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 Volume of water collected = 5L

Convert it to cubic meter = 5L × 0.001m3
= 0.005m3
 Length of standard 90º elbow pipe, L = 0.9130m
 Length of straight pipe, L = 0.9144m
 Diameter of the pipe, D = 0.0136m
 Area of the pipe, A =
= 4

= 1.453×10-4 m2
 Head loss coefficient, KL = 1.000
 Roughness of uPVC pipe, 𝑒 = 0.015mm
Time taken, t (s) Mean
Volume of water Flow rate,
Experiment velocity,
collected, V (m3) Average time Q (m3/s)
t1 t2 v (m/s)
taken, t
1 0.005 29.25 29.45 29.35 1.704×10-4 1.173
2 0.005 40.56 40.97 40.77 1.226×10-4 0.844
3 0.005 43.62 44.04 43.83 1.141×10-4 0.785
Table 1: The experimental data on the flow rate of water

1. Calculation to find the flow rate and the mean velocity of the experiment.

Experiment 1

t1 + t 2
Average time taken t(s) =

29.25 s + 29.45 s

= 29.35 s

Volume, V
Flow rate, Q (m3 /s) =
time, t

0.005 m3
29.35 s

= 1.704 × 10−4 m3 /s

Flow rate, Q
Mean velocity, v (m/s) =
Area, A

1.704 × 10−4 m3 /s
1.453 × 10−4 m2

= 1.173 m/s
Experiment 2

t1 + t 2
Average time taken t(s) =

40.56 s + 40.97 s

= 40.77s

Volume, V
Flow rate, Q (m3 /s) =
time, t

0.005 m3

= 1.226 × 10−4 m3 /s

Flow rate, Q
Mean velocity, v (m/s) =
Area, A

1.226 × 10−4 m3 /s
1.453 × 10−4 m2

= 0.844 m/s
Experiment 2

t1 + t 2
Average time taken t(s) =

43.62 s + 44.04 s

= 43.83s

Volume, V
Flow rate, Q (m3 /s) =
time, t

0.005 m3

= 1.141 × 10−4 m3 /s

Flow rate, Q
Mean velocity, v (m/s) =
Area, A

1.141 × 10−4 m3 /s
1.453 × 10−4 m2

= 0.785 m/s
Manometer tube reading, h (m)
Head loss, HL (m)
Experime v𝟐
nt Tube Tube Tube Tube Standard 𝟐g
Straight Re
1 2 3 4 90º elbow
1 0.890 0.410 0.745 0.530 0.480 0.215 0.070 15952
2 0.865 0.437 0.700 0.585 0.428 0.115 0.036 11478
3 0.855 0.493 0.700 0.592 0.362 0.108 0.031 10676
Table 2: Experimental data of the head loss on the standard 90º elbow pipe and straight pipe

2. Calculation to find the head loss

Standard 90º elbow pipe

Experiment 1

Head loss, HL1 = Tube 1 – Tube 2

= 0.890 m – 0.410 m
= 0.480 m

Experiment 2

Head loss, HL2 = Tube 1 – Tube 2

= 0.865 m – 0.437 m
= 0.428 m

Experiment 3

Head loss, HL3 = Tube 1 – Tube 2

= 0.855 m – 0.493m
= 0.362 m
Straight pipe

Experiment 1

Head loss, HL1 = Tube 3 – Tube 4

= 0.745 m – 0.530 m
= 0.215 m

Experiment 2

Head loss, HL2 = Tube 3 – Tube 4

= 0.700 m – 0.585 m
= 0.428 m

Experiment 3

Head loss, HL3 = Tube 3 – Tube 4

= 0.700 m – 0.592 m
= 0.108 m
3. Calculation to find the v2/2g

Experiment 1

v2 1.1732
2g 2 (9.81)

= 0.070

Experiment 2

v2 0.8442
2g 2 (9.81)

= 0.036

Experiment 3

v2 0.7852
2g 2 (9.81)

= 0.031
4. Calculation to find the Reynolds number, Re

Experiment 1

Reynolds number, Re =

1.173 ms−1 × 0.0136 m

1 × 10−6 m2 s−1

= 15952 > 4000 (Turbulent flow)

e 0.015 × 10−3
Relative roughness, =
D 0.0136

= 0.001

Figure 1: Moody Diagram for experiment 1

From the Moody diagram,

Friction factor, f = 0.0301

Experiment 2

Reynolds number, Re =

0.844 ms−1 × 0.0136 m

1 × 10−6 m2 s−1

= 11478 > 4000 (Turbulent flow)

e 0.015 × 10−3
Relative roughness, =
D 0.0136

= 0.001

Figure 2: Moody Diagram for experiment 2

From the Moody diagram,

Friction factor, f = 0.0318

Experiment 3

Reynolds number, Re =

0.785 ms−1 × 0.0136 m

1 × 10−6 m2 s−1

= 10676 > 4000 (Turbulent flow)

e 0.015 × 10−3
Relative roughness, =
D 0.0136

= 0.001

Figure 3: Moody Diagram for experiment 3

From the Moody diagram,

Friction factor, f = 0.0319

Friction factor, Experimental major Theoretical major head
f head loss, ∆𝑯 (m) loss, HL(major) (m)
1 0.0309 0.215 0.142
2 0.0318 0.115 0.078
3 0.0319 0.108 0.067
Table 3: Data on the major head loss of the experiment

5. Calculation to find the theoretical major head loss

Experiment 1

L v2
Theoretical major head loss, HL(major) = f × ×
D 2g

0.9144 m 1.1732
= 0.0301 × ×
0.0136m 2 (9.81)

= 0.142 m

Experiment 2

L v2
Theoretical major head loss, HL(major) =f× ×
D 2g

0.9144 m 0.8442
= 0.0318 × ×
0.0136m 2 (9.81)

= 0.078 m

Experiment 3

L v2
Theoretical major head loss, HL(major) = f × ×
D 2g

0.9144 m 0.7852
= 0.0319 × ×
0.0136m 2 (9.81)

= 0.067 m
Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical
Loss major head minor head Total head
Experiment head loss, ∆𝐇
coefficient, loss, loss, HL(minor) loss, HL
KL HL(major) (m) (m)
1 0.480 1.000 0.142 0.031 0.173
2 0.428 1.000 0.078 0.036 0.114
3 0.362 1.000 0.067 0.098 0.098
Table 4: Data on the total head loss of the experiment
6. Calculation to find the theoretical minor head loss

Experiment 1

Theoretical minor head loss, HL(minor) = K L ×

= 1 × 0.070

= 0.031 m

Total head loss, HL = 0.142 m + 0.031 m

= 0.173 m

Experiment 2

Theoretical minor head loss, HL(minor) = K L ×

= 1 × 0.036

= 0.036 m

Total head loss, HL = 0.078 m + 0.036 m

= 0.114 m
Experiment 3

Theoretical minor head loss, HL(minor) = KL ×

= 1 × 0.031

= 0.031 m

Total head loss, HL = 0.067 m + 0.031 m

= 0.098 m
Straight Pipe

Graph on comparison between experimental and

theoretical head loss

Head loss, HL




1 2 3

Theoretical head loss, HL Experimental head loss

Figure 4: Graph on the head loss of the straight pipe

Standard 90º Elbow Pipe

Graph on comparison between experimental and

theoretical head loss

Head loss, HL




1 2 3

Theoretical head loss, HL Experimental head loss, HL

Figure 5: Graph on the head loss of the Standard 90º Elbow Pipe

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