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POQ 503:Production and Operations Management

Course Code: POQ 503

Course Hand-out
Academic Year: 2017-18

Course Credits: 03

POQ 503:Production and Operations Management

Course-in-charge Prof. G Krishnamurthy

Contact Information:
Evaluation Scheme Project (on SCM) &Assignment (on Aggregate and MRP) 15
Viva on Project and Assignment 10

Surprize Quizzes (4) 15

Mid Term 20
End Term 40
Total 100
Pedagogic tools Pedagogy: Course will be delivered through a combination of
lectures, readings, discussions of cases and practical project work
in manufacturing and service industries, Implementation of
problems through software’s on laptops. Laptops are a must in
each class. All software’s shall be provided in class.

Course Description:

The main aim of the course is to provide an overview of concepts involved in production,
operations and supply chain management. These concepts include operation strategy, process
design, forecasting, quality management, inventory management, scheduling and supply chain
management. Emphasis will be on application on these concepts to actual business situations.

The course basically focuses on the core conversion processes of the organization where value
is added for the customer, thereby providing a systematic means of studying and analysing
organizational processes. The course also focuses on the different stages of the supply chain
and the interactions associated with those, helping develop managerial insight in different

Taking a process view, the course will examine a variety of industrial applications. In the first
part of the course, the stress will be on improving efficiency of processes and also developing a
unifying theme for production and operation related issues. The second part will focus on
inventory theory and its application in supply chain management. Overall the emphasis will be
on developing an analytical and detailed approach using models.

Overall, the course aims to impart a frame of reference for operations and supply chain
management - to impart knowledge of the various functions involved - to impart knowledge of
the relations with its environment - to impart knowledge of the management issues.
POQ 503:Production and Operations Management
Learning Outcome: At the end of this course, Students should be aware of the following:-

Knowledge (K):
1. Appreciate the importance of Operations Management as a distinct area of Business
2. Knowledge of special tools and techniques particular to a manufacturing
3. Understand the use of several Software’s such as PhStat, Minitab and SPSS and be able
to interpret their output. (K3)

Skill (S)
1. Ability to distinguish when to use the various techniques and tools taught in the
2. Ability to interpret and use output from software’s for real life problem. (S2)
3. Develop analytical skills and practical approach to functional area “Production and
Operations Management”. (S3)

Attitude (A):

1. Ability to use analytical skills and practical approach to functional area “Production and
Operations Management”. (A1)
2. Ability to correlate class learning into practical business decisions making particularly for
Production. (A2)

Session Plan (each session of 60 minutes)

Session Date Topics Learning Pedagogy Pre readings/

Number Outcomes Case Study

1 Quality Management, K1, K2, S1, Lecture + PPT Chapter 8 +

Statistical Quality A1, Technical Note
Control 8 from Chase

2 Quality Management, K1,K2, S1, A1, Numeric on the Chapter 8 +

Statistical Quality board, excel and Technical Note
Control software 8 from Chase

3 Quality Control Charts K2, K3,S2, A1, Numeric on the Chapter 8 +

board, excel and Technical Note
software 8 from Chase

4 Acceptance Sampling K2, K3,S3, A2, Numeric on the Chapter 8 +

board, excel and Technical Note
POQ 612 Production and Operations Management
8 from Chase

5 Process Capability and K2,S3, A2, Numeric on the Chapter 8 +

Six Sigma board, excel and Technical Note
software 8 from Chase

6 Total Quality K1,K2,S2,A2 Lecture + PPT Chapter 8 +

Management Technical Note
8 from Chase

7 Total Quality K1,K2,S2,A2 Lecture + PPT Chapter 8 +

Management Technical Note
8 from Chase

8 ISO, BIS K1,A2 Lecture + PPT Chapter 8 +

Technical Note
8 from Chase +

9 Overview of K1, A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter1:Intro

Operations Mgmt. duction from
Concept, functions & Chase

10 Overview of K1, A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter1:Intro

Operations Mgmt. duction from
Concept, functions & Chase

11 Manufacturing/Servic K1,S3, A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter 2:

e Operations +Case Study ;- Operations
Operations Strategies Disney Land Strategies and
to gain competitive Competitivene
advantage in the ss

12 Product Design and K1, A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter -

Process Analysis 4:Product

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management
13 Product Design and K1, A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter-
Process Analysis 5:Process
14 Forecasting K2,K3,S2,S3,A Numeric on the Chapter 13:
Techniques 1,A2 board, excel and Forecasting
15 Forecasting K2,K3,S2,S3,A Numeric on the Chapter 13:
Techniques 1,A2 board, excel and Forecasting
16 Forecasting K2,K3,S2,S3,A Numeric on the Chapter 13:
Techniques 1,A2 board, excel and Forecasting
17 Operations planning K1,S1,A1 Lecture + Chapter -11:
& control Numeric on the Capacity
Capacity Planning board, excel and Management
18 Operations planning K1,S1,A1 Lecture + Chapter -11:
& control Numeric on the Capacity
Capacity Planning and board, excel and Management:
Location Decision software
19 Location Decision K1,S1,A1 Lecture + Chapter -11:
Numeric on the Capacity
board, excel and Management:
20 Logistics & Supply K1, K2, S3,A2 Lecture + PPT Chapters 1 to
Chain Management, 4 from Supply
Supply Chain drivers Chain
and obstacles, cases Management
of supply chain by Chopra
management in Chapter-
industry 10:Supply
Chain Strategy
by Chase

21 Logistics & Supply K1, K2, S3,A2 Lecture + PPT Chapters 1 to

Chain Management, 4 from Supply
Supply Chain drivers Chain
and obstacles, cases Management

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management
of supply chain by Chopra
management in Chapter-
industry 10:Supply
Chapter-10:Supply Chain Strategy
Chain Strategy by Chase

22 Operations planning K1, K2, Numeric on the Chapter-

& control S1,S3,A1 board, excel and 14:Aggregate
Aggregate Planning software sales &

23 Operations planning K1, K2, Numeric on the Chapter-

& control S1,S3,A1 board, excel and 14:Aggregate
Aggregate Planning software sales &

24 Operations K1, K2, Numeric on the Chapter-16:

Scheduling S1,S3,A1 board, excel and Material
Material Requirement software Requirement
Planning (MRP) Planning

25 Operations K1, K2, Numeric on the Chapter-16:

Scheduling S1,S3,A1 board, excel and Material
Material Requirement software Requirement
Planning (MRP) Planning

26 Operations K1, K2, Numeric on the 17:Operations

Scheduling S1,S3,A2 board, excel and Scheduling
27 Inventory Control, JIT K1, K2, Numeric on the Chapter-
S1,S3,A1,A2 board, excel and 15:Inventory
software Control
28 JIT K1,A1 Lecture + PPT Chapter-
29 Project Management- K1,S3,A1 Numeric on the Chapter -3:

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management
PERT & CPM board, excel and Project
software Management

30 Project Management- K1,S3,A1 Numeric on the Chapter -3:

PERT & CPM board, excel and Project
software Management

31 Project Management- K1,S3,A1 Numeric on the Chapter -3:

PERT & CPM board, excel and Project
software Management

32 Special Mathematical K1,K2,S2,S3,A Numeric on the Handouts shall

Topics such as 1,A2 board, excel and be given in the
Waiting lines, DEA, to software class
be covered, along
with emphasis on
33 Special Mathematical K1,K2,S2,S3,A Numeric on the Handouts shall
Topics such as 1,A2 board, excel and be given in the
Waiting lines, DEA, to software class
be covered, along
with emphasis on
34 VIVA on Project and K1,S3,A2

Text Book(s)

1. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage by Richard Chase, Robert Jacobs &
others, Eleventh Edition. Publisher :Tata McGRAW – Hill
2. Supply Chain Management by Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl- Pearsons Education

Reference Books

1. Modern Production / Operations Management by Buffa & Sarin :Wiley Publication

2. Production & Operations Management by S.N Chary. Publisher :Tata McGRAW – Hill
3. Production & Operations Management by Martinich :Wiley Publication
4. Production & Operations Management by Panneerselvam. Publisher : Prentice Hall of

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management

1. A
2. B

Description of Evaluation Components:

Project/ Assignment
• Weight 15%, Topic will be announced in the class after the chapter on SCM is over. It
will be company specific and on Supply Chain Management. The project report shall be
submitted before 4PM of the Wednesday of week 8.Consultation with the course-in-
charge is encouraged in case of doubt or difficulty.
• Submission Requirements: Project report and video presentation to be uploaded in
Moodle latest by 4:00 PM, Wednesday of Week 8.
• An end-of-term project is intended to be carried in teams of two or three students.
Groups to be decided by the course in charge through random number generation. The
project will involve conducting a statistical analysis of a data set and then presenting it.
• Your final product shall in a word document (A4 size, Times New Roman font size 11,
one and half spacing; not including supplemental tables and charts.)
• Assignments shall be on several topics “as they are being covered in the class”.

Viva on Project and Assignment

Weight 10%, date will be announced. Viva would focus on project assigned; however, students
will be questioned from other topics as well.

Surprise Quizzes (4):

• Weight 15%, Expected Date: Unannounced, Duration: 30 Minutes
• Quiz will contain MCQs, numerical or short questions. These might be based on
prescribed pre-reading material on topics to be covered/ already covered in the class.

Mid Term Test:

• Weight 20%, Expected Date: As per Academic Calendar &University announcement.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
• Numerical questions will be asked in mid-term examination. You would also write a few
sentences explaining the solution. The mode of examination will be pen and paper.
• 8 numerical problems will be asked in the examination. Assumptions shall be clearly
mentioned in each answer/solution.

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management
End Term:
• Weight 40%, Expected Date: As per Academic Calendar & University Announcement.
Duration: 3 Hours.
Application based questions will be set in end-term examination. There would be 8 application
based questions wherein four numerical and four mini case-lets. The mode of examination will
be pen and paper. Questions will be either numerical or based on case studies supported by
software outputs.


Your Project/Assignment and Viva “Assessment” shall be based on the following criterion.

Level of Project Report Presentation


Exemplary •Addresses the issues. • No error in PPTs

•Presents arguments in a logical order. • Teamwork and excellent
•Uses acceptable style and grammar (no display of communication
errors). skills
•Backs conclusions with data and warrants • Excellent handling of Q & A

Very Good •Does not address the issue explicitly, •Demonstrates accurate but
although does so tangentially. only adequate understanding
•States a relevant and justifiable of the question because does
not back conclusions with
•Presents arguments in a logical order.
•Uses acceptable style and grammar {one or warrants and data.
two error(s)}.

Good • Address the issue ambiguously • Okay kind of presentation

• Presents arguments in a less logical order. •Less thorough than above.
•• Fails to use acceptable style and grammar •Missing links in presentation.
(two or more errors). •Poor flow

Needs •Does not address the question. •Does not demonstrate

Improvement •States no relevant answers. accurate understanding of the
•Indicates misconceptions. Q & A.
•Is not clearly or logically organized. •presentation not in order.
• No flow

Exposed Many things mentioned above are missing •Irrelevant material and
and contents are unrelated /irrelevant poorly designed presentation

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POQ 612 Production and Operations Management

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty.
Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be treated seriously. All such cases will be
referred to the appropriate University body for suitable disciplinary action

Make up Policy
There won’t be any make-up for any assessment component missed by the student unless it
has been missed due to any medical emergency or any tragic event connected with immediate
family member(s). Ideally, the student should request the Course-in-charge through email
before the assessment component is held but in case this is not possible, the request should be
sent within 24 hours of the assessment component being held. In addition, the student would
be required to submit all supporting documents such as medical reports, prescriptions, receipts
etc asked for by the Course-in-charge. In case of surprise quizzes and projects there is no
provision for make-up. The grant of make-up will be completely at the discretion of the Course-
in-charge and his/her decision will be final and can't be challenged.

Consultation Hours
The students can meet the Course-in-charge on matters related to the course being taught on
all days he is available on campus after taking prior appointment through email. Instead of
personal meetings, they can also request responses only through emails. Phone calls should be
avoided except in cases of emergency. Course-in-charge will try to respond to the best of his

Grading Policy
A composite score will be prepared after consolidating the marks obtained in all assessment
components and the composite score will be converted to letter grades, viz. A, B, C, D and E as
per university policy. The grading system followed is Relative Grading and normally it is centred
around the mean.

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