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Mandrake »Not poppy nor Mandragorn, Noll the drowsy syrups ofthe world Shall ever medicine me that sweet sleep Which i had yesterday Othello, Tagardy of Othello Mandrake are one ofthe few magicallyimbued anthropomorphic Plants, they have been used for ‘alchemy potions and powders since it was frst tiscasered that piling one from the ground causes {nything i the vicinity to de, Very rarely some of, these Mandakes, afer years and years of absorbing ‘magical energy start to develop sentence. Sentient Mandrake tend to stay way from where they ‘originally grew, usually in search of someting more exciting than the litle patch of drt they called home for so long Mandrake Names Mandrakes dont naturaly take names. But to help with social interaction they take names from various ‘Sources, mostly taking names from the first civilized ‘communities they encounter, Mandrake Traits Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence or ‘Wisdom Score increases by 2 ‘Age. Mandrakes gain seatience after about 100, ‘years of absorbing magical energy. Mandeakes lie tl they die fom unnatural causes ‘Alignment. Mandrakes not having grown up in or near eilization tend tobe Chaotic Neutral ‘Size. Sentient Mandrakes tend tobe smaller than ‘most gnomes. Your size is small. ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 fet. ‘Mandakes havea burrowing speed of5 fet. ‘Languages. You can speak, read, and wnte Common. ‘Photosynthesis, You add double your constitution ‘modifier worth of hit points foreach hit diespent during a short rest while in direct sunlight Plant state instead of sleeping you bureow into the {ground tll only the top of your head is sticking out of the ground, remaining semieonscious, fr 4 hours a ddayWhile inthis Plant state you dream very vivid dreams. After resting in this way, you gain the same ‘benef thata human does from 8 hours of sleep If you cannot borrow because ofthe terrain you need to sleep as humans do. Hrritage. You are considered a Plan! and. {influenced as such by abilities and spells, ‘Plant heritage. You know the druideraftcantip. Wisdom isyour spelleasting ability for i ‘Sub races, Three main sub races of Mandrake ‘populate the worlds of DED: Poisonous Mandrake, ‘Stone Mandrake and Forest Mandrake (Choose one ofthese sub races! Poisonous Mandrake Poisonous Mandrakes grew in swamps where even the earth itself is soaked in poisons growing in these conditions caused the mandrake itself to become ght tone ‘Ability Score Increase. Your Constisation score increases by ‘Poisonous abilities. You know the Poison Spray cantrip Wisdom is your spellasting ability for it ‘Poison Resilience. You have advantage on saving ‘throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage. ‘Languages. You can speak, read, and write UnderCommon Stone Mandrake ‘Stone Mandrakes grew in very rocky areas and are a ‘such conditioned to rough environments ‘Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or constitution score inereases by 1 ‘Stonecunning, Whenever you make an Intelligence History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered prficiet inthe History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. ‘Toughness. You hit pint maximum inereases by 1 and i creases by 1 everytime you gai a eve ‘Stony abilities. You know the Mold Earth eantsip. Tnteligence i your spllcasting ability for it Forest Mandrake Forest Mandrakes grew in a Tick forested areas, more often near druid eices than not Ability Score Increase. Your Desterity score increases by 1. ‘Speak with plants, Thanks to your plant heritage you ean communicate basic ideas with plants and understand basic answers from them, but because plants are limited in both environmental senses and Intelligence you cant gain much information fom them you have no contro over plants. ‘Sills You have proficiency in the Nature kil [Nature Abilities. You know the Thorn Whip ceantripWadom your spellasting ability fort

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