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JoOnna G.

303 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 / 303-506-1626 or

Objective: To secure an outbound marketing communications or account management position where innovation, dedication
and integrity are embraced and respected in the Hospitality, Entertainment, Technology, Renewable Energy or Marketing
Communications industries.
Summary: A marketing communications and business development professional with extensive and proven experience in the
management, coordination and implementation of client accounts, promotional campaigns, events, marketing plans, messaging,
branding and marketing programs effectively increasing product visibility, customer acquisition and brand awareness.
• Event design, coordination and oversight: Designed innovative industry, educational, networking and fundraising events,
sponsorships and programs for attendance by150 to over 10,000 attendees globally incorporating logistics management,
exhibitions, sessions, town halls and entertainment in hotels and large conference centers
• Promotions: Coordinated integral promotional product launches including using a prize giveaway across divisions through
multiple events, brands, partners, website, social media, email and survey over 4 months which acquired over $2Mil in sales
providing a 2000% ROI, solicited valuable customer and market feedback from over 2000 users culminating in a webcast
attended by over 300 and reaching 1500 new leads
• Incentive Marketing: Created incentive promotions for and industry standard including utilizing a USB with a faux landing
page linking to product information and news requiring participants to complete a survey including contact information and
research contributing new audience and assisting in the development of the SMI Standard
• Sales Tools: Developed a comprehensive product demonstration centers program throughout 24 sites worldwide by
acquiring over $5Mil of partner product for free, working closely with sales and sales engineering departments leading to new
product certifications and packages intensifying sales and customer education
• Lead Generation: Devised and implemented unique event sponsorships enabling access to an increased number of
attendees expanding lead generation capabilities by an estimated 1000% and creating speaking opportunities at industry
events overseeing staff, promotion, lead generation, shipping, travel, entertainment and special events
• Contracts: Negotiated and supervised customer account contracts, third-party vendor and in addition to relationship
• Writing: Collaborated and contributed to the design, writing, editing and review of brand identity, website, advertising (print,
TV & radio) and social media campaigns and collateral and informational materials, packaging and message content
• Team Leadership: Led teams successfully in marketing, development, policy and procedure and product lifecycle projects
and solutions in addition to difficult situations successfully and strategically including ensuring that my entire international
team of 25 as well as demonstration equipment consisting of large IBM libraries safely returned home to the USA from Spain
after 911 from a conference, in addition, surviving and navigating 22 different V.P. supervisors in 5 years at one company
• Marketing and strategic alliances: meetings for business, ideation and co-marketing between associations, companies and
government agencies for business development and optimized promotion and education including ITAA, SNIA and Energy
Star in addition to the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship, CA, Rocky Mountain Wildlife and the Obama Campaign
• Client and Public Relations: Finessed and managed accounts, public relations and press with c-level executives, industry
leaders, journalists and analysts. Increasing scope of work product and including writing press releases and obtaining expert
status opportunities with speaking/interview engagements on TV, at conferences and in radio and print publications.

Job History:
Ideation and Marketing Programs Coordinator
Concensio, LLC, Boulder, CO Jan 2008 – March 2010
Oversight of all internal marketing and customer accounts for this creative agency working with legal, real estate and educational
accounts, including COREnet Global, Real Estate Council and Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at CU Boulder, Education
Angels initiative, Catalyst Education of Colorado, Boulder High School and Bankrupt Buddy of Colorado for events, marketing,
messaging, sponsorship programs and relations, branding and identity, fundraising, in addition to corporate communications,
partner relations and Board and C level meetings presentations and proposals.
Marketing Projects Coordinator Feb 2004 – Jan 2008
Sr. Marketing Consultant and Account Manager
Data Globility Initiative, Corinth, TX and Boulder, CO
Developed, implemented and coordinated accounts and campaigns for this information technology consultancy and its clients
with strategic marketing plans, customer retention programs and promotional and identity campaigns including: NEC
Laboratories, Crosswalk Inc., Fujitsu, iStor Networks, Extreme Protocol Solutions, Diogenes Analytical Lab, Storage World
Conference and The Association of Storage Network Professionals, Conference Concepts’- ATCA Summit, Storage Network
Industry Association- Storage Management Forum and Storage Management Initiative, The Anderson School of Autism, Alpine
Media Duplication, American Marketing Association, Rocky Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and Obama for America ’08.
JoOnna G. Silberman…page 2

Marketing Manager/Product Analyst

Computer Associates, Boulder, CO June 1999 – Jan 2004
Responsible for BrightStor storage products outbound marketing and special project for increased visibility and customer
feedback including partner programs, product awareness and mind share initiatives. In addition to designing, budgeting and
coordinating campaigns, surveys, programs, events, promotions and launches finessed partner relationships and collaborative
Marketing Consultant and Project Manager
Independent Contractor: Boulder/New Orleans/ Miami/ New York City and Paris June 1992- May 1999
Contracted as marketing project consultant creating brand identity, business and marketing plans, training programs and
promotional campaign coordination for companies, organizations and industry focused events in the technology, specialty food,
hospitality, fashion and publishing sectors. Clients Included: Harper Collins, GE Access, The Miami Beach Chamber of
Commerce; Hospitality Association and Hotel Nice Program, the Louisiana Foreign Relations Associations, Chevas Gallery,
American Models and Designers Awards, N.A.T.P.E. as well as various conferences, fashion designers and associations.
Marketing and Operations Manager
Gastromania N.V., St. Maarten Netherlands Antilles Feb 1987- Feb 1992
Oversaw the entire marketing and business operations for this specialty food, special events, import/export and restaurant
Company on the island of St. Maarten managing a staff of 15 and supervising all brand identity, campaign, advertising, account
management and operations.

Additional Work Experience:

Print Publishing-Production Coordinator: Harper Collins/Westview Press (books)/King Publications (advertising
sales)/Penthouse Publications (editing) – 1996-1997/1982-1984
Film and TV Production-Production Coordinator and Assistant: Wor-TV, Arm and Hammer, TV Guide, Penthouse
Pet of the Year, various documentaries, feature films and other – 1982-1986
Technical experience and knowledge:
• MS Office 2003 and 2007 intermediate to expert in all programs including; Outlook, Word, Excel,PowerPoint
Access and Visio.
• MAC operation systems
• Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and knowledge of InDesign
• Scheduling software – EMS Room and Location scheduling
• Email mass communications software- Constant Contacts
• Registration Software – Regonline
• Content management software- Ektron, Atomic Server and Joomla
• CRM Software: ACT, and Access
Awards, leadership and events:
Boulder Housing Partners Green and Clean Program and Community Garden; The Storage Network Industry Association’s
(SNIA) “Outstanding Achievement Award” in 2003 for leadership in the Storage Network Industry: Chair Technology Center
Committee 2002-2003-SNIA; Chair Backup and Restore Steering Committee 2002-SNIA; Area Lead, Interoperability Demo
Committee 2001-2003-SNIA; Advisory Board 2002-2004, Storage World Conference; Consultant – Association of Storage
Networking Professionals (ASNP). Member: American Marketing Association Membership Committee 2005, Business Marketing
Association; Colorado Film and Video Association. Silver Pick Winner of the PRSA Gold Pick Awards for "Leapin Leopards"
Rocky Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (RMWS) and Animal Planets “Growing Up Leopard” campaign 2006; American Marketing
Association “Marketing Madness” at the St. Julien Hotel;
Events and campaign design sampler: SNIA Security Summit, SNIA Storage Management Summit, SNIA Back-up and
Restore Event; Obama ’08- “Barack Rocks” at the Fox Theatre; "Leapin Leopards" RMWS fundraising event; Marketing Madness
networking event; Cachao Live in South Beach; Storage World Conference; Renewable Energy Technology RETool, CU Boulder.
Chevas Gallery Collection Launch; ARCserve Mini Cooper Giveaway; Boulder High School Cheer Calendar 2009

Education – Bachelor of Arts not yet completed

New School for Social Research – New York, New York – Film Production 1982-1985.
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona – Communications and Theater 1980-1981
Bard College, Annandale on Hudson, New York – Communications 1979-1980
Industry Experience:
Creative and Marketing Agency- 15 years, Software and Computer Technology - 11 years, Hospitality - 7 years,
Education - 3 years, Renewable Energy - 2 years, Publishing - 5 years, Film/Video/Entertainment Production - 7 years,
Fashion - 4 years, Specialty Food - 5 years, Events - 20 years

303 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 / 303-506-1626 or

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