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Idiom chunks:
(1) The headway that John made was substantial (vs. *The headway that John disliked was substantial) (but
see: Mary never made the headway that had been expected of her (Falk 2009,8, who credits Joan Bresnan)

Bound anaphors:
(2) The interest in each otheri that John and Maryi had was obvious

Bound pronominals:
(3) The letter to hisi teacher that each pupili mailed went lost

Narrow scope of quantifiers:

(4)a. I met the two students that each professor invited (each > two/two>each)
b. I persuaded (the) two students that each professor was nuts (two>each/*each>two)

Inverse attraction
Dari (Afghan Farsi)
(5)a doxtar ey ke jon mišnose inja æs (Houston 1974,43)
girl ART COMP John know.3 here be.3
‘the girl that John knows is here’
b beča ey ke mori kitoba bare-iš dod injes (Houston 1974,40)
boy art COMP Mary book.ACC to-him gave.3
‘the boy that Mary gave a book to is here’

(6)a doxtar ey ra ke jon mišnose inja æs (Houston 1974,43)

girl ART ACC COMP John know.3 here be.3
‘the girl that John knows is here’
b ba beča ey ke mori kitoba dod injes (Houston 1974,40)
to boy art COMP Mary book.ACC gave.3

Albanian dialect of Xranje (Bevington 1979)

(7)a Djali [ që e pashë unë ] iku (Bevington 1979,273)
the boy (Nom) that him saw I left
b Djalen [ që e pashë unë ] iku (Bevington 1979,274)
the boy (Acc) that him saw I left
‘the boy that I saw left’


a) Evidence from the non obligatory reconstruction of the Head w.r.t. Principle C

(8) The side of Johni’s face which hei doesn’t like is the left one (cf. Safir 1998, cited in Sauerland 1999,354)

vs. the obligatory reconstruction of interrogative wh-phrases and RC internal wh-phrases:

(9)a *Which side of Johni’s face doesn’t hei like? (cf. Sauerland 1999,354)
b *I respect any writer whose depiction of John i hei’ll object to (Safir 1998, cited in Sauerland
b) Further cases of non-reconstruction of the Head: der- vs. som-relatives in Norwegian (Ǻfarli 1994);
indefinite (0) vs. definite (yalli) relatives in Lebanese Arabic (Aoun and Li 2003); który/ kotoryj vs. co/čto
relatives in Polish and Russian (Szczegielniak 2005); which vs. that relatives in English (Ǻfarli 1994, Aoun
and Li 2003); Finnish RCs with relative pronouns (Manninen 2003).
Croatian headed relatives (Gračanin-Yuksek 2008, section 2.2), f) deto restrictive relatives with resumptive
pronouns in Bulgarian (Krapova 2009).
c) Full repetition of the Head inside the relative clause. See:

(10) Non hanno ancora trovato una sostanza [dalla quale sostanza ricavare un rimedio contro l’epilessia]
‘They have not found a substance from which substance to obtain a remedy against epilepsy’ (Italian - cf.
Cinque 1978,88f)

(11) Loci natura erat haec quem locum nostri delegerant (Latin – Keenan 1985,153)
Of the ground nature was this which ground our (men) chose
‘The nature of the ground which our men chose was this’

(12) skəən [nàm dzán skəən syì] há diyà gáy kà (Mina (Chadic)- Frajzyngier and Johnston 2005,433)
thing [1DU find thing DISCOURSE MARKER] 2sg put spoil POS
‘The thing we found, you are ruining it’

vs. full repetition of interrogative wh-phrases

(13) *Quale sostanza credi abbiano ricavato quale sostanza?

Which substance do you think they obtained which substance?

d) Negative Polarity Licensing (Citko 2001)

(14)a I don’t think he could trust anyone

b*I don’t think everyone could trust anyone

(15) Nobody found a picture of anyone which everybody liked

Two syntactic phenomena discriminating between “raising”and “matching”.

extraposition (Hulsey and Sauerland 2006):
idiom chunk:
(16) *Mary praised the headway last year that John made (Hulsey and Sauerland 2006,114)

(17) *It will take us all year to drink the champagne in France that he spilled at the party
(Szczegielniak 2005,71) [the asterisk refers to the amount reading]

inverse Case attraction:

(18)a. *doxtar ey ra inja æs [ke jon mišnose] (Dari (Afghan Farsi) - Houston 1974,43)
girl ART ACC here be.3 COMP John know.3
b. doxtar ey inja æs [ke jon mišnose]
‘the girl here is that John knows’

stacking (Carlson 1977):

idiom chunk:
(19) *Jake noticed the headway we made that Fred said we couldn’t make (Carlson 1977,540)

(20) *This desk weighs every pound they said it would weigh that I had hoped it wouldn’t (weigh)
(Carlson 1977,540)

inverse Case attraction:

(21) *?Zani-ro ke diruz didi ke har kasi doost dare bebine inja-st (Razieh Beyraghdar,p.c.)
(the) woman-ACC that yesterday saw-2sg. that each person pleasure has to see here-is3sg.
‘the woman that you saw yesterday that everybody would like to see is here.

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