Laundry Service Questionnaire

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Laundry Service Questionnaire

We student of NIFT are currently doing survey, kindly devote your time. The
researcher ensures confidentialities maintained.

1. Which shade do you prefer most?

 Light
 Dark
2. How often you wash clothes
 Daily
 Within 36 hours
 Within 48 hours
 Within one week
 Other__________________
3. Do you use laundry services
 Yes
 No
4. If you do not do your laundry/washing yourself why not?
 Hate laundry and ironing
 I don’t have time
 I’d rather be doing something else more fun!
 Someone else does it for me for free
 I don’t have a washing machine
5. If, Yes what laundry services you use
 Washing
 Ironing
 Dry Cleaning
 Others _________________
6. How do you get your clothes washed/laundered?
 Dry Cleaner
 Laundrette
 Mobile Laundry Service
 Existing domestic help
 Relative/friend
7. How many pair of cloths do you give for washing per week (approx.)
 >7
 7-10
 10-13
 13-15
 <15
8. Do you have clothes washed and ironed?
 Yes
 No
9. How important green cleaning products to you?
 Very Important
 Important
 Slightly Important
 Not important at all
10. What is your weekly budget for outsourcing domestic task?
 500-2000
 2000-4000
 4000-8000
 Above 8000
11. What %age of weekly budget is spent of laundry services?
 0-10%
 11-25%
 26-40%
 41-60%
 61+ %
12. What’s is the maximum cost you are willing to pay per piece (In Rs) laundry
service (washing and ironing)
 5-10
 11-20
 21-30
 Above 30
13. Are you loyal to any laundry service provider
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
14. Would you prefer take from home over drop at laundry house
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
15. Would you prefer to use any mobile app for getting your washing done
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
16. Around 10% clothes missed during their washing in India to overcome this
problem live order tracking. Would you prefer live order tracking system?
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
17. Would you like to spend extra money for per piece laundry if the clothes
washed with natural detergent (eco-friendly).
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
18. If yes how much you will to pay
 10-15
 15-20
 20-30
 Above 40
19. Which medium of communication attracts you more:
 Social Media: facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc.
 Hordings
 Seminars and live interview
 Newspapers
 Others
20. If a service is made available at your place and price as mentioned above will
you avail it service
 Definitely Yes
 Probably Yes
 Maybe/May not be
 No
 Definitely No
21. Name : ___________________
22. Age:
 18-25
 26-40
 41-60
 60 above
23. Gender:
 Male
 Female
 Other
24. Occupation :
 Student
 Employee
 Businessman
 Housewife
 Other_____
25. Annual Income (in lakhs): __________

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