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A. Title page
B. Title Fly
C. Letter of Transmittal
D. Declaration by student (Intern)
E. Recommendation by supervisor
F. Certificate given by employer/ Organization
G. Acknowledgement
H. Abstract/ Executive summery
I. Table of content
J. List of Table and charts

Body of the Report

Chapter 1:


 Rationale of the study

 Literature review
 Objective of the report/Study
 Methodology of the study
 Scope and Limitation of the study

Chapter 2:

Organization overview or Profile of the organization

Chapter 3:

Project Part

 What you have learn

 Limitation in work

Chapter 4:

Findings/ Observation of the study

Chapter 5:
Recommendations and conclusion (Solution of the problems related showed in findings)


 Questionnaire (If any)

 Others (If any)

References/ Bibliography
This should include all works specifically referenced within the text and should contain the
following details

i. Author(s)
ii. Title of publication or Article
iii. Publisher/ Source
iv. Date of publication

The order should be alphabetically by author (or First name Author with the second and
subsequent authors providing the text sort fields) and by date of publication within author e.g

(For Journal sources)


Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). 'Title', Publication Title, Volume number
(Issue number), p. Pages Used. doi: DOI Number.


Balsam, S., Puthenpurackal, J. and Upadhyay, A. (2011). 'The Determinants and Performance
Impact of Outside Board Leadership', Available at SSRN 1361255, p. 2.

Material In-Text
Type Example Reference List Example
Journal Jennings, P 1997, 'The
article: (Jennings 1997) performance and
available on competitive advantage
CMO of small firms: a
perspective', Internatio
nal Small Business
Journal, vol. 15, no. 2,
pp. 63-75. Available
from: The University of

Western Australia
Australian Library
Course Materials
Online. [1 September

(For Textbook sources)


Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title. ed. City: Publisher, p. Pages Used.


Pitt, C. and Smith, J. (2012). Pro PHP MVC. Berkeley, CA: Apress, pp. 3-4.

In the main text the work referenced should be identified by the first author’s name and
date e.g.

(For internet sources)


Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title. [online] Available at: http://Website
URL [Accessed Date Accessed].


Tester, J. (2014). EZproxy. [online] Available at:
NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=bth&AN=67324416 [Accessed 21 Jun. 2014].

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