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Project Title : Brand Image.

Subject :Integrated Marketing Communication.

Submitted BY…..

1.Bhavesh Babu Machhi



1. What is Branding ?

2. Types of Branding.

3. What is Brand Image ?

4. Importance of Brand Image

5. What give rise to Brand Image?

6. Examples.

7. Sources of Brand Image.

8. Research on NIKE.

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes

an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer.
Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising. Name brands are
sometimes distinguished from generic or store brands.

The practice of branding is thought to have begun with the ancient

Egyptians who were known to have engaged in livestock branding as early
as 2,700 BC. Branding was used to differentiate one person’s cattle from
another's by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal’s skin
with a hot branding iron. If a person would steal the animals, anyone could
detect the symbol and deduce the actual owner. However, the term has
been extended to mean a strategic personality for a product or company, so
that ‘brand’ now suggests the values and promises that a consumer may
perceive and buy into. Over time, the practice of branding objects extended
to a broader range of packaging and goods offered for sale including oil,
wine, cosmetics and fish sauce.

Branding is a set of marketing and communication methods that help to

distinguish a company or products from competitors, aiming to create a
lasting impression in the minds of customers. The key components that
form a brand's toolbox include a brand’s identity, brand communication
(such as by logos and trademarks), brand awareness, brand loyalty, and
various branding (brand management) strategies. Many companies believe
that there is often little to differentiate between several types of products
in the 21st century, and therefore branding is one of a few remaining forms
of product differentiation.

The word ‘brand’ is often used as a metonym referring to the company that
is strongly identified with a brand. Marque or make are often used to
denote a brand of motor vehicle, which may be distinguish.

The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in
the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a
consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and
differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal

Branding is an important marketing tool used to stimulate recognition.

When a product, service, person or place is branded, it develops a
personality and a reputation. A successful branding campaign results in a
name, design, logo or other recognizable symbol that stands out among its

6 Types of Branding You Should Know

Branding is the process of developing a unique name and identity for a

product or business. Branding ensures awareness and credibility for a
brand, creates customer loyalty, among other advantages. Building a brand
takes time and involves a lot of resources. It is however an important
marketing tool for stimulating recognition.
A product, service, person or place that is branded automatically develops a
personality as well as reputation. Businesses and individuals can as such
take advantage of the various types of branding that are available.

Let’s take a quick look at a few types of branding that businesses and
individuals can leverage on.

1. Product Branding:

This is the most common and easiest type of branding. Product branding is
a symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other
products. Product branding is very easy noticeable when you walk through
a supermarket filled with different products as most products are branded
with a unique colour, design and logo.

Products enjoy some of the most common types of branding. Walking

through supermarket or retail store aisles is an easy way to understand
product branding. Certain labels will jump off the shelves because they
have achieved their marketing goals. Successful product branding is what
nudges a consumer to choose one brand over another. The brand has
established a reputation as the best or most popular in its class. Think of
soft drinks, athletic shoes, computers or jeans and see what brand names
pop into your head first. These are prime examples of product branding.
2. Personal Branding:

This type of branding is very common among politicians, athletes and

celebrities. Personal branding makes it possible for famous people to
reflect a good image of themselves to the public. Politicians for instance use
personal branding to create a good impression and convince voters that
they are right for an office.

Personal branding is a popular marketing tool among athletes, musicians,

politicians and other celebrities. A politician will attempt to brand himself
into the type of person the voters want to put in office. A celebrity often
becomes self-branded based on his own personality, while others are
molded by public relations firms and agents. In addition to a personal
brand, a celebrity might become associated with products bearing his

3. Corporate Branding:

This type of branding is used by businesses interested in creating and

maintaining a good reputation. Corporate branding thus cuts across an
organisation’s services, products, employees, corporate culture as well as
corporate social responsibility. Every activity carried out by an
organisation has a positive or negative effect on its reputation A wrong
decision can in fact have an adverse effect on the corporate brand.

Corporate branding is essential for any business that wants to develop a

reputation in the marketplace. Everything the company does has an effect
on its image. A corporation markets its product or service, its corporate
culture, its employees and its contributions to the community. A
corporation's branding can become tarnished overnight because of an
industrial disaster or a poor decision by management. If the damage is
severe, a corporation might start over with an entirely new strategy for
branding a completely new image.

4. Geographical Branding:

This type of branding is used for specific services and products that are
peculiar to a particular region. Geographical branding is commonly used in
the tourism industry. Various countries and regions try to brand things that
make them different from other areas. Landscape, cuisine, tourist centres
within a popular region are usually advertised and eventually become
associated with the region.

Geographic or regional branding conjures images of certain products or

services when the name is mentioned. While the Southwest region of the
U.S. might be known for spicy foods, the Midwest is known for steaks. The
tourism industry uses branding to lure travelers to the area. Southern
states boast their sunshine and beaches, while mountainous areas become
known for winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding.

5. Retail Branding:

Retail branding is mostly used by industry giants to increase the interest of

consumers and make product sales outpace the competition. A lot of money
is spent to develop unique brand images that convince consumers to select
their brand instead of others. Retail branding however requires a lot of
planning. The right strategy needs to be adopted to ensure its success.

6. Co-Branding:

Co-branding is a type of branding that associates the brands of two or more

companies with a specific product or service. It can also be described as
marketing partnership between two or more brands such that the success
of one brand rubs off on the other. Co-branding is effective in building
business, increasing awareness and breaking into new markets.
Besides the aforementioned, there are other numerous types of branding
that businesses can take advantage of. The most important thing is to
ensure that your approach to branding suits your business objectives.



Brand image of the current view of the customer of the about a

It is an aggregate of beliefs, ideas and impression that a customer

hold regarding a brand.

Brand can be perceived differently by different customers. Hence the

information of a consistent brand image is a huge task for any business


Every company strives to build a strong image as it help in fulfilling their

business motives.

It has many advantages.

1. More profit as new customers are attracted towards the brand.

2. Easy to introduce new product under the same brand.

3. Boosts the confidence of existing customers helps in retaining them.

4. Better - Business customer relationship .

What give rise to brand image?

Business spends most of their time , efforts and resources in building

their brand identity. They decide how their brand will look, how should
the customer feel when they contact with brand , where should the
brand be located in customer mind, and other occasions this all when
summed up, gives rise to a brand personality which eventually gives rise to
the brand image when the customer interact with this brand.



It is a brand known for happiness , joy and goof experience .

It is the ‘original cola’ and has a ‘unique taste’.


Wood land shoes are solid and are and ideal choice for outdoor. They
last very long.


1. SYMBOLS- Symbols help customers memorize organization’s products

and services. They help us correlate positive attributes that bring us closer
and make it convenient for us to purchase those products and services.
Symbols emphasize our brand expectations and shape corporate images.
Symbols become a key component of brand equity and help in
differentiating the brand characteristics. Symbols are easier to memorize
than the brand names as they are visual images. These can include logos,
people, geometric shapes, cartoon images, anything. For instance, Marlboro
has its famous cowboy, Pillsbury has its Poppin’ Fresh doughboy, Duracell
has its bunny rabbit, Mc Donald has Ronald, Fed Ex has an arrow, and
Nike’s swoosh. All these symbols help us remember the brands associated
with them.

Brand symbols are strong means to attract attention and enhance brand
personalities by making customers like them. It is feasible to learn the
relationship between symbol and brand if the symbol is
reflective/representative of the brand. For instance, the symbol of LG
symbolize the world, future, youth, humanity, and technology. Also, it
represents LG’s efforts to keep close relationships with their customers.

2. LOGOS- A logo is a unique graphic or symbol that represents a company,

product, service, or other entity. It represents an organization very well
and make the customers well-acquainted with the company. It is due to
logo that customers form an image for the product/service in mind.
Adidas’s “Three Stripes” is a famous brand identified by it’s corporate logo.
Features of a good logo are :

a. It should be simple.

b. It should be distinguished/unique. It should differentiate itself.

c. It should be functional so that it can be used widely.

d. It should be effective, i.e., it must have an impact on the intended


e. It should be memorable.

f. It should be easily identifiable in full colours, limited colour palettes,

or in black and white.

g. It should be a perfect reflection/representation of the organization.

h. It should be easy to correlate by the customers and should develop

customers trust in the organization.

i. It should not loose it’s integrity when transferred on fabric or any

other material.

j. It should portray company’s values, mission and objectives.

The elements of a logo are:

1. Logotype - It can be a simple or expanded name. Examples of

logotypes including only the name are Kellogg’s, Hyatt, etc.

2. Icon - It is a name or visual symbol that communicates a market

position. For example-LIC ’hands’, UTI ’kalash’.

3. Slogan - It is best way of conveying company’s message to the

consumers. For instance- Nike’s slogan “Just Do It”.
3. TRADEMARKS- Trademark is a unique symbol, design, or any form of
identification that helps people recognize a brand. A renowned brand has a
popular trademark and that helps consumers purchase quality products.
The goodwill of the dealer/maker of the product also enhances by use of
trademark. Trademark totally indicates the commercial source of
product/service. Trademark contribute in brand equity formation of a
brand. Trademark name should be original. A trademark is chosen by the
following symbols:

™ (denotes unregistered trademark, that is, a mark used to promote or

brand goods);
SM (denotes unregistered service mark)

® (denotes registered trademark).

Registration of trademark is essential in some countries to give exclusive

rights to it. Without adequate trademark protection, brand names can
become legally declared generic. Generic names are never protectable as
was the case with Vaseline, escalator and thermos.

Some guidelines for trademark protection are as follows:

i. Go for formal trademark registration.

ii. Never use trademark as a noun or verb. Always use it as an adjective.

iii. Use correct trademark spelling.

iv. Challenge each misuse of trademark, specifically by competitors in


v. Capitalize first letter of trademark. If a trademark appears in point,

ensure that it stands out from surrounding text.
How Nike Re-defined the Power of Brand Image

The Nike Brand Logo

The Swoosh is easily one of the most recognized brand logos in the world.

Nike, who has refined themselves as an athletic and fitness company and
not just another shoe company, is just shy of becoming the

definition of sports themselves. The Nike Swoosh, one of the most

recognizable logos in the world, has made Nike one of the most highly
valued and most successful brands today. If any company can translate the
importance of creating, protecting, and maintaining a brand for a company,
Nike is the perfect example.

Branding is one of the most crucial aspects that creates and defines a
company’s identity. By building up a brand, a company is taking a series of
steps to create value, brand visibility, and make their product desirable. A
brand should encompass a lifestyle, give consumers something to identify
with, and give the product substance and meaning. Take it from Nike, who’s
success and dominance in the world of sports has thrived on their ability to
construct their brand image, visibility, and giving the company logo
extremely high value.

Nike has created superior value by utilizing celebrity endorsers, such as

Michael Jordan, to represent their brand. The idea is that the celebrity
image is embedded into the consumer’s mind and will cause the consumer
to associate the endorser with Nike’s products, making the brand more
desirable and valuable. The sports celebrities convey the idea of athleticism
and become this almost heroic, iconic symbol people strive to become.
When consumers translate these ideologies and Jordan’s iconic stance into
the Swoosh, the Nike logo builds incredible value.

Naomi Klein, author of No Logo, notes three ways Nikes has strived to
become the very definition of sports itself, involving sports celebrities,
destroying the competition, and selling pieces of the brand “as if it was the
Berlin Wall.” Nike town, glossy, extravagant stores built in the United
States, serve the purpose of making consumers think that Nike’s brand is
high end and gives consumers a cool user experience. The Swoosh in Nike
Town is worshipped as art and a heroic symbol – it defines athleticism,
courage, honor, victory, teamwork and all other aspects correlated with
sports. The Nike Swoosh has been made into this cultural dissemination
that stands for athleticism, power, fitness, and all other aspects Nike
attempts to incorporate into their brand image.

Nike’s advertising has established the Swoosh as one of the most

recognizable logos that symbolizes athletic excellence, a spirit of
determination, hip authenticity and playful self-awareness. Nike spends
around 3% of its annual revenues on capital expenditures, whereas
spending on advertising and promotions – keeping their brand visible – is
about 10% of annual revenues.

Still don’t believe brand is that important? In 1997, Nike spent $978 million
on advertising, marketing and promotion. Nike pours millions into
advertising and marketing spending, because keeping their brand visibility
is the key in driving future earnings growth.

When it comes to brand visibility, no one does it better than Nike. They
have re-defined the power of a brand image and are one of the best

represented, culturally understood, and symbolic companies in the United

States and in the history of sports. Nike’s logo has encompassed a brand
that reflects aspects that people strive for in their lives: dominance,
authenticity, innovation, winning, and performance. Nike’s ability have
their brand image encompass these ideologies allows consumers to identity
with Nike not for the production of their product, but for the image that the
brand embodies.
Learning’s from Nike Branding

Learning #1: Create a Compelling Tagline

An iconic slogan for the past 29 years, Just Do It resonates with just about
everyone. It connects with individuals universally, allowing anyone and
everyone to come up with their interpretation. It creates a relationship
between the brand and its fans. It’s actionable and speaks to you on the
individual level. This catchphrase spread from the fitness world to
everyday life, becoming a personal mantra for whatever life may throw
your way. Well played Nike, well played.

Learning #2: Empower Your Target Audience, especially the WOMEN

Yes, I know. I’m a dashing young lady who owns 30+ pairs of pumps and
stilettos, but I would kick those off to slip on some sneakers anytime. One of
the things I adore about Nike is their Women’s Movement. Sure, 99 percent
of Nike’s commercials are testosterone filled, but Nike sure does know how
to advertise and to women as well–with a lot less testosterone, the same
amount of power, and so much more inspiration.

Screenshot 2014-10-27 at 10.15.24 PM In an interview with Fast Company,

Jackie Thomas, U.S. Brand Marketing Director for Women said, “Marketers
spend too much time reminding women that they’re women.” As a woman,
after watching Nike’s commercial, I feel the need to get up and do
something different, something amazing that may have never crossed my
mind before. Often, messaging depicts women as weak and fearful. Nike
breaks down that wall and reminds everyone that women are powerful,
competitive and most importantly, passionate!
Learning #3: Leverage the Power of Social Media

Nike may be making fewer commercials, but Nike has balanced it out by
heavily focusing on digital marketing. Nike’s social media is anything and
everything done right by a major company’s marketing team. The company
is without a doubt ahead of its competitors when it comes to social
engagement. It has the most followers and subscribers on all social
channels. For all those Data Geeks out there, just take a look at the detailed
breakdown of Nike’s social media engagement using Rival IQ (you can also
check out the complete ‘Fitness Brands’ landscape here)!

We can also break down Nike’s social supremacy channel by channel. For
example, on Twitter, Nike dominates both from an audience standpoint as
well as with the most engaging social content.

Nike Twitter followers

Learning #4: Use #Hash tags & Themes to Build Community

Nike uses social media to create a lifestyle and sense of community among
fans. Its tweets are short, punchy and compelling, and nearly always
included the hash tag #just do it or other community-building hash tags
like # nike women. Social media is powerful for brands such as Nike
because it creates two-way interactions between fans and brands. Nike
optimizes this capability and dominates social media by creating a sense of
community and connection with its fans.

Learning #5: Rock the Digital World!

Nike is rocking the social world. It has mastered the art of creating amazing
content that reflects its empowering branding online. Nike has
made itself into a magic mirror, where it projects an image of strength,
passion, and determination onto everyone it engages with. Nike makes you
want to get off your butt and move! It’s aggressive and straightforward
approach works well and has made Nike into the iconic brand it is today
(not to mention its shoes!!).

Just Do It.

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