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US.11 Using textual evidence, compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Booker T.
Washington and W.E.B. Dubios.
1. Booker T. Washington’s Stance on Civil Rights/Mission Statement

2. W.E.B. Dubois’ Stance on Civil Rights/Mission Statement

3. Re-read from your worksheet Washington v. Dubois, and read pages 849 and 851.
What were the titles of these works? What comparisons can you make between
Washington and Dubios? What do these two Civil Rights leaders differ on?

US.16 Citing textual evidence as appropriate, explain the significant roles played by
muckrakers and progressive idealists, including Rober La Follette, Theodore Roosevelt, Ida
Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, and Upton Sinclair.
1. What was a muckraker? How did they try to change society?

2. Read through section 1 starting on page 212 and tell why each muckraker was
important and what area of society they focused on.
- La Follette:

- Tarbell:

- Steffens:
- Sinclair:

3. Looking on page 233-234 what can you infer about Roosevelt’s presidency that led
him to be labeled as a progressive idealist? Be Specific!!

US.23 Evaluate the arguments of interventionists and non-interventionists of the period,

including Alfred T. Mahan, Senator Albert Beveridge, Mark Twain, and Theodore Roosevelt.
1. Give a brief description of what each of the prominent figures stood for. Using your
book, starting on 250-252, and on page 262.
- Mahan:

- Beveridge:

- Twain:

- Roosevelt:

2. From the list above identify which of these are interventionists and which of these
are non-interventionists.

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