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HALF-DWARF “Squat. HALE-DWARF. HALF-BRED. CALL’EM WHAT YOU WANT. THERE'S NO ONE I'D RATHER HAVE WATCHING MY BACK.” =SeAMUS LANE, COLLEGEOFLORE Walking between the ambitious word of the human and the tener world ofthe dae, halfdwarves are constanly tom by thee dual heritage Halfdvarves are ar, both die to the unfitness ofa umn and dwar coupling and theft that such coupigs rarely produce afspring. Despite tee ‘ari; most cities with blended human and dare ‘Population wil ely comin at leas handfl of hal dwarves, ether by intent accident ‘Sguars, Haur-Brep, HUMANKIN Depending on who you tak to halfawarves look like short, stocky hairy humans, o ike al chin dwarves, unable to row a heard worth noticing In aman emits hal fdvarves are often called “Squats in reference o their stout builds ane mined heritage. Among dvarves, they ar called “Humankia” of more derogatory “Half Breds In either case the Heo a alfa ioe led wh ida indie, and sometimes even worse, ply A rel, halt “dwarves tend tobe loners and ae ever focused on proving {emarves through quiet deed rather than word They tnd ‘be hard-working tough, and selfsuerifeing By HAMMER, AXE, ORBLADE alfdwarves often find flliment through work that others ‘might consider menial and especialy detight in excelling rafts ypiealy favoured by thei dwarven heriage. They are consummate stoe-workers, smiths and brewers. Those that fembrave thee more human sie ten find werk Jumberacks, woodearvers, and carpenters, Many dwarves feel themselves drawn to the ranks ofthe tv guard where they can provide quiet dgaied service other community aleDwart Names Halfdwarves use human or dwarven ‘aring coaventions, depending on where they were raed ‘hough tis common for them to acquire nicknames nether dwarven or common. depending on which heritage they raat tomards, as they gow older Hatr-Dwanr Trarrs Ability Score nerease. Your Constition score inereases by 2and two ether ability scores of your choice increas by ‘Age. Half Dwarves mature at the same ratchumans do and each adulthood around the age of 20 They Iie much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 30 years. ‘Aligenet, Halfdwarves are mostly lawful with a great respect for authority and order They do not lean to good oF clad the best and worst can be found of thers, ‘Size. Halfdwarves are about the same size as humans, angi rom 5 106 fet all Your sve s Media ‘Speed. Your base walking speed i 30 feet. Your spc is not reduced by wearing heay Armour Darisision, Thanks to your Dwarf bod, you have superior ‘sta in dark and die condiina, Yo ea ee i dies gt ‘within 60 feet of you asf t were bright ight, ad in darkness ‘sit itwere dim igh You ent dscer colour in darkness, only shades of re. ‘Dwarven Rellence. You have advantage on saving ‘throws against poiso, and you have resistance against poison damage (explained in chapter 9) Sled You gaia proficiency with dhe artists tool of your choice: smits tools, bewers supplies or maso's ook You also gain proficiency in one sil of your choice. ‘Languages. You can speak. read and write Common and DDwarish, Dwarvish fll of hard consonants and guttural sounds an those characterises pill ver ino whatever ‘ther language a dwar! might speak. Hil war Variants ‘Some hal dwares in Faerun havea racial trait in Jace ofthe Skiled wa. f your DM allows &, your dwarf character can forgo Skilled and instead {ake the trait Dwarven Combst Training ora tat based on your dwar parentage: + Aalfdwar of hilar descent can choose the hil dwar Dwarven Toughness + halF-dvar of mountain dwar cescent can choose the mountain wars Dwarven Armour Sraning. + Nhaltdwar of duergr descent can choose the Gduergars Duergar Resilence or Duergar Maple aa”? Creoits reds The Homebrewer forthe excellent ool that makes brew easy and 10 Seamus Lane over on up enlegeallze com for his Half Dwarf favour write up for which Tam using here

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