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Irrigation design II

"Control Structures"
4th Civil Engineer

Part 2
Regulators and Barrages
Dr. Morsy Anwar Morsy
Associate Professor

Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics


Regulators and Barrages

1- Introduction (Types &Location of Regulators)

2- Hydraulic Design of Regulator

3- Structural Design of Regulator
3-1 Design of Pier
3-2 Design of floor
3-3 Design of Controller Gates
4- Regulation of discharge by gates
5- Examples
Regulators and Barrages


• As mentioned in the previous part (I), weirs are used to control

irrigation water in steep slope lands, as in Fayoum region of Egypt.
• Regulators are used to control irrigation water in flat land, as in lower
and Upper Egypt region.
• The levels of water in the down stream of regulators are governed by the
discharges and hydraulic characteristics of the canal
• In general, regulators are better control structures than weirs because of
the existing of the controller steel gates.
• In general, regulators control discharge and water level in down-stream
and make to raise water level and decrease water slope in up-stream
(Heading up – back water curve).
Mean land slope in Egypt:

10 cm/k.m in Lower- Egypt region

12 cm/k.m in Upper- Egypt region
200 cm/k.m in Fayoum region
So that, irrigation water is controlled by regulators in Upper and Lower
Egypt, while, weirs are used in fayoum region.

Advantages of Regulators to weirs


1. Regulator may be fully opened at flood time giving enough water

way area to avoid excess heading up
2. Both U.S. & D.S. water levels are controlled
3. Minimize silting at U.S.

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Classification of Regulators:

I – According to purpose:

1- Regulation of Discharge “Q”

2- Regulation of Water slopes (velocity)
3- Measurement of Discharge “Q”
4- Division or Diversion of Discharge
5- Change in bed slope

II – According to Material (Type of Construction)


1- Masonry Arch Regulator

2- Mixed Type Regulator (masonry + R.C.)
3- R.C. Regulator

III- According to location

As mentioned in the following figures, the regulator may be classified
according to its location, as follow:-
1- Head regulator
2- Intermediate regulator
3- Barrage (Big Intermediate regulator) on Nile River
4- Escape- regulator ( for Nile-River), such as(- Faraskor at Domitta
branch – Idfina at Rosita branch)
5- Diversion Regulator (Group of Regulator)

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Function of regulators
1- Intermediate Regulator
- Control down–stream discharge and water level.
- Raise up–stream water level to provide the necessary water
level surface elevation at intake of the upstream branch
- Decreases up–stream water-slope.
- Spacing between intermediate regulators is about 5 k.m. in
branch canals and 10 k.m. in main canals

2- Head Regulator
Are built at the inlets of the branch canals to control the
passing discharge and water–level in down stream by varying the
gate opening. Head regulators of big canals on the Nile River have
an approach (guide) canal of length ranges from 100 to 200m as a
protection against any damage of river bank and to allow
maintenance operation of the structure.

3- Barrages
Are big intermediate regulators built across Nile River, such as
(Esna – Naga Hammadi – Assiut and Delta barrages). The functions
of barrages are:-
• Control of water level of the upstream branch canals
• Control the passing down stream discharge
• Produce power electricity , as, New Esna barrage
4- Escape Regulator
Are built at the tail of the Nile River or big canals to spill excess
water of canal into drain

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Main Barrages on the Nile River
I- Upper Egypt
Old Aswan Dam
Esna (old and new) Barages
Naga Hamad (old and new) Barrages

II- Middle Egypt

Assuit (old and new) Barrages

III- Lower Egypt

Old and New Delta Barrages on Domitta and Rostta Branches
Zefta and Faraskour Barrages on Domitta Branch
Edfina Barrages on Rostta Branch

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Mapping of Major Barrages on the Nile River and its Rayhes

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Location of the major Barrages and Regulator

On the Nile River and Its Branches

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Locations of Dams and Barrages on the Nile River

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Rasheed Barrage

Edfina Baraage

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El Rayh El- Tawfiky Barrag

Rayha El-Behery Barrage

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Rayhe El – Monufi Barrage

Rayhe El – Abasy Barrage

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El- Ismailia regulator

Domeitta Barrag

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Naga Hamaad Barrage

Esna Barrage

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Assuit Barrage

Ebrahemia Barrage

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Longitudinal Section of the spillway of New Naga Hammadi Barrage

Shows a Longitudinal Section of the spillway of the New Esna Barrage

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