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Vocab Task (DUE: 4/4)

Directions: Before you begin research on your political thought and constitution projects, we will go over
vocabulary words that you will need to know and understand in order to complete the research project.
Below are ten terms that you need to know. Choose at least 5 of the terms that you would like to fill in a
Frayer Model for. To do this, you will need to define the terms you choose in your own words, make a
list of characteristics or facts of that word, provide examples of the word, and provide non-examples
of the word. An example has been filled out for you to follow bellow. Please follow the same format as
the example but do not repeat the same word used. Be prepared to share what you have come up with
during class in your groups the following day.

Tier 2 terms:

1. Social contract
2. Soverign
3. Secondary source
4. Analyze
5. Evidence
6. Research
7. Political Theory
8. Justice
9. Liberty
10. Equality

Frayer Model
Word: Secondary source

Information about something or someone Indirect

that was not experienced first-handedly. Second
Not as reliable as a primary source


News article, magazine, or book that A journal entry or diary

interpret the facts of an event An interview
A second-hand account of an event Government records such as a census
An analysis or review of a primary Plays, songs, scripts
source Photos or paintings
Interpretation of songs, paintings,
photos, and other art work

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