1305 Contracts Fib

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Title II.



Art. 1305. A ___________________ is a ___________________ of ___________________ between two persons

whereby one ___________________ himself, with ___________________ to the other, to

___________________ something or to ___________________ some ___________________. (1254a)

Art. 1306. The ___________________ parties may ___________________ such ___________________,

___________________, ___________________ and ___________________ as they may deem

___________________, provided they are not ___________________ to law, ___________________, good

customs, ___________________, or public policy. (1255a)

Art. 1307. ___________________ contracts shall be ___________________ by the ___________________ of

the ___________________, by the provisions of Titles I and II of this Book, by the rules governing the most

___________________ nominate ___________________, and by the ___________________ of the place. (n)

Art. 1308. The ___________________ must bind ___________________ contracting ___________________;

its ___________________ or ___________________ cannot be ___________________ to the

___________________ of ___________________ of them. (1256a)

Art. 1309. The ___________________ of the ___________________ may be ___________________ to a

___________________ person, whose ___________________ shall not be ___________________ until it has

been made ___________________ to ___________________ contracting ___________________. (n)

Art. 1310. The ___________________ shall ___________________ be __________________ if it is

___________________ ___________________. In such case, the ___________________ shall

___________________ what is ___________________ under the ___________________. (n)

Art. 1311. Contracts take ___________________ only between the ___________________, their

___________________ and ___________________, except in case where the ___________________ and

___________________ arising from the ___________________ are not ___________________ by their

___________________, or by ___________________ or by ___________________ of law. The

___________________ is ___________________ ___________________beyond the___________________of

the ___________________ he ___________________ from the ___________________.

If a ___________________ should ___________________ some ___________________ in

___________________ of a ___________________ person, he may ___________________ its

___________________ provided he ___________________ his ___________________ to the

___________________ before its ___________________. A mere ___________________ benefit or

___________________ of a ___________________ is not ___________________. The ___________________

parties must have ___________________ and deliberately ___________________ a ___________________

upon a third person. (1257a)

Art. 1312. In contracts ___________________ ___________________ rights, third persons who

___________________ into ___________________ of the ___________________ of the contract are

___________________ thereby, subject to the provisions of the ___________________ Law and the Land

___________________ Laws. (n)

Art. 1313. ___________________ are ___________________ in cases of ___________________ intended to

___________________ them. (n)

Art. 1314. ___________________ third person who ___________________ another to ___________________

his ___________________ shall be ___________________ for ___________________ to the other

___________________ party. (n)

Art. 1315. Contracts are ___________________ by mere ___________________, and from that

___________________ the ___________________ are bound ___________________ only to the

___________________ of what has been ___________________ stipulated but ___________________ to

___________________ the ___________________ which, ___________________ to their

___________________, may be in ___________________ with ___________________, usage and

___________________. (1258)
Art. 1316. ___________________ contracts, such as ___________________, pledge and

___________________, are not ___________________ until the ___________________ of the object of the

___________________. (n)

Art. 1317. ___________________ one may ___________________ in the ___________________ of

___________________ without being ___________________ by the latter, or unless he has by

___________________ a ___________________ to ___________________ him.

A ___________________ entered into in the ___________________ of ___________________ by one who has

___________________ authority or ___________________ representation, or who has ___________________

beyond his ___________________, shall be ___________________, unless it is ___________________,

expressly or ___________________, by the ___________________ on whose ___________________ it has

been ___________________, ___________________ it is ___________________ by the other

___________________ party. (1259a)



Art. 1318. There is ___________________ contract unless the following ___________________ concur:

(1) ___________________ of the contracting parties;

(2) Object ___________________ which is the ___________________ matter of the ___________________;

(3) ___________________ of the ___________________ which is ___________________. (1261)

SECTION 1. - Consent

Art. 1319. ___________________ is ___________________ by the ___________________ of the

___________________ and the ___________________ upon the ___________________ and the

___________________ which are to ___________________ the ___________________. The

___________________ must be ___________________ and the acceptance ___________________. A

___________________ acceptance ___________________ a ___________________.

___________________ made by ___________________ or ___________________ does

___________________ bind the ___________________ except from the ___________________ it

___________________ to his ___________________. The ___________________, in such a case, is

___________________ to have been ___________________ into in the ___________________ where the

___________________ was ___________________. (1262a)

Art. 1320. An acceptance may be express or implied. (n)

Art. 1321. The ___________________ making the ___________________ may ___________________ the time,

place, and ___________________ of acceptance, ___________________ of which must be

___________________ with. (n)

Art. 1322. An ___________________ made through an ___________________ is ___________________ from

the time ___________________ is ___________________ to him. (n)

Art. 1323. An offer becomes ___________________ upon the ___________________, ___________________,

___________________, or ___________________ of ___________________ party ___________________

acceptance is ___________________. (n)

Art. 1324. When the ___________________ has ___________________ the ___________________ a certain

___________________ to accept, the offer may be ___________________ at any ___________________

before acceptance by ___________________ such ___________________, except when the

___________________ is ___________________ upon a ___________________, as something

___________________ or ___________________. (n)

Art. 1325. Unless it ___________________ otherwise, ___________________ ___________________ of

___________________ for ___________________ are not ___________________ offers, but mere

___________________ to make an ___________________. (n)

Art. 1326. ___________________ for ___________________ are simply ___________________ to make

___________________, and the ___________________ is ___________________ bound to

___________________ the ___________________ or ___________________ bidder, unless the contrary

___________________. (n)

Art. 1327. The following ___________________ give ___________________ to a ___________________:

(1) ___________________ minors;

(2) Insane or ___________________ persons, and ___________________who do ___________________ know

how to ___________________. (1263a)

Art. 1328. ___________________ entered into ___________________ a ___________________ interval are

___________________. Contracts ___________________ to in a ___________________ of

___________________ or during a ___________________ spell are ___________________. (n)

Art. 1329. The ___________________ declared in Article 1327 is subject to the ___________________

determined by ___________________, and is ___________________ to be ___________________ prejudice to

___________________ disqualifications ___________________ in the laws. (1264)

Art. 1330. A ___________________ where ___________________ is ___________________ through

___________________, violence, ___________________, undue influence, or ___________________ is

___________________. (1265a)

Art. 1331. In ___________________ that ___________________ may ___________________ consent, it should

___________________ to the ___________________ of the ___________________ which is the

___________________ of the ___________________, or to those ___________________ which have

___________________ moved ___________________ or ___________________ parties to

___________________ into the contract.

___________________ as to the ___________________ or ___________________ of ___________________

of the parties will ___________________ consent only when such ___________________ or

___________________ have been the ___________________ cause of the ___________________.

A ___________________ mistake of ___________________ shall give ___________________ to its

___________________. (1266a)
Art. 1332. When ___________________ of the parties is ___________________ to ___________________, or

if the contract is in a ___________________ not ___________________ by him, and ___________________ or

___________________ is ___________________, the person ___________________ the contract must

___________________ that the ___________________ thereof have been ___________________ explained to

the ___________________. (n)

Art. 1333. There is ___________________ mistake if the party ___________________ it ___________________

the ___________________, ___________________ or ___________________ affecting the

___________________ of the contract. (n)

Art. 1334. ___________________ ___________________ as to the ___________________ effect of an

___________________ when the ___________________ purpose of the ___________________ is

___________________, may ___________________ consent. (n)

Art. 1335. There is ___________________ when in ___________________ to ___________________ consent,

___________________ or ___________________ force is ___________________.

There is ___________________ when ___________________ of the contracting ___________________ is

___________________ by a ___________________ and ___________________ fear of an

___________________ and ___________________ evil upon his ___________________ or

___________________, or upon the ___________________ or ___________________ of his

___________________, descendants or ___________________, to ___________________ his


To ___________________ the ___________________ of intimidation, the ___________________, sex and

___________________ of the person shall be ___________________ in ___________________.

A ___________________ to ___________________ one's ___________________ through competent

___________________, if the ___________________ is ___________________ or ___________________,

does ___________________ vitiate ___________________. (1267a)

Art. 1336. ___________________ or ___________________ shall ___________________ the obligation,

although it may have been ___________________ by a third person who did not take ___________________

in the ___________________. (1268)

Art. 1337. There is ___________________ influence when a person takes ___________________ advantage of

his ___________________ over the ___________________ of ___________________, ___________________

the latter of a ___________________ freedom of ___________________. The following circumstances shall be

considered: the ___________________, ___________________, ___________________ and other relations

between the parties, or the ___________________ that the person ___________________ to have been unduly

___________________ was ___________________ from ___________________ weakness, or was

___________________ or in ___________________ distress. (n)

Art. 1338. There is ___________________ when, through ___________________ words or

___________________ of ___________________ of the ___________________ parties, the

___________________ is ___________________ to enter into a ___________________ which,

___________________ them, he would ___________________ have ___________________ to. (1269)

Art. 1339. ___________________ to ___________________ facts, when there is a ___________________ to

___________________ them, as when the ___________________ are ___________________ by

___________________ relations, ___________________ fraud. (n)

Art. 1340. The usual ___________________ in ___________________, when the other party had an

___________________ to know the ___________________, are not in themselves ___________________. (n)

Art. 1341. A mere ___________________ of an ___________________ does not ___________________ fraud,

unless ___________________ by an ___________________ and the other ___________________ has

___________________ on the ___________________ special ___________________. (n)

Art. 1342. ___________________ by a third person does not ___________________ consent, unless such

___________________ has created ___________________ mistake and the ___________________ is

___________________. (n)
Art. 1343. ___________________ made in ___________________ is not ___________________ but may

constitute ___________________. (n)

Art. 1344. In ___________________ that ___________________ may make a contract ___________________,

it should be ___________________ and should not have been ___________________ by

___________________ contracting ___________________.

___________________ fraud only ___________________ the person ___________________ it to pay

___________________. (1270)

Art. 1345. ___________________ of a ___________________ may be ___________________ or

___________________. The former ___________________ place when the ___________________ do not

___________________ to be ___________________ at ___________________; the ___________________,

when the parties ___________________ their ___________________ agreement. (n)

Art. 1346. An ___________________ simulated or ___________________ contract is ___________________.

A ___________________ simulation, when it does not ___________________ a third person and is

___________________ intended for any ___________________ contrary to ___________________, morals,

___________________, ___________________or public policy ___________________ the

___________________ to their real ___________________. (n)

SECTION 2. - Object of Contracts

Art. 1347. ___________________ things which are not ___________________ the ___________________ of

men, including ___________________ things, may be the ___________________ of a contract. All

___________________ which are not ___________________ may ___________________ be the object of


___________________ contract may be ___________________ into upon future ___________________

except in cases ___________________ authorized by law.

All ___________________ which are not ___________________ to law, morals, good customs, public order or

public policy may ___________________ be the object of a contract. (1271a)

Art. 1348. ___________________ things or ___________________ ___________________ be the object of

contracts. (1272)

Art. 1349. The ___________________ of ___________________ contract must be ___________________ as to

its ___________________. The ___________________ that the ___________________ is not

___________________ shall ___________________ be an ___________________ to the

___________________ of the contract, provided it is ___________________ to ___________________ the

same, ___________________ the ___________________ of a new ___________________ between the parties.


SECTION 3. - Cause of Contracts

Art. 1350. In ___________________ contracts the ___________________ is ___________________ to be, for

___________________ contracting party, the ___________________ or ___________________ of a

___________________ or ___________________ by the other; in ___________________ ones, the service or

___________________ which is ___________________; and in contracts of ___________________

___________________, the mere ___________________ of the ___________________. (1274)

Art. 1351. The particular ___________________ of the ___________________ in ___________________ into a

contract are ___________________ from the ___________________ thereof. (n)

Art. 1352. Contracts ___________________ cause, or with ___________________ cause,

___________________ ___________________ effect whatever. The cause is ___________________ if it is

contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy. (1275a)

Art. 1353. The ___________________ of a ___________________ cause in ___________________ shall

___________________ them ___________________, if it should not be ___________________ that they were

___________________ upon another cause which is ___________________ and ___________________.

Art. 1354. ___________________ the cause is not ___________________ in the contract, it is

___________________ that it ___________________ and is ___________________, unless the

___________________ proves the ___________________. (1277)

Art. 1355. Except in cases specified by law, ___________________ or ___________________ of cause shall not

___________________ a contract, unless there has been ___________________, ___________________ or

undue ___________________. (n)

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