Terapia de Accion Visualhelmestabrooks1982

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Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, HELM-ESTABROOKSEl' AL.

, Volume 47, 385-389, November 1982



Neurologtj Service Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center and Boston Universit!l School qf Medicine

Eight globally aphasic patients who had not responded to traditional treatment received Visual Action Therapy (VAT), a
nonvocal approach which ultimately trains patients to produce symbolic gestures for visually absent stimuli. Statistical analyses
of pre and post VAT scores earned on the Porch Index of Communicative Abilit~ (PICA) showed highly significant improve-
ment on those subtests which measure pantomimic and auditory comprehension skills. The theoretical and practical implica-
tions of these findings are discussed.

By definition, globally aphasic patients are severely By the very nature of the language problem, these global
impaired in all language modalities. These individuals patients were unable to name, so that neither verbal nor
neither produce understandable speech or writing nor gestural labels were produced for the stimuli. The re-
comprehend spoken or written language. Unfortunately, sults imply that rehabilitation must first confront and
attempts to rehabilitate global patients through these overcome the limb apraxia if global patients are to learn
modalities generally have proven futile (Marks, Taylor, a gestural system.
& Rusk, 1957; Sarno, Silverman, & Sands, 1970; Schuell, Another obstacle to teaching global patients any task is
Jenkins, & J i m e n e z - P a b o n , 1964). Davis, Artes, and that severe auditory and reading comprehension disturb-
Hoops (1979), suggest that pantomimic training rather ances may preclude the use of verbal or written instruc-
than linguistic i n t e r v e n t i o n may e n h a n c e the com- tions. There is evidence that this problem can be cir-
municative effectiveness of severely impaired patients cumvented in one of two ways. First, global patients can
by circumventing the linguistic deficits, use nonorthographie visual stimuli as a symbol system as
There are several theoretical rationales to support the well as for c o m p r e h e n s i o n of commands. (Gardner,
training of gestural output systems of global patients: (a) Zurif, Berry, & Baker, 1976; Glass, Gazzaniga, & Pre-
Gestural communication may be used independently of mack, 1973). Second, right hemiplegic patients respond
vocal communication. (b) H a n d gestures for manual better to pantomimed instructions than to verbal instruc-
communication require less refined motor control than tions for the same tasks (Fordyee & Jones, 1966).
the articulatory movements required for speech com- In this paper we will describe Visual Action Therapy,
munication. (c) Limb movements, unlike facial move- a new approach to facilitating gestural communication.
ments, have more predominately unilateral control. The This treatment procedure is based on the theoretical
left arm and hand are innervated by right hemisphere constructs and empirical evidence presented above. We
p y r a m i d a l p a t h w a y s w h i c h are p r e s u m a b l y uneom- also shall report and discuss the responses of eight
promised in right hemiplegic global patients having ex- global patients to Visual Action Therapy.
clusively left hemisphere lesions. (d) The hand arm, un-
like the bucco/facial apparatus necessary for speech, is
visible to the initiator and can be visually monitored. METHOD
Despite the theoretical advantages of using gesture
with global patients, there are certain obstacles which Treatment Program
may interfere with their learning a gestural system. Pa-
tients with global aphasia usually have severe limb ap- Visual Aetion Therapy (VAT) is a nonverbal treatment
raxia of the n o n h e m i p l e g i c left arm as part of their program which ultimately enables globally aphasic pa-
symptom complex. This limb apraxia may prevent pa- tients to produce symbolic gestures for visually absent
tients from using representational gestures as a natural pictured object stimuli. The object is accomplished via a
means of communication. In a 1977 pilot study Helm, hierarchically struetured, three level program which
Kaplan, and Vercruysse (Note 2) found that global pa- utilizes: (a) eight uni-manual objects each of which can
tients with severe limb apraxia produced no spontaneous be represented with a distinct gesture; (b) large, realis-
representational gestures during a confrontation naming tic, colored drawings of each object outlined in black and
task and no deliberate representational gestures during a reproduced on 5 x 8 index cards; (e) small drawings of
task which d e m a n d e d gestural representation of the each object on 1% × 3 cards and (d) eight drawings on 3
same pictured items. Even when trained with practice x 5 cards which depict a figure appropriately manipulat-
items, the patients only tapped on or traced the pictures. ing each object (see Figure 1). None of the VAT objects

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386 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 47 385-389 November 1982

Visual Action Therapy is divided into three levels.

The first contains 12 steps, while Levels II and III con-
tain 6 steps each. All directions and reinforcements are
given nonverbally.
Patient responses for each item at each step are scored
one point for fully correct, one half point for self cor-
rected, and zero for incorrect. A new step is introduced
when the patient produces correct responses for every
item at the training step. Each session begins with a re-
view of the preceding step. The step-by-step procedure
is described in the Appendix.

Eight globally aphasic stroke patients were treated
with VAT. All were right-handed, right hemiplegic
males who ranged in age from 37 to 70 (Y = 56.3). Each
had received some other form of language therapy before
FIGURE 1. Examples of action picture cards.
initiation of VAT. Number of weeks post onset ranged
from 12 to 144 (Y = 46.8 weeks). Each patient had sus-
tained unilateral left hemisphere damage as confirmed
(hammer, razor, screwdriver, phone, cup, saw, black- by computerized tomographical scanning. Patient infor-
board eraser, pistol) are used on the Porch Index of mation is presented in Table 1.
Communicative Ability (Porch, 1967) which served as Prior to experimental treatment, a diagnosis of global
the dependent variable. Contextual prompts such as a aphasia was made for each patient. This diagnosis was
piece of wood, a slate, and a large nail and a large screw made on the basis of aphasia severity ratings below 1 on
in separate wooden blocks were used in conjunction the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (Goodglass
with the saw, eraser, hammer, and screwdriver. & Kaplan, 1972), an overall auditory comprehension

TABLE 1. Patient information.

Patient Age (yrs) Etiology ClinicalFindings CT Scan S/P (wks)

1 63 CVA right hemiplegia left temporal, frontal and 24
severe limb/facial apraxia subcortical
mutism--global aphasia
2 37 CVA right hemiplegia At least two lesions left 56
severe limb/facial apraxia temporal, frontal, parietal,
global aphasia occipital and subcortical
3 55 CVA right hemiplegia left cortex to ventricles 66
severe facial/limb apraxia frontal, parietal, temporal
global aphasia
4 55 CVA right hemiplegia left frontal, parietal, 12
severe facial/limb apraxia temporal
global aphasia
5 70 CVA right hemiplegia left frontal, parietal, 144
severe facial/limb apraxia temporal, subcortical
global aphasia internal capsule, and
6 59 CVA right hemiparesis left subcortical, putamen, 12
severe facial/moderate and corona radiata
limb apraxia
global aphasia
7 51 CVA right hemiparesis left frontal, temporal, 46
moderate facial/mild parietal, subcortical
limb apraxia
global aphasia
8 54 CVA right hemiplegia left frontal, parietal, 14
severe facial/limb apraxia temporal, cortical, and
global aphasia subeortical

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HELM-ESTABROOKSET AL.: Visual Action Therapy 387

score no higher than - 1 . 2 5 standard deviation, and the TABLE 2. Results of analyses of variance for three groups of
absence of naming, repetition, reading and writing skills. pre/post treatment data.
Overall scores on the Porch Index o f C o m m u n i c a t i v e
Ability (PICA), ranged from 5.61 to 8.22 (~ 7.2) which Group I (Predict Improvement)
indicates marked impairment on all tasks except those Pica II Pica III Pica VI Pica X
involving visual matching (PICA Manual Vol. 2, p. 72). pre post pre post pre post pre post

mean 6.78 10.08 8.3 11.04 9.4 10.74 10.38 11.63

Treatment Schedule SD 3.18 2.62 3.04 1.76 2.51 1.72 3.62 2.57
over-all efi~ct: F = 11.85; df 1,7; p = .01
Visual Action Therapy was administered in half hour
sessions at the rate of approximately five sessions per Group II (Predict Possible Improvement)
week. Patients completed the treatment program in 4 to Pica V Pica VII
pre post pre post
14 weeks (g = 6.36) then were retested on the verbal and
gestural subtests of the PICA. mean 6.09 8.16 6.65 9.18
SD 2.19 1.88 2.96 2.42
over-all effect: F = 4.36; df 1,7; p = .075
Group III (Predict No Improvement)
Pre and post VAT scores on the 10 "gestural" and Pica I Pica IV Pica IX Pica XII
pre post pre post pre post pre post
"verbal" PICA subtests were analyzed, These scores
were divided into three groups for separate analyses of mean 3.74 3.89 3.98 4.35 3.3 4.13 5.36 6.16
variance: Group 1 (PICA subtests II, III, VI, X) was ex- SD 1.65 1.42 1.08 1.23 1.52 1.37 3.01 2.82
pected to show significant post-VAT improvement; over-all effect: F = 2.54; df 1,7; p = .15
Group II (PICA subtests V, VII) might show significant
improvement; Group III (PICA subtests I, IV, IX, XII)
was not expected to improve significantly. The rationale correlated significantly with time post onset (r = -.42; p
for these expectations was as follows: (a) G r o u p I > .05).
gestural-pantomime seores (subtests II and III) should
improve significantly as a result of generalization from
the training program. (b) Group I auditory comprehen- DISCUSSION
sion scores for the names of objects (subtest VI) and as-
sociated function verbs (subtest X) should improve as a The prognosis for globally aphasic patients is consid-
result of internal verbal monitoring during the training ered poor. Lomas and Kertesz (1978) reviewed various
program. (c) Group II reading comprehension scores for studies of recovery in aphasia and concluded that the
function verbs (subtest V) and nouns (subtest VII) might only unequivocal finding is that global patients may be
improve as a result of training in visual attention and expected to have poor recovery. Schuell et al. (1964)
visual discrimination. (d) Group III verbal scores for sen- were so impressed with the failure of this group to re-
tence production (subtest I,) naming (subtest IV), sen- spond to treatment that they coined the phrase "irrevers-
tence completion (subtest IX), and noun repetition (sub- ible syndrome." These authors characterize aphasia as
test XII) should not improve beeause VAT provides no "impaired retrieval of a learned code," but given the
facilitation of either oral praxis or speech. poor response of global patients it is not surprising that
Three separate within-subject analyses of variance other authors describe this disorder as a "massive lan-
(Meyers, 1966, p. 152) were performed (see Table 2). guage loss" (Glass et al. 1973) and have questioned
Each analysis had two variables: subtests and replication whether global patients have the conceptual or cognitive
(pre VAT and post VAT testing). The expectations for all basis for regaining language skills. A successful treat-
groups were confirmed. The over-all pre/post treatment ment approach was reported by Glass et al. who trained
effect for Group I was highly significant p = .01). Pair- global patients to use an artificial language system by ar-
wise t-tests were conducted using the Newman-Keuls ranging cutout paper symbols to express various rela-
post hoe procedure for multiple comparisons. Compari- tionships such as same/different, negation and sub-
sons of pre and post treatment scores for all four subtests ject-predicate-direct object. This finding led these
were significant. The effect was significantly larger for investigators to conclude that global patients retain a
snbtests II and III than for VI and X (p = .05). While the rich conceptual system despite a massive language loss
overall pre/post treatment effect for Group II approached and do not suffer cognitive impairment in direct propor-
significance (p = .075), the overall pre/post treatment ef- tion to their language impairment. Further support for
fect for Group III showed no trends toward signficance functional cognitive skills was reported by Risse (Note
(p = .15). 3). She reported that five global patients demonstrated
Finally, a Spearman rank order correlation coefficient nearly intact conceptual performance on various Piage-
was used to measure the relationship between time post tian type developmental problem solving tasks.
onset of aphasia and response to VAT as measured by Gardner, et al. (1976) reported on eight global patients
Group I PICA subtest scores. Response to VAT was not who learned a visual communication system which

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388 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 47 385-389 N o v e m b e r 1982

utilized a series of index cards, each containing either a 2. HELM, N., KAPLAN,E., & VERCRUYSSE, L. The role of ges-
simple, arbitrary (geometric) or representational (ideo- ture in naming. Unpublished study, 1977.
graphic) form. The findings indicated that at least some 3. RISSE, G. L. The performance of aphasic patients on devel-
opmental conceptual tasks of Piaget. Paper presented at an-
of the cognitive operations necessary for natural lan- nual meeting of the International Neuropsychology Society,,
guage are intact despite global aphasia. Minneapolis, 1978.
Visual Action Therapy, like the system of Gardner, et
al. is a nonvocal method which relies heavily on the use
of visual cues. The ultimate goal of the VAT program, REFERENCES
however, is to train global patients to produce repre-
sentational gestures for visually absent stimuli through DAVIS, S. A., ARTES, R., & HOOPS, R. Verbal expression and
expressive pantomime in aphasic patients. Lebrun & Hoops
the manipulation of real objects. It, therefore, could be (Eds.), Problems of aphasia. Lisse: Adam, Swets, & Zeit-
considered a program for training limb praxis. Indeed, linger, 1979.
VAT patients improved significantly in their ability to FORDYCE, W. E., & JONES, R. H. The efficacy of oral and pan-
perform pantomimes with the untrained PICA objects on tomime instructions for hemiplegic patients. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1966, 46,676-680.
subtests II and Ill. GARDNER, H., ZumF, E., BERRY, T., & BAKER,E. Visual com-
In addition to the e x p e c t e d i m p r o v e m e n t in pan- munication in aphasia. Neuropsychology, 1976, 14, 275-292.
tomimie ability, patients improved significantly in their GLASS, A. V., GAZZANIGA,M. S., & PREMACK,D. Artificial lan-
ability to respond to PICA auditory comprehension sub- guage training in aphasia. Neuropsychology, 1973, 11, 95-103.
tests VI and X which require patients to seleet real ob- GOODGLASS, H., • KAPLAN, E. Boston Diagnostic Aphasia
Examination. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1972.
jects from an array of 10 on hearing associated noun and Lo.v~s, J., & KERTESZ,A. Patterns of spontaneous recovery in
verb stimuli. There was a trend toward significant im- aphasic groups: a study of adult stroke patients. Brain and
provement in ability to read noun and verb stimuli for Language, 1978, 5, 388-401.
subtests V and VII, while there was no such improve- MARKS, M., TAYLOR, M., & RUSK, H. Rehabilitation of the
aphasic patient: A survey of three years experience in a re-
ment on subtests of verbal expression (I, IV, IX, XII). habilitation setting. Neurology, 1957, 7, 837-843.
Several hypotheses may explain w h y improvement in MEYERS, J. L. Fundamentals of experimental design. Boston:
auditory and reading comprehension should occur sub- Allyn &Baeon, 1966.
sequent to treatment with this nonverbal method. T h e y PORCH, B. E. Porch Index of Communicative Ability. Palo Alto,
i n c l u d e : (a) P a t i e n t s m a y e m p l o y i n t e r n a l v e r b a l CA: Consulting Psychologists, 1967.
SAN*go,M. T., SILVERMAN,M., & SANDS,E. Speech therapy and
monitoring during the training program; (b) VAT may language recovery in severe aphasia. Journal of Speech and
improve general attentional skills; (c) VAT may improve Hearing Research, 1970, 13,607-623.
visual spatial and visual search skills; or (d) VAT may SCHUELL, H., JENKINS, J., & JIMENEZ-PABON, J. Aphasia in
reintegrate some of the conceptual systems necessary for Adults. New York: Hoeber, i964.
l i n g u i s t i c p e r f o r m a n c e ( H e l m & B e n s o n , N o t e 1).
Phenomena 1 and 2 also may result in improved scores Received March 31, 1981
Accepted September 30, 1981
in verbal expression. That this did not occur might be
explained by the fact that the patients in this study had Requests for reprints should be sent to Dr. Nancy Helm Es-
severe facial apraxia which may have inhibited verbal tabrooks, Neurology Service, Boston Veterans Administration
expression. The VAT program, a s presented, treated Medical Center, 150 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass.,
limb praxis but did not train bucco/facial praxis, in order 02130.
to explore the contribution of bucco/facial praxis to the
speech skills of global patients, another VAT program
has been developed for training patients who have com-
pleted a course of limb VAT.
General Instructions
The authors wish to thank D. Frank Benson for his early con-
tributions to this project, Michael Alexander for his critical Visual Action Therapy is a nonvocal treatment program for
comments, and Errol Baker for his assistance with the statistieal severely aphasic patients. All directions, reinforcements, and
analysis. Margaret Naeser graciously provided CT scan informa- procedural steps are nonvocal. The program follows a hierarchy
tion. of difficulty requiring nearly 100% success for each step before
This study was supported with flmds from the Veterans Ad- progressing to the next step. It is advisable to review previous
ministration Merit Review Grant, "Visual Gommunieation in or easier steps at the beginning of each session. Sessions are
Global Aphasia." approximately V2hour long.
The materials used are eight objects (razor, telephone, cup,
toy pistol, saw, hammer, screwdriver, and blackboard eraser)
and their contextual prompts if indieated (block of wood, block
REFERENCE NOTES of wood with protruding nail, block of wood with protruding
serew, and slate), eight colored, large line drawings, and eight
1. HELM, N. A., & BENSON, D. F. Visual action therapy for colored, small llne drawings of these objects (object picture
global aphasia: Preliminary report. Paper presented to the cards), and eight drawings depieting the objects being manipu-
annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Chicago, 1978. lated by a stick figure (action picture cards).

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HELM-ESTABROOKS ET AL.: Visual Action Therapy 389

Level I Step 6: Following Action Picture "Commands"

Step 1: Tracing Arrange the eight objects and contextual prompts in front of
the patient. Hold up an action picture card and encourage the
This step is designed to help the patient understand that line patient to find the appropriate object and demonstrate its func-
drawings of objects can represent real objects. tion.,
1. Trace the patient's hand on a large piece of unlined paper.
2. Help the patient trace your hand on a second piece of un- No contextual prompts are used for the following steps:
lined paper.
3. Help the patient trace two objeets (e.g., hammer and Step 7: Pantomimed Gesture Demonstration
screwdriver) on separate pieces of unlined paper.
4. Arrange the four line drawings in front of the patient and Place one object within the patient's visual field. Produce the
hand the patient each object to place on the correct draw- pantomimed gesture most commonly associated with the object.
ing. Place your hand on the matching line drawing and si- Follow this procedure with all eight objects. The patient is not
lently encourage the patient to do the same with his hand. required to respond.
If the patient is unable to do this task, try coloring the pie-
hires and tracing additional objects. If the patient continues to
show confusion, this treatment program is probably inappropri- Step 8: Recognizing Pantomimed Gestures
ate and should be discontinued.
Place the eight objects in a line in front of the patient. Pro-
duce a representational gesture for each object and encourage
the patient to point to the object associated with the gesture.
Step 2: Large Picture Matching
1. Object to Picture Matching. Arrange the eight object pic- Step 9: Pantomimed Gesture Instruction
ture cards randomly in a straight line in front of the pa-
tient. (Hemianopic patients are taught to scan for eight Place one object within the patient's visual field and encour-
items). In random order, hand each object to the patient to age him to produce a correct pantomimed gesture for the object.
be placed on the matching picture. Do not remove each Follow this procedure with all eight objects. If the patient fails
object before presenting the next one. or has difficulty, provide assistance until the patient can pro-
2. Picture to Object Matching. Arrange the eight objects duce tire gesture without assistance.
randomly in a straight line in front of the patient. In ran-
dom order, hand each large object picture card to the pa-
tient to be placed on the matching object. Do not remove Step 10: Producing Pantomimed Gestures
each card before presenting the next one.
3. Picture to Object Pointing. Arrange the eight objects ran- Hold up an object and encourage the patient to produce a
domly in a straight line in front of the patient. Hold up pantomimed gesture for the object. Follow this procedure with
each large object picture card and nonverbally indicate to all eight objects. If the patient is unable to initiate appropriate
the patient to point with the index finger to the object that gestures, review Step 9.
matches the card. Do not permit the patient to pick up the
4. Object to Picture Pointing. Arrange the eight large object Step 11: Pantomimed Gesture for Absent Object
picture cards randomly in front of the patient. Hold up Demonstration
each object and nonverbally indicate to the patient to point
with the index finger to the card that matches the object. Place two objects in front of the patient. Produce the appro-
Do not permit the patient to pick up the card. priate pantomimed gesture for each object. Hide the two objects
under a box and bring 1 of 2 objects into the patient's view.
Produce questioning gestures while pointing to the box and
Step 3: Small Picture Matching then produce the pantomimed gesture associated with the hid-
den object. Follow this procedure for four pairs of objects. The
Using the small object picture cards and the eight objects, fol- patient is not required to respond.
low the steps outlined in 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D.
Step 12: Producing Pantomimed Gestures for
Step 4: Manipulating Objects Absent Objects
As in Step 11, place two objects in front of the patient, hide
Demonstrate the function of each object using a contextual the objeets under a box, and bring one of the two objects into
prompt when indicated (e.g., pounding the nail with the ham- the patient's view. Nonvocally encourage the patient to produce
mer), then place the object in front of the patient who must pick the pantomimed gesture associated with the hidden object. Re-
it up and correctly demonstrate its function. If the patient has peat this procedure for each combination of pairs hiding each of
persistent difficulty manipulating a particular object, remove it the eight objects at least once.
from the array and select a permanent substitution (e.g., a paint
Level II
Repeat Steps 7-12 of Level I substituting the action picture
Step 5: Action Picture "'Command" Instruction cards for the objects.
Place an object and contextual prompt if indicated and the
corresponding action picture card in front of the patient. Point Level III
to the action picture card, pick up the object, and demonstrate
its function. Place the object in front of the patient, point to the Repeat Steps 7-12 of Level I substituting the small object pic-
card, and encourage the patient to manipulate the object. ture cards for the objects.

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