Lesson Plan 4 Revised Autosaved

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Lesson Plan Template

TOPIC Living and Nonliving Things CK
Name Ms. McNamara
Subject Stations on Living and Nonliving Things
Grade Level 1st Grade
Date/Duration One Day (50 minute lesson)
Big Ideas  We, as humans, rely on many living and nonliving things every
day. It is important to have an understanding on how these things
interact in our everyday lives.
Essential Questions  What do living things need to survive? Commented [SM1]: I may have to describe to the class
exactly what living things are. They are not just people
 What are characteristics of living and nonliving things? and our plants. There is ocean life that is living and
 What does a nonliving thing need to get from one place to plants, living things that we don’t see living and
another? breathing, but they still live in our world. I will show the
class pictures of these living things that we do not think
 How do nonliving things affect living things and vice versa? are living or see in our everyday lives.
Commented [SM2]: Explain what makes something
PA/Common Standard - 3.1.1.A1 nonliving. Just because it moves, like water or a car, does
Core/Standards  Categorize living and nonliving things by external characteristics. not mean that it is living.
Standard - 3.2.1.B6
 ENERGY Recognize that light from the sun is an important
source of energy for living and nonliving systems and some source
of energy is needed for all organisms to stay alive and grow.

Objective  The class will be split up into four groups of four. There will be Commented [SM3]: For my class they will be split up into
4 groups of 2. Some students in my class have difficulties
four stations for the groups to visit, each group being at their working with others, so I would not want them working
Bloom's Taxonomy station for 10-minutes, and then they will rotate. All of the in large groups for that could be overwhelming for the
students will visit each station during this lesson. Through the student. If a student feels they need to break away from
Webb's Depth of their peer and have a self-timeout, they may take one, but
stations, the class will identify what living and nonliving things will have to return to their peer. The peer that is left, can
Knowledge (DOK) need to survive, what a living and nonliving thing is, classify living choose to continue working at the station or join another
and nonliving things, and watch a video on living and nonliving group.
things. The students will be able to complete each station with at Commented [SM4]: I will have signs with pictures
least 80% accuracy, and will be able to complete each station with around the classroom to direct the students to the next
the oral directions that will be given at the beginning of class, as
well as the explanations that will be at each station. Commented [SM5]: For students that need more time at
a station, they will have the opportunity to work on the
station at the end of the day. When this lesson takes
Formative &  Formative Assessment place, recess will be replaced with the science centers
and for students who do get done they may read a book
Summative  I will be listening to the groups conversations. I am looking to see about living and nonliving things, which will be provided
Assessment that the students can interact with their group members, and by me.
Evidence listening for knowledgeable talk about living and nonliving things. Commented [SM6]: Students will also have written
 If I hear something that grabs my attention, I will ask the student directions with pictures to take with them to each station.
Some students may need a reminder, or are not on the
or group why they think that, and what is the proof. For example, same reading readiness level as some of their peers.
if a student says that living things need sunlight to survive, I will
ask them why living things need sunlight to survive. Commented [SM7]: If I hear a student talking off task, I
will ask what brought up that conversation and if it has
 Summative Assessment nothing to do with the station or the lesson at hand, I will
 After the class has visited all of the stations, we will use the ask them for ways to get back on task and focus on the
remaining 10 minutes of class, and the students are to center.
individually provide 5 facts about living and nonliving things.
Because this is review, and we have gone over living and
nonliving things before, students will be able to complete the 5
facts with 100% accuracy. Commented [SM8]: Some students may need help with
writing in spelling, in which case me or their aid will help
them. There is a literacy section of the wall in the
ISTE Standards for classroom, which the students may refer to for letter
Students 3c
sounds, blending letter sounds, vowel rules, etc.

 Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of

Framework for 21st tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate
Century Learning meaningful connections or conclusions.
 Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various
roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of society’s impact on
the natural world.

Accommodations,  T. needs space getting around the room because of his paralysis Commented [SM9]: These accommodations were made
Modifications specifically for one student, the accommodations for this
and need for braces. Therefore, the room will be made spacious case study have been listed in the comments column of
enough from station to station so that he does not have difficulty this document. Students in my classroom are free to use
getting from one station to another. assistive technology such as; a MotivAider, the comfort
corner, fidget spinners, and personal interest inventories
 T. can use a device called a MotivAider, which will be provided by to help keep them on task throughout the lesson.
the school district, and can help keep the him on track by sending
him messages of motivation throughout the day. It can say “Way
to go” “You’re doing great” or a personal message picked by the
student. MotivAider can send vibrations to the student as well to
help them think about their message.
 A handicap accessible desk will be made available at each of the
stations, for T. That way he can still be involved in the group


Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures

RATIONALE for the The students have already learned what living and nonliving things are. CK
Learning Plan They are going to use that knowledge and apply it to each of the stations,
the students will test their knowledge and the teacher can see how much
information the student’s retained, through how they complete the
stations, and their conversations with one another.

Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge

 The students will have prior knowledge of living and nonliving
things, this activity is so that they can share with their other Commented [SM10]: We will do a quick review of living
classmates what they have learned and gives the students the and nonliving things before we go to each station. So that
I can be sure that students have an understanding before
opportunity to learn from one another. working with a peer in a more student centered
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set Commented [SM11]: If it is known that two students I
 I will start by explaining each of the stations to the children. They pick do not get along with one another, I will pick another
will be broken into groups by using popsicle sticks. Once I have name to make the children feel more comfortable.
gone over the stations directions, the groups will go to their Commented [SM12]: If I see that transitioning this way is
more of a distraction than a fun way to get from station to
stations, and are going to be given directions on how they will station, I will ask the students to group by group walk to
move to the next station; whether is be skip, hop, jump, crab walk, the next station.
 It will be explained that this is time to show me, yourself, and your
classmates what you have learned by doing the activities at the
stations correctly, and explaining why you are taking these steps to
the group members. Commented [SM13]: If I see that there is a conflict
between two group members I will try to resolve it to the
Explicit Big Idea Statement best of my ability before splitting up the group.
Instructions  Explain what living and nonliving things need to survive as well as
their characteristics.
Essential Questions Statement
 What makes something living or nonliving?
Objective Statement
 Students will test their knowledge on what they have learned
about living and nonliving things.
 After the 10 minutes is up, at each station, students will be given
directions on how they are to get at each station, the teacher will
pick from a jar with popsicle sticks naming different types of
Key Vocabulary
 Energy
 Organism
 Living Thing
 Nonliving Thing
 Environment Commented [SM14]: Students will be allowed to carry a
paper with them that has these vocabulary words on it to
remind them about important words and what to focus
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students on at their stations.
 Based on the exam the students have taken previously on living
and nonliving things, I will have an idea on how to group the
students for the stations. Commented [SM15]: I would like for a student who
Modeling of the Concept understands the subject to be pared up with a student
who may need more practice with the subject to be
 Each Station will be 10-minutes long paired up so that the peers can learn from one another.
 Station 1- At this station there will be two hula-hoops, one labeled
living things and the other labeled nonliving things. The hula-
hoops will overlap, so that there is a circle in the middle of them,
creating a Venn Diagram. For things that the students are not sure
if they are living or nonliving, they will be placed in the middle
circle. There will be a box provided of items to represent living and
nonliving things, and the students have to categorize them
correctly by putting them in the correct circle. Commented [SM16]: Some students are known for
(After 10-minutes, transition) throwing items, in this case the items will be replaced
with a picture of the physical item, so that the student
 Station 2- This station will be on the Smart Board, and will be set cannot throw them and cause harm to them or others
up like a jeopardy game. The students will pick their category, and around them.
which level they would like to answer the question in, 1-5. The
question will appear on the board, and the student and their group
mates will discuss what the correct answer is. They will click on Commented [SM17]: If students need help working the
SmART board, I or an aide will be there to provide them
the question bubble, on the slide to see if they answered correctly. with assistance. If the Smartboard is being misused, the
(After 10-minutes, transition) students will work on an activity sheet or go to the comfy
 Station 3- At this station there will be two tic tac toe boards set up, corner until they can gather their thoughts and use the
board correctly.
because there are 4 people in the group. They will team up and
Commented [SM18]: There will be two people per group,
play living and nonliving things tic tac toe. To win the game they so there will be one tic-tac-toe board for this station.
have to get three in a row of a living or nonliving thing, the pieces
for this game will be provided, and the students can pick which
items them would like to use, as long as they are trying to get three
in a row of a living or nonliving thing. Commented [SM19]: The same rule as station 1 applies
(After 10- minutes, transition) for this station. If the students are misusing the materials
they will be replaced with paper materials.
 Station 4- At this station there will be websites, that the groups
will work on together. There will be a picture of sun, air,
temperature, and food. The picture will be labeled, and the
students will have to write under the picture why living things
needs these things to survive. Commented [SM20]: If a student has trouble using
technology for this activity they may write their answers
 After the students have completed each station, they will use the on paper, or use a voice recorder to write down their
10 minutes remaining in class, to write 5 facts about living and answer, and the students will rewrite what the voice
nonliving things, all facts should be accurate. If the student does recorder wrote for them.
not write 5 facts in the 10 minutes, 5 minutes will be provided after
lunch for them to finish their activity sheet.
Guiding the Practice
 During the group time I will be walking around and listen to the
group discussion. I will be looking for the use of their vocabulary
words and communicating with one another with actual
information dealing with the lesson. I will be looking to see that the
students are performing their task at each station, and are not
getting off task and doing other things. I will ask some groups why
they performed a task the way they did and be looking for
informative responses.
Providing the Independent Practice
 Students will use their prior knowledge and real life experiences to
complete each task at the 4 different stations. They will use the
knowledge they have reviewed at the stations to write 5 facts on
living and nonliving things on the exam that they will take at the
end of the lesson.
 Between each station, the teacher will pick a popsicle stick from
the transition jar, and it will tell the students how to get to each
station, once their 10 minutes is up at the stations. After they have
visited their last stations, they will then transition to their desks, to
being their exam. Commented [SM21]: Instead of exam, I will call this an
exit ticket to make it seem less intimidating and
Reading Materials  Station 1- 2 hula hoops, living and nonliving things labels, box of overwhelming to the students
Technology objects representing living and nonliving things
Equipment  Station 2- Smart Board and jeopardy game, made on a PowerPoint
Supplies  Station 3- 2 tic tac toe boards, objects to represent living and
nonliving things
 Station 4- Work sheets with the sun, air, food, and temperature on
them, with lines provided for the students to say why living things
need those items to survive.
 An exam, with spaces provided for the students to individually
write 5 facts about living and nonliving things.
Evaluation of the Formal Evaluation
Learning/Mastery  Exam listing 5 facts about living and nonliving things.
of the Concept
Informal Evaluation
 Going around and looking to see that the students are using
vocabulary words in their explanations and seeing that they are
performing the tasks at each station with accuracy.

Closure Summary & Review of the Learning

 When asked if the students liked going around to stations to
perform work, the majority of them liked working with groups.
 I asked what problems the students faced during this time and they
said that they needed more time at the jeopardy station. Commented [SM22]: Students may need more time for
Homework/Assignments the stations, which we will finish during recess, at the end
of the day. The children will be told ahead of time to
 Students will have a homework assignment on what we are going prepare to get back into science.
to learn next, which will be how living and nonliving things interact
with one another in different habitats. For example, in the ocean
fish need the water to survive. The homework will have three
habitats, desert, ocean, and a home environment. There will be 15
pictures, on a separate sheet that the students have to cut out and
glue in the habitat they thing the item belongs in. This will also act Commented [SM23]: I will have these items pre-cut out
as a pre-assessment for the next lesson, to see what the children for my students.

know and don’t know about different habitats.

Teacher  I do think that if I were to use the jeopardy game in the classroom
Self-reflection again, that it would count as the whole lesson, and not just 10
minutes of the lesson.
 M. said that he really liked being able to use the Smart Board, so I
would like to continue to find ways to work with the Smart Board
in class because it really seems to keep the class motivated.
 I saw that group 2 was putting a lot of their items in the “not sure”
circle for Station one. They were getting confused with the idea
that the objects were supposed to “represent a living things, and
that, for example, the toy shark was not a living thing.

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