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Jarl Sigurdsson

The purpose of the study is to match providers of fleet optimization systems with
potential users by studying the requirements of users and evaluating which optimization
system is most suitable. This article is an abstract for a master thesis written at the
Division of Engineering Logistics, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics,
Faculty of Engineering, Lund University.

INTRODUCTION by home help services, dairies, refuse

collection, the oil industry and service
Fleet optimization means planning how companies.
transport should be implemented based
There are several types of fleet
on given demand and given customers.
optimization system. Some companies
The aim is to deliver on time, while
sell standardized products that can be
minimizing driving time, driving cost and
used in several types of organization,
the number of vehicles used.
while others adapt and develop systems
Fleet optimization may involve to meet customer requirements. It can
optimizing routes for one vehicle or an be very expensive to pay for a program
entire fleet. This study looks at the to be customized and if it is possible to
second type. Fleet optimization is very use a standard program, this is often
complex and computer systems have preferable for reasons of cost. The
been developed to facilitate this. degree of complexity varies markedly
between systems and it is important to
If it is possible to improve a route, it can find the right level on the basis of the
lead to big savings in transport costs. organization’s needs. There are many
Improving routes usually means parameters to take into consideration in
reducing time and distance driven and fleet optimization, but not all are
the number of vehicles. Fleet relevant in all types of operations.
optimization is relevant not only for However, there are many systems that
logistics companies. It can also be used do not take aspects into consideration
that most organizations consider to be important to add. System suppliers were
important. subsequently contacted and asked, in a
survey, to say which requirements they
The purpose of the study is to make it could meet. The system suppliers were
easier for potential users to choose a subsequently divided into archetypes
fleet optimization system. This is done based on the requirements they could
by identifying user groups of fleet meet. The responses from the system
optimization systems and studying their suppliers were compared with the users'
needs and requirements. The study also requirements and finally compiled in a
evaluated some of the systems matrix.
available on the market on the basis of
user group's requirements. By studying THEORY
the specification of requirements,
potential purchasers can discover the For a vehicle with no restrictions on load
requirements and wishes of previous capacity, driver capacity or tank
users. capacity, which must visit n customers,
the number of possible routes is n!
METHODOLOGY When the number of customers
increases, the problem is difficult to
On the basis of previous studies, in solve exactly as the number of possible
combination with fleet optimization routes quickly becomes very large. The
theory and interviews with users, this complexity increases when it is
project developed specifications of necessary to take into consideration
requirements to suit several types of breaks for drivers, time windows, the
organizations. These new requirements number of vehicles and other aspects
were prepared by interviewing existing that must be included in the calculation
and potential users of fleet optimization to achieve a realistic result. The
systems in a preliminary study. The problems rapidly become too big to be
specification of requirements was solved exactly. Therefore, intuitive,
subsequently developed as greater empirical algorithms have been
insight into the needs of different developed to arrive at a usable solution
sectors was acquired. The specification within a reasonable period of time.
of requirements that was developed in Extensive studies have been made in
this way was used as the basis of the exploring different algorithms for solving
interviews conducted in the main study. this problem effectively and modeling it
The interviews were conducted with accurately. Other previous studies of
users from different sectors. The users note for this project have been made in
were mainly selected from the examining differences between fleet
references from the two largest optimization systems and requirements
suppliers of fleet optimization systems suitable for fleet optimization in home
in Sweden. These users answered care.
questions regarding which of the
requirements they found useful and
necessary and if there were
requirements they thought would be
FINDINGS which may be considered too low to say
anything about fleet optimization
The sectors identified are dairies, food, systems in general. There is reason to
goods suppliers, energy companies, suspect self-censorship by suppliers who
haulers, agriculture and service did not meet all requirements. Another
companies. The results of this study reason for not responding may be that
illustrate how many similarities there the initial questionnaire was too long
are between the requirements from and the person in question did not
users in different sectors. It is often consider it worth the effort to answer the
difficult to identify clear characteristics questions.
for different sectors. However, some
The fleet optimization systems were
differences did emerge. No one in the
grouped according to how well they
goods suppliers sector was interested in
could meet users' requirements. The
real time optimization. They focused
results are presented below.
instead on operational and strategic
fleet optimization. In the energy CATEGORY A (HIGH). These suppliers
companies sector, no one indicated that answer that they can meet all
it is necessary to be able to adjust stop requirements: AKB-ORES/Intris, Dimaps,
points without new data import being Ecomond, Ortec and Transvision.
needed. Only in the food, service and Another company, Descartes Systems
transport sectors were there users who Group, answered no to just one part of a
considered it necessary to be able to question.
link goods with a certain temperature to
a specific type of vehicle. Only in the CATEGORY B (MID ). This group is hard to
food and energy sectors was there no generalize as only two suppliers,
requirement for the fleet optimization PPS/EDV and Transit, are included in
program to be able to handle maps for this category. They share few
both Sweden and abroad in the same similarities. However, they answered
optimization. The transport sector stood that they could meet significantly more
out as the only sector that required the requirements than the third category.
software to take trailers and hazardous Each company indicated that it could
goods into consideration. The service not meet three requirements.
sector has smaller vehicles than other
CATEGORI C (LOW). Three suppliers were
sectors and they therefore do not need
placed in category C. One of them
to take underpasses into consideration.
answered N/A to nearly one third of all
ANALYSIS questions, which means that it is
difficult to say anything specific about
A total of 97 suppliers of fleet that supplier. The other three lost many
optimization systems were contacted. points on the questions concerning load,
After persistent reminders, 12 had road restrictions and the ability to
answered the survey after two months. communicate with an on-board
This equates to a response rate of 12%, computer.

Analysis w.r.t. Energy Refuse

minimum Food companies Goods suppliers Service collection Dairies Transport

AKB-ORES/Intris 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Axxom 1 2 1 1 2 2 1

CS Group 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Descartes Systems
Group 1 2 1 3 1 1 1

Dimaps 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

DNA Evolutions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ecomond 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ortec 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

PPS/EDV 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Profit Point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Transit 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Transvision 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Figure 1. The matrix shows which fleet optimization systems may be relevant if the requirements correspond to the
lowest in each sector. The systems that do not meet all requirements have been marked in red and have the number
1. The systems that meet all requirements that are necessary but not all that are desirable have been marked in
yellow and have the number 2. Finally, the systems that meet both necessary and desirable requirements have been
marked in green and given the number 3.

The weighting was performed by first meet all the requirements the sector
creating a sector profile with the lowest profile specifies as necessary. Number 2
requirements that anyone in the sector means that the system meets all the
made. Example: For the first question, requirements the sectors specified as
the first user answers not necessary and necessary but not all specified as
the second necessary. For the second desirable, or the system supplier did not
question, the first user answers answer questions concerning
necessary and the second not requirements the sector requires.
necessary. In both cases, the answer for Number 3 means that the system meets
the sector profile is then not necessary. both the necessary and the desirable
This sector profile was then matched requirements. There are questions that
with the requirements the suppliers of everyone in a sector considers to be
fleet optimization systems said they necessary, i.e. the sector profile gets the
could meet. The assessment was number 3 for that question. This is why
compiled in the matrix above. Number 1 some suppliers get a 1 in the matrix.
was given to the systems that do not
One of the two requirements that proved there were some that met one
to be most difficult to handle for the requirement and not the other, and vice
system suppliers was "The software versa. On account of the fact that
must take into consideration everything virtually all users considered these
that limits progress, for example requirements to be necessary, they were
underpasses, bridges, one-way streets". very decisive when matching users and
Four companies were unable to meet suppliers.
this requirements and one did not
answer. At the same time, all users, with In this study, it was difficult to find proof
the exception of one in the energy that any program would be more suited
sector, considered that it was a to certain sectors than others. The big
necessary requirement. These systems difference is between the programs that
therefore could not be recommended to were able to meet all requirements and
any of the remaining sectors. Descartes those that were not, rather than
Systems Group is also placed in the between programs that had different
high-end category even though it cannot specialties’.
be recommended to anyone other than
the energy companies sector and the
service sector. The reason is that they There are a large number of fleet
were able to take everything except optimization systems but it can be
underpasses into consideration. difficult to evaluate how an organization
should choose. The organization needs
The next requirement that led to the
to systematically structure its needs and
greatest difficulties was "It should be
then find a system supplier that can
possible manually and simply to make
meet them. The hope is that the long
the software prohibit roads that cannot
specification of requirements in the
be used for transport". Users found this
article can be a useful tool to find a
requirement very important and only
standardized system with little need for
three respondents considered it
desirable instead of necessary. The
suppliers' response distribution was the The author finds that fleet optimization
same here as for the requirement that systems are being developed and that
the fleet optimization system should their use will increase. Knowledge of
take into consideration everything that their existence is still relatively limited.
limits progress, i.e. four answered that When the author was looking for
they could not meet this requirement interviewees in various sectors, for
and one did not answer. Only those example the transport sector, it
suppliers who answered that they could emerged that many people did not know
meet all requirements had a solution for that such programs exist.
both of these. Among the other systems,

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