FinalExam ESTVA60Dec2009

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Final Examination ESTVA60, 03 Dec 2009

Standard Units are assumed for all quantities given.

Q1. 20 Points

(a). A~ = 10u~x + 20u~y + 30u~z , B

~ = 2u~x + 3u~y + 4u~z . Find A
~+B ~
(b). What is the y-component of A ~
(c). Find a unit vector in the direction of A ~
(d). Find A · B~
(e). Find the angle θ between A ~ and B~
~ of the top surface of the box shown
(f). Write the differential surface vector dS
in figure 1.
(g). Write the differential surface vector dS~ of the curved cylindrical surface of
the cylinder shown in figure 2.
~ of the spherical surface of the sphere
(h). Write the differential surface vector dS
shown in figure 3.
(i). Find the gradient of scalar function f (x, y, z) = xyz. That is ∇f =?.
(j). Find divergence of the vector function F~ (x, y, z) = xu~x + y u~y + z u~z . That
is ∇ · F~ =?.

Q2. 20 Points

(a). Q1= +1 C, Q2= +2 C, Q1 is located at the origin O(0,0,0). Q2 is located

at point P(10,20,30) in rectangular coordinate system. Find the Force vector F~
experienced by Q2 due to Q1.
~ due to Q1 at the point P(10,20,30).
(b). Find the Electric Field vector E
(c). Find the Electric Field E at point P(0,0,1) due to a 1 m x 1 m square sheet
of charge with surface charge density σs = 10C/m2 located at z = 0 plane as
shown in figure 4.

Q3. 20 Points
(a). The Electric Field in space is given by E ~ = 10/r2 u~r in spherical co-
ordinate system. Find the Potential Difference VAB between the two points
A(r = 10, θ = 0, φ = 0) and B(r = 20, θ = 0, φ = 0) along the path 1 as shown
in the figure 5.
(b). Find the Potential Difference VBC between the two points B(r = 20, θ =
0, φ = 0) and C(r = 20, θ = π, φ = 0) along the path 2 as shown in the figure 5.
(c). Find the total flux E ~ due to the Electric Field E
~ · dS ~ = 10/r2 u~r through a
closed sphere centered at the origin with radius 10 m.

Q4. 30 Points
(a). Find the Electric Displacement vector D ~ and Electric Field vector E
~ be-
tween the two metal shells of a spherical capacitor as shown in figure 6. The
material between the metal shells is a dielectric with permitivity ǫ.

(b). Find the Potential Difference VAB between the two spherical shells of the
spherical capacitor.
(c). Find the Capacitance of the spherical capacitor.

Q5. 10 Points

(a) Find the total current I through a long metal wire as shown in the figure
7. The inner radius of the wire is 1 m and the outer radius is 2 m. The current
density vector in the metal areas is given by J~ = 10u~z . Other than the metal
areas, current density is zero.

z Top Surface

y Fig. 2
Fig. 1
z P(0,0,1)
Spherical Face

y 1m

Fig. 3 x1 m Fig. 4

Path 2

Path 1 a

Fig. 5
Fig. 6

x is
Metal Z- a
Fig. 7

ESTVA60. Eksamen desember 2008

Side 3 av 4
ESTVA60. Eksamen desember 2008

Side 4 av 4

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