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FRIT 7739: Practicum Face-to-Face

Staff Development Workshop

Jenna Jenkins

Mete Akcaoglu
Spring 2018
Identification of Learning Problem
I created a Needs Assessment asking teachers about technology implementation in their
classrooms. Based on the survey results, I chose to develop a professional development
workshop on tools that support Personalized Learning. (Appendix A) Fulton County has a
Personalized Learning Plan in which they provided 65,000 devices to schools to help meet the
needs of students and make learning personalized. Technology devices and software allows
students to work at their own pace and read material on their own level. Fulton County asked that
each school focus on three of the Personalized Learning strategies this year. Barnwell
Elementary School chose to focus on co-planning, choice and voice, and varied strategies. The
tech tools that participants will learn about in this workshop support these strategies.

Instructional Goal: Educators will learn how to use the Web 2.0 tools to support student
achievement, with a focus on personalized learning.

Learner Analysis
My target audience for this staff development workshop is elementary school teachers at
Barnwell Elementary School that teach grades k-5. Participants have a minimum of a bachelor’s
degree and they vary in age and teaching experience. They all have prior experience with using
technology devices in the classroom such as iPads, laptops, and desktop computers. Participants
should also be familiar with the three Personalized Learning strategies co-planning, choice and
voice, and varied strategies.

Task Analysis
I will serve as the subject matter expert (SME) for this Staff Development Workshop. I am
qualified to be the SME since I am a classroom teacher and I have experience using these apps
and I know the knowledge that is required for students to effectively use them in the classroom. I
am also familiar with the steps that students tend to miss or forget. I believe this experience will
help me plan a detailed staff development workshop. I will also be working directly with a
technology coach in the planning and execution of this workshop.

Instructional Objectives & Standards

1) Participants will learn how to successfully operate the technology tools Popplet, Shadow
Puppet EDU, ChatterPix, Touchcast Studio, Flipgrid, Padlet, and Stop Motion Studio.
2) Participants will create sample products using each tech tool and upload their products to
the class Seesaw page.
3) Participants will learn the benefits of these tools in relation to personalized learning.
4) Participants will implement these tools in their own classroom.

Objective 1 can be assessed through observation during the face-to-face workshop. The
instructor will model how to navigate through the different tech tools and she may coach
teachers through using each tech tool as needed. The instructor may also access the Seesaw PD
class to view the products that participants created during the workshop. Objectives 2 and 3 will
be assessed at the end of the workshop using a Google Forms survey. Participants may also
access the Seesaw class to view sample work as needed. I may also check in with teachers at a
later date to determine how they are using the tools in their own classrooms.

Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Teachers will rotate through different tech tools stations to experience the tools as a student and
upload their creations to a professional development Seesaw class. At each station, teachers will
work with either myself or the field supervisor to discuss the tool and its relation to personalized

1. Popplet: In the classroom, students use Popplet as a mind-map. It helps students think
and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create
relationships between them.
 Launch Popplet Lite on the iPad
 Double tap to start creating a mind map on at least 5 things you are thankful for.
Include images too!
 When you are done creating your Popplet, be sure to export as a jpeg (image) so
that you can upload it to the Seesaw PD Class.
2. Shadow Puppet EDU is a storytelling app that allows for the narration of slides.
 Use the ipad to take 3 photos of your teammates then launch the Shadow Puppet
 Click + to create a new project
 Select the photos that you took from the camera roll section.
 Tap “Start” and narrate a story that describes how these teammates support
you. Flip through the photos as you are recording your voice so the descriptions
match the teammate. You can draw, enhance, zoom and add text as you record.
 Click the “Check” to save. You can go back to your projects to view your work.
3. ChatterPix is a great way for students to bring their projects to life! Students can take
pictures of objects they have created and record, the picture will begin "speaking" with a
mouth opening where they selected!
 Open the app and take a photo of the artwork/drawings hanging in the hallway.
 Draw a line where the mouth would be.
 Record yourself telling what your favorite season is and why.
 Export to the camera roll.
4. Touchcast Studio is a great video recording app for iPads. Students can record
themselves in front of a green screen to take their video anywhere they want to be.
 Start from scratch (It is the first choice) then Touch the plus sign.
 At the bottom left choose Camera: *Look to the right to swap the camera. (If
you are not recording yourself)
 Choose Effects at the very bottom middle of the screen *Choose green screen
 On the far right in the middle of the screen is a very little picture icon *Choose
Album *Then Camera Roll Choose a picture to place in your background
 Record a video as if you are a news reporter sharing a news event.
5. Flipgrid is a video discussion software for your classroom that allows your students'
voices to be heard. You add the topics, your students respond with short videos, and
everyone engages!
 Open the app and enter the code or scan the QR Code.
 Click the + to start your recording. Follow the prompts.
 When you are done with your recording, just enter your name. No need to enter
email or other information.
 Go back and watch at least one other teacher’s video and leave a comment.
6. Padlet is a virtual wall that allows visitors to express their thoughts on topics easily. It
works like a virtual sheet of paper and updates as people respond.
 Scan the QR code.
 To add to the Padlet, just click the + sign under the column you wish to
add to.
 You can also add images by clicking the icons in the text box where you
are typing.
 Once you have posted, read a few of the other posts and “like” the ones
you find help your argument the best.

7. Stop Motion Studio allows for the creation of animations of objects that appear to move
on their own through the streaming of pictures.

 Pick one of the baskets to learn a stop motion technique. You will use the
items in the basket to make your video. Watch the short tutorial video for
your basket on the iPad provided.
 Open the Stop Motion App
 Select the plus sign.
 Chose the capture button on the right. Move your items ever so slightly
each picture like it shows in the tutorial video/task card.

Instruction Design Summary

This workshop will be presented face to face as well as an online module. In the face-to-face
module, step by step instructions will be provided at each station and participants will be able to
follow along using their own devices. IPads will be provided for those that need them. The
instructor and the tech coach will float around each station and provide support as needed. As an
online module, teachers will access the Google Classroom link and work through the PowerPoint
presentation. The PowerPoint includes step-by-step instructions, tutorial videos, Personalized
Learning Strategies for each app, and lesson plan ideas.

Formative Evaluation Plan

The instructor will use a Google Form to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the staff
development workshop. The survey will be given to participants once they have completed all
rotations. The instructor will analyze the results to determine if any adjustments need to be made
before providing the staff development workshop to future audiences.

Self-Evaluation and Reflection

Overall the workshop went really well and it was a success. Participants were engaged and
enjoyed learning about new technology tools. Touchcast Studio was a huge hit with the green
screen. Teachers had a lot of fun recording videos at different locations “around the world”.
Based on the feedback survey results, teachers appreciated learning about the different tech tools
and they felt like they had enough time to experiment with each app. (Appendix B) All
participants agreed that the step-by-step instructions made it easy to navigate through apps and
all seven apps were ranked high for enhancing student learning and teaching in the classroom.
Teachers felt most confident in immediately implementing Chatterpix, Popplet, Touchcast
Studio, and Stop Motion Animation in their own classrooms. I am excited to see how creative
students get when using these new tech tools! In the future, I will consider demonstrating how to
use one app at a time so I can support everyone at once rather than trying to split my time
between multiple groups.

Appendix A

Needs Assessment:
Appendix B

Feedback Survey

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