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4 Chemical Equilibrium


Physical Chemistry
Electronic Edition
Publisher: MCH Multimedia Inc.

Problems and Solutions

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants

Chapter 4
*problems with an asterisk are slightly more demanding
Equilibrium Constants
4.1. A reaction occurs according to the equation:
2A  Y + 2Z

If in a volume of 5 dm3 we start with 4 mol of pure A and find that 1 mol of A remains at equilibrium, what is the equilibrium
constant Kc?
4.2. The equilibrium constant for a reaction below is 0.1:
A+B  Y+Z

What amount of A must be mixed with 3 mol of B to yield, at equilibrium, 2 mol of Y?

4.3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction below is 0.25 dm6 mol–2
A + 2B  Z

In a volume of 5 dm3, what amount of A must be mixed with 4 mol of B to yield 1 mol of Z at equilibrium?
4.4. The equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction:
2SO3(g)  2SO2(g) + O2(g)

is 0.0271 mol dm–3 at 1100 K. Calculate KP at that temperature.


Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants

4.5. When gaseous iodine is heated, dissociation occurs:

I2  2I

It was found that when 0.0061 mol of iodine was placed in a volume of 0.5 dm3 at 900 K, the degree of dissociation (the fraction of
the iodine that is dissociated) was 0.0274. Calculate Kc and KP at that temperature.

4.6. It has been observed with the ammonia equilibrium:

N2 + 3H2  2NH3

that under certain conditions the addition of nitrogen to an equilibrium mixture, with the temperature and pressure held constant,
causes further dissociation of ammonia. Explain how this is possible. Under what particular conditions would you expect this to
occur? Would it be possible for added hydrogen to produce the same effect?
4.7. Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, exists in equilibrium with dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4:
N2O4(g)  2NO2(g)

At 25.0 °C and a pressure of 0.597 bar the density of the gas is 1.477 g dm–3. Calculate the degree of dissociation under those
conditions, and the equilibrium constants Kc, KP, and Kx. What shift in equilibrium would occur if the pressure were increased by the
addition of helium gas?

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants

4.8. At 25.0 °C the equilibrium:

2NOBr(g)  2NO(g) + Br2(g)

is rapidly established. When 1.10 g of NOBr is present in a 1.0-dm3 vessel at 25.0 °C the pressure is 0.355 bar. Calculate the
equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx.
4.9. At 100 °C and 2 bar pressure the degree of dissociation of phosgene is 6.30 × 10–5. Calculate KP, Kc, and Kx for the dissociation:
COCl2(g)  CO(g) + Cl2(g)

4.10. In a study of the equilibrium
H2 + I2  2HI

1 mol of H2 and 3 mol of I2 gave rise at equilibrium to x mol of HI. Addition of a further 2 mol of H2 gave an additional x mol of HI.
What is x? What is K at the temperature of the experiment?

*4.11. The equilibrium constant for the reaction below is 20.0 at 40.0 °C:
H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

The vapor pressure of solid iodine is 0.10 bar at that temperature. If 12.7 g of solid iodine are placed in a 10-dm3 vessel at 40.0 °C,
what is the minimum amount of hydrogen gas that must be introduced in order to remove all the solid iodine?

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants

4.12. The degree of dissociation α of N2O4(g) is 0.483 at 0.597 bar and 0.174 at 6.18 bar. The temperature is 298 K for both
measurements. Calculate KP, Kc, and Kx in each case.
(Hint: See Example 4.1.)
4.13. One mole of HCl mixed with oxygen is brought into contact with a catalyst until the following equilibrium has been established:
4HCl(g) + O2(g)  2Cl2(g) + 2H2O(g).

If y mol of HCl is formed, derive an expression for KP in terms of y and the partial pressure of oxygen.

(Hint: First develop expressions for the ratios xCl2 /xHCl and xH 2O /xCl2 in terms of y and PO2 )

4.14. Using the result of Problem 4.13, evaluate KP for an experiment in which 49% HCl and 51% O2 are brought into contact with a
catalyst until the reaction is complete at 1 bar and 480 °C. The fraction of HCl converted per mole is found to be 0.76.
4.15. 10.0 g of HI is introduced into an evacuated vessel at 731 K and allowed to reach equilibrium. Find the mole fractions of H2, I2, and
HI present at equilibrium. KP = Kc = Kx = 65.0 for the reaction H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g).

(Hint: see Example 4.2)


Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants and Gibbs Energy Changes

Equilibrium Constants and Gibbs Energy Changes

4.16. The equilibrium constant for the reaction

in benzene solution at 10 °C is 2.19 × 10–3 mol dm–3.

a. Calculate ∆G° for the dissociation of the dimer.
b. If 0.1 mol of benzoic acid is present in 1 dm3 of benzene at 10 °C, what are the concentrations of the monomer and of the dimer?
4.17. At 3000 K the equilibrium partial pressures of CO2,
CO, and O2 are 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 atm, respectively. Calculate ∆G° at 3000 K for the reaction:
2CO2(g)  2CO(g) + O2(g)

4.18. The conversion of malate into fumarate:
1. malate(aq)  fumarate(aq) + H2O(l)

is endergonic at body temperature, 37 °C; ∆G° is 2.93 kJ mol–1. In metabolism the reaction is coupled with
2. fumarate(aq)  aspartate(aq)

for which ∆G° is – 15.5 kJ mol–1 at 37 °C.

a. Calculate Kc for reaction 1.
b. Calculate Kc for reaction 2.
c. Calculate Kc and ∆G° for the coupled reaction 1 + 2.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Equilibrium Constants and Gibbs Energy Changes

4.19. From the data in Appendix D, deduce the ∆G° and KP values for the following reactions at 25.0 °C:

a. N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)

b. 2H2(g) + C2H2(g)  C2H6(g)
c. H2(g) + C2H4(g)  C2H6(g)
d. 2CH4(g)  C2H6(g) + H2(g)

4.20. Calculate Kc and Kx for each of the reactions in Problem 4.19 assuming total pressures of 1 bar in each case.
4.21. At 25.0 °C the equilibrium constant for the reaction:
CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)

is 1.00 × 10–5, and ∆S° is 41.8 J K–1 mol–1.

a. Calculate ∆G° and ∆H° at 25.0 °C.
b. Suppose that 2 mol of CO and 2 mol of H2O are introduced into a 10-dm3 vessel at 25.0 °C. What are the amounts of CO, H2O,
CO2, and H2 at equilibrium?
4.22. Suppose that there is a biological reaction:
1. A + B  Z

for which the ∆G° value at 37.0 °C is 23.8 kJ mol–1. (Standard state = 1 mol dm–3.) Suppose that an enzyme couples this reaction
2. ATP  ADP + phosphate

for which ∆G° = –31.0 kJ mol–1. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 37.0 °C for these two reactions and for the coupled reaction
3. A + B + ATP  Z + ADP + phosphate


Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.23. The equilibrium between citrate and isocitrate involves cis-aconitate as an intermediate:
citrate  cis-aconitate + H2O  isocitrate

At 25 °C and pH 7.4 it was found that the molar composition of the mixture was:

90.9% Citrate
2.9% cis-aconitate
6.2% Isocitrate

Calculate the equilibrium constants for the individual reactions, and for the overall reaction, and ∆G° for the citrate-isocitrate
4.24. The solubility product of Cr(OH)3 is 3.0 × 10–29 mol4 dm–12 at 25 °C. What is the solubility of Cr(OH)3 in water at this temperature?
Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants
4.25. A gas reaction:
A  B+C

is endothermic and its equilibrium constant KP is 1 bar at 25 °C.

a. What is ∆G° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 bar)?
b. Is ∆S°, with the same standard state, positive or negative?
c. For the standard state of 1 M, what are Kc and ∆G°?
d. Will KP at 40 °C be greater than or less than 1 bar?
e. Will ∆G° at 40 °C (standard state: 1 bar) be positive or negative?

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.26. A solution reaction:

A+B  X+Y

is endothermic, and Kc at 25 °C is 10.

a. Is the formation of X + Y exergonic at 25 °C?
b. Will raising the temperature increase the equilibrium yield of X + Y?
c. Is ∆S° positive or negative?
4.27. From the data given in Appendix D, for the reaction:
C2H4(g) + H2(g)  C2H6(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S° at 25 °C; what is the standard state?
b. KP at 25 °C.
c. Kc at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
d. ∆G° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
e. ∆S° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
f. KP at 100 °C, on the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent.
4.28. From the data in Appendix D, for the reaction:
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 bar).
b. KP at 25 °C.
c. ∆G° and KP at 2000 °C, on the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.29. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 400 K for the reaction:

3O2(g) → 2O3(g).
where ∆fG°(O3, g) = 163.2 kJ mol–1.
4.30. The hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate to give adenosine diphosphate and phosphate can be represented by:

The following values have been obtained for the reaction at 37 °C (standard state: 1 M):

G   – 31.0 kJ mol –1
H   – 20.1kJ mol –1

a. Calculate ∆S°.
b. Calculate Kc at 37 °C.
c. On the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, calculate ∆G° and Kc at 25 °C.
4.31. Thermodynamic data for n-pentane(g) and neo-pentane(g) (standard state: 1 bar and 25 °C) are as follows:

Enthalpy of Formation, Entropy, Sº J K–1

Compound H οf kJ mol–1 mol–1
n-Pertane(g) – 146.44 349.0
Neopentane(g) – 165.98 306.4

a. Calculate ∆G° for n-pentane → neopentane.

b. Pure n-pentane is in a vessel at 1 bar and 25 °C, and a catalyst is added to bring about the equilibrium between n-pentane and
neopentane. Calculate the final partial pressures of the two isomers.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.32. a. An equilibrium constant Kc is increased by a factor of 3 when the temperature is raised from 25.0 °C to 40.0 °C. Calculate the
standard enthalpy change.
b. What is the standard enthalpy change if instead Kc is decreased by a factor of 3 under the same conditions?
4.33. a. The ionic product [H+] [OH–], which is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water;
H2O  H+ + OH–

is 1.00 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6 at 25.0 °C and 1.45 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6 at 30.0 °C. Deduce ∆H° and ∆S° for the process.
b. Calculate the value of the ionic product at body temperature (37 °C).
4.34. The equilibrium constant KP for the reaction I2(g) + cyclopentane(g)  2 HI(g) + cyclopentadiene(g) varies with temperatures
according to the equation:
log10(KP/bar) = 7.55 – 4844/(T/K)
a. Calculate KP, ∆G°, ∆H°, ∆S° (standard state: 1 bar) at 400 °C.
b. Calculate Kc and ∆G° (standard state: 1 M) at 400 °C.
c. If I2 and cyclopentane are initially at 400 °C and at concentrations of 0.1 M, calculate the final equilibrium concentrations of I2,
cyclopentane, HI, and cyclopentadiene.
4.35. From the data in Appendix D, for the synthesis of methanol,
CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(l)

Calculate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° and the equilibrium constant at 25 °C.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.36. The bacterium nitrobacter plays an important role in the “nitrogen cycle” by oxidizing nitrite to nitrate. It obtains the energy it
requires for growth from the reaction
NO 2– (aq)  O2 (g)  NO3– (aq)
Calculate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° for this reaction from the following data, at 25 °C:

 f H  f G
Ion –1
kJ mol kJ mol –1

NO 2– –104.6 –37.2
NO 3– –207.4 –111.3
4.37. When the reaction:
glucose-1-phosphate(aq)  glucose-6-phosphate(aq)

is at equilibrium at 25 °C, the amount of glucose-6-phosphate present is 95% of the total.

a. Calculate ∆G° at 25 °C.
b. Calculate ∆G for reaction in the presence of 10–2 M glucose-1-phosphate and 10–4 M glucose-6-phosphate. In which direction
does reaction occur under these conditions?
4.38. From the data in Appendix D, for the reaction

CO2(g) + H2(g)  CO(g) + H2O(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° (standard state: 1 bar and 25 °C).
b. The equilibrium constant at 25 °C.
c. From the heat capacity data in Table 2.1, obtain an expression for ∆H° as a function of temperature.
d. Obtain an expression for ln KP as a function of temperature.
e. Calculate KP at 1000 K.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.39. Irving Langmuir [J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 28, 1357 (1906)] studied the dissociation of CO2 into CO and O2 by bringing the gas at 1 atm
pressure into contact with a heated platinum wire. He obtained the following results:

T/K Percent Dissociation

1395 0.0140
1443 0.0250
1498 0.0471

Calculate KP for 2CO2(g) = 2CO(g) + O2(g) at each temperature, and estimate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° at 1395 K.
4.40. G. Stark and M. Bodenstein [Z. Electrochem.,16, 961(1910)] carried out experiments in which they sealed iodine in a glass bulb and
measured the vapor pressure. The following are some of the results they obtained:

volume of bulb = 249.8 cm3

amount of iodine = 1.958 mmol

Temperature/ºC Pressure/Torr
800 558.0
1000 748.0
1200 1019.2
a. Calculate the degree of dissociation at each temperature.
b. Calculate Kc at each temperature, for the process I2  2I.
c. Calculate KP at each temperature.
d. Obtain values for ∆H° and ∆U° at 1000 °C.
e. Calculate ∆G° and ∆S° at 1000 °C.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.41. The following diagram shows the variation with temperature of the equilibrium constant Kc for a reaction. Calculate ∆G°, ∆H°, and
∆S° at 300 K.

4.42. The following values apply to a chemical reaction A  Z:

H   – 85.2 kJ mol –1
S   –170.2 J K –1 mol –1

Assuming these values to be temperature independent, calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 300 K. At what
temperature is the equilibrium constant equal to unity?
4.43. The equilibrium constant Kc for the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate is
1.66 × 105 mol dm–3 at 37 °C, and ∆H° is –20.1 kJ mol–1. Calculate ∆S° for the hydrolysis at 37 °C. On the assumption that ∆H° and
∆S° are temperature independent, calculate Kc at 25 °C.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Temperature Dependence of Equilibrium Constants

4.44. A dissociation A2  2A has an equilibrium constant of 7.2 × 10–5 mol dm–3 at 300 K, and a ∆H° value of 40.0 kJ mol–1. Calculate
the standard entropy change for the reaction at 300 K. (What is its standard state?) If the ∆H° and ∆S° values for this reaction are
temperature independent, at what temperature is the equilibrium constant equal to unity?
4.45. A reaction A + B  Z has an equilibrium constant of 4.5 × 104 dm3 mol–1 at 300 K, and a ∆H° value of –40.2 kJ mol–1. Calculate
the entropy change for the reaction at 300 K. If the ∆H° and ∆S° values are temperature independent, at what temperature is the
equilibrium constant equal to unity?
4.46. At 1 bar pressure liquid bromine boils at 58.2 °C, and at 9.3 °C its vapor pressure is 0.1334 bar. Assuming ∆H° and ∆S° to be
temperature independent, calculate their values, and calculate the vapor pressure and ∆G° at 25 °C.

4.47. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of gaseous ozone at 25 °C, G οf , is 162.3 kJ mol–1, for a standard state of 1 bar. Calculate
the equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx for the process:
3O2(g)  2O3(g)

What is the mole fraction of O3 present at 25 °C at 2 bar pressure?

4.48. For the equilibrium:
H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

The following data apply:

H  (300 K) = –9.6 kJ mol –1

S  (300 K) = 22.18 J K –1 mol –1
C p (500 K) = –7.11 J K –1 mol –1

The latter value can be taken to be the average value between 300 K and 500 K.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Binding to Protein Molecules

Calculate the equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx at 500 K. What would be the mole fraction of HI present at equilibrium if HI is
introduced into a vessel at 10 atm pressure; how would the mole fraction change with pressure?
*4.49. Protein denaturations are usually irreversible but may be reversible under a narrow range of conditions. At pH 2.0, at temperatures ranging
from about 40 °C to 50 °C, there is an equilibrium between the active form P and the deactivated form D of the enzyme trypsin:
P D

Thermodynamic values are ∆H° = 283 kJ mol–1 and ∆S° = 891 J K–1 mol–1. Assume these values to be temperature independent over
this narrow range, and calculate ∆G° and Kc values at 40.0 °C, 42.0 °C, 44.0 °C, 46.0 °C, 48.0 °C, and 50.0 °C. At what temperature
will there be equal concentrations of P and D?
**Note that the high thermodynamic values lead to a considerable change in K over this 10 °C range.
Binding to Protein Molecules
*4.50. Suppose that a large molecule, such as a protein, contains n sites to which a molecule A (a ligand) can become attached. Assume
that the sites are equivalent and independent, so that the reactions M +A = MA, MA + A = MA2, etc., all have the same equilibrium
constant Ks. Show that the average number of occupied sites per molecule is:
nK s [A]
1  K s [ A]

*4.51. Modify the derivation in Problem 4.50 so as to deal with sites that are not all equivalent; the equilibrium constants for the
attachments of successive ligands are each different:

M  A  MA K1 

[MA 2 ]
MA  A  MA 2 K 2 

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Binding to Protein Molecules

[MA n ]
MA n –1  A  MA n K n 
[MA n –1 ][A]

Show that the average number of molecules of A bound per molecule M is:
K1[A]  2 K1 K 2 [A]2    n( K1 K 2 K 3  K n )[A]n
1  K1 [A]  K1 K 2 [A]2    ( K1 K 2 K3  K n )[ A]n

This equation is important in biology and biochemistry and is often called the Adair equation, after the British biophysical chemist
G. S. Adair.
*4.52. Now show that the Adair equation, derived in Problem 4.51, reduces to the equation obtained in Problem 4.50 when the sites are
equivalent and independent. [It is not correct simply to put K1 = K2 = K3  = Kn; certain statistical factors must be introduced. Thus,
if Ks is the equilibrium constant for the binding at a given site, K1 = nKs, since there are n ways for A to become attached to a given
molecule and one way for it to come off. Similarly K2 = (n – 1)Ks/2; n – 1 ways on and 2 ways off. Continue this argument and
develop an expression for v that will factorize into nKs[A]/(1 + Ks[A]). Suggest a method of testing the equilibrium obtained and
arriving at a value of n from experimental data.]
*4.53. Another special case of the equation derived in Problem 4.51 is if the binding on one site affects that on another. An extreme case is
highly cooperative binding, in which the binding of A on one site influences the other sites so that they fill up immediately. This
means that Kn is much greater than K1, K2, etc. Show that now:
nK [A]n
1  K [A]n

Where K is the product of K1, K2,  Kn. The British physiologist A. V. Hill suggested that binding problems can be treated by plotting:

ln against ln[A]
1– 

Where θ is the fraction of sites that are occupied. Consider the significance of such Hill plots, especially their shapes and slopes,
with reference to the equations obtained in Problems 4.50 to 4.53.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Essay Questions

Essay Questions
4.54. Give an account of the effect of temperature on equilibrium constants, and explain how such experimental studies lead to
thermodynamic data.
4.55. Give an account of the effect of pressure on (a) the position of equilibrium and (b) the equilibrium constant.
4.56. Explain what experimental studies might be made to decide whether a chemical system is at equilibrium or not.
4.57. Give an account of the coupling of chemical reactions.
4.58. State the Le Chatelier principle, and give several examples.

See the listing at the end of Chapter 3. For a discussion of binding problems relating to Problems 4.50–4.53 see:

 K. J. Laidler, Physical Chemistry with Biological Applications, Menlo Park, California: Benjamin/Cummings, 1978; especially Section
11.2, “Multiple Equilibria.”
 J. Steinhart, and J. A. Reynolds, Multiple Equilibria in Proteins, New York: Academic Press, 1969, especially Chapter 2,
“Thermodynamics and Model Systems.”
 C. Tanford, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, New York: Wiley, 1961, especially Chapter 8, “Multiple Equilibria.”

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.1. A reaction occurs according to the equation
2A  Y + 2Z

If in a volume of 5 dm3 we start with 4 mol of pure A and find that 1 mol of A remains at equilibrium, what is the equilibrium
constant Kc?

Given: V  5 dm3 , ninitial  4 mol, nequilibrium  1 mol

Required: Kc
This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:
2A  Y + 2Z
ninitial 4 0 0 mol
nequilibrium 1 1.5 3.0 mol
Cequilibrium 1 1.5 3.0
5 5 5 mol dm-3

 Y  Z

For this reaction, Kc is given by the equation K c  . Solving using the concentrations at equilibrium gives the following,

 1.5   3.0 
 mol dm 3   mol dm 3 
5  5
Kc   2

 1.0 
 mol dm 3 
 5 
K c  2.7 mol dm 3

Back to Problem 4.1 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.2. The equilibrium constant for a reaction

A+B  Y+Z

is 0.1 What amount of A must be mixed with 3 mol of B to yield, at equilibrium, 2 mol of Y?

Given: Kc = 0.1, nBinitial  3 mol , nYequilibrium  2 mol

Required: nAinitial

This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:

A + B  Y + Z
ninitial nAinitial 3 0 0 mol
nequilibrium nAinitial  2 1 2 2 mol

For this reaction, Kc is given by the equation K c 

 Y  Z . Assuming the total volume is constant for the reaction, Kc 
nY nZ
 A  B nA nB

nY nZ
Rearranging for, nA gives, nA  and therefore nAinitial can be determined.
K c nB

 2 mol   2 mol 
nAinitial  2 mol 

0.1 1 mol 
 2 mol   2 mol   2 mol
nAinitial 

0.1 1 mol 
nAinitial  42 mol

Back to Problem 4.2 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction

A + 2B  Z

is 0.25 dm6 mol–2. In a volume of 5 dm3, what amount of A must be mixed with 4 mol of B to yield 1 mol of Z at equilibrium?
Given: Kc = 0.25 dm6 mol–2, V= 5 dm3, nBinitial  4 mol , nZequilibrium  1 mol

Required: nAinitial

This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:

A + 2B  Z
ninitial nAinitial 4 0 mol
nequilibrium nAinitial  1 2 1 mol
Cequilibrium  nAinitial  1  2 1
  5 5 mol dm-3
 5 

 Z . Rearranging for A , gives, A =  Z

For this reaction, Kc is given by the equation K c      and nAinitial can be determined from
 A  B K c  B
2 2

this expression.

1 3 
n Ainitial 
 1 mol

 mol dm 
5 
5 dm3 2 
 
0.25 dm 6 mol –2  mol dm 3 
5 
n Ainitial 
 1 mol
 5 mol dm 3
5 dm
nAinitial  26 mol

Back to Problem 4.3 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.4. The equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction

2SO3(g)  2SO2(g) + O2(g)

is 0.0271 mol dm–3 at 1100 K. Calculate KP at that temperature.

Given: Kc = 0.0271 mol dm–3, T = 1100 K
Required: KP
The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,
KP = Kc(RT)Σv where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Since there are three moles of gas produced from two moles of SO3,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for KP gives,

 
 1

K P  0.0271 mol dm –3 0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  1100 K
K P  2.478 55 bar
K P  2.48 bar

Back to Problem 4.4 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.5. When gaseous iodine is heated, dissociation occurs:

I2  2I

It was found that when 0.0061 mol of iodine was placed in a volume of 0.5 dm3 at 900 K, the degree of dissociation (the fraction of
the iodine that is dissociated) was 0.0274. Calculate Kc and KP at that temperature.

Given: nI2 initial  0.0061 mol , V = 0.5 dm3, T = 900 K, α, degree of dissociation = 0.0274

Required: Kc and KP
This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:
I2  2I
ninitial 0.0061 0 mol
nequilibrium 0.00611  0.0274  0.0061 0.0274  2
 3.3428  104 mol
 5.9329 103
 I . Solving using the concentrations at equilibrium gives the following,

For this reaction, Kc is given by the equation K c 

 I2 
 3.3428 104 
 mol dm 3 
Kc   
 5.9329 103 
 mol dm 3 
 0.5 
K c  3.7669 105 mol dm 3
K c  3.77 105 mol dm 3

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Since there are two moles of iodine produced from one mole of iodine gas,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for KP gives,

  
 1
K P  3.77 105 mol dm –3 0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  900 K

K P  0.002 821 bar

K P  2.82 103 bar

Back to Problem 4.5 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.6. It has been observed with the ammonia equilibrium:

N2 + 3H2  2NH3

that under certain conditions the addition of nitrogen to an equilibrium mixture, with the temperature and pressure held constant,
causes further dissociation of ammonia. Explain how this is possible. Under what particular conditions would you expect this to
occur? Would it be possible for added hydrogen to produce the same effect?
The equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by,

 NH 3 
nNH 2
Kc   3

 N 2  H 2  nN nH
3 3
2 2

If nN2 is increased at constant V, the equilibrium must shift to the right, so as to produce more ammonia. If the pressure (as well as the
temperature) is kept constant, however, addition of N2 requires that V is increased. If the proportional increase in V2 is greater than the
increase in nN2 , the equilibrium will shift to the left when N2 is added.

 
The volume is proportional to nNH3  nN2  nH2 and V2 is proportional to nNH3  nN2  nH 2 . If nN2 is much larger than nNH3  nH 2 , V2 will
increase approximately with n 2 N2 and therefore increases more strongly than nN2 . If nN2 is not much larger than nNH3  nH2 , an increase
in nN2 will have a relatively small effect on V2. The increase in ammonia dissociation when N2 is added is therefore expected when N2 is in
excess, but not otherwise.

On the other hand, n3H2 appears in the equilibrium expression; this varies more strongly than V2, and added H2 therefore cannot lead to the
dissociation of ammonia.

Back to Problem 4.6 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.7. Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, exists in equilibrium with dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4:

N2O4(g)  2NO2(g)

At 25.0 °C and a pressure of 0.597 bar the density of the gas is 1.477 g dm–3. Calculate the degree of dissociation under those
conditions, and the equilibrium constants Kc, KP, and Kx. What shift in equilibrium would occur if the pressure were increased by the
addition of helium gas?

Given: T  25C  298.15K, P  0.597 bar,  = 1.477 g dm –3

Required: α, degree of dissociation, Kc, KP, and Kx. the shift in equilibrium that would occur if the pressure were increased by the addition
of helium gas.
To determine the degree of dissociation, we need to first obtain the mole fractions of each gas. First we assume that in 1 dm3 there
are nN2O4 moles of N2O4 and nNO2 moles of NO2. Therefore the total number of moles is given by n  nN2O4  nNO2 .

Using the ideal gas law, PV = nRT , and solving for n, nN 2O4 and nNO2 can be obtained.


(0.597 (
bar ) 1 dm3 )
(0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol-1 )(298.15 K )
n = 0.024 083 mol
nN2O4 + nNO2 = 0.024 083 mol

The mole fractions can also be determined using the density of the gas given in the problem.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

m M N2O4 nN2O4  M NO2 nNO2

  , where m  Mn

 2 14.006 74 g mol -1
  
 4 15.9994 g mol-1 nN2O4  14.006 74 g mol-1  2 15.9994 g mol-1 nNO2
1 dm

 92.011 08 g mol  n -1
N 2O4 
 46.005 54 g mol-1 nNO2 
1 dm

 46.005 54 g mol   2n
N 2O4  nNO2 
1 dm

 2n  nNO2  
1.477 g dm –3  1 dm  3

N2 O4
 46.005 54 g mol  -1

 2n N2 O4 
 nNO2  0.032 105 mol

Now we have two equations and two unknowns, and therefore we can solve for the mole fractions.

nN2O4  nNO2  0.024 083 mol (1)

2nN2O4  nNO2  0.032 105 mol (2)

Subtracting (1) from (2) gives,

nN2O4  0.008 022 mol

nN2O4  8.02 103 mol

nNO2  0.024 083 mol  0.008 022 mol
nNO2  0.016 061 mol

nNO2  1.61102 mol

If the degree of dissociation is α, the amounts of N2O4 and NO2 present are:

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

N 2 O 4 : P 1   
NO 2 : 2 P  

Since partial pressures are proportional to the number of moles of each species present,

nN2O4  P 1   
nNO2  2 P  
nNO2 2 P  
therefore, 
nN 2O4 P 1   

Solving for gives,

1     2 P nN O 2 4

  P nNO 2

1 2nN 2O4
1 
 nNO2
1 2 nN 2 O 4
 1
 nNO2

1 2nN2O4  nNO2

 nNO2
2nN2O4  nNO2
0.016 061 mol
2  0.008 022 mol    0.016 061 mol 
  0.500 265
  0.500

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 NO2  . From our assumption that in 1 dm3 there are n


The equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by K c  moles of N2O4 and
 N 2O4  N O
2 4

nNO2 moles of NO2, we can solve for Kc.

 0.016 061 mol 
 
1 dm3
Kc   
 0.008 022 mol 
 3 
 1 dm 
K c  0.032 156 mol dm 3
K c  0.0322 mol dm 3

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Since there are two moles of nitrogen dioxide produced from one mole of dinitrogen tetroxide,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for KP gives,

  
 1
K P  0.032 156 mol dm –3 0.083145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  298.15 K
K P  0.797 137 bar
K P  0.797 bar

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,

K x  K P P v

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Since there are two moles of nitrogen dioxide produced from one mole of dinitrogen tetroxide,
Σv = +1 mol.
Kx can therefore be solved, giving,

K x   0.797 137 bar  0.597 bar 


K x  1.335 238
K x  1.34

The addition of helium gas would have no effect on the equilibrium since the concentrations, partial pressures, and mole fractions would
remain unchanged.

Back to Problem 4.7 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.8. At 25.0 °C the equilibrium:

2NOBr(g)  2NO(g) + Br2(g)

is rapidly established. When 1.10 g of NOBr is present in a 1.0-dm3 vessel at 25.0 °C the pressure is 0.355 bar. Calculate the
equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx.

Given: m  1.10 g, V  1 dm3 T  25C  298.15K, P  0.355 bar

Required: KP, Kc, and Kx

 NO  Br2  .To calculate K , we must first determine n , the number of moles

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by K c  c NOBr

 NOBr 

initially present of NOBr,

nNOBr 
1.10 g
nNOBr 
14.006 74 g mol  15.9994 g mol-1  79.904 g mol-1

nNOBr  0.010 008 mol
nNOBr  0.01 mol

If  is the degree of dissociation, then the number of moles of each gas at equilibrium is given in the following table:
2NOBr  2NO + Br2
ninitial 0.01 0 0 mol
nequilibrium 0.011    0.01  
0.01  mol

The total number of moles is given by n  nNOBr  nNO  nBr2

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 
n  0.011     0.01  0.01 
 
n  0.01  0.01 
n  0.01  0.005

Using the ideal gas law, PV = nRT , and solving for n,  can be obtained


(0.355 (
bar ) 1 dm3 )
(0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol-1 )(298.15 K )
n = 0.014 32 mol
where n = 0.01 + 0.005a
n - 0.01
0.014 32 mol - 0.01
a = 0.864

From , nNOBr , nNO , and nBr2 can be obtained.

nNOBr  0.01 mol 1    nNO  0.01 mol   nBr2  0.005 mol  

nNOBr  0.01 mol 1  0.864  nNO  0.01 mol  0.864  nBr2  0.005 mol  0.864 
nNOBr  1.36 103 mol nNO  8.64  103 mol nBr2  4.32  103 mol

Solving for Kc gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 8.64  103 mol   4.32  103 mol 
   
 1 dm3   1 dm3 
Kc  2
 1.36 10 mol 

 
 1 dm3 
K c  0.174 35 mol dm -3

K c  0.174 mol dm -3

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Since there are three moles of total gas produced from two moles of NOBr,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for KP gives,

   0.083145 bar dm 
 1
K P  0.174 35 mol dm –3 3
K -1 mol1  298.15 K
K P  4.322 08 bar
K P  4.32 bar

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,

K x  K P P v

Since there are three moles of total gas produced from two moles of NOBr,
Σv = +1 mol.
Kx can therefore be solved, giving,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

K x   4.322 08 bar  0.355 bar 


K x  12.174 87
K x  12.2

Back to Problem 4.8 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.9. At 100 °C and 2 bar pressure the degree of dissociation of phosgene is 6.30 × 10–5. Calculate KP, Kc, and Kx for the dissociation:
COCl2(g)  CO(g) + Cl2(g)


Given: T  100 C  373.15 K, P  2 bar,   6.30  105

Required: KP, Kc, and Kx

The equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures is given by K P  To calculate KP, we must first determine the partial pressures
of each gas present.

If  is the degree of dissociation, then the partial pressures of each gas at equilibrium is given in the following table:
COCl2  CO + Cl2
P 1    P P bar

The total number pressure is given by Ptotal  PCOCl2  PCO  PCl2

Ptotal  P 1     P  P
Ptotal  P  P
P 1     2 bar
2 bar
1   
2 bar

1  6.30  10 5 
P  1.999 87 bar
P  2 bar
Solving for KP, we obtain,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

KP 
 P    P 
P 1   
P 2
KP 
1   
 2 bar   6.30 105 

KP 
1  6.30 10 

K P  7.9385 109 bar

K P  7.94  109 bar

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv
Since there are two moles of gas produced from one moles of COCl2,
Σv = +1 mol
Solving for Kc gives,

  0.083 145 bar dm 

 1

K c  7.9385  109 bar 3
K 1 mol1  373.15 K

K c  2.558 697  1010 mol dm –3

K c  2.56 1010 mol dm –3

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

K x  K P P v

Since there are two moles of gas produced from one moles of COCl2,
Σv = +1 mol
Kx can therefore be solved, giving,

 2 
K x  7.9385 109 bar bar
K x  3.969 25  109
K x  3.97 109

Back to Problem 4.9 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.10. In a study of the equilibrium

H2 + I2  2HI

1 mol of H2 and 3 mol of I2 gave rise at equilibrium to x mol of HI. Addition of a further 2 mol of H2 gave an additional x mol of HI.
What is x? What is K at the temperature of the experiment?

Given: nH2  1 mol, nI2  3 mol, nH2 added  2 mol

Required: x, K
This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:
H2 + I2  2HI
ninitial 1 3 0 mol
nequilibrium x x x mol
1 3
2 2
nafter H2 added 3 x 3 x 2x mol

 HI . Assuming the volume is constant, the expression for K becomes,

nHI 2
For this reaction, K is given by the equation K  K
 H 2  I2  nH 2 nI2

K is always constant, therefore the two expressions obtained at equilibrium and after H2 is added can be used to solve for x.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 x 4 x2
K 
 x  x  3  x  3  x 
1    3  
 2  2

 3  x   4 1    3  
2 x x
 2  2
9  6 x  x 2  12  8x  x 2
2x  3

Substituting for x, K can be solved.

4 
K  2
 3
3 
 2
K 2
 
 
K 4

Back to Problem 4.10 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.11. The equilibrium constant for the reaction below is 20.0 at 40.0 °C:
H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

The vapor pressure of solid iodine is 0.10 bar at that temperature. If 12.7 g of solid iodine are placed in a 10-dm3 vessel at 40.0 °C,
what is the minimum amount of hydrogen gas that must be introduced in order to remove all the solid iodine?

Given: K  20.0, T  40.0 C  313.15 K, P  0.10 bar, m  12.7 g, V  10 dm3

Required: nH2

First, the number of moles of I2 is given by,

nI2 
12.7 g
nI2 
 2 126.904 47 g mol-1 
nI2  0.050 037 6 mol
nI2  0.050 mol

By examining the reaction, the consumption of 0.050 mol of I2 leads to the formation of 0.10 mol of HI.
The equilibrium constant for this reaction in terms of partial pressures is given by,

KP  , where PHI is obtained from the ideal gas law.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 0.10 mol   0.083 145 bar dm 3
K -1 mol-1  313.15 K 
10 dm3
PHI  0.26037 bar

Rearranging and solving for PH 2 gives,

 0.260 37 bar 

PH2 
20  0.1 bar 
PH2  0.033 896 bar

Then, if PH 2 is the partial pressure of H2 after equilibrium is established, nH 2 equilibrium can be obtained using the ideal gas law.

nH2 equilibrium 

nH2 equilibrium 
 0.033 896 
bar 10 dm3

 0.083 145 bar 

dm3 K -1 mol-1 313.15 K
nH2 equilibrium  0.013 018 mol

This means 0.013 018 mol of H2 is produced in the equilibrium mixture, and 0.05 mol of H2 is required to remove the 0.05 mol of I2. nH 2 is
therefore equal to 0.013018 mol +0.05 mol.

nH2  0.013 018 mol  0.05 mol

nH2  0.063 018 mol
nH2  0.063 mol

Back to Problem 4.11 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.12. The degree of dissociation α of N2O4(g) is 0.483 at 0.597 bar and 0.174 at 6.18 bar. The temperature is 298 K for both
measurements. Calculate KP, Kc, and Kx in each case.
(Hint: See Example 4.1.)

Given:  P 0.597 bar  0.483,  P 6.18 bar  0.174, T  25 C  298.15 K

Required: KP, Kc, and Kx in each case

Suppose that we start with 1 mol of N2O4 and that  mol have become converted into NO2; the amounts at equilibrium are

N 2 O 4  2NO 2
1–  2

The total amount is given by, 1    2  1   . If P is the total pressure, the partial pressures are

1–  2
N 2O4 : P and NO 2 : P
1  1 

PNO 2 2
The equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures is given by K P 
PN2O 4

Solving for KP, we obtain,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 2  2
  P
 1  
KP 
 1–  
 P
 1  
4 2  1  
KP  P  
 1–  
1   
 
4 2
KP  P
1   1–  
4 2
KP  P
1–  2

At P  0.597 bar ,

4  0.483

K P   0.597 bar 
1–  0.483

K P  0.726 60 bar
K P  0.727 bar

At P  6.18 bar ,

4  0.174 

K P   6.18 bar 
1–  0.174 

K P  0.771 79 bar
K P  0.772 bar

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Since there are two moles of nitrogen dioxide produced from one mole of dinitrogen tetroxide,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for Kc at P  0.597 bar gives,

 
 1
K c   0.726 60 bar  0.083 145 bar dm3 K 1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  0.029 31 mol dm –3
K c  2.93  102 mol dm –3

Solving for Kc at P  6.18 bar gives,

 
 1
K c   0.771 79 bar  0.083 145 bar dm3 K 1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  0.031 13 mol dm –3
K c  3.11102 mol dm –3

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,

K x  K P P v

Since there are two moles of nitrogen dioxide produced from one mole of dinitrogen tetroxide,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for Kx at P  0.597 bar gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

   0.597 
K x  0.726 60 bar bar
K x  1.217 09
K x  1.22

Solving for Kx at P  6.18 bar gives,

   6.18 bar 
K x  0.771 79 bar
K x  0.124 89
K x  0.125

Back to Problem 4.12 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.13. One mole of HCl mixed with oxygen is brought into contact with a catalyst until the following equilibrium has been established:
4HCl(g) + O2(g)  2Cl2(g) + 2H2O(g).

If y mol of HCl is formed, derive an expression for KP in terms of y and the partial pressure of oxygen.

(Hint: First develop expressions for the ratios xCl2 /xHCl and xH 2O /xCl2 in terms of y and PO2 )


Given: nHCl  1 mol

Required: KP in terms of y and PO2

Rewriting the reaction in terms of one mole of HCl gives,

HCl + ¼ O2 ½ Cl2 ½ H2O

1-y PO2 y/2 y/2

From examining the equation above, it is possible to establish the following relationships:

xCl2 y xH O
 , and 2  1
xHCl 2 1  y  xCl2

These ratios also hold for partial pressures and solving for KP ,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

1 1

KP 
P  P 

P P 
HCl O2

KP  1
PHCl PO2  4

y 1
KP  
2 1  y  1

P 

Back to Problem 4.13 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.14. Using the result of Problem 4.13, evaluate KP for an experiment in which 49% HCl and 51% O2 are brought into contact with a
catalyst until the reaction is complete at 1 bar and 480 °C. The fraction of HCl converted per mole is found to be 0.76.
Given: 49% HCl, 51% O2, P = 1 bar, T = 480 °C = 753.15 K, y = 0.76
Required: KP
The result from problem 4.13 gives KP as.

y 1
KP  
2 1  y  1

P 

Solving using PO2  0.511 bar

0.76 1
KP  
2 1  0.76  1
 0.51 bar  4

K P  1.873 61 bar 4


K P  1.9 bar 4

Back to Problem 4.14 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.15. 10.0 g of HI is introduced into an evacuated vessel at 731 K and allowed to reach equilibrium. Find the mole fractions of H2, I2, and
HI present at equilibrium. KP = Kc = Kx = 65.0 for the reaction
H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g).

(Hint: see Example 4.2)


Given: mHI  10.0 g, T = 731 K, KP = Kc = Kx = 65.0

Required: xH2 , xI2 , xHI

Note first that because the reaction involves no change in the number of molecules, the volume of the vessel is irrelevant, since it cancels
out in the equilibrium equation. Note also that from Eq. 4.26 and Eq. 4.32 the equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx are all the same and that
they are dimensionless.
Since there are no reactants present initially, we can write,

H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

x x n-2x
Where n is the initial amount of HI present,
nHI 
10.0 g
nHI 
1.007 94 g mol 1
 126.904 47 g mol1 
nHI  0.078 178 mol
nHI  7.8179  102 mol

The equilibrium constant for this reaction in terms of partial pressures is given by,

KP  , which can be written in terms of moles as,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

nHI 2
KP 
nH2 nI2

Solving for the x, the mole fractions xH2 , xI2 , xHI can be obtained.

n  2x

KP 
 x  x 

n  2x

65.0 

65.0 
 n  2x
65.0  2
7.8179  102 mol
8.062 26  2 
7.8179  10 mol
10.062 26
x  7.7695 103 mol

The mole fractions are given by the expressions,

x n  2x
xH2  xI2  , and xHI 
n n

Solving for xH2 , xI2 , and xHI gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

7.7695  103 mol

xH2  xI2 
7.8179 102 mol
xH2  xI2  0.099 381

xH2  xI2  9.94 102

7.8179 102 mol  2  7.7695  103 mol

xHI 
7.8179  102 mol
xHI  0.080 124
xHI  8.01102

Back to Problem 4.15 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.16. The equilibrium constant for the reaction


in benzene solution at 10 °C is 2.19 × 10–3 mol dm–3.

a. Calculate ∆G° for the dissociation of the dimer.
b. If 0.1 mol of benzoic acid is present in 1 dm3 of benzene at 10 °C, what are the concentrations of the monomer and of the dimer?

Given: T  10.0 C  283.15 K, K  2.19  10 –3 mol dm –3 , n  0.1 mol, V  1 dm –3

Required: ∆G°, Cmonomer, Cdimer

a. Solving for ∆G° , given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

  
G  – 8.3145 J K mol1 283.15 K ln  2.19  10 –3 mol dm –3 
G  14 417 J mol1
G  14.4 kJ mol1

b. This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:

Cinitial 0 0.1 mol dm-3
Cequilibrium x 0.1-2x mol dm-3

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by,

C6 H5COOH 

Kc 
 C6 H 5COOH 2 

Using the concentrations at equilibrium given in the table, x can be obtained.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 0.1  2x 

2.19  10 –3

0.01  0.40219 x  4 x 2  0
Using the quadratic formula, the expression can be further simplified.

b  b 2  4ac

 0.40219   4  4  0.01
0.40219 
2  4
0.40219  0.041914
x  0.055513 mol dm 3 or x  0.0450345 mol dm 3
From the equilibrium concentrations, we know that there are (0.1-2x) mol dm-3 of C6H5COOH, therefore, we take x  0.0450345 since 2x
cannot be greater than 0.1.

Cmonomer  0.045 034 5 mol dm 3

Cmonomer  5  102 mol dm 3

Cdimer  0.1 mol dm 3  2 0.045 034 5 mol dm 3 
Cdimer  0.009 931 mol dm 3
Cdimer  1102 mol dm 3

Back to Problem 4.16 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.17. At 3000 K the equilibrium partial pressures of CO2,

CO, and O2 are 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 atm, respectively. Calculate ∆G° at 3000 K for the reaction:
2CO2(g)  2CO(g) + O2(g)


Given: T  3000 K, PCO2  0.6 atm, PCO  0.4 atm, PO2  0.2 atm

Required: ∆G°

∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20 as G – RT ln K Pο

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by

KP 
PCO2 2

Solving for ∆G° gives,

 PCO 2 PO2 
G  – RT ln  
 PCO 2
 2 
  0.4 atm 2  0.2 atm  

G  – 8.3145 J K mol 1
 
3000 K ln 
  0.6 atm 

 
G  60 372.45 J mol1
G  6  10 kJ mol1

Back to Problem 4.17 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.18. The conversion of malate into fumarate:

1. malate(aq)  fumarate(aq) + H2O(l)

is endergonic at body temperature, 37 °C; ∆G° is 2.93 kJ mol–1. In metabolism the reaction is coupled with
2. fumarate(aq)  aspartate(aq)

for which ∆G° is – 15.5 kJ mol–1 at 37 °C.

a. Calculate Kc for reaction 1.
b. Calculate Kc for reaction 2.
c. Calculate Kc and ∆G° for the coupled reaction 1 + 2.

Given: T1  37C = 310.15 K, G1   2.93 kJ mol –1

T2  37C = 310.15 K, G2   –15.5 kJ mol –1

Required Kc1, Kc2, Kc1+2, ∆G1+2°

a. The relationship between ∆G° and Kc is given by Eq. 4.27,

G  – RT ln K cο

Rearranging and solving for Kc gives,

– G
ln K cο 
– G 
K cο  e RT

–2.93103 J mol –1

K c1  e
 
8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 310.15 K 

K c1  0.321 03
K c1  0.321

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

b. Using the procedure in part a, Kc2 can be obtained.

– 15.5103 J mol –1 
Kc 2 e
 8.3145 J 
K –1 mol –1 310.15 K 

K c 2  407.761
K c 2  408

c. The coupled reaction of 1 + 2 is given by,

malate(aq)  aspartate(aq) + H2O(l)

Kc1+2 is given by Eq. 4.65,

K1 K 2  K 3

Therefore solving for Kc1+2 gives,

K c1+2  K c1  K c 2
K c1+2  0.321 408
K c1+2 130.968
K c1+2 131

∆G1+2° is given by Eq. 4.67, the sum of the free energies of each reaction

G3ο  G1ο  G2ο

Solving for ∆G1+2° gives,

G1 2   2.93 kJ mol –1  15.5 kJ mol –1

G1 2   12.57 kJ mol –1
G1 2   12.6 kJ mol –1

Back to Problem 4.18 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.19. From the data in Appendix D, deduce the ∆G° and KP values for the following reactions at 25.0 °C:
a. N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
b. 2H2(g) + C2H2(g)  C2H6(g)
c. H2(g) + C2H4(g)  C2H6(g)
d. 2CH4(g)  C2H6(g) + H2(g)

Given: T  25C = 298.15 K , Appendix D

Required: ∆G° and KP for a-d

a. From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for each reaction.

G    f G  products     f G   reactants 

G  2 16.4 kJ mol1   0  3  0   
G  32.8 kJ mol1

The relationship between ∆G° and KP is given by Eq. 4.20,

G – RT ln K Pο

Rearranging and solving for KP gives,

– G
ln K P 
– G 
KP  e RT

– 32.8103 J mol –1 
KP  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
 298.15 K 
K P  557 552 bar 2
K P  5.58  105 bar 2

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

b. Using the same procedure as part a,

G  32.0kJ mol1  2  0   209.9 kJ mol 1   
G  241.9 kJ mol1
G  242 kJ mol1

– 241.9103 J mol –1 
KP  e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  298.15 K 

K P  2.392 522  1042 bar 2

K P  2.39 1042 bar 2

c. Using the same procedure as part a,

G  32.0kJ mol1   0   68.4 kJ mol1   
G  100.4 kJ mol1
G  100 kJ mol1

– 100103 J mol –1 
KP  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
 298.15 K 
K P  3.304 94  1017 bar 1
K P  3.30 1017 bar 1

d. Using the same procedure as part a,

G  32.0kJ mol1   0   2 50.5 kJ mol1   
G  69 kJ mol1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

– 69103 J mol –1 
KP  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
 298.15 K 
K P  8.161 64  1013
K P  8.2 1013

Back to Problem 4.19 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.20. Calculate Kc and Kx for each of the reactions in Problem 4.19 assuming total pressures of 1 bar in each case.
Given: P =1 bar, Problem 4.19
Required: Kc, and Kx in each case
The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26, KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the
moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv
Since there are two moles of ammonia produced from one mole of nitrogen gas and three moles of hydrogen gas,
Σv = -2 mol.
Solving for Kc,

  
 2 
K c  5.58  105 bar 2 0.083 145 bar dm3 K 1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  908.013 mol2 dm –6
K c  9.08  102 mol2 dm –6

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,

K x  K P P v

Since there are two moles of ammonia produced from one mole of nitrogen gas and three moles of hydrogen gas,
Σv = -2 mol.
Solving for Kx

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

  1 bar 
K x  5.58  105 bar 2
K x  5.58  10 5

Repeating this procedure for each reaction gives the following results:

KP Σv Kc = KP(RT)-Σv K x  K P P v

a. 5.58 105 bar 2 2 9.08 102 mol2 dm –6 5.58 105

b. 2.39 1042 bar 2 2 3.89 1039 mol2 dm –6 2.39  1042

c. 3.30 1017 bar 1 1 1.33 1016 mol dm –3 3.30 1017

d. 8.2  1013 0 8.2  1013 8.2  1013

Back to Problem 4.20 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.21. At 25.0 °C the equilibrium constant for the reaction:

CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)

is 1.00 × 10–5, and ∆S° is 41.8 J K–1 mol–1.

a. Calculate ∆G° and ∆H° at 25.0 °C.
b. Suppose that 2 mol of CO and 2 mol of H2O are introduced into a 10-dm3 vessel at 25.0 °C. What are the amounts of CO, H2O,
CO2, and H2 at equilibrium?

Given: T  25C = 298.15 K, K  1.00 10 –5 , S   41.8 J K –1 mol –1

nCO  2 mol, nH 2O  2 mol, V  10 dm 3

Required: ∆G°, ∆H° at 25.0 °C and, nCO equilibrium , nH 2O equilibrium , nCO2 equilibrium , nH 2 equilibrium

a. The relationship between ∆G° and K is given by

G  – RT ln K

Solving for ∆G° gives,

 
G  – 8.3145 J K 1 mol1 298.15 K ln 1.00 10 –5 
G  28 540 J mol1
G  2.85 kJ mol1

The relationship between ∆G° and ∆H° is given by Eq. 3.90,

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS,
Hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆H° gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H   G   T S 
H   28 540 J mol1   298.15 K   41.8 J K –1
mol –1 
H   41 002 J mol1
H   41.0 kJ mol1

b. This equilibrium problem can be solved using a table:

CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)

ninitial 2 2 0 0 mol
nequilibrium 2 x 2 x x x mol

For this reaction, the equilibrium constant is given by the equation K c  K P 

CO2  H 2  .
CO H 2O
The total volume is constant for the reaction, and cancels out, therefore we can write,

nCO2 nH 2
Kc  K P 
nCO nH 2O

Solving for x, we can then obtain nCO equilibrium , nH 2 O equilibrium , nCO2 equilibrium , and nH 2 equilibrium

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Kc  K P 
 x  x 
 2  x  2  x 
1.00  10 –5 
2  x

10 –5  2  x   x
2 10 –5  x  10 –5 x

2 10 –5  x 1  10 –5 
2 10 –5
1  10 –5 
x  0.006 304 6


nCO 2 equilibrium  nH 2 equilibrium  x

nCO 2 equilibrium  nH 2 equilibrium  0.006 304 6

nCO2 equilibrium  nH 2 equilibrium  6.30  103

nCO equilibrium  nH 2O equilibrium  2  x
nCO equilibrium  nH 2O equilibrium  2  0.006 304 6
nCO equilibrium  nH 2O equilibrium  1.993 695 4
nCO equilibrium  nH 2O equilibrium  1.99

Back to Problem 4.21 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.22. Suppose that there is a biological reaction:

1. A + B  Z

for which the ∆G° value at 37.0 °C is 23.8 kJ mol–1. (Standard state = 1 mol dm–3.) Suppose that an enzyme couples this reaction
2. ATP  ADP + phosphate

for which ∆G° = –31.0 kJ mol–1. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 37.0 °C for these two reactions and for the coupled reaction
3. A + B + ATP  Z + ADP + phosphate


Given: G1   23.8 kJ mol –1 , G2   31.0 kJ mol –1 ,

T  37.0C = 310.15 K, n  1 mol, V  1 dm –3

Required: K1 , K 2 , K 3

For this reaction, Kc is given by the equation K c 

 Z . Therefore the units of K will be in mol1 dm3 . The relationship between ∆G°
 A  B

and Kc is given by Eq. 4.27,

G  – RT ln K cο

Rearranging and solving for Kc gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

– G
ln K c 
– G 
Kc  e RT

–23.8103 J mol –1

K1  e
8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 310.15 K 
K1  9.812 13 105 mol dm 3
K1  9.81105 mol dm 3

K2 can be obtained by following the same procedure. Kc is given by K c 

 ADP  phosphate . Therefore the units of K will be in mol dm 3
 ATP 

– 31.0103 J mol –1 
K2  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
310.15 K 
K 2  166 269 mol dm 3

K 2  1.66 105 mol dm 3

For the coupled reaction, K3 is given by Eq. 4.65,

K1 K 2  K 3

Solving for K3 gives,

K 3  9.81 105 mol1 dm3  1.66 10 5
mol dm 3 
K 3  16.2846
K 3  16.3

Back to Problem 4.22 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.23. The equilibrium between citrate and isocitrate involves cis-aconitate as an intermediate:

citrate  cis-aconitate + H2O  isocitrate

At 25 °C and pH 7.4 it was found that the molar composition of the mixture was:

90.9% citrate
2.9% cis-aconitate
6.2% isocitrate

Calculate the equilibrium constants for the individual reactions, and for the overall reaction, and ∆G° for the citrate-isocitrate system.

Given: T  25C = 298.15 K, pH = 7.4, xcitrate  0.909, xcis aconitate  0.029, xisocitrate  0.062

Required: K1 , K 2 , K 3 , G 

The individual reactions are given by,

1. citrate  cis-aconitate + H2O
2. cis-aconitate + H2O  isocitrate
3. citrate  cis-aconitate + H2O  isocitrate
xcis aconitate xH 2O
K1 is given by the equation K1  .

Solving for K1 gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

xcis aconitate xH 2O
K1 
where xH 2O  1
K1   0.031 903 2
K1  3.19  102

K2 is given by the equation K 2 
xcis aconitate xH 2O

Solving for K2 gives,

xcis aconitate xH2O

K1 

where xH2O  1
K2   2.137 93
K 2  2.14

K3 is the overall rate constant and is given by Eq. 4.65,

K1 K 2  K 3

Solving for K3 gives,

K 3   3.190 32 102   2.137 92 

K 3  0.068 207
K 3  6.82  102

The relationship between ∆G° and K is given by,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  – RT ln K

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G   – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln  0.068 207 

G   6656.545 J mol –1
G   6.66 kJ mol –1

Back to Problem 4.23 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.24. The solubility product of Cr(OH)3 is 3.0 × 10–29 mol4 dm–12 at 25 °C. What is the solubility of Cr(OH)3 in water at this temperature?

Given: K sp = 3.0  10 –29 mol 4 dm –12 T  25C = 298.15 K

Required: solubility of Cr(OH)3

When Cr(OH)3 dissolves, the reaction becomes

Cr  OH 3  s   Cr 3  3OH 
A 3a
Where a is the solubility in mol dm

Ksp is given by the K sp  a  3a   27 a 4 .


Solving for a,

K sp
a 4

a 4
 3.0 10 –29
mol4 dm –12 
a  3.246 68  10 –8 mol dm –3
a  3.2 10 –8 mol dm –3

Back to Problem 4.24 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.25. A gas reaction:

A  B+C

is endothermic and its equilibrium constant KP is 1 bar at 25 °C.

a. What is ∆G° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 bar)?
b. Is ∆S°, with the same standard state, positive or negative?
c. For the standard state of 1 M, what are Kc and ∆G°?
d. Will KP at 40 °C be greater than or less than 1 bar?
e. Will ∆G° at 40 °C (standard state: 1 bar) be positive or negative?


Given: K P = 1 bar, T  25C = 298.15 K


a. ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20, G – RT ln K Pο

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln 1 bar 

G  0 J mol –1

b. The relationship between ∆G° and ∆H° is given by Eq. 3.90,

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  
G  0
H 
S  

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Since the reaction is endothermic,

H   0
S   0

c. The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv
Since there are two moles of gas produced from one mole of A,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for Kc at P  1 bar gives,

  0.083 145 bar dm 

 1

K c  1 bar 3
K 1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  0.040 339 4 mol dm –3

K c  4.03  102 mol dm –3

∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

G  – RT ln K cο

 
G  – 8.3145 J K -1 mol1  298.15 K ln  4.033 94 102 mol dm –3 

G  7958.545 J mol1

G  7.96 kJ mol1

d. Since the reaction is endothermic, increasing the temperature to 40 °C, will shift the equilibrium to the right, making the forward reaction
more likely to occur, and the equilibrium constant, KP, will increase.

K P  1 bar

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

e. Since the reaction is endothermic, increasing the temperature to 40 °C, will shift the equilibrium to the right, making the forward reaction
more likely to occur.

G  0

Back to Problem 4.25 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.26. A solution reaction:

A+B  X+Y

is endothermic, and Kc at 25 °C is 10.

a. Is the formation of X + Y exergonic at 25 °C?
b. Will raising the temperature increase the equilibrium yield of X + Y?
c. Is ∆S° positive or negative?

Given: K c = 10, T  25C = 298.15 K

a. An exergonic reaction is one that releases energy, i.e., G 0

G is given by Eq. 4.27,

G  – RT ln K c

 
G  – 8.3145 J K -1 mol1  298.15 K ln 10 

G  –5708.035 J mol1

G  –5.7 kJ mol1

Therefore G is less than zero, and the formation of X + Y is exergonic at 25 °C.

b. Since the reaction is endothermic, increasing the temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right, making the forward reaction more
likely to occur, and the equilibrium yield will increase.
c. The relationship between ∆G° and ∆H° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H   G
S  
where G  0 and ΔH°  0 for an endothermic process,
S   0

Back to Problem 4.26 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.27. From the data given in Appendix D, for the reaction:

C2H4(g) + H2(g)  C2H6(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S° at 25 °C; what is the standard state?
b. KP at 25 °C.
c. Kc at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
d. ∆G° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
e. ∆S° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 M).
f. KP at 100 °C, on the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent.
Given: Appendix D, T  25C  298.15 K

a. From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for each reaction.

G     f G   products     f G   reactants 

  
G  32.0 kJ mol1  68.4 kJ mol1   0  
G  100.4 kJ mol1
G  100 kJ mol1

From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 

  
H   84.0 kJ mol1  52.4 kJ mol 1   0  
H   136.4 kJ mol 1
H   136 kJ mol 1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°

Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  

S ° 
136.4 103 J mol1  100.4 103 J mol1  
298.15 K

S °  120.744 59 J mol1 K
S °  121 J mol1 K

b. The relationship between KP and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20, G – RT ln K Pο . Rearranging and solving for KP gives,

– G
ln K P 
– G 
KP  e RT

– 100.4103 J mol –1 
KP  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
 298.15 K 
K P  3.883 65 1017 bar 1
K P  3.88 1017 bar 1

c. The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv
Since there is one mole of gas produced from two moles of gas reactants,
Σv = -1 mol.
Solving for Kc gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 
 1

K c  3.883 65 1017 bar 1 0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  9.627 44  1018 dm3 mol1

K c  9.63  1018 dm3 mol1

d. The relationship between Kc and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G   – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln  9.627 44 1018 dm 3 mol1 

G   –108 358 J mol –1

G   –108 kJ mol –1

e. Solving for ∆S° using the expression obtained in part a. gives,

136.4 103 J mol1   –108 358 J mol –1 

S  
298.15 K
S   94.051 49 J mol1 K 1
S   94.1 J mol1 K 1

f. Assuming that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, we solve for KP,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  H   T S 
G 100C   136.4  103 J mol1  373.15 K    120.744 59 J mol 1
K 1 
G  – 91 462.268 J mol –1
– G 
KP  e RT

– –91 462.268 J mol –1 
K P 100C   e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
373.15 K 
K P  6.351 13 1012 bar –1
K P  6.35 1012 bar –1

Back to Problem 4.27 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.28. From the data in Appendix D, for the reaction:

2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S° at 25 °C (standard state: 1 bar).
b. KP at 25 °C.
c. ∆G° and KP at 2000 °C, on the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent.
Given: Appendix D, T  25C  298.15 K

a. From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for the reaction.

G    f G  products     f G   reactants 

 
G  2 –228.6 kJ mol1   2  0    0  

G  457.2 kJ mol1

From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 

 
H   2 –241.826 kJ mol1   2  0    0  

H   483.652 kJ mol1

The relationship between ∆G° and ∆H° is given by Eq. 3.90,

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H  – G 
S  

S °=

483.652  103 J mol1  457.2  103 J mol1 
298.15 K
S °=  88.720 44 J mol K 1 1

S °=  88.72 J mol1 K 1

b. The relationship between KP and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20, G – RT ln K Pο . Rearranging and solving for KP gives,

– G
ln K P 
– G 
KP  e RT

– 457.2103 J mol –1 
KP  e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  298.15 K 
K P 1.252 03 1080 bar 1
K P 1.252 1080 bar 1

c. Assuming that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, we solve for ∆G° and KP at 2000 °C.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  H  – T S 
G  2000C   483.652 103 J mol1  2273.15 K    88.720 44 J mol 1
K 1 
G   281 977.1318 J mol –1
G   282.0 kJ mol –1
– G 
KP  e RT

– 281 977.1318 J mol –1 
K P  2000C   e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  2273.15 K 
K P  3 015 697.02 bar –1
K P  3.016 106 bar –1

Back to Problem 4.28 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.29. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 400 K for the reaction:

3O2(g) → 2O3(g).
where ∆fG°(O3, g) = 163.2 kJ mol–1.
Given: T  400 K , ∆fG°(O3, g) = 163.2 kJ mol–1

Required: K
From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for the reaction.

G    f G   products     f G   reactants 

G  2 163.2 kJ mol1   3  0 

G  326.4 kJ mol1

The relationship between K and ∆G° is given by G – RT ln K Pο . Rearranging and solving for K gives,

– G
ln K 
– G 
K e RT

– 326.4103 J mol –1 
K e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  400 K 

K  2.385 38 1043
K  2.39 1043

Back to Problem 4.29 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.30. The hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate to give adenosine diphosphate and phosphate can be represented by:


The following values have been obtained for the reaction at 37 °C (standard state: 1 M):

G   – 31.0 kJ mol –1
H   – 20.1kJ mol –1

a. Calculate ∆S°.
b. Calculate Kc at 37 °C.
c. On the assumption that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, calculate ∆G° and Kc at 25 °C.

Given: T  37 C  313.15 K, G   – 31.0 kJ mol –1 , H   – 20.1 kJ mol –1

a. The relationship between ∆G° and ∆H° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H  – G 
S  

S ° 

– 20.1 103 J mol1  –31.0 103 J mol1 
310.15 K
S °  35.144 29 J mol K 1

S °  35.1 J mol1 K 1

b. The relationship between Kc and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο . Rearranging and solving for Kc gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

– G
ln K c 
– G 
Kc  e RT

 – –31.0 103 J mol –1 

Kc e
 8.3145 J 
K –1 mol –1 310.15 K 

K c  166269.3995 mol dm 3
K c  1.66  105 mol dm 3

c. Assuming that ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, we solve for ∆G° and Kc at 25 °C.
G  H  – T S 
G  25C   20.1103 J mol1  298.15 K    35.14429 J mol 1
K 1 
G   30 578.270 06 J mol –1
G   30.6 kJ mol –1
– G 
Kc  e RT

– 30 578.270 06 J mol –1 
K c  25C   e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  298.15 K 

K c  227 539.635 mol dm 3

K c  2.28 105 mol dm 3

Back to Problem 4.30 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.31. Thermodynamic data for n-pentane(g) and neo-pentane(g) (standard state: 1 bar and 25 °C) are as follows:

Enthalpy of Formation, Entropy, Sº J K–1

Compound H οf kJ mol–1 mol–1
n-Pertane(g) – 146.44 349.0
Neopentane(g) – 165.98 306.4

a. Calculate ∆G° for n-pentane → neopentane.

b. Pure n-pentane is in a vessel at 1 bar and 25 °C, and a catalyst is added to bring about the equilibrium between n-pentane and
neopentane. Calculate the final partial pressures of the two isomers.
a. The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
To obtain ∆G° we must first determine ∆H° and ∆S°.
From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 
H    165.98 kJ mol1    146.44 kJ mol1 
H   19.54 kJ mol1
From Eq. 3.69 the absolute entropies can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

S   S  products    S  reactants 
S  306.4 J K –1 mol –1  349.0 J K –1 mol –1
S  42.6 J K –1 mol –1

Solving for ∆G°,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  H  – T S 
G 100C   19.54  103 J mol1  298.15 K    42.6 J mol 1
K 1 
G  – 6838.81 J mol –1
G  – 6.84 kJ mol –1

b. To calculate the partial pressures, we need to obtain the equilibrium constant KP. The relationship between KP and ∆G° is given by Eq.
4.20, G – RT ln K Pο . Rearranging and solving for KP gives,
– G 
KP  e RT

– –6838.81 J mol –1 
K P 100C   e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  298.15 K 
K P  15.779 83 bar –1

The expression for K P is given by, K P 
Pn  pentane

At equilibrium, we have
n-pentane  neopentane
1-x x
Therefore K P becomes, K P  . Solving for x, we can obtain the partial pressures.
1 x

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

K P 1  x   x
KP  KP x  x  0
K P  x  K P  1  0
x  K P  1  K P
 K P  1
15.779 83
15.779 83  1
x  0.940 405 bar
Pneopentane  x  0.940 bar
Pn  pentane  1  x   1bar  0.940 405 bar
Pn  pentane  0.059 595 bar
Pn  pentane  0.060 bar

Back to Problem 4.31 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.32. a. An equilibrium constant Kc is increased by a factor of 3 when the temperature is raised from 25.0 °C to 40.0 °C. Calculate the
standard enthalpy change.
b. What is the standard enthalpy change if instead Kc is decreased by a factor of 3 under the same conditions?

Given: T1  25.0C  298.15 K, T2  40.0C  313.15 K

Required: H 

a. The problem states that K c 2   3K c1  . To obtain H  , the standard enthalpy change, we use Eq.4.83.

d ln K cο U 
d (1/T ) R

d ln K cο H 
This can be written as, – since U  and H  are very close in solution.
d (1/T ) R

Rearranging and solving for H  gives,

 d ln K cο 
H    R  
 d (1/T ) 
  K   1 1 
H    R  ln  c 2      
  K c1   T2 T1  
  3 K c1   
 
H    8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  ln 
  K c1
 

  313.15 K 298.15 K  
  

H     8.3145 J mol –1  ln  3   1.606 586 19 104  
H   56 856.033 83 J mol –1
H   56.9 kJ mol –1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

1 
b. The problem states that K c 2   K c1  . Using the same procedure as part a., H  can be obtained.
3 

  K   1 1 
H    R  ln  c 2      
  K c1   T2 T1  

  K c1   
 
H    8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  ln 
  3K c1
 

  313.15 K 298.15 K  
  

 1 
H     8.3145 J mol –1   ln     1.606 586 19 104  
 3 
H   56 856.033 83 J mol –1
H   56.9 kJ mol –1

Back to Problem 4.32 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.33. a. The ionic product [H+] [OH–], which is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water;
H2O  H+ + OH–

is 1.00 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6 at 25.0 °C and 1.45 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6 at 30.0 °C. Deduce ∆H° and ∆S° for the process.
b. Calculate the value of the ionic product at body temperature (37 °C).

Given: K1  1.00  10 –14 mol2 dm –6 , T1  25.0C  298.15 K K 2  1.45  10 –14 mol2 dm –6 , T2  30.0C  303.15 K


d ln K cο U 
a. To obtain H  , the standard enthalpy change, we use Eq.4.83. –
d (1/T ) R

d ln K cο H 
This can be written as, – since U  and H  are very close in solution.
d (1/T ) R

Rearranging and solving for H  gives,

 d ln K cο 
H    R  
 d (1/T ) 
  K   1 1 
H    R  ln  2      
  K1   T2 T1  
  1.45  10 –14 mol2 dm –6   
 
H    8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  ln 
  1.00  10 –14 mol2 dm –6
  

  303.15 K 298.15 K
 
 

H     8.3145 J mol –1  ln 1.45    5.531 942 105  
H   55 845.943 25 J mol –1
H   55.8 kJ mol –1

To obtain S  we use the relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° given by Eq. 3.90,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°

To continue to solve, we must determine ∆G°. The relationship between K and ∆G° is given by G  – RT ln K .

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln 1.00  1014 mol2 dm –6 

G  – 79 912.492 32 J mol –1

Solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  

S  

55 845.943 25 J mol –1  –79 912.492 32 J mol –1 
298.15 K
S   80.719 60 J mol K 1

S   80.7 J mol1 K 1

d ln K cο U 
b. To obtain K at 37°C we use Eq.4.83. –
d (1/T ) R

d ln K cο H 
This can be written as, – since U  and H  are very close in solution.
d (1/T ) R

Rearranging and solving for K2, the solubility product at37°C, gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

K   1 1 H 
ln  2       –
 K1   T2 T1  R
K  H   1 1 
ln  2   –   
 K1  R  T2 T1 
H   1 1 
ln K 2  ln K1  –   
R  T2 T1 
H   1 1 
ln K 2  –     ln K1
R  T2 T1 
 H   1 1  
 –     ln K1 
K2  e   2 1 

Solving for K2,


 55 845.943 25 J mol –1

1  
1 

  ln 1.0010

mol2 dm –6 

K2  e   
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  310.15 K 298.15 K  

K2  e
 –  6716.692 916 1.29770110  32.236 19

K2  e
 –31.364 564 09

K 2  2.390 798  10 –14 mol2 dm –6

K 2  2.39  10 –14 mol2 dm –6

Back to Problem 4.33 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.34. The equilibrium constant KP for the reaction I2(g) + cyclopentane(g)  2 HI(g) + cyclopentadiene(g) varies with temperatures
according to the equation:
log10(KP/bar) = 7.55 – 4844/(T/K)
a. Calculate KP, ∆G°, ∆H°, ∆S° (standard state: 1 bar) at 400 °C.
b. Calculate Kc and ∆G° (standard state: 1 M) at 400 °C.
c. If I2 and cyclopentane are initially at 400 °C and at concentrations of 0.1 M, calculate the final equilibrium concentrations of I2,
cyclopentane, HI, and cyclopentadiene.
Given: T  400C  673.15 K

a. KP can be obtained from the equation log10(KP/bar) = 7.55 – 4844/(T/K).
log10  K P / bar   7.55 –
T / K 
 4844 
 7.55– 
K P  10  T 

 4844 
 7.55– 
K P  10 673.15 

K P  2.259 34 bar 1
K P  2.26 bar 1

The relationship between KP and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20, G  – RT ln K Pο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 673.15 K ln  2.259 34 bar 1 

G  – 4561.885 J mol –1

G  – 4.56 kJ mol –1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant is given by the equation

H 
log10(KP/bar) = 7.55 – 4844/(T/K). From this equation, ∆H°, by converting it into Eq. 4.75, ln K Pο  – I .

 
To convert log10KP to ln KP , we use the law of logarithm that states log a blogb x  log a x

 
ln 10log10 K P  ln K P
ln K P  2.303log10 K P
 4844 
2.303log10 K P   –  2.303+7.55
 T 

To solve for ∆H°, we drop the 7.55 term and multiply by R

H   2.303R log10 K P

 
H   2.303 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 4844 K 
H   927 54.334 J mol –1
H   92.75 kJ mol –1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  

S ° 

927 54.334 J mol1  4561.885 J mol1 
673.15 K

S °  144.568 J mol1 K
S °  145 J mol1 K

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

b. The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv
Since there are three moles produced from two moles of gas reactants,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for Kc gives,

 
  1

K c  2.259 34 bar 1 0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  673.15 K

K c  0.040 368 dm3 mol1

K c  4.04 102 dm3 mol 1

The relationship between Kc and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 673.15 K ln  0.040 368 dm3 mol1 

G  –17 964.488 26 J mol –1

G  –18.0 kJ mol –1

c. To calculate the equilibrium concentrations, we need to obtain the expression for the equilibrium constant Kc.

 HI  cyclopentadiene

Kc 
 I2  cyclopentane
At equilibrium, we have
I2(g) + cyclopentane(g)  2 HI(g) + cyclopentadiene(g)

0.1  x 0.1  x 2x x

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Therefore K c becomes,

 2x x

Kc 
 0.1  x  0.1  x 
4 x3
Kc 
 0.1  x 

Solving for x, we can obtain the equilibrium concentrations.

4 x3
0.040 368 dm3 mol1 
 0.1  x 

0.040 368 dm3 mol1  0.1  x   4 x3


0.040 368 dm3 mol1  0.01  0.2 x  x 2   4 x3

4.0368 104 dm3 mol1   8.0736 102 dm3 mol1  x   4.0368 102 dm3 mol1  x 2  4 x3  0

To obtain x we can graph the equation and find the solution.

x  0.005 006 32 mol dm 3

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

cyclopentadiene  x  0.005 006 32 mol dm3

 cyclopentadiene  5.01103 mol dm 3
 HI  2 x  2  0.005 006 32 mol dm 3 
 HI  0.010 012 64 mol dm 3
 HI  1.00 102 mol dm 3
 I2   cyclopentane  0.1  x
 I2   cyclopentane  0.09499368 mol dm 3
 I2   cyclopentane  9.50 102 mol dm 3

Back to Problem 4.34 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.35. From the data in Appendix D, for the synthesis of methanol,

CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(l)

Calculate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° and the equilibrium constant at 25 °C.
Given: Appendix D, T  25C  298.15 K

Required: ∆H°, ∆G°, ∆S°, K

From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 

H   –239.2 kJ mol1    –110.53 kJ mol 1
 2 0 
H   128.67 kJ mol1
H   128.7 kJ mol1

From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for each reaction.

G    f G  products     f G  reactants 

G  –166.6 kJ mol1    kJ mol 1
 2  0 
G   kJ mol1
G  kJ mol1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H  – G 
S  

S °=

 J mol  J mol1

298.15 K

S °=  J mol1 K
S °=  J mol1 K

Back to Problem 4.35 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.36. The bacterium nitrobacter plays an important role in the “nitrogen cycle” by oxidizing nitrite to nitrate. It obtains the energy it
requires for growth from the reaction

NO 2– (aq)  O 2 (g)  NO3– (aq)
Calculate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° for this reaction from the following data, at 25 °C:

f H  f G
Ion –1
kJ mol kJ mol –1

NO 2– –104.6 –37.2
NO 3– –207.4 –111.3
Given: T  25C  298.15 K

Required: ∆H°, ∆G°, ∆S°

From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 
 1 
 

H   207.4 kJ mol1   –104.6 kJ mol1   0  
2 
H   102.8 kJ mol1

From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for each reaction.

G    f G   products     f G   reactants 

 1 
 

G  –111.3 kJ mol1   37.2 kJ mol1   0  
2 
G  74.1 kJ mol1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,
H  – G
S  

S °=

102.8 103 J mol1  74.1 103 J mol1 
298.15 K

S °  96.260 27 J mol1 K 1
S °  96.26 J K 1 mol1

Back to Problem 4.36 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.37. When the reaction:

glucose-1-phosphate(aq)  glucose-6-phosphate(aq)

is at equilibrium at 25 °C, the amount of glucose-6-phosphate present is 95% of the total.

a. Calculate ∆G° at 25 °C.
b. Calculate ∆G for reaction in the presence of 10–2 M glucose-1-phosphate and 10–4 M glucose-6-phosphate. In which direction
does reaction occur under these conditions?

Given: T  25C  298.15 K , xglucose 6 phosphate  0.95

a. To calculate ∆G°, we first find the equilibrium constant for the reaction.

glucose  6  phosphate
glucose  1  phosphate
xglucose 6 phosphate
1  xglucose 6 phosphate
solving for K gives,
1  0.95
K  19
The relationship between K and ∆G° is given by, G  – RT ln K

Solving for ∆G° gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 
G   8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln 19 
G   7299.170 52 J mol –1
G   7.3 kJ mol –1

b. To calculate ∆G, we follow the same procedure as part a, and first find the equilibrium constant for the reaction. The ∆G will be the
difference in standard Gibbs energy, ∆G° and the Gibbs energy for K =10-2.

glucose  6  phosphate  104  102
glucose  1  phosphate 102
Solving for ∆G gives,

  
GK 102  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 298.15 K ln 102 

GK 102  11 416.070 33 J mol –1

G  G  GK 102
G  7299.170 52 J mol –1  11 416.070 33 J mol –1
G  18 715.245 35 J mol –1
G  19 kJ mol –1

Back to Problem 4.37 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.38. From the data in Appendix D, for the reaction

CO2(g) + H2(g)  CO(g) + H2O(g)

Calculate the following:

a. ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° (standard state: 1 bar and 25 °C).
b. The equilibrium constant at 25 °C.
c. From the heat capacity data in Table 2.1, obtain an expression for ∆H° as a function of temperature.
d. Obtain an expression for ln KP as a function of temperature.
e. Calculate KP at 1000 K.
Given: Appendix D, T  25C  298.15 K

a. From Eq. 2.53 the enthalpies of formation can be used to obtain ∆H° for each reaction.

H     f H   products     f H   reactants 

  
H   110.53 kJ mol1  –241.826 kJ mol1  393.51 kJ mol1   0  
H   41.154 kJ mol1

From Eq. 3.91 the Gibbs energies of formation can be used to obtain ∆G° for each reaction.

G    f G  products     f G   reactants 

  
G  111.3 kJ mol1  kJ mol1  228.6 kJ mol1 
G  kJ mol1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°

Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,
H  – G 
S  

S °=

102.8 103 J mol1  74.1 103 J mol1 
298.15 K

S °  96.26027 J mol1K 1
S °  96.26 J K 1 mol1

b. The relationship between K and…

c. Heat capacity is given by equation 2.52 as,

1 1 1
H m (T2 )  H m (T1 )  d (T2 )  e(T22 – T12 ) – f  – 
2  T2 T1 

From the values in Table 2.1 we can obtain d, e and f.

d  d (products) – d (reactants)
d   28.41  30.54    44.22  27.28 
d   12.55 J K –1 mol –1

e  e(products) – e(reactants)
e   4.10  10.29  10 –3   8.79  3.26  10 –3
e  2.34 10 –3 J K –2 mol –1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

f  f (products) – f (reactants)
f   4.6  0  104   86.2  5.0  104
f  76.6 104 J K mol –1

Solving for an expression for ∆H° as a function of temperature gives,

H  T2   41 154 J mol1  12.55 J K –1 mol –1 T2  

 
2.34 10 –3 J K –2 mol –1  T22 –  298.15 K 

1 1 
– 76.6 104 J K mol –1  – 
 T2 298.15 K 

Simplifying we obtain,

  1
H  T2   41 154  12.55T2  1.17 10 –3  T22   298.15   76.6 104  
2 1 

 T2 298.15 
76.6 104 76.6 104
H  T2   41 154  12.55T2  1.17 10 T2  1.17 10   298.15  
–3 2 –3

T2 298.15
76.6 104
H  T2   41 154  12.55T2  1.17 10 –3 T22 104.005   2569.177

76.6 104
H  T2   43 619.172  12.55T2  1.17 10 –3 T22 
76.6 104 J K mol –1
H  T   43 619 J mol1  1.17 10 –3 J K –2 mol –1T 2  12.55 J K –1 mol –1T 

d. To obtain an expression for lnKP, we use Eq. 4.72,

d ln K Pο H 

dT RT 2
Rearranging for lnKP gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H 
d ln K P  dT
RT 2
H 
ln K P   dT
RT 2
Substituting the expression obtained in part c., we obtain,

76.6 104 To obtain I, we use the result from part b.

H  T   43 619  1.17 10 –3 T 2  12.55T 
H 
ln K P   dT
RT 2 1.17 10 –3 J K 1 mo
1 
43 619 1.17 10 –3 T 2 12.55 T 76.6 104 1 ln K P  1
ln K P      dT 8.3145 J K 1 mol1   43 619 J mol 
RT 2 RT2 RT 2 T RT 2  T
43 619 1.17 10 –3 12.55 76.6 104
ln K P      dT
RT 2 R RT RT 3
1 12.55 43 619 76.6 104
ln K P   1.17 10 –3    dT
R T T2 T3
1 43 619 76.6 104  e. To calculate KP at 1000 K, we use the
ln K P  1.17 10 –3 T  12.55ln T     I , where I is an integration factor
R T 2T 2
 expression obtained in part d.

 2
43 619 38.3 104 K 
ln K P 
1  –3 1
 
1.17 10 K 1000 K  12.55ln 1000 K   
1000 K  1000 K 2 
8.3145 J K 1 mol1 
   
 2
43 619 38.3 104 K 
ln K P 
1  –3 1
 
1.17 10 K 1000 K  12.55ln 1000 K   
1000 K  1000 K 2 
8.3145 J K 1 mol1 
   
Back to Problem 4.38 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.39. Irving Langmuir [J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 28, 1357 (1906)] studied the dissociation of CO2 into CO and O2 by bringing the gas at 1 atm
pressure into contact with a heated platinum wire. He obtained the following results:

T/K Percent Dissociation

1395 0.0140
1443 0.0250
1498 0.0471

Calculate KP for 2CO2(g) = 2CO(g) + O2(g) at each temperature, and estimate ∆H°, ∆G°, and ∆S° at 1395 K.
Given: P = 1atm, percent dissociation

Required: K P at T =1395 , K P at T =1443 , K P at T =1498 , H T =1395, GT =1395, S T =1395

To determine KP we find an expression in terms of the amounts of CO2, CO and O2.

2CO2  2CO + 02
1-x x x/2
 xCO 
KP 
x 
CO 2

 x
 
KP  2
1  x 

1 x3
KP 
2 1  x 2

Solving for KP at each temperature gives,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 
1 0.0140 10
K P at T =1395 
 
2 1  0.0140 102

K P at T =1395  1.372 38 1012 atm

where 1 atm  1.01325 bar
K P at T =1395  1.390 57 1012 bar

K P at T =1395  1.39  1012 bar

 
1 0.0250 10
K P at T =1443 
 
2 1  0.0250 102

K P at T =1443  7.816 41 1012 atm

where 1 atm  1.01325 bar
K P at T =1443  7.919 98 1012 bar
K P at T =1443  1.39  1012 bar

 
1 0.0471 10
K P at T =1498 
 
2 1  0.0471 102

K P at T =1498  5.229 28 1011 atm

where 1 atm  1.01325 bar
K P at T =1498  5.298 57 1011 bar
K P at T =1498  5.30 1011 bar

Back to Problem 4.39 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.40. G. Stark and M. Bodenstein [Z. Electrochem.,16, 961(1910)] carried out experiments in which they sealed iodine in a glass bulb and
measured the vapor pressure. The following are some of the results they obtained:

volume of bulb = 249.8 cm3

amount of iodine = 1.958 mmol

Temperature/ºC Pressure/Torr
800 558.0
1000 748.0
1200 1019.2

a. Calculate the degree of dissociation at each temperature.

b. Calculate Kc at each temperature, for the process I2  2I.

c. Calculate KP at each temperature.

d. Obtain values for ∆H° and ∆U° at 1000 °C.
e. Calculate ∆G° and ∆S° at 1000 °C.

Given: n  1.958 103 mol, V  249.8 103 dm3


a. The reaction in this problem is given by

I2  2I
x y/2 mol
The degree of dissociation, , can be obtained by first determining the number of moles of I2 and I present.

The total number of moles present at equilibrium is given by,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

x  1.958 103 mol (1)

To obtain a second expression involving x and y, we rearrange the ideal gas law, and solve for x and y.

PV  nRT

x y 

 558.0 torr 

1 atm 
760.0 torr
 3
 249.8 10 dm


x y 
 
0.082 06 atm dm K –1 mol –1 1073.15 K

x  y  2.082 67  103 mol (2)

Now we have two equations and two unknowns, and subtracting (1) from (2), we can obtain y.

 1.2467  104 mol
y  2.4934 104 mol
x  2.082 67 103 mol  2.4934  104 mol
x  1.8333  103 mol

Solving for the degree of dissociation,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

x x
T 1073.15 K  1   1
ntotal  y
x 
 2
1.8333  103 mol
T 1073.15 K  1
1.958 103 mol
T 1073.15 K  0.063 874
T 1073.15 K  6.39 102

Repeating this procedure, we can determine  at 1273.15 K,

x y 

 748.0 torr 

1 atm 
760.0 torr
 3

 249.8  10 dm


x y 
 
0.082 06 atm dm K –1 mol –1 1273.15 K

x  y  2.353 25 103 mol (3)

Now we have two equations and two unknowns, and subtracting (1) from (3), we can obtain y.

 3.9525  104 mol
y  7.905  104 mol
x  2.353 25  103 mol  7.905  104 mol
x  1.562 75 103 mol

Solving for the degree of dissociation,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

x x
T 1273.15 K  1   1
ntotal  y
x 
 2
1.562 75 10 mol
T 1273.15 K  1
1.958  103 mol
T 1273.15 K  0.201 86
T 1273.15 K  0.202

Repeating this procedure, we can determine  at 1473.15,

x y 

1019.2 torr 

1 atm 
760.0 torr
 3
 249.8 10 dm


x y 
 
0.082 06 atm dm K –1 mol –1 1473.15 K

x  y  2.771 15 103 mol (4)

Now we have two equations and two unknowns, and subtracting (1) from (3), we can obtain y.

 8.1315  104 mol
y  1.6263  103 mol
x  2.771 15  103 mol  7.905  104 mol
x  1.144 85  103 mol

Solving for the degree of dissociation,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

x x
T 1473.15 K  1   1
ntotal  y
x 
 2
1.144 85 10 mol
T 1473.15 K  1
1.958 103 mol
T 1473.15 K  0.415 30
T 1473.15 K  0.415

b. To determine the value of Kc at each temperature, we use the number of moles of I2 and I, i.e. the values of x and y obtained in part a. The
expression for the equilibrium constant is given by,

 I , where C  n

Kc 
 I2  V
 y
 
Kc   
 
V 
y2 1
Kc 
x V

At T = 1073.15 K,

 2.4934 10 
mol 1
Kc 
1.8333 10 3
mol   249.8  10 3
dm3 
4 3
K c  1.357 56 10 mol dm
K c  1.358 104 mol dm 3

At T = 1273.15 K,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 7.905 10 
mol 1
Kc 
1.562 75 10 3
mol  249.8 103 dm3 
K c  1.600 74 103 mol dm 3
K c  1.601 103 mol dm 3

At T = 1473.15 K,

1.6263 10 mol 

Kc 
1.144 85 10 mol   249.8 10
3 3
dm3 
K c  9.248 27  103 mol dm 3
K c  9.248  103 mol dm 3

c. The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Since there are two moles of I produced from one mole of I2,
Σv = +1 mol.
Solving for KP at T = 1073.15 K gives,

   0.083 145 bar dm 

 1
K P  1.357 56 104 mol dm 3 3
K -1 mol1  1073.15 K
K P  0.012 113 bar
K P  0.0121 bar

At T = 1273.15 K,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

  
 1
K P  1.60 074 103 mol dm 3 0.083 145 bar dm3 K -1 mol1  1273.15 K
K P  0.169 448 bar
K P  0.1694 bar

At T = 1473.15 K,

   0.083 145 bar dm 

 1
K P  9.248 27  103 mol dm 3 3
K -1 mol1  1473.15 K
K P  1.132 77 bar
K P  1.133 bar


e. The relationship between KP and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.20, G  – RT ln K Pο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 1273.15 K ln  0.169 448 bar 

G  18 791.664 J mol –1

G  18.79 kJ mol –1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  

S °=

J mol1  18 791.664 J mol1 
1273.15 K

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

S °= J mol1 K
S °= J mol1 K

Back to Problem 4.40 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.41. The following diagram shows the variation with temperature of the equilibrium constant Kc for a reaction. Calculate ∆G°, ∆H°, and
∆S° at 300 K.

Given: Graph
Required: ∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S° at 300 K

The relationship between Kc and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G  – 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 300 K ln  5.7  103 

G  12 889.028 J mol –1

G  12.9 kJ mol –1

The temperature dependence of equilibrium constants is given by Eq. 4.83 as

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

d ln K cο U 
– .
d (1/T ) R

d ln K cο H 
This can be written as, – since U  and H  are very close in solution.
d (1/T ) R

Rearranging and solving for H  gives,

 d ln K cο 
H    R  
 d (1/T ) 
  K   1 1 
H    R  ln  c 2      
  K c1   T2 T1  
  5.7  103   1 
 
H    8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  ln  
4  

  7.8 10   300 K 340 K
 
  5.7 103  
H     8.3145 J mol –1   ln  4  
 3.921 57 104  
  7.8  10  
H   42 169.192 J mol –1
H   42.2 kJ mol –1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging and solving for ∆S° gives,

H   G
S  

S ° 

42 169.192 J mol1  12 889.028 J mol1 
300 K

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

S °  183.5274 J mol1 K
S °  184 J mol1 K

Back to Problem 4.41 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.42. The following values apply to a chemical reaction A  Z:

H   – 85.2 kJ mol –1
S   –170.2 J K –1 mol –1

Assuming these values to be temperature independent, calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 300 K. At what temperature is
the equilibrium constant equal to unity?

Given: H   – 85.2 kJ mol –1 , S   –170.2 J K –1 mol –1 , T  300 K

Required: Kc, T where K = 1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Solving for ∆G° gives,

G  –85.2  103 J mol –1  300 K    –170.2 J K –1

mol –1 
G  341 40 J mol –1

The relationship between Kc and ∆G° is given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο . Rearranging and solving for Kc gives,

– G
ln K c 
– G 
Kc  e RT

– 34 140 J mol –1 
Kc  e
8.3145 J K –1
mol –1
300 K 
K c  879 344.891 2
K c  8.79 105

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

The equilibrium constant is equal to unity when ∆G° is equal to zero.

G  – RT ln 1
G  – RT  0 
G  0

Rearranging Eq. 3.90 we can obtain the temperature at which this occurs.
G  H  – T S 
H  – G
T , where G  0
S 
H 
S 

–85.2  103 J mol –1

–170.2 J K –1 mol –1
T  500.587 54 K
T  501 K

Back to Problem 4.42 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.43. The equilibrium constant Kc for the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate is
1.66 × 105 mol dm–3 at 37 °C, and ∆H° is –20.1 kJ mol–1. Calculate ∆S° for the hydrolysis at 37 °C. On the assumption that ∆H° and
∆S° are temperature independent, calculate Kc at 25 °C.
Given: Kc = 1.66 × 105 mol dm–3, ∆H° = –20.1 kJ mol–1 T  37C  303.15 K

Required: ∆S° where T  37C  303.15 K , Kc where T  25C  298.15 K

The equilibrium in this problem is given by

ATP  ADP + phosphate

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging gives,

H   G
S  

To obtain ∆G°, we use the relationship between Kc and ∆G°, given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G   8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 310.15 K ln 1.66 105 mol1 dm3 

G   30 995.818 38 J mol –1

Solving for ∆S° gives,

20.1103 J mol –1   30 995.818 38 J mol –1 

S  
303.15 K
S   35.130 802 J K –1
mol –1
S   35.1 J K –1 mol –1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Assuming ∆H° and ∆S° are temperature independent, we can calculate Kc from Eq. 4.27 by first obtaining ΔG° from Eq. 3.90 at 25 °C
G  H   T S 
G  20.1103 J mol –1  298.15 K    35.130 802 J K –1
mol –1 
G  30 574.248 62 J mol –1

G   RT ln K cο
G 
Kc  e RT

 30 574.248 62 J mol –1 
Kc  e
 8.3145 J K –1 mol –1  298.15 K 

K c  227 170.8135 mol dm 3

K c  2.27 105 mol dm 3

Back to Problem 4.43 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.44. A dissociation A2  2A has an equilibrium constant of 7.2 × 10–5 mol dm–3 at 300 K, and a ∆H° value of 40.0 kJ mol–1. Calculate
the standard entropy change for the reaction at 300 K. (What is its standard state?) If the ∆H° and ∆S° values for this reaction are
temperature independent, at what temperature is the equilibrium constant equal to unity?

Given: K c  7.2  10 –5 mol dm –3 T  300 K, H   40.0 kJ mol –1

Required: S , T where K  1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging gives,

H   G
S  

To obtain ∆G°, we use the relationship between Kc and ∆G°, given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G   8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 300 K ln  7.2  10 –5 mol dm –3 

G  23 793.216 63 J mol –1

Solving for ∆S° gives,

S  

40.0 103 J mol –1  23 793.216 63 J mol –1 
300 K
S   54.022 611 J K –1
mol –1
S   54 J K –1 mol –1

The equilibrium constant is equal to unity when ∆G° is equal to zero.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  – RT ln 1
G  – RT  0 
G  0

Rearranging Eq. 3.90 we can obtain the temperature at which this occurs.
G  H  – T S 

H  – G
T , where G  0
S 
H 
S 

40.0 103 J mol –1

54.022 611 J K –1 mol –1
T  740.430 706 K
T  740 K

Back to Problem 4.44 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.45. A reaction A + B  Z has an equilibrium constant of 4.5 × 104 dm3 mol–1 at 300 K, and a ∆H° value of –40.2 kJ mol–1. Calculate
the entropy change for the reaction at 300 K. If the ∆H° and ∆S° values are temperature independent, at what temperature is the
equilibrium constant equal to unity?

Given: K c  4.5  104 dm3mol –1 T  300 K, H   40.2 kJ mol –1

Required: S , T where K  1

The relationship between ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° is given by Eq. 3.90,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, hence, ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°
Rearranging gives,

H   G
S  

To obtain ∆G°, we use the relationship between Kc and ∆G°, given by Eq. 4.27, G  – RT ln K cο

Solving for ∆G° gives,

  
G   8.3145 J K –1 mol –1 300 K ln  4.5  104 dm3 mol –1 

G   26 725.507 96 J mol –1

Solving for ∆S° gives,

S  

40.2 103 J mol –1   26 725.507 96 J mol –1 
300 K
S   44.914 973 J K –1
mol –1
S   44.9 J K –1 mol –1

The equilibrium constant is equal to unity when ∆G° is equal to zero.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  – RT ln 1
G  – RT  0 
G  0

Rearranging Eq. 3.90 we can obtain the temperature at which this occurs.
G  H  – T S 

H  – G
T , where G  0
S 
H 
S 

40.2 103 J mol –1

44.914 973 J K –1 mol –1
T  895.024 472 K
T  895 K

Back to Problem 4.45 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.46. At 1 bar pressure liquid bromine boils at 58.2 °C, and at 9.3 °C its vapor pressure is 0.1334 bar. Assuming ∆H° and ∆S° to be
temperature independent, calculate their values, and calculate the vapor pressure and ∆G° at 25 °C.

Given: Tb  58.2 C, PT 9.3 C  0.1334 bar, T  25 C

Required: H , S , G

First of all, the equilibrium represented in this problem is given by

Br2 (l)  Br2 (g)

To solve for ∆G° we can use Eq. 4.20

G    RT ln K  P

We use the vapour pressure as a measure of the equilibrium constant and under the equilibrium conditions, Tb  58.2 C  331.35 K  we

  
G  T  331.35 K    8.3145 J K 1 mol1 331.35 K ln 1 bar 

G   331.35 K   0 J mol 1

Where T  9.3 C  282.45 K , we obtain

  
G   282.45 K    8.3145 J K 1 mol1 282.45 K ln  0.1334 bar 

G   282.45 K   4 730.685 837 J mol1

G   282.45 K   4 731 J mol1

To solve for ∆H° and ∆S° we use Eq. 3.90, G   H  – T S  . This method is applicable because the problem states that enthalpy and
entropy are temperature independent.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 G    H   T S 
4 731 J mol1  H    282.45 K  S  (1)
0 J mol1  H    331.35 K  S  (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1) and then solving gives,

4 730.685 837 J mol 1   48.9 K  S 

4 730.685 837 J mol 1
S  
48.9 K
S   96.742 042 J K 1 mol1
S   96.74 J K 1 mol1

 G    H   T S   0
 H   T S 

H   331.35 K   96.742 042 J K 1
mol1 
H    32 055.475 5 J mol 1
H   32 055 J mol 1

To solve for the vapour pressure at T  25 C  298.15 K , first we find the value for ∆G°, and solve for vapour pressure using Eq. 4.20.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G   H   T S 

G   32 055 J mol 1  298.15 K   96.74 J K 1
mol1 
G   3 211.969 J mol1
G    RT ln P
 G  
 
P  e RT 

 3 211.969 J mol1 
 
 8.3145 J K 1 mol1 298.15 K 
Pe  

P  0.273 709 522 bar

P  0.273 7 bar

Back to Problem 4.46 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.47. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of gaseous ozone at 25 °C, G οf , is 162.3 kJ mol–1, for a standard state of 1 bar. Calculate
the equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx for the process:
3O2(g)  2O3(g)

What is the mole fraction of O3 present at 25 °C at 2 bar pressure?


Given: T  25 C  298.15 K, G f  162.3 kJ mol1 , P  2 bar

Required: KP, Kc, and Kx

First of all, the G  for the reaction can be calculated from the standard Gibbs energy of formation for gaseous ozone as,

G   2  G f  2  162.3 kJ mol1
G   324.6 kJ mol 1

Rearranging Eq. 4.20, as shown in Problem 4.46, gives an expression for the KP

G    RT ln K P
 G  
 
KP  e  RT 

 324 600 J mol1 

 
 8.3145 J K 1 mol1 298.15 K 
KP  e  

K P  1.357 68  1057 bar 1

K P  1.36  1057 bar 1

The unit of bar-1 appears because the standard state is 1 bar.

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,
KP = Kc(RT)Σv, where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Rearranging for Kc gives,
Kc = KP(RT)-Σv

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Since there are two moles of ozone produced from three moles of oxygen, Σv = -1 mol.
Solving for Kc gives,

K c  K P  RT 

 
 1

K c  1.357 68  1057 bar 1 8.3145 J K 1 mol1  298.15 K

K c  3.365 63 1054 J mol 1 bar 1

where 1 bar  105 Pa
3.365 63 1054 J mol1 bar 1
Kc 
105 Pa bar 1
K c  3.365 63 1059 J mol1 Pa 1
where 1 J Pa 1  1 m3 and therefore 103 J Pa 1  1 dm3
K c  3.37 1056 dm3 mol1

The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,

KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products.
Rearranging for Kx gives,
K x  K P P v

Since there are two moles of ozone produced from three moles of oxygen, Σv = -1 mol.
Solving for Kx at P = 2 bar gives,
K x  K P P v

   2 bar 
 1
K x  1.357 68 1057 bar 1 1

K x  2.715 35  1057
K x  2.72  1057

Back to Problem 4.47 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

4.48. For the equilibrium:

H2(g) + I2(g)  2HI(g)

The following data apply:

H  (300 K) = –9.6 kJ mol –1

S  (300 K) = 22.18 J K –1 mol –1
C p (500 K) = –7.11 J K –1 mol –1

The latter value can be taken to be the average value between 300 K and 500 K.
Calculate the equilibrium constants KP, Kc, and Kx at 500 K. What would be the mole fraction of HI present at equilibrium if HI is
introduced into a vessel at 10 atm pressure; how would the mole fraction change with pressure?

Given: H (300 K)  9.6 kJ mol1 , S (300 K)  22.18 J K 1 mol1 ,

CP (500 K)  7.11 J K 1 mol1 , P  10 atm

Required: KP, Kc, and Kx at 500 K, x

The relationship between enthalpy and heat capacity for changes in temperature is given by Eq. 2.46.

  H   H 2  H1  CP T2  T1 

Therefore at T = 500 K, the enthalpy for the equilibrium becomes,

H 2  H1  CP T2  T1 

H 500 K  9 600 J mol1  7.11 J K 1 mol1  500 K  300 K 

H 500 K  9 600 J mol1  7.11 J K 1 mol1 200 K 
H 500 K  11 022 J mol1

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

To determine the entropy change at T = 500 K, we derive an equation for the temperature dependence of entropy and heat capacity from the
relationship between entropy and enthalpy at equilibrium.
at equilibrium, H   T S   0
H   T S 
Using Eq. 2.46 and integrating we then obtain,

H 2  H1  CP T2  T1 

H   T S 
CP dT
S (T2 )  S (T1 )  
T1 T
S (T2 )  S (T1 )  CP ln 2
 500 K 
S (T500 K )  22.18 J K 1 mol 1  7.11 J K 1 mol 1 ln  
 300 K 
S (T500 K )  18.548 029 82 J K 1 mol1

The Gibbs free energy at T = 500 K is,

G  (500 K)  H   T S 

   
G (500 K)  11 022 J mol1  500 K 18.548 029 82 J K 1 mol1 
G (500 K)  20 296.014 91 J mol1

The relationship between Gibbs free energy and KP is given by Eq. 4.20. Rearranging as shown in Problem 4.46, gives an expression for the

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G    RT ln K P
 G  
 
KP  e  RT 

 20296.014 91 J mol1 
 
 8.3145 J K 1 mol1 500 K 
KP  e  

K P  131.904 354 4
K P  132

The relationship between Kc and KP is given by Eq. 4.26,

KP = Kc(RT)Σv,
The relationship between Kx and KP is given by Eq. 4.32,
KP = KxPΣv , where Σv is the difference between the moles of products to the moles of products. Since there is no change in the number of
moles of products and reactants, Kc and Kx have the same value as KP and therefore,

K P  K c  K x  132

To find the mole fraction, we determine the expression for Kx based on the equilibrium.

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

H 2 (g)  I 2 (g)  2HI (g)

ninitial 1 1 0
nequilibrium x x 2 x
nfinal 1 x 1 x 2x

 2x
4 x2
Kx  
1  x  1  x 
2 2

solving for x, we obtain

4 x2
 132
1  x 

 132
1 x
2 x  11.489 125 29 1  x 
11.489 125 29
13.489 125 29
x  0.851 732 417
x  0.852

Pressure has no effect on the mole fraction.

Back to Problem 4.48 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

*4.49. Protein denaturations are usually irreversible but may be reversible under a narrow range of conditions. At pH 2.0, at temperatures
ranging from about 40 °C to 50 °C, there is an equilibrium between the active form P and the deactivated form D of the enzyme
P D

Thermodynamic values are ∆H° = 283 kJ mol–1 and ∆S° = 891 J K–1 mol–1. Assume these values to be temperature independent over
this narrow range, and calculate ∆G° and Kc values at 40.0 °C, 42.0 °C, 44.0 °C, 46.0 °C, 48.0 °C, and 50.0 °C. At what temperature
will there be equal concentrations of P and D?
**Note that the high thermodynamic values lead to a considerable change in K over this 10 °C range.
Given: pH = 2.0, ∆H° = 283 kJ mol–1 and ∆S° = 891 J K–1 mol–1, T = 40.0 °C, 42.0 °C, 44.0 °C, 46.0 °C, 48.0 °C, and 50.0 °C
Required: ∆G° and Kc at T given, Tequilibrium
To solve for ∆G° we use Eq. 3.90, G   H  – T S 
For T = 40.0 °C,

G   283 000 J mol –1  313.15 K  891 J K –1
mol –1 
G   3 983.35 J mol –1
G   398 kJ mol –1

The relationship between Gibbs free energy and Kc is given by Eq. 4.27. Rearranging gives an expression for the Kc

G    RT ln K c
 G  
 
Kc  e  RT 

For T = 40.0 °C,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

 3 983.35 J mol1 
 
 8.3145 J K 1 mol1 313.5 K 
Kc  e  

K c  0.216 56
K c  0.217

Applying the same method to each temperature, we then obtain,

Temperature ∆G° kJ mol-1 K

313.15 3.98 0.217

315.15 2.20 0.432
317.15 0.419 0.853
319.15 -1.362 1.67
321.15 -3.14 3.25
323.15 -4.93 6.26

The Tequilibrium occurs when

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

G  H   T S   0
H 
Tequilibrium 
S 
283 000 J mol –1
Tequilibrium 
891 J K –1 mol –1
Tequilibrium  317.620 651 K
Tequilibrium  317.6 K  44.47 C

Back to Problem 4.49 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

*4.50. Suppose that a large molecule, such as a protein, contains n sites to which a molecule A (a ligand) can become attached. Assume
that the sites are equivalent and independent, so that the reactions M +A = MA, MA + A = MA2, etc., all have the same equilibrium
constant Ks. Show that the average number of occupied sites per molecule is:
nK s [A]
1  K s [ A]

Given: above
Required: proof
If the concentration of M is [M], then the total number of sites occupied and unoccupied is n[M]. The association of reactions may be
formulated in terms of S, the number of sites.

S  A 
 
 SA

The equilibrium constant becomes

Ks  , where [S] is the concentration of unoccupied sites and [SA] in the concentration of occupied sites.

Rearranging the equilibrium constant in terms of [S] gives,

S 
Ks A

The total concentration of sites, n[M], upon rearrangement, becomes,

n  M   S  SA 

n M 
SA   SA
 
Ks A
 1 
n  M   SA    1
 K s  A  

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

The average number of sites occupied per molecule is the total concentration of occupied sites divided by the total concentration of M.

SA  
Ks A
nK s  A 
1  K s A

Back to Problem 4.50 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

*4.51. Modify the derivation in Problem 4.50 so as to deal with sites that are not all equivalent; the equilibrium constants for the
attachments of successive ligands are each different:

M  A  MA K1 

[MA 2 ]
MA  A  MA 2 K 2 

[MA n ]
MA n –1  A  MA n K n 
[MA n –1 ][A]

Show that the average number of molecules of A bound per molecule M is:

K1[A]  2 K1 K 2 [A]2    n( K1 K 2 K3  K n )[A]n

1  K1 [A]  K1 K 2 [A]2    ( K1 K 2 K3  K n )[ A]n

This equation is important in biology and biochemistry and is often called the Adair equation, after the British biophysical chemist
G. S. Adair.
Given: above
Required: proof
The total concentration of the molecule M is

 M 0   M    MA    MA 2   ...   MA n 
The total concentration of the occupied sites is the total concentration of the bound A molecules,

 A b   MA   2  MA 2   ...  n  MA n 
The first few equilibrium constants are given above as,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

K1 
 MA , K   MA 2  , K   MA3 
 M  A  2  MA  A  3  MA 2  A
Rearranging the equilibrium constants in terms of [A] gives,

 MA   K1  M  A 
 MA 2   K 2  MA  A   K1K 2  M  A 

 MA3   K3  MA 2  A   K1K 2 K3  M  A 

Expressing every term in terms of [A] gives,

 A b   MA   2  MA 2   ...  n  MA n 
 A b   M K1  A   2 K1K 2  A   ...  n  K1K 2 ...K n   A  
2 n

 M 0   M    MA    MA 2   ...   MA n 
 M 0   M 1  K1  A   K1K 2  A   ...   K1K 2 ...K n   A  
2 n

The average number of molecules of A bound per molecule M is then given by

 A b
 M 0
 M  K1  A   2 K1K 2  A   ...  n  K1K 2 ...K n   A  
2 n

 M  1  K1  A   K1K 2  A   ...   K1K 2 ...K n   A  
2 n

K1  A   2 K1 K 2  A   ...  n  K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

1  K1  A   K1 K 2  A   ...   K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

Back to Problem 4.51 Back to Top

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

*4.52. Now show that the Adair equation, derived in Problem 4.51, reduces to the equation obtained in Problem 4.50 when the sites are
equivalent and independent. [It is not correct simply to put K1 = K2 = K3  = Kn; certain statistical factors must be introduced. Thus,
if Ks is the equilibrium constant for the binding at a given site, K1 = nKs, since there are n ways for A to become attached to a given
molecule and one way for it to come off. Similarly K2 = (n – 1)Ks/2; n – 1 ways on and 2 ways off. Continue this argument and
develop an expression for v that will factorize into nKs[A]/(1 + Ks[A]). Suggest a method of testing the equilibrium obtained and
arriving at a value of n from experimental data.]
Given: Problems 4.50 and 4.51, information above
Required: prove that the Adair equation reduces to the equation in Problem 4.50
Using the above argument,

K1  nK s
K 2   n  1
K3   n  2  s
and therefore, K n 
Substituting this into the Adair equation we get,

K1  A   2 K1 K 2  A   ...  n  K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

1  K1  A   K1 K 2  A   ...   K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

nK s  A   n  n  1 K s 2  A   ...  nK s n  A 
2 n

1  nK s  A   n  n  1 K s 2  A   ...  K s n  A 
2 n

The coefficients are the binomial coefficients and therefore the expression reduces to,

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions


nK s  A  1   n  1 K s  A   ...  K s n 1  A 
n 1

1  nK s  A   n  n  1 K s 2  A   ...  K s n  A 
2 n

nK s  A  1  K s  A 
n 1

1  K  A 

nK  A  1  K  A 
s s
1  K  A  1  K  A
s s

nK s  A 
v which is the expression obtained in Problem 4.50.
1  K s  A

1 1
A method to test the equilibrium would be to plot against Rearranging the above equation gives,
v A
nK s  A 
1  Ks A
1 1  Ks A

v nK s  A 

1 1 Ks A
 
v nK s  A  n K s  A 

1 1 1
 
v n nK s  A 

One of the intercepts will be .

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

Alternatively, v can be plotted against
nK s  A 
1  Ks A
v  vK s  A   nK s  A 
v  nK s  A   vK s  A 
 nv
Ks A
v  n
Ks A

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Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

*4.53. Another special case of the equation derived in Problem 4.51 is if the binding on one site affects that on another. An extreme case is
highly cooperative binding, in which the binding of A on one site influences the other sites so that they fill up immediately. This
means that Kn is much greater than K1, K2, etc. Show that now:

nK [A]n
1  K [A]n

Where K is the product of K1, K2,  Kn. The British physiologist A. V. Hill suggested that binding problems can be treated by

ln against ln[A]
1– 

Where θ is the fraction of sites that are occupied. Consider the significance of such Hill plots, especially their shapes and slopes,
with reference to the equations obtained in Problems 4.50 to 4.53.
Given: above
Required: proof
If Kn is much greater than K1, K2, and so on, then the equation obtained in Problem 4.51 reduces to the following

K1  A   2 K1 K 2  A   ...  n  K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

1  K1  A   K1 K 2  A   ...   K1 K 2 ...K n   A 
2 n

n  K1 K 2 ...K n   A 

1   K1 K 2 ...K n   A 

nK  A 

1  K A

Where K  K1 K 2 ...K n is the overall equilibrium constant for the binding of n molecules, we then obtain

Chapter 4: Chemical Equilibrium Solutions

nA  M 
 MA n

The fraction of sites occupied, θ

K A

 K A
 or,
1  K A 1

The slope of the plot of ln against  A  is therefore n. If the sites are identical and independent (Problem 4.50), then the slope is 1.
Intermediate behaviour can give nonlinear plots; the maximum slope of a Hill plot cannot be greater than n.

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