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Angelou Almeria Sentence Fluency

70 mins Grade 3

Lesson: Introducing Sentence Fluency

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
- Learning the purpose of Sentence Fluency
and applying it with their own

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is sentence fluency? The student will . . .
2. What are the traits of sentence fluency? - Understand the purpose of sentence fluency
- Be able to enumerate and identify the key
qualities Sentence Fluency Traits

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5 mins. 1. Open the class by showing the students two examples of sentences (make them read it
Sentence A: I have a dog. I have a cat.
Sentence B: I have a dog and a cat.
- Ask the students which sentence is better (Sentence B)
- Explain why Sentence B is better than Sentence A: Sentence B is better than Sentence A
because it has fluency in its sentence. And today we are going to learn what is sentence
fluency the different key qualities of it.

Developing the Lesson

5 mins 1. Explain to the students what Sentence Fluency is:
- Sentence Fluency refers to the way words and phrases flow in a sentence. It makes our
writing pleasing to the eyes and ears of the readers.
10 mins 2. Introduce the key qualities of Sentence fluency:
 The words and phrases read smoothly and rhythmically.
 The sentences are correctly constructed.
 The fragments, if present, are intentional and work as a stylist effect.
 The sentences begin in different ways.
 The sentences are varied and has different lengths.
- As we write sentences, we need to remember that it should flow easily and has a rhythm.
We should try to write sentences that has a pleasing sound when we read it aloud.
3. Ask the students if they remember some of the stories that they liked to hear aloud when
20 mins
they were younger. Instruct them that you will go to the library to get the books or poems
that they liked. Go back to the classroom and ask them to look for some few lines that
they liked in the book.
- Give them the Think About: Smooth and Rhythmic Phrasing reproducible page and
discuss the different techniques that the author used.
- Tell the students that you will share a picture book and ask them to listen very carefully to
the sound of the sentences. After reading, ask them if they think the sentences in the book
is fluent.
Angelou Almeria Sentence Fluency
70 mins Grade 3

4. Read the book again, this time ask the student to listen carefully for their favorite
sentence and write it down.
- Ask the students to pair up and share the lines that they liked. Then ask volunteers to read
15 mins their selected sentences to the whole class. Explain why it is memorable and sounded
- Tell the students that they will learn how to write this kind of sentences in the next lesson.
Closing the Lesson
- Tell the students that they will learn how to write this kind of sentences in the next lesson.
10 min - Review what sentence fluency is.
- Review the traits that you discussed

Formative Assessment Differentiation

- Pair and share with their classmates - Reading aloud for the Audio learners
- Sharing about their observations with the - Reading the picture books for the visual
whole class. learners
- Pair and share for the Kinesthetic learners.


Evaluation and Reflection

Angelou Almeria Sentence Fluency
70 mins Grade 3


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment copied from the unit plan in order to ●
keep the goal in mind during the writing and implementation of the lesson
Guiding these questions guide the inquiry for the lesson, leading students toward ●
Questions a rich understanding of the objectives for the lesson and ultimately, the
● Factual- knowledge or fact-based questions
● Conceptual- questions that enable exploration of big ideas that
connect facts and topics
● Debatable- questions that expose areas of ambiguity, disagreement,
or tension within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a result of the instruction, this is ●
what the students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do.
These should align with and lead to the unit understandings, knowledge
and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for each stage of the lesson. Enables ●
effective time-management for the teacher.
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will engage the learner, producing ●
Lesson creative tension. May include review and/or activation of prior
Developing the The content learned and the strategies employed towards that end ●
Closing the A conclusion or review of what was learned, providing closure to the ●
Lesson lesson.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that provides feedback that can be used to ●
Assessment plan or alter instruction. Should prepare students for the summative
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners ●

Resources any texts, materials, technology, people, places or other resources that ●
have informed the unit and learning experiences
Evaluation and Reflect on using the lesson and evaluate the lesson plan and ask the ●
Reflection following questions:
 Did my students come to understand the main idea, essential understandings?
 Do my students know what they are supposed to? Can they perform the unit
skills? Do they value what was intended?
 What was most effective? least effective?
 What changes will I make for next time?

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