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Scoring Guide 4 3 2 1 0

Video My partner and I have My partner and I My partner and I My partner and My partner and I
Requirements: titled all of ours sections have titled most of have titled most of I did not title did not title our
in our storyboard and ours sections in our ours sections in our most of the sections and did
have put them in storyboard and storyboard and elements of the not use any type
chronological order. have put them in have mostly put hero’s journey, of order.
(Uses the titles and order chronological them in used no order. (No use of video)
presented in video) order. chronological (Uses the titles
(Uses the titles and order. and order
order presented in (Uses the titles and presented in
video) order presented in video)

Details My partner and I have My partner and I My partner and I My partner and My partner and I
appropriately illustrated have appropriately have appropriately I have have barely
all sections of our story illustrated most of illustrated some of illustrated some illustrated
board with an illustration, sections of our our sections in our sections of our sections of our
dialogue or a quote. story board with an story board with an story board but story board and
illustration, illustration, are missing are missing either
dialogue or a dialogue or a either illustration, or
quote. quote. illustration, or dialogue and/ or
dialogue, quote. both.

Central My partner and I have My partner and I My partner and I My partner and My partner and I
Ideas/Lesson conveyed one central have conveyed one have conveyed one I are missing missing one
idea/lesson from the text central idea/lesson central idea/lesson some central central idea/lesson
in each section of our from the text in from the text in ideas/lessons from the text in
storyboard. Each section each section of our each section of our from the text in many sections of
of our story board is also storyboard. Most storyboard. Some our storyboard. our storyboard.
accompanied by a great sections of our sections of our Most sections of Most sections of
3-4 sentences explanation story board are also story board are also our story board our storyboard are
of our chosen central accompanied by a accompanied by a are not accompanied
idea/lesson. great 3-4 sentences great 3-4 sentences accompanied by by 3-4 sentence
explanation of our explanation of our only 3-4 explanations.
chosen central chosen central sentence
idea/lesson. idea/lesson. explanations.
Summary My partner and I have My partner and I My partner and I My partner and My partner and I
written a 5-7 sentence have written a have written a 4-7 I have written 4 did not write
paragraph that names the paragraph that is 5- sentence paragraph sentences or paragraph.
text, illustrates a specific 7 sentences. We that may be missing less and miss
central idea/lesson, may be missing the the title of text, or several aspects
describes two moments title of text, but a specific central like the title of
that show our central have a specific idea, or two text, and/or a
idea, and explains why central idea/lesson, moments that show specific central
we believe the author two moments that our central idea, and/or two
chooses to convey this show our central idea/lesson and/or moments that
central idea. idea, and rationale why we believe the show our
why we believe the author chooses to central
author chooses to convey this central idea/lesson
convey this central idea. and/or why we
idea. believe the
author chooses
to convey this
convey this
central idea.

Peer Evaluation Sheet

Evaluator (Me) _____________________
Peer (Partner)_______________________
Directions: Check the box you find most appropriate.

Always When Needed Never

My partner
contributed in
this project.

My partner only
gave constructive
feedback and was
respectful to my
My partner was
ready to give a
helping hand
when needed.

Anything you would like Ms. Chavez to know?


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