The "Real" Name of The Messiah

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"VAHUSHA" means "Yah is ourdeUverer" in Hebrew. "JESUS" seems to convey
"hail Zeus" in Greek, and "the horse"'n Hebrew (HE...SOOS).
Both cannot be true. Since there was no letter" J" on. planet Earth until around
1530 eEl one of these two is already exposed. To say "we .peak English" isn't
a defense of anything, since the "only Name" given in which there is salvation is a
Hebrew Name, not an English one (Acts 4:12). The letters u$ed to convey the
correct sound of the Name to call upon are In EngUsh. Neither of the twoorigj ..
nated in English. Yahuah does not change, se the Name of our Mes$iah ~ould
not undergo alterations over time, unless another being tampered with it - such
as an enemyl We know we must overcomefthedeeeptions. and a very serious
"stronghold" is the false neme, which the anti-Messiah will use.
Scholars know how to determine the real Name of the MeSSiah of Israel, but
they hesitate because "tradition" would be directly ehall$nged. The evidence re-
veals that the person known as "Joshua" In the Scriptures has exactly the same
Hebrew name as the Messiah, because both the Messiah and the successor of
Mosheh are Identical in Greek, IESOUS. The Name of the Messiah Is not Greek,
but Hebrew. The Name has a meaning in Hebrew.; yet JESUS" (or JEZUS if in

Jugoslavia) Is promoted by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) to be valid, based

solely upon Greek, not Hebrew. This study should set the record straights be-
cause we· are going to look at the Hebrew to allow the true Name to become
In 216 of these, the spelling is: yod..hay-uau-shln-.yin: YAHUSHA.
The son of Nun (8 leader of the tribe Ephraim) that we find in the concor-
dance started out with a four~lettered name, then Mosheh changed it by
adding one letter (YOD) to the beginning of his name:
#1954: HAY ..UAU •.SHIN ...AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as
"HOSHEA" (Ot. 32:44), and "OSHEA" (Num 13:16).
this spelling is found 216 times, rendered hi the KJV as "JOSHUAII.
In another two instelnC8S in all of Scripture it is spelled
An interesting verse pertaining, to the "name change" of this son of Nun is
at Num 13:16 (KJV conoerdance numbers are used here):
"TheselJlB are the names·OM of the menS7' whlch~·NIoses4812 tleni'911
to SPV out'"°(tlI8} the land. no And Moses4B12ca/led7121 Oshell'" the
son";21 of Nun'"2. Joshua.3091"
In the above verse you can see the concordance numbers embedded in
the KJV English. The Hebrew root "yaSHA" means to deliver,and is the
root of the name of the son of Nun, HUSHA(#1954). In two places, we
see the letter UAU between the SHIN .•AYIN at the end of the name. The
only change Mosheh gave to his name was the, addition of the letter
YOD, causing the name HUSHA to become YAHUSHA, meaning
'YAH is our Deliverer". The Mashiach and the son of Nun have
identical spellings, #3091 above, as is evidenced by the fact that
their spellings use the same Greek letters IESOUS. (word
#2424). Reference to the man called "JOSHUA" is found in only
two places In the entire Brith Chadasha, Acts 1:45, and Hebrews
Act 7:45 "Which3739 als02632 oul287 fathers3982 that came af-
ter1237 brought In1521 wlth3~28Joshua2424 into1722 the3!88 posses-
R097 3688
sion of the Gentlles,1484 ••• II 'y.

Heb 4:8 "For1083 1(1487Joshua~24 had given them rest,21J84.846

then would he not'7~8($02) afterwarcf!321,$023 have spoken2980
of'°12 another43 day.2260

Many transliterations of Messiah's Name are used, among the

most popular of them are YAHSHUA, Y'SHUA, YESHUA, YEHO-
SHUA, YAHUSHUA, and YAHUSHA. The fact is, His Name is ,
identical to the Hebrew spelling of the man called "JOSHUA",
whose name was originally speDed as above, only without the letter
"YOD" at the beginning; MoSheh added the YOO to his name,
which was originally HUSHA (hay-uau-shln .•ayln). Acts 7 and
Hebrews 4 use the same Greek letters for this man and our
The letter "W" (doub/e-U) did not exist on Earth until the 13th cen-
tury, so it is impossible for it to be used honestly in the Name
YAHUAH: YOD .•HAY •.UAU-HAY (no letter W). In the Name
YAHU$HUA -- SHUA, or "SHA" is the ROOT 'yaSHA", meaning
to d6/iver. "SHUA" and IISHA" mean the same thing, to <leJiver.
spelled YOO-HAY -UAU ..SH IN"!lAU-AYIN).
"YAHUSHA" and "YAHUSHUA" both mean "YAH - is our- Deliv-
erer", (Alternately, "I AM ..••your ..•Oellverer").
There is a man named "Shua" at 1 Chr 2:3, word #7770, and the
letters are SHIN-UAU-A YIN. Another example is MalklY$hua
(mel-kee-shu-ah), found at 1 Sa 31:2 , word #4444, and the ending
of this man's name is also spelled SHIN-UAU ..A YIN.
In 216 places out of 218, there is no letter UAU used between the
SHIN-AYIN In the name for the successor of Mosheh, but there is a
UAU following the letter HAY, so ttYAHUSHA" is the preferred way
of rendering the Name in English letters. The letterUAU has been
the most mysterious for many people for a very long time, and it
renders the meaning of "our" or "your" to the word, in a plural
sense. A YOD at the end of a word means "my", as in the word for
"my teacher" (usually seen written "RABBI", because the Greek al..
phabet has no letter llyn). Pronounce the letter UAU like this: "000'-
ah". This letter is commonly known as WAW, the 6th letter of the He-
brew "alef-beth". Our Messiah's Name in modern Hebrew letters:
YAHUSHA: J1W'M" palaeo-Hebrew form: owv~ •..
YAHUSHUA: U"W'M" palaeo-Hebrew form: OVWV~ •.•

,rr" The first part is not ,in question: YAHU

UW This requires our close attention; is the
pronunciation .. SHUA? Or is It simply SHA? '.
The root yaSHA means "to deliver'.. »W"
Let'-s check out the correct Hebrew names of two prophets Isaiah and
'M"StW" YESHAYAHU (Isaiah) Strong's #3470 -"Yah has
saved." The first part is YESHA, orYASHA:
StW" YESHA Strong's #3468 - "Salvation, deliverance."
J)tD - Remove the •• and we have: SHA
rW"'N ELIYSHA Strong's #477 - "EI of deliverance."
Therefore from the Hebrew we have J7W'M" YAHUSHA =
The ending IISHA" and "SHUA" mean the same.
How is SHUA written in Hebrew and does it have a meaning?
»,VI SHUWA Strong's #7768.: "Cry for help."

r'W"'N ELIYSHUA Strong's no 474~IIEI of riches."

"Yahushua" is seen twice out of 218 times in the TaNaK, so both
"Yahushua" and "'Yahush~" are acceptable transliterations.
Yahu$HUA and Yah~SHA • SHUA and SHA both contain the
Hebrew root, yaSHA, meaning deliverance (salvation).
Both spellings, Yahushua find Yahusha, are endorsed by the inspired
texts. The two uses of this §-Iettered spelling (YAHUSHUA) are found at
Oeut.3:21 and Judg. 2:7. Both variations in sp~lIing are found in these
books. In these two books. the name was wfiitten with only one "UAU" in the
following ratios:
Deuteronomy I Debarim: 7 to 1. Seven times, the spelling was YOD-HAY-
Judges: 5 to 1. Five times, the spelling was the 5-letter YOO-HAY -UAU-
SHIN•.AYIN (Vahusha), and 1time YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYlN
(Yahushua~. i

Overall ratiO: 216 to 2 (216 times, the spelling in the TaNaK was YOD-
4 Do personal research; test everything you are taught (INCLUDING THIS)

Since both are seen used In Scripture, then either Is acceptable.

A huge mistake to make is to think that the "vowel-pointing" of the 10th cen-
tury CE Masoretes Is without flaw. Anyone can make a blunder. We also
know they had agendas, and one was with the Name, Yahuah.. Moreover,
they were about 2300 yeaTSremoved in time from Mosheh, so their vowel •.
pointing work hag to involve guesswork. We could not possibly know how
William Shakepeare would pronounce certain words even 400 years ago.
In studying the Messiah's true Name, a great text to examine closely is
ZecharYah 3. The Hebrew word #3091 used in these texts is Yahusha (the
KJV concordance numbers are imbedded to help with your further study):
Zec 3:1 "And he showed1200 me (863) Joshua3091 the hlgh1419
prlesftl48 standlnfl91t1 before~(J the angets'1 of the LORD,30'8
and Safan1,64 standlnrf97t1 aftJ~1 his right hancfziltl to res/st7B63
Translators have obviously modified the te)ds with words from a wide vari-
ety of other languages between the Hebrew and English, such as the term
"angel" seen above (which is not English, but Greek). The rendering
"Joshua" is only a couple of steps away from the better transliteration
"Yahusha"; but they completely obliterated the Name "Yahuah" when they
substituted the letters LORD. This Is where personal research into the Truth
of the Name begins. If they will lie about the Name of the One we serve, then
they will lie about .anything. For certain, we must be "over-comers" to be
found doing what our Mashiach expects of us until He comes.
And there is much more to overcome.
If anyone can find any error in this study, please contact me with the proof
- but please accept that the Greek or Latin forms have no bearing on the
authenticity of Yahusha's original, and only true Hebrew Name.
"And there Is no deliverance In anyone else, for no other name
under the heaven given among men by which we need to be
saved." Acts 4: 12 .
"Then shall those who fear Yahuah speak to one another, and Y.huah
listen and hear, and a book of remembrance be written before Him,
of those who fear Yahuah and those who think upon His Name."
Mal 3:16

Torah Zone, PO Box 436044, Louisville, KY

402530ffice phone: 502-365-2283
Plfl~se m~ke copies of this short study and share It widely with
congregations, friends, seminary students, and family members.
Surely there is only one name given under heaven among men
by which we must be saved, so it follows that we would desire to
know what that Name Is.


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what this Hebrew phrase means:

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