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Terrorism in the United States 1

Terrorism in the United States

A common definition of terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or
government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.[][1] This serves as a list and compilation of
acts of terrorism, attempts of terrorism, and other such items pertaining to terrorist activities within the domestic
borders of the United States.

Attacks by date

• November 7, 1837: A pro-slavery mob kills abolitionist Elijah P. Lovejoy, editor of the Alton Observer.
• May 21, 1856: Sacking of Lawrence—Pro-Slavery forces enter Lawrence, Kansas to disarm residents and destroy
the town's presses and the Free State Hotel.
• May 24, 1856 – May 25, 1856: Anti-slavery Pottawatomie Massacre—In response to the sacking of Lawrence,
John Brown leads a group of abolitionists in the murders of five pro-slavery Kansas settlers.
• April 14, 1865: pro-slavery Abraham Lincoln assassination – Part of a conspiracy by Confederate supporters John
Wilkes Booth, Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, Vice President
Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward in Washington, D.C. to create chaos for the purpose of
overthrowing the Federal Government. Booth succeeded in assassinating Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, Seward
survived numerous stabbings by Powell who stabbed others as he was chased out of Seward's home, Atzerodt
failed to carry out the planned murder of Johnson. Booth was killed by soldiers when he failed to surrender. Eight
conspirators were tried and convicted for their role in the conspiracy by a military tribunal. Four defendants were
executed for their roles including Mary Surratt, the first woman ever to be hanged by the U.S. government.
• May 4, 1886: Haymarket affair—An unknown person or persons at Haymarket Square in Chicago detonates a
bomb during a labor rally, killing a police officer and prompting the police to open fire. In the mayhem, an
undetermined number of civilians and seven more police officers are killed [2].

• 1901 September 6: President William McKinley assassinated by Michigan born Russian-Polish anarchist, Leon
Czolgosz, in Buffalo, New York.
• 1910 October 1: Los Angeles Times bombing. The Los Angeles Times building in Los Angeles is destroyed by
dynamite, killing 21 workers. The bomb was apparently placed due to the paper's opposition to unionization of its
employees;[] the McNamara brothers were found guilty.
• 1915, May 30: German agents blow up a barge carrying 15 tons of refined gunpowder just off of Harbor Island,
Seattle, Washington.[3]
• 1915, July 2: Frank Holt (also known as Eric Muenter), a German professor who wanted to stop American
support of the Allies in World War I, exploded a bomb in the reception room of the U.S. Senate. The next
morning he tried to assassinate J. P. Morgan, Jr. the son of the financier whose company served as Great Britain’s
principal U.S. purchasing agent for munitions and other war supplies. Muenter was overpowered by Morgan in
Morgan's Long Island home before committing suicide in prison on July 7.[4][5]
• 1916 July 22: The Preparedness Day Bombing kills ten people and injures 40 in San Francisco. The identity of the
bombers has never been proven. Radical union leaders were suspected.
• 1916 July 30: The Black Tom explosion in Jersey City, New Jersey was an act of sabotage on American
ammunition supplies by German agents to prevent the material from being used by the Allies in World War I.
• 1917, November 24: A bomb explodes in a Milwaukee police station, killing nine officers and a civilian.
Anarchists were suspected.[6][]
Terrorism in the United States 2

• 1919 1919 United States anarchist bombings

• 1920 Wall Street bombing
• 1921 May 31: During the Tulsa race riot there were reports that whites dropped dynamite from airplanes onto a
black ghetto in Tulsa. The riot killed 39–300 people and destroyed more than 1,100 homes.[7]
• 1927 May 18: The Bath School disaster (bombings) killed 45 people and injured 58. Most of the victims were
children in the second to sixth grades (7–12 years of age) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths
constitute the deadliest act of mass murder in a school in U.S. history. The perpetrator was school board member
Andrew Kehoe.
• 1933, October 10, A Boeing 247 is destroyed in midflight over Indiana by a nitroglycerin bomb. All seven people
aboard are killed. This incident is the first proven case of air sabotage in the history of aviation. The identity of
the perpetrator and his rationale for the attack are unknown.
• 1940 4 July: Two New York City policemen killed and two critically wounded examining a bomb they had found
at the British Pavilion at the World's Fair
• 1940–1956: George Metesky, the Mad Bomber, placed over 30 bombs in New York City in public places such as
Grand Central Station and The Paramount Theatre injuring ten during this period in protest of the high rates of a
local electric utility. He also sent many threatening letters to various high profile individuals.
• 1951 Wave of hate related terrorist attacks in Florida. Negros dragged and beaten to death, 11 race related
bombings, dynamiting of synagogues and a Jewish School in Miami and explosives found outside of Catholic
Churches in Miami.[][]
• 1958 October 12: Bombing of the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation Temple of Atlanta, Georgia. The acts were
carried out by white supremacists.

• 1960: The Sunday Bomber sets off a series of bombs in New York City subways[8][9][10] and ferries[11] during
Sundays and Holidays, killing one woman and injuring 51 other commuters.
• 1968 April: Students at Trinity College hold the board of trustees captive until their demands were met.[12]
• April 23, 1968 – April 30, 1968: During a student rebellion at New York's Columbia University members of the
New Left organization Students for a Democratic Society and Student Afro-American Society held a dean
hostage demanding an end to both military research on campus and construction of a gymnasium in nearby
• 1968 November: Officials of San Fernando State College held at knife point by students.[12]
• 1969 January 1 – 1970 April 15: 8200 Bombings, attempted bombings and bomb threats attributed to "campus
disturbances and student unrest"[12]
• 1969 February: Secretary at Pomona College severely injured by bomb.[12]
• 1969 March: Student critically injured while attempting to bomb a San Francisco State College classroom.[12]
• 1969 August 7: Twenty were injured by radical leftist Sam Melville in a bombing of the Marine Midland Building
in New York City.
• 1969 August 8: United States Department of Commerce Offices in New York City damaged by bombing
• 1969 September 18: The Federal Building in New York City is bombed by radical leftist Jane Alpert.[]
• 1969 October 7: Fifth floor of the Armed Forces Induction Center in New York City devastated by explosion
attributed to radical leftist Jane Alpert.
• 1969 November 12: A bomb is detonated in the Manhattan Criminal Court building in New York City. Jane
Alpert, Sam Melville, and 3 other militant radical leftists are arrested hours later.[][]
Terrorism in the United States 3

• The most active perpetrators of terrorism in New York City were Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional
(FALN), a Puerto Rican separatist group, responsible for 40 NYC attacks in this decade. The Jewish Defense
League (JDL), which engaged in attacks against targets it perceived to be anti-Semitic, launched 27 attacks during
this period. And, both the Independent Armed Revolutionary Commandos (CRIA), another Puerto Rican
separatist group, and Omega 7, an anti-Castro Cuban organization, each were responsible for 16 attacks during
this period.[14]
• 1970 April: At Stanford University over a period of several nights bands of student radicals systematically set
fires, break windows and throw rocks.[12]
• 1970 May: In reaction to the U.S. invasion of Cambodia, Kent State shootings, and Jackson State killings a
Fresno State College computer center is destroyed by a firebomb. While reaction to these three events was
massive, most were peaceful.[12]
• 1970 August 24: Sterling Hall bombing at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in protest of the Army
Mathematics Research Center and the Vietnam War, killing one. Bombers Karleton Armstrong, Dwight
Armstrong, David Fine, and Leo Burt claimed the death of physicist Robert Fassnacht was unintentional but
acknowledged that they knew the building was occupied when they planted the bomb.
• 1970 November 21: Bombing of the City Hall of Portland, Oregon in an attempt to destroy the state's bronze
Liberty Bell replica. The late night explosion destroyed the display foyer, blew out the building doors, damaged
the council hall, and blew out windows more than a block away. The night janitor was injured in the blast. The
crime remains unsolved, though a number of local anti-war and radical leftist groups of the era remain the
primary suspects.
• 1970: Jewish Defense League linked with a bomb explosion outside of Aeroflot's New York City office in protest
of treatment of Soviet Jews
• 1971: Jewish Defense League linked to a detonation outside of Soviet cultural offices in Washington, D.C. and
rifle fire into the Soviet mission to the United Nations
• 1971 March 1: The radical leftist group Weatherman explode a bomb in the United States Capitol to protest the
U.S. invasion of Laos.
• 1973 June 1: Yosef Alon, the Israeli Air Force attache in Washington, D.C., was shot and killed outside his home
in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Palestinian militant group Black September is suspected, though the case remains
• 1974 June 13: The 29th floor of the Gulf Tower in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was bombed with dynamite at
9:41 pm resulting in no injuries. The radical leftist group Weatherman took credit, but no suspects have ever been
• 1974 Summer: "Alphabet Bomber" Muharem Kurbegovich bombs the Pan Am Terminal at Los Angeles
International Airport killing three and injuring eight. He also fire bombed the houses of a judge and two police
commissioners as well as one of the commissioner's cars. He burned down two Marina Del Rey apartment
buildings and threatened Los Angeles with a gas attack. His bomb defused at the Greyhound Bus station was the
most powerful the LAPD bomb squad had handled up until that time. His personal vendetta against a judge and
the commissioners grew into demands for an end to immigration and naturalization laws, as well as any laws
about sex.[15]
• 1975 December 29: The LaGuardia Airport Christmas Bomb kills 11 and injures 75. The bombing remains
• 1975 Fraunces Tavern NYC A bomb was exploded in the building on January 24, 1975, killing four (4) people
and injuring more than 50 others. The Puerto Rico nationalist group FALN, the Armed Forces of Puerto Rican
National Liberation, which had other bomb incidents in New York in the 70's, claimed responsibility. No one was
ever prosecuted for the bombing
Terrorism in the United States 4

• 1976 September 11: Croatian terrorists hijack a TWA airliner diverting it to Gander, Newfoundland and
Labrador, and then Paris demanding a manifesto be printed. One police officer was killed and three injured during
an attempt to defuse a bomb that contained their communiques in a New York City train station locker.[17]
Zvonko Bušić who served 32 years in prison for the attack was released and returned to Croatia to a heroes
welcome in July 2008.[18]
• 1976 September 21: Orlando Letelier, a former member of the Chilean government, was killed by a car bomb in
Washington, D.C. along with his assistant Ronni Moffitt. The killing was carried out by members of the Chilean

• 1980 June 3: Bombing of the Statue of Liberty. At 7:30 pm, a time delayed explosive device detonated in the
Statue of Liberty's Story Room. Detonated after business hours, the bomb did not injure anyone, but caused
$18,000 in damage, destroying many of the exhibits. The room was sealed off and left unrepaired until the Statue
of Liberty restoration project that began years later. FBI investigators believed the perpetrators were Croatian
seeking for media coverage of living conditions of Croats in Yugoslavia, though no arrests were made.
• 1980 July 22: Ali Akbar Tabatabai, an Iranian exile and critic of Ayatollah Khomeni, was shot in his Bethesda,
Maryland home. Dawud Salahuddin, an American Muslim convert, was apparently paid by Iranians to kill
• 1981 December 7: James W. von Brunn served 6 years in prison for attempting to kidnap members of the Federal
Reserve at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. He testified his motive was to raise awareness of alleged
"treacherous and unconstitutional" acts by the Federal Reserve.[20]
• 1982 January 28: Kemal Arikan, the Turkish Consul-General in Los Angeles, is killed by members of the Justice
Commandos Against Armenian Genocide.
• 1982 May 4: Turkish Honorary Consul Orhan Gunduz was assassinated in his car in Somerville, Massachusetts
by the Justice Commandos Against Armenian Genocide.
• 1983 November 7: U.S. Senate bombing. The Armed Resistance Unit, a militant leftist group, bombs the United
States Capitol in response to the U.S. invasion of Grenada.
• 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack: In what is believed to be the first incident of bioterrorism in the United States
the Rajneesh movement spreads salmonella in salad bars at 10 restaurants in The Dalles, Oregon, to influence a
local election which backfired as suspicious residents came out in droves to prevent the election of Rajneeshee
candidates.. Health officials say that 751 people were sickened and more than 40 hospitalized. All but one of the
establishments attacked went out of business. Investigators believed that similar attacks had previously been
carried out in Salem, Portland and other cities in Oregon.[21]
• 1984 July 18: Alan Berg, Jewish lawyer-talk show host was shot and killed in the driveway of his home on
Capitol Hill, Denver, Colorado, by members of a White Nationalist group called The Order. Berg had stridently
argued with a member of the group on the show earlier who was convicted in his murder.
• 1985 October 11: Alex Odeh, a prominent Arab-American, was killed by a bomb in his office in Santa Ana,
California. The case is unsolved, but it is thought the Jewish Defense League was responsible.
• 1985 December 11: computer rental store owner, Hugh Scrutton, is the first fatality of the Unabomber's
neo-luddite campaign.
• 1989 March 1: 1989 firebombing of the Riverdale Press. The Riverdale Press, a weekly newspaper in the Bronx,
New York, is firebombed one week after publishing an editorial defending author Salman Rushdie's right to
publish The Satanic Verses, which questioned the founding story of Islam.[][22]
Terrorism in the United States 5

• 1993 January 25: CIA Shooting: Mir Aimal Kasi opened fire to cars waiting at the stop light in front of CIA
Headquarters in Langley, VA killing two and injuring three others.
• 1993 February 26: First World Trade Center bombing killed six and injured 1,000. The attack was carried out by
radical Islamist Ramzi Yousef, a member of Al Qaeda.
• 1993 March 10: David Gunn was murdered by anti-abortion activist Michael F. Griffin.
• 1994 March 1: The Brooklyn Bridge Shooting occurred when Lebanese-born Rashid Baz shot at a van of Jewish
students that was traveling on the Brooklyn Bridge from a visit to Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, killing one
and injuring three others.
• 1994 July 29: Abortion provider John Britton and James Barrett became victims of Reverend Paul Jennings Hill.
• 1994 December 10: Advertising executive, Thomas J. Mosser, is killed after opening a mail package from the
Unabomber, being the second fatality of the mailbomb campaign.
• 1994 December 30: Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, two receptionists in abortion and family planning
clinics, were killed by John Salvi.
• 1995 April 19: Oklahoma City bombing: A truck bomb shatters the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
downtown Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children. Right-wing terrorists Timothy McVeigh and
Terry Nichols are convicted in the bombing.
• 1995 April 24: Timber industry lobbyist, Gilbert P. Murray, is the third and final fatal victim of the Unabomber's
mailbomb campaign.
• 1997 February 24: 69-year-old Palestinian Ali Hassan Abu Kamal opens fire on tourists at an observation deck
atop the Empire State Building killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina,
Switzerland and France before turning the gun on himself.[23] A handwritten note carried by the gunman claims
this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine". His widow claimed he became suicidal after
losing $300,000 in a business venture. In a 2007 interview with the New York Daily News his daughter said her
mother's story was a cover crafted by the Palestinian Authority and that her father wanted to punish the United
States for its support of Israel.[24]
• 1999 December 31 An arson fire causes one million dollars in damage and destroys the fourth floor of Michigan
State University's Agriculture Hall. In 2008 four people that the government claimed were Earth Liberation Front
members were indicted for that incident.[25][26]

• 2000 October 13, Firebombing of Temple Beth El (Syracuse)
• 2000: 2000 New York terror attack Three young men of Arab
descent hurled crude Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in The
Bronx, New York to "strike a blow in the Middle East conflict
between Israel and Palestine".[]
• 2001 May 21 The Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of
Washington burned. Replacement building cost $7 million
($9,076,000 today). Earth Liberation Front members pleads
Statue of Liberty with the World Trade Center on
• 2001 September 11: September 11, 2001 attacks carried out by fire on September 11, 2001.
Al-Qaeda. The attacks killed nearly 3,000 civilians, and were
carried out by Islamic fundamentalists using hijacked commercial airplanes to damage the Twin Towers of the
World Trade Center, ultimately destroying both 110-story skyscrapers. The Pentagon near Washington, D.C., was
also severely damaged. Building 7 of the World Trade Center was also destroyed in the attack. A fourth plane
crashed in Pennsylvania before it could reach its target.
Terrorism in the United States 6

• 2001 September 18 - November: 2001 anthrax attacks. Letters tainted with anthrax kill five across the U.S., with
politicians and media officials as the apparent targets. On July 31, 2008 Bruce E. Ivins a top biodefense
researcher committed suicide.[29] On August 6, 2008, the FBI concluded that Ivins was solely responsible for the
attacks, and suggested that Ivins wanted to bolster support for a vaccine he helped create and that he targeted two
lawmakers because they were Catholics who held pro-choice views.[30] However, subsequent evaluations have
found that the FBI's investigation failed to provide any direct evidence linking Ivins to the mailings.[31]
• 2002 July 4: 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national,
kills two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport.[32] The
FBI concluded this was terrorism, though they did not find evidence linking Hadayet to a terrorist group.[33]
• October 2002 Beltway sniper attacks: During three weeks in October 2002, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd
Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured 3 others in Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Virginia. The pair were
also suspected of earlier shootings in Maryland, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, and Washington state.[34]
No motivation was given at the trial, but evidence presented showed an affinity to the cause of the Islamic jihad.
• 2003 Ohio highway sniper attacks A series of over 24 sniper attacks concentrated along the Cap-City Beltway
I-270 in the Columbus Metropolitan Area causing widespread fear across Ohio and leaving one dead.
• 2006 March 5: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 6 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at
UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".[35]
• 2006 July 28: Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, Naveed Afzal Haq, an American citizen of Pakistani descent,
kills one woman and shoots five others at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle. During the shooting, Haq told
a 911 dispatcher that he was angry with American foreign policy in the Middle East.[36]
• 2007 October 26: A pair of improvised explosive devices were thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York
City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder, and detonated by fuses, causing very minor damage.
Police were investigating the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New
York in 2005.[37]
• 2008 February: In the first reported incident of animal-rights extremists physically assaulting the family members
of animal researchers, six masked activists attempted to force their way into the home of a University of
California, Santa Cruz, researcher and injured the researcher's husband.[38][39]
• 2008 March 3: Four multimillion-dollar show homes place in Woodinville, Washington, are torched. The Earth
Liberation Front is suspected.[40]
• 2008 March 6: A homemade bomb damaged a Recruiting Office in Times Square[41]. In June 2013 The FBI and
New York City police offered a $65,000 reward for information in the case and revealed that ammunition used for
the bomb is the same as is used in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones.[42]
• 2008 May 4: Multiple pipe bombs exploded at 1:40 am at the Edward J. Schwartz United States Courthouse in
San Diego causing "considerable damage" to the entrance and lobby and sending shrapnel two blocks away, but
causing no injuries. The F.B.I. is investigating links between this attack and an April 25 explosion at the FedEx
building also in San Diego.[43]
• 2008 August 2, August 3 University of California-Santa Cruz molecular biologist David Feldheim's home was
firebombed. A car belonging to another researcher from that university was destroyed by a firebomb in what is
presumed to be related. FBI is investigating incidents as domestic terrorism related to animal rights groups.[44][45]
• 2009 April 8: According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, intruders left malware in power grids, water, and
sewage systems that could be activated at a later date. While the attacks which have occurred over a period of
time seem to have originated in China and Russia, it is unknown if they are state-sponsored[46] or errors in the
computer code.[47][48]
• 2009 May 31: Assassination of George Tiller: Scott Roeder shoots and kills Dr. George Tiller in a Wichita,
Kansas church. Roeder, an anti-abortion extremist who believes in justifiable homicide of abortion providers, was
arrested soon afterward. Roeder was convicted of the crime and sentenced to 50 years in prison in 2010. Tiller,
who performed late-term abortions, had long been a target of anti-abortion extremists; his clinic was firebombed
Terrorism in the United States 7

in 1986 and Tiller was shot and wounded five times in 1993 in a shooting attack by Shelley Shannon.[49][50]
• 2009 May 25: 17-year old Kyle Shaw sets off a crude explosive device at a Starbucks at East 92nd Street on the
Upper East Side of Manhattan, shattering windows and destroyed a bench at the coffee shop. There were no
injuries. The attack was a "bizarre tribute" of the movie Fight Club, in an attempt to emulate "Project Mayhem", a
series of assaults on corporate America portrayed in the film. Shaw took a plea agreement and was sentenced to
3.5 years in prison in November 2010.[51][52]
• 2009 June 1: Arkansas recruiting office shooting: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed one military
recruiter and seriously wounded another at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army/Navy Career Center in an act of Islamic
terrorism. Muhammad, a convert to Islam, had visited Yemen for 16 months where he spent time in prison and
became radicalized. Muhammad, said he was part of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and was upset over U.S.
killing of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.[53]
• 2009 November 5: Fort Hood Shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan, a US Army Major serving as a Psychiatrist, opens
fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 and wounding 29.

• 2010 March 4: 2010 Pentagon shooting occurred on March 4, 2010,
when John Patrick Bedell shot and wounded two Pentagon police
officers at a security checkpoint in the Pentagon station of the
Washington Metro mass-transit system in Arlington County,
• 2010 September 1: Discovery Communications headquarters
hostage crisis: James J. Lee, armed with two starter pistols and an
explosive device, takes three people hostage in the lobby of the
Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013
Discovery Communications headquarters in Silver Spring,
Maryland before being killed by police. After nearly four hours, Lee
was shot dead by police and all the hostages were freed without injury. Lee had earlier posted a manifesto railing
against population growth and immigration.[54][55]
• 2012 August 5 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting: 6 killed, 3 injured including a police officer who was tending to
victims at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Wade Michael Page age 40 killed himself after being shot by
police.[] The shooting is being treated by authorities as an act of domestic terrorism.[56][57] While a motive has not
been clearly defined Page had been active in white supremacist groups.[]
• 2013 April 15: Boston Marathon bombings: Two bombs detonated within seconds of each other near the finish
line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring more than 180 people.[58][59] Late in the evening of April 18 in
Cambridge, Massachusetts an MIT campus police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his squad car. Two
suspects then carjacked an SUV and fled to nearby Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. A massive
police chase ensued, resulting in a shootout during which several IED's were thrown by the suspects. A Boston
transit police officer was critically wounded and suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a Russian immigrant of Chechen
ethnicity, was killed. The second suspect, Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, escaped. A "Shelter in
place" order was given for Boston, Watertown, and the surrounding areas while house-to-house searches were
conducted, but the suspect remained at large. Shortly after the search was called off Tsarnaev was discovered by a
local resident hiding inside a boat parked in the resident's driveway less than three blocks from the scene of the
shootout. He was taken into custody after another exchange of gunfire and taken to nearby Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center in Boston, where he was treated for injuries received during his pursuit and capture. Tsarnaev was
arraigned on federal terrorism charges from his hospital bed on April 22, 2013.[60][61][62][63] Preliminary
questioning indicated the Tsarnaev brothers had no ties to terrorist organizations.[64] A note written by Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev on the boat where he was captured said the bombings were retaliation for US actions in Iraq and
Afghanistan against Muslims.[65]
Terrorism in the United States 8

Attacks by type

Right-wing terrorism

Organized KKK violence

• 1865–77: Over 3000 Freedmen and their Republican Party

allies are killed by a combination of the Ku Klux Klan and well
organized campaigns of violence by local whites in a campaign
of terrorist violence that overthrew Reconstructionist
governments in the south and reestablished segregation.[66][67]
• 1868 October 22: James M. Hinds, Arkansas congressional
representative, assassinated by a member of the Ku Klux Klan
in Little Rock
• 1898 November 10: In the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898,
White supremacists overthrow the biracial Republican
government of Wilmington, North Carolina, killing at least 22 George W. Ashburn assassinated for his pro-black
African Americans, marking the beginning of the Jim Crow era sentiments.

in North Carolina.
• 1927: The Ku Klux Klan launch a wave of political terror in Alabama, attempting to undermine African American
• 1951 December 25 Harry T. Moore state co-coordinator of the Florida NAACP and his wife killed by dynamite
bomb in his Mims, Florida home. Despite extensive FBI investigation no one is arrested but Orlando KKK
• 1963 June 12: NAACP organizer Medgar Evers shot in front of his Mississippi home by member of the Ku Klux
• September 16, 1963: 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. A member of the Ku Klux Klan bombed a Church in
Birmingham, Alabama, killing four girls.
• June 21, 1964: In the Mississippi civil rights worker murders, three civil rights workers are murdered in
Philadelphia, Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan.
• March 25, 1965: The Ku Klux Klan murders Viola Liuzzo, a Southern-raised white mother of five who was
visiting Alabama from her home in Detroit to attend a civil rights march. At the time of her murder Liuzzo was
transporting Civil Rights Marchers.
• 1966 January 10: Vernon Dahmer dies in the firebombing of his own home in Mississippi at the hands of the Ku
Klux Klan.
• 1979 November 3: Members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party fire on meeting of members of a
Communist group who were trying to organize local African American workers in Greensboro, North Carolina,
killing five. See Greensboro massacre.
• March 20, 1981: Michael Donald was randomly selected to be lynched by two Ku Klux Klan members near his
Alabama home. He was beaten, had his throat slit, and was hanged.
Terrorism in the United States 9

White supremacy
• 1951 Wave of hate related terrorist attacks in Florida. Negros dragged and beaten to death, 11 race related
bombings, dynamiting of synagogues and a Jewish School in Miami and explosives found outside of Catholic
Churches in Miami.[][]
• 1958 October 12: Bombing of the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation Temple of Atlanta, Georgia. The acts were
carried out by white racists.
• 1984 July 18: Alan Berg, Jewish lawyer-talk show host was shot and killed in the driveway of his home on
Capitol Hill, Denver, Colorado, by members of a White Nationalist group called The Order. Berg had stridently
argued with a member of the group on the show earlier who was convicted in his murder.
• 2011 January 17: Spokane Bombing attempt

Anti-government, Anti-liberal, and fascist extremism

• 1995 April 19: Oklahoma City bombing: A truck bomb shattered the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
downtown Oklahoma City, killing 168 people-including children playing in the building's day care center.
Right-wing terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were convicted in the bombing.
• May 4, 1886: Haymarket affair—In Haymarket Square in Chicago, a bomb was detonated during a labor union
rally; the police responded with gunfire killing twelve people.
• 1996 July 27: Centennial Olympic Park bombing by Eric Robert Rudolph occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, during the
Atlanta Olympics. One person was killed and 111 injured. In a statement released in 2005 Rudolph said the
motive was to protest abortion and the "global socialist" Olympic Movement.* May 2002 Mailbox Pipe Bomber:
Lucas John Helder rigged pipe bombs in private mailboxes to explode when the boxes were opened. He injured 6
people in Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, and Iowa. His motivation was to garner media attention so that he
could spread a message denouncing government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana, as well as
promote astral projection.
• 2008 July 27: Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting: Jim David Adkisson enters the Tennessee Valley
Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee with a shotgun, killing two and injuring several
congregants before being tackled to the ground. Adkisson stated to the police and in a manifesto that he desired to
kill Democrats, liberals, African Americans and homosexuals. Adkisson pled guilty to the crime in February 2009
and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.[68][69]
• 2009 June 10: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting: 88-year-old James Wenneker von Brunn, a
white supremacist and neo-Nazi, walked into the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.,
shooting and mortally wounding Stephen Tyrone Johns, a security guard. Von Brunn was wounded when other
museum guards immediately returned fire and on January 6, 2010, von Brunn died of natural causes at a hospital
near where he was imprisoned awaiting trial.[70][71][72]
• 2010 February 18: The 2010 Austin suicide attack occurred on when Andrew Joseph Stack III, flying his Piper
Dakota, crashed into an Internal Revenue Service office complex in Austin, Texas killing one person besides
himself and injuring thirteen.
• 2011 January 6: Three packages detonate in the mail rooms of two Maryland state government buildings, causing
minor injuries to the fingers of two government workers.[73]
Terrorism in the United States 10

Christian extremism
• 1993: David Gunn was murdered by anti-abortion activist Michael F. Griffin
• 1994: Abortion provider John Britton and James Barrett became victims of Reverend Paul Jennings Hill.
• 1994: Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, two receptionists in abortion and family planning clinics, were
killed by John Salvi.
• 1996–98: Eric Rudolph cited biblical passages as his motivation for a series bombings, including one at Atlanta's
Olympic Centennial Park. But he otherwise denied that his brief association with the Christian Identity movement
was a motivation. Rudolph is often misquoted as saying that his Roman Catholicism was a motivation. However,
he only made reference to being "born a Catholic" as a hope for forgiveness of his actions, rather than as a
motivation for them.
• 1998: James Kopp killed at least one and went on a series of anti-abortion shooting sprees, both in the U.S. and
• 2009: Anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder killed George Tiller in Kansas.[74]Wikipedia:Link rot

Islamic extremism
This list, starting in 1977, is the most extensive. Refer to the following link for this list.

Jewish extremism
• 1970: Jewish Defense League linked with a bomb explosion outside of Aeroflot's New York City office in protest
of treatment of Soviet Jews
• 1971: Jewish Defense League linked to a detonation outside of Soviet cultural offices in Washington, D.C. and
rifle fire into the Soviet mission to the United Nations

Left-wing terrorism

• 1901 September 6: President William McKinley assassinated by Michigan born Russian-Polish anarchist, Leon
Czolgosz, in Buffalo, New York.
• 1917, November 24: A bomb explodes in a Milwaukee police station, killing nine officers and a civilian.
Anarchists were suspected.[6][]
• 1919 1919 United States anarchist bombings
• 1920 Wall Street bombing

Leftist militancy
• 1910 October 1: Los Angeles Times bombing. The Los Angeles Times building in Los Angeles is destroyed by
dynamite, killing 21 workers. The bomb was apparently placed due to the paper's opposition to unionization of its
employees;[] the McNamara brothers were found guilty.
• 1969 August 7: Twenty were injured by radical leftist Sam Melville in a bombing of the Marine Midland Building
in New York City.
• 1969 September 18: The Federal Building in New York City is bombed by radical leftist Jane Alpert.[]
• 1969 October 7: Fifth floor of the Armed Forces Induction Center in New York City devastated by explosion
attributed to radical leftist Jane Alpert.
• 1969 November 12: A bomb is detonated in the Manhattan Criminal Court building in New York City. Jane
Alpert, Sam Melville, and 3 other militant radical leftists are arrested hours later.[][]
• 1971 March 1: The radical leftist group Weatherman explode a bomb in the United States Capitol to protest the
U.S. invasion of Laos.
Terrorism in the United States 11

• 1974 June 13: The 29th floor of the Gulf Tower in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was bombed with dynamite at
9:41 pm resulting in no injuries. The radical leftist group Weatherman took credit, but no suspects have ever been
• 1983 November 7: U.S. Senate bombing. The Armed Resistance Unit, a militant leftist group, bombs the United
States Capitol in response to the U.S. invasion of Grenada.

Black militancy
• 1970 October 22: An antipersonnel time bomb explodes outside a San Francisco church, showering steel shrapnel
on mourners of a patrolman slain in a bank holdup; no one is injured. The Black Liberation Army is suspected.[]
• 1971: During this year the Black Liberation Army is suspected of killing three policemen one at his desk in San
Francisco, shooting four others and opening fire on three patrol cars and rolling a grenade which heavily damages
a police car and injures two officers. An attempt is made to bomb a police station. These incidents happen in
various cities around the country. In August the group runs a one month long guerrilla warfare school in
Fayetteville, Georgia. Seven are arrested in January 2007 in connection with the San Francisco desk shooting
• 1972 January 22: Two St. Louis policemen, Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie, are shot in the back by at least
three persons; four suspects in the case are members of the Black Liberation Army; one suspect is later killed in a
street battle with police; the recovered pistol matches Laurie's.[]
• 1972 December 28: A Brooklyn, New York bartender is held for $12000 ransom by the Black Liberation Army.[]
• 1973 January 7: After shooting a police officer a week earlier Mark Essex a former Black Panther party member
shoots nineteen people, ten of them police officers, in retaliation for police killings in and around a Howard
Johnson's hotel in New Orleans. He also set fires in the hotel before being killed by police.
• 1973: A New York City transit detective is killed and ten law enforcement personnel are shot four by machine
gun during the year mostly in and around New York City by the Black Liberation Army. Also two members of
that organization are arrested with a car full of explosives. In the next few years there are a number of violent
incidents involving this organization but they are more criminal in nature.[]
• 2006 Sears Tower plot


Puerto Rican nationalists

• 1954 March 1: United States Capitol shooting incident. Four Puerto Rican nationalists shoot and wound five
members of the United States Congress during an immigration debate.
• 1969 October 14 The Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN), a Puerto Rican nationalist group, claims
responsibility for a small bomb explosion at Macy's Herald Square
• 1975 January 24: FALN bombs Fraunces Tavern in New York City, killing four and injuring more than 50.
• 1975 December 29: A bomb set off by FALN in East Harlem, New York, permanently disables a police officer
while causing him to lose an eye.
• 1977 August 3: FALN bombs exploded on the twenty-first floor of 342 Madison Avenue in New York City,
which housed United States Department of Defense security personnel, as well as the Mobil Building at 150 East
Forty-Second Street, killing one. In addition the group warned that bombs were located in thirteen other
buildings, including the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center resulting in the evacuation of one
hundred thousand people. Five days later a bomb attributed to the group was found in the AMEX building.[76]
• May 3, 1979: FALN exploded a bomb outside of the Shubert Theatre in Chicago, injuring five people.
• 1980 March 15 Armed members of FALN raided the campaign headquarters of President Jimmy Carter in
Chicago and the campaign headquarters of George H. W. Bush in New York City. Seven people in Chicago and
ten people in New York were tied up as the offices were vandalized before the FALN members fled. A few days
Terrorism in the United States 12

later, Carter delegates in Chicago received threatening letters from FALN.

• 1981 May 16: One was killed in an explosion in the toilets at the Pan Am terminal at New York's JFK airport.
The bombing is claimed by the Puerto Rican Resistance Army.[77]
• 1982 December 31: FALN explodes bombs outside of the 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, Federal Bureau of
Investigation Headquarters and a United States courthouse in Brooklyn. Three New York Police Department
police officers are blinded with one officer losing both eyes. All three officers sustained other serious injuries
trying to defuse a second Federal Plaza bomb.[78][79]

Palestinian militancy
• 1973 March 4: A failed terrorist attack by Palestinian group Black September, with car bombings in New York
City while Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was visiting the city.
• 1973 June 1: Yosef Alon, the Israeli Air Force attache in Washington, D.C., was shot and killed outside his home
in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Palestinian militant group Black September is suspected, though the case remains

Failed attacks
• 1920 September 16: The Wall Street bombing: A suspected attempt to kill financier J.P. Morgan by exploding the
first car bomb. Bomb was created by putting scrap metal and 100 pounds of dynamite on a horse-drawn cart and
blowing it up on Wall Street. Morgan was out of town but 38 people were killed. Responsibility for the attack has
never been firmly established.[80]
• 1940 June: Two dynamite bombs were discovered outside of the Philadelphia Convention Hall during the
Republican National Convention. A total of seven bombs were discovered in the greater Philadelphia area during
this period.[81]
• 1950 November 1: Assassination attempt on President Harry S. Truman by members of the Puerto Rican
Nationalist Party at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.
• 1965 The Monumental Plot – New York Police thwart an attempt to dynamite the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell,
and the Washington Monument by three members of the pro-Castro Black Liberation Front and a Quebec
• 1970 March 6 Three members of the Weather Underground are killed when their "bomb factory" located in New
York’s Greenwich Village accidentally explodes. WUO members Theodore Gold, Diana Oughton, and Terry
Robbins die in this accident. The bomb was intended to be planted at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort
Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed with nails to inflict maximum casualties upon detonation. See Greenwich
Village townhouse explosion.
• 1971 April Pipe bombs found at the embassies of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in Washington, D.C.[83]
• 1972 Two Jewish Defense League members were arrested and charged with bomb possession and burglary in a
conspiracy to blow up the Long Island residence of the Soviet mission to the United Nations
• 1972 March 7 4.5 pounds of C-4 explosives found on a plane by New York City Police Bomb Squad.
• 1973 March 6: 1973 New York bomb plot Explosives found in the trunks of cars were defused at the El Al air
terminal at Kennedy Airport, the First Israel Bank and Trust Company, and the Israel Discount Bank, in New
York City. The plot was foiled when the National Security Agency intercepted an encrypted message sent to the
Iraqi foreign ministry in Baghdad to the Palestine Liberation Organization's office. The attacks were meant to
coincide with visit of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. Khalid Duhham al-Jawary of the Black September was
convicted on charges relating to the attacks in 1993 and was released to immigration authorities in 2009.[84][85]
• 1975 September 22: Sarah Jane Moore tries to assassinate President Gerald Ford outside of the St. Francis Hotel
in San Francisco. The attempt fails when a bystander grabs her arm and deflects the shot. Moore has stated the
motive was to create chaos to bring "the winds of change" because the government had declared war on the left
Terrorism in the United States 13

• 1984 According to Oregon law enforcement there was an abortive plot by the Rajneeshee cult to murder United
States Attorney for Oregon, Charles Turner.[89][]
• April 1985: The FBI arrested several members of a Sikh terrorist group who were plotting to kill Indian PM Rajiv
Gandhi when he visited New York in June.
• 1988 April 12: Yū Kikumura, a member of the Japanese Red Army, is arrested with three pipe bombs on the New
Jersey Turnpike. According to prosecutors, Kikumura planned to bomb a military recruitment office in the
Veteran's Administration building in lower Manhattan on April 14, the anniversary of the U.S. raid on Libya.
• June 1993: New York City landmark bomb plot. Followers of radical cleric Omar Abdel-Rahman were arrested
while planning to bomb landmarks in New York City, including the UN headquarters.
• December 1995: A drum of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil is found behind an Internal Revenue Service building
in Reno, Nevada. An anti government tax protester is arrested later.[90]
• 2000 January 1: 2000 millennium attack plots, plan to bomb LAX Airport in Los Angeles
• 2001 December 12: Jewish Defense League plot by Chairman Irv Rubin and follower Earl Krugel to blow up the
King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California and the office of Lebanese-American Congressman Darrell Issa
• 2001 December 22: British citizen and self-proclaimed Al Qaeda member Richard Reid attempted to detonate the
C-4 explosive PETN concealed in his shoes while on a flight from Paris to Miami. He was subdued by crew and
passengers with the plane landing safely in Boston.
• 2004 financial buildings plot: Al-Qaeda plan to bomb the International Monetary Fund, New York Stock
Exchange, Citigroup and Prudential buildings broken up after arrest of computer expert in Pakistan and plotters in
• 2004 Columbus Shopping Mall bombing plot: A loosely organized group of young men planned to carry out an
attack on an unnamed shopping mall.
• June 2006: The Animal Liberation Front targets UCLA professor Lynn Fairbanks with a firebomb due to her
research on animals. The bomb was placed on the doorstep of a house occupied by her neighbor and a tenant.
According to the FBI, the device was lit but failed to ignite and was powerful enough to have killed the
• 2006 September 11: A man rammed his car into a women's clinic that he thought was an abortion clinic and set it
ablaze in Davenport, Iowa causing $20,000 worth of damage to the building.[91]
• 2007 April 25: A bomb was left in a women's clinic in Austin, Texas but failed to explode.[92][93]
• 2009 2009 New York bomb plot
• 2009 December 25: Nigerian citizen and self-described Al-Qaeda member Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly
attempted to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in flight over Detroit by igniting his underpants which were
filled with the C-4 explosive PETN.[94][95] He has been indicted in a U.S. federal court; charges include the
attempted murder of 289 people.[96] Several days later, Al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen and Saudi Arabia claimed
responsibility for the attempted attack. Addressing America, the group threatened to "come for you to
slaughter."[97] On January 24, 2010 an audio tape that US intelligence believes is authentic was broadcast in
which Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attempted bombing. The intelligence officials expressed
doubt about the veracity of bin Laden's claim.[98] On October 12, 2011 Abdulmutallab plead guilty to all counts
against him and read a statement to the court saying "I attempted to use an explosive device which in the U.S. law
is a weapon of mass destruction, which I call a blessed weapon to save the lives of innocent Muslims, for U.S. use
of weapons of mass destruction on Muslim populations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and beyond".[99]
• 2010 May 1 2010 Times Square car bomb attempt and plot: A attempted evening car bombing in crowded Times
Square in New York City failed when a street vendor saw smoke emanating from an SUV and called police. The
White House has blamed Tehrik-e-Taliban the Pakistani Taliban for the failed attack and said Faisal Shahzad
aged 30, an American of Pakistani origin who has been arrested in relation to the incident was working for the
group.[100] In July 2010, the Pakistani Taliban released a video featuring Shahzad in which he urged other
Terrorism in the United States 14

Muslims in the West to follow his example and to wage similar attacks.[101] On May 3, Shahzad was arrested at
Kennedy Airport as he was preparing to fly to Dubai.[102] The device was described as crude and amateurish but
potent enough to cause casualties.[103] On May 13 the F.B.I. raided several locations in the Northeast and arrested
3 on alleged immigration violations.[104] Several suspects were arrested in Pakistan including the co-owner of a
prominent catering firm used by the US embassy.[105] On June 21 Shahzad plead guilty to 10 counts saying he
created the bomb to force the US military to withdraw troops and stop drone attacks in a number of Muslim
countries. Shahzad said he chose the location to cause mass civilian casualties because the civilians elected the
government that carried out the allegedly anti Muslim policies.[106] On October 4, 2010 Shahzad was sentenced to
life in prison.[107] During his sentencing, he threatened that "the defeat of the U.S. is imminent" and that "we will
keep on terrorizing you until you leave our lands."[101] Shahzad planned on detonating a second bomb in Times
Square two weeks later.[108]
• 2010 July 21. Bryon Williams captured after shootout with California Highway Patrol with guns strapped on his
body armor alleged to have confessed that he was on his way to kill workers at the American Civil Liberties
Union and follow it up with and attack on Tides Center allegedly was angry with left-wing politics and inspired
by conspiracy theories of Glenn Beck and hoped the attack would ignite a revolution.[109]
• 2011 January 17: Spokane bombing attempt: A small pipe bomb in a backpack designed to be detonated by
remote control and spread shrapnel in a specific direction was discovered during a Martin Luther King Day
parade in Spokane, Washington. White supremacist Kevin Harpham is convicted and sentenced to 32 years in
federal prison.[110][111]
• 2013 April 8: Letters believed to contain the poison Ricin were sent to President Barack Obama and Mississippi
Republican Senator Roger Wicker and a Mississippi Justice official. Tests on the granular substance found in the
letters tested positive for "low grade" ricin.
• 2013 April 25: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the suspect in the Boston Marathon Bombings told investigators that he and
his brother discussed using leftover explosives to attack Times Square.[112] According to NYC Police
commissioner Raymond Kelly the plan was conceived after they attacked Boston and was foiled when their SUV
ran out of gas as they tried to escape from the Boston marathon bombing manhunt.[113]

Alleged and proven plots

• 1940 January: The FBI shuts down the Christian Front after discovering its members were arming themselves for
a plot to "murder Jews, communists, and 'a dozen Congressmen'" and establishing a government modeled after
Nazi Germany.[114][115]
• 1943 March 31: Clarence Cull arrested and charged with attempting to assassinate President Franklin D.
Roosevelt by suicide bombing. Cull blamed Roosevelt for lost convoys of Merchant Ships.
• 1995 November 9: Oklahoma Constitutional Militia members arrested while in the planning stages for bombings
of Southern Poverty Law Center, gay bars and abortion clinics.[90]
• 1996 January 1: Members of the Viper Team militia are arrested after they caught surveying government
buildings in Arizona.[90]
• 1996 July 13: John J. Ford, 47, of Bellport, Long Island, a former court officer and president of the Long Island
U.F.O. Network, and Joseph Mazzachelli plotted to poison local politicians with radium and shoot them if that did
not work. They believed the government was covering up knowledge of UFO landings.[116][117]
• 1996 November 11: Seven members of the Mountaineer Militia are arrested in a plot to blow up the FBI
fingerprint records center in West Virginia.[90]
• 1997 July 4: Members of the splinter militia group the Third Continental Congress are arrested while planning
attacks on military bases which they believed were being used to train United Nations troops to attack U.S.
• 1998 March 18: Members of the North American Militia are arrested in plot to bomb Federal Buildings in
Michigan, a television station and an interstate highway intersection.[90]
Terrorism in the United States 15

• 1999 December 5: Members of the San Joaquin Militia are arrested on charges of plotting to bomb critical
infrastructure locations in hopes of sparking an insurrection. The leaders of the group plead guilty to charges of
plotting to kill a Federal judge.[90]
• 1999 December 8: The leader of the Southeastern States Alliance militia group is arrested in plot to bomb energy
faculties with the goal of causing power outages in Florida and Georgia.[90]
• 2000 March 9: The former leader of the Texas Militia is arrested in a plot to attack the Federal Building in
• 2002 February 8: Two members of Project 7 are arrested plotting to kill judges and law enforcement officials in
order to kick off a revolution.[90]
• 2002 May 8: José Padilla, accused by John Ashcroft of plotting to attack the United States with a dirty bomb,
declared as an enemy combatant, and denied habeas corpus. No material evidence has been produced to support
the allegation.
• 2002 July 26 2002 White supremacist terror plot: Two white supremacists were convicted of conspiring to start a
race war by bombing landmarks associated with Jews and Blacks.[118]
• 2002 September 3: An Idaho Mountain Militia Boys plot to kill a judge and a police officer and break a friend out
of jail is uncovered.[90]
• 2003 April 24: William Krar is charged for his part in the Tyler poison gas plot, a white supremacist related plan.
A sodium cyanide bomb was seized with at least 100 other bombs, bomb components, machine guns, and 500,000
rounds of ammunition. He faces up to 10 years in prison.[119][120]
• 2003 May 1: Iyman Faris pleads guilty to providing material support to al-Qaeda and plotting to bring down the
Brooklyn Bridge by cutting through cables with blowtorches. He had been working as a double for the FBI since
March, but in October was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
• 2005 August 31 2005 Los Angeles bomb plot:Kevin James, Hammad Samana, Gregory Patterson, and Levar
Washington were indicted on charges to wage war against the U.S. government through terrorism in California.
The men planned attacks against Jewish institutions and American military locations in Los Angeles during the
Yom Kippur holiday.[121]
• 2006 February 21: The Toledo terror plot where three men were accused of conspiring to wage a "holy war"
against the United States, supply help to the terrorist in Iraq, and threatening to kill the US president.
• 2006 June 23: The Miami bomb plot to attack the Sears Tower where seven men were arrested after an FBI agent
infiltrated a group while posing as an al-Qaeda member. No weapons or other materials were found. On May 12,
2009 after two mistrials due to hung juries five men were convicted and one acquitted on charges related to the
plot. Narseal Batiste the groups ringleader was convicted on four charges the only defendant to be convicted on
all four charges brought against the defendants.[122]
• 2006 July 7: Three suspects arrested in Lebanon for plotting to blow up a Hudson River tunnel and flood the New
York financial district.
• 2006 November 29 Demetrius Van Crocker a white supremacist from rural Tennessee was sentenced to 30 years
in prison for attempting to acquire Sarin nerve gas and C-4 explosives that he planned to use to destroy
government buildings.[123]
• 2006 December 8: Derrick Shareef, 22, a Muslim convert who talked about his desire to wage jihad against
civilians was charged in a plot to set off four hand grenades in garbage cans December 22 at the Cherryvale Mall
in Rockford, Illinois.[124]
• 2007 March 5 A Rikers Island inmate offered to pay an undercover police officer posing as a hit man to behead
New York City police commissioner Raymond Kelly and bomb police headquarters in retaliation for the
controversial police shooting of Sean Bell. The suspect wanted the bombing to be considered a terrorist
• 2007 May 1: Five members of a self-styled Birmingham, Alabama area anti-immigration militia were arrested for
planning a machine gun attack on Mexicans.[127]
Terrorism in the United States 16

• 2007 May 7: Fort Dix attack plot Six men inspired by Jihadist videos arrested in a failed homegrown terrorism
plot to kill soldiers. Plot unravels when Circuit City clerk becomes suspicious of the DVDs the men had created
and report it to authorities who place an informant in the group. In October 2008 one man pleaded guilty to
charges related to the plot. On December 22, 2008 five other men were convicted with conspiracy to kill
American soldiers but were acquitted of attempted murder.[128] Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka were sentenced to
life in prison.[129]
• 2007 June 3: John F. Kennedy International Airport terror plot Four men indicted in plot to blow up jet-fuel
supply tanks at JFK Airport and a 40-mile (64 km) connecting pipeline. One suspect is a U.S. citizen and one,
Abdul Kadir, is former member of parliament in Guyana. All The airport was targeted because one of the suspects
saw arms shipments and missiles being shipped to Israel from that locale. In a recorded conversation one of the
suspects allegedly told an informant that "Anytime you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United
States. To hit John F. Kennedy, wow.... They love JFK – he's like the man". Plot unraveled when a person from
law enforcement was recruited.[130][131][132] On June 29, 2010 Abdel Nur plead guilty to material support
charges. Due to health reasons Kareem Ibrahim was removed from the case and will be tried separately.[133] On
August 2 Russell M. Defreitas and Abdul Kadir were convicted for their role in the plot.[134]
• 2008 March 26: Michael S. Gorbey who was detained in January 2008 for carrying a loaded shotgun two blocks
from the Capitol Building has been charged planning to set off a bomb after a device containing can of
gunpowder duct-taped to a box of shotgun shells and a bottle containing buckshot or BB pellets was found in the
pickup truck he was driving. The pickup truck was moved to a government parking lot where for a three-week
period the device inside it went unnoticed.[135] Michael Gorbey gets 22 years prison, but he insisted that police
planted weapons.[136]
• 2008 October 27 Federal agents claim to thwarted a plot by two white power skinheads to target an African
American High School and kill 88 blacks and decapitate 14 more (the numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic to white
supremacists) and although expecting to fail try to assassinate Barack Obama.[137][138]
• 2009 May 20: 2009 New York City bomb plot Three U.S. citizens and one Haitian from Newburgh, New York
were arrested in a plot to bomb a Riverdale Temple and a Riverdale Jewish Center in The Bronx, New York City
in an alleged homegrown terrorist plot. It was also alleged that they planned to shoot down military planes
operating out of Stewart Air National Guard Base also in Newburgh. One of the suspects whose parents are from
Afghanistan was said to be "unhappy that many Muslim people were being killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by
the United States Military forces."[139][140][141] On October 18, 2010, the four were convicted on most of the
charges brought against them.[142] On June 29, 2011 three of the men were sentenced to 25 years imprisonment
by a judge who criticized the governments handling of the case.[143][144]
• 2009 September 2009 New York subway and United Kingdom plot: Najibullah Zazi of Denver was indicted on
charges of trying to build and detonate a weapon of mass destruction by purchasing hydrogen peroxide, acetone
and other chemicals. He and two others allegedly planned to detonate the homemade explosives on the New York
City subway system.[145] On February 22, 2010 Zazi plead guilty to conspiracy to use weapons of mass
destruction, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and providing material support for a terrorist
organization. Zazi said he was recruited by al-Qaeda as part of a "martyrdom plan".[146] Zazi agreed to cooperate
with authorities and has told them that the groups planned to walk into the Times Square and Grand Central
stations with backpack bombs at rush hour and then choose which subway lines to attack.[] Several days later Adis
Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay high school classmates of Zazi were indicted and plead not guilty to charges
of conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and
providing material support for a terrorist organization.[147] On April 12 a fourth man was arrested in Pakistan.[]
On April 23 Prosecutors said that two Senior Al Queda officials who were reportedly later killed in drone attacks
ordered the attacks and Zarein Ahmedzay pled guilty to plot related charges.[148] On July 7 five others were
indicted including al-Qaeda leader Adnan Shukrijumah, and it was alleged the United Kingdom was also a target
of the plot.[149] While in Pakistan, Zazi, Ahmedzay and Medunjanin were allegedly recruited and directed by
Terrorism in the United States 17

Shukrijumah, a former Florida student who is designated as one of the FBI's most wanted terrorists, to conduct a
terrorist attack in the U.S.[150] On August 6 new charges were brought against Medunjanin and 4 others including
Shukrijumah. Medunjanin pled not guilty.[151]
• 2009 August – September: On September 24 William Boyd and Hysen Sherifi charged with "conducting
reconnaissance of the Marine Corps base at Quantico, Virginia and obtaining armor-piercing ammunition with the
intent to attack Americans". Boyd, two of his sons and several other suspects had been charged on international
terrorism charges in August, but at the time there was no indication that they wanted to plot a United States
attack. An audio tape of Boyd decrying the U.S. military, discussing the honor of martyrdom, and bemoaning the
struggle of Muslims was played at an August hearing. It is the first case of a ring of homegrown terrorists having
specific targets.[][152]
• 2009 September 24: Michael Finton/Talib Islam a 29 year old man from Illinois charged with trying to kill federal
employees by detonating a car bomb at the federal building in Springfield, Illinois. Charges based on F.B.I. sting
operation.[] He is said to idolize American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh.[]
• 2009 September 24: Hosam Maher Husein Smadi a 19 year old illegal immigrant from Jordan charged with trying
the bomb the 60 story Fountain Place office tower in Dallas, Texas. Charges are based on F.B.I. sting operation in
which agents posed as members of an al-Qaeda sleeper cell.[][]
• 2010 January 7 Adis Medunjanin an alleged 2009 NYC Subway plotter attempts a suicide attack by intentionally
crashing his car on the Whitestone Bridge in New York City. He is indicted for this on July 7.[153] Medunjanin
has since been charged for his role in an Al Qaeda plot to conduct coordinated suicide bombings on New York's
subway system.[154]
• 2010 May Paul Rockwood Jr. a meteorologist who took official weather observations and his pregnant wife
Nancy from King Salmon, Alaska compiled a list of 20 targets, including members of the military and media and
had moved to the operational phase of their plan plead guilty to lying to FBI about the list and making false
statements to the FBI. Under a plea agreement Mr. Rockwood will serve eight years in prison and three years
probation while Ms. Rockwood will serve probation. Motive was revenge for alleged descecration of
• 2010 September 20: Sami Samir Hassoun, 22, a Lebanese citizen living in Chicago, was charged with one count
each of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted use of an explosive device after placing a
backpack with what he thought was a bomb near Wrigley Field. Alleged plot was foiled by FBI informant.
Hassoun discussed other ideas for mass destruction attacks with informant.[157][158]
• 2010 October 27: Farooque Ahmed, 34, a naturalized U.S. citizen indicted for conspiracy to bomb 4 Washington
Metro stations with people he thought were al-Qaeda.[159]
• 2010 November 26: Mohamed Osman Mohamud a 19-year-old Somali-American is alleged to have attempted a
car bombing at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon. The device was a dud created by the
FBI.[160] Motive is reported to be Jihad.[161] On January 31, 2013 a jury found Mohamud guilty of the charge of
trying to use a weapon of mass destruction.[162]
• 2010 December 8: Antonio Martinez, also known as Muhammad Hussain arrested after a sting operation in an
alleged plot to bomb a military recruiting center in Catonsville, Maryland. The 21 year old suspect is an American
who converted to Islam. The suspect was reported to be upset that the military continues to kill Muslims.[163]
• 2010 December 21: Internet radio broadcaster Hal Turner sentenced to 33 months in prison after he published the
work addresses and photographs of three judges who had upheld gun control laws and advocated for their
• 2011 February 24: Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari a 20 year old Saudi Arabian student arrested for building bombs to
use in alleged terrorist attacks. Targets allegedly were home of George W. Bush, hydroelectric dams, nuclear
power plants, nightclubs and the homes of soldiers who were formerly stationed at the Abu Ghraib prison. In
Aldawsari's journal he wrote he was inspired by the speeches of Osama bin Laden. Alleged plot uncovered when
supplier noticed suspicious purchases.[165]
Terrorism in the United States 18

• 2011 May 11: In the 2011 Manhattan terrorism plot, Ahmed Ferhani resident of Queens, New York and native of
Algeria and Mohamed Mamdouh aged 20 also from Queens and Moroccan native arrested in a lone wolf plot
against a New York Synagogue that had yet to be chosen. It also alleged that they hoped to attack the Empire
State Building. The pair were arrested after buying two Browning semi-automatic pistols, one Smith & Wesson
revolver, ammunition and one grenade. The pair disguised themselves as Jewish temple goers and pretended to
pray. The suspects were said to be "committed to violent jihad".[166]
• 2011 June 23: Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh of Long Beach, California are arrested on charges of
buying machine guns and grenades and conspiring to attack a federal building housing a Military Entrance
Processing Station in Seattle, Washington.Plot was uncovered by informent. Motive was to send message in
protest of US action abroad. On April 8, 2013 Walli Mujahidh apologized and was sentenced to 17 years for his
role in the plot.[167][168]
• 2011 July 27: AWOL U.S. Army Private, and conscientious objector, Naser Jason Abdo from Garland, Texas was
arrested in an alleged plot against Fort Hood, Texas. Materials for up to two bombs were found with jihadist
materials in Abdo's motel room. Investigation began when owner of a local gun store called police after becoming
suspicious when Abdo asked questions indicating he did not know about the items he was purchasing.[169][170]
• 2011 September 28: Rezwan Ferdaus, a US citizen,was indicted for allegedly plotting to use remote-controlled
aircraft carrying explosives to bomb the Pentagon and the US Capitol. He also allegedly planned to hire people to
shoot at people fleeing the Pentagon. Ferdaus was said to be motivated by Al Queada videos and the alleged plot
was uncovered by an F.B.I. sting operation.[171] In July 2012 he pleaded guilty to plotting an attack on the
Pentagon and U.S. Capitol and attempting to provide material support to terrorists. Under a plea bargain, he was
sentenced to 17 years in prison and then 10 years of supervised release.[172]
• 2011 October 11: Operation Red Coalition. Alleged plot that was "conceived, sponsored and was directed from
Iran" to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States Adel al-Jubeir with a bomb and bomb the
Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C. It is not known if Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei or President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had knowledge of the plot. The alleged plot was disrupted by an
FBI and DEA investigation. The investigation began in May 2011 when an Iranian-American approached a DEA
informant seeking the help of a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador. Iran has denied the
• 2011 October–November: Georgia terrorist plot Four elderly men from a Georgia militia arrested for plotting to
buy ricin in preparation for an attack they claimed would "save the Constitution". They allegedly discussed
blowing up IRS and ATF buildings, dispensing ricin from a plane over Atlanta and other cities, and assassinating
"un American" politicians. Informant used to break up alleged plot.[174]
• 2011 November 20: Jose Pimentel aged 27 an American citizen and a convert to Islam from New York City
arrested and accused of being the process of building pipe bombs (and one hour away from his building his first
bomb) to target post offices police cars and U.S. military personnel returning from abroad in New York City and
Bayonne, New Jersey. Was said to be a follower of the late al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki. The FBI did not
consider Pimentel who was said to be radicalized via the internet by enough of a threat to investigate but NYC
police considered him a 2 on a threat scale of 1 to 5.[175][176][177]
• 2012 January 7: Sami Osmakac a naturalized American from Kosovo arrested in plot to create mayhem in Tampa,
Florida by car bombing, hostage taking and exploding a suicide belt. Allege bomb targets included by night clubs
in the Ybor City, a bar, and the operations center of the sheriff's office and South Tampa businesses. Osmakac
allegedly told an FBI undercover agent "We all have to die, so why not die the Islamic way?". Osmakac plead not
guilty on February 8.[178]
• 2012 February 17: Amine El Khalifi a Moroccan man from Alexandria, Virginia arrested in alleged suicide
bombing plot of U.S. Capital. Was arrested was a result of F.B.I. sting operation.[179] As a result of a plea
agreement El Khalifi was sentenced to 30 years in prison on September 14.[180]
Terrorism in the United States 19

• 2012 May 1: 5 self described anarchists were arrested in an alleged plot to blow up a bridge in Cuyahoga Valley
National Park in Brecksville, Ohio. The group was being monitored as part of an F.B.I. undercover operation and
had considered other plots previously. One of the suspects expressed a desire to cause financial damage to
companies while avoiding casualties.[181][182]
• 2012 August 27: Four non-commissioned officers from Fort Stewart in Georgia, along with five other men, were
charged in an alleged plot to poison an apple orchard and blow up a dam in Washington State, seize control of
Fort Stewart, set off explosives in a park in Savannah, Georgia, and assassinate President Barack Obama. The
alleged plot was on behalf of the "FEAR" militia for the long term purpose of overthrowing the
• 2012 October 17: Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis age 21 arrested in plot to bomb the Manhattan office of the
Federal Reserve Bank on behalf of "our beloved Sheikh Osama bin Laden". Motive was to destroy the economy
and possibly force cancellation of the Presidential election. Suspect who has a student visa is a Bangladeshi
national who come to the U.S. to launch a terrorist attack. Arrest was result a joint FBI-New York City police
sting operation. Suspect was pulling detonator on disabled 1000 pound van bomb when arrested.[185]
• 2012 November 29 Raees Alam Qazi and his brother Sheheryar Alam Qazi of Florida naturalized citizens of
Pakistani descent arrested for being in the aspirational stages of a plot to attack New York City. Raees Alam Qazi
is alleged be inspired by Al Queda and of trying to contact terrorists abroad.[186]
• 2013 June 19 Two middle aged upstate New York men Scott Crawford and Eric J. Feight arrested by FBI in
alleged plot to target a political figure reported to be President Obama and a Muslim group deemed enemies of
Israel by constructing and using an X-Ray Gun that was described by the FBI as "useful and "functional". Obama
was believed by the pair to be allowing Muslims into the country without background checks. Investigation was
launched when a synagogue and the Ku Klux Klan whom Crawford was a member of told authorities that
Crawford tried to recruit them to take part in the alleged plot.[187]

External resources
• Southern Poverty Law Center US Extremists Map [188]
• Southern Poverty Law Center List of U.S. Ecoterror incidents 1984–2002 [189]
• Bomb Squad: A year inside the nations exclusive Police Unit by Richard Esposito and Ted Gerstein [190]
• Anti-Defamation League’s Criminal Proceedings: A Timeline of U.S. Terror Cases [191]

[2] http:/ / www. encyclopedia. chicagohistory. org/ pages/ 571. html
[3] Robert Ketcherside, CHS Re:Take | May 30, 1915 -- A booming day in Volunteer Park (http:/ / www. capitolhillseattle. com/ 2013/ 02/ 02/
chs-retake-may-30-1915-a-booming-day-in-volunteer-park), CHS Capitol Hill Blog (Seattle), 2013-02-02. Accessed online 2013-02-02.
[6] Balousek, Marv, and Kirsch, J. Allen, 50 Wisconsin Crimes of the Century, Badger Books Inc. (1997), ISBN 1-878569-47-3, ISBN
978-1-878569-47-9, p. 113
[12] Report of Presidents Commission on Campus Unrest/Scranton Commission 1970 (http:/ / www. eric. ed. gov/ ERICDocs/ data/
ericdocs2sql/ content_storage_01/ 0000019b/ 80/ 37/ 87/ c2. pdf)
[21] (http:/ / www. newsday. com/ news/ printedition/ stories/ ny-usagri135016305dec15,0,3491937. story)
[32] Anti-Defamation League: "American Muslim Extremists: A Growing Threat to Jews" (http:/ / www. adl. org/ main_Terrorism/
muslim_extremists_jews. htm?Multi_page_sections=sHeading_2) August 6, 2010
[36] Anti-Defamation League: "Fatal Shooting at Seattle Jewish Federation" (http:/ / www. adl. org/ learn/ extremism_in_the_news/
Other_Extremism/ seattle_jewish_federation_shooting. htm?LEARN_Cat=Extremism& LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_the_News) July 31,
[42] FBI, NYPD offer $65G reward in unsolved '08 Times Square bombing Fox News June 18, 2013 (http:/ / www. foxnews. com/ us/ 2013/ 06/
18/ fbi-nypd-offer-65g-reward-in-unsolved-08-times-square-bombing/ #ixzz2Wo2DYNFW)
[47] (https:/ / www. schneier. com/ blog/ archives/ 2009/ 04/ us_power_grid_h. html)
[48] (http:/ / www. wired. com/ threatlevel/ 2009/ 04/ put-nsa-in-char/ )
[56] Wisconsin Shooter Identified as U.S. Army Veteran New York Times August 6, 2012 (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2012/ 08/ 07/ us/
army-veteran-identified-as-suspect-in-wisconsin-shooting. html?pagewanted=all)
Terrorism in the United States 20

[58] Boston Marathon Blasts Kill 2, Police Say New York Times April 15, 2013 (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2013/ 04/ 16/ us/
explosions-reported-at-site-of-boston-marathon. html?hp& _r=0)
[59] Boston Globe blog (http:/ / live. boston. com/ Event/ Live_blog_Explosion_in_Copley_Square)
[60] Brothers in Marathon bombings took two paths into infamy The Boston Globe April 19, 2013 (http:/ / www. bostonglobe. com/ metro/ 2013/
04/ 19/ relatives-marathon-bombing-suspects-worried-that-older-brother-was-corrupting-sweet-younger-sibling/ UCYHkiP9nfsjAtMjJPWJJL/
story. html)
[61] Kremlin: Russia, US to step up counter-terrorism cooperation Reuters (http:/ / worldnews. nbcnews. com/ _news/ 2013/ 04/ 20/
[62] A long, violent night before suspect caught in Watertown Boston Globe April 20, 2013 (http:/ / www. bostonglobe. com/ metro/ 2013/ 04/
20/ long-deadly-night-before-dragnet-closed/ syAMFiShwvg9VvEucvnnBN/ story. html)
[63] Boston transit shut down, nearly 1 million sheltering in place amid terror hunt NBC April 19, 2013 (http:/ / usnews. nbcnews. com/ _news/
2013/ 04/ 19/ 17822687-boston-transit-shut-down-nearly-1-million-sheltering-in-place-amid-terror-hunt?lite)
[64] Boston Bomb Suspect's Condition 'Fair' Sky News April 23, 2013 (http:/ / news. sky. com/ story/ 1081664/
[65] Boston-bombing-suspect-reportedly-wrote-on-boat-how-it-helps-prosecution-videoBoston bombing suspect reportedly wrote on boat: how it
helps prosecution Christian Science Monitor May 16, 2013 (http:/ / www. csmonitor. com/ USA/ USA-Update/ 2013/ 0516/ )
[83] http:/ / www. washington
[90] Missouri Information Analysis Center Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement February 20, 2009 (http:/ / theloupe. tv/ smargus/
wp-content/ uploads/ 2009/ 03/ miac-report. pdf)
[97] Anti-Defamation League: "The Christmas Day Bomber: Al Qaeda in Yemen’s Latest Plot against Americans" (http:/ / www. adl. org/
main_Terrorism/ Christmas_Day_Bomber. htm?Multi_page_sections=sHeading_1) January 12, 2010
[99] Would-Be Plane Bomber Pleads Guilty, Ending Trial (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2011/ 10/ 13/ us/
umar-farouk-abdulmutallab-pleads-guilty-in-plane-bomb-attempt. html) New York Times October 12, 2011
[101] Anti-Defamation League: "Guilty Plea in Failed Times Square Bombing" (http:/ / www. adl. org/ main_Terrorism/
times_square_car_bomb. htm?Multi_page_sections=sHeading_1) October 6, 2010
[111] Timeline: From Boston Marathon to Chicago Haymarket riots - bombings in U.S. history Chicago Sun Times April 15, 2013 (http:/ / blogs.
suntimes. com/ news/ 2013/ 04/ timeline_us_bombings_boston_marathon_chicago_haymarket. html)
[112] Officials: Boston suspects discussed second attack in Times Square NBC April 25, 2013 (http:/ / usnews. nbcnews. com/ _news/ 2013/ 04/
25/ 17914667-officials-boston-suspects-discussed-second-attack-in-times-square?lite)
[113] "Destination Times Square" Newsday April 26, 2013
[114] Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891–1971) (http:/ / coat. ncf. ca/ our_magazine/ links/ 53/ coughlin. html) by Richard Sanders, Editor
[121] Anti-Defamation League: "Two Sentenced in Los Angeles Terror Plot Against Jewish Institutions" (http:/ / www. adl. org/
main_Terrorism/ los_angeles_sentenced. htm), August 26, 2008
[125] (http:/ / www. newsday. com/ news/ local/ newyork/ ny-nyhit065119743mar06,0,340430. story?coll=ny-nynews-print) March 6 Newsday
[145] Anti-Defamation League: "Guilty Plea in Terror Plot Against New York City Subways" (http:/ / www. adl. org/ main_Terrorism/
najibullah_zazi_indicted. htm) July 9, 2010
[150] Anti-Defamation League: "New Charges Filed in Terror Plot Against New York Subways" (http:/ / www. adl. org/ main_Terrorism/
el_shukrijumah_indicted. htm) July 9, 2010
[154] Anti-Defamation League: "Queens Man Pleads Guilty to Planning Terror Plot Against New York City Subways" (http:/ / www. adl. org/
main_Terrorism/ medunjanin_al_qaeda_indictment. htm) July 9, 2010
[162] Mohamed Mohamud found guilty in Portland terrorism trial Oregon Live January 31, 2013 (http:/ / www. oregonlive. com/ portland/ index.
ssf/ 2013/ 01/ mohamed_mohamud_found_guilty_i. html)
[165] "U.S. Arrests Saudi Student in Bomb Plot" (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2011/ 02/ 25/ us/ 25terror. html?src=mv) New York Times
February 24, 2011
[168] man gets 17-year prison term in Seattle terrorist plot Los Angeles Times April 8, 2013 (http:/ / www. latimes. com/ news/ nation/
nationnow/ la-na-nn-seattle-terror-sentencing-20130408,0,2752493. storyCalifornia)
[169] AWOL Soldier Arrested in What Police Identify as New Plot to Attack Fort Hood (http:/ / www. foxnews. com/ us/ 2011/ 07/ 28/
exclusive-us-military-serviceman-arrested-in-second-alleged-attack-on-ft-hood/ #ixzz1TRKAc2EQ), Fox News, July 28, 2011
[170] Army: Soldier planned Fort Hood attack (http:/ / www. newsday. com/ news/ nation/ army-soldier-planned-fort-hood-attack-1. 3060022),
Associated Press, reprinted by Newsday, July 29, 2011
[172] (20 July 2012) Ashland Man Who Plotted Attack on Pentagon And U.S. Capitol Pleads Guilty (http:/ / www. justice. gov/ usao/ ma/ news/
2012/ July/ FerdausRezwanPleaHearing. html) US Attorney's Office, District of Massachusetts, US Department of Justice, Retrieved 20
February 2013
[180] Virginia man convicted in US Capitol suicide-bomb plot sting sentenced to 30 years AP reprinted by Washington Post September 14, 2012
(http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ national/
judge-to-decide-whether-man-convicted-in-capitol-suicide-bomb-plot-sting-gets-25-or-30-years/ 2012/ 09/ 14/
ef71bb48-fe54-11e1-98c6-ec0a0a93f8eb_story. html)
Terrorism in the United States 21

[181] "5 arrested in plot to blow up Cleveland bridge" (http:/ / www. chicagotribune. com/ news/
chi-120501cleveland-bridge-bomb-plot,0,4697057. story) Chicago Tribune May 1, 2012
[182] "Five accused of plotting to bomb bridge near Cleveland" (http:/ / www. usatoday. com/ news/ nation/ story/ 2012-05-01/
bridge-bomb-plot/ 54661638/ 1) USA Today May 1, 2012
[185] Suspected Terrorist Arrested for Alleged Plot to Bomb Federal Reserve in NYC WNBC4 October 17, 2012 (http:/ / www. nbcnewyork.
com/ news/ local/ Federal-Reserve-Bank-Plot-NYC-Terror--174628031. html)
[186] Florida Terrorism Suspect Planned New York Attack, Feds Say ABC News December 18, 2012 (http:/ / abcnews. go. com/ Politics/
florida-terrorism-suspect-planned-york-attack-feds/ story?id=18008823#. UNFHOeR9IRI)
[187] FBI Foils Plot To Build Strange X-Ray Weapon, Possibly Targeting President Obama ABC June 19, 2013 (http:/ / abcnews. go. com/
Politics/ fbi-foils-plot-build-strange-ray-weapon-possibly/ story?id=19440343#. UcPEgtjhfA4)
[188] http:/ / www. splcenter. org/ get-informed/ hate-map
[189] http:/ / www. splcenter. org/ intel/ intelreport/ article. jsp?sid=29
[190] http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=uVywJ6vSMzgC& pg=PA277& lpg=PA277& dq=%22bomb+ at+ worlds+ fair%22& source=web&
ots=o-dZF8T_xK& sig=I1fVq3z6zt7HWhnwNEoKcHoPAVc& hl=en#PPA281,M1
[191] http:/ / www. adl. org/ main_Terrorism/ american_muslim_extremists_criminal_proceedings. htm?Multi_page_sections=sHeading_1
Article Sources and Contributors 22

Article Sources and Contributors

Terrorism in the United States  Source:  Contributors: 22yearswothanks, 2600:1001:B012:636F:94FF:FBD1:1B06:48A6,
2A02:2F02:1021:F00C:0:0:567D:F998, 4wajzkd02, 78.26, ADL Supporter, Aboutmovies, AdamColligan, Alansohn, Allen3, Amakuru, Analogue Kid, Andersmusician,
AndrewKeenanRichardson, Andycjp, ArchieAndrews, Atrix20, Azate, BD2412, Beccyboo2, Beland, Ben Ben, Bladestorm, Bmclaughlin9, Brandoid, Bryan Derksen, Bschoeni, Bubbleboy987,
Carnydog, Cat10001a, Cbales212, CeeGee, Chridd, Chris is me, Chris the speller, ChrisRuvolo, Ciphergoth, Cirt, Closedmouth, Cmdrjameson, Colonies Chris, Crisco 1492, DanTD, Danyal2002,
Daysleeper47,, Deli nk, Delirium of disorder, Dewritech, Difluoroethene, Disavian, Discospinster, Distal24, Djkimmons, Donner60, Dreaded Walrus, Drutton57, Dtllc,
DulcetTone, EWAdams, Eastlaw, Edkollin, Edward, Egbegb, EhadHaam, EoGuy, Epeefleche, Esprix, Esprqii, Evlekis, Fat&Happy, Fishbert, Francis Irving, Fratrep, GCarty, Gaius Cornelius,
Glacialfox, Goatchurch, Godfrey Daniel, Godgundam10, GoingBatty, Ground Zero, Gtwfan52, Gvotno, HamburgerRadio, HandThatFeeds, Historicist, Hmains, HoboNeighbors, Hu12, Hvn0413,
ITBlair, Ibagli, Intgr, Iohannes Animosus, J.delanoy, JaGa, Jaredstein, Jay-Sebastos, Jayjg, Jgarpal, Jivecat, Jmabel, John Nevard, John Sheridan 1234, John of Reading, JohnI, Joshdboz, Joy,
Jprg1966, Jwillbur, KazakhPol, Keaton, KeptSouth, Keysilunchs, Khazar2, Kingturtle, Kukini, LWolf, Leaky caldron, Legacypac, Levineps, Lightmouse, LilHelpa, Lkjhgfdsa 0, Lockesdonkey,
Lokifer, Lotje, Margana, Matthew855, Maziotis, Michael Essmeyer, Mightymights, MikeGalosWP, Mild Bill Hiccup, Mnnlaxer, Mogism, Morrison1917, Moshej, Mr. Billion, Mramz88,
Neutrality, Newlyending, Niceguyedc, Nick Number, Nightkey, Nvent, Obamapinoy1982, Ohconfucius, Orphan Wiki, PBP, Peggy1234, Plot Spoiler, Pokkimon, Polarscribe, Prari, Pronoun,
Protonk, Publius anon, Quinsareth, R'n'B, Randy2063, ReeceKetch, RhodyJim, Rich Farmbrough, Richard001, Richhoncho, Rjwilmsi, Rmhermen, Roscelese, Ryan Vesey, SSonnentag,
Sam2085, Samwaltz, Scapler, Secretlondon, Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Shadowfax0, Shreshth91, SirYoda, Skoosh, Speciate, Sphilbrick, SpikeTorontoRCP, Spylab, Station1, Stifler's Mom,
SwisterTwister, SylviaStanley, TRUEandHONESTguy, Tameware, Tassedethe, Tatrgel, TimothyHorrigan, Tisane, Titanium Dragon, Tobby72, Tom harrison, TomPointTwo, Transity, Ulric1313,
UnbelievableError, Veffari, Vishnava, VitaleBaby, VolatileChemical, WWGB, Weathervane13, WereSpielChequers, WikHead, WikiSkeptic, Wikibrennajj, Wikidemon, Wikisgmu, Woohookitty,
Workster, Wtmitchell, YSSYguy, YUL89YYZ, Yahel Guhan, Zleitzen, Zz8w, 392 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

Image:National Park Service 9-11 Statue of Liberty and WTC fire.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: National Park Service
File:Boston Marathon explosions (8652877581).jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0  Contributors: Aaron "tango" Tang from cambridge, ma, usa
File:George W. Ashburn.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Zero  Contributors: Createaccount, Deanlaw, Guest

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