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Agrimano, Shebel Marie C.


Reaction Paper: Anak

This film made me realize how important family is and especially the role of how

also important mothers are to us. Nowadays, some parents sacrifice their time

rather than being with their children they would opt to choose to go abroad so

that they can provide necessary financial needs and to give their children gifts.

The case here in the Philippines is that we are already used to this because of

how we even gave a terms of being an Overseas Filipino Worker. Regardless of

whether a family can survive the circumstances of having an OFW parent might

make them rely so much on them. In the film Anak, regardless of Daday and

Michael being not to close towards their mother, despite everything they don't

show enough affection and respect. The mother’s sacrifices are endless and

should not be questioned because everything that the mother does is for the

benefit of her children.

The film may not show all of the circumstances of OFW families since it is

only limited from the situations it shows. But nevertheless, there are strong

scenes where Josie encounters an abusive boss, her husband dies, and her

children carrying on. In any case, it may very well be a decent case to see for a

parent considering turning into an OFW. Not everyone is perfect, even mothers
who commits them for a reason. And in return children should really still show

respect and love towards one another as a sign of giving back of what the

parents had given them. In the end, no matter what happens family would always

be there no matter what hardships are trials may come they will never leave and

will always be right beside you.

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