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i Flare System Design Simplified Requirements: flare stack and knockout drum size, flame radiation estimates, steam rate and purge gas rate. Nomograms speed these design calculations Soen H. Tan CF Braun & Co, Alhambra, Calif, A tant racitity, particularly the flare burner, must have a stable flame capable of burning the hydrocarbon vapors released during a major operational failure. In ad- dition, the vapors must be sufficiently freed from liquid droplets before entering the stack, smoke must be min nized by the injection of steam into the flame, and the stack must be located remote enough from operating units to provide safety for operating personnel as well as equip- iment. Finally, the flare system must be purged with inert ss to prevent flame flashback Much has been published on laine characteristics and their application to flare design. Here the theory pertain- ing to this design is briefly reviewed, and nomograms are presented to speed and simplify design calculations. Flare Burner Diameter. A flare stack, particularly the flare burner, must be of a diameter suitable to maintain a stable flame and prevent a blowout should there be a major failure. Experiments"? have shown that flame blowout occurs when vapor exit velocities are as high as 20-30 percent ‘of the sonic velocity of the stack vapors. These results were obtained with small diameter pipes up to 0.152 in, ‘There is evidence that higher blowout velocities are attainable with pipes of larger diameter such as flare stacks; but in the absence of data on blowout velocities for flare stacks, it is good practice to size flare stacks on a basis of 20 percent of the sonic velocity as the exit velocity.* ‘The equation for the diameter of a flare bumer can then be derived as follows. The mass flow rate is given by W = 3600 py v Ag aw where 258 low rate, Ib/he lensity of the vapor, Ib/ew. ft 172 rat See pk 98 on wousonan of wean TO) SE 700 "| 604% 600 so] = |s00 so} Tegparune ee 3H 400 x 31, 4% ap 300 s 6 Fs \ ns onc ‘| 8 200 s 1—Nomogram for flare stack diameter, knockout drum diameter and length of flame. = exit velocity, ft/sec. Ag = crosstcetion, sqft ‘The vapor density is i) o= 07aT 8 and the flare tip cross-section 0.785 ape Tt @ where lecular weight of the vapor brolute pressure of vapor, 14.7 pala temperature of vapor °R (Note: nomogram based on*F) See Hyprocarnon Processino g=acceleration of gravity, 82.17 (Ib. mass) (ft.)/(b. force) (see.)* R=eas constant, 1,546 (feb. force)/(degree Rankine) (mole) b=ey/ey, say 12 ameter of face tip, in, Combining the above equations, and using the values for & R, and P mentioned above, we obtain wor 3 V z (3) For convenience, a nomogram, Fig, 1, based on Equa- tion 5, has been prepared. a Example. A hydrocarbon vapor will be flared under the following conditions: M T = 300° F, W = 330,- 000 Ib./hr. What is stack diameter? On Fig. 1, read 4= 30 in Equation 5 and Fig. 1 are based on a specific heat ratio k = 1.2, which is truc for most hydrocarbon vapors. For vapors with significantly different values of , the stack diameter obtained above is multiplied by 1.05 £-°", Recent experience has shown that stack diameters ob- tained by means of Fig. 1 generally agree well with data for smokeless flare stacks. From data for nonsmokeless flares, it is also evident that approximately 30 percent higher capacity can be allowed with this type of flare. Accordingly, to obtain the 400} diameter for nonsmokeless flare stacks, multiply the diam- eter found by means of Fig. 1 by 0.85 Tn general, one should not select a flare stack with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the flare header with which it is associated. LENGTH OF FLAME, FT, & 83 500 The Knockout Drum. A knockout drum in a flare sys- tem is used to prevent hazards associated with burning liquid droplets escaping from the flare stack. Accordingly, the drum must be of sufficient diameter to effect the de- sired liquid-vapor separation. A practical formula for obtaining the requited diameter of horizontal knockout drums (based on 400 microns par- ticle size) is run 6 = 1500 VR, Fae 6) where lb/hr. of vapor per pg = density of wapor, Ib./eu. fe @ = density of liquid to be separated from the vapor ‘This expression can be transformed ‘into a. suitable equation for the drum diameter. From Eq. 6 it follows that a) W = 1500 A.V, = Fala o where Ib,/i. of vapor deur cros-eetion, 89, ft. “ Since A, = 0.785D*, and pe = MP/10.73 T (see Equa- tion 2), W = 360 DIV, =P) MPTP @) based Asouming a liquid density, p, = 40 Ib,few. ft, and a pres- ssino fF January 1967, Vol, 46, No. 1 700, 8 8 TEMPERATURE °F 10 20 30 40 50 EXPOSURE TIME , MINUTES Fig. 2—Temperature of steel equipment vs, time of exposure fo radiant heat intesies of 200, 3,00, 4000" and” 3.000, Biu/hr sf Assumption: large equipment with plate thick. es of Ycich, effective emisiity of 10 and vew factor of 5. Goong eaused by convection, cle, neglect. 900 IT VIEW FaCTOR?1 | : TGNITION a DECOMPOSITION eh 600 Ke DEHYORATION) TEMPERATURE ,°F T : ! | % 100-2000 3900 4000 RADIANT HEAT INTENSITY , BTU/HR. FT? 5000 s. 3—Equilibrium temperature vs. radiant heat intensity. Eagan es Sie sure in the knockout drum, P pro with respect t0 py, it is obtained 19 psia, and neglecting w oF = som VW ad where D is the diameter of the knockout drum, in feet. Equation 9 is applicable to single flow knockout drums. Split flow drums, where the vapors enter at the middle of the drum and leave at both ends, have twice the capacity of single flow drums. The diameter of split flow drums is therefore 0.7 times the diameter obtained by Equation 9. Since the above equation is based on an empty drum, fan increase of the diameter may be necessary if the drum is to hold a large volume of liquid. Vertical knockout drums usually require a larger eter—I.4 times the diameter for single flow drums. Tago FT eer 50 FT 300FT rarer aga0 a 3,000 Brust. FT? —— {500 BTurHR FT? PROTECTION REC, FOR OPERATING PERSONNEL 4-Circles of 1,500 and 3,000 Bru/br. sq, ft. heat intenst fox'one Binch flare stack; height, 200 feet; flare load, 970.0 Ib./krs and molecular weight, 44. — CENTER OF FLAME Fig. 5 The radiant heat intensity q at any given poi grade is inversely proportional to the square of the distance From the center of the Hame to P. Fig. 1 can be conveniently used for finding the required diameter of horizontal knockout drums, Example: M = 50, T = 300° F, W = 330,000 lb/hr, read D = 114 fej use D = 11 ft. (single flow) Equation 9 is based on a particle size of 400 microns. ‘Vhis particle size varies with the vapor velocity and thus with the drum diameter. If another diameter is used, then the particle size is approximately 400 (D,/D)* microns, where D, is the diameter obtained by Equation 9 or Fig. 1. Finally, it may be noted that the diameter of a knockout 174 drum is ¥4 to 4 times the length of the drum, and 3 to 43 times the diameter of the flare stack, Height and Location of Flare Stacks. During the Algerian oil well fire in 1962, an estimated 1,400,000 Ib/hr, of natural gas escaped from the earth surface and bumed with an intense heat radiation, produced by a colossal flame 600 ft. high and 200 ft. wide Because a flame of comparable size may result from a major refinery of petrochemical plant failure, the effects of heat radi- Ation.on operating personnel and equipment should be Considered when designing a flare. Also the sclection of fheight and location of flare stacks should be macle on the basis of safety for operating personnel as well as equip. ment. The effect of heat radiation on huinan beings is shown, bel Heat intensity Buu/(hr.) (59. ft.) Pain threshold Blistering 2,000 Bec 20sec 5,300 - 5 sec With a heat intensity of 2,000 Buu/(hr.) (sq.ft) (this js six times the intensity of solar radiation) the pain threshold is 8 seconds, Therefore, if time is to be allowed for a man to run to safety, he should not be subjected toa heat intensity of higher than approximately 1,500 Btu/ hr.) (sq. ft.) in the cvent of a major refinery failure. A stack of sufficient height can be selected to satisfy this condition, But if this is impracticable, adequate protective measures should be taken to ensure his safety The effect of heat radiation on equipment is seen in Fig, 2. ‘The temperature of metal equipment increases wih exposure tiute. And the higher the radiant heat in- tensity, the higher the temperature. Fig, 3, Curve 1, shows the theoretical equilibriuns temperatures based on a view facior of 0.5, The actual temperature or surfaces facing the flame will be between Curves 1 and 2. The temper ture of vewels containing liquid or through which vapors ing may be Tower because of cooling effects. ng a low heat conduc: are flowi Curve 2 applies to objects havin tivity coefficient, eg., wood, Tn this case equilibrium tem: peratures are reached within a shorter time as compared f wood takes place at with metal objects. Dehydration of and ignition probably 500° F, decompesition at 700° F at 860° F, corresponding to 1,300, 3,000, and 000 Bru) lar) (sq f}y_ respectively. ‘This means that wooden About the author Soe H. Tan is a project chemical om pincer with © F Bram & Cow Alb Bra, Calif. He ig in charge of rei Coordination and design of chemictl plants and petroleum refineries. Me: ‘Tan holds a degree Ir. (M.S.) in chem {etry and chemieal engineering from 1M Technological University of Delft, TM Netherlands. He spent. nine years chemiatry research in gas chromatogra phy spectrophotometry, cowtometty, ‘conductometry and other areas in The Netherlands, He Goorked one year on galvanic analysis research at Bed Instruments, Inc, in California. Hyprocarson Process! tures and vegetation in an area with heat intensity Sf 3,000-4,000 Btu/(hr.) (sq. ft.) and higher may catch fre and burn. Paint on equipment may also be damaged. -Atperefore, itis recommended that equipment located in this area be protected by heat shielding, or water sprays, if the installation of a stack of sufficient height to reduce heat radiation is impracticable To sumnmat Heat intensity Protection Bu/(he.) (sq. ft.) required for Operating personnel 1,500 and higher Equipment 000 and higher See also Fig. 4. ‘To find the heat intensity at any point P at grade, X ft from the base of the stack, consider Fig. 5. The heat in- tensity is given by a) aed to FR ca cat intensity, Btu/(he) (44) smissivity of the fame teat generated by the flame, Beu/br. distance {rom center of flame, Y ft, above grade, to point Pf ivity, which actually depends on the luminosity of the flame, is for methane 0.20 (M = 16), propane 0.33 (M = 44), and higher molecular weight’ hydrocarbons 0.40; it can therefore be represented approximately by = 0088Vi ap The heat generated by the flame can be expressed by 2 = 20,000 ay where Wis the vapor flow rate, Ib./hr., based on a heat- ing value of 20,000 Btu/lb. ‘The square of the distance. R®, can be found by means of** y= VHT) as) L=120D ae where ¥ is the height of the center of the flame, ft.; D is the diameter of the stack, ft.; and Lis the length of the flame, ft. (see also Fig. 1). Hence axe y ye SAP 4 (HE 4120) asi Now Equation 10 becomes 960 WV FR[RE EAH + DY) a (19) ’ Equation 16 can be used to obtain the heat intensity at any given point P at grade, X ft from the base of the stack, If the heat intensity at the base of the stack is not to exceed 1,500 Btu/ (hr.) (sq f.), substitute X = 0 and 4 = 1,300 into the equation, and solve for H to find the required height of the stack. ‘The nomograms in Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b) are based ‘on the above equation. To find the heat intensity, g, if X is known, first obtain R from Fig. 6(a). Then, with this January 1967, Vol. 46, No. 1 R= ostance ef cceifer OF FLAME, 000" Fuage stack Retghrr . 7 I i 280 fxn, tear rt ie | X:DIsTAaNce EROW oar oF aca TO DAMETER 09 6(b) to obtain heat intensity at P, X feet from base of st ani tein OP | sovstance FRow Sane Fae jeome 000,000 Ey + FB 7 I : vear wrensry {1000 AT P,BTUHR FT? EG 5 400 8 MouecuaR $ ae peeee 0 | sue [5 : fe Bho 7 4, 20 sa 7 70 maximun" ror. [100 HUMAN BEINGS * [ 5 3 | aan roR r awe i Fron [* igo000 Erap00 8 “gorecton seaweed Bove Tose tas ts 100 bs Fig. 6(b)—Radiant heat intensity at P, X feet from base of stack. value of Rand the values of W and M, read q in Fig. 6(b) In selecting an appropriate location for the stack, yi FLARE SYSTEM DESIGN SIMPLIFIED . . . useful to plot the 1,500 and 3,000 Btu/(hr.) (sq. ft.) heat | intensity loci as depicted in Fig. 4 ! STEAM i TB/HR. Steam for Smokeless Flaring. Smokeless faring iy 4 FLARE LOAD 400,0005 ‘based on the principle of increasing the burning rate 1 LB yHR the injection of steam into a flame, by the creation of | 100,000 3 turbulence in the reacting gases and the inspiration of ai al thereby reducing the formation of soot. Soot formation i | ig i | alo reduced by the water gas reaction, C+ HO = i 7 CO + Hs, promoted by the addition of steam. 1 | 2 ‘The tendency of hydrocarbon vapors to smoke when burned depends on their molecule structure, degree of un. 2 WEIGHT TMH MOLECULAR saturation, and molecular weight, among other thingss ‘STW/HC 5: ‘ s i! 4 06 WEIGHT Reaction products of the burning of hydrocarbon with air q 08 $89 are mainly steam and carbon tosde. ‘The higher th | y o4 molecular weight of the hydrocarbon, the lower is the { 03/30 100,000-] _atio steam to carbon dionide, and the greater js the ‘ 9 tendency to smoke. If now, arbitrarily, the steam to carbon 4 o 8 dioxide ratio is to remain constant by the injection of 7 steam to reduce smoke formation. it may then be derived 5 20 a 6 o ‘i an 4 ui based on a steam-carbon dioxide weight ratio of approy 4 8 4 mately 0.75 Wary = Ib.jhr. of steam, Wr = Ib.fhr. of q 9 hydrocarbon, and IM = molecular weight i} 000,000 3 From Equation 17 it is readily found that about 0.3 Ib, fof steam is required for smokeless flaring of one Ib. of if hydrocarbon with a molecular weight of 28. This i in i ie: agreement with the result of an analysis of data on sioke- 2 less flaring (with the exception that no dependence on t molecular weight was noted) 1 15,000) "The nomogram in Fig. 7 is based on Equation 17, i 7—Steam from smokeless flaring. Purge Gas. ‘The purpose of using purge gas (fue! gas ot Y inert gas) is to ensure a positive flow of gas in the stack | and thus to prevent flame flash-back, Without purge gas | air may enter the stack as a result of diffusion. This may STACK DIA PURGE GAS RATE _bring about flame flash-back or even an explosion in the inches CFH stack. 4 15,000) [A safe condition exists if a positive flow of oxygen-free gas is maintained so that the oxygen concentration in the ‘6 10,000 Stack 25 ft from the top is not higher than six percent? 8] Gn ins basis purge gos requirements have been evaluated ie & and the nomogram in Fig. 8 prepared. a ‘The following assumption was made: namely, that the 20 purge gas rate, CFH (cu. ft./hr.), depends on the molec MOL, WEIGHT. OF 3 far weight, Mf, and the diameter, d (in,) by the relation PURGE GAS ® g2, where = 0.214 is a constant de 7 : : rived from experimental data’ for a stack with a diameter 5 of 24 ing and for hydrogen and nitrogen as purge gas 10 Lo “ 7 be applied to 2 1,000-| wer purge gas rates perhaps may be app a £8 tesa pd th ear a 6 LITERATURE CITED, 5 ob K., Gar, Cand Rapp, Ne My Micon, 198, 285 36 4 i Rap, N, and Care. CT Supe gn om : jg ta an tenn Te Wit NS i Peleam Reiger, 3 21 Et wo. 8 - 2 Fee eee er ll that) McGrail, New Yo RE tte, HG, one Capa Hal, a 48 tho, sien Refner, 43, 179 (1868) 0 5 too Fig. 8—Purge gas rates for flare stacks. 176 ACKNOWLEDGMENT “The author wie tn shank CF Braun & Co, for and Sac BV Ral We eaccoragtn the wing cating pee Hyprocaraox Processit®

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