Taeghen Robinson: Special Courses

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Taeghen Robinson


Job Objective To obtain a position as a high school English teacher

Education Salem High School, 1993 Sundevil Drive, Virginia Beach

Class of 2018
Special Courses:
 Financial Management/ Economics
 Keyboarding
 Spanish I, II, III
 Journalism I, II, III
 VTfT

Experience Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow (VTfT)

 5th grade (2017) at Glenwood Elementary
o Grade papers
o Work with students individually
o Create Lesson Plans
 9 grade core English (2017-2018) at Salem High School

o Grade papers
o Create lesson plans
o Create PowerPoints
o Create worksheets
o Help students individually
o Provide a comfortable learning environment

Babysitting: May 2015- Current, Phil Kojack, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Childcare Provider:
 Maintains the welfare of children
 Entertains children
 Maintains cleanliness of house
 Feed the children

Skills Organization
Team Building
Strong work ethic
Problem Solving
Interpersonal Sensitivity
Awards Principal’s List (November 2017 and February 2018)
Education Fundamentals Exam (April 2017)
Inducted into the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society (February 2017)
WISE Certification (January 2017)
Student of the Month (2015)
High School Volleyball Award (2014-2016)
High School Volleyball Academic Award (2014-2016)
Honor Roll (2014-current)
Piano Award (2011-2014)

Activities Maelstrom- School literary art magazine (2017-current)

Volunteering at Select Physical Therapy (2017-current)
Newspaper Sports Editor (2016-current)
Newspaper Staff (2015-current)
Volunteering at CHKD (2016)
Volleyball (2014-2016)
Helping teachers (2014-current)
Piano (2011-2014)
Volunteer at the SPCA (2012)

References Available upon request

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