Ch. 22 Sect. 1 & 2 Review

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Name: _____________________

Ch. 22 Sect. 1 & 2 Review

Ch. 22 Sect. 1: Use your knowledge of the section to fill in the blanks that complete the story
below. (I have included hints next to each blank) (4pts.)

Beginning in the late 1800s, Indochina was colonized by numerous outside forces. The
_____________ (country) ruled the area up until WWII, spreading their influence and profiting off
the land. A Vietnamese independence movement began in response to this colonization, with
_____ ____ _____ (person) leading the _______________ (group) in the fight for independence.

During WWII, the new outside force of ___________ (country) stepped in and controlled
the area, until they were defeated on V-J Day, in 1945. It looked like the Vietnamese might
finally have their freedom, but the ___________ (country) returned.

The United States supported this control of Vietnam because they worried that Vietnam
was at risk of the _________ __________ (vocab word) and would fall to Communism if they had
their independence.

A meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland in 1954, decided on the _______ _______ (vocab
word), which left Vietnam divided at the 17th parallel. The Northern portion of Vietnam was ruled
by ___ ___ ___ (person), while the Southern part of Vietnam was ruled by ___ ___ ___(person).

There was massive unrest in the South, as a Communist group called the ________
(group) began fighting against Diem’s rule. This group received aid and weapons from the North
by way of the __ ___ ___ _____ (vocab word), which stretched along the border, from North to
South Vietnam.

As the unrest in South Vietnam worsened, the United States became increasingly
concerned and began sending more American troops to support South Vietnam. After an
incident in which an American ship was allegedly torpedoed off the coast of Vietnam, President
Johnson was granted increased military powers, through the ____ __ _____ ________ (vocab
word). He further increased support to Vietnam and by June 1965, more than 50,000 United
States soldiers were fighting in Vietnam.
Ch. 22 Sect. 2: Use your knowledge of the section to answer the following questions. (6 pts.)

Vietcong United States


Compare and contrast the goals and morale of the U.S. troops with that of the Vietcong. How
did each side view the Vietnam War and how did that impact their persistence?

What were the effects of the nightly television coverage of the Vietnam War?

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