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Murioc “Mralefurtesurige wsbuoroubarale ughibburcul! oowungein! easuaulee Bauugrgleshmgurleshurse “shell! Aurglshmrale aurlwlguregeig. auugralestg mrglfuglesurlge! Nurgle aauwurlre shall!” igus Druid ofthe Sharkwake Tribe From THE DErrHs Murles ace race of amphibious Fh men with bulbous head, rows ofsharp teeth, and a surly demeanor Murlocs aren extremely teroral people, pacing extreme importance oa thei own lands and posession. Given that ‘hey are generally olent al ery few have boterel 0 lear any Language uter than their ova gutaral Negi, coer ‘long the waters edge seems inevitable Meriocs possess a ich oal radia, and place high vale ‘on storyteller who pass down thei rial grudge matches. ‘Though individual Murloes may possess the attention span of fish, the memory of thelr cultial feuds ean last or ‘centuries. Once tribe hasbeen driven from thee lands by Settlers or soldiers, the Mirlocs wil emember It may take Several generations of harassment but eventual the ‘Marloes wil return to relaim their and Darx Wuisrezs ‘The Murloc religion is very strange to outsiders Although ‘mang revere some unnamed god of the deep sea their more common form of worships ever changing Murloc beliefs Snconorate powerfl erative tha lve around hema their pantheons are dynamic, changing‘ Include new creatures they encounter “They may add oe remove creatures to ther worship stractre to mflet recent events A tie may veerate a ‘whale (or ay even raise its status to whale god) until a gant ‘Seaserpent drives tata. t which pia thelr bles change {o center onthe sea-srpent a the ciel object thei Aearby erature that exemplifies Marloe values — such asa strong shark ora quick ish — becomes a lng symbol ‘fhe Murlefith,Asthe animals die or move on, the “Marle fat matateso find new synbolisn in thee surroundings. Live ON THE WATER'S EDGE Murlo villages consist of collection f rough mud andewig hts strewn about witout pater. These villages pally have no fire, a clear walhays and nofoeticaions. The huts are erude and plain, and the setlementisctherwise featureless excep fo the shallow basin ten found behind the shamaris hut. Most huts stand on silts to protect them from the tides and ooding, Tn sharp contrast to thelr primive exteriors, the interior walls of most murloc hus are often elaborately decorated Some depict ranching coral while others contain moses of stelland stone and yet others possess surprisingly delicate tapestis of shaded seaweed The huts are wsual Open to the ag with small wooden pls to old the oof Muross eepin the water oron woven mats of seaweed ied rl ‘enough to maintain their shape but stil lose enough to look like small ecanaular nets. Hooks of eal hold weapons and ther items on the walls or pillars, Murlocs rarely work in metal and almost never touch fre. They are expert carers however and ean work stone, shell coral or wood lato fabulous shapes and amazing scenes and designs. Shaman safe are also works of art carved o hold bone and shel chips as well as tet ippers, and claws of ‘aries sea creatures not seen by most land dwellers. ‘Srancx SounDs ‘Most Muries speak only theirnatve engi, Nera eis strange id language that ean oftentimes sccm comical to tutsiders. There is no writen script for Neraish, as the Marloes have purl oral tradition of sory and toformation sharing

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