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Telephone No.

:(0172) 2638061
FAX No.: (0172) 2638135
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Lf~rfqxUT~<:j '<:f;1 lrA'r~~PJ
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA "/i:r ;i ;:/;'>.'/I<,n / DAYS NO, 24·25, SECTOR 31-A
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FOREST '/I.:r ,)' >:,(;'1/:/,,/1 II DAKSf liN MAr~G, CHANDIGARH·160030

Datcd:!\pril 01,2014
F. No.A-] 00 13 j 1j2006NRO


Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central)

Ministry of Environment and Forests,

ClovcrnmenL of India, I.(egional Office,

Dehradun, Utlarakhand.

Sub.: Transfer of records pertaining to the State of Himachal Pradesh ~reg.

As per telephonic discussion with you and the previous correspondence on this issue, I
am sending herewith aJl records, proposals files related to diversion of forests land for non­
forestry purposes, court cases files, working plan files and working plan documents, RTI
application files, Environment files and other miscellaneous correspondence (as per lists
attached) in respect of the State Government of ] limachal Pradesh, on April 02, 2014. Shri
Amarjit, LDC of this office and other two oJficials are accompanying the records and will
handover the sarne to Shri Yogesh Gairola, R1. of regional office at Dehradun. The truck
carrying the record will start on April 02, 2014 at 9.30 A.M. from Chandigarh and reach
Dehradun the same afternoon. This is for your information please.

Yours ftSZ1Y,
Encls: As above. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central)

Copy to: The Additional Director General of Forests (FC) Minlstry of J<:nvironment and Forests,
Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi I~oad, New Delhi­
2. The Principal Chief Conservator of J"orests, Government of llimachal Pradesh,
Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, Talland, Shimla ···1 '71 001.
3 Sh. D.P. Shina, Additional Principal Chief Conservator or Forests (Central) Ministry
of Environment and Forests, Government of India, l~egionaJ Office (CZ), Kendriya
Bhawan, 5 th Floor, Sector-I-I, Aliganj, Lucknow-260 020 (U.P.) holding the charge of
Regional Office, Dehradun.
4. The Joint S(~eretary, IA Division, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government
of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, eGO Complex, Lodhi l~oad, New Delhi-110 003.
5. Thc Nodal Officer (FC), Government of Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh Forest
Department, Talland, Shimla -171 001.
6. The Inspector General of Forests (FC), Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, LodiRoad, New Delhi­
7. Shri T.C. Nautiyal, Assistant General or Forests WC), Ministry 01' l';nvironment and
Forests, Governrnent of India, Paryavaran r3hawan, CGO Cornplex, I,oeli I~oad, New
Delhi· 1 10 00;3.
8. The Director, I~O (1IQ)' Ministry of I'~nvironrnent and "'orests, Governrnent of India,
Paryavaran 13hawan, CGO Complex, Lodi I<oad, New ])eJhi I J0 OC);3.
9. Director Industry j Director MiningjDirectorlnrrastructurej I)irector Thermal
Powerj Director I~iver VaHey Ministry of I<::nvironrnent and l"orests, Clovenunent of
India, Paryavaran I3hawan, CGO Complex, Lodi I~oad, New Delhi 110003.
10. The Member Secretary, Department of l<::nvironrnent, Government of Himachal
Pr<lcks]J, I Iimaclwl Pradesh Forest Department, Talland, Shirnla 1'II 001.
RTI Application related to the Himachal Pradesh

S. No. File No. Subject and Address Status Remarks

Files pertaining to the allotment of forest land Nomadic Reply on
1. 25-48/2007-ROC
Gujjars under HP Nautor Rules, 1965 31.01.2007
Cutting of trees inside the Lawrence School Sanawar
2. 25-53/2007-ROC
District Solan HP
Diversion of 0.2898 ha of forest land in favour of Bushahr Disposed of on
3 25-55/2007-ROC
Laghu Udyog Pashada Rampur. 28.03.2007
Violation of FCA by construction Road in HP State without Reply on
4 12-57/2007-ROC
prior approval of the Govt. of India 26.05.2010
5 25-92/2009-ROC Miscellaneous correspondence of Himachal Pradesh -------
Construction of retaining wall by Radha Swami Satsang No action
6 Beas at Ram Chandra Chowk at Shimla in violation of
FCA, 1980
RTI application by Shri Varun Kumar 187, H Block, Disposed of on
25-106/2009- Sprangle Heights, Dhakoli, Zirakpur, seeking information 19.01.2010
ROC Petrol Pump Atul HP Centre at Tunnuhatti, Tehsil
Bhattiyar District Chamba Himachal
25-107/2009- Complaint from Shri Ramesh Sawant, R/o village Disposed of on
ROC Garawag, Tehsil Kotkhai, District HP 07.12.2009
RRI Application regarding FCA 1980, made by Shri Disposed of on
25-110/2009- Ramesh Chand Vill- Parchhu PO Sagaopiphu Tehsil 15.02.2010
ROC Sarkaghat District Mandi, HP.

25-112/2010- RRI Application regarding blending and grinding Cement Disposed of on

ROC Plant in vilaage Pagheri Tehsil Nalagarh, Solan HP 11.02.2010
RTI Application by Shri Charan Das Thakur regarding Disposed of on
25-122/2010- cutting of 3916 trees by M/s power Grid Corporation Ltd. 14.06.2010
ROC during the constructing of 400/200 KV Tr. Line at
25-123/2010- RTI Application by Shri Ajitsingh Mandi regarding period Disposed of on
ROC of Mining Lease under FCA 1980. 18.06.2010
25-126/2010- RTI application regarding details of Forest Land in the Disposed of on
ROC approval of 2.5 MW Manuni HEP in Dharmshala HP. 15.07.2010
25-127/2010- RTI application for seeking information of File No. 9- Disposed of on
ROC 1830/2003-ROC under FCA 1980. 04.10.2010
Compliance regarding applicably of FCA, 1980 over soil Reply on
15 land namely “Gair Mumkin Hata-Makan” and “Van” in 02.11.2010
Chamba Doistrct of Himachal Pradesh
25-138/2010- RTI application regarding for construction of Dog Huts at Disposed of on
ROC Shimla in Forest area under FCA, 1980. 16.11.2010
RTI Application related to the Himachal Pradesh 

S. No. File No. Subject and Address Status Remarks

RTI application seeking sanction order dated regarding SVM Haripur Disposed of on
17 25-145/2011- Mandi.
ROC 20.01.2011
18 25-161/2010- Application under RTI Act, 2005 regarding seeking information Disposed of on
ROC on diversion of forest land under FCA 1980 04.05.2011
25-170/2011- Application under RTI Act, 2005 regarding seeking copies of Disposed of on
19 ROC site inspection reports of w.r.t. Hydro Electric Project in HP 06.06.2011
State under FCA 1980
25-174/2011- Documents provided in adherence of the MoEF Circular on Disposed of on
ROC 03/08/2009 08.11.2011
25-178/2011- Application under RTI Act, 2005 by Gayan Chand S/ Sohan Disposed of on
ROC Singh 21.12.2011
25-182/2012- Information under RTI Act, 2005 regarding news item Disposed of on
ROC published in the Tribune, Friday dated 27/04/2012 made by 29.05.2011
Dhram Chand S/o Shri NAthu Ram Village Mathiayana, PO
Vashisht, Tehsil Mandi District Kullu, HP
25-182/2012- RTI application by Ravinder Kumar Sharma, Deputy Ranger Disposed of on
ROC regarding construction of Motorable road by HPWD from Boaching to 03.02.2014
23 Rullang in Nargu Wild Life Sanctuary in Distt Mandi (HP) Illicit Felling
of trees in Protected area, Violation of FCA-1980, Wild Life Protection
Act-1972, and Hon’ble Supreme Court Of India Orders
25-189/2012- RTI Application made by Shri Abhay kumar regarding Disposed of on
ROC diversion of 0.7184 hectare of forest land of M/s KK ropeways 25.06.2012
Ltd., for the construction of Ropeways from Jabli to Kasauli
Stage 2 under FD and District Solan HP
25-191/2012- Information under RTI Act, 2005 regarding 5MW Sandhya HEP Disposed of on
ROC in the Barshani-Kukri-Mainkaran region, Kullu Distt of HP 22.11.2012
proposed by Sandhya HEP Baraghha Pvt, Ltd. reg of Hotel
Sndhya Palace, Shamshi Near Airport Bhuntar Kullu. HP
25-208/2012- RTI application seeking information on construction of from Disposed of on
ROC Kuttaghat to Hrai Ka Kheel in HP under RTI Act, 2005 06.12.2012
25-215/2013- Application of RTI shri Sher Singh Verma Kullu HP. Disposed of on
ROC 11.01.2013
25-230/2013- Application for providing information U/s 6 of the Right to Disposed of on
ROC information Act, 2005 to Shri Gaurav Garg Advocate. 18.04.2013
25-237/2013- RTI application of Liaq Ram Shyam regarding the proposal of Disposed of on
ROC road construction of Gallanghatti jadoon file No.743/2011 25.03.2013
25-249/2013- RTI application of Shri Ramesh Chand S/o Nand Lal regarding Disposed of on
ROC Rajat Stone Cursure in HP 18.07.2013
25-274/2014- RTI application made by Shri R. P. Sharma regarding information of Disposed of on
31 5MW SHEP, Masli of Nuziveedu Seeds Pvt. Ltd
ROC 28.03.2014
Himachal Pradesh
List of approved proposals from 1991

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land Chamba District for
1 9-8/1991-ROC construction of 220 KV/DC Bairasuli Pong Transmission Tr. Line
2 9-9/1991-ROC Transfer of 0.41 nha of forest land for erection of Microwave Others
station at Chunagai, Tehsil Nirmand, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
3 9-11/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.033 hectares of forest land for construction of Others
a circuit House in District Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh.
4 9-12/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.1301 hectares of forest land for installation of Others
Seismic Observatory at Village Naddi, under Dharamshala
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
5 9-14/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.045 hectares of forest land for use by P&T Others
Department in Chopal Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
6 9-16/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.38 hectares of forest land for construction of Others
School building and playground at Tharas in Forest
Division and District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
7 9-17/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.052 hectares of forest land for establishment Others
of Snow Hydrology Observatory under USAID PRogramme in
Chopal Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
8 9-19/1991-ROC Diversion of 1.45 hectares of forest land in Shimla district Road
for construction of Tehtoli-Standi road from 0/00 to 4.5
9 9-27/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.0310 hectares of forest land for construction Others
of post office building at Sarkaghat to Suket Forest Division,
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
12-4/1991-ROC Diversion of 0.9744 ha of forest land for installation of Others
Ropeway at Shri Naina Devi Temple, under Forest Division
and Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
10 9-28/1992-ROC Diversion of 0.05 ha of forest land for construction of Otehrs
inspection Hut at Sri nainadeviJi Durgapur road, Rewalsar,
in Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
11 9-38/1992-ROC Diversion of 9.963 hectares of forest land in Solan District Tr. Line
for 132 KV Tr. Line from Solan to Kunihar.
12 9-40/1992-ROC Diversion of 0.0576 ha of forest land for installation of Others
Seismic Observatory at Mohal, Tehsil & district Kangra,
under Dharamshala Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh.
13 9-42/1992-ROC Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Bakhlity Majhar approach road from NH-22 in Theog Forest
Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
14 9-43/1992-ROC Diversion of 42.012 ha of forest land for 132 KV Tr. Line Tr. Line
S/C Giri (Majri) to Soloan Transmission Line
15 9-44/1992-ROC Diversion of 1.31 ha of forest land in favour of Army Others
Authorities for Gemini Project in Dalhousie, District
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
16 9-46/1992-ROC Diversion of 1.42 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Shanadhar-Saraikoti road in Rampur Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
17 9-47/1992-ROC Diversion of 6.36 ha of forest land for 132 KV Tr. Line from Tr. LIne
Dehar to Hamirpur under Hamirpur & Bilaspur Forest
Division, Himachal Pradesh.
18 9-62/1993- Diversion of 2.42 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Daulatpur-Chintpuri road under Una Forest Division and
District Una, Himachal Pradesh.

19 9-78/1993-ROC Diversion of 0.346 ha of forest land for construction of Road

Machyal-Kuthera Banwar road in district Mandi, Himachal
20 9-86/1993- Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for establishing G.B. Pant Others
ROC Instituite of haimalayan Environment & Development,
Himachal Unit at Mohal, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
21 9-87/1993- Diversion of 2.51 ha of forest land for Lift Water Supply Others
ROC Scheme in Naina Devi Game Sanctuary in Bilaspur District,
Himachal Pradesh.
22 9-88/1993- Diversion of 0.084 ha of forest land for construction of Bus Others
ROC Stand at Dharampur by Gram Panchayat, Dharampur in
District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
23 9-90/1993- Diversion of 13.23 ha of forest land for construction of Bye- Road
ROC Pass of NH-21 from Bhuntar to Ramshila in District Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
24 9-91/1993- Diversion of 6.390 ha of forest land for setting up of Others
ROC Temperate Forest Research Institute under the ICFRE in
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
25 9-96/1993- Diversion of 0.5 ha of forest land for construction of Bus Others
ROC Stand at Baba Balak Nath Temle at Deoth sidh, under
Forest Division and District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
26 9-100/1993- Diversion of 0.9894 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC 132 KV Sub-Station at Dehan under Palampur Forest
Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
27 9-101/1993- Diversion of 1.45 ha of forest land for construction of 132 Tr. Line
ROC KV D/C Tr, Line from Chamkari Pul to Darlaghat under
Solan Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
28 9-110/1993- Diversion of 0.15 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC approach road from NH-21 to GB Pant Institute of
Himalayan Environment & Development in Kullu district
Himachal Pradesh.
29 9-113/1993- Diversion of 0.032 ha of forest land to Intellegence Bureau Others
ROC at Kullu Forest Division and District Kullu, Himachal
30 9-116/1993- Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for establishment of Others
ROC Establishment of electronic exchange at Udaipur in Lahaul
& Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh.

31 9-120/1993- Diversion of 0.123 ha of forest land for construction of Trust Others

ROC Fish Farm and building at Sisee in lahaul & Spiti District,
Himachal Pradesh.
32 9-121/1993- Diversion of 0.112 ha of forest land for consruction of Others
ROC Microvave Repeater Station at mahasu Peadk, under Theog
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
33 9-122/1993- Diversion of 1.45 ha of forest land for widening of NH-22 Road
ROC between Chharabra & Kufri, under Forest Division and
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
34 9-126/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.33 ha of forst land at Sissoo to DRDO Snow Others
Avalance Study Establishment in Lahaul & Spiti District, in
Himachal Pradesh.
35 9-143/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.055 ha of forest land for establishment of a Others
Modern Trout hatchery for raising Trust Speed upto 2 gms.
Under Kullu Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh.
36 9-144/1994-ROC Diversion of 4.9796 ha of forest land in favour of Nathpa HEP
Jhakri Power Corporation for Nathpa Jhakri HEP in District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
37 9-149/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.3433 ha of forest land for construction of Bus Others
Stand at Theog Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal
38 9-150/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.3475 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Godown for Food Corporation fo India in Bashing Bihal in
Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
39 9-154/1994-ROC Diversion of 1.127 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Nerwa-peontra road in Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh
40 9-158/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.03 ha of forest land for construction of Water Others
Storage Tank at Mohal Gamsu, Tehsil Dharamshala,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
41 9-159/1994-ROC Diversion of 2.38 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Sandasu-Khashdar raod in Shimla district, Himachal
42 9-165/1994-ROC Diversion of 2.076 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Badresh-Brandli road in District shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
43 9-166/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Tibetan School Building at Mohal, District Kullu, Himachal
44 9-170/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.48 ha of forest land for widening of existing Road
Village Path from Banali to Pajina in Wild Life Division
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
45 9-172/1994-ROC Diversion of 0.21 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
Chambaghat to Kandaghat road in Solan District, Himachal
46 9-175/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.9025 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Rampur-Kuther-Badlog road in Solan district of Himachal
47 9-176/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.4041 ha of forest land in favour of Irrigation Others
and Public Health Department for augmentation of water
supply in Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
48 9-180/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.812 ha of forest land for Lift Water Scheme Others
for Cement Plant at Darlaghat, in Solan District, Himachal
49 9-189/1995-ROC Diversion of 1.48 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Sungri-nasari road in Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
50 9-198/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.0516 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Manali Dhungri road to old Manali area, under Forest
Division and district Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
51 9-213/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.60 ha of forest land for the construction of Raod
Auhar-Kohi road via Rishikesh, under Forst Division and
District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
52 9-220/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.243 ha of forest land for installation of Road
microwave repeater station Shimla-Theog-Rohru link at
Badrol under Jubbal Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
53  9-223/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.03 ha of forest land for construction of Others
underground water storage tank at Dharamshala, under
Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal
54  9-225/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.9 ha of forest land for construction of Raod
Soidhar-Bengal road, under Forest Division and District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
55  9-231/1995-ROC Diversion of 1.53 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
motorable road from Sach Gharat to Taun, under Pangi
Forest Division, Districvt Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
56  9-245/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.245 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Primary Health Centre under Dharamshala Forest Division,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
57  9-247/1995-ROC Diversion of 1.05 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
Kothi-Jungle-Malot road under Forest Division and District
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
58  9-249/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.932 ha of forest land in favour of Mountainign Others
Institute manali for construction of Hostel in Kullu Forest
Division, district Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
59  9-250/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.083 ha of forest land for investigations & Others
Survey relating to Renuka Dam Project under Renukaji
Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
60  9-256/1996-ROC Diversion of 0.21 ha of forest land for construction of Food Others
Storage Godown by Food Corporation of India at Sultanpur,
under Forest Division and District Chamba, Himachal
1997                                 ‐4‐ 
  9-342/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.58 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
1  link road from Sohar to Jablayna Kuh-Majhwar road under
Forest Division and District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
2  9-347/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.3124 ha of forest land in favour of HP State Others
Corporation Ltd, for construction of Office Building, under
Dharamshala Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal
3  9-348/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.06 ha of forest land for the construction of 5 Others
Lakh Litre Capacity clear water tank and Chlorination Room
at Lambidhar, Kufri, under Theog Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
4  9-351/1997-ROC Diversion of 3.79 ha of forest land for construction of Road
shongtong-Purbani road, under Nichar Forest Division and
District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
5  9-363/1997-ROC Diversion oif 0.90 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Lapiana-shihoga-Dibber-Pan dwar road under Dharamshala
Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
6  9-364/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.25 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Harchakian Dhar Kalan road under Dharamshala Forest
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
7  9-365/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.04 ha of forest land for construction of kalru- Road
Surdyal Pargor road under Dharamshala Forest Division,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
8  9-376/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.007 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Sainj-Dhang road under banjar Forest Division, District
KUllu, Himachal Pradesh.
9  9-377/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.469 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Jeepable road for village Naddi from main ChailpGohar-
Pandoh road under Nachan Forest Diviosion, District
Mandi, Himachal, District, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
10  9-383/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.33 ha of forest land for construction of Kot- Road
Devdarh road under Nachan Forest Diviosion, District
Mandi, Himachal, District, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
11  9-384/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.76 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Dhoru-Plach road under Banjar Forest Division, District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
12  9-385/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.69 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Chiladhar-Bihar road under Banjar Forest Division, District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
13  9-387/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.40 ha of forest land for construction of Road
motorable road from Lehoti to Agriculture Farm Gudhari,
under Nachan Forest Division, District Mandi, H.P.
14  9-387/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.13 ha of forest land for construction LPG Others
Gpdpwn at Hamirpur Nalla, in favour of HPState Cikvil
Supply Corporation under Forest Division and District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
15  9-397/1997-ROC Diversion of 4.95 ha of forest land in favour of Power Grid Tr. Line
Corpn. Of india Ltd, for laying of 400 KV D/C Tr. Line from
Nalagarh to Hissar (portion from Nalagarh to majra) under
Nalagarh Forest Division, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
16  9-399/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.91 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
link road to Village Dhanroti under Rohruu Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
17  9-400/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.20 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Mehandli-Tikkar raod under Rohroo Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
18  9-401/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.0283 ha of forest land in favour of HP Others
Education Deptt. For construction of block level resource
centre at Banjar, under Banjar Forest Division, District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
19  9-402/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.11 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Sewerage Treatment Plant for Manali town, under Forest
Division and District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
20  9-406/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.58 ha of forest land for construction of Kasba Road
Kotla-Kot Ranoh-Bari road under Dehra Forest Division,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
21  9-407/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.3935 ha of forest land in favour of Bhima Mining
Stone C and Quarries Gram Udyog Welfare Association,
under Rampur Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal
22  9-409/1997-ROC Diversion of 3.7044 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
Bhagogarwan-Patti Samlet-Dini-Bhatoli road under Nurpur
Forest Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
23  9-414/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.2898 ha (instead of 0.5448 ha.) of forest land Mining
in which the quary site is only 0.1964 ha in favour of
Bushahr Laghu, Pashada for mining and installation of
Stone Crusher under Rampur Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
24  9-420/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.17 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Ghatta-Chamunda-Kulti road, under dharamshala Forest
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
25  9-422/1997-ROC Divesion of 1.58 ha of forest land for the construction of Raod
Thalout-Panjain road, under Nachan Forest Division, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
1997 & 98                                                            ‐5‐ 
1.  9-426/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.96 ha of forest land for construction of Raod
harnera-Mahed Chamdera jalari-Chattri road under
Dharamshala Forest Division, District kangra, Himachal
2  9-435/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.004 ha of forest land for the installation of Others
Base Radion Station at Tir mahasu under Shimla Forest
Division and District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
3  9-437/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.84 ha of forest land for construction of Raod
Dugain-Sundra Bari road under Dehra Forest Division,
District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
4  9-441/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.04 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Kuffaroon-Didar Bhatti Scoutt Airla-Kangra mandir Rly Stn.
Road, under Dharamshala Forest Division, District kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
5  9-442/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.56 ha of forest land for construction of Choo- Road
Ghera Dhandi road, under Dharamshala Forest Division,
District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
6  9-445/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.42 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Kharat-Jandrah road, under Dharamshala Forest Division,
District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
7  9-447/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.99 ha of forest land for construction of GUMA HEP
HEP, in favour of HPSEB, under Rohroo Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
8  9-448/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.007 ha of forest land in favour of I & PH Others
Deptt. For the construction of intake water tank, under
Bilaspur Forest Division and District Bilaspur, H.P.
9  9-451/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.52 ha of forest land for construction of Kotla- Road
Bassi-Malot Seul road, under Dehra Forest Division,
District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
10  9-452/1997-ROC Diversion of 4.44 ha of forest land for widening of Raod
Pathankot-Chakki-Mandi road under Nurpur Forest
Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
11  9-459/1997-ROC Diversion of 5.55 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Bharmer-Ghar-Balled road under Nurpur Forest Division,
District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
12  9-460/1997-ROC Diversion of 3.68 ha of forest land for construction of Jaunji Road
Dharon-Ki-Dhar road, under Solan Forest Division and
District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
13  9-461/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.28 ha of forest land for construction of Ruhni- Road
Manola road, under Karsog Forest Division, District Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
14  9-462/1997-ROC Diversion of 1.24 ha of forest land for construction of Batha- Road
Deodhar Majholi motorable road under Nachan Forest
Division, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
15  9-463/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.58 ha of forest land for construction of Ann- Road
Basta road, under Kotgarh Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
16  9-464/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.70 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Summerkot-Tikkai Salawat road, under Rohroo Forest
Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
17  9-465/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.60 ha of forest land for construction of Brasli- Raod
Mehra-Runda road, under Rohroo Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
18  9-468/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.93 ha of forest land for established of Stone Mining
Crusher and Quarry in favour of Shri Ashok Sood, R/o
Chuhabag, under Rampur Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
19  9-471/1997-ROC Diversion of 0.1028 ha of forest land in favour of Shri Ashok Mining
Sood Prop. Himalayan Stone Crfusher at Khasra No. 668,
under Rampur Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal
20  9-499/1998-ROC Diversion of 4.77 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Medium Irrigation Project Sidhatha , under Nurpur Forest
Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
21  9-507/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.49 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Dalhousie-Jandrighat-Chamba road, via Kohlari, under
Dalhousie Forest Division, District Chamba, Himachal
22  9-508/1998-ROC Diversion of 4.48 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Bhakra-Saili via Salangi road, under Una Forest Division
and District Una, Himachal Pradesh.
23  9-529/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.04 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Chopal-Jhiknipul road, under Chopal Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
24  9-557/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.26 ha of forest land in favour of SSB Others
Organization to be used as Field Firing Range, under Dehra
Forest Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
25  9-558/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.4550 ha of forest land in favour of Smt. Mining
Mohanti Devi, R/o Village Pashada, PO Khaneri, for
installation of Stone Crusher and Quarry, under Rampur
Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
1998                                                 ‐6‐ 
Sl. Category
File No
1.  9-560/1998-ROC Diversion of 1.20 ha of forest land for construction of Thian Road
bag Gashal road, under Renuka Forest Division, District
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
2  9-569/1998-ROC Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for construction of Polian Road
Jakhbar road, under Nurpur Forest Division, District
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
3  9-575/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.71 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Rahighat-Kairtoo road, under Theog Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
4  9-577/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.21 ha of forest land for construction of 2x500 HEP
KW Solang Small HEP. under Kullu Forest Division and
District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
5  9-578/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.06 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Rihdoo-Gadod-Badog-Bharpal road under Bilaspur Forest
Division and District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
6  9-579/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.20 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Racholi-Kanda link road, under Rampur Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
7  9-580/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.10 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Ekantwari-Dwala via Jimmu road, under Kotgarh Forest
Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
8  9-582/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.96 ha of forest land for construction of Raskat HEP
Mini Hydel Project, under Parvati Forest Division, District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9  9-584/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.60 ha (instead of 2.68 ha.) of forest land for Raod
construction of Bagipul-Sarahan road, under Ani Forest
Division, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
10  9-602/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.67 ha of forest land for construction of Others
sewerage Treatment Plant at Lanka Baker, under Kullu
Forest Division, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
11  9-603/1998-ROC Diversion of 1.54 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Harnera-Brauj-Sidhpur road, under Dharamshala Forest
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
12  9-605/1998-ROC Diversion of 1.1988 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Nurpur-Chinwan –Bhugnara road, under Nurpur Forest
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
13  9-626/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.78 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Fozain-ero road, under Kullu Forest Division and District
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
14  9-627/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.40 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Longwood-Kiyarkoti road, under Shimla Forest Division,
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
15  9-629/1998-ROC Diversion of 2.52 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Kufridhar-Jaterh road, under Kotgarh Forest Division,
District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
16  9-634/1998-ROC Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for construction of Others
storage Tank and laying of pipeline under Kandi-Bhugnara
water Supply Scheme, under Nurpur Forest Division,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
17  9-669/1999-ROC Diversion of 3.85 ha of forest land for construction of Goli- Road
Mandhiar road, under Dalhousie Forest Division, District
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
18  9-671/1999-ROC Diversion of 2.22 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Sunda-Jaguni road, under Shimla Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
19  9-672/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.0048 ha of forest land for construction of Others
water supply to village Bhuddi of Census Village Bhuddi,
under Nahan Forest Division, District Sirmour, Himachal
20  9-681/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.075 ha of forest land in favour of Cement Mining
Corporation of India, Rajban Cement Factory for mining of
sand stone, under Paonta Sahib Forest Division, District
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
21  9-707/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.49 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Nalagarh-Bawani Sai road, under Nalagarh Forest Division,
District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
22  9-708/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.575 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Dharamshala Byepass road, under Dharamshala Forest
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
23  9-715/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.567 ha of forest land for construction of Kot Road
Kandyali road, under Kotgarh Forest Division, District
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
24  9-716/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.09 ha of forest land for construction of Septik Others
Tank at old Chari road, under Dharamshala Forest Division,
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
25  9-717/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.09 ha of forest land for construction of septic Others
tank and sewerage system at Chilgari, under Dharamshala
Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
1999                                                                                                                                   ‐7‐ 

Sl. Category
File No
1.  9-718/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.25 ha of forest land for construction of Road
motorable road from BSL Colony to Susen Jawala, under
Suket Forest Division, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
2  9-719/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.072 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
road from Intergrated Academy compound to Anandate
road, under Shimla Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh
3  9-720/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.1125 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Modern Abattior at Beileauganj in favopur of MC Shimla,
under Shimla Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal
4  9-725/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.90 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Dhalog-Malrao via Jophar link road under Bilaspur Forest
Division, District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
5  9-728/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.164 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Chowari-Mandhiara Gaghar Baloh Raipur under Dalhousie
Forest Division, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
6  9-729/1999-ROC Diversion of 2.0469 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Chand-Beh-Dhanuna-Bhunlana-Mandiala Gagroi Dial Ban
Chareti road under Nurpur Forest Division distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
7  9-730/1999-ROC Diversion of 6.80 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Dangar-Chokna-Badhaghat road, under Bilaspur Forest
Division distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
8  9-731/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.144 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
road from Kakira to Chilama, via Ghatasni, under
Dalhousie Forest Division distt. Chamba, H.P.
9  9-755/1999-ROC Diversion of 3.50 ha of forest land on lease for 99 years wef Others
18.02.2000 for establishing Regional Reserarch Station at
Bhota by Dr. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry,
under Solan Forest Division distt. Hamirpur, Himachal
10  9-756/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.26 ha of forest land for construction of Taleli Road
Ghangnoo road, under Suket Forest Division distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
11  9-757/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.8063 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Sudharani top Gadda Gushani raod under Nachan Forest
Division distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
12  9-758/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.953 ha of forest land for extension of Airport Others
at Jubbar Hatti, under Shimla Forest Division distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
13  9-765/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.11 ha of forest land for construction of Jabli- Road
Raipuri road under Solan Forest Division distt. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh.
14  9-766/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.275 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Kimughat-Chakki-Ka-More road under Solan Forest
Division distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
15  9-767/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.89 ha of forest land in favour of I & PH for Others
Medium Lift Irrigation Project in Changer area, under
Bilaspur Forest Division distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
16  9-779/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.386 ha (instead of 0.86 ha.) of forest land for Road
construction of Megwa-Suin road under Renuka Forest
Division distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
17  9-780/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.795 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
road to village Tranda under Nichar Forest Division distt.
Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
18  9-791/1999-ROC Diversion of 2.83 ha of forest land for construction of Road
PAnjgain-Thachi road road under Nachan Forest Division
distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
19  9-792/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.47 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Bechar-Ka-Bagh to Bharayan road under RenukaJi Forest
Division distt. DSirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
20  9-794/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.22 ha of forest land for construction of 800 HEP
KW Thang Mini HEP,under Kinnaur Forest Division,Distt.
Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
21  9-803/1999-ROC Diversion of 3.93 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Bagsaid-Thunag road under Nachan Forest Division Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
22  9-840/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.30 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Hamirpur Byepass road, under Hamirpur Forest Division
distt. Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
23  9-808/1999-ROC Diversion of 0.796 ha of forest land for construction of Mini HEP
Hydel Power Scheme at Jiwa Kothiari by M/s Chovran Hydel
Power Ltd, under Kullu Forest Division, distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
24  9-816/1999-ROC Diversion of 1.037 ha of forest land for augmentation of Others
water supply scheme to Chopal Dam under Chopal Forest
Division distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Sr.  File Number  Subject  Category 
1  9‐834/99‐ROC  Diversion of 0.02576 ha of forest land for the court of godown for  Others 
storage of PDs goods, shop, meeting hall and office at ReckongPeo. 
Forest division Nichar, Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh 
2  9‐835/99‐ROC  Diversion of 1.79 ha of forest land for the construction of motla‐gola via  Others 
Kuthla Road under Forest Division Dalhousie Distt. Chamba Himachal 
3  9‐853/99‐ROC  Diversion of 0.0816 ha of forest land in favour of I&PH Department for  Others 
laying of pipeline and construction of water storage tank at Civil 
Hospital, Nurpur, Himachal Pradesh, Distt. Kangra 
4  9‐859/99‐ROC  Diversion of 0.20 ha of forest land in favour of HPPPWD for construction  Road 
of Sarog‐Kiartoo road forest division Theog ,Distt. Shimla, Himachal 
5  9‐866/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.47 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the  Road  
construction of Bhoj Nagar – Banasar Road  under forest division Solan, 
Himachal Pradesh 
6  9‐873/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.227 ha of forest land for construction of Kulthan‐Sharmala  Road 
Road, Km 0/0‐3/500, forest division Theog&Kotgarh, Distt. Shimla, 
Himachal Pradesh 
7  9‐875/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.012 ha of forest land in H.P.S.E.B for the construction of  Others 
complaint room at Jot, Tehsil Bhatiyat, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh 
8  9‐892/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 15.75 ha of forest land for the construction of Neogal HEP  HEP 
Palampus forest division ,distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 
9  9‐902/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.729 ha of forest land for the Court of Marketing Complex  Others 
of Sapron, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh 
10  9‐905/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.19 ha of forest land for the court of Machoti Bari Road  Others 
Forest Division Rohru, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 
11  9‐906/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.54 ha of forest land HPPWD for the court of BalhChauri  Others 
Link Road via Amar Singh MoinGujran, Himachal Pradesh 
12  9‐907/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.87 ha of forest land for shifting of existing 400 KV D/C TL  Tr. Line 
Kheri to Mohga tower no. 52 to 57 Rouni to Dagoh Forest Division 
Dalhousie, Distt. Chmba, Himachal Pradesh 
13  9‐910/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 6.5637 ha of forest land for construction of 132 KV D/C Tr.  Tr. Line 
Line from Molana to Sarabai forest division Partak, Distt. Kullu, Distt. 
Himachal Pradesh 
14  9‐911/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 2.53 ha of forest land of HPPWD for the court of  Road 
MachhatarChanoutaJeepabla Road Km 0/0 – 6/500 forest division 
Bhalwal, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh 
15  9‐913/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 2.0745 ha of forest land for court of footpath (1.5 mt ) t  HEP 
start investigation/surveys for locating various components of Neogal 
HEP forest division palampur, Distt. Kanga, Himachal Pradesh 
16  9‐926/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.39 ha of forest land for HPSEP for court of 33/11 KV S/Stn.  Tr. Line 
At Fatehpur, Forest Division Nurpur, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 
17  9‐934/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.5705 ha of forest land for wilding/improvement of curves  Road 
and low grade section of PCM Road NH‐20 km. 134/300‐135/385, forest 
division Jogindernagar, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 
18  9‐941/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.575 ha of forest land in HPPWD for court of Darnu‐ Road 
TannuChollaTribuna via Bhagrota Road 0/0‐2/390, Forest Division 
Dharmshala, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 
19  9‐942/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.04018 ha of forest land in HP State Co‐operation  Others 
Marketing and Consumers Federation ltd. For Head Office and Area 
Office, Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 
20  9‐953/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.1524 ha of forest land HPPWD for the construction of  Road 
Kathlyghat to Basha Road, forest division Solan, Himachal Pradesh 
21  9‐955/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.0962 ha of forest land for 200 KV Kothi Micro Hydro  Tr. Line 
Porject, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh 
22  9‐956/200‐ROC  Diversion of 0.016 ha of forest land in HPSEB for construction of  Others 
Complaint Room at Lachori, Forest Division Churah, Distt. Chmba, 
Himachal Pradesh 
23  9‐957/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 0.028 ha of forest land for court of complaint room, I&PH  Others 
Deptt. At Lachori, Forest Churah, Distt. Chmba, Himachal Pradesh 
24  9‐958/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.96 ha of forest land for the court of Ahjoo‐Bashai Road,  Road 
Forest DivisiionJoginder Nagar, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 
25  9‐959/2000‐ROC  Diversion of 1.16 ha of forest land in HPPWD for the court of Gan‐K‐Ser  Road 
road via Baroad and Herth Road, Forest Division Solan, Himachal Pradesh
26 9-960-2000-ROC Diversion of 0.350 ha of forest land for mining and Mining
installation of stone crusher Abhishekt Thakur Vill.
Chatorkri P.O. Sundernagar, Distt. Mandi, Himachal
27 9-962/2000-ROC Diversion of 2.57 ha of forest land in HPPWD for the court of Road
Gohar-Simadhar Road Kms 1/030-10/000 forest land
NochanDistt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
28 9-982/2000-ROC Diversion of 1.2750 ha of forest land for the court of Road
KatindaGitari Road, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
29 9-987/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.15 ha of forest land for court of Helipad at Others
Sch in Pangi Valley, Forest Division Pangi, Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh
30 9-988/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.14 ha of forest land in HPPWD fof court of Others
Stone-cum-Sub Division Office for I&PH Dept in Pangi,
Forest Division Chamba, Distt. Himachal Pradesh
31 9-989/2000-ROC Diversion of 2.5744 ha of forest land for court of Purthi to Others
Rai Road, Forest Division Pangi, Distt. Chamba, Himachal
32 9-990/2000-ROC Diversion of 3.988 ha of forest land in HPPWD for court of Others
Killar to Karyani Road, Forest Division Pangi, Distt.
Chamba, Himchal Pradesh
33 9-991/2000-ROC Diversion of 2.048 ha of forest land for court of cherri to Others
Mindhal Road, Forest Division Pangi, distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh
34 9-992/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.031 ha of forest land for augmentation of distt Others
System of LWSS for Ponta Sahib Town, Distt. Sirmour,
Forest Division Ponta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh
35 9-994/2000-ROC Diversion of 2.8288 ha of forest land for court of Others
Kharamukh-Surani Pass Akju Road, Forest Division
Bharmour, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
36 9-995/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.52 ha of forest land in SASE in Field Others
Research Station for Snow Met Studies at Salong,
TeshilManali, distt. Kullu, Himachal Praedesh
37 9-996/2000-ROC Diversion of 3.42 ha of forest land in SASE for Helipad field Others
Research Station for Snow Met Studies at Dhundi, Tehsil
Manali, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
38 9-997/2000-ROC Diversion of 2.5535 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
Biyuti-GerolaVllensaFeepabb Road, Tehsil and distt.
Bharmour, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
39 9-1210/2001- Diversion of 0.2567 ha of forest land for the court of small HEP
ROC HEP at Salog in Mallan by Dhanlodhar Hydro Systems pvt.
Ltd. In forest Division D/Sola Distt. Kangra, Himachal
40 9-1216/2001- Diversion of 0.78 ha of forest land for renewal of mining Mining
ROC lease in M/s Laxmi Stone Crusher, in Forest Division and
Distt. Manali, Himachal Pradesh
41 9-1217/2001- Diversion of 1.6558 ha of forest land for court of Baragaran HEP
ROC Small Hydro Project KKK HEP Ltd. Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
42 9-1218/2001- Diversion of 0.1089 ha of forest land for establishment of Retail
ROC petrol pump at Rati (*Nauni) Forest Division and Distt. outlet
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
43 9-1246/2001- Diversion of 1.06 ha of forest land for the construction Road
ROC Khanog-Gadasu-Punan road, Forest Division Rampur, distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
44 9-1248/2001- Diversion of 4.977 ha of forest land for the court of Road
ROC SainGujra Ra Ropru Road Km 0/0 – 12/500 Forest Division
and Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
45 9-1252/2001- Diversion of 0.8038 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
ROC mahtli-Sirit-Chochar-Balir-Malot Road Km 0/0-10/0 Forest
Division Nurpur, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
46 9-1253/2001- Diversion of 2.4370 ha of forest land for the construction of HEP
ROC Munjhal HEP at Siur, Forest Division Churah, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
47 9-1254/2001- Diversion of 0.65 ha of forest land for the widening of Road
ROC Pathankot-ChakkiMandi Road NH-20 Km. 205/300 to
206/180, Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal
48 9-1256/2001- Diversion of 0.6263 ha of forest land for the construction of HEP
ROC lantarBaijnathKuhal at Sehol Small HEP (1 MW) Forest
Division Palampur, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
49 9-1260/01-ROC Diversion of 0.90 ha of forest land for court of Badwar- Road
Kharian Road, Km. 0/0-2/0, Forest division Nurpur, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
50 9-1281/2001- Diversion of 2.4947 ha of forest land for court of 2.5 MW HEP
ROC Makhi Small HEP forest division D’Sale, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh

Sl. Category
File No
1.  Diversion of 1.8551 ha of forest land for construction of
Gadagushami-Chhatri road under Nachan Forest Division, Road
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
2  Diversion of 0.7875 ha of forest land for construction of
Jandrangal kardiana Jule road, under Dharamshala Forest Road
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
3  Diversion of 3.1136 ha of forest land for construction of
Raila-Khanag road by HPPWD, under Rampur Forest Road
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
4  Diversion of 0.753 ha of forest land for construction of DAV
School Ghumarwin, under Bilaspur Forest Division, District Others
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
5  Diversion of 0.399 ha of forest land for construction of Mail-
Gahadoun road RD 0/00 to 4/050 under Rohroo Forest Raod
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
6  Diversion of 1.448 ha of forest land for construction of
Tunnahatti-Raura road Km. 0/00 to 2/850 under Dalhousie Road
Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
7  Diversion of 0.035 ha of forest land for construction of
LWSS, Shivpur, Phoolpur and Bangrah in Paonta Sahib Others
Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
8  Diversion of 0.405 ha of forest land for construction of link
9-1025/2000- road Aghahjar Mahadev to State Godown, under
ROC Dharamshala Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal
9  Diversion of 1.33 ha of forest land for rehabilitation of
9-1026/2000- Village Brua and other institutions thereof washed away
ROC flood, under Kinnaur Forest Division, District Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
10  Diversion of 1.38 ha of forest land for widening of TAlal-
Deotsidh road under Bilaspur Forest Division, District Road
Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
11  Diversion of 7.9795 ha of forest land for construction of
9-1046/2000- Bopunkhari Mour nagali road Km. 0/00 to 12/00 under
ROC Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal
12  Diversion of 0.217 ha of forest land for augmentation of
water supply scheme to Hamirpur, under Forest Division Others
and District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
13  Diversion of 2.36 ha of forest land for construction of
Kateru-Slapper road under Suket Forest Division, District Raod
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
14  Diversion of 0.0072 ha of forest land for construction of
9-1070/2000- complaint room etc at Bhalie by Irrigation & Public Health
ROC Department, under Churah Forest Division, District
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
15  Diversion of 4.30 ha (instead of 8.00 ha.) of forest land in
favour of SASE for construction of diled research Station at Others
Patsion in Keylong Forest Division, Distt. Lahaul & Spiti,
Himachal Pradesh.
16  Diversion of 4.5439 ha of forest land for establishment of
herbal garden at Bilaspur, under Forest Division and Otehrs
District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
17  Diversion of 3.0156 ha of forest land for construction of
Uttrala-Bakload road Km. 5/00 to 10/00 in Palampur Road
Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
18  Diversion of 0.03 ha of forest land for construction of link
road to Shiv Mandir under Forest Division & Distt. Solan, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
19  Diversion of 0.7140 ha of forest land for the construction of
Deothi-Dalgi raod under Solan Forest Division and Distt. Road
Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
20  Diversion of 2.4915 ha of forest land for the improvement of
9-1110/2000- narrow and low grade sections of PCM road (Pathankot-
ROC Chakki-mandi road ) under Palampur Forest Diversion,
distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
21  Diversion of 5.826 ha of forest land for 220 KV D/C Tr. Line
9-1118/2000- from Nalagarh to manimajra by Power Grid Corporation of
Tr. Line
ROC India in area of Himachal Pradesh under Nalagarh Forest
Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
22  Diversion of 1.087 ha of forest land for construction of
SanjaulipDhalli Byepass raod Km. 0/00 to 4/370 under MC Road
Forest Division Shimla, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
23  Diversion of 1.834 ha of forest land for doubling of railway
line from Jalandhar to Jammu Tawi under Nurpur Forest Others
Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
24  Diversion of 0.48 ha of forest land for the construction of
Ching Mini Hydro Electric Project at Ching, under Rohroo HEP
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
25  Diversion of 3.4062 ha of forest land for the construction of
realigned portion of NH-22 road between Karcham-Ralli Road
under Forest Division & Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Sl. Category
File No
1.  Diversion of 2.8848 ha of forest land for construction of
Kutiar-Majheen road Km. 0/00 to 17/200 under Dehra Raod
Forest Division, District kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
2  Diversion of 0.21 ha of forest land for the construction of
Machoti-Pada Nall road Km. 0/00 to 9/00 under Rohroo Road
Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
3  Diversion of 2.228 ha of forest land for the construction of
Saichu-Chasak road Km. 0/00 to 3/700 under Pangi Forest Road
Division, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
4  Diversion of 1.0019 ha of forest land in favour of NTPC for
9-1198/2001- wideing of existing road between Satluj bridge at NH-21 and
ROC Harnera Village under Forest Division & Distt. Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh.
5  Diversion of 0.85 ha of forest land for construction of link
9-1199/2001- road from Panjhal to Chhat Mehlog Km. 0/225 to 1/375
ROC under Nahan Forest Division, District Sirmour, Himachal
6  Renewal of existing mining lease (Extraction of Slates) for a
period of five years w.e.f. 5th November, 2011 to 04 th
November, 2016 for diversion of 1.3950 ha of forest land in Mining
favour of M/s Himachal Slae & Stone, under Chamba Forest
Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
7  Diversion of 0.60 ha of forest land for construction of Pujari-
9-1290/2001 Chalaila road Km. 0/00 to 2/00, under Rohroo Forest Road
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
8  Diversion of 3.691 ha of forest land for construction of 3
MW Mini HEP Manal in Renuka Forest Division, Distt. HEP
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9  Diversion of 3.9685 ha of forest land for construction of 3
MW Chandni Small HEP, under Renukaji Forest Division, HEP
Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
10  Diversion of 4.0666 ha of forest land in favour of M/s
9-1293/2001- Subhash Project and marketing Ltd, for the construction of
ROC 3.00 MW LUNI Small HEP, under Palampur Forest Division,
Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
11  Diversion of 0.9225 ha of forest land for construction of link
road to village Kotidhar, under Shimla Forest Division, Road
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
12  Diversion of 3.3242 ha (instead of 4.7475 ha.) of forest land
9-1318/2001- in favour of M/s subhash Project and Marketing Ltd for the
ROC construction of 3.00 MW Neogal-II Small HEP, under
Palampur Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
13  Diversion of 0.70 ha of forest land for construction of
market yard at Mandi, under Mandi Forest Division, Distt. Others
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
14  Diversion of 4.3858 ha (instead of 3.9163 ha.) of forest land
9-1329/2001- in favour of M/s subhash Project and Marketing Ltd for the
ROC construction of 3.00 MW Iqu Small HEP, under
Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, HP
15  Diversion of 2.414 ha of forest land in favour of Binwa Small
9-1330/2001- 3 MW HEP Stage-II under Palampur Forest Division, District
ROC Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

16  Diversion of 2.9978 ha (instead of 1.6224 ha.) of forest land

9-1333/2001- in favour of M/s Subhash Project and Marketing Ltd for the
ROC construction of 3.00 MW Awa Small HEP, under Palampur
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
17  Diversion of 8.25 ha of forest land for construction of
jeepable road from Larot toi Dodra Kawar in Rohroo Forest Road
Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
18  Diversion of 4.88 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Gagal
9-1357/2001- Cement Works for extraction of quartizile for Cement
ROC manufacturing Unit under Forest Division and District
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
19  Diversion of 0.075 ha of forest land in favour of Him Siksha
9-1358/2001- Samiti Saraswati Vidya Mandir Haripur for construction of
ROC school building in suket Forest Division, District Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
20  Diversion of 1.437 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
the construction Chandi-Chiyan road under Kunihar Forest Road
Division, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
21  Diversion of 0.1596 ha of forest land for the construction of
2x50 KW Purthi Micro HEP under Pangi Forest Division, HEP
District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
22  Diversion of 4.24 ha of forest land for construction of road
by HPPWD from Margo to Bamta in Chopal Forest Division, Raod
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
23  Diversion of 1.5990 ha of forest land for construction of link
9-1391/2001- road from Sambar Lahar to village Thatti under
ROC Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal
Sr. File Number Subject Category
1. 9-1381/2002- Diversion of 0.87 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Shullidhar-ShillonSwad Km 0/0 – 2/3.0 under Forest
Division Rohru, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
2 9-1389/2002- Diversion of 0.23 ha of forest land for court of approach Road
ROC road and bridge over Beas River at Ramshalla (Kullu) Forest
Division and distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
3 9-1392-2002- Diversion of 1.2265 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Behal-da –kyarJahhal-Tepparian Road, Kms 0/0-12/375
forest division Nalagarh, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh
4 9-1394-2002- Diversion of 2.53 ha of forest land for c onstruction of prem Road
ROC Nagar to Chandog Road Forest Division and distt. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh
5. 9-1395-2002- Divrsion of 0.06 ha of forest land for construction of water Others
ROC storage tank at Sarkaghat, Forest Division Suchet, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
6 9-1396-2002- Diversion of 1.20 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Bakhman-Deori-Chiterroot Road, Forest Division and Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
7 9-1397-2002- Diversion of 2.6461 ha of forest land for construction of HEP
ROC Dehar HEP at Bithal Forest Division Dalhousie, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
8 9-1407-2002- Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC warehouse complex at Khali (Dehra), Forest division Dehra,
Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
9 9-1408-2002- Diversion of 4.1889 ha of forest land in Dharmshall Power HEP
ROC Limited for the construction of 4.5 MW Maujhi HEP D’sole
forest division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
10 9-1410-2002- Diversion of 0.9946 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC Govt. Polytechnic at Talwar, Tehsil Jaisinghpur, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
11 9-1411-2002- Diversion of 0.34 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Mangla-Olli-Barion road Kms 0/0 2/500, Forest division
and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
12 9-1417-2002- Diversion of 0.552 ha of forest land for extension of ssand in Others
ROC S/o Rajinder Singh, forest division and Distt. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh
13 9-1418-2002- Diversion of 1.025 ha of forest land for construction of 16 Others
ROC mile Shakroh Road in Theogh division of Shimla Forest
Division Himachal Pradesh
14 9-1426-2002- Diversion of 0.0610 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC JE Office-cum-complaint room at Salol, Dharmshala, Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
15 9-1431-2002- Diversion of 0.7226 ha of forest land for the consruction of Road
ROC Kasauligeon-Cunai Road, Kunihar forest Division and
DisttSolan, Himachal Pradesh
16 9-1432-2002- Diversion of 0.160 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
ROC Makor-Chakki Road, Nurpur, Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh
17 9-1434-2002-Roc Diversion of 0.34 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
workshop at Ani Forest Division Ani, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
18 9-1435-2002- Diversion of 0.1680 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
ROC approach road from HPSEB Colony Sarahai to Thani forest
division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
19 9-1436-2002- Diversion of forest land (48.1304 ha for cursher quarry and Others
ROC dumping stones in M/s NathpaJakhri Power Corporation
Ltd. Distt. Shimal, and Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
20 9-1445/2002- Diversion of 1.5255 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC patti-Bharmani Mata, via Malkande Road Kms 0/0-3/277
in Bharmour forest division and distt. Chamba, Himachal
21 9-1446-2002- Diversion of 0.5301 ha of forest land for the consruction of Road
ROC Dinka to Kani Road Kms 0/0-3-357, Bharmour forest
division and distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
22 9-1451-2002- Diversion of 0.8720 ha of forest land for the construction of Tr. Line
ROC 3MW Palachan Small HEP in Kullu Forest Division, Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
23 9-1452-2002- Diversion of 0.0050 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC Primary School building KandluDhar in Rampur Forest
Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
24 9-1461-2002- Diversion of 11.0792 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC DharwarTach to Khalini Road in Nachal Forest Division,
Distt. Mandi Himachal Pradesh
25 9-1462-2002- Diversion of 0.03 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC police post building at Sissu Tehsil Karlongdistt. Lahaul-
spiti, Himachal Pradesh

26  9‐1465‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 0.630 ha of forest land for the construction of Gandhi Gram to  Road 

Kiarod Road, Solan forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh 
27  9‐1490‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 1.9431 ha of forest land for the construction of link road from Chari  Road
to Chamiara via BhitluDharmshala, Forest division and Distt. Kangra, Himachal 
28  9‐1491‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 0.8642 ha of forest land in favour of HIMURJA the construction of  Tr. Line
2x450 KW SachGharat Mini HEP in Pangi Forest division, Distt. Chamba, Himchal 
29  9‐1492‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 3.9204 ha of forest land for the construction of Ghanvi Stage II HEP  HEP
in Rampur Forest division and Distt Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 
30  9‐1495‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 2.7163 ha of forest land in favour of NTPC for the construction  Road
approach road from KOlDAM site to NTPC township Bilaspur forest division 
Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh 
31  9‐1496‐2002‐Roc  Diversion of 19.4478 ha of forest land for the construction of UHL Hydro Electric  HEP
Project Stage II within the forest division of Jogindernagar Forest division, Distt. 
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 
32  9‐1504‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 2.37 ha of forest land for construction of left Bank Bach Valley  Others
Medium Irrigation Project in mandi/Suket Forest division Distt. Mandi, Himachal 
33  9‐1505‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 1.61 ha of forest land for construction of Baldhuk‐Amroh Road  Road
Hamirpur Forest division, Distt. Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 
34  9‐1507‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 2.4807 ha of forest land for construction of Katahar to Galani Road,  Road
Kullu forest Division Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh 
35  9‐1526‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 1.5 ha of forest land for mining of lLime Stones in S/o Sh. Sant Ram  Mining
Resident of Village Bharwana, Tehsil Rampur Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh 
36  9‐1544‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 2.2322 ha of forest land for the construction of Jalhora to Sujani  Road
Road, 5 Km. Forest division at Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh 
37  9‐1546‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 3.84 ha of forest land for the construction of Bindrabani‐Mathwar‐ Road
Kotmorse‐Moviseri Road, Mandi Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal 
38  9‐1548‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 44.03 ha of forest land for Chamba‐III in Distt. Chamba, Himachal  Others
39  9‐1561‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 1.17 ha of forest land for the construction of prola‐sholi road,  Road
Rampur, Forest division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 
40  9‐1563‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 0.1585 ha (revised to 0.1268 ha) of forest land in I&PH Dept for  Others
Severage Scheme for Shimla Town (New Ist Phase) forest division and Distt. 
Shimla Himachal Pradesh 
41  9‐1572‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 2.002 ha of forest land for construction of Ghanvi‐Kiao Road Km  Road
0/0‐3/500 Rampur Forest division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 
42  9‐1574‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 0.0632 ha of forest land in Zoological Survey of India for  Others
construction of link road for NH2 to the proposal staff of ZSI, Solan Forest 
Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh 
43  9‐1576‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 3.12 ha of forest land for the construction of 132 KV D/c Tr. Line  Tr. Line
from UHL‐III (Challah) to Mahansidh (Hamirpur) Forest Division Jogindernagar, 
HamirpurDistt. Mandi/Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 
44  9‐1577‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 9.04 ha of forest land in HPSEB for the construction of 132 KV S/c  Tr. Line
Tr. Line on circuit from UHL‐III to Bath HEP forest division Jogindernagar, distt. 
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh 
45  9‐1579‐2002‐ROC  Diversion of 0.019 ha of forest land in favour of Animal husbandary Dept. for  Others
the construction of Veterinary Dispensary at KothyDistt. Bilaspur, Himachal 


Sr. File Number Subject Category

1. 9-1606-2003- Diversion of 0.0336 ha of forest land for the construction of Others
ROC Primary School by SaraswatiVidyaMandir, Bilaspur, forest
Division and Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
2 9-1610-2003- Diversion of 1.4236 ha of forest land for construction HEP
ROC Baragron Small HEP Ltd. Forest division and disttKullu,
Himachal Pradesh
3 9-1619-2003- Diversion of 3.6746 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Dhakog-Trala Road Kms 0/0-6/280 Bharmour forest
division Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
4 9-1641/2003- Diversion of 0.0504 ha of forest land for construction of VHF Others
ROC Repeater Station by Police Deptt. Punjab at Village
Upmahal, Krishna nagar, Gagret, under Forest Division and
Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh.
4 9-1642-2003- Diversion of 0.2070 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
ROC road MacleodgangDharmkot to lower Dharmkot,
Dharmashala forest division distt. Kangra, Himachal
5 9-1643-2003- Diversion of 0.9634 ha of forest land for construction of 2 Tr. Line
ROC MW Gehra HEP in Chamba forest division distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh
6 9-1651-2003- Diversion of 0.092 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
ROC link road to Village Sharnu, Solan forest division DisttSolan,
Himachal Pradesh
7 9-1652-2003- Diversion of 0.9681 ha of forest land for construction of 1 Tr. Line
ROC MW SUP Hydro Electric Project Bharmour forest division,
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
8 9-1675-2003- Diversion of 0.0680 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC Parking Place for Vehicles Cantt. Road D’Sola, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
9 9-1662-2003- Diversion of 0.024 ha of forest land for installation of Others
ROC Cellular Towers at Garkhal by Bharti Telenet Ltd. Forest
Division Solan, Himachal Pradesh
10 9-1668-2003- Diversion to petrol pump at Village Dutal on Patran- Retail
ROC Khanami Road Tehsil Samona, Patials Outlet
11 9-1711-2003- Diversion of 2.60 ha of forest land for the construction of Road
ROC BilaspurBirBindli-Road, forest Division Dehra, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
12 9-1721-2003- Diversion of 1.9176 ha of forest land for construction of Tr. Line
ROC 33/11 KV Sub Station at jhabola (Talai) Distt. Bilaspur,
Himchal Pradesh
13 9-1723-2003- Diversion of 3.55 ha of forest land in HPPWD for Road
ROC construction of KandharBeral Road Km 0/0 – 9/50 forest
division KuniharDistt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh
14 9-1771-2003- Diversion of 1.5699 ha of forest land for construction of HEP
ROC Chirchind mini HEP Bharmour and Chamba forest division,
Himachal Pradesh
15 9-1773-2003- Diversion of 1.9547 ha for 2x 2.5 MW Brahm Ganga HEP, HEP
ROC Manikaran in Kullu, Distt. Himachal Pradesh
16 9-1774-2003- Diversion of 1.708 ha for 3.5 MW BelijKaNela Stage II HEP, HEP
ROC Chamba Himachal Pradesh
17 9-1777-2003- Diversion of 0.4207 ha of forest land for construction of DAV Others
ROC School at Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
18 9-1805-2003- Diversion of 0.12 ha of forest land for consruction of Sh. Others
ROC Krishna Mandir Charitable Trust at Solan, Himachal
19 9-1806-2003- Diversion of 0.3375 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
ROC road from Sudhar to Dhar, Dharmshala, Kangra, Himachal
20 9-1828-2003- Diversion of 1.2490 ha of forest land for construction HEP
ROC Suman-Sarswati mini HEP in KulluDistt. Himachal Pradesh
21 9-1829-2003- Diversion of 1.1074 ha of forest land for extension at Road Road
ROC Nallah to Karkoh via BanounKhalanoo Km 0/0 – 14/0
Mandi Forest division, Himachal Pradesh
22 9-1830-2003- Diversion of 1.58 ha of forest land for improvement and Road
ROC widening of existing Bhuder Ganga Road between km
5/720-13/140 Forest Division and distt. Kullu, Himachal
23 9-1831-2003- Diversion of 0.008 ha of forest land for establishment at Others
ROC bare Radio Station at TirMahru by Reliance Telecom Ltd.,
Himachal Pradesh
24 9-1832-2003- Diversion of 5.035 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC KatandaPakhi Road Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
25 9-1834-2003- Diversion of 4.9368 ha of forest land for widening at of Largi Road
ROC Saini Road between 0/0-10/0 Parbati Forest division Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
26 9-1835-2003- Diversion of 0.02 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC community Hall in favour of Gram Sudhar Sabha Rawara
(Sandhol) Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
27 9-1836-2003- Diversion of 0.0682 ha for forest land in respect of Snow HEP
ROC Hydrology observations at Kothi in ManaliDistt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh
28 9-1837-2003- Diversion of 2.253 ha of forest land for the construction of HEP
ROC Pandhar-Bharana via Nohali Road, Distt. Mandi
29 9-1872-2003- Diversion of 7.57 ha of forest land for construction of Kupvi- Others
ROC Bhallu-DhotaliDeiya Road under jurisdiction of Chopal
forest division distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
30 9-1874-2003- Diversion of 0.83 ha of forest land for construction of Talyal- Road
ROC Pingla-Thona-Sarkaghat road under jurisdiction of mandi
forest division distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
31 9-1875-2003- Diversion of 0.30 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC Godown at Pawari by FCI under jurisdiction of Kinnaur
forest division, distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
32 9-1877-2003- Diversion of 6.093 ha of forest land for construction of Koil- Others
ROC Neether road under jurisidiction of Anil forest division,
disttKullu, Himachal Pradesh
33 9-1878-2003- Diversion of 3.87 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC BarogiChharounallah-Bharain road Km 0/0-15/0 under
jurisidiction of Parbati forest division disttKullu, Himachal
34 9-1885-2003- Establishment of Stone aquarrying by Jai Durga Stone Others
ROC QuallryBatayl at BhatamJale in Mandi Forest division
,Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
35 9-2173-2004- Diversion of 3.060 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Benchi to Manhjlhar road under forest divison and distt.
Kullu Himachal Pradesh
36 9-2174-2004- Diversion of 0.452 ha of forest land in varour of Vaishno Others
ROC Mata Mandir Committee Kullu for construction of Sanskrit
School, Mandir and Destitute House under Forest division
and district Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
37 9-2192-2004- Diversion of 0.0759 ha of forest land in favour of HP Police Others
ROC Department for consrucftion of Police Post at Deha under
Theog forest division district Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
38 9-2193-2004- Diversion of 16.920 ha (instead 0.932 ha) of forest land for Others
ROC construction of Hostel, Ski slopes and paragliding at
solangnallah by Mountainneering and Allied Sports, Manali,
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
39 9-2194-2004- Diversion of 2.8562 ha of forest land for Road
ROC widening/improvement of road portion from Palchan to
Solang by BRO Manali, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
40 9-2195-2004- Diversion of 3.96 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Bharai-Bagan to Peej Road under forest division and distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
41 9-2196-2004- Diversion of 2.59 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Pandar to Tatapani road under Suket forest division, distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
42 9-2197-2004- Diversion of 0.576 ha of forest land for construction of Bus Others
ROC Stand at manali under forest division and district Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh
43 9-2198-2004- Diversion of 2.3545 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC AdduMehridhar-Nigalni Road under Rampur Forest
division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
44 9-2199-2004- Diversion of 0.4496 ha of forest land for consruction of HEP
ROC Shyang mini HEP at Shongtong by Sai Engineering
Foundation under Forest Division and DisttKinnour,
Himachal Pradesh
45 9-2168-2004- Diversion of 2.4895 ha of forest land for consruction of Road
ROC Pharari to KathiKukki Road under forest division and distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
46 9-2169-2004- Diversion of 3.5970 ha (instead of 5.84 ha) of forest land for Road
ROC construction of BhatoliDhar-Bara-Chichar-Bhalli Road from
Kms 0/0 to 12/0 under Nurpur forest division and distt.
47 9-2170-2004- Diversion of 1.719 ha of forest land for construction of link Road
ROC road from GiranKhad to NoudKut-Jarpal-Amlela Upper
joining Amlela-Jarot Road under Dehra forest division
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
48 9-2171-2004- Diversion of 0.952 ha (instead of 0.164 ha) of forest land for Road
ROC construction of Pukhri-Bhumani Road under Forest division
and distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
49 9-2172-2004- Diversion of 1.80 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Dohranallah (Kolibehar) to Kaisdhar road under forest
division and distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Sl. Category
File No
Diversion of 0.4 ha (instead of 1.20 ha.) of forest land for
9-2006/2004- quarry for stone crusher in favour of Ashapuri Stone
1 Mining
ROC Crusher, Hurla, under Parvati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.20 ha of forest land for quarry for stone
9-2007/2004- crusher in favour of Bhuvneshwari Stone Crusher, Hurla,
2 Mining
ROC under Parvati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
Diversion of 0.4842 ha of forest land in favour of Smt.
3 Chanchal Nayar, R/O Chamba for extraction of Slates in Mining
Chamba Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.4330 ha of forest land for construction of 3
4 MW Baragran HEP under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. HEP
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.87 ha of forest land in favour of M/s A.
9-2034/2004- Powers Himalayan Ltd, for construction of Ropeway-Cum-
5 Others
ROC Ski Centre at Solang under Kullu Forest Division, Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.9586 ha of forest land for construction of 3
6 MW Aleo Small Hydel Electric project in Kullu Forest HEP
Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.1850 ha (instead of 0.7669 ha.) of forest land
7 for construction of Slal-Parshashaleen road , under Kullu Road
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 14.17 ha (instead of 20.75 ha.) of forest land for
8 construction of 16 MW Patikari HEP, under Nachan Forest HEP
Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.2457 ha of forest land for construction of 5
9 MW Marhi Mini HEP by Sai Engineering Foundation under HEP
Kullu Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.06 ha of forest land in favour of M/s DLI
10 Power India Pvt. Ltd, for construction of 4.5 MW Sechi HEP, HEP
under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.4868 ha of forest land in favour of HP Bus
9-2069/2004- Stand & Management and Development Authority for the
11 Others
ROC construction of ISBT at Tutikandi, Shimla, under Shimla
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.81 ha of forest land for construction of link
9-2098/2004- road to Village Uppar Surla from Jubbal-Kanoti-kathana-
12 Road
ROC Amta main road, under Nahan Forest Division, Distt.
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0585 ha of forest land in favour of
9-2100/2004- InchargeECHS Bilaspur for construction of Ex-servicemen
13 Others
ROC Policlinic at Bilaspur, under Bilaspur Forest Division and
Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.06 ha of forest land for construction of
9-2110/2004- jeepable road from dhira to Shirmula under, Nahan Forest
14 Road
ROC Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.08 ha of forest land for the construction of
15 HPB2102/2004- Judical Court Complex at Manali under Kullu Forest Road
CHA Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.9643 ha of forest land for construction of
16 Parking Place at Manali, under Kullu Forest Division, Distt. Others
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.65 ha of forest land for construction of Solid
9-2104/2004- Waste management Project at Hamairpur, under
17 Others
ROC HamirpurForest Division, Distt. Hamirpur, Himachal
Diversion of 0.0910 hectares of forest land in favour of Shri
9-2113/2004- Shailender Kumar for construction of HPCL Petrol Pump at
18 R.O.
ROC Muhal paddal, under Mandi Forest Division, Distt. Mandi
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.112 ha of forest land for construction of Ridi
9-2115/2004- Road
19 Gatyanu road, under Chamba Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.33 hectares of forest land for construction of
20 Danoghat-Sherglotian-Kajyara road, under Kunihar Forest Road
Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.15 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
9-2117/2004- for the construction of link road from Katasan to Uttamwala
21 Road
ROC Bara Ban Kms. 0/00 to 2/300, under Nahan Forest
Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.427 hectares of forest land for construction of
22 Khenvi-Bansha road, under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Raod
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.5919 hectares of forest land for construction
9-2119/2004- of Kufri-Patialkar-Sarathansa-Rounkhar raod , under
23 Raod
ROC Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal
Diversion of 0.6732 hectares of forest land for construction
9-2120/2004- of 346 mtrs Span Presstressed Box Grider Bridge over Sirsa
24 Others
ROC River over Sirsa River on SKRN, under Nalagarh Forest
Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.9164 hectares of forest land for construction
25 of Jachh-Gain-Lagor road, under Nurpur Forest Division, Raod
Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Sl. File No Subject Category

Diversion of 1.96 hectares of forest land for construction of

9-2125/2004- 5 MW capacity Toss Mini HEP by Sai Engineering, shimla,
ROC under Parvati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
Diversion of 4.06 hectares of forest land in favour of M/s
Gujrat Ambuja Cement Ltd, Darlaghat for construction of
2 alternative road from Plant Site of M/s GACL to NH-88 near Road
Village Chhmla RD 0/00 to 3/405, under Kunihar Forest
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 6.714 hectares of forest land for construction of
3 chattu-Tunan via Kasholi road, under Ani Forest Division, Raod
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.12 ha of forest land for construction of
9-2201/2004- approach road to retail outlet of HPCL at Village Syar,
4 R.O.
ROC Darlaghat, under Kunihar Forest Division, District Solan,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.246 ha of forest land for construction of link
road from Sunderghat-Art road Km. 3/00 to 8/00 under
5 HPB2218/2004- Road
Renukaji Forest Division, District Sirmour, Himachal
Diversion of 2.7638 ha of forest land for construction of
6 Ganvi-Labana-Sadana road under Rampur Forest Division, Road
District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.1057 ha of forest land for construction of
7 Pajidhar to Phancha road under Rampur Forest Division, Road
distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.45 ha of forest land for construction of
8 Satelite communication tower at Taradevi and Bhog, under Road
Forest Division & District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.45 ha of forest land in favour of MC Shimla
9-2254/2004- for the construction of Solid Waste Management Project,
ROC under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 1.51 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9 the construction of Cheelage-Fagu road under Parvati Forest Road
Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.15 ha of forest land for construction of Avera-
10 Ghattu via Pipalthatti road in Ani Forest Division, Distt. Road
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.45 ha of forest land for construction of Solid
Waste Management Project, in Forest Division, Distt. Others
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.306 ha of forest land for construction of link
11 HPB2279/2004- road to Village Dharmana Km. 1/260 to 9/00, under Raod
CHA Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.123 ha of forest land for the construction of
400 KV bypass Tr. Line from existing tower No. 66 to
12 HPB2280/2004- Tr. Line
existing tower No. 69 of 400 KV Karcham to Jhakri Tr. Line,
under Forest Division & Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.635 ha of forest land for construction of link
13 HPB2300/2004- road to Village Ghal under Forest Division & Distt. Solan Road
CHA Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.6916 ha of forest land in favour of Gowthani
14 HPB2304/2004- HEP for construction of Andhra HEP Stage-II under Forest HEP
CHA Division & Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.1467 ha of forest land for construction of
Ranabagplaghauti road (Portion Seri to Laghauti) under Ani
15 HPB2305/2004- Road
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.80 ha of forest land for construction of
16 HPB2309/2004- nainabati-Laghauti road (portion Nainabati-Kothi) under Road
CHA Forest Division & Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.40 ha of forest land in favour of DAV Public
17 HPB2311/2004- School Tutu for construction of School Building under Others
CHA Forest Division & distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.465 ha of forest land for construction of
18 HPB2312/2004- Raichi-Khani road under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Raod
CHA Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.5 ha of forest land for construction of
19 HPB2313/2004- Kandugad-Patrna raod under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Road
CHA Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.6294 ha of forest land for
widening/improvement of PCM road NH-20 from Nagrota to
20 HPB2314/2004- Road
Mallan, under dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.61 ha of forest land for construction of
21 HPB2315/2004- Bhuinka-Kotia via Chakurtha road under Seraj Forest Road
CHA Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.43 ha of forest land for construction of 33/11
KV 2x3.15 MVA S/Stn. Under APDRP Scheme at Mehli,
22 HPB2316/2004- Others
under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal
9- Diversion of 3.8604 ha (instead of 4.3160 ha.) of forest land
23 HPB2325/2004- for construction of Thalout to Kalhani road under Nachan Raod
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.49 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
construction of Rajban-malgi-Chachheti-Gatu road under
24 HPB2326/2004- Raod
Paonta Sahib Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal
9- Diversion of 2.04 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
25 HPB2327/2004- construction of link road to Village Lohgarh, under Nahan Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.25 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
26 HPB2330/2004- construction of Aut Thana Building premises under Mandi Others
CHA Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Sl. File No Subject Category

9- Diversion of 0.288 ha of forest land for construction of 3

1 HPB2333/2004- MW Pallar Hydro Electric Project, under Forest Division and HEP
CHA Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.056 ha of forest land for extension of already
existing petrol pump in favour of Shri Surinder Kumar Petrol
2 HPB2343/2004-
Sharma R/O Village Chail Chowk, under Distt. Mandi, Pump
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.5363 ha of forest land in favour of M/s
Galaxy Hydel Energy Development Company Ltd, for the
3 HPB2345/2004- HEP
construction of Barseru Small HEP, under Seraj Forest
Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.89 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
construction of Mehat-Gawana Khali Achhon road, under
4 HPB2346/2004- Road
Paonta Sahib Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal
9- Diversion of 0.890 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
5 HPB2347/2004- construction of link road to Village Dhar road, under Road
CHA Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.408 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
construction of Shush to Balu road via Fanounti (Km. 0/00
6 HPB2348/2004- Road
to 9/375), under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
9- Diversion of 1.145 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
7 HPB2363/2004- construction of Purthi Thandal raod, under Pangi Forest Road
CHA Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.9427 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
8 HPB2364/2004- construction of motorable road to Village Luj, under PAngi Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.1171 ha of forest land for construction of
9 HPB2387/2004- Petrol Pump at Reckong Peo, under Kinnaur Forest Division,
CHA Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.0121 ha of forest land for construction of
10 HPB2388/2004- Petrol Pump of BPCL at Tunnuhatti, under Dalhousie Forest
CHA Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.22 ha of forest land for construction of
approach road to Village Trimli for proposed lift water
11 HPB2389/2004- Others
supply scheme to Soln Town, under Solan Forest Division
and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.68 ha of forest land in favour of HPSEB for
construction of 33/11 KV Sub Station at Dhami (Ghandal)
12 HPB2390/2004- Others
under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal
9- Diversion of 1.2639 ha of forest land in favour of HPSEB for
13 HPB2391/2004- construction of 220 KV Sub Station at Bokhtoo, under Others
CHA Kinnaur Forest Division, Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0810 ha of forest land for installation of Stone
Crusher of Shri Rajat Thakur Industries at Bakkar Khad
14 HPB2392/2004- Mining
Sandhole, under Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.583 ha of forest land for construction of 1.80
15 HPB2393/2004- MW Kotlu Hydro P{ower Project, under GHNP Forest HEP
CHA Division Shamshi, Distt. Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.4830 ha of forest land for
construction/realignment of Rampur Gaura mashnoo road,
16 HPB2418/2004- Road
under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 0.1059 ha of forest land for construction of Aleo
9- Bridge over Allain Nallah on Naggar-Manali in favour of
17 HPB2422/2004- HPPWD, under Kullu Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Road
CHA Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.16 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for

9- the construction of link road from Bara Khotha to Ankhar
18 HPB2423/2004- to Link road Sudhar (Km. 0/00 to 2/500) under Road
CHA Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra Himachal
Diversion of 0.0226 ha of forest land in avour of Animal
Husbandry Department for construction of Veternary
19 HPB2432/2004- Others
Dispensary at Baghal, under Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.783 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
the construction of Gloat-Rajwahan road Km. 0/00 to 5/00,
20 HPB2448/2004- Road
under Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal
9- Diversion of 0.438 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
21 HPB2449/2004- construction of Rampur Bhat Ki Hatti road, under Kunihar Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.60 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
22 HPB2450/2004- construction of road from Gurga-Kutwa road, under Ani Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.16 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
23 HPB2451/2004- the construction of Bhini Johari-Lunas road, under Road
CHA Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.0017 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
24 HPB2452/2004- construction of road from Jagatsukh to Bhanara, under Road
CHA Kullu Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.15 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
25 HPB2453/2004- the construction Jabal-Mann Bawasi road, under Kunihar Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

Sl. File No Subject Category

Diversion of 0.8801 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for

the construction of road from Balyanu to Pot Mansari,
1 HPB2454/2004- Road
under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal
9- Diversion of 3.8501 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
2 HPB2455/2004- the construction of road from Bragh Toli to Village Bastoon, Road
CHA under Forest Divison & Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.42 hectares of forest land for the construction
3 HPB2456/2004- of Kot Barar-Chunjar road in Theog Forest Division, Distt. Road
CHA Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.22 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
construction of BAngoura-Kalihatti-Kohbag-Bastigunana
4 HPB2457/2004- Road
road, under Shimla Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.7958 ha of forest land for construction of 5
MW Sahu HEP over Sahu Nala by M/s Him Kailash Hydro
5 HPB2471/2004- HEP
Power Pvt. Ltd, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, under Chamba
Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 21.5786 ha (instead of 24.44 ha.) of forest land
in favour of HPSEB for construction of 132 KV D/C Tr. Line
6 HPB2472/2004- Tr. Line
from Largi to Hamirpur (now Largi to kangoo) under Mandi
Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.4852 ha of forest land for mining purposes in
favour of M/s Orvit Minerals Udyog Association for
7 HPB2473/2004- Mining
installation of Stone Crusher, under Palampur Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.77 ha of forest land in favour of M/s
Himachal Helicopter for Helisking activities in MJanali and
8 HPB2474/2004- Others
Naggar Ranges, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt.
Kul;lu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.333 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9 HPB2475/2004- the construction of link road to Village Kiarad, under Solan Road
CHA Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 7.93 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
for construction of Khora-Age to Bhallan-II road, under
10 HPB2476/2004- Road
Parbati & Seraj Forest Divisions, Distt. Kullu, Himachal
9- Diversion of 1.98 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
11 HPB2477/2004- for construction of Banjar-Khabal road, under Seraj Forest Road
CHA Divisions, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.81 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
12 HPB2481/2004- for construction of Halonipul-Dahan road, under Rajgarh Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.055 hectares of forest land in favour of
13 HPB2483/2004- HPPWD for construction of Markia-Ghat-Sultanpur road, Road
CHA under Rajgarh Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, H.P.
9- Diversion of 2.586 hectares of forest land in favour of
14 HPB2484/2004- HPPWD for construction of Naina-Tikkar to Dagodhar via Road
CHA Kenchi Mour road, under Rajgarh Forest Division, Distt.
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.63 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
15 HPB2490/2004- for construction of road from Hurla-Thras-Sachani , under Road
CHA Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.00 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
16 HPB2491/2004- for construction of Sainj-Ghat road, under Seraj Forest Road
CHA Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.5895 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of byepass road from Wangtoo to
17 HPB2492/2004- Road
kakshtal, under Kinnaur Forest Division, Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.50 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
18 HPB2493/2004- for construction of Dohranallah-Kharidhar road, under Road
CHA Parvati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.686 hectares of forest land in favour of
19 HPB2528/2004- HPPWD for construction of Shalwar-Kanon road, under Road
CHA Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.91 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
20 HPB2529/2004- for construction of Banjar-Dimer Chahri road, under Seraj Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.9620 hectares of forest land in favour of
21 HPB2531/2004- HPPWD for construction of Sainj-Railla road, under Seraj Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.786 hectares of forest land in favour of
22 HPB2533/2004- HPPWD for construction of Sapangni-Kandha road, under Road
CHA Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0920 hectares of forest land in favour of HP
Police Department for construction of Police Choki at
23 HPB2535/2004- Others
Dharampur, under Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 10.1454 hectares of forest land in favour of
Northern Railways, Nangal for construction of Railway Line
24 HPB2536/2004- Others
from Churaru-Takrala-Amb-Andoura Section, under Una
Forest Division, Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.091 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of Bari-Padhru to Pechha road,
25 HPB2537/2004- Road
under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal


Sl. File No Subject Category

9- Diversion of 0.558 hectares of forest land in favour of
1 HPB2538/2004- HPPWD for construction of Matiana-Mohri via Kalazair Road
CHA road, under Theog Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 3.5031 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of link road to Village Dharogra
2 HPB2539/2004- Road
from Malgipur, under Shimla Forest Division and Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 9.609 hectares of forest land in favour of
3 HPB2540/2004- HPPWD for construction of Sarain-Pulbhari road, under Road
CHA Chopal Forest Division,Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.380 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of Dalhousie Cantt to Raliyani
4 HPB2541/2004- Road
road, under Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.858 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of Ludera-Kaila road upto village
5 HPB2542/2004- Road
Suri road, under Chamba Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.4 hectares of forest land in favour of DAVCMC
New Delhi for construction of DAV Public School Building at
6 HPB2543/2004- Others
Ner Chowk Mandi, under Mandi Forest Division and Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.436 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of link road from Village Ballery to
7 HPB2544/2004- Road
Khaddi, under Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.034 hectares of forest land in favour of
8 HPB2546/2004- HPPWD for construction of Damothi-Bharthidhar road, Road
CHA under Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.9126 hectares of forest land in favour of
HPPWD for construction of road from Village bageigarh to
9 HPB2547/2004- Road
ChanjupJkhla-Sumra road, under Chamba Forest Division
and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.70 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
10 HPB2549/2004- for construction of Kharapathar-Chaindal-Shilaroo road, Road
CHA under Theog Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, H.P.
9- Diversion of 0.60 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
11 HPB2555/2004- for construction of Bashla-Antapu-Saridhar road, under Road
CHA Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.55 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
for construction of Brasli-Kanchi-
12 HPB2556/2004- Road
Runda road, under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.96 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD
13 HPB2557/2004- for construction of Moviseri to Chharahan road, under Road
CHA Nachan Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.1245 hectares of forest land in favour of
Gram Panchayat Shateyan for maintenance and medaling of
14 HPB2561/2004- Road
existing old road, under Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
List of approved proposals 2005 22

File No Subject Category
Diversion of 0.52 ha of forest land for widening of existing
1 9-HPB029/2005-
road NH-22 at Parwanoo Barrier, Distt. Solan, under Solan Road
Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.23 ha of forest land for construction of
2 9-HPB049/2005-
Tutupani-Jarla-Kutheri road, under Rohroo Forest Division, Other
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Diversion of 0.44 ha of forest land for const. of Water
3 9-HRB083/2005- Tank/Pump House at Mauza Dombar in favour of
CHA Jaiparkash Sewa Sansthan under Solan Forest Division and
Distt. Solan, Himachal Preadesh
Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for Mining (Extraction
4 9-HPB085/2005-
Slates) at Mauza Bhador, under Chamba Forest Division and Mining
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 24.5105 ha of forest land for Setting up of
5 9-PBB086/2005- Cement Grinding and Blending Unit at Vill. Tikri, Nalagarh,
CHA under Solan Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal
Diversion of 0.535 ha of forest land for const. of link road
6 9-HPB087/2005-
from Naddi Bhatehar in Dharamsala, under Dharamshala Road
Forest Division, distt. Kangra, H.P.
Diversion of 3.798 ha of forest land for construction of Brow
7 9-HPB088/2005-
to Poshna road upto Chaklot in Ani, under Kullu Forest Others
Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.044 ha of forest land for const. of Shani to
8 9-HPB089/2005-
Ghulat upto Roparu road Ani, under Kullu Forest Division Road
and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.0956 ha of forest land for const. of link road
9 9-HPB90/2005-
Vill. Bargal in Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.9583 ha of forest land for const. of 1.5 MW
10 9-HPB096/2005-
Haripur Nallah small Hydro Electric Project Under Kullu HEP
forest division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.8401 ha of forest land for construction of
11 9-HPB097/2005- Taraila Small Hydro Electric Project, Churah , under
CHA Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 1.1691 ha of forest land for construction of
12 9-HPB099/2005-
Parking space at Marhi, under Kullu Forest Division and Others
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.7162 ha of forest land for const. of Link Road
13 9-HPB100/2005-
from salli to Kanol in Dharamshala, under Dharamshala Road
Forest Division, distt. Kangra, H.P.
14 9-HPB121/2005- Diversion of 3.69 ha of forest land for Const. of link road to
CHA Vill. Kushwa, Forest Division Ani,Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 0.3155 ha of forst land for construction of Fast
15 9-HPB122/2005-
Trach Court at Tikri, Bilaspur, under Bilaspur Forest Others
Division and Distt. Bilaspur, H.P.
Diversion of 1.3 ha of forest land for const. of Khalara to
16 9-HPB Chhurla of HPPWD road, under Kullu Forest Division and Road
123/2005-CHA distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

17 9-HPB124/2005- Diversion of 1.88 ha of forest land for const. of Sanjali-Dhalli

CHA Byepass, under Shimla Forest Division and distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.35 ha of forest land for const. of Shardfighat-Diggal
18 9-HPB125/2005-
road, Nalagarh in favour of HPPWD, under Solan Forest Division, Raod
and distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.7 ha of forest land for const. of Sainj-Bara-Bata Seri
19 9-HPB126/2005-
road, Nachan, under Mandi Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.8588 ha of forest land for const. of ropeway form
20 9-HPB131/2005-
Jabli to Kasauli Stage-II Solan , under Solan Forest Division and Others
distt. Solan, H.P.
Diversion of 2.28 ha of forest land for const. of Patta-Joharji-Sua
21 9-HPB135/2005-
road by the HPPWD, under Solan Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Road
Diversion of 0.08 ha of forest land for construction of Ex-
22 9-HPB140/2005- Servicemen contributory health scheme(ECHS) Poly Clinic at
CHA Mauza Sultanpur, under Chamba Forest Division and distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.58 ha of forest land for const. of Parotha to Kureena
23 9-HPB141/2005-
Dhar road, under Chamba Forest Division and distt. Chamba, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.65 ha of forest land for const. of Alsu to Jambla
24 9-HPB144/2005-
road, Suket , undr Suket Forest Division, distt. Mandi, Himachal Road
Diversion of 0.36 ha of forest land for Const. of Sewerage
25 9-HPB146/2005-
Treatment Plant scheme at Badh, under Kullu Forest Division and Others
distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.21 ha of forest land for const. of Type-II Quarters,in
26 9-HPB147/2005-
favour of Police Department for Rampur Forest Div.Distt. Shimla, Others
Diversion of 0.074 ha of forest land for const.of Polyclinic at
27 9-HPB148/2005-
Shilakipper, Mandi, under Mandi Forest Division and Distt. Others
Mandi, H.P.
28 9-HPB149/2005- Diversion of 2.316 ha of forest land for const. of Bakhan to Kharga
CHA road, under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.04 ha of forest land for Loading point for Grit (Bajri)
29 9-HPB156/2005- and path to Crusher site and Mining lease site of M/s Pammu
CHA Stone Crusher, Vill. Nagar, P.O.Suni, under Shimla Forest
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.052 ha of forest land for const. of Mashran-Bharan-
30 9-HPB183/2005-
Hiun road. Under Chopal Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Road
Diversion of 0.008 ha of forst land for const. of Mahila Mandal
31 9-HPB184/2005- Bhawan at Tikkari Mushera,under Jogindernagar Forest Division, Others
CHA Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

Diversion of 0.456 ha of forest land for const. of Bhajan to Mohana

32 9-HPB200/2005-
road under favour of HPPWD Rajgarh, under Sirmour Forest Road
Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.98 ha of forest land in favour of M/S Hazri Crusher
33 9-HPB247/2005-
Udyog Assoc. V.P.O. Dharampur, Tehsil Sarkaghat, Forest Division Mining
Jogindernagar, distt Mandi, H.P.
Diversion of 0.308 ha of forest land for const. of Sub-Station at
34 9-HPB249/2005- Dhaemshala Forest Division, distt. Kangra, H.P

Diversion of 3.542 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
35 9-HPB250/2005-
const. of Kadharghat-Dmehar link road Forest Division & distt. Road
Shimla, HP
Diversion of 1.65 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
36 9-HPB251/2005-
const of link road from Shambhuwala to Nehria under forst divn. Road
& distt Nahan, Hp
37 9-HPB252/2005- Diversion of 0.959 ha of forest land for const of Kiri-Manglasni
CHA jeepable road under forest divn. & distt. Chamba, HP
38 9-HPB253/2005- Diversion of 2.084 ha of forest land for the const. of motorable Road
CHA road shilhnu,suket forest division, distt. Mandi,HP
39 9-HPB255/2005- Diversion of 1.49 ha of forest land for the const. of link road from
CHA nog to kirti under kotgarh forest division, distt. Shimla, HP
40 9-HPB256/2005- Diversion of 4.919 ha of forest land for the const. of link road to
CHA vill. Panvi in Kinnaur. H.P.
Diversion of 0.971 ha of forest land for const. of educational inst.
41 9-HPB257/2005-
In name of Rajiv Gandhi Educational & Tourism Development Others
society and distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
42 9-HPB258/2005- Diversion of 2.5 ha of forest land for setting up Golden Maha Sheer
CHA Breeding Farm in Joginder Nagar, distt. Mandi, Himachal Prades.
43 9-HPB267/2005- Diversion of 0.8 ha of forest land for const. of Rinjet-Deyia road
CHA Chopal forest Division, Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 1.4697 ha of forest land for construction of road from
44 9-HPB287/2005-
Shilla Haallan II to village Mankot, District Kullu, Himachal Road
Diversion of 1.51 ha of forest land for construction of Link road
45 9-HPB288/2005-
from Bagbania to Salehran in favour of HPPWD, under Nalagarh Road
Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.38 ha of forest land for construction of Sulabh
46 9-HPB289/2005-
Sauchalya at Deothsidh in forest division and district Hamirpur, Others
Hemachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0205 ha of forest land for const. of Garmin Bhandar
47 9-HPB290/2005-
at Ani forest division in favour of BDO Ani, under Kullu Forest Others
Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.015 ha of forest land for const. of Link road to Vill.
Thangi in favour of HPPWd Forest division, under Kinnaur Forest
48 9-HPB291/2005- Division and distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Road

Diversion of 2.2346 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Hul Dydro

9-HPB292/2005- Power Pvt. Ltd for construction of 4.5 MW HUL HEP at Village
CHA Kailon, under Forest division and distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 1.17 ha of forest land for const./Widening of Mehli-
49 9-HPB293/2005-
Shogi road 0/0 to 22/375 (Portion 18/0 to 18/925), under Shimla Road
Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradersh.
Diversion of 5.28 ha of forest land for construction of Bhud
50 9-HPC307/2005-
Gularwala Bhatoli-Kala Gharede Patta road in favour of HPPWD, Road
forest divison-Kunihar, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Diversion of 3.8423 ha of forest land for construction of Dandol-
51 9-HPB323/2005-
Kashpat road forest Division Rampur, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Road
Diversion of 0.57 ha of forest land for const. of Link road to Vill.
Mandialu from DGBR road, under Shimla Forest Division and
distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
52 9-HPB324/2005-

Diversion of 0.7071 ha of forest land for const. of road from

53 9-HPB325/2005- Manalsu Bridge to Palchan Via Goshal, Shanag Burua,
CHA under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal
Diversion of 0.0459 ha of forest land for construction of
54 9-HPB326/2005-
Card Board Industry under Rampur Forest division, District Others
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Diversion of 0.016 ha of forest land for erection of Microwave
55 9-HPB362/2005-
Tower by Tata Taleservices Limited., under Theog Forest Others
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.326 ha of forest land for construction of
56 9-HPB363/2005-
Pehlog to Makrog road under PMGSY, under Chopal Forest Road
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 6.4351 ha of forest land for const. Of Kharan-
57 9-HPC396/2005-
Delath road under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.179 ha of forest land for Const.of Kangal-Mogra
road Forest Division, Kotgarh, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Road
Diversion of 7.098 ha of forest land for const.of saryanj
58 9-HPC398/2005- Garyatch, Koel-Sanog Namhol road in favour of HPPWD
CHA under Kunihar Forest Division,Distt. Solan, Himachal
Diversion of 2.75 ha of forest land for const. Of 2x2.5 MW
59 9-HPB399/2005-
small Hydro Power, at Upper Tarailla in Churah Forest HEP
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 7.356 ha of forest land for const. Of Luhro to
60 9-HPC400/2005-
Tippledhar road Forest Division Anni,Distt. Kullu, Himachal
Diversion of 1.2357 ha of forest land for const. Of Kaleda-
61 9-HPB401/2005-
Beonthal road, Forest division Rampur, Distt. Shimla, Road
Himachal Pradesh
Diversion of 4.95 ha of forest land for const. Of Sach to
62 9-HPB402/2005-
Kumarparmar Bhatori road under Pangi Forest Division, Road
distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.184 ha of forest land for const. Of Batera to
63 9-HPB404/2005-
Kandal road (0/0 to 9/465) under PMGSY, under Chopal ROad
Forest Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.62 ha of forest land for const. Of Kms.12/180
64 9-HPB405/2005- to 13/840 motor able road from, Slapper to Batwara via
CHA Sanihan Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal
Diversion of 104.6846 ha of forest land for const. of Cement
65 9-HPA406/2005- Plant, in favour of M/s Jaypee Himachal Cement Project, at
CHA Vill. Baga, under Solan Forest Didivison and Distt. Solan,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.73 ha of forest land for const. Of Jachh-Lot
66 9-HPB407/2005-
via Jaryad road, Nachan Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
67 9-HPB408/2005- Diversion of 2.557 ha of forest land for const. Of killer to
CHA Punto road under Pangi, under Chamba Forest Division and
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.45 ha of forest land for const. Of link road to
68 9-HPB409/2005-
Vill. Chhanchher under PMGSY. Under Jogindernagar Road
Forest Division, distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
69  9-HPB410/2005-
Diversion of 0.84 ha of forest land for const.of Gagal
70 9-HPB458/2005-
Kashyalun road, Kunihar, under Solan Forest Division and Road
Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.6 ha of forst land for construction Of Vijaypur-

70 9-HPB459/2005- Amarpur Hadsar-Dahad Jaman-Ghumarwin road (under
CHA NABARD), under Bilaspur Forest Division and Distt. Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0025 ha of forest land In favour of Raliance Infocom
71 9-HPB460/2005- Ltd., Mohali for const. Of room for the installation of
CHA cmmunication system.under dharamshala Forest division, distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Division of 0.87 ha of forest land for the widening of existing State
72 9-HPB461/2005-
Highway Theog-Kotkhai-Hatkoti road, under Theog Forest Road
Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.9218 ha of forest land for construction of Bus
73 9-HPB462/2005-
Stand Rampur at Chuhabag, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Others
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.03763 ha of forest land for construction of Primary
74 9-HPB488/2005-
Health Centre Building Panol, underpur Forest Division and distt. Others
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.98 ha of forest land for const. Of Tikkar Aldi Baza
75 9-HPB506/2005-
road under Kotgarh Forest Division, under Kotgarh Forest Road
Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.898 ha of forest land for construction of road from
76 9-HPB527/2005-
Killar to Hudan under Pangi forest division, district Chamba., Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.04 ha of forest land for construction of Petrol Pump
77 9-HPB556/2005-
by IBPC on Shogi Dhalli road at village Malyana, under Shimla Others
Forest Division and distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.4 ha of forest land for construction of Principle
Distributory Centre for Storage of Food Grains for PDS by FCI to
78 9-HPB557/2005-
be constructed by CWHC in Gram Panchayat Maliana, Mashobra, Others
under Shimla Forest Division and distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 1.9998 ha of forest land for const. Of Minjgran (Bol
79 9-HPB558/2005-
Thakran) Kulan via Damoh road in favour of HPPWD, under Road
Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.67 ha of forest land for const. Of Kothipura-
80 9-HPB559/2005-
Rajpura-Deoth road.under Bilaspur Forest Division and Distt. Road
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0144 ha of forest land for const. Of Water Storage
81 9-HPB560/2005-
& distribution tank in 1/1 Bajrundi.under Kullu Forest Division, Others
and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.368 ha of forest land for const. Of Badlog to Jhina
82 9-HPB561/2005-
road in favour of HPPWD.under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Road
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.5964 ha of forest land for const. Of link road to
83 9-HPB562/2005-
Vill.Hathidhar, Nurpur , under Nurpur Forest Division, distt. Road
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.3645 ha of forest land for const. Of Indoor Stadium
84 9-HPB564/2005-
at Rohroo, under Rohroo Forest Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Others
Diversion of 0.451 ha of forest land for const.of road Sandral-
85 9-HP565/2005-
Bhajrala under PMGSY, Jogindernagar, under Jogindernagar Road
Forest Division, distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.65 ha of forest land for construction of STP at Lanka

86 9-HPB566/2005-
Bakar in Kullu, under Kullu Forest Division and distt. Kullu, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.538 ha of forest land for const. Of Solid Waste
87 9-HPB567/2005-
Project for Mandi Town. Under Mandi Forest division and Distt. Others
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
88 9-HPB568/2005- Diversion of 4.55 ha of forest land for const. Of Dentha Morthu
CHA road, Dalhousie forest division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.27 ha of forest land for const. Of 5 MW Baner-III
89 9-HPB569/2005-
Hydro Electric project at Vill.Jia, The.Palampur, under Kangra HEP
Forest Division and distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.28 ha of forest land for const.of Harlog-Mehran-
90 9-HPB570/2005-
Tiunkhas road under PMGSY, under Bilaspur Forest Division and Raod
distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.59 ha of forest land for const. Of link road Kallar to
91 9-HPB571/2005-
Vill. Kacholi under PMGSY, under Bilaspur Forest Division and Road
Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0361 ha of forest ladn for const. Of Monestry at
92 9-HPB572/2005-
Rewalser., under Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Others
Diversion of 0.34 ha of forest lad for the installation of Stone
93 9-HPB573/2005- Crusher & extraction of Sand, Bazri & Stones at Mouza Sultanpur,
CHA under Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 4.2 ha of forest land for const. Of 5 MW Upper Awa
94 9-HPB574/2005- Hydro Electric Project by M/S Astha Project (India) Ltd. Hyderabad
CHA at Vill.Kalani,Tehsil Palampur. Under Palampur Forest Division,
distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 27.9358 ha of forest land for construction Of 70 MW
95 9-HPC617/2005-
Budhil Hydro Electric Project in Bharmour, under Chamba Forest HEP
Division and distt. Chamba, H.P.
Diversion of 1.75 ha of forest land for Privately owned land in
96 9-HPB629/2005- favour of M/s Hari-Har Fab Pvt. Ltd. West Punjabi Bag Delhi for
CHA setting up Ind. Under nahan Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 69.3762 ha of forest land for construction Of 434 MW
97 9-HPA630/2005-
Rampur Hydro Electric Project in, Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, HEP
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.02 ha of forest land for const. Of Roda Nallah to
98 9-HPB631/2005-
Dhandhal road, under Mandi Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Raod
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.62 ha of forest land for const. Of 5 MW Luni-II small
99 9-HPB632/2005-
Hydro Electric Project Plampur , under Palampur Forest Division, HEP
district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.3 ha of forest land for const. Of Bashla to Malkhoon
100 9-HPB633/2005-
rd. in favour of Forest Dept., under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Road
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.63 ha of forest land for const. Of 5 MW Luni-III
101 9-HPB634/2005-
samll Hydro Electric Project. Under Palampur Forest Division, HEP
Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.2 ha of forest land for construction of Hostel for
102 9-HPB636/2005-
Schedule Caste Girl Students at Rampur, under Rampur Forest Others
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.8136 ha of forest land for construction of

103 9-HPB637/2005-
Bhawana to Cheri road 8/000 to 12/330, under Shimla Road
Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.859 ha of forest land for construction of
104 9-HRB638/2005-
Belag-Khokha Ruslah road under Chopal forest div., distt Road
Shimla.Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.1881 ha of forest land in favour of H.P.
105 9-HPB694/2005- Juniciary Deptt. For const. Of Judicial Complex, Indora,
CHA Nurpur. Under Kangra Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 34.2867 ha of forest land for the const.of
106 9-HPB695/2005-
tramission line from Akpa to Pooh in favour of HPSEB Tr. Line
under Forest Division and Distt. Kinnaur.Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.78 ha of forest land for const. Of Matiana
107 9-HPB722/2005-
Baragaon rd. (portion Moundi to Thathal), under Kotgarh Road
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.565 ha of forest land for const. Of link rd.
108 9-HPB724/2005- from Harnera to Challian (Kms.0/0-3/135), under
CHA dharamshala Forest Division, distt. Kangra, Himachal
Diversion of 21.8773 ha of forest land for
Widening/Strngthening of existing 2 lanes NH-IA
109 9-HPC725/2005-
Jallandhar-Pathankot in favour of National Highways Road
authority of India, under Nurpur Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.8965 ha of forest land for const.of link rd. to
110 9-HPB726/2005-
Vill. Sarahan to via Parsa, under Kotgarh Forest Division, Road
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.2 ha of forest land for construction Of Kuthar-
111 9-HPB727/2005-
Dhar to Manu rd, under Chopal Forest Division, Distt. Road
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 7.44 ha of forest land for the const. Of Sitapur-
112 9-HPB785/2005- Nanowal road under PMGSY in favour of HPPWD Nalagarh.,
CHA HP under Solan Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal
Diversion of 0.0473 ha of forest land for the const. Of
113 9-HPB786/2005-
Vocational Training Institute at Rekong Pio Kinnaur. Under Others
Forest Division and distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.054 ha of forest land for the construction of
114 9-HPB788/2005-
Rehan Basera, Suket., under Suuket Forest Division, distt. Others
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.2144 ha of forest land for Installation of Petrol
115 9-HPB790/2005-
pump at Bhawa Nagar, under Kinnaur Forest Division and Others
Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.72 ha of forest land for const. of Shilaroo-
116 9-HPB826/2005-
Raog Road. Under Koptgarh Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Road
Himachal Pradesh.

2006 -29-
File No Subject Category

Diversion of 4.0794 ha of forest land for Const.of 5.00 MW IKU-II Shep at

1 9-HPB001/2006-CHA nearby Vill. Saleg within the jurisdiction of Dharamshala in favour of M/s HEP
Vamshi Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd. Under Forest Division Dharamshala and
District Kangra, HP.
Diversion of 4.6589 ha of forest land for Const. Of 5.00 MW Upper Khauli
2 9-HPB002/2006-CHA SHEP at nearby Vill. Salli within Jurisdiction of Dharamsala in favour of HEP
M/s Vamshi Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd. Under Forest Division
Dharamshala and District Kangra, HP.
Diversion of 0.1275 ha of forest land for Const. of parking near Bhagsu
3 9-HPB089/2006-CHA Others
Nag rd. at Mecleodganj, Under Forest Division Dharamshala and District
Kangra, HP.
4 9-HPB100/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.216 ha of forest land for Const. Of Mail to Mornu Rd. (Kms. Road
0/0-5/0), Under Forest Division Dalhousie and District Chamba, HP
5 9-HPB103/2006-CHA Diversion 0.1221 ha of forest land for Const. Of Manali byepass in favour Road
of HPPWD, under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
6 9-HPB104/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.1408 ha of forest land for Const. Of Dibri to Aura rd., Road
Under Forest Division Bharmour and District Chamba, HP
7 Diversion of 1.89 ha of forest land for Const. Of Charmin-Odidhar rd. in
9-HPB106/2006-CHA favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, HP Road

8 9-HPB121/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.5774 ha of forest land for Const. Of 2.6 MW Sharan small HEP
HE Project, Under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
Diversion of 3.6007 ha of forest land for Const. Of 5 MW Drinidhar Hydro
9 9-HPB122/2006-CHA HEP
Electic Project in Dalhousie, Under Forest Division Dharamshala and
District Kangra, HP.
10 9-HPB125/2006-CHA Diversion of 0.44 ha of forest land for Const. Of Kuthan-Devgarh (up to Road
Vill. Dhar) Rd. Under Forest Division Theog and District Shimla, HP
11 9-HPB126/2006-CHA Diversion of 0.54 ha of forest land for Const. Of FIS Rispa, Under Forest Road
Division and District Kinnaur, HP.
12 9-HPB127/2006-CHA Diversion of 6.381 ha of forest land for Const. Of Sarain to Jhakar rd. Road
Under Forest Division Chopal and District Shimla, HP
13 9-HPB128/2006-CHA Diversion of 4.34 ha of forest land for Const. Of Hurla Mini Hydro Electric HEP
Project in Parbati, Under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
14 9-HPB129/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.33 ha of forest land for Const. Of Mashrain via Matralda Road
rd, Under Forest Division Chopal District Shimla, HP
15 9-HPB130/2006-CHA Diversion of 4.868 ha of forest land for Const. of Chamba-sandooh rd. Raod
(Kms. O/O - 11/060). Under Forest Division and District Chamba, HP
16 9-HPB131/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.04 ha of forest land for Const. Of Basara to Chanjan rd. Road
Under Forest Division Chopal and District Shimla, HP
17 9-HPB132/2006-CHA Diversion of 5.566 ha of forest land for Const. Of Nihri to Balag rd. Under Road
Forest Division Suket and District Mandi, HP.

9-HPB133/2006- Diversion of 1.302 ha of forest land for Const. Of Baragaon Kangal

18 rd. Under Forest Diversion Kotgarh and District Shimla, HP Raod

9-HPB164/2006- Diversion of 2.7407 ha of forest land for Const. Of Karal to Himri

19 rd. Under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP Road

9-HPB165/2006- Diversion of 4.447 ha of forest land for Const. Of 1.5 Gaj-II HEP,
20 Under Forest Division Dharamshala and District Kangra, HP. HEP

9-HPB166/2006- Diversion of 4.23 ha of forest land for Const. Of 4.5 MW Sarabni

21 small HE Project at Kallang/ Nagujharh, Under Forest Division HEP
and District Kullu, HP.
9-HPB176/2006- Diversion of 4.9874 ha of forest land for Const. Of Kashdhar
22 Mandli rd. Under forest Division Rampur and District Shimla, HP Road

9-HPB177/2006- Diversion of 3.25 ha of forest land for Const. Of resttlement colony

23 for houseless families of Kol Dam Project, Under Forest Division Others
and District Bilaspsur, HP
9-HPB178/2006- Diversion of 4.8476 ha of forest land for Const. Of Samej Sarpara
24 rd. Under forest Division Rampur and District Shimla, HP Raod

9-HPB179/2006- Diversion of 1.81 ha of forest land for Const. Of Derka Bhumteer

25 via Bharai-ra-Gram rd. under PMGSY Under Forest Division and Raod
District Kullu, HP
9-HPB181/2006- Diversion of 1.7114 ha of forest land for Const. Of Bahli-Munish
26 rd. Under forest Division Rampur and District Shimla, HP Road

9-HPB188/2006- Diversion of 2.2191 ha of forest land for Const. Of Dagi Machrena

27 Judloo rd. Km. 4/0 to 11/900 under PMGSY Privatcly, in Gram Road
Panchyat Chanagwag, Under Forest Division and District Shimla,
9-HPB189/2006- Diversion of 1.867 ha of forest land for Const.of Sataun-Pokka
28 Kando Kotga rd., Under Forest Division Renuka Ji District Road
Sirmaur, HP
9-HPB190/2006- Diversion of 1.02 ha of forest land for Memorial of Baba Banda
29 Baba Bahadur within the jurisdirction, Under Forest Division Others
Nachan District Mandi, HP
9-HPB191/2006- Diversion of 4.5612 ha of forest land for Const. Of rd. from
30 Thunag to Kelti under PMGSY, Under Forest Division Nachan Road
District Mandi, HP
9-HPB192/2006- Diversion of 0.4211 ha of forest land for Const. Of DAV Public
31 School Chamba, in favour of Dav College Management Committee, Others
New Delhi, Under Forest Division and District Chamba, HP.
9-HPB193/2006- Diversion of 0.984 ha of forest land for Const. Of Darnu-Touhu-
32 Bangrota rd. Under Forest Division Dharamshala and District Road
Kangra, HP.
9-HPB204/2006- Diversion of 0.6758 ha of forest land for Extension of Christian
33 Cemetery in Sector-25, of Forest land from Patiala-Ki-Rao, Others
Chandigarh. Under Forest Division and District Chandigarh.
9-HPB235/2006- Diversion of 2.385 ha of forest land for Const. Of
34 Kimachandrawali-Bijmal rd. in favour of HPPWD Under Forest Road
Division Chopal District Shimla, HP
Diversion of 3.145 ha of forest land for Const. Of Saichoo to Leo
35 9-HPB236/2006- Road
rd., in favour of HPPWD Under Forest Division Pangi and District
Chamba, HP

36 9-HPB238/2006-CHA Diversion of 1.477 ha of forest land for Const. Of Rei to Khajiyar rd. in Road
favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division Pangi and District Chamba, HP
37 9-HPB239/2006-CHA Diversion of 1.767 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Runa to Thanog rd. Road
Under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, HP
38 9-HPB276/2006-CHA Diversion of 1.2 ha of forest land for Const.of Timvi to Lachhog rd. within Road
the jurisdiction, Under Forest Division Chopal District Shimla, HP
39 9-HPB305/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.5585 ha of forest land for Const.of Sholtu to Poonang road, Road
in favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division and District Kinnaur, HP
Diversion of 1.3 ha of forest land for Const. Of Godra to Vill. Siun rd,
40 9-HPB306/2006-CHA Road
under PMGSY, in favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division Dalhousie
District Chamba, HP
Diversion of 0.0049 ha of forest land for residential plot, at up
41 9-HPB307/2006-CHA Others
Mohal, Dochi, Mohal Sargheen, in favour of one Sh. Ram Dass Dhiman.
Under Forest Division and district Shimla, HP
Diversion of 0.4443 ha of forest land for Const. of parking near Norrowji
42 9-HPB317/2006-CHA Others
Complex at Mecleodganj, Under Forest Division Dharamshala and District
Kangra, HP.
Diversion of 0.008 ha of forest land for Const. Of Junior Engineer office at
43 9-HPB332/2006-CHA Otehrs
Devidehra by IPH Department. Under Forest Division Dalhousie and
District Chamba, HP
Diversion of 0.016 ha of forest land for Const. Of Complaint office-cum-
44 9-HPB333/2006-CHA Otehrs
Inspection hut at Bounkhrimour by IPH Department. Under Forest
Division Dalhousie and District Chamba, HP
45 9-HPB334/2006-CHA Diversion of 0.0579 ha of forest land for Const. Of Godown at Rawalakair, Otehrs
Under Forest Division Theog and District Shimla, HP
46 9-HPB390/2006-CHA Diversion of 4.4343 ha of forest land for Const. Of Motorable rd. Thalout Road
to Panjan under Forest Division Nachan and District Mandi, HP
Diversion of 1.3475 ha of forest land for Const. Of 5 MW Masli H.E.
47 9-HPB404/2006-CHA HEP
Project in favour of M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. Hyderabad. Under Forest
Division Rohroo District Shimla, HP
Diversion of 0.019 of forest land for Const. Of the factory site of
48 9-HPB405/2006-CHA Others
M/s, Kundlas Loh Udyog at Vill. Buranwala, Under Forest Division
Kunihar and Distt. Solan, HP
Diversion of 0.93 ha of forest land for stone crusher & quarry in favour of
49 9-HPB471/2006-CHA Mining
Sh. Sachin Sood, S/o Late Sh. Ashok Kumar Sood, R/o Vill. Chuhabag,
P.O. Khaneri, Under Forest Division Rampur and Distt Shimla, HP
Diversion of 3.68 ha of forest land for Const. Of Mandhol-Shelapani-
50 9-HPB472/2006-CHA Road
Bantari rd. (Kms.0/0-6/125, Under Forest Division Rohroo and Distt.
Shimla, HP
51 9-HPB477/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.1236 ha. of forest land for Augmentation of water supply to Others
Shimla town from Giri River, Under Forest Division and Disst Shimla, HP.
Diversion 3.545 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Selbag, Gahar Paharmeha
52 9-HPB485/2006-CHA Road
rd. under PMGSY in favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division and District
Kullu, HP
Diversion 0.71 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Sub-Market Yard (Subji
53 9-HPB486/2006-CHA Others
Mandi) in favour of Agriculture Deptt.,under Forest Division
Jogindernagar and Distt.Mandi
Diversion of 1.02 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Nerwa to Obtwa
54 9-HPB487/2006-CHA Road
favour of HP Education Deptt.under Forest Division Chopal and District
Shimla, HP

9-HPB488/2006- Diversion of 1.433 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Durgai Ghattu
55 to Jambal rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
Dalhousie and District Chamba, HP
9-HPB490/2006- Diversion of 0.01234 ha. of forest land for Const. Of
56 Administrative office Building at Mandi in favour of Deptt. Of Post Others
(Central Govt.) under Forest Division and District Mandi, HP
9-HPB532/2006- Diversion of 14.4885 ha. of forest land for Const.of 100 MW
57 Sorang HEP, under Forest Diversion and District Kinnaur, HP HEP

9-HPB546/2006- Diversion of 2.8001 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Motorable rd.
58 from Arol to Jughandh , under Forest Division Nachan and Road
District Mandi, HP
9-HPB547/2006- Diversion of 2.3518 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Kais Soir Sor
59 Kotadhar rd. under PMGSY, in favour of HPPWD under Forest Road
Division and District Mandi, HP.
9-HPB549/2006- Diversion of 4.423 ha of forest land for Const. Of 5 MW Rakchad
60 HEP, Wild Life Diversion Sarahan, under Forest Division Sarahan HEP
and Distt Kinnaur, HP
9-HPB550/2006- Diversion of 0.83 ha of forest land for Const. Of Link rd. to
61 Vill.Moin in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Ani and Road
District Kullu, HP
9-HPB597/2006- Diversion of 0.115 ha of forest land for Const.of residential
62 complex of Civil Judge, Indora, under Forest Division Nurpur and Others
District Kangra, HP
9-HPC598/2006- Diversion of 7.3524 ha. of forest land for the
63 Widening/Improvement of Bharetar-Bassi-Jabal rd. in favour of Road
HPPWD, under Forest Division and Distt. Bilaspur, HP
9-HPB626/2006- Diversion of 2.93 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Motorable rd.
64 Chakudhar to Chiuni, Kms. 8/0 to 14/0, under Forest Division Road
Nachan and District Mandi, HP
9-HPB642/2006- Diversion of 2.7074 ha. of forest land for Const. Of 5.00 MW
65 Maujhi-II HEP within the jurisdiction of forest land in favour of HEP
CHA M/s Dharamshal Hydro Power Ltd. under Forest Division
Dharamshala and District Kangra, HP
9-HPB643/2006- Diversion of 0.6471 ha. of forest land for Const. Of car parking
66 near Lift below Cart rd. in Shimla, in favour of Municipal Others
CHA Corporation, Shimla,under Forest Division and District Shimla,
9-HPB645/2006- Diversion of 0.323 ha of forest land for Const.of Car parking below
67 Rain shelter near I.G.M.C. in Shmla, in favour of Municipal Others
Corporation, shimla,
9-HPB677/2006- Diversion of 4.8891 ha of forest land for Const. Of Upper Joiner
68 small Hydro Project 5 Mw in Chamba. Under Forest Division HEP
Churah and District Chamba, HP
9-HPB678/2006- Diversion of 0.183 ha of forest land for Const. Of Car parking near
69 M.C. Toilet, Chhota Shimla below Cart rd. in Shimla, under M.C., Others
under Forest Division and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB688/2006- Diversion of 0.32 ha of forest land for Const. Of ISBT at Tuti Kandi
70 in favour of HP Bus Stand Management & Development Others
Authority.under Forest Division and District Shimla, HP.
9-HPB689/2006- Diversion of 0.172 ha of forest land for Const. Of Sub-Market Yard
71 at Chail Chowk,in favour of Agriculture Deptt. Under Forest Others
Division Nachan and District Mandi, HP
Diversion of 1.611 ha of forest land for Const. Of rd. Jaon to
72 9-HPB690/2006- Road
Rarala via Ladhagi Buchhair rd. under Forest Division Ani and
District Kullu, HP

9-HPB710/2006- Diversion of 0.616 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Mohar Nalla
73 Kuthar rd. in favour of HPPWd ,under Forest Division and District Road
Chamba, HP
9-HPB711/2006- Diversion of 1.089 ha of forest land for Const. Of Haripur to
74 Taluna rd. under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, HP Road

9-HPB712/2006- Diversion of 0.33 ha. of forest land for the establishment of stone
75 crusher , in favour of Sharma stone crusher, Vill. & PO Bhumti, Mining
Tehsil Arki, under Forest Division Kunihar and District Solan, HP.
9-HPB726/2006- Diversion of 1.263 ha Const. Of Parwanoo Gadyar rd. in favour of
76 HPPWD. Road

9-HPB731/2006- Diversion of 0.8924 ha of forest land for Const. Of Sacred Heart

77 Convent School Building at Mohal Badah in favour of Daughters Others
of Sacred Heart, St. Judes Foundling Home, Garhia Phatak,
Jhansi, under Forest Division and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB742/2006- Diversion of 0.57 ha of forest land for Const. Of Hafwana to
78 Panyash rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Suket and Road
District Mandi, HP
9-HPB743/2006- Diversion of 1.35 ha of forest land for Const. Of Chabutra to
79 Balduhak Via Amb Gara rd., under Forest Division and District Road
Hamirpur, HP
9-HPB744/2006- Diversion of 2.66 ha of forest land for Const. Of Arsu Bhawa
80 (Nirmand to Bhawa) rd. in favour of HPPWD under Forest Division Road
Ani and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB745/2006- Diversion of 4.93 ha of forest land for Const. Of Chowari Kainthly
81 rd. in favour of HPPWD under Forest Division Dalhousie and Road
District Chamba, HP
9-HPB747/2006- Diversion of 0.0429 ha of forest land for Const. Of link rd. from
82 Road
CHA NH-21 to Baragran Fort in favour of HP Agriculture Department.
Under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB754/2006- Diversion of 1.236 ha of forest land for Const. Of Chunagai-Bari to
83 Road
CHA Chhaniage rd. in favour of HPPWD. Under Forest Division Ani and
District Kullu, HP
9-HPB755/2006- Diversion of 0.9509 ha of forest land for Const. Of 5 MW Dunali
84 HEP
CHA Mini HEP, in favour of M/s Jala Shakti Ltd., under Forest Division
and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB756/2006- Diversion of 2.3566 ha of forest land for Const. Of 2.5 MW
85 HEP
CHA Gumma-II HEP, under Forest Division Rohroo and District
Shimla, HP
9-HPB766/2006- Diversion of 2.52 ha of forest land for Const. Of Nauni to Rahnu
86 Kanda katmore rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Ani Road
and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB767/2006- Diversion of 2.63 ha of forest land for Const. Of Pajenda-Bijali-
87 Shamani Darad rd.,under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, Road
9-HPB768/2006- Diversion of 3.357 ha of forest land for Const. Of Churadhar to
88 Paneo rd. (Via Zehra), under Forest Division Ani and District Road
Kullu, HP
9-HPB769/2006- Diversion of 0.2183 ha of forest land for Providing Lift Water
89 Supply Scheme (LWSS) (0-10) PC Hamlets of Vill. Kalol-Tal- Others
Bharari, under Forest Division and District Bilaspur, HP
9-HPB770/2006- Diversion of 1.239 ha of forest land for Const. Of anai to Jabo rd.
90 in favour of HPPWD under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, Road

9-HPB771/2006- Diversion of 1.2413 ha of forest land for Const. Of Dal-Satobari-

91 Barnet rd. (Kms. 2/000-4/600), in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Road
Division Dharamsala and District Kangra, HP
9-HPB782/2006- Diversion of 0.45 ha. of forest land for Const. of parking opposite
92 Hotel Sahiba at Mecleodganj, under Forest Division Dharamshala Others
and District Kangra, HP
9-HPB783/2006- Diversion of 1.8445 ha of forest land for Const. Of Kohlog-Basha
93 rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division and District Solan, Road
9-HPB833/2006- Diversion of 1.407 ha of forest land for Const. of link rd. from
94 Fatehpur to Sanjoi (Kms. 2/000-4/345) in favour of HPPWD, Road
under Forest Division and District Una, HP
9-HPB834/2006- Diversion of 0.8736 ha of forest land for Const. of Longwood
95 Barmu rd. 0/0-3/190 under PMGSY in favour of HPPWD, under Road
Forest Division and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB835/2006- Diversion of 0.84 ha of forest land for laying rising main from Giri
96 River to Kuffer and Const. of Storage Tank at Kuffer, in favour of Others
I& PH Deptt. Under Forest Division and District Solan, HP
9-HPB836/2006- Diversion of 0.17 ha of forest land for Const. of store at Kahala
97 Bihal Phati jindour Kothi Sari, in favour of I& PH Deptt. Under Others
Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB872/2006- Const. Of 4.95 ha. of forest land for MW Balsio small Hydro
98 Electric Project, in favour of M/s Ginni Global Ltd. New Delhi. HEP

9-HPB873/2006- Diversion of 1.69 ha of forest land for Const. Of 2 MW Chakshi

99 Mini Hydro Electric Project , in favour of M/s Puri Oil Mills Ltd., HEP
under Forest Division Parbati district Kullu, HP
9-HPB874/2006- Diversion of 0.3909 ha of forest land for Const. Of Water
100 Treatment Plant-WSS Paror- Kharot, in favour of I& PH Deptt. Others
Under Forest Division Palampur and District Kangra, HP
9-HPC888/2006- Diversion of 37.7657 ha of forest land for Const. Of 132 KV D/c
101 Transmission line from Kurthala to Bathri in favour of M/s Tissa Tr. Line
CHA Power Transmission Cop. New Shimla, under Forest Division
Dalhousie and District chamba
9-HPB901/2006- Diversion of 0.7873 ha of forest land for Const. Of Link rd. to
102 Road
CHA Panchayat Headquarter madhawani, in favour of HPPWD, under
Forest Division Kotgarh and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB902/2006- Diversion of 1.72 ha of forest land for Const. Of Kiani-Mauwa-
103 Road
CHA Makolsu rd. (0/0 to 3/445 Kms) in favour of HPPWD, under
Forest Division and District Chamba, HP
9-HPB903/2006- Diversion of 1.5 ha of forest land for Const. Of Govt. Degree
104 College at Rajgarh, in favour of HP Education Deptt., under forest Others
Division Rajgarh and District Sirmour, HP
9-HPB904/2006- Diversion of 2.49 ha of forest land for Const. Of Ranabag to Deor
105 rd. (Via Jaibag), (under PMGSY) in favour of HPPWD. Under Forest Road
Division Ani and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB925/2006- Diversion of 3.6848 ha of forest land for Const. Of Goshaini to
106 Pekhari rd., under (PMGSY) in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Road
CHA Division Great Himalayan Nattional Park Shamshi and District
Kullu, HP
9-HPB926/2006- Diversion of 2.8813 ha of forest land for Const. Of Kandral Tikkar
107 Maheshgarh Via Suhru rd. (Kms. 0/0-7/200), in favour of Road
HPPWD, under Forest Division Palampur and District Kangra, HP
Diversion of 1.5597 ha of forest land for Const. Of Baru-Nadli-
108 9-HPB928/2006- Road
Gharchindi-Mali rd., in favour of HPPWD.under Forest Division
Palampur and District Kangra, HP

Diversion of 0.825 ha of forest land for Const. Of link rd. from Bohlion to
109 9-HPB929/2006-CHA Road
Jogiban, in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Nahan and District
Sirmour, HP
110 9-HPB930/2006-CHA Diversion of 2.49 ha of forest land for Const. Of Rakh to Dhanara rd. in Road
favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division and District Chamba, HP
Diversion of 0.058 ha of forest land for The improvement and widening of
111 9-HPB946/2006-CHA Road
Paprola Anderetta rd in favour of HPPWD under Forest Division Palampur
and District Kangra, HP
112 9-HPB947/2006-CHA Diversion of 1.08 ha Const. of forest land for Of Raicha Thach to Shagagi Road
rd. in favour of HPPWD, Under Forest Division Ani and District Kullu, HP
Diversion of 18.025 ha of forest land for Const. Of 33 KV S/C
113 9-HPB948/2006-CHA Tr. Line
Transmission Line from Belij-Ka-Nalla SHEP to HPSEBS 33/11 KV Sub
Station, under Forest Division Jarangta and District Chamba, HP
Diversion of 2.424 ha of forest land for Const. Of Poabo to Dumi rd. (Kms.
114 9-HPB956/2006-CHA Road
0/00 to 3/270) in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division and District
Shimla, HP
Diversion of 0.00701 ha Const. Of Sulabha Sauchalaya near H.P. High
115 9-HPB982/2006-CHA Others
Court at Shimla in favour of Municipal Corporation Shimla, under Forest
Division and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB1008/2006- Diversion of 4.95 ha of forest land for Const. Of Taranh-Banah rd. (Kms
116 Road
CHA 0/00 to 11/285) in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Chopal and
District shimla, HP
9-HPB1009/2006- Diversion of 1.173 ha of forest land for Const.of Kandanal to Farbog rd. in
117 Road
CHA favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division and District Kullu, HP

9-HPB1011/2006- Diversion of 0.0135 ha of forest land for Const.of Godown-cum-Office at

118 Others
CHA Kotgarh in favour of Gurukot Co-operative Society, under Forest Division
Kotgarh and District Shimla, HP
9-HPB1012/2006- Diversion of 3.08 ha of forest land for Const. Of Janoul (Braili) to Jarol rd.
119 Road
CHA in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Suket and District Mandi, HP

9-HPB1024/2006- Diversion of 8.25 ha of forest land for Const. Of Larot to Dodra Kawar rd,
120 Road
CHA in favour of HP Forest Deptt.,under Forest Division Rohroo and District
Shimla, HP
9-HPB1079/2006- Diversion of 2.885 ha of forest land for Const. Of 9 MW Fozal HE Project
121 HEP
CHA in favour of M/s Cosmos Consulting N-79, Panchsheel Park, under Forest
Division and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB1080/2006- Diversion of 81297 ha of forest land for Const. Of 132 KV T/L for LWSS
122 Tr. Line
CHA Gaura,in favour of HPSEB, under Forest Division and District Solan, HP

9-HPB1081/2006- Diversion of 3.342 ha of forest land for Const. Of Chardev-domehar rd., in

123 Road
CHA favour of HPPWD under Forest Division and District Solan, HP

9-HPB1083/2006- Diversion of 1.0547 ha of forest land for Const. Of rd. from Uperli Bheth
124 Road
CHA to Bhadriana (Kms 0/0 to 6/0), in favour of HPPWD, under Forest
Division Palampur and District Kangra, HP
9-HPB1084/2006- Diversion of 3.92 ha of forest land for Const. Of link rd. from Balsar to
125 Road
CHA Jhajjar in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Nahan and District
Sirmour, HP
9-HPB1085/2006- Diversion of 2.7221 ha of forest land for Const. Of link rd. from Chobin-
126 Road
CHA Sansai to Patelnagar (Kms 0/0 to 7/0), in favour of HPPWD, under Forest
Division Palampur and District Kangra, HP
9-HPB1087/2006- Diversion of 2.3512 ha of forest land for Const. Of link rd. to Vill.
127 Road
CHA Mayothi, in favour of HPPW, under Forest Division and District Bilaspur,

Diversion of 0.12 ha of forest land for Setting up a Musroom

9-HPB1094/2006- Composite Unit in favour of Churah Valley Fruit, Flower &
128 Others
CHA Vegetable Growers marketing & Development Cooperative Society
Ltd., Bhanjararoo, under forest Division Churah and District
Chamba HP
9-HPB1097/2006- Diversion of 0.3656 ha of forest land for The installation of DVOR
129 Others
CHA at Vill. Dadwas (Thachi), under Forest Division Nachan and
District Mandi, HP
9-HPB1098/2006- Diversion of 4.499 of forest land for Const. Of Pangan Shegi
130 Kasheri Galoon upto Nayalang rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Road
Forest Division and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB1121/2006- Diversion of 2.976 ha of forest land for Const.of Elysium Devidhar
131 (Eversunny) to Pagog rd. (Kms. 0/000-5/345) in favour of Road
CHA HPPD,(under PMGSY), under Forest Division Urban and District
Shimla, HP
9-HPB1122/2006- Diversion of 2.7814 ha of forest land for Const. Of Karyali Shara
132 Nallah in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division n and District Road
Shimla, HP
9-HPB1124/2006- Diversion of 0.4 ha of forest land for Quarrying of Stone for
133 Crusher in favour of M/s, Ashapuri stone Crusher, Hurla, under Mining
Forest Division Parbati and District Kullu, HP
9-HPB1131/2006- Diversion of 3.55 ha of forest land for Const. Of Manu to Irra
134 favour of HPPWD,under Forest Division Chopal and District Road
Shimla, HP
9-HPB1132/2006- Diversion of 2.91 ha of forest land for Const. Of Shekhara Bagher
135 Gaithal Bhajed Mandi Kharna rd. (Kms. 0/000-7/600) in favour of Road
HPPWD, under forest Division Rajgarh and District Sirmour, HP
Diversion of 4.39 ha of forest lande for Const. Of 5 MW sainj Small HEP,
9-HPB1154/2006- in favour of M/s East India Petroleum Ltd. N.Delhi, under Chopal Forest
136 HEP
CHA Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.3031 ha of forest land for Const. Of 2 MW Khanayara small

137 HEP, in favour of M/s Sree Venkateswara Enterprises, Secunderabad HEP
(AP), under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, H.P

Const. Of 3 MW Tulang Small HEP, in favour of M/s Himachal Hydel

138 Projects P.Ltd., Shimla, under Bharmour Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, HEP

Const. Of Chharour Nalla to Kasawari rd. in favour of HPPWD, under

139 Parbati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh Road

9-HPB1180/2006- Const. Of Thatibar-Sehali-Jauri rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Seraj

140 Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, H.P.

9-HPB1181/2006- Const. Of Jungra Thana to Toss rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Parbati
141 Road
CHA Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

9-HPB1182/2006- Const. Of Tipadhar to Chanon rd. (Kms 0/0-3/150) in favour of HPPWD,

142 Road
Under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, H.P.
9-HPB1183/2006- Const. Of Bashad to Sharsha Via Damut dharamargi & Tandi rd. in favour
143 Road
CHA of HPPWD, under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, H.P.

9- Const. Of link rd. from Joharji to Kaba Kalan, in favour of HPPWD,

144 HPB1207/2006- under Solan Forest Division, distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Raod

9- Const. Of 5 MW Binwa parari small HEP in favour of Anubhav

145 HPB1209/2006- Hydel Power Pvt.Ltd.Hydrabad, under Palampur Forest Divison, HEP
CHA Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Const. Of 2 X 2250 KW Palor-II small Hydro Power Project in

favour of M/s, Mangalam Energy Development Company P.Ltd.
146 HPB1217/2006- HEP
New Delhi, under Ranukaji Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour,
Himachal Pradesh.

9- Diversion of 3.46 ha of forest land for Const. Of Tandi to

147 HPB1218/2006- Nandi rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Nachan and District Mandi, HP

9- Diversion of 1.77 ha of forest land for Const. Of Hobar-

148 HPB1219/2006- Kharera rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Dalhousie and District Chamba, HP

9- Diversion of 2.48 ha Const. Of Bhanera to Kolka rd. (Kms.

149 HPB1237/2006- 0/0-5/370) in favour of HPPWD, under forest Division and Road
CHA District Chamba, HP

9- Diversion of 1.527 ha of forest land for Cost. Of Karsaigad to

150 HPB1238/2006- Karshala Rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA and District Kullu, HP

9- Diversion of 6.4347 ha of forest land for Const. Of 4.5 MW

151 HPC1244/2006- Kurhed small Hydro Power Project in favour of Himachal HEP
CHA Hydel Project Pvt.Ltd. Shimla, Under Forest Division
Bharmour and District Chamba, HP
9- Diversion of 1.218 ha. of forest land for Const. Of Khanor
152 HPB1254/2006- Nalla to Jahu rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Theog and Disst shimla, HP

9- Diversion of 1.92 ha of forest land for Const. Of Sianj to

153 HPB1270/2006- Kasan in favour of HPPWD,under Forest Division Nachan Road
CHA and District Mandi, HP

9- Diversion of 0.7162 ha of forest land for Const. Of

154 HPB1271/2006- Dharampur to Saraskan rd. (Kms. 0/0-4/420) in favour of Road
CHA HPPWD, under Forest Division Joginder Nagar and District
Mandi, HP
9- Diversion of 2.77 ha of forest land for Const. Of Heyolag to
155 HPB1272/2006- Pehad rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Joginder Nagar and District Mandi, HP
9- Diversion of 0.203 ha of forest land for Const. Of Solid
156 HPB1273/2006- Waste Management Project in favour of Municipal Council Others
CHA Sunder Nagar, under Forest Division Suket and District
Mandi, HP
9- Diversion of 0.99 ha of forest land for Widening of
157 HPB1275/2006- Bhojnagar-Banasar rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Road
CHA Division and Distt Solan, HP

9- Diversion fo 4.04 ha of forest land for Const. Of Basan to

158 HPB1276/2006- Somgad rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Nachan and District Mandi, HP

9- Diversion of 4.8503 ha of forest land for Const. Of Koti

159 HPB1277/2006- Rohalty to Satlai rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Road
CHA Division and Disst. Shimla, HP

9- Diversion of 0.0197 ha of forest land for Const. Of Office &

160 HPB1278/2006- Canteen Building at Sunder Nagar by HP EX-Services Others
CHA League, Sunder Nagar, under Forest Division Suket and
District Mandi, HP
9- Diversion of 2.9382 ha of forest land for Const. Of Tipra-
161 HPB1279/2006- Patgehar rd. (Kms.6/885-14/930) in favour of HPPWD, Road
CHA under Forest Division and Disst. Shimla, HP

9- Diversion of 1.602 ha of forest land for Const. Of 1.5 MW

162 HPB1285/2006- Grauhan small HEP Project in favour of M/s Sarabai HEP
CHA Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Kullu, under Forest Division Nachan
and District Mandi, HP
9- Diversion of 2.78 ha of forest land for Const. Of Panjla to
163 HPB1289/2006- Kiyod rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division Road
CHA Dalhousie and District Chamba, HP
2007 -38-

File No. Subject Category
9-HPB003/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.382 ha of forest land for Extraction of river bed Minerals
i.e. Sand, Stone & Bazri etc. in favour of Sh. Daulat Ram S/o Late. Sh.
1 Mining
Ugar Sain R/o V &PO Kilba, under Kinnaur Forest Division and Distt.
Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB025/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.03584 ha of forest land for Const. of 1 MW Chhor HEP in
2 favour of Watermillers Power Company Pvt. Ltd., Samshi Kullu forest HEP
division, Distt. Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB031/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.4795 ha of forest land for Up gradation of Baragran Hydro
3 Electric Project, in favour of K.K.K. HEP Ltd.,Kullu forest division distt HEP
kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB032/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.8 ha. Forest land for Const. of 4 MW Brahl Hydro Electric
4 Project in favour of M/s Sodhi Brothers, Nagrota Bagwan, Kangra, HEP
HP,Dharamshala forest division distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB034/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.231 ha. Forest land for Const. of Panjali-Sanog-Budhar-
5 Majhiary Ka-Ghat rd. in favour of HPPWD,forest division Nalagarh Distt Road
Solan Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB039/2007-CHA Diversion of 03028 ha. of forest land for Const. of Judges Residence at
6 Tikari (Ghumarwin) in favour of HP Judiiary Deptt., Under Bilaspur, Others
forest division Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB040/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.05 ha of forest land for Const. of Chheol Khad to Jaghoon
6 Road in favour of HPPWD, forest division Kunihar Distt. Solan Himachal Road
9-HPC049/2007-CHA Diversion of 6.989 ha. Of forest land for Const. of Chowari-Raipur rd. Via
7 Mandhiar-Baloh-Chehil & Fagot rd. (Kms. 7/360-20/735) in favour of Road
HPPWD,forest division Dalhousie Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB050/2007- Diversion of 2.115 ha.of forest land for Const. of Sajnalla-Reuni
8 CHA Khagna rd. in favour of HPPWD,forest division Chopal distt. Road
Shimla himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB060/2007- Diversion of 0.05 ha. Of forest land for Const. of Toilet at Kothi in
9 CHA favour of H.P. Tourism Deptt., forest division Kullu distt. Kullu Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB061/2007- Diversion of 0.02 ha. Of forest land for Const. of Toilet at Solang
10 CHA in favour of H.P. Tourism Deptt.,forest division forest division Others
Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB062/2007- Diversion of 0.08 ha. Of forest land for Const. of Toilet at Marhi in
11 CHA favour of H.P. Tourism Deptt., forest division kullu Distt Kullu Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB063/2007- Diversion of Const. of forest land for Toilet at Rohtang in favour
12 CHA of H.P. Tourism Deptt., under forest div. Kullu & distt. Kullu Others
Himachal Pradesh.,
9-HPB072/2007- Divesion of 0.8287 of forest land Const. of Anjani Mahadev
13 CHA Mandir in favour of Anjani Mahadev Jan Kalyan Trust, under Others
forest division Kullu distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB087/2007- Diversion of 0.554 of forest land Const. of Bharari to Fagla rd.
14 CHA (Kms.0/0 to 1/300) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Road
Dalhousie distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB088/2007- Diversion of 1.607 of forest land Const. of Thakurdwara to Badi
15 CHA Behi rd. (Kms. 0/0 to 4/035) in favour of HPPWD, under forest Road
division Dharamsala Distt. Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB089/2007- Diversion of 4.94 of forest land Const .of Kolka to Jatkari rd.
16 CHA (Kms. 0/0 to 9/0) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Road
Chamba distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB090/2007- Diversion of 2.1 of forest land Const. of Nakora-Khadar rd. under
17 CHA PMGSY in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Chopal distt Road
Kullu Himachal Pradesh.

9-CHA101/2007- Diversion of 0.607 of forest land Widening & Stg. Or rd. from Uttar
18 CHA Marg to Vill. Kaimbwala,under forest division Chandigarh Distt. Road
9-HPB102/2007- Diversion of 0.66 of forest land of Const. of Badruni Ghati to
19 CHA Uppar Kuffer Bag rd. in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Road
Theog Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB103/2007- Diversion of 0.75 of forest land of Const. of motorable rd. from
20 CHA Baltadhar to Dalgaon in favour of HPPWD, under forest division
Rohroo distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB105/2007- Diversion of 0.0147 of forest land Const. of Sulbh Sauchalaya
21 CHA near Bus Stand Mehere in favour of SDO (Civil) Badsar, under Others
forest division Hamirpur distt Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB131/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.811 of forest land Const. of Sangti-Neri Road in favour of
22 HPPWD, under Shimla forest div. & Distt. Shimla.under forest division Road
Shimla (Urban) distt Shimla himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB132/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.0601 of forest land Const. of Bridge over Chooling Nalla in
23 favour of GREF, under forest division Kinnaur distt Kinnaur Himachal Others
9-HPB133/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.5781 of forest land of Const. of Border Out Post at Kota
24 Dongri in favour of ITBP, under forest division Kinnaur Distt Kinnaur Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB165/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.05 of forest land Const. of High School Building at Pauria,
25 in favour of HP. Education Deptt.,under forest division Chopal Distt Others
Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB172/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.1184 of forest land Const. of 2.00 MW Jabbal Hydro
Electric Project, in favour of M/s Himalaya Vidyut Rural Electric Co-
26 HEP
Operative Society Ltd., Rohroo, under forest division shimla Distt Shimla
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB173/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.7544of forest land Const. Of 3.00 MW Tangling Mini Hydro
27 Electric Project, in favour of Sai Engineering Foundation, New Shimla. HEP
Under forest division Kinnaur distt. Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB174/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.9879 of forest land Const.of PG College, Sultanpur
(Chamba) in favour of HP Education Department, under Chamba forest
28 Otehrs
div. distt. Chamba, HP, through Principal Govt. PG College, Chamba
under forest division Chamba Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB175/2007- Diversion of 1.332 of forest land Const. of Sinvi to Muhan rd. in
29 CHA favour of HPPWD, under forest division Ani Distt Kullu Himachal Road
9-HPB176/2007- Diversion of 1.686 of forest land Const. of Bahu to Bachhut rd. in
30 CHA favou of HPPWD, under forest division Serai Distt Kullu Himachal Road
9-HPB177/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.89 of forest land Const. of Dohra Nalla to Barahar rd. in
31 favour of HPPWD, under Kullu forest div. & distt. Kullu,under forest Road
division Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB178/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.0952 of forest land Const. of Fozal to Flain Rd. in favour of
32 HPPWD, under Kullu forest div. & distt. Kullu.under forest division Kullu Road
distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB179/2007-CHA Div. of 2.08 ha. Of forest land for the const. of Tella to Jaista Parli rd. in
33 favour of HPPWD, under Parbati forest div. & distt. Kullu,Himachal Road
9-HPB184/2007-CHA Diversion of 4.12 of forest land for the Establishment of of Planetarium at
Vill. Banari & Bhog, Anandpur (Shoghi) in favour of Science & Technology
34 Others
Deptt., H.P., under Shimla forest div. & distt., Shimla.under Shimla forest
div. & Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB185/2007- Diversion of 2 of forest land of Const of Jawahar Navodaya
CHA Vidyalya at Nanga Bagh (Kullu) in favour of Navodaya Vidyalya
Samiti, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, under Kullu forest div.
35 Kullu, HP Others

9-HPB196/2007- Diversion of 0.5681 ha of forest land for the const. of Sansal

37 CHA to Thathi via Matroon rd. in favour of HPPWD.Div. Palmpur Road
& Distt. Kangra
9-HPB197/2007- Diversion of 0.7922 ha of forest land for the const. of
38 CHA Kendriya Vidyalaya at Nadaun in favour of Kendriya Others
Vidyalaya Sanghthan Div. & Distt. Hamirpur
9-HPB198/2007- Diversion of 2.456 ha of forest land for the const. of Rawan-
39 CHA ki-Johri Dhakriyana Sua rd. in favour of HPPWD.Div.& Road
9-HPB199/2007- Diversion of 2.8514 ha of forest land for the const. of rd.
CHA rom NH-22 upto Sattluj River to connect Averi Patti in
40 Road
favour of GREF.Div.Rampur & Distt.Shimla 9-
9-HPB200/2007- Diversion of 1.476 ha of forest land for the const. of Naura to Kulag
CHA rd. in favour of HPPWD.Div. Chopal & Distt.Shimla, Himachal

9-HPB200/2007- Diversion of 1.476 ha of forest land for the const. of Naura to Kulag
CHA rd. in favour of HPPWD.Div. Chopal & Distt.Shimla, under Chopal
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB201/2007- Diversion of 0.161 ha of forest land for the const. of Rest

41 CHA House at Kungash in favour of HPPWD.Div. Kullu & Otehrs
9-HPB202/2007- Diversion of 4.9268 ha of forest land for the const. of
42 CHA International Cricket Stadium at Kutasani (Simla) in favour Others
of Youth Services & Sports Depart.Div.& Distt.Shimla
9-HPB203/2007- Diversion of 1.38 ha of forest land for the const. of Kiarno to
43 CHA Sarahan via Koti Dhanag favour of HPPWD.Div.Chopal Road
& Distt.Shimla
9-HPB204/2007- Diversion of 15.0071 ha of forest land for the Establishment
44 CHA of Industrial area at Raja-Ka-Bag of HP Industries Others
Department Div. Nurpur & Distt.Kangra
9-HPB205/2007- Diversion of 1.4786 ha of forest land for the improvement &
45 CHA widening from single lane to double lane of PCM rd. NH-20 Road
in favour of NH,HPPWD.Div.Palampur & Distt.Kangra
9-HPB206/2007- Diversion of 2.082 ha of forest land for the const. of Hunera
46 Road
CHA to Khari Kothi favour of HPPWD.Div.& Distt.Chamba
9-HPB207/2007- Diversion of 1.8814 ha of forest land for the const. of
47 CHA Nankkhari-shakala-barog favour of HPPWD.Div. Road
Rampur & Distt.Shimla
9-HPB215/2007- Diversion of 0.7479 ha of forest land in favour of M/s A.
CHA Power Himalayas Limited, Solang for construction of 2.25
MW Beas Small HEP at Palchan, under Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

9- Diversion of 0.050 ha of forest land for const. of Police

48 HPB216/2007- Post at Karcham in favour of H.P.Police Department Others
CHA Div.& Distt. Kinnaur HP.
9- Diversion of 0.08 ha of forest land for const. of
HPB217/2007- residential accommodation for Civil Judge,
49 Others
CHA Sundernagar in favour of H.P.Judiciary, Div.& Distt.
Mandi HP.
9- Div. of 3.69 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
50 HPB218/2007- the const. of Nandal - Arnehar rd. Div. & Distt. Mandi Road
9- Div. of 2.3931ha of forest land for the const. of 22 KV
51 HPB222/2007- transmission Line from Sechi to HPSEB Sub - Station Others
CHA Kotla Div.& Distt. Shimla
9- Div.of 4.2381ha of forest land for const. of 4.00 MW
52 HPB223/2007- Panvi Mini HEP Div. & Distt.Kinnaur H.P. HEP
9- Div.of 3.8361ha of forest land for const. of 5.00 MW
53 HPB224/2007- Sumez HEP Div. Rampur & Distt.Shimla H.P. HEP
9- Div.of 4.4119 ha of forest land for const. of 4.5 MW
54 HPB225/2007- Melan Mini HEP Div. & Distt.Kinnaur H.P. HEP
9- Div. of 0.03 ha of forest land for the Const.of LWSS
55 HPB227/2007- Sansai - Kothi Majhoti in favour of I & PH Department Others
CHA Div. Palampur & Distt. Kangra
9- Diversion of 0.92 ha of forest land for const. of
HPB228/2007- Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in favour of
56 CHA Department of Technical, Voicational & Industrial Others
Training, under jogindernagar forest div. distt mandi
9- Div. of 3.7836 ha of forest land for the const. of 5.00
57 HPB229/2007- MW Brua Mini HEP in favour of M/S Contransys HEP
CHA Pvt.Ltd. Kinnaur,Div & Distt. Kinnaur
9- Div. of 3.402 ha of forest land for in favour of HPPWD
58 HPB230/2007- for the Const. Of Dunali to Brehi rd.,Div & Distt.
CHA Chamba

9- Diversion of 0.24 ha of forest land Const. of 33/11KV

59 HPB270/2007- Sub Station at Khusnagri in favour of HPSEB under Others
CHA Churah forest div.& distt. Chamba H.P.
9- Diversion of 4.62 ha of Const of Neri-Duhaki
60 HPB271/2007- favour of HPPWD under forest div.. & distt.Mandi. Road
9- Diversion 0.4 ha of forest land of Widening of Una-
61 HPB272/2007- Aghar-Badsar-Mandi-Ner Chowk favour of Raod
CHA HPPWD under forest div.& distt.Una
9- Diversion of 0.034 ha of forest land for Const. of
62 HPB274/2007- Community Centre Builing at Keleston, Shimla in Others
CHA favour of HPPWD div. & distt. Shimla
9- Diversion of 0.09 ha of forest land for Const of
63 HPB286/2007- Prestresed Bridge over Snowdon Nalla on MRR rd.div. Others
CHA & distt. Shimla
9- Diversion of 3.8 ha of forest land for The widening of
HPB297/2007- Nangal- Mehatpur-Una-Amb-Mubarakpur rd., (portion
64 Raod
CHA Una to Dhussara Kms 31/300-50/300)) in favour of
HPPWD,under forest Una Distt Una H.P.
9- Diversion of 1.278 ha of forest land for The widening of
HPB298/2007- Nangal- Mehatpur-Una-Amb-Mubarakpur rd., (portion
65 Road
CHA Mehatpur- Una, Kms 5/600-18/000) in favour of
HPPWD,under forest land Una Distt Una H.P.

9- Diversion of 4.4 ha of forest land for The widening of

HPB299/2007- Una-Aghar-Badsar-Mandi-Ner Chowk Road (portion
66 Road
CHA Barnoh to Dumkher, Kms 4/0-26/0)in favour of
HPPWD under forest land Una Distt Una H.P.
9-HP341/2007- Diversion of 4.337 ha of forest land for Const. of a
67 CHA Ghiagi Sajwar rd. from Km. 0/00 to 10/00,uunder Road
forest land Shimla Distt shimla H.P.
9- Diversion of 37.5524 ha of forest land Laying of 400 KV
HPC347/2007- D/C Kodam-Nalagarh Transmission line in favour of
68 CHA Power Grid Co. of India ltd. Within the jurisdiction of Tr. Line
Bilaspur, Kunihar & Nalagarh under forest land
Churah Distt Chamba H.P.,
9- Diversion of ha forest land Const. of Cheri to Kiarkoti
69 HPB349/2007- rd. in favour of HPPWD, under forest land Shimla distt Road
CHA shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion fo 0.17 ha of forest land The improvement &
HPB350/2007- widening of existing Una-Ner Chowk rd. (protion Bhota
70 Road
CHA to Jahu) Hamirpur under forest land Hamirpur distt
Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.61 ha of forest land Const. of Buinsbai
71 HPB351/2007- to Bhaulang rd. in favour of HPPWD, under forest land Road
CHA Parbati Distt. Kullu H.P.
9- Diversion 2.5549 ha of forest land Const. of link rd.
72 HPB352/2007- from Vill. Shanag to Vill. Majhach in favour of HPPWD, Road
CHA under forest land Kullu distt Kullu.
9- Diversion of 1.674 ha of forest for Const. of
73 HPB353/2007- Chowaidhar to Thachvi rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Road
CHA forest land Ani Distt Kullu.
9- Diversion of 0.29 ha of forest Const. of Hawal Gharati
74 HPB355/2007- to Manjali rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Parbati forest Road
CHA div. & distt. Kullu,H.P.
9- Diversion of 2.49 ha of forest Const. of Sanghraihn rd.
HPB356/2007- (Portion Lahar to Kurla-Kms. 0/0 to 5/500) in favour of
75 Road
CHA HPPWD, under forest land Dalhousie Distt Chamba
9- Diversion of 0.956 ha of forest Const. of 1.5 MW
HPB357/2007- Dehar-II HE Project in favour of M/S Saini Techno
76 HEP
CHA Consttucts Pct. Ltd., Pathankot, under forest land
Dalhousie distt Chamba H.P.
9- Diversion of 0.17 ha of forest Const. of ITBP Complex
77 HPB358/2007- by pass atTaradevi on Taradevi-Phail rd. in favour of Others
CHA ITBP,under forest Shimla distt Shimla H.P.
9- Diversion of 2.84 ha of forest Const. of Rauni to Pauria
78 HPB361/2007- rd. in favour of HPPWD, under forest land Chopal Distt Road
CHA Shimla H.P.

9-HPB363/2007- Diversion of 1.9316 ha of forest The improvement & widening of

79 CHA existing Theog-Kotkhai-Kartkoti rd.(Kms. 55/500-56/700) in Road
favour of HPPWD, under forest land Rohroo Distt. Shimla H.P.
9-HPB364/2007- Diversion of 3.1312 ha of forest Const. of 2.00 MW Kalam Hydro
80 CHA Electric Project by M/s Sunshine Hydro Power Ltd., Pathankot, HEP
under forest land Dalhousie Distt. Chamba H.P.
9-HPB368/2007- Diversion of 1.513 ha of forest Const. of link rd. from Chudhana
81 CHA to Priungal (portion Kalam Bridge to Vill. Banet-Kms. 0/0 to Road
2.900),under forest land Dalhousie Distt. Chamba H.P.
9-HPB371/2007- Diversion of 0.078 ha of forest land Const. of app. Rd. from
82 HA mashobra to Audda Bhanet in favour of Gram Panchayat, Nahri Road
(Dharampur Block), under forest land Solan Distt Solan H.P.
9-HPB372/2007- Div. of 1.67 ha. Of forest land land for the Const. of Devidehra to
83 CHA Bakatpur rd. (Kms. 0/0 to 4/00) in favour of HPPWD, under forest Road
land Chamba Distt Chamba H.P.
9-HPB373/2007- Diversion of 0.291 ha of forest land Const. of rd. from Shamloh
CHA mandholghat to Dargi via nagar Kms. 0/0 to 2/545 (Portion Km
84 Road
RD 1/600 to 2/545) in favour of HPPWD,under forest land Shimla
Distt Shimla H.P.
9-HPB375/2007- Diversion of 3.79 ha of forest land Const. of 5.00 MW Nanti small
85 CHA Hydro Electric Project, in favour of M/s Suryakantha Poltry's Pvt. HEP
Ltd., Prathipedu, A.P. under forest land Rampur Distt Shimla H.P.
9-HPB392/2007- Diversion of 4.08 ha of forest land Const. of Ranvi to Chatta Dhar
86 CHA rd. in favour of HPPWD,under forest land chopal distt Shimla Road
9-HPB395/2007- Diversion of 4.8072 ha of forest land Const. of nayagram to Bajol
87 CHA rd. (Kms. 0/0 to 8.580) in favour of HPPWD under forest land Road
Bharmour Distt Chamba H.P.
9-HPB396/2007- Diversion of 4.32 ha of forest land Const. of Mashrain to
88 CHA Panchayat Headquarter Pouria via Thiara Pandrara road,.under Others
forest land Shimla Distt Shimla H.P.
9-HPB398/2007- Diversion of 1.77 ha of forest land Const. of Nalti to Tharwa Road
89 CHA (Kms. 0/0-7/105) in favour of HPPWD,.under forest land Ani distt Road
Kullu H.P.
9-HPB426/2007- Diversion of 1.95 ha of forest land Const. of Bairiyan-Taragarh rd.,
90 CHA in favour of HPPWD,. Under forest land Dalhousie distt Chamba Road
9-HPB427/2007- Diversion of 0.7305 ha of forest land Improvement & widening of
91 CHA existing Gagal-Chatru rd. (Kms. 0/0-2435),in favour of Road
HPPWD,.under forest land Dharamshala distt Kangra.
9-HPB428/2007- Diversion of 0.98 ha of forest land Augmentation of WSS
92 CHA Hathidhar (laying of GI pipes for main line) in favour of I &PH Others
Deptt.,under forest land Dalhousie Distt. Chamba H.P..
9-HPB429/2007- Diversion of 1.76 ha of forest land Const. of Thachi to Dadwas rd.
93 Road
CHA in favour of HPPWD,. Under forest land Nachan Distt Mandi H.P.
9-HPC430/2007- Diversion of 6.1437 ha of forest land Const. of Avalanche control
CHA structures on access rd. to South Portal of Rohtang Tunnel in
94 Others
favour of Border rd. Organization (BRO),.under forest land Kullu
distt Kullu H.P.
9-HPB431/2007- Diversion of 0.0169 ha of forest land Const. of Ayurvedic
95 CHA Dispensary at Vill. Patti in favour of H.P. Ayurveda Deptt.under Others
forest land Palampur Distt Kangra H.P.
9-HPB432/2007- Diversion of 3.9406 ha o forest land Const. of Pajidhar-Chandi-
96 CHA Branda-Jaghori rd. (Kms. 0/0 to 10/0) in favour of HPPWD under Road
Rampur forest div. & distt. Shimla.
9-HPB433/2007- Diversion of 1.08 ha of forest land Improvement & widening of
97 CHA existing Matour-Dharamsala rd. (portion Kms. 14/300-148/915),. Road
in favour of HPPWD,.under forest land Dharamshala Distt. Kangra
9-HPB443/2007-CHA Const. of Ropeway from Shiwalik Hotel to Jakhu Temple in favour of HP Tourism
Depatt., under Shimla Forest
Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB448/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.999 ha of forest land Const. of 2.00 MW Hamal Small

98 Hydro Electric Project, in favour of M/s Hamal Hydel Ltd., HEP
Panchkula.under forest land for Chopal distt Shimla h.P.
9-HPB451/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.8875 ha of forest land Const. of Neuli to Larikot
99 Road
(Rogimoure) in favour of HPPWD ,under forest land Kullu distt Kullu h.P.
9-HPB452/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.6672 ha of forest land Const. of link road to Vill. Kuthed
100 (Kms. 0/0 to 4/0) in favour of HPPWD,under forest land Bharmour Distt Road
Chamba H.P.
9-HPB464/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.75 ha of forest Const. of State Date Centre (Hydro Project
101 II) & Training Institue for I & PH employees at Dhangsidhar in favour of I Others
&PH Department,.under forest land Mandi Distt Mandi h.P.
9-HPB465/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.71 ha of forest land Const. of Dalli to Sahan road (Kms.
102 0/0 to 6/780) in favour of HPPWD under Bharmour forest div. & distt. Road
Chamba.under forest Land Bharmour Distt Chamba H.P.
9-HPC508/2007-CHA Diversion of 12.42 ha of land Establishment of Biotechnology Park/ BT
Industrial Cluster at Aduwal, Nalagarh in favour of Deptt., of
103 Others
Biotechnology, Shimla.under forest land Nalagarh distt solan Himachal
9-HPB509/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.71 ha of lanf for Improvement/ Up-gradation of existing
Una-Ner Chowk road (portion Una to Barsar, Kms 45/0-67/030) in
104 Road
favour of HPPWD,.under forest land Hamirpur distt Hamirpur Himachal
9-HPB510/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.145 ha of fland for Const. of Banuna-Himiri link road
105 (Kms. 0/0 to 4/00) in favour of HPPWD,.under forest land for Shimla Road
distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB510/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.145 ha of forest lanf Const. of Banuna-Himiri link road
106 (Kms. 0/0 to 4/00) in favour of HPPWD,.under forest land Shimla distt Road
Shimla Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB511/2007-CHA Div. of 4.10 ha. Of forest land for the Const. of Kakru Nallah to Shog-
107 Road in favour of HPPWD under Parvati forest div. & distt. Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB514/2007-CHA Diversion of 4.51 of forest land Const. of Antrawali to Paban road, in
108 favour of HPPWD,under forest land Chopal Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPB515/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.163 of forest land Const. of Dhabas-Bagar road, in favour
109 Road
of HPPWD,.under forest land chopal distt shimla Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB539/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.9 ha of forest land Const. of Mundochli to Navi road in
110 favour of HPPD.under forest division Chopal Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPB540/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.0315 ha of forest land Const. of 1.50 MW Suinr Small HEP
111 in favour of M/s B.K. Saini Engineer Ram nagar, Pathankot, under forest HEP
division chamba Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB541/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.8097 ha of forest land Const. of three rising mains
undergroung pipelines three pump houses and dumpinjg place for muck
112 Others
and debris in favour of Sidhartha Medium Irrigation Project HP I & PH
Deptt. Under forest division Nurpur Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB542/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.1619 ha of forest land Conts. Of Samman Thral via
113 Machlehar road in favour of HPPWD,.under forest division Palampur Road
Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB543/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.4 ha of forest land Establishment of Stone Crusher and
Quarry for Rohtang Tunnel Project in favour of BRO, Under forest division
114 Kullu distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh. Mining

9-HPB544/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.614 ha of forest land Const. of Samote to Surpara road

115 (Kms. 0/0-5/0) in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Dalhousie Distt Road
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB550/2007- Diversion of 1.38 ha of forest land Const. of 2.4 MW Kartaul Small

116 CHA Hydro Electric Project, in favour of M/s Awadh Bihari Giri, HEP
Delhi,.under forest division Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB554/2007- Diversion of 0.165 ha of fortest land Const. of Chambidhar Fagu
117 CHA from Chakal to Dhar Baghera rd.under forest division Rajgarh Road
Distt. Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB555/2007- Diversion of 1 ha of forest land Const. of Bus Stand at Nalagarh,
CHA in favour of H.P. Bus Stand Manaagement & Development
118 Others
Authority,.under forest division Nalagarh Distt Solan Himachal
9-HPB581/2007- Diversion of 4.331 ha of forest land Const. of Hanogi Bandhi road
119 CHA (0/0 to 15/00) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Mandi Road
Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB582/2007- Diversion of 0.05171 ha of forest land Const. of Link road to Vill.
CHA Diayara (0/0 to 1/330-965 meters in forest area) in favour of
120 Road
HPPWD,. Uder forest division Dharamshala Distt Kangra
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB583/2007- Diversion of 0.1822 ha of fortest land Const. of Police Post &
121 CHA Family Quarter at Patlikuhal.under forest division Kullu Distt Others
9-HRB584/2007- Diversion of 3.98 ha of fortest land Const. of Kuklah to Bagi road
122 CHA in favour of HPPWD. Under forest division Nachan Distt Mandi Road
Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB589/2007- Diversion of 1.525 ha of forest land Const. of road from Hotel Asia
123 CHA The Dawan to Chakkar, in favour of HPPWD under forest division Road
Shimla Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB590/2007- Diversion of 2.74 ha of forest land Const. of Govt. degree College
124 CHA at Jukhala under forest division Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur Himachal Others
9-HPB592/2007- Diversion of 4.825 ha of forest land Const. of 5.00 MW Lower UHL
CHA Small Hydro Electric Project at Barnala, in favour of Trident Power
125 HEP
System Ltd., Hyderabad, under forest Division Mandi Distt Mandi
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB602/2007- Diversion of 39.0546 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Nuziveedu
CHA Seeds Ltd, New Delhi for construction of 100 MW TIDONG-I HEP, HEP
under Forest Division & Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB617/2007- Diversion of 38.61 ha of forest land Cons.t of suger Point to Pong
126 CHA Road in favour of ITBP,under forest Division Spiti distt Lahaul Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB642/2007- Diversion of 0.78 ha of forest land Renewal of mining lease in
127 CHA favour of M/s Laxmi Stone Crusher in Mandi under forest division Mining
Mandi Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB666/2007- Diversion of 4.2669 ha of forest land Const. of 5.00 MW Suil-I
CHA Small Hydro Electric Project, in favour of M/s Gujarat Coastal
128 HEP
Const. Ltd., Varodara, under forest division Churah Distt chamba
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC671/2007- Diversion of 34.2 ha of forest land Laying of 400 KV D/C Koldam-
CHA Ludhiana Transmission line in favour of Power Grid Co., of India
129 Tr.Line
Ltd.,under forest division Bilaspur & Nalagarh Distt Bilaspur &
solan Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB673/2007- Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land Const. of Solid Waste
CHA Management Project for Ghumarwin in favour of Nagar
130 Others
Panchayart, Ghumarwin,under forest Division Bilaspur Distt
9-HPB674/2007- Diversion of 0.0263 ha of forest land Const. of passage to stone
CHA crusher at Sergate, (to be established in private land) in favour of
131 Others
M/s Suman Enterprises, under forest division Shimla Distt
Shimla Himacahl Pradesh.

9-HPB675/2007- Diversion of 12.4575 ha of forest land for Const. of Sugar Point to

132 CHA Lapcha road in favour of ITBP, under forest divison Spiti Distt Road
Lahaul Spiti Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB676/2007- Diversion of 0.8901 ha of forest land for Const. of Shaheed
CHA Joginder Singh Road from Hindro Gharat Halti Jamwalan
133 Road
Bhandodu via Pachan, in favour of HPPWD.under forest division
Nurpur distt. Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB678/2007- Diversion of 0.2234 ha of forest land for Const. of Dumping site at
CHA Longwood Nallah below IGMC Shimla, in favour of Municipal Co.,
134 Others
Shimla,.under forest division Shimla distt Shimla himachal
9-HPB679/2007- Diversion of 0.0337 ha of forest land Const. of Dumping site at
CHA Nallah between BCS & Vikasnagar Shimla, in favour of Municipal
135 Others
Co., Shimla under forest division Shimla distt Shimla himachal
9-HPB680/2007- Diversion of 0.1723 ha of forest land for Const. of Dumping site at
CHA Annandale Nallah below Kennedy House Shimla, in favour of
136 Others
Municipal Co., Shimla under forest division Shimla distt shimla
himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB720/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.6 ha of forest land Const. of Tarapur to Shanag road in
137 favour of HPPWD, under forest division Chopal Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPB721/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.28 ha of ofrest land The Improvement & Widening of Una-
138 Ner Chowk Road (portion Barsar to Bhota) in favour of Road
HPPWD,Una.under forest division Una Distt Una Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB722/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.0229 ha of forest land The Establishment of Film City i.e.
Studios & open Location at Gharog near Ghanahatti in favour of Snowball
139 Others
Studios (P) Ltd., Key Apartment, below BCS, New Shimla, under forest
division Shimla Distt shimla himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB723/2007-CHA Diversion of 4.625 ha of forest land Const. of Link road from Sambhuwala
140 to Matar Bheron in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Nahan Distt Road
Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB724/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.0792 ha of forest land Const. of Ambulance road from
Gurcharan House to Buchail (0/0 to 0/200) in favour of Commissioner,
141 Road
Municipal Co., Shimla,.under forest division Shimla Distt Shimla
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB725/2007- Diversion of 3.88 ha of forest land Const. of Nagujhor to Mashna
142 CHA Thach road in favour of HPPWD, under Kullu forest Deptt., under Road
forest division Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB726/2007- Diversion of 1.819 ha o forest land Const. of Bathad to Mashyar
CHA road (Kms. 0/0-9/00) in favour of HPPWD, under Great
143 Road
Himalayan National Park, Shamshi, under forest division Kullu
distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB764/2007- Diversion of 1.967 ha of forest land Const. of Link rd., Ghagar to
144 CHA Maju School (Kms 0/00 to 8/500) in favour of HPPWD,under Road
forest division Kunihar Distt Solan Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB765/2007- Diversion 0.1122 ha of forest land Const. of Income Tax Office &
CHA Residential Building at Bilaspur in favour of Income Tax
145 Others
Deptt.,under forest division Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur Himachal
9-HPB779/2007- Diversion 12.00 ha of forest land in favour of NHAI for 4-Lanning
CHA of NH-22 Km. 39.860 ro 67/00, under forest division Solan and Road
Distt Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB780/07-CHA Diversion of 4.932 ha of forest land Const. of pabas to mashran
146 rd., in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Chopal Distt shimla Raod
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC781/2007- Diversion of 7.89 ha of forest land Const. of Bhakli to Khola Nal
CHA rd., (Kms. 0/0 to 13/470) in favour of HPPWD,under forest
147 Road
divison Nachan Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB782/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.932 ha of forest land Const. of 1.5 MW Shamshar Small

Hydro Electric Project, in fvour of M/s, Sh. Shashi Hydro Electric Power
148 HEP
Pvt. Ltd., Sundernagar.under forest division ani distt Kullu Himachal
9-HPB787/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.33 ha of forest Land for Const. of Rajpur Dandela Adwar
149 Road in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Paonta Distt Sirmour Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC788/2007-CHA Diversion of 8.71 ha of fortest land for Const. of Bounchhari to Kandha
150 rd., (Kms. 0/0 to 5/130) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Road
Nachan Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB839/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.7304 ha of forest land Const.of Link Road from Kutahghat
151 to Hari-ka –Kheel under forest division Solan Distt Solan Himachal Road
9-HPB840/2007-CHA Diversion of 4.2017 ha of forest Land Const. of Choltu to Jani Road 9-
152 HPB840/2007-CHA under forest division Kinnaur Distt Kinnaur Raod
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC842/2007-CHA Diversion of 13.52 ha of forest land The Improvement & Widening of
153 existing Theog-Kotkhai-Hatkoti rd. in favour of HPPWD, under forest Road
division Theog Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB849/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.511 ha of forest land for Const of Kareri Khas to Khari Behi
154 rd., (0/00 to 9/570) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Road
Dharamsala Distt Knagra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB850/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.613 ha of forest Land Const. of Boh to Lam Rd., (0/00 to
155 4/150) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Dharamsala distt Road
Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB851/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.159 ha of forest land Const. of 33/11KV Sub Station at
156 Tota Rani (Mecleodganj) in favour of HPSEB.under forest division Others
Dharmsala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB852/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.9528 ha of forest land for Const. of Rehlu-Boru-Sarna rd.,
157 (Kms.0/00 to 6/760) in favour of HPPWD,.under forest division Road
Dharamsala distt Knagra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB853/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.5796 ha of forest land Const. of 6.00 MW Baner-II HE
158 Project by M/s prodigy Hydro Power (P) Ltd.under forest division HEP
Palampur distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB892/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.3554 ha of forest landConst. of 2.5 MW Suman Sarwari
159 HEP in favour of M/S Usaka Hydro Power Ltd. under forest Division Kullu HEP
Distt Kullu Himachal Praesh.
9-HPB898/2007-CHA Diversion of 3.97 ha of forest land Const. of 5.00 MW Tarella-III Hydro
160 Electric Project, in favour of M/s Tarela Power Ltd.,under forest division HEP
Churah Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB899/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.0417 ha of forest land Const. of Information Post-cum-
161 Tourism Information Centre of Nahan in favour of H.P. Tourism Others
Deptt.under forest division Nahan Distt Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB900/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.48 ha of forest land Const. of Shiv Mandir-Shakti Vihar rd.,
162 in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Shimla Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPB907/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.9306 ha of forest land Const. of 5.00 MW Beaskund HE
163 Project in favour of M/s Kapil Mohan & Associates (P) Ltd.under forest HEP
division Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Paredsh.
9-HPB908/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.3156 ha of forest land for Const. of 5.00 MW Masli Hydro
164 Electric Project in favour of M/s Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.under forest HEP
division Rohroo Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB909/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.3594 ha of forest land Const. of Police Station at Nerwa in
165 favour of H.P. Police Deptt. Under forest division Chopal distt shimla Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB910/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.6494 ha of forest land for Const. of Judicial Court's at
166 Chakkar (Shimla) in favour of Distt & session Judge, Shimla.under forest Others
division Shimla distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB917/2007- Diversion of 0.296 ha of forest land for Const. of Solid Waste
167 CHA Management Project at Talai in favour of Nagar Panchayat, Talai Others
(Bilaspur).under forest division bilaspur distt bilaspur
9-HPB918/2007- Diversion of 2.868 ha of forest land for Const. of Sarkali to Kiari
168 CHA Shallan rd., in favour of HPPWD,.under forest division Chopal Road
distt Shimla himachal Pradesh.
2008 49

State Subject Area

Diversion of 0.4046 ha of forest land for const. of Stone Quarry at Mining

9-HPB010/2008- Lathar Nalla in favour of Sh. Amar Lal Prop. M/s Sangla
CHA Industries, under Lhaul Forest Division, distt. Lahaul & Spiti,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.5447 ha of forest land for const. of Jibhi to Tandi Road

2 rd., (Kms. 0/00 to 5/700) in favour of HPPWD. Under Seraaj
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.52 ha of forest land for const. of link rd. from Road
9-HPB018/2008- Bagdhar to Khuin Kms. 0/00 to 4/200 in favour of HPPWD.,
CHA under Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal

Diversion of 1.8699 ha of forest land for const. of 1.5 MW Ani-II HEP

9-HPB019/2008- Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s ABB Power (P) Ltd.,
CHA Chandigarh., under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal

Diversion of 1.29 ha of forest land for const. of link rd. from Road
9-HPB021/2008- Dalousie cantt to Batheri Km. 2/250 to 4/400 in faour of
CHA HPPWD., under Dalholusie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 6.5115 ha of forest land for laying of 400 KV DC Tr. Line

9-HPC028/2008- Parbati II to Parbati III tr. Line in favour of Power Grade
CHA Corporation of India Seraj forest div Banjar, Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 5.76 ha of forest land for const of Naglari-Bandal Road

7 sarchi rd. km. 0-16/900, Seraj Forest div. Kullu, Himachal

Diversion of 9.504 ha of forest land for construction of of Road

8 Chhappan to Shipkila rd. in favour of ITBP, under Kinnaur Forest
Division and distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.06 ha of forest land for const. of Khajurana Ganes Road

9-HPB072/2008- Ka Bag Dhak Wali Rd. (Kms. 0/0-3/354) in favour of HPPWD,
CHA under Sirmour Forest Division and Distt. Sirmour, Himachal

Diversion of 0.582 ha of forest land for Const. of Banog to Dhar Road

10 Kiari rd. in favour of HPPWD, under Sirmour Forest Division,
Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 3.03 ha of forest land for const. of Link rd. form Road
11 Balsar pump house to Kabra in favour of HPPWD, under Nahan
Forest Division, distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 4.4377 ha of forest land for Const. of 4.5 MW anglad hydro HEP
12 9-HPB079/2008-CHA Electric Project in favour of M/s Shree Bhawani Power Project Ltd. New
Delhi, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.57 ha of forest land in favour of NTPC for access to their Others
13 9-HPB081/2008-CHA clay borrowing area in privagte land at vill. Harwani, under Suket Forest
Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.15 ha of forest land for construction of 5.00 MW IKU-II HEP

14 9-HPB100/2008-CHA small HEP, under Dharamshala Forest Division, district Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.503 ha of forest land for const. of Bhekhali to Sari rd. 0- Road
15 9-HPB127/2008-CHA
8/240, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Hikmachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.37 ha of forest land for const. of parking Place at Talai in Others
16 9-HPB128/2008-CHA favour of Nagar panchayat Talal Bilaspur, under Bilaspur Forest Division
and distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.1908 ha of forest land for const. of link road to vill Dobar Road
17 9-HPB129/2008-CHA Km. 0-5/375 in favour of HPPWD, under Una Forest Division and Distt.
Una, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.6177 ha of forest land for const.of Lellon-Jhinjoo road km. Road
18 9-HPB135/2008-CHA 0-7/540) in favour of HPPWD, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.5544 ha of forest land for Const. of 6 MW Tangnu Romai-Ii HEP

19 9-HPB136/2008-CHA HEP in favour of Tangu Romai Power Generation Ltd. Delhi, under
Rohroo Forest Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.315 ha of forest land for Installation of Weight Bridge at Otehrs

20 9-HPB137/2008-CHA village kathla in favour of Commissioner Transport HP., under Forest
Division and Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.6433 ha of forest land for const. of Link road from Charri Road
21 9-HPB141/2008-CHA to Threot in favour of HPPWD, under Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 4.98 ha of forest land for const. of Kupri to Mashot rd Raod

22 9-HPB142/2008-CHA infavour of HPPWD, under Chopal Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.78 ha of forest land for const of retional Forsnsic Others

23 Laboratory at Mandi in favour of H.P Home Department, under
Nachan Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 5.00 ha of forest land for const. of Suri to Kaila rd. in

24 favour of HPPWD, under Chamba Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.0467 ha of forest land for Const. of Daulatpur- Road

25 Jalari-Har-Kharat road in favour HPPWD , under Dharamshala
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.2577 ha of forest land for Const of Kutharna to Road

26 Kareri rd. (Jeepable Standard) in favour of HPPWD, under
Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.577 ha of forest land for const. of Link Road to Road

27 Village Jiskkun in favour of HPPWD, under Shimla Forest Division
and distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.929 ha of forest land for const. of Jiskkun to Kakha Raod

28 Road in favour of HPPWD, under Shimla Forest Division and
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.1783 ha of additional forest for const. of 5 MW HEP

9-HPB155/2008- Rakchad Small HEP in favour of Excel Cars Ltd New Delhi, under
CHA Sarahan Wildlife Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal

Diversion of 0.4046 ha of forest land for Estb. Of Stone crusher Mining

30 andmining lease in favour of Sh. Nanak Chand, Vill Naulakha,
under Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.4542 ha of forest land for Estb. Of Stone crusher Mining

31 andmining lease in favour of Mahadev stone crusher , Vill Nalini,
under Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.2746 ha of forest land for const. of Nadoli Purkher Road

32 rd km. 0-2 in favour of HPPWD, under Nurpur Forest Division,
Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.22 ha of forest land for const. of Bus Stand at Others

9-HPB180/2008- Mandi in favour of H.P. Bus Stand Management & Development
CHA HP Authority, under mandi Forest Division and Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0,969 ha of forest land for constr. Of Dughilag to Road

34 Dubkan road (Kms. 0/00 to 5/120), under Kullu Forest Division
and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.883 ha of forest land for const. of Churla to Road

35 Khanipandhe road (Kms. 0/00 to 7/300) under Kullu Forest
Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 7.336 ha of forest land for const. of Keo KoKinfi road Raod
36 in favour of HPPWD, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB222/2008- Diversion of 0.0777 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Kiltich Drug Road
CHA (India) Pvt. Ltd, for the construction of access road from SH to
M/s Kiltich Drug (India) Ltd, at Nihalgarh, under Paonta Sahib
& Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.036 ha of forest land for Establishment of Sabji Mandi at Others

37 9-HPB248/2008-CHA Bandrol in favour of HP Agriculture Dept, under Kullu Forest Division
and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0891 ha of forest land for const of Soild wast emanagement Others
38 9-HPB250/2008-CHA project at Dalhousie in favour of MC, under Dalhousie Forest Division,
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.6 ha of forest land for Const. of Bulli-Sihorbala-Jarundi Road

39 9-HPB262/2008-CHA Road, under Kangra Forest Division and Distt. Kangra, himachal

Diversion  of  4.18  ha  of  forest  land  for  const.  of  Ahjoo  Basahi  Ropri  Khazoor  rd  ,  under  Road
Mandi Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. 

Diversion of 0.626 ha of forest land for const. of road from Lower Kungi Road
40 9-HPB296/2008-CHA Nalla to Dunkhari Gahar Fallain, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Diversion of 3.6069 ha of forest land for permission for the estabilishment Others
41 9-HPB360/2008-CHA of BSF Battalion at Banoi in favour of BSF.under Dharamshala Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0,5765 ha of forest land for construction of Market Yard at Others

42 9-HPB362/2008-CHA Khara Pathar (Rohru) in favour of Market Committee (S&K) Shimla.,
under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 12.958 ha of forest land for const. of 24.00 MW Kut HEP in HEP
43 9-HPC375/2008-CHA favour of M/s Kut Energy Private Ltd., under Shimla Forest Division and
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.5733 ha of forest land for permission for Installation of Others

9-HPB381/2008-CHA Stone Crushers and Hot Mix Plant at Zingh-Zingh Bar in favour of M/s
HP Vinita Entrepreneurs-1798/3/37 Pucca Bagh Ropar (Punjab , under
Lahaul Forest Division, distt. Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.07 ha of forest land for const. of Saheed Samarak at Others

45 Hiranagar (Himarpur) in favour of M.C. Hamirpur, unddr Forest Division
and Distt. Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 7.833 ha. of forest land for construction of Shirga to Shallan Road
46 9-HPC478/2008-CHA Road (Kms.0/0-17/0) , unddr Shimla Forest Division & Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 5.49 ha of forest land for permission for 68 RCC (GREF) C/o Road
9-HPC512/2008-CHA 56 APO for Up-gradation of National Highway-22 to Double lane
HP Specification from 356/300 to 361/000 , undr Kinnaur Forest Division
and Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.1817 ha of forest land for const. of Market Yard at Up- Otehrs
Muhal Diara Bilaspur in favour of Secretary, Agriculture Produce Market
48 9-HPB513/2008-CHA
Committee, under Bilaspur Forest Division and Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal

Diversion of 4.92 ha of forest land for const. of Outposts for data Otehrs
9-HPB534/2008-CHA colelction Centre in favour of National Technical Research Organisation,
HP Government of India, under Solan & Shimla Forest Division, Districts
Solan & Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 3.472 ha of forest land for const. of 5.00 MW Shatul HEP
9-HPC537/2008- Small Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Gowathami
CHA HP Renewable Power (P) Ltd., under Shimla Forest Division and Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 4.4056 ha of forest land for Const. of R & R Colony Others

51 for oustees of mining area of Jaypee Himachal Cement Plant,
under Solan Forest Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.717 ha of forest land for Permission for Others

9-HPB574/2008- construction of Building by NIT Hamirpur in favour of National
CHA HP Institute of Technology, under Hamirpur Forest Division and
Distt. Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.5299 ha of forest land for Laying of 132 KV Tr. Line Tr. Line
53 from Kharsi to Bagga in favour of HPSEB, under Forest Divisions
& Districts Solan & Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 3.02 ha of forest land for const. of Polytechnic Others

9-HPB594/2008- Banikhet in favour of Director Technical Edu. Vocational&
CHA Industrial Tarining, under Chamba Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.81 ha of forest land for const. of Government Others

9-HPB602/2008- Degree College Building at Salooni in favour of H.P. Education
CHA HP Deptt. Through Principal Govt. Degree College Salooni, under
Forest Division and District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.6506 ha of forest land for construction. of Industrial Others

9-HPB604/2008- Training Institute (ITI) in favour of Department of Technical
CHA Education, Vocational & Industrial Training H.P., under Forest
Division & District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.33 ha of forest land for Augumentation of WSS Others

9-HPB605/2008- Bashing Bihal and Data Centre for Hydrology Proejct-II in favour
CHA of I & PH Deptt., under Kullu Forest Division and District Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.8 ha of forest land for Const. of 4.5 MW Sabari-II HEP

58 Small Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s DSL Hydrowatt Ltd.,
under Kullu Forest Division and District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0432 ha of forest land for const. of Water Collection Otehrs

9-HPB611/2008- Tank & Pump House, Tehsil Shahpur in favour of I & PH
CHA Department , under Dharamshala Forest Division, distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.24 ha of forest land for Const. of ABC-AR Others

9-HPB612/2008- Programme Centre and housing of Stray Dog Shelter in favour of
CHA M.C. Shimla, under Shimla Forest Division and District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB623/2008- Diversion of 3.0552 ha of forest land for const. of 2.4 MW HEP

CHA Ubharah Small HEP in favour of M/s Shakti HEP Company (P)
Ltd., New Delhi, under Forest Division and district Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0638 ha of forest land for const. of High Level Others

9-HPB624/2008- Bridge & Approaches on Chakki Khad on PCM Road NH-20 at
CHA Kms. 12/0 (HP Side) in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division &
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.5606 ha of forest land for const. of 3.00 MW Behna- HEP

63 I HEP in favour of M/s Himandri Hydro Power Ltd., under Forest
Divisions and District Mandi & Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 3.1596 ha of forest land for const. of 5.00 MW Ani HEP

9-HPB628/2008- (Behna) HEP in favour of M/s Growel Energy Company Ltd.,
CHA Mumbai , under Forest Divisions and District Mandi & Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh

Diversion of 0.0976 ha of forest land for Widening/Improvement of Road

9-HPB634/2008- NH-20 between (Kms.109/555-109/690) in Mohal Kasauti, Mauza
CHA Dehan in favour of HPPWD, under Kangra Forest Division and
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Final Approval 2009 -53-

File Nos Subject Catageory
9-HPC001/2009- Diversion of 5.052 ha of forest land for Up-gradation of Nahan-
1 CHA Paonta-Dehradoon Road (Portion Kumarhatti to Premnagar
Kms.0/0 to 14/400 in favour of HPPWD, under Soan Forest
Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC029/2009- Diversion of 0.2 ha of forest land for const. Of 33/11 KV Sub
CHA Station at Lahru Dadu (Bheri) in favour of HPSEB. Un der Others
Dharamshala Forest Diuvision, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC030/2009- Diversion of 0.668 ha of forest land for const. of Govt. Senior
CHA Secondary School Building, Kot Beja in favour of H.P. Education Others
Deptt. Under Solan District, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC032/2009- Diversion of 35.64 ha of forest land for const. of Thangi Charrang
CHA Border Road Km. 0/00 to 20/00 in favour of Indo Tibet Border Road
Police.under Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB048/2009- Diversion of 0.003 ha of forest land for const. of Khoka (Shop) in
CHA favour of Sh. Vinod Kumar R/o Vill. & P.O. Karsog, Mandi Others
District, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB049/2009- Diversion of 0.448 ha of forest land for const. of 33/11 KV Sub
CHA Station at Gopalpu (Nagri) in favour of HPSEB.Kangra District, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB050/2009- Diversion of 1.729 ha of forest land for Improvement/upgradation
7 CHA HP of Una-Nerchowk road (Portion Banala to Kalkhar Chainage
96/200 to 11/200 forest portion 100-260 to 107/700) in favour of
HPPWD., under Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB066/2009- Diversion of 2.7 ha of forest land for const. of 3.00 MW Shaung
CHA HP Small HEP in favopur of M/s Darjeeling Power Ltd., Kinnaur HEP
district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB076/2009- Diversion of 0.04 ha of forest land for const. of Government Middle
CHA School Building in favour H.P. Education Department , under Others
Kullu District Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB078/2009- Diversion of 1.709 ha of forest land for const. of Link road Kunna
CHA HP to Chaltooni Kut Paliana in favor of HPPWD, under Chamba Road
District, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB090/2009- Diversion of 0.737 ha of forest land for const. of Jeepable Road to
CHA Village Mandhrech (Kms.0/00 to 2/620) in favour of HPPWD, Road
under Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB092/2009- Diversion of 1.87 ha of forest land for const. of Government
CHA Degree College Building in favour of HP Education Department , Others
under chamba District Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB093/2009- Diversion of 2.539 ha of forest land for const. of 4.00 MW Jirah
CHA Small HEP in favour of M/s Kapil Mohan Associates Hydro Power HEP
Ltd., under Kullu district, of H.P.
9-HPB132/2009- Diversion of 0.173 ha of forest land for permission for R&D
CHA activities connected with MMC/Upper Air Station weather
forecasting for mountainous region and creation of allied Others
infrastructural and transit faciliteis in favour of Min. of Defence ,
under Shimla district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB133/2009- Diversion of 0.051 of forest land for const. of Govt. High School
CHA Building in favour of H.P.Education Department, under Mandi Others
district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB134/2009- Diversion of 0.152 ha of forest land for const. of Auditorium-cum-
CHA sports Complex in favour of H.P. Institue of Public Administration Others
, under Shimla district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB136/2009- Diversion of 1.222 ha of forest land for permission for
CHA construction of New Bus Stand in favour of HP Bus Stand Others
Management and Development Authority, under Hamirpur Forest

9-HPB137/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.671 ha of forest land for permission for construction of

HP Cricket Academy in favour of H.P. Cricket Association Shimla, under Others
Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB160/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.162 ha of forest land for Installation of Weigh Bridge in
favour of Himachal Roadways Transport Corporation , under Forest Others
Division and District chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB161/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.225 ha of forest land for const. of Chayali to Lower Devat
Road (Kms.0/0-1/990) in favour of BDO Chopal , under Shimla district, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB162/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for const. of Water Treatment Plant
and Pump House at Census in favour of I & PH Deptt., under Mandi Others
district, Himachal Pradesh.
22 9-HPB174/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.29 ha of forest land for const. of 33/22 KV Sub Station
Rewalsar in favour of HPSEB, under Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB176/2009-CHA Diversion of 1.3707 ha of forest land for installation of Stone Crusher and
Mining Lease in favour of M/s Ganpati Stone Crusher, Tryambla. Prop.
Amit Kumar & Smt Manju Thakur, under Jogindrnagar Forest Division,
District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9 HPB186/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.016 ha of forest land for setting up of VHF Station
Rewalsar in favour of H.P. Police Department, under Mandi district, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB196/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.056 ha of forest land for const. of Primary Health Centre in
favour of H.P.Health Department, under Shimla district, Himachal Others
9-HPB197/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.493 ha of forest land for Widening/upgradation of existing
Theog-Kotkhai-Hatkoti-Rohru road (Kms.10/470-29/00-Theog to Road
Chhailla) in favour HPPWD, under Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
26 9-HPB198/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.18 ha of forest land for access to their clay borrowing area
HP in favour of HTPC, under Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB200/2009-CHA Diversion of 28.5487 ha of forest land for construction of 44.00 MW
Tangnu Romai-I HEP in favour of M/s Tangnu Romai Power Generation HEP
(P) Ltd, under Rampur Forest Division District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB204/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.68 ha of forest land for const. of Inspection Hut and Water
Treatment Plant and road at Census in favour of I & PH Deptt. Under Others
Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB205/2009-CHA Diversion of 1.956 ha of forest land for const. of link road to village
Nahana (Kms. 0/0 to 3/500) in favour of HPPWD, under Chamba district, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB206/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.4750 ha of forest land for Installation of Crusher Hot Mix
Plant & Wet Mixing Plant under Forest Division & District Kinnaur, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB207/2009-CHA Diversion of 1.364 ha of forest land for permission for Establishment of
Stone Crusher and Extraction of Sand, Stones & Bajri in favour of Kapil Mining
Nayar Mohalla Upper Jalkari, under Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB208/2009-CHA Diversion of 0.075 ha of forest land for const. of Govt. Veterinary Hospital
in favour of Dy. Director Animal Husbandary, under Shimla district, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB215/2009-CHA Diversion of 1.054 ha of forest land for const. of 400/200 KV Poling
Station for Parvati-II & Parvati-III, Allin Duhangan & Other proejcts in Others
favour of Power Grid of India , under Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB216/2009- Diversion of 0.006 ha of forest land for const. of Society Godown
CHA in favour of Co- Operation, H.P. , under Mandi district, Himachal Others

9- Diversion of 0.134 ha of forest land for const. of 60

33 HPB217/2009- Mtrs. Span PMT Bridge at 8.800 linking Manali-Sarchu
CHA Road to Army Transit Camp in favour of BRO, under
Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh
9- Diversion of 5.1466 ha of forest land for const. of 4.5
HPB220/2009- MW Siul nBaroti Small HEP, under Churah Forest HEP
CHA Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
9- Diversion of 3.3 ha of forest land for const. of Link
35 HPB231/2009- Road Bhojnagar to neri Kalan via Tikkari (Kms. 0/0-
CHA 7/856) under PMGSY, under Solan district, Himachal
9- Diversion of 2.281 ha of forest land for const. of 5.00
36 HPB232/2009- MW Rukti-II Small HEP in favour of M/s Door Sanchar
CHA Hydro Power Ltd., under Kinnaur district, Himachal
9- Diversion of 9.28 ha of forest land for const. of 200 KW
HPC233/2009- D/C Tr. Line from Kangoo to Rauri in favour of HPSEB Tr. Line
CHA , under Solan district, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.32 ha of forest land for const. of Byepass
HPB234/2009- road Dhalain Mor to NH at Manasar (Kms.0/0 to Road
CHA 0/525) under Solan district, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.132 ha of forest land for const. of Office
HPB235/2009- Building in favour of H.P.State Pollution Control Board, Others
CHA under Sirmour district, Himachal Pradesh
9- Diversion of 0.038 ha of forest land for const. of Farm
40 HPB284/2009- Centre-Jamli in favour of Secretary of Agriculture
CHA Produce Market Committee, under Bilaspur District,
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB317/2009- Diversion of 1.195 ha of forest land for Realignment of

CHA HP Existing Manali-Sarchu Road in favour of BRO, under Kullu Road
district, HP
9-HPB318/2009- Diversion of 0.159 ha of forest land for const. of 21 Meters
42 CHA Span Bridge & Approaches at Km. 13.950 on Manali-Sarchu
Road at Kothi in favour of Border Roads Organization (BRO),
under Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC349/2009- Diversion of 34.41 ha of forest land for construction of 220
43 CHA KV D/C Budhil-Chamera-III Tr. Line in favour of Lanco
Tr. Line
Green Power Pvt. Ltd., under Chamba district, Himachal
9-HPB350/2009- Diversion of 0.215 ha of forest land for const. of Pump
44 CHA HP house, filter Beds, Raw Water Tank etc. of LWSS Dakhuit
Patta Dangar in favour of I & PH Deptt. Under Bilaspur
Forest Division and district Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB357/2009- Diversion of 2.1 ha of forest land for const. of 220 KV D/C
CHA Tr. Line from Giri Nagar to Rampur Bharapur in favour of Tr. Line
HPSEB, under Sirmour district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB360/2009- Diversion of 2.546 ha of forest land for construction of 12
CHA MW Upper Nanti HEP in favour of M/s Nanti Hydro Power HEP
Pvt. New Shimla, under Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB361/2009- Diversion of 21.7094 ha of forest land in favour of 68 RCC
46 CHA (GREF) c/o 56 APO for up-gradation of NH-22 from 373/00
to 395/00, under Forest Division and Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB362/2009- Diversion of 4.21 ha of forest land for const. of Doghri-
CHA Samana -Tiun Road (0/0-13/300) inf avour of HPPWD, Road
under Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB363/2009- Diversion of 0.181 ha of forest land for const. of Regional
48 CHA HP Research Indistutie (Ayurveda) (Pandoh) in faovur of Indian
System of Medicine and Homoepathy, under Mandi district,
9-HPB393/2009- Diversion of 0.409 ha of forest land for permission for
49 CHA Extraction of Slates in Mauza Kunr in favour of shri
Parkash Chand S/O Sh. Sorma Ram, under Chamba
district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB413/2009- Diversion of 0.018 ha of forest land for const. of Bihar to
CHA Kothi Chahni Road (Kms. 0/0-5/300) in favour of HPPWD, Road
under Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB414/2009- Diversion of 0.333 ha ofr forest land for const. of 33/11 KV
CHA Sub Stn. nn faovur of HPSEB , under Mandi district, Others
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB416/2009- Diversion of 0.104 ha of forest land for const. of Primary Health

CHA Centre in favour of H.P.Health Department , under Kangra Others
district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB417/2009- Diversion of 1.104 ha of forest land for const. of Dudar Bharoun
CHA road under PMGSY (Kms. 0/0-4/00) in faovur of HPPWD, under Road
chamab district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB419/2009- Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for permission for the
54 CHA Extraction of Slates in Mauza Tur in faovur of Sh. Daljeet Sharma
S/o Sh. Satya Prakash , under Chamba Forest Division and
District chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC422/2009- Diversion of 9.239 ha of forest land for const. of Tikkri to Dhannat
CHA Road (Kms. 0/0-9/0) in faovur of Shimla district, Himachal Road
9-HPB438/2009- Diversion of 4.834 ha of forest land for const. of Kuridhar Chunja
CHA Karangla Kunth road (Kms.0/014-330) in favour HPPWD, under Road
Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB463/2009- Diversion of 0.333 ha of forest land for const. of Berti-Manlog road
CHA (Kms 0/00 to 4/690) in favour of HPPWD, under Solan district, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB465/2009- Diversion of 1.789 ha of forest land for const. of 3:00MW pangi
58 CHA Mini Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Sai Engineering
Foundation, New Shimla., under Kinnaur district, Himachal
9-HPB471/2009- Diversion of 0.76 ha of forest land for const. of Water Tank with
CHA Treatment Plant at Suderh (Dhar) in favour of I&PH Deptt., under Others
Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB482/2009- Diversion of 0.621 ha of forest land for const. of Ropa to Padhana
CHA road in favour of HPPWD., under Mandi district, Himachal Road
9-HPC497/2009- Diversion of 34.7 ha of forest land for const. of 36 MW Chanju-I
CHA HEP, in favour of M/s Indo Arya Cenral Transport Ltd., New HEP
Shimla.under Chamba district, H.P.
9-HPB498/2009- Diversion of 4.85 ha of forest land for Laying of NH-22 between
CHA Zirakpur-Parwanoo, Kms. 39.860 to 67.000 in f/o of NHAI,., Road
under Solan district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB509/2009- Diversion of 2.85 ha of forest land for const. of Chamba to
CHA Sandooh road (Kms. 11/060 to 15/510) in favour of HPPWD., Road
under Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB510/2009- Diversion of 2.88 ha of forest land for const. of Link road from
CHA mataghat to Gaighat (Kms. 0/0-4/270) in favour of HPPWD.under Road
Solan district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB511/2009- Diversion of 0.682 ha of forest land for const. of Industrial
65 CHA Training Institute (ITI) Bagsiad in favour of Director Technical
Education, Himachal Pradesh Sundernagar. Under Mandi district,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB514/2009- Diversion of 1.932 ha of forest land for const. of 2:00 MW Dikleri
66 CHA Small Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Manimahesh Hydel
Power Project Co-operative Society Ltd.(Regd. Chamba. Under
Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB515/2009- Diversion of 2.654 ha of forest land for const. of 1.20 MW Salanti
CHA Small Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Sturdy Industries HEP
Ltd., Parwanoo., under Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB516/2009- Diversion of 2.83 ha of forest land for const. of New Bus Stand at
CHA Hamirpur in favour of H.P. Bus Stand management and Others
Development Authority, under Hamirpur district
9-HPB526/2009- Diversion of 0.927 ha of forest land for const. of Link road from
CHA Balghar to Landiara via Chatwal (Kms.0/00to 4/250) in favour of Road
HPPWD.under Kangra district H. P.

9-HPC540/2009- Diversion of 5.989 ha of forest land for const. of Lalsa to

CHA Majhali road (Kms. 0/0 to 9/500) in favour of HPPWD. Road
Under Shimla district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB545/2009- Diversion of 0.,028 ha of forest land for const. of Section
CHA Store cum Complaint office at Darka in favour of I &PH Others
Deptt.,under Kullu district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB546/2009- Diversion of 3.567 ha of forest land for const. of Pilli to Swai
CHA road Kms. 0/0 to 5/490) in favour of HPPWD, under Road
Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB576/2009- Diversion of 1.602 ha of forest land for construction of
CHA Pahal-Panehal road portion Neot to Nayasari Kms. 0/00 to Road
4/785, under Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB578/2009- Diversion of 0.142 ha of forest land for
74 CHA improvement/Widening of existing Nangal-Mubarakpur road
(Portion Dhussara to Amb Kms. 31/300 to 50/300) in
favour of HPPWD., under Una district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB579/2009- Diversion of 0.502 ha of forest land for
75 CHA Improvement/Widening of existing Nangal-Mubarakpur
road (Portion Mehatpur to Dhussara, Kms. 5/600 to
31/300) to in favour of HPPWD, under Una district, H.P.
9-HPB580/2009- Diversioon of 0.58 ha of forest land for
76 CHA improvement/Widening of existing Una-Ner Chowk road
(portion Barnoh to Badsar, Kms. 4/00 to 45/00) in favour of
HPPWD., under Una district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB581/2009- Diversion of 0.507 ha of forest land for const. of Solid Waste
CHA Management Project at Palampur in favour of Municipal Others
council Palampur.under Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB588/2009- Diverswion of 2.2958 (instead of 2.2996 ha.) of forest land in
78 CHA favour of M/s Shobla Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, Kullu for the
construction of 5.00 MW Gramong HEP, under Kullu Forest
Division & Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC601/2009- Diversion of 6.937 ha of forest land for Contractor's
79 CHA Establishment near South portal of Rohtang Tunnel in
favour of Border Roads Organization (BRO)., under Kullu
district Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB604/2009- Diversion of 1.201 ha of forest land for const. of Rirakmar to
80 CHA Ghatarda road (Kms. 0/0 to 3/260) in favour of HPPWD.,
under Dharamshala Forest Division, District Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
2010- 59

File No. Subject Catageory

9- Diversion of 2.9064 hac. Of for Const. of Bagani to

HPB022/2010- Barni via Tanan Baldoon road (Kms. 0/0 to 4/900) in
1 Road
CHA favour of HPWD.under forest division Nurpur Distt
Kangra. himachal Pradesh.

9- Diversion of 7.2209 hect. Of Widening/Improvemnet

HPC023/2010- of NH-22 to double lane specification in favour of 68
2 CHA RCC (GREF) C/O 56 APO from Kms. 361.00 to Road
373.00.under forest divison Kinnaur Distt Kinnaur.
himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 9.9123 ha (instead of 9.2123 ha) of
HPB025/2010- additional of forest land for construction of Land Fill
3 CHA for Solid Waste Management Proejct at Taradevi in Others
favour of MC Shimla, under Forest Division and Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.75 hec. Of for Const. of Bakani to
4 HPB026/2010- Kalwara road in favour of HPPWD under forest division Road
CHA Chamba distt chamba himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 12.096 hect of for Improvement/up
HPC027/2010- gradation of Bhawarna to jaisinghpur road (0/00 to
5 Road
CHA 26.280) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division
Palampur Distt. Kangra. himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.6 hect of for Const. of Sunara to Taggi
HPB056/2010- road (portion Bagga to Tatri Kms. 0/0 to 6/500) in
6 Road
CHA favour of HPPWD.under forest division Chamba distt
Chamba. himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 6.314 hect for Const. Of Sharni to Pini
7 HPC058/2010- road in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Chamba Road
CHA Distt Chamba.himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.96 hect. For Const. of Kainthly to
HPB059/2010- Jandrah road (Kms. 0/0 to 10/720) in favour of
8 Road
CHA HPPWD.under forest division chamba distt chamba.
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPC060/2010- Diversion of 13.345 hect for Const. of 400 KV D/C

CHA Transmission line from Switch Yard of 100 MW Sorang HEP
to be connected with 400 KV/DC Karchham Wangtoo-
9 Tr. Line
Abdullapur T/L of Jaypee Power Grid in favour of M/s
Himachal Soragg Pvt. Ltd.,under forest division kinnaur
distt Kinnaur Shimla himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB068/2010- Diversion of 2.22 hect for Const. of Sunara to Androond
CHA road (Kms. 0/0 to 4/00) in favour of HPPWD.under forest Road
division Chamba Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh
9-HPC078/2010- Diversion of 15.61 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
CHA upgradation of Kumarhatti-Sarahan nahan-paonta
10 Dehradoon road (portion Premnagar to Saroga-Tikker Kms. Road
14/210 to 43/150),under Rajgarh Forest Division, District
Solan, HP
9-HPB076/2010- Diversion of 3.44 for Const. of road to Vill. Sairna (Kms. 0/0
11 CHA to 5/250) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Chamba Road
Distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB079/2010- Diversion of 2.1145 hect for Const. of Link road Thakoli to
CHA Dungra via Kehra (Karned) Mandrala (Kms. 0/00 to 4/280)
12 Road
in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Dalhousie distt
Chamba HP
9-HPB082/2010- Diversion of 1.668 hect for Const. of Gulahdhar to Rambi
13 CHA road in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Serai Distt Road
Kullu HP
9-HPB092/2010- Diversion of 4.5189 hect of for Const. of 5.00 MW Kut-I
CHA small Hydro Electtic Project in favour of M/sYadapati Agro
14 HEP
Products (P)Ltd. Hyderabad.under forest Division Rampur
distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.


9-HPB093/2010-CHA Diversion of 19.192 hect of for Improvement/upgradation of Ranital-

Kotla road (Kms. 0/00 to 39/173) in favour of HPPWD, Forest Division
15 Dharamshla, Dehra & Nurpur.under forest division Dharam-Shla, Dehra
& Nurpur Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB094/2010-CHA Diversion of 12.934 hect for Const. of 25 MW Lambadug HEP & 11.3974
ha. Of forest land for Const. of 132 KV Transmission Line from Lamdug
16 project to HPSEB Sub Station at Bassi in faovur of M/s KU Hydro Power HEP
Pvt. Ltd., Dharamshala under Hamirpur Wildlife Division.under forest
division Jogindernagar distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB133/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.86 for Const. of road Titled Tuna Kali Temple road (Kms.
17 Road
0/0 to 1/615) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division
9-HPB134/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.07 hect for Const. of Khanog-Pungrish-Bartog and Nagpuri
18 road (Kms. 0/0 to 2/300) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Theog Road
Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB135/2010-CHA Diversion of 1.14 hect for Const. of Kathandli Nallah to Amar Nagar road
19 (Kms. 0/0 to 1/00) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Theog distt Road
Shimla himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB136/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.72 hect for Const. of road to Vill. Kundli (Kms. 0/0 to 3/00)
20 in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Theog Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPC148/2010-CHA Diversion of 29.59 hect for Establishment of 5th IR Mahila Battalion at
21 Bassi (Bilaspur) in favour of HP Police Depatt.under forest division Others
Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB154/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.493 for Const. of Khala-Kiar to Bandal Surakh (Kms.
22 0/000 to 14/475) in favour of HPPWD, FD Renukaji Distt. Sirmour. Road
Under forest division Renukaji distt Sirmour himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB162/2010- Diversion of 0.9328 for Const. of link road to Village Deothi (Kms 0/000
23 CHA) to 1/750) in favour of HPPWD, Distt. Shimla.under forest division Shimla Road
distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB183/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.27 for Const. of Tikker to Barog road (Kms. 0/0 to 8/00) in
24 favour of HPPWD, under forest division Theog Distt Shimla Himachal Road
9-HPB185/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.906 for Const. of road from Chimney to Munddal (Kms.
25 0/00 to 1/240), in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Ani distt Kullu Road
himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB186/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.612 for const. of Jakhla Dhar Pukhara road (Kms. 0/000
26 to 5/000) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Chamba Distt Road
Chamba himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB188/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.766 for Const. of Link road Chaklot to Chunagai (Kms.
27 0/000 to 5/300) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
(9-HPB189/2010- Diversion of 3.5418 for Const. of link road to Vill. Brua (kms. 0/000 to
28 CHA 6/500) in favour of HPPWD.under forest divison Kinnaur distt Kinnaur Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB190/2010-CHA Diversion of 2.366 Const. of link road from Kuthar to Saila (Kms. 0/00 to
29 3/720) in favour of HPPWD, under forest Division Chamba Distt Chamba Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB191/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.54Const. of link road to Village Pudli (Kms. 0/00 to 4/000)
30 in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Panita Sahib distt Sirmour Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB193/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.39 for Const. of link road to Ranger Basti from Salawala-
Singhpura-Bhagani-Khojjar road (Kms. 0/000 to 1/900) in favour of
31 Road
HPPWD,under forest division Panita Sahib distt Sirmour Himachal
9-HPB194/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.69 Cosnt. Of link road to Vill. Bakhan (Kms. 0/00 to
32 2/510) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Panita Sahib distt Road


9-HPB195/2010- Diversion of 0.301Const. of link road to Vill. Nabra (kms. 0/000 to

CHA 1/900) in favour of HPPWD, under forest Division Panita Sahib Road
Distt Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB199/2010- Diversion of 2.839 for Const. of Motorable road from Slapper to
34 CHA Serikothi (portion Dharli to Serikothi) Kms. 13/000 to 18/00), in Road
favour of HPPWD,under forest division Mandi Distt Mandi
9-HPB200/2010- Diversion of 0.102 for Const. of link road from Timber Sale Depot
CHA Roura near GSSS (Girls) Bilaspur to Sports Complex, Luhnoo
35 Road
(Kms. 0/00 to 0/135) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division
Bilaspur distt Bilaspur
9-HPB201/2010- Diversion 1.008 for Const. of road from Pali to Prantla (Kms.
36 CHA 0/000 to 3/100) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani Road
distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB202/2010- Diversion of 2.491 for Const. of Runa to Dashog upto Jundwa
37 CHA road (Kms. 0/000 to 5/375) in favour of HPPWD,under forest
division Ani Distt Kullu himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB203/2010- Diversion of 1.483 for const. of Khadir Bavali to Jundu (Kms.
38 CHA 0/000 to 3/000) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani Road
distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB205/2010- Diversion of 1.979 for Const. of road from Dawah to Badri (kms.
39 CHA 0/000 to 6/00) in favour of HPPWD, 9-HPB205/2010-CHA under Road
forest division Ani distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB206/2010- Diversion of 2.86 for Cosnt. Of Ghum to Janjla road (Kms. 0/00 to
40 CHA 5/00) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Chamba Distt Road
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB207/2010- Diversion of 2.169 for Const. of road from Tharla to Sagofa (Kms.
41 CHA 0/000 to 5/00) in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Ani Road
Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB208/2010- Diversion of 1.203 for Const. of Kanvi to Dasholi road (Kms. 0/00
42 CHA to 5/00) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB209/2010- Diversion of 2.6 for Const. of Panela to Ghatred road (Kms. 0/000
43 CHA to 4/00) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Chamba distt Road
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB210/2010- Diversion of 2.4829 for Source level Augmentation of various
CHA LWSS/WSS from Kol Dam in Distt. Bilaspur in favour of IPH
44 Others
Deptt.,under forest division Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur Himachal
(9-HPB212/2010- Diversion of 3.94 for Const. of Bhakhanown-Duga Shagan road
45 CHA (Kms. 0/000 to 8/420) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Road
Ani Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB214/2010- Diversion of 1.935 for Const. of road from Arshoo to Kundakod
46 CHA (kms. 0/000 to 5/510) in favour of HPPWD, under forest division Road
Ani distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB215/2010- Diversion of 1.885 for Const. of Galed to Boong road (Kms. 0/000
47 CHA to 3/120) in favour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC217/2010- Diversion of 5.835 for Const. of Kandugad to Joan upto Vill. Dhar
48 CHA road (Kms. 0/00 to 11.735) in favour of HPPWD,under forest Road
division Ani distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB219/2010- Diversion of 0.3446 for Const. of 132/133 KV, 1x25x3.5MVA Sub-
49 CHA Station at Maliana, in favour of HPSEB,under forest division Others
Shimla Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB220/2010- Diversion of 0.9395 for The Augmentation of LWSS Sh. Naina Devi
50 CHA Jee (Town) providing LWSS to PC/NC Hamlets in GP Kharkari, Others
Ghuwandal, Mandyali Nakrana and Kot Khas from Anandpur

9-HPB221/2010-CHA Diversion of 1.974 for Const. of road from Panetanal to Bishal (Kms.
51 0/000 to 3/495) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Ani distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC222/2010-CHA Diversion of 5.766 for Const. of road from Shroo to Kapti (kms. 0/000 to
52 8/000) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Ani Distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB223/2010-CHA Diversion of1.194 for Const. of road from Farbog to Thach (Kms. 0/000
53 to 3/075) in fvour of HPPWD,under forest division Ani Distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB224/2010-CHA Diversion of 4.5977 for Const. of Niyalang to Kasheri up to Galoon road
54 (kms. 7/300 to 14/000) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Kullu Road
distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB225/2010-CHA Diversion of 4.316 for Const. of Jibhi-Seraj road (Kms. 0/000 to 9/200) in
55 favour of HPPWD.under forest division Seraj Distt Kullu Himachal Road
9-HPC231/2010-CHA Diversion of 14.059 for Upgradation of Draman Sihunta road (Kms. 0/0
56 to 24/000) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Dalhousie distt Road
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB237/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.016 hac for App., rd. to retail outlet at Vill. Hatli by M/s
Atul HP Centre, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,
57 Road
Chandigarh.under forest division Dalhousie distt Chamba Himachal
9-HPB239/2010-CHA Diversion of 0.105 hac for Const. of link road to Vill. Khaina (Kms. 0/00
58 to 1/285) in favour of HPPWD.under forest division Panto Sahib distt Road
Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB 247/2010- Diversion of 0.9997 hac for Const. of 33 KV Transmission Line from 5
CHA MW Sainj Hydro Electric Project up to 33/11 KV HPSEB Sub Station
59 Tr. Line
Saillai, in favour of M/s Himshakti Projects (P) Ltd., Shimla.under forest
division Renuka distt Sirmour Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB256/2010- Diversion of 4.622 hac for Const. of road from Bhanodi to
60 CHA Satrundi (Kms. 0/000 to 7/800) in favour of HPPWD.under forest Road
division Churah distt Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB257/2010- Diversion of 0.9626 hac for Const. of Beel to Regatoo road via
61 CHA Bijlidhar (kms. 0/000 to 4/300) in favour of HPPWD. Under forest Road
division Kotgarh Distt Shimla.Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB258/2010- Diversion of 4.0571 hac for Const. of Nogli, Dvtan, Kalna,
CHA Tanseri, Khakhrola and Batuna road (Kms. 0/000 to 8/000) in
62 Road
favour of HPPWD. Under forest division Rampur Distt Shimla
himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB267/2010- Diversion of 0.7302 hac for Const. of pipline for 4.5MW Neogal
CHA Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Neogal Power Company (P)
63 Others
Ltd., under forest division Palampur distt Kangra Himachal
9-HPB272/2010- Diversion of 4.0673 hac for Laying of 33 KV Transmission line
CHA from Iku Hydro Power Project to Neugal-II Hydro Powr Project in
64 Tr. Line
favour of M/s Iku Hydro Power Company Ltd.under forest division
Dharamshala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB274/2010- Diversion of 0.0444 hac for Const. of Tube well, pump house and
65 CHA collection tank at Vill. Chellian, in favour of IPH Deptt.under Others
forest division Dharmshala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB282/2010- Diversion of 1.61 hac for Const. of Cricket Stadium at Gumma in
66 CHA favour of District Youth Services & Sports Officer, Shimla.under Others
forest division Theog Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 7.72 hac for Const. of 24.00 MW Baragaon Hydro
67 Electric Project in favour of M/s Kanchanjunga Power Company HEP
(Pvt.) Ltd., Noida (UP) under forest division Kullu distt Kullu, HP
9-HPB337/2010- Diversion of 0.054 hac for Mining and access to the clay borrows
CHA area in village Jugahan under forest division Suket Distt Mandi
68 Mining
Himachal Pradesh

9-HPB338/2010- Diversion of 4.98 hac for Construction of 5 MW Baner

CHA Sangam Small HEP in favour of Yogendra Power Ltd, under
69 HEP
forest division Dehra Dharmashala Distt Kangra Himachal
9-HPB361/2010- Diversion of 3.204 hac for Construction of Motorable road
70 CHA from Slapper to Tattapani road Km. 13/330 to 17/300 Road
under forest division Suket Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC362/2010- Diversion of 20 hac for Establishment of High Altitude
CHA Research Centre of CSIR at Ribling in favour of Director,
71 Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT) Others
Palampur under forest division Lahaul & Spiti Distt Spiti
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB363/2010- Diversion of 0.3782 hac for Construction of dhundi Bridge
CHA 224 Mtrs Span at Km. 7.00 for approach road to Soth Portal
72 Others
, Rohtang Tunnel By GREF under forest division Kullu distt
Kullu Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB364/2010- Diversion of 0.6636 hac for Construction of 70 Mtrs Span
CHA Major permanent Bridge (Koksar-1) and app. Road at Km.
73 Others
71.2 on Manali-Sarchu road under forest division Lahaul
Spiti Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB406/2010- Diversion of 3.7399 hac for Construction of 12 MW Jogani
CHA HEP in favour of Gangdari Hydro Power Ltd, Gamba House,
74 HEP
New Shimla under forest division Rampur Distt Shimla
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPC411/2010- Diversion of 19.174 hac for Construction of 220 KV D/C Tr.

CHA Line from Chamera-III HEP Dharwala to Chamera-II Power
75 Tr. Line
Pooling Station at Rajera under forest division Chamba Distt
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB412/2010- Diversion of 0.2253 hac for Construction of Palchan-II
76 CHA Bridge including approaches at South Portal under forest Others
division Kullu distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB437/2010- Diversion of 0.9829 hac for Construction of Gargacharya
77 CHA Stone Crusher for Stone Quarry at Bhallan-III (Larji) under Mining
forest division Seraj Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB438/2010- Diversion of 0.15 hac for Laying of Optical Fibre Cable to
CHA Indian Air Force Station Network by BSNL from Ahla to Dian
78 Others
Kund under forest division Chamba Distt chamba Himachal
9-HPB450/2010- Diversion of 1.7065 hac for Construction of Bhaled Duli-
79 CHA Kakra-Chamiara road Km. 0/00 to 9/00 under forest Road
division Dharamshala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB451/2010- Diversion of 3 hac for Construction of 5 MW Simla Mini HEP
CHA in favour of M/s Sai Engineering Foundation Sai Bhawan,
80 HEP
Shimla.under forest division Rohroo Distt Shimla Himachal
9-HPB452/2010- Diversion of 2.4914 hac for Construction of 4.5 MW Rajpur
CHA HEP on Nogli Khad in favour of M/s DLI Power (India) Pvt.
Ltd, Shimla under forest division Rampur Distt shimla
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB469/2010- Construction of Municipal Solid Waste Management
CHA Treatment and Disposal Facility at Dabota (Nalagarh), under
81 Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Others

82 9-HPB485/2010- Diversion of 0.0829 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping

CHA Site on Khasra No. 1019/1 on road Adda Villa to Golcha
Village under forest division Shimla Distt Shimla Himachal
9-HPB486/2010- Diversion of 0.079 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping
83 CHA Site on Boileuganj-Chakker road near jaswal House, under Others
forest division Shimla Distt Shila himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB488/2010- Diversion of 0.1108 hact for Construction of Muck dumping
CHA site on Khasra No. 7/1 on road from Adda Villa to Golcha
84 Others
Village under forest division Shimla distt Shimla Himachal
9-HPB489/2010- Diversion of 0.1458 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping
CHA Site on Khasra No. 663/1 on Shimla, Byepass road near
85 Others
Bakhrain road Malyana road under forest shimla Distt
Shimla HP

9-HPB490/2010- Diversion of 0.0273 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping Site

CHA on Khasra No. 1019/1/3 from Cart road/Caoital Hotel to
86 Others
Annadale under forest division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal
9-HPB491/2010- Diversion of 0.1009 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping Site
CHA on Khasra No. 161 & 1694 on road from Sanjauli to rideg via
87 Others
IGMC Shimla under forest Division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal
9-HPB492/2010- Diversion of 0.0836 hact Construction of Muck dumping Site on
88 CHA Khasra No. 363/187 from Deepak Project to Nav bahar under Others
forest division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB493/2010- Diversion of 0.0416 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping Site
CHA on Khasra No. 1225 & 1227 at Oakwood near Keyman Quarter
89 Others
(Jakhu) under forest division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal
9-HPB494/2010- Diversion of 0.4576 hact for Construction of LWSS of Changer
90 CHA area in favour of I & PH department under forest division Others
Palampur Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC495/2010- Diversion of 28.531 hectares of forest land for Construction of Phina
CHA Singh Medium Irrigation Project in favour of Irriagation & Public Health
Deptt. Under Nurpur & Dalhousie Forests Divisions, Distt. Kangra &
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB499/2010- Diversion of 0.2734 hac for Construction of Muck Dumping Sit

CHA eon Khasra No. 56 on shimla Byepass road RD 4/770 to 4/830
92 Others
opposite ceremation ground Kanlong.under forest division Shimla
Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB500/2010- Diversion of 0.1216 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping site
93 CHA on Khasra No. 229 near Police Line Ground Bharari under forest Others
division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB501/2010- Diversion of 0.2585 hact for Construction of Muck dumping Site
CHA on Khasra No. 663/2/1 on Shimla Byepass road near Bakhrain
94 Others
road Malyana under forest division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal
9-HPB502/2010- Diversion of 0.0865 hact for Construction of Muck Dumping Site
95 CHA on Khasra No. 1019/2 on road from Adda Villa to Golcha Village Others
under forest division Shimla Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.


9- Diversion of 0.7212 hact for Construction of Shilonbag

HPB505/2010- to Bharara to Dharbhog RD 4/790 to 6/00 from
96 Road
CHA Kandaghat to Village Dharbog under forest division
Shimla Distt shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.8436 hact for Construction of 3.6 MW
HPB513/2010- Gaj-Garju Stage-1, Small HEP in favour of Kangra
97 HEP
CHA Hydro Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd, Ranital.under forest
division Dharamshala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.93 hact for Construction of 4 MW Balh
HPB519/2010- Padhar Small H.E.P. in favour of M/s USP Hydro
98 HEP
CHA Energy Ltd under forest division Mandi &
Jogindernagar Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.112 hact for Construction of LPG
HPB539/2010- Godown at Bashing in favour of State Civil Supplies
99 Others
CHA Corporation Ltd, under forest division Kullu distt Kullu
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 7.11 hact for Upgradation/Widening of
HPC551/2010- Theog-Kotkhai-Rohru road between RD 29/00 to
100 Road
CHA 51/300 under under forest division Theog Distt Shimla
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.2017 hact for Construction of 8.00 MW
HPB5612010- Raura Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s DLI
101 HEP
CHA Power (India) Ltd.under forest division Kinnaur Distt
Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB5622010- Diversion of 0.3897 hact for Construction of Sewerage Treatment

102 CHA Plant at narkanda in favour of I&PH Department under forest Others
division Kotgarh Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB5642010- Diversion of 0.0706 hact for Construction of Chambers of the
CHA & Clubbed 9- Members of High Court Bar Association in favour of Hon]ble High
103 Others
HPB21/2010-CHA court Shimla under forest division Shimla distt shimla himachal
9-HPB5652010- Diversion of 0.0759 hact for Construction of Ambedkar Bhawan in
CHA favour of Distt. Welfare Officer under forest Division Hamirpur
104 Others
Distt Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB571/2010- Diversion of 0.36 hact for Construction of Neri-Dukhi-Nagain

105 CHA Bihandhar Gharahan road in favour of HPPWD under forest Road
division Mandi Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB572/2010- Diversion of 3.3642 hact for Construction of Baleer to Dakwan via
106 CHA Samoon Randoh road Km. 0/00 to 6/100 in favour of HPPWD Raod
under forest division Nurpur Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB617/2010- Diversion of 0.905 hact for Construction of Bus Stand at
107 CHA Dharampur in favour of HRTC, Tehsil Sarkaghat under forest Others
division Jogindernagar Distt Mandi Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB618/2010- Diversion of 0.0255 hact for Construction of Building of Divisional
108 CHA Level Data Centre in favour of I & PH Department at Palampur Others
under forest division Palampur Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB619/2010- Diversion of 0.4302 hact for Construction of LWSS of Changer
109 CHA Area in favour of I & PH Department under forest division Dehra Others
Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB622/2010- Diversion of 2.3657 hact for Construction of Govt. Polytechnic at
CHA Talwar in favour of Deptt. of Technical Education Vocational &
110 Others
Induustrial Training , HP under forest division Palampur distt
Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB623/2010- Diversion of 0.0534 hact for Construction of Ambedkar Bhawan at
111 CHA Ghumarwin Mouza Bani in favour of Welfare Deptt. Under forest Others
Division Hmairpur Distt Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB624/2010- Diversion of 0.03 hact for Establishment of Anti hail System at
112 CHA Village Deorighat in favour of Horticulture Deptt. Under forest Others
division Rohroo distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB626/2010- Diversion of 0.12 hact for Establishment of Anti Hail System at
113 CHA Tumru (Kharapathar) in favour of Horticulture Deptt. Under forest Others
division Rohroo Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB635/2010- Construction of 24.00 MW Paudital-Lassa HEP in favour of M/s
CHA Greenko Harjkoti Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, under Rohroo Forest
114 HEP
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB642/2010- Diversion of 3.0429 hact for Construction of 4.8 MW Manuni HEP

115 CHA on Mauni Khad in favour of M/s Ind Barath Energies Ltd.under HEP
forest Division Sharmshala Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB643/2010- Diversion of 0.1284 hact for Widening of approach road from
116 CHA HRTC workshop to NH-22 at RD 0/00 to 0/150 under forest Road
division Rampur Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB644/2010- Diversion of 1.337 hact for Construction of Link road to Village
117 CHA Rajour Kms. 0/00 tp 2/400 under forest division Dharmshala Road
Distt Kangra Himachal Pradesh
9-HPB646/2010- Diversion of 1.398 hact for Construction of road from Thansh to
118 CHA Dasholi Kms. 0/00 to 6/330 under forest division Ani Distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB654/2010- Diversion of 1.0879 hact for Construction of 1.5 MW Chatarkhand
119 HEP
CHA Small Hydro Electric Project in favour of Chatarkhand Hydro

9-HPB655/2010- Diversion of 0.06 hact for Construction of Primary Health Centrer

120 CHA Bran in favour of HP health Department under forest division Others
Kullu Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB657/2010- Diversion of 0.6619 hact for Establishement of State Level Home
121 CHA Guards and Civil Defence, Central Training Institute at Jungra Others
under forest division Shimla Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB677/2010- Diversion of 0.0976 hact for Construction of Office Building for
122 CHA Hydrology Sub division and Level II Lab. At Shimla under forest Others
Division Shimla Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB678/2010- Diversion of 0.404 hact for Construction of Subathu Byepass road
123 CHA Km. 0/00 to 0/865 under forest division Solan Distt Solan Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB717/2010- Diversion 1.875 hact for Construction of Dhara to Runga road
CHA Kms. 0/00 to 4/600 under forest division Kullu Distt Kullu
124 Road
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB720/2010- Diversion of 0.158 hact for Construction of Pump House, Filter

125 CHA Beds, Raw Water Tank of LWSS SEO Dadaghat Naswal under Others
forest division Bilaspur Distt Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB730/2010- Diversion of 2.8902 hact for Construction of 5.00 MW Jari Small
126 CHA HEP in favour of M/s WIL Power Projects Ltd, Kullu under forest HEP
division Parvati Distt Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB736/2010- Diversion 1.056 hact for Construction of link road to Village
127 CHA Bhanara Kms. 0/00 to 1/950 under forest division Kullu Distt Road
Kullu Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB740/2010- Diversion of 0.8826 hact for Construction of road from Jungle
128 CHA Jatole Kuffer to Jatol Kms. 0/00 to 2/00 under forest Division Road
Shimla Distt Shimla Himacahl Pradesh
9-HPB742/2010- Diversion of 36.058 hact for Construction of 9.00 MW Sarsadi-II
CHA Small HEP in favour of Aroma Colonizers (P) Ltd, VPO Shashi,
129 HEP
Distt. Kullu under forest division Parvati Distt Kullu Himachal
9-HPB768/2010- Diversion of 1.014 hact for Construction of Phyal to Dawanti via
130 CHA Samleog road Km.s 0/00 to 4/135 under forest division Shimla Road
Distt Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB800/2010- Diversion of 1.358 hact for Construction of Loran to Sarli road
131 CHA Km. 0/00 to 5/200 under forest division Kullu Distt Kullu Road
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HP027/2011- Diversion of 39.58 hectares of forest ladn for laying of 33 KV S/C

CHA Tr. Line on 66 KV D/C Tower from Kothi to Gupta (Sisu) to
provide supply of Power to BRTF Rohtang Tunnel, under Kullu & Tr. Line
Lahaul Spiti Forest Division and Districts Kullu & Lahaul & Spiti,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB045/2011- Diversion of 1.79 hectares of forest land for construction of LWSS
CHA Shambuwala-Satiwala-Uttamwala Bara Ban and LIS Bankala-
2 Gawaron, under Nahan Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Others
9-HPB049/2011- Diversion of 2.7859 hectares of forest land for construction of 33
CHA KV D/C Tr. Line from Power house to 15 MW Neogal HEP to
3 HPSEB S/S Dehan, under Palampur Forest Division, Distt. Tr. Line
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB050/2011- Diversion of 1.4623 hectares of forest land for Widening of Manali-
4 CHA Sarchu road between Km. 0/00 to 7/00 (Manali Bridge to Kulang), Road
under Kullu Forest Division and District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB086/2011- Diversion of 4.1595 ha of forest land for Construction of 7.00 MW
CHA Holi, HEP in favour of M/s Om Energy Generation Private ltd,
5 under Bharmour Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal HEP

9-HPB089/2011- Diversion of 0.0231 ha of forest land for construction of Parking

6 CHA near HP Secretariate at Majitha House, Chotta Shimla, under Others
Shimla Forest Division and District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC112/2011- Diversion of 18.129 hectare of forest land for Upgradation of
7 CHA Kumarhatti-Nahan road from Kms. 43/150 to 73/000, under Road
Nahan Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB118/2011- Diversion of 2.2026 hectares of forest land for construction of 4.8
CHA MW Aleo-II SHEP in favour of M/s aleo Manali Hydro Power Pvt.
Ltd, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal
9-HPB126/2011- Diversion of 0.33 ha of forest land for construction of 100 Mtrs.
CHA Span Majaor Bridge (Chandra BridgeI at Km. 0.130 of app. Road
8 Others
to North Portal of Tohtang Tunnel, under Lahaul Forest Division
and District Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB159/2011- Diversion of 0.2819 ha of forest land in favour of Himachal Grit
CHA Udyog for the running of already existing/established Stone
9 Crusher at Sansiwala, P.O. Barotiwala, under Kunihar Forest
Division, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB166/2011- Diversion of 4.8951 ha of forest land for construction of 20 MW
CHA Roura-II SHEP in favour of M/s Roura Non Conventional Energy
10 HEP
Pvt. Ltd, under Kinnaur Forest Division and Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB174/2011- Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for construction of Vegetables
11 CHA Marketing Cold Storage Building at Tissa, under Churah Forest Others
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB199/2011- Diversion of 0.93 ha of forest land for Renewal of existing mining
CHA lease & stone crusher infavour of Shri Sachin Sood S/o Shri
12 Ashok Kumar Sood, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Mining
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB214/2011- Diversion of 0.425 ha of forest land for construction of Slip road

13 CHA from NH 21-A, Nalagarh-Ropar road Km. 0/00 to 0/400, under Road
Nalagarh Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB215/2011- Diversion of 0.2037 ha of forest land for construction of Sewerage
14 CHA Treatment Plan at Sunni, under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Others
Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB232/2011- Diversion of 3.0195 ha of forest land for establishment of Camp at
15 CHA Kms. 4.00 on approach road to Rohtang Tunnel, under Kullu Others
Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB234/2011- Diversion of 2.7961 ha of forest land for construction of Laru to
16 CHA Kharela road Km. 5/840 to 10/360, under Rampur Forest Road
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB236/2011- Diversion of 0.1212 ha of forest land for construction of 33/11 KV
17 CHA 2x3.15 S/S at Darang, under Palampur Forest Division, Distt. Others
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB242/2011- Diversion of 1.2636 ha of forest land for Mining in Muhal
CHA Chhapanu in favour of M/s Vipin Kumar Hazari V&PO
18 Dharampur under Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Mining
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB245/2011- Diversion of 4.1117 hectares of forest land for construction of 5.00
CHA MW Balargha small HEP in favour of M/s Sandhya Hydro Power
19 Project Balargha Pvt. Ltd, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. HEP
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB269/2011- Diversion of 0.345 hectares of forest land for construction of IPH
CHA Engineer-in-Chief office Building at Mohal Panjri in favour of I &
20 Others
PH Deptt. , under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB274/2011- Diversion of 0.0656 hectares of forest land for Widening of
CHA Dharamshala-Khaniara road Kms. 0/00 t0 1/00, under
21 Road
Dharamshala Forest Division and Distt. Kangra, Himachal
9-HPC275/2011- Diversion of 11.45 hectares of forest land for construction of 220
CHA KV S/C Tr. Line on D/C towers from 33/220 KV GIS S/S Karrian
22 to PGCL Power Pooling Station at Rajera, under Chamba Forest Tr. Line
Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC315/2011- Diversion of 7.76 hectares of forest land for Widening of Existing
CHA Carriageway to Two Lane Carriage Way of PBNS Road (Kms.
23 49/00 to 66/275), under Nalagarh Forest Division, District Solan, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB316/2011- Diversion of 2.44 hectares of forest land for construction of Ever
24 CHA Sunny-Golcha-Bhont road Kms. 0/00 to 6/630, under Shimla Road
Forest Division and District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB324/2011- Diversion of 0.14 hectares of forest land for construction of link
25 CHA road from Bharthala to Sundli (Dogri) Kms. 0/00 to 0/465, under Road
Raohroo Forest Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB328/2011- Diversion of 3.8771 hectares of forest land for laying of 66 KV D/C
CHA Tr. Line and erection of towers from Ghanvi HEP Stage-2 to
26 Ghanvi HEP Stage-1 in favour of HPSEB, under Rampur Forest Tr. Line
Division, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB337/2011- Diversion of 0.21 hectares of forest land for construction of Self

CHA Employment Training Institute at Nahan in favour of ADC-cum-
27 Project Director, under Nahan Forest Division, district Sirmour, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB338/2011- Diversion of 2.603 hectares of forest land for construction of
CHA Driving Training School at Paplog Tehsil Sarkaghat in favour of HP
28 Road Transport Corporation, under Suket Forest Division, District Others
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB365/2011- Diversion of 0.3059 hectartres of forest land for construction of
CHA Parking near Bus Stand Bilaspur in favour of Ex. Officer,
29 Municipal Council, Bilaspur, under Forest Division and District Others
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB366/2011- Diversion of 0.1695 hectares of forest land for construction of
CHA Parking near Gurudwara at Bilaspur in favour of Ex. Officer,
30 Municipal Council, Bilaspur, under Bilaspur Forest Division and Others
District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB369/2011- Diversion of 2.5 hectares of forest land for laying of 33 KV S/C Tr.
CHA Line from Kotlu HEP at Village Neuli to HPSEB 33 KV S/S at Sainj
31 in favour of Syal Hydro Power Pvt; Ltd, New Delhi, under Seraj Otehrs
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB386/2011- Diversion of 0.55 hectares of forest land for construction of Devi-

32 CHA Ka-Nalla-Jaun-Jaral rod Km. 0/00 to 2/450, under Jogindernagar Road
Forest Division, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB388/2011- Diversion of 4.8618 hectares of forest land for construction of
33 CHA Ropa-Suchain Shanghar road Kms. 0/200 to 8/00, under GHNP Road
Forest Division, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB390/2011- Diversion of 2.3761 hectares of forest land for construction of link
CHA road from Sawra-Kathasu to Village Ghyan, Salala, Sojla Kms.
34 Road
0/00 to 3/645, under Rohroo Forest Division, District Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB393/2011- Diversion of 3.8298 hectares of forest land for construction of 9.6
CHA MW Jeori Small HEP in favour of M/s Technology House (India)
35 Private Limited, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, HEP
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB394/2011- Diversion of 1.72 hectares of forest land for construction of
36 CHA Granoghatti to Khopar via Barono road Km. 0/00 to 6/510, under Road
Solan Forest Division, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB396/2011- Diversion of 2.33 hectares of forest land for construction of road
37 CHA from Dam Site to Malana Kms. 0/00 to 2/750, under Parbati Road
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB408/2011- Diversion of 2.6947 hectares of forest land for construction of 3.00
CHA MW Sal-II HEP at Sahoo in favour of M/s Himgri Infrastructure
38 Development (P) Ltd., under Chamba Forest Division and District HEP
Chamba Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB460/2011- Diversion of 0.6547 hectares of forest land for construction of Link

39 CHA road from Bhont to Kakar Bangora Kms. 0/00 to 2/500, under Road
Shimla Forest Division and District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB461/2011- Diversion of 0.4044 hectares of forest land for construction of Link
40 CHA road from Sastar to Matani Kms. 1/645 to 3/20, under Hamirpur Road
Forest Division and District Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.

9- Diversion of 2.8602 hectares of forest land for

HPB470/2011- construction of 9.00 MW Rala small HEP in favour of
41 CHA M/s Taranda Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, under Kinnaur HEP
Forest Division and District Kinnaur, Himachal
9- Diversion of 0.0417 hectares of forest land fo
HPB496/2011- construction of Ambedkar Bhawan at Batlana in favour
42 Others
CHA of District Welfare Officer, Shimla, under Shimla Forest
Division and District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.353 hectares of forest land for
HPB497/2011- construction of Ghatta to Bag road Kms. 0/00 to 5/00
43 Road
CHA in favour of HPPWD, under Jogindernagar Forest
Division, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.404 hecates of forest land for
HPB498/2011- construction of Link road from Dam Site to Village
44 Road
CHA Gadiara Km. 0/000 to 0/900, under Kullu Forest
Division and District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 5.815 hectares of forest land for
HPB499/2011- construction of Perinall to Dwarch, Khogwa to Koil
45 Road
CHA Kms. 0/00 to 10/250, under Ani Forest Division, Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for Stone Quarry in
HPB500/2011- the name of Satya Paul Thakur S/o Sh. Chain Ram
46 Mining
CHA Village Ropri (Ani), under Ani Forest Division, Distt.
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 3.8572 hectares of forest land for
HPB563/2011- construction of 24.60 MW Wanger-Homte HEP in
47 CHA favour of M/s Panchhor Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, Jublee HEP
Hills, Hyderabad, A.P, under Sarahan Wildlife Division,
distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPC609/2011- Diversion of 16.31 hectares of forest land for construction of

CHA Chitkul to Dumti link road Kms. 0/00 to 20/750, under
48 Road
Sarahan Wildlife Division, district Shimla, Himachal
9-HPB611/2011- Diversion of 0.1488 hectares of forest land for laying of 33
49 CHA KV D/C tr. Line from Kandorori to Damtal, under Nurpur Tr. LIne
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB668/2011- Diversion of 0.0685 hectares of forest land for construction
CHA of Railway Line in Village Kad ub favour of Northern
50 Others
Railway, under Una Forest Division and District Una,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB690/2011- Diversion of 4.7564 hectares of forest land for construction
CHA of 24.00 MW Selti-Masrang HEP in favour of Ramesh Hydro
51 HEP
Power (P) Ltd, under Sarahan Wildlife Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB692/2011- Diversion of 4.3354 hectares of forest land for construction
CHA of link road Granota to Pukhru via Padwal Kms. 0/00 to
52 Road
6/500, under Dalhousie Forest Division, distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC737/2011- Diversion of 5.4 ha of forest land for construction of 132 KV
CHA D/C Transmission Line from Jathia Devi Lilo from 132 KV
53 Kunihar-Shimla line ckt-II) to proposed 132 KV S/S at Tr. Line
Malyana, under Shimla Forest Division and Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB738/2011- Diversion of 1.8651 ha of forest land for construction of 3.00 MW

CHA Gaj Top SHEP at Village Rawa in favour of M/s Satya Sai Hydel
54 Project Pvt. Ltd, under Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. HEP
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB744/2011- Diversion of 0.044 ha of forest land for construction of Ambedkar
CHA Bhawan at Ambedkar Nagar in favour of Distt. Welfare Officer,
55 Mandi, under Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Others
9-HPB773/2011- Diversion of 1.7033 ha of forest land for laying of 33 KV D/C
CHA Transmission Line from Awa Power to Neugal Pooling Point (Vill.
56 Langha to Thala), under Palampur Forest Division, District Tr. Line
kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB775/2011- Diversion of 3.76 ha of forest land for Improvement & Widening of
CHA Jogindernagar-Sarkaghat-Ghumarwin road (Portion
57 Jogindernagar to Kandha Pattan), under Jogindernagar Forest Road
division, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB797/2011- Diversion of 0.0845 ha of forest land for construction of Office of
58 CHA Assistant Environmental Engineer at Mohalla Sultanpur, under Otehrs
Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB798/2011- Diversion of 0.625 ha of forest land for construction of Lift Water
CHA supply Scheme from UHL River to Tung Bijan & its adjoining
59 villages in GP Tung and Bijan, under mandi Forest Division and Otehrs
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB799/2011- Diversion of 0.9835 ha of forest land for construction of 1.00 MW
CHA Rugaj SHEP in favour of M/s Bakunth Hydro Electric Co-operative
60 Society, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal HEP
9-HPB813/2011- Diversion of 3.51 ha of forest land for Realignment/ Shifting of
CHA existing of 66 KV S/C Transmission line from Kumarsain to
61 Nathpa near Bazir Bawli, in favour of HPSEB, under Ani Forest Tr. Line
Division, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

9-HPB826/2011- Diversion of 1.3392 ha of forest land for construction of Solid

62 CHA Waste Management Project at Slogra (Solan), under Solan Forest Others
Division and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPC827/2011- Diversion of 7.5523 ha of forest land for construction of 220 KV
63 CHA D/C Tr. Line from Nangal Uperla to Baddi, under nalagarh Forest Tr. Line
Division, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB853/2011- Diversion of 0.3185 hectares of forest land for construction of 5
CHA MW Luni-II Hydro Electric Project in Mohal Dharjot in favour of
64 M/s Sri Sai Krishna Hydro Energies Pvt. Ltd, under Palampur HEP
Forest Division, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB854/2011- Diversion of 4.068 hectares of forest land for construction/Setting
CHA up of Lower UHL Hydro Electric Project in favour of M/s Trident
65 Power systems Ltd. under Mandi Forest Division and District HEP
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB855/2011- Diversion of 1.8525 hectares of forest land for construction of 5
CHA MW Kuwarsi HEP in favour of M/s V.B Hydro Projects Limited,
66 315-16 Sahil Plaza, Dalhousie road, Pathankot (Punjab), under HEP
Bharmour Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.


9- Diversion of 0.2556 hectares of forest land for

HPB859/2011 construction of Bus Stand at Sandhol in favour of
67 Others
-CHA HRTC, under Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.708 hectares of forest land for
HPB896/2011 construction of 2 MW Kiunr Hydro Electric Project,
68 HEP
-CHA under Forest Division and Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.41 hectares of forest land for
HPB897/2011 construction of Majharno Kunduni Kufri road
69 -CHA Kms. 0/00 to 6/00 under NABARD, under Road
Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 4.836 hectares of forest land for
HPB916/2011 construction of Kurpan 5 MW SHEP in favour of
70 -CHA M/s Tarini HEP Ltd, A-60, Okhla Ind. Area, New HEP
Delhi, under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 0.1255 hectares of forest land for
HPB921/2011 construction of Home Guard Battalion Office and
71 -CHA Transit Camp at baloo, Mohal Sarol , under Others
Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.3200 hectares of forest land in favour of
1 9-HPB009/2012- HPPWD for the contruction of Hamirpur bye pass road of
CHA NH-88, within the jurisdiction Hamirpur Forest Division and
District Hamirpur,.Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.62 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
2 9-HPB031/2012- the construction of road from Kathar to Khadvi up to
CHA Shohan from KM 0/0 to 8/450 under NABARD within the
jurisdiction of Ani Forest Division & District Kullu, H.P
Diversion of 4.83 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
3 9-HPB032/2012- the Improvement and widening of Kullu Karon road from
CHA KMs 0/0 to 15/0, undre Central Road Fund , within the
jurisdiction of Kullu Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 4.506 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
4 9-HPB036/2012- the construction of Road from Punnan to Gad Deem (KMs
CHA 0/00 to 10/345), undre PMGSY within the, jurisdiction of
Ani Forest Division, at Luhri Distt. Kullu, HP
Diversion of 2.475 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
5 9-HPB037/2012- the construction of Road from Rumali to Deem (KMs 0/00 to
CHA 6/2010), undre PMGSY/NABARD within the, jurisdiction of
Ani Forest Division, at Luhri Distt. Kullu, HP
Diversion of 1.5325 ha of forest land in favour of M/S
Bhavani Renewable Energy, Sungal Tea Estate, P.O. Sungal
6 9-HPB046/2012-
Tehsil Palampur, Distt. Kangra for the construction of HEP
Binwa-IV (5 MW) SHEP within the jurisdiction of Palampur
Forest Division & Distt. Kangra, H.P.
Diversion of 0.6717 ha of forest land in favour of M/S Usaka
Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. For laying of 33 KV transmission line
7 9-HPB047/2012-
of Suman Sarwari (5 MW) SHEP from Khalara Bridge to Sub Tr. Line
Station HPSEB Dhalpur within the jurisdiction of Kullu
Forest Division & Distt. Kullu H.P.
Diversion of 2.5220 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
8 9-HPB064/2012- the construction of Dunkhra (Baradha More) to Punthal
CHA Kms. 0/00 to 7/500 under PMGSY under Parbati Forest
Division and Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 2.855 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9 9-HPB065/2012- the construction of Charu Bag-Barvi-Grawag road Kms.
CHA 0/00 to 7/00, under Theog Forest Division and Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.60 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
10 9-HPB067/2012- the construction of Loharb-Banjari-Sounthal link road Kms.
CHA 0/00 to 6/600 under PMGSY within the jurisdiction of
Theog Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.7641 of forest land in favour of M/s Jawala
11 9-HPB068/2012- Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd, for the construction of 5.00 MW
CHA Malana Top Small Hydro Electric Project within the
jurisdiction of Parbati Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, HP
Diversion of 1.9323 ha of forest land in favour Northern
12 9-HPB083/2012- Railway for the construction of Railway Line in village
CHA Kailash Nagar, Kuneran Uperla and Dhangoh Kalan within
the jurisdiction of Una Forest Division & Distt. Una, HP


Diversion of 0.96 ha of forest land in favour HRTC for the

13 9-HPB084/2012- construction of New Workshop at Village Rampur within the
CHA jurisdiction of Una Forest Division & Distt. Una, Himachal
Diversion of 4.2405 ha forest land in favour of M/s Padhas Hydel
14 9-HPB093/2012- Project Pvt. Ltd, for the construction of 5.00 MW Brahl TOP SHEP
CHA Village Boh, within the jurisdiction of Dharamshala Forest
Division and Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.8973 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
15 9-HPB099/2012- construction of Kuri-Mohli road Kms. 0/00 to 1/330) under
CHA Schedule Caste Sub Plan, within the jurisdiction of Theog Forest
Division Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0480 ha of forest land in favour of Distt. Panchayat
16 9-HPB114/2012- Officer, Chamba for the construction of Panchayat Ghar at Sudil,
CHA within the jurisdiction of Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, HP
Diversion of 0.5797 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
17 9-HPB116/2012- construction of Ratnari-Kainchi to Kot Kali Mandir-Arihala H.B.
CHA Kufri via Punjali road Kms. 0/00 to 1/200, within the jurisdiction
of Theog Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.6720 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
construction of link road from Banari Garh to Sunder Nagar-
18 9-HPB117/2012-
Ratnai-Harijan Basti (Kms. 0/00 to 3/450) under Schedule Cast Road
Sub Plan, within the jurisdiction of Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.4106 ha of forest land in favour of Director, HP
19 9-HPB122/2012- Judicial Academy, Shimla for the construction of Judicial
CHA Academy within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest Division & Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.5873 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
20 9-HPB123/2012- construction of Mihana Khad to Badhal road (Kms. 0/00 to
CHA 2/200) within the jurisdcition of Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.3625 ha of forest land in favour of Asstt. Excise &
Taxation Commissioner, Solan for the establishment of Multi
21 9-HPB134/2012-
purpose Check Post at Pinjore-Kalka-Parwanoo by pass at Others
entry/exit point of HP at Village Tipra, within the jurisdiction of
Solan Forest Division & Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.1970 ha of additional forest land in favour of M/s
Shree Vekteswara Enterprises, 4-3-128/10, 1st Floor, Hill Street
22 9-HPB138/2012-
Securderabad for the construction of 2.00 MW Khanyara HEP HEP
within the jurisdiction of Rohroo Forest Division Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.4553 ha of forest land in favour of BLA Shalvi
23 9-HPB149/2012- Hydro Private Power Ltd, C-Block, 2nd Floor, Flat No. 5, Shimla
CHA for the construction of Shalvi (4.75 MW) in tehsil Chopal, within
the jurisdiction of Chopal Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 3.3094 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Darjeeling
24 9-HPB150/2012- Power Limited for the construction of Shaung Mini HEP (3 MW) ,
CHA within the jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest Division and Distt.
Kinnaur, H.P.

Diversion of 0.0808 ha of forest land in favour of HPSEB for the

25 9-HPB151/2012- setting up of 33/11 KV 2X6.3 MVA Sub Station at Bhatta Kuffar
CHA in Muhal Chamyana, within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest
Division & Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.8579 ha of forest land in favour of Director,
Technical Vocational & Industrial Training, HP for the
26 9-HPB154/2012-
construction of Govt. Polytechnic college Kalol at Bakain, within Others
the jurisdiction of Bilaspur Forest Division & Distt. Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.2352 ha of forest land in favour of HP Bus Stand
27 9-HPB176/2012- Management & Developmetn authority Shimla for the
CHA construction of Bus Stand at Kotkhai within the jurisdiction of
Theog Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.49 ha. Of forest land in favour of Director,
Technical Vocational & Industrial Training, HP at Sundernagar,
28 9-HPB199/2012-
for the construction of Industrial Training Institute at karsog, Others
Distt. Mandi, within the Karsog Forest Divison, Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.0325 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
construction of approaches of 68 mtrs Span Over Bridge over
29 9-HPB200/2012-
Binwa Khad at Bath Bajurain (Dhandol) Mohal bahal Mauza RD Others
8/900 to 10/825 within the jurisidiction of Palampur Forest
Divison, distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.0920 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
30 9-HPB241/2012- constructi9on of Missing Links of old Kasumpati-Junga road RD
CHA 4/290 to 6/230, within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest Division
& Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.5358 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Apex Vision
31 9-HPB244/2012- Power Pvt. Ltd, for the construction of 1.20 MW Kalath Mini HEP,
CHA within the jurisdiction of Kullu Forest Division & Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradeseh.
Diversion of 0.0118 ha. of forst land in favour of M/s Chamunda
32 9-HPB323/2012- Hydro Power Project, VPO Gohar, Distt. Mandi, For the
CHA Construction of 0.20 MW Chamunda Micri Gtdri Ekectruc Orihect
at Gohar, Distt. Mandi, H.P.
Diversion of 1.5801 ha. of forest land for the Construction of 5
33 9-HPB334/2012- MW Kut-I Hydero Electric Projedct in favour of M/s Yadlapati Agro
CHA Projects(P) Ltd., Hydrabad, within the Jurisdiction of Rampur
Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 1.6944 ha. of forest land in favour of M/s Ajay Energy
34 9-HPB335/2012- & Power Corporation (P) Ltd., 904, New Delhi House, Barakhamba
CHA Road, New Delhi, for the Construction of 2.5 MW Dofri Hydro
Electric Project in Tehsil Rohru Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 4.7494 ha. of forest land in favour of M/s Sahu Hydro
35 9-HPB336/2012- Power Project (P) Ltd., for the Construction of 5MW Kurtha Small
CHA Hydro Electric Project at Kurha in Chamba Distt within the
jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Divison Distt. Chamba, H.P
Diversion of 0.1610 ha. Of forest land in favour of HPSEB for the
36 9-HPB455/2012-
setting up of 1x20 MVA, 66/22 KV, Sub Station at Mashobra, Others
Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.6990 ha. Of forest land in favour of HPSEB for the
37 9-HPB456/2012-
Construction of 33/11 KV, 2x6.3 MVA Sub Station at Tara Devi, Others
Distt. Shimla, H.P.
‐ 80 ‐ 

Diversion of 0.1603 ha. Of forest land for the Const of Upper

Sumej-II SHEP (2 MW) in favour of M/s Shree Naina Hydro Power
38 9-HPB458/2012-
in village Katha, PO Baddi Tehsil Nalagarh Distt Solan within the HEP
jurisdiction of Rampur Forest Division Rampur Bushahr, Distt
Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.4602 ha. Of forest land in favour of HPSEB for
39 9-HPB486/2012-
Const., of 33/11 KV 2x10 MVA Sub Station at Baragaon, Distt. Others
Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 11.87728 ha. Of forest land in favour of Power Grid
40 9-HPB487/2012-
Co., of India Ltd., for the Const., of 400 KV Transmission Line, Ani Tr. Line
Forest Division & Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 0.9927 ha of forest land in favour of m/S Laxmi
41 9-HPB489/2012- Stone Crusher Sanail R/o VPO Dhar, Tehsil Jubbal, Distt Shimla
CHA for Quarry Site & Approach road to Quarry Site within the
jurisdiction of Rohru Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, HP
Diversion of 1.9893 ha. of forest land for the Construction of 4.8
42 9-HPB502/2012- MW Jogni-II SHEP in favour of M/s Gee Cee Power (P) Ltd., V.P.O.
CHA Sarahan, Tehsil Rampur, Distt. Shimla, Forest Division, Rampur,
Bushahr. Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.093 ha of forest land in favour of HP Tourism
43 9-HPB508/2012-
Department, for the construction of Toilets, within yhe Others
Jurisdiction of Jogindernagar Forest Division & Distt Mandi, HP
Diversion of 0.610 ha. of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
44 9-HPB576/2012- const. of Harnora Panchayat Ghar to Kasol road (Kms 0/0 to 7/0),
CHA within the jurisdiction of Bilaspur Forest Division, District Solan,
Diversion of 0.4363 ha. of forest land in favour of Department of
45 9-HPB578/2012- Tourism & Civil Aviation, HP for the Const. of circular road at Shri
CHA Naina Devi Ji, within the jurisdiction of WL Forest Division &
District Hamirpur H.P
Diversion of 3.6414 ha of forest land in favour of M/s
Kanchanjunga Power Company Pvt. Ltd. For Laying of 33 KV D/C
46 9-HPB612/2012-
Transmission Line from Baragaon Power House to Fazal Sub Tr. Line
Station, within the jurisdiction of Forest Division & District Kullu
Diversion of 0.035815 ha. Of forest land in favour of
47 9-HPB667/2012-
Commissioner Municipal co., Shimla For Const., of Sarai Bhawan- Others
cum-Parking near Cancer Hospital, Shimla, Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.4285 ha of forest land in favour of HP Power
Transmission Corporation Ltd. For the Const. of 33/220 KV,
48 9-HPB676/2012-
80/100 MVA Gas Insulated Sub Station at Phojal, Village Shim, Others
P.O. Dobhi, Within jurisdiction of Forest Division & Distt Kullu,
Diversion of 0.102947 ha of forest land in favour of District &
49 9-HPB684/2012- Sessions Judge, Shimla for construction of Alternative Dispute
CHA Resolution Centre at Lower Chakkar, within the jurisdiction of
Division & Distt. Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 2.35 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
Widening & Strengthening of Sarkaghat-Ghumarwin road kms
50 9-HPB698/2012-
61/950 to 76/000 Section Sarkaghat to Ghumarwin under World Road
Bank Assitance, within the jurisdiction of Suket Forest Division &
Distt Mandi.
‐ 81‐  

Diversion of 3.0566 ha. Of forest land in favour of M/s

9- Shiva Energy Resourses Pvt. Ltd. 19/7 Old Bus Stand,
HPB699/2012- Gandhi Chowk, Hamirpur, HP, Pin 177001 for the HEP
CHA const. of 3.5 MW Kotagad SHEP within the jurisdiction
of Rampur Forest Division & Distt Shimla, HP.
Diversion of 0.0787 ha of forest land in favour of
District Legal Services Authority, Hamirpur, HP for
52 Construction of Alternative Dispute Redressal Centre
HPB706/2012- Others
at UP Mohal Gopal Nagar Hamirpur within the
jurisdiction of Hamirpur Forest Division & Distt.
Hamirpur HP.
Diversion of 4.868 hectare of forest land in favour of
53 HPPWD for the construction of slapper to Tattapani
HPB732/2012- Road
road Km. 17/700 to 25/490 within the jurisdiction of
Suket Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
File no. Subject Catageory
Diversion of 1.3072 hectares offorest land in favour of Chief
Execlltive Officer, Fresh & Healthy Enterprises Ltd. ( A
wholly owned subsidary of CONCOR, A Govt. of India
Undertaking, Ministry ofRailways, HSIDC Industrial Estate
1 9-HPB105/2013-
RAJ Sonipat (Haryana) for the construction ofProcurement Others
Centre and controlled Atmospehric Storage FaciJity of2000
MT Capacity at mauza Lavan (Kingal), within the
jurisdiction of Kotgarh Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh
Diversion of 11.9611 hectares of forest land in favour of HP
Power Transmission Corporation Limited for the
2 9-HPB134/2013-
construction of220 KV D/C Transmission Line, within the Tr. Line
jurisdiction of Kulllu Forest Division and Distt.
Kullu,Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.31 hectares of forest land in favour ofMining
Officer, District Sirmour at Nahan for the construction of
3 9-HPB217/2013-
Weigh Bridge along with facilities of Check Post at Mauza Others
Barwas, within the jurisdiction of Renukaji Forest Division,
Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
List of approved proposals Main Head 8

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Construction of Ropeway in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
1. 8-1/1990-ROC Others
1 8-12/1991-ROC Diversion of 14.572 hectares of forest land for construction of Tr. Line
22 KV Transmission Line from Larot to Dodra Kwar.
2 8-15/1991-ROC Construction of Motipur road via Dudas thno Kangni DPF Road
3 8-21/1991-ROC Diversion of 102.81 ha of forest land for setting up of Cement Mining
Plant Darlaghat
4 8-22/1991-ROC Diversion of 2.79 ha of forest land for construction of road to Road
Rohtang, Himachal Pradesh.
5 8-21/1991-ROC Diversion of 16.40 ha of forest land for construction of Holi Hep
Hydro Electric Project in Himachal Pradesh.
6 8-26/1992-ROC Construction of Indian Oil Depot at Mohal India Oil Others
Corporation Ltd, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
7 8-39/1993-ROC Diversion of 47.358 ha of forest land for construction of road Road
from Tindi to Sansari-Chenab Valley, Himachal Pradesh.
8 8-40/1993-ROC Diversion of 0.78 ha of forest land for lease to the Cement Mining
Corporation of India, under Nahan Forest Division, Distt.
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
9 8-51/1993-ROC Transfer of proposal for diversion of forest land for forests

10 8-55/1994-ROC Construction of 66 KV Tr. Line from to Chhate under Theog Tr. Line
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
11 8-56/1994-ROC Construction of seri-Shount road in Karsog Forest Division, Road
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
12 8-62/1995-ROC Diversion of 1905.05 ha of forest land for construction of Others
Ranjit Sagar Dam in HP portion
13 8-67/1995-ROC Diversion of 18.20 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Chaunta-Shauni road under Forest Division and distt.
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
14 8-72/1996-ROC Diversion of 5.95 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Kathiun-Gurghera Deoth Sidth road, under Forest Division
and Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
15 8-75/1997-ROC Diversion of 10.32 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Pandoh to Sarachi road under nachan Forest Division, Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
16 8-77/1997-ROC Diversion of 242.30 ha of forest land for mining lease in Mining
favour of CCI Rajban, under Paonta Forest Division, Distt.
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
17 8-81/1997-ROC Diversion of 61 ha of forest land for Malana HEP in District HEP
Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
List of approved proposals Main Head 8

Sl. Category
File No Subject
1 Diversion of 10.14 ha of forest land for construcxtion of Naba-
8-84/1997-ROC Road
Bandoru road under Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh.
2 8-86/1997-ROC Diversion of 7.70 ha of forest land for construction of Road
Brahmnip-Kullu road under Forest Division & Distt. Bilaspur,
Himachal Pradesh.
3 8-87/1997-ROC Diversion of 6.71 ha of forest land for construction of Salolp Road
Rajal Khart Kotni Jattari Daulatpur road under Dharamshala
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
4 8-89/1997-ROC Diversion of 6.76 ha of forest land for improvement & Road
wedining of PCM road No. 22 from Shun to Matour under
Dharamshala Forest Divisionb, distt. Kangra, Himachal
5 8-91/1997-ROC Diversion of 7.29 ha of forest land in favour of Transport Others
Deptt. For construction of ISBT at Tutikandi, Shimla,
Himachal Prasdesh.
6 8-92/1997-ROC Diversion of 15.708 ha of forest land for construction of 132 Tr. Line
KV D/C transmission line from Pandoh to Bijni in Mandi
district, Himachal Pradesh.
7 8-95/1998-ROC Diversion of 165.36 ha of forest land for construction of 400 Tr. Line
KV D/C Tr. Line from Karcham to Jhakri9 under Nachan
Forest Division, Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
8 8-98/1998-ROC Diversion of 6.79 ha of forest land for construction of Pujarli- Road
Dhar road under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
9 8-99/1998-ROC Diversion of 7.0166 ha of forest land for laying of 200 KV S/C Tr. Line
Tr. Line from Thein Dam to JAssur under Nurpur Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
10 8-102/1998- Diversion of 5.3259 ha of forest land for Road
ROC construction/widening of PCM Road under Nurpur Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
11 8-103/1998- Diversion of 15.5624 ha of forest land for construction of 12 HEP
ROC MW Khauli HEP at Salil, under Distt. Kangra, Himachal
12 8-105/1998- Diversion of 33.27 ha of forest land for laying of 400 KV Tr. Line
ROC Jhakri-Koldam Tr. Line in Shimla & Bilaspur Forest Division,
Himachal Pradesh.
13 8-107/1998- Diversion of 87.795 ha of forest land for Parlik Stage-II HEP in HEP
ROC distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
14 8-115/1999- Diversion of 20.999 ha of forest for Power Grid Corporation of Tr. Line
ROC India Ltd, in Himachal Pradesh.
15 8-125/2000- Diversion of 103.02 ha of forest land in favour of Gagal Mining
ROC Cement Works Bilaspur for mining in Himachal Pradesh.
16 8-126/2000- Diversion of 7.8995 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Dhalot-Jandara road under Forest Division and distt.
Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
17 8-127/2000- Diversion of 32.167 ha of forest land for construction of Allain HEP
ROC Duhangan HEP in Distt. Kully by M/s Rajasthan Spinning
Weaving Milld Ltd, H.P.

Stage-I Approval Files

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Diversion of 4.2305 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9-1003/2000- the construction of Machhator-Grima via Siur Jeepable road
1 Road
ROC under Bharmour Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 4.78 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9-1090/2000- the construction of LudherapKaloth-Sungal road, under
2. Road
ROC Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 1.7080 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
3 the construction of Airla-Jandrah road, under Dharamshala Road
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.1366 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
the construction of approach road to the bridge over Saraj
4 HPB2270/2004- Others
Nalla from Palachan-Solang, under Kullu Forest Division,
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9- Diversion of 2.97 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
5 HPB2548/2004- the construction of Batera-Halau road under Chopal Forest Road
CHA Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion o0f 0.176 ha of forest land for coonst. of Rafting
9-HPB175/2005- Complex at Piridi Bihal, under Kullu Forest Division and
6 Others
CHA Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.1656 ha of forest land for Construction of

9-HPB696/2005- Kanda to Mookoti road, under Chopal Forest Division, Distt.
7 Road
CHA Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.05 ha of forest land for Construction of

9-HPB729/2005- Gramin Bhandar at Rampur, under Shimla Forest Division
8 Others
CHA and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.3844 ha of forest land for construction of

9 SMP at Manali under Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Others
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.4191 hectares of forest land for construction
10 of Sach to Ghasai via Kuthal road under Pangi Forest Road
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.2610 ha of forest land for construction of
11 malta-Khanota road in Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Raod
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.768 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
12 the construction of Sahli to Michham road in Pangi Forest Raod
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.1092 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the

9-HPB614/2006- construction of PWD Rest House at Bhaleri, under Churah Forest
13 Others
CHA Division, distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 4.6080 ha of forest land in favour of SEB for re-

14 alignment of existing 66 KV Tr. Line from Kumarsain to Nogli, Tr. Line
under Ani Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.42 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
15 construction of link road to Village Sunara, under Chamba Forest Road
Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.431 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the
16 construction of Kund to Banjar road, under Churah Forest Road
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.256 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
9-HPB360/2007- the construction of Dentha-Jolna-Baded road, under
17 Road
CHA Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 2.235 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
18 the construction of Paddhordhar to Upper Sharti road, Road
under Ani Forest Division,Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 2.20 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
19 the construction of Tharoach to Madhana road, under Road
Chopal Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.9831 ha of forest land in favour of HP Bus
Stand Management and Development Authority for
20 construction of Multistoreis Car Parkign and Bus Stand at Road
Manali, under Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.,0843 ha of forest land for construction of
21 District Forum Building at Reckong Peo, under Forest Others
Division and distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.0703 ha of forest land in favour of Municipal
9-HPB249/2008- Council Dalhousie for construction of Parking near Gandhi
22 Others
CHA chowk Dalhousie, under Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.10 ha of forest land in favour of I & PH
9-HPB526/2008- Department for the construction of Lift Water Supply
23 Others
CHA Scheme for Churdhar Temple, under Chopal Forest
Division, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 7.4729 ha of forest land in favour of Sashatra
9-HPB546/2008- Seema Bal (SSB) Centre Sapri for construction of Training
24 Others
CHA area and other infrastruftes facilities, under Dehra Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 10.5531 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD
9-HPC577/2008- for the construction of Kakshathal to Choltu byepass road
25 Road
CHA under Kinnaur Forest Division and Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
List of Proposals 2009 (in-principle approval) -87-
Sl. No. Subject Area District File no. Category

1 Construction of 4.2381 Kinnaur 9-HPB223/2007- Approved HEP

4.00 MW Panvi HEP CHA (additional
in favour of Ascent area required)
Hydro Project Ltd.
2 Const. of Tihri to 0.36 Hamirpur 9-HPB091/2009- In-principle
Baturara via Khugan CHA
road (Kms.0/00 3/00)
in favour of HPPWD Road
3 Const. of RCC Bridge 0.1 Shimla 9-HPB111/2009- In-principle
on Chopal-Jhiknipur CHA
Road Via Shantha in
favour of HPPWD Road
4 Const. of Kiri to 0.906 Chamba 9-HPB163/2009- In-principle
Athluin Road (Kms. CHA
0/0-1/510) in favour
of HPPWD Road
5 Establishment of 23.05 Kangar 9-HPC188/2009- In-Principle
Diaster Response CHA
Force (NDRF)
Battalion in favour of
ITBP Others
6 Const. of College 0.29 Shimla 9-HPB201/2009- In-Principle
Ground Sunni in CHA
Khasra No. 55 Mauja
Sunni in favour of
H.P. Ed. Deptt., 9-
HPB201/2009-CHA Others
7 Const. of Community 0.038 Shimla 9-HPB203/2009- In-Principle
Centre in favour of CHA
M.C. Shimla Others
8 Const. of Ghiler- 6.858 Shimla 9-HPB365/2009- In-Principle
Kothi-Optwa-Aneor CHA
Khud Road (Kms.0/0-
5/705) in favour of
9 Widening of NH-21 5.36 Kullu 9-HPC451/2009-
from 273/0 to 282/0 CHA
(Ramsheela to
Nangabag ) in Sari-III
and Raison-III in
faovur of HPPWD In-Principle Road
10 Const. of Swarghat- 3.48 Solan 9-HPB577/2009- In-principle Road
Fakrered-Koolaha CHA
Dungi Plate Lutani
Bakroori Jhiringi road
(kms. 0/0 to 11/640)
in favour of HPPWD.


List of Proposals 2009 (Pending with State Govt.)

Sl. No. Subject Area District File no. Category


1 Const. of Harsar to 4.835 Chamba 9- Pending with

Chobia road HPB209/2009- State
(Kms.0/0 to 8/660) CHA Government
in favour of HPPWD
CHA Road
2 Construction of 6.66 Chamba 9-
Parsiyara to kathiari HPC464/2009-
Kms. 0/00 to 10/00 CHA Pending with
9-HPC464/2009- State
CHA Government Road
3 Const. of Olinda 5.886 Una 9-
Bohru Via HPC470/2009-
Chaugath road CHA Pending with
(Kms. 0/0-8/900) in State
favour of HPPWD. Government Road
4 Const. of Haripur to 3.64 Chamba 9-
Nanu road (Kms. HPB524/2009- Pending with
0/00 to 4/00) in CHA State
favour of HPPWD. Government Road

List of Proposals 2010 (in-principle approval)

Sl. Subject Area District File no. Category
1 Const. of 8.00 MW 6.8684 Shimla 9-HPC077/2010- Approved
Kurmi Hydro Electric CHA
Project in favour of M/s
Kurmi Energy (P) Ltd.
SCO 140-141, Sector-
34-A Chandigarh. Hydel
2 Const. of Hostel 0.028 Chamba 9-HPB110/2010- In Principal
Building of Kasturba CHA
Gandhi Balika
Vidyalaya Karian
(Chamba) in favour of
H.P. Education
Department. Others
3 Widening of Wazir- 2.2 Kullu 9-HPB192/2010- In Principal
Bowali Averi road (Kms. CHA
0/300 to 2/300) in
favour of HPPWD, 9-
HPB192/2010-CHA Road
4 Const. of Ghoom to 0.97 Chamba 9-HPB204/2010- In Principal
Machyari (Tikru) ( Kms. CHA
0/000 to 1/220) in
favour of HPPWD, 9-
HPB204/2010-CHA Road
5 Const. of Motorable 4.66 Mandi 9-HPB211/2010- In-principle
road from (portion CHA
Sanihan to Batwara
(Kms. 0/000 to 8/00) in
favour of HPPWD, Road
6 Const. of road from 1.767 Kullu 9-HPB213/2010- In-principle
Jaon to Oddidhar (Kms. CHA
0/00 to 2/965) in
favour of HPPWD, 9-
HPB213/2010-CHA Road
7 Const. of Chungah to 1.6 Chamba 9-HPB216/2010- In Principal
Tanoti road (Kms. 0/00 CHA
to 2/500) in favour of
8 Const. of Seen road 1.005 Kullu 9-HPB218/2010-
(Kms. 0/000 to 2/645) CHA
in favour of HPPWD, In-Principal Road
9 Establishment of 0.4046 Chamba 9-HPB254/2010-
Stopne Crusher and CHA
Extraction of Sand,
Stone and Bazri in
Mohal Chaloli in favour
of Sh. Bhani Chand
Thakur S/o sh. Ram Lal
Vill. Chaloli PO
Dharwas Tehsil Pandi. In-Principal Mining
10 Const. of link road 3.498 Chamba 9-HPB259/2010-
Sundla to Vill. Bachuni CHA
(Kms. 0/000 to 9/360)
in favour of HPPWD. In Principal Road

11 Const. of link road Sundla 4.61 Chamba 9-HPB280/2010-

to Vill. Khal (Kms. 4/000 CHA
to 13/195) in favour of
HPPWD. In Principal Road
12 Const. of link road Sundla 4.837 Chamba 9-HPB281/2010-
to Vill. Khal (Kms. 4/000 CHA
to 13/195) in favour of
HPPWD. In Principal Road
13 Const. of link road from 1.55 Chamba 9-HPB284/2010- In Principal
Chhudra to Vill. Tuhien CHA
(Kms. 0/00 to 2/500) in
favour of HPPWD. Road
14 Construction of Kalhel to 4.504 Chamba 9-HPB330/2010- In-Principle Road
Drabed Chhatri road Km. CHA
7/00 to 14/740 9-
15 Construction of Neuli to 2.7172 Kullu 9-HPB400/2010-
Shainsher road m. 0/00 to CHA
14/800 jurisdiction of
GHNP Shamshi In-principle Road
16 Construction of 12 MW 3.159 Shimla 9-HPB407/2010- Approved
Upper Nanti HEP in favour CHA (additional area
of M/s Nanti Hydro Power requirement)
Pvt. New Shimla Hydel
17 Construction of Tissa- 4.56 Chamba 9-HPB506/2010- In-principle
Ganed-Behal road CHA
(Portion Jungra to
Khajua Kms. 5/300 to
12/130 9-
HPB506/2010-CHA Road
18 Construction of Kui- 0.72 Shimla 9-HPB511/2010- In-principle
Nadu road Kms. 0/00 CHA
to 3/510 in favour of
19 Construction of Katwal 2.8092 Kangra 9-HPB512/2010- In-principle
Lehat to Ruhalkar road CHA
Kms. 0/00 to 5/850 in
favour of HPPWD 9-
HPB512/2010-CHA Road
20 Construction of link 1.45 Chamba 9-HPB553/2010- In-principle
road from Tissa to Buin CHA
Km. 0/00 to 2/230 9-
HPB553/2010-CHA Road
21 Construction of Jarlu- 0.279 Bilaspur 9-HPB5632010-
Hymat-Bhyatar road CHA
Kms./ 0/00 to 3/500 in
favour of HPPWD In-principle Road
22 Construction of 70.00 18.123 Shimla 9-HPC616/2010- In-principle
MW Dhamwari Sunda CHA
HEP in favour of
Dhamwari Power Co.
Pvt. Ltd, Mathura road,
New Delhi
23 Construction of Muck 0.2311 Shimla 9-HPB621/2010- In-principle
Dumping Site on CHA
Shimla Byepass road
near Tuti Kandi, Shimla


24 Construction of Link 2.75 Chamba 9-HPB645/2010- In-principle

road from Bhing to CHA
Ather Kms. 0/00 to
5/743 Road
25 Construction of link 2.175 Chamba 9-HPB647/2010-
road from Jhajjakothi to CHA
matiynd kms. 0/00 to
3/720 In Principal Road
26 Construction of link 1.86 Sirmour 9-HPB653/2010- In-principle
road from Kolar to CHA
Fandi Bodiwala Kms.
0/00 to 3/600 Road
27 Construction of 1.5 MW 0.5655 Mandi 9-HPB675/2010- In-principle
Surah Small HEP in CHA
favour of M/s Micro
Hydro Electric Power
Generation Pvt. Ltd,
New Road Hamirpur Hydel
28 Construction of 5 MW 2.767 Mandi 9-HPB676/2010- In-principle
Swad Small HEP in CHA
favour of M/s Micro
Hydro Electric Power
Generation Pvt. Ltd,
New Road Hamirpur Hydel
29 Construction of link 1.86 Chamba 9-HPB737/2010- In Principal
road from Mandori to CHA
Village Dughar Kms.
0/00 to 3/300 9-
HPB737/2010-CHA Road
30 Construction of link 2.594 Chamba 9-HPB738/2010- In Principal
road from Ghattagala to CHA
Village Hadila Kms.
0/00 to 5/510 Road
31 Construction of link 1.77 Chamba 9-HPB739/2010- In Principal
road from Dandi to CHA
Village Barai Kms. 0/00
to 3/250 Road

List of Proposals 2010 (Pending with State Govt.)

Sl. Subject Area District File no. Category

1 Const of road from 0.8537 Chamba 9-HPB080/2010- Pending with
Khanoura to Narwari CHA State
(Kms. 0/00 to 1/120) in Government
favour of HPPWD, Road
2 Const. of road from 1.2592 Chamba 9-HPB081/2010- Pending with
Langi to Deroni (Kms. CHA State
0/00 to 1/800) in favour Government
of HPPWD. Road
3 Const. of Stone Crusher 2.40 Kullu 9-HPB503/2010- Pending with
near Larji in favourt of CHA State
Shir Abhishek Thakur Government Mining
4 Construction of link 2.68 Chamba 9-HPB504/2010- Sought for
road from Sadrunj to CHA information
Village Khangu Kms.
0/00 to 6/500
9-HPB504/2010-CHA Road
5 Construction of 1.27 1.805 Mandi 9-HPB620/2010- Sought for
MTPA Cement Plant CHA information
Project near Vill.
Chambi in favour of M/s
Harish Cement Ltd. Others
6 Widening of NH-21 from 2.022 Kullu 9-HPB718/2010- Sought for
Kms. 285/00 to 288/00 CHA information
(Portion Raison to
Dobhi) Road
7 Construction of link 1.658 Kangra 9-HPB719/2010- Sought for
road from Harar to CHA information
Village Har Kms. 0/00
to 4/00 Road
8 Up-gradation of NH-22 36.058 Kinnaur 9-HPC741/2010-
to NHDL specification CHA
Sought for
from Km. 403/00 (Near
Spillow) to 424/000
(Pooh) Road
List of Proposals- 2011 (in-principle approval)

Sl. Subject Area District File no. Category

1 Construction of 2.00 MW 9- 4.534 Kullu
Manihar Small Hydro Electric HRB003/201
Project in favour of M/s 1-CHA In-principle HEP
Bhuneshwari Enterprises,
Shishamati raod Dhalpur, Kullu
Construction of link road from 9- 3.22 Chamba
Pritmas to Ollah (Portion HPB025/201
In-principle Road
Hartwas to Kaila) Kms. 0/00 to 1-CHA
2 4/500 9-HPB025/2011-CHA
Construction of 220 KV S/C Tr. 9- 15.953 Kullu
Line on D/C Towers from HPC026/201
Palchan to ADHEP Ltd, Prini 1-CHA In-principle Tr. Line
alongwith the 33/220 KV
3 50/63.5MVA S/S at Palchan
4 Construction of Inspection 9- 0.3555 Kangra
Hut & IPH Store in favour of HPB041/20 In-principle Others
I & PH Deptt. 11-CHA
5 Construction of road from 9- 3.2456 Chamba
Dam side to Village Mindra HPB042/20
In-principle Road
Kms. 0/00 to 5/500 9- 11-CHA
6 Construction of link road 9- 2.67 Chamba
from Pritmas to Liunda HPB043/20 In-principle Road
Kms. 0/00 to 4/00 11-CHA
7 Construction of link road 9- 2.35 Chamba
from Sanwal to makan Kms. HPB044/20 In-principle Road
0/00 to 4/500 11-CHA
Construction of link road to 9- 2.114 Kangra
village Tarriah Chamaran HPB090/20
In-principle Road
Kms. 0/00 to 2/300 9- 11-CHA
8 HPB090/2011-CHA
Construction of Mehla 9- 7.69 Chamba
Bhagiar Huraid road Km. HPC110/20
In-principle Road
0/00 to 11/00 9- 11-CHA
9 HPC110/2011-CHA
Construction of link road to 9- 1.4037 Kangra
Village Tarriah Sughala HPB111/20
In-principle Road
Kms. 0/00 to 1/600 9- 11-CHA
10 HPB111/2011-CHA
Construction of Uru to Dhar 9- 1.1966 Shimla
road Kms. 0/00 to 2/810 HPB160/20 In-principle Road
11 11-CHA
Construction of road from 9- 4.04 Shimla
Dak Bangla to Village HPB161/20
In-principle Road
Gharach Kanwarpur 9- 11-CHA
12 HPB161/2011-CHA
Construction of Link road to 9- 2.444 Kullu
Village Solang Kms. 0/00 to HPB162/20
In-principle Road
3/750 9-HPB162/2011- 11-CHA
13 CHA
Construction of Beeling 9- 0.2133 Lahaul & Spiti
MHEP 2/200 KV at Beeling HPB164/20
Nallah 9-HPB164/2011- 11-CHA
In-principle Others


Establishment of TCP-cum- 9- 1.351 Kinnaur

Transit Deteachment at HPB165/20 In-principle Others
15 Mailing 11-CHA
Up-gradation of Kaksthal to 9- 15.526 Kinnaur
Karcham road from Kms. HPC173/20 In-principle Road
16 336/000 to 356/00 11-CHA
Construction of Kalsuin to 9- 3.09 Chamba
Tralla road (Kms. 0/00 to HPB197/20
In-principle Road
4/225) 9-HPB197/2011- 11-CHA
17 CHA
Renewal of lease of forest 9- 0.112 Sirmour
land over an area of HPB198/20
existing petrol pump at 11-CHA In-principle-
Sataun of IOCL & Link
18 File 9-233/1995-ROC
Construction of Medium 9- 1.7582 Hamirpur
Irrigation Project in Nadaun HPB203/20
In-principle Others
Area in favour of I & PH 11-CHA
19 Department
Construction of Chhota 9- 2.0951 Shimla
Khamba to Gharshoo road HPB243/201 Sought for
Kms. 0/00 to 2/730 9- 1-CHA information
20 HPB243/2011-CHA
Construction of Guru-Kund- 9- 3.2 Solan
Kainchi More-Chiran HPB273/201
In-principle Road
ChirkhupKhalehar-Mittian road 1-CHA
21 Kms. 0/00 to 12/240
Construction of Link road to 9- 3.5782 Shimla
Village Dhanser Kms. 0/00 to HPB276/201 In-principle Road
22 4/795 9-HPB276/2011-CHA 1-CHA
Construction of link road from 9- 0.685 Chamba
Dehgram to Siri Kms. 0/0 to HPB277/201 In-principle Road
23 1/200 9-HPB277/2011-CHA 1-CHA
Construction of link road to 9- 1.3029 Shimla
Village bathan Nalla to Kohli HPB322/201 In-principle Road
24 1-CHA
Construction of Bakani to 9- 4.35 Chamba
Dharebetta road Kms. 0/00 HPB325/20
In-principle Road
to 7/00 9-HPB325/2011- 11-CHA
25 CHA
Construction of 3.5 MW 9- 1.2228 Mandi
Chachiot Hydro Electric HPB330/20
In-principle HEP
Project in favour of Shakti 11-CHA
26 Hydro Electric Co. Pvt. Ltd,
Construction of Link road 9- 0.722 Sirmour
from Jamta to Nauni Kms. HPB331/20
In-principle Road
0/00 to 3/00 9- 11-CHA
27 HPB331/2011-CHA
Construction of Urai to 9- 1.5 Chamba
Samra Kms. 0/00 to 4/062 HPB387/20 In-principle Road
28 11-CHA
Construction of Link road 9- 2.0732 Shimla
from Village Devidhar to HPB389/20
In-principle Road
Shedal via Ambri Kms. 0/00 11-CHA
29 to 3/510
Construction of road from 9- 1.62 Shimla
Bashla Collection Centre to HPB405/20
HB Khanori Rohaldhar road 11-CHA
In-principle Road
Km. 0/00 to 3/00


Construction of 5 MW Suil-II 9- 4.8987 Chamba

small Hydro Electri Project HPB407/20
In-principle HEP
in favour of M/s KVA Hydro 11-CHA
31 Private Ltd,
Construction of Danpar, 9- 4.6641 Shimla
Sandoa Sarah Galah road HPB462/20
Sought for
Kms. 0/00 to 9/195 under 11-CHA Road
NABARD 9-HPB462/2011- information
32 CHA
Construction of Pancha to 9- 4.1902 Kinnaur
Patka via Panva road Kms. HPB495/20
In-principle Road
0/00 to 6/195 11-CHA
Construction of Car Parking 9- 0.0162 Shimla
at Keleston, Shimla in HPB556/20
In-principle Others
favour of MC Shimla 11-CHA
Construction of Agriculture 9- 0.04 Chamba
inputs Store--cum-farmer HPB557/20
Advisory Centre Mehla 9- 11-CHA In-principle Others
Construction of Primary 9- 0.27 Mandi
Health Centre Building at HPB562/20
Village Soh in favour of HP 11-CHA
In-principle Others
Health Department

Construction of Upper 9- 1.329 KUllu
Babeli to Jindore road from HPB610/20
Kms. 0/00 to 9/840 11-CHA In-principle Road

Laying of 132 KV S/C Tr. 9- 2.5272 Una
Line on D/C towers from HPB667/20
132/33 K S/S Rakkar Una 11-CHA
to proposed 132/33 S/S
In-principle Tr. Line
Tahliwal at Gurplah (Bathu)

Construction of link road 9- 3.16 Mandi
from Buratha to Kathla HPB767/20
Kms. 0/00 to 6/080 under 11-CHA
PMGSY 9-HPB767/2011- In-principle Road

Laying of 132 KV Tr. Line 9- 2.6497 Kangra
from Neogal Pooling Point HPB774/20
to Dehan S/Stn. In favour 11-CHA In-principle Tr. Line
of M/s Subhash project &
40 Marketing Ltd.
Construction of link road 9- 0.3644 Shimla
from Rajtari via Kalbog to HPB825/20
Harijan Basti Nargan Km. 11-CHA
In-principle Road
0/00 to 3/500 9-

Construction of Godown for 9- 0.5168 Kangra

Storage of food Grains at HPB828/20
Mohal Gharoon Mauza 11-CHA
Bhawarana (Palampur) 9- In-principle Others

Construction of Car Parking 9- 1.21 Shimla
near Tourism Information HPB830/20
In-principle Others
Centre at Old Barrier 11-CHA
43 Shimla
Construction of approach 9- 0.3966 Shimla
road alongwith Security HPB856/20
Section from NH-22 to Air 11-CHA In-principle Raod
Force site/Helipad Kms.
44 0/00 to 0/333 at Gallu Kalan
Construction of Godown at 9- 0.96 Mandi
Kangni, Tehsil & Distt. HPB858/20
Mandi in favour of Food 11-CHA In-principle Others
Corporation of India 9-
45 HPB858/2011-CHA
Construction of Link road 9- 3.45 Chamba
from Tralla to Junas Kms. HPB899/20 In-principle Road
46 0/00 to 4/500 under PMGSY 11-CHA
Construction of link road to 9- 1.52 Chamba
Village Radi, (Kms. 0/00 to HPB917/20
In-principle Road
3/00) under PMGSY 9- 11-CHA
47 HPB917/2011-CHA
Construction of Dunali to 9- 2.73 Chamba
Kalance road HPB918/20 In-principle Road
48 11-CHA
Construction of Gehra to 9- 2.72 Chamba
Upper Jauwa road Kms. HPB919/20
In-principle Road
0/00 to 5/017 under PMGSY 11-CHA
49 9-HPB919/2011-CHA
Construction of 66 KV 9- 9.848 Shimla & Kullu
Transmission line from HPC960/20
In-principle Road
Baragaon to Nagan 9- 11-CHA
50 HPC960/2011-CHA
List of Proposals- 2011 (Information sought) -97-
Sl. Subject Area District File no. Category
1 Development of Transport 9- 4.8782 Mandi
Nagar at Ner Chowk in HPB040/2011-
Sought for
favour of Secretary SADA CHA Others
New Chowk-cuk-Town & information
country Planner, Mandi
Widening/improvement of 9- 15.457 Kinnaur
road from Pooh to Khab HPC088/2011- Sought for
Bridge Kms. 424.00 to CHA information
2 436.00
Construction of Kumarhatti 9- 7.44 Solan
Sought for
Bonta Behli Dora kalyanpur HPC119/2011- Road
3 road Kms. 0/00 to 15/750 CHA information
4 Construction of LPG 9- 0.1144 Kangra
Sought for
Godown Lohna for storage HPB163/2011- Others
of Cylinders CHA information
5 Construction of Sanskrit 9- 0.887 Mandi
college building at HPB231/2011- Sought for
Sundernagar in favour of CHA information
Deptt. Of Education
6 Construction of link road 9- 2.2 Una
from Chintpurni to Amlehar HPB233/2011- Sought for
via Dhalwani Kms. 0/00 to CHA information
7 Construction of Sarai 9- 0.1375 Kullu
Sought for
Building at Bijli Mahadev HPB235/2011- Others
CHA information
Construction of Rana Bag 9- 3.04 Mandi
Sought for
Bihani-Seri road Kms. 0/00 HPB271/2011- Road
8 to 9/00 CHA information
Construction of Link road to 9- 0.9978 Kangra
Sought for
Village Juhir Kms. 0/00 to HPB272/2011- Road
9 2/060 CHA information
Construction of State 9- 4.9756 Hamirpur
Training Centre (Bharat HPB323/2011- Sought for
Scouts & Guides) at Plasi CHA information
10 Mouza Baldhuk
Construction of Dwelling 9- 2.788 Kangra
Units under Married HPB329/2011-
Accommodation Plan CHA
Phase-II for Officer, Junior
Sought for
commissioned Officer and Others
Other Ranks at Snow view information
Point & Helipad area at
Hotla Camp
Construction of Darad Nallah 9- 2.3904 Kangra
to Damoh via Jannun road HPB336/2011-
Kms. 0/00 to 7/087 9- CHA Sought for
HPB336/2011-CHA information
Construction of Eklavya 9- 4.5603 Chamba
Model Residential School at HPB367/2011-
Khani in favour of Project CHA Sought for
Director (ITDP) Bharmour information

Construction of Solid Waste 9- 0.25 Kangra

Management Project at HPB368/2011- Sought for
Nurpur in favour of Municipal CHA information
14 Council Nurpur
Allotment of land to Flood 9- 0.096 Shimla
Sufferer of Village Lahasa in HPB391/2011- Sought for
favour of SDMC Rampur CHA information
15 Bushahr
Construction of Medical 9- 9.2185 Hamirpur
Sought for
College at kallar in favour of HPC392/2011- Others
16 HP Health Department CHA information
Construction of Ambulance 9- 1.2257 Shimla
road from Tara Devi to HPB406/2011- Sought for
village Malog Zalgi RD 0/00 CHA information
17 to 2/670
Expansion of Jaypee 9- 12.128 Solan
University (ITI) in favour of HPC477/2011-
Sought for
M/s Jaiprakash Sewa CHA Others
Sansthan, Waknaghat information
18 (Rachiana)
Construction of Bajol to Bara 9- 12.49 Chamba
Bhangal raod from Km. 0/00 HPC824/2011- Sought for
to 18/265 9-HPC824/2011- CHA information
19 CHA
Construction of Kilod to 9- 2.32 Chamba
Sought for
Kuned road Kms. 0/00 to HPB857/2011- Raod
20 3/766 CHA information
Construction of OTM 9- 3.025 Kangra
Accommodation for EME HPB860/2011-
Battalion at Holta Camp in CHA Sought for
favour of Colonel, information
Commendending Officer,
21 639 EME Battalion
List of Proposals- 2012 (In-principle approval) 99 

Sl.No File no. Subject Area District Status Category

Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP Eduacation Department for
the construction of Girls Hostel at GSSSS
9-HPB021/2012- Himgiri in teshil Churah, Distt. Chamba,
1 0.1600 Chamba
CHA HP, within the jurisdiction of Churah
Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, HP

Diversion of 0.22 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of I&PH Department for the
construction of Lift Irrigation and Flow
9-HPB033/2012- irrigation to Kharahal within the
2 0.2200 Kullu
CHA jurisdiction of Kullu forest Division Distt.
Kullu, H.P.

Diversion of 0.137 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP Educaation Department for
the construction of Girls Hostel at Mehla
9-HPB034/2012- in Chamba Distt, with in jurisdiction of
3 0.1370 Chamba
CHA Chamba Forest Division Distt Chamba,

Diversion of 0.35 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP for the construction of
Primary Health Building at Baridhar within
9-HPB035/2012- the jurisdiction of Mandi Forest Division
4 0.3500 Mandi
CHA Distt Mandi, HP

Diversion of 6.9528 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Dehuri-Shanad to shrikot road Kms. 0/00
9-HPC066/2012- to 11/500 under PMGSY within the
5 6.9528 Kullu
CHA jurisdiction of Seraj Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Diversion of 1.7834 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
road from Dehra Ghatti road to Sandha
9-HPB069/2012- Harizan basti road Kms. 0/00 to 2/400
6 1.7834 Kangra
CHA under PMGSY, under Dehra Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal
Diversion of 0.019 ha of forest land in In-principle Others
favour of Block Development Officer,
Development Block Seraj for the
9-HPB070/2012- construction of marketing Yard at Village
7 0.0190 Mandi
CHA Thunag within the jurisdiction of Nachan
Forest Division and Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.953 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
link road Kawal Badli to Tharu road Kms.
9-HPB071/2012- 0/00 to 5/360 under NABARD, under
8 1.9530 Sirmour
CHA Rajgarh Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour,
Himachal Pradesh. 9-HPB071/2012-CHA

Diversion of 0.0617 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Irrigation & Public Helath
Department HP for the construction of
9-HPB072/2012- Gaseous Chlorination Cylinder Storage
9 0.0617 Kangra
CHA Complex at Mohal kawal within the
jurisdiction of Palampur forest Division
and Distt. Kangra, H.P.
Diversion of 3.9850 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Sainj to manyashi road (Kms.0/00 to 6/00)
9-HPB097/2012- within the jurisdiction of Seraj Forest
10 3.985 Kullu
CHA Dividion and Distt. Kullu, Himachal

Diversion of 0.040 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Social Justice and Em[owerment
Departmetn for the construction of Bhim
9-HPB100/2012- Rao Ambedkar Bhawan at Muhal Buien
11 0.0400 Chamba
CHA (Tissa) within the jurisdiction of Churah
Forest Division Distt. Chamba, Himachal
Diversion of 0.8400 ha of forest land in In-principle Mining
favour of Shri Ashwani Kumar VPO
Shiaso for the establishment of Stone
9-HPB101/2012- Crusher & Mining activities near Shiaso
12 0.8400 Kinnaur
CHA Khad in Pooh Range within the
jurisidicvtion of Forest Division & Distt.
Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.04 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Shikari Mod to Nera Mandka Thalli road
Kms. 0/00 to 5/500 under NABARD within
13 the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Division 3.0400 Chamba
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.2711 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of I & PH department for the
construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant
& Septic Tank at old Kangra, within the
14 jurisdicition of Dharamshala Forest 0.2711 Kangra
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal

Diversion of 2.0273 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Director Technical Vocational &
Industrial Training HP for the construction
9-HPB109/2012- of Govt. Polytechni Institute at Udaipur Lahaul &
15 2.0273
CHA within the jurisdiction of Lahaul Forest Spiti
Division, Distt. Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal
Diversion of 2.84 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Trehan-Narogi road Kms. 0/00 to 6/240
under PMGSY/Bharat Nirman, within the
9-HPB115/2012- jurisdiction of Parbati Forest Division,
16 2.8400 Kullu
CHA Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. 9-

Diversion of 0.4572 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Lakhwal Choek to Punnu Ram House
9-HPB124/2012- road (Kms. 0/00 to 0/870) within the
17 0.4572 Kangra
CHA jurisdcition of Dehra Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 1.0876 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Swan Khad to Kanpur via Ranoh road
(Kms. 0/00 to 2/690) within the jurisdiction
18 of Dehra Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, 1.0876 Kangra
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 4.2351 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Gumma-Bagi-Gumma-Jashla via Kirvi
9-HPB135/2012- road Kms. 0/00 to 14/00, within the
19 4.2351 Shimla
CHA jurisdiction of Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0562 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Distt. Aurvedic Officer, Shimla
for the construction of Aurvedic health
9-HPB136/2012- Centre Tutikandi, within the jurisdication
20 0.0562 Shimla
CHA of Shimla Foret Division & Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.440 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Director, Technical Education,
Covational & Industrial Trainign HP
Sundernagar, for the construction of
9-HPB137/2012- Industrial Training Institute at Tikkar,
21 0.4400 Shimla
CHA within the jurisdiction of Rohtoo Forest
Disvision and Distt. Shimla, Himachal

Diversion of 1.2 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Others

of HP Education Department for the
construction of Model School Building at
GSSS Bharian-Kothi in Mehla Blcok
22 within the jurisidiction of Chamba Forest 1.2000 Chamba
Division & Distt. Chamba, Himachal

Diversion of 1.7409 ha of Forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Nanan to Dharauli road within the
9-HPB147/2012- jurisdiction of Rampur Forest Division and
23 1.7409 Shimla
CHA Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.08 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP Educaqtion Department for
the construction of Girls Hostel at GSSS
9-HPB152/2012- Tissa within the jurisdiction of Churah
24 0.0800 Chamba
CHA Forest Division, distt. Chamba, Himachal

Diversion of 3.18 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Rajera Gudda road Kms. 0/00 to 5/600,
9-HPB153/2012- within the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest
25 3.1800 Chamba
CHA division & Distt. Chamba, Himachal

Diversion of 1.70 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Jablahi Nallah to Barnota karkoh road
9-HPB160/2012- Kms. 0/00 to 5/500 within the jurisdiction
26 1.7000 Mandi
CHA of Mandi Forest Division & Distt. Mandi,

Diversion of 0.4454 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
link road Harijan Basti Santoshi Nagar to
9-HPB173/2012- Sholi Dogri with linked road Kaina Kms.
27 0.4454 Shimla
CHA 0/00 to 1/960 within the jurisdicition of
Rohroo Forest Division distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.2301 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of B.D.O Narkanda for the
consttrudtion of Ambulance road to
9-HPB174/2012- Village Brail Samroti Dimri and Loshta of
28 0.2301 Shimla
CHA Gram Panchayat Kotgarh (km. 0/00 to
2/200) within the jurisdiction of Kotgarh
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 0.0150 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of Deptt. Of Horticulture, Himachal
Pradesh for the construction of Plant
9-HPB177/2012- Protection Centre at Kalbog, within the
29 0.0150 Shimla
CHA jurisdiction of Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0420 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Deptt. Of Social Justice &
Empowernment HP for the construction of
9-HPB178/2012- Ambedkar Bhawan at Basantpur, Tehsil
30 0.0420 Shimla
CHA Sunni, within the jurisdiction of Shimla
Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 0.0150 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Others
favour of Department of Horticulture,
Himachal Pradesh for the construcfion of
9-HPB197/2012- Plant Protection Centre at Tharola, within
31 0.0150 Shimla
CHA the Theog Forest Divison, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.0270 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Department of Horticulture,
Himachal Pradesh for the construcfion of
9-HPB198/2012- Plant Protection Centre at Mahasu, within
32 0.0270 Shimla
CHA the Theog Forest Divison, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 3.530 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
link road from Saroni to Tahli Kms. 5/810
9-HPB201/2012- ,within the jurisidiction of Suket Forest
33 3.5300 Mandi
CHA Divison, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 0.4248 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Others

of I & PH Department for providing LWSS to
NC/PC habitation of census village
Bhamroutha Kohldi Kunna and Kakaila in GP
34 CHA
Chill Banglo (Laying of undergtround GI Pipe 0.4248 Chamba
Pipe Line in topli nallah to Dibri Village) in
Kalatop-Khajjar Wildlife Sanctuary, within the
jurisdiction of Wildlife Division Chamba & Distt.
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.4538 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Road
of HPPWD for the construction of Kaladhank to
Battar link road (Kms. 0/00 to 2/290) under
9-HPB238/2012- PMGSY, within the jurisdiction of Rohroo
35 CHA Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, Himachal 1.4538 Shimla

Diversion of 1.4595 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Road

of HPPWD for the construction of Ghasigaon
Dhanroti road Km. 0/00 to 4/00 within the
9-HPB239/2012- jurisdiction of Theog Forest Division, Distt.
36 CHA Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. 1.4595 Shimla

Diversion of 0.7896 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Road

of HPPWD for the construction of link road to
Village Ghali, within the jurisdiction of Rohroo
9-HPB240/2012- Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal
37 CHA Pradesh. 0.7896 Shimla

Diversion of 0.2194 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Road

of HPPWD for the construction of link road
from 17 Mile to Rampur (Km. 0/00 to 1/450)
9-HPB242/2012- within the jurisdiction of Kullu Forest Division &
38 CHA Distt. Kullu, Himachal pradeseh. 0.2194 Kullu

Diversion of 4.2914 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Others

of HPSEB for the construction/setting up of
220/132 KV, 2x100 MVA S/Stn. At Amb by
9-HPB243/2012- Liloing existing 220/132 KV Jalandhar-
39 CHA Hamirpur Line at Village Nehri-Naranga (AMB) 4.2914 Una
within the jjurisdiction of Una Forest Division &
Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.5760 ha of forest land in favour In-principle Road

of HPPWD for the construction of Sidhwan
(Tipudhar) to Thanicher road within the
9-HPB249/2012- jurisdiction of Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu,
40 CHA Himachal Pradesh. 2.5760 Kullu

Diversion of 0.3385 hectare of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Panarsa Bridge under NABARD within the
9-HPB250/2012- jurisdiction of Seraj Forest Division, Distt. Kullu,
41 CHA Himachal Pradesh. 9-HPB250/2012-CHA 0.3385 Kullu

Diversion of 0.7682 hectare of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of Municipal council for the construction
of muck dumping site near Hotel
9-HPB251/2012- Chandermukhi in Manali-III, within the
42 CHA jurisidiction of Kullu Forest Division, distt. Kullu, 0.7682 Kullu
Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 3.07 hectare of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Karain to Balley road Kms. 0/00 to 4/00
9-HPB260/2012- within the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest
43 3.0700 Chamba
CHA Division & Distt. Chamba, Himachal

Diversion of 3.568 ha. of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP Education Department for
the Construction of Model School Building
9-HPB333/2012- and School Campus at GMSSS Dand in
44 3.5680 Chamba
CHA Chamba Distt. Within the jurisdiction of
Churah Forest Division Distt. Chamba.
Diversion of 4.4957 ha. of forest land in In-principle HEP
favour of M/s Parvat Hydro Power Project
(P) Ltd., for the Construction of 15 MW
9-HPB337/2012- Choned Small Hydro Electric Project,
45 4.4957 Chamba
CHA near Vill. Banjal, (Devi Kothi) in Tehsil
Churah within the jurisdiction of Churah
Forest Division Disttt. Chamba, H.P.
Diversion of 0.3627 ha. of forest land in In-principle Others
favour of India Meteorological
Department, Govt. of India for the const.
9-HPB348/2012- of Office Building & installation of
46 0.3627 Kinnaur
CHA observatories at Reckong Peo in Kalpa
Range within the jurisdiction of Forest
Divison Distt. Kinnaur H.P
Diversion of 0.4167 ha. of forest land in In-principle Others
favour of Director, Technical Education,
Vocational & Industrial Training HP,
9-HPB349/2012- Sundernagar, for the const. of Industrial
47 0.4167 Shimla
CHA Training Institute Junga,within the
jurisdiction of Forest Divison Distt. Shimla
Diversion of 0.2 ha.(2083 Sq.Mt) of forest In-principle Others
land on Khasra no. 1191/3 at Panjadi
below Barrier Tehsil & Distt Shimla for
9-HPB350/2012- stray dogs as an open forest area, near
48 0.2000 Shimla
CHA the existing dogs shelter at Mauza
Panjadi in favour of MC Shimla within the
jurisdiction of Forest Divison Distt. Shimla
Diversion of 0.17 ha. of forest land in In-principle Others
favour of Nagar Panchayat,
Jogindernagar, for the const. of Solid
9-HPB351/2012- Waste Management Plant Kathalnala in
49 0.1700 Mandi
CHA Jogindernagar Town, within the
jurisdiction of Jogindernagar Forest
Divison Distt. Mandi H.P
Diversion of 2.39 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the Const., of Takoli
to Pali Road Kms 0/0 to 4/520 Distt.
9-HPB386/2012- Mandi, H.P
50 2.3900 Mandi

Diversion of 0.2931 ha. Of forest land for In-principle Road

the Construction of road from Vill. Bari
Dhar to Bari Ghat via Kisla under the
9-HPB389/2012- jurisdiction of Rohroo Forest Divison,
51 0.2931 Shimla
CHA Distt. Shimla, H.P.(9-HPB389/2012-CHA)

Diversion of 1.2760 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the Construction of
Chanon to Kadahil road (0/0 to 2/600)
52 under NABARD, within the jurisdiction of 1.2760 Kullu
Seraj Forest Division Kullu, HP.

Diversion of 4.2270 ha of forest land for In-principle Road

the const. of Chalain to Devgarh road
53 within the jurisdiction of Seraj Forest Div. 4.2270 Kullu
& Distt. Kullu, HP

Diversion of 0.1428 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the Const. of link
road Tehtoli to Ghalera kms 0/0-0/188
54 HPB414/2012- 0.1428 Shimla
within the jurisdiction of Theog Forest
division & Distt Shimla, HP

Diversion of 2.1460 ha. Of forest land for In-principle Road

the Const. of road from Sheta joul to
Lahashani via Narogi Sharan, within the
9-HPB416/2012- jurisdiction of Parvati Forest Division &
55 2.1460 Kullu
CHA Distt Kullu, HP

Diversion of 2.052 ha. Of forest land In-principle Road

(0.654 ha. Of Kullu Ft. Divn 1.398 ha. Of
Parbati Ft. Division in favour of HPPWD
9-HPB437/2012- for the Construction of road from Pechha
56 2.0520 Kullu
CHA to Deoghara (Kms. 0/0 to 6/100) udner
SCSP, Forest Division Parvati & Distt.
Kullu, H.P
Diversion of 33.5399 ha. (revised 3.8779 In-principle Road
ha.) Of forest land in favour of BRO for
Const., of Snow Avalanche protection
9-HPB481/2012- Structures at various Locations on manali-
57 33.5399 Kullu
CHA Sarchu ro0ad and on Approach road to
South Portal from Solang, Distt. Kullu.

Diversion of 0.3903 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for Const., of Link road
from ALU Ground to Vill. Kalath Chhiyal
9-HPB482/2012- (Kms 0/0 to 1/300) in Manali Range, Distt.
58 0.3903 Kullu
CHA Kullu, H.P

Diversion of 1.80 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of HP Education Deptt., for Const.,
of Building of Govt. Arya Degree Collage
9-HPB483/2012- at new Site Mohallah Rampuri (Nurpur)
59 1.8 Kangra
CHA Forest Division Nurpur Distt. Kangar, H.P

Diversion of 0.7732 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for Const. of Dogru
Nalla Mail-II to Mamolthi road (Kms. 0/00
9-HPB484/2012- to 3/00) Theog Forest Division & Distt.
60 0.7732 Shimla
CHA Shimla, H.P

Diversion of 1.22 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of G.B. Pant Institute Mohal, for the
Const. of Herbal Garden & Establishment
9-HPB509/2012- of Rural Technology Park at Dohranalla,
61 1.2200 Kullu
CHA within jurisdiction of Parbati Forest
Division & Distt Kullu, HP

Diversion of 0.6500 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the Const. of Link
road to Village Aroth within the jurisdiction
9-HPB510/2012- of Kotgarh Forest Division Distt Shimla,
62 0.6500 Shimla

Diversion of 3.4052 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPP WD for the construction of
Bholar-Nallah-Utrol Kandi-Lohdi Road
9-HPB589/2012- (Kms. 0/0 to 5/289) within the jurisdiction
63 3.4052 Shimla
CHA of Rohru Forest Division and Distt. Shimla

Diversion of 0.4483 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPP WD for the construction of
Ganga Nagar Koti Banogra Kadai Road
9-HPB591/2012- (Kms. 0/0 to 4/0) within the jurisdiction of
64 0.4483 Shimla
CHA Theog Forest Division and Distt. Shimla

Diversion of 6.4435 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPP WD for the construction of
Link road from Patka at Hathidhar (Kms.
9-HPB593/2012- 0/0 to 10/390) within the jurisdiction of
65 6.4435 Chamba
CHA Dalhousie Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba HP

Diversion of 6.0897 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPP WD for the construction of
from Bathad to Shill Sharunger road
9-HPB594/2012- (Kms. 0/0 to 10/830) within the jurisdiction
66 6.0897 Kullu
CHA of GHNP Shamshi Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu

Diversion of 0.404 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of I&PH Deaprtment for Lift Water
Supply Scheme to Deo Bhanghroh
9-HPB595/2012- groupof villages in GP Goher within the
67 0.4040 Mandi
CHA jurisdiction of Nachan Forest Division and
Distt. Mandi HP

Diversion of 2.05 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Motoable road from Saini-Sainjli via
9-HPB613/2012- Gannu road KM 0/0 to 5/300 within the
68 2.0500 Mandi
CHA jurisdiction of Karsog Forest Division &
District Mandi H.P.

Diversion of 2.80 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Kiri-Nagella-Ran Jumhar road (Portion
9-HPB617/2012- Lagga to Sagla from KM 0/0 to 3/950
69 2.8000 Chamba
CHA within the jurisdiction of Forest Division &
District Chamba H.P

Diversion of 1.1338 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Link road to village Harijan Basti Kharshal
9-HPB618/2012- KM 0/0 to 1/570 within the jurisdiction of
70 1.1338 Shimla
CHA Rohru Forest Division & District Shimla

Diversion of 9.2621 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Rohana-Gumma-Bour road KM 0/0 to
9-HPB619/2012- 12/510 within the jurisdiction of Chopal
71 9.2621 Shimla
CHA Forest Division & District Shimla H.P

Diversion of 2.21 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Kiri-Banjal road KM 0/0 to 3/00 within the
9-HPB623/2012- jurisdiction of Forest Division & District
72 2.2100 Chamba
CHA Chamba H.P.

Diversion of 1.37 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Link road from Galthan to Mahasu KM 0/0
9-HPB624/2012- to 4/00 within the jurisdiction of Forest
73 1.3700 Chamba
CHA Division & District Chamba H.P.

Diversion of 0.8706 ha of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of M/s Miyar Hydro Electric Power
Company, Ltd for Construction of
9-HPB654/2012- Helicopter Landing Area at Udaipur, Lahaul &
74 0.8706
CHA within the Jurisdiction of Lahaul Forest Spiti,
Division & Distt. Lahaul & Spiti, H.P.

Diversion of 3.9711 ha of forest land in In-principle HEP

favour of M/s Jaya Enterprises Skipton
Villa, the Ridge Shimla, HP for the
9-HPB655/2012- construction of 2.00 MW Leond Small
75 3.9711 Kangra
CHA HEP at Village Naura & Kareri, within the
Jurisdiction of Dharamshala Forest
Division & Distt. Kangra, H.P.
Diversion of 1.2244 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for Construction of link
road Malog Kainchi to Pansari (kms 0/0 to
9-HPB656/2012- 2/154), within jurisdiction of Rohru Forest
76 1.2244 Shimla
CHA Division & Distt. Shimla

Diversion of 0.54 ha. Of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of I&PH Deptt., for Providing
WSS?LWSS to NC/PC Habitation in FP
9-HPB668/2012- Slappar, Kangoo, Dehar, Jambla, Baroti,
77 0.5400 Mandi
CHA Nalag, Chanol, Bobar, Salwana &
Samoun, Tehsil Sundernagar, Distt.
Mandi. (H.P.)
Diversion of 1.6769 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Giltari to Kawalta Road (Km 0/0 to 3/225)
9-HPB677/2012- within the jurisdiction of Rohru Forest
78 1.6769 Shimla
CHA Division & Distt. Shimla,

Diversion of 3.2266 ha (instead of 4.1165 In-principle Road
9-HPB678/2012- ha) of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
CHA the construction of Link Road to Village
& Lauga-Badubagain-Changadhar-Dadesh- 4.1165 Shimla
79 Banotnala (Km 0/0 to 6/970) within the
Link File 9-
403/1997-ROC jurisdiction of Kotgarh Forest Division &
Distt. Shimla,
Diversion of 0.9512 ha of forest land in In-principle Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Oddi to Bagain Road (Km 0/0 to 1/450)
9-HPB679/2012- within the jurisdiction of Kotgarh Forest
80 0.9512 Shimla
CHA Division & Distt. Shimla

Diversion of 3.1648 ha of forest land in In-principle Road

favour of HPPWD for the Cfonst. Of
Busable road from Garnota to Bhount via
9-HPB697/2012- Bhubled kms 0/0 to 5/480 within the
81 3.1648 Chamba
CHA jurisdiction of Dalhousie Forest Division &
Distt Chamba

Diversion of 32.91 ha. of forest land for In-principle HEP

the Const., of 48 MW Surgani Sundla
Hydro Electric Project in favour of HP
9-HPB733/2012- Power Co., Ltd., Distt. Chamba, H.P.
82 32.9100 Chamba

Diversion of 0.368 ha. of forest land in In-principle Others

favour of I&PH Department for the Const.
of Water Supply Scheme (WSS) to PC
9-HPB738/2012- Habitation Sainj, Tehsil, Chachiot,
83 0.3680 Mandi
CHA Nachan Forest Division & Distt. Mandi,

Diversion of 0.96 ha of forest land in In-principal Others

favour of I&PH Deptt. for providing WSS
to NC/PC habilitation of village Matehil
9-HPB485/2012- Bagall and lower karsog. Within the
84 0.96 Mandi
CHA jurisdiction of kasog forest division and
distt. Mandi, himachal Pradesh

Diversion of 0.5384 ha of forest land in In-principal Others

favour of I &PH Department of the
construction of LWSS Dadwas and its
9-HPB085-2012- village Thach panjain mani and Somgad,
85 0.5384 Mandi
CHA Sub Tehsil Balichoki, within the
jurisdiction of Nachan Forest Division and
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
List of Proposals- 2012 (Pending with State Govt.) -109- 
Sl.No File no. Subject Area District Status Category

Diversion of 1.5259 ha of forest land in favour of Information Others

9-HPB098/2012- HPPWD for the construction of Stadium at Kufru Sought
1 (Thanedhar) within the jurisdiction of Kotgarh 1.5259 Shimla
Forest Division Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 2.50 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road

HPPWD for the construction of Har-Kas-Batohlu Sought
2 road Kms. 0/00 to 5/00 under PMGSY within the 2.5000 Mandi
jurisdicition of Jogindernagar Forest Division and
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.9577 ha of forest land for the Information Others
construction/installation of Water Supply Sought
Scheme for Jaypee Himachal Cement (A unit of
9-HPB139/2012- Bilaspur
3 Jaiprakash associates Ltd,) from Satluj 0.9577
CHA & Solan
river/Padyar and Treda Nallahs, within the
jurisdiction of Bilaspur & Kunihar Forest
Divisions and Distt. Bilaspur & Solan, HP
Diversion of 4.8240 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road
HPPWD for the construction of Gushani to Tinder Sought
9-HPB248/2012- road Kms. 0/00 to 6/00 under PMGSY, within
4 4.8240 Kullu
CHA the jurisdiction of GHNP Shamshi, distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.1318 hectare of forest land in Information Others
favour of HP Police Department for the Sought
9-HPB256/2012- construction of Police Post at Gatta, within the
5 0.1318 Mandi
CHA jurisidiction of Jogindernagar Forest Division,
Distt.Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. 9-
Diversion of 0.0833 hectare of forest land in Information Others
favour of HP Police Department for the Sought
6 construction of Police Post at Sandhol within the 0.0833 Mandi
jurisdiction of Jogindernagar Forest Division,
distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 3.85 hectare of forest land in favour Information Road
of HPPWD for the construction/widening of Sought
7 Motorable road from Charighat to Muraidevi (Km. 3.8500 Mandi
0/00 to 6/00) within the jurisdiction of Suket
Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.0480 hectare of forest land in Information Road
favour of HPPWD for the construction of link road Sought
8 from Village Lanjhani to Narghota (Km. 0/00 to 1.0480 Kangra
1/680) within the jurisidicition of Dharamshala
forest Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.14 ha. Of forest land in favour of Information Others
I& PH Department for the Construction of Lift Sought
9 Irrigation scheme for Vill. Bhatgran, Tuhniseri, 0.1400 Kullu
Bashona & Bagicha, Parbati Forest Division &
Distt. Kullu, H.P
Diversion of 0.46 ha. Of forest land in favour of Information Others
Exevcutive Engineer HPPWD Division Karsog for Sought
9-HPB388/2012- the Construction /setting up of muck and
10 garbage dumping sites at Karsog, Karsog Forest 0.4600 Mandi
Division & Distt. Mandi, H.P. Hydro Electric
Project at Gohar, Distt. Mandi, H.P
Diversion of 0.0352 ha. Of forest land in favour of Information Others
9-HPB422/2012- I&PH Deptt., for the Construction of Reoeway Sought
11 0.0352 Shimla
CHA from STP Sanjauli malayana to HPSEB Store
Malyana, Distt. Shimla, H.p.
Diversion of 2.08 ha of forest land in favour of Information Others
9-HPB488/2012- Education Department for const. of Model Schol Sought
12 Building at Khushnagari, within the jurisdiction 2.0800 Chamba
of Churah Forest Division & Distt. Chamba, HP

Diversion of 1.00 ha. of forest land in favour of Information Others

Chief Executive Officer, Eco- Tourism Project at Sought
9-HPB575/2012- Barog by Pass, within the jurisdiction of Solan
13 1.0000 Solan
CHA Forest Division, District Solan, H.P

Diversion of 0.3643 ha. of forest land in favour of Information Road

HPPWD for const. of Link road from Indru Nag to Sought
14 Cholla (Kms 0/0 to 1/375), within the 0.3643 Kangra
jurisdiction of Dharamsala Forest Division,
District Kangra H.P
Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land in favour of Information Others
Chief Executive Officer. Eco-Tourism Society of Sought
9-HPB587/2012- HP for the development of Eco-Tourism Project at
15 1.0000 Solan
CHA Sanwar (Motikuna Hill) Within the jurisdiction of
Solan Forest Division & Distt Solan H.P.
Diversion of 2.9582 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road
9-HPB588/2012- HPP WD for the construction of Tharola to Pujai Sought
16 2.9582 Shimla
CHA Road (Kms. 0/0 to 6/0) within the jurisdiction of
Theg Forest Division and Distt. Shimla HP
Diversion of 0.2439 ha of forest land in favour of Information Raod
HPP WD for the construction of Shangaon- Sought
9-HPB590/2012- Batnari-Bagain Road (Kms. 0/0 to 2/0) within
17 0.2439 Shimla
CHA the jurisdiction of Theog Forest Division and
Distt. Shimla HP
Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land in favour of Information Others
Choef Executive Oficer, Eco-Tourism Society of Sought
9-HPB592/2012- HP for the development of Eco-Tourism Project at
18 1.0000 Solan
CHA Chunjari Forest (Chewa) within the jurisdiction of
Solan Forest Division & Distt Solan H.P.
Diversion of 1.90 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road
HPPWD for the construction of Gehra-Mahri- Sought
19 Giunra road KM 0/0 to 5/136 within the 1.9000 Chamba
jurisdiction of Forest Division & District Chamba,
Diversion of 0.376 ha of forest land in favor of Information Others
Land Acquistion Officer (BSL)-cum -SDO ©, Sought
Sadar, Distt. Mandi for further allotment to Smt.
20 Parvati Devi (an austee of BSL Project), Tehsil 0.3760 Mandi
Chachiot, Distt. Mandi for agriculture purpose,
within the jurisdiction of Mandi Forest Division,
Distt. Mandi, H.P
Diversion of 0.9012 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road
HPPWD for the construction of Morch to Gargoon Sought
21 road KM 0/0 to 3/240 within the jurisdiction of 0.9012 Kangra
Dharamsala Forest Division & District Kangra

9-HPB622/2012- Diversion of 2.0350 ha.of Forest land for mining Information Mining
CHA lease in favour of Smt. Ruma Devi Prop. Ruma Sought
& Link File Stone Crusher village-Parchhu, PO Sajaopiplu,
22 Tehsil Sarkaghat, within the jurisdiction of 2.0350 Mandi
HPB791/2005- Jogidernagar Forest Division & District Mandi
Diversion of 0.402 ha of forest land in favour of Information Others
land Acquisition Officer (BSL)-cun-SDC© Revenue Sought
Department for further allotment to Smt.Dromati
devi w/o Late Sh. Accharu ram, Tarna Muhalla,
9-HPB666/2012- Tehsil Sadar, Distt. Mandi for Agriculture
23 0.4020 Mandi
CHA purpose in lieu of rehabilitation due to BSL
Project (Austee)belonging to Schedule caste as
"special case" under Para 2.7 (ii) of Forest
(Conservation) Act 1980 guidelines, within the
Jurisdiction of Forest Division & Distt. Mandi H.
Diversion of 0.15 ha.of forest land in favour of Information Others
I&PH Department for construction of Complaint Sought
Cell-cum-Store Building at Khola Nallah (Hanogi),
9-HPB670/2012- GP Khola Nallah, Sub Tehsil Balichowki, within
24 0.1500 Mandi
CHA the jurisdiction of Nachan Forest Division,
District Mandi, H.P.(9-HPB670/2012-CHA)
Diversion of 0.6778 ha of forest land in favour of Information Road
HPPWD for construction of Link Road to village Sought
Gharopra (km 0/0 to 1/500) within the
9-HPB675/2012- jurisdiction of Dharamsala Forest Division &
25 0.6778 Kangra
CHA Distt. Kangra, H.P.

Diversion of 0.0550 ha. Of forest land in favour of Information Others

I & PH Department for the Consrt. Of GWSS to Sought
PC habitatioin in GP Pandranoo (1 No.RCC
9-HPB696/2012- Sedimentation tank & RCC F/Bed 8 Sqmt &
26 0.0550 Shimla
CHA Sectional Office-cum-Store at Pandranoo Tehsil
Jubbal, HP, within the jurisdiction of Rohroo
Forest Division & Distt Shimla,

Diversion of 0.0661 ha. of forest land in favour of Information Road

I&PH Department for the Const. of Office-cum- Sought
Store & Civi Strcture of LWSS to NC/PC
9-HPB737/2012- Habitation in Gram Panchyat Sheel, Forest
27 0.0661 Shimla
CHA Division Rohroo, Distt. Shimla, H.P.

Diversion of 0.4080 ha. of forest land for Information Road

constlruction Surj Shaft road under Seraj Forest Sought
Division Rohroo, Distt. Shimla, H.P.
28 0.4080 Kullu

List of Proposals- 2013 (In-principle approval)

Sl.No File no. Subject Area District Status Catageory

Diversion of 2.5565 ha. of forest

land in favour of SASE C/O 56APO
for the Development of experimental
9-HPB023/2013- facility for Avalanche Dynamitic In-
1 2.5565 Kullu Others
CHA Studies and Snow Conservation at principle
2/9 Gumari C-III Forest in Manali
Range Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 0.38855 ha of forest
land in favour of HPPWD for
9-HPB055/2013- Constrution of Badhal to Shoba In-
2 road (Kms 0/0 to 1/080), within the 0.38855 Shimla Road
CHA principle
jurisdiction of Rohru Forest
Division & Distt. Shimla, HP
Diversion of 4.4325 ha of forest
land for const. of 8.00 MW Upper
Joiner-II HEP in favour of M/s
9-HPB104/2013- Chamba Hydel Power Projects Pvt. In-
3 4.4325 Chamba HEP
CHA Ltd., Village Patogan, PO principle
Bhanjraru, Tehsil Churah within
the jurisdiction of Forest Division &
Distt. Chamba,
Diversion of 7.9108 ha. of forest
land in favour of HP Power
Transmission co., Ltd. HPPTCL
Division, Bhaba Nagar, Kinnaur, for
9-HPC139/2013- the Consturction of 66/220 KV In-
4 7.9108 Kinnaur Others
CHA 2x80 MVA and 220/400 KV 2x315 principle
MVA GIS Pooling Station at
Wangtoo Distt. Kinnaur, H.P. (9-

Diversion of 2.883 ha of forest land

for setting up of quarry site for
feeding of existing stone crusher at
9-HPB148/2013- Firnii in favour of M/s Verma Stone
5 at Muhal Kot/567 (Seri Range) 2.883 Mandi In-principle Mining
within the jurisdiction of Karsog
Forest Division & Distt. Mandi, H.P

Diversion of 4.7823 ha of forest

land in favour of M/s Darjeeling
Power Ltd.,Mumbai for the
construction of 66 KV Transmission
9-HPB160/2013- Line for execution of power in joint In-
6 4.7823 Kinnaur HEP
CHA mode from Brua 9 MW & Shaung 3 principle
MW Mini HEP within the
jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest
Division & Distt, HP

Diversion of 1.1925 ha of forest

land in favour of M/s Lakshmi
Narayana Hydro
9-HPB177/2013- Raghunathpur, Kullu-175101, HP In-
7 1.1925 Kullu HEP
CHA for the construction of 2.5 MW principle
Khalara SHEP within the
jurisdiction of Kullu Forest Division
& Distt Kullu, HP

Diversion of 0.028 ha of forest land

in favour of General Manager
Himachal Gramin Bank Mandi for
9-HPB178/2013- In-
8 the construction of Himachal 0.028 Mandi Others
CHA principle
Gramin Bank Building at Ram
Nagar, within the jurisdiction of
Forest Division & Distt Mandi HP
Diversion of 3.3401 ha. of forest
land in favour of M/s Jagdambey
Hydro Projects, V&PO Bharmoti, ,
9-HPB211/2013- Tehsil Nadaun, Distt. Hamirpur, HP In-
9 3.3401 Chamba HEP
CHA for the Construction of 5 MW principle
Kuwarsi-II Hydro Electric Project ,
Bharmour Forest Division, & Distt
Chamba, H.P.
Diversion of 3.5739 ha. Of forest
land in favour of M/s Sutlej
9-HPB295/2013- Construction Ltd. For Construction In-
10 of 4.5 MW Kestha SHEP, Kullu 3.5739 Kullu HEP
CHA principle
Forest Division & Distt. Kullu, H.P.

Diversion of 0.0888 ha of forest

land in favour of HP Police
Department for construction of
9-HPB296/2013- Police Post Building at Lad Bharol, In-
11 0.0888 Mandi Others
CHA within the jurisdiction of principle
Jogindernagar Forest Division &
Distt Mandi HP
Diversion of 2.2083 ha. Of forest
land in favour of M/s Haridi Nala
9-HPB305/2013- Hydro Power Project Co-Operative In-
12 Society ltd., Shanag Kullu for 2.2083 Kullu HEP
CHA principle
Construction of 2 MW Serai SHEP,
Forest Division & Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 0.0300 ha of forest
land in favour of HP Revenue
Department for further distribution
9-HPB325/2013- In-
13 to War Widows for earning their 0.03 Kinnaur Others
CHA principle
livelihood at Reckong Peo, within
jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest
Division & Distt , H.P.
Diversion of 0.7389 ha of forest
land in favour of M/s Baragarh
9-HPB326/2013- Hydro Power Co. Pvt. Ltd, for In-
14 0.7389 Kullu HEP
CHA construction of 2.5 MW Lower Aleo principle
SHEP, within jurisdiction of Forest
Division & Distt Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 0.59 ha. Of forest land
in favor of HPPWD for Construction
of Widening and Strenthning of
9-HPB331/2013- In-
15 Jogindernagar-Sarkaghat- 0.59 Mandi Road
CHA principle
Ghumarwin Road (Kms. 76/000 to
91/00), Suket Forest Division &
Distt. Mandi, H.P.
Diversion of 2.9233 ha of forest
land in favour of M/s Harindi Nala
9- Hydro Power Co-operative Society
16 HPB338/2013- Ltd., Shanag, Kullu for the 2.9233 Kullu HEP
CHA construction of 4 MW Beas Kuund
Top, SHEP, within the jurisdiction
of Forest Division & Distt. Kullu HP

Diversion of 2.4130 ha of Forest

land in favour of M/s Nanal Hydro
Power Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.,
Vardan Building, Below Gita
9-HPB370/2013- In-
17 Mandir, Tuti Kandi, Shimla-4 for 2.413 Chamba HEP
CHA principle
the construction of 3 MW Hysrund
HEP within the jurisdiction of
Forest DiVision & Distt Chamba,
Diversion of 1.66 ha of Forest land
in favour of M/s Shansha Hydro
Power Project Co-operative Society
9-HPB371/2013- Ltd., VPO Shansha, Tehsil Kelong Lahaul & In-
18 1.66 HEP
CHA for the construction of 4 MW Spiti principle
Shansha HEP within the
jurisdiction of Forest DiVision &
Distt Lahaul & Spiti, HP
Diversion of 0.3990 ha of forest
land in favour of I&PH Department
for providing LWSS to PC
9-HPB401/2013- Habitation of 0-10 & 22-39LPCD In-
19 Otehrs
CHA Badhrota, Bera, Suranga & Halti principle
area in Sarkaghat, within the
jurisdiction of Suket Forest
Division, Distt Mandi, HP 0.399 Mandi,
Dversion of 2.008 ha of forest land
in favour of HPPWD for the const. of
9-HPB403/2013- link road Kms 0/0 to 3/00 NH 21 to In-
20 village Bhalog, under PMGSY within 2.008 Mandi Road
CHA principle
the jurisdiction of Suket Forest
Division & Distt Mandi
Diversion of 0.0750 ha. Of forest
land in favour of I& PH Department
9-HPB407/2013- for the Construction of Sewrage In-
21 Scheme to Vill. Sarawati Nagar, 0.075 Shimla Others
CHA principle
Forest Division Rohroo, Distt.
Shimla, H.P.
Diversion of 0.424 ha of forest land
in favour of Revenue Department
for the development of Car Parking-
9-HPB410/2013- cum-Commercial Complex at In-
22 0.424 Mandi Others
CHA Jainchu-Kaun between Old and principle
New Bridge on Suketi Khad, with
the jurisdiction of Mandi Frest
Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal
Diversion of 2.2450 ha of forest
land in favour of HPPWD for the
construction of road from Geri
9-HPB412/2013- In-
23 Nallah to Bhaloon Kms 0/0 to 2.245 Shimla Road
CHA principle
3/448 Kms within the jurisdiciton
of Rohru Forest Division Distt
Shimla, HP
Diversion of 0.2615 ha of forest
land in favour of HPPWD for the
9-HPB413/2013- construction of Naltinal to Balna In-
24 road within the jurisdiction of 0.2615 Shimla Road
CHA principle
Rampur Forest Division Distt
Shimla, HP.
Diversion of 0.154863 ha of
forest land in favour of
Commissionaer, Municipal
Corporation, Shimla for the
construction of Car Parking In-
25 HPB414/2013- 0.15486 Shimla Others
near St. Xavier School principle
Sanjauli, within the
jurisdiction of MC Forest
Division Shimla, District
Shimla, H.P
Diversion of 0.99 hectare of
forest land in favour of
Himachal Pradesh Road
Trasport Corporation Mandi In-
26 HPB420/2013- 0.99 Mandi Others
for the Construction of New principle
Bus Stand Kotli under the
jurisdiction of Mandi Forest
Division, Distt. Mandi, HP



List of Proposals- 2013 (Pending with State Govt.)

Sl.No File no. Subject Area District Status Catageory

Diversion of 2.3433 ha of
forest land in favour of HPPWD
for construction of Link road
from village Rohtan to Chatnol Information
1 HPB172/2013- 2.3433 Shimla Raod
Dogri (Kms 0/00 to 3/385) Sought
within jurisdiction of Rohru
Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Diversion of 2.717 ha. Of
forest land in favour of HPPWD
9- for Construction of Slapper to Information
2 HPB298/2013- Tattapani Road (Kms 25/490 2.717 Mandi Road
CHA to 30/690), Suket Fores
Division, Distt. Mandi. H.P.
Diversion of 0.2604 ha. Of
forest land in favor of HPPWD
for Construction of Bridge
along with both side Information
3 HPB330/2013- 0.2604 Kullu Others
approaches at 17 mile (Gajan) Sought
over River Beas (Span 110
Mtrs.) Kullu Forest Division,
Distt. Kullu, H.P.
Diversion of 4.90 ha. Of forest
land in favour of DM Himkasth
9- Sale Depot, Udaipur for
Construction of Himkasth Sale Information
4 HPB339/2013- 4.9 Chamba Others
Depot, Udaipur, Dalhousie Sought
Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, H.P.
Diversion of 0.5691 ha of
forest land in favour of HPPWD
for construction of Firnoo
Morh to Damorh via Chairn Information
5 HPB358/2013- 0.5691 Shimla Road
Road (Kms 0/0 to 2/225) Sought
within the jurisdiction of
Kotgarh Forest Division &
Distt Shimla, HP
Diversion of 2.63 ha of forest
land in favour of Commanding
Officer 258 Transit Camp for
const. of 258 Army Transit Lahaul & Information
6 HPB402/2013- 2.63 Otehrs
Camp at Dalang Maidan Spiti Sought
within the jurisdiction of
Lahaul Forest Division & Distt
Lahaul & Spiti, HP
Dversion of 0-74-57 ha of
forest iand in favour of HPPWD
9- for the const. of link road
7 HPB404/2013- Sawra to Bathah Kms 0/0 to 0-74-57 Shimla Road
CHA 1/50 within the jurisdiction of
Rohru Forest Division & Distt
Shimla , H.P.

Diversion of 2.3149 ha of
forest land in favour of M/s
Palchan Bhang Pvt. Ltd. For Information
8 HPB406/2013- 2.3149 Kullu HEP
the const. of 9 MW Palchan Sought
HEP, within the jurisdiction of
Forest Division & Distt Kullu
Diversion of 0.387 ha. Of
forest land in favour of Animal
Husbandary Department, HP
for the Construction of Information
9 HPB409/2013- 0.387 Mandi Others
Gosadan in Vill. Naguram Sought
Tehsil Chachiot, Nachan
Forest Division, Distt. Mandi,
Diversion of 4.9721 ha of
forest land for the construction
9- of Link road from Champandli
Chhamdhar to Chilla within Information
10 HPB415/2013- 4.9721 Shimla Road
the jurisdiction of Chopal Sought
Forest Division Distt. Shimla,
Diversion of 3.9494 ha. of
forest land in favour of HPPWD
for the construction of link
9- road from Rehari Farm to
11 HPB419/2013- Kewliin memory of Shahid 3.9494 Shimla Road
CHA Yahswant Singh Kms 0/0 to
5/389 within the jurisdiction
of Rohru Forest Division Distt
Shimla, HP.
Diversion of 4.5570 ha of
forest ladn in favour of HPPWD
for the widening of NH-88 in
the already acquired and
possessed land for HPPWD Information
12 HPB421/2013- 4.557 Kangra Road
from kms 173/537 to 198/715 Sought
from Nadaun Beas Bridge to
Bane-Di-Hatti within the
jurisdiction of Dehra Forest
Division, Distt Kangra, HP.
Diversion of 3.2216 ha of
forest land in favour of HPPWD
for the construction of
9- Dakgaon to Jakhi Kms 0/0 to Information
13 HPB422/2013- 7/226 within the jurisdiction 3.2216 Shimla Road
CHA of Rohru Forest Division Distt
Shimla, HP.
List of Pending Proposals (State Advisory Group Meeting)

(1.) 1-9/1993-ROC State Advisory Group Meeting Common File

Sl. Name of the Proposal Ramarks


1. Renewal of existing mining lease over an area of Proposal discussed on

2.00 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Ahuja 19.02.2013
Plastics Ktdm Village & PO Dadhau in Renukaji,
under Renukaji Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Revised proposal pending
Himachal Pradesh. from State Govt.


2. Renewal case of Mining Lease over an area Proposal Discuss in next

measuring 0.16 hectares of forest land in favour of SAG
M/s Gian Chand & Company Village Lech, P.O.
Gehra, Distt. Chamba for further five years time
period, within the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest
Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh


3. Diversion of 12.5478 hectares of forest land in Proposal Discuss in next

favour of HPPWD for the construction of Chaura SAG
to Majhagaon Rupi road (Km. 0/00 to
27/050),within the jurisdiction of Sarahan
Wildlife Division, Distt. Shimla, H.P.


4. Diversion of 6.0386 hectares of forest land in Proposal Discuss in next

favour of HPPWD for the construction of link road SAG
to Village Nathpa (km. 0/00 to 11/600) within the
jurisdiction of Sarahan Wildlife Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.


5. Diversion of 0.5117 hectares of forest land in Proposal Discuss in next

favour of M/s Rajat Stone Crusher, Bakkar Khad SAG
Sandhole, Distt. Mandi for stacking of
raw/furnished material of already established
Stone Crusher, within the jurisdiction of
Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
9-HPB128/2012-CHA &

link File attached 9-HPB2392/2004-CHA

6. Diversion of 36.4465 hectare of forest land in favour of Proposal discussed on
HPPTCL for construction of 220 KV/400 KV/D/C 06.08.2013
Transmission Line from 111 MW Sawra Kuddu HEP to
LILO Point on 400 KV Jhakri-Abdullapur Reply pending from State
Transmission Line of M/s PGGCIL at Village Ghunda, Govt.
Tehsil Kotkhai, within the jurisdiction of Rohru and
Theog Forest Divisions, District Shimla, Himachal


7. Diversion of 12.39 hectares of forest land in favour of Proposal discussed on

M/s Kharnal Hydro Electric Power Private Limited 25.10.2013
Durga Cottage, Below Himfed Building, BCS New
Shimla, Distt. Shimla HP for the construction of 14.00 Reply pending from State
MW UHL Khad Hydro Electric Projectand laying of 33 Govt.
KV Transmission Line, within the jurisdiction of Mandi
Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.


8. Diversion of 12.385 hectare of forest land in favour of Proposal discussed on

Power Grid Corporation of India for the construction of 12.12.2013
LILO for 220 KV D/C Jalandhar-Hamirpur Lilo (loop
in-Loop out)transmission line at Hamirpur, within the Reply pending from State
jurisdiction of Hamirpur Forest Divisions and District Govt.
Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
9. Diversion of 10.699 hectare of forest land (9.269 Proposal discussed on
ha in Kunihar Forest Division + 1.430 ha. in 12.12.2013
Solan Forest Division) in favour of in favour of
HPSEB Ltd, for the construction of 220 KV D/C Reply pending from State
Transmission Line from Kunihar to Rouri, within Govt.
the jurisdiction of Kunihar & Solan Forest
Divisions and District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
10 Diversion of 6.09 ha of forest land in favour of HPPCL Reply pending from State
for the construction of 5 MW Solar Power Project, Govt.
within the jurisdiction of Bilaspur Forest Division and
District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.

11 Diversion of 14.6299 hectare of forest land in favour of Original Proposal return in
HPPTCL for the construction of 66 KV Transmission SAG meeting. (Revised
line from 66/22 KV Polling Station Umi to 220 KV 2x80 proposal is still awaited)
MVA and 220/400 KV 2x315 MVA GIS Pooling Station
at Wangtoo, within the jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest
Division and District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

List of Roads in which violation of the provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has been observed during
site inspection by Northern Regional Office, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Chandigarh.

Sl. Name of the Road Forest Status/ Type of violation

No. Division/District
1 Diversion of 5.599 hectare of forest land in Chopal/Shimla Out of 9 Kms. Road 2.7 Km. road
favour of HPPWD for construction of has already been cut and
Kanahal to Bijathal road (Kms. 0/00 to leveled.
9/00) within the jurisdiction of Chopal Forest
Division and Distt. Shimla, H.P.
2 Diversion of 3.201 hectare of forest land in Chopal/Shimla 510 meter road through forest
favour of HPPWD for construction of Parli to has already been cut and
Bawri to Tyari Mashran road (Kms. 0/00 to leveled.
2/675) within the jurisdiction of Chopal
Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, H.P.
3 Diversion of 5.996 hectare of forest land in Chopal/Shimla About 2.5 Km. road has already
favour of HPPWD for construction of been cut and leveled.
Dhatrog (Dhadu) to Bholala (Kms. 0/00 to
9/00) within the jurisdiction of Chopal Forest
Division and Distt. Shimla, H.P.
4 Diversion of 0.44 hectare of forest land in Churah/Chamba During the site inspection, it has
favour of HPPWD for construction of been observed that the total
approach road to Helipad at Kundli (Km. length of road has already been
0/00 to 0/730), within the jurisdiction of constructed.
Churah Forest Division Salooni, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
5 Diversion of 2.7699 hectare of forest land in Nachan/Mandi About 1.5 Km. road length
favour of HPPWD for construction of through forest area has already
Katwandi Tandi Thunag road Kms. 0/00 to been broken out and leveled.
5/675 within the jurisdiction of Nachan
Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, H.P.
6 Diversion of 2.63 hectare of forest land in Chamba/ Chamba Some portion of the road has
favour of HPPWD for the construction of been cut and dressed.
Gharmani to thalla road (Km. 0/00 to 3/300)
within the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest
Division & Distt. Chamba, H.P.
7 Diversion of 5.89 ha of forest land in favour Chamba/Chamba Along some distance of the
of HPPWD for the construction of Mangla to alignment of the road, soil cutting
Tapoon road Km. 0/00 to 8/620) within the has already been done.
jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Division &
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
8 Diversion of 1.3095 hectare of forest land in Churah/Chamba During the site inspection, it has
favour of HPPWD for construction of link been observed that the total
road from Malal to Seri ( Km.0/00 to 5/849), length of road has already been
within the jurisdiction of Churah Forest constructed.
Division Salooni, Distt. Chamba, HP.
9 Diversion of 1.73 hectare of forest land in Bilaspur/Bilaspur About 1 Km. of road has already
favour of HPPWD for construction of been constructed alongwith
Lagghat Baddu Kacholi road (Kms. 0/00 to retaining walls in the UPF area.
7/760) within the jurisdiction of Forest
Division & Distt. Bilaspur, H.P.
10 Diversion of 0.882 hectare of forest land in Kunihar/Solan 20.00 mtrs road length has been
avour of HPPWD for construction of handa- cut and leveled and Katcha road
Sehal-Sai-Kishanpura-Kurmala Ukhoo road has been made.
Kms. 0/00 to 9/750 under of Kunihar Forest
Division and Distt. Solan, HP.
11 Diversion of 4.98 hectare of forest land in Churah/Chamba During the site inspection, it has
favour of HPPWD for construction of link been observed that the total
road from Manglera to Village Bhalogi (Km. length of road has already been
23/00 to 33/00), within the jurisdiction of constructed.
Churah Forest Division Salooni, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
12 Diversion of 4.7674 hectare of forest land in Bharmour/ Road already constructed.
favour of HPPWD for construction of and to Chamba
Andrehad road Kms. 0/00 to 2/135 within
the jurisdiction of Bharmour Forest
Division & Distt. Chamba, H.P.
13 Diversion of 3.90 hectare of forest land in Churah/Chamba During the site inspection, it has
favour of HPPWD for construction of link been observed that the total
road from Jalot to Pajheri (Km.0/00 to length of road has already been
10/200), within the jurisdiction of Churah constructed.
Forest Division Salooni, Distt. Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh.
14 Diversion of 0.9026 hectare of forest land in Kinnaur/Kinnaur On inspection, it was found that
favour of HPPWD for construction of link Kachha road with retaining walls
road to Village Chansu (Kms. 0/00 to already construed upto full length
2/780), within the jurisdiction of Kinnaur of the road.
Forest Division & Distt. Kinnaur, H.P.
15 Diversion of 4.956 hectare of forest land in Nalagarh/Solan Already constructed road not
favour of HPPWD for construction of included in proposal.
Ambwala-Retar-Jewal-Jagli to Jagli via
School road (Kms. 0/00 to 18/500) within
the jurisdiction of Nalagarh Forest Division
and Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
16 Diversion of 4.9499 hectare of forest land in Kinnaur/Kinnaur Fresh work like construction of
favour of HPPWD for construction of road retaining walls & cutting of rocks
from Rutrung Bridge to Bong Sarring (Kms. has taken place in recent past.
0/300 to 6/750) under PMGSY, within the
jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest Division &
Distt.Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
17 Diversion of 2.15 hectare of forest land in Karsog/Mandi The entire stretch of road through
favour of HPPWD for construction of forest land as well as not forest
Chattari-Janjheli-via Lassi road (Kms. 0/00 land has already been
to 8/825), under NABARD, within the constructed.
jurisdiction of Karsog Forest Division and
Distt. Mandi, H.P.
18 Diversion of 3.7 hectare of forest land in Karsog/Mandi The road of approx width 3 to 3.5
favour of HPPWD for construction of meter & 3 Km. long has already
Motorable road from Billagad Magroo Galla been constructed.
(Kms. 0/00 to 8/500), under NABARD,
within the jurisdiction of Karsog Forest
Division and Distt. Mandi, H.P.
19 Diversion of 26.4006 hectare of forest land Kinnaur It was found that the original road for
in favour of 68 RCC (GREF) C/o 56 APO which the upgradation/widening
for up-gradation of Khab-Namgia Dogri- permission has been sought, has
Chuppan road from Kms. 0/00 to 23/150 in already been constructed without
prior approval under Forest
Pooh Range within the jurisdiction of
(Conservation) Act, 1980. This is in
Kinnarur Forest Division Reckong Peo & violation of Forest (Conservation)
Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Act, 1980 by GREF. HQ CE (P)
9-HPC314/2011-CHA DEEPAK has been asked vide this
office letter dated 1.09.2011 to
furnish information about the officers
who are responsible for violation of
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
20 Diversion of 3.73 hectare of forest land in Karsog/Mandi The road from Km. 0/00 to Km.
favour of HPPWD for construction of 9/00 has already been
Karsog to Parlog road (Kms. 9/00 to 19/00) constructed. The already
under NABARD, within the jurisdiction of constructed road from Km. 0/00
Karsog Forest Division and Distt. Mandi, to Km. 9/00 has neither been
Himachal Pradesh. included in the proposed road &
9-HPB494/2011-CHA nor prior approval under Forest
(Conservation) Act,-1980 has
been taken for the same.
21 Diversion of 1.60 hectare of forest land in Jogindernagar/ Initial 900 mtr road through forest
favour of HPPWD for construction of Kutt- Mandi has already been constructed.
Khetru-Chandani road from (Kms. 0/00 to
4/300), within the jurisdiction of
Jogindernagar Forest Division and Distt.
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

22 Diversion of 1.6230 hectare of forest land in Kotgarh/Shimla A portion of the road has already
favour of HPPWD for construction of been cut and leveled.
Galanghatti to Jadon road (Kms. 0/00 to
4/210), under NABARD, within the
jurisdiction of Kotgarh Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

23 Diversion of 0.549 hectare of forest land in Rajgarh/Sirmour The road has already been cut
favour of HPPWD for construction/widening and leveled.
of link road to Village Bari Bhon-Dabarah
(Padhan) Km. 0/00 to 2/300), under
PMGSY, within the jurisdiction of Rajgarh
Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, H.P.
24 Diversion of 4.1854 hectare of forest land Shimla/Shimla A portion of road is already
in favour of HPPWD for construction of constructed.
Mashobra to Kanda road (Km. 0/00 to
6/530) under PMGSY, within the
jurisdiction of Shimla Forest Division &
Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
25 Diversion of 1.4971 hectare of forest land in Kinnaur/Kinnaur About 300 meter of the road
favour of HPPWD for construction of portion in the beginning has
Rangle to Miroo road (Kms. 0/00 to 4/800), already been cut & leveled.
within the jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest
Division Reckong Peo, Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.
26 Diversion of 3.33 hectare of forest land in Bharmour/ The road has already been cut
favour of HPPWD for construction of Urai to Chamba and leveled.
Ghator Motorable road (Km. 0/00 to 6/00),
under PMGSY, within the jurisdiction of
Bharmour Forest Division, Distt. Chamba,
27 Diversion of 2.5862 hectare of forest land Shimla/Shimla The user agency has constructed
in favour of HPPWD for construction of a portion of road.
Sanjauli Dhalli Byepass to Chiana Kufru
Banredu to Badfar road (Km. 0/00 to 6/400)
under within the jurisdiction of Shimla
Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, H.P.
28 Diversion of 2.98 hectare (2.50 ha. of Chamba/Chamba About 150 mtrs long road has
construction & 0.48 ha. for dumping) of forest already been cut and leveled and
land in favour of HPPWD for construction of retaining walls constructed.
road from Gehra to Upper Lech (Portion Dunali
to Upper Lech road Km. 0/00 to 4/730), within
the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Division &
Distt. Chamba, H.P. 9-HPB175/2012-CHA
29 Diversion of 0.8680 hectare of forest land in Kullu/KUllu During the site inspection, it was
favour of HPPWD for construction of link road found that 160 meter road has
from Sarwari Bridge to Shishamati (Kms. 0/00 already been constructed without
to 0/750) (double lane motorable road), within prior permission from this office.
the jurisdiction of Kullu Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. 9-

30 Diversion of 3.46 hectare of forest land in Bilaspur/Bilaspur The total length of road has
favour of HPPWD for construction of Barad already been constructed.
to Duhak road via Morthal (Km.0/00 to
6/270), within the jurisdiction of Bilaspur
Forest Division & Distt. Bilaspur, H.P.
31 Diversion of 3.6570 hectare of forest land Kunihar/Solan During the site inspection, it was
in favour of HPPWD for construction of found that 1.5 Km. road has
Manjiat-Patti-Deora-Paplota road (Km. already been constructed by
0/00 to 7/145), within the jurisdiction of forest department without prior
Kunihar Forest Division, Distt. Solan, permission from this office.
Himachal Pradesh


32 Diversion of 0.9851 ha of forest land in Shimla/Shimla During the site inspection, it was
favour of HPPWD for widening of Shakoli found that the road has already
Hanuman Mandir road Kms. 0/00 to 1/450, been constructed before 1940
within the jurisdiction of Shimla Forest without prior permission from this
Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal office


Main Head 11 (No required is pending)

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Diversion of 231.347 ha of forest land in favour of Power Grid Corporation
of India Ltd for laying of 2x400 KV/SC Parbati-II KoldamTr. Line under
1 11-1/2007-ROC Tr. Line
Forests divisions and District. Kullu, Mandi & Bilaspur of Himachal
Diversion of 322.6538 ha of forest land for laying of 400 KV D/C Karcham
Wangtoo Abdullapur Tr. Line in favour of M/s Jaypee Power Grid Ltd,
2 11-2/2008-ROC Tr. Line
under Kinnaur, Rampur, Theog, Rajgarh & Nahan Forests Divisions , Distt.
Kinnaur, shimla, sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 901.00 ha of forest land for construction of Renuka Dam
3 11-5/2009-ROC Project in favour of M/s HP Power Corporation Ltd, Sirmour, Himachal Others
Diversion of 732.78 ha of forest land for setting up Technical Stragetic
4 11-6/2009-ROC National Defence Projecft at Paonta Sahib in favour of DRDO under Forest Others
Divisions and distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 136.72 ha of forest land in favour of HP Technical Education
5 11-8/2010-ROC Vocational and Training Education vocational and training Sunder Nagar Others
Distt. Mandi, H.P.
Diversion of 136.213 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Power Grid
Corporation Ltd, for construction of 400 KV D/C Tr. Line under Mandi,
6 11-9/2010-ROC Tr. Line
Jogindernagar, Suket, Hamirpur and Una Forest Divisions, Distt.
Hamirpur, Mandi, H.P.
Diversion of 361.99 ha of forest land for construction of Cement Plant
Mining ana Converyer Belt to establish Cement Industries at Ghanghar in
7 11-10/2010-ROC Mining
favour of M/s Lafarge India Ltd, under Karsog Forest Division, distt. Mandi,
Diversion of 271.1577 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Satluj Jal Vidyut
Nigam Ltd, Sunni for construction of 775 MW Luhri HEP under Ani, shimla,
8 11-13/2011-ROC HEP
Kotgarh, Rampur & Karsog Forests Division, Distt. Kullu, Shimla & Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 4.8725 ha of additional forest land for construction of Support
9 11-14/2012-ROC Infrastructures in Village Dhar Taloh in favour of M/s Jaypee Himachal Others
Cement Plant, under Forest Division and distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 119.6524 ha of forest land for creating military Station in distt.
10 11-15/2012-ROC Lahaul Spiti in favour of dogra Scouts under Lahaul Forest Division, distt. Others
Lahaul Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.
Renewal of existing mining leaver over an area of measuring 102.80 ha of
11 11-17/2012-ROC forest land in favour of Ambuja Cement Ltd, Darlaghat, under Kunihar Mining
Forest Division, distt. Solan, H.P.
Diversion of 276.1875 ha of forest land in favour of M/s seli HEP Co. Ltd,
11-18/2012-ROC for construction of 400 MW HEP, under Lahaul Forest Division, distt. HEP
Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 74.7875 ha of forst land in favour of NHAI, for widening &
Strengthening of exising 2 land shoulder to 4 lane with paved shoulder of
12 11-20/2013-ROC Road
Kiratpur to Ner chowk, under Forest Division and Bilaspur , Himachal
Diversion of 15.5799 ha ( 11.1486 ha in Suket FD & 4.4313 ha in Mandi
13 11-21/2013-ROC FD ) in favour of NHAI for widening & Strengthening o Kiratpur to Ner Road
chowk, under Forest Division and Bilaspur , Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 42.9083 hectares of forest land in favour of HP
State Electricity Board Ltd, for the construction of 22 KV
11-26/2013- Transmission line on 66 KV tower from Pooh to Samdhu,
14 Tr. Line
ROC within the jurisdiction of Kinnaur Forest Division and
District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

Diversion of 65.50 hectares of forest land in favour of NHAI

for 4-Lanning of Parwanoo to Shogi Section of NH-22 from
15 Km. 67/00 to 129/00, within the jurisdiction of Solan Forest Road
Division and District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Stage-I Revoke Files

Sl. File No. Subject Area Date of

No. (in Ha.) grant of
1 9-1791/2003- Diversion of 0.2471 hectares of forest land in favour of Army 0.2471 15.03.2007
ROC Authorities for Extension of training area in Muhal and
mauza Dhaloon, within the jurisidiction of Dharamshala
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, H.P.
2 9-1827/2003- Diversion of 0.6478 hectares (instead of 0.7028 ha. of forest 0.6478 25.08.2004
ROC land for construction of Taxi Stand and Rain Basera at
Dharamshala, within the jurisidiction of Dharamshala
Forest Division, Distt. Kangra, H.P.
3 9-HPB112/2005- Diversion of 3.62 ha of forest land for Const. of Bhamuin 3.62 13.04.2006
CHA Deothi-Koni Ki Behi road (KM 0/0 to 8/50) under Chamba
Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
4 9-HPB145/2005- Diversion of 1.5841 ha of forest land for construction of 1.5841 04.04.2005
CHA Chhatrani to Jantra road, under Chamba Forest Division
and Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
5 9-HPB201/2005- Diversion of 0.0160 ha of forest land for const. of Gate at the 0.0160 20.08.2007
CHA boundary of Distt. & Spiti and to Provide toilets, Parking
place,store & rain shelter for the tourists and visitors, under
Lahaul Forest Division, Distt. Lahaul & Spiti, Himachal Pra
6 9-HPB635/2005- Diversion of 0.28 ha of forest land for const. Of Jharal to 0.28 05.12.2005
CHA Upper Behri Rd. from 0/00 to 0/700, under Ani Forest
Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
7 9-HPB124/2006- Diversion of 0.0283 ha of forest land for construction Of 0.0283 20.10.2006
CHA Barrier Check Post at Sansari Nallah, within the jurisdiction
of Pangi Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
8 9-HPB180/2006- Diversion of 0.3005 ha of forest land for Const. Of Tang to 0.3005 03.01.2007
CHA Salig rd., under Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
9 9-HPB489/2006- Diversion of 0.584 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for 0.564 27.06.2006
CHA construction of chakloo-Ghatta road under Chamba Forest
Division and distt. Chamba, H.P.
10 9-HPB548/2006- Diversion of 0.985ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for 0.985 06.10.2006
CHA construction of Bedehan to kalhachi road, under Suket
Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, H.P.
11 9-HPB644/2006- Diversion of 0.235 ha of forest land in favour of Municipal 0.235 28.07.2006
CHA Corporation Shimla for construction of Car Parking below
Cancer Hospital on Cart road at Shimla, under Shimla
Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
12 9-HPB856/2006- Diversion of 1.81 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for 1.81 16.04.2007
CHA construction of link road to Village Simmi, under Churah
Forest Division, Distt. Chamba, H.P.
13 9-HPB927/2006- Diversion of 1.4985 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for 1.4985 01.11.2006
CHA construction of Mehla to Darwin road, under Chamba Forest
Division and distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

14 9- Diversion of 0.08 ha of forest land in favour of Akhil 0.08 01.06.2007

HPB1010/2006- Bhartiya Anusuchit Jati Kalyan parishad, Rampur for
CHA construction of Skill up Gradation Centre for the Welfare of
Scheduled Case Population at Rampur, under Rampur
Forest Division Distt. Shimla, H.P.
15 9- Diversion of 0.0346 ha of forest land in favour of 0.0346 30.03.2007
HPB1208/2006- Dharamshala Bhawwan at Reckong Peo under Kinnaur
CHA Forest Division and Distt. Kinnaur, H.P.
16 9- Diversion of 1.76 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for 1.76 21.12.2006
HPB1239/2006- the construction of Thachi to Dadwar road under Nachan
CHA Forest Division, distt. Mandi, H.P.
17 9-HPB104/2007- Diversion of 2.13 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD 2.13 12.03.2007
CHA for the construction of Rajera-Balley road (Km. 0/00 to
4/00), within the jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Division
and Distt. Chamba, H.P.
18 9-HPB106/2007- Diversion of 0.27 ha of forest land for const. of Solid Waste 0.27 12.03.2007
CHA management Plant at Palampur in favour of Municipal
Council Palampur, under Palampur Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
19 9-HPB166/2007- Diversion of 0.0375 ha of forest land in favour of BDO for 0.0375 09.04.2008
CHA const. of Panchayat Ghar at Pauria, in favour of BDO
Chopal, under Chopal forest div. & distt. Shimla, Himachal
20 9-HPB167/2007- Diversion of 0.093 ha of forest land for const. of zila 0.093 18.04.2007
CHA Parishad Bawan at Shimla, in favour of Pachayat officer,
Shimla, under Shimla (Urban) forest div. & distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
21 9-HPB248/2007- Diversion of 0.20 ha of forest land for laying of Gravity Main 0.20 01.05.2007
CHA line from main storage tank at Kuffer to main storage tank
at Solan in favour of I & PH Department , under Forest
Division and distt. Solan, H.P.
22 9-HPB354/2007- Diversion of 0.6652 ha of forest land for Const. of link rd. to 0.6652 26.02.2008
CHA Vill. Juni in favour of HPPWD, under Forest Division and
distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
23 9-HPB359/2007-CHA Diversion of 2.063 ha of forest land for Const. of link rd. to Vill Gand 2.063 12.09.2007
Ohra (Kms. 0/0-5/510) in favour of HPPWD, under Churah Forest
Division, Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
24 9-HPB369/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.967 ha of forest land for const. of link rd. from Vill. Ligga 0.967 01.06.2007
to ladwah (Kms. 0/0 to 2/110) in favour of HPPWD, under Dalhousie
Forest Division, distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
25 9-HPB370/2007-CHA Diversion of 1.53 hectares of forest land in favour of HPPWD for the 1.53 04.12.007
construction of Kainthly to Ladhan road (Km. 0/00 to 5/500), within the
jurisdiction of Chamba Forest Division and Distt. Chamba, H.P.
26 9-HPB397/2007-CHA Diversion of 4.20 ha of forest land for const. of Sewerage Treatment Plant 4.20 06.08.2008
at Chowari in favour of I &PH Deptt., under Forest Division and Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
27 9-HPB466/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.1258 ha of forest land for Shifting of existing petrol pump 0.1258 20.09.2007
at Badrash to Up-Mohal Shingla in favour of Sh. Sohan Lal, S/o Sh. Kalu
Ram, R/o Vill. Racholi,.under Rampur Forest Division, distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
28 9-HPB518/2007-CHA Diversion of 0.012 ha of forest land for const. of Veterinary Hospital 0.012 19.07.2007
Building at Ghanagughat, Tehsil Arki in favour of H.P. Animal usbandry
Deptt., under Kunihar Forest Division, Distt. Solan, H.P.
29 9-HPB734/2007- Div. of 0.5601ha. Of forest land for Const. of Multy Story 0.5601 27.06.2008
CHA Car Parking cum- Commercial Complex at Manali div. &
distt.Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
30 9-HPB221/2008- Diversion of 0.0154 ha of forest land for const.of 0.0154 01.08.2008
CHA coummunity hall anandpur Kufru in favour of Mahila
Mandial at Anandpur, under Forest Division & Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
31 9-HPB261/2008- Diversion of 4.8976 ha of forest land in favour of M/s Modi 21.08.2008
CHA Power (P) Ltd, New Delhi for const. of 5.00 MW Upper
Manglad small HEP, under Rampur Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, H.P.
Closes Files

Sl. File No. Subject Area Information

No. Sought
(in Ha.)

1 9- Diversion of 0.96 ha of forest land for mining and 0.96 02.06.2005

HPB248/2005- irrigation of Stone Crusher in favour of Sh. Kashmir
CHA Singh rajput,vill Ropri, tehsil Lad Bharol, distt
Mandi, H.P, under Jogindernagar Forest Division,
distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

2 9- Diversion of 0.570 ha of forest land in favour of 0.570 24.09.2007

HPB1231/2006- Director Shri Ram Hospital & Diagnostic Centre
CHA Shimla for construction of Shri Ram Hospital and
Diagnostic Centre at Shimla, under Shimla Forest
Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

3 9- Diversion of 0.4250 ha of forest land in favour of 0.4250 26.06.2007

HPB589/2006- Sh.Dandup Wangial Negi, S/o Sh.Gianchham, R/o
CHA Vill. Rasang, under Kinnaur Forest Division and
Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.

4 9- Diversion of 0.3966 ha of forest land in favour of Bus 0.3966 18.05.2009

HPB641/2006- Stand and Management Development Authority for
CHA construction of ISBT at Hamirpur, under Hamirpur
Forest Division and distt. Hamirpur, Himachal

5 9- Diversion of 15.324 ha of forest land in favour of HP 15.324 09.08.2011

HPC728/2007- Police Deptt. for Establishment of Himachal Pradesh
CHA Armed Police (HPP) Battalion No.III at Pandoh in
favour of H.P. Police Deptt., under Nachan Forest
Division, distt. Mandi, H.P.

6 9- Diversion of 0.1099 ha of forest land for const. of 0.1099 30.03.2011

HPB729/2007- Distt. Forum Building in favour of H.P. State
CHA Consumer Commission, under Forest Division and Close
distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.

7 9- Diversion of 0.9878 ha of forest land for const. of 0.9878 22.10.2007

HPB786/2007- 2.00 MW Annun Mini HEP in favour of M/s Shykka
CHA Co-operative Labour & Const. Society Ltd., Sai
Bhawan, New Shimla. Under Suket Forest Division,
distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

8 9- Diversion of 7.2880 ha of forest land for const. of 7.2880 21.04.2011

HPC011/2008- 66/33/11 KV Sub Station at Akkanwali in favour of
CHA Executive engineer HPSEB Nalagarh.under Nalagarh
Forest Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
9 9- Diversion of 10.8533 ha of forest land in favour of 10.8533 21.04.2011
HPC012/2008- M/s Venture Energy & Technology Ltd, New Delhi for
CHA const. of 15.00 MW Saikothi Hydro Electric Project
in favour of M/s Venture Energy & Technologies
Ltd., Delhi., under Churah Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

10 9- Diversion of 0.300679 ha of forest land for const. of 0.300679 18.12.2008

HPB545/2008- Police Post at Kunihar in favour of H.P. Police
CHA Department , under Kunihar Forest Division, Distt.
Solan, H.P.
Violation and Road Proposal (Files Closed)
Files not Destroyed
Sl. File No. Subject Area Date of
No proposed information
for sought
(in Ha)

1 8-19/90-RO(NZ) Diversion of 1.00 hectare of forest land for for 1.00 11.06.1990
collection of Stones as applied by M/s Kut
kashyap and Goel of Village Deothi Distt.
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

2 8-53/93-FC Diversion of 0.257 hectares of forest land on 0.257 22.03.1993

lease basis to Cement Corporation of India in
Sirmour district, Himachal Pradesh.

3 8-37/92-ROC Diversion of 172.13 hectares of forest land 172.13 13.09.1993

for setting up of Cement Plant by M/s
Chattisgarh Distilleries Limited, Mandi
district, Himachal Pradesh.

4 8-57/94-ROC Diversion of 150.76 hectares of forest land in 150.76 06.11.1995

favour of M/s Mineral Development
Corporation Ltd, for developing a mine for
High Grade in district Solan, Himachal

5 8-20/1991- Diversion of 1.64 hectares of forest land for 1.64 30.09.1999

RO(NZ) construction of SAIN Gujra Ra Ropru road
Km. 12/500 to 18/00 District Mandi, H.P.

6 8-30/92-RO(NZ) Diversion of 1.95 hectares of forest land in 1.95 05.10.1999

favour of Deptt. of Atomic Energy for
exploring Uranium and Gold deposits in
Daranghati District, Himachal Pradesh.

7 8-54/94-ROC Diversion of 31.931 hectares of forest land 31.931 14.10.1999

for construction of Parbati Stage-III Hydro
Electric Project in Kullu district, Himachal

8 9-998/2000-ROC Diversion of 9.886 hectares of forest land for 9.886 29.01.2000

construction of Parel-Kohlari-Talai road
under Dalhousie Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

9 9-1251/2001- Diversion of 10.50 hectares of forest land for 10.50 22.06.2001

ROC the construction of Dodra to Chansil road
under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
10 9-1249/2001- Diversion of 2.4629 hectares of forest land 2.4629 27.06.2001
ROC for establishment of Forest Model Nursery at
Baragaon Shimla by HFRI in Shimla Forest
Division and dsitt. Shimla, Himachal

11 9-1201/2001- Diversion of 0.08 hectares of forest land for 0.08 01.10.2001

ROC construction of link road to village Bedal Km.
0/00 to 0/800 in Dalhousie Forest Division,
Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

12 9-1200/2001- Diversion of 2.6040 hectares of forest land 2.6040 01.10.2001

ROC for construction of Dini-Kummi road under
Nurpur Forest Division, distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.

13 9-1188/2001- Diversion of 4.398 hectares of forest land for 4.398 15.11.2001

ROC construction of Lujay Valley Road under
Panji Forest Division, distt. Chamba, H.P.

14 9-1087/2000- Diversion of 1.25 hectares of forest land in 1.25 23.11.2001

ROC favour of M/s bala Ji Stone Crusher mando
for mining and installation of Stone crusher,
Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

15 9-954/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.360 hectares of forest land for 0.360 19.02.2002

mining lease in favour of Shri Vijay S/o Shri
Ram Singh Village Bataur, distt. Mandi, H.P.

16 9-965/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.08 hectares of forest land for 0.08 22.02.2002

construction of Toilets at Rohtang in Kullu
Forest division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal

17 8-88/97-ROC Diversion of 5.84 hectares of forest land for 5.84 22.02.2002

the construction of Dhar Bara Chichar Bholi
road under Nurpur Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, HP

18 8-13/91-ROC Diversion of 2.60 hectares of forest land for 2.60 20.05.2002

construction of Bilaspur-Pirbindli masroor
road under Dehra Forest Division, Distt.
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

19 9-1004/2000- Diversion of 7.35 hectares of forest land for 7.35 26.07.2002

ROC construction of Magroo Galla Shhatri road
under karsog Forest Division, Distt. Mandi,

20 9-1133/2001- Diversion of 6.1391 hectares of forest land 6.1391 17.09.2002

ROC for construction of Sarahan-Ran-Jumhar
road under Chamba Forest Division & Distt.
Chamba, HP.

21 8-60/94-ROC Diversion of 9.8791 hectares of forest land 9.8791 20.09.2002

for construction of Police Training Centre at
Daroh, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

22 9-604/98-ROC Diversion of 1.273 hectares of forest land for 1.273 21.10.2002

construction of Harijan Basti Takarla-
Ambotua Dhar Gujran via badoh road Km.
0/00 to 9/500 under Forest Division & Distt.
Una, H.P.

23 9-1206/2001- Diversion of 5.60 hectares of forest land for 5.60 30.10.2002

ROC construction of link road from Fatehpur to
Jawal via behmba forest division, Distt. Una,

24 9-1247/2001- Diversion of 13.9230 hectares of forest land 13.9230 28.11.2002

ROC for widening/modernization of PCM road NH-
20. Km. 11/00 under Nurpur Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

25 9-966/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.02 hectares of forest land for 0.02 28.01.2003

construction of Toilets at Solang Nallah, in
Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.

26 9-585/98-ROC Diversion of 1.7799 hectares of forest land in 1.7799 20.02.2003

favour of HP Police Department for the
construction of residential buildings,
administrative block mess etc. at Sakoh,
Dharamshala Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.

27 9-1190/2001- Diversion of 9.118 hectares of forest land for 9.118 8.10.2003

ROC construction of Salchu Valley road within the
Pangi Forest Division, distt. Chamba, H.P.

28 9-568/98-ROC Diversion of 4.35 hectares of forest land for 4.35 24.11.2003

construction of Kotla-Ballah-baded raod
under Nurpur Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,

29 9-963/2000-ROC Diversion of 0.08 hectares of forest land in 0.08 09.5.2006

favour of HP Tourism Department for
construction of Toilets at Marhi under Forest
Division & distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
List of Road Proposal, Violation Proposal & Mining Proposal
Files Not destroyed
Sl.  File No.  Subject Area Date of information 
No  proposed sought 
(in Ha) 

1 9-440/1997-ROC Diversion of 3.70 hectare of forest land for 3.70  6.08.2001 

construction of Jalari-Rubalkar-Tarkhankat-
Sarta road, under Dharamshala Forest
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

2 9-446/1997-ROC Diversion of 3.00 hectare of forest land for 3.00  11.11.1999 

the construction of Bagshed-Shaongi road
under Karsog Forest Division, Distt. Mandi,
Himachal Pradesh.

3 9-449/1997-ROC Diversion of 2.89 hectares of forest land in 2.89  16.06.98 

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Badwara-Bankehar-Kut Nangal road under
Nurpur Forest Division, Distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.

4 9-511/98-ROC Diversion of 0.85 hectare of forest land for 0.85  9.10.2002 

installation of stone crusher and quarry in
favour of M/s Ravi Stone Crusher Rampur
(Prop. Smt Birma Devi) under Rampur Forest
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

5 9-411/1997-ROC Diversion of 4.7355 hectares of forest land 4.7355  16.06.98 

for construction of Rohrupchirgaon Dodra
Kwar road for the portion larot-Dodra Kwar
32/375 to 40/375, under Rohroo Forest
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

6 9-421/97-ROC Diversion of 2.45 hectare of forest land in 2.45  110.6.98 

favour of Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of
Horticulture and Forestry Solan for setting
up of Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Rohroo Forest
division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

7 9-583/98-ROC Diversion of 0.28 hectares of forest land for 0.28  27.12.99 

construction of Saura Golu to Bhumi Tholi
road under Forest Division & Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.

8 9-497-ROC Diversion of 0.95 hectares of forest land in 0.95 4.06.2003

favour of HPPWD for the construction of
Amb-Saloi via Mansoh road under Forest
division & Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh.
9 9-500/98-ROC Diversion of 1.0786 hectare of forest land for 1.0786 16.07.98
grant of lease in favour of CL Gupta for
extraction of stones in Tehsil Suni under
Shimla Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, HP.

10 9-501/98-ROC Diversion of 2.60 hectare of forest land for 2.60 31.08.98

the construction of Averi-Pipalhatti road
(Portion Avderi to Bail) under Rampur Forest
Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

11 9-443/97-ROC Diversion of 0.032 hectare of forest land in 0.032 22.08.2001

favour of HPPWD for construction of
additional three suites in Circuit House
Parwanoo, under Forest Division & Distt.
Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

12 9-212/1995-ROC Diversion of 0.588 hectare of forest land for 0.588 6.02.96

surface collection of Stone in the name of
Manorama Workers Welfare Association
under Parvati Forest Division, Distt. Kullu,
Himachal Pradesh.

13 9-226/1995-ROC Diversion of 3.30 hectare of forest land for 3.30 6.02.96

construction of Nirmand-Arla road to
junction of Luhari-Khong road under Kotgarh
Forest Division, Distt. Kullu, Himachal

14 9-266/96-ROC Diversion of 10 ha of forest land in favour of 10.00 18.02.97

HPPWD for the construction of Kilba Kanai
Sapni Saturi road in Nichar Forest
Didivision, Distt. Kinnaur, Himachal

15 9-392/97-ROC Diversion of 1.994 hectare of forest land for 1.994 16.06.98

improvement of Shimla-Wangtoo road NH-22
between RD No. 182/00 to 190/00 under
Theog Forest Division, Distt. Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.

16 9-386/97-ROC Diversion of 0.36 hectare of forest land for 0.36 17.04.2001

construction of chandi Sewra Kandeta badru
bara Devta mandir road under Shimla
wildlife division, Distt. Solan, H.P.

17 9-375/97-ROC Division of 2.61 hectare of forest land for 2.61 27.09.2001

construction of Hidab-Sajwar raod under
Banjar Forest Divison, Distt. KUllu,
Himachal Pradesh.

18 9-350/97-ROC Diversion of 2.60 hectare of forest land in 2.60 11.06.98

favour of HPPWD for the construction of link
road to village Kandhar and Nathpa Wildlife
Division of Sarahan, Distt. Kinnaur,
Himachal Pradesh.

19 9-369/97-ROC Renewal of lease of 4.30 hectare (54 bighas 8 4.30 6.05.2002

biswas) of forest land for mining purpose in
favour of Shri Jalam Singh Fauzi, resident of
Village & PO Sataun Distt. Sirmour, HP

20 9-466/97-ROC Diversion of 0.84 hectare of forest land in 0.84 27.08.2001

favour of Smt Kusum Kapoor for mining and
Installation of Stone Crusher in Shimla forest
Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

21 9-85/93- Diversion of 1.5 hectare of forest land for 1.5 24.08.93

ROC/Min construction of Bhota-Bijuri via Ropri road in
Hamirpur Distt, Himachal Pradesh.

22 9-92/93-ROC Diversion of 0.72 hectare of forest land for 0.72 11.06.98

construction of link road from Jamta to
bagthan, SDistt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

23 9-142/04-ROC Diversion of 0.032 ha of forest land for the 0.032 21.12.98

construction of type IV quarters for Female
Health Workers Training School under
UNFPA in district Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

24 9-66/93- Construction of link raod in tehsil Jubbal 18.07.93

ROC/Min District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

25 9-160/94-ROC Diversion of 3.75 hectare of forest land for 3.75 19.04.2000

construction of Sain Gujra Ra Ropru road in
District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Main Head 8
No Action is required

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Diversion of 467.32 ha of forest land for mining lease for
1 8-79/1997-ROC setting up Cement Plant at Maloh Nalini Sundernagar, Mining
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 14.7127 ha of forest land in favour of Industries
Deptt. for mining lease and establishment of stone crusher,
2 8-94/1998-ROC Mining
under Forest Division and Distt. Shimla, Himachal
Diversion of 220.32 ha of forest land in favour of Larsen &
3 8-108/1998-ROC Turbo Ltd for mining lease and setting up of a cement plant Mining
in Distt. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 47.5111 ha of forest land for the construction of
4 8-111/1999-ROC 400 KV S/C Tr. Line from Nalagarh to Kunihar in Solan, Tr. Line
Distt. Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 29.2117 ha of forest land for establishment of
5 8-124/2000-ROC CRPF Battalion HQs of Tika Uprid Mauza Kopra, Tehsil Others
Nurpur, distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradeseh.
Diversion of 116.5649 ha of forest land for extension of Field
6 8-130/2002-ROC Firing Range Tanda in favour of Army Authorities in Distt. Others
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Violation and Road Proposal (Files Closed)
Files not Destroyed

Sl. Category
File No Subject
Diversion of 0.0396 ha of forest land for construction of
1 9-15/1991-ROC explosive magazine near Aund in Kangra Distt. In Himachal Others
Diversion of 0.7789 ha of forest land for the construction of
2 9-39/92-ROC Sawra-Kathasu road in Jubbal Forest Division, Himachal Road
Diversion of 3.30 ha of forest land for construction of Rai
3 9-49/1992-ROC Bahli Khumni to Kharan road in Shimla Distt. Himachal Road
Diversion of 3.63 ha of forest land for construction of
4 9-50/1992-ROC Road
Nankhari-Deothi road in distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.8637 ha of forest land for construction of
5 9-52/1992-ROC Ropeway from Jabli to kasauli in favour of M/s KK Ropeway Others
Ltd,. reg.
Diversion of 3.36 ha of forest land for construction of
6 9-67/1993-ROC Chittadhartu Mhamas road in Karsog Forest Division, Distt. Road
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.25 ha of forest land for the construction of
7 9-70/1993-ROC Sohari-Darian Motor road in harmirpur Distt, Himachal Raod
Diversion of 6.0617 ha of forest land for construction of
8 9-77/1993-ROC Jhatingri-Tiun-Kamand-Kataula-Bajaura road in Mandi Road
distt, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.196 ha of forest land for Air defance Giuns to
9 9-80/1993-ROC Indian Air Force at kasauli, in distt, Solan, Himachal Others
Diversion of 1.66 ha of forest land for the construction of
10 9-408/1997-ROC Songtong-Barrang link road, under FD & Distt. Kinnaur, Road
Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 1.39 ha of forest land in favour of HPPWD for
11 9-438/1997-ROC the construction of Siholi-Mamore road in Kangra Forest Raod
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.53 ha of forest land for the construction of
12 9-439/1997-ROC Hadwal-Bhadwal-Chandbeh road under Nurpur Forest Raod
Division, Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.75 ha of forest land for the construction of
13 9-570/1998-ROC Darang-Ghanottan Jharot road under Palampur Forest Road
division, Distt. Kangra, H.P.
Diversion of 0.957 ha of forest land for construction of
15 9-667/199-ROC Kuthan-Sharmala road in Kotgarh Forest Division, Distt. Road
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
Diversion of 0.27 ha of forest land for the construction of
Kuthan-Sharmala road under Theog Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
16 9-668/1999-ROC Raod
Violation and Road Proposal (Files Closed)
Files not Destroyed
Diversion of 2.20 ha of forest land for construction of Lehari
Palshed Kalakund road under Shimla Wildlife Division,
17 9-670/1999-ROC Road
Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradeseh.

Diversion of 4.68 ha of forest land in favour of HP Industries

Corporation Ltd, for renewal of mining lease to the Mining
18 9-682/1999-ROC Mining
Project at Village Kogi for extraction of lime stone, under FD
& Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-813/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.80 ha. of forest land for the construction of
link road from Chintpurni to Amlahar via Dhalwani, under
19 Road
FD & Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh.

9-855/1999-ROC Diversion of 4.0518 ha of forest land for construction of

20 Bassi-Ghuwandal road under Shimla Wildlife Division, Road
Distt. Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh.
9-815/1999-ROC Diversion of 2.30 ha of forest land for construction of road
21 from Kot to Nainadevi via Bahadaharan, Distt. Bilaspur, Raod
Himachal Pradesh.
9-1444/2002- Diversion of 0.16 ha of forest land for construction of Bus Others
ROC Stand at Luhri in Ani FD & Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
9-1543/2002- Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for installation of Stone Mining
23 CHA crusher in favour of shri Govind Ram S/o Shri Jindu Ramk
under FD & Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
9-1545/2002- Diversion of 1.27 ha of forest land for mining lease in favour Mining
ROC of Shri Sanjeebv Gusta to Install a Stone Crusher at Village
Dev nagar under Forest Division & Distt. Shimla, HImachal
9-1722/2003- Diversion of 0.25 ha of forest land for the construction of Raod
25 CHA Khanola Bhoot road under FD & Distt. Shimla, Himachal
26 9-1772/2003- Diversion of 0.25 ha of forest land for construction of
ROC Khanola-Bhoot road in Forest Division and district Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh.
27 9-1879/2003- Diversion of 10.6207 ha of forest land for Extraction of Mining
ROC Sand, Stones and Chips and installation of three Stone
crushers in favour of BRO under Forest Division and Distt.
Kullu, H.P.
28 9-2123/2004- Diversion of 0.0284 ha of forest land for construction of Others
ROC Kheogi Mod to Anah road, under NAhan Forest Division,
Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
29 9-2124/2004- Diversion of 0.03 ha of forest land in favour of I & PH Others
ROC Department for construction of Pump House, sumpwell,
Sedirmentation Tank and filter units under Rajgarh Forest
Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
30 9-2131/2004- Diversion of 0.283 ha of forest land in favour of Himalayan Others
ROC Safai Karamchari & Dalit Warg Society for constructrion of
School building for destitute under Forest Division and
Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

31 9-2134/2004- Diversion of 1.00 ha of forest land for stone Quarry for Mining
ROC feeding stone crusher at Chutti Bihal in Kot-Kandi, under
Kullu Forest Division and Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Violation and Road Proposal (Files Closed)
Files not Destroyed

32 9-2135/2004- Diversion of 2.0354 ha of forest land for construction of Road

ROC Dunali-Batot road under Bharmour Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
33 9-2000/2004- Diversion of 3.11 ha of forest land for construction of Road
ROC Mindhal to Kulal road, under Pangi Forest Division, Distt.
Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.
33 9-HPB2344/2004- Diversion of 1.095 ha. of forest land for mining purpose in favour of Sai Mining
CHA Stone Crusher Udyog Pandoh, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

34 9- Diversion of 0.0121 ha of forest land for installation of petrol Petrol

HPB2429/2004- pump in Mandi Pandoh road at Bindrabani, under FD & Pump
CHA Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
35 9- Diversion of 0.0776 ha of forest land in favour of Jai Others
HPB2430/2004- Prakash Sodh Sansthan for construction of an old age care
CHA home, under FD & Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
36 9- Diversion of 3.4198 ha of forest land for construction of 7 HEP
HPB2478/2004- MW Shalvi Hydro Electric Project under Chopal Forest
CHA Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
37 9- Diversion of 0.135 ha of forest land for construction of Road
HPB2482/2004- Naina Tikar Dagothar via Shamloti maghgaon road under
CHA Rajgarh Forest Division, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.

38 9- Diversion of 13.14564 ha of forest land for construction of HEP

HPB2534/2004- Largi Hydro Electric Project in Mandi Distt. Himachal
CHA Pradesh.
40 9- Diversion of 1.0693 ha of forest land in favour of Police
HPB2545/2004- Department for the establishment of new Sub Jail at
CHA Gharroun Palampur Forest Division, distt. Kangra,
Himachal Pradesh.
41 9-HPB099/2005- Diversion of 1.169 ha of forest land in favour of SADA Others
CHA Rohtant-cum-SDM Manali for construction of parking space
at Marhi, under FD & Distt. Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
42 9-HPA212/2005- Diversion of 104.6846 ha of forest land for the construction of
CHA Cement Plant at Village baga/Karog in Tehsil Arki, distt. Sola, HP.
43 9-HPB374/2007- Diversion of 0.0234 ha of forest land in favour of HP Others
CHA Education Deptt for construction of Block Resource Centre
Buildin gat Sundha, under Rohroo Forest Division, Distt.
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
44 9-HPB556/2007- Diversion of 0.2833 ha of forest land in favour of HP Others
CHA Education Deptt. For construction of Laboratory Building at
Kundaghat for Govt. Sr. Sec. School, under Solan Forest
Division, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
Miscellanious Files

State Subject

25-224/2013- Non-receipt of compliance reports in respect of proposals which

ROC have been approved “in-principle” & Information Sought.

Div. of 25 ha of forest land in Chakban Khaniyara for Slate Mininf

2 8-1/2014-ROC
in favcour of Ind. Deptt. , Distt. Kangra, H.P.

Permission for investigation & Survey over 835.1066 ha forest land

by carrying out total 49borehols of 2.5 dia at different locations for
3 8-131/2011-ROC the period of 5 tyears within mining lease area in favour of M/s
The India Cements Ltd, Dhum Building, 827, Anna Salai Chennai,
under Chopal Forest Division, Distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

4 12-71/2013-ROC Miscellaneous Complaint received form Himachal Pradesh.

Advisory Management Committee Meetging of Regional Centre

5 25-21/2001-ROC
(NAEB) Solan, Himachal Pradesh.

6 1-4(38)/20112- Circular received from Ministry under F.R.A


Review Meeting of the forest clearances in the Minstry of Defence

7 25-233/2013-
Border Road

Meeting of the Stering Committee of the State CAMPA , Himachal

8 25-104/2009-
Pradesh State.

9. 25-259/2013- Meeting of the Stering Committee of the State CAMPA , DELHI


10 Prosposal Send to Ministry Office Copy

Order received from State Govt (Final Approval) after Ministry of

Environment and Forest, Chandigarh.

12 Important (FCA Cases) Correspondence with Himachal Pradesh

13 Correspondence with Delh.

Court Cases pertaining to the State of Himachal Pradesh

List of court cases in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India

CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 1056 of 2010 in the matter SN Terdal Addl Govt Draft comments sent to the Law Ministry for vetting
of M/s JP Himachal Cement Grinding and Blending Plant Advocate as per the direction of Addl. Director (Law) vide his
1 V/s State of HP pending in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of 011-23382576 letter dated 25.6.2010 on 13.7.2010 and reminded
India. on 4.10.10, 3.12.10 , 6.1.11 & 1.2.11
File No. 19-184/2010-ROC
Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 36454 of 2009 in the SN Terdal Addl Govt Sh.CD Singh,DIG (FC) has been requested on
matter of Gurukul Siksha Sanstha V/s State of HP pending Advocate 13.8.2010 to file reply affidavit in the Hon’ble
2 in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India regarding 011-23382576 Supreme Court basing on comments given by this
construction of Beas HEP by A Power Himalaya Ltd office and reminded on 4.10.2010, 3.12.2010 6.1.11,
File No. 19-187/2010-ROC 1.2.11 & 18.3.11, 21.4.2011& 21.3.12.
SLP No. 12120 of 2013 in the matter of Rattan Chand SN Terdal Addl Govt Para-wise comments sent to IGF (FC) on 18.04.2013
versus State of HP & Others in the Hon’ble Supreme Court Advocate for approval of the competent authority.
3 of India regarding construction of Hul HEP in HP State. 011-23382576
File opened on 02.04.2013
File No. 19-256/2013-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 971/1993 titled “Society of Preservation of Kasauli P.A. Sharma Reply filled on 09.10.1993. No. action required
and its Environs (Registered) VS State of Himachal Pradesh” M.A.LL.B. Advocate
1 and Others in Ho’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh Sr. Central
F. No. 19-6/1993-ROC Government
Standing Counsel
CWP No. 356/2000 filed by Shri Prem Singh V/s UOI and Abhiksha Kumari No action is required
2 Others in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-28/2000-ROC
CWP No. 447/2000 filed by Shri Jalam Singh Fauji V/s Mr. K.S. Patyal Sr. Disposed off
Union of India & Others in the High Court of Himachal C.G.S.C.
3 Pradesh
F. No. 19-37/2000-ROC
CWP No. 562/2000 filed M/s Ahuja Plastic Ltd. V/s UOI & Disposed off
4 Others in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-38/2000-ROC
CWP No. 741/2000 filed by Shri Pratap Singh V/s Union of Shri Vinod Sharma Disposed off 14.10.2004
India & Others in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh Addl. Central
5 F. No. 19-39/2000-ROC Standing Counsel

CWP No. 514/2000 titled as Devta Sahab Dom V/s State of Baldev Singh Addl. No action is required
6 HP in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh CGSC HP High
F. No. 19-46/2001-ROC Court
CWP No. 2001 filed by Shri Om Prakash & Anr. v/s State of Shri Vinod Sharma Affidavit filed on 28.10.2002, no further information
H.P. & Others in High Court of Himachal Pradesh Addl. Central are received for next date of hearing
7 F. No. 19-52/2001-ROC Standing Counsel

CWP No. 998/2001 filed by Shri Harbir Singh and others Vinod Sharma Addl. Affidavit filed on 07.05.2002, no further information
V/s State HP in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal CGSC HP High are received for next date of hearing 
Pradesh at Shimla Court
F. No. 19-54/2001-ROC
CWP No. 562/2002 titled Rupi Dehat Sudhar Sangthan V/s Baldev Singh Addl. No action is required
9 UOI and Others CGSC HP High
F. No. 19-58/2002-ROC Court
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla
Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 1450/2002 titled as Shri Inder Singh V/s State of Vinod Sharma Addl. Affidavit filed on 13.11.2006 no further information
10 HP CGSC HP High are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-64/2002-ROC Court
CWP No. 1028/2002 Punam Gupta v/s State of HP Baldev Singh Addl. Affidavit filed on 15.12.2003 no further information
11 F. No. 19-68/2003-ROC CGSC HP High are received for next date of hearing
CWP No. 45/2004 in the matter of Shri Ganga Ram v/s UOI Baldev Singh Addl. Affidavit filed on 25.05.2004 no further information
12 in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla CGSC HP High are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-77/2004-ROC Court
CWP No. /2004 Sohan Lal V/s State of HP and Others No action is required
13 Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla
F. No. 19-81/2004-ROC
CWP No. 524/2004 filed by Trisha Sharma v/ Union of Sandeep Sharma, Supplementary affidavit filed on 12.05.06 no further
14 India ASGI, HP High information are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-84/2004-ROC Court at Shimla
CWP No. 778/2003 titled as Trisha Sharma v/s Union of Affidavit filed on 11.05.2005, no further information
India before Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-91/2005-ROC
CWP No. 886/2004 filed by Trisha Sharma Petitioner(s) Sandeep Sharma, Disposed of on 20.10.2005
V/s Union of India & Others in the High Court of Himachal ASGI, HP High
Pradesh Court at Shimla
F. No. 19-97/2005-ROC
CWP No. 71/2006 in the matter of Sihan Singh V/s Union Kulbhushan Affidavit filed on 24.03.2006 no further information
of India in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Khajuria Addl. are received for next date of hearing
Shimla CGSC HP High
F. No. 19-98/2006-ROC Court at Shimla
CWP No. 343/2006 titled as Kashmir Singh V/s State in Sandeep Sharma, Affidavit filed on 16.06.2006, no further information
18 the High Court of Himachal Pradesh ASGI, HP High are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-101/2005-ROC Court at Shimla
CWP No. 774/2006 in the matter of Trisha Sharma v/s Sandeep Sharma, Disposed off
19 Union of India ASGI, HP High
F. No. 19-106/06-ROC Court at Shimla
CWP No. 838/2006 in the matter of Trisha Sharma v/s Sandeep Sharma, Central Government Counsel reminded for present
20 Union of India ASGI, HP High status of the case on 9.12.2010 & 6.1.2011.
F. No. 19-107/06-ROC Court at Shimla
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 1072 of 2003 in the matter of HP Judicial Officer Sandeep Sharma, No action is required because case has been
Association through its President Shri LR Sharma V/s State ASGI, HP High approved in the given time by the court
of HP in Hon’ble High Court at HP Shimla Court at Shimla
F. No. 19-108/06-ROC
CWP No. 685/2006 titled as Jagdish Gautam V/s State of No action is required
22 HP in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh.
F. No. 19-111/06-ROC
CWP No. 743/2006 in the matter of Raftar Singh V/s State Trisha Sharma Affidavit filed on 11.01.2007 no further information
of Himachal Pradesh and Others in the Hon’ble High Court CGC HP High Court are received for next date of hearing
of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla
F. No. 114/2007-ROC
CWP No 399/2006 in the matter of Shyam Lal Sharma S/o M. A. Khan CGC HP Disposed off on 03.02.2010
Amar Chand Proprietor M/s Jai Hateshwari Stone Crusher High Court at
R/o VPO Chabba, tehsil Sunni, District Shimla V/s State of Shimla
Himachal Pradesh in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal
F. No. 19-116/07-ROC
CWP No.244 of 2007 in the matter of Rama Nand Negi V/s MA Khan Duly signed affidavit filed in the Court by Addl. DGF
25 Union of India & Ors. 098170-94705 vide letter dated 14.11.2009 no further information
F. No. 19-118/07-ROC are received for next date of hearing
CWP No.436 of 2007 titled as Raj Chauchan V/s State No action is required
26 pending the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-120/07-ROC
CWP No. 892 of 2007 in the matter of Jan Jagaran Avam Sandeep Sharma Duly signed affidavit filed on 14.9.2007 no further
Vikas Sansthan Sarsai and another v/s UOI and others. 094180-95750 information are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-125/07-ROC 0177-2804503 (O)
0177-2841308 (R)
CWP No. 308/2007 titled District Bar Association V/s Sandeep Sharma Certified copy of the Order dated 31.07.2007 was
State, pending before Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 094180-95750 asked but no response received from ASGI.
28 Pradesh at Shimla 0177-2804503 (O)
F. No. 19-126/08-ROC 0177-2841308 (R)

CWP No. 996/2007 titled Narottam Singh V/s State, Affidavit filed on 22.09.2009 no further information
pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal are received for next date of hearing
F. No. 19-127/08-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 1237/2007 titled Sanjiv Sharma V/s State of HP Disposed off 26.04.2008
and Others pending in the HP High Court regarding
Himalayan Ski Village at Palchhan by Mr. Alfred Brush
Ford F. No. 19-128/08-ROC
CWPIL of 2007 in the matter of Raman Parasar V/s Union No action is required as FCA proposal has now been
31 of India in Hon’ble High Court of HP approved and same informed to the advocate
F. No. 19-130/08-ROC
CWP No. 2203/2007 in the matter of Ramesh Kumar and Janesh Mahajan Disposed off
Another’s V/s UOI reg. construction of Degree college at CGC the Hon’ble
32 Rajgarh under Rajgarh Forest Division and District Sirmaur High Court of
HP in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-131/08-ROC at Shimla
CWP No. 1618 of 2007 in the matter of Sanjivini Jan Kalyan Ms. Shilpa Sood Disposed of on 21.2.1011
Sewa Samiti v/s State & Others regarding non forestry 098160-08080
33 activities inside the Renukaji Wildlife Sanctuary without 0177-2656780 (O)
prior approval of Government of India 0177-2620955 (R)
F. No. 19-136/08-ROC
CWP No. 790/2008 in the matter of Gurukul Bahumukhi Disposed off
Shiksha Sansthan V/s UOI and Others regarding
construction of approach road by M/s A. power Himalays
Limited to their Beas HEP at Palachan under Forest
Division and District Kullu of Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-137/2008-ROC
COPC No. 56 of 2009 in CWP No. 1358 of 2001 in the Sandeep Sharma Disposed off on 30.12.2013 with direction to submit
matter of Kuldeep Singh Chauhan V/s Balbir Thakur and 094180-95750 the violation cases as per the recommendation of
others regarding construction of Roads in HP State in 094181-17917 committee constituted by the MoEF 17.08.2013
violation of FCA, 1980.File No. 19-156/2009-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWPIL 13 of 2006 titled Court on its own Motion v/s State Sandeep Sharma Duly signed affidavit filed on 3.11.2010 and again on
pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP for setting up 094180-95750 20.11.2012. next date 18.03.2014
of Municipal SWT Plant at village Dhabota-Nalagarh, HP. 094181-17917
File No. 19-163/2009-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No 30 of 2010 titled Harbhajan Singh versus State of Sandeep Sharma Disposed off on 29.6.2010
HP & Others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 094180-95750
regarding setting up of Captive Thermal Plant by M/s JP 094181-17917
Associate at village Tikri under Nalagarh Forest Division, (Naresh Assistant)
District Solan, HP. 0177-2804503 Fax
File No. 19-164/2010-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No.20 of 2010 titled Purn Chand versus State of HP & Sandeep Sharma Duly signed affidavit filed on 9.8.2010 no further
Others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 094180-95750 information are received for next date of hearing
regarding Renukaji Wild Life Sanctury. 094181-17917
File No. 19-165/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 8 of 2009 of court on its own motion versus State Sandeep Sharma Disposed off
of HP & Others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 094180-95750
regarding Lease to M/s Lafarj India Company. 094181-17917
File No. 19-166/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 843 of 2010 titled Dharam Singh Prasher & Ors Ravinder Thakur Disposed off on 13.12.2010.
v/s State of HP pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 094180-20242,
Himachal Pradesh at Shimla. Aman- LDC
File No. 19-171/2010-ROC 98161-35528
CWP No. 772 of 2010 titled Thakur Sain v/s Union of India Sandeep Sharma Copy of CWP is not received in sprite of repeated
pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 094180-95750 reminders to the ASGI
at Shimla. 094181-17917
File No. 19-172/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 586 of 2010 titled Him Pravesh v/s Union of India Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on 6th July,2012
pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 094180-95750
at Shimla. 094181-17917
File No. 19-173/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 1515 of 2010 titled Kundal Lal v/s State of HP & Ravinder Thakur Disposed of by the Hon’ble Court on 04.03.2010
others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal
43 Pradesh at Shimla.
File No. 19-175/2010-ROC
Revision Petition No. 144/2009 titled as Prem Prakash V/s Transferred to WL Division, MoEF, No Action is
UOI and Others regarding damage to the personal property required on the part of this office
by the Leopard and others wild animals
File No. 19-176/2010-ROC
CWP No. 1739 of 2010 titled Residents of GP Totu v/s State MA Khan Disposed off
of HP & others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 098170-94705
Himachal Pradesh at Shimla.
File No. 19-177/2010-ROC
CWP No. 1073/2010 titled as Gokul Chand V/s UOI and Ravinder Thakur Disposed off 16.07.2010
Others in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at 098180-20242
File No. 19-178/2010-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 2292 of 2010 titled Man Singh v/s State of HP & Sandeep Sharma Disposed off on 13.12.2010
others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 094180-95750
Pradesh at Shimla. 094181-17917
File No. 19-179/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 2293 of 2010 titled Ram Singh & others v/s State Sandeep Sharma Duly signed reply affidavit sent to CGC for filing the
of HP & others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 094180-95750 same in the Court on 21.2.2011. no further
48 Himachal Pradesh at Shimla regarding Ambuja Cement 094181-17917 information are received for next date of hearing
Plant, Solan . (Naresh Assistant)
File No. 19-180/2010-ROC
CWP No. 2273 of 2010 titled Rattan Chand V/s State of HP YPS Dhaulta Disposed of on 13.1.2012
& others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 098162-35469
49 Himachal Pradesh at Shimla regarding construction of Hull
HEP in Chamba district.
File No. 19-182/2010-ROC
CWP No. 3659 of 2009 titled Harish Chander V/s Union of Sandeep Sharma Disposed of on 13.12.2010
India & others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 094180-95750
Himachal Pradesh at Shimla 094181-17917
File No. 19-188/2010-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 5138 of 2010 titled Ranjeet Singh V/s Union of Ravinder Thakur Affidavit filed on 31.01.2011, Last heard on
India & others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 098180-20242 24.06.2013. No correspondence received from the
at Shimla Central Government Counsel for next date of hearing
File No. 19-191/2010-ROC
CWPIL No. 38 of 2009 titled Court on its own motion V/s Sandeep Sharma Disposed of on 13.01.2012
52 State & others pending before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 094180-95750
at Shimla File No. 19-192/2010-ROC 094181-17917
CWP No. 6802 of 2010 titled Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd V/s UOI Ravinder Thakur Disposed of
and others pending before the Hon”ble High Court of 098180-20242
Himachal Pradesh at Shimla File opened on 16.11.2010
File No. 19-195/2010-ROC
CWP No. 6803 of 2010 titled Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd V/s UOI Ravinder Thakur Disposed of
and others pending before the Hon”ble High Court of 098180-20242
Himachal Pradesh at Shimla
File No. 19-196/2010-ROC
CWP No. 6804 of 2010 titled Jagdish Chand V/s State and Ravinder Thakur Duly signed reply affidavit sent to CGC for filing the
others regarding Ganpati Stone Crusher pending before the 098180-20242 same in the Court on 20.01.2011. latest situation is
HP High Court. not submitted by the Advocate till date.
File No. 19-197/2010-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. _____ of 2010 titled Four Lane Prabhvit Nagrik Anup Rattan Duly signed reply affidavit sent to CGC for filing the
Samiti V/s State of HP and others regarding construction 098180-95891 same in the Court on 13.04.2011. no further
of 4/6 laning of HN-22 from Parwanoo to Shimla. information are received for next date of hearing
File opened on 16.12.2010File No. 19-198/2010-ROC
CWP No.8149 of 2010 titled People for Animals Kasuli & Sandeep Sharma The matter referred to WL Division on 07.02.2010 for
57 Another V/s Union of India and others 094180-95750 further necessary action at their part.
File No. 19-199/2010-ROC 094181-17917
CWP No. 1523 of 2011 titled Bhagirath V/s State of HP and Anita Dogra Duly signed and sworn in reply affidavit has been
others regarding construction of Community Hall at Rawara 098180-91591 sent to the CGC for filing the same in the Hon'ble
58 (Sandhol), district Mandi pending before the Hon”ble High Court vide letter dated 4.7.2011, latest situation is
Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla not submitted by the Advocate till date.
File No. 210/2011-ROC
CWP No. 7341/2011 titled Dinesh V/s State of HP; pending Affidavit filed on 16.01.2012. No further
59 before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh correspondence received from CGC
File No. 213/2011-ROC
CWP No. 15987/2008 titled as Shri H.r. Arya V/s State of Disposed off
60 H.P. and Others decided by the Hon’ble High court of H.P.
File No. 19-215/2011-ROC
CWPIL No. 56/2009 titled as Court on its own motion v/s Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 18.02.2013. No further
61 State of H.P. pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 094180-95750 correspondence received from CGC for next date of
File No. 19-217/2011-ROC 094181-17917 ( hearing
CWP No.9179/2011 titled Surender Ram v/s UIO Before Sandeep Sharma Duly signed reply affidavit sent to ASGI on 11.9.2012
the Hon’ble High Court HP 094180-95750 for filing the same in the Hon’ble Court. no further
File opened on 16.11.2011 094181-17917 information are received for next date of hearing
File No. 19-221/2011-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 9442/2011 titled Prem Lal Sharma v/s State Affidavit filed on 18.01.2013 no further information
63 Hon’ble High Court HP are received for next date of hearing
File No. 19-222/2011-ROC
CWP No. 10581/2011 titled as Narpat Ram & Others v/ Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 11.01.2013, latest situation is not
UOI : Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 094180-95750 submitted by the ASGI after that
File No. 19-225/2011-ROC 094181-17917
(Naresh Assistant)
CWP No.9488/2011 titled as Brij Lal v/s States pending Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 03.05.2012, latest situation is not
before the Hon’ble High Court of HP 094180-95750 submitted by the CGC
File No. 19-226/2011-ROC 094181-17917
(Naresh Assistant)
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 65/2010 titled as Nathu Ram v/ s State: Pending Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on 06.05.2013
before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. regarding 094180-95750
construction of Slappar-Tattapani Road, Mandi 094181-17917
File No. 19-232/2012-ROC (Naresh Assistant)
CWP No. 8171/2011 titled as Ajay Kumar v/ s Union of Sandeep Sharma DISMISSED on 6.5.2013 due to non-appearance of
67 India: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 094180-95750 petitioners.
File No. 19-233/2012-ROC 094181-17917
CWP No. 1885 of 2010 titled as Sanjeev Kumar v/ s State: Sandeep Sharma Duly signed reply affidavit sent to ASGI on 17th May,
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. regarding 0177-2804503 (O) 2012 for filing the same in the Hon’ble High Court.
68 encouraging the use of polythene pouches and other non- 094180-95750 (M)
biodegradable material in the State of HP.
File opened on 10.04.2012 File No. 19-237/2012-ROC
CWP No. 1189 of 2011 titled as Kisan Sabha Tehsil Ravinder Thakur Duly signed reply affidavit sent to ASGI on 4th
Committee Baijnath v/ s State of HP: Pending before the 094180-20242, March 2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble High
69 Hon’ble High Court of H.P. Aman- LDC Court. Now received amended writ petition on 3rd
File opened on 18.04.2012 98161-35528 July, 2013 and same has been sent to ADG(WL) on
File No. 19-238/2012-ROC 5th July 2013 for filing the counter reply affidavit.
CWP No. _____ of 2012 titled as Jai Bharat Gramin Vikas Anup Rattan As per order 16.07.2013 this matter transferred to
Samiti and Others v/ UOI: Pending before the Hon’ble High 094180-95891 NGT for further necessary action please. No Action
70 Court of H.P. regarding construction of Sawra Kuddu HEP is required on the part of this office
Shimla.File opened on 18.04.2012
File No. 19-239/2012-ROC
CWP No. 2083 of 2012 titled as Mangni Ram and Others v/ Ravinder Thakur Disposed off
UOI: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 094180-20242,
71 regarding construction of Bajoli-Holi HEP Chamba. Aman- LDC
File opened on 18.04.2012 98161-35528
File No. 19-240/2012-ROC
CWP No. 2546 of 2012 titled as Dopli Nand v/s Union of Sandeep Sharma Duly signed reply affidavit sent to ASGI on 4-04-
India: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 0177-2804503 (O) 2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble High Court.
72 regarding const. of Kachrang and Rakchad HEP in Kinnaur, 094180-95750 (M) After 30.09.2013 no response received from ASGI,
district of HP. File opened on 23.05.2012 regarding next date of hearing.
File No. 19-241/2012-ROC
CWPIL No. 05 of 2011 titled as Court on its own motion Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 18.06.2013 by AIG, MoEF, no
v/ s State: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 0177-2804503 (O) response received from ASGI
73 regarding national level system for management of forest 094180-95750 (M)
fires. File opened on 19.06.2012
File No. 19-242/2012-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 8676 of 2011 titled as Dimple Vahali Oberai v/ s Sandeep Sharma Duly signed reply affidavit sent to ASGI on 3rd May,
State of HP & Ors: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 0177-2804503 (O) 2012 for filing the same in the Hon’ble High Court.
74 H.P. regarding fencing of dog shelter at Shimla. 094180-95750 (M) no response received from ASGI, regarding next date
File opened on 28.06.2012 of hearing.
File No. 19-244/2012-ROC
CWP No. 5600 of 2012 titled Manoj Kumar v/ s Union of Anup Rattan Disposed off on 30.12.2013 with direction to submit
India: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. 094180-95891 the violation cases as per the recommendation of
75 regarding construction of approach roads in DPF area fo committee constituted by the MoEF 17.08.2013
Dharamshala. File opened on 25.07.2012
File No. 19-245/2012-ROC
CWP No. 4426 of 2012 titled Ramesh Chand v/ s Union of Sandeep Sharma Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
India: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 0177-2804503 (O) on 24.12.12 for filing the same in the Hon’ble Court
76 Pradesh regarding contruction of Harnora to Kasol road, 094180-95750 (M) no response received from ASGI, regarding next date
Bilaspur.File opened on 19.09.2012 of hearing.
File No. 19-246/2012-ROC
CWPIL No. 47 of 2012 titled Court on its Own motion v/ s Sandeep Sharma Disposed off 16.05.2013
States: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 0177-2804503 (O)
77 Pradesh regarding construction of parking at cremation 094180-95750 (M)
ground Kanlog, Shimla.File opened on 08.11.2012
File No. 19-247/2012-ROC
CWPIL No. 9052 of 2012 titled Pawan v/ s UOI: Pending Sandeep Sharma Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) on 06.12.13 for filing the same in the Hon’ble Court
regarding implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court of 094180-95750 (M) no response received from ASGI, regarding next date
India order dated 27.2.2012 for issuance of Environmental of hearing.
Clearance to Brick Kiln Operation in HP State
File opened on 26.11.2012 File No. 19-248/2012-ROC
CWPIL No. 28 of 2012 titled Court on its Own motion v/ s Sandeep Sharma Disposed off on 13.09.2013
State of HP & others: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court 0177-2804503 (O)
79 of Himachal Pradesh regarding construction of Slapper- 094180-95750 (M)
Tattapani road File opened on 29.11.2012
File No. 19-249/2012-ROC
CWP No. 9980 of 2012 titled as Vinod Kumar v/ UOI: Ravinder Thakur Disposed off on 13.11.2013
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. regarding 094180-20242,
80 construction of Bajoli-Holi HEP Chamba. Aman- LDC
File opened on 10.12.2012 98161-35528
File No. 19-250/2012-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. of 2012 in the matter of Keshav Negi versus UOI Anup Rattan Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
pending in the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh. 94180 95891 on 29.5.2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble Court.
81 File opened on 26.03.2013 No response is received for next date of hearing from
File No. 19-254/2013-ROC the Advocate
CWPIL No. 37 of 2011 in the matter of Court on its Own Sandeep Sharma Disposed of on 29.05.2013
motion versus UOI pending in the Hon’ble High Court of 0177-2804503 (O)
82 Himachal Pradesh. 094180-95750 (M)
File opened on 30.04.2013
File No. 19-260/2013-ROC
CWP No. 1869 of 2013 titled Smt Meera Chandel v/ s Sandeep Sharma Para Wise comments too Dr. Saroj On 13.05.2013
UOI: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 0177-2804503 (O) and Same are till awaited
83 Pradesh regarding mining activity by M/s Meera Mine and 094180-95750 (M)
Mineral Industries
File opened on 01.05.2013 File No. 19-262/2012-ROC
CWP No.4746 of 2010 titled Bhadur Singh v/ s State: Sandeep Sharma Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) on 05.06.2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble
regarding requirement of Forest/Environmental Clearance 094180-95750 (M) Court.
for installation of check post in Forest Area where mining
activities have been permitted by the competent authority.
File opened on 017.05.2013 File No. 19-264/2012-ROC
CWP No.1911 of 2013 titled Sita Ram v/ s State of HP: Kul Bhushan Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh Khajuria on 09.07.2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble
regarding construction of Cement plant at village Bagga, Advkulbhushan69@ Court.
85 Tehsil Arki, Distt Solan, HP.
File opened on 30.05.2013 File No. 19-265/2012-ROC 0177-2804503 (O)
094180-22020 (M)

CWP No.10263 of 2012 titled HP High Court Bar Sandeep Sharma The matter pertains to MoEF and they have
Association v/ s UOI: Pending before the Hon’ble High 0177-2804503 (O) requested for further necessary action of the matter
86 Court of Himachal Pradesh regarding establishment of 094180-95750 (M) vide letter dated 4.6.2013 and reminder dated
NGT’s Circuit Bench at Shimla, HP. 15.7.2013.
File opened on 03.06.2013 File No. 19-266/2012-ROC
CWP No.8281 of 2012 titled Sant Ram Pathik v/ s UOI: Anita Dogra, Dismissed on 09.07.2013
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal 094180-91591
Pradesh. File opened on 19.06.2013
File No. 19-267/2012-ROC
List of court cases in the Hon’ble High Court at Shimla 

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No.10142 of 2012 titled Pawan Kumar v/ s State: Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 24.10.2013 no further information is
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) received for next date of hearing. This file has been
88 regarding violation of the conditions of environmental 094180-95750 (M) transferred to Dir. (S) and the New file No. is
clearance issued to Ambuja Cement at Darlaghat, Solan, File No. 3-247/2012 RO (NZ)
HP. File opened on 27.06.2013 File No. 19-268/2012-ROC
CWP No.22991 of 2013 titled Ram Dyal Negi v/ s UOI: Sandeep Sharma Duly signed counter reply affidavit sent to the ASGI
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) on 27.08.2013 for filing the same in the Hon’ble
89 regarding construction of Wangtu to Korik road (NH-22), 094180-95750 (M) Court. No response received for next date of hearing
Kinnaur, HP. File opened on 04.07.2013 from the advocate
File No. 19-269/2012-ROC
CWP No.4658 of 2013 titled M/s Maa Vaishno Stone Sandeep Sharma Disposed off
Crusher v/ s State of HP: Pending before the Hon’ble High 0177-2804503 (O)
90 Court of Himachal Pradesh. File opened on 29.07.2013 094180-95750 (M)
File No. 19-272/2012-ROC

CWP No.8017 of 2010 titled Shakti Singh Chandel v/ s Sandeep Sharma The matter directly pertains to Wildlife Division of
State of HP: Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of 0177-2804503 (O) MoEF and CWP has been sent in original to them
Himachal Pradesh regarding damaging the cultivated land 094180-95750 (M) with a request for further necessary action of the
by stray cattle. File No. 19-276/2013-ROC matter vide letter dated 30.8.2013
CWP No.6809 of 2010 titled Layak Ram v/ s UOI: Pending Sandeep Sharma Para wise comments sent to IG (FC) on 16.01.2014
before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) and still awaited.
92 regarding construction of Glanghati-Dakoon-Dhar-Jadoon 094180-95750 (M)
road Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla.
File No. 19-279/2013-ROC
CWP No. 8449 of 2013 titled Anoop Sood V/s UOI pending Affidavit filed on 03.01.2014 No response received for
93 before the Hon’ble High Court of HP at Shimla next date of hearing from ASGI
File No. 19-284/2013-ROC
CWP No.9589 of 2013 titled Suresh Kumar v/ s UOI: Sandeep Sharma Para wise comments sent to IG (FC) on 15.01.2014
Pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh 0177-2804503 (O) and still awaited.
regarding illegal mining by Respondent No. 7 i.e by Smt 094180-95750 (M)
Ruma Devi w/o Sh Ramesh Chand village Parchhu, PO
Sajaopiplu, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi, HP :reg.
File opened on 31.12.2013 File No. 19-289/2013-ROC
CWP No.23 of 2014 titled Bhagmal v/ s UOI: Pending before Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 14.03.2014. No response received
the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh regarding 0177-2804503 (O) for next date of hearing from ASGI
95 illegal mining by Smt Ruma Devi w/o Sh Ramesh Chand 094180-95750 (M)
village Parchhu, PO Sajaopiplu, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District
Mandi, HP: File No. 19-291/2014-ROC
List of court cases w.r.t. the State of HP pending before the National Green Tribunal Delhi

Sl Nos. CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
Application No. 81 of 2013 in the matter of Dheeraj Singh Ms. Neelam Rathore Para wise comments sent to IG (FC) on 08.05.2013
v/s Union of India and Others - pending before the alongwith and still awaited
National Green Tribunal-reg. Mr. Vikramjeet and
File opened on 29.04.2013 Ms. Syed Amber
File No. 19-261/2013-ROC

Application No. ___ of 2012 in the matter of Paryavaran Ms. Neelam Rathore Counter reply affidavit has filled by AIG (FC) MoEF no
Sanrakshan Sangarsh Samiti Lipsa v/s Union of India and alongwith response is received for next date of hearing form the
Others - pending before the Hon’ble National Green Mr. Vikramjeet and ministry
Tribunal-reg. Ms. Syed Ambe
File opened on 16.05.2013
File No. 19-263/2013-ROC
Appeal No. 94 of 2013 in the matter of Prayas Paryavaran Ms. Neelam Rathore Para-wise comments sent to AIG (FC) on
Sangharsh Samiti Versus UOI and Others pending before alongwith 23.12.2013. and reminder dated 10.01.2014 and
the NGT, New Delhi regarding construction of Weigh Bridge Mr. Vikramjeet and same are still awaited
3 alongwith facilities of Check Post at Mauza Barwas, Ms. Syed Amber
District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh.
File opened on 12.12.2013
File No. 19-285/2013-ROC
List of court cases w.r.t. the State of HP pending before the National Green Tribunal, Circuit Bench at Shimla

Sl Nos. CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate

CWP No.7343 of 2011 titled Dharampal v/s State of HP: Sandeep Sharma No CWP was received in this office and ASGI was
Pending before the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal Circuit 0177-2804503 (O) required on 18.10.2013 along with the short reply
1 Bench at Shimla. 094180-95750 (M) to the petition no response is received next date of
File opened on 07.08.2013 hearing there after
File No. 19-273/2013-ROC
CWPIL No. 40 of 2011 titled Court on its own motion v/s Sandeep Sharma Committee visited the khajjiar Lake site on
State of HP: Pending before the Hon’ble National Green 0177-2804503 (O) 10.09.2013 and decision of has already reported
2 Tribunal Circuit Bench at Shimla. 094180-95750 (M) to the ASIG vide
File opened on 07.08.2013 File No. 3-300/2011-RO(NZ)
File No. 19-274/2013-ROC
CWP No. 8318 of 2013 in the matter of Gram Panchayat Sandeep Sharma Para wise comments sent to IG (FC) on
Sanora v/s State and Others: Pending before the Hon’ble 0177-2804503 (O) 16.01.2014 and still awaited
3 National Green Tribunal Circuit Bench at Shimla 094180-95750 (M)
File opened on 26.09.2013
File No. 19-278/2013-ROC
Application No. 256/2013 and CWPIL No. 28 of 2011 titled Sandeep Sharma Affidavit filed on 21.03.2014 no further
Abhisekh Rai v/s State of HP and Others: Pending before 0177-2804503 (O) information are received for next date of hearing
the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal Circuit Bench at 094180-95750 (M)
File opened on 04.10.2013
File No. 19-280/2013-ROC
Application No. 323/2013 titled Roshan Lal Gupta v/s Sandeep Sharma Para-wise comments sent to AIG (FC) on
State of HP and Others: Pending before the Hon’ble 0177-2804503 (O) 24.12.2013. Also written for extension of time
5 National Green Tribunal Circuit Bench at Shimla 094180-95750 (M) period for four weeks on 30.12.2013. And
File opened on 12.12.2013 same are still awaited.
File No. 19-286/2013-ROC

Application No. 280/2013 titled as Randheer Singh v/s Sandeep Sharma No action is required as the matter is not pertain
State of HP and Others: Pending before the Hon’ble 0177-2804503 (O) to this office
6 National Green Tribunal Circuit Bench at Shimla 094180-95750 (M)
File opened on 12.12.2013
File No. 19-287/2013-ROC
Application No. 04/2014 titled as Gram Panchyat Totu V/s Sandeep Sharma Para-wise comments sent to IG (FC) on
State of HP Pending before the Hon’ble National Green 0177-2804503 (O) 12.02.2014 for approval
Tribunal Circuit Bench at Shimla 094180-95750 (M)
File No. 19-290/2013-ROC
List of court cases pending in CEC pertaining to the Himachal Pradesh

Sl CWP Nos and Subject matter of the court case Name of Advocate Present Status
CWP No. 11034/2011-Anant Ram versus States of HP & Factual position on the subject has been
Others and CWP No. 1191/2011- Sukh Dev Singh Versus intimated to the Member Secretary, CEC on
1 State of HP & other regarding Working Plan of Nurpur, HP. 4.1.2013. No action is required at the part of
File opened on: 3.1.2013 this office
File No. 19-251/2013-ROC
Application No. Nil of 2007 in the matter of Atul Bhardwaj Disposed off
Adarsh Bhawan, Shyam Nagar, Dharmshala and ANO V/s
State of the Himachal Pradesh and Others before the
Hon’ble Central Empowered Committee (Constituted by The
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India)
F. No. /117/2007-ROC

List of court cases pending in the Lower Court at Himachal Pradesh

Suit No. 213-I of 1999 field by Shri Chet Ram Sharma ----------------- No action is required
against Shri Hem Singh in Court of Sub-judge,
Surendernagar, Mandi H.P.
F. No. 19-32/1999-ROC
Civil Suit No. 21/HP/07 titled Ram Swaroopp V/s State of Petition sent to NRCD, Paryavaran Bahwan
HP and Secretary Environment and Ecology, Government CGO Complex Lodhi Road New Delhi on
2 of India, pending in the Court of Ld. Civil Judge (Sr. 13.06.2007
Division) Rajgarh, Himachal Pradesh
F. No. 19-121/2007-ROC

Status of Legal Notice with respect to the State of Himachal Pradesh

Legal Notice under Section 80 of CPC by Shri RL Thakur No action is required

village Bari, PO Patlikuhal, tehsil Manali, District Kullu on
behalf of M/s Manorma Workers Welfare Association, Kullu
File No. 19-161/2009-ROC
Himachal Pradesh Working plans
S. NO. Name of the working plans No. of copies
1. Kothgarh/Rampur 4
2. Kothgarh 4
3. Rampur 5
4. Churah 2
5. Dalhousie 2
6. Dharamshala 2
7. Rajgarh 2
8. Bilaspur 7
9. Solan 6
10. Palampur 6
11. Rohru & Jubbal 6
12. Dehra 3
13. Mandi/Joginder Nagar 6
14. Nalagarh 3
15. Hamirpur 3
16. Bharmour 3
17. Seraj 3
18. Outer Seraj 6
19. Una 3
20. Kinnaur 2
21. Chamba 7
22. Suket 4
23. Nachan 4
24. Shimla & Theog 2
25. Shimla 2
26. Renuka Ji 3
27. Chopal 3
28. Karsog 2
29. Nahan Ponta Sahib 3
30. Pangi 3
31. Kullu & Parwati 4
32. Kunihar 6
33. Kutlehar 2
34. Noorpur 3
35. Kullu 2


1. Correspondance regarding of Working Plans of the State Himachal Pradesh

File No. 13-7/1997-ROC

2. Working Plan for the Forest of BILASPUR Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026-2027,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(01)/1997-ROC

3. Working Plan for the Forest of PALAMPUR Forest Division, For the Period of 2010-2011 to 2024-2025,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(3)/1997-ROC

4. Working Plan for the Forest of DHARAMSHALA Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2021-2022
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(4)/1997-ROC

5. Working Plan for the Forest of DEHRA Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2021-2022
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(5)/1997-ROC

6. Working Plan for the Forest of MANDI/JOGINDER NAGAR Forest Division, For the Period of
…………………………………. Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(6)/1997-ROC

7. Working Plan for the Forest of NURPUR Forest Division, For the Period of
…………………………………………… Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(7)/1997-ROC

8. Working Plan for the Forest of KOTGARH Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026-2027,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(8)/1997-ROC

9. Working Plan for the Forest of NACHAN Forest Division, For the Period of
…………………………………………., Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(9)/1997-ROC

10. Working Plan for the Forest of RAJGARH Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026-2027,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(10)/1997-ROC

11. Working Plan for the Forest of SHIMLA Forest Division, For the Period of 2011-2012 to 2025-2026,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(11)/1997-ROC

12. Working Plan for the Forest of DALHOUSIE Forest Division, For the Period of …………………………………..,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(13)/1997-ROC

13. Working Plan for the Forest of UNA Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026-2027, Himachal
File No. 13-7(14)/1997-ROC

14. Working Plan for the Forest of SERAJ Forest Division, For the Period of 2013-2014 to 2022-2023,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(16)/1997-ROC

15. Working Plan for the Forest of LAHUL Forest Division, For the Period of …………………………………..,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(17)/1997-ROC

16. Working Plan for the Forest of NALAGARH Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026-2027,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(18)/1997-ROC


17. Working Plan for the Forest of KUNIHAR Forest Division, For the Period of 2012-2013 to 2026- 2027,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(18-B)/1997-ROC

18. Working Plan for the Forest of KULLU Forest Division, For the Period of …………………………………..,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(19)/1997-ROC

19. Working Plan for the Forest of OUTER SERAJ (ANI) Forest Division, For the Period of
………………………………….., Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(20)/1997-ROC

20. Working Plan for the Forest of CHOPAL Forest Division, For the Period of 2003-2004 to 2017-2018,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(21)/1997-ROC

21. Working Plan for the Forest of CHAMBA Forest Division, For the Period of …………………………………..,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(22)/1997-ROC

22. Working Plan for the Forest of RENUKA Forest Division, For the Period of 1999-2000 to 2013-2014,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(23)/1999-ROC

23. Working Plan for the Forest of HAMIRPUR Forest Division, For the Period …………………………………..,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(24)/1999-ROC

24. Working Plan for the Forest of ROHRU & JUBBAL Forest Division, For the Period
………………………………….., Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(25)/1999-ROC

25. Working Plan for the Forest of Pangi Forest Division, For the Period of 2002-2003 to 2021-2022, Himachal
File No. 13-7(26)/2000-ROC

26. Working Plan for the Forest of SOLAN Forest Division, For the Period of 2002-2003 to 2016-2017,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(27)/2000-ROC

27. Working Plan for the Forest of KINNAUR Forest Division, For the Period of 1999-2000 to 2014-2015,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(28)/2000-ROC

28. Supply of timber through DGS&D-Request from Himachal Pradesh State Forest Corporation Limited
File No. 13-7(29)/2001-ROC

29. Working Plan for the Forest of BHARMOUR Forest Division, For the Period of 2002-2003 to 2016-2017,
Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(30)/2002-ROC

30. PWPR for the Forest of DHARAMPUR-KAMLAH ranges of JOGINDERNAGAR Forest Division, , Himachal
File No. 13-7(31)/2003-ROC

31. Working Plan for the Forest of NAHAN-PONTA SABIB Forest Division, For the Period of 1998-1999 to 31st
March 2013, Himachal Pradesh
File No. 13-7(32)/2003-ROC

32. Diversion of forest land for non-forestry cases Review of pending cases etc. cases with respect to Sarkari
File No. 13-4/1996-ROC/Vol. II
S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

1.   6‐56/05  Khab H.E.P (636 MW)—site clearance (Stage‐I) 
2.   6‐57/105  Swan River Flood Management Project, Phase‐II 
3.   6‐77/07  Sawra Kuddu Hydroelectric Project, 111 MW (3x37 MW), H.P. 
4.   6‐80/07  Manal Lime Stone Mining Project by M/s Cement Corporation of India, Sirmour Distt. (H.P). 
5.   6‐84/07  Tidong‐I HEP (100 MW) (2 x 50 MW) in District Kinnaur by Nuzividu Seeds Limited. 
6.   6‐86/08  Group Housing “Gee City” at village Judi Khurd (Baddi), Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt.‐Solan, H.P. 
7.   6‐89/08  Copper Bright CC wire Rod Mfg. Plant (3,855 TPA) at village Moginand, Kala Amb‐ Nahan Road, Tehsil Nahan, Distt. 
Sirmour, H.P. 
8.   6‐90/08  Group Housing (Omaxe Parkwood) at village Billanwali (Baddi) Pargana Dharampur, Tehsil Nalagarh, Distt. Solan, H.P. 
by M/s Omaxe Ltd. 
9.   6‐91/08  Chhatru HEP (108 MW) in Lahaul & Spiti District, H.P. for scoping 
10.   6‐92/08  Residential Housing Complex “Amravati Apartments” at village Baddi, Tehsil Nalagarh, Distt. Solan, H.P. by Amarnath 
Agarwal Builders Pvt. Ltd. 
11.   6‐93/08  Cement grinding unit (1.5 MTPA) at village Navagraon, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh by M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd 
12.   6‐95/08  Clinkerisation Plant (2 MTPA) at Village Guma, Tehsil Chopal, District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh by M/s India Cement 
Limited‐ TOR  
13.   6‐96/08  Bhimgoda Limestone Mine (Ml. No.94/03) of Smt. Satya Tomar near Village‐Kamraoo, Distt‐ Sirmour, H.P—TOR. 
14.   6‐99/08  Chango Yangthang HEP (140 MW) in H.P by M/s Malana Power Company Ltd. Scoping. 
15.   6‐94/08  Cement Grinding Unit (3MTPA) at Ponta Sahib, District Sirmour, H.P by M/s India Cements Ltd. 
16.   6‐97/08  Borli Limestone Mine (ML No. 83/03) of Shri Omprakash Chaudhary, Village‐ Borli, Distt. Sirmour, H.P‐ TOR regarding. 
17.   6‐98/08  Himalaya Limestone Mine (ML No. 87/2002) of M/s Gupta Associates at Post‐Dadahu, Village‐ Mandoli,Tehsil‐Sangrah, 
Distt.‐Sirmour (H.P)‐ TOR. 
18.   6‐100/08  Housing Colony at Baddi, Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt.‐Solan (H.P) by M/s High Valley Builders. 
19.   6‐101/08  Housing Colony at Baddi,Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt.‐Solan (H.P) by M/s Hill View Infrastructure (P) Ltd. 
20.   6‐102/08  Commercial Complex at Kalyanpur, Baddi,Tehsil‐Nalagarh,Distt. Solan(H.P) by M/s Shree Jee Land Developers & 
Promoters (P) Ltd. 
21.   6‐109/09  Bara Banghal HEP(200MW) in Kangra District,H.P by M/s Malana Power Company Ltd.‐TOR. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

22.   6‐111/09  Limestone mine at village‐Hiyona, Tehsil‐Paonta Sahib, distt.‐ Sirmour, H.P of Shri K.K.Anand‐ TOR. 

23.   6‐113/09  Baldhwa Limestone Mine (ML No. 129/04) of M/s Jai Singh Thakur & Sons, District‐Sirmour, (H.P) –prescribing of TOR. 
24.   6‐115/09  Yangthang‐Khab HEP (261 MW) in Kinnaur District, H.P by M/s Yangthang Power Venture Ltd.—TOR regarding. 
25.   6‐116/09  Expansion of Batteries Manufacturing Plant at village‐Rakh Ramsingh, Nalagarh, Distt.‐Solan, H.P by Eastman Auto & 
Power Ltd. 
26.   6‐118/09  Setting up of an Industrial Unit for Battery Manufacturing by M/s Luminous Teleinfra Ltd. at Gagret, Una(H.P). 
27.   6‐119/09  Shopping cum Multiplex at Sai Chakra Road, Baddi,Distt. Solan by M/s Home Land City Mall. 
28.   6‐124/09  Commercial Complex at village Billawali, Labana, Solan by Omprakash Khullar. 
29.   6‐126/09  Housing colony at Mouja Katha, Pargana Dharampur, Baddi,Distt.—Solan by M/s Mount View Group Housing Co. 
30.   6‐128/09  Setting up of Industrial Unit for Lead Processing at Burnawala, P.O‐Barotiwala, Nalagarh, Distt. Solan by M/s Himachal 
31.   6‐132/09  Manufacturing of Lead Acid Batteries for invertors and automobiles at Plot No. 47‐48, Village‐Bhatolikalan, Baddi by 
M/s S.G. International. 
32.   6‐133/09  Setting up of an Industrial Unit at village‐Kripalpur, Tehsil‐Nalagarh for manufacturing of Steel Ingots at 60000 MTA 
capacity by M/s Dev Bhumi Steels. 
33.   6‐59/05  Radison Jass (5 Star Hotel) at Shimla by Bhagwan Dass Khanna Pvt. Ltd. 
34.   6‐61/05  Budhil HEP (70MW), Barmour, Distt. Chamba by M/s LancoBudhil Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd. 
35.   6‐63/05  Harish Cement Ltd. ‐‐ Keran Limestone Mining Project (3.2 MTPA).  
36.   6‐67/06  Expansion of Gujrat Ambuja Cement Plant at Darlaghat (1.8 MTPA). 
37.   6‐67/06  Expansion of Gujrat Ambuja Cement Plant at Darlaghat (1.8 MTPA). 
38.   6‐68/06  2.54 Cement Plant at village‐Baga, Tehsil Arki, Distt. Solan by Jaypee Associates. 
39.   6‐69/06  Sorang HEP (100MW) in district Kinnaur. 
40.   6‐70/06  Lambadug HEP (25 MW) in village Multhan, Distt.‐ Kangra (H.P). 
41.   6‐139/10  Expansion of existing industrial unit for manufacturing of Lead Acid Batteries/UPS at Opposite Pine Grove Hotel, 
Deonghat, Distt. Solan by M/s Base Corporation Ltd. (Unit at Nagli) 
42.   6‐143/10  Construction of Educational Institution/University Complex (ARNI University) at village‐Kathgarh,Tehsil‐Indora, Kangra 
by M/s K.D.Education Trust. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

43.   6‐144/10  Expansion of Shri Parvati Steel & Alloys (P) Ltd., Kala Amb, Nahan, Distt. Sirmour for manufacturing of MS and Stainless 

Steel Ingots and rolling mill for producing WS/SS bars, angles, channels and flats @ 100 MT per day. 
44.   6‐145/10  Manufacture of pure Lead, Lead Alloys and Lead Oxide by M/s Starlit Infrastructure Ltd.  at village‐Dharampur, PO‐
Thana, Tehsil‐ Baddi, Solan (H.P). 
45.   6‐146/10  Expansion of existing unit for manufacturing of Steel ingots by Shree Siddi Vinayak Forging Pvt. Ltd. at village‐Nangal 
Uparla,Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt. Solan. 
46.   6‐150/10  Setting up of an Industrial Unit for manufacturing of Zip Fastners/Sliders at village‐ Dharampur, Sai Road, Baddi, Distt. 
Solan(H.P) by M/s Anand Zippers Pvt.Ltd. 
47.   6‐151/10  Expansion and diversification of existing unit for manufacturing of TMT Steel Bars, Flat, Angles at village‐Khera, Tehsil‐
Nalagarh, Distt. Solan by Dev Bhumi Steel Limited. 
48.   6‐155/10  Commercial and shopping complex at village‐ Haripur Sandholi, Pragana‐Dharampur, Baddi, Nalagarh by Gurpal Singh 
Developers & Promoters. 
49.   6‐157/10  Kashang HEP‐243 MW in the district‐Kinnaur of H.P by M/s H.P Power Corporation Ltd.‐environmental clearance 
50.   6‐159/10  Construction of Medical college & Hospital at Ner Chowk, Distt. Mandi by M/s Employees State Insurance Corporation 
51.   6‐161/10  Setting up of an Industrial Unit for Manufacturing of Steel Ingots from 9600 MTPA to 18000 MTA capacity at village‐ 
Kripalpur, Nalagarh, Distt. Solan, H.P by Kangra Steels. 
52.   6‐162/10  Manufacturing of Aluminium Brass and Steel Strips by M/s Devi Metal Technologies at Plot No. 84, HPSIDC, Baddi,  
Distt. Solan. 
53.   6‐164/10  Rupin HEP Project (45 MW) in Shimla District, H.P by M/s Shri Bajrang Power & Ispat Ltd.—TOR regarding. 
54.   6‐165/10  Manufacturing of Spandex Yarns at village‐Lodhi Majra, Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt.‐ Solan(H.P) by M/s Indorama Industries 
55.   6‐01/90  Miscellaneous Correspondence in respect of projects in Himachal Pradesh 
56.   6‐02/90  Nathpa Jhakri (1500MW) 
57.   6‐05/90  Chamera Hydroelectric Project, Stage – I (540 MW) 
58.   6‐15/90  Kol Dam HEP(800 MW) 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

59.   6‐17/90  Heli Skiing activity near Manali (H.P.) 

60.   6‐19/90  Chamera HEP Stage – II (300 MW) 
61.   6‐20/91  Solution Salt Mining Project at H.P. Hindustan Salt ltd. 
62.   6‐21/91  Limestone Mining of Cement Plant by M/s Himachal Ambuja Cements. 
63.   6‐27/93  Baspa HEP Stage‐II (300MW) 
64.   6‐36/99  Parbati HEP Stage‐II (800MW) by NHPC Ltd. 
65.   6‐39/2000  Allain Duhangan (2x96 MW) at Prini, Tehsil‐Manali by A D Hydro Power Limited. 
66.   6‐40/2001  Neogal HEP (2x7.5 MW), Palampur, Dharamshala, Distt. Kangra. 
67.   6‐42/2001  Karcham Wangtoo HEP (100MW) 
68.   6‐44/2002  Chamera HEP Stage‐III (3X77MW) 
69.   6‐45/2002  Parbati HEP Stage‐III (501MW). 
70.   6‐81/07  Shontong Karcham‐(402 MW) HEP‐ by Kinnaur Kailash Power Corporation. 
71.   6‐104/08  Bhootmarhi (new name‐‐Sangarh) Limestone Mining of M/s Shri V.K. Waliya, Village Daduhu, Distt. Sirmour, H.P. – TOR 
72.   6‐106/08  Sangrah Limestone Mine of M/s Shri V.K. Waliya, Village Dadahu, Distt. Sirmour, H.P. – TOR reg. 
73.   6‐108/08  Bhimgoda Lime stone Mine of M/s Cement Ltd.  Distt. Sirmour, HP 
74.   6‐112/09  Expansion of Cement Grinding Unit (0.27 MTPA to 1.17 MTPA) at village‐Palasi, Tehsil‐Nalagarh,Distt. Solan, H.P by M/s 
Asian Concretes & Cements Pvt. Ltd. (ACC). 
75.   6‐117/09  44 MW Hydro Power Project at village‐Tagnu, Chirgaon, Rohroo, H.P by M/s Tangnu Romai Power Generation(P) Ltd. 
76.   6‐120/09  Development of Bio‐technology Park in Distt. Solan near Aduwal, Nalagarh by H.P Deptt. of Environment, Science & 
77.   6‐123/09  Cottages, flats & Multiplex at Amravati Hill City on Sabathu Road, Solan by M/s Amarnath Aggarwal Colonizers (P) Ltd. 
78.   6‐129/09  Setting up of Asbestos Cement sheet Plant of 200 MTPA (AC sheets & accessories) at village Kheri,Tirlokpur Road, Kala 
Amb,Tehsil‐Nahan, Distt. Sirmour by M/s Vardhman Roofing Pvt. Ltd. 
79.   6‐130/09  Dhamvari Sunda HEP(70 MW) in Shimla Distt. by M/s Dhamwari Power Co. Pvt. Ltd. 
80.   6‐134/09  Production of low/medium/ high carbon Ferro alloy and installation of gasification based Captive Thermal Power Plant 
10 MW at village‐Jagatpur, P.O‐Misserwala, Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour (H.P) by M/s Indian Technomac Co. Ltd. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

81.   6‐135/10  Setting up of an Industrial Unit for melting of brass metal and manufacturing of Brass wires (welding rods) village‐

Bhautilikalan, Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt.‐Solan by M/s Rajdeep Industries. 
82.   6‐136/10  Setting up of a 40 MW Dhaula Sidh Hydro Electric Project, Hamirpur (H.P) by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam‐prior permission 
for pre construction activities (TOR). 
83.   6‐142/10  Manufacturing of Lead Acid Batteries & UPS at village Handakundi, Baddi, Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt. Solan by M/s Fujikawa 
84.   6‐148/10  Expansion & diversification of existing unit for manufacturing of Stainless Steel billets, flats, metal recovery, slag 
processing, Portland cement, quick lime, CR coils, TMT bars, SS Pipes and fittings, Ferro Alloys, bright bars etc. by M/s 
Valley Iron & Steel Co.Ltd. at village‐Rampur Majri, PO‐Dhaula Kuan, Tehshil‐ Paonta Saheb, Distt. Sirmour. 
85.   6‐149/10  Expansion of existing unit for manufacturing of MS ingots  at Plot No.1 to 4, Industrial Area, Tehsil‐ Amb, Distt. Una(H.P) 
by Him Alloys & Steel (P) Pvt.Ltd. 
86.   6‐152/10  Revival and expansion of existing unit for manufacturing of Steel & Rolling by M/s Ashoka Alloys Steel Ltd., Village‐ 
Misherwala,Tehsil‐ Paonta Saheb, Distt.‐Sirmour (H.P). 
87.   6‐153/10  Project for manufacturing of Pozzolana Portland Cement at Plot No.12, 13, Industrial Area, Nagri,Tehsil‐ Palampur,Distt. 
–Kangra (H.P) by M/s Ultra Tuff Cement Industries. 
88.   6‐158/10  Residential colony at Sansiwalan, Barotiwala, Kasauli, Solan by M/s Sandalwoods Infratech Project Pvt. Ltd. 
89.   6‐33/98  Malana HEP (2 x 43MW) 
90.   6‐49/02  Malana Stage‐II HEP (100MW), Distt. Kullu by Everest Power Pvt. Ltd. 
91.   6‐68/06  2.54 Cement Plant at village‐Baga, Tehsil Arki, Distt. Solan by Jaypee Associates. 
92.   6‐71/06  Captive Lime Stone Mining Project of Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. Located in village Baga Bhalag, Distt. Solan 
93.   6‐71/06  Captive Lime Stone Mining Project of Jaiprakash Associates Ltd. Located in village Baga Bhalag, Distt. Solan 
94.   6‐79/07  Sainj HEP (100 MW) in village Niharni, District Kullu. 
95.   6‐107/08  Bajoli Holi HEP (180 MW) in chamba Distt. H.P. –Env clearance regarding. 
96.   6‐110/09  Expansion of the Bulk Drug Unit at village‐Takoli, P.O‐Nagwani, Distt. Mandi (H.P) by M/s Fermenta Biotech Ltd. 
97.   6‐114/09  Setting up of Aluminium Ingot Plant 20 TPD (Phase I) and expandable up to 30 TPD (Phase II) at Village Malot, Dhamtal, 
District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. 
98.   6‐121/09  Luxury Hotel at Kishangarh, Distt. Solan by M/s Delta Land Buildcon (P) Ltd. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

99.   6‐122/09  Dwelling Units/villas at Kishangarh, Distt.Solan by M/s Delanco Realtors(P) Ltd. 

100. 6‐125/09  Commercial complex at Sujanpur, P.O‐Baddi, Distt. Solan by M/s Motia Developers (P) Ltd. 
101. 6‐127/09  Residential housing colony at village‐Kalath near Dagshai, Distt. Solan, H.P by M/s Princeton Infrastructure (P) Ltd. 
102. 6‐131/09  Cement Grinding Unit (2.0 MTPA) and Integrated Multi‐fuel based Captive Thermal Power Plant (30 MW) at village‐Tikri 
(near Bagheri), Post‐Khillan,Tehsil‐ Nalagarh by J.P. Associates. 
103. 6‐138/10  Manufacturing of Lead Acid Batteries at Sansarpur Terrace, Tehsil‐Jaswan, Distt. Kangra(H.P) by Deepak Power Storage 
104. 6‐6/90  Largi Hydro Electric Project Stage – I (126 MW) 
105. 6‐75/07  Jangi‐Thopan Powari HEP (960 MW) in H.P. 
106. 6‐76/07  Widening and strengthening project of Parwanoo‐Solan Section of National Highway 22 section from Km 67.000 to Km 
106.000 of the existing 2 lanes to 4‐lane by M/s National Highway Authority of India. 
107. 6‐78/07  Beas Watershed Development Society, Kullu, H.P. 
108. 6‐82/07  Renuka Dam Project in distt.‐ Sirmour (H.P) by Pabbar Valley Power Corporation Ltd. 
109. 6‐83/07  Paper (Writing and Printing) Plant, Unit‐II (100 TPD) at Kala Amb Industrial Area, Nahan, Sirmour by Ruchira Papers Ltd. 
110. 6‐85/07  Cement (3.0 MTPA), Clinker (2.0 MTPA) and Captive Lime Stone mine (3.0 MTPA) at Mandi by M/s Lafarge India Pvt. 
Ltd. ‐ TORs reg. 
111. 6‐103/08  Housing Colony at Judikalan, Baddi,Tehsil‐Nalagarh (H.P) by M/s Shakun Infrastructure Development Ltd. 
112. 6‐105/08  Kuther HEP Project (260 MW) in Chamba Distt. HP. – Prescribing TOR. 
113. 6‐55/05  Gagal Limestone Mining (1.5MTPA) Barmana,  Bilaspur by ACC Ltd. 
114. 6‐58/05  Electroplating unit by M/s Himachal Fine Blank Ltd. Parwanoo Industrial Area, Solan, H.P. 
115. 6‐59/05  Radison Jass (5 Star Hotel) at Shimla by Bhagwan Dass Khanna Pvt. Ltd. 
116. 6‐60/05  M/s Holiday on Hill Resorts (M/s Destination) Private Ltd., Solan 
117. 6‐64/05  Expansion of Gagal Unit II of Gagal Cement Works by M/s ACC Ltd. 
118. 6‐65/06  Cement Plant (1.27 MTPA) at Chambi, Sundernagar, Distt.—Mandi by Harish Cement Ltd. 
119. 6‐72/06  Kashlog Limestone Mining Project by M/s Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.   
120. 6‐46/02  Kashang HEP (2x33MW), Recong Peo, Distt. Kinnaur. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

121. 6‐47/92  Uhl HEP Stage‐III (Revised 100 MW) 

122. 6‐49/02  Malana Stage‐II HEP (100MW),distt. Kullu by Everest Power Pvt. Ltd. 
123. 6‐51/04  Rampur HEP (400 MW). 
124. 6‐52/05  Bulk Drug Unit by Ranbaxy Ltd at Paonta Sahib 
125. 6‐53/05  Luhri HEP (465 MW)‐ site clearance (Stage‐I)  
126. 6‐174/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri of M/s Dev Raj Stone Crusher, Newada, Paonta Sahib, Sirmour,H.P‐ TOR . 
127. 6‐175/11  Mining lease of Sand Stone & Bajri of M/s Bharat Stone Crusher & Screening Unit, Distt. Una, H.P. TOR . 
128. 6‐176/11  Mining of Sand, Bajri & Boulder by M/s Mahavir Stone Crusher, Mohal Shiv Nagar, Mauza‐Takarla, Amb, Una, H.P‐TOR 
129. 6‐177/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri by M/s Sheetal Stone Crusher,‐Mauza Hathol, Nadaun, Hamirpur, H.P‐ TOR . 
130. 6‐178/11  Mining of Sand, Stone & Bajri by M/s Jai Bhole Stone Crusher, & P.O—Samtana Khurd, Barsar, Hamirpur, H.P‐ TOR . 
131. 6‐179/11  Mining of Sand, Stone & Bajri by M/s Lakhwinder Singh,‐Mauza Kothar Beet, Tehsil‐Haroli,District‐Una, H.P‐ TOR . 
132. 6‐180/11  Mining of Sand, Bajri and Boulder (minor minerals) by M/s Jai Baba Stone Crusher, Barsar, Hamirpur, H.P‐ TOR . 
133. 6‐181/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri(minor minerals) by M/s Goyal Crushing Company,‐Manpur Devra,Tehsil‐Paonta 
Sahib,District‐Sirmour, H.P‐prescribing TOR . 
134. 6‐182/11  Mining of Limestone by M/s Janki Mines & Minerals, Kamroo, Tehsil‐Paonta Sahib,District‐Sirmour, H.P‐ TOR . 
135. 6‐183/11  Sand, Stone and Bajri Mining by M/s Himachal Stone Crushing Co. at ‐Riyali, Tehsil‐ Fatehpur, Distt. Kangra, H.P—TOR . 
136. 6‐184/11  Sand, Stone and Bajri Mining by M/s Krishna Stone Crusher Co. at ‐Riyali, Tehsil‐ Fatehpur, Distt. Kangra, H.P—TOR . 
137. 6‐185/11  Sand, Stone and Bajri (minor minerals) Mining by M/s Diamond Enterprises at ‐Mauza Lodhwan, Tehsil‐ Nurpur, Distt. 
Kangra, H.P—TOR . 
138. 6‐186/11  Sand, Stone and Bajri(minor minerals) Mining by M/s Golden Karakjot Stone Crusher at ‐Riayali, Fatehpur, Kangra, 
139. 6‐187/11  Construction of Medium Iriigation Project, Nadaun, Hamirpur by I & PH Division, Hamirpur, distt.‐Hamirpur(H.P). 
140. 6‐188/11  Manufacturing of MS Ingots‐ 41,400 MTPA and MS Bars/MS Flats/Channels/Angles‐39,600 MTPA at Plot No.5, 
Industrial Area, Phase‐II, ‐Kala Amb,Tehsil‐Nahan, Distt. Sirmour, H.P by M/s Ambika Alloys. 
141. 6‐189/11  Chanju‐I HEP (36 MW), Chamba, H.P‐prescribing by M/s Indo Arya Central Trasport Ltd. TOR. 
142. 6‐190/11  Construction of Medium Irrigation Project, Nurpur, Kangra, H.P by the Executive Engineer, Phina Singh Irrigation  
143. 6‐191/11  Nakthan Hydroelectric Project (520 MW) in Kullu District by H.P Power Corporation Ltd. –TOR . 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

144. 6‐192/11  Cumulative Environment Impact Assessment Study for Sutlej Basin‐Approval of TOR’s . 

145. 6‐193/11  Action under section‐19 to different Mining Project in Himachal Pradesh 
146. 6‐147/10  Expansion of existing unit for manufacturing of Steel ingots, angles, channels, bars, rounds etc. by AAR AAR CASTINGS 
Ltd. at village‐Jharmajri, Tehsil‐Nalagarh, Distt. Solan. 
147. 6‐154/10  Seli HEP Project (320 MW) in Lahul & Spiti District, H.P by M/s Moser Baer Projects Pvt.Ltd. TOR 
148. 6‐156/10  Miyar HEP Project (90 MW) in Lahul & Spiti District, H.P by M/s Moser Baer Projcts Pvt. Ltd. 
149. 6‐160/10  Dhaula Sidh HEP Project (66 MW) in Hamirpur District, H.P by M/s SJVN Ltd.‐TOR 
150. 6‐163/10  Non ferrous metal Complex to manufacture 60,000 MTPA of Aluminium road products and 36,000 MTPA of Aluminium 
extrusion profiles at village Mohtli near Dhamtal,Tehsil‐Indora, Distt. Kangra, H.P by M/s Met Trade India Ltd. 
151. 6‐166/10  Development of Integrated Textile Park at Athmah Road, VPO‐Amb,Tehsil‐Amb,District‐ Una by M/s Himachal Textile 
Park Ltd. 
152. 6‐167/10  Grain based distillery unit(45 KLPD) at Sansarpur Terrace, Tehsil‐Jaswan Kotla, Distt.‐Kangra, H.P by M/s Premier 
Alcobev Pvt. Ltd. 
153. 6‐169/10  Sach Khas HEP (149 MW) in Chamba District, H.P by M/s L & T Power Develolpment Ltd.—TOR. 
154. 6‐170/10  Expansion of Steel Plant at Plot No.15, Gondpur Industrial Area, Phase‐III, Paonta Saheb, District‐Sirmour, H.P by M/sT.I 
Steel Private Ltd. 
155. 6‐173/11  Establishment of 45 KLPD grain based distillery and Brewery at village Bhangala, Tehsil‐Nalagarh by M/s Kala Amb 
Distillery & Brewery Pvt.Ltd. —TOR 
156. 6‐171/10  Construction Chirgaon‐Majhgaon HEP (60 MW) in Shimla District, H.P by M/s H.P Power Corporation Ltd. –TOR 
157. 6‐172/11  Arki Limestone Mining Project of M/s NMDC Limited located in village(s) Behli, Sujhala,Taal, Sherpur, Jhijawqan, 
Bapron, Seri and Kaug,Tehsil‐Arki, District‐Solan, H.P by M/s NMDC Ltd. 
158. 6‐194/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri of Shri Mohan Singh, Village Ratyod & P.O. Panjehra, Nalagarh, Solan, H.P. 
159. 6‐195/11  Clay mining from borrows areas of Kol Dam HEP (800 MW) from Mauza Kanaid and Chowk Tehsil‐Sundernagar, Distt. 
Mandi over an area of 273.11 bighas‐Public hearing regarding. 
160. 6‐196/11  Expansion of Plant for enhancement of production capacity of stainless steel, mild steel, flats, rounds and bars from 
29000 MTPA to 2,16,000 MTPA at village Palohari, Tehsil‐Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour(H.P).—public hearing regarding. 
161. 6‐197/12  Construction of Corporate Office Complex at Sanahan‐II, Malyana,           Shimla‐6, H.P by S.J.V.N Ltd.‐‐environmental  
clearance regarding.  

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

162. 6‐198/12  Construction of Group Housing Project at Kandaghat, Distt.  Solan(H.P) by M/s Prithvi Infra Developers Ltd.   

163. 6‐199/12  Construction of IEC University at HIMUDA Education Hub, Baddi,Distt. Solan(H.P) by M/s Vocational Education 
164. 6‐200/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri of Shri Sunil Kumar Garg, V.P.O. Dhabota, Nalagarh, Solan, H.P. 
165. 6‐201/11  Mining of Sand Stone & Bajri of Smt. Madhuri Saini, Village Berson, P.O. Majholi, Nalagarh, Solan, H.P. 
166. 6‐202/11  Sand Stone and Bajri Mining Project of Shri Kripal Singh, Village Nawagrawan, P.O. Panjehra, Tehsil Nalagarh, District – 
Solan, H.P. 
167. 6‐203/11  Mining of Sand Stone and Bajri of M/s Mahesh Stone Crusher, Kalruhi, Tehsil Amb, Una, H.P. 
168. 6‐204/12  Construction of Resort of 152 Rooms at village‐Bassa,Tehsil‐Theog,Distt. Shimla, H.P by M/s Mahindra Holidays & 
Resorts India Ltd.  
169. 6‐205/12  Gypsa 300 MW HEP on River Bhaga in Lahul & Spiti District of H.P by H.P Power Corporation Ltd.‐TOR regarding. 
170. 6‐206/12  Mininig of sand, stone and Bajri of Shri Sham Singh, village‐Pail, Tehsil‐Nurpur, District‐Kangra, H.P—prescribing TOR 
171. 6‐207/12  Show notice Mining of Sand Stone and Bajri Cases in H.P. ‐ TOR 
172. 6‐208/12  Establishment of Baddi Infrastructure SWCA Building, Baddi Barotiwala Road, Tehsil‐Baddi,Distt. Solan, H.P for Common 
Effluent Treatment Plant and Recovery Facility at village‐Kenduwal, Baddi, Distt. Solan by M/S Baddi Infrastructure Ltd. 
173. 6‐209/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand Bajri & Stone  (Minor minerals) of Shri Narinder Kumar Bhalla,  Village Judi Kalan, 
Judikhurd, Swaraj Majara, Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan, H.P ‐TOR‐Regarding.  
174. 6‐210/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand Bajri & Stone (Minor minerals) of Smt. Roshni Devi, Village Androla Uparla and 
Androla Nichala,  Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan, H.P – TOR‐Regarding.  
175. 6‐212/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand, Bajri & Stone (Minor minerals) of Smt. Roshni Devi, Village Jhandian, P.O. Keori, Tehsil 
Nalagarh, District Solan, H.P‐TOR –Regarding. 
176. 6‐213/12  Mining Lease for Sand, Stone and Bajri of M/s Maan Stone Crusher, Village Mauza Pubowal, Sub‐ Tehsil Haroli, District 
Una H.P.‐TOR‐Regarding. 
177. 6‐263/13  Widening and improvement of Existing alignment to 4‐Lanes of Solan‐shimla Section of NH‐22 in the state of Himachal Pr
by M/s NHAI‐Reg. 
178. 6‐264/13  Expansion of Baldhwa Limestone Mining Project of M/s Jai Singh Thakur & Sons Located in village Baldhwan, Tehsil 
Paonta Sahib, Sirmour, H.P. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

179. 6‐265/13  Limestone mining Project of M/s (Shri) K K Anand at village‐ Hiyona Tehsil Paonta Sahib Distt. Sirmour Himachal 

Pradesh (18.21 Ha)  
180. 6‐266/13  River bed Mining of sand Stone and Bajri of M/s Sanjay Kumar Bhutail at village Garli, PO Paraghpur, Tehsil Dehra, Distt 
Kangra, HP (13.3786 ha). TOR Reg. 
181. 6‐267/13  Mining lease of Sand Stone and Bajri (Minor Minerals) with Production Capacity of 1,70,500 MT/annum (ROM) of M/s 
Lakhwinder Singh, Located at Village Mauza Kothar, Beet, Haroli, Una, H.P. (7.2494 ha) 
182. 6‐268/13  Bathu Silica Boulders, Boulders, Sand & Bajri mining of M/s Himachal Chemicals & silicate works located at Mauza 
Batha, Tehsil‐Haroli distt Una H.P. (8.17 ha) ToR reg. 
183. 6‐269/13  Mauza Bathu Silica Boulders, Boulders, Sand 7 Bajri Mining of M/s Himachal Chemicals & Silicate Works located at 
Mauza Batha, Tehsil‐ Haroli Distt. Una H.P. (27.47 ha) ToR Reg. 
184. 6‐270/13  Mauza Khanni, Mohal Pali Sand, Stone & Bajri Mining Project of M/s Sh. Yudhbir Singh Located at village Mauza 
Khanni, Mohal Pali, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh (5.78 ha, 49,000 TPA)‐ToR reg. 
185. 6‐271/13  Bhootmarhi Limestone Mine of Shri Virender Kumar Walia, Mauza Mandoli, Tehsil Sangrah, District Sirmour, H.P. 
(32.57 ha) –ToR Regarding. 
186. 6‐272/13  Bajri Mine of M/s H.S.D Stone Crusher, Located at village‐Mauza Takarla, Tehsil‐Amb, district‐Una, Himachal 
Pradesh (16.0945 ha)‐ToR regarding.  
187. 6‐273/13  Sangrah Limestone Mine of Shri Virender Kumar Walia, Village Sangrah, District Sirmour, H.P. (8.055)‐ToR Reg. 
188. 6‐274/13  Mohkampur Nawada Stone Mining Project of M/s Gajender Pal Singh Located at Mohkampur Nawada, Tehsil‐Paonta 
Sahib Distt.Sirmour Himachal Pradesh (10.540 ha 83,700 TPA)‐ToR reg.  
189. 6‐275/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Kusum Kapoor, Prop. Kapoor Stone Crusher. 
190. 6‐276/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Aar Ess Grits. 
191. 6‐277/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Uma Stone Crusher. 
192. 6‐278/13  Mining of Stone/ Sand Bajri form the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Jagdamba Stone Crusher 
193. 6‐279/13  Mining/ Collection of Sand, Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of Jai Bhole Shankar Stone Crusher 
194. 6‐280/13  Mining/ Collection of Sand, Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Dhatwalia Stone Crusher 
195. 6‐281/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Sheetal Stone Crusher 
196. 6‐282/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Aradhana Lahu Udyog 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

197. 6‐283/13  Expansion of Building of Chitkara University 

198. 6‐284/13  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Uma Stone Crusher 
199. 6‐285/13  Environmental Public Hearing on the Proposal submitted by M/s Jagdama Stone Crusher, VPO Massiana, Hamirpur 
H.P. for Mining/ collection of Sand, Stone and Bajri Situated at Mohal Bari Mauza Dhaned Hamirpur, H.P. over an 
area of 1‐74‐85 Ha. 
200. 6‐286/14  Mining/ Collection of sand Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Jai Durga Stone Crusher 
201. 6‐287/14  Extraction of Stone from the Quarry for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Atharv stone Crusher 
202. 6‐290/14  Mining/Collection of Sand Stone and Bajri by M/s Mahesh war Stone Washing & Crushing Industry 
203. 6‐301/14  Mining of Sand, Stone Bajri for the Stone Cushing Unit of Ms. Ashalata Devi W/O Sh. Nand Lal 
204. 6‐302/14  Collection/Extraction of Sand, Stone & Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of Sh. Bharat Bhushan Kapil 
205. 6‐214/12  Dwelling units under married accommodation plan, Phase‐II for officers, JCO’s and other ranks at Snow View Point & 
Helipad area at Holta Camp, District‐Kangra, H.P. (pending for forest approval) 
206. 6‐215/12  Construction of Modern Whole Sale market for Fruit and Vegetables at Parala in Distt. Shimla. 
207. 6‐216/12  Establishment of 207 TPD Air Separation Unit increasing the storage capacity of liquid oxygen above 200 T at Kunjhal, 
Barotiwala Industrial Area, Distt. Solan(H.P) by Inox Air Products Ltd.—TOR regarding. 
208. 6‐217/12  River Bed Mining Project of Minor Minerals of Shri Ram  Kumar, Village Daso Majara, Kol, Malpur, Bhud, Tehsil  
Nalagarh, District Solan, H.P.—TOR regarding. 
209. 6‐218/12  Mining of Sand, Stone & Bajari of Shri Sunil Kumar Garg, Village & P.O. Dhabota, Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan, 
Himachal Pradesh. —TOR regarding. 
210. 6‐219/12  Mining of Sand, Stone & Bajari of M/s OM Stone Crusher, Village Hagwal, Tehsil Nurpur, District‐Kangra, Himachal 
Pradesh—TOR regarding. 
211. 6‐220/12  Barwas Limestone Mine of M/s Jakra Mines & Minerals,  Village Barwas, Tehsil Paonta Sahib, District Sirmour, H.P. (8.91 
ha). TOR regarding. 
212. 6‐221/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand Stone (Minor Minerals) of Shri Lachmi Chand, village Tikkari Bohri and Ambdahar, P.O. 
Lodhimajra, Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan, H.P. TOR regarding. 
213. 6‐222/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand Stone (Minor Minerals) of Shri Gurmit Singh, village Reru Uparla, P.O. & Tehsil 
Nalagarh, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh.TOR regarding. 
214. 6‐223/12  Mining of Sand Stone and Bajari of Shri Karan Singh Pathania Village Bain Attarian, Tehsil Indora, district Kangara 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

Himachal Pradesh. TOR regarding. 
215. 6‐224/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand, Bajari and Stone (Minor minerals) of Smt. Asha Rani Dang, village Baddi, Shitapur, 
Landewal, Kalyanpur & Kainduwal, Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan H.P. TOR regarding. 
216. 6‐225/12  Mining of Sand Stone and Bajari of Smt. Reena Tuli, Village Tipri, Tehsil Nurpur, District Kangara, Himachal Pradesh.TOR 
217. 6‐226/12  Widening & improvement of existing 2 lane with paved shoulder of 4 lane with paved shoulder of Kiratpur to Bilaspur 
section of NH‐21 from Km. 73.200 to Km. 134.500 in the State of Punjab & H.P—public hearing & TOR regarding. 
218. 6‐227/12  Gypsa 300 MW HEP on River Bhaga in Lahul & Spiti District of H.P by H.P Power Corporation Ltd.‐TOR regarding. 
219. 6‐228/12  TORs for Cumulative Impact Assessment Study for  Chenab Basin by Directorate of Energy, GO HP Concurrence reg. 
220. 6‐229/12  River Bed Mining Project of Sand Bajri & Stone (minor minerals) of Shri Jitender Singh, village Katha & Bhatauli Kalan, 
P.O. Baddi, Tehsil Nalagarh, District Solan, HP‐‐ TOR regarding. 
221. 6‐230/12  Mining of Sand Stone and Bajri of Shri R.K. Mahajan, Village Khanni, Tehsil Nurpur, district Kangra, Himchal Pradesh‐‐ 
TOR regarding. 
222. 6‐231/12  M/s Sanjay Chauhan Stone Crusher Prop. Sh Sanjay Chauhan, VPO Manoh, Tehsil Bhorani, Distt. Hamirpur, H.P. for for 
Collection of Sand Stone and  Bajari situated in Mauza Mehleta, Mohal Manoh Buhla & Beharwin Jattan Tehsil Bhoranj, 
Distt. Hamirpur over an area of 182‐17 Kanals. 
223. 6‐232/12  Municipal Solid Waste Management Project at  Village Kenduwal, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. by Chief Executive Officer, 
BBNDA, Baddi, Distt Solan H.P.—TOR  
224. 6‐233/12  Manufacturing of Pozzolona Portland Cement at Raja Ka Bagh,Tehsil‐Nurpur, Distt. Kangra by Himachal Cement 
225. 6‐234/12  Mining of Sand, Bajri and Boulder (minor minerals) by M/s Thakur Enterprises Prp. Rajinder Singh, VPO‐Chowki Mandir, 
Tehsil‐Bangana,District‐Una over area 9‐35‐30 hectares‐prescribing TOR regarding. 
226. 6‐235/12  Thana‐Plaun HEP (141 MW) Project in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh by M/s Himachal Pradesh Power 
Corporation Ltd. 
227. 6‐236/12  Triveni Mahadev HEP (78 MW) Project in Kangra & Mandi Districts of Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. 
228. 6‐237/12  Mining lease for Silicate Bouldersm situated in Khasra No. 303,304, 305 Total 8‐98‐35 Ha at Mauza Bathri, Part of 
Hum Khad Sub‐Tehsil‐aroli, District‐Una, Himachal Pradesh State‐ToR.  
229. 6‐238/12  Explorating drilling in PEL of Kangra Mandi in H.P. by M/s ONGC. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

230. 6‐239/12  Cement Plant (Product Mix only) Jeetpur Behri, Tehsil Amb District Una, H.P. 

231. 6‐240/12  Chemical Manufacturing Unit (chlorinated Parafin Plasticizer) Chlorinated Parafin (19200 MTA) and Hydroelectric Acid 
(38400 MTA) at PACL Caompur, Naya Nangal, District Ropar Punjab‐140125 by M/s Flow Tech Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. 
232. 6‐241/12  Environmental Public Hearing on the proposal Submitted by the Project Director (GM) National Authority of India, 
Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, Govt of India for widening and Improvement of the existing 4 lane alignment 
of Solan‐Shimla section of NH‐22 staring at Solan at KM 106,000 and ending at Delhi at Km 156.507 in the state of 
Himachal Pradesh.  
233. 6‐242/12  Dugar HEP (380 MW) Project in Chamba District in Himachal Pradesh by M/s Dugar Hydro Power Ltd.‐for TOR 
234. 6‐243/12  Teling HEP (94 MW) Project in Lahaul & Spiti District of Himachal Pradesh by M/s Telling Hydro Power Pvt.Ltd. 
235. 6‐244/12  Environmental Clearance for Setting up of R & D Facilities for National Defense Project at Paonta Sahib District 
Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defense (MoD). 
236. 6‐245/12  Setting up of Integrated Facility for Municipal Solid Waste Management 
237. 6‐246/12  Proposal for Mining / Extraction of Boulder, Sand and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit 
238. 6‐247/12  Proposal for Mining / Extraction of Sand, Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit 
239. 6‐248/12  Proposal for Mining / Extraction of Stone for the Stone Crushing Unit 
240. 6‐249/12  Sumte Kothang HEP (130 MW) in Lahul & Spiti, District in Himachal Pradesh by M/s Sumte Kothang Hydro Power Pvt. 
Ltd. ToR‐reg. 
241. 6‐250/12  Lara Sumta HEP (104 MW) Project in Lahul & Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh by M/s Lara Sumta Hydro Power Pvt. 
Ltd.‐ ToR‐reg. 
242. 6‐251/12  Housing & commercial Project at village judi Kalan Baddi, district Solan 
243. 6‐252/12  Proposal for Mining/Extraction of Stone for the Stone Crushing Unit 
244. 6‐253/12  Mauza Kunja Sand Stone & Bajri Mining Project with of 54,400 TPA (Khasra No.283/13/1) on River Yamuna of M/s 
Mahender Singh & Co. at Village Mauza Khunja, District‐Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh (10.25 Ha) ToR. reg.  
245. 6‐254/12  Proposal for Collection of Minor Minerals (Sand, Stone & Bajri) With Production capacity of 3, 00,000 TPA from River 
Giri for Raw material of Stone Crusher of M/s Allstone Mines & Minerals Pvt. Ltd. Village Rampur Ghat Tehsil Paonta 
Sahib, District Sirmour of Himachal Pradesh (19.8416 Ha) ToR‐reg.   
246. 6‐255/12  Project for Mining of Sand, Stone & Bajri. 

S. No.  File No.  Name of Project 

247. 6‐257/12  Miscellaneous Mining Cases. 

248. 6‐258/12  Mining /Collection of Sand Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Sanjay Chauhan 
249. 6‐259/12  Mining /Collection of Sand Stone and Bajri for the Stone Crushing Unit of M/s Sanjay Chauhan 
250. 6‐260/12  Clay Mining for Brick Kiln of M/s Honey Bricks Kiln 
251. 6‐55/05  Gagal Limestone Mining (1.5MTPA) Barmana,  Bilaspur by ACC Ltd. 
252. 6‐62/05  Consideration of limestone mine of M/s Harish cements, H.P. 
253. 6‐66/06  Sawra Kuddu HEP (110 MW) by HP SEB 
254. 6‐74/07  Site clearance from environmental angle in H.P. State (New Project) 
255. 6‐110/09  Expansion of the Bulk Drug Unit at village‐Takoli, P.O‐Nagwani, Distt. Mandi (H.P) by M/s Fermenta Biotech Ltd. 
256. 6‐112/09  Expansion of Cement Grinding Unit (0.27 MTPA to 1.17 MTPA) at village‐Palasi, Tehsil‐Nalagarh,Distt. Solan, H.P by 
M/s Asian Concretes & Cements Pvt. Ltd. (ACC). 
257. 6‐116/09  Expansion of Batteries Manufacturing Plant at village‐Rakh Ramsingh, Nalagarh, Distt.‐Solan, H.P by Eastman Auto & 
Power Ltd. 
258. 6‐168/10  Setting up of Steel Processing Unit (SPU), at Village – Kandrori, Distt. Kangra, H.P. 
6‐2/90  Nathpa Jhakri (1500MW) 
260. 6‐5/90  Chamera Hydroelectric Project, Stage – I (540 MW) 
261. 6‐35/99  Khalni Hydroelectric Project, Kangra, H.P. 
262. 6‐36/99  Parbati HEP Stage‐II (800MW) by NHPC Ltd. 
263. 6‐38/00  Stage I, Parbati HEP Stage‐III (501MW). 
264. 6‐45/02  Stage II, Parbati HEP Stage‐III (501MW). 
265. 6‐46/02  Kashang HEP (2x33MW), Recong Peo, Distt. Kinnaur. 
266. 6‐50/03  Bulk Drug at Morpen Village, Nalagarh road, near Baddi, Solan, H.P. 




S. No. File No. Case title and CWP No. etc. State/Court Advocate
l. 3-227/09-RO(NZ) Status
CWP No. 1293/2009 Barang Sain & Drs H.P. High Court Disposed
Vs UDI & Drs


2. 3-259/2010- Court case i.e CWP No. 586 of 2010 H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Pending
RO(NZ) titled Him Parivesh vis State of H.P. Sharma}



Himachal Pradesh
S. No. File No. Case title and CWP No. etc. State/Court Advocate Status
1. 3-202/2008-RO{NZ} CWP 1421/07 - AliainDuhangan HEP by Dhumia Ganga H.P. High Court Ms. ShilpaSood Letter written on
SangharshSamiti Vs. State of H.P. CGC 24.02.2014 for next

2. 3-205/2008-RO{NZ} Application No. of 2008 in Writ Petition (C) no.

date of hearing I
Supreme Court of No action pending I
202 of 1995 in the matter of Rahul Saxenavs UOI &ors. India from our office.
3. 3-217/2008-RO{NZ} CWP No. 2315 of 2008 titled as Rakesh Kumar & Others Vs. H.P. High Court Ms. ShilpaSood No information
Union of India & Others received since
4. 3-231/2009-RO{ NZ} CWP No. 1646 of 2009 DavaChhering Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, No information
9418095750 received since
5. 3-259/201O-RO{NZ} Court case i.e CWP No. 586 of 2010 titled Him Parivesh vis H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to
State of H.P. 9418095750 Manoj Gaur, MD, on
05.03.14 reg. latest
status I
6. 3-260/2010-RO{NZ} CWPIL No. 24 of 2009-Court on its motion vs State of H.P. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
9418095750 24.02.2014 to ASG reg.
latest progress
7. 3-264/2010-RO{NZ} CWP No. 1580 of 2010 titled Parmeshwar Singh Negi Vs. H.P. High Court Shri Ravinder Thakur Reminder sent to CGSC
UO\ before Hon'ble High Court of H.P. Vs. 9418020242 on 10/12/12 reg. latest
KarchamWangtoo HEP status
8. 3-268/2010-RO{NZ} Legal Notice under Section-80CPC regarding the illegalities H.P. Private Advoccte Parawise comments
and violation of provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act, Mr. Bansal sent to MoEFs on
1980 by M/s. JaypeeKarchamWangtoo HEP in carrying out 06.02.10
mining and construction activities of the Project.
9. 3-274/10 Petition for special leave to appeal (Civil) no. 22046­ Supreme Court of -­ Next date of hearing
22052/2010 in Hon'ble Supreme Court of India - Barang India 08.07.14
Sain and Others Vs UOI and Ors.
10. 3-275/2010-RO(NZ} CWP No. 6024 of 2010 titled Rajinder Singh versus Union of H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
India and others regarding Kashang Hydroelectric Project, 9418095750 24.02.14 reg. latest
Distt.-Kinnaur (H.P) progress
11. 3-276/10-RO( NZ} Petition to special leave to appeal (Civil) no. 25216 of 2010 Supreme Court of Letter written on
in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, Barang Sain and Ors India 08.12.10
Vs UOI & Ors.


Himachal Pradesh
S. No. File No. Case title and CWP No. etc. State/Court Advocate Status
12. 3-292/2011-RO(NZ) Court case Le. CWP No. 6336 of 2011 titled Dinesh Kumar vs H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
Union of India about NathpaJhakri HEP: 9418095750 24.02.14 reg. next date
of hearing
13. 3-294/2011-RO(NZ) Court case Le. CWP No. 7343 of 2011 titled Dharam Pal & H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
. Others vs State of H.P about J.P Cement Plant at Bagha, 9418095750 24.02.14 reg. latest
Tehsil-Arki, Distt. Solan (H.P) progress

14. 3-296/2011-RO(NZ) Court case Le CWPIL No. 13/2006 titled Court on its own H.P High Court Shri San deep Sharma, Case is retained in I
motion vs State of H.P regarding Common Effluent 9418095750 High Court for hearing
Treatment Plant at Kainduwal, H.P by M/s Baddi Letter written to ASG
Infrastructure. on 15.07.13
15. 3-297/2011-RO(NZ) Court case Le. CWP No. 8171 of 2011 titled Ajay Kumar H.P High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to ASG
Negivs Union of India and others about Tidong Hydro 9418095750 on 21.02.14 reg. latest
Electric Project Stage-I in Distt. Kinnaur, (H.P) status
16. 3-299/2011-RO(NZ) Court case Le. CWP No. 8945 of 2011 titled Tikendar Singh H.P High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Matter relates to
(File with Forest Panwarvs State of H.P about construction of road with 9418095750 Forests
Wing) irregularities.
17. 3-300/2011-RO(NZ) CWPI L No. 40 of 2011- Court on its own motion vs State of H.P High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to ASG
ofH.P. 9418095750 on 11/03/14 to
intimate this office
reg. the latest status
18. 3-311/2012-RO(NZ CWPIL No. 26 of 2009-Court on its own motion vs State of H.P High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to MoEF
of H.P. regarding Ropeway by Jagsons International Ltd. 9418095750 on 23.12.13

19. 3-319/2012-RO(NZ) Court case CWP No. 3053/2012 titled Rama Stone Crusher H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
vs UOI, CWP No.3054/2012 titled Luxmi Stone Crusher vs 9418095750 21.02.14 to ASG reg.
UOI, CWP No.3055/2012 titled M/s Ram Sons vs UOI, CWP the next date of
No.3056/2012 titled M/s Doon Stone Crusher vs UOI, CWP hearing
No.3057/2012 titled ShashiAdlakhaPritamvs UOI, CWP
No.3558/2012 titled Suneel Kumar Gargvs UOl, CWP
No.3059/2012 titled M/s Shiv Bhawani Stone Crusher vs
UOI, CWP No.3060/2012 titled M/s Sarsa Stone Crusher vs
UOI, CWP No.3062/2012 titled M/s Shiva Stone Crusher vs
UOI, CWP No.3063/2012 titled M/s Singh Stone Crusher


Himachal Pradesh
~ S.No. File No. case title and CWP No. etc. State/Court Advocate Status
vsUOI and CWP NO.3064/2012 titled Gurcharan Singh vs
UOI, CWP No. 3161/2012 titled Roshni Devi vs UOI, CWP
No. 3162/2012 titled Harcharan Singh vs UOI, CWP
No.3163/2012 titled Mohan Singh vs UOI pending before
the Hon'ble High Court of H.P at Shimla.
20. 3-330/12-RO(NZ) Collection of Minor minerals by M/s Bharat H.P. -­ Miscellaneous
2l. 3-333/2012-RO(NZ) SLP No. 20561-64/2012 J.P. Associates ltd Vs Him Parivesh Supreme Court of MoEFs is asked to
&Ors India provide desired
information vide our
letter dated 05.03.14
22. 3-347/2012-RO(NZ) Court case i.e. CWP No. 10142 of 2012 titled Pawan Kumar H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to ASG

vs State of H.P and others-request for parawise comments 9418095750 on 25.02.14 to provide
regarding. desired information
23. 3-349/2012-RO(NZ) Court Case i.e. CWP No. 10263/2012 titled HP Court bar H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written on
Association vs. UOI 9418095750 21/12/12 to file reply
affidavit to MoEFs and
24. 3-351/2012-RO(NZ) CWP No.5640/2012-titled RakeshChanderv5 State of H.P. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to ASG
9418095750 on 25.02.14 to provide
desired information
25. 3-352/2012-RO(NZ) CWPIL No.46/2011-titled Court in its own motion H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter written to ASG
9418095750 on 25.02.14 to provide
desired information
26. 3-375/2013-RO(NZ) CWP No. 15/2010 its own motion vs State of H.P. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Action pending from I
9418095750 MoEFs

27. 3-394/2013-RO(NZ) Court Case i.e. W.P (C) No.4665 of 2013 titled Haroli block H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Letter is written to
Industries Association Vs. State of H.P and other Pending 9418095750 ASG to provide next
the Hon'ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla. date of hearing
28. 3-396/2014 CWP No. 6057 of 2013-F A/W CWP No. 2131 of 2013-D H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma, Pending case of E.c.
may be transferred to
RakeshChander Vs. 9418095750
29. 3-401/2014 CWP No. 1130/2014 titled M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd. vs. UOI H.P. High Court Shri SandeepSharma, Letter written to MoEF
9418095750 on 28.03.14




.' S. No. File No. Case title and CWP No. etc. State/Court Advocate Status
1. 3-142/04-RO( NZ) CWP no. 490/2004 H.P. High Court Disposed
2. 3-127/03-RO(NZ) CWP no. 3/03 Krishan Lal Shah Vs Ors - Cham era HEP-II H.P. High Court Disposed
3. 3-219/2008-RO(NZ) CWP No. 343 of 2009 titled as Dula Ram Vs. State of H.P. H.P. High Court Shri Kulbhushan Khajuria Disposed
& Others & Shri Sandeep Sharma,
4. 3-227/09-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1293/2009 Barang Sain & Ors Vs UOI & Ors H.P. High Court Disposed
5. 3-230/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1706 of 2009 Lal Singh Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
6. 3-232/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1647 of 2009 Budhi Singh Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
7. 3-233/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1648 of 2009 Hans Raj Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
8. 3-234/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1649 of 2009 SangyaSukh Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
9. 3-235/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1650 of 2009 GainChhering Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
10. 3-236/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1651 of 2009 SantuLal Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
11. 3-237/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1652 of 2009 KrishanLal Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on
12. 3-238/2009-RO(NZ) Case of 2009 MangaIDass&Ors. Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on 1
18.11.2009 1

B. 3-239/2009-RO(NZ) Case of 2009 Mukesh Kumar &Ors. Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on
14. 3-240/2009-RO(NZ) Case of 2009 ShriBhagNandNegi& Ors. Vs. UOI & Ors. H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on
15. 3-243/2009-RO(NZ) Civil Suit NO.1 of 2009 of M/s JaypeeKarcham Hydro H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on
Corpn. Ltd. Vs. Sh. Bhim Singh &Ors. 09.08.2010
16. 3-245/2009-RO(NZ) CWP No. 1168 of 2008 titled as H.P. High Court Sh. Yash Paul Singh Dismissed on
Raolnderjeet Singh Vs. UOI & Ors. Dhaulta 28.10.2009

17. 3-256/2010-RO(NZ) CWPIL No.15/2009-reg Grinding and Blending Unit at H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed
Bagheri, Nalagarh
18. 3-257/2010-RO(NZ) Court case i.e. CWP No. 30 of 2010 titled Harbhajan H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Dismissed on
Singh and others vis State of H.P.
Court case i.e CWP No. 426 of 2010 titled Hakam Ram H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma
29.06.2010 I
19. 3-258/2010-RO(NZ) Dismissed on
and others vis State of H.P. 29.06.2010
20. 3-374/2013-RO( NZ) Court case i.e. CWP No. 2131 of 2013 titled Rakeshvs H.P. High Court Shri Sandeep Sharma Disposed on 17.10.13
State & Union of India regarding mining matter
1.   33‐1/03  Una Chemicals Pvt. Ltd, Una (Zn) 
2.   33‐2/05  Indo Plast Ltd., Parwanoo, (Zinc ash 452 MTA) 
3.   33‐3/05  Him Chemical, Nalagarh 
4.   33‐4/05  (M/s Hariom Enterprises, Una; (Zinc ash recycler) 
5.   33‐5/05  M/s Harihar Industries, Una; (Zinc ash 1000 MTA) 
6.   33‐6/05  M/s Shankar Industries, Kangra, Damtal, (Used Lead Acid Battery Plates—500 MTA) 
7.   33‐7/09  Lead acid Battery Plates/ Lead Scrap‐ 100 MTA ; M/s A.P. Product, Kala‐Amb Sketi Road, Dist Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh 

k / I

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