Warriors of The Lost Empire - Synth Guide

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Synthesis Guide by alaisiagae

Updated: 02/21/14 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

Table of Contents

The Mystery of Synthesizing

Blessing Abbreviations
Synthesizing Materials
Ideal Combinations
Increasing the Blessings
The Mystery of Synthesizing
Synthesizing is poorly explained in the game.

Blessing Abbreviations

AT = Attack
CA = Critical Attack Power
on armor, CA is converted to Defense vs. Slashing (?needs to be confirmed)
CB = Critical Hit Rate of Weapon
on armor, CB is converted to Defense vs. Blunt (?needs to be confirmed)
WR = Willpower Recovery Speed
WP = Max Willpower
HP = Max Health
tiny weight symbol = Weight
Sword symbol = Defense vs. Slashing attack damage
Hammer symbol = Defense vs. Blunt attack damage
Weapon/shield = What you equip on the hands. Shields are treated as weapons.
Armor = What you wear on the body.
Synthesizing Materials

Bone Scrap

-1 bottom
+1 right
Bone Piece

-1 bottom
+2 right
Bone Lump

-1 bottom
+3 right
Red Ore Scrap

-1 bottom
+1 left
Red Ore Piece

-1 bottom
+2 left
Red Ore Lump

-1 bottom
+3 left
Blue Crystal D

-1 left
+1 bottom
Blue Crystal S
-1 left
+2 bottom
Blue Crystal C

-1 left
+3 bottom
You can also use weapons/shields that have blessing(s) and use them on your base
weapon/armor/shield. Some high-quality weapons/shields will also affect the
synthesizing triangle.

Ideal Combinations

It doesn't matter which of the corners have these values, just as long as you end
up with these values in the corners.

Increasing the Blessings

Prerequisite: ideal combination achieved.

One Explanation
Apply the desired blessings to the three sides.
Use Red Ores, Blue Crystals, and Bones to get the 3 sides to an ideal combination.
feed the weapon/armor the 3 lowest denominations (the red ore scap, bone scap, and
blue crystal D)
after one cycle, the blessings will have increased, and the ideal combination (the
numbers at each corner) will be the same as before you started the cycle.
A Second Explanation
Starting with the lowest corner:

use a bone scrap/red ore scrap/blue crystal dust to increase it by 1.

use another bone/red ore/blue crystal to increase the corner that was just lowered
by 1.
Then finally, use another bone/red ore/blue crystal to increase the corner that was
lowered by the previous bone/red ore/blue crystal.
Repeat until you have increased the weapon to your liking or it hits its maximum
Example: Bronze Sword has Left AT 19, Right CA 19, bottom CB 17.

start with the bottom by using a blue crystal dust to increase CB to 18

Left AT will be decreased to 18.
Next, use the red ore scrap to increase the left AT back to 19
this will lower the right CA to 18.
Finally, use a bone scrap to increase the right CA back to 19
this lowers the bottom CB back to 17, thus maintaining the 19/19/17 you started
After doing this once, you'll notice your blessings have increased by 1 for AT, CB
and 5 for CA. Keep doing this starting with the blue crystal dust/red ore
scrap/bone scrap until you've increased the blessings on the weapon

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