake Titicaca, Peru and
posterior margin with two to four groups of setae;
dactylus half length of propodus. Peraeopods 5 to 7
all similar in structure and slightly longer
successively; dactylus more than half length of Hyalella longispina n. sp. (Figs 6-11)
propodus. Peraeopod 5 (Fig. 3f) subequal to
peraeopod 4, basis posterior lobe deeper than wide, Type material. See above section on material and
smaller than posterior lobe of peraeopod 7, merus methods.
with two hind marginal setae, proximal and distal
setae subequal. Peraeopod 6 (Fig. 2b) longer than Description of male holotype. Head (Fig. 6) longer
peraeopod 4, basis posterior lobe deeper than wide, than peraeonite 1, rostrum absent. Eyes circular.
similar to posterior lobe of peraeopod 5, smaller than Peraeonites and pleonites 1-3 with transverse roun-
posterior lobe of peraeopod 7. Peraeopod 7 (Fig. 2e) ded elevations near posterior margin. Epimera 1-3
with straight posterior margin, epimeral plate 1
rounded ventrally, plate 2 with rounded posteroven-

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 4

tral angle, plate 3 pointed posteroventrally. with short setae; dactylus weakly curved with
Urosomite 1 longest; urosomite 2 rather short, with microtrichs on inner curvature. Peraeopod 3 coxa
urosomite 3 attached to the posterodorsal margin; (Fig. 9b) similar to that of gnathopods, but anteriorly
urosomite 3 surpassed by the telson. deeply excavate; basis with anterior straight margin,
Antenna 1 (Fig. 6b) peduncular article ratios: posteromarginally sinuous; ischium as for gnathopod
1:1:0.67; flagellum damaged, at least 10 articles. 2; merus slightly expanded distally and slightly
Antenna 2 (Fig. 8d) peduncular article 1 massive, drawn out anterodistally; merus to propodus sube-
deeply incorporated in lateral head shield, articles 3- qual in length, successively narrower; dactylus stout
5 successively longer; 10 flagellar articles. Labrum with apical nail. Peraeopod 4 (Fig. 9a) coxa with
(Fig. 6d) truncate, with hair-like setae close to apical extremely elongate pointed process, directed
margin. Mandible with 5-dentate incisor on the right laterally, wing-like (Fig. 7), span from left to right
side (4-dentate on left); lacinia mobilis with 2 strong process apex longer than total body length (Fig. 12),
teeth and a few smaller denticles on the right additional short subacute process on posterior
mandible (3 teeth on left); setal row consisting of 2 margin close to body articulation of coxa; basis to
long setae and a row of shorter setae; pars molaris dactylus as for peraeopod 3, except for slightly
ridged with stout seta on the anterior face. Lower lip longer carpus and dactylus. Peraeopod 5 (Fig. 10a)
(hypopharynx) (Fig. 6f) with wide rounded lobes coxa wider than long, bilobed, anterior lobe
and short rounded mandibular processes. Maxilla 1 ventrally rounded and slightly shorter than narrower
palp uniarticulate, not reaching distal margin of posterior lobe; basis tapering distally, weakly
outer plate, with 1 terminal seta; outer plate with 9 rounded anteromarginally with groups of setae,
strongly serrate apical spiniform setae; inner plate posterior margin slightly sinuous, apical region with
slender with 2 apical pappose setae. Maxilla 2 (Fig. weak depression; ischium longer than wide, with
8b) inner plate slightly wider and shorter than outer, straight anterior margin and weak excavation
with one stout long medial seta and rows of apical posteriorly; merus somewhat expanded distally,
setae shorter than those on outer plate. Maxilliped drawn out posterodistally, with apical group of
(Fig. 8c) inner plate with 3 apical robust setae; outer setae; carpus 1.12 x merus; propodus 1.28 x merus,
plate longer than inner plate, relatively slender; palp dactylus only weakly curved. Peraeopod 6 (Fig. 10b)
article 2 medially produced; article 3 ovoid; article 4 coxa bilobed, anterior lobe very short, angular; basis
slender, with apical nail. Gnathopod 1 (Fig. 8a, e) similar in shape to that of peraeopod 5, but wider
coxa with strongly tapering and pointed process, and longer; ischium as for peraeopod 5; merus to
directed lateroventrally (Fig. 7); basis slightly con- propodus similar in shape, much longer than those of
cave anteromarginally, convex posteroventrally; peraeopod 5, relative lengths 1.00:1.26:1.32, dac-
ischium subquadrate with anteromarginal notch; tylus slightly longer than that of peraeopod 5.
anterior margin of merus with articulation of carpus; Peraeopod 7 (Fig. 10d) shorter than peraeopod 6,
carpus with setose posteromarginal rounded lobe; coxa smallest, rounded anteroventrally, posterior
propodus expanded distally, two groups of setae on margin rather straight; basis much wider than those
the outer face, medial face with stout setae; palm of peraeopods 5-6, ovoid, lobate posteroventrally,
with setae of different length and one posterior groups of setae on anterior margin; shape of ischium
spine-like seta; dactylus stout and only weakly to dactylus as for peraeopod 6. Pleopods (Fig. 10c)
curved. Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 9d) coxa directed more normal. Uropod 1 (Fig. 11f) peduncle longer than
ventrally than those of peraeopods 1 and 3, shape inner ramus, outer ramus slightly shortened;
similar to gnathopod 1 but longer (142 %), wider peduncle and rami sparsely setose, rami with
proximally; basis with anterior straight margin, terminal setae of different length. Uropod 2 (Fig.
posteriorly slightly convex with some marginal 11c) peduncle as long as inner ramus, outer ramus
setae; ischium subquadrate, anterior margin slightly shortened compared to inner, with terminal
expanded distally; merus subrectangular, posterodi- setae only. Uropod 3 reduced in length, peduncle
stally angular; carpus shorter than that of gnathopod longer than ramus, only one ramus present, with
1, with projecting, relatively narrow carpal lobe, some terminal setae. Telson wider than long, entire
guarding more than half length of the posterior with some marginal short setae (Fig. 11g).
margin of propodus, with some terminal short setae
Characters of female allotype that differ from
and a row of setae on the medial face; propodus
male holotype. Size 9 mm. Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 11a,
massive, expanded distally, palm oblique, with two
b) resembles gnathopod 1 (Fig. 11e, d) in the wide
short spine-like setae at posterior angle, palm lined

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 5

and strongly setose carpal lobe. Propodus of there is evidently no intermediate character state of
gnathopod 2 very similar to that of gnathopod 1. the length/width ratio in these populations.
The low number of morphological characters
Habitat. Freshwater, epigean, more than 10 m
separating these two species perhaps reflects their
recent origin. Without success we tried to extract
Distribution. Endemic to Lake Titicaca, Peru and DNA from the museum samples in order to get
Bolivia. genetic information on these populations. With fresh
material we would like to check in a future study if
there are more characters on the molecular level.
Discussion A comparable similarity between hyalellid popu-
lations in Lake Titicaca occurs in the H. echinus
The high diversity of species of Hyalella in the lake complex we are currently working on.
is unexpected and not well understood (Crawford et
al., 1993). The amphipod fauna in Lake Titicaca has
been compared with the fauna of Lake Baikal and Acknowledgements
the speciation events considered similar. However, it
is important to consider that Lake Titicaca is not as Dr. Ardis Johnston from the Museum of
old as Lake Baikal. According to Lavenu (1992), the Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, loaned
present lake system on the Altiplano is derived from Faxon’s material. This work was largely funded by
a more ancient system which was there since the Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile, and
lower Pleistocene, no more than two millions years University of Maine, USA. Thanks also to Dr. C.
ago. Bousfield (1982) suggested that the endemic Dejoux for providing specimens for this study. Ms.
fauna of the lake could not be older than the lake Jaqueline Meier made the drawings of H. longispina.
basin, estimated by him as originating 10 million
years ago.
Similar to Lake Baikal also in Lake Titicaca References
several amphipod species have body processes. It is
conceivable that these pointed processes act as a Barnard, J. L., & Barnard., C. M. (1983): Freshwater
defense mechanism against predation as there are Amphipoda of the World. vol. I. Evolutionary
more than 28 species of fish in the lake. Patterns, vol. II. Handbook and Bibliography. 830
When we started to work on H. armata we found pp., Hayfield Associates, Mt. Vernon, Virginia.
striking differences in the length of the coxal Bousfield, E. L. (1982): Amphipoda: paleohistory.
acumination within the extensive samples collected Pp. 96-100 in: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science
by George Crawford. At a closer look and after a and Technology for 1982-1983.
morphometric analysis of the length/width ratio of Bousfield, E. L. (1996): A contribution to the reclas-
the animals (Fig. 13), a discontinuity between these sification of Neotropical freshwater hyalellid
two populations became apparent. These differences amphipods (Crustacea: Gammaridea, Talitroidea).
were used to separate two distinct species. Both Boll. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Verona 20: 175-224.
species are very different from all hyalellids known Chevreux, E. (1904): Mission de Crequi-Monfort et
so far. They bear pointed coxal plates that are Senegal de la Grange. Note preliminaire sur les
directed laterally, which is unique in the Hyalellidae. amphipodes recueillis par M. le Dr. Neveu-
We searched for further characters, such as setal Lemaire dans le Lac Titicaca. (Julliet, 1903).
patterns and length relations of articles of Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 29: 131-134, 2 figures.
appendages, in order to find additional morphologi- Chevreux, E. (1907): Les amphipodes des lacs des
cal and morphometrical differences between these hauts plateaux de l’Amerique du Sud. Mission
groups. However, we only found a large variability Scientifique G. de Crequi-Monfort et Senegal de
in these characters. Nevertheless we consider the la Grange, Lacs Hauts Plateaux de l’Amerique du
non-overlapping character clouds of the length/width Sud. 22 pp, figs 30-41.
ratios as indicators of genetic separation of these Crawford, G. I., Harrison, K., Lincoln, R. J. &
populations. There is no geographical or obvious Boxshall, G. A. (1993): An introduction to the
habitat separation of both populations, but they species flock of amphipods (Crustacea) of Lake
inhabit various locations in Lake Titicaca (Fig. 14). Titicaca. Workshop Speciation in Ancient Lakes.
In spite of a potential contact of these populations, Evolution, Biodiversity, Conservation. Scientific

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 6

Station of the Hautes-Fagnes, Mont-Rigi, Lavenu, A. (1992): Origins, formation and

Robertsville, Belgium. geological evolution. Pp. 3-15 in: Dejoux, C. &
Dejoux, C., (1992): The Amphipoda. Pp. 346-356 Iltis, A. (eds) Lake Titicaca. A Synthesis of
in: Dejoux, C. & Iltis, A. (eds) Lake Titicaca. A Limnological Knowledge. Kluwer Academic
Synthesis of Limnological Knowledge. Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Stebbing, T. R. R. (1888): Report on the Amphipoda
Netherlands. collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years
Della Valle, A. (1893): Gammarini del Golfo di 1873-1876. Rep. Sci. Res. Voy. H. M. S.
Napoli. Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel angrenz. Mee- Challenger 1873-1876, Zool. 29: 1-1737, 210 pls.
res-Abschn., Monogr. 20: 1-948, 61 pls. Stebbing, T. R. R. (1906): Amphipoda I. Gammaridea.
Faxon, W. (1876): Exploration of Lake Titicaca by Das Tierreich 21: 1-806.
Alexander Agassiz and S. W. Garman. IV. Watling, L. (1993): Functional morphology of the
Crustacea. Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool. 3: 361-375, amphipod mandible. J. Nat. Hist. 27: 837-849.
37 figs.

Fig. 1. Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876), male 9.5 mm. a: left aspect of habitus; b: epimeral plates 1-3; c: gnathopod 2; d: gnathopod 1. Scale
bars: a, b = 727 µm; c, d = 192 µm.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 7

Fig. 2. Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876), male 9.5 mm. a: maxilla 1; b: peraeopod 6; c: palp of maxilla 1; d: uropod 3; e: peraeopod 7; f: uro-
pod 1. Scale bars: a, c, d = 94 µm; b, e, f = 192 µm.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 8

Fig. 3. Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876), male 9.5 mm. a: left maxilliped. b: maxilla 2; c: telson; d: uropod 2; e: peraeopod 4; f: peraeopod 5.
Scale bars: a, b = 94 µm; c-f = 192 µm.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 9

Fig. 4. Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876), male 9.5 mm. a: gnathopod 1 detail; b: peraeopod 3; c: lower lip (hypopharynx); d: antenna 1, distal
flagellomeres omitted; e: antenna 2, distal flagellomeres omitted; f: upper lip (labrum); g: left mandible. Scale bars: a = 94 µm; b-g = 192

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 10

Fig. 5. Hyalella armata (Faxon, 1876), female “f” 8.8 mm. a: gnathopod 1; b: chela of gnathopod 1; c: gnathopod 2; d: chela of gnathopod 2.
Scale bars: a, d = 192 µm; b, c = 94 µm.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 11

Fig. 6. Hyalella longispina n. sp., holotype male, 10 mm. a: habitus; b: antenna 1; c: left mandible; d: upper lip (labrum); e: right mandible; f:
lower lip (hypopharynx). Scale bars a = 1 mm; b, c, e = 100 µm; d, f = 200 µm.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 12

Fig. 7. Hyalella longispina n. sp., holotype male, 10 mm. Dorsal habitus.

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González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 13

Fig. 8. Hyalella longispina n. sp., holotype male, 10 mm. a: gnathopod 1 detail; b: maxilla 2; c: maxilliped, palp of right side omitted; d:
antenna 2; e: gnathopod 1; f: maxilla 1. Scale bars: a-d, f = 100 µm, e = 200 µm.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 14

Fig. 9. Hyalella longispina n. sp., holotype male, 10 mm. a: peraeopod 4; b: coxa of peraeopod 3; c: basis to dactylus of peraeopod 3; d:
gnathopod 2, setation of medial face of carpal lobe omitted. Scale bars: a-d = 200 µm.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 15

Fig. 10. Hyalella longispina n. sp., holotype male, 10 mm. a: peraeopod 5; b: peraeopod 6; c: pleopod 1; d: peraeopod 7. Scale bars: a-d =
200 µm.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 16

Fig. 11. Hyalella longispina n. sp., a, b, e, d; female allotype, 9 mm; c, f, g male holotype, 10 mm. a: chela of peraeopod 2; b: peraeopod 2;
c: uropod 2; d: peraeopod 1; e: chela of peraeopod 1; f: uropod 1; g: uropod 3 and telson. Scale bars: a, e = 100 µm; b-d, f, g = 200 µm.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 17

Fig 12. Hyalella armata complex. a. H. armata, dorsal habitus aspect. b. H. armata, left lateral view. c. H. longispina n. sp.

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 18


width (coxae 4)


8 longispina

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

animal length

Fig. 13. Body length vs. width for two populations of the Hyalella armata complex, n=40. The two separate clouds of dots show the distinc-
tion between H. longispina n. sp. (black triangles) from Choccocoyo-Bay, GIC 481, and H. armata (grey diamonds) from Coata Bay, GIC

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

González & Coleman: Hyalella armata (Faxon) and H. longispina n. sp. 19

Fig. 14. Map of Lake Titicaca with collecting sites of Hyalella armata (circles) and Hyalella longispina (diamonds).

Org. Divers. Evol. 2, Electr. Suppl. 6 (2002)

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