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Health Care

By: Angela Purgiel

Figure 1 (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2015)

O Overview
O Important Laws related to Health Care
O Work Place Violence Act
O Stress and how it Impacts Health Care
O Evidence based Practice
O Middle Range Theory
O Teaching Methods/ Group Activity
O Reflection
O Conclusion
What is Health care Law?
O What is law?
O Prescriptive
O Proscriptive
O Financial Ties
Figure 2. (Vick, 2014)
O State Laws and Federal Law
O Legislate, Regulate, and Litigate
O Why is it important to Nursing?
O access to high-quality health care for all

(Foret Giddens, 2013)

I’m Just a Bill

(Youtube, 2010)
Laws Impacting Healthcare
O Social Security Act of 1965
O Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1966
O Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act 2010 (Foret Giddens, 2013)

Figure 3. (The Data Center Journal, 2015) Figure 4. (@healthcaregov, 2015)

Work Place Violence Act
O Stress Related to Workplace Violence
O Assessment
O Elevated Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
O Sleep Disturbances
O Trouble Focusing
O Declining Job Performance
O Ulcers

(Michigan Nurses Association, 2014)

Appraisal/ Factors Influencing
Health Care Stress
O Stress Response
O Effects all Body Systems
O Perceived or Real Stress
O Severe and/or prolonged
stress causes over activation
and dysregulation of the
hypothalamic pituitary
adrenal (HPA) axis thus
inflicting detrimental
changes in the brain
structure and function.
Figure and Content (The American Institute of Stress, n.d.)
Critical Thinking
O Clinical Manifestations of Stress Directly
affecting Nurse performance
O Frequent headaches
O Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms
O Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusion
O Frequent crying spells or suicidal thoughts
O Trouble learning new information

(The American Institute of Stress, n.d.)

O Stress Medications
O Benzodiazepines
O Ativan
O Clonazepam
O SSRI/Antidepressants
O Prozac
O Celexa
O Paxil

("Stress Medications," 2015)

Theory Integration
Middle Range Nursing Theory-
Quality of Nursing Care

A theoretical model of quality, based on an

organismic worldview, provides a framework
for understanding health care quality. June H Larrabee
Figure 5. (Information and Resources
for Nurses Worldwide, 2010)
Research and Laws
O Workplace Violence Legislation
O Assaulting a health care professional
performing his or her duties would be a felony
O Punishable by imprisonment or a fine
(Michigan Nurses Association, 2014)

Figure 6. (Prezi, 2015)

A Closer Look at the Study
O Abstract
O Emergency nurses experiences and perceptions of violence from
patients and visitors in US emergency y departments.
O The ED is a particularly vulnerable setting for workplace violence, and
because of a lack of standardized measurement and reporting
mechanisms for violence in healthcare settings, data are scarce.
O Registered nurses members of the Emergency Nurses Association
participated in this cross-sectional study by completing a 69-item
O Approximately 25% of respondents reported experiencing
physical violence more than 20 times in the past 3 years, and almost
20% reported experiencing verbal abuse more than 200 times during
the same period.
O Violence against ED nurses in highly prevalent.

(Gacki-Smith & Juarez, 2010)

Group Activity
O Break into Groups of 2-3
O Research a Nursing Organization and Health
care purposed Legislation
O Find 2 ways to get involved
O Present Brief overview of the legislation and
ways to get involved to the group
Example: Michigan Nurses
Association and Workplace
O Attend your local membership meetings
O Follow MNA on Facebook and Twitter
O Become an MNA Legislative Liaison
O Contact Ann Kettering Sincox, 517-256-
2312 (cell);
(Michigan Nurses Association, 2014)

Figure 7. (Michigan Nurses Association, 2014)

O Health Care Law is challenging to relate to
pathophysiology and pharmacology
O Very important to expose nursing students
to this concept
O Many ways to become involved from simple
to complex
O Health Care Law integral to Nursing
O Affects all aspects of health
O Long process before approval
O How Can you Get involved
The Data Center Journal. (2015). What Does It Take to Be HIPAA-Compliant in the Cloud? Retrieved from
@healthcaregov. (2015, July). [Tweet]. Retrieved
AARP. (2010). How Health Reform Will Affect Health Care Qualityand the Delivery of Services . Retrieved from
American Nurses Association. (2007). Influencing Health Care in the Legislative Arena. The Online Journal of Issues
Affecting Nursing.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Health Care Reform. Retrieved from
Foret Giddens, J. (2013). Concepts for Nursing Practice. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby Elsevier.
Gacki-Smith, J., & Juarez, A. M. (2010). Violence against nurses working in US emergency departments. Journal of
healthcare protection management, 81-99. Retrieved from
Information and Resources for Nurses Worldwide. (2010). June H Larrabee. Retrieved from
Michigan Nurses Association. (2014). Workplace Violence Legislation Passes Senate. Retrieved from
Prezi. (2015). Copy of Horizontal Violence: Patient to Nurse. Retrieved from
RAND Health. (2015). Comprehensive Assessment of Reform Efforts (COMPARE). Retrieved from
Stress Medications. (2015). Retrieved from
The American Institute of Stress. (n.d.). 50 common signs and symptoms of stress. Retrieved from
Vick, J. (2014). Health Care Law and You. Retrieved from
Youtube. (2010, May). Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law [Video file]. Retrieved from

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