Kappa Phi News: Jan and Tina

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Kappa Phi News

K a p p a P h i C h a p t e r , N o . 2 6 1 , Ar e a I X
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Al p h a S t a t e , T e x a s
Carrollton-Farmers Branch

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women
educators and excellence in education.



Greetings from both of us! We hope you will join us on Thursday, September 18 for a meeting full of fellow-
ship. Remember that our meeting will be at Café Smith from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. After some social time and a
short business meeting, we will celebrate the life of Mary Clark with a short ceremony led by Debbie Shugart,
and then Celeste Craig will lead us in learning more about the DKG websites – there is SO much wonderful
information on them! On Saturday, September 11, eight of our chapter members traveled south of Dallas and
attended an excellent Area IX fall workshop. We had a great time; everyone was energized with lively music
and learned something new about DKG in our break-out sessions. Our chapter was one of 20 in Area IX rec-
ognized for having completed its financial donations to the headquarters fund - way to go, Kappa Phi mem-
bers! As we have said before, it takes ALL members of Kappa Phi Chapter to participate and help out to make
our events successful. We still have a few job responsibilities to fill – so please consider your role and please
step up to help. We need: a chairman for research/legislation, a chairman for music, and a chapter representa-
tive for the Cora McFarland committee. We know that everyone will contribute their time and energy to make
our chapter more successful, which is why we are proud to lead the Kappa Phi Chapter. Looking forward to a
great year!

Jan and Tina

Kappa Phi News Page 2

September Chapter Meeting

When: Thursday, September 16, 2010
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Where: Café Smith, Newman Smith High School (See attached parking pass)
Program: Remembering and Honoring Mary Clark
“Welcome to Delta Kappa Gamma in the 21st Century,” presented by Celeste Craig

Bring your own dinner or snack to Café Smith at Newman Smith High School. Linda Mayfield will provide
iced tea and water. We will eat and fellowship from 5:30-6:00 p.m., and the meeting and program time will be
from 6:00-7:00 p.m. We are going to all work very hard this year to abide by this time schedule for our meet-
ings. We hope this time change will make it possible for more of you to become more active members.

Debbie Shugart will be leading in a celebration of the life of Mary Clark, and it will be a special time for all of
us. Following the ceremony, we will vote on a prospective member, have a brief business meeting, and Celeste
Craig will present a program designed to show some of the ways we can use technology in Delta Kappa
Gamma, including the DKG social networking site, using text messaging to vote and/or give opinions, Google
Docs, Flickr, Wikis, and, of course, the new Kappa Phi website. Passwords will be given at this meeting, so
you don’t want to miss out!

Bring children’s underwear to the meeting for the CFB Clothes Closet.

Future Meeting Dates

October 21 Guest Speaker from Carrollton/
Farmers Branch Police Department
December 2 Christmas Auction, St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church
January 20 Orientation
February 17 Book Study with Barbara Taylor
April 21 Initiation
May 19 Founders’ Day

Except where indicated, all meetings will be at

Café Smith and will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Are You An Active Member?

Are you an active member, Do you come to the meetings often
The kind that would be missed? And help with hand and heart?
Or are you just contented Do you take an active part Don’t be just a member,
That your name is on the list? To help the work along? But take an active part.
Or do you leave the work to just a
Do you attend the meetings few Think this over, member,
And mingle with the flock? And make excuses all along? You know right from wrong,
Or do you go right home Are you an active member,
And criticize and knock? Or do you “just belong”?
Kappa Phi News Page 3

Techno Trivia
Those of you in the classroom have probably heard of “Wordle” and have used it before; however, I came
across it the other day and had loads of fun creating my own unique wordles, like the one above. Wordle is a
toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that
appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color
schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use any way you like. You can print them out or
save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends. It’s easy and it’s fun! Check it out at http://
www.wordle.net/create .

Yearbook Information
Laura Harbin is our Yearbook editor this year. If you have any changes to make to your personal information
(such as address changes, e-mail changes, phone number changes), please let Laura know.

Dues Reminder
If you have not already done so, please pay your dues. Helen Marsee will be accepting your dues payment
of $80.00 at the meeting this week. You can also mail your check to her.
Kappa Phi News Page 4

News From the Personal Growth and Services Committee

Community service ideas were discussed at the August meeting and the consensus from the members leaned
towards supporting the CFB Clothes Closet. We agreed it would be good to collect girls/boys underwear for
the fall. I will be collecting these items at both the September and October meetings. The sizes currently
needed are girls and boys 2T-4T, 4 and 6 and also size 8 and 12 for boys. The closet also collects new and gen-
tly-used children’s coats, if any of you have something in that line you can donate. We also thought it would
be good to collect hotel-type hygienic products for a women’s shelter, so if you’ve been traveling and have any
shampoos, lotions, soaps, etc., I will start stockpiling those.

It’s New Member Recruitment Time!

It is again time to consider submitting recommendations for membership in Kappa Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa
Gamma. Hard copy forms will be available at the September and October meetings but can also be found on
the Alpha state website at www.dkg.org. Once there, go to “Library,” “Forms”, “Chapter Member”,
“Recommendation for Invitation to Membership Form 11”.

To be considered for active membership, a woman must:

• Be employed in educational work at the time of her election or be retired from education
• Demonstrate professional proficiency
• Be a contributing member of her community

Kappa Phi members should ACTIVELY seek to include women who will promote professional and personal
growth of women educators and excellence in education. Members should invite women who represent a vari-
ety of academic and cultural backgrounds. The deadline for submitting completed recommendations is
November 19, 2010. Be sure to invite potential members to our meetings. Bring your student teacher (female)
and introduce her to this group of outstanding women educators. What an inspiration it will be for her to be
exposed to our positive outlooks on education, rather than the negatives that are so often heard around school

Please bring your recommendations to the September or October meetings or return the completed form to
Beth Howard.
Kappa Phi News Page 5

Meet Our Newest Member, Marilyn Marsh

Marilyn Marsh is a transfer member from one of our sister chapters in Dallas, Delta Tau. She has been in Delta
Kappa Gamma for 22 years and was initiated in Epsilon Upsilon Chapter in McAllen/Mission. She received
her BS from Southern Illinois University and taught 36 years, retiring from CFB. Welcome, Marilyn. We are
so glad you are joining us, and thank you, Debbie Moss, for convincing her to come!

Leadership Seminar
The 2011 Leadership Seminar will be held in Dallas the weekend of February 4 – 6. More information about
this excellent opportunity is found on the TSO website: http://www.alphastatetexas.org/leadership.html. Ap-
plications must be postmarked by October 15 – so if you are interested, please let Tina or Jan know, because
they have to fill out part of your application! Tina and Jan have both participated in previous years, and they
report that the seminar is a super opportunity to gain leadership training and make lots of long-lasting friend-
ships, as well!

Lone Star News

The fall issue of the Lone Star News is filled with useful information – about the Leadership Seminar plans,
the start of a non-profit Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation, tips for using websites and programs such
as Picasa, plus much, much more! Stay informed - go to http://www.alphastatetexas.org/lonestarnews/
fall2010.pdf to find and read your copy! You will no longer be receiving a hard copy in the mail. It will only
be available online, so be sure to bookmark the page.

Prayers Requested
Please remember Myrtle Watkins as she recovers at home following a serious fall in her kitchen. Remember
Dorothy, too, as she juggles the responsibilities of mother, wife, daughter/caregiver, and teacher.

Vote, Vote, Vote

How important is one vote? In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England. In 1649, one vote
caused Charles I to be executed. In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German. In
1801, Thomas Jefferson won the election by the votes of one state. In 1845, one vote brought Texas into the
Union. In 1868, one vote saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment. In 1875, one vote changed
France from a monarchy to a republic. In 1876, one vote gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency. In 1923,
one vote gave Adolf Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party. In 1941, one vote saved Selective Service.

Does your one vote matter? You bet it does. Election day is November 2. Get out early and vote, and let your
voice be heard. Go to http://www.thevoterguide.org/v/dallas/ to enter your address and print out a customized
ballot based on your precinct.
Kappa Phi News Page 6

Area IX Workshop
On Saturday morning, September 11, eight Kappa Phi members traveled to Duncanville to attend the Area IX
Workshop. We enjoyed meeting new sisters and seeing old friends and returned invigorated and with informa-
tion to share about DKG.

Members display signs promoting Dr.

Vicki Davis’s theme of “Advance the
Society: Believe, Engage, Learn,
Lead”. Front, l-r: Tina, Vici, Debbie,
Laura, Jan. Back, l-r: Celeste, Nancy,

Tina, Kara, and Nancy are all smiles after The theme for the day:
attending their first session. “Celebrate Being a DKG

August Meeting
We had a wonderful August meeting in the home of Betty, Nancy Shaheen’s mother. Betty is always such a
gracious hostess, and it’s so nice to start off our year in her beautiful home. We enjoyed a salad supper with a
variety of delicious salads and desserts prepared by all. We honored and thanked Nancy Shaheen for serving as
Kappa Phi’s award-winning president for four years. We presented her with a beautiful scrapbook created by
Debbie Moss and filled with Kappa Phi photos and letters of appreciation from members. We also gave her a
Lolita N-Monogrammed goblet decorated with adjectives beginning with the letter N, such as “naughty,”
“nice,” “nubile”.
Kappa Phi News Page 7

Kappa Phi Website

If you have not sent me your permission form for Internet publishing, please try to remember to do so. I am
missing the information from 15 people. I want the website to become a helpful resource for our chapter mem-
bers, so it will include
• The newsletter so that you can access it online;
• A calendar with important Kappa Phi dates;
• Photos from meetings;
• Announcements of upcoming events
• The yearbook.
Even though you completed a form last year, I need a new one each year. I will never put personal informa-
tion, such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, personal addresses, etc., online. I do need your permission,
though, to use your basic information. I am attaching another form at the end of the newsletter. You can just
send an e-mail to celrob2@sbcglobal.net stating that I have your permission to put your name, photo, birthday
on the website (birthdays will be on the calendar and the newsletter). Thank you for your help.

The website is a work-in-progress, but you can check the progress at www.kappaphitexas.weebly.com. If you
try to access it but receive an error message, try again later.

FYI: the newsletter on the website is a different version from the one that you receive. I go through and re-
move last names and any other information of a personal nature. It makes for an unusual look, especially if I
don’t have your permission form yet—there’s a big red box over your name!

Happy Birthday To You!

September 24 . . . . . . Barbara Taylor
September 28 . . . . . . Tina Flatt
October 6 . . . . Celeste Craig

A belief is not merely an

idea the mind possesses;
it is an idea that
possesses the mind.

~Robert Oxton Bolt~

Kappa Phi News Editor:

Celeste Craig
6210 White Rose Trail, Dallas, TX 75248
Internet Web Publishing Permission Slip
I give my permission for my:

Name ____

Photo ____

Birthday (on a calendar format) ______

to be included on the website for Kappa Phi.

Name ________________________________

Signature _____________________________

Date ______________________________________
Parking Permit
2335 N. Josey Lane
Carrollton, TX 75006

1. Print & display this in your windshield.

2. Enter NSHS from the southern most entrance….you will see a Carrollton
Water Tower.
3. Follow the drive around past the Tutt Center (Field House), football practice
field and gym.
4. Park on the northern part of the school (beside tennis courts).
5. Enter the back of the building and look for a gold CAFÉ SMITH Sign w/ a
pineapple display. There will be signs directing you to the Café…it is very
close to this entrance.

******If door is locked, call 973-968-5279 and someone will open*******

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