Water Diary Template: How Much Water Do You Use?

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How much water do you use?

Keep a diary of how often you do the following activities. Put a tick next to each one. At the end of the day add up
the amount of water you have used. You can add any extra activities involving water at the bottom of the table.

Activity Amount of water Number of times Total water

(litres) in one day used in litres

Brushing teeth (tap turned off) 1

Brushing teeth (tap left running) 5

Washing hands and face 5

Shower 30

Bath 80

Flushing toilet 7

Cup of tea/hot or cold drink 0.3

Washing clothes (washing machine load) 70

Washing clothes by hand 25

Dishwasher 30

Washing dishes in the sink 6

Total amount of water used in 1 day

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