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1st Year MTW

St. Ciarán’s Community School

Mr. Gibney
Self-Assessment form

Name: _________________
Date: __________________

Self-Evaluation Worksheet
‘Self-assessment or evaluation of oneself or one's
actions, attitudes, or performance’

 Does my project meet the requirements of the brief? Explain?


 Were the materials used suitable and appropriate?


 Discuss any problems you overcame during the project

1st Year MTW
St. Ciarán’s Community School
Mr. Gibney
Self-Assessment form

 Discuss the quality of the work: how could it be improved?


 How did you make the piece attractive? Was it successful?


 How could the finish quality have been improved?


Marking Scheme
Design Brief/Sketches ___/20%
Instigation/Good planning/Multiple ideas/Quality of sketches
Artefact Quality ___/50%
Design of finished project/Joint Quality
Preparation of Finish/Finish ___/20
Smooth sanded finish/no pencil lines/quality of stain/oils application
Self-evaluation ___/10
Evidence you completed this form and have reflected on your design

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