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Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 7, No. 28, October - December 2017 DOI: 10.


Epistaxis management - our point
of view and literature review
Violeta Melinte1,2,3, Oana Musteata2,3, Codrut Sarafoleanu1,2,3
Centre of excellence for research of sensorial and sensitive disorders, study of inceto-inflammatory,

tumoral and obstructive aero-digestive pathology (CESITO), ENT&HNS Department, “Sfanta Maria”
Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
ENT&HNS Department, “Sfanta Maria” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania


Nasal haemorrhage or epistaxis is the most common otolaryngologic emergency. It affects about 60% of the population and a
percentage of 6% do not cease spontaneously, medical approach being needed.
The management of epistaxis varies depending on its severity and etiology. The therapeutic conduct of this ENT emergency is
based on three main principles: 1. local haemostasis; 2. detection and ceasing of the cause; 3. evaluation and correction of hypo-
volemia if necessary. Haemostasis can be done by chemical or electric cauterisation after identifying the bleeding source, by nasal
packing, by endoscopic or external surgery or, in special cases, when none of the above methods returns any results, embolization.
The current paper emphasizes our experience and a brief literature concerning epistaxis management in patients presented in
the Emergency Room, in chronic cases of vascular intranasal tumors with recurrent bleeding, in iatrogenic haemorrhages, and
none of the least we will bring into discussion the treatment applied for patients diagnosed with hereditary hemorrhagic telangi-
KEYWORDS: epistaxis, haemostasis, electric cauterisation, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.

INTRODUCTION The various sites of bleeding in case of posterior

epistaxis include Woodruff’s plexus situated on the pos-
Epistaxis is a common ENT emergency, as 60% of terior aspect of the lateral wall of the inferior meatus,
the population have at least one nasal bleeding epi- the posterior part of the lateral nasal wall near the sphe-
sode in their lives and about 6% of them need medical nopalatine foramen, the posterior end of the inferior
assistance1. Epistaxis is the second most common turbinate, the middle turbinate and its medial surface,
cause of spontaneous bleedings. The bleeding episode the middle and posterior parts of the nasal septum and
can be minor and ceases spontaneously or so severe as the floor of the nose beneath the inferior turbinate6. In
to be fatal2. It can be encountered as an emergency, as case of posterior epistaxis, the bleeding source might
a chronic disease of recurrent bleeding or as a symp- not be visualized on anterior rhinoscopy because of its
tom in a systemic illness3. posterior location, an endoscopic examination of the
Commonly, epistaxis occurs from the anterior part nasal fossa being more accurate in this situation7.
of the nasal cavity, usually from the Kiesselbach’s It is well known that the nasal blood supply is a con-
plexus or from the retrocolumellar vein. Eighty per tribution from both internal and external carotid ar-
cent of epistaxis occurs in Kiesselbach’s plexus4. The teries. The external carotid system delivers blood via
Kiesselbach plexus (also known as Little’s area) is lo- the facial and the internal maxillary arteries. The su-
cated on the lower third of the septal cartilage and perior labial artery is one of the terminal branches of
90% of anterior nosebleeds5 are located in this area. the facial artery and contributes to the blood supply of
Many of the arteries supplying the septum have anas- the anterior part of the nasal floor and of the septum.
tomotic connections in this plexus. The internal maxillary artery enters the pterygomaxil-

Corresponding author: Prof. Codrut Sarafoleanu, MD, PhD, ENT & HNS Department, „Sfanta Maria” Clinical Hospital, 37-39 Ion Mihalache
Blvd., District 1, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: Unauthenticated
Received for publication: July 28, 2017 / Accepted: September 4, 2017 Download Date | 4/4/18 11:31 AM
208 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 7, No. 28, October - December 2017

lary fossa and divides into 6 branches: superior alveo- No matter the type or the severity of the epistaxis,
lar, descending palatine, infraorbital, sphenopalatine, the correct management is essential.
pterygoid canal and pharyngeal8.
The sphenopalatine artery is the most probable
source for posterior bleeds. The internal carotid ar- HOW TO MANAGE A PATIENT WITH EPI-
tery irrigates the nose through the ophthalmic artery STAXIS?
that enters the bony orbit via the superior orbital fis-
sure and divides into several branches (anterior and In front of a patient presenting a medium or severe
posterior ethmoidal arteries)8. nasal bleed, there are three fundamental steps that an
There are multiple causes of epistaxis which can be ENT specialist should follow: general management, local
divided into local and systemic4. management and a rigorous anamnesis.
Local causes include nasal trauma (fractures, self- The general management is based on position control
induced digital trauma, foreign body), allergic, chronic (bent forward in order to avoid blood swallowing with
or infectious rhinitis, chemical irritants (cocaine abuse, subsequent nausea and vomiting), becalming the pa-
ammonia, gasoline, phosphorus, chromium salts, sul- tient and his family and bleeding quantity estima-
phuric acid), medications (nasal sprays-steroids and tion14. The bleeding quantity is estimated using clini-
decongestants), dryness of the nasal mucosa, intrana- cal examination (pallor, tachycardia, pulse, arterial
sal tumors - benign (e.g. nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, tension, polypnea) and paraclinical signs (complete
inverted papilloma, polyp of the nasal septum (Figure blood count, coagulation tests); in case of massive
1), etc.) and malignant (e.g. carcinoma, malignant bleeding, fluid resuscitation is applied through a vein
melanoma or lymphoma), anatomical anomalies such catheter. At the same time, a detailed history of the
as nasal septum deviation (Figure 2) or perforation, patient must be obtained in order to discover existing
postoperative bleeding9. comorbidities (cardiologic illness, known intranasal
Systemic causes10 may include cardiovascular dis- tumors, hepatic diseases, haematological diseases,
eases (e.g. systemic arterial hypertension, atheromato- etc.) or chronic treatment that can influence the clot-
sis and atherosclerosis), hematologic diseases (e.g. von ting time (anticoagulant medication, NSAIDs).
Willebrand disease, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiec- In what concerns the local management, the nasal fos-
tasia, vascular malformations11 or haemophilia, para- sae must be discharged of any blood clots (bleeding
haemophilia12), hepatic disease13 (cirrhosis and he- risk) and local cottons soaked in anaesthetic and vaso-
patic failure), endocrine causes (pregnancy, puberty constrictor are held in place up to 10 minutes9. At this
or pheochromocytoma) and systemic medication (an- point, an endoscopic examination is mandatory be-
ticoagulants or NSAIDs). cause it offers a systematic and rigorous examination
of the nasal cavity with the highlighting of the bleed-
ing source and immediate local treatment (electrocau-
terization) can be applied. This type of assessment
avoids the undesired situations of establishing a wrong
diagnosis caused by an incomplete examination and
the omission of the real bleeding source, because the
doctors must be aware of the fact that, even though

Figure 1 Nasal septum polyp (archive of ENT&HNS Department, "Sfanta Figure 2 Nasal septum deviation (archive of ENT&HNS Department, "Sfanta
Maria" Clinical Hospital). Maria" Clinical Hospital).
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Melinte et al Epistaxis management - our point of view and literature review 209

systemic hypertension is the most common cause of most of the cases, the anterior nasal packing is also
epistaxis15, it is not the only one. required for a complete haemostasis.
Regarding the epistaxis treatment16, there are three In 2010, Garcia Callejo et al.25 evaluated the toler-
treatment alternatives: primary, secondary and ter- ance (pain intensity during the placement and main-
tiary intention methods, depending on the bleeding tenance of the packing) and the efficacy (referring to
severity. recurrence, concomitant measures, side effects and
need for blood transfusion) of two posterior nasal
Primary intention treatment methods packing methods: bi-chamber pneumatic inflation sys-
Primary intention methods are local digital com- tem and posterior packing with gauze. The classic pos-
pression, local vasoconstrictor - efficient in case of a terior packing with gauze resulted to be more effec-
slight nose bleeding, chemical cauterisation and ante- tive, as it confers a lower recurrence rate of posterior
rior nasal packing. Chemical cauterisation is a valua- nasal bleeding (17%) even though it is more painful
ble method for a slight nosebleed with anterior locali- and difficult to perform, while the inflatable nasal
zation which is easily identifiable17. The most com- packing placement was faster and less painful, but the
monly used chemical agent is silver nitrate, but there rate of rebleeding was higher (26%). A price differ-
are also reported cases of chemical cauterization with ence was also registered, the classic packing being
trichloroacetic acid or chromic acid18. cheaper.
Newton et al., in a retrospective study published in
April 2016, analysed the effectiveness of different an- Why NOT nasal packing?
terior epistaxis treatment methods performed in the Apart from the high failure rate of 26–50% associ-
Emergency Department (silver nitrate cauterization, ated with antero-posterior nasal packing26, it creates a
petroleum gauze packing, Merocel®, nasal clip or sim- marked discomfort (hard to be tolerated by the pa-
ple observation)19. They concluded that cauterization tient, especially that it must be held for about 72-96
with silver nitrate returned best results in terms of re- hours), pain and swallowing difficulty and it can lead
currence and follow-up, compared to the Merocel® to a large number of local and systemic complications
packing and petroleum gauze packing outcomes. like septal hematomas and abscesses, septal perfora-
Recently, Johnson et al. made a comparison be- tion, sinusitis, intranasal mucosal adhesions, otitis
tween the bipolar electrocautery and chemical cautery media, facial edema, tissue necrosis and perforation
in recurrent anterior epistaxis in children 20. They of the soft palate because of the local pressure, neuro-
pointed out that within 2 years of treatment the bleed- genic syncope during the procedure, orbital complica-
ing recurrence was lower and the nosebleed-free pe- tion or even toxic shock syndrome. In case of lack of
riod was longer in electrocauterized patients than packing fixation, there is also a risk of swallowing or
those treated using the silver nitrate cauterization. aspiration. When posterior packing is secured, alar or
The most frequent complications that can occur columellar necrosis can occur27-29. A rare but severe
after chemical cauterization are represented by nasal complication of the posterior nasal packing using
septum perforation (especially when performed on Foley catheter for posterior epistaxis associated with
both sides at the same time), local scars, intranasal fracture of the skull base is the intracranial migration
mucosal adhesions, even necrosis21. of the catheter30.
Concerning the anterior nasal packing, there are In view of these problems, patients with antero-pos-
numerous options available, such as ribbon gauze (tra- terior nasal packing need hospitalization, antibiother-
ditional nasal packing), Merocel® (polyvinyl acetate apy and constant monitoring.
sponge), fingerstall packs, Rapid Rhino®22, but nor
are they free of risks and complications. Why YES endoscopic cauterization?
A prospective study of 42 patients with epistaxis was Odat and Al-Qudah31 studied the use and results of
performed in order to compare two types of anterior monopolar cauterization under endoscopic control
nasal packing, Merocel® and Rapid Rhino®. There for posterior epistaxis originating from the spheno-
was no significant difference found regarding their ef- palatine artery. They concluded that this technique
ficacy and patient discomfort during intranasal main- offers a safe and effective management of the refrac-
tenance. Related to the insertion and removal of the tory nasal bleeding and they consider that it should be
pack, Rapid Rhino® registered lower scores for subjec- approached earlier in the treatment algorithm of in-
tive patient pain23. tractable epistaxis.
Kaluskar6 reported an efficacy of 90% of electrocau-
Secondary intention treatment methods terization. In case of severe posterior epistaxis, cau-
The secondary methods consist in the posterior terization in the operating room under general anaes-
nasal packing, which is applied when the primary thesia is recommended for safety and patient comfort
methods failed or in case of a posterior epistaxis24. In and can be easily performed instead of nasal pack-
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210 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 7, No. 28, October - December 2017

ing32. We have to admit that the doctor’s experience Ligation of the internal maxillary artery has been a
with endoscopic surgery of the doctor has an impor- popular method over the past several decades. Re-
tant impact on the electrocauterization result. ported success rates range from 75 to 100%37.
Another recent paper published in 2015 by You Zou Complications include: persistent pain in the upper
et al.33 also showed that endoscopic electrocauteriza- teeth; potential damage to the sphenopalatine gan-
tion is more efficient compared to conventional nasal glion and the vidian nerve, infraorbital neuralgia, oro-
packing for the management of posterior epistaxis, antral fistula, sinusitis. The operation can be used on
because the rebleeding incidence, the patient discom- children, patients with maxillary sinusitis or hypoplas-
fort and the incidence of intranasal synechiae were tic antrum.
significantly lower in patients that underwent surgery For patients with the bleeding source above the mid-
than in those with nasal packing. dle turbinate, ethmoidal artery ligation can be per-
In the ENT departments that dispose of the neces- formed, but the indications are limited and the possibil-
sary equipment, in order to avoid nasal packing, we also ity of injuring the optic nerve and failure of the bleed-
recommend the endoscopic cauterization, which was ing control do not make this method a choice38.
first described by Wurman et al.34. This can be easily Percutaneous arterial embolization as an epistaxis
done under local or general anaesthesia depending on treatment option was first described in 1974 by
the nosebleed severity and localization, has a good pa- Sokoloff et al.39. This therapeutic alternative is not rou-
tient tolerance, has few side effects and the hospitaliza- tinely used in emergency, being preserved for special
tion is not mandatory, except for the situation of a pa- situations like acute arterial bleeding, epistaxis that is
tient with comorbidities that needs a careful follow-up. unresponsive to the first and second intention haemo-
stasis, vascular erosions in carcinomas or important
Tertiary intention treatment methods bleeding after tonsillectomy. Percutaneous emboliza-
Last but not least, the tertiary methods are applied tion is currently performed as a preoperative prepara-
only when nasal bleeding exceeds 1,5l or the haemo- tion in patients with intranasal tumors with a high
globin value is less than 8 g/l, when there are more bleeding potential (e.g. juvenile nasopharyngeal angi-
than 72h of uncontrolled haemorrhage, or when com- ofibroma - Figure 3). Embolization is always preceded
plications and contraindications of previous manoeu- by angiography, in order to obtain the vascular lesions
vres are encountered. These procedures include surgi- identification. Its principle is to make vascular obstruc-
cal haemostasis - external carotid artery ligation, inter- tion by introducing different embolic agents (polyvi-
nal maxillary artery ligation, sphenopalatine artery li- nyl alcohol or Gelfoam are most used due to their
gation, ethmoidal artery ligation and embolization16,35. safety and efficacy). According to the literature, the
Small and Maran support early arterial ligation36. dimension range for the polyvinyl alcohol is between
Arterial ligation has its own impediment. External ca- 150 and 350 μm and for Gelfoam 1 to 3 mm40. The
rotid ligation can be easily performed under local an- particles must be introduced near the bleeding source
aesthesia, but there is a high risk of failure due to the in order to avoid distal ischemic lesions. There are
anastomotic connections with the ipsilateral internal also complications of this radiointerventional proce-
carotid or the opposite carotid system. Also, the liga- dure such as facial pain, lockjaw, facial edema, ingui-
tion is performed far from the bleeding site and the nal haematoma. Unfortunately, it is not infallible, be-
drop in local blood pressure may not be substantial.  cause it cannot reach all the tumoral branches, par-

Figure 3 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma - angiography (a- lateral and b-posterior view).
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Melinte et al Epistaxis management - our point of view and literature review 211

ticularly the ones coming from the internal carotid onstrated to be perfect. Starting with topical treatment
artery (e.g. anatomical variant of the vidian artery as a that includes humidifiers, vaseline and estrogen - con-
branch of the internal carotid artery instead of the ex- tending ointments, nasal packing, medical solutions
ternal carotid artery) and does not ensure us that an (anti-estrogen therapy, iron supplements, immunosup-
iatrogenic epistaxis could not be started during the pressors or anti-angiogenic drugs), local sclera-therapy,
tumor dissection41,42. selective or supra-selective embolization, chemical cau-
terization or surgical solution using the electric cauteri-
zation and laser cauterization, none of these methods is
“PARTICULAR” BLEEDING SITUATIONS the absolute solution of nasal bleeding44-46.
In what concerns the “hidden” tumors, we will pre-
Except emergency cases of epistaxis, there are also sent further a short case description of a woman who
patients with “particular” bleeding situations: recur- came to our ENT department for recurrent nose
rent epistaxis in chronic systemic diseases (e.g. He- bleeds. From her history, we found out that she suf-
reditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia - HHT), “hid- fered multiple nasal packing in different ENT depart-
den” intranasal tumors, iatrogenic epistaxis or postop- ments (without identification of the underlying cause
erative bleeding. The management of these patients of epistaxis). No endoscopic evaluation was performed
must be adapted to each etiology to obtain best results. in the ENT departments she visited. We discovered a
An important rate of recurrence of nasal bleeding reddish, easily bleeding tumor of the left middle tur-
is present in the hematologic malformations like he- binate, in contact with the nasal septum, which was
reditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, which is an un- obstructing entirely the left osteomeatal complex (Fig-
common autosomal dominant disease. The malforma- ures 5, 6, 7).
tion affects the nose, skin, lungs, the gastrointestinal Surgical treatment (tumor excision under endo-
tract, the liver and the brain by the presence of telan- scopic control) was performed after rigorous evalua-
giectasias - small dilated blood vessels with a thin wall tion (endoscopic evaluation, cranio-facial CT scan,
(Figure 4). angiography) in the ENT Department of “Sfanta
Epistaxis is the most common symptom of HHT Maria” Clinical Hospital, and the anatomopathologi-
with nasal location, because the vessels are thin and cal result was recurrent cavernous haemangioma.
fragile and the air flux produces dryness and rupture; We want to point out here the major importance of
this is an important factor that can decrease HHT pa- the careful endoscopic examination, which unfortu-
tients’ quality of life of the43. nately is not routinely used for diagnosis (even though
The therapeutic options for the treatment of epistaxis it must) because of various reasons: lack of necessary
in patients with HHT are many, but none of them dem- equipment, the doctor does not have enough experi-


Figure 4 Rendu Osler patient: A. endonasal telangiectasias; B. skin lesions; C. oral mucosal telangiectasias.
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212 Romanian Journal of Rhinology, Vol. 7, No. 28, October - December 2017

Figure 5 Endoscopic aspect - reddish, easily bleeding tumor of the left Figure 6 Cranio-facial CT aspect (axial slice).
middle turbinate, in contact with the nasal septum.
In our opinion, antero-posterior nasal packing
should be performed only in case of impossibility of
electrocauterization (e.g. inexperienced doctor, lack
of technical equipment), because of the important pa-
tient discomfort, high failure rate cited in the litera-
ture and because of the large amount of complications
that nasal packing can lead to.
Instead of conclusions, we will point out a few myths
and facts about nasal bleeding that are commonly en-
countered among patients and doctors:
• When nose bleeding, lay back and rise the op-
posite hand – FALSE - the blood will be swal-
lowed, causing nausea and vomiting because of
its irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.
• Medium or severe epistaxis in emergency – only
Figure 7 Angiography
nasal packing as first intention - FALSE - when
ence or there are also unconcerned doctors who are the needed devices and an experienced doctor
superficial in patient approach. in endoscopic surgery are available, then electric
Regarding postoperative epistaxis after excision of cauterization is preferred to nasal packing.
vascular tumors, it can be avoided if we have an opti- • The longer the nasal packing kept, the better the
mal preoperative preparation (a good radiological as- haemostasis. – FALSE – the longer the nasal pack-
sessment with angiography and selective emboliza- ing kept, the more complications encountered.
tion), a rigorous and accurate tumour dissection with • All patients with nasal bleeding must receive sys-
careful haemostasis during surgery. Also, the anaesthe- temic vitamin K – FALSE - only patients with he-
siologists have an important role, because they must patic diseases that cannot synthesize it in the liver.
control the blood pressure in terms of keeping low • After electrocauterization admission is manda-
values during the surgery and to keep it from bounc- tory. – PARTIALY FALSE - admission is required
ing after the surgical act. From our point of view and in case of patients with associated pathology who
based on the recent literature regarding epistaxis require a careful follow-up.
management, we consider that a complete and rigor- • Preoperative embolization prevents 100% bleed-
ous assessment based on clinical, paraclinical investi- ing during surgery - FALSE - embolization is not
gations (especially nasal endoscopic examination) infallible because of the anatomical variants and
and thorough patient history are the most important the movement possibility of the embolization
steps in order to establish the bleeding site and sever- agents47.
ity, the underlying cause and the appropriate treat-
ment alternative. Concerning the treatment, we find Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of
the electrocauterization the best option for nasal interest.
bleeding ceasing (when there are no contraindica- Contribution of authors: All authors have equally
tions or technical impediments) due to its high suc- contributed to this work.
cess rate and low complications rate.
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Melinte et al Epistaxis management - our point of view and literature review 213

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