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Diagnosis and Treatment

of Sick Sinus Syndrome

VICTOR ADÁN, M.D., Angel Medical Center, Franklin, North Carolina
LOREN A. CROWN, M.D., University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Covington, Tennessee

Sick sinus syndrome comprises a variety of conditions involving sinus node dys-
function and commonly affects elderly persons. While the syndrome can have many O A patient informa-
causes, it usually is idiopathic. Patients may experience syncope, pre-syncope, pal- tion handout on sick
sinus syndrome, writ-
pitations, or dizziness; however, they often are asymptomatic or have subtle or
ten by the authors of
nonspecific symptoms. Sick sinus syndrome has multiple manifestations on electro- this article, is provided
cardiogram, including sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinoatrial block, and alternat- on page 1738.
ing patterns of bradycardia and tachycardia (bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome).
Diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome can be difficult because of its nonspecific symp-
toms and elusive findings on electrocardiogram or Holter monitor. The mainstay of
treatment is atrial or dual-chamber pacemaker placement, which generally provides
effective relief of symptoms and lowers the incidence of atrial fibrillation, throm-
boembolic events, heart failure, and mortality, compared with ventricular pace-
makers. (Am Fam Physician 2003;67:1725-32,1738. Copyright©2003 American Acad-
emy of Family Physicians)

ick sinus syndrome is a generalized
abnormality of cardiac impulse Etiology
formation that may be caused by Most cases of sick sinus syndrome are idio-
an intrinsic disease of the sinus pathic, and the cause can be multifactorial
node that makes it unable to per- (Table 1).3 Degenerative fibrosis of nodal tis-
form its pacemaking function, or by extrinsic sue is the most common cause of intrinsic
causes.1 Abnormalities encompassed in this changes in the sinoatrial node that lead to sick
syndrome include sinus bradycardia, sinus sinus syndrome. Certain conditions can cause
arrest or exit block, combinations of sino- these intrinsic changes.3,5,6 There also are
atrial and atrioventricular nodal conduction extrinsic causes of sinus node dysfunction and
disturbances, and atrial tachyarrhythmias. conditions that can cause this problem in chil-
Sick sinus syndrome is not a disease with a dren (Table 1).3
single etiology and pathogenesis but, rather, a Coronary artery disease may coexist with
collection of conditions in which the electro- sick sinus syndrome in a significant number of
cardiogram (ECG) indicates sinus node dys- patients, although it is not considered a major
function.2 cause of the syndrome. It is unclear whether
Sick sinus syndrome is characterized by inflammation, sinus node ischemia, or local
sinus node dysfunction with an atrial rate autonomic neural effects lead to the develop-
inappropriate for physiologic requirements. ment of sick sinus syndrome in patients with
Although the condition is most common in myocardial infarction. Sinus node dysfunction
the elderly, it can occur in persons of all ages, usually is temporary when it follows an acute
including neonates.3 The mean age of pa- myocardial infarction. Uncommonly, chronic
tients with this condition is 68 years, and ischemia may cause fibrosis and lead to symp-
both sexes are affected approximately equally.4 toms of sick sinus syndrome for months to
The syndrome occurs in one of every 600 car- years after myocardial infarction.
diac patients older than 65 years and may
account for 50 percent or more of perma- Clinical Manifestations
nent pacemaker placements in the United Patients with sick sinus syndrome often
States.5 are asymptomatic or have symptoms that are

mild and nonspecific7 (Table 2).3 Symptoms
TABLE 1 are related to the decreased cardiac output
Causes of Sick Sinus Syndrome that occurs with the bradyarrhythmias or
tachyarrhythmias.3 Most of the symptoms
Intrinsic causes Extrinsic causes are caused by decreased cerebral perfusion,
Amyloidosis Cholinesterase deficiency (suggested) and 50 percent of patients have syncope or
Arteritis Hyperkalemia pre-syncope.5
Cardiomyopathies Hypoxia Symptoms, which may have been present
Chagas’ disease Pharmacologic agents
for months or years, can include syncope,
Collagen vascular disease Digitalis
palpitations, and dizziness, as well as symp-
Diphtheria Calcium channel blockers
Familial sinoatrial node disorders Beta blockers
toms caused by the worsening of conditions
Fatty replacement Sympatholytic agents such as congestive heart failure, angina pec-
Friedreich’s ataxia Antiarrhythmics toris, and cerebral vascular accident.8 Periph-
Hemochromatosis Toxins eral thromboembolism and stroke, which
Idiopathic degenerative fibrotic Pediatric causes can occur in the presence of bradycardia-
infiltration* Congenital abnormalities tachycardia syndrome (alternating brady-
Ischemia/infarction Sinoatrial nodal artery deficiency arrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias), may be
Leukemia related to dysrhythmia-induced emboli.3 A
Metastatic disease
slow heart rate in the presence of fever, left
Muscular dystrophy
ventricular failure, or pulmonary edema may
be suggestive of sick sinus syndrome.2,9 Asso-
Rheumatic heart disease ciated tachycardia may cause flushing of the
Sarcoidosis face, pounding of the heart, and retrosternal
Surgical injury pressure.10 Other symptoms include irritabil-
ity, nocturnal wakefulness, memory loss,
*—Most common intrinsic cause. errors in judgment, lethargy, lightheaded-
Adapted with permission from Wahls SA. Sick sinus syndrome. Am Fam Physician ness, and fatigue2,11 (Table 2).3 More subtle
1985;31:118. symptoms include mild digestive distur-
bances, periodic oliguria or edema, and mild
intermittent dyspnea.2

ECG Manifestations
Sick sinus syndrome can produce a variety
TABLE 2 of ECG manifestations consisting of atrial
Symptoms of Sick Sinus Syndrome bradyarrhythmias, atrial tachyarrhythmias,
and alternating bradyarrhythmias and
Central nervous system Cardiovascular system Other tachyarrhythmias7 (Table 3).3 Supraventric-
Dementia Angina pectoris Digestive disturbances ular bradyarrhythmias may include sinus
Irritability Arterial thromboemboli Dizziness
bradycardia, sinus arrest with or without
Lethargy Cerebrovascular Errors in judgment
Lightheadedness accident
junctional escape, sinoatrial exit block,
Facial flushing
Memory loss Congestive heart failure Fatigue
ectopic atrial bradycardia, and atrial fibrilla-
Nocturnal wakefulness Palpitations Oliguria tion with slow ventricular response. The
Syncope or pre-syncope sinus bradycardia that occurs in patients
with sick sinus syndrome is inappropriate
Adapted with permission from Wahls SA. Sick sinus syndrome. Am Fam Physician and not caused by medications.2,5 The sino-
1985;31:123. atrial exit block that occurs in patients with
sick sinus syndrome may demonstrate a

Sick Sinus Syndrome

TABLE 3 The treatment of choice for symptomatic bradyarrhythmias

Arrhythmias Associated in patients with sick sinus syndrome is the placement of a
with Sick Sinus Syndrome
Atrial bradyarrhythmias
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus arrest (with or without junctional escape) Mobitz type I block (Wenckebach block)
Sinoatrial exit block and a Mobitz type II block.2 The ECG may
Mobitz type I block (Wenckebach block)
reveal a long pause following cardioversion
Mobitz type II block
of atrial tachyarrhythmias, and a greater-
Ectopic atrial bradycardia
Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response
than three-second pause following carotid
Greater-than 3-second pause following carotid massage.5 Sixty percent of patients have
massage tachyarrhythmias.8
Long pause following cardioversion of atrial Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias that
tachyarrhythmias occur in patients with sick sinus syndrome
Atrial tachyarrhythmias include paroxysmal supraventricular tachy-
Atrial fibrillation cardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and
Atrial flutter atrial tachycardia.2,3 Atrial fibrillation is the
Atrial tachycardia most common tachydysrhythmia in these pa-
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia tients.12 Rarely, a ventricular escape tachy-
Ventricular (escape) tachyarrhythmia arrhythmia may be seen on ECG.8 Sinus node
Alternating bradycardias and tachycardias re-entrant rhythm is another ECG manifesta-
Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome tion.5 Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
may be seen on ECG or cardiac rhythm strip
Adapted with permission from Wahls SA. Sick sinus (Figure 1); this syndrome is more common in
syndrome. Am Fam Physician 1985;31:120. older patients with advanced sick sinus

FIGURE 1. Electrocardiogram exhibiting alternating patterns of bradycardia and tachycardia as

seen in patients with sick sinus syndrome.

Indications for Permanent Pacemaker Implantation
in Sick Sinus Syndrome

Class I*
1. SSS with documented symptomatic bradycardia, including frequent sinus
pauses that produce symptoms. In some patients, bradycardia is iatrogenic
and will occur as a consequence of essential long-term drug therapy of a
type and dosage for which there are no acceptable alternatives. with ECG changes.2 If the patient is asympto-
2. Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence matic when ECG or ambulatory monitoring is
Class IIa performed, the dysrhythmias of the syndrome
1. SSS occurring spontaneously or as a result of necessary drug therapy, with are often not present.5 Furthermore, there is
heart rate less than 40 bpm when a clear association between significant
no definitive way to distinguish patients with
symptoms consistent with bradycardia and the actual presence of
bradycardia has not been documented. atrial fibrillation associated with sick sinus
Class IIb syndrome from patients with atrial fibrillation
1. In minimally symptomatic patients, chronic heart rate less than 30 bpm and normal sinus function; this distinction is
while awake clinically important because treating atrial fib-
Class III rillation with cardioversion or medications can
1. SSS in asymptomatic patients, including those in whom substantial sinus have catastrophic consequences if the sinus
bradycardia (heart rate less than 40 bpm) is a consequence of long-term
node is inadequate.
drug treatment
2. SSS in patients with symptoms suggestive of bradycardia that are clearly
One manifestation of serious sinus node
documented as not associated with a slow heart rate dysfunction in patients with atrial fibrillation
3. SSS with symptomatic bradycardia caused by nonessential drug therapy is a slow ventricular rate in the absence of
medications such as propranolol (Inderal) or
SSS = sick sinus syndrome; bpm = beats per minute. digitalis.2 Bradycardia may be misattributed
*—Class I represents conditions for which there is evidence and/or general to digoxin treatment in a patient with conges-
agreement that a given procedure or treatment is beneficial, useful, and effec- tive heart failure. Cardioactive drugs, such as
tive. Class II represents conditions for which there is conflicting evidence and/or digoxin, quinidine (Quinaglute), and pro-
a divergence of opinion about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treat- cainamide (Pronestyl), as well as hyper-
ment. Class IIa represents conditions in which the weight of evidence/opinion is
kalemia, can cause periodic sinus arrest or
in favor of usefulness/efficacy. Class IIb represents conditions in which the use-
fulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion. Class III represents sinoatrial exit block.
conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that a proce- Functional sinus bradycardia, enhanced
dure/treatment is not useful/effective and in some cases may be harmful. vagal drive, gastrointestinal and neurologic
Information from Gregoratos G, Cheitlin MD, Conill A, Epstein AE, Fellows C, Fer- conditions, and other causes of syncope can
guson TB Jr, et al. ACC/AHA guidelines for implantation of cardiac pacemakers produce symptoms similar to those of sick
and antiarrhythmia devices: a report of the American College of Cardiology/ sinus syndrome and must be included in the
American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on
differential diagnosis of the syndrome. Sinus
Pacemaker Implantation). J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31:1178,1182.
node dysfunction can occur perioperatively
because of increased vagal tone caused by anes-
thesia or surgical intervention.13 All of these
Diagnosis possibilities must be excluded before the diag-
The diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome may nosis of sick sinus syndrome can be made.9
be difficult because of the slow and erratic The diagnosis requires not only documen-
course of the syndrome. The condition often tation of sinus node dysfunction but also cor-
goes undetected in the early stages because relation with the associated symptoms of sick
only sinus bradycardia may be present at its sinus syndrome. The most common method
origin.9 Some symptoms of patients with sick of diagnosis is Holter monitoring. During
sinus syndrome (e.g., fatigue, irritability, monitoring, patients must keep a precise diary
memory loss, lightheadedness, palpitations, of their activities and symptoms, so that these
cognitive defects) are present in several other factors can be correlated with the ECG
disorders that occur in elderly patients and changes.3
may be misdiagnosed as those of senile If two 24-hour periods of Holter monitor-
dementia.5 ing fail to reveal the dysrhythmias of sick sinus
Symptoms of sick sinus syndrome may be syndrome, but the symptoms are severe and
variable, intermittent, and difficult to associate intermittent, it is likely that the sinus node

Symptoms associated with sick sinus syndrome may be wors-
ened in patients who are receiving digitalis, verapamil, beta
blockers, sympatholytic agents such as clonidine and methyl-
dopa, and antiarrhythmic agents.

dysfunction is severe but intermittent. In these to document symptoms concurrent with the
cases, patients can carry a pocket-sized device dysrhythmia when evaluating whether pace-
for transmitting ECG readings via telephone maker placement will be beneficial.
when they are having symptoms. For this pro- The treatment of choice for symptomatic
cedure to be successful, the arrhythmia must bradyarrhythmias in patients with sick sinus
last for at least one minute. Another approach syndrome is the placement of a pacemaker.1,3
is to have patients activate a recording device Artificial pacemakers are well tolerated in
to monitor the events of cardiac dysrhythmias elderly patients.2 In all patients with this syn-
when they are having symptoms.2 drome, except those with chronic atrial fibril-
There are several other methods of diag- lation, atrial-based pacemakers are recom-
nosing sick sinus syndrome. Isometric hand- mended1,16 (Figure 2).16
grip exercises or Valsalva’s maneuvers nor-
mally increase the heart rate, but this effect
may be minimal or absent in patients with Optimal Pacemaker Mode Recommendations
this syndrome. If carotid massage produces in Sick Sinus Syndrome
abrupt sinus arrest of three seconds’ dura-
tion, sinus node dysfunction may be sus-
pected.8 These measures and monitoring car-
diac response to such agents as atropine and
isoproterenol (Isuprel) should only be
attempted while a patient is undergoing care- The rightsholder did not
ful ECG monitoring.3 grant rights to reproduce
Exercise testing may be useful in determin- this item in electronic
ing the response of the sinus node to physio-
media. For the missing
logic demands. At an equal level of oxygen
consumption, some patients with sick sinus item, see the original print
syndrome have a decreased heart rate re- version of this publication.
sponse to exercise compared with healthy pa-
tients.5 Intracardiac electrophysiologic tests
(atrial overdrive pacing and premature atrial
stimulation) can be used to elicit intrinsic
sinus node disease or to document the effects
of cardioactive drugs2,3; however, electrophysi-
ologic testing is no longer routinely recom-
mended for diagnostic purposes because of its
poor sensitivity and specificity.14 The risks and
benefits of these diagnostic modalities must
be considered and discussed with the patient
before they are used.

Pacemaker therapy is warranted in many
patients with sick sinus syndrome. Table 415 lists
practice guidelines from the American College FIGURE 2.
of Cardiology/American Heart Association
task force on permanent pacemaker placement
in patients with this condition.15 It is essential

When tachyarrhythmias are a problem in
Patients with sick sinus syndrome who have bradycardia- a patient with sick sinus syndrome, a pace-
tachycardia syndrome or chronic atrial fibrillation are at risk maker may decrease the risk of complete
heart block or asystole associated with phar-
for embolic stroke.
macotherapy.3 Digitalis can cause brady-
arrhythmias in patients with sick sinus
syndrome and should only be used in con-
Table 514,17 lists the international codes junction with a pacemaker in the manage-
describing pacemakers and implanted devices. ment of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias.5
Patients who have sick sinus syndrome with Severe sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial arrest, or
right bundle branch block have an increased sinoatrial exit block occasionally occurs with
risk of developing symptomatic high-degree the use of beta-blocker medications in
atrioventricular block and should be treated patients with this condition.2
with a dual-chamber pacemaker. Patients with Symptoms associated with this syndrome
no signs of atrioventricular conduction may be worsened in patients who are receiving
abnormalities should be treated with an atrial- digitalis, verapamil (Calan), beta blockers,
based pacemaker.18 Pacing with a dual-cham- sympatholytic agents such as clonidine (Cat-
ber demand pacemaker with automatic apres) and methyldopa (Aldomet), and
mode-switching function is appropriate in antiarrhythmic agents.3,5 Therefore, the use of
patients with sick sinus syndrome who have negative chronotropic drugs should be cau-
intermittent tachyarrhythmic components. tiously considered.7 The effects of pro-
Pacing with a rate-responsive single-chamber cainamide and quinidine are unpredictable. In
ventricular demand pacemaker should be certain patients with sick sinus syndrome and
used in patients with the syndrome and episodes of heart failure, oral theophylline
chronic atrial fibrillation.7 therapy and dual-chamber pacemakers have
Complications, including myocardial per- been shown to reduce the occurrence of heart
foration, pneumothorax, wound hematoma, failure.20 In the absence of pacing, cardiover-
venous thrombosis, pacemaker lead failure, sion may be dangerous because of the likeli-
and infection, can occur with permanent hood of prolonged sinus arrest.3
endocardial pacemaker therapy, but they are Patients with sick sinus syndrome who have
uncommon.19 bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome or chronic
atrial fibrillation (especially in association
with congestive heart failure, large left atria, or
mitral valve disease) are at risk for embolic
The Authors stroke. Although the risk-to-benefit ratio for
VICTOR ADÁN, M.D., is an attending physician in and medical director of the Depart- anticoagulation is not well defined in these
ment of Emergency Medicine at Angel Medical Center, Franklin, N.C. He received his patients, warfarin (Coumadin) has been
medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, and completed a fam- shown to decrease the number of strokes and
ily medicine residency at the Medical Center in Columbus, Ga. He also completed a
fellowship in rural emergency medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences embolic events in patients with sick sinus syn-
Center Department of Family Medicine in Covington, Tenn. drome who have paroxysmal and chronic
LOREN A. CROWN, M.D., is the Emergency Medicine Fellowship Director for the atrial fibrillation.5,11
Department of Family Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
in Covington. He received his medical degree from Washington University, St. Louis. Prognosis
He completed a family medicine residency at MacNeal Memorial Hospital, Berwyn, Ill.,
and is a fellow of the American Board of Family Practice. Randomized controlled trials4,21 have
examined morbidity and mortality in
Address correspondence to Loren A. Crown, M.D., Department of Family Medicine,
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, 1999 Highway 51 South, Covington, patients with sick sinus syndrome using vari-
TN 38019 (e-mail: Reprints are not available from the author. ous pacing modes. Compared with ventricu-

Sick Sinus Syndrome

lar pacing, atrial pacing is associated with a

lower incidence of thromboembolic compli- Compared with ventricular pacing, atrial pacing is associated
cations, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, car- with a lower incidence of thromboembolic complications,
diovascular mortality, and total morbidity.1,18
atrial fibrillation, heart failure, cardiovascular mortality, and
In a retrospective study,22 patients with sick
sinus syndrome who had pacemaker therapy total morbidity.
were followed for 12 years; at eight years,
mortality among those with ventricular pac-
ing was 59 percent compared with 29 percent a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease in
among those with atrial pacing. This discrep- patients with sick sinus syndrome who die
ancy may well be a result of the physiologic or within the first few years of pacemaker
anatomic disorder (e.g., fibrosis of conductive implantation.2
tissue) leading to the requirement for the par- Recent improvements in rate-responsive
ticular pacemaker rather than the type of pacemaker engineering have led to im-
pacemaker used. provements in maximum heart rate, exercise
Patients who have sick sinus syndrome tolerance, functional status, suppression of
with only sinus bradycardia have a better dysrhythmias, and sense of well-being in pa-
prognosis. One study3 indicated that mortal- tients.16 The achievement of near-physiologic
ity rates in these patients may not be different rate responsiveness and atrioventricular syn-
from mortality rates in the normal popula- chrony, as well as decreased mortality and
tion. Researchers conducting one literature morbidity, has led to a better prognosis in
review22 concluded that patients with this patients with sick sinus syndrome.19
syndrome who require atrial or dual-cham-
ber pacing have a mortality rate of 3.6 percent The authors indicate that they do not have any con-
(plus or minus 1.8 percent) per year. There is flicts of interest. Sources of funding: none reported.

International Codes Describing Pacemakers and Implanted Devices

The rightsholder did not

grant rights to reproduce
this item in electronic
media. For the missing
item, see the original print
version of this publication.

Sick Sinus Syndrome

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