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Did You Ever Go to P.S. 43? by Micheal Schulman SHE: Twice a week | come here after work and | have just one hour to calm myself before going to the shrink. All | want to do is read my book and relax so | can make a good appearance. And every goddamn time either some creep tries to pick me up with some stupid line or some nut comes over with some kind of bullshit trying to get a rise out of me. On Monday it was a big guy with a suitcase and a Texas accent who asks me if | want to see his large snake. I figured it’s just some creep who on his first day in town wants to give a city girl a thrill by pulling his pants down in front of her. But I’m not so lucky. No, this is a super creep who is not into euphemisms. This nut opens his suitcase, pulls out a boa constrictor, and puts it right down in my lap. Dolores is friendly, he says. She only wants to hug, he says. Crazies! Nuts! Oh and last Friday it was a baldheaded fag who wanted to show off his new dentures to me. This creep kept taking his teeth out of his mouth and snapping them in my face. In his mouth; in my face. Then this prunefaced queen asks me if | think the pretty young boys will like him better if he takes his teeth out of his mouth when he gives them...Ech! | don’t even want to think about it. Crazies! Creeps! They all come to the park, and they all come to my bench. ROSE: That's right. Life is life and no goddamn French- man ever made a movie about that! Sure, any old actress can make you feel sorry for her in a movie. Easy as pie!_And when she’s finished work, she can ‘go home to her big fat mansion and climb into her big fat bed that’s twice the size of my bedroom, for Chrissake! But the rest of us, when we get up in the morning... Silence. When I wake up in the morning, he’s lying there staring at me... Waiting. Every morning, [ open my eyes and there he is, waiting! Every night, I get into bed and there he is, waiting! He's always there, always after me, always hanging over me like a vulture. Goddamn sex! It's never that way in the movies, Oh no, in the movies it's always fun! Besides, who cares about a woman who's gotta spend her life with a pig just “cause she said yes to him once? Well, I'm telling you, no fucking movie was ever this sad. Because a movie don’t last a lifetime! Silence. Why did I ever do it? Why? I should have said no. I should have yelled it at the top of my lungs and been an old maid instead. At least I'd have had some peace. I was so ignorant in those days. Christ, I didn’t know what I was in for. All could think of was “the Holy State of Matrimony!” You gotta be stupid to bring up your kids like that, knowing nothing. You gotta be so stupid! I tell you one thing, My Carmen won't get caught like that, Because me, I've been telling her for years what men are really worth, She won't be able to say I didn’t war her! On the verge of tears. She won't end up like me, forty-four years old, with 4 two year old kid and another oné on the way, with a stupid slob of a husband who can't understand a thing, who demands his “rights” at least twice a day, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. When you get to be forty and you realize you've got nothing behind you and nothing in front of you, it makes you want to dump the whole thing and start all over, But a woman can’t do that... A woman gets grabbed by the throat and she’s gotta stay that way right to the end A GIRL'S GUIDE TO CHAOS by Cynthia Heimel RITA I want a real man. Tall, broad, handsome, well-fixed, and horny. Do you know what it feels like to have a man say to you, "I want you to take your clothes off right now and fuck my brains out," and really mean it? It feels like becoming the first female major league pitcher. It feels like singing a duet with Aretha Franklin. Do. you know how long it's been since someone made a pass at me? Maybe two years. . Sure I have dates. Attractive, although skittish dates who are entertaining and charming and invariably fade into a taxi at the end of an evening. I thought maybe I was just putting out weird vibes, you know, intimidating these sweet and precious little New York heterosexuals. But everywhere I go I hear the same story from girls, the gist of which is, "Who do you have to know to get laid around here?" After all, we've all been smacked in the face by the eighties, everybody's concerned with status and money and being on the top of the heap. There is mass performance anxiety running amok in > the brains of men. They think they have to be the best. They think they have to write War and Peace with their dicks. ZARA SPOOK AND OTHER LURES by Joan Ackermann-Blount ‘Ramona - 30s - Southwest - Present ‘Ramona is Mel's estranged wife. Besides discussing her rather dangerous husband, her life's passion is fishing. While Participating in a fishing tournament, Ramona is bitten ty rattlesnake that she suspects was placed in her boat by Mel. ‘While waiting for help to arrive, she discusses Mel's inability to ‘express emotions. RAMONA: That's what I'm trying to tell you. ‘The man has good hands. If only he could have talked t me. I mean, I had ‘cryosurgery on my cervix afier a bad pap smear? And he couldn't ‘say one word to me about it, Not one related word. ‘He waited out in the parking lot, I got in the ear and the first thing he said afer ten minutes driving home was he didn’t know why everybody complained so much about the new Coca-Cola formula he lized it, (EVELYN: He likes the new Coca-Cola formula? RAMONA: He had a nephew Hardy, favorite nephew, loved him like a son, he died, drowned in less than two feet of water, drunk as 4 skunk, He was s0 busted up inside you could hear the pieces break apart. Think we could sit around and cry together, share memories, visit with Hardy's folks? “That man sat for two days in his truck, parked up on the mesa, wouldn't eat, wouldn't ‘alk, wouldn't go to the funeral or the cook-out. TEVELYN: Must have hurt something awful] RAMONA: TI slept out in the back of the truck, waiting for him to come and talk to me. Saw three UFOs. Neatly froze to death, He ‘ever came back, never said a word about it, Listen to this. I had an affair with someone, told him about it, he just stood there and Stared at me, stared like I wasn’t even there, like I'd evaporated. I ould see my reflection in his eyes. The opposite of tears, 6 ZORA NEALE HURSTON by Laurence Holder Zora Neale Hurston - 40s-60s - Bus Station, NY - 1950s Zora Neale Hurston introduces herself to the audience ‘outspoken black writer who has studied with Alain and collaborated with Langston Hughes. She has fallod on bed times, but doesn’t seem full of regret as she childhood and early education. ZORA: My Gawd! Look at this place. Sop old dumpy looking bus station, They calls this a waiting it they couldn't mean it. W's dreary, dirty. And to think, T i big time. ‘Books lining bookshelves high. But that was a long time Boca Raton. That's in Florida. 1 not looking forward to visitors ri been in it up to my elbows a people's inhumanity. How hhe knows all there is with that ticket clerk. ‘Now this man ¢ going to give me a hard time because he . Now I'm heading back to ld tell you where itis, but I'm in through here. Imean, Thave Tecan tell you a thing or two about a man look at someone and decide that person. Like just a moment ago can’t find where and/what time for the bus to Boca Raton. He's searching and ct and I sympathize with him, it being Christmas Eve and all, but even that isn't my fault, He's testy when he finally finds it in his bldck book, and shen he tells me it's $29.25. 1 only got 29 dollars,/ Period. He swears that I got to pay the whole fare or his ma and union's gonna come down here and declare ‘wat againstne. Mel Zora Neale Hurston, a woman who has never cowtailed fo anybody, anyplace, anywhere, T may look like a waif, but I hayé walked with kings and queens. I was the queen of the Har issance, Hato te hs tps cl that yicket. (Music—Flute) 1 was always the sassy girl from de muck, de basin, de n yds 209 nO You anq ~ Apoq 434] UO [[04 319m) Ua aaeq MEN aM WO 320m avg Jo aiwoX -AnamTmay 499 Jo #80] of susnow esr] “asoyy waesaid “50-22 soqmUED9G] - FaNORED MUON - cp - EINE] Sure ty-unueg £q NMOL FHL WOW NYO. ©1 1 49q Poronep seq oym uAwOM PoURLIOIOp ¥ st eINE] ovat ‘S2-2Z J9quus00q - mUNJoI" YON - Lp - Ney SUreTTAN Wey-wures £9, NMOL 3HL WOwd NYWOM et {pion fay are yonus Mo “20pd Pood w ruca 1 209 01 Bu08 x st Tey ‘os “arouiKuR WNP Te 00] (c—reoq—1,ue9 |—00S MOA, “WON [9S OF TUM J WEED oto WT nuh outs wows sood ow WBE use mt uy SumON “yO0q wo BurBoq iday oy “Aqoexo sued Aun Adoo sopomet ap pey OH “ou 430 pnoid os sem wir “sfosku pueq Suxppom axp Poudsop | “2910 ‘yaw MM paroys aM Tey Jo SaOMOUL TOMS YoNs 9ART PRE CHAN aim | siaK ald “2u fot 1,uR9 NOR qBOM Komp ove Tey —ATTEOD Puy “yom are Aap our moy BupenayEO “Kem oxeuorssedsip & ‘yon wr si At oppuey nok 328 61 9H 30 BFF aEgUIDL MO NOK To 1, |-—ing *Kouow owos Supfeur ur parsoxciut AyuO 23,00K Mou, T "21am am pya—Addey arm am JE UaAG IQ LoL PACIOATD 24 Jt 30 “WHY POOJOAID | J! 40 Z2Affe 40 peap st puegsny Aus f 4 {AowoUL ‘2471 Pood 1, uO | Yep pure aur axe sFu oxp Jf ao NOK prnoys AYA mp Jo Aiyyenb om uy poasosoyus £u0 94,04 20001 ,us00p re ‘9smoo Jo Ing “AxesioAreUe 1-0s—dn oid Zoqi Moy ROU TOA ‘9 poot | pur oe seek w payp puegsny Supuotard un ‘yada ue 21,n0K 20 ur {oUO PIO UE waxy PUOUZEIP HOU fe [f>1 NOK ED KOR ZMaU “uEOUL nok op TEYAA MON “wor SuIS0] Jo PauaIySHF 5,94s puv O88 sxPak ‘Ava 94 Kou, ZryTINeDQ Komp j,uosy “Buys wwowBeFuo we uppam Vy jaroty, soded onssp ur worn paddesa f “omoy ut Tyg a1, Aaip ‘20s un 194 “MON {31 1,54 “Buwour nypNead © ey “YO snowag 10S 4d OL AAVH SONIY DNIGTAM Sophistry Jonathan Mare Sherman Rom» young woman delving the vledcion speech at har commencement, 20 ‘eos: New England olege campus, 1850 "5 lin ae ore tat st ert yas san nde oO o oO Ros: When | was alte git 1 was so confident and certain, daydreaming in my suburban ilinois bedroom, all rice and safe and clean and fly. My ‘parents, who are here right now—wave tothe crows, folks. Points) That's them, They used to make me settle fights with my playmates. They'd call them debates; but don't let that fool you. They were fights. Beat) This. __ Schools administrators recently paid an enormous sum of money to settle, 7o keep a former professor from taking them to court to challenge a deci “sion they made. This doesn't fel like a figit, or a debate—not realy. This feels like-comptomise. This feels..very Hollow What is this supposed to ‘mean tous, as we're about to graduate from this place, with diplomas from ‘an institution that teling us to settle? (Beat, Iknow that eventually, when Understanding runs out, there is a need for judgment, but whois qualified to judge? And who is quaiied to judge who is qualified to judge? Who pick the judges? Who decides that is okay—to sete? (eat, Everybody in ‘my hometown was shocked when I chose this place, but they shouldn't have been, Martha Graham danced here. | used to envision myselt—secrety, of SuUdouse of Sew su 241 my sop Suey sasesuaNs pay Qo BuHHY © Jo siAquioM san, P9qeu PII Aq LIN ASOOT am ‘98 prnoys 1 ‘pnuy yaa paxane(ds :ssaup Suyppom Aut uy spuosas (7029 ¥) 3 8 os|y LAep Suyppam Kuuns © ynoge yey ‘payse | ‘zouTINOyY ‘ounysuns LIZZIE: That'sright. Go away. Idon’eeven like you, Emma, Go away... I'm sorry forall the things ltold you, chings really felt. You pretended to me, and I don’t like you. (She sees Emma is still there) Go away! (Emma leaves)... I would liketodie. ..Iwouldliketo die but somepartofme won't let ‘me. Inside something says no. Oh. (She shuts her eyes and Folding herself rocks back and forth slowly) anything. . .On the farm, papa’sfarm, Harry’ was litle and thought it was my farm and Iloved i, we had some puppies, the farm dog had puppies. Brown soft litle puppies with brown eyes. . . and oneof he puppiesgorsick. didn’ know it was sick, it seemed like the others, bur the mother, she knew... .she would push it aside. Irwould lie at the back of the box, she would lie in front of ie while she ‘utsed all the others. They ignored it, that puppy didn't ‘exist for the others... I think, inside it was different, and the mother thought what she sensed was a sickness. After a while, anyone could tell ic was sick. Ie had nothing to eat. ‘And pap took it and drowned it. That's what you do on a farm... .with things that are different... you kill them. 204 ‘THE BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES ‘was in chains the whole time anyway. And so you owned it all, and you stil own it, and so you think capital is owning things. But you are mistaken. Capital is controlling things. Controlling things. You vant land in Kansas? You want to exercise your white deed of propert/? First you got to control Kansas... see. ... Controlling things. I don't suppose you ever worked in a boiler room. I worked in a boiler room. People own the boilers; but that don't do ‘em a bit of good unless they know how to control the steam . .. see... If you can't ‘control. . «the steam, then it's Powder Valley for you and your whole gang. If you ever see a steam boiler go out of control, then you see a whole lot of people running for their lives. And those people, they fre not thinking about the return of the investment, they are not thinking about the escrow accounts and the audits and the prudent thing. . . see. . . They are saying, “Great God almighty, I lost con- ‘aol,” and they are running for their lives. JUDY Sherman has confessed the hit-and-run accident to his estranged wif, Je, ‘who is ure and embittered by his brevious deception. Oh, I don’t know what you did with your Masia Ruskin, and I don't care. [just don't. Thats the least oft, bt I don’t think you understand that... ‘What you've done to me, and not just to me. To Campbell. . To your family. We are a family. This thing, ths thing affecting all of us, it happened two weeks ago, and you said nothing about it You hid it fom me. You sat right next to me, in this very room, and watched that news report, the demonstration, and you didn't say a word. Then the police came to our home—the polie!—to ou hhome!—I even asked you why you were in such a sate, and you pre tended i¢ was a coincidence. And then—that same night—you sa: next to your... . your friend... . your accomplice . . . your sidekick + you tell me what to call her... . and you sill sid nothing. You Jet me think nothing was wrong, You let me go on having my foolisk ‘THE BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES 285 ‘dreams, and you let Campbell go on having her childish dreams, of being normal little giel in a normal family, playing with her little rabbits and turtles and penguins. The night the world was lesrning of ‘your escapade, Campbell was showing you a rabbit she made out of clay. Do you remember that? Do you? And you just looked at it and ‘said all the right things! And now you come home . . . at the etid of the day and you tell me... you're... gonna... be... arrested. seein... the... moming. .., +++ Just listen to what I'm telling you. . .. 'm going to try to help you, and I'm going to try to help Campbell, in any way I can. But can't give you my live, and I can't give you tendemess. I'm not that good an actress. ems 1g USayY 00] UP “aE Or popoon Apze oy oN UPS = ‘umop-Aypead pours ‘sake umosg ojqrpexouy osarp 108 8,94 HOVE 8 93,00K HOVALL AaH “pinod ‘oy soup Krone oul Suyafa “an: ‘8q UO ,UP{OOTPOO Aaxy,, INO poyTed, ‘oaoy WHIM ou paxa}sod oy ese] 414204 Banga pase Te wooe—p pores og FR, :NVNOM’ ‘nase Bano 0 sy ores 9n039 HOTU sedsop [Pus ssouyoiioy Jo eBurfooy om sjeaasr asoy sywapHs 204 Jo 200 {hye eoneous Ywut mostrerp ¥ woy Soe uM y 6.09) wowoy, - Hon pur 21255 $8780 fore). a40f Aq GAMIVN NOA TAOIAT GNVIS 1 DRUAULASL NEWS 1987 20th Century-Fox Written, Directed, and Produced by James L. Brooks 1 MONOLOGUE Aaron ‘SETTING: Washington, D.C., 19805 Jane is a brilliant young news producer determined to fight the glamour-driven sensationalism of network news. Aaron, a talented correspondent, shares Jane’s ideals and dreams about one day becom- ing the network's anchor. Together they enjoy a bond that makes * them an unbeatable broadcast team until handsome Tom ‘Grunick strides into their world. Although Tom embodies everything that Jane despises about network news—he was hired by the network for his looks, under- stands next to nothing about the news he teads, and selects stories for their sensational elements—she finds herself becoming hopelessly attracted to him. Aaron is shocked by Jane's interest in Tom and finally confesses his own love for her. Jane can’t help her feelings. : for Tom, however, and the two seem poised on the brink of a love affair. Aaron quits the network to take a job at a small station in Or gon, Before he leaves, he tells Jane to look at a tape of an interview that Tom had conducted with a rape victim. On the unedited tape . Jane sees that Tom stopped the shooting in order to work up some - tears for the camera. Enraged by such a callous action, Jane confronts Tom, who shrugs it off. Consequently, she breaks with Tom, who is being sent by the network to London. : Years later, Tom, Jane, and Aaron mieet once again in Washing: 4 +] sa seeeeney sthe add ares be his producer, and Aaron is sill in Oregon—now with mae family. Their love of their only common ground, the three old comrades huddle in a gazebo during a rain shower and talk—nor about the past—but about the future, AARON : Ina touching moment, Aaron reveals his feelings ‘for Jane, You know, I’ve been doing some of the Most important thinking of my life today. I wonder if this is the right time to tell you about it... 1 figured out why I'm so hung up on getting a chance at + weekend anchor. It's because if I do it well then they'll pay me more, and my life will be great and they'll treat me hetter—that’s why...” which means I'm at their merey—and who wants that? Now, I den's want to tell you where this thought has led tte... why not? In the riddle ofall of this, I stated to think about the one thing that makes me feel really good and makes immediate sense and it’s you a. ++. Tm golng to atop right now except I would give anything if you +. were two people, so I could call up the one who's my friend and tell « her about the one that I like so much. Allright, I'm not going to fy any more—primarily because I'm about to pass out. Come on, Pil walk you to the comer. * A MURDER OF CROWS APOCALYPTIC BUTTERFLIES by Wendy MacLeod something worthwhile. poor furniture. (She holds out her nearly disintegrated Kigéhex.) By the time I get around to crying ‘Trudi - 20s-30s - Maine - Present over that, there be any Kleenex left.’ ‘The only thing still Muriel and Hank are a young couple whose marriage goes on holding it togetheyfs old tried-up tears. the rocks after the birth of their first child. To escape the ‘escalating tonsions at home, Henk begins an affuir with Trudi, 1 local girl who is no stranger to extramarital activites. Despite ‘ber numerous lisisons, Trudi is lonely, as she confesses to Hank in a motel room. ‘TRUDI: I'm getting lonely being with you. The more I'm with you the lonelier I get. ‘That's not a good sign. If I were older and wiser, I'd tke a walk. I'd go home, watch "Miami Vice" and feel ‘good about myself. I'd remind myself how good I live without a man, I'd regain my equilibrium, Ever since I met you, my life's ‘been imbalanced, it tips in the love and sex direction. I look at your skin and think I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown if I’m not allowed to touch that man’s skin. I meet 10 billion other men a day but I see you, my heart has a lle heart atack, T get wet down there. Now then, COCKTAILS Al’ PAM'S hy Stewart Lemoine Estelle. a quest at the eponymous function, discovers that all of tie canapés contain an ingredient which is abhorrent to her A divorcée from Connecticut, Estelle huis until this momen “een a completely affable party-gocr 200 ESTELLE, (breathing deeply unt slowly) Do L ... not like ... green peprer? Well no, in fact Uhate it Actually, do you want to know what I really hate? {hate the fact that although I despise green pepper, everyone else alive seems to love it. mean, it really doesn'tbather me so much that L don’t like the taste, bec:tuse the reasons for that ‘are certainly either scientific or medical, No, what bothers me is that everyone else likes it and because they lo itis so much in evidence, On piezacan satads ... The other night f found some in strogenoff! yuck \\nd a my h hats sprung up your know. People have said 10 me, “Nell if you don’t like it. just pick it out.” But that’s so stupid. Just because you pick it out that doesn’t mean the flavour's going to go away. Green pepper doesn't work like that. Its insidious and pervasive, like noxious fumes that kill you and your farnily while ‘you sleep. Jesus. the way some people talk, you'd think it was, parsley! I've even seen, yes it’s true, green pepper that has been sliced cross-wise to form a sort of shiamrock-shaped ring that then gots tossed onto an unsuspecting casserole. That's supposed to be decorative? Do you believe it? Nothing like adding a gamish to ‘make the bite really rise up in the throats of your dinner guests! Look, | know you all probably like green pepper and so you think "im over-reacting. But what I'm really tying to say is that acceptance of these foodstuffs can never be taken for grated. You can’t assume it, It's not a given. No. This is something that has 66. that anymore. (after a pause, rather tentatively) | do like red pepper though. 1 want you all to know that, Do you think that’s strange? Well it isn’t! t strange at all! They aren't the same, no matter what people try to tell you, They aren’! It's like butter and margarine. Did you know there gre people in the world who think butter and margarine taste exactly the same? My husband was one of them. You're Probably all just like kim! Well... well ... Wel. it's obvious that some people's taste is all in their homes! Available from Piaswrights Union of Canada ss 2 erysseript <67- REEF AND PARTICLE bby Eve Ensler Here and Now - Reef (20-30) ‘When Pasticle knocks at her door after an absence of two years, Reef is reluctant to accept him back into her life. Passion prevails, however, and here Reef addresses her feelings of love to Particle, who is sleeping. REEF: Boats. Boats and stars. We were going somewhere. We were eating Jordan Almonds, We were sucking the sugar coating in the small boat and we were paddling kind of, splashing and fish were happy and stars and there were no motors. ‘The lake was only the tiny world of our boat and the flashlight on the dark water. The Four Tops singing and your cum inside me. T'mhot and I'm talking to them again, Talking out, splitting off like my therapist says. I'm hot and I can’t take enough off and nothing's protecting me. Run your hands over it, Stay for awhile, Stars. Stars and boats. Is it one person you're always loving? Is it the same person you're loving or trying to love? trying to love you Particle. I am always trying to love you Particle and leave you. Inside me. Run Your hands. It's hot. Like poached egg inside me. 1 could spill out. See my face in it, Almost forming. Almost a face. am SAME OLD MOON by Geraldine Aron A convent in Ireland - 1950 - Mother Superior (40-50) ‘The sexual repression of the 50's combines with the rather limited views of the Church in the Mother Superior’s following explanation of sexual intercourse. MOTHER SUPERIOR: (speaking by rote) The doughnut represents the entrance to the female reproductive system, situated down below and called The Vagina, (She swings out the doughnut, swings in the boudoir biscuit.) The boudoir biscuit represents the exit of the male reproductive system, also situated down below and called The Penis, (She swings out the boudoir biscuit, then brings both items in slowly.) Within the holy state of matrimony, the male and female, wishing to procreate in the name of the Lord, draw together with lustre love and chaste thoughts in their hearts. (She slowly inserts the end of the boudotr biscuit into the doughnut.) After a short time the Lord in His wisdom releases the male seed from the tip of the ‘boudoir biscuit and causes it to pass through the doughnut in search of an Egg or Ovum. (She wiggles the boudoir a litle bit. Pause.) ‘They say ‘tis a beautiful experience, (Pause) Nine months later the fruit of the womb emerges from the doughmut and is baptized as soon as possible. (Mother Superior separates the doughnut and boudoir biscuit, drops them into the open tin, and briskly brushes off her fingers.) 1s there anything you wish to ask me, Brenda Barnes? IBRENDA: No Mother.] MOTHER SUPERIOR: So you now have a complete undec- standing of how Our Lord in his wisdom designed our bodies for procreation within the blessed bounds of matrimony? IBRENDA: Yes Mother.) MOTHER SUPERIOR: Then I'll be on my way. You will meditate on the wondrous knowledge you have just received. You will not discuss our meeting with any other girl in the school. And you will never touch yourself ‘down below’ except when bathing, at which time you will avert your eyes and fill your mind with thoughts of the innocent Virgin Mary. Now you may relax there quietly enjoying the refreshments. God Bless you, Brenda Barnes, 6 ( n 3)8 5,04 “par wang 4231 120q8 01 you uoysop 4am yo sojesunaD ox} tay “UamE Na “Puiy> sip sidope oy uewow 21p pus ssqiow WAN 2N1 J9 map JoAGod aig wos) YOR HoNdope Jo eUIMEN ain 338 SAL A MeL ae ULLOW ONLLYWIXOUdAY + 4p 01 SuyoR june sey (x00 Suyéod)“readdesyp yon] peq 21n pue (serousvowap ays) sousn Jo aydnos w 3) ayoys pire asnf nox “wa}goxd ou ‘moun pu sped “siso]}9 on} peg ain a1ayies,reip asmeaoq 128 0} 1509 6,1 aeons otounjseo w se0m 0) ant nok 24! ony dao &sdura 248 swong puo 22f'o0 pjo> 2u1 exaup ays) op nok ou sateams 249 uy Shens 40H peg ou} “pod AuR op 1.0m Uursjo Aap oka wea NOx “I! 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