YT Lesson 16 Joshua PT 11b CH 5.4-13 Ex.12

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YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

The Book of Joshua

Part 11 B

The Stars with their Signs of the 1st Month

Pisces ~ The Kingdom Come ~ Green Ear of Corn

The 12 sons of Israel each had a standard or family crest connected to the
Eternal Covenant stars with their signs (Numbers 2). Pisces is the family crest of the
tribe of Levi.

When we are looking at the luminaries ~ a heavenly pictorial of an earthly

kingdom ~ all of these things are tied to the nation Israel. The heavenly revelation is the
gospel of the Covenant Son as it pertains to His nation on earth and His kingdom. The
gospel is for everyone ~ for whosoever will… but the pictorial pertains to the nation of
Israel. Therefore, when you have the 12 signs ~ you have 12 sons, each has a banner
with one of those signs which is considered the family crest of their father Israel.

Levi’s name means “Joined.” The theme of the stars with their signs in the
constellation of Pisces is the joining of the two realms of heaven and earth through the
work of the Covenant Son forming one kingdom of sons of God in heaven and on earth.

The heavenly revelation concerns an earthly kingdom. So what about the

church? The Covenant is about God and the Covenant Son, as it pertains to Israel.
However, the church is hinted at in some of the star names. Pisces in particular, who is
associated with the tribe of Levi has the name meaning joined. Joined pictures the
uniting of the heavenly realm where the church resides; and the earthly realm where
Israel is the ruling head nation. Two ‘realms’ are united but there is only one kingdom of
sons of God.

The fishes in the sign of Pisces speak figuratively of the fishes in the sea of
humanity. In the pictorial typology of the stars, when an animal is pictured, the figurative
message is often the work associated with the creature.

This company of fishes of the sea of humanity are now under Him who is known
as the Prince. These fishes of the sea of humanity are all under a new jurisdiction in the
kingdom come. The theme of Pisces is the kingdom has come; here is the green ear of
corn (Christ, the Covenant Son) ~ this is a new beginning.

The Bridle: Decan One

The first decan of Pisces is the Bridle. The Bridle is holding the fishes together.
The Bridle is the first part of the theme of the fishes being under a new jurisdiction in the
kingdom of God. The Bridle is the rein that holds the tails of the fishes and is significant
in the sign. Each fish is “caught,” “held” and pulled by their tails with the Bridle. The tail
YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

of a fish is the source of its strength. Clearly we can see something is holding onto the
source of the strength of the fishes of the sea of humanity in this kingdom which is now
under a new jurisdiction.

The revelation of this Bridle speaks, in figure, of the power of the lawlessness of
enmity. The source of a man’s strength (which is what the fishes represent from the sea
of humanity) is his thinking. As a man thinks, so is he. Because the fish are held by the
tail and not hooked by the mouth reveals no bait or lure is used to entice the fishes of
the sea of humanity. They are held by the enmity of their own thinking.

When the kingdom is set up on earth, it is not a fairy tale kingdom. It will be a real
kingdom with real people with their own real thinking, but it will be under a new
jurisdiction: there will be a Sovereign Who rules with absolute righteousness and justice.

The mouth of the fish is the organ that receives the necessary nourishment for
life. Although the fishes of the sea of humanity will be under a new jurisdiction in the
kingdom come, they will still have the enmity of their own thinking which can only be
ruled over by the power of righteousness. Righteousness will be the gift offered in the
kingdom to be freely received ~ that is why the fish are pictured with their mouths

Andromeda: Decan Two

Andromeda is decan two in Pisces. Andromeda is the chained woman Israel that
is set free from death. Once broken down, afflicted and bound; the assembled is the
abundance delivered from the grave.

So if you are looking at this sign in Pisces in connection to the text, Israel is
chained and bound and in a position of death; but when looking at her in the sign of
Pisces, according to the star names with their signs, it is past tense. She was broken,
she was afflicted and she was bound, but now she is abundantly delivered from the
grave. There is a near, far and future fulfillment when reading the text and considering
the sign with their star names.

The woman is no longer bound, the fishes are free and all is due to the
accomplishment of Cepheus.

Cepheus: Decan Three

Cepheus is decan three in Pisces Who is the Royal Branch of the family tree of
Israel. The King is coming quickly as in a circle (meaning he has come once and will
come again).

Always in the luminaries is the first and second coming declared. In the far
fulfillment, Cepheus is the one who frees the nation. He is the King who comes quickly;

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

He is the Redeemer who bruises and breaks in order to establish His nation ~ the head
nation at the end of the age ~ the beginning of the kingdom age.

Thus, the sign Pisces sheds light and gives theme to the rest of the signs. The
theme is: the kingdom has come. A multitude from the sea of humanity will enter into
the kingdom, but are going to be bound by their tails ~ their thinking. Israel who has
been chained and afflicted (which takes place in the later day during the tribulation and
Jacob’s time of trouble) is finally going to be set free because she is going to look on
Him who she has pierced; and she is going to enter into the kingdom (Zechariah 12:10).
The setting up of the kingdom and Israel entering into the kingdom is based on the
Covenant Son Cepheus Who is the King who comes from the Royal Branch Israel.

Cancer ~ Kingdom Embraced and Secure

The next constellation is Cancer which speaks of the kingdom embraced and
secured. If you read through the Old Testament there are lots of wars, lots of kings, lots
of fighting’s, and nothing seems to be settled. BUT this kingdom, under a new
jurisdiction, is a kingdom that is embraced and secure.

Cancer is the family crest of the tribe of Issachar. Issachar’s name means
“Hired”. The theme of the stars with their signs in the constellation of Cancer is the
kingdom of sons of God are embraced and secured by the King who was the “hired”
servant of Jehovah ~ the Covenant Son.

In the ancient star chart drawings Cancer is depicted as a manger ~ a feeding

trough ~ hiding, sheltering and feeding the assembled thousands of the kids or lambs ~
the multitude of the offspring of the nation.

Here is the picture of Cancer: the kingdom is secure. It is the place where the
kids or lambs of the multitudes of the offspring of the nation are secure (during the 1000
year reign there will be people born).

Ursa Minor: Decan One

The first decan of Cancer is Ursa Minor. Ursa Minor: the gates of the enemy is
one of the star names. The gates of the enemy is the center of the kingdom because
this is spiritual warfare. God is coming to set up His kingdom. God’s kingdom on earth is
the “center” of the universe. The “center” of the universe at the time the King comes to
set up His kingdom is going to be the gates of the enemy. What is everyone fighting
over today? Israel’s land. But when the King sets up His kingdom, the gates will be
redeemed and everyone is assembled and the gates are now considered the center
(high in rising) of the city of the great King ~ the Sovereign.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

Ursa Major: Decan Two

Decan two in Cancer is Ursa Major. Ursa Major speaks of the sheepfold or herd
or flock that has been redeemed and purchased. These are the later flock~ separated ~
the daughters of the assembly. These are daughters (Israelites) born in the assembly
during the 1000 year reign.

The flock is always about Israel. Here pictured are daughters of the assembly
that have been separated ~ they are now included in part of the kingdom. It is future ~
here is the land ~ God will be their God; and God will be their Seed, an ongoing picture.

Argo: Decan Three

The third decan in Cancer is Argo. Argo is figuratively drawn as a ship. Argo is
the company of travelers returning from afar. Israelites will return from all over the world
to Jerusalem. They will be the multitude of the released who are the possession of Him
Who comes. It is a picture of near, far and future fulfillment.

Leo ~ The Divine King is Come

Leo is the family crest of the tribe of Judah. Judah’s name means “Praise.” The
theme of the stars with their signs in the constellation of Leo is the Praise of the coming
of the Divine King. This is a Divine kingdom ~ the kingdom of God. Leo is the praise of
the Coming of the Divine King.

Leo is He who is the rendering lion who makes waste, and plucks asunder. Leo
is the King of the jungle ~ the jungle of men. The King of the jungle is treading underfoot
the enemy ~ He is the Judge ~ the LORD is His name who comes quickly. Leo is
pouncing on the head of Hydra.

Hydra: Decan One

Hydra is decan one in the constellation of Leo. Hydra is the abhorred. In the
pictorial, the abhorred is a giant serpent. The serpent is regarded in the figurative
language as the symbol of enmity. In Pisces, the fishes are bound with a bridle of
enmity. But Leo is going to take care of the enmity in His Kingdom ~ He is going to
pounce on it. Leo is going to pounce on the “heart of the serpent” which is one of the
star names. The heart of the serpent, the heart of enmity is man’s own thinking against
His Creator.

Even though God comes to set up His kingdom of God on earth during the
kingdom age; He invites the sea of humanity to come into His kingdom and offers them
peace terms (all that come into the kingdom are not sons of God); they have their own
thinking and God is going to put an end to that. God’s kingdom will have God’s thinking.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

Crater: Decan Two

In the second decan of Leo is seen how God is going to take care of that
thinking. Crater is the cup of the wrath of God poured out. The cup was used as a
mixing bowl for wine. In the star chart drawings, the cup is pictured as being poured out
on the serpent Hydra. No star names are preserved for Crater but in light of the
message of the stars with their signs of Leo and the Eternal Covenant it is clear that the
cup is a cup of judgement. Because we think of the kingdom of God established on
earth as a kingdom of Righteousness and Justice, we think that no bad things will
happen in the kingdom. This is not true because there are going to be men born in the

The kingdom begins and ends at a 1000 years. During that time there will be
people who are lawless in their thinking. They are not going to be able to act lawless
because if they do, they will be put to death. At the end of the 1000 year reign there is a
pouring out of the judgement of God on those who have refused to receive the gift of
Eternal Life (refused Love). The end isn’t seen in Leo; the end is seen in Sagittarius. But
it is portrayed here in Leo because the theme is: here is the kingdom and this is how it

Crater/Cup is a just recompense of God’s wrath for the grief of the ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men, “…who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that
which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them”
(Romans 1:18-19). For a thousand years man is going to have the teaching of the truth;
for whosoever wills to receive the Eternal Life to enter into the kingdom. You cannot
come into God’s Eternal Kingdom without being a Covenant Son.

God’s desire is that ALL should become the righteousness of God through faith
in the Covenant Son. This will be taught for a thousand years. But at the end of 1000
years according to the Eternal Covenant in the luminaries there is a whole group of
people that unite to try to take the kingdom of God. How can they do that in the
kingdom? Because they are underground promoting a certain thinking. A multitude ~
more than the sands of the seashore will unite to take God’s kingdom ~ pure
foolishness because they cannot take what is God’s.

God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance
(2 Peter 3:9; 1Timothy 2:1-6; Acts 10:34-35; Ezekiel 18:23). Yet, God is jealous for
justice. He hates iniquity. Crookedness is wrong and destructive ~ which is why at the
end of 1000 years He must pour out His wrath because He is Right and He is Just.

Corvus: Decan Three

The third decan in Leo is Corvus. Corvus is the raven, the accursed. The raven is
an unclean bird (first mentioned with Noah). This unclean bird consumes the flesh of the
dead ~ the accursed ~ those at enmity with their Creator.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

Virgo ~ The Seed of the Woman ~ The Begotten Son

The next constellation/sign is Virgo, the Virgin. Virgo is the Seed of the Woman
as the Begotten Son. Virgo is the family crest of the tribe of Naphtali. Naphtali’s name
means “My Wrestling.” The theme of the stars with their signs in the constellation of
Virgo speaks of the wrestling of the Seed of the Woman ~ the Son given ~ and the
victory of the First Begotten Son. What wrestling is that? God desires sons of God. In
order to do that, He is going to have to wrestle for it in the laying down of His Life.

From the wrestling of the Seed of the virgin; from the ear of the corn; from the
Seed of the Branch of life come down; from the Son given ~ born in a body of flesh cut
off but raised the Begotten Son will be the dominion of the kingdom given ~ because He
is the Deliverer; the Gloriously Beautiful.

Does that not take us back to “let us make man in Our image and after Our
likeness”? God just keeps building and building. So here is Virgo, the Virgin and from
that Virgin is going to come the birthed son of God to be raised the Begotten Son of
God: God’s seed for Eternal Life ~ for whosoever will ~ the Gloriously Beautiful.

Coma: Decan One

Coma is the first decan in the sign of Virgo. Coma is the desired or longed for
who bears. Coma is the Desired or Longed for Ruler of all the earth and it is from Him
who bears the Seed for sons of God. How are you going to get sons of God? You have
to have Seed of the Son of God ~ God’s Seed. Here He is: the Seed is the Desired or
Longed for. He is the One who is going to provide the birth for Seed for sons of God.

Centaurus: Decan Two

Centaurus is the second decan in Virgo. Centaurus is drawn as a man with the
body of a horse. Centaurus is not a mythical creation as some suppose but in reality,
the pictorial of a man on a horse. This is understood by the figurative message of the
stars with their signs. You cannot just look at the picture. You have to look at the
drawing, the star names, the signs, the decan, and the order ~ all of it. It has to be put
together under the leading of the Spirit of God. God placed the luminaries, the Eternal
Covenant in the heavens to declare the glory of God so that we can see ~ this is the
Way ~ this is the race course of the Son of God.

Again, as previously mentioned ~ in the pictorial typology of the stars, an animal

pictures the work associated with the creature. Thus, in the case of Centaurus is a
body of a horse and the head of a man ~ so you have both: the person of the Covenant
Son and His work that are depicted in this sign.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

Centaurus represents the Person: God, Spirit being of Deity and His Work as
God, as seen in the Man, Christ ~ seated on a horse. The Covenant Son, Jesus does
the work of God as a man through the power of God in Him.

The horse was used as a domesticated servant of man. The horse was powerful
and mighty; and was often used in battle. When you think of Mighty in battle, of the
person and work of Christ, in Joshua’s day (5:13-15) ~ Who do you have? Centaurus:
the Man of War.

Centaurus is situated directly over the Cross ~ the first decan of Libra. The
cross speaks of life out from the dead, giving the reader insight into the truth that the
Pierced will also be the One Who pierces all the enemies of God and rises as the
Conqueror. The Conqueror is the power of God unto salvation.

Bootes: Decan Three

Bootes is the third decan in Virgo. He is the herdsman. Bootes is the shepherd,
the preserver, the guardian, the pierced one who bruises and separates. He is the most
beautiful. This is a shepherd’s kingdom. That is why when we get to the kingdom age,
everyone has taken their weapons of war and turned them into plowshares (Isaiah 2:4).

Libra ~ The Transaction

Libra is the final constellation under consideration of the 1st month. Libra is the
family crest of the tribe of Asher. Asher’s name means “Happy.” The theme of the stars
with their signs in the constellation of Libra speak of the happiness of the transaction of
God for the purchase of redemption.

The pictorial drawing is that of scales. Scales in modern times are used for
weighing in order to purchase an item. However, from the star names of the sign Libra
we understand that the “scales” are not for weighing but for the purpose of a

The transaction is between the three personal beings of the One God. The
primary issue or the transaction between the three personal Beings is for a body of
Eternal life.

Revealed in the figurative message of the stars with their signs is the message of
‘the price that is deficient’ to have man in God’s image after His likeness. The price that
is deficient is the temporary body of flesh and bone dependent on blood ~ the life of
that body. One cannot enter into Eternity in a body of flesh, bone and blood.

BUT there is the ‘price which covers’ ~ the permanent body of flesh and bone
dependent of the Eternal life of the spirit. The Seed of the Covenant Son is the price
that covers.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

God’s Greatest Enemy

There is one more ‘price’ in Libra ~ ‘the price of conflict’. The price of conflict
reveals a conflict between man and God, as well as the price for the conflict for both

God’s greatest enemy is the enmity of the mind ~ this is the conflict. We want to
make God’s enemy everything else; but, what we will not make it, is our own thinking.

The price of the conflict for man, because of the enmity of his own thinking, in
his refusing of the grace and love of God is to the perishing of his own soul. This
conflict will lead to the wages of sin ~ death, with its privilege to destroy the body.
To refuse the love of God is to perish. Once the body goes to dirt, death has the
privilege to destroy that body (second death) (Revelation 20:14,15).

With the body destroyed, the living eternal soul without a body of eternal life will
not be permitted into the kingdom of sons of God. But will be cast into outer darkness
for eternity. This is a huge price to pay for holding onto the enmity of man’s thinking.
That is a conflict for God.

The price of the conflict for God ~ a great and personal cost to the Godhead,
agreed upon in eternity past, will be the loss of souls. God, knowing the end from the
beginning will make a creation of humanity in order that “whosoever will” ~ might
become sons of God knowing that some will not choose to become sons to the
perishing of their souls. Some will refuse eternal life, and righteousness to reign.

The tremendous loss is a great sorrow to the heart of God. This loss of sons is
so personal to God; it is difficult to apprehend, especially when considered in light of
the provision declared in the Eternal Covenant. God is other than we are; we cannot
apprehend the great loss to God.

The three decans ~ the Cross, the Victim and the Crown with their figurative
message give detail to the Transaction of Propitiation.

Cross: Decan One

The Cross is the first decan in Libra. The Cross is the provision that has been
made so that man might become a son of God ~ it is finished! The constellation Crux is
formed by four bright stars in a reasonably shaped cross. Its ancient Hebrew name was
Adom, which means ~ “cutting off ~ it is finished.”

In the earliest times the cross was a sign and symbol of life. The Romans used
it as the symbol of death, but it means life: The life of the Covenant Son given up in
death that the Eternal life might be procured. The issue with God is LIFE.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

The flesh body prepared for the Coming One ~ that mortal body in the likeness of
sinful flesh, sin apart was given up in death (Romans 8:3) that the Seed-Grain (the very
Being God) for a forever living body might be attained and gained for whosoever will.

The finished, perfect and complete work of the Covenant Son is never to be
repeated, or added to. The Crux of the cross points to the blessed fact that the Sacrifice
“cut off” in death was offered once for all ~ the work of redemption ~ “it is finished.”

Lupus: Decan Two

Lupus is the second decan in Libra. Lupus is the wolf or the “Victim” slain and is
known by its modern name Lupus: a wolf. The old illustrations resembled a wolf or
some other vicious animal.

The pictorial is also one of a victim. Thus the pictorial is twofold. One of an
enemy slain and the other of a victim. The question must come how can that be? A slain
enemy and a slain victim in the same sign?

Granted, at first this seems confusing until ones understands the important truth
that both the enemy and victim is slain by the spear of Centaurus.

There is only one enemy of God ~ His greatest enemy: enmity. Thus, when we
consider Lupus, the enemy enmity we see that in order to destroy that enemy, God as
the Son of man becomes the slain victim. Who can kill the enemy? God. And how does
He do it? By becoming the Victim ~ on the cross.

Only the anointed Son ~ God come clothed in a body of flesh ~ the Conqueror ~
has the power required to slay the enemy and provide the free gift of Everlasting life ~ a
body of glory. Although Christ was “by wicked hands crucified and slain” no man took
His life from Him, “I lay it down of Myself” (Acts 2:23; Jn.10:15).

Corona: Decan Three

The conclusion of the story of Pisces ends with a crown ~ the third decan in
Libra. Corona is a lovely semicircle of a half-dozen stars and one of the few
constellations that looks like the object for which it is named ~ a royal crown.

The meaning of the Hebrew name for Corona is Royal Crown and the brightest
star in this constellation has the meaning: the Shining. What followed the suffering of
the cross was the glory of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ ~ the crowning glory
of Him who suffered.

For the suffering of death ~ He was crowned with glory ~ a body of shining glory,
and honored with the name above every name, Jesus ~ King of kings and Lord of lords.

YT Joshua part 11b Chapter 5:4-13; Exodus 12

First Month

So, depicted in the luminaries of the first month ~ the green ear of corn ~ Life for
the nation ~ a kingdom of sons of God ~ man in God’s image after His likeness, is
displayed for Israel before they ever partook of the LORD’S Passover.

For 40 years Moses’ generation had remembrance of the story over and over.
But it is not that generation that crossed over into the land ~ it would be their seed.
Joshua’s generation would go into the land but would not be able to hold on to it. It
would be many generations later~ the remnant that will go into the land and into the
kingdom. The Works of God can be seen in the Passover but the Ways of God can be
seen in the luminaries ~ this is the Way.

This concludes our lesson B.


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