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312 C-3

S ;i t orii C:OT0j . h l as a t osli i N AI\: A M U RA i.N ish ant 1ia NA X AYil I<I\: A 12Aj and ‘]Fa kaslii TAN I G liCJI I

tllcpaitiiieiit. of Electrical Engineering, Saga Liiiiversit,y>Ho~ijomaclii.Saga 840, J a p a n

:Saga Branch, I < ~ - u s h E:lect.ric
u I)o\ Co.. I n c . . 2-3-6, I<onoliigaslii. Saga 840, J a p a n

Abstract: This st.iidy is aimed t.o develop a inet,liod of reliable aiit,oniat,ic decision
iiiakiiig for irasliing t lie 1: olluted iiisuIat,ors in subst,nt,ioiis near areas based on
t lie a c t u a l c1at.a of t.lie 1111-inaiidecision inaliing: t,lie pollut~i~sn
cieposit,s ai:.d t,lie weat.lier
iiiforiiiat,ioii. T h e aut,omat,ic decision malting is based on t.lie tliscrimiiiaut8 analysis by
using e iiiu 1t i- d i 1ne 11sion a 1 ii ormal dis t,rib 11t,ion . Effect iven ess of t,lie p r ci 11 ose d me t,hoti
is assured I,?. appl>.ing it, to act,ual d a t a of subst.ations.

Keywords: insulator poliut,ion insulat,or washing! aiitoniat,ic decision in;tkiiig. discrim-


iiiant. a i i a l y i s

2 . Probleni. Statement

Iiisiilat,ors used in subst,at,ionspla? a role of isolat,- Act,iial dat,a of t,lie pollution deposits. the Iiu-
iiig 1ii;e contluct,ors from the ground pot,ent,iai. Tlie iiiaii decision ~naltiiigof t,lie i~isulat~or washing a n d
siiIist,at,ioii insulators near,al areas are pollut,ed t 11e wea t,11er i nfor m a t.ioii were a cqii ir ed d U ring t,he
I)>- winti w i t h niucli content of salt. Tlie iiisulat,or periods of September Ist, 1991 t,o Oct,ober 31st,
polliiiioii is a Iiig probleiii which C ~ U S P Sfjas..iovers 1991, Septernlier Ist, 1992 t,o December 31st, 1992
of (.lie sribstatioii ecjriipiiient.s and resiilt,~po\ri:r fail- and Sept<ember 1st. 1993 t,o Oct.olier 31st, 1993 at.
I I ~ P S . Gcnerall~..t,lie polluter1 insulat~lorsa r e ivashed Icaratsu. subst,at,ioiiof Saga prefect,ure in J a p a n . Tlie
1)). liurcl i n t e r before tlielect,ric breakdown c~ccurs. a\-aiiaIile dat,a a r e poHiit.ion dei)osit,[mg/cn~’]~~ v i n d
foliowiiig t,he decision m a d e by experts in t,lie poiver velocit1y[rn/s], wind direction (16 directions), rain-
intlust ry. T h e insulat.or \v;tsliiiig reqiiires inucli inaii fa 11[min/li] t,cinpera t.ure[“ C] a ii d Iiurni d i t,y[%] col-

power ant1 much p u r e w a t e r . lience. t,lie inefTect,ive 1ect.ed in a n Iioiirly- basis except, for t.he pollut~ion
iiisulat,or ivasliing must lie avoided. Tlie problem deposit. The pollutioii deposit is iiuually ineasiirc~l
of 1,Iie insiliator poIIution is iii\;est.igatetIl, :’, and ’. e\.ery 2 hours for clay and every :3 hours for niglit.
(lie iiiodeliiig of the insulator p ~ l l u t ~ i ohas
i i been pro- Figure 1 s1ion.s the pollution deposit, ( b a r ) > liumaii
~ t,Iie aut liars".
p o s e ~11y decision making (+) aiid weat.lier inforin;ition dur-
ing t,he period of Sept,emher 1993.
This s t u d y is aimed to tle\.elop a fnit,liful inet,liod
T h e decisiori of t,lie iiisiilat,or washing is m a d e by
of ;~iit,oniatizat,ioriof the Iiti~naii decision of rvash-
tlie ex1iert.s in consitlerat.ion of tlie trade off bet\veeri
ins tlii. polluted insulators iii subst,at.ions. wliich ac-
t,he cost, of ):lie wa,shing and tlie emergency l e x 1 of
coiiiplislies t,lie role of t h e liuniaii decisioii iiialtirig.
t.he substation. I’resentmly,t,lie irisiilat~orsin substa-
aiitoniat~icall~-. II’e l i a w already proposed t,lie auto-
t.ions are freqrient,l?; wished for safet.!; operat,iori. On
iiiat,ic decision nialtiiig of iiisulator ivashing”). Tlie
t.lie other h a n d , when t,lie pollrit,ion deposit reaches
iire\.ioris proposed inet hod was based on t.lie linear
it.s hazardous level, it, is not, possible t o wash the
discriniiiiaiit function aiid i t ignored t.he one st,ep be-
insulat,ors i i i live operat.ion a n d t,lieii t h e operat,ion
fore tlat a of the h u m a n decision making hecause t h e
of t.he substat,ion must. be stmoppedfor t,lie insulat,or
c y i e r t s w a ~ ~ e r eidi i t lie decision of t,lie washiiig. In
washing. Such sit,uatioii causes t.he long power fail-
111is j i ii p er . t.lie disc r iniiii a iit, an a1
ures aiid it must. be avoided. T h e number of wash-
i i i i i l t i-tliineiisional normal distribut~ion’) is adopted
ing t,iines is necessa.rily reduced t,o lower t,he over all
for the autoniat~icdecision iiiakiiig aiid all t#lie d a h
cost, of t,he insulator wasliing and t.lie accidents in
i i i ’ p iisrtl for the analysis of the autoinatic decision
t h e subst at,ioris which sometimes occur during t,he
11ia I<i 11g .
insulator w;isliing. This leads us to requirement. of

SICE ’95 July 26--28, Sapporo $4.00C) 1995 SICE

~ 1557

Karawu. Septcmbcr, 1993


0.01 C
1 % I Q ? r ? $0 $1
0 005

O' I


5 in 15 20 25 3n

Fig. 1. I'ollution deposit, liuiiian decision iriaking arid \\.eather information during t,lie period of Septeiiiber 199.3
iitI i a r a t s u siilxtatioii of Saga prefecture iii J a p a n

ion making t o ai-oitl ineffecti\.e iiig. TF'lieii tlie pollution deposit, is over t,lie t.hresh-
irisiilat,or washing. Tlie object.ive of t lie aiit.oinat.iza- value (O.OOT[riig/ciii'] at. t h e I<arai,siis u b s t a t i o n ) ,
t ion o f tlie decision making is st.andartlizatioii of t h e tlie insulators are decided t o h e washed. T h e pollu-
tlecisioii iiiakitig (retluciioti of t,he \ariation of t,lie t,ioii deposit will reach it,s hazardous level in seL-eral
I I 11 1iiii1i tlec is ion i i i a 1; i 11g ) iiii ti 11o re qu ire n i p i i t of t lie lioiirs later. t h e insulators are waslied before t h e pol-
espcrt for t.lie clecisioii ~iiakiiig. lution deposit reaches tlie tliresliold value. rl'lle pol-
lution deposit is predicted b y t,lie ex1iert.s based on
3. Right S t a t e of Dec:isiou Making of
t h e w a t l i e r iiifoririat.ion such as wind i;e!oci!8y. ii.intl
Insulator Wasliing
direction a n d raiiifall.
I l l f o r i n a t ion for t h e h u m a n decision m a k i n g of
4. Automatization of €€tiinan Decision
i l i s 111a t or \v;i ::ii iii g ii re t,11e p ollit t,ion deposits the
Making of Insulator Washing

1ve;it.lier iiiforiiiat.ion ( w i i i t l ve1ocit.y. wind tlirect.ion.

rainfall a n d t.~.pliooiiinforrnat.ioii) and t h e noise o f 4.1 Factors of autoiliatic decision making
t lie leakage. T h e washing t.iiiie must. h e decided Factors of t.lte aitt.oinatic decision making are de-
, s u c h tltat, insulators i n ail!. ot,lier siitxt.atioiis aren't t.eriiiiiied by tlie analysis of t,lie act.ual polliltmiond a t a .
waslied a t tlie siiiiie t,iiiie anti wind ve1ocit.y is not weat,lier inforinat.ion and t,lle informat.ion of tlie hii-
strong (less t.liati lO[ni/s]) because t.liere are few ef- iiian decision making. T h e pollution deposit is t h e
fect on nasliiiig in strong w i n d . T h e pollution de- main factor of t,lie decision malting and the wind \-e-
posit is t.he main fact.or to decide t h e insulator viasli- locit,;: tlie wind tlirectioii a n d t,lie raiiifall give tlie

il s
1 1
h(.) = ( 2 T ) T , / 2 , T i , l / 2<?SI)(-,(1)

(2; = (:c ~ p p d- l 1 (:r - p i ) . i = A . L?.

Iii calcidatioi-I of ( 2 ) . tlie geiieratioii r a t e p 9 , t,lie p o p
ulatioii ii-ieaii p ; aiitl the poprilat,ioii variaiice iiiat.ris
Si a r e rstiiiiated by t,hese :,ample valiies. Tlieii. t.lie
autoiiiat,ic decision is inatle accortling t.o ( 3 ) .

4.3 App1ic:ations t o actiial d a t a

The autoniat.ic decision iiialiiiig of t,liP iiisnlat~or
wasliiiig is iipplird to t,lie :ict,iial tiat,a. T h e tiat,a is
ti i 1.i t i et1 i ii t o t i v o ,go!I p s 1 .(:. , ti e c is i o i i 1I I a I; ii i;5 ( (?) ..I
anti iioii-tlecisioii iiial;iiig(G‘,y). rI’ifi~lc1 sIio\vs t h e U -
suits of tlie aiitoiiiatic t1ecii;ioii making by using tlic
various factors during t h e period of Sept,eiriber lst,
4.2 Discriiiiinaiit fiiiictioii liasecl on t h e iior- 1993 to Oct80ber3151, 1993. Tlie polliit,ion deposits
iiial distribution were ineasured 618 t,iiiies i n t.ot,al a n d t,he number of
I lie tliscri iniii a 11t iii al J
; is atlop t,l:d to t lit: a u - t h e insiilat.or wishing \\-as 19 t,iiiies. T h e iiiaxiiiiuni
t o i i iii t,i c d P c is ioii 1; in g of t lie ins 11I :I t .r ~~viis li i rig.
iiiii percentage of t,he correct, answers is 3’7.4[0/;1].whose
I’i.obal)ility of t,lic iiixulator wasliiiig is used for fact,ors are t h e pollution. t,lie ecjrii\-aleiit, wind veloc-
t lie tliscriiiiiiiaiit function of t,he decision m a k i n g . it!- a n d flie iaiiifall. For t h e results, 10 d a t a of 12
The p r o l ~ a b i l i t yis tleteriniiietl b!. iisc of t h e riiu1t.i- itiiss tlet,ectioii tiat,a arc aroiiiitl t.lic t.inie of the 1111-
tiiinerisioii a1 nor i l i a 1 ti is t r ibri t.ion whose s t,ocli ast ic iiiiiii decisioii ina1;iiig. The polliit,ioii tleposit>sof 6
\.ariables a r e tlie factors of tlir decisioii niakiiig. aiid d a t a of 10 fault detection cl arc’ equal or less t’I1;lil
it is iiiodified by t lie gPiierat.ioii rat,e (:if each group ~ . ~ U : ~ [ i i i g / c i i i ’a]n d t,Iie iviiiti \-eIocit.ies of t Iic ot,Iier
1 ) e c a i i s ~tlie iiiiiiil)er of t,he decisioii iiia1;ing of t h e t l a t , a are e q u a l or’ less t h a n 3[ni/s]. Tile miss detec-
,-.I ling
,\.<ih . is est,reiiiel\. small compared w i t h t lie 11011- tioii a n d the fault. det,rct,ioii arc not, f a t a l error for t h e
t l ~ isc ioii ma king. decision inahiig of the iiisiilat,or wasliiiig. The result
Two gi.oiips for tliscriniiiiatioii ;ire :,et as G..i a n c l by rising oiilj. the poilut,ion deposit is riot, so good a n d
GI,aiitl tlie factors a r e :I: = ( , X I n,. 2 : . . . . . c ~ , ) ~Tlic: . 1 lie result slic~~vs t.liat i,lie experts d e c i d e tIi(2 iiisiilator
groiiji G,( i = .,I. \ I ) a r e c h a r a c t e r i z e d 11). geiicration wasliiiig Iiy ii5iiig iiot oii1~-tlic pollution tloposit.s h i i t ,
densit>-fiiiict,ioii .f;( x : ) wliosr
r a t ( . 1’; i i i i t i pmI~alji1it~~- ii lso t lie ivc’at her infornia t ion.

popiilat io11 iiieaii is 11; a n t i popiiliit,ioii \.ari;iiice ma- ‘[lie aiit,oiiiat,ic decision inakiiig, lvliose factors are
trix is 5 ; . When t.lie s a m p l e d a t a :I: is given, thr t,he pollut,ioii, t,lie equivalent wiiitl velocit#y nntl t,lic
sample x is decided whether it, belongs t o G.., or Ga rainfall. ivas applied to thr ot.lier tlat,a diiriiig t,Iie
1)). periods of Sept8ciiil)er lst, t!)91 t o Oct,olier 31st 199 I
i t n t l St’pteiiiber lst, 1992 t o Ueceiiilicr 3lst 1992. ‘[’he
results a r r slio~v11i i i Tahle 2 . C‘oiiiparetl \vitli t l i t r re-
sults I;>- i i s i i i g t,Iie pre\ ious jjropos;c~tImet I i o t i ” ] . i , l i r
pi’rcciitage of t h e correct, decreased. lion-
(’\-er. ill1 t h e (lata ivithoiit. neglecting tlic oiic stc’p
hefore t i n t t i of the liuinan dccisiuii niakiiig are used
for t h e decision making ai111tlie miss detections tle-
creased \ Y e l l .

5 . Coiicliisioiis

.kiitoniat izat.ioii of liiiiiiaii tlecisioii making of iii-

s~ila!or \vasliiiig vias p r o ~ ~ o : j e t T

l .h e aut,oiiiatization
is based on itlie discriininant aiial;.sis by iisiiig t h e
1-d iiiieiisi onal nor ina 1 d is t ri hii t ion . Tlie pro-
i tiult

posed inrthod as applied t o the a c t u a l d a t a of t h e

pol., 3 :I (i.j.Sc/c) 16 ($<.2%) 0
11 ol . , pol.r a t e 10: 3 (1.3.S%) 10: (84.2%) 13
pol.. w l i l d 1s 6 (31.6%) 13 (68.4%) 12
poi.. r a i n s .~j(26.39.) 14 (73.7%) 3
pol., wind, rain 22 9 (47.4%) 10 (.52.6%>) 13
pol . pol.r;itc. \viiid, rain 2G 6 (31.6%) 13 (68.4%) 20

’J~zihlc2 13rsults of t,lie aritoiiiat,ic tlecisioii inaltiiig I,? ~ i s i i i gthe polliitioii deposit. t,lie equivalent. wiiitl velocit.;
a i i d ilir railifall (luring t h e period.: of Septeinber 1st 1991 to October lilst. 19!-11 aiitl September I s t , l!JY’L t,o
Uccciiiber 3 l a t 199% at I< hubstation of Saga prefectiirc iii .Japan.

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luted Insulators i n Sulxt,at.ioiis, Proceedings of
the 2 6 t h ISC‘IE Interiiat~ional S~-iiiposirini011
Stochastic .C;?.st,einsTheor). aiid I t , s i l p p l i c a -
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7) T. Okiino. 1%.I<iime: T. Haga ancl T. Yosliizawa.~
1Ii i 1t i i a I‘ i ii 11 1e A 11a 1) I\iIet liotl. l i p . 273-:302,
a (:k110w 1e dg111 e 1 1t
Silil<~iglre1i(1971)(in Japanese).
Tlic aiitliors art‘ gratefill t o engineers i n Saga
lir;i!icli of I\;iisliu Electric I’ov,er Coinpaiiy for their
coiiiiiiriits a n d d a t a acquisitioir.

I) Llectric Joint Research. vol. 2 (1964)( i n
.I apaiicse).
2) L l c c t c i c .Joiiit Research. vol. 3.5. 110. 3 (1979)( i n
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liiiiiori: Iiisulator C‘oiitaiiiiiiiitioii due
t o ‘l’~.plioo~is a n d Slielteriiig Effects of Topo-
gra 11 li i c ii I En\-i roil iiieii t s. T r a iis. of IEE J a p a 11
j-01. 110-Li. no. 11 (1990)( i n .Japanese).
4) J’. Higasliiiiiori: Rapid Salt C:oiit.aiiiinat.ioii of
tlic 1iisiilat.or Surface bj. TJ.pliooiis. Tra.1is. of
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I . ‘raiiiguclii: h~lotleliiiga n d Prediction of Rapid


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