Prime Factorization

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Angelou Almeria Prime Factorization

35 Grade 3

Lesson: Prime Factorization

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
- To teach the students what prime
factorization is and how to do the

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is prime numbers? The student will . . .
2. What is factor? - Know what prime numbers is
3. What is prime factorization? - Be able to define factors
4. How to do Prime Factorization? - Be able to apply prime factorization

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10mins Beginning the Lesson
- Review students’ prior knowledge about prime numbers and what factor is.
 Prime numbers can be divided evenly only by 1 and itself
 Factors are the numbers that you multiply together to get another number.

Developing the Lesson

- After knowing what prime numbers and factors is, introduce what prime factorization is.
 Prime factorization is finding which prime numbers to multiply to get the original
 Give numbers to use as an example to the students

 Step 1: Find the factors of the given number

 Step 2: If the numbers are not yet prime numbers, factor it again until all the
numbers are prime
 Step 3: Write all the prime numbers as the final answer.

Closing the Lesson

20mins - Give the students a worksheet to work on.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Angelou Almeria Prime Factorization
35 Grade 3

- Worksheet about the prime factorization


Evaluation and Reflection

Angelou Almeria Prime Factorization
35 Grade 3


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment copied from the unit plan in order to ●
keep the goal in mind during the writing and implementation of the lesson
Guiding these questions guide the inquiry for the lesson, leading students toward ●
Questions a rich understanding of the objectives for the lesson and ultimately, the
● Factual- knowledge or fact-based questions
● Conceptual- questions that enable exploration of big ideas that
connect facts and topics
● Debatable- questions that expose areas of ambiguity, disagreement,
or tension within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a result of the instruction, this is ●
what the students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do.
These should align with and lead to the unit understandings, knowledge
and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for each stage of the lesson. Enables ●
effective time-management for the teacher.
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will engage the learner, producing ●
Lesson creative tension. May include review and/or activation of prior
Developing the The content learned and the strategies employed towards that end ●
Closing the A conclusion or review of what was learned, providing closure to the ●
Lesson lesson.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that provides feedback that can be used to ●
Assessment plan or alter instruction. Should prepare students for the summative
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners ●

Resources any texts, materials, technology, people, places or other resources that ●
have informed the unit and learning experiences
Evaluation and Reflect on using the lesson and evaluate the lesson plan and ask the ●
Reflection following questions:
 Did my students come to understand the main idea, essential understandings?
 Do my students know what they are supposed to? Can they perform the unit
skills? Do they value what was intended?
 What was most effective? least effective?
 What changes will I make for next time?

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