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Since 1983 FREYLIT has been producing, installing and maintaining the following products :

Mineral Oil and Residual Oil Separators for Industries

Oil Separators for garages and parking lots
Wash Water Recycling Systems

At the heart of our Mineral Oil and Residual Oil Separators

are the polypropylene coalescent plates developed by FREYLIT, which reduce the effluent oil content
down to below 5 ppm.
The Mineral Oil and Residual Oil Separators are used at petrol stations, garages, freight forwarders,
oil depots, airports, harbours, electric power plants, refineries, steel factories, etc. to separate waste
oil from water.

We produce Mineral Oil and Residual Oil Separators with flow rates from 2 litres/second up to
5200 litres/second. The separators are made of durable materials to ensure high quality performance
over a very long lifetime. For more than 25 years we export to over 30 countries in Europe, USA,
Japan, China, Taiwan, and the Middle East. A large number of well know oil corporations, engineering
companies, and industrial clients are using Freylit oil separators. All units are tested to conform to
the European Norm EN858.

FREYLIT supplies Mineral Oil and Residual Oil Separators with tanks made of concrete, steel or
Alternatively we can supply only ‘installation kits’, which are all the necessary oil separator
components inside the tank, and our clients obtain the corresponding tanks locally, build them on
site, or install the ‘installation kit’ into an existing pit. With the “installation kits” we provide the
necessary engineering plans and easy installation and operation instructions.

Moreover, we have a second product line making Wash Water Recycling Systems used for cleaning
waste water from all types of vehicle washing operations, be it cars or trains or even airplanes. The
FREYLIT wash water recycling system is recognised as the most efficient state of the art technology
by all re‐known oil companies worldwide such as Adnoc, Agip, Aral, BP‐Amoco, Emarat, Eppco, Esso,
Idemitsu, Mobil, OMV, Q8 , Shell, Texaco, etc. and also automobile traders such as BMW,
Daimler‐Chrysler, VW, Ford, Ferrari, Daihatsu, etc. in USA, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. With
over 8000 units installed worldwide the FREYLIT system is the system of choice, because of several
advantages, including the reclaim of up to 93% of the wash water normally used.

OIL FIELD Effluent Water Treatment System 

FREYLIT Coalescent Plates Oil Separator (CPI), Induced Gas Flotation Unit (IGF),
Walnut Shell Filters (WSF)

Inlet Feed Stream Conditions :

Produced Water separated in the 3‐Phase Separator Units constitutes the source of oily effluent 
water. This water will contain a low (residual) concentration of salt and a residual content of MEG, as 
well as dispersed and dissolved hydrocarbons. 

This oily water is transferred by positive displacement pump(s) to the inlet of the FREYLIT CPI 
Oil/Water Separator, where free oils are removed. The CPI Oil Separator comprises, first, a solids 
settlement chamber to allow solids to settle.  These are removed by sand washing equipment.  
Secondly, the oil separator has the coalescence plates chamber with FREYLIT internals components 
package installed where free oils are removed. 

Water with residual dispersed oil content flows onwards under pressure to the Induced Gas 
Floatation (IGF) Unit. Here micro‐fine gas bubbles are used for coagulating fine oil droplets and 
reducing the emulsified oils.  Also suspended solids are reduced in the IGF unit.  The processed water 
from the IGF unit is transferred by centrifugal pumps for final POLISHING to the Walnut Shell Filters 
(WSF).  WSF or AC filters available for final polishing are fed by the automatically operated feed 
pumps.  A redundant standby filter can be activated during times, when other filters in undergoing 
maintenance or is being back‐flushed. 


FREYLIT Umwelttechnik Gmbh Volksbank Ost UID no. ATU38460508

Inkustrasse 1-7, Wiener Straße 22, 2320 Schwechat FN 129743Z
3400 Klosterneuburg Euro account no.: 30386430000 EORI-nr. ATEOS1000000924
AUSTRIA IBAN AT24 4361 0303 8643 0000 HFU DGNR 100068545
Tel. +43 2243 30833 / Fax +43 2243 30833 14 BIC Code VOSTAT21XXX / SWIFTCODE VBOEATWWXXX





The American Petroleum Institute Bulletin 421 = API 421
will be used by most of our competitors as specification for their Oil Water Separators
API 421 was originally formulated in the 1970’s as a guide for waste water treatment at refineries and
assumes removal of “free oil” only, with a droplet size of 150-microns and above.
API 421 calls for a coalescing media of parallel inclined plates at 45 to 60 degrees and spaced 0,75 to
1,5 inches apart to separate oil droplets of assumed 60-micron size.
No residual oil content of the water discharged is specified in API 421.
API 421 does not specify a water quality exiting the OWS, but does suggest 50 ppm ( 50 mg/l) of oil
in the water being discharged

FREYLIT Oil Water Separators are specified and tested according Austrian Norm
ÖNORM B5101 (1990 ) and European Norm EN 858
The Austrian Norm ÖNORM B5101 (1990 ) was the strictest Norm worldwide and specified a water
quality exiting the OWS of 5 ppm ( 5mg/l ) oil in the water being discharged
FREYLIT uses a special computer program to calculate the oil droplets which will be removed out of
the water .
The FREYLIT Separators can remove 100% of all oil droplets which are larger than 25 microns
depending on the design and dimensioning, and 25% of oil droplets with a size of 12 microns .


Most of FREYLIT`S competitors use parallel inclined plates as coalescing media
If the space between the inclined plates is to large oil outlet concentration under 50 ppm ( 50 mg/l)
never can be reached because the small oil droplets rise slowly and do not have the chance to touch a

The below mentioned statement applies only to Oil Separators in an open system in which
oxygen and light can act on the oil-water mixture.
In closed systems (airtight applications) no bacteria and algae can occur.
The following happens if the space between the inclined plates is to small :
Some manufacturers of 45 degree and 60 degree inclined plates state :
If sediment and mud entering the tank with the water the sediment simply slides down each 45 degree
or 60degree plate to the bottom of the tank, however this is not correct .
In oily water environments, bacteria and algae always grows on the surface of the plates and over
time, the algae and bacteria growth makes the space between each plate smaller and smaller so
sediment and mud cannot slide to the bottom of the tank but instead sticks to the algae and bacteria
on the plates.
This causes back pressure and the oil droplets are therefore forced to flow faster across the 45 degree
straight plates.
Since the smaller space is creating back pressure, the oily water flows quicker through the
plates and the plates do not have sufficient time to separate efficiently and the oil outlet
concentrations therefore increase considerably.

With FREYLIT horizontal wave plate pack separators on the other hand,the oily water always goes
through the corrugated plates colliding with each wave section of the corrugated plates and so the
separation efficiencies are always maintained even with increased back pressure due to algae and
bacteria growth.
Due to the fact that corrugated plates are stacked on top of each other and the resulting shape
(tapered at the corrugation ridges and extended at the corrugation peaks and valleys)
the oil-containing water moves along the corrugated plates at varying speed.
This results in additional particle collisions (possibility to coalesce) of bigger (slower) and smaller
(faster) oil droplets.
As droplets become bigger, on account of these particle collisions, they accelerate their upward
movement, so that they are consequently trapped by the corrugated plates


Most of FREYLIT`S competitors are using straight parallel inclined plates installed at
45 or 60 degree slope.
Material: Steel, Stainless Steel ore Polypropylene

FREYLIT manufacture horizontal corrugated ( wave ) coalescent plates
Material: Oleophilic Polypropylene (PP) and Oleophilic Polyoxymethylenhomopolymer (POM )
POM will be used if the temperature of the oil water mixture is higher than 70° Celsius
LIFETIME of the plates MINIMUM 20 Years


INCLINED PLATES : As half of the total surface of any inclined parallel plate media is always angled
upward, rising oil droplets rarely impact the plates.
In other words, half of surface area of any inclined plate media never supports oil droplet coalescing.

FREYLIT coalescent plates are arranged in horizontal position in order to fully utilize the complete
surface area of each coalescent plate.




6 mm and 12 mm by simply turning the plates 180 ° horizontal ,
The FREYLIT plates have, as an integral part of the plate, two different distance holders
poured on each plate that enable the turned plates to be slotted together .

3. FREYLIT has 30 years experience with applications ,dimensioning and delivery of


More than 10.000

units in operation!




CAPACITIES: from 3 l/sec to more than 5.000 l/sec

1 Introduction

1.1 System drawing of FREYLIT CPI Oil Separator

Illustration 1: System drawing CPI Oil Separator

CPI Oil Separator page 1 of 4

1.2 General

The FREYLIT CPI Oil Separator is a compact unit with an integrated silt chamber, oil
separator and residual oil separator.

By applying the technology of FREYLIT oleophilious, horizontal, non-corroding corrugated

plates made of PP (polypropylene) or POM (polyoxymethylenhomopolymer), much lower
effluent oil content is achieved, while much smaller vessels or concrete tanks, in comparison
with API designs, are needed.

Any oil from chemically produced stable emulsions or soluble oils can not be separated by
mechanical oil separators.

Illustration 2: Corrugated plates

CPI Oil Separator page 2 of 4

2 Description of the FREYLIT CPI Oil Separator
The oil/water mixture enters the FREYLIT CPI oil separator through an inlet pipe. Since the
design provides for an inlet deflector, the oil/water flow is deflected, which generates a
current in the direction of the oil collection layer (separator surface). Consequently the big oil
drops rise faster towards the oil layer. Then, the water (which still contains oil droplets) flows
through the PLATE PACK SECTION of the separator.

Illustration 3: Flow diagram

CPI Oil Separator page 3 of 4

Horizontal, oleophilous, NON-ROTTABLE corrugated plates of PP (polypropylene) or POM
(polyoxymethylenhomopolymer) are used to separate the residual oil. The corrugated plates
are stacked on top of each other at a distance of 6 mm, by means of cast-on spacers.
Accordingly, an oil droplet only needs to move upwards by a maximum of 6 mm, before it
contacts the next corrugated plate, which traps the droplet.

As soon as an oil droplet touches a corrugated plate it is separated. The droplet

adheres to the underside of the corrugated plate and, on account of its specific
gravity, it moves along the plate to the apex of the corrugation ridge.

Bore holes in the apices of the corrugation ridges (diameter 15 mm), allow the oil collected in
the apices of the ridges to move upward and reach the oil collection layer. Due to the fact
that corrugated plates, which are tapered at the corrugation ridges, are stacked on top of
each other, the oil-containing water moves along the corrugated plates at varying speed.
This results in additional particle collisions (possibility to coalesce) of bigger and smaller oil
droplets. The droplets become bigger, on account of these particle collisions, which
accelerate their upward movement, so that they are consequently trapped by the corrugated
plates. The plates have a length of 590 mm.

CPI Oil Separator page 4 of 4

FREYLIT Oil Separators
Client Questionnaire

Company Name:


RFQ # & Project Name/Reference:

Contact Person:

Phone: FAX:

e-mail: Web site:

Briefly describe the process which is the source of the wastewater / effluent stream
containing the oil to be removed. If you have more than one process stream or type of
wastewater, but they are ultimately combined (at present) in your facility prior to treatment or
discharge, please describe them individually (use one sheet per process stream):

Please Sketch Current or Proposed Process


For each effluent stream of oil water, please provide the following information,
as may be available:

Feed flow rate : 360 m³/hr minimum 576 m³/hr maximum 450 m³/hr average

Hours of operation : 24 hrs / day 7 days / week 365 days / yr

Daily Total Flow : 8.640 m³ minimum 13.824 m³ maximum 10.800 m³ average

Continuous Flow ?

__X__Yes _____No Temperature range 10 °C min 50 °C max

Specific Gravity of
Oil Content : ppm Specific Gravity of Oil : Water :

pH : 6,8 Min 250 Max 1000 0,845 1,1

ν kinematic viscosity µ absolute viscosity of

of waste water : waste water : ρW density of water : ρOil density of oil :

0,000662 stoke 0,000672 poise 0,998 g/cm³ 0,85 g/cm³

TSS : _______ mg/l TDS : _______ mg/l BOD : _________ COD : ________

Particle Size & Distribution___(attach)___

How will the oily water be fed into the oil separator?

a- By natural gravity laminar flow (e.g. surface runoff to underground oil separator) X

b- Oily water will be pumped into the oil separator. If so, indicate type of pump to be used
(e.g. centrifugal pump, positive displacement pump, etc.)

Other pertinent information such as the presence of solvents, oxidants, polymers, etc:
Do you currently treat this effluent in any way? If yes, please describe:

The effluent is not treated.


Project Objectives:

Effluent Oil Content Target: 200 ppm

What min. size of oil droplets must be removed? : ______30______(µ) Microns

Desired Effluent Solids Content:

Is water reuse/recycling desirable?

Additional Comments:

Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

Design parameters: conversion

Qm design flow rate to the separator 0,16 m³/sec 576 m³/h GPM
T minimum Temperature 122 °F 50 °C °F
g acceleration due to gravity 981 cm/sec²
μ absolute viscosity of wastewater at the design temperature 0,000672 poise (g/(cm x sec)) 1,01 CP 0,0101 poise
ρW density of water at the design temperature 0,998 g/cm³
ρO density of oil at the design temperature 0,85 g/cm³
D diameter of the oil globule to be removed 0,0045 cm
Sw specific gravity of the wastewater at the design temperature 1,1 -
So specific gravity of the oil present in the wastewater at the design temperature 0,845 -
ν kinematic viscosity of the wastewater at design temperature 0,000662 stoke (cm²/sec) "=µ/ρ"

Design results:
Vt vertical velocity, or rise rate of the design oil globule diameter 0,015 cm 4,667410714 cm/sec
vertical velocity, or rise rate of the design oil globule diameter D 0,243060268 cm/sec
vertical velocity, or rise rate of the design oil globule diameter D using kinematic viscosity 0,258401624 cm/sec
vertical velocity, or rise rate of the design oil globule diamteter 0,015 cm using kinematic viscosity 2,879909366 cm/sec
minimum vertical velosity or rise rate for calculation 0,243060268 cm/sec

VH horizontal velocity 1,5 cm/sec 3,645904018

Ac minimum vertical cross-sectional area 10,67 m²
n number of separator channels 1 -
d depth of channel (typical 1 to 2,4 m) 2,1 m
B width of channel (typical 1,8 to 6 m) 5,2 m
ratio between depth and width (between 0,3-0,5) OK 0,403846154
L length of channel (at least 5 times the width) 14,8 m
F turbulence and short-circuiting factor (choose from Figure 4 API 421) 1,14 -
vH/Vt factor to choose turbulance factor F 6,171308924
ratio between depth and width (between 0,3-0,5) OK 0,403846154

Separator configuration result:

L lenght of separator per channel 26 m OK
B width of separator per channel 5,2 m
d depth of separator per channel 2,1 m OK
n number of separator channels 1 -

Verification of the horizontal area:

AH minimum horizontal area 75,04311651 m²
AHtats. actual horizontal area 135,2 m²
verification if minimal horizontal area is maintained OK
Process Calculation for FREYLIT CPI Oil Separator

Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

Process Calculation Basis for FREYLIT Oil Separator

vr = (g / 18 * n) * (ρw - ρo) * d^2

rise velocity of oil droplets vr 0,0002 m/sec

gravitational acceleration constant g 9,8100 m/sec²
viscosity of water at 20°C ( normal 0,001kg/m.sec ) n 0,0007 kg/m.sec
specific gravity of water ρw 1100,0000 kg/m³
specific gravity of oil ρo 845,0000 kg/m³
diameter of oil droplets d 27,8262 Mikron

claculation of oil droplet size which can be separated

1. Volume of coalescent plate packs in m³ (VP):

lenght of plate pack T 0,5850 m

width of plate pack B 0,3050 m
hight of plate pack H 1,7500 m
number of plate packs in assembly x 24,0000 Stk.
Reduction factor for deducting plate thickness from total plate pack volume f 0,8000

VP = T * B * H * X * f

Total volume of needed plate packs VP 5,9951 m³

2. Residence time of oily water in the plate packs (Vz):

Vz = VP / NS

Residence time of oily waste water in the plate packs Vz 37,4693 sec
Flow Rate of Oil Separator = Nominal Size (NS) NS 0,1600 m³/sec

3. Rise velocity of oil droplets (vr) :

vr = ps / Vz

Risevelocity of oil droplets vr 0,0002 m/sec

Distance between colaescent plates ps 0,0060 m

4. Calculation to determine the size (diameter) of oil droplets which can be removed

d = √ [(vr * 18 * n) / (g * (ρw - ρo))]

diameter of oil droplets d 27,8262 Mikron

CONCLUSION : According to the above formula this oil separator will remove 100% of all oil
droplets which are larger than
28 Mikron diameter.

The spezial design of the FREYLIT coalescent plates features smaller plate distance at the crests of the waves than in the troughs. This
produces a pulsating stream, where smaller oil droplets collede to coalesce into lager droplets. This ensures that even smaler oil droplets are
also removed.

Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

Design parameters:
Qm design flow rate to the separator 0,16 m³/sec
D diameter of the oil globule to be removed 28 Mikron
T lenght of plate pack 0,585 m
B width of plate pack 0,305 m
H height of plate pack 1,75 m
x total number of plate packs in assembly 24 pcs.
R plate pack rows per channel 2 -

Silt chamber size:

LS minimum length of silt chamber per channel 7,8 m
BS minimum width of silt chamber per channel 2,23 m
dS minimum depth of silt chamber per channel 1,85 m
n number of channels 2-
minimum volume of silt chamber per channel, 400 Liters per
VS each l/sec. flow rate 32 m³

Separator size:
LCPI minimum lenght of separator per channel 3,2 m
minimum width of separator per channel,
BCPI 20 cm side dams on each side of the plate packs 2,23 m
dCPI minimum waterlevel of separator per channel 1,85 m
number of separator channels,
n max. 10 plate packs per row 2-
VCPI separator volume per channel 13,2016 m³
ACPI separator surface area per channel 7,136 m²
min. oil storage capacity per channel 1,4272 m³

total CPI tank size:

L minimum lenght of separator 11 m
B minimum width of separator 4,46 m
d minimum waterlevel of separator 1,85 m
n number of separator channels 2 -
VCPI separator volume 26,4032 m³
ACPI separator surface area 14,272 m²
oil storage capacity 2,8544 m³
VS minimum volume of silt chamber 64 m³
Plate Pack Calculation
Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

160 l/sek
flow rate

6 mm
distance between plates

Gesamtanzahl der Plattenpakete;

24 Stk / pcs
total amount of plate packs

Anzahl der Paketreihen;

amount of plate pack rows

585 mm
lenght of plate pack

gewählte Pakethöhe;
17,5 dm
selected plate pack hight

17,5 dm 5,741469825 ft
plate pack hight

640,5 dm² 68,94284624 ft²
incident flow area

Anzahl der Wellplatten;

4704 Stk /pcs
amount of plates

0,0322 m/s 0,10561465 ft/s
velocity of flow

Plattenoberfläche eine Platte;

10,102881 dm² 1,087465061 ft²
plate surface one plate

gesamt Plattenpaketoberfläche;
475,2395222 m² 5115,435645 ft²
total plate pack surface

7,49385 m³ 264,6428114 ft³
plate pack volume

Plattenpaketoberfläche pro m³;

63,41727179 m²/1 m³ 19,32958473 ft²/1 ft³
plate pack surface per m³
Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

API separator including silt chamber:

LAPI lenght of separator 26 m
BAPI width of separator 5,2 m
dAPI depth of separator 2,1 m
nAPI number of separator channels 1-

FREYLIT CPI separator including silt chamber:

LCPI lenght of separator 11 m
BCPI width of separator 4,46 m
dCPI waterlevel of separator 1,85 m
nCPI number of separator channels 2-

size comparison
API Separator FREYLIT CPI Separator



5,2 4,46
2,1 1,85 1 2

lenght of separator width of separator depth of separator number of separator

Calculation of the separation efficienty of the FREYLIT CPI Oil separator :
Project: CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

Size (μm) Volume In % Size (μm) Volume In % Size (μm) Volume In % Size (μm) Volume In % Size (μm) Volume In %
0,010 0,000 0,105 0,000 1,096 0,430 11,482 1,020 120,226 9,650
0,011 0,000 0,120 0,000 1,259 0,410 13,183 1,190 138,038 9,180
0,013 0,000 0,138 0,000 1,445 0,380 15,136 1,350 158,489 7,980
0,015 0,000 0,158 0,000 1,660 0,340 17,378 1,460 181,970 6,230
0,017 0,000 0,182 0,000 1,905 0,310 19,953 1,510 208,930 4,300
0,020 0,000 0,209 0,000 2,188 0,280 22,909 1,470 239,883 2,390
0,023 0,000 0,240 0,000 2,512 0,270 26,303 1,360 275,423 0,200
0,026 0,000 0,275 0,000 2,884 0,270 30,200 1,240 316,228 0,000
0,030 0,000 0,316 0,000 3,311 0,290 34,674 1,170 363,078 0,000
0,035 0,000 0,363 0,000 3,802 0,320 39,811 1,290 416,869 0,000
0,040 0,000 0,417 0,130 4,365 0,360 45,709 1,710 478,630 0,000
0,046 0,000 0,479 0,200 5,012 0,400 52,481 2,500 549,541 0,000
0,052 0,000 0,550 0,280 5,754 0,460 60,256 3,700 630,957 0,000
0,060 0,000 0,631 0,340 6,607 0,520 69,183 5,200 724,436 0,000
0,069 0,000 0,724 0,390 7,586 0,610 79,433 6,830 831,764 0,000
0,079 0,000 0,832 0,420 8,710 0,720 91,201 8,300 954,993 0,000
0,091 0,000 0,955 0,440 10,000 0,860 104,713 9,320 1096,478 0,000
0,105 1,096 11,482 120,226 1258,925

Based on the proces calculation of the FREYLIT CPI Oil separator, all oil droplets can be separated, which are larger than 28,000 μm

% will be
81,190 achieved!
Based on the present distribution of oil droplets and the process calculation of the FREYLIT CPI Oil separator, a separation eficiency of

At an influent oil content of 1000,000 mg/l and the present distribution of oil droplets the oil content in the outlet can be reduced to 188,100 mg/l

Quotation date ___, valid 30 days

Issued by: ______

FREYLIT Quotation

CPI Oil Separator

Class 1, Full Retention
Dear Sirs,

In reference to your request and specifications provided for your project we herewith submit our quotation for the following FREYLIT Oil Separator System:

CPI Separator flow rate 576 m³/hour (2x M+R 80)

Based on the proces calculation of the FREYLIT CPI Oil separator, all oil droplets can be separated, which are larger than 28 microns.

FREYLIT is to supply the CPI coalescent plate packs and other internals to be fitted into concrete or steel basins to be erected by others.


Item # Quantity unit Description Unit price Total price


each set of coalescent oil separator installation internals includes the following parts:

Model: EBS-80

Maximum flow rate:

Gravity flow - 288 m³/hour

12 coalescent plate packs

1 2 set 1750 mm plate pack height € 0,00 € 0,00
6 mm plate spacing
Coalescent plates material POM
Handles and handle rods support for plate packs, material ___
2 pcs. Side dams, material ___
1 pcs. Top dam, material ___
1 pcs. Down holder for plate pack rows, material ___
1 set bracings, material ___
1 set screws, bolts, nuts & rivets, material ___
12 rubber V-seals with support rods
20 plate divider rods
2 1 set Documentation € 0,00 € 0,00
3 1 set Packaging for CPI internals in wooden crates € 0,00 € 0,00

Total € 0,00

Scope of Delivery includes following DOCUMENTATION:

Installation and commissioning instructions (English)

Operation and Maintenance manuals (English)
Design drawings non structural (English)


Total price for oil separator internals, as described above.

Payment: 50 % down payment after acceptance of the purchase order and 50 % upon delivery to the freight forwarder, or with letter of credit.

Ex works, AUSTRIA
Within 6 to 7 month after receiving P/O

Shipping and Handling:

The equipment will be delivered in the minimum economic number of assemblies taking due account of preservation and transport requirements.

FREYLIT guarantees full manufacturer’s warranty period of 18month from the date of delivery, or 12months from the date of installation, whichever comes first;
provided that operation and maintenance is performed according to manuals.

Not included in our Scope of Supply to be supplied by contractor/customer:

Reinforced concrete or steel structure located below or above grade, with access manholes, lids, etc.
Inlet and outlet pipes.
Import duties & handling, field unloading.
Installation, start-up & commissioning, operator & maintenance training work .

Please direct any enquiries for clarifications to the undersigned.

We look forward to receiving your order,

Sincerely yours,

FREYLIT Umwelttechnik GmbH

Inkustrasse 1-7
3400 Klosterneuburg
Tel. +43-(0)2243-30833
Fax +43-(0)2243-30833-14
mobile +43-(0)664-4023009
FREYLIT Large Scale Industrial Oil Separators

The FREYLIT modular plate-pack system the perfect solution for oil
separation in large scale industrial oil separators. In many industries
process waters are contaminated with oil which needs to be removed
before returning the water into the process cycle, for example in steel
mills. Coalescent plate pack separators are the most economic method
of treating such process waters efficiently. Large scale oil separators are
also used for the environmentally friendly disposal of waste waters from
power stations, fuel storage facilities, airports, harbours, marine oil
terminals, etc. FREYLIT oil separators are also used for the recovery of
valuable oil from oil/water mixtures at oil fields.

The separators usually comprise a concrete basin (silt chamber) for the
settlement of solid particles followed by concrete cells for the oil
separators. FREYLIT designs such systems and supplies the necessary
components which are installed inside the concrete basins.

FREYLIT oil separators are designed to the exact specifications and

requirements of our clients, and therefore ensure that desired results are
achieved with the most economical system solution. Flow rates range
from 36 m3/ hour to 10,000 m3/ hour, or even larger. In order to design
the correct dimensions FREYLIT receives the project parameters which
include : flow rates, specific gravity and nature of the oil, operating
temperatures, presence of solids, laminar flow or pumping into the
separator, etc. From this information FREYLIT produces the relevant
design drawings, which serve as the basis for the civil works, and
supplies the necessary components to build the separators. Every
system comes with detailed installation instructions and operation and
maintenance manuals.

No.  Project Name  Location 

1  Fatima Fertilizer Plant  Pakistan  17 

2  ElFeel Oil Field  Libya  1330 

3  Manzalai Oil Field  Pakistan  55 

4  ElWastani Gas Field  Egypt  40 

5  Capital Engineering – Bao Steel  China  2000 

6  Dalian Petroleum Refinery  China  1000 

7  Pakistan Petroleum Company  Pakistan  110 

8  Hainan Petrochemical Incorporation  China  30 

9  North Baghdad Power Plant  Iraq  130 

10  International Airport  Oslo, Norway  720

11  Sichuan Dong Feng Electric Power Co.  China  600 

12  Wuhan Iron & Steel Corp. of China  China  4000 

13  Lianyuang Steel Company  China  6000 

14  Rehmat Gas Field Pakistan  33 

15  Qinghuangdao Marine Oil Terminal  China  100 

16  Safed Koh Oil Field  Pakistan  33 

17  Guizhou Nanyong Power Plant  China  30 

18  PETROM‐ National Oil Company  Romania  200

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