Lesson 1 - U13

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Vietnamese American School

Teacher: Nguyen Thi My Huong


Unit: 12 - LOOK AT ALL THE ANIMALS! Lesson 1: - Listening, Vocabulary

- Students can identify different animals.
- Students understand the short story.


- Vocabulary: cow, goat, horse, donkey, goose.
- Extra: than, mummy, daddy, other.
III. TEACHING AIDS: CD track 138-139-140, black board
IV. TECHNIQUES: Pair work, Group work, Games, songs
1-Previous lesson
2-New lesson


WARM UP - Energize the class by singing “We're getting ready for

(5 minutes) the wedding” from page 82.
• Ask children if they can remember the story from the
previous unit
-Draw a question on the board and get the sts to write
things around the circle.

Farm animals

- Use flashcards 127-132 to elicit the vocabulary.

Hold them up one at a time for children to name
the farm animals. Act any words that children
don’t know.
- Hold the flashcards up in a different order and
repeat. Play “missing word” on the board.

(20 minutes) 1. Listen, point, and repeat. (CD track 138)
- Ask the students to look at the pictures.
• Play the first part of the recording for children to listen
and point to the pictures, hold up the appropriate
flashcard as each word is said.
• Play the second part of the recording, pausing after
each word for children to repeat.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and point and then repeat the words,
• Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the
class to say the words.
2 Listen and chant(CD track 138) LESSON 6:
• Play the recording and teach the chant Listening Track
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat 138-139-
the words in the gaps in the chant. 140/p.88
• Repeat (more than once if necessary).
• Children say the chant as a class, without the Homework
recording. Writing: cow,
3. Listen and read: CD track 13 goat, horse,
• Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books, donkey, goose.
encourage predictions about the story from. Play the
recording for them to listen and point to the pics.
• Ask questions to check comprehension, e,g, Where is
the family? What animals do they see? Do they see big
animals and small animals?
• Ask children to look at the story again. They find and
point to words from Exercise 1.
Optional activity
• Play What’s the picture? (see page 21) with the class,
One child comes to the front and draws an animal from
The vocabulary set. The other children try to be the first
to guess what the animal is.

(10 minutes) -Teacher describes an animal. Ask sts to guess what it
- Group work: Divide students into 4 groups. Give
each group a small piece of paper containing the
animals of 4 groups: farm animals, wild animals,
mammals, birds. Play “HOT SEAT”.

STORY The black and white goat.

(5 minutes)


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