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Our deepest gratefulness to Allah SWT for awarding us the opportunity to perform this
study and also this study would not have been achievable without the guidance and
assistance of several individuals who has contributed in the preparation and completion
of this study.

First and foremost, our utmost gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Yasmin Bt. Hassan, Lecturer for
the E-Commerce (MGT 546) for guidance and assistance in the completion this
business plan tasks.

We would like to express our deepest sincere gratitude to our group members for the
support, kind co-operation, encouragement and knowledge in completing this report.
Deepest gratitude goes to our beloved parents, our peers and to those who directly or
indirectly for their advice, guidance, prayers and idea contributions for the support to
make this study possible.














Serunding Sedap Enterprise was founded on 31 January 2008 and changes its name to
Meatfloss Enterprise or MeatflossTM after strategic rebranding initiatives in the first
quarter year 2010 with the intention of competing in current borderless market.
Currently, the store cum head office located at Lot 346, Jalan Zainal Abidin, Off Jalan
Sultan Ibrahim, Kota Bharu.

The company started off with three basic meats (beef, chicken & fish) and having only
one flavor and currently the product line has extended to five base meats and three
vegetarian floss with seven assorted flavors to choose from.

MeatflossTM, along with other reputable e-commerce businesses that goes by the
principle of ‘business without borders’, it is soon became apparent that there was an
imbalance between those who could access best quality products and others who
cannot. Realizing this void, sustainable and distinctive strategic initiatives were
proposed to extend the business operations to online communities and beyond
Malaysia’s physical borders.

Strategic initiatives such as changing company’s name to make it sound more ‘global’,
upgrading company’s homepage to an interactive e-commerce standard website
complete with online catalog, sales (ordering/shopping cart) and online payment
processing and extension of delivery coverage or distributions. Thus, with hope; these
initiatives will benefit company’s performance and brand.


MeatflossTM is the new age business that operates not just by having a physical store
but also online. MeatflossTM offers variety of quality local-made and halal serunding
(meat floss) at very reasonable and competitive price. Apart from purchasing at the
physical store, customers are encouraged to purchase MeatflossTM products via online
which far more convenient whereby it allows the customers to make purchase from
anywhere at anytime!

MeatflossTM product range consist of 5 types of meat and 3 vegetarian menus; Premium
Local Beef, Imported Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Fish, Wild Mushroom, Soy Meat and
Coconut with 7 unique flavors customer able to choose from; Original, Barbeque, Honey
Barbeque, Black pepper, Pepperoni, Kimchi and Oregano.

Serunding industry is not something new in Malaysia and the consumption of serunding
has merely shown neither growth nor declines because this traditional delicacy always
being perceived only as festival’s consumption nonetheless, in the international market
it is shown otherwise. The growth of demand of serundings in international market
however is not that significant but, it is still growing. This is due to Malaysia’s high
standard of halal measurements and meets the international standard quality in food
exports and the desire to for small indulgencies and exotic. Thus, Meatfloss Enterprise
seized this opportunity to begin a venture into international market.

The most important factor that enables MeatflossTM brands to penetrate foreign market
is the technological advancement of World Wide Web. The new web 2.0 gives
advantage to companies to reach greater market globally. This technology allows
companies such as Meatfloss Enterprise to have more comprehensive design features
on their website that enables consumer to browse, order, customize and pay as simple
as a click of the mouse.


In Malaysia, the consumption of serunding has shown neither growth nor declines
because this traditional delicacy always being perceived only as festival’s food.
However, over the recent years the demands shown great increase in the international
markets especially in the middle-eastern countries and Europe. According to the Pew
Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million excluding
Turkey or 6% of Europe total populations and since Malaysia is highly known for its
strict halal grading standards thus, serunding and other halal product from Malaysia
widely accepted with minimal hindrance by countries’ customs requirement. As for
middle-eastern countries especially Saudi Arabia, most of the consumption are from
local Malaysians including Indonesian who either residing, visiting (performing Umrah)
or Hajj. MeatflossTM will strive to build a loyal international customer base by offering a
great tasting serundings with several varieties in flavor and type of meat and in the
same retaining the current local consumers.

Target Customer
Prior to the involvement in ecommerce, MeatflossTM customers were generally local
Kota Bharu residents and distributors and the sales peak only during festive seasons.
However, due to the participation in ecommerce MeatflossTM customers have broaden
and beyond Kelantan states and sales performance generally consistent throughout the

MeatflossTM will focus its marketing activities on reaching the Kota Bharu and Kelantan
state residents, people who have interest or preference on the same type of product but
reside outside greater Kota Bharu region and on those who have internet access and
capability to make online purchases. MeatflossTM market research shows that these are
the customer groups that are most likely to buy MeatflossTM products via internet. Since
serunding or dried meat floss consumption is universal across different demographics or
social and income level, intensive ecommerce website will provide access to these
targeted customer audience.

Market Characteristics and Trends
MeatflossTM will accommodate to consumer who desire to get their best quality and
tasty serunding in their most convenience atmosphere. Such customers may vary in
locations, eventhough our physical location is in Kota Bharu, Kelantan means that most
of our customers will be outside this region. MeatflossTM market research shows that
these are discerning customers that gravitate towards better tasting serunding.
Furthermore, a lot of consumers consider online being the most convenient method to
purchase the product without the necessity to travel which will incur cost. For
MeatflossTM, this will provide an exclusive prospect for nurturing a loyal customer base.

General trend towards quality but affordable and accessible among Malaysian and
world consumers definitely plays an important role in the recent growth in online
purchases. In terms of MeatflossTM serundings, the trend definitely assists in the growth
in sales especially online sales. Additionally, such factors as desire for small
indulgencies, for something more exotic (international consumers) and accommodating
festive needs will provide a good selling opportunity for MeatflossTM products.

Market Size

Statistically population in Malaysia currently almost 28 million and from this population
about 17 million have access to the internet 1 and 65% of the internet users have
experience in buying online. Therefore, MeatflossTM market size value is predicted
based on the calculation below;

Total market size : 17 million people.

Target market : 0.04% of 65% internet users (approximately 11 million people)
= 4,400 potential customers per annum.
Estimated market : 4,400 potential customers x RM100 per order average.
Value = RM 440,000 per annum.


Potential Revenue Sources
Apart from sales at store and on online, other source of revenues can be collected from
packaging customizations, delivery charges and website advertising space. MeatflossTM
website enables the company to rent advertising space on the website.

Business Model
Meatfloss Enterprise applies both business to consumer (B2C) and business to
business (B2B) type models. Business to Consumer (B2C) means that the business or
transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the end-
users of its products or services. Business to consumer as a business model differs
significantly from the business to business model, which refers to commerce between
two or more businesses. In Business to Business, the company deals with several
trusted distributors to sell MeatflossTM products in bulk. In retaining distributor’s loyalty,
the company offers them competitive price per order. Other than making bulk sales,
these distributors directly or indirectly will assist in stretching MeatflossTM brand


MeatflossTM direct competitors will be other serunding sellers especially those who
operates online. These include Serunding Rahmah Kg. Laut, Zam Serunding and

Serunding Rahmah Kg. Laut will definitely be one of the major competitors because of
its strong financial position and established marketing and operational practices. This
also supported by its clientele of major hotels in Malaysia. However, despite of
Serunding Rahmah Kg. Laut's entrenched market position, many customers favor
smaller and younger companies that offer vibrant customer services and good quality
serundings at affordable prices.

SerundingYana is a good example of such competition. MeatflossTM estimates that

Serunding Rahmah Kg. Laut holds approximately 35% market share in the region, Zam
Serunding appeals to 25% of customers, SerundingYana caters to another 5%, with the
remaining market share split among other establishments. MeatflossTM will position itself
as a unique serunding’s ecommerce seller that not only offers the best tasting quality
serundings with variety of flavors but also provides personal, efficient and vibrant
customer’s service, which established companies lacked. MeatflossTM will cater to
customers' needs and product deliverables, which will help the company to grow its
market share in this competitive market.

The following SWOT analysis is prepared to identify the strength, weaknesses,
opportunity and treat of the competitors and MeatflossTM strategy to overcome them or
grasping advantage available.


Well known brand and meat floss sold known for its good in quality
and strong clientele.
Weakness Product not available in some state and too expensive.

Opportunities Does not have an e-commerce standard website.

Threats Able to accommodate large orders quantities.


Strength Well known brand and has its own loyal customers.

Weakness Too expensive and meat floss sold known for its low in quality.

Opportunities Does not have an e-commerce standard website.

Threats Consistently making offers and promotions.


Strength Meat floss sold known for its good in quality and cheaper.

Weakness Product sales limited only during festive seasons.

Opportunities Does not have an e-commerce standard website.

Threats Intimate customer relations.

Competing Strategies
MeatflossTM values are reflected in these key areas of Differentiations, Cost and
Response to ensure the business activities remain competitive.

Competing in Differentiations
MeatflossTM sells eight types of meat floss including vegetarian, unlike the competitors;
MeatflossTM have more variety!

MeatflossTM only uses Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) in the production of the meat floss
which it is far much healthier and tastier than other conventional producers.

MeatflossTM intensified packaging ensures the freshness of the serundings can last for
months or up to 6 months should the packaging remain intact.

MeatflossTM offers FREE delivery and same day delivery options to certain amount of
purchases and selected delivery locations for purchases made via online.

MeatflossTM inventory system is fully computerized to allow the customers to place

orders online and made aware on the availability of a product beforehand – time saving!

Competing in Cost
MeatflossTM offers to the customers 10% - 20% cheaper than our competitors’ price by
purchasing our raw ingredients in large quantity in order to get lowest price per unit.

MeatflossTM practices ‘open tendering’ to the suppliers in order to get the best price on
the market and the suppliers’ performance will be reviewed quarterly to ensure our
product quality deliverables maintained.

Half of the MeatflossTM operation activities are computerized therefore, the manpower is
efficiently adequate.

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Competing in Response
MeatflossTM employs the right people, for the right job and in the right process at the
right time!

MeatflossTM ensure all the staffs are smart, dedicated, courteous and professional in
their scope of work.

MeatflossTM provides product customizations (volume and type of packaging) as value

added services both online and at the physical store.

MeatflossTM does not compromise any defected goods to be sold to the customers.

MeatflossTM customers able to place orders online or to check product availability real
time and delivery are guaranteed upon purchase.

MeatflossTM guarantees the privacy and confidentiality of the customers’ information.

MeatflossTM practices efficient scheduled maintenance of the website as the yearly KPI
whereby the ‘down time’ is zero.

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Background Company


Brand name : MeatflossTM

Address : Lot No 357-356 Jalan Zainal Abidin,

15050 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Telephone no : 09-7748482

Fax number : 09-76780987

Website :

Form of Business : Partnership

Primary Product : Assorted flavored serundings.

Date of Registration : 31 January 2008

Number of Registration : Z6756467-P

Date of Commencement : 1 January 2008

Initial Capital : RM 200,000


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Shared Values
MeatflossTM values are the backbone of our business conduct and reflecting the
responsibility in sustaining products quality, price and professional commitment towards
customers and stakeholders. These statements define Meat Floss Enterprise as a
trusted meat floss supplier company, guiding the business activities and strategizing the
company’s future.

To be the leading serunding e-commerce store of CHOICE in Malaysia.

Supplying variety of serundings is Meatfloss Enterprise core business. Meat Floss
Enterprise makes MeatflossTM serundings accessible, attractive, affordable and suitable
for all levels of needs via both online and offline. Meatfloss Enterprise success is not
only measured by the excellent financial figures but also the customer’s satisfactions.
Therefore at Meatfloss Enterprise, the primary responsibility is to ensure the customers
received the upmost quality serundings and services.

Business Location

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Target market is defined as a group of people who have the same traits, wants, desire
with the organization which is offering the trait. It is very important for MeatflossTM to
identify these target markets in order to sell the product. When potential customers in
the market are identified, it will be easier to generate sales. Moreover, target market is
also essential in producing better products for the customers since there will always be
a competition. MeatflossTM focused on wider target market and not just on those that will
only consume the product during festive seasons. Serundings can last up to 6 months
therefore; they are suitable to be made as gifts, as rations for campers, food for Muslim
travelers and many more.

In order to build and maintain the customer interest, MeatflossTM retention strategy is to
offers free delivery with conditions. For example, should the customer purchase a
certain minimum amount; he or she will enjoy a free delivery and the larger the quantity
they purchased, the price per unit (kg) will be cheaper. This is to create the beliefs that
the more the customer purchase the more money they are able to save.

MeatflossTM added few more flavors in to the offerings in order to meet customer’s
preference and additional flavor will be added from time to time. Apart from that, the
company has made a strong effort to have a follow up on each customer by sending
emails with the purpose of to get customer’s feedback, comment and even complaints if


Advertising is part of an organization’s marketing campaign. Advertising creates

awareness of the product to the customers and good advertising able attract customer
to purchase the product. MeatflossTM uses online and social media such as facebook,
instagram, youtube and many to promote the product as this medium provides greater
brand coverage at minimum cost unlike offline and other conventional advertising, they
cost more and the coverage rather limited. In addition, MeatflossTM also uses its

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customer’s database to send out e-newsletters via email. Since the company is leaning
towards e-commerce thus, online advertising enable the customers to reach
MeatflossTM website with just a click.


Setting the price of product is very crucial and this is because product price always the
first element that customer look upon purchasing a product. Thus, MeatflossTM attempts
to attract the customer by providing the most affordable and reasonable price for good
quality of meat floss products. Prior setting a price; research and studies have been
made based on competitor’s current price and performance and in the same time
economically feasible to the company. The price is based on type of meat and the
quantity that customer needs.

Type of Meat / Quantity 100g 200g 500g 1kg 2kgs 5kgs 10kgs

Premium Local Beef RM8.90 RM16.90 RM39.90 RM69.90 RM134.90 RM329.90 RM599.90

Imported Beef RM7.90 RM14.90 RM34.90 RM59.90 RM114.90 RM284.90 RM559.90

Lamb RM9.90 RM18.90 RM44.90 RM79.90 RM154.90 RM384.90 RM699.90

Chicken RM7.90 RM14.90 RM34.90 RM59.90 RM114.90 RM284.90 RM559.90

Fish RM6.90 RM12.90 RM29.90 RM49.90 RM94.90 RM234.90 RM459.90

Wild Mushroom
RM6.90 RM12.90 RM29.90 RM49.90 RM94.90 RM234.90 RM459.90

Soy Meat (Vegetarian) RM7.90 RM14.90 RM34.90 RM59.90 RM114.90 RM284.90 RM559.90

Coconut (Vegetarian) RM6.90 RM12.90 RM29.90 RM49.90 RM94.90 RM234.90 RM459.90

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Delivery and payment system (Online purchases)

MeatflossTM offers several options of delivery which each of the delivery option provides
win-win situation to both the company and customers.

Same day delivery

The customer able to enjoy FREE delivery however, this option of delivery is limited to
any delivery in Kota Bharu region and only applicable for total purchase above RM70 or
RM5 fee will be charged per delivery. All delivery will be done via company’s vehicle.

Next day delivery

The customer able to enjoy FREE delivery however, this option of delivery is limited to
any delivery in Peninsular Malaysia and only applicable for total purchase above RM100
or RM5 fee will be charged per delivery. All delivery will be done via Pos Laju.

3 – 5 working days delivery

The customer able to enjoy FREE delivery however, this option of delivery is limited to
any delivery throughout Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore and only applicable for total
purchase above RM300 or RM20 fee will be charged per delivery. All delivery will be
done via Express Mail Services (EMS).

International delivery
Overseas customers are required to contact MeatflossTM at +609-7748482 or email prior any purchase.

As for the payment system or processing, MeatflossTM offers several options mode of
payments for customer’s conveniences with no minimum purchase required. Payments
can be made by using any major credit or debit card (VISA or MasterCard), PayPal,
online banking or cash-on-delivery. For online banking, it is only applicable for Malaysia
local banks while cash-on-delivery only applicable for ‘same day delivery’ option.

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On the aspects of Website and Technology, MeatflossTM applies the right information
systems capabilities needed to achieve the business objectives. Also, the design of
MeatflossTM Website itself covers all the factors needed to achieve the standard level
upon entering online market. Application of efficient information systems capabilities,
added with strong fundamental factors in web design, definitely will place Meatfloss TM in
a strong market position with high competency hence, able to reduce the attractiveness
towards competitors’ businesses.

Systems functionalities of MeatflossTM Website:

Digital Catalog: There are multiple choices of meat floss can be browsed through the
web site’s digital catalog. For example, chicken floss, local meat floss, imported meat
floss, mushroom floss and more as offered by the company together with dynamic text
and graphics catalog.

Product Database: Along with the use of product database, Meatfloss TM are able to
obtain inventory levels whenever transactions recorder. Also for customers, the
description and availability of products can be made clear and it eases Meatfloss TM in
the management of products.

Customer on-site tracking: MeatflossTM able to personalize the relationship of customers

to anyone that is tracked from the activity of each customers regarding the frequency of
logins and responses made towards MeatflossTM hence enabling the company to
recognize certain characteristics that its customers brings.

Shopping cart/payment system: The Company receives several ways of payment all of
which are, online credit card payment, paypal, and also, online banking.

Customer database: This system functionality enables Meatfloss TM to accumulate

customer information. Upon registering as members of the Web online business,
customer’s name, address, phone numbers and more are entered in the database.

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Sales database: MeatflossTM track the sales volume from time to time from the sales
database. It enables the company to alter the amount of inventory according to product

E-mail server, ad-server: These functionalities assist MeatflossTM in coordinating the

marketing and advertising campaign in order to maintain or build profitable relationships
with the customers.

Site tracking and reporting system: Upon implementing marketing campaign,

MeatflossTM will be able to track the purchasing behavior of customers via reporting
system. This feature assist MeatflossTM in understanding the marketing effectiveness.

Inventory management system: Ensures the inventory levels at its best according to the
amount specified by the company. MeatflossTM will make order to the supplier when the
system indicates the reduction in inventory level.

MeatflossTM Web Design factors:

Functionality: Every pages of the MeatflossTM website loads quickly as long as
customers have the access to internet. Also the product offerings are well stated in the
web site in terms of taste, textures, and materials of different products in the
MeatflossTM’s product line.

Informational: MeatflossTM web site also provide information not only about the products
regarding the price, availability, taste and more but also, information about the founder

Ease of use: Simple-proof navigation is what that best describes on how customers can
find what they want and what they need in Meatfloss TM. In the web site itself, FAQ
section is included for customers’ references.

Redundant Navigation: The design of MeatflossTM eases customers in browsing through

the web with the alternative directories included in the web site.

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Ease of Purchase: Only with few clicks, customers are able to make purchase from
MeatflossTM. The payment method is so simple that customers that do not used to make
payments can easily learn the process with the guidance provided in the web site.

Multi-browser functionality: MeatflossTM is reachable by any browser.

Simple Graphics: The Company is so consider about providing a pleasant customers

experience upon visiting the web site that every single detail regarding the presentation
of the contents are taken seriously. In terms of colours used, the images and also the
template in the web site is carefully decided so that it meets with the customers
psychological needs.

Legible texts: It applies to the same with simple graphics features, the texts in
MeatflossTM are made readable. In terms of the colour between words and the
background is made to be pleasant and contrast.

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General / Administration Manager

Responsible to develop company’s strategic planning by studying technological and

financial opportunities or by presenting assumptions as well as recommending strategic

Human Resource Manager

Responsible to maintaining the company’s human resources and its work structure.
Conducts the orientation and training programs for employees and contributes to team
effort by accomplishing related results as needed.

20 | P a g e
Financial Manager

Responsible to monitor financial activities, provide and interpret financial information.

Responsible on formulating strategic and long-term business plans, as well as
developing financial management mechanisms which could minimized the financial

Operations Manager

Responsible to ensure the daily operation of the business runs smoothly, including on
handling the logistics of the company, preparing budgets and inventories, as well as
overseeing the supervision of employees. Operations manager also responsible in
maintaining the functionality of company’s website.

Marketing Manager

Responsible to develop the marketing campaigns to promote products by liaising and

networking with a range of stakeholders including customers, colleagues, suppliers and
the company’s partners. Thus, responsible in communicate with targeted customers as
well as managing the customers relationships.

21 | P a g e

Financial summary records the outline of financial activities of a business, an individual

or any other entity. The financial summary for Meatfloss Enterprise includes income
statements and cash flows of the business.

Over the years, MeatflossTM recorded great performances in generating sales and
making profits especially in 2010 where it was the year of the company to start doing
online business.

From the data, e-commerce brings MeatflossTM to another level of business where the
company is able to generate large amount of sales upon participating in the online

Up until 2013, from the cash flow statement of MeatflossTM, it shows that this company
are financially stable where the amount of minimum cash reserves are maintained
showing that the company is able to meet with day to day cash requirements.

With the ability to reach large segments of customer through the internet, MeatflossTM
was able to serve the target customers around Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak
in 2010.

Not only because of the ability to reach customers but also, fast delivery, good quality of
products with wide choices, affordable prices along with promotions as well as pleasant
Web Design, has proven to win the customers’ heart. Hence, generating large amount
of sales. This section provides the financial progress of MeatflossTM.

22 | P a g e
Profit and Loss / Income Statement of MeatflossTM
2009 2010 2012
(RM) (RM) (RM)
Sales 180,000 417,600 504,000
Other Revenues
Packaging customization 3,600 8,352 10,080
Delivery charges 10,600 30,300 36,400
Website Advertising space 0 25,000 36,000
Direct cost of sales (27,000) (78,640) (84,600)
Total Cost of Sales (27,000) (78,640) (84,600)
Gross Margin 167,200 402,612 501,880
Gross Margin % 92.8% 96% 99%
Payroll 94,000 150,779 200,916
Sales and Marketing and other
4,450 7,800 9,150
Depreciation 21,620 45,320 56,677
Utilities 432.40 815.70 906.80
Payroll Taxes 13,053 24,738 30,230
Website Maintenance 0 20,500 15,000
Carriage outwards 1,600 7,500 9,130
Vehicle expenses 2,162 6,798 8,300
Loan Repayment 14,400 12,000 11,600
Second Loan Repayment 0 10,800 9,000
Total Operating Expenses 137,317.40 287,050.70 350,909.80
Earning Before Interest and Taxes 29,882.6 115,561.30 150,970
Interest Expense 10,700 9,500 8,250
Taxes incurred 3,111 14,150 17,650
Net Profit 16,071.60 91,911.30 125,070
Net Profit/ Sales 8.93% 22% 24.82%

23 | P a g e
Sales of Meatfloss Enterprise



Sales (RM)



2009 2010 2013

Net Profits of Meatfloss Enterprise




Net Profits (RM)



2009 2010 2013

24 | P a g e
Cash Flow Statement of MeatflossTM
2009 2010 2013
(RM) (RM) (RM)
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales 180,000 417,600 504,000
Other Revenues
Packaging customization 3,600 8,352 10,080
Delivery charges 10,600 30,300 36,400
Website Advertising space 0 25,000 36,000
Subtotal Cash from Operations 194,200 481,252 586,480
Additional Cash Received 0 0 0
New Current Borrowing 0 0 0
New Long-Term Liabilities 0 150,000 0
Sales of Other Current Assets 0 0 0
Sales of Long-Term Assets 0 0 0
New Investment Received 0 0 0
Subtotal Cash Received 194,200 631,252 586,480
Expenditures 2009 (RM) 2010 (RM) 2013 (RM)
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending 94,000 150,779 200,916
Bill Payments 51,700 95,928.45 116,531
Subtotal Spent on Operations 145,700 246,707.45 317447
Additional Cash Spent 0 0 0
Principle Repayment of Current
0 0 0
Long-term Liabilities Repayment 14,400 22,800 20,600
Purchase Other Current Assets 0 10,000 12,000
Purchase Long-Term Assets 0 20,000 25,000
Dividends 0 0 0
Subtotal Cash Spent 160,100 299,507.45 375,047
Net Cash Flow 34,100 331,744.55 211,433
Cash Balance 105,140 436,884.55 500,000

25 | P a g e
Cash Balance of Meatfloss Enterprise





Cash Balance (RM)




2009 2010 2013

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Laudon, K. C. (2009). Principles of e-Commerce (1st ed.). Selangor: Prentice

Hall/Pearson Malaysia.

Serunding, Z. (2010, August 12). Zam Serunding | Facebook. Facebook. Retrieved

November 26, 2013, from

Serunding Rahmah Kg Laut. (n.d.). Serunding Rahmah Kg Laut. Retrieved November

26, 2013, from

Articles. (n.d.). Investopedia. Retrieved November 26, 2013, from

Meat Floss. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from

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