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John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks

Grade 10, Grade 11

Lesson: Chapter 9

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Chapter Test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
 What confirms, for Louise, that the  Be able to identify the theme of chapter
Captain is Hiram Wallace? Why does 9.
she believe this?  Be able to define and understand
 How is Auntie Braxton’s relationship vocabulary words.
with the women in the island? Why?  Review chapter 9 based on the guiding
 What makes the Captain think that questions from their assignments to
Auntie Braxton has more money than prepare them for the upcoming test.
most of the islanders?  Be able to cite passages from the novel to
 What information does the Captain support their answers.
reveal about the source of Auntie
Braxton’s money?
 What is the SPCA (p.115)?
 How does the Captain plan to dispose of
the cats?
 How does Louise feel about this idea?
How is this feeling compared with the
rest of Louise’s personality?
 What does Louise offer to do in order to
save all of Auntie Braxton’s cats from
being killed?
 How does Caroline treat Louise when
Louise enters the house soaking wet after
her swim? What is Louise’s response?
 Why do the Captain and Call return with
the cats?
 What does Caroline suggest they do with
the cats? How well does her plan work?
 How does Louise regard her sister’s
successful solution?
 In the last line of the chapter, Louise
says, “I felt as I always did when
someone told the story of my birth.”
What does she mean?
John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks
Grade 10, Grade 11

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
5mins Introduction-
 Prayer
 The teacher, since this is his very first academic class, will briefly introduce
himself while distributing blank papers to students. These blank papers will be
used to write their names and make a triangle out of it, with their names facing
towards the teacher.
 Adding up to that, the teacher will tell the students what is the objective of today’s

Ice-Breaker activity- One-minute sentence- Students will be grouped; each group

5mins consisting of 3-4 members. The teacher will hand over blank papers and the students will
be answering the question: “What do you think is the theme of chapter 9 alone? (Recap:
Theme is the main idea of the story) Try to recall some passage(s) from Chapter 9 to
support your answer.”
 After being given a minute to compose their sentence, the students will group up,
discuss/share with their neighbors of what they think the theme is, will choose the
best theme in which everyone will be agreeing to, and finally one member of each
group shares into the whole class what their group decided the theme is.

Developing the Lesson

5mins Vocabulary words- The teacher, together with the students, will recall the passage where
the vocabulary words can be found and define it as the way it is used.
1. Aberrations (p. 110)- a departure of what is normal, usual, or expected, typically
an unwelcome one
2. Flabbergasted (p. 112)- surprised greatly, astonished.
3. Coax (p. 120)- arrange carefully into a particular shape or position
4. Nocturne (p. 120)- a short composition of a romantic nature
5. Paregoric (p. 123)- a medicine
6. Befuddled (p. 124)- cause to become unable to think clearly
20mins Discussion/Review of the Guiding Questions (Cite passages while answering)
1. What confirms, for Louise, that the Captain is Hiram Wallace? Why does she
believe this?
2. How is Auntie Braxton’s relationship with the women in the island? Why?
3. What makes the Captain think that Auntie Braxton has more money than most of
the islanders?
4. What information does the Captain reveal about the source of Auntie Braxton’s
5. What is the SPCA (p.115)?
6. How does the Captain plan to dispose of the cats?
7. How does Louise feel about this idea? How is this feeling compared with the rest
of Louise’s personality?
8. What does Louise offer to do in order to save all of Auntie Braxton’s cats from
being killed?
9. How does Caroline treat Louise when Louise enters the house soaking wet after
her swim? What is Louise’s response?
10. Why do the Captain and Call return with the cats?
11. What does Caroline suggest they do with the cats? How well does her plan work?
John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks
Grade 10, Grade 11

12. How does Louise regard her sister’s successful solution?

13. In the last line of the chapter, Louise says, “I felt as I always did when someone
told the story of my birth.” What does she mean?

5mins Closing the Lesson

 Gathering of the papers (identifying the theme)
 Question Panel
 Reminders of quiz in the next period.
 Mr. Raymond’s announcements (if any)

5-10 BREAK

Next Session:
Overseeing the Test
15mins  Self-Study- the teacher will be supervising the self-study, ensuring the students are
reviewing for the test.
30mins  Test

Formative Assessment Differentiation

 Group discussion regarding theme.
 Guiding questions: Oral recitation/class

 Shmoop Editorial Team. "Jacob Have I Loved Chapter 9 Summary." Shmoop. Shmoop
University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 12 Feb. 2018.
 Powerpoint Presentation
 Test papers (Provided by UPH-C)
 Markers and whiteboard (if necessary)
John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks
Grade 10, Grade 11

Teacher’s Notes:
Chapter 9: Summary

 Now that everyone knows for sure that the Captain is actually Hiram Wallace, one mystery is
 But now, there’s another problem: what to do about Auntie Braxton’s house?
 The Captain suggests that he, Call, and Louise clean it up. First, though, they have to get rid of the
cats—and by “get rid of”, the Captain means kill them.
 Louise is pretty horrified by the idea, but in the end, she agrees to round up the cats. She and Call
get 16 of them into big bags, and then the Captain gets his boat. He plans to take them out on the
bay and drown them.
 As the death cruise sets sail, though, Louise just can’t do it, so she jumps out of the boat and
swims back to land, and then she runs all the way back home.
 Caroline is actually being really nice, though, and she offers to help Louise, so Louise finally tells
her everything.
 Caroline suggests that she head back to Auntie Braxton’s house to help everyone clean up.
Figuring she has nothing else to do, Louise agrees.
 When the two girls get to the house, they see the Captain and Call with two bags of cats. The
explained that they just couldn’t kill the cats—they sounded like crying babies.
 Caroline suggests another plan: they feed the cats paregoric, a kind of drug that gets them calmed
down enough not to look like starving, wild beasts.
 With the cats soothed, Caroline takes them around door to door, pushing them on people.
Everyone loves Caroline, plus the cats look so sweet all drugged up, so the kittens are all adopted
in no time.
 Back at Auntie Braxton’s house, Call and Caroline talk about unloading the cats with the Captain,
and everyone laughs, except Louise.

Guiding Question Answers:

1. By using Auntie Braxton’s first name , Trudy- It is a name nobody had used for her since she was
a young woman
2. She has been considered “strange” and had been on very strained terms with the other women of
Rass- Strained “Showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness”
3. Because Auntie Braxton’s father had plenty of money, yet always let his wife and child scrimp by
on next to nothing.
4. Because Trudy’s father was rich, and when he died, Trudy found the money and told the
Captain’s mom, so he knew.
5. SPCA- Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
6. Kill by drowning
7. She is against this idea. She wouldn’t want them to kill the cats and even applied a bible verse in
the 10 commandments “Thou shalt not kill”
8. Sarah Louise offers to take care of them; She said they could take them to the mainland, places
like orphanages for animals.
9. She treats her kindly by offering her help and got her towels. Louise began to cry because
Caroline’s kindness broke down all her usual defenses.
10. They couldn’t do it, the cats sounded like babies.
11. Drugged them to be calm and give them away door to door.
12. She described how the people would treat Caroline and also would describe Caroline’s sweet
John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks
Grade 10, Grade 11

Teacher’s Notes:
 Theme: Abstract insight revealed by a story
Main idea of a Story
 Write on the board regarding number the second criteria: (Abstract- Humankind, Concrete- Dr.
James) and (Abstract- Number, Concrete- seven)
 “Don’t worry if you don’t know, just try  ”
 Give students a minute to write their answers then let them discuss with their neighbors for a
minute or two then round then up.
 Class discussion then share your opinion “In my opinion, the theme of this chapter is “Jealousy
overpowers appreciation” (we can see that Louise admits and concedes that her sister “did it
again” yet the way she tells us this is without appreciation and she even said this, and I quote: “I
felt as I always did when someone told the story of my birth.”
 “Good job everyone for this activity!”
 #1- A departure of what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one. (Out of things
 #2- Surprised greatly, astonished.
 #3 and #4- Coax- arrange carefully into a particular shape or position
Nocturne- A short composition of a romantic nature, typically from a piano. (Music)
 #5- An old Medicine (used to treat diarrhea & coughing in children).
 #6- Cause to become unable to think clearly (confused).
Discussion/Review of the Guiding Questions
1. page 110 line 1- (By using Auntie Braxton’s first name, Trudy- It is a name nobody had used for
her since she was a young woman)
2. Page 111 Line 6 or so- (She has been considered “strange” and had been on very strained terms
with the other women of Rass- Strained “Showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness”)
3. Page 112 4th Paragraph Line 1- (Because Auntie Braxton’s father had plenty of money, yet
always let his wife and child scrimp by on next to nothing)
4. Page 112 4th Paragraph Line 3 (Because Trudy’s father was rich, and when he died, Trudy
found the money and told the Captain’s mom, and his mom told him, so he knew)
5. Page 115- (SPCA- Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
6. Page 113 second to the last paragraph- (Kill by drowning)
7. Page 114 (a couple of lines, 1st, 2nd, 3rd) - She is against this idea. She wouldn’t want them to kill
the cats and even applied a bible verse in the 10 commandments “Thou shalt not kill”
8. Page 114 “1st”- Sarah Louise offers to take care of them; She said they could take them to the
mainland, places like orphanages for animals.
9. Page 118 & 119 & 120- (She treats her kindly by offering her help and got her towels. Louise
began to cry because Caroline’s kindness broke down all her usual defenses)
10. Page 121- (They couldn’t do it, the cats sounded like babies)
11. Page 122- (Drugged them to be calm and give them away door to door)
12. Page 123- (She described how the people would treat Caroline and also would describe
Caroline’s sweet character)
13. Page 124 last line- (I felt as I always did when someone told the story of my birth), She felt
unimportant, unloved, neglected.
Any Questions?

Bring back the Attitude of Louise:

Chapter 8, kill Caroline= Happy “Ha ha ha”
Chapter 9, kill cats= Cry
John Christian Genoguin Jacob Have I Loved 16 Weeks
Grade 10, Grade 11

Relate to theme of Jealousy overpowers appreciation

 Gathering of paper (Theme)
 Reminders for quiz after the break
 Mr. Raymond’s announcements (if any)

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