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The beginning of Japan's history

The main events begin in the Jomon Period (8,000 BC) , favoring the
fact that the Japanese like to tell their History almost always beginning
with this period. Living from hunting and fishing, they developed stone
tools that facilitated this practice, such as polished stone. They also
developed the bow, the arrow, and the spear. They used to buld their
own houses using braches of trees. Still in the period Jomon began to
make use of the pottery.


In the period known as Yayoi (300-500 BC) the use of metals with
polished stone and agricultural implements began. But with the arrival
of immigrants, they began to cultivate rice, the consequence was
changes in the social, political and economic life of the villagers,
because collective work was required for this service. As a
consequence, there were divisions of social classes.

Nara Period (710 AD)

In the year 710 AD, the city of Nara became the capital of Japan.
Kyoto became the main political and cultural center.

In the tenth century, the Samurais was a social class ( Bushi ). They
settled in the government from the clan Taira (1167). The samurai
followed a code of honor called Bushido . In this code, it was better to
die with honor than to live without it. In 1878 the samurais was not a
social class anymore because of the Meiji Restauration

The loyalty of the samurai to their code of honor and their skill with
the katana is remarkable .
From 1921 to present times
Japan participated in World War II, but it was already a failure. In 1941,
the Japanese air forces attack the US base of Pearl Harbor declaring
war on the United States and England. In 1942, Japan showed signs
of weakness cause of the ravages of the war.

Japan quickly recovered from the war and became one of the world's
greatest economic powers.

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