Weeklydiary402 Sinn

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Weekly Diary for Emily Sinn

Week of: April 2nd, 2018 – April 6th, 2018

Date: 4/2 Total hours: 8 am – 4 pm (8 hours)

 Charted on new patients in ICU and telemetry units
 ICU rounds – diet advancement recommendations
 Charted and consulted with patients on telemetry units provided renal diet and low
sodium diet education
 Consulted with patient during dialysis- noncompliant with diet order

Date: 4/3 Total hours: 8 am – 4 pm (8 hours)

 Chart on new patients in the ICU and telemetry units
 ICU rounds - calculate TPN needs for patient who was recently intubated and transferred
to the ICU
 Consult with other patients and provide low sodium, renal diet and CHO controlled
nutrition education
 Chart on all patients, complete nutrition evaluation and education assessments
 Order lunch test tray, Standard Cardiac diet, record time and temperatures for all tray
items and hand in to Clinical Nutrition Manager
 Home Care visit at 1 pm regarding patients recent bowel obstruction surgery- reviewed
low sodium diet education and carbohydrate controlled diet information
 Completed Home Care assessment paperwork and faxed to Grand View’s Home Care

Date: 4/4 Total hours: 8 am – 4 pm (8 hours)

 Order breakfast test tray, Standard House diet, record time and temperatures for all tray
items and hand in to Clinical Nutrition Manager
 Chart on patients in the ICU and telemetry units
 ICU rounds; make diet advancement recommendations and continue to monitor tube
 Consult with patients in telemetry units, provide nutrition education regarding a low
sodium diet; monitor several Pt’s intake and continue to monitor supplement consumption
 Document all interactions with patients and complete nutrition evaluations, nutrition
education assessments and supplement assessments

Date: 4/5 Total hours: 8 am – 4 pm (8 hours)

 Last day at Grand View Hospital/ ND 500 Professional Practice
 Chart on 4 new ICU patients and 2 follow-up patients; ICU rounds; provide DKA patient
with nutrition education on CHO Controlled diet prior to discharge
 Follow-up with 2 telemetry unit patients; monitoring 1 patients intake and the other met
his tube feedings goal; both to be discharged today
 Final Evaluation with Dietitians and Clinical Nutrition Manager
 Home Care visit at 1 pm regarding patients recent stroke- reviewed CHO controlled diet
and low sodium diet education in addition to meal planning and snack ideas
 Completed Home Care assessment paperwork and faxed to Grand View’s Home Care

Date: 4/6 Total hours: N/A


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