(E-Book) Vampire - Kindred Most Wanted PDF

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The Eternal Crime By Ran Ackels - allienean.. Written By: Ran Ackels Deviloped By: Andrew Greenberg can Camps [Ar Ditecor: Richard Thomas Lasour and Thpesettng Lawtence Selly and Richard Thay ‘Acts Ren Nein Jt | Eton Gover lilustration; Ken Meyer. Ji Front & Back Cover Design: Lawren ‘ Spal Taso Fk "The Friendly Ghost ReinrHagen, for Hagpcating to Denmark while Wraith went = down. Stewart !Stormbriager" Wieck, forhis joy at genni to public the Elrié bogs. ‘airew ‘Antot” Greenberg fr tearing lely spar Ken "House Farhee" Cliffe, for laoking to settle oven —yes,l'm as shocked as you. Rob” A Trallof lime" Mateh, for whipping out the Mollisk’stentaclesin Street Fighter. Bill ‘Home Alone" Bridges, for towing his broth out on th the streets. Brian “The Rat Deck” Campbell, forputting fgether the most noxious Jyhad deck yet Pt red Writers of America foing 0 Aviona co promote our fiction line ‘The Kindred Most Wanced Word from the White Wolf Game Studio Iestakzen us some tine) but White Wolffiction ‘outandabout, Aside fromauch game aids The ‘Bgokof Nodand Drums Around theFire wehave released the first Vampire anthollgy, The Beast WithinInaddielen, Whive Wolt willbe publish theaweiame works af Michael Moorcock aswell as shecrically acclaimed Borderlands horrec series What thisall means, however, is hat White Welfis onthe lookuetforgood writes. youre interested igs writing fiction, che person tocontact Is Stewart ‘Wieck, ourfiction héad (or ethachend ficxion. Author's Acknowledgements Lwould a thank Wayne Von Gries for his Perot otto Miche inher ti MeCarley, Mike Smith and Ne: rie Sie bese leap (©1994 by White Wolt, Ine, All nlssion ol the tor the pomose publisher is expressly denied, ex Varupiee The Masqacrade™ ie rid ive Wal ne Phe Kindred Mit Wanted. anda mncestal contained herein are copyrighted by Whice Wolf, Inc og 6 Ineducton gl gel pg 20 abt pe26 Genina pe3) kid 330 Ossian pe A Dylan pe50) ferox po 5 leis #60 Gomaine 68 Tariq, 574 Valerius Maior pe 80 Petaniqaa 3 46 Konintri 92 Bok Ywo: edenpton and Danan July 13, 1996 My Darling Kindred Valerius, If you ate actually reading these words, two things have occurred. The first is that our transaetion has proceeded without treachery and | have not had to butcher you, Secondly, Ihave verified that the Concoction of Vitality that you've procured from the Sabbat Is the genuine article, and It is now In my hands. The potion's recipe is a suitable exchange (or this letters information concerning the Red List, also known as the Cawarilla's Most Wanted. | know you will find it as absorbing as I have. Here is the point where warnings ave in order. The first concerns your fascination with me, your questions and your pathetic attempts to woo me over toyour banner. Vou would do well to forget about me, as your curiosity is becoming hazardous to your own survival. If you ever attempt to contact me again, Ml make certain that your odd-colored eyes are burned out by the sun. 1 do hope we have an understanding. Beyond this, | think your attempt of assembling the Most Wanted is highly jnpracteal, if ucce ticite insane. yon auscne one, whut nukes you believe that anyone will trast you? Still, we are all spiders in human form, thirsting \ for btood and for conspiracies. Why deny yours? Perhaps, if you fail, I'll ~ succeed in molding the Anathema into a sect of my own. The second warming comes with the information that I have included in __ this letter, Do not be misled by the appearance of the Most Wanted List. Even .. though it was drawn up in the same era as 7. Edgar Hoover's mortal version, there are fundamental differences between the two. Pay attention. The Camarilla’s Most Wanted is not a mere list of guilty criminals; itis an arena for vendetta, pitting the Justicars of the seven clans against their opponents, Since the names on the List are under a Camavitla-wide Blood Hunt, it note ac a cvoporative foil againet any foo whom the Juctioare may want to destroy. There are few on the Red List, with the exceptions of you and J, Who deserve the weight of Vampire society on their heads. Any of them will tell you that they are innocent. But you and I know that the innocent voice fs usually small and often drowned in an ocean of heartlessness, We know also the power of the Justicars and the danger of their whims. Vou will find a computer file enclosed in this package containing the names of those on the Red List. You understand that the information could be out of date. | do try to keep up on the politics of the List; call ita pet project of mine if you ike: However, my contacts are not as reliable as they have been in the past. You'll note that my own name occupies the top of the List. | hope this does not surprise you, The Red List was compiled itt the United States daring the thitties, a time when Hoover, the head of the FBI, assembled his own register of enemies. Of course, the Camarilla was not immune to the political tides sweeping the world in that era, Their two-centary war with the Sabbat in the New World left them in a perpetual state of anxiety. It was a time for dissent, indecision and broken rules, Such chaos, my darling, and such mouth-wateriag ruthlessness! It was a glorious time to be in power, During that time, the Justicar of Clan Ventrue was replaced by an impostor: me. | held his position for fite years, manipulating the vast resources of the bloodline as well as removing enemies I've acquired through the centuries. Don’t ask me how | did it. It’s a matter of record now; | am not the sort to boast on past successes, nor do ! relinquish personal secrets. Even before 1937, when | was discovered and forced to flee, the Camarilla had toyed with the idea of creating a special Blood Hunt to deal with threats to the sect at large. When | was unearthed (excuse the pun), the half- hearted debate became a focused imperative. Oh, but | frightened them so badly. The Red List was compiled in the wake of my departure after the Vencrue appointed anew Justicar. The humiliated clan fairly shoved it down the throat of the Camarilla. q Their first order of business was the creation of the Alastor, a special group of Archons devoted specifically to the hunting of the Anathema, as the occupants of the Red List were soon known. At first, these hunters had some » impressive successes. They moved in silently and murdered Anathema who didn't even know that the Red List existed, much less that they were on it. We know how hard itis for the Toreador to keep secrets. Give thema soap- box, and they will stand on it and blab until the sun comes up. The cocracy of the List was broken only a decade after it was formed. During that era, considering that I was the first priority for execution, | busied myself killing any Alastor who got close, After the losses sustained by my efforts, the Justicars finally decided to open the hunt to the rest of the Camatilla. lewas 4 perfect response to a perfect tactic. ! had them running around like rats in a maze. For a brief while, my kind was au endangered species. The rabble of the Camarilla's lowest rungs saw an easy way to move up the ladder of prestige simply by bringing me (andthe others) to justice. Obviously, the nextlogical | thing for meto do Was to slaughter numerous thrill-seekers. They needed the f fear of Kernintiri put into them, and bloodshed soon cooted their fever for hunting ns. For these weekend warriors, bringing in my carcass wasn't worth the visk of getting slaughtered, especially when the reward was little more than a pat on the back from their oppressors. There were otherprobtems devetoping forthe Justivarsus well. See lucky Brujah punk took down an Anathema and actually committed diablerie on hint. Can you imagine the uproar? Of course, she was added to the List and hilled a year later, But the Justicars were left with the problem of incentive. The fervor to kill Anathema was understandably dwindling. Vour garden- | variety neonate was hiding whenever it Was merely suggested that | was in i town. Vou've probably heard many of the remors | started during that time. — spread them cleverly through mortal journalists; they are vampires in their own right, are they not? In the early seventies, the Justicars invented the Trophy, a mark of distinction and honor granted to a sect member who captured or killed an © Anathema and brought proof of hie vietory, The Trophy translated to little + more than a bribe, quickly adding (uel to the five of Camarilla polities. Now » there is a sudden renewed interest in hunting the Anathema, All we can do ishide well and inspire enough fear to make the hunters careless. For me, it’s a sport I've enjoyed for millennia, but it still annoys me that the damn Justicars outmanenvered me a half-century ago. If you ask me, there should be seven more spaces on the List reserved for them. Or maybe we should just point the journalists in their direction. Still, the Justicars do continue to make awful blunders. Take the newest trend. For those street-walking Kindred who bring in an Anathema, but who are not Alastors (or even Archons) to begin with, there is a special prize. These lucky heroes are inducted into the Alastors'ranks. | auess the Tusticars figure that if you did it once, you can do it again, Tatk about job security. Idoube this trend will last long, though. The mortality rates among these grandfathered-in Alastors are, I've heard, much higher than those of the well-trained veterens., To me, surviving a second encounter with an Anath- ema is like asking lightning to strike twice the same place. Now the nineties are here. Who knows what wilt happen? Obviously, the Anathema have been galvanized to adapt to the danger. We are becoming } feeding on their ruin. four reflection of Kindred vircue is vite, hen shouldn'e our crimes become the epitome of vileness? x We have no chance for redemption or reprieve. None of us, Valerius. It really doesn’t matter what we did or who we pissed off, We advance in the hierarchy of our sins, sins committed in defense of our lives. We justify our existence on the Red List by defying its makers. The original list often has now evolved to thirteen. No donbe, it will become more in the future as the Sig Night approaches. In elasing, dike taremind poh of the oneloced computer file. It bobitaine an inventory of the names, histories (as much as | eould gather) and other information on the current members of our exclusive club. I've even included copies of our wanted posters, in case you haven't had the pleasure of reading one in some Toreador bathroom. | am positive that three of the Anathema on the List are no longer alive; your name has filled one of their places. Whatever your warped plans, the information should be enough to sustata your efforts. Keep in mind that if one of us is taken down, the List is te-prioritized and another name is put somewhere in the dacuum. |, of course, am far too fond of my place at the top to give it up. Vou'll hear more of the terrors that Vl bring to the Kindred in the nights to come. In time, the Camarilla will understand how wise it was to put me at the very top of the List. I'l continue to use Alastors as my scratching posts, and you will too, if you have half a~ brain. Atvacitio: committed by any one of ns strengthans'the fearthatule all } uise as weapons. Good luck on your plans for world domination, V'll see you b around Gehenua, if they don't get you first. Black Kisses, Kemintiri CHPTR ONE INTRODUCTION Comin came andl the alas. Thee — Ranh W Trekinded Most Wanted the work the fale ofthe sl-stsed ofthe eagerness io carn seress he ig ofthe su -Jean Giraud, Elec The purpane of The Kindred Most Wa ard expose dem edisto ning. and sows ctearares ever called under a Blocd Hunt ‘Conversely, there ate thove whoare innocent, whose membership in this nefatious group may have come for no better season than the peonal enmury of a fe ot destructlon of { by the Cama whole, Othersectsand bloodlines, aval che Sevine>y al these Anathema is mandat as 0 Each listing also meiudesia wanted pa information on the Arutherna’s ex abilities and tereiarial ranges, The Anathema will provide ers on the he Seanytellee with infor ativn, including deeatis not generally knownamong he Camarlla. Book Two, Redemption and Daren- iim, Isa story abour che political maneuverings of doreailap. The & ful 10 avoid being caught % cher tints rasan will need ro be resou between the two, The Anathe ly curing and in. Tle Rb idl bobeeny bela Red Lis stay on the move, trust 0 one and adhere ri ale Of so seh thing as conceatmeit, aldo Emerson, *Compensatlon" torrid lays of survival, Few are careless and nae sald be ey Hise see stantly, they can um up anywhere. Thisallows the Storyteller to integrate them into any chroniclsy including those set among Sabbat, hunters, These they chet eaafly. Deas weh-eriminale are care, but wherever feel che intrigue tha IFthey were inculpuble before thei Tadlastion onto tha the warld around t remain a step ahead of their hunters. thay now anseiplies ‘ery posible marnerto The Red List is riot innocent of abuses, P easter should: doabe the validity of the ‘Anathema’s guilt, Unquestionably, the Anathersa will do their urmast to persuade, cajole or threaten cooperation fromneonates, Many will haveschemes in serve @ practical purpose rilia has been known to put indred on the List, cll evenys cone how frightening thee unfortunates are, snd then catch then immediately, thus povingeltspower Any Kindred who willingly aid in the escape ot! an Anathema, cradvance the ambitionsofan Atti! emma, may find that boons ate graneet hy the atl, tude, OF cours. there isretribtion, oat the ctct's set or clin to consider, Gonsideringthe Additionally, the Car lesethancfearsome e "Teds ‘All his time, sping yourdl umd vial Mite i same ign sha eee ahi fon Siaely now. we could move along Make Betir world know ea be wren The Beloved, iene Homme When the Justicas fist drafted the Red List, eyideeided thorat would kequtrea speciatoup of mate on enforcing it, There were jomireycone forth Ohad, she fnner Circle a the Carnanlla had ta jasety the List and give ts well, Cartaialy, alter baingorea their isticars cupid ly an ancient Sette, hey wanted this sapartafice 1 trickle dotim to thelr subordinates, Satrely, they began using the Alascor ("Aveng 5) fe purpeses othe than simaly, hunting the Anion, ‘Whilethessdecrer police oftheCiinarile travel arch of the cciminals onthe Lis, they ct und climinate the en: “ superios. AccHeno dre arrang Pieidve rivals protected by Camailla law. This isa Rdelicate objective, especially: consitecing. the Pe ibtelas warts that could be sparked by such a Berossabuse of pores, the voiee of the Junticar, D magyivarplnes krow who chey ae, hus linlting dhearcbons ablliry wonctaurtepttiously, The Alastoe azote clan’ssectet eves. The pretestofhunnng the _ Anathema canallow then tainfiltrace anywhere. If SYanvAlautor9 discovered by the local power that Geshe theoreticallyespecteomplet rian sve fae we cure in cin oer duit dees nor kavalve Ser normal duties Most princes. wil xend aa Ales hack co the Tistiears,"0ccastonally with agcumtions attached, oujeprisces nay be inclined vy say on Alesion, i © race of the hur’ i st an Anathems could be hidden in she roweratuctaréof acity apd could he tipped af ifthe hunters operated openly. The iicars for thele pix) cATknlly Hep sand anyAlascor whe incaught mcagnito in acity Mpkclallp ails Alastor actiyiics uve proven by fhe: prince sir her prinogenico he drtelated je Rage Asters. thaseinte pretraicd realist thar a Akita has unopoen estte Blinche ‘Alpines will yvally ave an Alanae alone she discover! him — niles she happéns to be che ‘Alusionyianget Destroring en Alastor i gunerally forgiven by 2 fusticar i the prince can prove the Alastor hi ulterior mocives hurthisisnorthe end ofthe ma The histicarwill then inguitew to what ceasenache Alastor anay Hive had to tick the prince (or peimoyert) andopent an iovestgation which can be ised to destroy bis oppdinentsanywey, Sometin supe -Lecl arta ean be Used to being a prines {to line quietly Alostors aire ripically wellrned ami, i orie= pally archers, well-ained, Ifa characeer manages todexroy an Anaghema a fusticar will bring nto the Alastor fold while limiting her access to iforwation and equipment. This new Alastor eat then be seno oye to deal with any threat that the Justioar destes. Since thee new Alastor were prob. ly locky on their initial kill, they ate not expeceed Older Alystors usually rise from archon pos tions where chey served well and with distinction “Thereivatsmall group within the prder knownasthe Red Alastor: Each member hasbronght oo ustice an Anathsroafinmamong the firs fverankingson the List. Aswith any Alastor, cheyanmer tong one bat helt usticar apa the Camueilla's nner Cite, Teshould henotad that the Alastor believe they redoing the mght sung by hhaneimg these Anat ena “manscers and making the world» safer place for tive Cayaarila, Most af them arefanatically loyal jal will hoele wo the.dench far thie principle Ay. Alastor who swears the Trophy, Mack (or Marko che Beastasitiscommonty known) usually, thus gloves to eouceal i, The curers tread of gloves srwong other archons no doubt act: ro conceal the real Alastorsmwella heighten ot i with deal with wehons Thefhy Somecne gives us all he has and we are his, ledderof prestigs to be am arcuois taskeat best. W cessful hunter can advance through the ranks in the face of overwhelming odd A, Unknowe rome Alastots theifk ofthiraeis is mixed with blood and has a rigual east upon it ‘hich allows propery trined stvho only Mentify on Alastor. Archons with at leat “Thnmsnatay Sean ates even ehrovdh loves Thi allows the Justicars co keep tabs.on their mostskilled Uillan. Defsevone of Allston, 6 ths Seba ae indred ts hive mish platy; Curtherniort, it ead thar the Sabbor bas leamed ta deseroy the Mark of the Beast and render an’Alastorunderectable. es nerds the ability to call upon the aid fia prince or other vampires when necessary. The Mark also guarantees hospitality, as wellas bunting privileges: Although dhe amis ions tharthiefeaeielty tera subject toch by her fora minimam cf £3 nights. Someot the benefits tharcome with the Trophy ‘oons ts completely dependent upor the groninude of the clan offeringthem. A clanis usually very particularabout limitingthemethods ofacquir- ing an Anathema when-a Trophy is offered. Rat instance..a clan will nex pey up if an Anathema is brought in dead ifthe clan waneed her alive. ‘Any Boons marked with an'(*) astérisk should he considered secret. rewards. A player will allow an Alastor cotakeeredit forthe Trophy; Since Alastors cannot elaim the actual benefits thar come with the Trophy (after all, itis their job), hey gain Alastors have litle need for prestige anyway, ane isuilly secretive dneratives, Theie aceopance ofa Trophy enhances theitown luefulnes to their Josie anid, by consequence allows them to téap macerial rewards. By forgoing prestige achiamcter wil besecredy reared tht Elan in ways tha increas herawmresauces without TropipBoons 1, Tmmumity. 26 Blood Hunts 2, Breaking, af'a Blood Band (if possible) {*) 3. Allowance to make progeny #. Lif Boon 5, Monetary reswards Seant of demain (This may be given in any cred though ietnay cause enmity ftom the ences os give Alantey, Prince'sdisererion, it istp be suffered 7, Sanctioned Biablerie (*) §, Teaching of Diskiplines noc possessed ty the huoter 9, Indulgence (complete fotpivenessby a Justicar of past transgressions.) 10, Sanetioned slaying (the:right to kell. an nniny.althonghythe ener. ofan Rersnt If ‘and caught, the Justicar witHec the killer off the hook.) H. Clan ftiensdship 12. Safe passage t3 ansther eity 13, Grane of haven 14, Quant of euamners (die Bune toalhowed i make ghouls) The hunter alto usually gees to keep all of the Amithema’s possessions, ThePolitcs of Frophy There iswsleepingoop within all of us: le must be kee, 1 Cinta nine dining the Bloch Revol, May 1968 Thie Storjtelr should feel free toad anyorbst privileges that she may deem appropriate, Such reswarce chad cause interesting problenis for the recipients. Fee victories ix the world ofthe Kindred arewithout thetrrepercussions [ealcusy amongotker Kindred ywil surely appear, Characters should be sencneaged to parla their successes for anonVmeus favors. A prince of a city whose prestige might Se enhanced by the chiming a character's Trophy right be very grateful and grant rewards without th strings that come attached to a Jusiienr’s gift Rewards of Trophy are abvays a showy oft ‘wally accompanied by posturing by sheduccesall clog, The hunter aust bring goa! of her sueceeem This sncludes w staked Anathema or her resiaine Fabification of any kind usually, creates: intehaee? lp animasicy with the Trophy clan. The Atspexpowen of Spirie's Touch will reveal moer ruses, atid the ‘Tremexe cae tine certain situsly co authenticate ompies “The winher of the Trophy) while gaining pres tge among the lower levels Comaeillasociety, will 1 remain under incense scrutiny from the tops she Ahecomes a muisance, using her newly fourd statist. 7 objectionable ways, she may. be. warned ‘ot seve destroyed: The Camarill prefers to recnult those aE aeho destroy porent Ansth arly if ie destroyers can be of further benetit to the sect The Justicats frequently use Trophies to stift power within thele clans. Even an urdeservinghurer ‘may find hertelf given lavish gifts— aken from a proviout owner, Thisisespectally cue with anchor doenain, Fayors and punishments are traded in tas, system as much as anywhere else Lnmist easesy-a clan has « decade in which to ‘Gch on Anathema. If thls, the burden ean shift to another clan, which will ostensibly offer preater. me seth Whe previous one. These. are ral whet a pamiculue Anachenva la choen inte Side of 0 apeciti> clan imes/the clan ean Nenvinge the Junin: to gran doi exténded Tr. hye This is illsitared by Clan Verte, which has % held the “Trophy for Keminiie: for the past half fe ai eegtiry Justicats Cooperation ‘Thebra may devise las fir the Hand, fra hovtemper leaps o'er a.cald decree. Wena BE Marin Jone Sie cceaplt hiesAietie] meade or isthe hoctasieysnf destroying those on the Red List. ‘Considering the recent growth of theSabbat and the S threarth Cemarilla unizy thar ie poses, the Anath- S siadbaneiga majoe binding force within che sexe OF B Justlcuris ded, Thisstatusis y Tate, the -hicher echelons of the Gumarilla have j dheaal Humowsthat the Anathem muy themselves be Tanffint against che wer, making thelr excermina fiona prize. “TheRed Lies ncescatic, Assoon as m opening appears che Justicarsvillmees anddebateor who co Placeen it néxe: Normallo.the lastiear who wins the abiGe hus the Trophy an her “nomanes” alded ro Uberevter. The void isnever vacant for long. Some fixes anytadividual who has mworsly offended a ally ermporery, at Alstorean bei placeand ready orthelalleven fore the edict declared ‘This practice coust be subtle: The: furtiear. in iestion usta nt plait exneane on the Lise stho could be deale with carough normal chine Such coen vindictiveness would Eankrup: ii entire prestige systems wen inca the Trophy. ‘Novilutandisg, Jusics ‘nthe ‘nrmés add ita un impressive inventory of charges trated aginst chem, Behind closeddoors, anyone's unlife way be laid athe Line, Ne cies the thesnt of bein the Red Lisrprovides in elective blackmail rool 10 sjveich th Jusicarcovess isnot unis auremble shelr Alaseow oper aroumal « partular enemy and veakly debote her ualiicat Diet ho shiy en later. This scare tactic reminds the target of che power dhe Justicas Wiel, res of eebellion. or gain something a ‘few Justlears 19 se {eisnotiirpriing:har whet a vacancy appeats havior unll anew unioraumute i chosen AWamingto Diabolists Forgreed, all wane 6 wo lide — Sere, Leters wo Lucis ‘The surest way to become an: Ana ccoramit dinblerie on one, As abhorrent ae dinblerie Istochemeruberspi the Camarilla itbecomessall the more menacing with che peculiar n gy SUE rounding the Avathemua They are the monsters under the Camurilln’s bed) frecuenily rumored co. ave aberrant powers sitd eanimntiade tes: They supernatural freakshow, with blood consieres airvose dois rie bite rinte Since many ofthe Anathema tre Methuselal, Ie isk ter their laced «ns there are plenty of powerscckers who heing placed an the List in onder 10 generation. Ifrot forthe brutal puralthe Diaholists, the Trophy would beseantcempeation by compar ‘The Juscicarr spread manors that staked Anath- aie arouse disease among them, and chuvt they wach one another unel the vfctim i truly de= suoyed. tn realiey, they trie and sell Anathema blood like they doeverythingetse, andicissuspeeted dt chey deine of tr esely behind thete masks. ANGELO THE BLOOD BROTHER Salf- Daher thle fost ene Ofte mami hislife 1 the 1966 cits tora chagligh Lis Angeles ake of the Sabb: members of ty, the nested 9 exe on the Sabbar pack yi age ei vy impress ther, A:mortalgangran through the streets, flding. The ga ching buileiny after syounemanhamed Angela, fle Hin of drugs; including PCP, methataphetiarine, with many others eieowa inf This was'ta be Anjelo’s night wa die, che gh 0 ios be vebapend Fron ues hinting ranimty of hs lite brother's death nt che hancls ofa iva Iwas his I8eh birthelay and he@elebraed By sw ing every drug that his fellow gang get for him In commemoration cf We maminent suicide, he fed'a-personal campaign against che city, He howled amidsrthecorvlagracion 1s his veins filled with «-teixture shat could have itated a décen mes. His heart beat 60 fast that he cone hardly hesathe The Sabbar pack immediately tegan the Fire Dance, leaping through che flimes and laughing with will jubilanon. Ax the other member Acigelo'sanigean it hero, he maiacals joined in rhe Sabbat ritual. The vampire began to playfully nilton, A Full ssa tite nis lois May ‘Angelo laughed, plunging his hands into coals dad facnuig fountains of sparks over the vattpires They They ieee wuld ve Embra adder than ‘They took the hoy toa nearby cemetery, eck and suede him dance rotted ecuBie fia ts they lapped his blood from claw-draivn wounds Angelolhardly fele the pata, hue bef mamas of lucidity allowed him to discern thealatn that tng fein tedenens struggle, His isolation from his family and friends shocked hinenowas the varnpines brought hist the esvostone, Locked intheie grip, hewailed inhorra They slowly drained his blood, The myx a drugs that Angelo hed swallowed now began work ing their chemical sorcery in the veins and braids the Panders, They stumbled stout, opentsig wounds! inthemcelvecnnddesininetheieblond inrn Ancelai mouth with wanton- glee. Some of them pated thelznameson his body with thelr Blopd: Some fell laughing ines the grave thac they'd dug for their vierimand the pack heeanbutvinw them They went from wild to wilder a& Angele was reborn. Asthe orgy ohblacctioulminsted, Angelos head eter cea? Meese hcl Hes Feye! thi Sabbie wath loathing anid fear- The De ee aias lies so de) cll ‘Metseratbled from the stene and bolted from’ the serous, Bven as they scorabled after him. be disap eitinity ‘ia aoe ake-tilledscreets: lis th ‘Angels hid escaped the pack. The Pariders were Jrillundershespell ofdnigithat could krnekouthalt ‘¢.doaen men, and they perishied ln the rising san that onan Weakened anil deplered of blood, Angelo took: jefSge brie ld warehouse Unlaown tobe i @ inceting plac a umber of Sabbat ghouls hunting for Cat which thelr masters tequlred for a Thoumaungical exerihetn. As Anigsto drenmed OF hi lie bother fall udet the weight of u hullety dhe ghiouls ineapusieated him, wich «shaft Sood. Sent as sows, they carried him co the foe of tear ma “Avvalinzthe sakedl Co Tremeré¢nnrbu who believed char’ they had ed: anil the techniques ol creating Blood Brothers, a ‘Bloodline chit began in Europe. Angelo was submit: Jed to their latest procedures, unable to move after the stake was roughly jerked out of his vital organ. p Despite his paralysis, he (ele every momenc of flesh= warping agony and sensed the terror of the Other Ones Hisbrockerr-w ingprfonvoffesh. Angeloseemedeo hearth yry herphe. le hea wae led hands as he felr cheir blood pour dawn his Reefbesiilc aren brs fun to dst ‘Thedeugy Angelohadtaken still moved through Miategley terre wicks on ts rae He evar ‘his brother ayain iw the screams of che other ees ioe! thas cha hae ei Nenad, He tried to reach out to the Peake aucun a Ang Fie pall pecectinavery copeniablersane The sheer flawiessness of hiseppearance amazed his ll were Tarmivce wd rere reelitleltldesheie twit: yancienr vampire ‘brcthers" appalled them. Viewing Ars Aumpes, the Tekaiice ioxed twin mates af re light infil ur. Sometimes his nun swelled intoa zreat, shapelessheantwithcrimion sparks for eyes Stranger Vet, these apaiks seem eo fallow the path of the Soon, his strength and orhue physical expabil ties began manifest. Besides his shocking iequale es his aplity and'endurance wer attracgiveness which heldumalmose magne ity to his en super Hinalready hejghteredsenses liad increased, allowing hin tw antieapate blenes Sefone they fel The Tamuce pushed hes tm che ends his end ance, starving him for blood until he overcame obstacles they eected before ‘The arotesene Brothers were sarang; thew were unreyponsive (9 theic masters Rereated attempts to teach them the Disefpline of Sanguinus proved frstrating. Only in Angeh's presence dil they seear to animate, some- fietes mewiing in agitation. To the sonverers wemneddisurbed by Aneeo nated of Blded Bound to him, Despite their succes: with the boy, they konctided hae they ha Gaile wily the ater. A debate arose around the desire co destroy’ hi Blond Baothers; they decided 1 set soup for further proe debate seas fucled by the Subbut' fulluce 19 conquer Los Angels experimenters prepared for light 19 Mexico The changes this gtoup convinesd t with them, even if the others they could determine t him so desdyy perhaps they could reproduce iin chees Fhe pack decided ot sandstudy dele Biotlerayreseslened blood and seemertcolagse io torpor. ‘A profound change occurred in Angelo at the removal of his brathers, He lapsed. no resent a Angelo’ captors, They continued co rest him, despite their own growing nincase. His sills magn fied, es did his thine. They were amazed on. how snuch blood the by less. Although ve commands of nave of he Angelo ove exterminated. If the boy intrigued so others 10 bring consumed, asubaniny that he somebioww sensed the starvaticn ofthe Orher Ones The scecerers had seen enmugt orried, especially wheri Angele nttempred to trick one of them into rele They de edlédeo destroythe bay aking with the abominations es foci i become truly Ih ch Then they attempted to Peuninate: hin, fe frensied. In theirhorr, the sorcerer in bis aura glare with unholy it illedone of therm and ereaped out ofthe laboratory Shalken, the Taimisce followed th fallers objects t0 the meat-lockers where they pared to confront Angalo with cheir Diseipl ‘The lockers were empty,and Angelo was A further search of the house eck door broken down, slthemabs ne tracks cull be found Thoyquickly telephoned theirghonls.diparched them to find the Blood Brothers and promived gio esque punishments for failure, As the Tamice hereto he seen, evened de ame of the Subba rae the beast, burning it hideo them, The he Teimsce/T tamed with his Sabbat are sill eryingto-ascertain th nxiety ofthe loss of theit expenment desce ded on dhe the cellag, Angelo hal not left the howe Angelo had tierged with hie brothers into a sathiome hea. I frensied as leeuaced Toeauan fre agalos y. That did not xve d Other il Angelo nid tosgrotet of his house sit is ss, Feavirae only a re Dthier Ones had served as.9 lsmonie fury, he finished off the hv and escaped the burning ued crusted on his Bs The mystery lingered on as the Blick Hand gated and ineerrogated pucks know icinity of the hours. They Inevitably the ghoul excepticnally creative red of Angelo’ existence atid cli rohave .erpackstofinid him. They knew let replat tomakenew Blood Prath The true sectees of Angelo’s metamorphosis hunses At present the shuthappened tn of the Telmisce sorcerers is snvince ther that itwasan expetim recy, They don’t know Angela's part in rent, but they do know thar fxe was somehow ved, his sPrseand Nature io ig the chlmination of the ars of blood andfed tees althoughthedrog muxturerampaz- ing through his system daring the Embrace made i orvivor with preternetural irstiners, undisciplined despice thesubrlerabilitiesh nin. apts quickly co any dangerous situation, butis, confi al af the Blsod Brovhers: He i esses, yeralyvaysl when confronted by kindness o ¢ gontleemations He esperiencessome remorse when. the has heen attest for too long. His driving is brothess, bath mortal and Kindred. thi Became minds him of hi anvene who this en bea he will soa prorhers. Sometian vampire sith a baby face, oF even a Samed who visually represents the Other Ones, He will lash our brother- mage sgiirae aiyone who threatens Angelipassesesat allowing him to ig is eapacicated. A slip ovr of freniy tnemy blocd) to heal himself. [fnot, he teainsin fren ntl he ean heal. Angelo cannot remember the tine hespend in rersy, however, and dank gops fill his meroory Angelo is fascinated with fire Te seems to besa uation tohis existence. Heengagesinhis ontral his fretey, nd penalties unt aon asthe scene is over, he will the has the resources (such as he ‘OR fieualstic fre danoes when he-is certain he ny iy is Modus Operendi ‘Asjelobas: hi mortal life, inchiding a firestms, He martsandskills om familiarity with can wield masg anything he gets his hanids on Aa elit oigeny om ofanyone who closely cesecables his mortal brother. ‘Thotechilder alwavs rena atid utrack hints he ie adv destroy chem. This isadding new faccts to BA ody Grcnveed seis Enlee Guth pres the anitdérot hisown brocher ls tixing into bis twiligh perceptions Any esfiery and find JhimielPinsi different city than he was before, with: due memory of the joueney Thizeanhuppen even it sensly beg aking will some the not attacked or injured, Unksiowe to the Sabie at presen, ie ba fabiliry to exercige some conte] vex the fear fen: (Gfether Blood Brothers. He has weed shieta phice dhe few fe hes mee ar his mectey, and he his every one so fa is Crimes The Carnarilla bocam GldW a number of vanypites ix Baltimore. Because of D; seedlings, there eve been accu athe mist: be an Assamite, or The C sce him as: fiethavtlc believehe | ariages to clude the che has killed. Some ice. Thlspopularralscanception Gaines ieom ah “eyewitness” wehin Clin Tremere iwhg may hove oi purposes of hes own, The}rophyClan Mout Angeo—primaly, dhemanessacion of his Phe study hae him tick. Clan leaders wonder i Baym docsconacan cess Bemisctceee re Grease Tasha aerd hopcratncsely Relying the real importance Angelo has to them. BU ana ene Angelo Clan? Blus Brother Sires Brandon Narures Lon Demeanor: Survivor Geneeation: Sth Apparent Age: 19 _ 4 Physicals Strength 5, Desterity 3, Stamina 5 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, ‘Appearance5 Meneals Peccentian 5, Intlligeren 5, Wire § Vireuest Conscience 1, Sel-Comeral 4, Talents: Achleties'3, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Ineimidation 4, Leadership 3, Skills: Carousing 3, Drive Draw 5 Blind Fighving 4 Fired 5; Frwrilkives 4, Ioverrogarion 3.Lip Reaeling 3, Melee 3, Stealth Knowledges: Los Angetee Knowledge 5 Military Science 4, Qzoult 2 Dis Celerity 5, Dnninate 2, titude 5, Obfuseate 2, Paterwe 4, Pronean 5, Sanpusins 5, Vieissitude 4 Backgrounds: None Humanity: 2 Willpower: & Blood PoolMax per Turn: 15/5 Tnager The quiacesseatial punk exteriors belayed by che stelking handsime looks and physique. Hi looks ate, infact, too perfect, lending hitn an inh munaie, Thisappeurance hidesacaleulatingsurvivor ‘Angelo hs a red ceardsep tattoo om his leit earlobe, His unr is monsroas, with red slowing eves of ie) own, He wearshishairlong, sometimesin a ponytail Quorer cance, bur Ithink he'ssuill walking arcund in the fires vs tine te ball ry Beetane?® Roleplaying Hinss: Be intense, alauat wile bbur coneinually babble and connect concepee in an illogical manner, All creatures deserve your accusa Have’ yau seen my brother? | billed him Haven: Anywhere will work just fine Influence: None Notest Angelo las a special afinity for the Blood Brothers and eur centr thelefreniies ich les he can control his own, Remioris You are dine if tae Sublbat (BD; you are a Trinisce (Fh you are always in fremy (F); you love fice (T) When we pass the subway we ery «> ignore on fore there of writen threats cn enless wall vanjustiied crimes cari in stifled calls Heli fe wan already an ald woman-when the Mongols swepe through the Chliy Empire early in the Lith century, It took the hordes Khar every penon they came upon, Rabbat survived They caprured! her and proclaimed her 10 be the ugliest woman to have ever lived. She was mlen ro Sarai where Temusin, the Khan of Khan, held court, Hero, as with arsy who the Khan, she his! to avers her lance an crawl up the longapproach to his throne ofa: hiscntise court. Pancing, with herface pressed tothe floog,she ly there asthe eount jeered at hee from every side. A courier liftediher deformed face anid triumphantly showed everyone the beste his men hid cupticed Annes, dhe Khae) told the woman thar she auld go, explaining to her thar ghe was far ta hideous to infice upon the dead, He alsa devlared thatalve wouldbe allowed to remain inside:he Royal Pavillon: This simple edler also granted her his protection, forthe Khan's wrath would fall on aty> one who harmed her She crayiled backwards out of the room, thes collapsed with exhaustion, Guneds took her away and give het a place to sleep tk, Ou Darks She became 4 roral oldie, bes the courtier plates durity each mesl. She was held sn digilay for theamusement afthe Khim, When be died, his four sons divided his kiagdom. One of ehiom, Usual, inieriedl Rabbot and quickly turned fher oue of the palace in the city of Karakorus. wich no possibility af plave todie Exmemely old by this tim earing for herself, she went a Nosferonu elder working fer Baba ote of Rabbat’s forticude in the face of tommen!. He decided is would be amusing to.grant her immortality and allow her to yer revenge for the perversities of the soulless invurlers Even while she lay there, begging for him tp allow her to die, ne Embraced her. Her ttightful visage and frail body ‘were transmuted intosomething even more ghasdly Shecursed himashe lec her chete, proceedingon is ‘erik Rane ea aon her salts ere ee though: ve aginst the Mongols reo pend ee ponrtreaiabice ieoriweiee me meiaes gud Wieh this dome, she fled the city ane pr ceeded west ‘As Usedel completed the subjugation of she © Chin empire, Ratbacmoved ever westward, Deting the day; she would dig ineo the ground just heore dlaun, Ste learned co nurvive thewilds, avoiding the Givou; Oriental vaunpires nnd the marching Bysan fine Critaders who ete carrvine lenrony hick to Ejmpe. Ralbot lot herielf jn Corstmntinopls for the est. cerry: Other Kindred, trgheened by ber anetrance, skirted her. The Nosferatu of the city discovered her, and after learning who she and her siiesvere, they brought herunder the protection of the lyn: There she remained, servingehe clan, ntl théandcrte of er peets vere called go Prague lit Prag, Robbat gained some prestige in the Cormarillafor critical advice eae spved the life of a Malkavian elder om Inquisition ferces. She was iffeed 4 boon and humbly declined, gaining her spect armong her own clan and the secret aduira~ sion of che Malaavians: She advanced quickly hiouyh the Nosieratu ranks because of het wits, _siving members ofthe clartimeanad tineagaie and ‘utioxing the ugents ot the Inqutstion, The Black Death devaseated Europe uteheheighe fof Rabbar's influence. Although: many vampires > vere mumune, che blood nfheirkine was fouled by thedigeave. As the Pliyue sew e thitd of Englend's population and ore han 7S ruillort people thro fuk Euuppe; Kindied began cuncending with one snathes for pure vessels. Rehlst showed no such rarifed caspeandl drank the polluted blood. From Progue, Rabat ditiestookhert Venice, ‘whist the became clan teader in shaceity. During i heesnay,n Kindred: specific liscase, known ac that times ihe Scourge, appeared. Rabbachaclerenced a Brogeny whe bad che pluie, and ic mutated the dlscase in. way that could enfecble vampices, piugery paved it Rabbariis had irl g until ovo of the city's ine, buctbe Blick Leach intothe worldofthe undead. Rabbar’s last nights in Venice weee sperie under Blood Huan: sued by the Camurillaand supporced by the Giovanni, who had traced the sickness to her Progony and destroyed them. She fled, exiled from fhet clan and from the last society chat would ever ler Purposes Rabbat strupgles ost exist She hes became embietezed with her son ofthe sun, Once nrespected member ofher clan, she neeiand attempeed sul iy > flee fom the rerible glory cide seve snows vba spreads disease where yphoid she goes. Asshe ispersonally immune tothe dissases she carries (hybrids of bubonic plague and leprosy), “ct nope a. end ta her misery ler Nature Rabat istieedof wandering. She will do ukmwst anything to avoid atten raves acceptanice. Onse alan, shewoukl nowdoanythingtoservengrin,even in the lowest capacity, Unfortunately, she brings certain torpor to anyone getting clase enough to her to tecome uniected: dhe takes Her biteraess Ou cm mortals, plays the monster wth utmost cruelty before porging beeell on their a Ino. She has imade progeny, hut they. aways gx nue torpor within digs of theic eieation, Rabbat a, but she desperat joiud attendant of het ferNodus Open uth arave icainstaniiy Benner press enee'enn immediately atert che pawers-thar-be, she hunts onthe nin. Because she fears herownclan, she Necgerniilinwaertally, Hahn un tine, The van ispertectly Hlesigned ro shield her leew the day. She robs gas starions,convenience scares, ar other 24-hourestab lishoents every monthy making avy wits money ‘and, rare inmpareently, gascline For ber feeding, Rebbe al: an tn: vical who is alone. This done, she dominates the rarset into following her 0 a preplanned place. Here, after recorising the wictim for the cruelty she hasendured {and the ainly possesses), abbatdevourshin. Aterfeeding, Rabat robsthevicrin, then burrs the bee inrder to eve no traceof her crimes Cries ard Diseases Fleas thac transmitted the Black Death in Eu: tope during the Hh gentry aul Live on Rabat’ Iboly, They ore; in essence, einy gheuls who have ‘been transformed and made voracious with herawn blood, They are the season she still carries the plogue, wansnitied coher by herown progeny, sis hrerbloodw edlscaseeaactivatewichin Kiveled. Extermninnritig chese vermin wuld be sauty thar te viet easy muanner; vampire blood Has made the premely aduprable temperature, They will, like any-an wither, age and die ifthey cannorget Ki Thediseise isfisacembinat bubenieplngue fn mortal, it rani Phaguc ieinone virulent and hills sly Ln afleprosyand ssthe Black Kindred, it acts on the blood, effectively rising the ie Dhow difficule v0 pencionin of be vei wile neti Pool, which Baebes more and mex ceplenish. Thefinsl esl isa torpor from which the victim cannot be reauscizaged: the body absorbs pli d Gafese ig Soe sce bt ‘ees, the leprosy manifeses asa disfiguring malady, hut does nor become so extreme as to actrally destroy the victim. ‘The Storyteller should feel free eo aciele Kol gale she dibante aera, should also considered steries which can allow a character toachieve a cure ifhe has caught the disease. Rabat bas been the target of a Blood Hunt for ul be highly-unlikely for moxt vampires. Those who live un the streets un the risks. Obviously, no ‘on in th: Camanilla isin any bury te gn ingo the sewers or subways after her, Her latest victim, 3 Teireador elder of Soith Carolina, has refocused ablems she poses. The Camaril iflciens forces herdesemnction wready rocamim Mie sect has al Disease Conta ieaenedithar the Center for following Rabbat’s trail. The ‘DC has discovered pattern of incidental lafec- tion, People visic the stores Rabbet has frequented neatlonewhéce Her immortal fleas were left behind fo find newhexts, Although not intelligent, the fleas ave voincioutly hurypy, bighly adaptable andl exe fille Of uroplng Huse deraaes besaine of thee lunnatural sate, Alchough they are Blood Bound i “oh “ar, 30mm an Th Trophy Clan Rabbar’s own clan has granted Trophy on hen, although thatright is abouc to. expire, The Nosferatu, havetior lifted s finger co hunt her. Secresly, they are discussing the possibility of Rabbat being che clan's. mat weapon against the Arnedilawians and Nigcuku, They. may soon arrange refuge {0° her, providing for her the need arises. The: Kindred above. Tnquiition. They may be the ely elar s nee conveniently forgotten what Rabkat did for ther. The Sabbst are not avare of her ence. Shauld they discover her, they would nly rally a massive effort ro make sure she i extinguished, as they're more vulnerable eo ds eases, Perhaps they would see Rahbat as alway. of gaining an edge in their baites with the Camarila The rewards could well outweigh the ¢ iClear, ‘Alas, Clon the Sewer Crake Siect Sars, serviur of Baba ¥ ‘Nature: Sycophant Dimeaaor: Poltoon Cisicepts Typhoid Mary Generation: 7th ‘Appacent Aget Lae 205 Physical: Snength 4, Deketity 5, Stains 5 Sosials Chorisna 2. Maninulanon 4 ‘Appearinee Q Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 2, W Viens: Conselence 1, Se-Coneral 4 Cesitage’3 Talentst Shalls: Avimal Ken 4, Diagutee 3, Drive 3, Mechanic 4, Repair 3, Stealh 4 Koowledges: Generaphy 3, Hitory3, Kind Loe 2j Linguistics 4, Maslicine 2, Naar 2 Sever Lore 5 Alerine Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Disciplines: Animalian 5, Auspex 1 Celevity 2, Dominate ‘Obfuscare 5, Potence 4, Protean 2 Backgroundes None Humanity: 4 a Willpower roll (lifculry 7) or gain a de rangemint, Spe bindleshenslfinto alotofclothing preferring hats and scarves (even inthe suniner) Thay eyes ane yellinrmanige aad agneating (0 power oll against dificulyy of Fc loplc her w the face), Quoter “Pleate don't ame any closer. Pmake you Roleplaying Hints: Bow and serape f you chink ie will get yo anywhere Haven: Hervan. Influence: None Rumors: The dissise jou carry is abways fatal (T), you are fascinated with fire (Tk you have caused many fires (Fl; the Center fe fotlawing your mat (1). sense Contra Legha, who isin my ona pho, who camry the fla Tex you who eal prutece me from te San, Papyi Legha, aha isin my om’ phor Tris yo eho sal protect dhe fans from te 3 — Milo Ried, Seérets af Voodoo Herlile Born in the midlet the 17ch centity int the et Afpcan Ashanti culeurg, Gessina lived free for nily her frst five y slavers abducted her and her fanlly, eventually selling them on Ju mhaica. Here, among the uprooted people from the kingdoms of Bern, Luba, Har and Dahomey, th Frericl conipany that bought her branded ber, ond ‘he began her life of servicude, 3. Poet Evensnally transported to Haiti, she began work ing the sigareane fielis on the Culde-sae Ini. Within in year, she could speak and understand her French ceptors, as well as others wh tilled the cane and softly murmured the name of Baron Sameck They nucthe Lordoy the Cemetery had heen buat from africa in a tox by the French. On Hart, he Lille ie caprorsand escaped into the Masifd.¥ mountain range near che Artibonite river. Thes ics frightened the child. Ap she hecame accu comed (@ her environment, however, she became ‘kepsical thar anyone form her land could hold the power that the liven said he did Suith se len nothing else, and with the persistence thar counes fromadersity, Genin begun sscretlyattending vex remonles performed under the nodes of the of youson auinaeeed her like aide sink eile, June ine sirohe erepeintoa cemetery as rite begun around arab, The alcar yas th enivenone dithe fie tnan butted there, Ashe watched trom seclosion, a wortan appeared from thesurroundingmangotrees She was a hideous creature, a thing whose tattered sen ke rags from her peeled shoaldens, Her seetich wes overpowering, Asshe emerged secom- panied byacloudof ies, the worshippers went inca frenzy, dancing and wailing in- adulation, Toherhorran, Genina warched asthe woman drow one of the chikiren to her and tore open is throat with long, ivory lings The monster male loud suckingnoises asshedrank fren the frantically suuggling bey, The worshippers undulaced across the cemetery’s soils che yampire drained the boy, All the while, the woman warched Genina with a smile of mock innexence. When tho woman fin ished, licking the neck of he hoy und sealing it wth Staking off th spell ofthe loathsome creat Genins tumed and ran into the sugarcane field, trying to scream but unable to foree the sound ode ve darkness, Tad ae seats ning, het sal ied out and stsick her head, Fl, gasping for kreat Above het, eclipsing the moon, was the bent fijice ss cs dai llamas in He lifted Genina up, looking into het frighcened ollie. black eyes, He whispered that be was Baron Samedi sind thar she was row his ehilde, She fainted Avvakening, Genina found herelf ia eaiifil oot which moved with a geritlesway. She feledead xpepover her as she reallzed she was, on arcther Shp, This was afar cry from the'lave ship thot had trough her ere, or she lay tn wsaft bed, surrounded bby countless African treasures — ivory and bro ast figotines, feathes of exocie binds and green obsidian spear She ntsc, feoling strangely healthy and strong In Eurepeanrstyle beds on eithies side her were the Baron and the worn, asleep. Thee wasstll o1v0 fon the lips of the woman. Genina walked slovly around the room unul the polished surface of a tmurror caught he paralyzed wih harvor fayay. Her body seemed to be nating As she howe hese fn horror, foul juices seeped out of the skin Arc ran lke yellow, syrupy weandowesher box. Hex altesdy thin farm wes oow borekdly yauncand ssw led: She could see her suaken eyes framed Ly hes prominent skall. She sexeained atid scoeamed, bu slonce: Peering into it, he was fercolor wasgone, blesched dif not wal ae monsters tthe col er Unlile t Neitherthe Baronnior the woman, whom Cenitia earned was his sister Brigette, ever explained why they sied Genina. She learned quickly not wo ask qusscions. She weeeived immediate enmicy ftom Baigette. The older woman corstanly terrorized th neonace when lor sire was away, cornering and threatening the wiel with grotesque descrintions of spain, She would starve Genina neatly co the point of frensyp9t tle her ro the mast when the ship was om toe, bringing her down below just heforethe beams ofthe sun sctnally burnest her skin. Whenithe ship was moored, Genin was kepe iddenawny; She never saw anyone but the moreal ¢*hildcen thar her “aunt broughe hier vo texroriae devour. Brisitte’sfaseation with mareal nain took Toot imide Genina, asd between these nightmare fhoments, she was w learn about the Camarill and thefearthatgroup held forthe trength and appear. ance of ve Sumiecl blood Genina learned the Disciplines af the Samedi Necromney, Olfuscution and, finally, Thanatis the manipalstion of the horeid appearance of each. Brigette beat her, leavings eriss-cressing mip of purple welts, urging her to master the powers Stirvedmiost ofthe time, Genina wasmade teat the refise of skin hot fell from het raxiing govemes: ‘Whee her sire visited her, he told her of the other Kindred and schooled her in the Discipline called (Chimerstry. He had leneed hisralent, he confided. is pce for his services as « bodyeuard to o¢her vampires, He explained that alshcugh the acher Kinded hated their bloodline, they hated then a bodyguards and fared them. Fear, he said myster coun, should ubvays be the caps thar Genina wore when she stepped ous Incthe next century, the Followers of Ser took advantage ofthe discord caused hy the Haitian Civil ‘War, which broke out as a resbit ot the French Revolution. Genina’s sire and his evil sister were taken by the Soodsnue alone Abandoning the loating haven; she fe int the intetlor of Patt toa bausite mine. Within week, she hi! viskoes—agtoup of yevohitionatts and thes leader, Toussane'Overrane hased of the French end the legacy of her capture Rachel uaa her Obfuscation ro follow L Overture Secret, shehegan moa hin iris struggle susinst the French, singherpowersto kill without remanse (Quise suderly, she wu whaspoke Forthe most pare, she wassuccesdul hecanse she ee lingely ankenuv, The Setites noxiced her ineer J sought. he isan yt aboveey The reylationsaties adopted “father” expelled the foreign forces, whiny ime to master he# Chimersty Disciplines te fhe formshe wore belie her Embrace. Just the French captured LOveeture, she had begun toappeartohim in ths illusionafan innwcent child) whom he adoped ae hin, ringunu a briet ‘moment of happiness ta Genina, L'Overture had w way of tempering her developiny predilection for cruelty, Only-a month laee, however, her adopred firther was gone forever LOverture’scaprure and inpeiserinent gave Geninatheimpewa tocentinuet his ideals. Her formative years with Bngerre had twtr hesanne:anetaha seoks dalighr i billy and leaving her victims as vivid macobe sculptate Forthe next century, she preyed upon Haiti's wary gained indepen The Setites avoided her. seeing hor a= an the Setites claimed co andwereanxious towams their masters agiinst rousing her against them. Besides, they rea soned, theehiags that she caused formed cvwnfouale environment forthe Serites. They could aways deal With her later, when they had more yesour She reigned a m princess of destruction until 1957, when the morvalFrancois*P pa Ue" Duvalle asiumed power. With his zontom maciute ghoul seoret police, the despor and his Setite supporters enemies; even alter the he furpose vod vamnpie Shewans determined t Her Nature Obfuseace and for het survival and beiny smo allies Shehasheen unusually successful with Diablerie and has laweted her generation considerably. She peat: Sho neu rseltasforcingthen of their society to save the dren, and hormingachiid ia hernresence is the surest way rosend her into fens Many times she ms aru. Parca i pe PP Alcaveg-neat her victims. These alivayeallede to the | existence of vampires, theirhabies, philosophies ane leven clues to different clans, such asthe Nosfesatn Pe) and theGiinainn. She blames these «wo blcodines Be forthe creation of het awei-especiallysince neither Willtake cheered. Shestilfearsother Kindsed, and Uniferestimates her own power, Henyictims ate always ioctl, xenérally those whi piisicals orsexually abuse chilrens She wses Fier seduction kill on devin humans vo get them iDtake herto thie homes. Phete she will tickahem niapeorecting es, fullliny their fantasies thigh Jer iMlisions, dhén sleeping in the koute the next hie SEhesnexe right she takes hee "parents" out Nabnewhere, cernces them almost the point of ABeareselzue; hen brurally murders themand begins svnew slpiue ia des. © Lately, Genton is gained a fascination wich five ¥slevision catteras and tmerérime cog: shows. Shie uses her Chimerstry comanipalute the teen of ajerime anil canal the witnesses. This ives her a thiol poiserrand ithas nor gone unnoticed by the BF) Ghwvarnt und Venere, Riddles fascinate her and the intensity to expore the Randred hay mewaror lowed jnco w game: Ke myst cake (in hes opinion} five brilliance co decipher her chess, When ot Breer labomite cdinerery manwoleuns, erCrimes The Camirilla only now ut genie this Kaede fertands haw dim sinton really x. Aneyenous Sai Hail forse long, she has made abi splash in the Shi his traveled to apead her at. Sand hal commited vile surders in almost every Inge incistil'city. The Camaralla does not ye sow that Gems is« Samed, She has led chem 10 misthlizhat bloodline, however Sheseesthe Samed iw then of the vampires to be destrored in hez penoeide. and is having success is exageratind the fearother clans have of the Samed The Juricaes will probably ra the Rel Lis when. ics reorgan ‘Anathema'sskiying. Untilehen, they ‘Govannitc help them squelch med cs. Similarly, they ae éngpiged mn "copycat" eam: ink pans ranging fromscaniat preaching 40 allusions from Loveezat lett the seencs of ies. Whartheyidonor realize despite thetranaly that Genina’s ted poctey & writen mn her own blood her higher on afcer the nex oucingthe Trophy clan The Ventre have offered the Trophy’ show pip inthe enforcement of the Masquerade the Giovanni in covering the fon: They know through the Giovanni tharGenina has made some underworld connections {iy w group called the Ont, possibly the Japanese Malia, The Ost ore, én true, aomethine far fom mortal Genia Clan: Samed. ‘Ales: “The Red Poet Sie The Bart Nature: Retel Denson: Child Generation: 6ch Atte ki’ Physical: Strength Appeanuice Mental Persepcion 8 levelience 6. W Virtues: Co Conte Talents: Acting 5, Alertnes 2, Artistic rears Bene 4, Dudee A Fmpathy 4 Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Poetry 3, Seduction 4, Skills: mal Ken f, D Fscapology 5, Fast Talk 6, Perfogmance 5, Ste: Torure Knowledges: Linguistics 3, Children's Literature’ 5, Decult2) Psychology 3, Spat Love Trtclogy | diolinese“Acipan 4, Caley 4 Chirweary 7 science 0, Self-Contral 5, Porence 3, Piesensi 1, Pri Jerd 3, Romaine 5 Willpower: $ Image: Gena! putrescent rotting coxpse-child She can use het Objuscace, Chumessry and t pearaia lovely lis gil of my race. She ischarmning nude peste inet ace thar fow peop rue fons hiclgous co behold: 2 Eilnaie poe aR the vague sinell nf rot tar seems ro hangin che ait sound het ‘Quotet “Hey mines, can you take meborve! Lan Henares Rtepiyny Hidiss Smiten b-You bottom fp IH aperperul pout, and youve ismelancholy, Whea people | tarnle them, then A expect it, thant n werivally Havens Shayeyauch near neighborhoods where way children live. Influence: Your Retainers ace Dominated or Blo’ Bound children, owes: Geriina’s evo exara levels oF Chimerkiay allow her co create ltwionswhieh can hurca number of people and to creace illusions which, no master how obteageous, peaple will accept as being rl, Rumors: You are a Torealor anioiha (F}; you ures Malkavian (@); you are & Malkavisn, anus (Pp you like ro deep in the earth (T); you ase a grave robber (T but ioe recently); yu samerinies ent the Tyger: Tuer frre brichs Fly me ta thé 200) You don’ eke me home ut night, Yoe satisfy me — Hanover Pit, “The Ty pales hud visen and fallen in the focuner of che Sumerian: Kindred. While next mavedon roreidder nascares, some recut 10 relive put nightscf plery, In 22COB.C,, when the sloryof Sumer wascestored after invasionatinm the cast, the Gangrel Antedilavian recorned and b if the mogn, This would be raven fr the clin, a defensible fortress within view ntengting over dhe vase pain Enid, a roottal, was bore ina sal village surside the city, the child of a poor family who his father’s flocks. Pairing the night, he Heavenly Mountata, Sometimes he 1¢ whispers or mugie from the stones of vat: At aight, hesaw movement along the tiers ofthe step-pyramid, Figures ‘seeroed to watch, ivity of the city, like cats warchin liding with impossible grace fom > Piggurst A vhe grew Enkidu became a prisonertodreams thar sesnved to glide down to hitn from the Heav. tenly Mouniin. His nose tingled as he stept, aif something leaned only inches fromhis faces: Som times the lips ofwornan would seer ready cp themselves agninst his: more often, the dagger-hke far anumat hovered above bis pulsing thes He dreamed of godsswimming in mud, their rage sweeping Whole villges Inco the gasping Eupheone> river. When he woke from these drearus, the meort wold be spilling!light on the temple Even ifhewas fer from the tity, he wiuld sense chem seandingten: the zigeurat and staring at him. He resisted for as long as he could’ At asthe followed the strange. sumuans of the Heavenly Mountainand came to Ur. Whatever he &xpectatto find in the dusk at the hick of his mind, he found only the excesses of humanity, He watched aani- tals weve brutally saerticed to the moon god. He serutured close to the walls of ehe sisgurat, defies the powen within. The Heavenly Mountain ignored him rich the same cold impasiveness it extended to the rest of humanity. He sensed ies arrogaice, its ‘contempt for the men and wonién who swamned, around it. He sold his flocks and lived among the stench, among the wickedness thatthe ptopte of Ur prided themselveson, He prew rodespise them with each passing day, and ro despise the gods within the Heavenly Mountain with each sullen nish He tried to teave, hue tae dreams would chen threaten him with images of wild feroettyhe could fot comprehend, He detested his own race. Only snimals, innocent of ambicion and lust, gave him solace, He warched sn hatred as che innovent ere tures were led to slaughter on the altas of the moon sod, and he gsieved for them, At night, he saw the faverites af the god, fk freatcarnion tirdson the topor the tempt, dritkang from goblets of gold drovsed, he sensed the limi. © withicsthe isis, He felchimself couched with talons and heard ies rics of beasts whigseted it his ears. In torch-lic esse heir labs anken heat of unin tevelrye They pbinted cheirclavs at him, nodding w one another $i agreving that he wouldmake a wethy senitice Hie cars ther, but they > bavi bim. Elda serags fele he woul bars it led their laughter es great chat he ne. He resolved to pen. ete the jst rogaee of the msc’ Withebea Avbay is Ute our hi prepared to theoyy aril raced to the teriple. He-charged through weak links in the phis lane ot ghoul guards and wounded ther wit bloodlust th sé, hedid not x climbed the rans climbed ator h wee the skies: silently awating came over the city a8 Enladit reeched the peak of the Heavenly Mountain. A gorioas temple ported by pillars, The wind moved up here; and the cirys stench w éentranc, hie threw down his blocd-soaked blade and ged he despied ese Sacreriog the was in dhe ni of he The Gangeel women waited for fim in. the Jartness, He wasted for their cold claws rend tus flesh, Ince downehrouch fof ego blood and animals; asm shocked to find vaguely pleas hey beckoned hiny to fatlow them abynioth of muclbricks Ie suoelled cl as Helet binnself be TheGongrel led him totheir god The Anted) fuvian rested in the shadows, cremblt effort. Imeyesworefilled with weasin wud heated calle cemanaced from idu with oncensicy, and nod: a ifunder ng tale Wher Beli euvced allofthe tormented dies willpte ise noite ad nonebeyght flash nf agony. He felt new bbur his pale skin revealed that he was changed. The other Gangrel brought him out of the temple into the stillness af thenight. They spoke ty him of the destiny that was his. Their master, the Ancedih held within its body wcreature ‘The creature wasa ghoul, s monster ceeated from a now-extinet animal by Set, a dark sod of far-away Egypt. The creature was desen bur for flow. The Ancediluvian hele it imprisoned with tee powers of Animalism, preserving the creatine’ life ecaude i¢wasthe lst anitnal ofits inthe worl.

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